1 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
2 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Contents PUBLISHER | UITGEWER .............................................................................................................. 2 NONGQAI: OORSPRONG & OOGMERKE ..................................................................................... 8 NONGQAI: ROOTS & GOALS......................................................................................................... 9 GOD PRAAT MET JOU DEUR SY WOORD ................................................................................. 10 Pastoor Koot Swanepoel ............................................................................................................ 10 VOORBLAD | FRONT COVER ...................................................................................................... 11 POLISIEGESKIEDENIS | POLICE HISTORY ................................................................................ 12 TROU TOT DIE DOOD TOE.......................................................................................................... 12 Genl JV van der Merwe .............................................................................................................. 12 DIE CAPRIVI OPLEIDINGSTERREIN VIR SPESIALE KONSTABELS ......................................... 15 Kol Wynand Schoeman .............................................................................................................. 15 ‘n 77-JARIGE SE MIGRASIE NA REKENAARGELETTERDHEID ................................................ 22 Luit-genl Johan Ferreira ............................................................................................................. 22 DIE MISLUKTE 1981 SEYCHELLE-STAATSGREEP EN AIR INDIA-VLIEGTUIGSKAKING ........ 25 Wyle genl.maj. Martin Nel........................................................................................................... 25 EERSTE ERVARINGS (BY POLISIEKANTOOR) .......................................................................... 34 Siegfried Louw............................................................................................................................ 34 SAP 059357K: ZS-HMY DIE S.A. POLISIE SE EERSTE “AMPTELIKE “HELIKOPTER ............... 39 •
Major Craig Williamson, SOE (RS 167) writes: .................................................................... 40
Herman Bosman writes ........................................................................................................ 42
A MAFEKING DEFENDER: 220 CPL JH BAWTREE, CAPE POLICE (LATER SUB-INSP) .......... 43 MY MEMOIRS OF THE MSINGA AREA........................................................................................ 49 Maj-Gen D Schoeman ................................................................................................................ 49 •
Exposure to Msinga ............................................................................................................. 49
Return to Msinga and Greytown........................................................................................... 50
Retirement of Warrant Officer Jurgen Freese ...................................................................... 51
Faction Fights in the Msinga area ........................................................................................ 51
A brief look at the history of the town of Tugela Ferry .......................................................... 52
1979 ANNIVERSARY: COL JOHN PARKER & MRS INGRID PARKER ....................................... 57 DIE AANLOOP NA 1994 ................................................................................................................ 57 Brig Fanie Bouwer ...................................................................................................................... 57 1993: ARM CACHE IN MOZAMBIQUE ......................................................................................... 59 c1925: ONBEKENDE SAP KONSTABEL: GERMISTON:TRANSVAAL AFDELING ..................... 61 Erina Jones ................................................................................................................................ 61 1902: NO 2774 TROOPER FR STOCKDALE NATAL POLICE ..................................................... 62 Stephen John Malpass ............................................................................................................... 62 NMP HEADQUARTERS ................................................................................................................ 69 3 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
1927: CAPT GC ASHMAN: SAP: DISTRICT COMMANDANT: NEWCASTLE: KIA SWARTMURDERS: POTTER’S HILL......................................................................................................... 70 Capt Andre van Ellinckhuyzen.................................................................................................... 70 ZARP’s GUARDING PRES SJP KRUGER .................................................................................... 71 SAP PERDE SPORT: PRETORIA SKOU (1930’s) ........................................................................ 71 Nico Moolman ............................................................................................................................ 71 1989: INDIAN LADIES IN SAP: FRONT PAGE: SERVAMUS ....................................................... 72 Col Logan Govender .................................................................................................................. 72 NO 7205(B) KONSTABEL TP CATO ............................................................................................. 75 Leanie Heijmans: Nederland ...................................................................................................... 75 JUST A LITTLE STORY OF A POLICE DOG ................................................................................ 77 Pine Pienaar (13th of May 2022) ................................................................................................. 77 POLISIESIELKUNDE: MORELE BESERING ................................................................................ 83 Dr Coert Mommsen .................................................................................................................... 83 NONGQAI TRUST | IT 002701/2018(T)......................................................................................... 87 THANK YOU! | DANKIE! ................................................................................................................ 89 EIETYDSE POLISIEGESKIEDENIS | CONTEMPORARY POLICE HISTORY .............................. 90 Ricardo Mackenzie ..................................................................................................................... 90 Cape Forum demands a referendum on the devolution of police services at official launch .......... 91 Heindrich Wyngaard ................................................................................................................... 91 Taxi operators stop bus with mourners from proceeding to home of slain coach driver ................. 92 Intercape .................................................................................................................................... 92 VF Plus eis sterk optrede na ontsnapping van vyf gevaarlike misdadigers uit polisie-aanhouding in Zeerust ........................................................................................................................................... 96 De Wet Nel ................................................................................................................................. 96 VF Plus veroordeel vlaag van geweld in Kaapstad ........................................................................ 97 Adv. Lennit Max.......................................................................................................................... 97 NPA and State Capture Commission of Inquiry solidify collaboration efforts ................................. 98 VF Plus verwelkom inhegtenisneming van verdagtes betrokke by beweerde moord op Mogalakwena-raadslid in 2019 ...................................................................................................... 98 Marcelle Maritz ........................................................................................................................... 98 VF Plus dien voorstelle in om berugte Numbi-hekroete vir toeriste te beveilig............................... 99 Werner Weber ............................................................................................................................ 99 VF Plus eis antwoorde na nege verhoorafwagtendes uit Badplaas-polisiekantoor ontsnap ........ 100 Werner Weber .......................................................................................................................... 100 Kaping van noodpersoneel in Belfast kommerwekkend veral omdat daar kritieke tekort aan ambulanse en hulpbronne in Mpumalanga is............................................................................... 100 Werner Weber .......................................................................................................................... 100 Justisie het genoeg fondse nodig om te funksioneer en oppergesag van die reg te handhaaf (Begrotingsdebat in parlement: Justisie en grondwetlike ontwikkeling) ....................................... 101 Jaco Mulder .............................................................................................................................. 101 4 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Sonder ʼn goeie vervoerstelsel kan ekonomie nie groei nie .......................................................... 102 (Begrotingsdebat in parlement: Vervoer) ..................................................................................... 102 Piet Mey ................................................................................................................................... 102 VF Plus gryp in by oorbevolkte Akasiapark-polisiekantoor in Tshwane-metro ............................. 103 Kobus Hoffman ......................................................................................................................... 103 De Lille admits Public Works is a mess as SAPS facilities crumble ............................................. 104 Okkie Terblanche MP. .............................................................................................................. 104 35% of Public Order Policing vehicles off the road ...................................................................... 105 Andrew Whitfield ...................................................................................................................... 105 Polisie moet drasties reggeruk word om vertroue te herwin......................................................... 105 Dr. Pieter Groenewald .............................................................................................................. 106 VF Plus vra maksimum strafoplegging vir veediefstal in Mpumalanga wat buite beheer spiraal . 106 Werner Weber .......................................................................................................................... 107 WACHTHUIS ............................................................................................................................... 107 Police ministry top brass have no office ................................................................................... 107 VF Plus verwelkom gebruik van tegnologie om Kaapstad te beveilig ....................................... 108 Adv. Lennit Max........................................................................................................................ 108 Minister van polisie kry bloedneus oor vuurwapens ................................................................. 108 Dr. Pieter Groenewald .............................................................................................................. 108 Bheki Cele gets a bloody nose over firearms ........................................................................... 109 Pieter Groenewald | 27 May 2022 ............................................................................................ 109 Owerhede en inwoners span saam om misdaad in Tshwane-metro te bekamp ...................... 110 Morné Erasmus ........................................................................................................................ 110 NUWE ARTIKEL-REEKS: “BEMEESTER VERANDERING” ....................................................... 112 Voorwoord – Brig Hennie Heymans ......................................................................................... 112 BEMEESTER VERANDERING – RUS JOUSELF TOE VIR MÔRE ............................................ 113 Dr Willem Steenkamp ............................................................................................................... 113 GESKIEDENIS SA SPOORWEGPOLISIE................................................................................... 116 Brig Ronnie Beyl....................................................................................................................... 116 ‘N LEWENSREIS: HOOFSTUK 18 .............................................................................................. 117 Brig Hannes Slabbert ............................................................................................................... 117 REMINISCENCES OF A RAILWAYS POLICEMAN .................................................................... 120 Keith Alfred Adolf Blake ............................................................................................................ 120 POLICE STORY PART (1): "SKELM" KNIGHT IN "SPIERWIT" SEDAN ................................. 120 POLICE STORY (PART 2): "SKELM KNIGHT IN "SPIERWIT" SEDAN .................................. 121 SASP: DIE SPOORWEË SE WAKENDE OOG ........................................................................... 122 RHODESIESE BOSOORLOG: BEWAKING VAN TREINE ......................................................... 122 WHO (AND WHAT) STARTED THE ANGLO BOER WAR / SOUTH AFRICAN WAR? .............. 124 Chris Pretorius.......................................................................................................................... 124 KRYGSGEVANGENE WAT NIE WOU TERUG NA ITALIË, WORD 102 JAAR .......................... 133 5 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Spookdorp .......................................................................................................................... 137
Kolonel HF Prinsloo ........................................................................................................... 138
Kultuur ................................................................................................................................ 138
Hospitale ............................................................................................................................ 138
Sluit .................................................................................................................................... 139
Paulo Ricci ......................................................................................................................... 139
12 MAY 2022 - INTERNATIONAL NURSES DAY - A SPECIAL DAY TO HONOUR AND CELEBRATE THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF NURSES ALL OVER THE WORLD. ......................... 140 SOLDATE VAN VORIGE BEDELING, INSLUITEND KAAPSE KLEURLINGKORPS MOET OOK VOORDELE VAN MILITÊRE VETERANE KRY ........................................................................... 149 Dr. Pieter Groenewald .............................................................................................................. 149 1900: ABW: JUNE: BRITISH TROOPS ENTER PRETORIA ....................................................... 150 1900: ABW: BRITISH TROOPS AT MEINTJESKOP PRETORIA................................................ 150 ABO: BRITSE OFFISIER STORT ................................................................................................ 151 Nico Moolman .......................................................................................................................... 151 ELDERLY BOER WITH HIS MAUSER RIFLE ............................................................................. 152 Tinus le Roux ........................................................................................................................... 152 SANDF matter of abuse of horses: Private Prosecution Unit lays complaint against sluggish investigating officers .................................................................................................................... 152 Afriforum ................................................................................................................................... 152 SOUTH AFRICA'S ELECTRONIC SHIELD ................................................................................. 154 Wolfgang Witschas ................................................................................................................... 154 BRITSE SAS: RELEVANSIE ....................................................................................................... 162 Kommentaar: Hennie Heymans ............................................................................................... 162 Kommentaar deur dr WP Steenkamp ....................................................................................... 163 1953 – 1987: BRITISH SAS: WHO DARES WINS ...................................................................... 164 SOUTH AFRICANS’ COMMONWEALTH WAR CASUALTIES BURIED ACROSS THE WORLD – PART FIFTY-TWO ....................................................................................................................... 177 Captain (SAN) Charles Ross (SA Navy Retired) ...................................................................... 177 •
Cairo War Memorial Cemetery: Egypt ................................................................................ 177
Berlin 1939 – 1945 War Cemetery: Germany .................................................................... 178
Bari War Cemetery: Italy .................................................................................................... 178
St Julien Dressing Station Cemetery: Belgium ................................................................... 179
Moascar War Cemetery: Egypt .......................................................................................... 180
POLICE INTERNATIONAL .......................................................................................................... 181 THE FIRST EVER BLACK POLICEMAN IN THE METROPOLITAN POLICE, LONDON ............ 181 DEFENCE INTERNATIONAL ...................................................................................................... 188 C-DOME MISSIEL (ISRAEL) ....................................................................................................... 188 Philip Malherbe ......................................................................................................................... 188 INTELLIGENCE | INTELLIGENSIE ............................................................................................. 190 6 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
State Security Agency not a pawn of the ANC ............................................................................. 190 Pieter Groenewald .................................................................................................................... 190 MEDALJES EN DEKORASIES VAN DIE NASIONALE INTELLIGENSIEDIENS ......................... 190 Johan Mostert........................................................................................................................... 190 NIS: DECORATIONS AND MEDALS .......................................................................................... 191 STAATSVEILIGHEIDSAGENTSKAP NIE ʼn SPEELBAL VAN DIE ANC ..................................... 191 Dr. Pieter Groenewald .............................................................................................................. 191 IT IS A WORRY NATIONAL GOVERMENT WAS NOT RESPONSIVE TO NICOC'S ALERTS .. 192 Zizi Kodwa 25 May 2022 ......................................................................................................... 192 MORE RESOURCES FOR FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION..................................................... 196 Mondli Gungubele .................................................................................................................... 196 STRATEGIESE DENKE | GRAND STRATEGY .......................................................................... 202 OORLOG IN OEKRAÏNE: ONTLEDING EINDE MEI 2022 .......................................................... 202 Dr. Willem Steenkamp .............................................................................................................. 202 EX AFRICA SEMPER ALIQUID NOVI – Episode 7. .................................................................... 207 Dr. Willem Steenkamp .............................................................................................................. 207 HUMOR IN UNIFORM …. DIE POLISIE “VAN” LAAI MY OP .................................................... 213 Brig Theo Kleynhans ................................................................................................................ 213 LETTERS | BRIEWE .................................................................................................................... 215 •
AFRICATALKS................................................................................................................... 215
Nongqai Vol 13 No 6B: Kol Wynand Schoeman....................................................................... 215 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6B: Genl-maj Dirk Schoeman .................................................................... 215 Searching for Father ................................................................................................................. 215 Staatsveiligheid ........................................................................................................................ 216 Made a Nongqai into a Book: Col K Nair .................................................................................. 216 Trainer of the Month: Frans Bedford Visser.............................................................................. 217 BR REKENMEESTERS ............................................................................................................... 219 SLOT | END ................................................................................................................................. 220
7 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
8 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
9 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
GOD PRAAT MET JOU DEUR SY WOORD Pastoor Koot Swanepoel Johannes 6:63 NLV “.. “Dit is die Gees wat lewend maak; die liggaam baat jou niks. Die woorde wat Ek aan julle gerig het, is Gees en lewe.” God sal met jou deur Sy Woord praat. Jesus het gesê: 'Die woorde wat Ek aan julle gerig het, is Gees en lewe,' maar jy kan nie net die verse wat jou goed laat voel gaan uitkies om te lees nie. Om in geloof te groei, moet jy elke dag tyd bestee om jou Bybel deur te lees. Jy kan nie arbitrêr besluit dat een vers op jou van toepassing is terwyl 'n ander een nie is nie. 'Die hele Skrif is deur God geïnspireer en is nuttig om ons te leer wat waar is en om ons te laat besef wat verkeerd is in ons lewe... Dit is God se manier om ons voor te berei, ten volle toegerus vir elke goeie ding wat Hy wil hê ons moet doen' (2 Timoteus 3:16-17 NLV). Die manier om sukses in jou Christelike lewe te behaal, is om jou Bybel te ken. Dis soos die analogie van die spermsel en die eiersel. Nie die manlike spermsel of die vroulike eiersel is tot voortplanting in staat nie. Eers wanneer die spermsel die eiersel tref en die eiersel die spermsel omring, vind bevrugting plaas, wat tot lewe en geboorte lei. Dis dieselfde met jou geestelike groei. Wanneer God se Woord en 'n ontvanklike hart bymekaar uitkom, gaan iets gebeur! Jy kan nie langdurige blootstelling aan die Skrif klop nie. Daar sonder sal jy nie hoor wat God vir jou sê nie. Jy sal dan altyd van iemand anders se interpretasie daarvan afhanklik wees. Kan jy jou indink om so met jou man of vrou te kommunikeer? Hoe lank dink jy sal so 'n verhouding hou? Dieselfde beginsel is op jou verhouding met God van toepassing. Laat God vandag toe om persoonlik met jou deur Sy Woord te praat.
10 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Erkenning: Servamus
11 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
TROU TOT DIE DOOD TOE Genl JV van der Merwe In 1985 het mnr. Kobie Coetsee, toe Minister van Justisie, die inligtingsgemeenskap, wat bestaan het uit die veiligheidstak, Militêre Intelligensie, die Nasionale Intelligensiediens en Buitelandse Sake, gevra om die vrylating van mnr. Nelson Mandela dringend te oorweeg. Volgens min. Coetsee was mnr. Mandela ernstig siek en kon hy moontlik in die gevangenis sterf. Dit sou internasionaal en plaaslik ernstige kritiek teen die Regering uitlok en kon verreikende gevolge hê. Die mediese sertifikaat wat voorgelê is, het twyfel gewek of mnr. Mandela se toestand regtig so ernstig was as wat min. Coetsee wou voorgee. Ons standpunt was onwrikbaar: as hulle mnr. Mandela wou vrylaat, moet hulle die verbod op die ANC ophef. Mnr. Mandela sou nooit in die politieke bestel wat toe geheers het, geweld afsweer nie en sy vrylating sou die land in ’n chaos dompel met die moontlikheid van ʼn algehele bloedbad. Daar is toe teen die vrylating van mnr. Mandela besluit. Mnr. Mandela is tans 91 jaar oud. Twee dae voor Kersfees, terwyl almal in ʼn feestelike luim was, het nog ’n terreurdaad die land geruk. ʼn MK-lid, Andrew Sibusiso Zondo, het op 23 Desember 1985 ʼn ploftoestel in ʼn vullishouer in die Sanlamsentrum in Amanzimtoti geplaas. Die sentrum was vol vakansiegangers en mense wat Kersinkopies gedoen het. Vyf mense het grusaam gesterf en 40 is beseer. Intussen het die ANC/SAKP-alliansie hulle op die vernietiging van swart plaaslike owerhede begin toespits. Swart raadslede, administratiewe beamptes en polisiemanne is wreed om die lewe gebring en die halssnoermoord is “uitgevind”. Enigiemand in ʼn swart woonbuurt teen wie die geringste vermoede bestaan het dat hy of sy met die polisie saamwerk, is wreed en barbaars vermoor. Die algemeenste metode was om ʼn buiteband om die persoon se lyf te plaas, met brandstof te vul en aan die brand te steek. Video-opnames van sulke tonele wys hoe aktiviste dansend, laggend en juigend toekyk hoe die gillende slagoffer stadig doodbrand. Baie van die slagoffers was onskuldig.
12 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Ons moes alles in die stryd werp om ons informante in die swart woonbuurte te beskerm. Swart polisiemanne is uit die gemeenskap verdryf en ons moes hulle soms tydelik in tente huisves. Teen die einde van Julie 1985 het nog net 5 van die 38 swart plaaslike owerhede gefunksioneer . Dr. Allan Boesak en die omstrede bandopname In Januarie 1985 het ʼn omstrede bandopname op geheimsinnige wyse in die posbus van die Johannesburgse dagblad The Star beland. Op die band kon gehoor word hoe eerw. Allan Boesak en ʼn vroulike werknemer van die Suid-Afrikaanse Raad van Kerke (SARK) ’n nag saam in ʼn hotel deurbring. Dr. Boesak was in daardie stadium ʼn uitvoerende lid van die SARK en president van die Wêreldalliansie van Gereformeerde Kerke. Die koerant het vermoed dat die veiligheidstak die bandopname gemaak het en die verslaggeefster Christina Steyn saam met die misdaadverslaggewer Michael Cohen na die veiligheidstak gestuur om op slinkse wyse bevestiging vir die vermoede te probeer kry. Ek het tydens die verloop van die saak die indruk gekry dat mnr. Harvey Tyson, redakteur van The Star, met ʼn morele probleem geworstel het. Dr. Boesak se buite-egtelike bedrywighede sou groot sensasie veroorsaak het en hulle wou bitter graag daaroor berig, maar dit sou die koerant aan morele blaam en verguising blootstel. As hulle dit egter oor die boeg kon gooi dat die inligting eintlik gepubliseer is om die veiligheidstak se vuil streke aan die kaak te stel, kon hulle dalk die morele hoë grond handhaaf. Christina Steyn, beter bekend as Chris Steyn, ʼn aanvallige en skerpsinnige vrou, het ʼn afspraak met kolonels Piet du Toit en Chris Scholtz van die Witwatersrandse veiligheidstak gemaak. Tydens die onderhoud het sy aan hulle verduidelik dat ʼn bandopname waarvolgens dr. Boesak ʼn buite-egtelike verhouding het, op geheimsinnige wyse by The Star afgelewer is. Michael Cohen het opgemerk dat die bandopname op ʼn hoogs gesofistikeerde manier gemaak is, wat daarop dui dat die veiligheidstak dit moontlik kon gemaak het. Volgens hom het geen ander instansie oor dié vermoë beskik nie. Onbewus daarvan dat me. Steyn ’n opname van die onderhoud maak, het kolonels Du Toit en Scholtz, klaarblyklik meegevoer deur die vleitaal, al skertsend en lighartig gereageer. Hulle het egter nie ondubbelsinnig ontken dat hulle geen kennis daarvan dra nie. Albei was heeltemal in die duister oor die oorsprong van die bandopname, maar het waarskynlik vermoed dat dit deur iemand in die inligtingsgemeenskap gemaak is. Hulle het klaarblyklik vir geen oomblik gedink dat The Star die veiligheidstak sou beskuldig nie en het gevolglik die gek met Chris Steyn geskeer. The Star het in oorlegpleging met hul regsverteenwoordigers besluit dat die bandopname van die onderhoud wat Steyn en Cohen met die twee lede van die veiligheidstak gevoer het, voldoende bevestiging van hul vermoedens is. Die koerant kon toe op sensasionele wyse oor dr. Boesak se buite-egtelike verhouding berig en terselfdertyd die veiligheidstak openlik daarvan beskuldig dat hulle agter hierdie smeerveldtog sit. Die media het die veiligheidstak verguis en mnr. Louis le Grange, Minister van Polisie, het die hoof van die veiligheidstak, genl. Stan Schutte, en my ontbied om die saak te bespreek. Ek het geen kennis gedra dat die veiligheidstak by die bandopname betrokke was nie en geeneen van die bestuurslede by hoofkantoor het daarvan geweet nie. Ek het dit so aan mnr. Le Grange gestel. Ek het by hom aanbeveel dat ons die saak deeglik ondersoek en die skuldiges aan die kaak stel. Mnr. Le Grange het skertsend geantwoord dat as ons te sleg was om die bandopname te maak, hy nie gaan toelaat dat ander wat wel die moed gehad het, aan die pen ry nie. Hy het ons verbied om die saak verder te ondersoek. Die mediaberigte het voortgeduur en dit was duidelik dat die stof nie vanself sou gaan lê nie. Ek was tweede-in-bevel van die veiligheidstak en het op versoek van genl. Schutte die saak verder gehanteer. Ek het kolonels Du Toit en Scholtz na Pretoria ontbied, 13 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
waar ek hulle deeglik ondervra het. Albei het ten sterkste ontken dat hulle enigiets weet van die maak van die gewraakte bandopname. Ek het hulle ingelig dat ek wil aanbeveel dat ons ʼn klagte by die Mediaraad indien; as dit sou blyk dat hulle wel van die opname geweet het, sou dit hul loopbane vernietig. Albei het egter volgehou dat hulle niks geweet het nie en dit onder eed sou bevestig. Ek het gevolglik by genl. Johann Coetzee, Kommissaris van Polisie, en mnr. Le Grange aanbeveel dat ons ʼn klagte by die Mediaraad indien. Hulle het ingestem. Die ondersoek deur die Mediaraad het plaasgevind onder voorsitterskap van regter L. de V. van Winsen, voormalige appèlregter, onder andere bygestaan deur prof. S.A.S Strauss van Unisa en mnr. Tertius Myburgh, redakteur van The Sunday Times. Die regsverteenwoordigers van The Star was advokate Fanie Cilliers en Wim Trengrove. Adv. Sam Maritz en adv. Danny du Preez, laasgenoemde van die Staatsprokureur se kantoor, het vir ons opgetree. Die ondersoek sou by wyse van mondelinge getuienis en kruisverhoor geskied. In weerwil van die feit dat ons geen kennis van die maak van die opname gedra het nie, het die saak katastrofies vir ons verloop. Kolonels Du Toit en Scholtz kon nie oortuigend verduidelik waarom hulle Chris Steyn en Michael Cohen nie ondubbelsinnig vertel het dat hulle niks van die maak van die bandopname af geweet het nie. Hul gekskeerdery met Steyn en Cohen het hulle tydens hul kruisverhoor duur te staan gekom. Adv. Cilliers het gevra dat die bandopname ingedien word as bewys van die kwaliteit daarvan en dat dit deur ʼn professionele instansie gemaak is. Ons het beswaar aangeteken omdat ons aanvaar het dat die bandopname wel van hoë gehalte is en dat dit ons saak verder sou benadeel. Regter Van Winsen het besluit dat hulle na die opname sou luister en dan sou besluit of hulle dit gaan toelaat of nie. Ons het die volgende dag in spanning op die bevinding gewag. Regter Van Winsen het verklaar dat hulle na die opname geluister het, maar nie oortuig is dat die kwaliteit so hoog is dat dit noodwendig deur ʼn professionele persoon gemaak is nie. Adv. Cilliers was duidelik uit die veld geslaan en het opgemerk: “Voorsitter, as u luister na waar Boesak praat, is dit so helder dat dit noodwendig daarop dui dat dit professioneel gemaak is.” Regter Van Winsen het droog opgemerk: “Meneer Cilliers, Boesak praat nie eintlik nie.” Tydens my getuienis kon ek nie bevredigend verduidelik waarom ons die saak nie behoorlik ondersoek het nie. In kruisverhoor het adv. Trengrove my gekonfronteer met ʼn verklaring deur Craig Williamson dat die veiligheidstak disinformasie toepas. Hoewel ek in daardie stadium nie van so ʼn projek bewus was nie, het ek geweet dat dit wel gedoen word en bevestigend geantwoord. Dit was water op die meule van die media wat oor die ondersoek verslag gedoen het. Die veiligheidstak is behoorlik verdoem. Die Staatspresident, mnr. P.W. Botha, en mnr. Le Grange was woedend omdat ek dit beaam het. Mnr. Le Grange het daarna op ʼn vraag in die Parlement dit nadruklik ontken dat disinformasie in enige vorm toegepas word. Die Mediaraad het bevind dat die veiligheidstak wel by die maak van die gewraakte bandopname betrokke was. Prof. Strauss en nog ʼn lid het in ʼn minderheidsverslag bevind dat die veiligheidstak nie vir die opname aanspreeklik gehou kon word nie. Ironies genoeg het ek later gehoor dat die opname sonder ons medewete of goedkeuring deur maj. Craig Williamson en ander lede van die intelligensie-afdeling van die veiligheidstak gemaak is.
14 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
DIE CAPRIVI OPLEIDINGSTERREIN VIR SPESIALE KONSTABELS Kol Wynand Schoeman Die eerste Opleidingsterrein vir Spesiale Konstabels (aanvanklik bekend as ‘n “Opleidingsbasis”), in die voormalige Suidwes-Afrika (nou Namibië), is in 1978 in Ovamboland gestig. Opleidingsbasisse in Hereroland naby Opho, naby Katima Mulilo in die Oos Caprivi en duskant Rundu, in die Kavango, het in 1979 gevolg nadat dit geblyk het dat die Ovambobasis baie suksesvol was. Die doel van dié basisse was om lede van die plaaslike gemeenskappe op te lei om hul eie stamgebiede te beveilig en stamkapteine (bekend as die “Chiefs”), hoofmanne en leiersfigure teen onderandere Swapo- insurgente te beskerm. Die Opleidingsbasis in die Caprivi sou vanaf so September 1979 egter bekend staan as die Caprivi Opleidingsterrein vir Spesiale Konstabels om weg te breek van die militêre konnotasie wat die woord “basis” ingehou het. Ek neem aan dat die ander basisse dié voorbeeld gevolg het. Brigadier H.V. Verster (foto – links), destyds die Afdelingskommissaris van die S.A. Polisie in Suidwes-Afrika het aan stuur gestaan van ‘n projekkomitee om die nodige beplanning te doen met betrekking tot die daarstelling van ‘n eie en onafhanklike polisiemag vir Suidwes-Afrika, aangesien die onafhanklikheid van die gebied in die toekoms in die vooruitsig gestel is. Dit het die vestiging van opleidingsbasisse en opleiding van spesiale konstabels in die noordelike streke ingesluit. Brigadier Verster is egter kort daarna, na generaal-majoor bevorder en na Polisiehoofkantoor in Pretoria verplaas om beheer te neem van onlustebeheer (waarby teeninsurgensie ingesluit was). Brigadier Dolf Gouws word aangestel as die nuwe Afdelingskommissaris en sou ook as die eerste Kommissaris van die Suidwes-Afrika Polisiemag dien wat gestig sou word en op 11 September 1981 offisieel as ‘n eie en volwaardige polisiemag tot stand gekom het. (Permanente lede van die S.A. Polisiemag wat in Suidwes-Afrika gestasioneer was, waaronder ekself, is na die nuwe Suidwes-Afrika Polisiemag gesekondeer). Generaal Victor Verster en brigadier Bert Wandrag (foto) besoek die Caprivi in Maart 1979 en ek verneem vir die eerste keer van die Opleidingsbasis vir Spesiale Konstabels in die Caprivi wat in die vooruitsig gestel word. Samesprekings word met die plaaslike Administrasie vir die Caprivi (as verteenwoordiger van die S.A. Regering) en stamkaptein (“Chief”) Mamili van die Mafwestam en stamkaptein (“Chief”) Moraliswani van die Masubiastam gevoer om hul goedkeuring te verkry. “Chief” Mamili was ook die Hoofminister van die Caprivi, ‘n pos soortgelyk as Eerste Minister. Die goedkeuring van die Caprivi se Wetgewende Vergadering as wetgewende gesag en waar “Chief” Mamili en sy “Ministersraad” die botoon gevoer het was dus ook van kardinale belang. Dit was ook belangrik om die twee “Chiefs”, Mamili en Moraliswani en hul onderskeie stamme, die Mafwe en die Masubiastamme op gelyke voet te hanteer, omdat hul nie ooghare vir mekaar gehad het nie (oor grondgebied wat in 15 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
dispuut was en gedreig het om op geweld uit te loop). Indien een stamowerheid hul goedkeuring sou weier sou dié projek moeilik van die grond af kon kom. Voorgestelde opleidingsterreine word besoek en as ek reg kan onthou, selfs per helikopter uit die lug besigtig. Die terrein moes strategies goed geplaas, veilig en maklik bereikbaar wees. Elektriese krag en water moes aangelê kon word. Daar word op ‘n terrein so 8 kilometer vanaf Katima Mulilo op die Katima Mulilo – Mpacha pad besluit en so 700 meter vanaf die teerpad. Generaal Verster en brigadier Wandrag was haastige manne en gebeure gebeur vinnig. ‘n Bouspan word na die Caprivi gestuur saam met lede op afgedeelde en grensdiens om die basis van die grond af te kry. Saam met hulle kom ‘n Swerwer landmynvoertuig. Alles moes verder per vragmotor vanaf Pretoria aangery word. Dit sluit in voorafvervaardigde strukture wat plaaslik aanmekaar gesit sou kon word, staalbeddens, staalkaste en staalkabinette, tente, ‘n kompakteerder, kraggereedskap, ‘n sweismasjien, kragopwekkers, ‘n watertenkwa, grawe, sement, slaapsakke, meublement, ‘n mobiele kombuis, heiningdraad en palle tot uitkyktorings en skoonmaakmiddels. ‘n Padskraper kon van die plaaslike administrasie bekom word. ‘n Logistieke nagmerrie oor meer as 3000 kilometer vanaf Pretoria deur die Kavango en Wes-Caprivi na Katima Mulilo, wat goeie en uiters akkurate beplanning met militêre presiesheid sou verg. Alles word geprioritiseer en fyn beplan wanneer dit vervoer moet word om op ‘n sekere datum in die Caprivi te wees. Dit is egter nog die reënseisoen en die vragmotors sukkel deur die 200 kilometer van die Wes-Caprivi. Die bouprogram raak agter en brigadier Wandrag (wat die gebied elke 2 weke besoek), raak omgesukkel oor die stadige vordering. Ek kry opdrag om twee keer per dag die vordering per langafstandradio aan sy kantoor in Pretoria te rapporteer alhoewel die bouprojek nie my verantwoordelikheid was nie. Sersant Barries Barnard van die plaaslike polisiestasie kry ‘n oorplasing na die opleidingsterrein om toesig oor die projek te hou en verantwoordelikheid vir administratiewe take te aanvaar. Die basis self (soos aangedui later ‘n “Opleidingsterrein” genoem), het ‘n vierkantige uitleg met ‘n paradegrond, kantoorgebou, stoorruimtes vir toerusting, tente vir rekrute en woonkwartiere vir instrukteurs, ablusieblokke, eetsaal en mobiele kombuis. ‘n Skietbaan is ook buite die basis gebou. Water en elektrisiteit is deur die plaaslike administrasie aangelê. Brigadier Wandrag was pertinent waar alles ingerig moes word. Die paradegrond moes teenoor ‘n spesifieke boom as sentrale punt, uitgelê word. Dié opdrag is baie pertinent aan die bouspan oorgedra. Dinge loop egter deurmekaar omdat daar gelyktydig op verskeie aspekte van die bouprogram gekonsentreer word. Die bestuurder van die stootskraper, ‘n werker van die plaaslike administrasie, het óf nie die opdrag ontvang nie, óf die opdrag verkeerd verstaan en die boom word deur die padskraper ontwortel. Hoe dit ookal sy, daar was ‘n groot kommunikasiegaping. Op daardie stadium was ek in Rundu by ‘n Stasiebevelvoerderskonferensie en weet van geen sout of water nie. Met my terugkeer na Katima Mulilo gaan ek by die opleidingsbasis aan en tref ‘n uiters moeilike brigadier Wandrag daar aan wat net kort voor my aankoms op die terrein aangekom het. Almal, ek in kluis (alhoewel ek nie eers daar was nie), het dit maar hotagter gekry oor die boom wat verwyder was. Nota: Dié gebeure rondom die spesifieke boom het my laat dink aan ‘n ander boom-storie, waar ook die bou van ‘n polisiebasis en ‘n boom ter sprake was, wat as die waarheid aan my oorgedra is. Dié gebeure het hom afgespeel toe die S.A. Polisie nog grensdiens in die destydse Rhodesië verrig het. Ene brigadier Karools Mouton, destyds in beheer van S.A. Polisiebasisse het die area uitgewys waar die voorgestelde basis gebou moes word. ‘n Spesifieke boom moes die middelpunt van die basis vorm. Daar was ‘n misverstand en die basis word verkeerd uitgelê. Met sy daaropvolgende besoek het hy onmiddellik gesien die ligging van die basis is verkeerd en gee net daar opdrag dat die basis afgebreek en na die betrokke boom verskuif moes word. Met sy volgende besoek moes die basis rondom die betrokke boom as middelpunt gevestig wees. Na sy vertrek het die manne gekoukus en besluit om eerder die boom as die basis te skuif. Die betrokke boom word uitgegrawe en in die reeds gevestigde basis, herplant, op ‘n strategiese punt waar dit die middelpunt sou vorm. Met brigadier Mouton se volgende besoek was die boom alreeds goed 16 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
gevestig en het hy sy tevredenheid uitgespreek met die woorde: “Ditsem manne, dit is presies wat ek wou hê”. Die Caprivi opleidingsbasis is met ‘n hoë draadheining omhein en uitkyktorings is op die vier hoeke geplaas. Met die bou van die heining ontstaan daar toe ‘n potensiële maar ook gevaarlike probleem wat nie in die begin in aanmerking geneem is nie. Dit blyk toe dat die heining en dus ook die basis in die pad kon wees van die migrasie- en trekroete van ‘n gevestigde trop olifante wat heen en weer oor die kaplyn tussen Zambië en die Caprivi beweeg. Dié olifante word baie naby die grensdraad opgemerk en vereis dat die situasie noukeurig gemonitor word sodat daar indien moontlik proaktief opgetree kon word. Dit is vanselfsprekend dat so trop olifante amok sou saai indien hul die basis kon binnedring. As bykomende beveiliging en om die olifante uit die basis te hou is ‘n hoë grondwal rondom die basis gestoot. Die olifante het egter baie netjies om die grondwal beweeg en was seersekerlik van die menslike teenwoordigheid in die basis bewus en het dus instinktief besluit om hul roete effens aan te pas. Ek is nie daarvan bewus dat die olifante in my dienstermyn in die Caprivi wel deur die heining gebreek het nie. Kaptein Alwyn Lesch (foto) van die S.A. Polisiekollege in Pretoria word as die eerste Bevelvoerende Offisier van die Caprivi Opleidingsterrein vir Spesiale Konstabels aangestel. ‘n Uiters bekwame beroepspolisieman met ‘n passie vir opleiding. Kaptein Lesch was nie net ‘n ervare instrukteur nie maar ook ‘n skut by uitnemendheid. Dus uiters geskik vir dié doel. My eerste kennismaking met die latere kaptein A.N. Lesch was toe ek ‘n student van Troep 36 in 1971 in die Polisiekollege was en hy, destyds as luitenant, die Kompanie Bevelvoerder. Jy kon die netjiese luitenant Lesch destyds deur ‘n ring trek sonder ‘n kreukel in sy uniform. Die storie is toe vertel dat hy elke dag met middagete, huis toe gaan en ‘n vars geparste uniform gaan aantrek het. Met dié netjiese man in uniform elke dag in ons midde, het almal dit geglo as die waarheid. Die keuring van rekrute was ‘n ander tameletjie wat ‘n fyn balanseertoertjie geverg het. Daar kon nie die indruk geskep word dat een stam bo die ander bevoordeel word nie want dit sou die projek tot stilstand bring. Die Mafwe- en Masubiastamme was juis haaks met mekaar oor tradisionele stamgrond wat die Masubia’s beweer verkeerdelik deur die Mafwe’s bewoon word. Vir die gewone Westerling kon dit klink soos ‘n nietigheid maar dié wrywing tussen die twee stamme was so ernstig dat dit op fisiese geweld tussen die betrokke stamme kon uitloop. Dit is asof twee dominante olifantbulle teenoor mekaar te staan gekom het. Die destydse swart, wit, groen en blou Caprivi vlag het in die middel twee swart olifantbulle wat onder andere die twee dominante stamme, die Mafwe’s en die Masubia’s simboliseer. Hierdie olifantbulle is teenoor mekaar opgestel met hul slurpe wat mekaar omvou as ‘n simbool van vrede. Dit is nou juis hierdie vrede wat bedreig word. Agter die skerms het die Administrasie vir Capriviane en die S.A. Weermag se Sektor 70 bevelvoerder hard gewerk om die situasie te ontlont. Potensiële rekrute moes, as ek reg onthou, tussen 18 -35 jaar oud wees, fisies gesond en ‘n aanvaarbare en werkbare kennis van die Engelse taal hê. Om die keuring suksesvol te kon doen is daar baie staatgemaak op sersant Baries Barnard se kennis van die twee stamme. Hy was immers al meer as 6 jaar in die gebied en het hul onderskeie stamkulture goed verstaan. Tussen kaptein Lesch en sersant Barnard word werkwyses en prosedures vir administratiewe prosesse en keuring neergelê. Daar is besluit om as vertrekpunt, as ek korrek onthou, 35 rekrute uit die Mafwestam en 35 rekrute uit die Masubiastam, verdeel in 2 pelotonne volgens stamme, op te lei. Dus 70 rekrute in totaal. Daar was meer as 370 aansoeke. Werkloosheid in die Caprivi was krities van aard en hierdie was ‘n groot werkskeppingsgeleentheid. Om die opleiding te kon doen is ondermeer ‘n 17 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
voetdrilinstrukteur, ‘n wapeninstrukteur, ‘n wetinstrukteur, ‘n fiksheidsinstrukteur en ander kundiges op grensdiens na die Caprivi afgedeel. Opleiding is ondermeer in voetdril, skietkuns (veilige gebruik van ‘n vuurwapen), fisiese fiksheid, basiese beginsels van die Strafproseswet en verwante wetgewing, observasie en beveiligingsprosedures wat vir die statte sou geld, gegee. Elke rekruut is met groen uniform en ‘n G 3 wapen uitgereik. Sersant Barnard was nie net die administratiewe beampte in die basis nie, maar sommer ook die logistieke offisier, voorraadaankoper en mediese ordonnans (of “sieketrooster”). Voedselvoorrade vir die opleidingsterrein kon later by die Lugmag se logistieke fasiliteit op Mpacha lughawe aangekoop word. Met die intrapslag is die voetdril opleiding frustrerend. Die rekrute het maar min begrip tussen rigting (waar hul aanvoeling so ver verwyderd is as die ooste van die weste), feitlik geen koördinasie nie en het nog nooit van samewerking in spanverband gehoor nie. Alles is nuwe begrippe en woorde waarvan hul nog nooit vantevore gehoor het nie en selfs nie in hul eie taal, “lozi”, wat verwant aan Tswana is, algemeen bekend is nie. Slap en los arms swaai in alle rigtings behalwe daar waar die arms moet wees. Wat die bene betref is die helfte op die grond en die ander helfte iewers in die lug. Wat rigting betref ken die rekrute nie die verskil van waar die son opkom en waar die son ondergaan nie. Regter- en linkerkant is ewe duister. Kaptein Lesch en sy manne is deurwinterde instrukteurs en sorteer dié probleem vinnig uit. Waar die rekrute bietjie traag van begrip is, word hul vinnig op ‘n roetemars gestuur wat wonders verrig om die rekrute op te skerp. Die rekrute moes eers voetdril onder beheer kry voordat daar na wapendril oorgegaan kon word. Die eens rigtinglose Capriviane ondergaan ‘n fenomenale verandering en daar is ‘n totale ommeswaai in hul lewenshouding en lewensuitkyk. ‘n Probleem was egter die situasie dat ‘n klein groepie rekrute gereeld, en veral op Maandae na die naweek, siek gerapporteer het met klagtes van hoofsaaklik hoofpyn, maagpyn en maagkrampe. Hier was sersant Barnard, die mediese ordonnans, wat medikasie uitgedeel het. Saam met dié medikasie deel sersant Barnard as voorsorgmaatreël ook twee Daraclor tablette (wat voorkomende medikasie vir malaria is), aan almal uit. Diegene wat moontlik malaria onderlede gehad het en verdere mediese sorg benodig het, word na die Katima Mulilo Hospitaal afgevoer vir evaluasie. Dat daar ‘n gereelde groepie kansvatters tussen die siekes was, was duidelik. Dié probleem is oorbrug toe daar begin is om so twee dae later die groepie gewone siekes op te kommandeer vir ‘n roetemars of oefensessie oor ‘n paar kilometer. Die getal siekes het onmiddellik gedaal. Die eerste voorstellingsparade van rekrute wat hul opleiding in die Caprivi Opleidingsterrein vir Spesiale Konstabels suksesvol voltooi het word op 15 November 1979, met kaptein A.N. Lesch as die Bevelvoerende Offisier gehou. ‘n Geskiedkundige dag vir die Caprivi as sulks asook vir die S.A. Polisie en die Suidwes-Afrika Polisiemag in wording. Eregaste sluit in generaal-majoor Verster, brigadier Wandrag, die Hoofminister van die Caprivi (“Chief “Mamili) asook “Chief” Moraliswani en kaptein J.J. Zwartz, die Distrikskommandant van die S.A. Polisie van die Rundudistrik (Distrik 87). Die Caprivi vorm deel van die Rundu Polisiedistrik. Die rekrute lewer ‘n drilvertoning van uitstaande koördinasie en sinchroniseer soos n geoliede masjien. Die hand van kaptein Lesch en sy manne is duidelik. Twee of drie van die manne word in die opleidingsterrein geëmplojeer as potensiële instrukteurs. Die ander opgeleide manne word na die verskillende statte in die Mafwe en Masubiagebiede uitgeplaas of aan die twee “Chiefs” of hoofmanne toegewys vir hul beskerming. So maand na die eerste voorstellingsparade van spesiale konstabels ontvang ek ‘n handgeskrewe nota in my kantoor by die polisiestasie van een van die manne wat meld dat hy sy opleiding as spesiale konstabel suksesvol voltooi het en uitgeplaas is na een van die statte om beskermingsdienste te verrig. Met sy opleiding het hy agtergekom dat daar nie ‘n Minister van Polisie in die Caprivi was nie en hy doen nou offisieel aansoek vir dié betrokke pos. Die man was inderdaad reg, daar was nie ‘n Minister van Polisie in die Caprivi wat ‘n etniese stamlid as sulks 18 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
was nie. Dit was egter ‘n “portefeulje” wat deur “Chief” Mamili as Hoofminister van die gebied in sy amptelike hoedanigheid hanteer is waar basiese polisie aangeleenthede ter sprake sou kom. Die Caprivistrook soos die res van Suidwes-Afrika was onder die jurisdiksie van Suid-Afrika en die S.A. Minister van Polisie was derhalwe ampshalwe ook die Minister van Polisie van SuidwesAfrika. Kaptein W.A. Agenbacht, (foto) ook afkomstig vanaf die S.A. Polisiekollege in Pretoria, word aangewys as die tweede Bevelvoerende Offisier van die Caprivi Opleidingsterrein vir Spesiale Konstabels, saam met ‘n nuwe groep instrukteurs onder sy bevel. Kaptein Riaan Agenbacht was eweneens ‘n bekwame en toegewyde offisier wat sy vakgebied geken het maar moes sorg dat die hoë standaard wat deur kaptein Lesch daargestel is, gehandhaaf word. ‘n Tweede groep van 70 rekrute word vir opleiding gekeur. Dieselfde inherente probleme wat kaptein Lesch ervaar het soos die rekrute se rigtingloosheid en gebrek aan koördinasie was opnuut deel van die nuwe groep rekrute. Kaptein Agenbacht het egter ‘n skerp oog gehad om onmiddellik te sien as van die rekrute lyf weggesteek het, gesukkel het om die opdragte uit te voer of eenvoudig tam voorgekom het. Hulle is dan op ‘n onverwagte roetemars of oefensessie gestuur om hulle so bietjie op te skerp. Dit het gewoonlik die gewenste uitwerking gehad. Die tweede voorstellingsparade van die Opleidingsterrein vir Spesiale Konstabels vind op 26 Februarie 1980 plaas met kaptein Agenbacht as die Bevelvoerende Offisier. Weereens lewer die spesiale konstabels ‘n merkwaardige vertoning. Hierdie groep word ook na hul onderskeie stamgebiede uitgeplaas en begin die stamowerhede die waarde van die spesiale konstabels besef en rig hul versoeke vir spesiale konstabels in gebiede waar hul nog nie ontplooi is nie. Van stasievlak is daar voortdurend hulp aan die opleidingsterrein verleen onder andere in die vorm van telekse wat gestuur moes word, tik van verslae, die tik van uitnodigingskaartjies na voorstellingsparades, verskaffing van versnaperinge en selfs nood herstelwerk aan uniforms wat lede se eggenotes gedoen het. Die onderskeie bevelvoerende offisiere het gereeld gesellig by my aan huis gekuier oor ‘n koppie koffie. Vriendskappe is gevestig wat nog lank na my terugkeer na die RSA vertroetel is. By een so geleentheid het kaptein Lesch die volgende polisie-juweeltjie aan my vertel wat vir die waarheid aan hom oorgedra is en wat afgespeel het toe die S.A. Polisie in die vroeë sewentigerjare nog grensdiens in die voormalige Rhodesië gedoen het. ‘n Groep manne het hul 3 maande grensdiens voltooi en het op die landingstrook (vermoedelik naby Victoria watervalle) op die vliegtuig gesit en wag. As deel van die groep se bagasie was daar onder andere ‘n houtkrat wat ook op die vliegtuig gelaai moes word en vir Waterklooflughawe bestem was. Na aankoms van die vliegtuig het die manne die vliegtuig bestyg en die houtkrat is ook gelaai. Die manne was gereed om huistoe te gaan. Net voor opstyging stap die vlieënier egter die gang tussen die manne af om hul welkom te heet en ‘n goeie vlug toe te wens. Met die groetery merk hy egter die houtkrat op en sien egter ook dat daar ‘n straaltjie water onder die krat uit loop. Hy vra toe die manne “watse water is dit?” Niemand antwoord nie. Ook wil hy weet wie se krat dit is en wat in die krat is. Weereens is daar doodse stilte. Net daar kondig die vlieënier aan dat die vliegtuig onder sy bevel is en dat hy beslis nie gaan vlieg voor hy weet wat in die krat is nie. Die manne word gelas om die vliegtuig te verlaat en die krat afgelaai. Die krat word oopgemaak en is die vlieënier verstom om ‘n klein olifantjie in die krat aan te tref. Nodeloos om te sê dat die olifantjie nie die vlug na Pretoria gehaal het nie. Ek weet nie of dit waar is nie maar kan dit goed glo van ‘n klompie polisiemanne op grensdiens. Ek het al baie gewonder hoe die manne dan die olifantjie in die houtkrat gekry het. Nota: Ek het hierdie juweeltjie hierby ingesluit omdat kaptein Lesch dit persoonlik aan my vertel 19 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
het tydens sy grensbeurt by die opleidingsterrein en ek nie wil hê dat dit verlore moet gaan as dit waar is nie. Miskien is daar iewers nog een van die manne wat daarvan weet. Hierdie skrywe gee so kykie agter die skerms met betrekking tot die beplanning, woelinge rondom en vestiging van die Opleidingsterrein vir Spesiale Konstabels in die Caprivi in die jare 1979 – 1981 soos ek dit waargeneem het. Hiermee dan ook ‘n groot dankie aan die manne wat hul kant met betrekking tot die Caprivi opleidingsterrein (en ander opleidingsterreine) gebring het weg van hul families in die RSA. Ook kan mens nie hul families wat in die RSA agtergebly het, vergeet nie. Eggenotes moes nog steeds die pot aan die kook hou. Dankie ook aan julle almal. Met die oorgang vanaf die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisie na die Suidwes-Afrikaanse Polisie (Swapol) en later met onafhanklikheid van die gebied na die Namibian Police (Nampol) het die spesiale konstabels ‘n groot rol gespeel in die veiligheid van die betrokke gebied. Na onafhanklikheid is daar bykomende polisiestasies in afgeleë gebiede gevestig en van die lede wat gekwalifiseer het is daarheen uitgeplaas. Foto’s met erkenning aan Servamus:
Servamus: Junie 1980 20 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
21 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
‘n 77-JARIGE SE MIGRASIE NA REKENAARGELETTERDHEID Luit-genl Johan Ferreira Ek het groot geword toe daar nog, behalwe mondeling, geen ander manier as ‘n brief, telegram of telefoon was waarmee ‘n mens met ander mense kon kommunikeer nie. In ons huis was daar darem ‘n Remington Rand tikmasjien,wat korrespondensie ‘n bietjie meer leesbaar gemaak het vir mense wat nie so mooi kon skryf nie. As kinders (in die 1950s) in die familie het ons dikwels met die tikmasjien gespeel en op dié manier geleer waar al die letters en karakters op ‘n tikmasjien geplaas is. Toe ek ‘n tiener was, was ek al taamlik bedrewe met ‘n tikmasjien en kon taamlik goed met twee vingers tik. Na skool het ek as 18-jarige by die SAP aangesluit. Met die voltooiing van my opleiding en voor ons uitgeplaas is, het ‘n paar seksies vanuit Hoofkantoor, die SAKB, en andere kom soek na studente wat spesifieke vaardighede het. Lede is ook gesoek wat tik op skool gehad het (‘n redelike skaars vaardigheid vir ‘n manlike persoon in daardie jare). Ofskoon ek nooit tik op skool gehad het nie, steek my hand op en vat ‘n kans, want as ek op Hoofkantoor beland, sou ek ‘n lekker “cushie-job” kon losslaan en nie buite in die wind en weer en skofte hoef te werk nie. Die term “fake it, or you won’t make it” het nog nie bestaan nie, maar dit is presies wat ek gedoen het. Ek word toe gekies om ‘n tiktoets in Wachthuis te gaan aflê. Ek glo wat die keuse in my guns geswaai het, was dat ons ook iets wat in Engels gedikteer is, moes tik. Engels was nog altyd my sterkste vak op skool. Ek het nie met spelling en grammatika gesukkel nie. Ek word toe by Hoofkantoor se “korrespondensie-seksie” geplaas, waar ons aanvanklik begin het om enkel-paragraaf briefies te tik. Naderhand het die briewe langer geword, en het ek ook nogal geleer hoe ‘n brief saamgestel word en hoe paragrawe, “tabs” en “indents” en sulke goed gedoen word. (In die begin was ek nogal spandabel met die ronde uitveërs met die borseltjie om al die tikfoute uit te vee .... daar was nog nie Tippex en sulke goed nie.) Daar het toe ‘n vakature in die telekskantoor ontstaan en ek is soontoe verplaas. Dit was my eerste kennismaking met ‘n masjien wat met elektrisiteit gewerk het en ook kontak kon maak met teleksmasjiene oor die hele land. Ek het daar gewerk van 1966 tot 1972 ... en teen daardie tyd was ek ‘n redelike boffin en kon lang stukke met toe oë tik. My tikspoed het toe al tussen 40 en 50 woorde per minuut gestaan. In 1972 het ek ‘n offisier geword en is in die volgende paar jaar na verskeie plekke verplaas - en die bevorderings het so een na die ander gekom. In 1984 is ek gekeur om parlementêre diens tussen Pretoria en Kaapstad te gaan doen. Ek was die Persoonlike Adjudant van die Kommissaris van die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisie. Ek was in die ontvangskantoor tussen die Kommissaris en die sekretaresse, wat al die tikwerk moes doen. In daardie jare – ek dink in 1985 – het ons kantoor ‘n WANG woordverwerker gekry – die eerste rekenaars wat in die Polisie aangebring is ... die WANG is met telefoondrade aan ander WANG 22 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
masjiene oor die land heen verbind – eintlik ‘n nuwe soort teleksmasjien. Dit het ‘n klein hardeskyf met omtrent 20 Meg gehad, en ook plek vir ‘n “floppy disk” waarop dokumente en inligting gestoor kon word. Daar was ook ‘n elektriese drukker aan die masjien gekoppel. Die Wang het nog met ‘n lint gewerk en ‘n ronde skyfie met al die karakters wat soos blits in die rondte gedraai het om die woorde te tik. Omtrent twee of drie bladsye per minuut! Die bladsye moes ook een-vir-een in die drukker gesit word. Wat lekker was, was dat mens jou tikfoute kon regstel deur dit net uit te wis en oor te tik. Daar het toe ‘n persoon gekom om die sekretaresse op te lei om die WANG te gebruik. Die sekretaresse was aanvanklik heeltemal buite haar vaarwater met die WANG. Hoe meer die instrukteur haar probeer help het, hoe meer het sy haar hande in die lug gegooi. Ek het maar so eenkant gestaan en gekyk en geluister. Die WANG het my gefassineer. As die dame gesukkel het, het ons koppe bymekaargesit. So het die twee van ons spoedig die WANG bemeester. In daardie tyd het ek by Unisa begin studeer en naweke sonder toestemming na die kantoor gegaan om my werkopdragte te tik. So het die WANG ‘n groot rol gespeel om netjies getikte werkopdragte aan die lektore voor te lê. Omtrent in 1988 is ek weer verplaas na Hoofkantoor en was ek al ver gevorder met my studies. In daardie stadium het die polisie ook al begin moderniseer en persoonlike rekenaars begin aanskaf. Een van die persone wat die goed kom installeer het, het van die eerste PC’s vir ‘n spesiale aanbod aan my gesmous. Dit het omtrent R400 gekos en die drukker ook omtrent soveel. Die rekenaar was “IBM-kompatible” Dit het ook ‘n floppy disk gehad, met ‘n 20 meg hardeskyf. Ons het toe geleer hoe om met MS-DOS te werk. Ek het nooit enige kursus geloop of opleiding ontvang nie en nogal gesukkel om MS-DOS onder die knie te kry, maar darem reggekom. Saam met die rekenaar het ek ‘n Lexicon LQ 850 dot-matrix printer gekry wat ook met ‘n lint gewerk het. Met daardie rekenaar en drukker het ek al die werkopdragte vir my BAHonneursgraad getik. Saans as my gesin geslaap het, het ek my opdragte uitgedruk en dit het geklink of daar ‘n tandarts se boor in die woonstel aan die gang was. Selfs die bure kon dit hoor! In 1995 het ek die ou 20mb rekenaar weggegee en ‘n 286 gekoop en ‘n nuwe Canon printer. Dit het darem nie meer met “floppie disks” gewerk nie, maar met “stiffies”. Ek het ook toe vir die eerste keer Windows 95 en MS Office gekoop. Nog geen internet nie, maar kon by my werk eposse stuur en ontvang omdat hulle toe al ‘n dial-up internet gehad het wat net vir interne gebruik in die polisie beskikbaar was. Ek het egter gou agtergekom dat ek privaat eposse ook van die kantoor af kon stuur en het toe lekker gesels met ‘n vriend in Nieu Seeland en my broer in Kanada. Alles was nog Telkom operasionele stelsel. Later het ek omtrent elke derde jaar opgegradeer met kragtiger rekenaars en beter programmatuur. Teen daardie tyd het ek die rekenaar goed bemeester, ek kon woordverwerking en Power Point doen, maar nooit nodig gehad om spreadsheets te leer nie. In die tyd het ek drie boeke en baie stories geskryf en was daar niks wat iemand my van tik kon leer nie ... maar ek was nog baie onkundig met programme en die meer tegniese aspekte van rekenaars. In 2007 het ek vir die eerste keer met Google en die internet op my huisrekenaar kennis gemaak. Ek het toe ook ‘n HP laptop gekoop wat alles met Windows gewerk het. Maar steeds baie stadig. So nou en dan het ek my rekenaars vervang en opgegradeer en naderhand met laserprinters begin werk. Ek toe begin leer hoe om ander toepassings, soos internet bankdienste, munisipale rekenings en ander programme te gebruik om ontslae te raak van al die toustanery by banke en 23 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
ander plekke waar ek die transaksies aanlyn kon doen. Die goed waarmee ek die meeste gesukkel het, was usernames, wagwoorde, pin nommers en sulke goed. Ook hoe om elke nuwe modum vir my wifi in te stel. Maar daarvoor het ek ‘n slim seun wat kon help!! In 2018 het ek ook my ou tafelrekenaar (PC) vervang met ‘n kragtiger HP Laptop. Ek het ook deur die jare verskeie selfone gehad, eers Nokia, toe Samsung en ek trek nou al by my vierde of vyfde iPhone. Ek lees ook al my boeke op Kindle en het ook al drie tablette gehad. My eerste tablet was ‘n Dell en daarna ‘n SAMSUNG gehad en nou en ‘n iPad Omdat ek van Apple se produkte hou, het ek op in Januarie 2022 my HP-laptop vervang met ‘n MacBook Pro. Die eerste paar dae het die MacBook my heeltemal deurmekaar gemaak want dit werk totaal anders as Windows en Microsoft se stelsels, maar na ‘n bietjie opleiding deur my seun het ek nogal vinnig die sprong oorbrug van Windows na Apple se produkte. Ek is baie tevrede met die Mac. Vandag kry ek mense van my ouderdom jammer wat nie hulself bygehou het met die moderne tegnologie nie. Die enkele kere wanneer ek steeds na ‘n winkelsentrum moet gaan, sien ek ou en afgeleefde, verwarde en gefrustreerde ooms en tannies wat met kieries en looprame aansukkel om in lang toue by banke, poskantore, selfoonwinkels en ander plekke moet toustaan en dan met minagting behandel word deur jong kinders wat niks respek vir ‘n bejaarde mens het nie.
1950s Remington Rand
1960s Siemens Teleksmasjien
2022 MacBook Pro
24 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
DIE MISLUKTE 1981 SEYCHELLE-STAATSGREEP EN AIR INDIAVLIEGTUIGSKAKING Wyle genl.maj. Martin Nel Ek het gedurende 1981 ’n klein rol gespeel in die ondersoek van hierdie strafsaak in dié dat ek sommige van die huursoldate wat 'n staatsgreep in die Seychelle probeer uitvoer het, ondervra en verklarings van hulle geneem het. Die feite is soos volg: Die Republiek van die Seychelle
Die Republiek van die Seychelle, ’n voormalige Britse kolonie, is ’n eilandgroep van sowat 115 eilandjies in die Indiese oseaan, sowat 1 600 km van die kus van Kenia. Die hoofstad is Victoria, geleë op Mahé, die grootste eiland in die groep. Ná onafhanklikwording en ná die eerste demokratiese veelparty-verkiesings was die Westersgesinde Sir James Mancham, in 1975 genoodsaak om ’n koalisieregering met die Marxisties-gesinde mnr. France-Albert René, te vorm. René het eerste minister geword met Mancham die president. Terwyl pres. Mancham op 29 Junie 1976 in Londen was om die Britse Statebond se konferensie van staatshoofde by te woon, is ‘n geslaagde staatsgreep teen sy bewind uitgevoer. Sir James het hierna in ballingskap in Europa gaan woon. Uitgeweke Seychellese Mancham-ondersteuners in Suid-Afrika wou ’n coup d’etat van stapel stuur om die onwettige René-regime omver te werp en om Mancham in sy amp te herstel. Kolonel Mike Hoare Die uitgeweke Seychellese het hierdie missie toevertrou aan kol. Mike (Mad Mike) Hoare, ’n voormalige kaptein in die pantserkorps van die Britse Leër, van Ierse afkoms, wat na afloop van die Tweede Wêreldoorlog na Suid-Afrika geëmigreer het en toe as ’n burgerlike in Hilton, naby Pietermaritzburg, gewoon het. Van daar het hy die onderneming Afrika Safari’s bedryf. Dit is ook hiervandaan dat hy sy huursoldaat-bedrywighede onderneem het.
Michael Thomas Bernard Hoare (Foto: www.militaryimages.net) in uniform as bevelvoerder van 5 Kommando van die Armée Nationale Congolaise (ANC). Let op 5 Kommando se wilde gans embleem op die skouerflits.
25 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Kol. Hoare was ’n geleerde man. Hy was ’n gekwalifiseerde en geregistreerde geoktrooieerde rekenmeester en ’n opbetaalde lid van die Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales totdat hy in 1983, ná sy skuldigbevinding en vonnis vir die Air India vliegtuigdebakel, van hulle rol geskrap is. Sy opgang na roem: Maj. Mike Hoare (later kolonel) het wêreldwyd beroemdheid (én berugtheid) verwerf toe hy vanaf 1960 tot 1961 ’n mag van huursoldate gelei het wat aan die kant van die wegbreek Katangeseprovinsie onder Moïse Tshombe as die Republiek van Kongo geveg het, teen die res van die pas onafhanklik verklaarde Kongo (Demokratiese Republiek van die Kongo). Maj. Hoare se eenheid het 4 Kommando geheet. Die Simba-rebellie het in 1964 in die Kongo uitgebreek in ’n bloedige beleg van die Orientale- en Kivu-provinsies. Die Marxisties georiënteerde Simba’s het meer as 1 600 Belge, ander wit mense en sendingwerkers in die destydse Stanleyville (huidige Kisangani) gyselaar gehou. Die einste Moïse Tshombe het maj. Hoare in Julie 1964 gehuur om die Armée Nationale Congolaise (ANC) se 5 Kommando te lei wat bestaan het uit 300 man, meestal huursoldate uit Suid-Afrika. 5 Kommando was ‘n deel van die Armée Nationale Congolaise se huursoldate aanvalsmag L'Ommegang van etlike duisend man, onder bevel van die Belgiese Vlaming, kol. Frédéric Vandewalle. L'Ommegang is op die been gebring deur die VSA, België en die Armée Nationale Congolaise (ANC) om die Simba-rebellie te onderdruk. Ná 111 dae se futiele onderhandelinge met Simba-rebelle, het L'Ommegang in Operation Dragon Rouge na Stanleyville opgeruk om sowat 1 600 burgerlike gyselaars van ’n gewisse dood aan die hand van die Simba’s te red. Hierdie operasie was grootliks suksesvol, het baie lewens gered en maj. Hoare is bevorder tot luitenant-kolonel in die Kongolese ANC. 5 Kommando was onder Hoare se bevel vanaf Julie 1964 tot November 1965. Hoare se bynaam, Mad Mike, is volgens oorlewering, te danke aan die destydse Duitse Demokratiese Republiek (kommunistiese Oos-Duitsland in die volksmond) se radio-uitsendings oor gevegte in die Kongo. Oos-Duitsland het die Simba-rebelle gesteun. In hulle kommentaar oor gevegte teen die Simba’s het die Duitse omroepers glo dikwels begin met “Die mal bloedhond, Mike Hoare ...” Beplanning en voorbereiding van die staatsgreep op die Seychelle: Met beperkte fondse beskikbaar het kol. Hoare ’n operasionele plan aanmekaar geslaan en moes hy personeel vir die sending werf. Hiervoor het hy kontak gemaak met Tulio Moneta, wat voorheen onder hom in die Kongo gedien het. Moneta het deur bemiddeling van Dunlop Paul, kontak gemaak met sers. Brian Walls, ’n dienende lid van 2 Verkenningskommando (recces) van die Suid-Afrikaanse Weermag se spesmagte en deur Walls met maj. Willie Ward, ’n dienende lid van die Suid-Afrikaanse Leër. ‘n Vergadering is op 28 Oktober 1981 in die Kyalami Ranch Hotel gehou. Benewens kol. Hoare was maj. Ward, sers. Walls, Moneta, Dunlop Paul, Pieter Doorewaard (’n reservis in die recces), Allan Mann en Kurt Priefert teenwoordig. Kol. Hoare het sy mandaat van die Mancham-faksie, om ’n staatsgreep in die Seychelle uit te voer, bekend gemaak en bespreek. Hy het verduidelik dat die Suid-Afrikaanse regering van hierdie planne bewus was en dit stilswyend sou toelaat, maar dit nie openlik kon steun nie; dat die (Suid-Afrikaanse) Nasionale Intelligensiediens en die Amerikaanse Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) daarvan bewus was en dit goedgekeur het. Kol. Hoare het gesê die huursoldate hoef nie vuurwapens saam te neem nie – dit sou in die Seychelle beskikbaar wees. Daar sou ’n oefenterrein in Noord-Transvaal (Limpopo) beskikbaar wees. 26 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Die staatsgreep moes voor die einde van Desember 1981 uitgevoer word en hy het sewentig man benodig. Hulle moes uit die weermag se recces gewerf word. Vergoeding vir verskillende range is bespreek. Daarvolgens het Doorewaard R30 000 verwag en Moneta sowat R50 000. Maj. Ward sou weermagsoldate by sy eenheid werf, maar het kort daarna onttrek. ’n Ander werwingsbron is toe in Durban gevind waar Kenneth Dalgliesh goeie kontak gehad het met Rhodesiese oudsoldate wat in Suid-Afrika gewoon het. Ná werwing het die voornemende huursoldate ’n onderneming onderteken om by kol. Hoare se groep aan te sluit. Hulle is elkeen R1 000 in kontant betaal met die belofte van verdere betaling van VSA$10 000 nadat die staatsgreep suksesvol uitgevoer is. Die 53 mense wat gekeur is om die staatsgreep uit te voer, het lede van die recce-kommando’s en recce-reserviste, voormalige Rhodesiese soldate en voormalige Kongolese huursoldate ingesluit ’n Groepie van nege is vooruit en het kort voor 25 November in Mahé aangekom. Een van die lede van hierdie groep was Martin Dolinchek, toe ’n werknemer van die Nasionale Intelligensiediens, wat, onder die naam Anton Lubic met ’n vals Suid-Afrikaanse paspoort gereis het. Hy het glo vakansieverlof geneem om as ’n betaalde huursoldaat aan die staatsgreep deel te neem. Kol. Hoare se swaer, Robert Sims, en dié se lewensmaat, Susan Ingle, alias mev. Sims, was van die ander lede. Die hoofgroep het op 24 November in Johannesburg ontmoet en daarvandaan per pad gereis na die Holiday Inn in Ermelo waar hulle oornag het op pad na Swaziland. Hulle was ’n ietwat losserige groep want net ’n paar van die Durban-gewerfdes het van die Transvaal-gewerfdes geken. Die vergaderings wat hulle in Ermelo gehou het om hulle in te lyf in die geheimenisse van hulle front, Ye Ancient Order of Frothblowers, waaraan hulle sou behoort het en wat die dekmantel was vir hulle toer na die Seychelle, het nie juis hulle samehorigheid verbeter nie. Kol. Hoare het sy manne voorheen vertel dat daar ’n plan was dat sodra die staatsgreep suksesvol uitgevoer is, die Amerikaanse- en Keniaanse regerings die nuwe Seychelle regering sal erken en Keniaanse troepe ingevlieg sou word, sodat die huursoldate dan stilweg tussen die toeriste op die eiland kon verdwyn. Sou ’n noodtoestand vir die huursoldate ontstaan, was daar ’n plan om ’n vliegtuig uit Kenya in te vlieg met die nodige hulp en ondersteuning. Daar is later daardie aand ’n ordegroep in kol. Hoare se hotelkamer gehou waar die lede in verskillende groepe opgedeel en onder verskillende leiers en teikens toegewys is. Die plan was egter nie in fyner detail uitgewerk nie, want die bedoeling was om eers die teikens eerstehands te verken, kontak te maak met plaaslike ontevrede Seychellese en, wanneer die tyd ryp is, die geïdentifiseerde teikens, sonder bloedvergieting indien moontlik, oor te neem en te beset en dan te wag op die aankoms van ’n vliegtuig uit Kenya wat die Mancham-regering sou inbring en wat gebruik kon word, indien so verkies, om die huursoldate uit te vlieg. Op die vergadering het kol. Hoare egter ‘n onaangeme verrassing vir die groep gehad. Tydens vorige besprekings het hy vertel dat die AK47-gewere en ammunisie wat hulle sou benodig, reeds op die eiland is en by aankoms vir hulle sou wag. Nou het hy die bes bewaarde geheim van die hele operasie openbaar: Naamlik dat elke man om 04:00 die volgende oggend sy bagasiesak sal inhandig en ’n ander sak in dié se plek sal neem waarin ’n afgetakelde AK47-geweer versteek sou wees. Hulle sou die nuwe sakke oor die grens na Swaziland dra tot op die Royal Air Swazivliegtuig wat hulle na Mahé-lughawe sal neem waar hulle dit deur immigrasie en doeane sal neem! Sommige was behoorlik geskok hieroor en het gevoel kol. Hoare het hulle mislei, maar oplaas het almal van hulle, behalwe dr. C.L. (Chris) de Jager, ’n mediese praktisyn en ‘n recce, besluit om nie 27 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
met die operasie voort te gaan nie. Chris de Jager is terug huis toe en sy goeie oordeel het hom, op die allerminste, gespaar van baie maande se angs, wroeging en verlies aan vryheid! Dit het later geblyk dat die betrokke AK47’s, ammunisie en ander toerusting, op 6 Oktober 1981, by kol. Hoare se huis in Hilton, deur ‘n sersant-majoor van die weermag afgelewer is, nadat kol. Hoare skakeling met twee brigadiers van die weermag, gehad het. Die staatsgreep loop skeef: Kol. Hoare het die reisreëlings vir die toer getref deur Budget Tours SA en die groep het Swaziland deur die Oshoek-grenspos binnegegaan. Die reis het glad verloop totdat hulle op Mahé-lughawe geland het waar spesiale busse gewag het om hulle na hulle hotel te vervoer en waar hulle ontmoet is deur sommige lede van die span wat vooruit gegaan het. Die tyd was omtrent 17:30. Meer as die helfte van die groep het reeds immigrasie en doeane geklaar en na die voorkant van die lughawe terminaal beweeg om in hulle busse te klim, toe ’n doeanebeampte verbode vrugte in die bagasie van ’n Fransman wat op die Comoro Eilande aan boord gegaan het, ontdek. Dit het klaarblyklik agterdog veroorsaak en huursoldaat Kevin Beck, wat in die tou onmiddelik agter die Fransman was, se bagasie is deeglik deursoek. Sy AK47 is ontdek. Die doeanebeampte het alarm gemaak en weggehardloop. Pandemonium het losgebars. Die huursoldate wat reeds doeane geklaar het, het hulle AK’s inmekaar gesit, skote is gevuur op lughawepolisie en doeane- en immigrasiebeamptes. ‘n Huursoldaat is in die daaropvolgende oor-en-weer skietery, doodgeskiet. Chaos het geheers – niemand het ’n duidelike idee gehad by watter groep om aan te sluit nie, waar sy onmiddellike leier is nie en watter rol hy moes vervul nie! Kol. Hoare het besluit op ’n onmiddellike aanval op die kaserne aan die suide van die aanloopbaan en hy is met twee afsonderlike groepe in voertuie daarheen om die aanval uit te voer. Intussen het twee huursoldate, Vernon Prinsloo en Charles Goatley (’n voormalige Rhodesiese helikoptervlieënier) weggespring om die lughawe beheertoring te beset. Goatley se taak was om die beheerkamer in die toring te beset om enige vliegtuig wat wou opstyg of land te kontroleer en opdragte aan hulle te gee. Hulle het drie burgerlike vroue operateurs in die beheerkamer aangetref. Daar is alarm gemaak dat ’n string Tanzaniese soldate besig was om die beheertoring te nader. Prinsloo het die toring verlaat om by die groep huursoldate op die grond aan te sluit. Seychelle het toe nie juis ’n weermag gehad om van te praat nie. Die René-regime was besig om bondgenootskappe te smee met sosialistiese lande en daar was hierdie klein kontingent Tanzaniese soldate in ’n kaserne by Mahé-lughawe gestasioneer. Dit was juis hierdie Tanzaniese soldate wat toe slaags geraak het met Prinsloo en Goatley se huursoldate by die beheertoring. Intussen het Goatley met die vroue operateurs gesels en verneem van ’n Air India Boeing, vlug 224, wat van Salisbury na Bombaai (Moembaai), via Mahe, onderweg was. Dit was geskeduleer om teen 22:00 te kom land om brandstof in te neem op pad na Indië. Goatley het ook die landing van ’n ligte vliegtuig waargeneem en het verneem dat Seychelle se direkteur van burgerlike lugvaart, ene mnr. Lalanne, aan boord daarvan was. Prinsloo se groep het die Tanzaniese aanslag teen die beheertoring afgeweer en Prinsloo het weer by Goatley aangesluit, nou in besit van ’n tweerigtingradio. Goatley het Prinsloo vertel van Lalanne se landing, asook van die geskeduleerde inkomende Air India passasiersvlug. Prinsloo het per radio gereël dat Lalanne na die beheerkamer gebring word. 28 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Hy het kol. Hoare per radio verwittig van die verwagte Air India vlug en opdragte daaroor gevra. Die opdragte wat hy gekry het was: “Tree op soos normaal, bring die vlug in, maar hou die passasiers aan boord.” Kol Hoare-hulle se aanval op die kaserne waarna hierbo verwys is, is afgeweer en diegene daarby betrokke het onverrigte sake na die lughawe-terminaal teruggegaan. Huursoldaat Dukes (’n Amerikaanse veteraan van die Vietnam-oorlog) is in hierdie skermutseling ernstig gewond. Vir ’n tyd nadat die aanvalsgroep teruggekeer het, was dinge betreklik stil totdat twee pantserkarre by die toneel opgedaag het. Een van hulle het op die beheertoring gevuur en dit getref. Dit het veroorsaak dat Prinsloo en Goatley hulle posisie in die beheerkamer opgegee en na die lughawe terminaal laat spaander het. Hierdie vuur was ook hewig genoeg om Lalanne in aansienlike angs in die beheerkamer vas te pen waar hy gebly het tot ná Prinsloo en Goatley se terugkeer later die aand. Aangevuur deur sukses het albei die Seychelle pantserkarre daarna die terminaalgebou bestook, totdat die huursoldate een pantserkar met selfgemaakte petrolbomme buite aksie gestel en verower het. Die ander pantserkar het toe die toneel verlaat. Landing van Air India vlug 224 op Mahé: Terwyl sommige huursoldate met die verowerde pantserkar doenig was hopende om sy wapentuig, wat veel kragtiger was as enigiets wat hulle gehad het, te aktiveer, het hulle ’n vliegtuig bokant hulle gehoor. Dit was omtrent 22:00. Prinsloo en Goatley, wat hulle saam met ander huursoldate naby die aanloopbaan aansitblad bevind het, het oor die luidsprekers van die naby geparkeerde brandweerwa gehoor dat die vliegtuig probeer om met die toring in verbinding te tree. Prinsloo se onmiddellike leier vir die hoof-operasie, Michael Webb, het die vliegtuig gesien en Prinsloo per radio beveel om beheertoring toe te gaan en die vliegtuig op die grond te kry. Prinsloo en sy kamerade is na die toring en beheerkamer waar hulle ’n geskokte Lalanne onder ’n tafel gekry het. Goatley het vlug AI224 se roepsein van Lalanne gekry en kontak gemaak. Goatley het so normaal as moontlik opgetree sodat die vliegtuigbemanning nie moes agterkom dat huursoldate die lughawe beheer nie. Hy het die nodige inligting om die landing te kon doen aan die loods oorgedra. Net voor die landing het Goatley die loods beveel om “diep” te land, dit wil sê weg van die soldate se kaserne aan die suidelike kant, vanweë die risiko dat, indien hy te naby aan die kaserne sou land, daar op hom gevuur kon word. Die vlieënier was opmerklik ontsteld oor die vertraging om sy oproepe te antwoord en oor die voertuie wat hy op die aanloopbaan gesien het. Hy het egter sy landingsinstruksies aanvaar en die vliegtuig op die aanloopbaan aansitblad naby die terminaalgebou, tot stilstand gebring. In die parkeerproses is een vlerk lig beskadig toe die vliegtuig teen ’n agtergelate weermaglorrie op die aanloopbaan, gestamp het. Goatley het die loods beveel om die passasiers aan boord te hou en die enjins af te skakel en ingelig dat daar gou iemand sal wees om met die loods te praat. Daar was 65 passasiers en 14 bemanningslede aan boord. Skaking van AI224: Kort ná landing is die trappe in posisie geplaas en huursoldaat Duffy het op kol. Hoare se bevel, saam met ander huursoldate - almal openlik gewapen met AK47’s - aan boord gegaan. Duffy het die passasiers beveel om te bly sit waar hulle is tot daar besluit is wat met hulle moet gebeur. Hy het die loods ingelig dat hy buite benodig word waarop kapt. Saxena en sy medevlieënier, kapt. Misra, die vliegtuig verlaat het. Hulle is deur Dunlop Paul na kol. Hoare in die terminaalgebou begelei. Die huursoldate se situasie het versleg. Hulle plan is totaal verbrou. Alhoewel Seychelle nie veel van ‘n weermag gehad het nie, was die verrassingselement verlore en hulle kanse vir die 29 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
uitvoering van ‘n suksesvolle staatsgreep het by die minuut verminder. ’n Seychellese polisiesersant is gewond en ’n tweede luitenant van die leër is in die skermutselings dood. Kol. Hoare het ’n skietstilstand beding. Die Seychellese het ingestem om vuur te staak totdat die Air India vliegtuig se brandstof aangevul is en die vliegtuig veilig vertrek het, op voorwaarde dat die huursoldate onderneem om op Mahé agter te bly. Brandstof is ingeneem, kapt. Saxena het die aanloopbaan vir gevaarlike voorwerpe en kraters ondersoek, die beskadigde vliegtuigvlerk is nagegaan en die vliegtuig is gereed gemaak om te vertrek – die heeltyd onder bewaking van gewapende huursoldate. Die huursoldate het nie hulle deel van die ooreenkoms nagekom nie. In opdrag van hulle leier het die huursoldate, onopgemerk deur die Seychellese magte, aan boord gegaan met hulle AK47’s en ’n klompie Chinese stokgranate. Die gewonde Dukes, onder verdowing, is per draagbaar ingelaai. Drie van die span huursoldate wat vooruit gegaan het, het ook aan boord gegaan. Air India vlug 224 het veilig vertrek, oënskynlik op sy geskeduleerde vlug na Bombaai. Duffy, Goatley en andere het kapt. Saxena intussen deur subtiel vrees by hom in te boesem, oorreed om in te stem om vlug AI224 Durban toe te neem. Terwyl in vlug wou kol. Hoare hulle wapens in die see gooi. Toe kapt. Saxena gewaarsku het dat die vliegtuig se ruim onder drukreëling is en die veiligheid van die vliegtuig in gevaar gestel sal word om ‘n deur in vlug oop te maak, het hulle eenvoudig hulle wapens beveilig, dit op ’n hoop in ’n gang gegooi en dit met ’n kombers bedek. AI224 in vlug na Louis Botha-lughawe is heeltyd deur Goatley gemonitor wat ervaring as 'n vlieënier gehad het. Hy het in die stuurkajuit by kapt. Saxena gesit, die instrumente dopgehou en na die vlugradiogesprekke geluister. Goatley was in die stuurkajuit om enige verneukery deur Saxena en Misra te voorkom, daarom het hy die hele vlug na Durban reg agter Saxena deurgebring, behalwe vir wanneer hy toilet toe moes gaan. Wanneer hy toilet toe, of na die agterkant van die vliegtuig toe is, het een van sy kamerade (Dalgliesh, Duffy of Doorewaard) sy plek ingeneem. Hulle teenwoordigheid in die stuurkajuit was bedoel om só druk op Saxena te behou. Alhoewel daar ’n oënskynlike goeie verhouding tussen sommige passasiers en bemanningslede en sommige huursoldate vir die duur van die vlug bestaan het, was die huursoldate in beheer van die vlug. Byvoorbeeld, toe kapt. Saxena deur Jan Smuts-lughawe gevra is hoeveel passasiers aan boord was, het kapt. Saxena eers na Goatley verwys, wat weer met kol. Hoare konsulteer het, wat beveel het om nie die getal huursoldate by die getal in te sluit nie. Landing van Air India vlug 224 op Louis Botha-lughawe, Durban: Tydens voorbereiding om op Louis Botha-lughawe te land gedurende die vroeë oggend ure van 26 November 1981, het kol. Hoare aan Duffy feitlik carte blanche gegee om die landingsproses te hanteer. Om af te skop het Duffy die stuurkajuit laat weet om lughawebeheer te versoek dat veiligheidspersoneel en ’n dokter die vliegtuig moes ontmoet. Hierdie boodskap is versend. Daarna, terwyl die vliegtuig besig was om te land, het Duffy kapt. Saxena beveel om nie die “volg-my-Jeep”, wat lughawe-beheer voorsien het om die vliegtuig na sy stilhou plek te lei, te volg nie, maar om die aanloopbaan te volg en aan die einde daarvan stil te hou. Saxena het lughawe-beheer ingelig dat hy nie toegelaat word om die Jeep te volg nie en hy het Duffy se bevel uitgevoer deur aan die einde van die aanloopbaan stil te hou. Nadat AI224 stilgehou het, het Duffy heftig beswaar aangeteken teen die teenwoordigheid van sekere amptelike voertuie wat hy gemeen het té naby aan AI224 parkeer het en, in besonder oor die teenwoordigheid van ’n private Waverley-ambulans wat daar was. Duffy het lughawe-beheer en die mense op die grond, deur kapt. Saxena, beveel dat die ambulans moes onttrek. Dít is gedoen. 30 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Die ander huursoldate aan boord het tydens die landing passief in hulle sitplekke gebly en gewag dat ’n besluit geneem moes word om oor hulle lot te beslis. Hulle het geen aktiewe rol gespeel om Duffy by te staan met betrekking tot waar die vliegtuig geparkeer moes word of wat gedoen moes word aangaande die volg van die “volg-my-Jeep” nie. Toe prof. Van Dellen, ’n mediese praktisyn, die vliegtuig saam met kol. Mouton van die SuidAfrikaanse Spoorwegpolisie se veiligheidstak probeer binnegaan het, het Duffy die dokter beveel om weg te gaan want hy is nie daar nodig nie. Dít nadat dit Duffy is wat ‘n dokter aangevra het en die ernstig gewonde huursoldaat Dukes mediese behandeling nodig het. Duffy het nooit voorgestel dat kapt. Saxena ingesluit moet word in die onderhandelings met kol. Mouton nie. Duffy het só opgetree dat Saxena in geen twyfel gelaat is van wie nou eintlik in beheer van die vliegtuig was nie. Duffy het ook beveel dat niemand mag afstap voordat hy nie sy onderhandelings met kol. Mouton voltooi het nie. Met deursoeking van die vliegtuig by Louis Botha-lughawe, is 38 AK47 outomatiese aanvalsgewere gevind wat gereed was om afgevuur te word en daar was ’n lewendige rondte in die kamer van 12 van die gewere. Daar is ook 2 435 rondtes lewendige ammunisie en drie lewendige Chinese stokgranate gevind. Hierdie wapentuig is in die vliegtuig aan kol. Mouton uitgewys en Duffy het verklaar dat dit die eiendom van die huursoldate is. Dit was op daardie stadium alreeds alles bymekaar gebring in ’n gang in die eersteklas gedeelte van die vliegtuig en was óf in ’n bruin sak óf in ’n bondel toegedraai in ’n kombers. Kol. Mouton het die aangeleentheid vir opdragte na sy seniors in Pretoria verwys en daarna was almal aan boord onder die kolonel se effektiewe beheer. Die huursoldate aan boord is gearresteer en as verdagtes aangehou. Hulle is kort daarna na die Zonderwater Gevangenis naby Cullinan vir “verdere ondersoek en navrae”, geneem. Hulle is hier deur lede van die polisie ondervra en verklarings is van hulle geneem. Hulle is later weer na Durban geneem waar hulle aangehou is in afwagting van verhoor in die hooggeregshof in Durban. Die verhoor: Daar was aanvanklik 45 beskuldigdes voor die waarnemende regterpresident van die hooggeregshof, Natalse Provinsiale Afdeling, regter Neville James. Voor pleit het die staat die aanklagte teen twee beskuldigdes, dr. Theo van Huyssteen (’n mediese praktisyn en lid van die recces) en De Wet, teruggetrek om hulle later as staatsgetuies te gebruik, maar hulle het nie getuig nie. Al die aanklagte teen al die beskuldigdes was weens oortreding van die Wet op Misdrywe teen Burgerlike Lugvaart, Wet 10 van 1972 (die Wet). Die aanklagte teen die beskuldigdes was, opsommenderwys en vertaal, soos volg: *Op aanklag 1 is die beskuldigdes aangekla dat hulle deur geweld of dreigemente van geweld of deur enige ander vorm van intimidasie en sonder ’n wettige rede die vliegtuig gegryp het of beheer daaroor uitgeoefen het, in oortreding van artikel 2(1)(a)(i) van die Wet; *op aanklag 2 is hulle aangekla weens oortreding van artikel 2(1)(g) van die Wet deurdat hulle handelinge verrig het; (a) wat die veiligheid en/of die goeie orde en dissipline van Mahé-lughawe in gevaar gestel het of in gevaar kon gestel het; en/of (b) op Mahé die veiligheid van die vliegtuig in vlug of van persone of eiendom daarop of daarin in gevaar gestel het of in gevaar kon gestel het; en/of (c) wat die goeie orde en dissipline aan boord van die vliegtuig in vlug op Mahé in gevaar kon gestel het. 31 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
*Op aanklag 3 is hulle aangekla weens oortreding van dieselfde artikel met betrekking tot die vliegtuig se landing op Louis Botha-lughawe op Suid-Afrikaanse grondgebied. *Op aanklag 4 is hulle aangekla weens oortreding van artikel 2A(1) van die Wet deurdat hulle by Louis Botha-lughawe op Suid-Afrikaanse grondgebied, wederregtelik in die vliegtuig in besit of beheer was van die AK47-aanvalsgewere, ammunisie en stokgranate. Al die beskuldigdes het op al die aanklagte onskuldig gepleit. Die saak is toe tot 10 Maart 1982 uitgestel vir die aanbieding van getuienis. Nadat 14 hofdae se getuienis aangehoor is, het die leier van die vervolgingspan, adv. Cecil Rees SC, die hof verwittig dat mnr. J. Loustau-Lalanne, die direkteur vir burgerlike lugvaart van Seychelle, weier om na Suid-Afrika te kom om in die ope hof te getuig. Kapts. U.C. (Umesh) Saxena en S.N.C. Misra van die Air India Corporation, Bombaai, is deur die regering van Indië verbied om na Suid-Afrika te kom om in die ope hof te getuig. Adv. Rees het die hof gevra om ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 71 van die Strafproseswet, 51 van 1977, ’n kommissie aan te stel om hierdie persone se getuienis in Victoria in Seychelle af te neem en dat die advokate wat die beskuldigdes verdedig daarheen gaan om die getuies te kruisverhoor. Al die beskuldigdes se regsverteenwoordigers het die aansoek teengestaan en aangevoer dat dit die beskuldigdes in hulle verdediging sal benadeel want die verhoorhof sou nie die geleentheid gehad het om die getuies in die getuiebank waar te neem nie. Die hof het bevind dat dit in belang van die regspleging is om te gelas dat hierdie getuies in Victoria, Seychelle, deur regter Frank Wood van die Seychellese regbank aangehoor moet word; dat die beskuldigdes se regsverteenwoordigers (of húlle verteenwoordigers) daardie verrigtinge bywoon en dat ’n volledige rekord van die verrigtinge gehou en dit aan die verhoorhof besorg word. Die hof se uitspraak oor hierdie aspek van die verhoor is in die hofverslae gerapporteer as S v Hoare and Others 1982 (3) SA 306 (N). Menere Loustau-Lalanne, Saxena en Misra se getuienis is op kommissie verkry en by die verhoorhof se verrigtinge as getuienis toegelaat. Saxena se getuienis het ’n baie belangrike rol gespeel in die beregting van die verhoor soos wat later geblyk het uit die verhoorhof se uitspraak wat in die hofverslae gerapporteer as S v Hoare and Others 1982 (4) SA 865 (N). Die hof se uitspraak: Ná ’n bykans drie en ‘n half maande lange verhoor het die hof in sy uitspraak daarop gewys dat die beskuldigdes nie aangekla is weens enige misdryf wat direk voortspruit uit die gepoogde staatsgreep in Seychelle, wat verantwoordelik is vir hulle gewapende teenwoordigheid op Mahélughawe gedurende die nag van 25 tot 26 November 1981, nie. Die hof het opgemerk dat hierdie geval nie die tipiese vliegtuigkaping in die populêre sin van die woord is nie - daar moet egter nie vergeet word dat die Wet op Misdrywe teen burgerlike lugvaart nie voorsiening maak vir vliegtuigkapings as sulks as ‘n besondere misdryf nie. Die Wet wil ook nie onderskei tussen die verskillende soorte onwettige inmenging met of belemmering van die bedrywighede van burgerlike lugvaart nie, soos byvoorbeeld in gevalle waar die motief selfbehoud is en gevalle van politieke of ekonomiese afpersing of gewelddadige intimidasie. Die Wet behandel feitlik elke wederregtelike inmenging met die behoorlike werking van burgerlike lugvaart met die grootste erns en skenk min of geen oorweging aan die motief vir sodanige inmenging nie, soos geredelik verstaan kan word indien daarop gelet word dat die Wet ’n minimum vonnis van vyf jaar gevangenisstraf voorskryf vir enige oortreding van artikel 2(1) van die Wet, ongeag die motiewe van die oortreder.
32 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Die hof het bevind dat kapt. Saxena nooit vrywillig ingestem het om die beskuldigdes uit Mahé uit te vlieg nie; dat hy hulle uitgevlieg het weens groot en volgehoue druk en dat kol. Hoare se getuienis van ’n ooreenkoms, gebaseer op Saxena se dankbaarheid, vals is. Op aanklag 1 het die hof bevind dat beskuldigdes Hoare, Webb, Goatley, Prinsloo en Duffy deur hulle optrede daaraan skuldig is dat hulle deur geweld of dreigemente van geweld, of deur enige ander vorm van intimidasie en sonder ’n wettige rede, die vliegtuig gegryp het of beheer daaroor uitgeoefen het, in oortreding van artikel 2(1)(a)(i) van die Wet. Die res van die beskuldigdes is op hierdie aanklag vrygespreek. Die hof het bevind dat ’n redelike moontlikheid bestaan dat elke ander individuele beskuldigde (behalwe natuurlik Dukes wat onder verdowing op die vliegtuig gelaai is) geglo het dat ’n vrywillige ooreenkoms aangegaan is om hulle uit te vlieg. Op aanklag 2 het die hof bevind dat die gewraakte handelinge verrig is op Mahé, buite die territoriale jurisdiksie van ’n Suid-Afrikaanse hof, en derhalwe is al die beskuldigdes op hierdie aanklag vrygespreek. Op aanklag 3, met betrekking tot die gebeure by Louis Botha-lughawe, het die hof bevind dat daar ’n belangrike onderskeid is tussen aanklagte 2 en 3 en dit is dat by aanklag 3 die gewraakte handelinge, op die grond sowel as op die vliegtuig self, binne die jurisdiksie van die hof ressorteer. Die hof het bevind dat beskuldigde Duffy se handelinge die goeie orde en dissipline op die vliegtuig en op Louis Botha-lughawe in gevaar gestel het en dat Duffy met beskuldigde Hoare se magtiging gehandel het. Beskuldigdes Hoare en Duffy is op aanklag 3 skuldig bevind. Die hof het beskuldigde Dalgliesh se handelinge in hierdie verband ontleed en hom onskuldig bevind, en so ook elkeen van die ander beskuldigdes. Op aanklag 4, vir besit van skadelike artikels (vuurwapens) in die vliegtuig, is al die beskuldigdes vrygespreek aangesien die hof bevind het dat alhoewel die beskuldigdes die vuurwapens op Mahé- lughawe op die vliegtuig gebring het en dit daar in hulle besit gehad het, hierdie aanklag nie beoordeel kan word aan die hand van dit wat by Mahé-lughawe gebeur het nie, aangesien artikels 3 en 4 van die Wet nie ekstra territoriale jurisdiksie verleen met betrekking tot oortreding van artikel 2(a) van die Wet nie. Verder het die hof bevind dat die getuienis daarop dui dat die beskuldigdes van die wapens wou ontslae raak voordat die vliegtuig Louis Botha-lughawe bereik het; dat deur die wapens bymekaar te maak en dit in die gang in die eersteklas gedeelte met ’n kombers te bedek, elke beskuldigde daardeur bedoel het om besit van en beheer oor die wapens, te abandonneer en dat die wapens toe in elk geval nie meer tot die beskikking van die meerderheid beskuldigdes was nie. Vonnis: Die beskuldigdes is op 29 Julie 1982 soos volg gevonnis: Kol. Hoare: Tien jaar gevangenisstraf, effektief. Peter Duffy, Mike Webb, Tulio Moneta, Pieter Doorewaard: Elkeen vyf jaar gevangenisstraf, effektief. Charles Goatley: Dertig maande gevangenisstraf. Ken Dalgliesh: Een jaar gevangenisstraf. (Die vonnisse word nie vervat in die oorkonde van S v Hoare and Others 1982 (4) SA 865 (N) nie.) Die lot van die huursoldate wat vooruit gegaan het: Vyf huursoldate, Aubrey Brooks, (wat op Mahé-lughawe gewond is), Bernard Carey, Roger England, en Jeremiah (Jerry) Puren (wat die sersant op die Mahé-lughawe geskiet het) en Robert Sims en Susan Ingle (mev. Sims) asook Martin Dolincheck (alias Anton Lubic) is op Mahé agter 33 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
gelaat. Hulle is gevange geneem en die mans is gedurende Junie tot Julie 1982 op Mahé weens hoogverraad verhoor. Die klagtes teen Susan Ingle is laat vaar en sy is gedeporteer. Brooks, Carey, England en Puren is skuldig bevind en die doodstraf opgelê. Dolinchek is gevonnis tot 20 jaar gevangenisstraf en Sims tot 10 jaar gevangenisstraf. Die Suid-Afrikaanse regering het met die René-regime onderhandel vir die vrylating van die ses mans. President René het aan almal presidensiële kwytskelding verleen. Hulle het almal gedurende 1983 na Suid-Afrika teruggekeer. Kol. Hoare is in Mei 1985 vrygelaat nadat hy sowat drie jaar gevangenisstraf uitgedien het. Oudminister Pik Botha het voor die WVK getuig dat die Suid-Afrikaanse regering die René-regime tussen drie en ses miljoen Amerikaanse dollar betaal het vir die vrylating van die ses mans. Bronne: Dugdale-Pointon, TPD (30 September 2005, Mike Hoare (Congo Mercenary) 1926 http://www.historyofwar.org/articles/people_hoare.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seychelles S v Hoare and Others 1982 (3) SA 306 (N) S v Hoare and Others 1982 (4) SA 865 (N) Kommentaar deur HBH Ek was vir baie jare te veiligheidshoofkantoor. Die hele beplanning rondom die staatsgreep het soos ‘n sif uitgelek. Die verslae van veiligheidstak, Port Natal, het op my lessenaar beland. Die indruk waarmee ek gelaat was, was dat die weermag die huursoldate amptelik steun .... Ons het selfs die name van die SAW-offisiere geweet, Nasionale Intelligensie was ook betrokke. My persoonlike gevoel was: Die regering van mnr PW Botha het van hierdie “koverte aksie” geweet maar omdat die regering teen terreur en vliegtuigkapings gekant was – moes hulle eenvoudig kol Hoare en sy manne aankla. Sou die huursoldate in hul poging geslaag was dit natuurlik ‘n perd van ‘n ander kleur en sou die regering alle betrokkenheid ontken het, al was die finale uitslag so pas in hul kraal. Niemand steun ‘n verloorder! Kol Hoare (en sy manne) moes maar dood eenvoudig die vonnis uitdien – dit het ingedruis teen my sin vir morele regverdigheid.
EERSTE ERVARINGS (BY POLISIEKANTOOR) Siegfried Louw 34 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Nie alle eerstes is lekker nie. ʼn Eerste see-vakansie, valskermsprong, halfmarathon of musiekkonsert is gewoonlik lekker. Of om jou eie eerste motor vir die eerste keer te bestuur. Natuurlik is dit ook lekker om vir die eerste keer op jou eie die paaie in te vaar nadat jy jou bestuurslisensie gekry het. Maar die eerste keer wanneer jy by die polisiekantoor in die ry moet staan vir ʼn verklaring oor die ongeluk wat jy veroorsaak het? Dit val in die ander kategorie: “Nie lekker nie.” Stillerig staan my seun in die vroegoggendskaduwees van die bloekombome by die SAPSkantoor. Hierdie is vir my óók ʼn eerste: om my kind te begelei tydens sy eerste polisieverklaring. G’n mens beplan ʼn ongeluk nie. Ongelukke vra ook nie vir ʼn goeie tyd in jou dagboek nie. Dit daag op, ontwrig alles en toets almal se verhoudings. Ook die ouer-en-kind-soort. Uiteindelik kom ek en my seun in die kantoor. Ons moet hande en penne ontsmet en besonderhede in dik boeke skryf. Die vertrek ruik na ou hout en gisteraand se sweet. Uiteindelik is dit ons beurt. Ferm vra die offisier met die kapteinstrepies wat ons kom doen. “I caused a vehicle accident,” verklaar my seun. Die skerp offisier maak ʼn flou grappie of twee, want hy sien die jongman is ʼn bietjie buite weste. Ek lag saam en maak ook ʼn grappie. My seun se stywe rug verslap effens en hy glimlag weer. Op ʼn stadium moet hy ʼn eenvoudige skets van die ongeluk maak. Hy haak vas, onseker oor waar hy kruisies moet maak. “Waar presies is die ander voertuig beskadig?” probeer ek. “Dit is wat jy moet aandui,” verduidelik ek. Kaptein hou ons interaksie dop, seker maar om seker te maak ek meng nie teveel in met die verklaring nie. Ons wissel nog ʼn sin of twee en my seun skets dan verder. “You have your father coming here with you,” sê Kaptein meteens. “I like that. I can see the love between you two.” Vir ʼn sekonde of twee dink ek die offisier skerts seker weer, want ek voel nie juis liefde hier waar ek moet toesien dat verklarings reg afgelê word nie. Ek voel ook nie besonders liefdevol óf geliefd wanneer ek dink aan die korrespondensie met my versekering hierna nie. So ek gee maar net ʼn flou knik met ʼn ingeoefende glimlag. My seun skets verder en begin klaarmaak. Uit die hoek van my oog sien ek ʼn druppel spat op die donker hout aan die ander kant van die toonbank. Verbaas kyk ek op. Kaptein staar voor hom uit. Sy wang het ʼn blink strepie op. “I wish my father was here now. But he is not here anymore. What you have, is special. You must treasure him,” maan hy my seun. “Thank you,” sê ek en skrik vir die heesheid van my stem. My seun glimlag breed. “I do,” sê hy. Die ongeluksverklaring word oor die toonbank aangeskuif. Nes ek self ook lank, lank gelede moes doen, terwyl my pa langs my gesit het. Ons almal kry voortdurend steeds eerstes. Eerste verliese. Eerste ernstige siekte. Eerste gewaarwordings van ʼn ouer lyf. Maar dalk is die voorreg dat ons Iemand het wat tydens elke eerste langs ons sit. Openbaring 1:8: “Ek is die Alfa en die Omega,” sê die Here God, Hy wat is en wat was en wat kom, die Almagtige. Dit beteken dat God dieselfde liefde vir ons het en dieselfde trou aan ons bewys, soos nog altyd. Al breek ʼn eerste aan sonder om jou dagboek vooraf te raadpleeg.
35 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
36 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
SERS EP LUYT: ‘n ROLMODEL WAT EK ALTYD SAL ONTHOU Lt-genl Johan Ferreira Ons dink soms terug aan persone wat in ons loopbaan ‘n indruk op ons gelaat het. Een so ‘n persoon was sersant Luyt. Ons paaie het gekruis pas nadat ek uitpasseer en by die Telekskantoor op Hoofkantoor geplaas is. As negentienjarige nat-agter-die-ore konstabeltjie het sersant Luyt al vir my soos ‘n ou man gelyk, ofskoon hy toe slegs in sy veertigerjare was. Hy het ‘n imposante houding gehad en het graag vertel dat hy sedert sy twintigste jaar nie ‘n enkele ons gewig opgetel het nie. Hy was lank en lenig en het goed in sy uniform voorgekom. As iemand hom nie geken het nie, sou hy kon dink dat die sersant nors en stuurs was, maar eintlik was dit maar net omdat hy hom nie besig gehou het met ‘n onnodige gekletsery nie. In daardie jare was ‘n sersant nog vir ‘n jong konstabel nie ‘n lid waarmee jy kanse gevat het nie. Hy was ‘n man van min woorde, en trots op sy rang. Met my aankoms by die telekskantoor het hy my onder sy vlerk geneem en touwys gemaak vir my taak. Hy het slegs standerd ses voltooi toe hy by die Mag aangesluit het, maar hy was ‘n goeie leermeester. Soos hy graag gesê het, hoewel hy dalk nie veel skoolgeleerdheid het nie, het hy alles wat hy weet, by die “universiteit van die lewe” geleer. Toe ek hom beter leer ken het, het hy my vertel dat hy voorheen dikwels in die moeilikheid was en dat daar al ‘n raad belê was om te bepaal of hy geskik was om in die Mag aan te bly. Daar is besluit om hom ‘n finale kans te gee. Hy is toe Hier ontvang sersant E.P. Luyt ‘n medalje by by die telekskantoor geplaas om hom die generaal JM Keevy geleentheid te bied sy loopbaan te red. Hy het ook nie belang gestel om aan eksamens deel te neem nie, alhoewel hy volgens my oor die intellek beskik het om die eksamens laglag te kon slaag. In die sewe jaar wat ons saam gewerk het, het daar ‘n baie goeie verhouding tussen ons ontstaan, ten spyte van die feit dat hy moes aanskou hoe ek eers sy gelyke in rang en later ‘n adjudant-offisier geword het. Hy was saam met my bly en nie afgunstig toe ek hom verbygesteek het nie. 37 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Met my bevordering tot die rang van luitenant, het hy my gelukgewens en geglo dat ek nog ver sal vorder. Hoewel ons nie meer kontak met mekaar gehad het nie, het ek dikwels aan sersant Luyt gedink. Hy het later ‘n adjudant-offisier geword en is toe na die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiemuseum verplaas waar hy in die vroeë tagtigerjare eervol met pensioen uit die Mag getree het. Intussen het die jare soos ‘n oogwink verbygesnel. In 1995, na vele omswerwinge en verplasings, het ek hom weer opgesoek en vertel dat ek pas tevore ‘n generaal geword het. Ek het hom herinner aan sy woorde toe ek ‘n offisier geword het en hom bedank vir die leiding wat hy in die beginjare van my loopbaan vir my gegee het en ook verseker dat hy een van die groot rolmodelle in my loopbaan was. Hy het my hand geskud en met trane in sy oë gesê dat ek nie sal weet wat my besoek vir hom beteken het nie. Snaaks, hy is een van die mense wat ek nooit op sy voornaam of as “oom” sou kon aanspreek nie. Al was ons range hoe ver van verwyder, het ek steeds soveel agting vir hom gehad dat ek hom as niks anders as “Adjudant” kon aanspreek nie. Johan Ferreira Mei 2022
38 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Hallo Brig. Hennie
SAP 059357K: ZS-HMY DIE S.A. POLISIE SE EERSTE “AMPTELIKE “HELIKOPTER Ons lekker geselsie oor die modelletjie van die Polisie se eerste “amptelike” helikopter wat my Pa altyd trots op sy studeerkamer-lessenaar gehad het, en die begin van die Polisie se lug-vleuel in 1985, het my gedagtes darem vêr terug gevat (vir diegene wat nie ons twee se bande via my Pa ken nie: Genl. Maj. Frans Steenkamp was hoof van die Veiligheidstak – u was op sy personeel toe hy afdelingsbevelvoerder was in Port Natal, en toe later ook weer op Pretoria-Hoofkantoor; daarby het beide van ons gematrikuleer aan die Hoërskool Dirkie Uys in Durban – u darem so ‘n paar jaar voor my).
Die lug-vleuel het maar ‘n moeilike geboorte gehad, daardie jare van internasionale sanksies en die Groot Krokodil se manne wat jaloers was op hulle monopolie op alles wat vlieg. Tot met die bekom van daardie eerste helikopter in Polisie-kleure (‘n Duitse MBB soos gesien in die foto hierbo – krediet: Phillip Evans), was die idee dat – sou die Polisie lug-steun benodig – hulle die Lugmag moes vra. In die konteks van die groeiende binnelandse onrus van daardie jare, was dit egter ‘n “oplossing” wat sterk negatiewe sielkundig-politieke bagasie gedra het. Die inbring van ‘n sigbaar swaar-gewapende militêre helikopter het dadelik by die skares die indruk gewek dat bedoel word om hulle met militêre mag te onderdruk – en ons het reeds destyds by Sharpeville gesien gehad het dit dinge kan laat emosioneel ontplof, toe die Lugmag se Sabres daar skynaanvalle op die skare gedoen het. Die Veiligheidstak het reeds ervaring gehad van lug-operasies met sy eie “geheime” helikopter, in siviele kleure (dit sou uiteraard nie gedien het om bv. vir Klaas de Jonge op sy wapensmokkeltogte onder observasie te probeer hou het met ‘n helikopter duidelik gemerk as synde van die 39 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
polisie nie, net soos wat die SAP-VT ongemerkte motors gebruik het – sien die ander bydraes hiernaas). My Pa (foto regs) was ‘n baie sterk voorstander daarvan dat die Polisie se “sigbare” helikopter duidelik siviel moes wees, met eie Polisie-kleure – dus nie in militêre kamoeflering nie - en sonder gemonteerde masjiengewere. Uiteindelik is daardie burokratiese stryd gewen – ek glo goed, danksy veral die SAP-VT se insette oor die veiligheid-situasie en hoe openbare ordepolisiëring verkieslik so vêr moontlik sigbaar de-militariseer moes word (soos later bv. ook gedoen met die Nyalas). Met die magtiging ter hand om vir die Polisie ‘n helikopter te bekom en ‘n lug-vleuel te vestig, was die praktiese probleem: hoe om dit te vermag, terwyl Suid-Afrika so streng onderhewig was aan sanksies en die verbod op lewering van wapens. Hier glo ek ook dat die Veiligheidstak se kontakte ‘n wesentlike rol gespeel het – alhoewel my Pa maar net altyd geglimlag het, en ek hom uiteraard nooit na die detail uitgevra het nie. Dat ons bande met die Duitsers (die vervaardigers van die MBB’s) baie goed was, kan ek egter uit persoonlike ondervinding van getuig: ek onthou baie goed die kursus wat ek destyds as NI-lid bygewoon het by hulle intelligensiediens, die Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) in München, en hoe hulle ons bv. geneem het na die fabriek waar die Leopard en Gepard-tenks vervaardig is, met verduideliklings van hoe onaantasbaar ons sou wees as Suid-Afrika ‘n goeie klompie van dié gevaartes in die veld sou kon stoot... Die boek hiernaas, is waarskynlik aan baie NONGQAIlesers bekend; vir diegene wat meer wil weet oor die tegniese aspekte van die helikopter, is dit ‘n waardevolle bron van inligting. Wat ons gesprek oor die modelletjie betref – dit was ‘n aandenking geskenk deur die leweransiers: ‘n skaal-model van die MBB, so 30cm lank, puntenerig-korrek geverf presies in die Polisie-kleure, en gemonteer op ‘n pragtige hout-voetstuk met ‘n koper-plaatjie van erkenning aan my pa vir sy rol in die verwesenliking van die projek.
Soos jy sal kan begryp, was die aandenking besonder aantreklik vir my oudste knaap, sy oupa se naamgenoot, en het die aandenking van die baie speel/vertroeteling sy fleur (en sy rotors) verloor. Sodat ek – helaas – nie ‘n foto daarvan kan aanstuur nie. Dit sal interessant wees om ander se herinneringe aan dié episode van die bekom van die MBB en die magtiging om ‘n eie Polisie lug-vleuel daar te stel, te hoor.
• Major Craig Williamson, SOE (RS 167) writes: Good morning. 40 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
During 1982 General Johan Coetzee suggested that the Security Branch needed a helicopter to support various operations. Due to the then arms embargo international aircraft manufacturers were not permitted to supply the SAP or SADF. In addition, General Coetzee wanted a covert helicopter support capacity for the SB and did not want it publicly known that the SAP SB had this capacity. At this time an agent for the German firm MBB was marketing their products in South Africa. The company was based at Lanseria which both the SADF and the SAP SB intelligence section used for covert fixed wing flights.
SAP 059357K: ZS-HMY in SAPS-colours Discussions ensued with the company and the twin engined MBB/Kwasaki BK117 was suggested as a suitable aircraft. The purchase agreement was made between the MBB agent and an SAP SB front company (Steun & Louw??)1 and was paid for from the secret fund. The helicopter was built during 1983 and sent to SA in 1984 where it was reassembled at Lanseria Airport. It was registered as ZS-HMY and Maj. Geoff Heim HCG was recruited from the SADF where he was flying for special forces and military intelligence and was put in command of HMY which fell under the control of the Intelligence section. HMY remained based and maintained at Lanseria Airport and there was a helicopter pad built for it at the covert Daisy Farm close to Lanseria. HMY was equipped with the then latest navigation equipment including a Navstar satellite (later called GPS) system. On one occasion during an operation with a US intelligence officer he looked at the HMY avionics and sardonically commented that the arms embargo was obviously not hindering us.
Sagel & Read
41 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
One 1985 operation that HMY was used for was to assist the Intelligence Section surveillance on Klaas De Jonge when he was followed from Zimbabwe to where he was arrested while loading a weapons cache for MK. After 1986 HMY was integrated into the developing SAP airing and was branded with SAP colours. HMY was destroyed in a tragic accident in 2010.
• Herman Bosman writes Hi Brig. Hennie, good to hear from you. ZS-HMY was quite a secret machine during her early days, before being transferred to the Air Wing. The reply of Craig makes some good reading to fill in some of the gaps. Herewith a bit more info regarding ZS-HMY. ZS-HMY was built in 1983 by the German manufacturer MBB and received the test registration DHBMH. She was built as a MBB117A-1 model and imported by the then local agent Lansav(Pty)Ltd. Lansav later became Eurocopter. On 17 February 1984 she was registered on the South African Aircraft Register to a front company, Sagel and Read. Quite interesting is that the postal address of "Sagel & Read" was the Private Bag address of Compol. During the same era other SAP aircraft were also registered to Sagel and Read. After final reassembly by Lansav she was test flown on 29 February 1984 by Mr. Marnix W. Boetzelaer, company pilot for Lansav and Geoff Heim. Another two test flights followed, where-after she was handed over to SB. Her airframe number was 7033 and during 1985 she was upgraded by Lansav to a BKk117-A3 model. SAP Number allocated was 059357K. On 23 July 2010, approximately 7km from Witbank while on her way to a robbery in progress at Shoprite Store, Witbank she crashed and all 7 onboard were tragically killed. • •
Pilot - Capt. Wickus Zaayman Aleo - W/O. Tinus Gouws.
National Intervention Unit members: 42 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
• • • • •
Col. Percy Maduna W/O. Dirk van Aswegen W/O. Colin Davids Sgt. Jacobus Henning Sgt. Daniel de Bruin.
Hope this will assist you. Kind regards. Herman Bosman
A MAFEKING DEFENDER: 220 CPL JH BAWTREE, CAPE POLICE (LATER SUB-INSP) Born: 02 July 1874 Died: 04 December 1910 John Henry Bawtree was born on the 2 July 1874 in Colchester, Essex, England. He was the son of Octavius and Charlotte Jane Bawtree (Nee Evans). Little is known of John’s early life in England but we do know that at the time of the 1881 Census he was living with his parents at West Lodge, West Lodge Road in Colchester. His Father, Octavius was noted as a 50-year-old Banker, (from this one would assume a man of means). Charlotte, his mother was a lot younger than her husband and was noted as being only 28 years old. John was a 7-years old Scholar. Octavius Bawtree was a partner in the Firm, Mills, Errington, Bawtree & Co of Colchester and also a Lieutenant in the local Volunteer Rifle Corps. However, by the time of the 1891 Census, it appears as if the Partnership was in trouble and as a result the partnership was declared Bankrupt. It appears as if the business was in trouble from as early as 1883. The 1891 Census though seems to show that there must have been some financial stress in the family as Octavius, Charlotte and John were now living at 50 Church Road, Richmond, Surrey, and the census page appears to show that they were living with Emily Tighe and her family. Perhaps the new found hardships in England drove John to look for adventure beyond the seas but whatever his reason was we do know that he left England in October 1895 and arrived in South Africa in early November 1895. He was listed as being single upon arrival. Cape Police in Kimberley John travelled up to Kimberley and worked at the Convict Station at the De Beers Mine and a few months later he decided to enlist into the Cape Police in Kimberley. On the 24 April 1896 John Bawtree attests into the Cape Police under the provisions of Act No 12 of 1882 with a rate of pay of 7 Shillings per Day. He was issued the Regimental number 220 and rank of Private. His Personal Details at the time of his attestation into the C.P District 2 were noted as follows: • Height: 6 ft 1” • Weight: 166 lbs • Eyes: Hazel 43 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
• Complexion: Grey (Pallor) • Distinctive Marks: Tattooed on right wrist with a ship inside a lifeboat and on the left wrist a bracelet with anchor. • NOK: Father, Octavius Bawtree, Killarstyle, Elmstead, Colchester, Essex. • Trade or Calling: Nil • Religion: Protestant Church of England. He also states that he can ride a horse and is able to use a firearm. John was not to have to wait too long to be involved on his first real adventure as approximately 8 months after joining the Cape Police he was involved in the Langeberg Campaign in Bechuanaland (24 December 1896 to the 30 July 1897). A serious outbreak of a virulent cattle disease called Rinderpest in the area called for the slaughter of the cattle owned by the local natives. This the obviously resented and a revolt started to gather pace. In a short period of time this revolt had gathered alarming momentum and local troops under Lt Colonel Dalgety were hard pressed to contain the expanding violence. A force was required to subdue the fighting and troops with volunteers were mobilised for the Bechuanaland Field Force to help contain the spread of the violence and bring the situation to a quick conclusion. The Cape Police were in addition to its normal policing duties also a paramilitary organisation.
Slaughtered Live stock in the field The Cape Police and other regiments were involved in actions at Gamasep Kloof, Riet Kloof and finally, Langeberg on the 30 July - 1 August 1897. A brittle peace was restored after this and the Cape Police with the other regiments and volunteers went back to their daily duties. John Bawtree was awarded the Cape of Good Hope General Service Medal with the Bechuanaland clasp for his involvement in the Campaign of 1896-1897. (His name can be found on a copy of the original medal roll page as found in the Cape Archives)
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CGHGS medal Roll page John would have by now, had a taste of the hardships and troubles of living in the northern parts of South Africa but this would have also helped prime him for far bigger troubles and hardships that were just around the corner. On 11 October 1899 the Anglo Boer War began and in a very short period of time the Boer Forces had laid siege to Ladysmith, Kimberley and Mafeking and of course had been victorious at the battles of Colenso, Magersfontein and Stormberg Junction. It is however Mafeking where John was to see action and later was able to call himself become a “Defender of Mafeking”. John Bawtree had actually been stationed in Mafeking several months before the siege began as on 21/02/1899, he was found to be drunk and received a caution. He however, carried on with his police duties and as the war clouds gathered, he would have been busy doing his part in assisting with the organising of the defences so that when the time came, he and the rest of the defenders would be able to defend Mafeking. Mafeking was an isolated town and close to Boer controlled areas but it was a strategic town. It was the local administrative centre in the area and was also situated on the main railway line from Kimberley to Bulawayo. It carried supplies of food and other important goods etc and was used to store supplies for the troops. War was declared on the12 October 1899 and by this time Colonel Baden Powell had about 2,000, men defending Mafeking. This included 500 men of the Protectorate Regiment, about 300 from the Bechuanaland Rifles and the Cape Police and a further 300 men from the town. The British garrison armed 300 African natives with rifles, these were nicknamed the "Black Watch" and used to guard the perimeter. Prior to the siege, Lord Edward Cecil formed the Mafeking Cadet 45 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Corps. This was formed from boys aged 12 to 15 (claimed to be one of the inspirations for the Boy Scouts) they acted as messengers and orderlies and this helped release men needed to fight. The work to build the defences around the 6-mile perimeter of Mafeking started on 19 September 1899. The town would eventually be equipped with an extensive network of trenches and gun emplacements. When war was declared on the 12 October 99, General Piet Cronje ordered that the Mafeking railway and telegraph lines be cut. The Boers began the siege the next day. Mafeking was later shelled on the 16 October after the British commanders ignored a deadline to surrender that was set by Cronje. Although outnumbered by Boer troops, the garrison withstood the siege for 217 days, defying the predictions of the politicians on both sides. In reality, the Boers risked little to tie up BadenPowell's force and stores and for most of the time the number of Boers actively engaged in the siege were few. While at one time the Boer troops numbered over 8,000 and more artillery was briefly brought up, most of these were merely moving through the siege camp. The Boers were able to take control of the railway and roads just outside the town and used the siege camp as a staging post. But with few soldiers, no modern artillery and little risk, the defenders kept as many as 8,000 Boers from deploying to other war fronts in Natal and the Orange Free State. Fake land mines were laid around the town in view of the Boers and their spies within the town, and soldiers were ordered to simulate avoiding barbed wire (which were non-existent) when moving between trenches; guns and a searchlight (improvised from an acetylene lamp and biscuit tin) were moved around the town to increase their apparent number. A canon was built in the Mafeking railway workshops, and even an old cannon (dated 1770, it coincidentally had "B.P. & Co." engraved on the barrel) was pressed into service. Noticing that the Boers had failed to remove any of the rails, the British commanders had an armoured train from the Mafeking rail yard loaded with sharpshooters, armed with the Martini Henry Mark IV rifle, sent up the rail line in a daring attack right into the heart of the Boer camp, followed by a return to Mafeking. Casualties however, made this Baden-Powell's only attempt at such an attack. British soldiers had to dress as women just to undertake normal activities such as fetching water and sewing to deceive the enemy. The Boers decided that the town was too heavily defended to take so on the 19 November 1899, 4,000 Boers were redeployed elsewhere. Bawtree was again bought before his superiors on 25 November 1899 for neglect of duty, he was reprimanded for this. John Bawtree was according to his service record in the Cape Police Officers File (CMP109) in action on the 26 December 1899 at Game Tree Hill. A force of defenders from Mafeking unsuccessfully attacked the fort which the Boers had converted into a heavily armoured blockhouse. The British lost 26 men killed, 23 men wounded and 3 taken prisoners. Sgt H.R Martineau of the Protectorate Regiment was awarded the Victoria Cross for rescuing a man under fire even though wounded himself. Trooper H.E Ramsdem2 was also awarded the Victoria Cross for rescuing his brother who was under fire and carried him to safety. Extract from CMP 109 The siege continued and the shelling of Mafeking also continued but as the Boers were aware of the approaching British relief columns, they launched a final major attack early in the morning of 12 May that succeeded in breaching the perimeter defences and setting fire to some of the town, but were finally beaten back. The British lost 12 dead and 8 wounded, the Boers losses 60 dead and wounded and a further 108 men captured. 2
He was later a member of the SA Police – HBH.
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On the 17 May 1900, a flying column of some 2,000 British soldiers, including many South African volunteers from Kimberley, commanded by Col B.T. Mahon relieved the town after fighting their way in. Among the relieving force was Major Baden Baden Powell, brother of the town’s commander. The siege was now over. At some point during the siege Bawtree was promoted to Corporal and after the siege of Mafeking John Bawtree returned to Kimberley, the exact date is sadly unknown. A final charge was bought against him on 12 April 1902, he was found guilty of being absent from stables and again he was reprimanded. The war officially ended on the 31 May 1902 and for his services he was awarded the Queen’s South Africa medal with 3 clasps (Defence of Mafeking, Orange Free State and Transvaal) and the King’s South Africa medal with both date clasps. But for John his time in the Cape Police was far from over. Sub-Inspector John was appointed Sub-Inspector on 1 Oct 1902. In 1904 he was a 29-year-old single man living in Uitenhage in the Eastern Cape and still a Sub Inspector. It was during this time that I assume he met and married 27-years old Beatrice Elizabeth Cookson. She was born in Bramley, Yorkshire in February 1876. The wedding took place on the 12 May 1904 in Adelaide and was officiated by her Father Reverend Osmond Cookson of the Anglican Church in Adelaide. This union was witnessed by John Vice, Flora Sheldrake and Michael McMahon. Inspector In December 1904 John wrote the examination for promotion to Inspector, he was unsuccessful, coming 20th on the list. By June 1905 John and Beatrice were living in Adelaide in the Eastern Cape and on 10 June of that year a son John Edward was born to the couple. Sadly, little John Edward was to live only 9 weeks passing away on 21 August 1905 from Congenital Morbus Cordis, Bronchitis and Exhaustion. This must have been a very sad time for John and Beatrice and I do think that this might have been the turning point in John Seniors life. Chief Constable By the time 1908 came around the small family were now in Cradock as John was appointed Chief Constable for the area but still in the rank of Sub Inspector. However, due to retrenchments he was to revert to the rank of Sergeant. All of this compounded with the death of his very young son a few years earlier must have had really got to him and the Defaulters record for him, now in Fort Beaufort, shows that he had two offences and both very serious. He was on the 20 September 1908 charged with being drunk on duty and interfering with a civilian. On 12 October 1908 it was recommended that he be dismissed, he was however allowed to resign. Sgt John Bawtree resigned from the Cape Mounted Police on 3 November 1908. Three weeks later on 27 November 1908 his daughter Daphne Mary was born. Beaufort West Mounted Police Force It is not known what exactly John got up to until June 1909 when he is next found as a Trooper with the Beaufort West Mounted Police Force. He was recommended by Mr Cecil Roger Vaughan, Esq. Assistant Magistrate in Adelaide. We do know though that he was living with Reverend 47 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Cookson, his wives Father for the last 5 months and the reports are that he had turned over a new leaf. On 23 June 1909 he was advanced 18 Pounds to purchase a horse from Private Potter who was leaving the force. Sadly, on 30 August 1909 old habits reappeared and John was found by Constable Lombard at 11.10 pm lying in a public street namely Donkin Street, Beaufort West drunk and incapable. He pleads guilty in court and is fined 5 Shillings or 7 days imprisonment with hard labour. Railway Constable Somehow, he still managed to find employment, this time as a railway constable until he passed away at the Kimberley Hospital on 4 December 1910. He left his entire estate effects valued at 594 Pound to his wife Beatrice. His Death Notice records his minor child, Daphne Mary. He was buried with his son in the Adelaide Cemetery. John Henry Bawtree was a “Defender of Mafeking” who sadly seems to have taken to drink after his sons very early death and was not able to get over this. His full medal entitlement is: • •
CGHGS medal with (Bechuanaland clasp) Queen’s South Africa medal (Defence of Mafeking, Orange Free State and Transvaal clasps) King’s South Africa with both date clasps
48 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
MY MEMOIRS OF THE MSINGA AREA Maj-Gen D Schoeman Introduction The Msinga area is policed by two Police Stations in the area namely Tugela Ferry and Pomeroy. The name MSINGA means a current in the sea where air movement causes ripples on top of the water surface and ends up influencing the nearby climatic conditions through its breeze. Msinga is largely located in deep gorges of the Tugela and Buffalo Rivers, isolated from the immediate surroundings municipal areas. Msinga is accessible via the R33, linking it with Dundee, Ladysmith, Pietermaritzburg, Kranskop and Weenen. The strong traditional culture prevalent particularly in Msinga is a valuable asset that must be preserved and valued.
• Exposure to Msinga I arrived with the RMT bus full of excitement and expectations from the SA Police College at Greytown on the 4th December 1963 at about 11h00. There was no one to fetch me. I was clearly not expected. I was stranded in the middle of no-where with my huge steel trunk and luggage. Later during the morning, I met the Station Commander, Warrant Officer M. van Rooyen. I stood at attention in front of this immaculately dressed officer. At first glance I realised he was a policeman with many years of experience behind his back. It must be remembered twelve months previously I was still a youngster at school having just written Matric. Accommodation was found for me at Varty’s Guest Home, Pine Street, Greytown where I shared a room at the back of the house with Constable Gideon Pieterse. During that December 1963 I heard all the stories about Faction Fighting in the Msinga area. In this same month members were rushed to Tugela Ferry reacting to major Faction Fights in the area. I was told that the District Surgeon doctor Botha under the prevailing circumstances performed post-mortems in the veld. I soon learned to keep a steel “trommel” packed with tinned food, torch, plate and clothes etc. just in case we were rushed off to Tugela Ferry at short notice. I vividly remember seeing the formidable Firearm Unit on the right southern banks of the Tugela before crossing the river on the impressive bridge comprising a steel structure. The area was effectively fenced off with a high security fence. During the course of 1965 I was transferred to the Rietvlei Police Station within the Greytown Police District where Sergeant A.J.C. Fourie was the Station Commander. I welcomed this transfer as I was very concerned about the possibility of being transferred to the remote area of Tugela Ferry. I recall Constable Daan Meintjies was stationed at Pomeroy. He retired as Area Commissioner for the Eshowe area and retired as a Major General. He now resides at Mtunzini. 49 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
I was transferred from the Rietvlei Police Station in the Greytown District to Loop Street in Pietermaritzburg with promotion to Sergeant in December 1966.
• Return to Msinga and Greytown In December 1982 I was in the privileged position to return to Greytown as District Commandant. I was now in the position to pay regular visits to the Tugela Ferry Police Station, where Warrant Officer B.T. Khumalo was the Station Commander. He was later transferred to the KwaZulu Police with promotion to Lieutenant. I remember the stocky built Warrant Officer Jurgen Freese vividly displaying German discipline. The prescribed registers that were necessary to keep in terms of Police Standing Orders were all meticulously maintained. It was common knowledge that Warrant Officer Freeze enjoyed his brandy after hours. During working hours his conduct was impeccable. At this stage the tents had been replaced with pre-fabricated huts. A beautiful recreation area (lapa) had been built in the camp comprising of a counter etc. where members of the Unit could relax after working hours. I observed the prisoners walking about in the camp as part of the family. These prisoners were locked up in cells in the camp after hours. Special legislation had been passed by the KwaZulu Legislative Assembly in terms of a Proclamation whereby these prisoners could be detained for a period of ninety (90) days until they had made all the information “voluntarily” available pertaining to unlawful firearms in the Msinga area. A file was kept on each prisoner and all investigations involving a specific prisoner was checked by an Inspecting Officer. A monthly report was also submitted to the Office of the District Commandant at Greytown, from where a condensed report was submitted to the Office of the Divisional Commissioner at Pietermaritzburg where the late Brigadier Mulder van Eyk was in charge of the Natal Division. A Police docket was opened for each prisoner for every firearm(s) that was recovered on the basis of the information that was made available on a voluntarily basis. The specific firearm(s) was circulated to ensure that the firearm was not involved in other crimes and/or reported stolen elsewhere. After completion of investigations the stack of dockets would be submitted to the Office of the Attorney General in Pietermaritzburg for a decision. After the prisoner had made all the information involving unlawful firearms and the Attorney General declined to prosecute, he would be released. I remember a large number of these unlawful firearms were kept in the Strong Room at the Greytown Police Station under the control of the late Sergeant Mostert, before being dispatched to the Quartermaster of the South African Police. I recall that cases involving Faction Fighting were heard at special court in Greytown where the accused appeared. Warrant Officer de Bruyn the Station Commander from the Pomeroy Police Station was an extremely competent investigator of these cases.
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• Retirement of Warrant Officer Jurgen Freese During 1985 Warrant Officer Freese (Photo: Servamus) retired from the SAP on normal superannuation. A special occasion was arranged at Merthley Lake on the outskirts of Greytown. All those Officers and members that had worked with him attended the occasion. I had the opportunity of browsing through his personal file and related to special incidents in the course of his colourful career over many years. Warrant Officer Freese likewise used the opportunity to share special memories from his career with us. Al the Officers and members, who he had worked with him over many years from the Office of the District Commandant at Greytown attended the occasion such as Captains van der Westhuizen, Lieutenants Koos van Rooyen, Gert Olivier, Warrant Officers Jack Ferreira, and Eddie Horn. To the best of my knowledge, he relocated to Paul Pietersburg area in the Northern Kwa Zulu Natal. We were in the fortunate position to replace him with Warrant Officer Buks Le Roux from the Greytown Police Station.
• Faction Fights in the Msinga area Within a relatively short time after my return to Greytown I was again exposed to Faction Fighting in the Msinga area. Over the years it was common knowledge that the slightest dispute had the potential of triggering a Faction Fight. I was again exposed to the same scenario I was exposed to in December 1963 as a young Constable. During one of the Faction Fights we brought in reinforcement from other areas in KZN to combat the Faction Fights. I remember that Brigadier Mulder van Eyk the Divisional Commissioner Natal from Pietermaritzburg came to Tugela Ferry on one of these occasions and we slept over in one of the prefabricated huts at the Firearm Unit at Tugela Ferry. After all this I realize a solution had to be found for this ever-on-going Faction Fights especially during December and over the Easter period. I subsequently held meetings with Induna’s from the Msinga area in my garage at our home in Greytown to find a way forward in taking pro-active measures. After this meeting I submitted a lengthy report to the Office of Brigadier Mulder van Eyk requesting that a Special Ant-Faction Fight Unit be established at Tugela Ferry. I was thankful that Brigadier van Eyk supported my views and a Special Faction Unit was established at Tugela Ferry utilising the facilities of the Firearm Unit at Tugela Ferry. 51 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
The members of the Special Faction Fight Unit were drawn from all over the country. I used Lieutenant Koos van Rooyen from my Office to brief these members on the Zulu customs and protocol to be followed on visiting a Chief or an Induna in the area at his kraal. I received criticism from certain Officers attached to Head Office wanting to know how many arrests had been made by this Unit for the unlawful possession of firearms. I endeavoured to explain that the primary task of the Special Faction Unit was not to make arrests for the possession of illegal firearms in the area but to take pro-active action against Faction Fights in the Msinga area. I remember that Captain Gideon van der Westhuizen from Greytown Head Office was the first Officer in charge of this Unit. Thinking back, the Unit was successful in taking pro-active action against Faction Fights in the area. In or about November 1986 I was transferred to Dundee as District Commandant and subsequently lost track of the events in the Msinga area.
• A brief look at the history of the town of Tugela Ferry Tugela Ferry is a town on the northern bank of the Tugela Ferry, in central KwaZulu Natal. During the apartheid era it formed part of the homeland, and is present included in the Umzinyathi District Municipality. The town’s name commemorated the ferry which once operated here before a steel Bridge was constricted. The prominent steel bridge linking the Northern and Southern shore of Tugela River is still in place as well as the Church of Scotland Hospital. The hospital is a district hospital with 347 beds under the supervision of uMzinyathi Health District. In the 1870’s the Church of Scotland sent a missionary, to Umsinga area. Unfortunately, he drowned at sea before reaching South Africa. Dr James Dalzell was sent as his replacement. Dr Dalzell, a missionary, physician and surgeon were sent by the Church to spread the word of God to improve the health status of the community. In 1939, the clinic was removed closer to the Tugela River where the present Church of Scotland Hospital is located. The town’s hospital is renowned for having discovered the first XDR-TB outbreak in 2005. The Tugela Ferry town now comprises a multi-million Mall which opened its doors to the local community on the 23rd April 2015 and now offers a new shopping experience. The memory of the many informal traders along the road passing through Tugela Ferry on the road to Pomeroy still lingers on. Compiled by Dirk Schoeman 01.05.2022.
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Photos: Servamus & Scope
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Hello Hennie, yes 1964, I was in ‘Soutie’ Troop No 17, my Force Number: 43905F. The photo from left to right Groomsman: Warrant Off. Gert Nel, Bridesmaid Miss. Gillian Ward, Groom Lieut. John Parker, my Bride Ingrid Parker (nee Zander) Groomsman Sgt. Johan Preyt and Bridesmaid Miss. Linda Ward. We were married on 5 Mei 1979 in the St. Saviours Church, Claremont. Cape Town.
DIE AANLOOP NA 1994 Brig Fanie Bouwer My gedagtes gaan weer terug. Ek was in Februarie 1990 besig met grensdiens in 'n groot gebied wat gestrek het vanaf Zebediela, deur Tzaneen tot by die suidelike deel van die Krugerwildtuin. Ek was toe 'n majoor en het as kompaniebevelvoerder gedien oor 3 basisse. Ek het by die basis Politzi gebly tussen Tzaneen en Duiwelskloof. Ons was besig met 'n Veikomvergadering by Tzaneen op 2 Februarie daardie maand toe 'n kolonel van die weermag daar inkom en ons in ongeloof meedeel dat president FW De Klerk die sg. vryheidsbewegings ontban het. En ironies genoeg, was ons juis daar om teen van dié organisasies se terrorisme diens te doen. In die onmiddellike jare daarna het ek heeltyd gewonder wat in die praktyk vorentoe gaan gebeur? Tientalle gedagtes het deur mens se kop gemaal.
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Party het byvoorbeeld gemeen die SAP sal maar net soos voorheen aangaan. Later het kommissaris George Fivaz in sy intreetoespraak as nuwe nasionale polisiekommissaris gesê: "We will have to make a complete break with the past". Ek het toé gedink 'seker so', maar die woorde "a complete break" se werklike bedoeling was nie uitgespel nie. Terwyl ons daar vanaf 1990 met tipe van bekommernisse gewonder het oor die toekoms, was daar egter in swart geledere 'n uitbundige euforie, soos die skrywer RW Johnson dit gestel het. By hulle was daar 'n opbouende gevoel van opgewondenheid en afwagting. Bevryding was aan die kom. Die realiteite van wat aan die kom was destyds in die eerste helfte van die 90's, het stadig maar seker vir ons begin deurskemer so met die aanloop na 1994. Op ‘n stadium het generaals uit Pretoria ons senior offisiere in die Terry Terblancheontspanningsaal in Pinelands toegespreek. Tydens hierdie toesprake het ek die gevoel gekry dat ons sielkundig bearbei moes word om die verandering van regering wat ongetwyfeld op pad was, te aanvaar. 'n Soort van kopskuif as't ware. Vandag wonder ek hoeveel van hulle werklik uit die hart gepraat het? Ek glo natuurlik van nee. Een van hulle, generaal-majoor ‘Bob’ Beukes van die Veiligheidstak, wat ook die beste spreker. Hy het, onder andere, verwys na die veranderinge van regering wat in daardie eeu in die SA plaas gevind het en dat die amptenary bloot net voort gegaan het met hulle werk. Selfs ék het dit geweet, maar dit was regerings-oorgange van een wit na ‘n ander wit regering. Hierdie keer was dit ‘n oorgang na ‘n swart regering - ‘n hengse verskil. Ek was dus nie veel gerus gestel nie. Daar was ‘n diep gevoel van ongemak hier binne-in my. Ander seker ook. Talle vrae maal deur jou kop - vrae waarop jy op daardie oomblik geen antwoorde op het nie. Jy kan dinge dink, maar die feit is jy kan nie die toekoms inkyk nie. En juis oor hierdie onsekerhede het mense oraloor blikkies kos, beskuit, ammunisie en wat ook al voor die tyd begin opgaar. Wat het hulle gedink en wat het hulle verwag? Ek het begrip daarvoor gehad. Ons is van Afrika. Ek het in die periode 1999-1994 tientalle vergaderings bygewoon. En net so baie ook na uitsprake van die nuwe politici vanuit die ‘ontbande’ vryheidsbewegings geluister. Die kernboodskap was dat hulle ons nou sal leer hoe polisiëring en landsregering nou eintlik gedoen moes word. Daar was geen twyfel hoegenaamd by hulle dat net húlle ál die wysheid in pag het. Dit is nou 28 jaar later, maar ek sal die aanbreek van 1994 en die verkiesing op die 27ste April nie maklik vergeet nie. Dit was lotsbepalend vir baie van ons. Onderstaande is 'n kort uittreksel van my geskrewe herinneringe kort daarna: “Op 27 April 1994 was ek in my kantoor onmiddellik langs Afdeling Binnelandse Stabiliteit (ABS) se Ops-kamer. Ek het al van baie vroeg af kort-kort tussen dié twee kantore beweeg daar op die 6de vloer van die Thomas Boydell-gebou in Kaapstad. Lede van die Vredeskomitees, monitors, oorsese polisie-offisiere, lede van NRO’s en andere het ook in die operasionele kamer van Afdeling Binnelandse Stabiliteit (ABS) gesit en luister na die 58 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
situasieverslae (SITRAPS) wat kort-kort van oral in die Wes-Kaap oor die telefone, radio’s en faksmasjiene ingekom het. Ons het nog nie internet gehad nie. Hierdie waarnemers was bloot hier van 'bo' toegelaat omdat niemand ons kamma vertrou het nie. ‘n Duidelike gevoel van opgewondenheid het by meeste geheers. Nie almal nie. Party van hierdie ouens het skootrekenaars by hulle gehad en energiek sekere inligting oor die verloop van die dag se gebeure daarop ingetik. Ek het op ‘n stadium die operasionele kamer vir ‘n wyle verlaat en ‘n paar vinnige draaie in die townships gaan ry en hier en daar met enkele swart kiesers ook gepraat. Die mense het oral oor geduldig in baie lang toue gestaan vir ‘n geleentheid om hulle kruisies vir die eerste maal in hulle lewens te trek. En oral elders sien jy vir baas, miesies, tuinjong, baba-oppaster, bediende, geletterdes, ongeletterdes, kapitaliste, kommuniste, die bourgeois (middelstand), die ploteriaat (werkers) swart, wit, bruin en geel - in lang, kronkelende toue en al geselsende, hulle beurt afwag om daardie geskiedkundige kruisie te maak. Die sielkundige impak wat die aanbreek van hierdie geskiedkundige dag op van die kiesers gehad het, was eenvoudig ongelooflik. Waar daar nog die vorige dag onderlinge spanninge was, het ek die gevoel gekry dat daar ‘n algemene kalmte oor alles en almal gekom het. Dit was skielik asof die onmiddellike verlede heeltemal vergeet is en almal mekaar vergewe het. Die impak wat dit op almal gehad het, was nogtans interessant om te aanskou en te ervaar - die lang rye kiesers wat rustig daar hulle beurt afgewag het terwyl hulle vriendelik met mekaar gesels het, was miskien inderdaad ‘n verbasende ding as ek dink aan die geweld wat ons nog kort vantevore moes hanteer in die townships. Ek het toe terug gery na my kantoor en daar vir 'n ruk daar gaan sit met 'n mate van trepidasie in my gemoed en onsekerheid oor ons toekoms”. Ek sluit af: Dit is nou natuurlik so 3 dekades later. Nou kan ons ontleed wat die vroeë 1990's se euforie en nuwe planne van daardie tyd opgelewer het. Die nee-stemmers van die 17 Maart 1992referendum herinner een almal oor wat húlle voorspel het insake die stand van die SuidAfrikaanse staat later. Soos dit nou daarin uitsien, kan min met hulle stry.
1993: ARM CACHE IN MOZAMBIQUE Col Piet “Walk Tall” van Zyl Almost 30 yrs. ago…. November 1993 info received indicated a huge arm cache in Mozambique close to SA border with Kruger National Park in the Nwasitsontso area. These weapons of war were utilised by poachers and arm smugglers and due to the intensity in the usage of arms in this cache, it was decided to raid it and confiscate the weapons. After much deliberation between SADF and SAP on who should get to do the job, I got the green light from SA principals and the Mozambican Police. 59 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
We departed one Wednesday afternoon late from Nelspruit and I was picked by a Police chopper in the park and flown to a point on the international border. There I met several Internal Stability members and as well as members of SA and Mozambique Police. We crossed the border and walked the few kilometres to the cache where we found a few hundred AK 47 rifles. As it was fast becoming dark, we divided in groups of 6-8 men and each carrying 9-10 AK’s each…. quite a burden in the thick bush. My stick of 8 with two Mozambique Policeman left last and by that time in total darkness and dense cloud cover ……Needless to say in those days with no GPS we got totally lost. No stars and no navigation…. We only eventually found our way back only when our Chopper pilot lifted the chopper and we lost souls saw the lights of the plane and got reorientated to find our way back. Walking through the thick bush in shorts was not ideal and I got quite bruised. The photo of my legs was taken the next morning before a contingent of newsmen from all over the world descended on our location to report on the story. We captured 188 AK 47 rifles and returned later the next day in daylight to clean the cache of ammunition and magazines.
The two guys next to me was officers in the Mozambique Police. The Police magazine also published an interview with some of the Internal Stability Unit. Salute to all those involved……
Walk Tall
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1902: NO 2774 TROOPER FR STOCKDALE NATAL POLICE Stephen John Malpass From my time in South Africa, my main interest, started with the Zulu War, but I also collected, from the Boer war and the Bambatha Rebellion, I have been recently asked to scan this pay book belonging to a Natal policeman, who took part in the Bambatha skirmishes, I hope you find it interesting, as I do. The medal and pay book, I obtained from the late, Mervin Mitton, who owned the wonderful, Militaria shop in uMhlanga, just north of Durban. Mervin had a wonderful memory and was a great story teller, I spent many hours, in his shop, talking about the Zulu and African wars.
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From left to right, - Ms Sayeda Kazie (Colonel); Ms Lorraine Challen (Major General); Ms T Naidoo (unable to locate); Ms S Pillay (late, rank unknown) 72 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
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Numerous attempts to obtain further information from each of these ladies, including the family of
Ms S Pillay has sadly
have failed.
From left to right, - Ms Sayeda Kazie (Colonel); Ms Lorraine Challen (Major General); Ms T Naidoo (unable to locate); Ms S Pillay (late, rank unknown) Courtesy Servamus, SA Police Magazine
South African Police, Female Training College, Cato Manor, Durban Platoon 12: January to June 1989 Courtesy Captain Nancy Perumal, Dannhauser
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NO 7205(B) KONSTABEL TP CATO Leanie Heijmans: Nederland [6:20 pm, 06/05/2022] +31 6 16797156: My naam is Leanie Heijmans en ek het u kontak besonderhede by Albert gekry op “Waar in die wêreld” fb groep en dit gaan oor die opsporing van mijn Oupa, Thomas Pearson Cato, se polisie diensrekord. Ek is vol moed dat u mij moontlik sal kan help hiermee. Dankie. [7:43 am, 07/05/2022] Hendrik Heymans: Goeie more! Ek sal kyk wat ek kan doen, Stuur asb vir my die foto's van u Oupa asb
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JUST A LITTLE STORY OF A POLICE DOG Pine Pienaar (13th of May 2022)
I joined the SA Police in 1976 and after college training, I was stationed in SWA. I became a dog handler in 1979 with police dog WREXZ and stationed at the Windhoek Dog Unit. I was later 77 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
seconded to SWAPOL, but by mid-1981 I offered the opportunity to select any police station where I would like to be stationed at in the RSA, as I did not join SWAPOL. I selected the Durban Dog Unit, although I had never been to Durban in my life, but had heard that is where the action was. Wrexz was boarded and I trained a new dog in Durban called ROVER. Rover was what I wanted in a police dog, eager to work, aggressive and tackled well. One good example of his “abilities” was once when I had to assist the Durban Riot Unit with a student protest march of about 200 students in the Durban CBD. We were two dog handlers deployed at the march that day, and of course Rover was just wanting to take on this lot, not that I minded. Through all this toy-toy going on and the students were no angels, and teased the dogs, and I spotted a white male among the protesters – this was something rare. He was a big mouthed instigator of the mob, and I told everybody around me, that when the command is given to break this lot up, he was mine. He even climbed up a traffic light and was very vocal but had always positioned himself in the middle of the crowd. The officer in command gave the command to break up the crowd and arrest the protestors. I took off with Rover and he spotted this white male who saw me coming for him and he turned around and took off. I held Rover short by the leash, but I did not use the normal short leash we were issued with, as the one I used was 2.5 meters long, giving the dog a longer reach whilst still under control on the leash. When I saw that Rover was within striking distance of the fleeing white protestor and let Rover shoot forward, while I still had the loop of the leash around my wrist. Well things happened very fast from there onwards. As Rover was about a meter away and going full speed in for the tackle, I saw a person coming in from my left in a sort of a rugby tackle and neatly move in between the protestor’s ass and Rover’s teeth. This person, a member of the Security Branch, grabbed the protestor from behind around the shoulders, and well the outcome was obvious, Rover sank his teeth into the member’s ass. So, there we were, protestor in front, policeman holding onto him, then a police dog attached to him and me holding the whole lot on a long leash. I politely asked the member, “Wat de fxk maak jy?” but got no immediate reply as he was clenching his teeth, as not to cry out in pain because of the dog attached to his ass. He then whispered to me through his teeth was “Haal die hond af asseblief!” while still holding onto the protestor. I got Rover to release the member’s ass, and then also noted that his trousers were slightly torn by his ass and had four neat holes in it. The member took the protestor to the waiting police vehicle, while Rover was very excited and wanted to give him another go. This episode was observed by 90% of the policemen at the scene, and everybody was holding their hands in front of their moths giggling when they saw the member and his ass and pants. Now we as dog handlers know that a tackle is a tackle, and medical aid must be given to the person bitten by the police dog. The member was discreetly taken to Addington Hospital and there it became a bit complicated. This was firstly a person bitten by the dog, so the Rabies Certificates had to be sent to the hospital. The member was on duty, so the IOD reports were in play and he was tackled by a police dog during a protest. He never claimed for his ruined trousers, but also never lived it off by his fellow colleagues either. On Sunday the 13th of May 1984 I was working nightshift and covering the Durban South area for the night. I had no crew that evening, so it was just me with my patrol dog, Rover, on the vehicle. Roughly just past 22:00 I was attending to a disturbance complaint on the Bluff, when the call came through on the radio that the oil refinery had been attacked and all vehicles in the area were requested to respond. The patrol vehicle from SAP Brighton Beach responded and was traveling towards the oil refinery, when they approached a brown Peugeot sedan from the front. Unknown to them, this was the terrorists that were fleeing the scene of the attack and the terrorists started shooting at the police vehicle, wounding one member in the face. 78 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
The Brighton Beach vehicle reported that the terrorists were fleeing in the direction of Edwin Swales Drive. I was close to the refinery by then and turned around and headed towards Edwin Swales Drive. In the meantime, two members of the Durban Reaction Unit, who were working nightshift, set up a temporary roadblock in Edwin Swales Drive. The Peugeot approached the roadblock and started shooting at them. The members returned fire, but the terrorists hurled a hand grenade at them and they picked up some shrapnel and the terrorists got away. The terrorists got onto the N2 heading south, when a Durban City Police vehicle heading south on the N2 with its blue lights on, that was responding to another complaint and came up to the vehicle of the fleeing terrorists. The terrorists must have thought the police were onto them, and opened fire on the City Police vehicle. They took the off-ramp at the SAP Wentworth garage and a shootout had developed between the fleeing terrorists and the City Police vehicle. The Peugeot picked up some damage and came to a stop and the terrorists jumped out and fled, leaving a bag full of arms and ammunition, and their RPG-7 launcher behind in the vehicle. I arrived at the Peugeot whilst the smoke was still hanging in the air and was shown in which direction they had fled. About 50 meters down the road, I stopped at a small Indian Shop, took my dog out and entered the premises as it was the only logical place for somebody to flee to. Upon entering the premises, I came across an Indian male standing in the doorway, who pointed out that the terrorists had just climbed over the fence at the rear of the property. It was too high to get my dog over, so I ran back to my vehicle and drove around the block to get behind the property. Police vehicles were busy cordoning of the area, but I was now moving to the outside of the police cordon. I parked my police vehicle across a vacant plot and asked a security guard that was standing in the street, if he had seen anybody running and he replied that he had seen no movement in the street. There were two empty plots with a construction company in the middle between the two vacant plots. I took my dog out of the vehicle and went to search the vacant plot on the right. I was only armed with my new service pistol, one of the first Beretta pistols issued to the SAP, as I had done the Reaction Unit Selection Course a few weeks earlier, and I had only one magazine with me. The reason being that we still wore the leather combination holsters for the P38 pistol, and my spare Beretta magazine did not fit in the holster as it was too big. The dog searched the vacant plot quickly but found nothing, so I proceeded to walk up the street to where my vehicle was parked, to search the other vacant plot. I sent Rover about 10 meters ahead of me to start searching. The vacant plot had some building rubble and rubbish dumped between the side of the road and the beginning of the plot that was about a one meter high but about 2 meters wide with the top being flattened. There were some small bushes that began growing through the rubble. Larger trees and shrubs were growing deeper into the plot between long grass, and a brick wall formed the boundary fence to the property to my right and high security fence to my left. I was about 15 meters into the plot between long grass and trees, when I heard Rover growl ahead of me and stormed forward between the trees when a volley of shots suddenly rang out from between the trees and shrubs, followed by a yelp from Rover. Shots were fired in my direction, hitting branches above me, and I went to ground in front of the building rubble, and returned fire with the terrorists shooting back at my position. The building rubble made this slight rise and so I took cover behind it and returned fire, but was also counting my shots, as I only had 15 rounds of ammunition. I was calling on the radio for backup, but Radio Control was giving out complaints at that stage, until another dog handler heard me, and I directed all vehicles to my position. The terrorists then threw a hand grenade what I did not see, but heard metal clang as it fell in front of me, but fortunately it landed against a brick in front of me and when it exploded, directing the blast and shrapnel away from me. I was covered with sand, leaves and all types of debits after the explosion and fired back, but I was now down to only five rounds of ammunition. The commander of the Reaction Unit 9 arrived on the scene and parked next to my vehicle and got out and fired with his R1 rifle into the bush. More policemen arrived on the scene and the whole area was cordoned off. My police dog came hopping out of the bush and he had a massive wound on his right front shoulder. My vehicle was parked in, so another dog handler gave me his vehicle and I took Rover to the vet in Berea. The vet told me that he was going to be busy with 79 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Rover for some time and told me to come back in the morning as there was nothing, I could do to help him at that stage. I left the vet and went home and collected my R1 rifle, chest webbing, and ammunition and returned to the scene. Upon my arrival I joined up with the Reaction Unit members on the scene and the Paint Factory on the left of the vacant plot was alight and the Fire Dept. was weary to come any closer due to all the shooting. The light of the factory burning made it easier to see and the open plot where Rover was shot was searched and another bag containing AK 47 ammunition and hand grenades were found by the wall. Blood smears on the wall indicated that the terrorists had climbed over the wall and was inside the construction premises. The factory burnt down, and the focus had moved to the construction site. A team of the Reaction Unit members with me tagging along moved into the premises along with a dog handler and his dog. The terrorists were now cornered between some scaffolding and a boundary wall to our right and started shooting as the policemen approached their position. In the shooting that followed a hand grenade suddenly exploded behind some scaffolding. Two members climbed up onto the scaffolding and approached the terrorists from above and that was the end. Rover survived the surgery, but was crippled for life. His treatment and rehabilitation took about a year, but he had difficulty jumping over obstacles because of a stiff leg. I made an application for Rover to be awarded the SA Police Medal for Bravery for Police Dogs, but in the SA Police you had workers, Jam Stealers and Remington Raiders (Keyboard Warriors of today). An idiot asked me whether I could see if Rover had tackled any of the terrorists during the shooting. I did not and neither was I going to shine my torch to see if he was hanging onto a terrorist or not, as incoming bullets have right of way. The application was obviously turned down by the Remington Raider. Rover and I had to attend various shows or functions doing PRO work for the SA Police and he was eventually boarded by the Dog School in 1986 and I bought him for R5.50. He was a great pet, but the wound never healed properly as bits of shrapnel kept on coming out of the shoulder and he later developed cancer and was put down in 1991. He was cremated and his ashes were to be place in the SA Police Dog Memorial in Cato Manor, but his urn was smashed by disgruntled workers and the ashes scattered under a tree. Was it not for his actions that night of the attack, who knows how many policemen could have been killed or injured whilst searching the vacant plot that night? Indecently, my wife, also a member of the Force, was working in Radio Control that night. That was today 38 years ago.
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POLISIESIELKUNDE: MORELE BESERING Dr Coert Mommsen Die inhoud van hierdie artikel is vryelik vertaal, geskryf en saamgestel deur Coert Mommsen, D.Phil., M.A. Kliniese Sielkunde en EEG Tegnikus Woensdag 4 Mei 2022: 12:58 Wat is morele besering? Het ek onlangs oor nagelees. Wat is sielkundige skade? Het ek al baie gehoor. Gewoonlik wanneer ‘n geliefde van iemand wat in ‘n ongeluk was waarin daar nie duidelik uitgesproke fisiese besering was nie maar wel skok, sal die beskermer van so ‘n persoon soms met woede reageer: “Maar dan dagvaar ek vir pyn en lyding óf sielkundige skade! Dis so eenvoudig soos dit…” Morele besering, sielkundige lyding, pyn en lyding, voel mens somtyds, is baie dieselfde. Morele besering is iets wat vir die buitestaander abstrak, onsigbaar is en nie altyd duidelik gedefinieer is nie. Daarom seker dat daar nie baie mense is wat sal kans sien om die begrip en sy samestelling, oorsake en elemente wil probeer omskryf nie. Vir die buitestaander is dit moeilik om die werklikheid van die toestand te begryp en te verstaan. Die ellende daarvan is dat mense wat daaraan ly, baie keer nie daaroor kán praat nie, soms nie daaroor wíl praat nie en baie keer nie daaroor mág praat nie. Tom Voss, ʼn oudsoldaat, gee as volg op sy webwerf ʼn uiteensetting van morele besering: “U kan morele beserings ervaar as u mishandeling oorleef het, geweld aanskou het, deelgeneem het aan die chaos van gevegte, of enige vorm van trauma ervaar het wat u begrip verander het waartoe u of ander mense moreel in staat is. Vir baie gevegsveterane word morele besering opgedoen tydens oorlog, wanneer hulle in twee verskillende weergawes van hulself verdeel word: die persoon wat hulle was vóór oorlog, wie se moraliteit deur hul ouers, godsdiens, kultuur en die samelewing en die persoon wat hulle geword het, ingeburger is tydens oorlog, waarvan die moraliteit vervang is met 'n gevoel van reg en verkeerd wat hulle gehelp het om in 'n oorlogsone te oorleef...” Hy gaan verder en sê: “Morele letsel is 'n wond in die siel. Dit gebeur as u deelneem aan of dinge aanskou wat u diepste oortuigings oor reg en verkeerd oortree. Dit is uiterste trauma wat manifesteer as hartseer, skaamte, skuldgevoelens of enige kombinasie daarvan. Dit kom voor as negatiewe gedagtes, selfhaat, haat teenoor ander, gevoelens van spyt, obsessiewe gedrag, vernietigende neigings, selfmoordgedagtes en allesrowende isolasie.” (1). Volgens die webblad “Tribe” is Morele besering “ ʼn ernstige toestand wat tyd, inspanning en dikwels professionele bystand vereis. Dit word gekenmerk aan skuldgevoelens, vervreemding, verwyt, berou, depressie, selfverwerping, ongevoeligheid, minagting, pessimisme of Gegriefdheid.” (2) Die meeste onlangse studies oor morele wys daarop dat morele besering nie ʼn amptelike diagnose is nie. Daar word egter tans gewerk om klinies-toepaslike modelle hiervoor te ontwikkel en om terapie en assesserings en behandelingsmetodes te genereer.(3). Volgens Lancet en die Nasionale sentrum vir PTSV is daar ʼn kenmerkende verband tussen morele besering en PTSV: Beide begin met ʼn gebeurtenis wat skadelik is vir die self en andere. 83 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Skuldgevoelens en skaamte is kern eienskappe van beide morele besering en Post traumatiese stres versteuring, depressie en selfmoord neigings. (4) Die belewenis van verraad en verlies wat met Morele Besering gepaard gaan is ook algemene kenmerke van PTSV. Byvoorbeeld indien iemand aangerand is deur ʼn geliefde mag hy/sy bedrieg voel en dit moeilik vind om ander te vertrou, al het hulle skade opgedoen as gevolg van óf Morele Besering óf PTSV (4) Omdat mense in uniform waarskynlik meer dikwels as siviele persone blootgestel word aan morele besering, is dit nodig dat daar aan die begrip self, duidelike gestalte gegee word. Een van die belangrikste redes is dat mense wat dit oorgekom het, lank ná die tyd hiermee worstel. Hulle mag worstel met skuldgevoelens, skaamte, sosiale onttrekking, depressie, angs en simptome van Post Traumatiese Stresversteuring. Is dit alles nou die moeite werd? Wonder mens. Individue wat met edel motiewe by die diens aangesluit het, worstel vir jare in stilte met gebeure uit die verlede of ly aan PTSV depressie, sosiale onttrekking, ens. Die oorsake van morele besering Mense soos Drs. Sonya Sonya B. Norman, en Shira Maguen, is mense wat die uitdaging aanvaar het om die oorsake van Morele Besering te omlyn: Polisiebeamptes kan ʼn morele besering opdoen wanneer hulle opdrag ontvang om wetstoepassings-aksies uit te voer wat indruis teen hulle morele beginsels. Byvoorbeeld, ʼn beampte mag dalk ʼn bevel ontvang om mense wat haweloos is, te verwyder; Polisiebeamptes kan morele besering opdoen wanneer hulle gedrag van kollegas of toesighouers aanskou wat indruis teen hulle eie morele oortuigings. Byvoorbeeld: toesighouers wat moreelonaanvaarbare opdragte gee, kan tot gevolg hê dat beamptes respek vir die toesighouer sal verloor, wie dan geag sal word as minder beginselvas; en gedrag wat as moreel verkeerd beskou word kan beleide en prosedures van die organisasie insluit, asook die optrede van bevelpersoneel wat nie die beamptes se direkte toesighouers is nie. Sulke riglyne lei daartoe dat beamptes eintlik geskok is in hul afdeling se morele "kompas." Polisiebeamptes kan morele besering opdoen wanneer hulle nalaat om iets te doen of iets doen wat nie in opdrag van hul toesighouers is nie en wat teen hulle eie beginsels indruis. Sulke gedrag kan opsetlik gedoen word, sonder oorweging van die daaropvolgende nasleep. Soos byvoorbeeld, wanneer ʼn beampte opsetlik stadig reageer op ʼn uitroep en hy nie betyds by die toneel opdaag om ʼn tragiese gebeure te voorkom nie. Sulke gedrag kan onvermydelik gewees het vanweë omstandighede buite die beampte se beheer. ʼn Beampte kan byvoorbeeld nie betyds op ʼn roep reageer om ʼn tragiese uitkoms te verhoed nie as gevolg van swaar verkeer. Polisiebeamptes kan ʼn morele besering opdoen as gevolg van ʼn fout. Byvoorbeeld wanneer ʼn beampte ʼn verkeerde roete kies en hy/sy nie betyds kan reageer op ʼn roep ten einde ʼn tragiese voorval te verhoed nie. Polisiebeamptes kan ʼn morele besering opdoen as gevolg van ʼn kortstondige verswakking van oordeel. Byvoorbeeld as gevolg van ʼn motorongeluk op pad na ʼn uitroep, kan die beampte nie betyds die toneel bereik nie en nie daarin slaag om ʼn tragiese uitkoms te verhoed nie. (5) Wat dit ontstellend maak is dat Morele Besering die gevolg kan wees van doelbewuste handelinge soos: Leier verraad (5), kollegiale verraad en opsetlik manipulerende optrede soos Gasbeligting 84 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
(“Gaslighting”) (ʼn Spesifieke vorm van manipulasie wat dikwels in misbruik-verhoudings voorkom.) Dit is ʼn koverte soort van emosionele mishandeling waar die boelie hul teiken mislei deur ʼn valse beskrywing van ʼn situasie te skep en die slagoffer daartoe lei om sy/haar eie oordeel en realiteit te bevraagteken). Volgens die webwerf verywellmind begin die slagoffer naderhand onseker voel oor sy/haar persepsie van die wêreld en wonder hulle selfs of hul besig is om hul verstand te verloor. (6) Gasbeligting en Toksies-narsissistiese leierskap is alles faktore wat die slagoffer in gedagte moet hou indien hy/sy ʼn verduideliking soek vir sy/haar voortgesette skuldgevoelens, depressie, sosiale onttrekking of angs. Selfondersoek in die verkenning en ontsyfering van die individu se dilemma sonder die bystand van ʼn professionele persoon, kan soms minder doeltreffend wees, veral omdat die slagoffer op die tydstip van besering, heelwaarskynlik so stelselmatig en onwillekeurig ingesuig was in/ doelbewus geplaas is in ʼn situasie wat hy glad nie op daardie tydstip verstaan het nie. Een ding is seker: niemand is immuun teen bedrog nie en gasbeligting ís eintlik ʼn vorm van bedrog. As iemand jou ʼn rat voor die oë wil draai, sal hy/sy dit doen. Byvoorbeeld, as iemand vir jou jok, sal hy/ sy dit doen. Dis dikwels eers by nabetragting en noukeurige ontleding dat mens daarin slaag om die “kolletjies te verbind” (perspektief te kry van die omvang van die toksiese werksituasie/gasbeligting /toksiese leierskap-tipe) Dit is dus duidelik dat die potensiaal van morele besering astronomies is in terme van subjektiewe menslike lyding. Dit is hierom dat alle moontlike oorsake wat vir Morele Besering verantwoordelik kan wees, bekamp moet word. Eerste aan die lys is sekerlik morele besering wat die gevolg is van doelbewuste menslike handeling. Een hiervan is verraad deur leiers. (4) Met verwysing na die skrywers se uitgangspunt dat ‘n mens blootgestel kan word aan verraad deur leierskap of mense in magsposisies, gebruik ek graag ‘n metafoor wat hiermee verband hou. Ek noem die strategie “Lantern swaaiery”: In die ou dae was seilskepe wat snags naby die kus in storms beland, sterk aangewese op die ligte van ander skepe in hul omgewing as wegwysers. In sommige afgeleë gebiede was daar aan land, rowers wat hiervan bewus was. Wanneer hulle tydens ‘n storm ‘n seilskip naby die kus gewaar, het hulle op die strand gestaan en lanterns aan toue heen-en-weer geswaai om ander skepe na te boots. Die skeepskapteins het dan hulle rigting verander en afgeseil op die ligte, sonder om te weet dat hulle op rotse of die strand gaan skipbreuk ly of ernstige skade opdoen. Die dag na die Lantern Swaaiery kon die rowers beskadigde goedere wat op die strand uitspoel het, buit of die chaos eenvoudig gewetenloos gade slaan. So beskou ek die leier wat van ‘n beampte verwag om iets teen sy morele of etiese sin te doen. Hy/sy gee ‘n opdrag wat hulle weet vir die ondergeskikte of kollega ernstige skade mag berokken of ontspoor, maar die slagoffer se welsyn raak hulle nie. Hierdie verskynsel van leierverraad is ʼn voorbeeld van “Gasbeligting” (“Gaslighting”) soos dit in die werksplek kan voorkom: ʼn goeie definisie van “Gasbeligting” is: “’n vorm van manipulasie waartydens een persoon ‘n ander laat twyfel in hulle persoonlike gevoelens, ervarings, herinneringe of begrip van ‘n gebeure of situasie. Dit kan in enige instelling gebeur en die werkplek is geen uitsondering nie.” Die skrywers van hierdie definisie gaan voort deur te sê Gasbeligting kom gewoonlik voor in magsverhoudings (die behoefte om ander te beheer.) (7) Die dinamika tussen ‘n Senior en ondergeskikte skep die perfekte teelaarde vir hierdie soort gedrag (8) 85 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
ʼn belangrike persoonlikheidstrek van die Gasbeligter is dat hy/sy haar eie sin van selfvertroue en selfagting versterk deur joune te ondermyn.” Die skrywers gaan verder deur te sê: dit (Gasbeligting) kan tussen kollegas plaasvind. Dit kan moeilik wees om raak te sien en selfs moeiliker wees om te hanteer.” (9) 6 redes waarom die oorsake van morele besering ondersoek móét word: Om as riglyne te dien tydens selfondersoek of terapie vir skade wat morele besering aan diens veroorsaak het; Om morele besering in die werksituasie te voorkom; Om ernstige skade aan die slagoffers van morele besering te voorkom; Om werk-verwandte onderprestasie te voorkom; Om as riglyne vir vergoeding van slagoffers van morele besering te dien; Om toksiese praktyke in die werkplek die nek in te slaan; Om polisie beamptes bewus te maak van die tekens, oorsake, voorkoming en hulp met betrekking tot morele besering; en Om lyding deur beamptes te voorkom Samevatting Morele besering is iets wat maklik deur werkgewers onder die mat ingevee kan word. Soos vroeër daarop gewys, lê die dilemma hierin dat individue met edel doelstellings by die Diens aansluit net om in die een of ander stadium geskaad te word deur soms doelgerigte menslike gedrag. Sulke beserings kan verhoed word. Dis belangrik om in ag te neem dat nie net die slagoffer van die besering skade ly nie, maar in baie gevalle ook sy/haar naasbestaandes of kollegas of sy/haar ander interpersoonlike verhoudings. Bronne 1.https://af.innerself.com/persoonlike/geluk-en-selfhelp/prestasie/23209-morele-besering-%27nwond-aan-die-siel.html 2. https://www.tribeyogamilitary.org/moral-injurytraining?gclid=Cj0KCQjwpImTBhCmARIsAKr58cxscNz7ZrRQKzKNaxTQ5v7rWsh3kIBSFm8OBDgVlo9W0tYymmIsKcaAq71EALw_wcB 3. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/08995605.2022.2035643 4 https://www. Lg. word ondersteun deur National centre for PTSD(4)thelancet.com/journals/lanpsy/article/PIIS2215-0366(21)00113-9/fulltext. 5 https://www.ptsd.va.gov/professional/treat/cooccurring/moral_injury.asp 6 https://www.verywellmind.com/is-someone-gaslighting-you-4147470 7 https://www.verywellmind.com/is-someone-gaslighting-you-4147470 8 https://medium.com/@c0d3rgirl/gaslighting-in-the-workplace-5f44d439ca21 9 https://medium.com/@c0d3rgirl/gaslighting-in-the-workplace-5f44d439ca21 10 https://medium.com/@c0d3rgirl/gaslighting-in-the-workplace-5f44d439ca21
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71% of WCape police stations have fewer officers than in 2017 – DA Ricardo Mackenzie 3 May 2022 Over the past five financial years approximately 71% of the Western Cape's 151 police stations have seen a decrease in the number of officers allocated to them. As such, this means there are 804 fewer police officers situated at stations in the province than there were back in 2017. This was revealed by the South African Police Service in response to a DA parliamentary question. These numbers once again highlight the under-resourcing we face in the Western Cape in terms of the allocations towards our crime-fighting efforts. When reading the police officer deployments in conjunction with the latest Recorded Crime Statistics between October and December 2021, a number of concerning trends emerge at the following police stations: Cape Town Central, where deployment allocations fell from 525 to 425, experienced an increase of 30.8% in contact crimes; Belhar, where deployment allocations fell from 103 to 94, experienced an increase of 162.5% in attempted murders; Oudtshoorn, where deployment allocations fell from 310 to 286, experienced an increase of 146.2% in attempted murders; and Lingelethu West, where deployment allocations fell from 40 to 34, experienced an increase of 78.9% in robberies at residential premises. In addition to these trends, the disparities in police-to-population ratios further paint a disturbing picture. For example, Wynberg has a 1:201 police-to-population ratio whilst Gugulethu has a ratio of 1:773. Even though these ratios exclude specialised units, it still shows how inefficient national SAPS is in determining allocations of officers and resources to communities who need it the most. It is for this reason why the DA-led provincial government has deployed the 1 056 LEAP officers to the crime hotspots in the Western Cape, as we can no longer wait for the national government to keep our communities safe. Issued by Ricardo Mackenzie, DA Western Cape Acting Spokesperson on Community Safety, 3 May 2022 https://www.politicsweb.co.za/politics/71-of-wc-police-stations-have-fewer-officers-than?utm_source=Politicsweb+Daily+Headlines&utm_campaign=03db66dae1EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2022_05_03_06_55&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_a86f25db9903db66dae1-130042309
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Cape Forum demands a referendum on the devolution of police services at official launch Heindrich Wyngaard 4 May 2022 The Cape Forum as a new civil society organisation in the Western Cape believes that a referendum should be held on the devolution of police forces to the Western Cape. The organisation made this announcement this morning during their official launch in the Bo-Kaap. Heindrich Wyngaard, Executive Chairperson of the Cape Forum, said this morning that a letter about such a referendum had already been sent to Alan Winde, Premier of the Western Cape. Winde was asked to indicate whether he would be in favour of such a referendum and, if so, the Cape Forum will help to obtain legal certainty about it through a court case. Cape Forum is a non-profit organisation that, through its ten focus areas, aims to develop into a mass movement. These focus areas are: safety, taxation, housing, energy, water, food security (land affairs, agriculture and fisheries), criminal justice system, education, infrastructure (public transport, ports and rail network) and health. The Cape Forum believes that these state functions should be devolved to the province, municipalities and communities. Policing will be the organisation’s first focus as it affects all communities on a daily basis. The police’s inability to curb serious crime, such as gang violence, murders and farm attacks, is just one indication of how the ANC’s obsession with centralization and cadre deployment paralyzes state functions. Cape Forum believes a referendum should be held so that Western Cape communities’ support on two issues can be tested: 1) whether police forces should be devolved from the national government to the provincial government and 2) whether Western Cape taxpayers’ money, which comes from the national treasury for policing, must be paid directly to the Western Cape government. “As we put it in our manifesto, the development of community independence will enable communities to increasingly take their future into their own hands. In other words, the future of the Cape should be placed in Cape hands,” says Wyngaard. Wyngaard also announced the board members for the Cape Forum who will support the organisation in its goals: Heindrich Wyngaard (Executive Chairperson), William Waugh (Chief Operating Officer), Maryna Marengo-Barnard (lawyer), Carol van der Linde (strategist), William Sezoe (education student and language activist), Kallie Kriel (AfriForum representative), Malixole Gwatyu (agriculturist) and JP Biko Keyter (corporate communications expert and entrepreneur). “While the Cape Forum leaves room for communities to live out their diversity, we want to become the civil society organisation of choice for all communities. We accept that there may be differences between communities on certain issues, but we believe it is better to focus on what we agree on,” Wyngaard adds. “The Cape has always been a place of gathering for people from different backgrounds, cultures, languages and beliefs. We must build on that by joining hands and building a secure and prosperous future for all communities.” Issued by Chanté Kelder, Media Relations Officer, Cape Forum, 4 May 2022 https://www.politicsweb.co.za/documents/call-for-referendum-on-devolution-of-police-servic
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Taxi operators stop bus with mourners from proceeding to home of slain coach driver Intercape | 08 May 2022 CAPE TOWN, May 7 – A coach filled with mourning family members of the Intercape bus driver who was shot and killed in Cape Town last week, was on Friday morning stopped by taxi operators who refused to let them proceed to his hometown of Idutywa in the Eastern Cape for his funeral. The latest incident has prompted renewed calls for President Cyril Ramaphosa and the Ministers of Police and Transport to respond to the crisis engulfing the long-distance coach industry. Bangikhaya Machana, 35, was shot outside the Intercape depot in Cape Town on 25 April. He died in Tygerberg Hospital three days later. A memorial service was held for Machana of lower Crossroads on Tuesday at the company’s depot in Airport Industria. He leaves behind a wife and two daughters, aged 3 and 6. Intercape laid on one of its coaches to take more than 50 members of the extended Machana family and friends from Cape Town back to his hometown of Idutywa in the Eastern Cape for the funeral which was due to take place on Saturday. Intercape CEO Johann Ferreira said: “On Friday morning when our coach that was transporting the family members of Bangikhaya, the Intercape driver who was murdered, entered Idutywa, it was chased away by the taxi operators.
“The coach went to the local police station to try and offload the people there. The taxis followed them and one of our drivers went inside the police station to get help. The police did not want to come out to help.” The coach had no choice at that point than to leave and go to Mthatha, more than 80 kilometres away, because of “fears for the safety and wellbeing of family members”. The coach with mourners eventually returned to Idutywa on Friday afternoon under police escort after Intercape appealed to senior provincial police to intervene. Ferreira added: “These taxi operators have absolutely no shame, stopping and preventing a grieving family from visiting their hometown to lay to rest a son, husband and father who was so cruelly taken from them.” 92 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Ferreira questioned how local police could simply stand by and let thugs act as a law unto themselves. “This amounts to a mafia state and the authority of the State has been completely undermined and given over to criminal enterprises,” he said. “There has not been a single word uttered by President Cyril Ramaphosa despite us having written to him pleading for urgent intervention, or the Minister of Police or Minister of Transport about the ongoing attacks and intimidation directed at Intercape and the long-distance coach industry. “It is as if they do not care or are afraid to act against these lawless elements,” he added. “When innocent and grief-stricken people are not even allowed to attend the planned burial of their murdered loved one in peace, then we have reached a new low as a country.” The Long Distance Coach industry is facing unprecedented levels of violence, including shootings and incidents of rock throwing by rogue elements in the minibus taxi industry. In the space of just 13 months, there have been over 150 recorded violent incidents, a number of which have led to serious injury of industry employees and passengers on the Long Distance Coach industry. Statement issued by Corporate Image on behalf of Intercape. 7 May 2022 PREVIOUS: Intercape buses come under renewed attack from gunmen Three shootings in Gauteng hours apart leave two injured; calls for support from government and broader society CAPE TOWN, April 30 – Days after well-known long distance coach company Intercape went public about a violent campaign waged against the industry by rogue taxi associations, three more of its buses have come under attack. The attacks, all in Gauteng, took place on Thursday and Friday evening and left two people injured. It came after Intercape, one of the industry’s largest and longest-standing companies, appealed to President Cyril Ramaphosa and government to urgently intervene to stop the violence directed at the long-distance coach industry. A 35-year-old Intercape bus driver died in a Cape Town hospital on Thursday days after being shot and critically wounded outside the company’s depot. In the space of just 13 months, there have been over 150 recorded violent incidents, a number of which have led to serious injuries to employees and passengers of the bus operators in the Long-Distance Coach industry. In the latest incidents: - On Thursday night at 19:19, an Intercape bus en route from Pretoria to Umtata was shot at from within an unknown sedan vehicle on the M2 highway in Johannesburg. A total of three shots were fired into the driver’s side of the coach, with the final shot narrowly missing the driver. As the vehicle sped past, the assailants fired another five shots, the first, second and third shots hitting the windscreen and fourth and fifth rounds hitting the coach low on the front left side. The first shot narrowly missed the driver and co-driver who was sitting in the front window seat. The sedan vehicle sped away. The Intercape driver managed to keep control of the coach, slowed down, and eventually pulled over safely to the side of the road. Intercape responders were on the scene and were later joined by Johannesburg Metro Police Department and SA Police Service members who took statements and collected and photographed evidence. The passengers were transferred to another coach to continue their journey. A case was registered at the Jeppe police station - On Friday night at 19:40, an Intercape bus en route from Pretoria to Umtata came under attack as it was approaching the Geldenhuys Interchange from the M2 to join the N3 Highway. Video footage from the bus appears to show a gunman stationed on the bridge who fired two shots at the coach, with one of the rounds striking a passenger in the leg. The driver, despite suffering facial injuries from the shattered glass fragments, drove straight to Germiston where he was met by a police vehicle that escorted the coach to Germiston police station. A Germiston Hospital ambulance arrived and treated the injured passenger and driver. - Also on Friday night, at 19H45, around seven kilometres before Johannesburg Station on the M2 highway, the occupants of an unidentified car driving in the fast lane opened fire on 93 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
an Intercape coach travelling from Durban to Pretoria. The bullet was fired through the right side driver’s door and exited the left side window, injuring the driver who was struck by flying glass. An ER24 Ambulance was contacted to meet the coach at JHB Station where the driver was treated. No other injuries reported and passengers were transferred to another coach to continue their journey. Intercape CEO Johann Ferreira said: “We could no longer keep quiet about the extortion and violence directed at Intercape and the long-distance coach industry in this country and we made a public appeal to President Ramaphosa and government and this has since resulted in an escalation of attacks against Intercape coaches over these last two days.” He said despite there having been over 150 reported incidents in the last year and over 60 cases opened with various police stations, the majority in the Eastern Cape, there had not been a single arrest to date. “These gunmen and the murderers of our employee in Cape Town are out there walking freely and brazenly and think nothing of shooting at innocent people,” Ferreira said. “How are we expected to operate as a licenced business when there are criminal elements who openly target us? This is anarchy, plain and simple, and unless this is stopped and dealt with decisively our country is on a path to self-destruction.” Ferreira labelled the campaign of violence which has included shootings, arson attacks and incidents of rock throwing, as “business capture” or “industry cleansing”, and further called for support from the broader business sector, the labour movement, as well as civil society. “Who in their right mind will ever want to invest time and money in an economy which is held hostage by criminal enterprises who operate as a law unto themselves and with complete impunity. “Today it is the long-distance coach, the mining and construction industries, tomorrow it will be other sectors of the economy which simply cannot afford to shed any more jobs and which needs to create the right climate for investment in order to stimulate and grow our economy.” Intercape has written personally to President Ramaphosa and government pleading for intervention to stop the campaign which is aimed at forcing it and other long-distance coach companies out of operating in certain regions and routes. The company is currently engaging with the South African Police Service at the National Joint Operational Intelligence Structure (NATJOINTS) level in a hid to address the violent attacks. The attacks were mainly centred around key towns and routes in the Eastern Cape but has also seen attacks in the Cape Metropole and Gauteng as taxi operators appear intent on forcing companies like Intercape out of business through violent intimidation or extortion. In some instances, taxi operators in the Eastern Cape have forced passengers off coaches or warned them against boarding. Some routes in the Eastern Cape have become complete no-go zones for buses as taxi associations seek to drive competition out of the region. Statement issued by Corporate Image on behalf of Intercape. 28 April 2022 PREVIOUS: Intercape bus driver dies after shooting linked to campaign of violence Over 150 incidents in last year; Intercape appeals to President Ramaphosa to intervene CAPE TOWN, April 28 – An Intercape bus driver has died days after being shot and critically wounded outside the company’s Cape Town depot as part of a campaign of violence and extortion against the Long-Distance Coach industry by rogue elements within the minibus taxi industry. The murder of the 35-year-old male employee from Lower Crossroads is the latest and most tragic incident in a litany of violent attacks, including shootings, arson attacks and incidents of rock throwing, directed at the long-distance coach industry in South Africa. The victim leaves behind a wife and two daughters. In the space of just 13 months, there have been over 150 recorded violent incidents, a number of which have led to serious injuries to employees and passengers of the bus operators in the LongDistance Coach industry. See a video of a number of incidents involving attacks on Intercape buses and employees. 94 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
The death of the Intercape employee comes as the company has pleaded repeatedly for urgent government intervention to stop the campaign of violence. The Intercape employee was shot on Monday 25 April as he was exiting the company’s depot. He was shot three times and rushed to a nearby hospital in a critical condition where he underwent emergency surgery in a desperate bid to save his life. CEO of Intercape Johann Ferreira said on Thursday: “We have been pleading with authorities to act urgently before innocent people are killed. Now it is too late and we at Intercape have been left utterly devastated to learn of the passing of our colleague. Our thoughts and our prayers are with his wife and two children at this incredibly difficult time. Where do we go from here?” Intercape, one of the industry’s largest and longest-standing companies, has been subjected to repeated attacks on its buses and employees as part of a campaign of violence and extortion to force it and other long-distance coach companies out of operating in certain regions and routes. Ferreira said: “The long-distance train system in South Africa has been systematically burnt, and infrastructure destroyed and stolen by thugs and thieves and certain criminal elements within the taxi industry. The taxi industry is now busy with neutralising the long-distance bus operators, specifically in the Eastern Cape, and thus forcing passengers into the minibus taxis. This is called business capture or industry cleansing.” “We have been engaging with the South African Police Service locally and there have also been talks with representatives of the taxi industry itself, but the attacks continue unabated and have intensified. We have now commenced engagements with the SAPS at the National Joint Operational Intelligence Structure (NATJOINTS) level and hope that this will bring about change.” Ferreira confirmed that Intercape has also written to President Cyril Ramaphosa personally and included the video in a desperate bid to address the targeted attacks aimed at Intercape and the Long-Distance Coach industry. The attacks are mainly centred around key towns and routes in the Eastern Cape as taxi operators appear intent on forcing companies like Intercape out of business through violent intimidation or extortion. In some instances, taxi operators have forced passengers off coaches or warned them against boarding. “The situation is completely intolerable, and we are pleading with the President, police and the government to intervene as a matter of urgency,” Ferreira said. Intercape has called for at least the following: • •
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that President Cyril Ramaphosa intervenes to address the crisis; that the Minister of Police orders police escorts for its coaches on all Eastern Cape routes until there is a guarantee that the environment is such that coaches can operate safely again; for an undertaking from the Minister of Police that the Eastern Cape SAPS will actively investigate case dockets in a bid to identify and arrest perpetrators of the attacks; that the Minister of Transport urgently addresses local taxi associations to bring an end to the violence; and that the President and Ministers of Police and Transport acknowledge the problem and undertake to deal with it urgently and comprehensively.
According to various industry sources, the taxi operators, through the violent attacks, are “sending a clear message” to the bus companies like Intercape to get out of the Eastern Cape and are operating like a law unto themselves. The attacks pose a “clear and present danger to innocent lives and property,” Ferreira said. “We have valid permits to operate on those routes, but it means absolutely nothing in the face of these attacks which are designed to push [Intercape] out.” More than 100 cases have been opened with the SAPS but the attacks have continued unabated at key pick-up points along routes and on the road, as well as outside Intercape headquarters in Cape Town where there have been two brazen shooting incidents, the latest of which was fatal. An Intercape long distance coach driver who did not wish to be named out of fear for his safety said: “Every time we travel along those routes, we are taking our lives in our hands. You see the 95 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
attackers standing by the side of the road and the next minute you hear the gunshots ring out and the glass shattering.” “It is the most terrifying thing you can imagine as you duck to avoid the bullets and try to keep the bus under control as the passengers behind you scream with fear.” Some routes in the Eastern Cape have become complete no-go zones for buses as taxi associations seek to drive competition out of the region. “We have seen in other industries such as construction how localised business forums extort or seek to push legitimate companies out of business,” Ferreira said. “In March, President Ramaphosa hosted South Africa’s fourth investment conference and announced new investment commitments of R332 billion, bringing the total to date to over R1 trillion. But what message are we sending out to the world when attacks such as these are tolerated and normalised?” “What do we as law-abiding businesses do when such blatant aggression and violence is directed at innocent people and property?” Ferreira asked. “We are pleading with government and the law enforcement agencies to act urgently and decisively to stop these targeted attacks.” Statement issued by Corporate Image on behalf of Intercape. 28 April 2022 https://www.politicsweb.co.za/documents/taxi-operators-stop-bus-with-mourners-fromproceed?utm_source=Politicsweb+Daily+Headlines&utm_campaign=962ca869dfEMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2022_05_08_09_23&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_a86f25db99962ca869df-130042309
VF Plus eis sterk optrede na ontsnapping van vyf gevaarlike misdadigers uit polisie-aanhouding in Zeerust Mediaverklaring uitgereik deur:
De Wet Nel VF Plus-LPW: Noordwes 10 Mei 2022 Die VF Plus het vandag tydens ʼn sitting van die Noordwes-wetgewer geëis dat die omstandighede rondom die ontsnapping van vyf gevaarlike misdadigers uit polisie-aanhouding in Zeerust dringend ondersoek word. Die vyf ontsnaptes het reeds vorige veroordelings en is aangehou op klagte van moord, roof en verkragting. Dit is veral kommerwekkend dat die mans ontsnap het nadat boere-organisasies en gemeenskapslede die polisie herhaaldelik versoek het om doeltreffende maatreëls in te stel om dit te voorkom. Dit is bekend dat die persone vantevore reeds uit aanhouding ontsnap het. Dit is belangrik dat die provinsiale regering homself sterk uitspreek teen sulke voorvalle en die hoë voorkoms van geweldsmisdaad in die Noordwes. Stilswye uit regeringskringe sal bloot die persepsie van stille kondonering van ontsnappings onder lede van die gemeenskap versterk. Die komiteevoorsitter van die portefeuljekomitee vir gemeenskapsveiligheid, me. Kim Medupi, het aan die VF Plus ʼn onderneming gegee dat die voorval ondersoek sal word. 96 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Me. Medupi het ook onderneem om in gesprek te tree sal word met die provinsiale polisiebestuur. Sy het voorts onderneem om ʼn vergadering tussen die gemeenskapsveiligheid en die polisie vir die publiek toeganklik te maak.
Die gemeenskap van Noordwes steier reeds lank onder hoë vlakke van misdaad en voorvalle soos hierdie ondermyn die vertroue van die gemeenskap in die owerhede. Die VF Plus sal hierdie ondersoek monitor en druk toepas om seker te maak die ontsnapte misdadigers word aangekeer en dat enige moontlike ongerymdhede rondom die ontsnapping blootgelê word.
VF Plus veroordeel vlaag van geweld in Kaapstad Mediaverklaring uitgereik deur:
Adv. Lennit Max VF Plus-raadslid: Stad Kaapstad 10 Mei 2022 Die VF Plus betreur die aantal gewelddadige voorvalle in die Stad Kaapstad waarin talle mense koelbloedig doodgeskiet is. Die vlaag van geweld het in Maart vanjaar begin en in die mees onlangse voorval is ʼn polisiebeampte wat ʼn gevangene in die Somerset-Hospitaal in Kaapstad opgepas het, oorval en doodgeskiet. Twee weerlose pasiënte is ook sonder enige rede koelbloedig in hul beddens doodgeskiet. Die VF Plus veroordeel hierdie moorde ten sterkste en betuig sy meegevoel met die naasbestaandes. Die moorde en geweld is aanduidend van ʼn nasionale regering wat die stryd teen ernstige misdaad verloor het. Die minister van polisie, Bheki Cele, se besoeke aan misdaadtonele en sy bywoning van begrafnisse is van geen waarde vir die veiligheid van die publiek nie. Min. Cele moet misdaad voorkom. Dit help nie hy tree op as begrafnisondernemer en roubeklaer nie. Sy voortdurende beloftes en sterk uitsprake tydens begrafnisdienste oor misdaadvoorkoming is leeg. Die onbevoegdheid van die ANC-regering en die polisie om hul mandaat na te kom om misdaad te bekamp, maak hulle medepligtig daaraan. Dit dien terselfdertyd as sterk motivering dat polisiëring gedesentraliseer moet word en aan metrorade oorgelaat moet word wat nader aan gemeenskappe is. Die VF Plus sal enige maatreël verwelkom om gemeenskappe te beveilig en effektiewe metropolisiedienste sal ʼn stap in die regte rigting wees.
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Min. Cele se optrede wys herhaaldelik dat hy nie die visie, kennis of vermoë het om die polisie meer effektief en professioneel te maak nie. Die onbevoegde en korrupte ANC-regering, tesame met werkloosheid en misdaad, is Suid-Afrika se grootste vyand. Die oplossing lê in ʼn veelparty-regering wat waarlik die publiek se belange op die hart dra. SuidAfrika en sy mense verdien beter as die ANC.
NPA and State Capture Commission of Inquiry solidify collaboration efforts 10 May 2022 The NPA and the State Capture commission Secretariat continue to engage to strengthen relations and agree on concrete areas of engagement. In this regard, the Commission will continue to do what it can to assist the NPA and Investigating Directorate (ID) to carry out their mandates as the Commission approaches the end of its term. Fruitful discussions on the ID’s need for better access to Commission information continue to take place. Both institutions agree that the amendment of the Commission Regulation 11 on the 28 July 2020, has paved the way for better collaboration between the Commission and the ID. This needs to be optimised and both institutions appreciate the urgency of the matter. The Commission will continue to grant the NPA access to evidence gathered by the Commission in accordance with the law to ensure successful investigations and prosecutions of matters arising out of the Commission’s work. The two entities are committed to ensuring a seamless transition phase of the Commission’s work, to the extent that they may translate into criminal cases, asset forfeiture recoveries, or other sanctions which the courts will deem fit. Ending impunity for high-level corruption and state capture cases is a priority for the country. This requires enhanced collaboration between a number of stakeholders, while respecting their respective roles and mandates. The ID has so far declared 82 investigations and enrolled 20 cases and a majority arising from the work of the commission with 65 accused persons. The Commission has issued its detailed 4th report and its tenure has been extended to the 15 June 2022, with an expectation of further reports. Concrete progress towards accountability in the coming months will assist in safeguarding the rule of law in South Africa. Issued by Sindisiwe Seboka, Investigating Directorate Spokesperson, 10 May 2022
VF Plus verwelkom inhegtenisneming van verdagtes betrokke by beweerde moord op Mogalakwena-raadslid in 2019 Mediaverklaring uitgereik deur:
Marcelle Maritz VF Plus-LPW en provinsiale leier: Limpopo 11 Mei 2022 Die VF Plus in Limpopo verwelkom die Spesiale Ondersoekeenheid (SOE) se inhegtenisneming van verdagtes wat betrek word by die koelbloedige moord in 2019 op Vaaltyn Kekana, voormalige voorsitter van die Mogalakweneplaaslike munisipaliteit se openbare rekeningekomitee, asook die ANC-distriksekretaris, Ralph Kanyane. Albei is in Julie 2019 helder oordag vermoor kort voor hulle ʼn verslag oor korrupsie in die munisipaliteit sou bekend maak. 98 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Die moord op Kekana en Kanyane het ʼn gevoel van magteloosheid gelaat by die gemeenskap en onder sekere werknemers van die munisipaliteit, wat moeg baklei is teen korrupsie in die munisipaliteit. Die VF Plus se LPW en provinsiale leier, Marcelle Maritz, wat destyds ʼn raadslid by dié munisipaliteit was, het uit hoofde van munisipale werksaamhede ʼn goeie band gehad met Kekana. Hy het hom bewys as ʼn eerbare persoon en het die VF Plus se gevoel oor korrupsie en bedrog in die munisipaliteit gedeel. Die verdagtes sal vandag in die hof verskyn op Mokopane (Potgietersrus). Die VF Plus sal hierdie saak ten nouste monitor om toe te sien dat geregtigheid seëvier.
VF Plus dien voorstelle in om berugte Numbi-hekroete vir toeriste te beveilig Mediaverklaring uitgereik deur:
Werner Weber VF Plus-LPW en provinsiale leier: Mpumalanga 13 Mei 2022 'n Veiligheidsplan vir toeriste in Mpumalanga is eenparig aanvaar nadat die VF Plus dit by provinsiale wetgewer ingedien het. Die plan fokus spesifiek op die omgewing naby die Nasionale Krugerwildtuin se Numbi-hek. Die afgelope paar weke is verskeie besoekers aan die Krugerwildtuin deur gewapende mans beroof nadat hulle die park via die Numbi-hek verlaat het. In 'n kort bestek van tyd is daar op 'n ma en haar kinders in hul voertuig geskiet, twee Duitse toeriste is helder oordag beroof en 'n gesin van vyf is gestop en beroof. Die VF Plus dring onder meer aan op ʼn sterk polisiesigbaarheid in hierdie gebied. Die VF Plus vra in die veiligheidsplan die provinsiale departement van gemeenskapsveiligheid se samewerking met betrekking tot: • Identifikasie en ontleding van sleutelbrandpunte, • Vestiging van 'n databasis van misdaad teen toeriste, • Verbetering van die toerisme-omgewing deur sigbare polisiëring en die implementering van toerisme-moniteringsprogramme, en • Vestiging van 'n 24-uur blitslyn vir toerismeveiligheid. Die doel van die veiligheidsplan is ook om 'n vennootskap tussen die openbare en private sektore te bevorder om kwessies van toerismeveiligheid op 'n meer gekoördineerde wyse aan te spreek. Die doel is om 'n verbeterde toerisme-ervaring te bied en moontlike persepsies van Mpumalanga as 'n onveilige bestemming te verander. Oor die volgende drie jaar sal R370 miljoen bestee word aan die opgradering van toerismegeriewe, paaie en hekke rondom die Krugerwildtuin. 99 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Al hierdie geld wat bestee word, sal egter niks beteken as die toerismeroetes na die park, spesifiek die Numbi-hekroete, 'n brandpunt vir misdaad bly nie. Die beskerming van alle toeriste, voorkoming van georganiseerde misdaad en die bevordering van volhoubare toerisme-ontwikkeling is uiters belangrik vir Mpumalanga.
VF Plus eis antwoorde na nege verhoorafwagtendes uit Badplaaspolisiekantoor ontsnap Mediaverklaring uitgereik deur:
Werner Weber VF Plus-LPW en provinsiale leier: Mpumalanga 16 Mei 2022 Die VF Plus het vandag vrae gerig aan Mpumalanga se LUR vir gemeenskapsveiligheid, Vusi Shongwe, om die omstandighede rondom die ontsnapping van nege verhoorafwagtende mans uit polisie-aanhouding in Badplaas/eManzana te verduidelik. Die nege gevangenes is vir verskillende klagte, insluitende moord, by die polisiekantoor in die Albert Luthuli-plaaslike munisipaliteit (Carolina, Ekulindeni, Empuluzi, eManzana) aangehou. Die beskuldigdes het verlede week glo ongesiens 'n gat in die dak gemaak en komberse aanmekaar gebind wat as tou gebruik is om te ontsnap. Een voortvlugtende is intussen in hegtenis geneem maar die ander agt is nog op vrye voete. Die ontsnapping volg kort nadat 'n gevangene in April uit die Barberton-tronk ontsnap het. Dit is kommerwekkend dat hierdie soort ontsnappings slaag. Die VF Plus wil weet watter maatreëls is in plek om dit te voorkom. Die LUR sal moet verduidelik of die departement se bestuurspraktyke en sekuriteitsstelsels in plek is. Die VF Plus sal druk toepas om te verseker dat enige moontlike ongerymdhede rondom die ontsnapping blootgelê word.
Kaping van noodpersoneel in Belfast kommerwekkend veral omdat daar kritieke tekort aan ambulanse en hulpbronne in Mpumalanga is Mediaverklaring uitgereik deur:
Werner Weber VF Plus-LPW en provinsiale leier: Mpumalanga 17 Mei 2022 'n Voorval Sondagaand in Belfast/Emakhazeni, waartydens ambulansnoodpersoneel in 'n lokval gelei en beroof is, is kommerwekkend veral aangesien daar reeds 'n kritieke tekort aan ambulanse en opgeleide noodpersoneel in Mpumalanga is. Die ambulanspersoneel het op 'n kraamnoodoproep by 'n afgeleë huis in die Emakhazeniplaaslike munisipaliteit (Emakhazeni/Belfast, Dullstroom, Entokozweni/Machadodorp, Emgwenya/Waterval Boven) gereageer waarna die personeel oorval en beroof is. 100 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Die ambulans is van sy enjin en ander onderdele gestroop. Die VF Plus het dringende vrae gerig aan die provinsiale LUR vir gesondheid, me. Sasekani Manzini, om duidelikheid rondom die veiligheid van noodpersoneel te kry. Daar is reeds 'n ernstige tekort aan opgeleide noodpersoneel in die provinsie en 74% van die huidige paramedici het slegs 'n basiese noodhulpkursus van vier weke onder die knie. Die Mpumalanga Kollege vir Noodsorg het ook geen begroting of perseel nie. Die provinsie kan nie bekostig om nog paramedici weens misdaad ook te verloor nie. Die VF Plus het reeds etlike maande gelede sy kommer uitgespreek oor die ernstige tekort aan ambulanse in die provinsie. In 2020 was daar 'n daling van 81% in beskikbare ambulanse; van 178 tot 33. Verlede jaar het die departement 67 nuwes aangekoop, maar die provinsie sit steeds met slegs 55 werkbare ambulanse. Dit is nie naastenby die hoeveelheid van 450 wat volgens die departement vir die provinsie benodig word nie. Mense sterf terwyl hulle op ambulanse wag. Dit is onaanvaarbaar aangesien 92% van Mpumalanga se inwoners van staatsambulanse afhanklik is. Slegs 8% van inwoners in die provinsie het mediese fondse. Die VF Plus eis dat me. Manzini dringend optree om die tekort aan ambulanse en paramedici in die provinsie aan te spreek en ook om die veiligheid van noodpersoneel te verseker.
Justisie het genoeg fondse nodig om te funksioneer en oppergesag van die reg te handhaaf (Begrotingsdebat in parlement: Justisie en grondwetlike ontwikkeling) Mediaverklaring uitgereik deur:
Jaco Mulder VF Plus-LP en hoofwoordvoerder: Justisie en grondwetlike ontwikkeling 17 Mei 2022 Die verminderde salarisbegroting van die departement van justisie is ’n refleksie op die regering se vermoë om die Grondwet te handhaaf en die publiek teen misdaad te beskerm. Sonder behoorlike befondsing sal die regstelsel benadeel word aangesien kundigheid nodig is om ’n behoorlike diens oor ’n wye spektrum te lewer. Die VF Plus verwelkom die feit dat meer fondse toegewys is aan die Nasionale Vervolgingsgesag (NVG). Die Spesiale Ondersoekeenheid (SOE) moet ook gehelp word. Die kommissie na staatskaping moet toegelaat word om sy werk te voltooi in die stryd teen korrupsie en genoeg hulpbronne moet beskikbaar gestel word vir vervolgings wat uit die kommissie se werk mag voortspruit. Die bykomende begrotingspakket van R426 miljoen oor die medium termyn aan die kommissie word daarom verwelkom. 101 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Die afname aan skuldigbevindings van staatsamptenare wat by misdaad betrokke was oor die afgelope jare, is kommerwekkend. Vir die 2020/21-finansiële jaar het die aantal skuldigbevindings met meer as die helfte verminder teenoor 2016/17. Dit is nie aanduidend van ’n besondere fokus op korrupsie nie. Die NVG is die hardste getref tydens die Zuma-bewind en die gevolge kan steeds gesien word in die groot aantal vakante poste in die NVG, veral wat ervare aanklaers aanbetref. Probleme met die moreel van personeel is ook aanduidend hiervan. Dit wil voorkom asof die NVG hom oor alle misdaadspektrums toespits op sake wat makliker is om te vervolg om sy misleidend hoë persentasie skuldigbevindings beter te laat lyk. Die feit dat staatsdepartemente die SOE meer as R650 miljoen skuld, kan ernstige gevolge inhou. Sonder ’n behoorlik befondsde SOE, ’n meer effektiewe NVG en die afhandeling van die staatskapingskommissie se werk, sal die regering nie daarin slaag om die Grondwet en die oppergesag van die reg te handhaaf en te beskerm nie.
Sonder ʼn goeie vervoerstelsel kan ekonomie nie groei nie (Begrotingsdebat in parlement: Vervoer) Mediaverklaring uitgereik deur:
Piet Mey VF Plus-LP en hoofwoordvoerder: Vervoer 18 Mei 2022 Die vervoerstelsel van ʼn land is een van die belangrikste komponente van ʼn gesonde en groeiende ekonomie en die begroting daarvoor is ʼn weerspieëling van die waarde wat ʼn regering daaraan heg. Suid-Afrika se openbare vervoerstelsel het feitlik tot stilstand gekom met ʼn begroting wat algaande verminder het. So erg is hierdie agteruitgang dat taxi’s, wat sowat 16 miljoen mense per dag vervoer, die rol van ʼn openbare vervoerder oorgeneem het. Om die situasie te verbeter, sal paaie en die spoorstelsel opgeknap en onderhou moet word. Dit is daarom verblydend om te sien dat Sanral wel goeie werk lewer waar hy betrokke is om paaie te verbeter. Die lewensgevaarlike toestand van provinsiale paaie vereis egter daadwerklike aandag. Die probleem hier is in baie gevalle dat provinsies hul begroting vir ander doeleindes as paaie aanwend en min of geen onderhoud aan paaie doen nie. ʼn Oplossing hiervoor is om alle paaie aan Sanral oor te dra. Suid-Afrika se spoorvervoerstel is in ʼn haglike toestand terwyl dit in die vorige bedeling voortreflik gefunksioneer het.
102 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Van die redes hiervoor was ʼn eie spoorwegpolisiediens wat die verlammende effek van misdaad voorkom het én die veiligheid van passasiers gewaarborg het. Reiskoste was laag en die diens stiptelik en betroubaar. Die private sektor sal betrek moet word om die diens weer funksioneel te maak. Dit is daarom verblydend dat dit in die vooruitsig gestel word. Landbou is een van die belangrikste werkverskaffers in die land en tog moet boere in sekere dele van die land self paaie in stand hou en groot onkoste vir voertuie aangaan omdat spoorvervoer in duie gestort het. Die gevaarlikste pad in Suid-Afrika is die R573 Maloto-pad in Mpumalanga waar meer as 10 000 mense die afgelope dertien jaar in motorongelukke gesterf het. ʼn Beter spierstelsel kan veel doen om die druk op dié pad te verlig en lewens te red. Daar is konsensus onder die parlementêre portefeuljekomitee vir vervoer dat die departement se begroting aangevul moet word, dat senior poste gevul word en veral dat die druk van die land se paaie deur ʼn beter spoorstelsel verlig moet word. Dit is jammer dat die regering toegelaat het dat die land se vervoerstelsel so drasties agteruitgaan. Suid-Afrika se mense verdien beter as die ANC.
VF Plus gryp in by oorbevolkte Akasiapark-polisiekantoor in Tshwane-metro Mediaverklaring uitgereik deur:
Kobus Hoffman VF Plus-LPW: Gauteng 18 Mei 2022 Polisiebeamptes by die Akasia-polisiekantoor moet in haglike omstandighede werk en misdaad probeer bekamp wat so hoog is dat internasionale maatskappye wat nywerhede in die omgewing bedryf, daaroor kla. Die VF Plus ondersoek die aangeleentheid in ʼn poging om ʼn geskikte perseel te vind, of om sommige van die 191 plaaslike polisielede na ʼn ander perseel te verskuif. Die polisiegebou wat aan die Tshwane-metroraad behoort, se huurkontrak met die departement van openbare werke het reeds verval en verskeie tenderprosesse om dit te hernu oor die afgelope vyf jaar het misluk. Intussen het die gebou stelselmatig agteruitgegaan sonder enige onderhoud. Verskeie waterlekkasies het ontstaan, toilette is buite werking, meubels is gehawend en ʼn paar polisiebeamptes moet noodgedwonge in ʼn klein stoorkamer werk met een drukker en rekenaar wat almal bedien. Die speurafdeling het geen werkplek nie en slegs ses van die 24 sigbare polisiëringsvoertuie is in ʼn werkende toestand. In ʼn verslag wat die Tshwane-metro se departement van gesondheid opgestel het ná ʼn besoek aan die polisiekantoor, is bevind dat die kantoor regtens gesluit moet word aangesien dit nie voldoen aan gesondheidsregulasies nie. 103 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Die polisiekantoor bedien ook die Rosslyn-nywerheidsgebied waar verskeie nasionale en internasionale maatskappye groot vervaardigingsaanlegte besit. Van die nywerhede het reeds aangedui dat hulle dit oorweeg om uit die gebied te onttrek indien die situasie nie spoedig aandag geniet nie. In misdaadstatistiek van Oktober tot Desember 2021 word aangedui dat dié kantoor op ses na die hoogste misdaadsyfer in die provinsie het. Nasionaal is hulle 18de op die lys. Die VF Plus se burgemeesterskomiteelede in die Tshwane-metroraad vir gesondheid en gemeenskapsveiligheid, Rina Max en Grandi Theunissen, is saam met voorsitters van komitees besig om ʼn omvattende plan saam te stel om ʼn oplossing vir die ontoereikende polisiekantoor te vind. Die party sal nie sy plig versaak om alles in sy vermoë te doen om die gemeenskap van Akasia te dien deur te help om ʼn geskikte gebou te vind en die polisiebeamptes van die nodige toerusting te voorsien nie. Die Gautengse polisie is ook in gesprek met die nasionale polisie om met die aangeleentheid te help.
De Lille admits Public Works is a mess as SAPS facilities crumble 18 May 2022
Okkie Terblanche MP. The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure (DPWI), Patricia de Lille, has admitted in a parliamentary portfolio committee meeting on police that her department is in utter chaos and that this is affecting other Departments, like the South African Police Service (SAPS). The DA supports the suggestion that Minister De Lille returns to the committee to account and present a plan of action after she has done her due diligence in her department. Minister De Lille seemed completely flabbergasted that DPWI had devolved 289 facilities to SAPS for their own management. Despite the fact that both DPWI and SAPS referred to this devolution in their presentations, Minister de Lille said she wasn’t aware of it. Minister De Lille’s incompetence is endangering vital service delivery – including the safety and security of the South African public. DPWI’s failure to manage their creditors and maintain facilities has led to declining service delivery from SAPS, including the landlord closing doors of the Criminal Record Centre (CRC) in Pretoria earlier this year and the Nelson Mandela Baymunicipality threatening to cut off electricity to the forensic lab in Gqeberha due to non-payment of a R21 million bill. SAPS has also complained that DPWI’s contract mismanagement leads to delays in the construction of police stations, as well as delays on critical repairs to infrastructure at stations. SAPS is already struggling with severe budget cuts, systemic mismanagement and undue political influence – DPWI must not be another stone in the road. Is it any wonder that crime rates in South Africa keep rising when police officials are being hobbled by their own government at every turn? Issued by Okkie Terblanche, DA Shadow Deputy Minister of Police, 18 May 2022 https://www.politicsweb.co.za/politics/de-lille-admits-public-works-is-a-mess--okkieterb?utm_source=Politicsweb+Daily+Headlines&utm_campaign=9f0246bfbaEMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2022_05_18_09_38&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_a86f25db999f0246bfba-130042309
104 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
35% of Public Order Policing vehicles off the road Andrew Whitfield 19 May 2022 The DA can reveal that 35% of all Public Order Police (POP) unit vehicles are off the road for various repairs leaving the unit constrained in dealing with violent unrest. In response to a parliamentary question (view here and here) the Minister of Police, Bheki Cele, revealed the shocking figures for each province. KwaZulu-Natal is the province with the highest number of non-operational vehicles with more than 50% of the POP unit fleet currently in the workshop. This situation explains the SAPS’ inability to respond adequately to the violent unrest which gripped KZN last year and confirms the findings of the report of the Expert Panel into the violence in KZN in July 2021. The Expert Panel found the following in respect of the POP: Budget constraints have also resulted in the POP not having sufficient tools of trade, such as rubber bullets and teargas canisters. We were informed that there is only one water cannon per province available to the POP. A water cannon from another province had to be brought in to support operations in KZN. This state of affairs is clearly unsustainable in a country with such an active protest history. Whether the police are managing their budget efficiently or not was contested. Other provinces above the national average of 35% of fleet non-operational: - Free State: 44% - Limpopo: 44% - Eastern Cape: 40% POP Units with 50% or more of vehicles non-operational: LIMPOPO KWAZULU-NATAL EASTERN CAPE FREE STATE Giyani: 75% Ulundi: 61% Mthatha: 57% Seolsesha: 56% Modimolle: 69% Pietermaritzburg: East London: 50% 59% Polokwane: 60% Newcastle: 55% Durban: 50% To make matters worse the Public Order Policing Unit is critically understaffed. The Minister of Police recently confirmed in Parliament that there are only 5 892 POP members against a requirement of more than 12 000 - that is a more than 50% shortfall. While the Minister has committed to deploying 4 000 of the 12 000 new SAPS trainees to various POP units across the country, it will still be insufficient to meet the demands placed on this unit. The DA has repeatedly called on President Ramaphosa to fire Minister Cele who has proved time and again that he is not up to the job. Over the past four years under Minister Cele’s leadership the SAPS has deteriorated, not improved. Simple issues such as fleet management, procurement, training and discipline management are failing under the pressure the Minister’s interference and incompetence. The mismanagement of the POP unit is just another example on a long list of failures under the Minister’s watch. Issued by Andrew Whitfield, DA Shadow Minister of Police, 19 May 2022 https://www.politicsweb.co.za/politics/35-of-public-order-policing-vehicles-off-the-road?utm_source=Politicsweb+Daily+Headlines&utm_campaign=26854800b9EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2022_05_19_09_24&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_a86f25db9926854800b9-130042309
Polisie moet drasties reggeruk word om vertroue te herwin (Begrotingsdebat in parlement: Polisie) Mediaverklaring uitgereik deur: 105 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Dr. Pieter Groenewald VF Plus-leier 24 Mei 2022 Die Grondwet bepaal dat die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens (SAPD) die inwoners van die land en hul eiendom moet beskerm. Tog is geweldsmisdaad in die land buite verhouding hoog teenoor die res van die wêreld met ’n moordsyfer van 36 uit 100 000 van die bevolking teenoor ’n wêreldgemiddelde van 7 uit 100 000. Die minister van polisie (Bheki Cele), is vinnig om die skuld vir die hoë voorkoms van geweldsmisdaad op die publiek en op wettige vuurwapen-eienaars te pak. Die realiteit skets egter ’n ander prentjie. Die polisie is die enkele staatsentiteit met die meeste vuurwapens in die land, selfs meer as die weermag. Oor die vyf jaar-periode vanaf 2016/17 tot 2020/21, het 3 405 vuurwapens verlore geraak of is gesteel van die polisie. Hiervan is slegs 1 674 teruggevind. Dit beteken dat 1 731 van hierdie vuurwapens tans in die hande van misdadigers is. Almal is bewus van die situasie rondom die Norwood-polisiekantoor en die 175 vuurwapens wat daar vermis geraak het. Benewens die vuurwapens, het byna R80 000 in kontant ook van die polisiekantoor se bergingstoor verdwyn. Hierdie geld en vuurwapens was belangrike bewysstukke in 53 sake. Wat hier gebeur het, was ’n regstreeks ondermyning van die strafregstelsel. Die betrokke stasiebevelvoerder het in Januarie vanjaar bedank sonder enige optrede teen hom. Gebeure soos hierdie ondermyn grootliks die vertroue wat die publiek in die polisie het. Navorsing toon aan dat die publiek se vertroue afgeneem het van 47% in 1999 (die hoogste) tot slegs 27% vandag. Daar is wel baie goeie en hardwerkende lede in die polisiediens wat hul bes probeer, maar hulle is duidelik in die minderheid. Die VF Plus wil daarom ’n beroep doen op minister Cele en die nuwe nasionale polisiekommissaris, genl. Fannie Masemola, om drasties op te tree om dissipline op te knap en korrupsie uit te roei. Waar die polisie die totale strafregstelsel moet bevorder, gebeur die teenoorgestelde tans en ondermyn eerder ten koste van die inwoners van Suid-Afrika. Die rooi ligte oor hierdie stand van sake is reeds aan. Dit kan nie so voortduur nie.
VF Plus vra maksimum strafoplegging vir veediefstal in Mpumalanga wat buite beheer spiraal Mediaverklaring uitgereik deur: 106 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Werner Weber VF Plus-LPW en provinsiale leier: Mpumalanga 25 Mei 2022 Die VF Plus vra vir sterker vervolging en die maksimum vonnis vir veediefstal in Mpumalanga aangesien dié misdryf nou buite beheer spiraal. Daar is Dinsdag 11 perde vanaf 'n plaas in Volksrust (Pixley Ka Seme-plaaslike munisipaliteit) gesteel. Dit volg kort op 'n voorval die afgelope naweek waartydens 'n plaasbestuurder in Leandra (Govan Mbeki-plaaslike munisipaliteit) deur gewapende rowers by 'n voerkraal aangehou is. Die verdagtes het met 14 dormerskape gevlug. In Maart vanjaar is 58 stoetramme, -ooie en -lammers van 'n boer in Belfast/Emakhazeni (Emakhazeni-plaaslike munisipaliteit) gesteel. Die afgelope vyf maande is meer as 300 beeste en skape in die Hoëveld van die provinsie gesteel. Die geraamde waarde van veeverliese oor hierdie tydperk is meer as R3 miljoen. Baie van die diere word op die toneel geslag en in sommige gevalle is die vee selfs opgesny terwyl hulle nog geleef het. Plaaslike boere plaas die blaam vierkantig op die skouers van die polisie wat klaarblyklik nie oor die vermoë beskik om sake op te los nie. Vir ’n daadwerklike impak op veediefstal móét daar nou na ’n volgende rat oorgeskakel word. Tans is een van die vernaamste bekommernisse en uitdagings die aantal sake wat aangemeld word teenoor die aantal veediewe wat deur die howe skuldig bevind word. Die misdaadstatistiek, vir die tydperk Oktober tot Desember 2021, toon dat 807 stuks vee in Mpumalanga gesteel is. Tussen April 2021 en Desember 2021 is 2 260 stuks vee in die provinsie as gesteel aangemeld. Die VF Plus raai boere aan om ekstra maatreëls in plek te stel om toenemende diefstalle te voorkom. Dit is ook van kardinale belang dat boere by plaaslike veiligheidstrukture inskakel. Sou hulle sake aanmeld, moet hulle deurlopend met die ondersoekbeampte kontak hou en druk toepas tot die saak deur die hof gevoer word. WACHTHUIS Police ministry top brass have no office Cele said that on 17 May 2022 he had a “big meeting” with a team that was dealing with issues in the Western Cape. This meeting was held in his home and, he said, the drinks served to the attendees came out of his personal budget. “There is an old office, Wachthuis, which I’m told has no electricity, which has been shut down on notice and all that… which has been condemned and all,” Cele said. “Police have no place to work – from the very highest office of the police.” The Wachthuis building, he said, had been condemned in 2010. In February 2022, the SAPS issued a statement about the building – leased by Public Works – describing it as the “administrative headquarters” of the police and saying “services are continuing as normal” following reports that the City of Tshwane had disconnected utility services over unpaid bills. 107 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Cele’s words this week, however, suggest that the situation is not as stable as that statement claimed. https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2022-05-19-police-minister-cele-lays-out-shockingworking-conditions-for-sapolice/?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=ME%20TGIF%2020%20May&utm_content=ME%20 TGIF%2020%20May+CID_2e88eb83c85baf05e80345ddc9eaba70&utm_source=TouchBasePro& utm_term=A%20catastrophe%20%20Minister%20Bheki%20Cele%20describes%20shocking%20 work%20conditions%20for%20SA%20police
VF Plus verwelkom gebruik van tegnologie om Kaapstad te beveilig Mediaverklaring uitgereik deur:
Adv. Lennit Max VF Plus-raadslid: Stad Kaapstad 27 Mei 2022 Die VF Plus steun die besluit dat daar van doeltreffende tegnologie gebruik gemaak moet word om misdaad in Suid-Afrika te bekamp, soos wat nou in Kaapstad gedoen gaan word. Dit is duidelik dat misdaad in Suid-Afrika buite beheer is. Die Wes-Kaap en die Stad Kaapstad is besmet met bendes en misdadigers. Polisiepatrollies alleen is nie meer doeltreffend genoeg om hierdie spesifieke probleem aan te spreek nie, en daarom moet alle hulpmiddele, soos tegnologie, ingespan word om polisiedoeltreffendheid te verbeter. Die geslote baan TV-kamerastelsel vir Kaapstad sal so ʼn doel dien. Hierdie plan sal wetstoepassers in 'n posisie plaas om meer proaktief te wees deur hulle na verdagte situasies te lei. Dit sal ook reaktief wees deur die oortreders se optrede vas te vang en in sommige gevalle die skuldiges te identifiseer. Die VF Plus sal enige maatreël verwelkom om gemeenskappe te beveilig. Die implementering van effektiewe moniteringskameras is ʼn stap in die regte rigting. Die onbevoegde en korrupte ANC-regering, tesame met misdaad, is Suid-Afrika se grootste vyand.
Minister van polisie kry bloedneus oor vuurwapens Mediaverklaring uitgereik deur:
Dr. Pieter Groenewald VF Plus-leier 27 Mei 2022 Die VF Plus verwelkom die Grondwethof-uitspraak wat bepaal dat wettige vuurwapeneienaars wie se vuurwapen-lisensies verval het en waar eienaars nie binne 90 dae aansoek gedoen het om hernuwing nie, nou wel vir ’n nuwe lisensie kan aansoek doen. Dit is ’n belangrike uitspraak in die guns van vuurwapen-eienaars in Suid-Afrika. Die minister van polisie, Bheki Cele, se siening was nog altyd dat hy gekant is teen private vuurwapenbesit. 108 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Sy standpunt was dat persone onwettig in besit van hul vuurwapens sou wees indien lisensies verval het en daar nie binne die drie maande-spertyd aansoek gedoen is om hernuwing nie. Dit was in realiteit niks anders as ’n poging om die publiek te ontwapen nie. Die Grondwethof het die minister met dié uitspraak bloedneus gegee en het die reg op private vuurwapenbesit bevestig. Die uitspraak het minister Cele nie net verkeerd bewys nie, maar dui ook daarop dat die minister misbruik gemaak het van sy magte en sy eie vertolking van die wet. Ek het reeds in 2017 ’n privaatlid-wetsontwerp by die parlement ingedien waarin hierdie aangeleentheid behandel is. My voorstel was dat waar ’n vuurwapen-lisensie verval, hernuwing moet plaasvind soos in die geval van ’n motorlisensie wat verval. Die persoon bly eienaar van sy motor of vuurwapen en betaal ’n boete vir die tydperk wat die lisensie dan agterstallig is. Hierdie Grondwethof-uitspraak bevestig die doel van dié privaatlid-wetsontwerpstandpunt en die geldigheid daarvan. Die VF Plus moedig vuurwapen-eienaars aan om dadelik aansoek te gaan doen om ’n nuwe lisensie indien hul lisensies verval het. Die polisie het ingevolge die Grondwethof-uitspraak nie ʼn keuse as om die aansoek te verwerk nie.
Bheki Cele gets a bloody nose over firearms Pieter Groenewald | 27 May 2022 The FF Plus welcomes the Constitutional Court's judgment that lawful firearm owners whose firearm licences have expired and who did not apply for renewal within 90 days are indeed allowed to apply for a new licence. This is a watershed judgment in favour of all firearm owners in South Africa. The Minister of Police, Bheki Cele, has always been opposed to the private possession of firearms. He held the view that persons would unlawfully be in possession of their firearms if their licences had expired and they had not applied for the renewal of such licence within the three-month deadline. In truth, it was nothing but an attempt to disarm the public. With the judgment, the Constitutional Court gives the Minister a bloody nose and confirms the property rights owners possess in respect of their firearms. The judgment not only proves Minister Cele wrong, but also shows that the Minister abused his powers by offering his own interpretation of the relevant legislation. I tabled a Private Member’s Bill on this matter in Parliament in 2017 already. My suggestion was that when a firearm licence expires, it should be eligible for renewal as in the case of a motor vehicle licence. The person remains the legal owner of the vehicle, or the firearm, and pays a fine for the period that the licence is overdue. This Constitutional Court judgment confirms the purpose and validity of the Private Member’s Bill. The FF Plus encourages all firearm owners to immediately apply for a new licence if their old licence has expired. 109 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
In terms of the Constitutional Court's judgment, the police will have no other choice but to process the application. Issued by Pieter Groenewald, FF Plus leader, 27 May 2022 https://www.politicsweb.co.za/politics/minister-of-police-gets-a-bloody-nose-aboutfirear?utm_source=Politicsweb+Daily+Headlines&utm_campaign=69849b3823EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2022_05_29_01_19&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_a86f25db99-69849b3823-130042309
Owerhede en inwoners span saam om misdaad in Tshwane-metro te bekamp Mediaverklaring uitgereik deur:
Morné Erasmus VF Plus-raadslid: Tshwane-metroraad 30 Mei 2022 Misdaadbekamping in die Tshwane-metro is een van die prioriteite van die koalisieregering en daarom is samewerking tussen owerhede en die gemeenskap noodsaaklik om sukses te bereik. VF Plus-raadslede, lede van die Sektor 4-gemeenskapspolisiëringsforum, die polisie, metropolisie en inwoners het onlangs saamgespan en ʼn suksesvolle padversperringsoperasie gehou as deel van ʼn veiligheidsbewusmakingsaksie in die Kameeldrift- en Kirkney-gebied. Die VF Plus, as koalisievennoot, kan nie toelaat dat misdaad toeneem nie en het dadelik gereageer op ʼn oproep van Nico van Vuuren van Sektor 4 om alle veiligheidsorganisasies asook inwoners betrokke te kry in ʼn poging om misdaad te bekamp. Die VF Plus het tydens die aksie ʼn beroep op die gemeenskappe van Kameeldrift en Kirkney gedoen om betrokke te raak by hul onderskeie buurtwagte en gemeenskapspolisiëringsforums.
110 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
111 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
NUWE ARTIKEL-REEKS: “BEMEESTER VERANDERING” Voorwoord – Brig Hennie Heymans Die NONGQAI se hoofdoel is (en só sal dit altyd bly), om ons nasionale veiligheidsgeskiedenis te boekstaaf. Ons leserskorps bestaan bygevolg uit navorsers, belangstellendes wat dalk steeds aktiewe lede kan wees van die magte, maar meesal is dit oudgediendes. Die groot gros lesers het voorheen gedien maar bloot weens ouderdom, of die werking van die nuwe bedeling, is hulle nie meer in uniform nie en het nuwe lewens om te lei. Alhoewel ons hoof-fokus dus op die geskiedenis is, sluit ons wel van tyd-tottyd bydraes in oor aktualiteite van groot eietydse belang vir ons lesers in hulle lewens van vandag. Soos bv. oor die Weste se onttrekking uit Afghanistan laasjaar, en nou weer ‘n maandelikse oorsig van die oorlog tussen Rusland en Oekraïne. Hierdie artikels is veral gemik op die deel van perspektief en insig. VERANDERING is die aktuele werklikheid wat sekerlik die grootste eietydse impak het op ons oud-lede in hulle daaglikse handel en wandel (en ook dié van hulle kinders). Die realiteit van konstante, altyd-versnellende, alom-teenwoordige VERANDERING. Van die natuur, deur die kultuur en die politiek, na die wetenskap en tegnologie, met neerslag in die ekonomie. Verandering as impaktor is moeilik om te verstaan en om op voor te berei – en is dus erg frustrerend en verontrustend. Hierdie nuwe artikel-reeks, onder aanvoering van ons mede-redakteur Dr. Willem Steenkamp, is gemik daarop om die verskynsel van alles-verorberende verandering en veral die toekoms-impak daarvan, verteerbaar te verreken. Dit word nie akademies-teoreties gedoen nie, maar prakties. Die klem is op die impak op die sak, en hoe om ten beste daarop voor te berei. Vir diegene wat dalk nie weet nie: Dr. Willem is die seun van een van my mees-gewaardeerde oud-bevelvoerders (beide by die Veiligheidstak in Port Natal, en later op Veiligheidshoofkantoor, waar hy ons bevelvoerende generaal was: Genl. Maj. Frans Steenkamp). ‘n Polisie-kind dus, wat ons wêreld ken en verstaan. Dr. Willem is ‘n gerespekteerde intelligensie-analis bekend vir sy tydige en insigvolle identifikasie van tendense. Hy is skrywer, prokureur, ambassadeur, sakeman en gesertifiseerde professionele lewensberader (“certified professional life coach”), met wêreldwye ervaring en kwalifikasies. Die insigte wat hy rondom VERANDERING en die impak daarvan met u gaan deel, het nie ten doel om te blameer, politiek te maak of waarde-oordele daaroor uit te spreek nie (NONGQAI kan nie en wil nie ‘n politieke platform wees nie). VERANDERING is wat dit is – ‘n wêreldwye 112 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
fenomeen, nie beperk tot Suid-Afrika nie – en, soos die spreekwoord sê, ‘n feit soos ‘n koei. Die werklike pyn-punt daaromtrent is nie die betreur daarvan en self-bejammer daaromheen nie, maar: wat kan ek (en my kinders) doen om onsself op die wêreld van môre voor te berei? Dít is wat hierdie artikels sal toelig.
BEMEESTER VERANDERING – RUS JOUSELF TOE VIR MÔRE Dr Willem Steenkamp Voel u soms saam met my dat die wêreld om ons so vinnig aan’t verander is, dat mens kwalik kan by-bly? Wonder u ook waar dit gaan eindig? (Ás dit ooit sal eindig – want dit lyk of die fenomeen van verandering net al vinniger bly sneeubal, betreffende die spoed, omvang en impak daarvan, soos wat dit al hoe meer lewensterreine al vinniger betrek). Wees gerus – u is nie alleen in hierdie gevoel van kommer en onsekerheid nie! En ons almal wat so voel, het beslis ook rede daarvoor. Dis nie maar net ons as ouer garde wat terug hunker na die sogenaamde “goeie ou dae” nie. Na dit wat vir ons bekend en bemind was; dit wat toe stabiel, verstaanbaar en voorspelbaar gelyk het (soos wat elke ouer generasie voor ons sekerlik ook maar gedoen het). Verandering is ‘n feit, soos ons hier kan sien:
Hierdie grafiese voorstelling van die toekoms van werkstipes is opgestel deur die Amerikaanse Buro vir Arbeid-statistiek, so vyf jaar gelede. Reeds kan mens sien hoe hierdie voorspelde tendense manifesteer (mens kan bv. reeds antisipeer dat almal wat by die bestuur van voertuie betrokke is, swaarder getref gaan word as hier voorspel, wanneer “self-drive” voertuie algemeen word). Die gevoel van verandering-gedrewe verontrusting en gebrek aan sekuriteit en vervulling (wat krap aan meeste mense die wêreld oor), is geboekstaaf deur ‘n meningspeiling wat die bekende 113 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Gallup-maatskappy kort voor die pandemie gedoen het in ‘n stuk of honderd lande, met meer as 200,000 respondente. Hulle het bevind dat meer as 85% van werkers wesentlik ontevrede is met hulle betrekkings, i.t.v. toekoms-vooruitsigte, werksbevrediging, salaris en diensomstandighede. Verandering kenmerk die ekonomie – u kan sekerlik onthou wie die sake-reuse van die sewentigs was: die olie-maatskappye, staalfabrieke, motor-vervaardigers, mynhuise ensomeer. Wie is dit vandag? Die moderne reuse is almal geassosieer met die digitale revolusie – Apple, GoogleAlphabet, Microsoft, Facebook en die aanwenders van die nuwe tegnologie, soos Amazon. Verandering was natuurlik altyd deel van ons evolusionêre werklikheid, vanaf die moment dat ons spesies se voorgangers hulle fisiologies-gedetermineerde “nis” in die natuur agtergelaat het. Vir ‘n stuk of ses miljoen jaar was ons hominoïed-voorsate (na hulle van die gorilla-lyn weggebreek het) se “nis” dat hulle veldkos versamel en by geleentheid proteïene ge-aas het, want hulle was (en is ons steeds) nie fisies toegerus om soos roofdiere te kan jag nie: sonder tande wat kan dood, of kloue, of spoed, ratsheid of krag (dink maar net hoe dit sou tarra as u nou, sonder enige wapens of toerusting, ‘n bok sou moes kaal-hand probeer vang en dan, as dit u sou geluk om een onder bedwang te kry, dit dan dood te byt of te wurg). Met homo habilis, die “handige” mens-aap en sy rudimentêre gereedskap, kon ons so 2.3 miljoen jaar gelede uiteindelik ge-aasde beendere oopkap vir murg, en ook begin jag. Die ekstra proteïne het ons breine laat groei, en die jag-aksie (waar ons steeds individueel sou sukkel om ‘n buffel of mammoet plat te trek, en dit dus as groepe moes aanpak) het vooraf-beplanning en dus verbale kommunikasie al hoe noodsaakliker gemaak – “Koos, gaan jy links-om, en Jan, jy regs”. Daar het ons voorsate toe die eerste diere geword wat nie net ingestel was daarop om die pens te voed nie, maar ook die breine – voedsel, ja, maar ook KENNIS. U ken die verhaal van die res van die sg. ekonomiese rewolusies – die jagter-versamelaar fase het geduur vir omtrent twee miljoen jaar, totdat landbou so 10,000 jaar gelede ontwikkel het en ons eerder varke op hok versorg het as om in die bos agter hulle wilde broers aan te hol, en graan gesaai het eerder as om in die veld daarna te gaan loop soek. Die volgende groot ekonomiese omwenteling was die industriële rewolusie van die 1800’s. Nou reeds is ons midde-in die digitale rewolusie, wat in die 1980’s wortel geskiet het. U kan dus die snelle opwaartse kurwe sien – van versamelaar-aasdier na jagter was vier miljoen jaar, toe van jagter-versamelaar na landbouer was twee miljoen jaar, van landbou na industrie was 10,000 jaar, en van industrie na digitale tegnologie was net ‘n eeu en ‘n half. En met snelle globalisering, is die hele mensdom nou saam deel van hierdie veranderinge – nie meer is daar saakmakende gemeenskappe wat agtergebly het nie, soos die Boesmans van ouds vasgevang in die jagter-versamelaar fase. Gelyklopend met die ekonomiese rewolusies, was daar die kennis-rewolusies (wat in werklikheid die ekonomiese rewolusies moontlik gemaak het). Aanvanklik is kennis mondelings oorgedra, van aangesig tot aangesig, dikwels rondom die kampvuur. Toe is skrif ontdek, en kon die elites hulle kennis verbreed sonder die fisieke beperking van aangesig-tot-aangesig kommunikasie. Kennis het vir die breër publiek toeganklik begin word na die uitvind van die drukpers en die Judaïsme en Protestantisme se aandrang op algemene skoling vir die jeug. In die dertigerjare van die vorige eeu het telekommunikasie ‘n nog wyer gehoor kon betrek, eers met die radio en toe televisie. Vandag, in die digitale era, hou prakties elke mens op aarde die sleutel tot die ontsluiting van al die mensdom se versamelde kennis letterlik in die palm van sy hand, met sy “intelligente” foon of tablet. Hierdie ontploffing in kennis en die verspreiding daarvan, sal seer sekerlik die tegnologiese en ekonomiese ewolusie nog vinniger laat versnel. Wat is reeds die gevolge van hierdie versnelde verandering, soos ons dit gereflekteer sien in die ekonomie van vandag? Dit sal u waarskynlik nie verbaas nie (na u die grafiek oor verdwynende werk-tipes, en die meningspeiling oor mense se ontevredenheid met hulle werk-situasies gesien het) om te hoor dat die snel-groeiendste ekonomiese sektor vandag, sogenaamde “coaching 114 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
and e-learning” is. Mense besef dat kennis in die nuwe orde mag is, meer as ooit tevore, en hulle gryp die nuwe geleenthede wat gefokusde aanlyn-skoling bied om hulle vaardighede te slyp, met beide hande aan. Die waarde van die ekonomiese aktiwiteit in hierdie sektor is van die orde van een biljoen VSA-dollar per dag. Dit is reeds die tweede grootste ekonomiese sektor, net oortref deur suiwer tegnologie self, en is besig om dié in te haal. Dit was net enkele jare gelede dat die suiwer digitale tegnologie-maatskappye soos Microsoft en Google die grootstes was, maar nou reeds sien ons dat die maatskappye wat daardie tegnologie benut en toepas (soos Apple, Facebook en Amazon) by die Microsofts en Googles verby skuif. ‘n Bietjie soos met die goud-stormlope van ouds, waar die uiteindelike rykes die ouens was wat aan die myners hulle drank, bone en pikke verkoop het... Wat opval omtrent die moderne verbruikspatrone van aanlyn-skoling, is die klem nou op “kan doen” vaardigheid, eerder as net abstrakte, teoretiese kennis. In dae van ouds was kennis gesetel in boeke, en in die koppe van professore. Dit het dus logisties sin gemaak om die boeke en professore op een punt byeen te bring (universiteitskampusse, met hulle biblioteke en klaskamers) met die studente wat daarheen moes gaan vir jare van skoling. Vandag is daar geen meer logistiese noodsaak om fisies kampus toe te gaan nie, want die internet bring al wat boek is, sowel as al wat professorale insig is, direk na jou voorkamer. Teen ‘n fraksie van die koste, met die groots moontlike gerief, plooibaarheid en ‘n wye spektrum van kursusse nommerpas gekonfigureer vir jou spesifieke behoefte, eerder as die “een grootte moet opsluit maar vir almal pas” kampus-benadering. Belangrikste egter, is veral dan die moontlikheid om soveel verder te gaan as net die blote oordrag van abstrakte, teoretiese kennis en te fokus op die ontwikkel van daardie “KAN DOEN” vermoëns wat die moderne ekonomie vereis, deur individuele “oor die skouer” begeleiding, die geïntegreerde beskikbaar maak van die nodige werktuie en platforms vir realistiese in-oefen van vaardighede, en – les bes – met die geleentheid vir “verdien terwyl jy leer”. Want dit wat jy leer en oefen om te doen en daar te stel, het uiteraard relevansie in die sakewêreld en het dus reële, verkoopbare waarde. Moontlik die mees positiewe ontwikkeling wat die moderne ekonomie en tegnologie meegebring het, is die geleentheid vir die gewone man (van enige ouderdom en agtergrond) om te kan woeker vir ware finansiële vryheid in die vorm van die daarstel van sg. passiewe inkomste-bronne. Die rykes van die verlede het hulle geld vir hulle laat werk deur in die effektebeurse en verhuureiendom te belê (terwyl die res van ons, ons eie sweet en tyd moes verkoop, teen betaling per uur – en wanneer ons nie meer ons tyd kon verkoop nie, dan sonder inkomste te sit). Dit het vroeër aansienlike aanvangskapitaal gekos om sulke passiewe inkomste te kon genereer, deur bv. ‘n portefeulje van huur-eiendomme of aandele vir jouself op te bou. Vandag kan Jan Alleman, met die nodige kundigheid en minimale aanvangskapitaal, portefeuljes van digitale bates opbou wat bly verkoop sonder end en dus passief inkomste bly genereer. Oor passiewe inkomste genereer en die nuwe manier van leer, dan ietwat meer in volgende maand se artikel...
115 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Brig Ronnie Beyl Die S.A. Spoorwegpolisie se werksaamhede in Suidwes-Afrika het, soos in die Republiek van Suid Afrika, die volgende behels: (i) Die voorkoming van Misdaad. (ii) Die handhawing van Wet en orde. (iii) Die Ondersoek van enige misdryf of beweerde misdryf. (iv) Die Bewaring van die Binnelandse veiligheid van die Republiek Ovambo Staking 1970/71 Die propaganda en vrese wat die oorlog in die noorde van SWA onder die plaaslike bevolking teweeggebring het, het mettertyd na Windhoek oorgespoel. Aangesien die S.A. Spoorweë die grootste enkele werkgewer in SWA was, was dit te wagte dat die Spoorweë nie die arbeidsonrus wat daarop sou volg, sou vryspring nie. In 1970/71 het die Ovambo werkers wat in diens van die Spoorweë was met hulle protesaksies begin. ʼn Volskaalse staking het gevolg en daardeur wou hulle die werksaamhede van die Spoorweë lamlê. Die Spoorweghoofkantoor in Johannesburg het besluit dat al die stakers se dienste dadelik beëindig moes word en dat hulle na Ovamboland teruggestuur moes word. Die getalsterkte van die SASP lede in Windhoek was egter onvoldoende om die plofbare situasie te ontlont en die vervoer van die stakers suksesvol te kon uitvoer. Majoor Gustav Erlank van Hoofkantoor, Sersante Ronnie Beyl, Allie Jooste, Daan Venter, Buks Meintjes en Johan Potgieter van die Kollege, tesame met vyftig kollege studente was ter ondersteuning van die lede in Windhoek daarheen gestuur. Die stakers was opgesweep en het ʼn dreigende houding ingeneem. Die situasie was plofbaar en daar was nie genoegsame passasierstreine beskikbaar om hulle na Grootfontein te vervoer nie. Daar is toe besluit om die stakende werkers in beestrokke te laai ten einde hulle so spoedig moontlik na Grootfontein te vervoer. Vanaf Grootfontein sou hulle per bus na Oshivellohek geneem word. Na onderhandelinge met die stakers was hulle aanvanklik tevrede om in die beestrokke na Grootfontein te reis. Hulle wou so spoedig moontlik by hulle families in Ovamboland uitkom. ʼn Klein groepie stakers was egter nie met dié reëling tevrede nie en het geweier om in die beestrokke te klim. Weer was daar aan hulle verduidelik dat daar nie passasierstreine te Windhoek beskikbaar was nie, maar hulle het verseg om in die beestrokke te klim. Verskeie trokke was klaar gelaai toe daar ʼn beroering onder die stakers by een van die trokke ontstaan het. 116 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Ewe skielik het van die agterste stakers na vore begin beur terwyl hulle hul makkers uit die pad druk sodat hulle in die beestrok kon klim. Dis toe dat van hulle skreeu: “Ekke nie bees nie - ekke nie bees nie.” By nadere ondersoek was daar gevind dat een van die lede ʼn bees “prodder” in die hande gekry het en derhalwe die agterste stakers op ʼn stille manier gehelp het om in die trokke te klim. Minute daarna het die trein met die stakers na Grootfontein vertrek en het daar ʼn rustigheid op Windhoek stasie neergedaal. (RB) Deursoeking van Spoorbaankampe Positiewe inligting was ontvang dat meelopers en terroriste in die spoorbaankampe langs die spoorlyne gehuisves was en derhalwe was luitenant Beyl van Hoofkantoor en tien lede van die Spesiale Taakmag na SWA gestuur om bystand te bied. Hulle opdrag was om die terroriste wat by die spoorbaankampe tuis gegaan het uit te snuffel en te elimineer. Lede van Grootfontein, wat vertroud was met die gebied, het die taakspan vergesel. Alle kampe tussen Kranzberg, Grootfontein en Tsumeb was deursoek en die lede het ʼn passasiersrytuig by Otavi stasie as ‘n tydelike basis ingerig. Die watertenks van die rytuig was een aand, tydens hulle verblyf te Otavi stasie, leeg en die lede kon gevolglik nie stort nie. Die lede was agter in patrolliewaens vervoer omdat die SASP op daardie stadium nie beskik het oor enige gepantserde voertuie nie. Gevolglik was die lede op die betrokke aand, soos elke vorige aand, vaal van die stof en feitlik onherkenbaar. Dit was ʼn uitgemaakte saak dat die manne dié besondere aand net eenvoudig moes stort ten einde die volgende dag fris en vars te kon wees. Gelukkig vir hulle was daar op Otavi stasie ʼn oorhoofse waterpyp wat gebruik was om die watertenks van die stoomlokomotiewe vol te maak. Die water het met soveel geweld uit die pyp gestroom dat, wanneer dit die lid se kop getref het, hy skoon van balans en onvas op sy voete was. Dit was nie eers nodig om seep te gebruik om die sand en stof te verwyder nie. Tydens die operasie het die taakmag se spore dikwels met dié van die SAP taakmag, wat onder aanvoering van majoor Blackie de Swart was, gekruis. (RB)
‘N LEWENSREIS: HOOFSTUK 18 Brig Hannes Slabbert Dis ‘n lang en eentonige reis. Ons twee honde ry in die remwa maar ons bly bekommerd omdat dit so warm is en hulle in Balkie hokke moet staan of lê. Op De Aar staan die trein baie lank en ons kry kans om die honde lekker vars water te gee. Die volgende more vroeg is ons in Klerksdorp waar ons 10 jaar tevore vertrek het toe ek ‘n kaptein geword het. Dit lyk asof my beroeps- en ons lewensreis in siklusse van 10 jaar plaasvind. Ek het in 1954 aangesluit, in 1964 ‘n sersant klas 1 te Port Elizabeth geword, in 1974 ‘n kaptein en nou 10 jaar en drie bykomende range later, is ek weer in Klerksdorp. Ons kom in Johannesburg aan en bring die dag by Charles en Hannatjie deur. Die middag neem hy ons weer stasie toe en die honde bly voorlopig by hulle. Ons is opgewonde want na die lang reis vanaf Windhoek is die einde die betrokke reis nie meer ver nie. Van gerus slaap is daar geen sprake nie. Langs ons in ‘n kompartement is twee ouerige dames wat kliphard lê of sit en gesels. Die een vertel die ander een van “roses and trees and shrubbs and so on”. Die trein kom in Pietermaritzburg aan en na vertrek staan ons maar op en trek aan min wetende hoe ver Durban nog is. Ons kom ten einde laaste in Durban aan en ek sien Joe op n afstand. Hy is lank en troon bo die ander mense uit. Majoor Botha wat jare al aan my bekend is en nog een of twee offisiere is daar om ons te ontmoet. Joe en Annatjie bied dadelik aan dat ons by hulle tuisgaan tot ons blyplek gekry het – iets wat ek ook nooit sal vergeet nie. Maar Durban het vir ouma nie gulhartig ontvang 117 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
nie. Net na sy uit die trein geklim het struikel sy oor n tas en val plat op die perron. Ek wil darem nie lag nie maar sien dat Annatjie en Marina nie kan help om te lag nie. Ons gaan na Joe en Annatjie se huis in Westville. Dis ‘n tamaai grote plek met ‘n pragtige uitsig. Ons sien waar die nuwe gevangenis gebou word. Volgende more neem hy my en Marina na die kantore in Smithstraat. Gelukkig werk ons in dieselfde gebou maar ek wat erg aan hoogtevrees ly moet op die 17de verdieping werk. Ek ontmoet die plaaslike offisiere. Brigadier Cas Pelser is die bevelvoerende offisier. My kantoor is groot en netjies en bied ‘n pragtige uitsig oor ‘n deel van die stad. Pelser en ek gesels in sy kantoor en hy lig my in oor wat my pligte behels. Maar die man is vol van homself. Hy laat my dadelik hoor hy is ‘n vrymesselaar met vreeslik baie kontakte en kan as dit nodig is die wêreld vir my warm maak. Ek stel hom dadelik gerus dat dit nie nodig sal wees nie. Nou ja genoeg om te sê dat ons mekaar nie behoorlik kon vind in die tyd wat hy daar was nie. Hy het talle inspeksies vir my geboek. Ek het egter met elke inspeksie iets geleer. Ons kry ‘n departementele woonstel by die Spoorweghostel en ons trek vir die 13de keer. Die woonstel is eintlik bedoel vir die hostelbestuurder. Die bestuurder is meneer Hannes Viljoen maar hy en sy vrou Cecile het hul eie huis. Terloops hierdie twee mense het later boesemvriend geword. Ons was so twee weke in Durban toe ek kennis kry dat ek ‘n Gesamentlike Stafkursus van die weermag in Pretoria moet bywoon. Die kursus duur vier maande. Dit vang my heel onkant want ons is nog heel vreemd in Durban en ouma en Marina sal alleen moet bly. Daar is darem die vooruitsig dat ek byna elke naweek huistoe kan gaan. Die kursus begin op 1 Augustus. Ek maak kennis met n klomp nuwe gesigte – een lid van die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisie en die ander almal lede van die Nasionale Weermag. Brigadier Mortimer is die kursusleier. In die groep is onder andere vlieëniers, ‘n ingenieur en mense met ‘n intensiewe kennis van die werking van die weermag. Ons het elkeen sy eie bugalow en saans moet daar hersiening gedoen word van dit wat die dag aangebied is. Ons reis elke naweek per militêre vliegtuig huistoe. Dis ‘n kort maar welkome wegkom kans. Ons besoek Hoedspruit waar ek die geleentheid kry om naby vliegtuie te kom wat ek voorheen maar net deur die hemelruim sien snel het. Daar kry ons ook geleentheid om ons golfvernuf ten toon te stel. Eerste keer wat ek ‘n gholfstok hanteer. Kolonel Piet Bakkes en ek speel saam. Hy is ‘n redelik bedrewe speler wat my op die belangrikste punte wys. Vir ons moeite of genot kry ons elkeen ‘n Parker balpuntpen. Ons besoek interessante plekke wat ek andersins nie sou gesien het soos byvoorbeeld Robbeneiland en kry kans om die sel waarin meneer Nelson Mandela aangehou was van naby te sien. Ons vlieg met helikopters en die vlieëniers neem ons oor die bekende of berugte Sandy Bay waar ons uit die lug sien hoe mense nakend op die strand rondloop. Ons kry ook geleentheid om in ‘n duikboot onder die water te vaar. Dit was nie eintlik my gunsteling uitstappie nie. Alles in daardie boot is klein. Die slaapplekke van die bemanning is so klein dat ek wonder hoe hulle daar inkom. Ek was baie verlig toe ons weer bokant die water kom. Net voor die kursus eindig hoor die lede van die weermag wat bevorder is. ‘n Paar word brigadiers - onder ander kolonel Pierre Steyn en kolonel James Kriel wat later luitenant-generaal en hoof van die lugmag geword het. James was n aangename, plat op die aarde mens. Tydens ons besoek aan Kaapstad het ons sy vrou ontmoet en gesien dat sy ook ‘n nederige mens is. James was een van die beste weermagshoofde ooit. Die tyd vir ons afskeid breek aan en ‘n groot geleentheid word gehou. Ons trek ons amptelike aanddrag aan en ‘n mens kan nie glo hoe netjies die klomp lyk nie. Ek het die vorige naweek met ons motor na Pretoria gereis en ouma het saamgery en by Charles en Hannatjie gekuier. Die dag na die kursus ten einde geloop het, het ons teruggery Durban toe. Dit was lekker om weer in jou eie plek te wees. Hannes Viljoen word bevorder en ‘n nuwe koshuisbestuurder aangestel. Ons word gevra om die woonstel te ontruim maar waarheen? Ek gaan gesels met die hoof van behuising, ‘n man wat ek in Windhoek ontmoet het. Hy het toevallig twee huise wat leeg staan. Ek kry die sleutels en gaan kyk hoe die plekke lyk. Een is op die Bluff maar dis ver en die oggend- en middagverkeer is erg. Die ander een, te Gillmoreweg 13, Glenmore, is naby die universiteit en ek besluit om hom te neem. 118 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Dis ‘n gerieflike drieslaapkamerhuis op ‘n groot erf. Nou is dit weer inventaris opstel en ‘n kontrakteur aanwys. Ons trek die 14de keer maar is baie gelukkig in die huis. Dis nie so ver van die werk af nie maar ek sal Marina en ek sal met die bakkie ry omdat daar nie ‘n stasie naby is nie. Die naweek na ons in die huis ingetrek het ry ons Johannesburg toe en bring die honde saam terug. Ek weet nie wie die blyste van almal is nie maar dis duidelik hulle het baie verlang en selfs gewig verloor. Ons het nou ‘n baie sterk skietspan. Ons skiet omtrent elke Saterdag en die geweer wat ek in Oos-Londen van oom Pottie gekoop het doen sy ding. Brigadier Pelser is nie ‘n groot sportaanhanger nie maar kolonel Mouton wel. Hy is voorsitter van die spoorwegpolisieklub wat goed doen in die liga waarin hulle speel. Na n ‘misverstand’ tussen my en Mouton word ek voorsitter van die rugbyklub en hy word die president. Ek neem ‘n span na Johannesburg waar die manne wys wat in hulle steek. Op die terugreis het ek maar moeite gehad om die kêrels in toom te hou. Die Spoorwegpolisieskietkampioenskap word in Pretoria gehou en vier lede vertrek om deel te neem. Dit was ek, Chunky Bouwer, Ben Neveling wen nog iemand wie se naam my ontgaan het. Ek skiet 199 uit 200 met die ,22 en ‘n goeie telling met die bisleygeweer maar faal heeltemal met die pistool waar Ben en Chunky goeie tellings skiet. Ons slaag egter daarin om die kampioenskap te wen - van die min kere dat Natal se skuts dit regkry - en verower verskeie bekers en trofeë. Toe ons in Durban aankom word ons soos helde ontvang en behandel. Brigadier Mouton is so in sy skik dit lyk of hy een van die skuts was. Die bekers en trofeë kry dadelik staanplek in sy kantoor. Mouton is ‘n streng maar regverdige bevelvoerende offisier maar het een swakpunt naamlik ‘n vloekwoordeskat wat woorde inhou waarvan die duiwel nie eens weet nie. Ek het ‘n paar keer met hom daaroor gepraat en gemaan dat lede respek kan verloor as hy so lelik praat. Iemand met eerstehandse kennis van Mouton sê, kom ons sê maar stoom afblaas, is kolonel Renier van Zyl, beter bekend as Kalahari van Zyl. Mouton bel hom een oggend en vra vir van Zyl om hom by die huis te kom haal. Van Zyl spring daar weg in die wit Cortina 6 liter want Mouton is nie iemand wat daarvan hou om te wag nie. Nou moet ek darem vertel dat Mouton se huis teen ‘n vreeslike steilte gebou was en dit het nogal vaardigheid gekos om ‘n kar daar af en weer op te kry. Renier is sonder moeite daar af en soos ek verstaan het Mouton sommer ingeklim en gesê ‘kom ons ry”. Nou wat gebeur het weet ek nie - ek wonder of Renier na die petalje self weet wat gebeur het - maar ‘n ent teen die bult uit het ‘n probleempie gekom en daar gaan die kar agteruit amper oor die afgrond. Renier vertel dat voor die kar nog tot stilstand gekom het, het Mouton al gevloek en nie opgehou nie. Sy vrou wat in ‘n rolstoel was, was later in trane maar dit het hom geensins geskeel nie. Toe moet hulle ‘n voertuig ontbied om die kar uit te trek vanwaar dit gestaan het tot op die bult. Renier het baie vertel dat sover hulle gery het, het Mouton gevloek en nie een woord herhaal nie. By die kantoor het die ou man eers stoom afgeblaas en dit in geen mooi taal nie. Die offisiere gaan eet een middag in ‘n klub. Die eetsaal is op die eerste verdieping. Kolonel Botha, kaptein Jaoa en ek is al in die hysbak toe Mouton daar aankom. Hy is ‘n groot man en as ek sê groot dan bedoel ek nie klein nie. Daar is nog een of twee mense by hom en ons drie klim uit en loop sommer die trappies op. Toe ons by die saal aankom verwag ons dat hulle al daar sal wees maar geen teken nie - die hysbak sit vas tussen die vloere. Na so 15-20 minute arriveer die hysbak en toe Mouton uitklim waai die weerlig. Een van die mans wat saam met hom in die hysbak vasgekeer was kom na my toe en stel homself voor as dominee so en so. Hy vra of Mouton maar altyd so lelik praat want hy het nie geweet dat daar so baie vloekwoorde bestaan nie. Brigadier Mouton was eendag baie kwaad vir my. Dominee Malan het by hom koffie gedrink. Ek hoor toe ‘n adjudant-offisier maak ‘n neerhalende opmerking teenoor ‘n kaptein. Dis iets wat onaanvaarbaar was en dadelik is ek op my houtperd en trap die man in geen onduidelike taal nie uit. Daar het ongelukkig ‘n paar kragwoorde ook uitgeglip en die stomme predikant was glo baie ontsteld. Ek weet nie of Mouton wat sulke taal op gereelde basis gebruik het dit eens gehoor het nie. In elk geval na die dominee weg was roep Mouton my in en vertel in watter verleentheid ek hom gehad het. Hy gee opdrag dat ek dadelik die dominee bel en verskoning maak. Ek het gebel, verskoning aangebied en dit was einde van die storie. 119 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Ouma is betrokke by die offisiersvroue se doen en late en doen houtsneewerk waarvoor sy spesiale toekenning kry. Sy leef haar uit in hierdie stokperdjie en Marina is baie gelukkig in haar werk. My ma kom kuier by ons en ons neem haar eers na ‘n ou skoolvriendin van my, Ruth Arpin wat in Empangeni woon. Haar man, Tommie is ‘n treindrywer wat onder andere passasierstreine na Durban neem. In my ma se skoolloopbaan het sy by Ruth se ouers geloseer en Ruth se ouer suster was saam met my ma in een klas. Ons gaan ook Bergville toe waar oom Ted Lemmer woon. Hy het voorheen naby my ouers geboer maar na sy vrou se dood het hy Bergville toe getrek om nader aan sy dogters te wees. Een dogter was met ‘n boer getroud en die ander een met ‘n polisieman. Sy sou later vir ons kleindogter skoolhou. Brigadier Mouton het my toestemming gegee om elke Dinsdagoggend te gaan oefen met die ,22 geweer en pistool. Op 17 September 1985 maak ek weer so en sersant Brenda Swart en twee lede ry saam om met die pistool te oefen. Na die oefening ry ons terug en kry ‘n radio-oproep van kolonel Thys Kritzinger wat meedeel dat Charles en Hannatjie ouers van ‘n dogtertjie geword het. Natuurlik is ek dankbaar en bly maar my eerste vraag is ‘en wanneer gaan daar dan ‘n seun wees?” Ons het sommer gou gaan kyk hoe die nuweling lyk en ook haar doopplegtigheid bygewoon. Sy is Salome gedoop, maar haar ma het haar Vlooi genoem. Ons was in ons noppies met twee kleindogters maar ‘n seun sou darem baie welkom wees. Gerugte dat die spoorwegpolisie by die S.A. Polisie ingelyf gaan word het die ronde gedoen maar ek dink baie lede, waarvan ek een is, het dit nie ernstig opgeneem nie. Dit het my ook nie bekommer nie want ek was goed bevriend met baie lede van die ander mag. In Junie 1986 word ons weer geseën toe ons eerste kleinseun, Johannes James Louwrens gebore is. Hy het my eerste naam, sy oupa Moolman se eerste naam en sy pa se eerste naam gekry Louwtjie en Bokkie het in Uitenhage gewoon en dit was te ver om net vir ‘n naweek te kom kuier. Kort hierna word Charles en Hannatjie na luitenant bevorder en ons beker van geluk en dankbaarheid loop oor. Die familie staan nou al op 10. My ma is ‘n baie trotse oumagrootjie of oumagroot soos sy gesê het. Louwtjie gaan later terug weermag toe. Ek kry die geleentheid om waar te neem as bevelvoerende offisier terwyl brigadier Mouton met vakansie is. Ek geniet die bykomende verantwoordelikheid. Al die bevelvoerende offisiere kry opdrag om op ‘n sekere oggend in Johannesburg bymekaar te kom om ingelig te word oor die samesmelting met die S.A. Polisie. ‘n Paar generaals spreek ons toe en ons verneem dat ons met ingang van 1 September in die S.A.P. sal dien.
REMINISCENCES OF A RAILWAYS POLICEMAN Keith Alfred Adolf Blake POLICE STORY PART (1): "SKELM" KNIGHT IN "SPIERWIT" SEDAN When one remembers the old stories, the hero was always the knight in shining white armour on his white steed for my Afrikaans friend steed means "perd" but I was going to, in this story make a knight's day, "nag". I was a member of the S.A. Railways Police and was on patrol when I saw the extremely white Ford Cortina all scoped up parked next to a Japanese fishing vessel at F-berth. The driver was talking to a Japanese crew member and as I drove past, I recognised this driver as a braggard who told me his family owns butchers. He did not see me as I drove past. Behind him was another vehicle, a Valiant, and the taxi driver was a Libyan, named David, a real gentleman. After my patrol I went back to my office and then I was told I had visitors and there in my doorway stood David and a Japanese seaman. Both were excited and angry and David told me the following story. Now keep in mind David could speak a bit of Japanese. He asked me if I 120 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
remembered the snow-white Ford Cortina and I said that I did. Well, the driver had spoken to this Japanese seaman and David then saw him climb into the car and he was driven off. After a while they came back and David saw the seaman go on his ship and gave a bundle of money to this driver and the driver drove off. David asked the seaman if something was wrong and the seaman stated that this knight told him his South African girlfriend was arrested for prostitution and was in the cells at Woodstock police station. The knight then told him he would show him to prove his story was true and this he did. At the Woodstock police station, the knight told him to wait in the car and he saw him going right in to the charge office. He then came out and told the seaman that his girlfriend's fine is R1000-00. The seaman was convinced and they drove back to his ship where he gave this knight in the snow-white sedan a R1000-00. David found this story a bit fishy and told the seaman he will take him to his girlfriend who the seaman said lived in Sea Point free of charge. On the way to Sea Point at a robot in Beach Road they saw the seaman's girlfriend in her car and they parked next to the road. The seaman said he was so glad that she was out of jail as he paid her fine. The girlfriend looked shocked and stated she was never in any police cell or police station. David and the seaman then realised the white knight was a con artist and this was a case for one man and that man was me and that is why they were standing in my office.
POLICE STORY (PART 2): "SKELM KNIGHT IN "SPIERWIT" SEDAN As I ended part 1 of my tale here was the Japanese seaman who was conned out of R1000-00 and his good Samaritan the Lebanese taxi driver in my office and asking me to get legal revenge and of course the missing R1000. Lucky, I happen to know this "skelm" knight and so I started the hunt and at 2 Jetty I found his one family member also a taxi owner and I told him what his family member had done. I did not expect any help - as the saying goes "bloed is dikker as water" - but as I was about to drive off, he shouted and I quote: "Sarge jy het hom hy is gevang vir ‘n ander saak en is uit op borg en hy moet elke dag rapport by Woodstock polisiestasie". Here I was thinking about "bloed en water" but in this family case it seems there was more water than blood. I quickly phoned Woodstock and lo and behold I was told that my 'skelm knight" must report as part of his bail conditions and he has not been there yet and I requested them to let me know as soon as he does. Now keep in mind I still have the taxi driver David and the seaman with me. After a little while I was told my suspect is at Woodstock police station and we rushed in our vehicles to the Woodstock police station. As we approached the police station there next to the pavement was the “spierwit" Ford Cortina. I walked in and the suspect’s eyes almost popped out when he saw me and my two guests. I told him to say nothing absolutely nothing and handcuffed his hand behind his back and placed him in the backseat of my police car and drove to my office. At the office I decided to trick this thief and as I promised make it "nag" for this “skelm knight”. I told him I just wanted the R1000-00 back and the seaman will withdraw his case of theft or "Diefstal deur valse voorwensels". He sounded relieved and said on that condition he will get the money but there was one problem he had already spent R100. I told him that was fine that once I have the R900-00 in my hands I would release him. He then asked to use the phone and I could hear he speak to an uncle Sam and told this oom that the money was under his clothing in his cupboard, a while later his uncle Sam arrived with the R900-00 and gave it to me. I then placed my suspect back in the cells and I told him that the case was still on against him and he was now officially under arrest. Shocked he said but I promised and I said "Yes I promised and I am just am playing your game as you caught out the seaman so I caught you, how does it feel?” Well, the seaman and the taxi driver were elated and after much thanks they left. Just before my shift ended at 21h40 they were back and to my surprise had bought about six to eight roasted chickens and cooldrinks and gave it to me and I it shared with my shift members.
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Wes-Kaap Heliograaf
Beste Vriende, Dear Friends
WHO (AND WHAT) STARTED THE ANGLO BOER WAR / SOUTH Western Cape Heliograph AFRICAN WAR? Chris Pretorius To write convincingly about this historic event is only really possible if it is done as nonjudgmentally as possible, whilst allowing for the fact that any writer might inevitably favour either side. And, of course, serve the truth as closely as possible in the process. ABW Authors abound they range from the time of the War itself right to the present day, as more facts come to light and researchers sometimes surprise us with their discoveries. Regrettably, eyewitnesses and firsthand accounts of the War have become non-existent for almost half a century now, but gladly we’ve been left with ample documentation left to us by old adversaries, camp survivors, politicians, war correspondents and whatnot. Was the ZAR responsible for starting the War? Or does the blame for it lie with Britain? Some folks are prone to blame either and present a multitude of reasons for their views. Fact is, it was a War that could have been prevented, had the negotiations that preceded it been handled by more diplomacy and understanding and less ambitious intent and an urge for self-justification. It can be argued that the War actually had a long run-up, starting with the British occupation of the Cape and later Natal, the annexation of the ZAR by Theophilus Shepstone, the Jameson Raid etc., but for now, we’ll rather confine ourselves to the period following the Raid. The Raid (doomed to failure from start to finish) commenced on 29 December 1895 and lasted only five days. But it proved to be a wake-up call, as it brought to light that the Boer commandos sent to intercept it were rather poorly armed with a variety of guns and rifles; many of obsolete vintage. Therefore, in the four years leading up to October 1899, the ZAR went to great pains to arm itself by purchasing thousands of (mostly) Mauser rifles and ammunition, plus field- and siege guns, from countries like Germany and France. These were purely business transactions - it is borne out by history that Germany (contrary to Boer supposition) was not a bona fide ally of the ZAR. As Lord Palmerston (a Whig PM) stated earlier: “There are no permanent friends; only permanent interests.” The Boers still had a lot to learn about international politics and the art of diplomacy. The ZAR Volksraad further employed foreign contractors to build some forts overlooking Pretoria (and another in Johannesburg.) All of this is often used by latter-day critics of the Republics, to accuse them of willfully preparing for the eventual conflict, but fact is that the ZAR’s concerns were prophetic and realistic - borne out by the fact that eventually, War turned out to be inevitable. 124 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Britain herself did not remain idle during the intervening period. British Intelligence officers in civilian garb quite easily entered both the ZAR and the OFS Republics through their porous borders to compile written reports with a purpose preparation for an invasion. This is an extract from Brian Gardner’s ‘Mafeking – a Victorian Legend’ (page 23, 1966.)
Also, from the same book, page 33:
Peter Greeff, a noted ABW statistician, stated some time back that Intelligence reports were compiled from as early as 1897, with detailed maps issued by the War Office as late as August 1899, of e.g. Heidelberg in the ZAR, indicating the best positions for attack, plus other notes on the map.
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These two documents contain reports on both the Boer Republics, for military purposes. Do note that the report on the right is dated June 1899, as a revised version of an earlier report.
Sir Alfred Milner succeeded Lord Rosmead as Governor of the Cape Colony and High Commissioner in South Africa in 1897. S.B. Spies, Senior Lecturer in History at UNISA stated in his ‘The Origins of the Anglo Boer War’ (‘The Road to War after the Raid’ - Chapter 4) a quote from a note sent by Sir Michael Hicks Beach (1837 – 1916) to Milner ‘You will have plenty of South African advice. I will add my mite. I believe the great thing necessary is ‘patience’. Impatience has been at the root of our difficulties - the premature annexation of the Transvaal - the Zulu war - the abandonment of the Transvaal - the Jameson raid - all were due to it. If Kruger’s Government really meant to fight, the utmost patience on our part is absolutely necessary, in order to make them put themselves clearly in the wrong; for otherwise we should not get on our side such an amount of public opinion, both in the Cape Colony and here, as is essential to a successful issue. If they do not really mean to fight, the natural increase of the Rand population will in time secure all that is necessary, as, but for Rhodes’ folly, it would probably have done by this time. But, if the stories one hears about Boer insolence are true, they will put themselves in the wrong before long - and the Majuba Hill will be wiped out.’ The intent therefore was clearly the acquisition of the Transvaal by Britain (and by implication, as Pres. Steyn was unequivocally clear about his support for the ZAR in the event of hostilities), the OFS. This was punctuated by the pressure put on the ZAR by Milner under the guise of concern for the ‘Uitlander’ element, a population which was rapidly increasing in number almost by the month. The ZAR’s requirement of a fourteen-year residence to qualify for citizenship was unacceptable for the Milner administration, as were the dynamite monopoly and also the real (and assumed) corrupt governmental practices in the ZAR. There was enough evidence of it, but much overrated by Milner, simply for good effect and to bolster his arguments about the so-called ‘bad 126 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
plight’ of the Uitlanders. P.G. Cloete in his ‘Chronology of the War’ states John X Merriman’s impressions:
In an attempt to settle differences between Paul Kruger and Alfred Milner, Pres. Steyn of the OFS offered to host a conference between them in Bloemfontein, with the view of reaching a resolution which would satisfy both parties and avoid a conflict. This was considered as a last-ditch effort at reconciliation to prevent a war and lasted from 31 May to 3 June 1899. Manfred Nathan in ‘Paul Kruger - his Life and Times’ (1941) suggests Kruger offered concessions, but concludes ‘Milner showed at the outset he would make no concession’ (page 435.) State Attorney for the ZAR, Jan Smuts (according to his son J.C. Smuts jr., who wrote his biography) suggests that Milner was ‘the most dangerous man Britain could possibly have exported to South Africa.’ Those are South African writers. Byron Farewell in ‘The Great Boer War’ (1976) said ‘Kruger tried to bargain but Milner was obdurate’ (page 34.) Thomas Packenham in ‘The Boer War’ (Ch. 6) puts the blame on Milner and in Chapter 42 said ‘Milner had tried to precipitate war’. They are both British historians. In his book ‘Goodbye Dolly Gray (1959) Rayne Kruger in the chapter ‘Outbreak of War’ gives an overview of the Bloemfontein Conference and makes no suggestions of any arrogance on the part 127 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
of either Milner or Kruger, though he does make several comments regarding Milner’s refusing to shake the President’s hand. _________________________________________ At the Conference, Milner made three demands from Kruger - (seen here in condensed format): 1) Enactment by the ZAR of a law that would immediately give Uitlanders enfranchisement and the right to vote. 2) Use of English language in the Transvaal Volksraad (Parliament) 3) All laws of the Volksraad would need to be approved by the British Parliament. These were considered an impossibility by the ZAR. However, Kruger was willing to reduce the period for franchise from 14 years to seven. Milner refused to compromise his original demands, and despite encouragement from Joe Chamberlain (British Colonial Secretary) to continue the talks, Milner walked out of the Conference on the 5th of June. Milner afterwards composed a diatribe (‘The Helot’s Dispatch’) which lambasted the ZAR as a force that ‘menaces the peace and prosperity of the world.’ (sic) References: J.Lee Thompson (2007) ’Forgotten Patriot’ (Fairleigh Dickenson Univ Press. ISBN 08368-4121-0) ‘From the Jameson Raid to Bloemfontein’: Debating the Origins of the Boer War (Archived July 3, 2011, at the Wayback Machine written, by Garrett Moritz.) _______________________________________________ If not arrogant in himself, the nature of Milner’s demands displayed an Imperial arrogance that would be insulting to the self-respect of any free and autonomous country - tantamount to demanding that a foreign power become prescriptive to the Transvaal for every level of its existence. By all appearances, a recipe for conflict. Kruger had two choices - to conform, or to succumb. It was to cost Britain dearly and for the Republics, even more so. The build-up of a British military presence in nearby Natal and elsewhere had already commenced and troop concentrations closer to the ZAR-Natal border were being moved. Plans for deployment were already in place since June 1899. To quote J.H. Breytenbach’s Vol. 1 - military strategy for this was already pre-approved by British Military Command, namely the advance of the Army by rail from the Cape via Bloemfontein to Pretoria in the event of war. This entailed an army of 40,000 men with 102 guns as well as a cavalry division. Lord Roberts favoured the Army Corps to be sent to South Africa immediately, but this was postponed so as not to provoke an invasion of Natal and the Cape by the ZAR. Page 142 informs that forces would be gradually increased to defend against such an invasion, while page 141 shows that by 1 Oct. 1899 there were 22,104 British troops in SA or on the high seas en route. In Natal there were (foreign and local troops) some 15,800, as stated on page 201. Other deployments by 11 October were seen to be 5,000 troops at Kimberley, Mafeking and Orange River station; 2,500 (foreign and local), De Aar some 3,800 (foreign and local), Stormberg and Noupoort 1,300 each (foreign and local.) It’s an open question why Milner (on 19 Sept 1899) wrote to Pres. Steyn demanding neutrality from a government that Her Majesty’s Government was planning to depose? Peter Greeff earlier published some interesting portions from S.B. Spies’s ‘The Origins of the Anglo Boer War’ (1972), quoting pages 8, 47, 48, 49, 590 and 51. Pages 49 to 51 deal with the ‘Chamberlain Ultimatum’ which was sanctioned by the British cabinet on 29 September 1899, which was to be sent to the ZAR Government on 11 October 1899 - but was never sent due to the Boer ultimatum having been delivered on 9 th October 1899. As Peter rightly states - “The Aggressor’ was thus not necessarily the one who threw the first punch.” Both sides planned for war by then - the secret documents on the Boer Republics compiled by the War Office as from 1897, and a war planning group on the part of the Boers in 1899 (see pages 48 and 49.) Correspondence between Chamberlain, Selbourne and Milner reveals an intention to use military intervention as the means to take over the ZAR. 128 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
It was an ‘intimidation game’ between Britain and the Boer Republics. The ZAR hoped to ward off hostilities by a show of strength and hoped that should there be conflict, quick and decisive action would bring a speedy stop, as in 1881. Britain, as a global power, felt sure that a successful campaign was a forgone conclusion - as eventually happened. The duration and scale thereof was unexpected and it escalated to such a degree that she was unable to extricate herself without losing face nationally and internationally.
The War, as viewed internationally Concerned at the visible build-up of British troops and well aware of the fact that more were at sea, en route to SA, the ZAR (through her State Secretary F.W. Reitz) presented Britain’s representative in Pretoria with an ultimatum, in which the Republic suggested arbitration, if not further talks. This preceded the ultimatum Britain intended to present to the ZAR by two days:
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Britain (through Alfred Milner, her High Commissioner and via Her Majesty’s Agency in Pretoria), responded rather bluntly -
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Well aware of the fact that the ZAR wrote that a non-acceptance would be viewed as a declaration of war, Milner obliged the ZAR by stating that Her Majesty’s Government deemed it “impossible to discuss.” (sic) And, this is how a state of War between Britain and the ZAR came about. The question remains
who (or what) really started the War?
One could argue that the ZAR did not declare a war - Britain did so by implication when she refused (amongst others) the discussion and/or arbitration requested by the ZAR. Therefore, a state of war already existed when the Republics made their (pre-emptive) strike. On the other hand, Britain insisted that the Republics invaded her colonies, which justified her troop build-up during the preceding months. To counter some latter-day critics who state that ‘Kruger was not prepared to budge on the franchise issue’, let’s quote a co-Admin of our ABW site, Johan van Niekerk: ‘Kruger made concession after concession until he was not prepared to concede anymore. The final franchise 131 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
concessions of the ZAR were on a par with that of Great Britain and Germany at the time and even more lenient than that of the USA. No country in the world would simply grant citizenship to foreigners willy-nilly, especially by demand of a foreign power.’ The ZAR and OFS eventually went to War under huge provocation. Milner’s demands were designed to be impossible for Kruger to accept and Kruger was the only one who made concessions. Milner even feigned concern for the black folk in the ZAR, a concern that wasn’t forthcoming to them (or even the Indians) once Britain governed the Transvaal. In view of the build-up of troops and the fact that more were at sea on way to SA, it became (in the view of the ZAR) time for a pre-emptive strike. I’m of the view that even if the ZAR did not invade at the time she did, the ‘Chamberlain Ultimatum’ would have been the catalyst for them to do so. But, the two Republics would never win that War - they just did not have the infrastructure and resources. They hoped for international intervention, which weren’t forthcoming. As Lord Palmerston stated: “There are no permanent friends; only permanent interests”. Awakened on the morning of 10 October 1899, Chamberlain read the ultimatum with a sense of relief. “They have done it!” he exclaimed. Lord Salisbury was similarly jubilant. “The Boers,” he said, “had liberated us from the necessity of explaining to the people of England why we are at war.” Lansdowne remarked: “My soldiers are in ecstasies.” London newspapers predicted a short war - “a tea-time war. It would be over by Christmas.” (Source: Ultimatums - Modern History.)
Portraits of the South African role-players - Pres. M.T. Steyn, Sir Alfred Milner (later in life, as Viscount) and Pres. Paul Kruger.
Role players in Britain were the likes of British Prime Minister, Lord Salisbury, the Colonial Secretary, Joseph Chamberlain and the Sec. of State for War, Lord Landsdowne. And, as is habitually said - the rest is history. Chris Pretorius (Republished with permission: Peter Greef)
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Paulo Ricci Foto: Verskaf
Kolonel Hendrik Frederik Prinsloo Foto: SA Military History
Ontspanning buite die barakke Foto’s: Emilio Coccia, president: Zonderwater Blok eks Krygsgevangene Vereniging van Pretoria
’n Menasie
Pos van die huis af
Houtwerk word aangeleer
’n Toneel uit ‘Il Cardinale’, opgevoer deur krygsgevangenes 133 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Buitelug eredienste is gehou
Zonderwater-hospitaal het 3 000 beddens gehad
Krygsgevangenes kom by Zonderwater aan
Krygsgevangenes word getel
Die uitstallingsaal
134 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Atletiekbyeenskomste is gereeld gehou
Die barakke
’n Voorstelling van die aanvanklike tentekamp
135 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
136 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
’n Groot Trek-toneel as muurpaneel by die ou ‘Rec-klub’ Paulo Ricci Paulo Ricci is die oudste oorlewende Italiaanse krygsgevangene wat die Tweede Wêreldoorlog in Zonderwater-interneringskamp deurgebring het. Toe die kamp in 1947 gesluit het, het Paulo besluit om nie terug te gaan na Italië nie, maar om in Pretoria te bly. Hy het op 29 Maart 102 jaar oud geword. Paulo is in 1920 in Italië gebore. In 1941, toe hy 21 jaar oud was, is Paulo vir militêre diensplig opgeroep en gestuur om in Noord-Afrika te gaan veg. Hy is aanvanklik na die front in Tobruk gestuur en is later deur Australiese magte in Tunisië gevang en het ’n krygsgevangene geword. ’n Jaar later is Paulo in die Suez-kanaal op ’n skip na Durban gesit. Van Durban af is Paulo na Zonderwater buite Cullinan gestuur. Die eerste 10 000 krygsgevangenes het in die lente van 1941 vanaf die fronte in Ethiopië (toe nog Abessinië genoem) en Eritrea daar aangekom. Hulle is in tente, wat oorspronklik deur die Unie-troepe gebruik is, gehuisves. Later is die tente deur barakke, wat die Italianers self opgerig het, vervang. Zonderwater-krygsgevangenekamp was die grootste van die 18 Tweede Wêreldoorlogse Italiaanse Krygsgevangenekampe.
• Spookdorp Dié kamp is reg langs Cullinan, wat toe ’n spookdorp was, opgerig. Die myn het in 1932 gesluit weens ’n daling in diamanthandel en die inwonertal het geweldig afgeneem. Daardie dae het alles op die dorp aan die myn behoort: die huise, winkels, hospitaal, ontspanningsaal, stasie en treinspoor. In 1939 het dit geblyk dat Suid-Afrika aan die Tweede Wêreldoorlog gaan deelneem en die weermag het sy oë op die dorpie Cullinan, wat so te sê verlate gestaan het, gerig. ’n Ooreenkoms is met Sir Harry Oppenheimer, voorsitter van die Premier Diamond Mining Company, aangegaan dat die geriewe by die Premiermyn vir die Departement van Verdediging beskikbaar gestel sou word. 137 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Die mynmaatskappy se eiendom, wat die plase Elandsfontein, Louwsbaken en ’n gedeelte van Byenespoort ingesluit het, is aan die regering verhuur. Teen die einde van 1939 het die regering die plaas Zonderwater van die African and European Investment Corporation gekoop om as opleidingsgebied te dien. Mettertyd is dele van die plase Brandbach, Kafferskraal en Tweefontein gehuur. Uiteindelik was omtrent 6 800 morg grond in die Cullinan-gebied in militêre gebruik.
• Kolonel HF Prinsloo Die Bevelvoerder Troepe, Premiermyn was aanvanklik in beheer van die Zonderwater krygsgevangenekamp, maar in 1942 is kolonel Hendrik Frederik Prinsloo as kampkommandant aangestel. Toe Hendrik ’n kind was, is hy in ’n Britse konsentrasiekamp in die Anglo-Boere-oorlog aangehou en juis oor die toestande in dié kampe, was hy ekstra bedag op die krygsgevangenes se lewenstoestande. Hy is as 12-jarige seun gevange geneem toe hy lid was van sy pa se kommando, ‘Die Carolinaers’, en is saam met sy ma na die Barberton-konsentrasiekamp gestuur. Onder Hendrik se leiding is iets wat as ’n ‘klein dorpie’ beskryf kan word, gebou. Daar was 14 blokke, elk met vier kampe van 2 000 mans. Elke kamp het 24 barakke met sinkdakke gehad. Dit was ’n ‘dorp’ wat beplan is om 100 000 soldate te huisves en daar was 30 km paaie, menasiesale, opleidingsentrums, skole, gimnasiums en sportvelde waar groot byeenkomste gehou is. Hendrik het seker gemaak dat daar ’n verbetering in lewensomstandighede is: Ongeletterdheid het gedaal van 30% na 2% en 200 krygsgevangenes is as onderwysers en opleiers in meganika en houtwerk in diens geneem.
• Kultuur ’n Orkes is in die lewe geroep; daar was kuns- en handwerkuitstallings, kunsklasse en ’n biblioteek met 10 000 boeke. Daar was selfs ’n groot uitstallingsaal waar uitstallings van kunswerke jaarliks gehou is. Dié saal is deur die krygsgevangenes ontwerp en gebou. Alle onderhoudswerk by die kamp is deur die krygsgevangenes self gedoen. Daar was mobiele filmteaters en 17 teaters in die kamp met akteurs en regisseurs. Selfs die kostuums vir die verhoogproduksies is in die kamp gemaak. Muurskilderye wat deur dié Italianers geverf is, pryk nog teen dit wat destyds die Cullinan ‘Rec’-klub genoem is, se mure. Eduardo Villa, ’n Italiaanse krygsgevangene wat jare in Zonderwater was, het later een van ons land se bekendste kunstenaars geword. Hy is in 1949 uit die kamp ontslaan en, in plaas daarvan om terug te keer na Italië, het hy gekies om in Johannesburg aan te bly. Die geestelike behoeftes van krygsgevangenes is aangespreek deur 20 Italiaanse kapelane. Elke blok het sy eie buitelug altaar en kapel gehad. Op Sondae en heilige dae is mis by die buitelug altare gehou, sodat alle gevangenes dit kon bywoon.
• Hospitale Binne elke blok was daar ’n mediese offisier en ernstiger siektes is na die hospitale verwys. Zonderwater het die grootse militêre hospitaal in Suid-Afrika gehad (met 3 000 beddens) en het bestaan uit 150 geboue, elk met 20 beddens. Binne elke blok kon die krygsgevangenes vrylik rondbeweeg, alhoewel hulle steeds in ’n ‘tronk’ was waar die 14 blokke met doringdraad afgekamp is en gewapende wagte wagtorings beman het. 138 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Sommige van die krygsgevangenes kon die ingehoktheid glad nie hanteer nie en van hulle het letterlik van hulle koppe afgegaan en is in ’n spesiale eenheid van die hospitale opgeneem. Sommiges het probeer ontsnap na Mosambiek, waar daar ’n Italiaanse konsulaat was, maar as hulle gevang word, is hulle vir 28 dae in die ‘rooi huis’ aangehou waar streng straf opgelê is. Alle gevangenes is gereeld getel en ’n kliniese rekord is van elkeen opgestel. Kopieë van dié rekord-kaarte word steeds bewaar by die ‘Associazione Zonderwater-blok’. Die oorspronklike kaarte het verlore geraak toe die skip waarmee hulle na Italië gestuur is, gesink het. Krygsgevangenes is gereeld van die een blok na die ander oorgeplaas volgens ideologiese kriteria en politieke oriëntasie. Sommiges het gekies om hulle samewerking te gee en hulle is gestuur om buite die kamp te werk. Ander het gekies om aan te hou probeer ontsnap of om in die blokke te sit en wag vir repatriasie.
• Sluit Zonderwater het op 1 Januarie 1947 gesluit en die woord oor kampkommandant, kolonel Hendrik Frederik Prinsloo, se humanitêre bestuur van dié kamp het wyd versprei. In 1947 het hy SuidAfrika verteenwoordig by die diplomatieke konferensie in Genève om die internasionale konvensie oor die behandeling van krygsgevangenes te hersien. Hendrik se humanitêre werk is op 25 November 1949 deur die ná-oorlogse Italiaanse regering erken toe hy en drie van sy kamp-offisiere die Orde van die Ster van Italië ontvang het. Dié toekenning is gemaak aan diegene wat spesiaal bygedra het tot die heropbou van ná-oorlogse Italië. Hendrik het ook die “Ordine di Bene Merente” (die Orde van Goeie Meriete) by die pous ontvang. Nie alle krygsgevangenes is met Zonderwater se sluiting in 1947 dadelik gerepatrieer nie. Baie van hulle is aanvanklik as werkers op plase in die omgewing uitgeplaas en die laaste krygsgevangenes is eers in 1955 gedemobiliseer.
• Paulo Ricci Paulo Ricci was een van die gevangenes wat besluit het om in die land agter te bly. Hy was ’n kleremaker van beroep en het ’n winkel in Pretoria se middestad oopgemaak. ’n Plaaslike loodgieter het Paulo gehelp en het vir hom ’n perseel gegee waar hy sy werk kon doen. Paulo het sy vrou, Fosca, ’n Pretoriase meisie van Italiaanse afkoms, in dié tyd ontmoet. Haar ouers het in die laat 1890’s van Toskane in Italië na Suid-Afrika geïmmigreer. Paulo se onderneming is later oorgedra aan sy broer, Alberto, wat dié snyerswinkel vir langer as 55 jaar bedryf het. Paulo het saam met sy skoonpa op ’n stukkie grond in Solomonstraat, Gezina gaan boer en hy en Fosca het twee kinders, Loretta en Aldo, gehad. In 1975 het hy Samca Teëls in Babelegi, Hammanskraal begin en bestuur. Hy het dié onderneming vir vyf jaar bedryf voor hy dit verkoop het en afgetree het. Dit is nou al 42 jaar gelede wat Paulo afgetree het en hy maak sedertdien sy eie wyn. Hy het ses kleinkinders en sewe agterkleinkinders en het hom in die Moot gevestig. Paulo het deurgaans op die eerste Sondag in November ’n herinneringsdag aan Zonderwater se bykans 109 000 Italiaanse krygsgevangenes bygewoon om kranse te lê by die begraafplaas met sy 252 grafte. Benewens die begraafplaas is daar ook ’n museum, kapel en ’n monument genaamd Die Drie Boë (’n simbool van die kamp). (Met dank aan die Bronberger).
139 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
1.1 Johanna Brandt (born Van Warmelo) lived in Pretoria during the Anglo Boer War. She became involved in the events as a nurse in hospitals and later on in the Irene concentration camp but most surprisingly of all, she was also a Boer spy. 140 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
1.2 Canadian nurses in the Boer War Deborah Hurcomb, head nurse of 2nd Canadian Contingent (wearing khaki) Deborah Jane Hurcomb was born in 1867 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada to Catharine (née Montgomery) and Philip William Hurcomb. Hurcomb's mother was Canadian and her father was a British military officer. She completed her nursing training at the Montreal General Hospital. In 1900, she volunteered to serve as a nurse during the Second Boer War and became a superintendent of the second Canadian nursing contingent. The nurses were given a rank equivalent to that of a lieutenant and were treated as officers. In February 1900, Hurcomb sailed aboard the S. S. Laurentian with nurses Margaret L. Horne, Margaret Clotilde MacDonald and Marcella P. Richardson to join the first contingent of nurses at the Number 3 Hospital at Rondebosch. After two weeks in Rondebosch, the group left for Kimberley, where they served in a makeshift hospital of one hundred beds located in the Masonic Temple. An outbreak of dysentery and enteric caused them to relocate to Bloemfontein six weeks later to help with the epidemic. 141 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Each of the nurses, except MacDonald, contracted the disease, but continued their work to provide services for the sick and wounded. In July, 1900, Hurcomb led her group of nurses to Pretoria, where they served at the Irish Hospital, until their return aboard the Roslyn Castle from Cape Town to Halifax, Nova Scotia in December 1900. In 1901, Hurcomb, along with two other nurses, Georgina Pope and Sarah Forbes, received medals for their war service from the Duke of York, later King George V, during his tour to the Outposts of the British Empire. She returned to South Africa in early 1902 with Forbes, MacDonald and Pope. The veterans were accompanied by four other nurses, Florence Cameron, Eleanor Fortescue, Amy W. Scott, and Margaret Smith. They did not serve as members of the Canadian Army Nursing Service, but rather as members of the British Army's temporary units. They accompanied the 2nd Battalion, Canadian Mounted Rifles (2 CMR) to Harrismith, where they were to be attached to the Canadian 10th Field Hospital. As that hospital had moved on to Newcastle, the nurses instead joined the 19th Stationary Hospital located between the Drakensberg hills and a small mountain called Platberg. Hurcomb and the other nurses were responsible for around 600 patients who had enteric fever. She had not fully recovered from her previous bout with the disease and succumbed to it again, having to be evacuated back to Canada in May. After her recovery, Hurcomb worked as a private nurse in Ottawa. Hurcomb died while on a visit to her father at his home in Buffalo, New York on 28 February 1907 and was buried in Ottawa [Wikipedia]
1.3 Georgina Pope - Head nurse, 1st Canadian Contingent Georgina Pope was the daughter of William Pope, a "Father of Confederation." A product of P.E.I. gentility, Georgina doubtless could have had a comfortable marriage and become an Island socialite. Instead, she attended the leading American school of nursing at Bellevue in New York. She remained in New York until October 1899, when she returned to Canada to seek a position as a nurse with the troops departing for South Africa. Four nurses accompanied Canada's first contingent to South Africa and four more joined the second, all with the honorary rank of lieutenant. For five months after their arrival, the first group, with Georgina Pope as senior sister, served at British hospitals just north of Cape Town. Then, 142 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Nurse Pope and another sister proceeded north to Kroonstadt where, despite shortages in food and medical supplies, they took charge of the military hospital, successfully caring for 230 sufferers of enteric fever. In January 1902, Pope returned to South Africa a second time as senior sister in charge of a second group of eight Canadian nurses. Three other nurses among them were also returning for a second tour of duty. They served at a hospital in Natal until the end of the war in May. In 1906, Nurse Pope began work as a member of the permanent Canadian Army Medical Corps at the Garrison Hospital in Halifax. Two years later, she attained the position of matron, the first in the history of the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Nurse Pope went overseas in 1917, but was invalided back to Canada at the end of 1918. [Canadian War Museum]
2 The Ngapuhi nursing sisters, Whangarei. *Self-styled as the Ngapuhi Nursing Sisters of Mercy, this group of Ngapuhi women organised themselves using the military ranks and traditions of the New Zealand Army to contribute to New Zealand's War effort during the South African War of 1899 1902. The Ngapuhi Sisters of Mercy were Captain Louisa Kingi, Sergeant A. Calkin, Major C. Calkin, Lieutenant Kohu Gertrude Waetford (granddaughter of Louisa Kingi), and Bugler M. Kaire. As Wahine Maori the Nursing Sisters were British subjects by law but were denied any chance of serving with the army officially. To be accepted into the New Zealand Army at this time applicants were required to be able to ride and shoot, and to fit the physical requirements of the role. These requirements included being male, and Pakeha Ngapuhi - A member of a Maori people living in the Northland region of New Zealand. Pakeha - a white New Zealander as opposed to a Maori person. [Auckland War Memorial Museum] 143 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
3.1 THEN and NOW: Nurses of the Princess Christian's Army Nursing Reserve at 13 General Hospital, Rondebosch, now Rondebosch Common In 1897 an Army Nursing Service Reserve was established, run by a committee chaired by Princess Christian, hence it was known as Princess Christian's Army Nursing Service Reserve (PCANSR). In wartime it came under the direction of the War Office. During the war in South Africa the PCANSR underpinned the employment of some 2000 nurses from all over the world Canada, New Zealand and Australia. Princess Christian, the third daughter of Queen Victoria took an interest in military nursing and formed the Princess Christian's Army Nursing Reserve in 1897. Two years later they proved their worth in the Second Boer War (The South African War or Anglo-Boer War) from 1899 to 1902. The Princess Christian's Army Nursing Reserve were disbanded in 1907 and members became part of the Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service Reserve whose abbreviation was QAIMNS(R). [Qaranc]
3.2 Source images for 3.1
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4.1 Sisters Elin and Anna Lindblom and Anna Svensson Swedish On the first day of recruitment 68 Scandinavians had volunteered and amongst them were three women who had volunteered for medical service. They were Anna and Elin Lindblom, two sisters, and also Hildur Svenson. They served on the Ambulance Unit which was made up of 8 members and two ox wagon drivers. The ambulance was an ox wagon. WHEN A YOUNG Swedish woman named Elin Charlotte Lindblom left for the battlefront with the Scandinavian Ambulance in October 1899, she had already been living in Johannesburg for some three years. Pro-Boer sentiment was strong among Scandinavians on the Rand, and when war broke out in October 1899, a volunteer corps, which attracted 113 Scandinavians, including forty145 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
six Swedes, was formed. Many of these volunteers were sailors, and most had no military training and could neither ride a horse nor use a gun – a fairly common problem among foreign volunteers in this particular war. Swedish engineer Christer Uggla, head of the railway workshops in Pretoria, was the driving force behind the Scandinavian Corps, which was commanded by fellow Swede, Johannes Flygare. Uggla and Flygare also formed the Scandinavian Ambulance, and a Norwegian doctor, Wilhelm Boeck Bidenkap, who was working as a medical officer in Swaziland at the time, was appointed as its head.4 Elin and Anna Lindblom, as well as Hildur Svensson, a Red Cross sister from Gothenburg, were approached to join as nurses; Svensson’s brother, Johan, also became a member of the corps.5 ‘In the first half of October 1899, about a week after the outbreak of the Boer War, Mr Johannes Flygare, who had been appointed captain of the recently established Scandinavian corps, came to us and asked us to form an Ambulance for his corps,’ Elin recorded. ‘The conditions were free food as good as we could obtain, and free travel; possible remuneration would be dependent on the outcome of the war.’6 From the latter, it is clear that the volunteers’ prime motive in signing up was the advancement of the Boer cause. Like those of the Hollander Corps, who were also not paid, they could not be regarded as mercenaries. Apart from Dr Bidenkap and the three nurses, five ambulance men were also enlisted: Ernst Lindberg from Finland; Oscar Hedberg, Axel Anderson and Wilhelm Stolze, all from Sweden; and Wolf Trotzmuller, from Germany.7 Anna was charged with the supervision of the entire enterprise. [trantor.is]
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4.2 Princess Christian Hospital, Officer's Ward The Princess Christian Hospital was based in Pinetown near Durban during the Boer War. It was commanded by Surgeon Lieutenant Colonel James Stevenson Forrester who died of enteric on 18 Jun 1900. The Hospital originally contained 100 beds and was located just above the old Pinetown railway station. Patients were carried from the station to the hospital. Around 5000 patients were seen at the hospital. The ground upon which the hospital was found was generously 'let', but free of charge by a Mr Stevens, who was the land owner. Today the building operates as the Fairydene Retirement home. The only remnant of the original hospital today is the officers ward which is now the village dining room.
4.3 Princess Christian Hospital Main Ward blend
147 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
4.4 Sources images for 4.3
5 Sister Vondadelszen - Colombo camp – Ceylon Credit – N Moolman
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(Begrotingsdebat in parlement: Verdediging en militêre veterane) Mediaverklaring uitgereik deur:
Dr. Pieter Groenewald VF Plus-leier 24 Mei 2022 Die Wet op Militêre Veterane van 2011 maak dit duidelik dat alle lede van die land se nasionale weermag, ook dié wat voor 1994 gedien het, kwalifiseer as militêre veterane. Die wet bepaal dat ’n militêre veteraan (a); enige Suid-Afrikaanse burger is wat militêre diens verrig het vir enige van die militêre organisasies, statuurregtelik of andersins, wat aan alle kante van die Suid-Afrikaanse bevrydingsoorlog vanaf 1960 tot 1994 betrokke was. Dit is (b); ook iemand wat voor 1961 ’n lid van die Uniemag was of (c); iemand wat ’n lid geword het van die nuwe Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag ná 1994 wat opleiding voltooi het, nie meer diens verrig nie en nie oneervol ontslaan is nie. Dit sluit ook diegene in wat nie hul diensplig kon voltooi nie weens ’n besering of siekte wat opgedoen is ten tyde van sy of haar militêre opleiding. In hierdie stadium is daar klaarblyklik ’n opvatting dat lede wat voor 1994 gedien het, nie kwalifiseer as militêre veterane nie. Dit is onwaar. Ek wil hier in besonder verwys na lede van die Kaapse Korps (SAKK) vir bruin lede wat voor 1994 gedien het. Ek word oorval met navrae van hierdie lede wat ingevolge die definisie van die wet kwalifiseer as veterane, maar nie die voordele kry nie. Daar is natuurlik sekere voorwaardes en die wet bepaal onder meer dat ʼn middele-toets soos inkomste gebruik sal word om te bepaal of iemand kwalifiseer vir voordele. Daar is ook ander tegniese vereistes waaraan voldoen moet word voordat geëis kan word, soos dat ʼn eiser as ʼn militêre veteraan geregistreer moet wees by die betrokke departement. Die VF Plus is bewus van lede wat aan al die voorskrifte voldoen om voordele te ontvang, maar hulle word daarvan weerhou deur burokratiese struikelblokke. Die party doen daarom ’n beroep op die minister, Thandi Modise, om aandag te skenk aan die saak sodat soldate wat hul land gedien het, die voordele ontvang waarop hulle geregtig is. Ongeag aan watter kant van die stryd hulle was. Nog ’n saak waaraan die minister aandag moet skenk, is die opgeblase topstruktuur van die SANW. Daar is tans meer as 400 generaals waarvan slegs 97 in strategiese poste is. Meer as 300 verrig bloot administratiewe take. Daar mag nie toegelaat word dat lede, en veral oud-Umkhonto we Sizwe-lede, hoë poste kry net om gemaklik af te tree nie.
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'n Engelse soldaat vat 'n koue stort in die veld naby Vryheid gedurende die Anglo-Boere Oorlog.
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SANDF matter of abuse of horses: Private Prosecution Unit lays complaint against sluggish investigating officers Afriforum 9 May 2022 AfriForum’s Private Prosecution Unit has lodged a service complaint with Lt. Gen. S.J. Kwena, the Provincial Police Commissioner in the North-West, against two senior detectives due to the perceived lack of progress with an investigation. These detectives are the police officers that have appointed to oversee and conclude investigations in the matter of the South African National 152 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Defence Force (SANDF) allegedly abusing and neglecting their horses. The Private Prosecution Unit act on behalf of the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animal (NSPCA) in this matter. The NSPCA already opened cases of animal abuse against the SANDF’s Specialists Infantry Capability in May 2018 because horses were allegedly being neglected and starved at the army terrain outside Potchefstroom. According to the NSPCA the neglect was of such a serious nature that some of the horses had to eat their own faeces and soil. 25 horses also had to be euthanised due to the emaciated condition they were in. According to Andrew Leask, Chief Investigator at AfriForum’s Private Prosecution Unit, AfriForum shares the NSPCA’s frustration with the lacklustre approach to the investigation. “It seems that the investigating officers are inexplicably dragging their feet with this investigation. The only inference that can be drawn is that the SAPS is either inept or being influenced to drop the case. We form the ineluctable conclusion that the proverbial tail is wagging the dog and that the SANDF and the suspects (instead of the police) are directing the pace of the investigation.” Despite four years already having elapsed since the filing of the charges of animal abuse, and the fact that the NSPCA compiled comprehensive case dockets and provided it to the police for further investigation, it seems that there has not been any progress with the investigation yet. Furthermore, despite many requests for feedback, the detective management from SAPS are also refusing to respond or provide any feedback on the matter to AfriForum or the NSPCA. Issued by Andrew Leask, Chief Investigator: Private Prosecution Unit, AfriForum, 9 May 2022 https://www.politicsweb.co.za/politics/sandf-horse-scandal-complaint-laid-againstinvesti?utm_source=Politicsweb+Daily+Headlines&utm_campaign=c418ce4264EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2022_05_09_09_14&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_a86f25db99c418ce4264-130042309
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SOUTH AFRICA'S ELECTRONIC SHIELD Wolfgang Witschas Since early 1970 aircraft and ships along the entire South African coastline have been able to plot their exact position in a remarkably short time with the aid of the Decca navigation system which has been installed at a cost of R6-million. The system functions day and night and requires very little dexterity from its users. The first transmitter of the system came into operation near Walvis Bay in October 1970. Similar installations have been erected in Namaqualand, the Western and Eastern Cape and Natal.
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ESTABLISHMENT OF A RADAR NETWORK IN 1967 This reassuring information follows an announcement by the them Minister of Defence, Mr P. W. Botha, on 22 February 1967, to the effect that a radar network of the most modern equipment had been installed to provide an early-warning system in case of aerial attack on South Africa's northern borders. Speaking at a ceremony marking the start of the academic year at Stellenbosch University, Mr Botha also said that a start had been made with the installation of a navigation system which would cover the coastline from the North of the then South West Africa (SWA) to the Natal border with Mozambique. The Minister said the system would be a highly accurate, international, radio-navigational aid which would be available to all who sailed around the South African shores in times of peace. At the same time, it would also be invaluable to South Africa's navy, and maritime air force, as an aid to patrols in times of war. The system would be among the most modern in the world and in wartime enemies would be denied the right to use the system. DECCA A POPULAR SYSTEM This navigational aid is a popular system which has been installed in many countries throughout the world. Australia is planning a network around her important harbour cities. Western Europe, the North Atlantic, the Persian Gulf and parts of America, Japan and India are some of the areas served by Decca systems. South Africa's five chains are the first in the Southern Hemisphere and the installation put the country in good company. This is how the South African coastline and the adjacent interior is covered by the Decca system. The groups of dots connected by dotted lines indicate the various transmitting stations. AMERICAN INVENTION The system - the brainchild of an American, William O'Brien - is a pre-war invention offered to the Admiralty in 1942. It was developed rapidly and put into operation during the Allied invasion of Normandy. After the war, further development was discontinued and the Decca organisation was given permission to expand the invention as a commercial undertaking which is now used by thousands of ships and aircraft annually. COMPONENTS AND OPERATION Each chain of stations consists of a group of four radio transmitters - a centrally situated master station and three distant slave stations. The slave stations, which are designated red, green and purple, are usually positioned in a triangular shape around the main station and about 160 kilometres away from it. The four stations transmit constant signals in the 70 - 130 kilocycles band which are received as clock readings on board a ship. When a ship fitted with the equipment enters an area covered by the system, it picks up the signals of the transmitters of the nearest chain. It is then a simple operation to plot the position of the vessel on the position grid. This can be done with an accuracy which varies according to the distance the ship is away from the transmitting stations, but which is always within a few metres. Although the procedure for ships takes only a few seconds, it is too slow for modern aircraft. A small computer is, therefore, used to trace the flight of the aircraft on a chart, as it progresses. Pilots can plan their flights to any airfield in the area covered by the system, even if the airfields concerned are without radio aids of any kind. Standard maps, issued by the Government Printer, are to be reprinted with the system coordinates. ADVANTAGES The system has considerable advantages which are more than just a basic contribution to accuracy and safe navigation. Apart from its inherent accuracy, the most important advantage is its surface coverage. Any unit working within the effective surface - usually a radius of about 450 kilometres or more from the main transmitter - can report its position to a central place. This will 156 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
enable the position of all ships, aircraft or land units to be pin-pointed accurately. It is, therefore, an invaluable aid in search and rescue work. For anyone who must know without delay what his position is, this navigational system is the quickest, and one of the most accurate, aids available. OTHER USES In addition to its aid to pinpoint navigation, it is accurate enough to be used for special activities. These include oil exploration surveys, seismic surveys, marine mining and naval operations, such as hydrographic surveying, air-sea search and rescue work, cable laying and fishing. Navigation devices aboard ships can be used by plotters after little more than two hours of instruction. The roll, pitch or list of a ship does not affect the accuracy of the equipment on board. It should enable coastal traffic to operate with greater safety and should reduce drastically the number of strandings along the dangerous South African coastline. THE VORTAC SYSTEM A new R2-million air navigation system, the VORTAC System - the most accurate ever installed in South Africa - came into operation at the country's six major airports then in 1969 known as: • Jan Smuts (Johannesburg) • DF Malan (Cape Town) • Louis Botha (Durban) • JBM Herzog (Bloemfontein) • HF Verwoerd (Port Elizabeth) • JG Strijdom (Windhoek, SWA) The VORTAC is a radio-based navigational aid for aircraft pilots consisting of a co-located VHF omnidirectional range (VOR) beacon and a tactical air navigation system (TACAN) beacon. Both types of beacons provide pilots azimuth information, but the VOR system is generally used by civil aircraft and the TACAN system by military aircraft. However, the TACAN distance measuring equipment is also used for civil purposes because civil DME equipment is built to match the military DME specifications. Known as Vortac, the system enables pilots of light aircraft, as well as jetliners and military aircraft, to read at a glance their exact distance from airports. Vortac is a valuable safety aid, particularly in bad weather, and enables pilots to pinpoint their position from as far away as 200 miles from an airport. The highly accurate equipment takes the form of specialised transmitters at airports. It will also assist with landings and accurate navigation in the air corridors linking airports. The installation of Vortac has put South Africa's aids to navigation in line with the most advanced countries in the world.
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VORTAC TGO EARLY WARNING SYSTEM The Decca and Vortac systems have no link with the early warning system against air attacks, also announced by Mr Botha in 1967 and installed on South Africa's northern borders. The early warning system consists of the most modern and sophisticated radar network which can detect hostile aircraft many miles beyond the country's borders and then guide air force interceptor fighters to the attackers. South African industries manufactured 75 per cent of the equipment in the network which is generally used by countries with advanced defence organisations. The defence of the industrial complexes and military bases in the north of the country is essential and, for this reason, it was decided to establish an air defence organisation, capable of carrying out the task. The radar network consists of a control centre, containing electronic equipment which is linked to satellite radar stations by radio, telephone, telex and telemetric communications systems. There are stations at: • Ellisras (now Lephalale in the West of the Limpopo Province) • Mafeking (now Mahikeng in the North West Province) • Mariepskop (Northern border of the Mpumalanga and Limpopo Provinces • Acornhoek (Mpumalanga Province near the Kruger National Park) • Some of them are underground, such as the one at Devon. THE MASTER STATION The station at Devon in South Eastern Gauteng Province near the Mpumalanga Province border, is the nerve centre of the early warning air defence system and is the master station. Together with the other stations, it sweeps South Africa's northern borders, from South West Africa across to Mozambique. The system was installed six months before similar NATO installations went into service in Europe. The initial installation cost about R12-million. However, this figure will increase as the system is modified constantly to keep abreast of the latest advances in electronic warfare. Modern science continues to develop and South Africa cannot afford to lag behind. As far as is known, there is no comparable system in the world. Building work on the station commenced in February 1963 and modifications have been carried out since 1966. It is controlled by digital computers. Together with modern aircraft and anti-aircraft installations, it is a formidable deterrent to any would-be attacker. Built underground to resist bomb attacks, the Devon station is also designed to enable personnel to live underground for a considerable time. It is air-conditioned and has all modern amenities, such as kitchens, recreation rooms and showers. It is a completely independent and self-sufficient underground city with its own power sources and fire-fighting system. All aircraft activity is controlled from the main operations room by the sector controller who is assisted by an intercept executive and a missile and anti-aircraft executive. These men are able to send aircraft into action within minutes of the computers' calculating all available information in a given situation. The computer complex of the station is said to be the biggest in the Southern Hemisphere. The computers are fed with information by the radar scanners above the ground. This information, together with data stored, is processed and sent to the operations room, indicating the best action to be taken. The satellite stations are also equipped with computers. This makes possible complete correlation of information in the system which is also linked by radio. The system can also be used to simulate operations against imaginary enemy air attacks. It can also assess South Africa's air defence abilities in a hypothetical situation. 158 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
SATELITE STATIONS Mariepskop and Ellisras are still operational and use the UMLUNDI RADAR system which is an upgrade PLESSEY AR3D system. It is a road transportable system used in a static configuration at the two radar sites. The UMLUNDI is an early warning long range radar system. Mariepskop was a full active station until 2002 when all equipment was replaced by a Mobile Search, that transfers information down to the Hoedspruit Base. Personnel was transferred to the Makhado formerly Hoedspruit Airforce Base. The SAAF also have mobile UMLUNDI RADAR systems which consists of cabins mounted on heavy duty trailers, it is in a horse and trailer configuration with 20Ton 4x4 trucks pulling the trailers so that it can be deployed where needed. Mariepskop SAAF radar site proving its worth 50 years on
Mariepskop in its early days. Picture: SAAF Museum Mariepskop is a prime SA Air Force (SAAF) installation in Mpumalanga, formerly Eastern Transvaal, monitoring airspace for effective protection and utilisation which continues today 56 years after it was taken into service as 1 Satellite Radar Station. The history and some of Mairiepskop’s highlights are set out by the SAAF Museum in its continuing efforts to appraise South Africans of what the airborne service of the SA National Defence Force (SANDF) has achieved in more than 100 years of existence. The Museum writes: “In November 1965, 1 Satellite Radar Station was officially opened and declared operational by then Prime Minister Dr Hendrik Verwoerd. He was flanked by the ministers of Defence, Jim Fouché; posts and communications, Albert Hertzog; Secretary for Defence, Vladimyr Steyn; Head of the SABC, Piet Meyer; Commandant-General of the SA Defence Force (SADF), General Rudolph Hiemstra and Chief of the air force, Lieutenant General Henry “Kalfie” Martin. “Although the official operational date is recorded as November 1965, the country’s utilisation of airspace control radar system received closer attention in the aftermath of World War Two. In 1964, the Northern Air Defence Sector in Devon started testing an air defence system using mobile units at sites including Mariepskop, before permanent structures were erected. Prior to this, the focus was mostly on the defence or security of the country’s coastal economy. 159 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
“Following determination of national security requirements at the time, it was deduced radar systems would provide much needed security for the gold mines and the rich industrial complex in the triangle formed by Johannesburg, Vereeniging and Pretoria. Thus, an effective air defence system was recognised as being essential to the defence of the country. Furthermore, it was a consensus that as a deterrent to a country’s potential or would-be enemies, radar systems would protect valuable investments and assets for the future. “Geopolitics of the time, influenced mostly by the apartheid policies of the nationalist government, placed the country in a vulnerable state and possible surprise air attack from states to the north. Influenced by these and other future threats a decision was taken by the General Staff (today’s Defence Force Command Structure) “’to install a chain of radar stations along the common border of Transvaal and the countries of Mozambique, Rhodesia and Bechuanaland to provide early warning of aircraft penetrating Transvaal airspace’. This was code-named Project Natsec. “Successful operation of the radars required suitable sites and the erection of communication networks to allow linkage between the radar site with Air Force Station (now Base) Waterkloof and each other. Following a map study and site selection, Mariepskop was identified as a suitable position to implement Project Natsec. Mariepskop presented a clear and uninterrupted radar view to the north and east of the Drakensberg. “Mariepskop existed long before the SAAF navigated its way to the mountain top. There is a probability indigenous people lived there before the SAAF thought of building a domestic area. The name, Mariepskop, could have been influenced or informed by activities of the Chief of the Mapulana tribe, Chief Maripe Mashile who is believed to have used the mountain’s fastness for his defence. It could also be argued the SAAF chose the mountain for similar reasons as Chief Maripe. Whether Mariepskop, as we know it today, was named after Chief Maripe or not, poses as an interesting research study on its own. “The map study was followed by a physical survey of the area. Major General (Captain at the time) Tom Cockbain and Corporal Bill Franke successfully negotiated their way to the tableland of the mountain. ‘We had to hack our way through indigenous forest choked with undergrowth to reach the rugged tableland on top of the mountain by a route which could accommodate a future road’. Two challenges were immediately identified. Firstly, ‘more modern radar technology than the SAAF possessed would have to be employed to meet the stringent conditions imposed by the strength of the reflections expected from the surrounding terrain’. Secondly and equally important, ‘a suitable all-weather access road to the site would have to be constructed”’ “Construction of the Rohrbeck Road was a no mean feat. Provincial and civilian contractors declared the proposed construction to be unfeasible. “Convinced it would work in November 1955, 1 Mobile Construction Flight from 100 Aerodrome Maintenance Squadron at AFB Waterkloof, under the stewardship of Warrant Officer 1 W.P.C. Rohrbeck started work. In February 1957, a 5km gravel road was completed and declared ready to accommodate a mobile radar and other communication equipment to be deployed on Mariepskop. A year into the construction of the road, Rohrbeck suffered a stroke and died in January 1959. In recognition of his efforts, leadership and willingness to see the job through the road was named after him. Rohrbeck road stretches 5km from the Mariepskop domestic area to the radar site. “Mariepskop or GE/2, as the site then known, was purely a VHF site. After several tests and terrain trials with assistance from the CSIR team, permanent repeater stations were erected in the early 1960s. The geopolitics of the time demanded the SAAF source a radar capable of longrange coverage with appropriate moving target indication capabilities. “In late 1961, Rohrbeck Road was extended to accommodate long vehicles and tankers providing logistical support. Soon after the SABC (SA Broadcasting Corporation) erected a TV broadcast 160 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
station. 1 Air Defence Unit Detachment was the first to move in and man the station. Members lived in tents and occasionally made use of Department of Forestry buildings. Later, Public Works Department built a domestic area. By this time personnel stationed at the station numbered over 450, comprising permanent force, citizen force, national service, Atlas and civilians serving as fighter controllers, radar operators, technicians, weather, security, administration, messing, stores and medical personnel. Housing was mess accommodation, married quarters and houses. “It was upgraded to a Sector Control Centre (SCC) in 1981 and renamed Lowveld Airspace Control Sector in August 1984. Colonel E.J. McCloskey was appointed as Officer Commanding in January 1989 and that August the unit moved to a new complex at AFB Hoedspruit with Mariepskop radar station becoming a reporting post for the SCC. AFB Hoedspruit complex was officially opened on 30 November 1990. “On many occasions, unit objectives were realised with a number of unknown aircraft in the country’s airspace identified including the incidents of 1981 and 1986. “On 8 July 1981, Lieutenant Adriano Bomba of the Mozambique Air Force flew his MiG 17 from Maputo to South Africa and was intercepted over the Kruger National Park by two Mirage F1AZs from 1 Squadron on a training exercise and instructed to land at AFB Hoedspruit. He requested political asylum and his aircraft was later returned to Mozambique. “During the night of 19 to 20 October 1986, a duty radar operator detected an aircraft in the Lusaka/Maputo corridor and tracked it. North of Komatipoort, the contact disappeared from radar presumed to have descended before landing. Early in the morning, the unit was informed of an aircraft crash and helicopters were requested for casevac. The tragic truth was President Machel of Mozambique was on board. That same morning the unit compiled a preliminary report with the track datasheet for the Air Force Command Post (AFCP). The unit was subsequently instructed to compile track statistics for the previous year of all flights which had flown the same route. “Another milestone for the Unit was the SAAF’s first Exercise Golden Eagle in August 1985, the first of many in which the air defence capabilities of the air force were tested. “The historical mandate of Mariepskop has always been about providing ‘effective protection and policing of airspace, improved air safety by monitoring of airspace because of increased flying activity and an efficient use of the country’s airspace for military as well as civilian use. Accordingly, Mariepskop remains true and steadfast to its roots and is receptive to contemporary air defence monitoring.” Ellisras Control and Reporting Post (CRP) radar
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On top of Ga-Mabula, 1 163m above sea level in the heart of the bushveld, north-east of Ellisras is a mono-pulse secondary surveillance radar (MSSR) and an AR-3D Umlindi long-range deployable radar system providing real-time air picture displays with a 3D multi-purpose function, writes SAAF Museum officer commanding Major Ntokozo Ntshangase. These capabilities are operated and maintained by 140 Squadron and is part of the SA Air Force (SAAF) Mobile Deployment Wing. The systems are strategically sited at the Ellisras Control Reporting Post and information on airspace activity along the South African north-western border of the country is relayed to Lowveld Airspace Sector (LASS) at AFB (Air Force Base) Hoedspruit and Bushveld Airspace Control Sector (BACS) at Air Command in Limpopo and Gauteng. Air Force Mobile Deployment Wing (AFMDW) The South African Air Force (SAAF) Mobile Deployment Wing (AFMDW) is a radar and communications wing of the South African Air Force. The AFMDW consists of 18 Deployment Support Unit, Mobile Communications Unit, 140 Squadron and 142 Squadron, 500 Squadron and 501 Squadron. The 18 Deployment Support Unit provides logistical support to deployment elements in the South African Air Force. They can erect a temporary air base (TAB), and ensure that all logistic functions are maintained for the duration of the deployment. EPILOG EYES AND EARS South Africa's long borders and the largely unguarded coastline are no longer a cause for concern. The very important ability to establish, at an early stage, the movements of any enemy bring the country's defence in line with modern warfare practice. South Africa is now ready for action in most circumstances. She had the fist with which to punch in ease of aggression; she now also has the eyes and ears to show where to punch, well in advance. REFERENCES South African Military History Society / scribe@samilitaryhistory.org Military History Journal Vol 2 No 3 - June 1972 Google: https//www.defenceweb.co.za/military-history/mariepskop-saaf-radar-site-proving-itseorth-60-years-on
BRITSE SAS: RELEVANSIE Kommentaar: Hennie Heymans Teen-insurgensie en optrede teen terroriste (of vryheidsvegters) is geen nuwe saak vir SuidAfrikaners nie. Ons het ‘n guerilla-fase tydens die Anglo Boere-oorlog ervaar en die Kanadesemagte het besonder goed teen ons Boere gevaar – baie was oud-Mounties! Later is Suid-Afrikaners weer in ‘n gedugte teen-insurgensie stryd betrokke in die destydse DuitsOos-Afrika. Genl Paul Emil von Lettow-Vorbeck was met sy askari’s ‘n gedugte teenstander en die befaamde genl JC Smuts het werklik les opgesê in die stryd teen hom. (Sien die SAP-vaandel) Elemente van die SA Polisie was in Palestina ontplooi in die Britse stryd teen terreur. Tydens die tweede wêreldoorlog het die SAP-brigade goed teen die Duitsers gevaar en die eerste Duitse generaal in die oorlog “arresteer’. Ons Suid-Afrikaners het nie juis deel gehad in die oorlogtydse “Desert Rats” nie, maar die Rhodesiërs wel. 162 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Elemente van die SA Polisie het deelgeneem in Palestina en in Kenia teen die Mau-Mau. Rhodesiërs was deel van die “Desert Rats” en ook deel van die Britse SAS. Rhodesiërs het in Maleisië geveg en daar krygsvernuf en krygslis toegepas. Rhodesië het later sy eie interne probleme ervaar. In die middel-1960’s het beide die SAP en SAW weer baie in Rhodesië geleer. Ons het ook baie by die Portugese geleer – ons dink bv. aan die Flechas. Ja, ons almal het maar bymekaar geleer – by die Israeli’s, by GSG (van Duitsland) en baie ander lande ook van Amerika. Ons was immers deel van die Koue Oorlog! Beide genl Hans Dreyer en genl JJ Viktor was in Rhodesië en het eerstehands baie oor teeninsurgensie by die BSAP se Special Branch en die Selous Scouts geleer. So het in die SAP Spesiale Operasie “K” – of te wel Koevoet in SWA ontstaan met kol Hans Dreyer in bevel en is Vlakplaas in die RSA gevestig, met kol Viktor in bevel. Die SA weermag met sy militêre attachés wêreldwyd het baie geleer en het die Recce’s (Verkenningskommando ’s gestig). Persoonlik sien ek die Britse SAS as ‘n soort van Vaderfiguur in die stryd teen terreur, insurgensie en spesiale operasies. Die Britse SAS is natuurlik die funksionele uitvoerder van operasies vir die Britse Special Branch en Britse Sekerheidsdiens (MI5). Ons bring hulde aan hierdie Britse voorlopers in die stryd vir wêreld vrede.
Kommentaar deur dr WP Steenkamp Enkele opmerkings oor die SAS / Desert Rats. Hulle oorsprong-konneksie met Suid-Afrika is ook te vind in die idee van Winston Churchill van spesialis-eenhede vir diep-penetrasie agter vyandelike linies in oorlogstyd, wat hy na ons kommando's vernoem het omrede die Boereeenhede se mobiliteit en vegvernuf hom so beïndruk het. Hulle was egter uit-en-uit militêre eenhede, gebore uit die noodsaak van die 2eWO, en het aanvanklik niks met teen-insurgensie te doen gehad nie. Die Britse vormingservaring met teeninsurgensie en die SB / MI5, was die Ierse Vryheidsoorlog (en later weer in N-Ierland met die "Troubles"). My persoonlike oordeel is dat die intrek van hierdie militêre eenhede, grootliks gesorg het daarvoor dat wat politieke konflikte was, vermilitariseer is, wat geboorte gegee het aan verwronge konsepte soos die "war on terror" (en die uiteindelike groot verleentheid laasjaar in Afghanistan, toe dit duidelik geword het dat so 'n konflik nie militêr gewen kan word nie). Die SAS was waarskynlik in die oorsprongs-DNA van ons Recce's, maar vir my het Koevoet apart gestaan as 'n spesiale polisie-eenheid, wat sukses gehad het juis omdat hulle steeds polisiemanne gebly het (misdaad-ondersoekers en vastrappers van wetsverbrekers). Dit was hulle klem, maar hulle het gewys dat hulle net so effektief (en meer so) kan wees as sulke spesialis militêre eenhede, in daardie konteks. Gewis het ons K-manne nie deur al die ringe gespring in opleiding wat die SAS doen nie (dit was nie relevant nie) maar het nogtans gewys hoe gedug en effektief hulle kon wees, in hulle rol. Kortom, ek is bietjie bekommerd oor die vermeng van die eenhede, asof hulle eintlik maar dieselfde was - want hulle was dit nie. 163 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
SAS / Desert Rats is diep-penetrasie spesialiste in 'n konvensionele oorlogsituasie (en nie werklik effektief in 'n politieke konflik nie, waar hulle teenwoordigheid en metodes emosies nog meer opstook - "kill stats" is die laaste barometer om te gebruik om te bepaal of 'n eenheid soos die SAS effektief aangewend is in 'n teeninsurgensie-rol). Koevoet was nie 'n diep-penetrasie eenheid om in 'n konvensionele oorlog agter vyandelike linies te opereer nie, maar wel baie effektief om binne eie grense terroriste uit te snuffel en aan te keer / elimineer (alhoewel hulle statistiese sukses ook juis gemoedere opgesweep het). Genadiglik het ons nie binne die RSA self 'n bos-oorlog gehad nie, en kon die handjievol SAP-VT met klassieke speurwerk die vyand aan bande le (soos ons e-boek bewys het) sonder sulke militarisasie en die politieke nagevolge daarvan.
1953 – 1987: BRITISH SAS: WHO DARES WINS Archive from the 'grandad of the SAS': Photos from the 50s and 60s show troops on parachute training, machine gun practice and crawling through a jungle - taken by hero who spent 34 years in elite 'Who Dares Wins' regiment • Black and white images were taken and collected by Lieutenant Colonel William Mundell in 1950s and 1960s • Lieutenant Colonel Mundell spent 34 years in the 'Who Dares Wins' regiment from 1953 until 1987 • One photo shows him climbing without ropes, whilst in another he is seen parachuting from a plane • Other images show SAS members firing machine guns, canoeing and on patrol in the jungle By Harry Howard, History Correspondent for Mailonline Published: 13:20 BST, 6 May 2022 | Updated: 13:29 BST, 6 May 2022 Incredibly rare photos of the SAS in training that were owned by the regiment's longest-serving member have emerged for sale. The black and white images, most of which were taken by Lieutenant Colonel William Mundell in the 1950s and 1960s, show the high-risk exercises the elite commandos went through. Lieutenant Colonel Mundell, who spent 34 years in the 'Who Dares Wins' regiment from 1953 until 1987, is also seen in some of the images. One shows him climbing without ropes whilst in another he is seen parachuting from a plane. Other images show SAS members firing machine guns, canoeing and on patrol in the jungle.
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Incredibly rare photos of the SAS in training that were owned by the regiment's longest-serving member have emerged for sale. The black and white images, which were taken by Lieutenant Colonel William Mundell in the 1950s and 1960s, show the high-risk exercises the elite commandos went through. Above: Lieutenant Colonel Mundell climbing a cliff face and parachuting from a plane
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The men of Lieutenant Colonel Mundell's SAS unit. The soldier spent 34 years in the 'Who Dares Wins' regiment from 1953 until 1987 Lieutenant Mundell became an expert in jungle warfare and pioneered the hazardous practice of parachuting into the jungle canopy during which several comrades were killed or badly injured. Lieutenant Colonel Mundell, nicknamed 'granddad' by his SAS colleagues owing to his long service, excelled in the Cold War conflict in Indonesia and British Malaya in the 1960s. Then a sergeant, he commanded an SAS fighting patrol in Borneo and undertook several clandestine cross-border operations. He became an expert tracker in the jungle and was also able to recruit locals as spies to gather information about the activities of the Indonesian Army. He was awarded the British Empire Medal for his work in the conflict and went on to train SAS troops in jungle warfare, advising young recruits to 'make the jungle your friend.' Lieutenant Colonel Mundell died aged 88 in 2020. Now his family are selling off some of his SAS mementoes.
A member of the SAS is seen in one of Lieutenant Colonel's photos just before he touches down in a parachute jump. The SAS stands for the Special Air Service. The regiment was formed in July 1941 during the Second World War 167 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Soldiers are seen surrounding a U.S. Army plane parked at an airfield. One man is perching in the open cargo door of the plane
One of Lieutenant Colonel Mundell's images shows SAS members lined up in canoes. It is unclear where the image was taken
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Members of the SAS are seen practising with machine guns. One of the men appears to be wielding a Browning M1919
Ready to fire: Members of the SAS are seen crouching over a mortar in a field, as a trio of other men do the same just behind them. The SAS were disbanded after the Second World War but then reformed in 1947. In 1951, they were deployed during the Malayan Emergency
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Lieutenant Colonel (front) is seen carrying a canoe out of a stretch of water. Lieutenant Colonel Mundell was born at Maybole, Ayrshire Stephen Bosley, of Bosleys & Marlows Auctioneers of Stafford, which is selling the archive, said it was very rare to come across uncensored photos of the SAS. He said: 'Any SAS photographs that you see are usually carefully chosen, official publicity shots with a black line over the eyes of the men so as not to identify them. 'But Bill Mundell was also the unofficial photographer for the regiment and took these photos while in training. 'I don't know whether he was supposed to have them but they are quite amazing. It doesn't matter now because these men have long retired or have passed away but you can see their faces quite clearly. 'Usually, people serve between two to four years in the SAS but Bull Mundell spent 34 years with them which is extraordinary.'
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Members of the SAS are seen sitting in a Land Rover in another of Lieutenant Colonel Mundell's images. His archive, which also includes his SAS jungle combat kit, SAS badges and wings and presentation tankards, is expected to sell for a combined £2,000 on May 11
Stephen Bosley, of Bosleys & Marlows Auctioneers of Stafford, which is selling the archive, said it was very rare to come across uncensored photos of the SAS
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Members of the SAS are seen relaxing between two vehicles in an image that features in Lieutenant Colonel Mundell's archive
Members of the SAS are seen rowing in two-man canoes. The men were among the best-trained soldiers in the British Army
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SAS commandoes are seen training in jungle warfare. The SAS were deployed in Malaya from 1948 until 1960 and were later sent to Borneo 173 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Members of the SAS abseil during training. Whilst one of the men does the bulk of the work, another enjoys a piggy back ride 174 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Members of the SAS are seen sitting on their Land Rovers in an image taken by Lieutenant Colonel Mundell. It is unclear where the image was taken
Members of the SAS pose for a photo inside their Land Rover in the desert. The image is among those collected by Lieutenant Colonel Mundell during his long career Lieutenant Colonel Mundell was born at Maybole, Ayrshire. He did his National Service with the King's Own Scottish Borderers Regiment and was sent off to fight in the Korean War. While there he was in a slit trench when a Chinese mortar round landed. It failed to explode but killed his comrade standing beside him. Lieutenant Colonel Mindell was demobilised in 1952 but re-enlisted the following year into the SAS Regiment at Glasgow to fight in Malaya.
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After the Indonesia Confrontation he served with 23 SAS Regiment (TA) in Oman and undertook a number of undercover operations in Northern Ireland during the Troubles. He retired from the SAS in 1987. His archive, which also includes his SAS jungle combat kit, SAS badges and wings and presentation tankards, is expected to sell for a combined £2,000 on May 11. Share or comment on this article: Photos taken by longest-serving SAS member show soldiers in training in 1950s and 1960s https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10789327/Photos-taken-longest-serving-SAS-membersoldiers-training-1950s-1960s.html
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SOUTH AFRICANS’ COMMONWEALTH WAR CASUALTIES BURIED ACROSS THE WORLD – PART FIFTY-TWO Captain (SAN) Charles Ross (SA Navy Retired) South Africans took part in almost every theatre of war during both the First and Second World Wars. According to the Commonwealth War Graves Commission Casualty Data Base 7 290 (includes 607 unknown) First World War casualties and 9 986 (includes 84 unknown) Second World War casualties are buried in 1 207 cemeteries while 2 959 First World War and 2 005 Second World War casualties are commemorated on 48 memorials. This does not include the 1 750 members of the South African Native Labour Corps and the 306 from the South African Book of Remembrance, whose names are in the process of being added to the Commonwealth War Graves Commission’s Casualty Data Base. With South Africans having served far and wide, it is not surprising that you would find single or small group graves in cemeteries across the world. Here are some of those cemeteries where one or a tiny group of South Africans are buried.
• Cairo War Memorial Cemetery: Egypt At the outbreak of the First World War, Cairo was headquarters to the United Kingdom garrison in Egypt. With Alexandria, it became the main hospital centre for Gallipoli in 1915 and later dealt with the sick and wounded from operations in Egypt and Palestine. General Headquarters, Middle East Command, was set up in Cairo shortly before the Second World War, remaining there throughout the war years. In January 1941, a Royal Air Force Sector Headquarters for Fighter Defence Canal Zone was established. Cairo was again a significant hospital centre during the Second World War. There are now 2,056 Commonwealth casualties of the First World War and 340 from the Second World War buried or commemorated in the cemetery. A small number, known to have been buried in other civil cemeteries in Cairo but whose graves are now lost, are commemorated by special memorial. Burials in the following civil cemeteries are now alternatively commemorated in Cairo 177 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
War Memorial Cemetery: Cairo (Basatin) Jewish Cemetery Old Cairo Jewish Cemetery Cairo Maronite Cemetery Cairo Civil International Cemetery Old Cairo New Latin Cemetery 15 (three from World War One and 12 from World War Two) South African casualties are buried in the cemetery.
• Berlin 1939 – 1945 War Cemetery: Germany The site of Berlin 1939-45 War Cemetery was selected by the British Occupation Authorities and Commission officials jointly in 1945, soon after hostilities ceased. Graves were brought to the cemetery from the Berlin area and from eastern Germany. The great majority of those buried here, approximately 80 per cent of the total, were airmen who were lost in the air raids over Berlin and the towns in eastern Germany. The remainder were men who died as prisoners of war, some of them in the forced march into Germany from camps in Poland, in front of the advancing Russians. The cemetery contains 3,595 Commonwealth burials of the Second World War, 397 of them unidentified. There are also 6 Non-Commonwealth Foreign National burials and in addition there are 265 post war graves of men of the British Occupation Forces or their dependants, or of members of the Control Commission. 31 World War Two South African casualties are buried in the cemetery.
• Bari War Cemetery: Italy On 3 September 1943 the Allied invasion of the Italian mainland began with landing in the south near Reggio and, a few days later, in the Gulf of Salerno. The invasion coincided with an armistice made with the Italians who then re-entered the war on the Allied side. Allied objectives were to draw German troops from the Russian front and more particularly from France, where an offensive was planned for the following year. The site of Bari War Cemetery was chosen in November 1943. There was no serious fighting in the vicinity of the town, which was the Army Group headquarters during the early stages of the Italian 178 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
campaign, but it continued to be an important supply base and hospital centre, with the 98th General Hospital stationed there from October 1943 until the end of the war. At various times, six other general hospitals were stationed at Trani and Barletta, about 48 km away. Besides garrison and hospital burials, the cemetery contains graves brought in from a wide area of south-eastern Italy, from the 'heel' right up to the 'spur'. Here too are buried men who died in two disastrous explosions in the harbour at Bari, when ammunition ships exploded in December 1943 (during a German air raid) and April 1945. Bari War Cemetery contains 2,128 Commonwealth burials of the Second World War, 170 of them unidentified. There are also some non-war burials and war graves of other nationalities. The cemetery also contains 85 First World War burials, brought in from Brindisi Communal Cemetery in 1981. Most of these burials are of officers and men of the Adriatic drifter fleet which had close associations with Brindisi during the First World War. 162 World War Two South African casualties are buried in the cemetery.
• St Julien Dressing Station Cemetery: Belgium St. Julien was within the Allied lines from the late autumn of 1914 until April 1915. The Germans used poison gas here for the first time on 22 April, but the village was held by the 3rd Canadian Infantry Brigade until a second gas attack two days later. It was recaptured by the 39th Division in early August but passed into German hands again on 27 April 1918. St Julien was finally retaken by the Belgian Army on 28 September. The Dressing Station Cemetery was begun in September 1917. By March 1918, the cemetery consisted of Plots I, III and part of Plot II, and contained 203 graves, but it was severely damaged by shell fire in the summer of 1918. The cemetery was increased after the Armistice when graves were brought into Plots II and IV from the battlefields surrounding St. Julien. There are 420 First World War servicemen buried or commemorated in this cemetery. 180 of the burials are unidentified, but there are special memorials to 11 casualties known or believed to be buried among them. The cemetery was designed by Sir Reginald Blomfield. Two World War One South African casualties are buried in the cemetery. 179 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
• Moascar War Cemetery: Egypt Moascar was the name given to the military camp near the town of Ismailia. The desert cemetery was started at Moascar by the military authorities for the burial of war casualties, mainly from the Canal Zone. After the war, further graves were moved into the cemetery from a number of burial grounds in the vicinity where permanent maintenance was not possible. The cemetery continued to be used, between the end of the war and the evacuation of Commonwealth forces in Egypt, for the burial of servicemen garrisoned in the area, their dependents and members of civilian organisations attached to the garrison. The cemetery now contains 475 Commonwealth burials of the Second World War, 495 non war graves and 19 war graves of other nationalities. 23 World War Two South African casualties are buried in the cemetery.
Block House: Anglo Boer War
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THE FIRST EVER BLACK POLICEMAN IN THE METROPOLITAN POLICE, LONDON I was standing on patrol when a driver yelled ‘You black ****’ at me... it was a fellow copper in a panda car: NORWELL ROBERTS - the first ever black policeman in the Met - tells his harrowing but ultimately uplifting story By Norwell Roberts for the Mail on Sunday Published: 22:01 BST, 28 May 2022 | Updated: 01:07 BST, 29 May 2022 The reporting sergeant at Bow Street Police Station did not mince his words. ‘Look, you n****r,’ he snarled. ‘I’ll see to it that you won’t finish your probation.’ To say I was shocked would be an understatement. It was my first day with the Metropolitan Police and I’d been so proud and excited. Not anymore. All around me the other officers in the room looked away. Nobody stuck up for me – in fact, I thought I could see some of them smirking behind their hands. I’d known that being London’s first black police officer was not going to be easy. But nothing had prepared me for this. What you are about to read is completely true. My aim isn’t to make people feel sorry for me. All I want is to describe how things were: to take you back to the bad old days of the Sixties and Seventies, so that we can learn from them. I often find myself disagreeing with people who say Britain is as racist as ever. Anyone who says that has no idea how bad it was to live as a black person in London back then. I wish I could take people back and show them what it was like to walk down the street and have people shouting ‘Oi, n****r!’ or ‘Oi, Sambo!’ at you. I remember talking to a bloke once who said: ‘Me and my wife, we don’t like black people.’ I said to him: ‘How many black people have you ever met?’ He said: ‘None. But I guess you seem all right.’ I’m sure other black candidates must have applied to join the Met in the late Sixties but none of them had been successful. But for reasons I don’t know, the Home Secretary of the time, Roy Jenkins, had approved my application, and I was in. What followed was a 30-year career of incredible highs and some pretty dreadful lows. There were plenty of times when things were so tough, I found it hard to keep going.
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ON THE BEAT: Norwell Roberts, the first ever black policeman in the Metropolitan police force, pictured on duty in London in September 1968 Looking back, I’m staggered by some of the things I had to put up with in the early part of my career. But I have no doubt that these things would have happened to whoever was the first black police officer in the Met. In spite of everything, I’m glad it was me. A couple of mates I’d trained with at Hendon Police College had been posted to Bow Street, too, and I was looking forward to learning the job alongside them. But suddenly I found that they weren’t speaking to me anymore. These were people I’d shared laughs with all through our training but now, at work, they refused to have anything to do with me. Only when we got back to the section house, the accommodation for single police officers where we were boarding, did they acknowledge my existence again. With the benefit of hindsight, I can understand how they felt – we all do what we think is in our best interests. They wanted to be popular and they thought ignoring me would help. Later, I’d find out they’d been told not to be seen talking to me by an older constable at the station. It was this man who was responsible for organising a campaign of sustained racist abuse against me that would, over the next few years, take me to the brink. One day another older PC told me where I should park my car. When I did exactly as he said, it ended up being towed away. The ten shillings that I had to pay to get it back was a very significant sum in those days. They must have had a good laugh at my expense back at the station. On other occasions the side of my car would be scratched or its tyres would be slashed. One day I returned to the vehicle to find that 182 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
the keyhole had been filled with matchsticks and chewing gum. It was then I decided to start walking to work. Wearing my uniform with pride became increasingly difficult – I’d get to the locker room to find that someone had ripped the buttons from my jacket, or I’d find it stuffed behind a cupboard, filthy from being scuffed around on the floor. In those early years my appointments book, truncheon, whistle and helmet would all disappear on a regular basis – they would turn up a day or two later or be handed back to me by the sergeant, who was no doubt in on the ‘joke’. People often refer to the loneliness of the long-distance runner but that’s nothing compared with the loneliness of a black man in a police canteen in 1967.
Norwell pictured centre, on a routine march with other recruits at Hendon Police College training I’d always looked forward to mealtimes when I was at Hendon, but at Bow Street my isolation became obvious. I vividly remember approaching the canteen one day in my first few months in the job. I could hear laughter coming from the room – it sounded like there was some sort of party going on. However, as soon as I entered and walked up to the counter, the laughter stopped abruptly and I could feel 60 or 70 pairs of eyes boring into me. After trying to join my colleagues at a table, only to find myself looking at their backs, I gave up and sat down on my own. Still, I’ve always tried to count my blessings; in this case, I was glad that the catering staff were nearly all black, otherwise I might not have got so much as a cup of tea. At the end of a shift, I would feel so wretched that I’d often go back to the section house, lock myself in the bathroom and burst into tears. To make matters worse, it soon became clear that the station bully seemed to have been tasked with deliberately making me so miserable that I’d leave the force. It was well known that he disliked all black people, not just me – I heard one of the other policemen tell the story of him opening up a black prisoner’s head ‘like a pork sausage splitting in a frying pan’. But I had something to prove. I wanted to succeed even more than they wanted me to fail. 183 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
My fellow officers would do anything to avoid going out on the beat with me. But somebody had to do it. That was the way young recruits learned the ropes. Walking through Covent Garden, then a thriving fruit and vegetable market, with a veteran constable one day, I noticed the gaggles of porters and traders falling silent as we passed, then start chatting again when we’d gone. As we made our way back to the station, one of the stallholders plucked a banana from a large stem and thrust it into my colleague’s hand. ‘Here’s a banana for your monkey,’ he said. A hush descended, with everyone watching to see what would happen. I decided the only thing to do was to tackle this horrible incident head-on but with no aggression or anger. I grabbed the banana from my colleague, peeled it and ate it in a couple of bites, with everyone staring at me. I then tossed the peel back to the stallholder, leaving him gobsmacked. The story spread around the market like wildfire and went some way towards helping me build a relationship with the people who worked there – though it did not seem to make my colleagues hate me any less. As my troubles at the station continued, I was grateful I was beginning to make friends on the beat and I’d often get invited into people’s houses for cups of tea. In my eyes, this was the essence of good policing: I got an insight into what the public were thinking, and they got a policeman they could trust. Meanwhile, I was getting the hang of the job. One of my most satisfying arrests as a young copper happened one night when I was flagged down by a cab driver. He told me that he had just been paid with a forged £5 note and he thought the culprit was nearby.
Hysteria: Norwell restrains fans at The Beatles’ Let It Be premiere in 1970 I jumped into his cab and we soon spotted the bloke. I arrested him, hauled him into the back of the vehicle and took him to the station. He initially claimed he hadn’t done anything wrong and when I searched him, I found nothing. But I noticed he had dropped a cigarette packet on the floor of the charge room. My instinct told me to retrieve it and I found another couple of forged fivers hidden inside. As this was a criminal offence, I handed the matter to the CID. In those days, a good arrest like this should have been noted on my record of work. But you won’t be surprised to learn that this did not happen. That kind of thing occurred time and time again. I remember arresting a famous actor who was appearing in a play at the Strand Theatre. He went through my signal to stop, so I pulled him over and reported him.
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Then he said: ‘If you nick me, I won’t send any more free tickets to the station.’ In those days, the theatres would send any spares to the police. I arrested him anyway. But needless to say, he never ended up in court. Low-level corruption such as this went on all the time. There might have been more serious stuff going on as well, but if there was, it was above my pay grade. I was dealing mainly with petty crime, although I did have one brush with a major player from London’s gangland. I’d been standing around at Bow Street Magistrates’ Court one day when I noticed a little chap on the other side of the waiting room. He stood out from the crowd – he was dapper and well groomed, with a handkerchief in his front pocket. It was Ronnie Kray. At this time, he and his twin brother Reggie were in their pomp and known throughout London. I asked him what he was in for. ‘They’ve f*****g got me for going through a red light,’ he said. He was really annoyed, because after everything he’d done, he’d been nicked for something as trivial as that. IT was obvious things were not working with my superiors. In one of my reports, my sergeant observed that I kept myself to myself in the canteen, did not mix with other officers, was a bit of a loner and did not get on with members of the public. He concluded he didn’t think I would last a year. After I’d put up with this sort of treatment for several months, I asked for a meeting with the chief superintendent, at which I suggested that I thought there was a ‘clash of personalities’ – a polite way of saying that my bosses were complete and utter racists. I was allocated a different sergeant and inspector and my reports started to improve. But the racism carried on. On one sad day I was on duty outside the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden when a panda car went past. As it did so the driver shouted ‘Black c***!’ at me at the top of his lungs out of the open window. I could hear the other two policemen in the car laughing. I felt utterly wretched, especially when I noticed that members of the public who had heard were walking on by, their heads lowered. Wouldn’t it have been nice if one of them had gone into the police station, which was across the road, and made a complaint? But society was not ready to take that step. We’d been taught at training college that ‘idle and silly remarks were unworthy of note and should be disregarded’. But this? Surely, I shouldn’t be expected to ignore it. I walked across the road to the police station and told the chief superintendent what had happened. But instead of being sympathetic, he was curt and dismissive. ‘What do you expect me to do about it?’, he said. I thought to myself: ‘I’ve lost. I’ve allowed them to get under my tough outer skin.’ Until then, I’d always managed to hide my upset with a smile. But I couldn’t do it anymore. I said ‘Nothing, sir’, and left the room, before dashing back to the section house and crying so much I thought the bath would fill up with my tears. There was no one for me to turn to. I couldn’t even tell my wife Wendy. If she’d known what was going on, she’d have been worried sick every time I went to work. I can talk to her about it now, but she didn’t find out about Bow Street for years. I remember wondering if it was worth putting up with all the pain. I’d had plenty of opportunities to lift the lid on the maltreatment I was suffering – I’d even been summoned to Scotland Yard to talk to the deputy assistant commissioner in charge of recruitment. He’d asked me if I had any problems, but I lied and told him that everything was fine. I’m not sure he believed me. I remember him pausing, as if he wanted to ask me more. I smiled at him, trying to convince him I was happy. I just didn’t want to be seen as a failure. Many years later, I found myself wondering whether I could have done things differently.
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I Am Norwell Roberts, by Norwell Roberts (pictured), is published by Two Roads on June 9 at £16.99 In 1999, when the Macpherson Report into the investigation of the murder of Stephen Lawrence revealed the Met’s ‘institutional racism’, several newspapers asked my opinion. I did not think then – and nor do I think today – that the killers of Stephen Lawrence could have been convicted earlier if I’d done anything different way back in the Sixties or Seventies. While I do wish I’d spoken out more about racism during my early years, it would not have made any difference. It was not the right time. By the early 1970s there were two other black officers in the Met. But one of them, Michael Ince, was tragically killed when his panda car collided with an emergency response vehicle as they rushed to the same callout on Oxford Street in February 1971. He was 25. I remember quite clearly hearing about it when a disgusting police officer – the bully I’ve previously described – ran into the front office in Bow Street, jumping up and down while holding a newspaper report of the accident and shouting ‘One down, two to go’, while looking me straight in the eye. His mates laughed and jeered raucously. Although I was used to having to put up with all sorts of verbal abuse, hearing him say something so callous was a real shock. It made me feel sick, as if I’d been punched in the guts. Even faced with this provocation, I still felt unable to confront him, knowing I lacked the necessary support from my supervisors. There was a complete disconnect between the messages that were being sent down from the top – the Home Office was saying ‘We need more people like Norwell’ – and the racists in the police force who made life for black officers unbearable. 186 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
By then I had been in the Met nearly four years. It had been truly hellish but gradually, despite the abuse that still went on, I was being accepted. The barriers slowly broke down, as my colleagues realised that they didn’t have any reason to avoid speaking to me. Gradually, they invited me to join their card games. To start with, they would stitch me up and take my money but I chose not to complain – it was good to be included. Things eventually came full circle – the blokes who swore they would never speak to me when I joined came up to me after work to ask if they could buy me a drink. In fact, some of the people who gave me the most stick to start with were the keenest to be friends with me. You may be wondering why I didn’t quit the police in those early days, and I often ask myself the same question. Maybe it was plain pig-headedness, but every instance of adversity gave me the incentive to keep going. The more the bullies wanted me out, the more certain I was that I should stay. And I felt that I owed something to the people who had given me the chance to join the police and to the wonderful members of the public I’d come into contact with. I remember a couple of old ladies tentatively approaching me while I was on duty outside the South African embassy. One of them planted her face about six inches from mine and said: ‘Can you tell us the way to the post office?’ I could tell that they were wondering if I understood them – and more importantly, if they would understand my reply. ‘Up there, love – second on the right,’ I said, giving them a big smile. They both gave a start and the other lady said to her friend: ‘Cor blimey! He’s one of us.’ The first lady put her hand on my arm and said: ‘Nice to meet you.’ By the end of my time at Bow Street, I’d made many friends in the area. All the harsh treatment I endured in the station was vindicated by something the Met Commissioner, Sir Robert Mark, said in 1972, while he was answering questions about an annual report: ‘I believe the person who has done more to promote good relations between the [black] communities and the police is PC Norwell Roberts. I think we have cause to be grateful to him and to the way he faced the strains and hostility from both sides.’ As of March, this year, there were more than 5,000 black officers in the Met. Things are far from perfect and there remains a lot of work to be done. But we’ve come a long, long way since the day I walked into Bow Street Police Station. © Norwell Roberts, 2022 I Am Norwell Roberts, by Norwell Roberts, is published by Two Roads on June 9 at £16.99. Share or comment on this article: NORWELL ROBERTS, the first ever black policeman in the Met, tells his harrowing but uplifting story https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10864131/NORWELL-ROBERTS-black-policeman-Mettells-harrowing-uplifting-story.html
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https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=APq-WBuQsqtshDt4WTnQDfy2hxbGqktuQ:1650871303883&source=univ&tbm=isch&q=c-dome+missile&fir Die Israel Weermag het onlangs die C-“Dome” missiel suksesvol getoets. Die missiel is ontwerp deur die weermag en Rafael verdedigings maatskappy. Tydens die toets is gebruik gemaak van verskeie simulasies wat vuurpyl en skeep missiel aanvalle naboots. Dit dra by tot die land se verdediging strategie en ander bedreigings.
https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=APq-WBuQsqtshDt4WTnQDfy2hxbGqktuQ:1650871303883&source=univ&tbm=isch&q=c-dome+missile&fir 188 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Dit behels die volgende voordele: • die C-Dome is ‘n vloot variant van die “Iron-Dome” (kort afstand (4-70km) wat vyandelike vuurpyle en missiele opspoor en vernietiging vanuit die Gaza Strook, met ʼn 90% suksessyfer; •
die suksesvolle toetsing versterk die maritieme verdediging;
die toetsing het verskeie inkomende bedreigings ingesluit wat missiele, vuurpyle en Hommeltuie insluit;
die lewendige toetsing dien as ʼn mylpaal in Israel se verdedigings sisteme en is ‘n uitstalling aan die wêreld van Israel se vermoë om homself te verdedig;
die sisteem word geïntegreer deur verskillende bote en skepe;
die radar stelsel is ontwerp met ʼn bevel-en-kontrole sisteem:
die stelsel het ook die vermoë om met komplekse sisteme te integreer;
onbemande sisteme dek gapings op see waar skepe nie teenwoordig is nie;
intussen werk Israel aan ʼn laser-gebaseerde verdedigings sisteem;
Bronne: https://eurasiantimes.com/c-dome-israeli-defense-forces-tests-naval-version-of-iron-dome/ https://www.rafael.co.il/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/C-Dome-Brochure.pdf https://www.defensenews.com/training-sim/2022/02/22/israel-successfully-tests-naval-version-ofiron-dome/ https://www.thedefensepost.com/2022/02/22/israel-naval-iron-dome/ https://www.navalnews.com/naval-news/2022/02/rafaels-c-dome-completes-1st-interceptionsfrom-israeli-navys-saar-6-corvettes/ https://www.military.com/video/watch-test-of-israels-new-c-dome-naval-rocket-defense-system https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/israel-tests-new-naval-iron-dome-system-200844
189 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
State Security Agency not a pawn of the ANC Pieter Groenewald 24 May 2022 If the controversy surrounding the State Security Agency (SSA) is not resolved soon, the public may lose all its faith in the Agency. One of the burning questions relating to the SSA is the position of the Deputy Minister of State Security, Zizi Kodwa, and the possible security risk he poses to the SSA and the country. It came to light before the Zondo Commission of Inquiry into State Capture that Deputy Minister Kodwa owes a certain person R1,7 million. He himself admitted that he will not be able to settle this debt in the foreseeable future. All members of the Joint Standing Committee on Intelligence must obtain a clearance certificate before being able to serve on the Committee. They are assigned a 'secret classification' due to the nature of the SSA's work. It makes no sense that the Deputy Minister was able to obtain security clearance seeing as his unpaid debt definitely means that he is compromised. I am calling on President Cyril Ramaphosa to immediately strip the Deputy Minister of his office. He poses a real risk to South Africa's security. In the past, the SSA was frequently surrounded by controversy, and still situations are allowed to develop that do not instil any confidence in the public. The High-level Review Panel tasked with looking into the SSA's controversy found, among other things, that there was needless and excessive secrecy on the part of the SSA, which undermined the work of Parliament's Standing Committee on Intelligence. Another finding was that the SSA was exploited for faction fights within the ANC, and that the Agency's funds were misused for this purpose. The Agency was recently moved to the Presidency in the hope that these problems would be addressed and resolved. Given the situation with the Deputy Minister and the same degree of secrecy toward Parliament, however, it does not seem that anything changed for the better. One cannot help but wonder whether the SSA was not simply taken over by yet another faction in the ANC. President Ramaphosa must act quickly if he wants to restore the public's faith in the SSA as an objective and neutral entity serving the state and country. Should he not do so; it will inevitably raise the question of whether the Agency is once again acting in the sole interest of the President. Issued by Pieter Groenewald, FF Plus leader, 24 May 2022 https://www.politicsweb.co.za/politics/state-security-agency-not-a-pawn-of-the-anc-piete?utm_source=Politicsweb+Daily+Headlines&utm_campaign=4f9a39a844EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2022_05_24_08_48&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_a86f25db994f9a39a844-130042309
Hallo Hennie, Ek lees steeds baie lekker aan al die herinner aan 'n plasing oor die medaljes Intelligensiediens nie. Ek heg dit aan. Groete. Johan.
uitgawes. Ek kan my egter nie en dekorasies van die Nasionale
Decorations • NIS Decoration for Distinguished Leadership (ED) (1981-94) • NIS Cross for Valour (CV) (1981-94) • NIS Decoration for Outstanding Leadership (OD) (1981-94) • NIS Civil Decoration (1981-94) • NIS Decoration (1981-94) • NIS Medal for Distinguished Service (1981-94) • NIS Civil Medal (1990-94) • Long service medal • NIS Medal for Faithful Service (1981-94)
STAATSVEILIGHEIDSAGENTSKAP NIE ʼn SPEELBAL VAN DIE ANC (Begrotingsdebat in parlement: Staatsveiligheid) Mediaverklaring uitgereik deur:
Dr. Pieter Groenewald VF Plus-leier 24 Mei 2022 191 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Indien die omstredenheid waarin die staatsveiligheidsagentskap (SVA) gehul is nie vinnig opgelos word nie, sal die publiek toenemend sy vertroue in die agentskap verloor. Een van die kwelvrae rakende die SVA is die posisie van die adjunkminister van staatsveiligheid, Zizi Kodwa, en die sekuriteitsrisiko wat hy vir die SVA en die land inhou. Dit het voor die Zondo-kommissie na staatskaping aan die lig gekom dat adj.min. Kodwa ’n sekere persoon R1,7 miljoen skuld. Hy het self beken dat hy die skuld nie in die afsienbare toekoms kan vereffen nie. Alle lede van die gesamentlike staande komitee oor intelligensie moet ’n klaringsertifikaat kry om op dié komitee te dien. Hulle ontvang dan ’n ‘geheime klassifikasie’ weens die aard van die SVA se werk. Dit is onverstaanbaar hoe adj.min. Kodwa ’n veiligheidsklaring kon kry aangesien hy met dié onbetaalde skuld duidelik gekompromitteer is. Ek doen ’n beroep op pres. Cyril Ramaphosa om die adjunkminister summier uit sy pos te verwyder. Hy is ’n risiko vir die veiligheid van Suid-Afrika. Die SVA was in verlede herhaaldelik in omstredenheid gehul, en steeds word toegelaat dat omstandighede ontwikkel wat geen vertroue by die publiek inboesem nie. Die hoëvlak-hersieningspaneel wat in die SVA se omstredenheid moes delf, het onder meer bevind daar is onnodig uitermatige geheimhouding vanaf die kant van die SVA wat die parlement se staande komitee oor intelligensie se werk ondermyn. Nog ’n bevinding was dat die SVA gebruik is in faksiegevegte binne die ANC en dat die agentskap se fondse hiervoor misbruik is. Toe die agentskap onlangs na die presidensie oorgeskuif is, is gehoop dat die probleme sal verbeter. Gegewe die feit dat die situasie met die adjunkminister en dieselfde mate van geheimhouding teenoor die parlement voortduur, wil dit nie voorkom of enigiets ten goede verander het nie. Daar moet dus gevra word of die SVA nie net oorgeneem is deur ’n ander faksie in die ANC nie. Indien president Ramaphosa vertroue in die SVA wil herstel as ’n objektiewe en neutrale entiteit in diens van die staat en die land, moet hy vinnig optree. Doen hy dit nie, sal daar noodgedwonge gevra word of die agentskap nou weer in die uitsluitlike belang van die president optree.
192 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Address by the Honourable Deputy Minister in the Presidency, responsible for State Security, Mr. Zizi Kodwa, on the occasion of the 2022/23 Budget Vote debate, in Parliament, Cape Town 24 May 2022 Honourable Chairperson and Honourable Members Chairperson and Members of the Joint Standing Committee on Intelligence Honourable Minister in the Presidency, Mondli Gungubele NICOC Coordinator Ambassador Msimang Director General of the State Security Agency, Ambassador Majola Veterans of the Intelligence Services Distinguished Guests Fellow South Africans Introduction Let me also take this opportunity to thank this house for affording us the space to present our budget policy statement for the financial year 2022/23. The Minister has already given a broad overview of the state of National Security in the country and what our posture should be as the State Security Agency.\ However, before I expand on these broad issues, I want to begin this address by condemning in the strongest terms, the pandemic of Gender Based Violence which has become another threat to our National Security. The extent of abuse and gruesome murders of women and children in this country cannot be tolerated and requires all of us in government, civil society and citizens in general to work together to uproot this scourge. The unspeakable act of violence and abuse against Namhla Mtwa from Umtata, as a case in point, is something that our society should never allow. The other important issue that our Democratic Society must deal with decisively is this phenomenon of racial polarisation which continues to rear its ugly head across all sectors of our society. We chose to adopt a Constitutional Democracy because we wanted to build a cohesive and prosperous nation, free of discrimination and prejudice. We cannot abandon that noble objective for the simple reason that our Constitution enjoins us to “heal the divisions of the past and establish a society based on democratic values, social justice and fundamental human rights. Racial intolerance and prejudice must be fought and eradicated because it is a cancer that stifles instead of building a prosperous nation. Honourable Members, let us then deal and amplify a few issues that should inform the agenda of the Agency as espoused by the Minister. It is true that the High-Level Review Panel on State Security Agency has decried the issue of excessive secrecy and that we should adopt a mind shift that is more accessible, open and responsive to the needs of the public. Inspired by our founding values of accountability, responsiveness and openness, our constitution guarantees the rights of everyone to access to information and essentially, the right to know. This places a fundamental responsibility on the Agency to be transparent, accountable and responsive to the public whilst safeguarding the basic tenet of secrecy as an intelligence outfit. As such, we will be engaging on a large-scale program of public engagements and outreach with a variety of stakeholders both within and outside the security establishment to share ideas about the state of our national security. As the Minister mentioned earlier, the process to finalize the National Security Policy and National Security Strategy is at an advanced stage and shortly both these strategic documents will require an input from the members of the public.
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We will kick-start that public consultation process without delay and that should be a springboard for our quest to create a people centric environment towards giving intelligence a human face. We will return to this house, through the Joint Standing Committee on Intelligence to present our comprehensive program of public awareness and stakeholder engagements. The centrality of NICOC in the early warning system The other important matter that the Minister highlighted was the concern raised by the expert panel which probed the circumstances that led to the July unrest that erupted in Kwa Zulu Natal and parts of Gauteng. This relates to the centrality of the role that the National Intelligence Coordinating Committee (NICOC) plays in the early warning system of our intelligence environment. The report has noted with a great deal of concern that despite NICOC’s warning through the National Intelligence Estimates and the National Intelligence Priorities, the entirety of government seems not to be responsive to these alerts. In this regard, we would like to impress on Honourable Members and the rest of government to heed the warnings and calls from NICOC to attend to the issues as contained in the National Intelligence Estimates and the National Intelligence Priorities. This includes human security challenges and general service delivery matters that the people constantly cry for. If we must avoid a recurrence of the incidents of July and other potential upheavals into the future, we have no choice but to focus seriously on what the NICOC is directing us to do. Prof Sandy Africa’s Panel Report was right, had we taken time to address the issues that were identified by NICOC in its early warning systems, we would probably have avoided most of these conflicts and upheavals as we have seen in July and elsewhere. The growing levels of poverty, inequality, lack of service delivery and social tensions which have been aptly identified in this report were all underscored in the National Intelligence Estimates and National Intelligence Priorities. National security as a fundamental pillar of our constitutional democracy Honourable Members, we are concerned about the state of our National Security in the country and yes, we need a renewed focus and vigour to deal with this pervasive atmosphere of chaos and wanton disregard for the law. We are redoubling our efforts together with our relevant law enforcement agencies to combat these mindless acts of violence, economic sabotage and lawlessness. The destruction and sabotage of critical infrastructure and National Key Points, including the cable theft and mindless targeting and torching of State Institutions must come to an end now. Perhaps Honourable Members we need to go back to basics and recite our fundamental values as a country as espoused in our founding document which is the Constitution of the Republic. Section 198(a) provides that “National Security must reflect the resolve of South Africans, as individuals and as a nation, to live as equals, to live in peace and harmony, to be free from fear and want and to seek a better life.” Section 9(2) of the Constitution provides that “Equality includes the full and equal enjoyment of all rights and freedoms. To promote the achievement of equality, legislative and other measures designed to protect or advance persons, or categories of persons, disadvantaged by unfair discrimination may be taken.” This is what guides our National Security Policy, which seeks to achieve a National Security framework that is consistent with the Constitution and with a specific focus on Human Security as a priority National Security Agenda. As required by the Constitution the policy proposes measures 194 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
that would enable the achievement of a national security framework which gives effect to the constitutional imperatives that we have mentioned which includes among others: • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • •
Measures that seek promote South Africans, as individuals and as a nation, to live as equals and to live in peace and harmony. Measures that seek to enable South Africans, as individuals and as a nation, to be free from fear and want; Measures that seek to promote South Africans, as individuals and a nation, to seek a better life. In this regard Honourable Members, we need to use our National Security Policy to craft interventions focusing among others on: The role of the National Security structures in Countering Corruption within Government and Organs of State. Measures to clarify the role of National Security agencies in the delivery of the basic social services to all South Africans with specific focus on social services directed to the poorest of the poor. Measures to Counter Organised Crime and Threats to National Security. Measures to promote the security of critical infrastructures/systems of the State that are the backbone of the provision of critical and essential social services Measures and the role of the National Security structures in youth development and employment opportunities, National Service and programs intended to promote empowerment inclusion and participation in particular in relation to city and rural economies. Measures that seek to promote our foreign policy initiatives as an instrument to advance national security agenda. Measures to promote cooperation by all National security structures in the pursuit of the envisaged National security agenda. Measures directed at preventing Gender Based Violence as a national security focus. Measures aimed at promoting Public and Private Partnership in the pursuit of the National Security Agenda envisaged in the Constitution. Measures aimed at promoting environmental, natural resources (including oceans) and energy security; Measures aimed at countering organised crime and threats to national security; We have to do all of these things Honourable Members to achieve our Constitutional obligation which is to safeguard the safety of our citizens and the territorial integrity of the Republic.
Honourable Members, I must conclude by reflecting on another important issue and focus area of our State Security Agency which is counter terrorism. The threat posed by foreign terrorist fighters moving across continents, an increased terrorism footprint on the African continent, an increased terror threat in the SADC region, as well as notable challenges posed in countering terrorism financing links, in addition to an elevated national terror threat level requires a rethinking of the country’s counter terrorism measures and architecture. The reports about the alleged criminal underworld and the financing of terror groups in the country emanates from this reality. To restore the territorial integrity of our country and guarantee our National Security, we must leave no stone unturned in combating these acts of organised crime. We are equally concerned about the current activities of various pressure groups which do not augur well with the government’s initiatives especially in relation to the thorny issues of migration. It is not that the people should not express their dissatisfaction with the level of service they receive. However, it is the manner in which such grievances are raised, often outside the ambit of 195 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
the law. It is important that we rebuild the trust with people to ensure constant cooperation. Once again, we need to instil it in our minds and everyday life that National Security is a patriotic duty and responsibility of the State working with the citizens of the Republic as a whole. Thank You. Issued by Department of State Security, 25 May 2022 https://www.politicsweb.co.za/politics/national-security-a-pillar-of-constitutionaldemoc?utm_source=Politicsweb+Daily+Headlines&utm_campaign=15adef3313EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2022_05_25_09_40&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_a86f25db9915adef3313-130042309
MORE RESOURCES FOR FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION Mondli Gungubele Address by Minister in The Presidency responsible for State Security, Mondli Gungubele, on the occasion of the 2022/23 Budget Vote debate, Parliament, Cape Town 25 May 2022 Honourable Chairperson and Honourable Members, Chairperson and Members of the Joint Standing Committee on Intelligence, Deputy Minister Zizi Kodwa, NICOC Coordinator Ambassador Msimang, Director-General of the State Security Agency Ambassador Majola, Veterans of the Intelligence Services, Distinguished guests, Fellow South Africans, INTRODUCTION Let me start by thanking the Honourable Speaker and this august house at large for giving us the opportunity to present this budget policy statement of the State Security Agency for the financial year 2022/23. This moment affords us the platform not only to reflect and account on our previous commitments and performance as an Agency but also an opportunity to assess our strengths and weaknesses in the mission to fulfill our Constitutional Mandate, which is to defend the safety of our citizens and the territorial integrity of the Republic. In pursuit of this Constitutional Directive, we are guided by the firm principle that National Security is the patriotic duty and responsibility of the State and the citizens of the Republic. We hold this principle in the highest regard because the bedrock of any intelligence service is its ability to connect with people and to harness their energies in order to achieve its national security goals. It is for this reason that we speak of a doctrinal shift in our undertaking of national security from a state focused, to a national and people centric enterprise based on the fundamental values of our Constitution. One of the surest ways of strengthening the people centric outlook is to demystify the domain of intelligence – as the High-Level Review Panel observed, the phenomenon of excessive secrecy has detached us from the pulse of our nation. While respecting the imperative of the secret nature 196 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
of intelligence as a craft, the Constitution enjoins us to be more transparent, accountable and open to the needs of the public. Against this background, the civilian intelligence service is bound to examine the introduction of a fully - fledged public awareness and liaison capacity which will drive the achievement of this strategic objective. Chairperson, we are meeting at a critical time in the history of our democratic nation where our people are faced with the most challenging conditions especially with regard to their safety and security. This is in addition to the dire threat of enduring poverty, joblessness and the ever-rising cost of living. From a security point of view, it is no exaggeration that our country is gripped by an atmosphere of fear and insecurity, which is in contrast with the provisions of section 198 of our Constitution on national security. If nothing is done to turn the situation around, we will reach the deepest levels of devastation from which it will be difficult to recover. It is for this reason that the centrality and posture of our civilian intelligence service must be enhanced to consolidate the vital rapport between the people and the state, in defence of our hard-earned democratic gains. The marauding gangs in areas like the Cape Flats and parts of Kwa Zulu Natal, Gqeberha, who terrorize communities and carry out assassinations of individuals, the uncontrolled influx of illegal immigrants which often leads to violent clashes with locals because of competition for resources, the wanton destruction of critical economic infrastructure and the general lawlessness across the length and breadth of our country, all constitute the ticking time bomb that we must never allow to discharge. We are all aware of some of the underlying causes of this scourge some of which were crisply elaborated in the July Report of Prof Sandy Africa. These include the weakness of state institutions, high unemployment especially for the youth, inherited levels of poverty and deep inequality, rampant corruption at various levels of government among others. Madam Speaker, it is clear that such a situation is untenable for the sustainability of our country and democracy. The State and Government as a whole must make every effort to implement the economic reconstruction and recovery program together with other government interventions to turn our economy around and uplift the lives of our people. If we do not attend to these immediate challenges, we run the risk of being exposed once again to the unfortunate incidents of July and no one wants to experience such upheavals ever again in our country. We therefore need a solid, State led program with our social partners and the citizens of our country as a whole to find solutions and rid our country of the monster of poverty and inequality. This budget policy statement sets out our national security priorities and the strategies to enhance the stability of our country. In this financial year, we continue to focus on plans to strengthen our capacity to deliver on our mandate, to re-skill and re-energize our workforce to deliver a better service to our people, and most importantly to reposition the Agency to be a trusted custodian of our national security. We have an enduring obligation to work together to build a strong and resilient State Security Agency which should play the role of a guiding light and guarantor of our safety, security and prosperity in the country. REPOSITIONING THE STATE SECURITY AGENCY TO FULFILL ITS CONSTITUTIONAL MANDATE 197 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Madam Speaker, I do not need to repeat the observations of the Mufamadi High Level Review Panel to the effect that we are emerging from a prolonged abuse of Intelligence capacity, an intelligence architecture with a posture and structure of operations which is not responsive to the changed national and global security landscape and many other deformities in the system. We must admit without reservations that the progress towards implementation of the High Level Review Panel recommendations has been slow and must be expedited without delay. However, a lot of ground has been covered and many other interventions are underway to address the issues raised in the report. As directed by the review panel, we are already at an advanced stage in the review of our annual planning process in relation to the budgeting process that ensures clear accountability and manageability of budgeting, expenditure and performance against planning priorities and targets. Later in this financial year, we will release a bigger turnaround plan for the organization which will address a wide range of issues identified in the report and other matters that the organization has prioritized for itself. With regard to the dis-establishment of the State Security Agency, I am glad to announce that the General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill has been finalized and the roadmap for its submission to Parliament was presented to the Joint Standing Committee on Intelligence. It is anticipated that this Bill will be submitted to Parliament in September 2022. This Bill will enable the establishment of a Domestic arm of the service to focus on CounterIntelligence and Domestic Intelligence mandate, the establishment of a Foreign Service to focus on foreign intelligence gathering and the reestablishment of the South African National Academy of Intelligence, as schedule 3A Government Component, to focus on Intelligence training as a critical element of skills development and capacity building. Members will also recall that the report called for the finalization of the National Security Policy and the National Security Strategy. I am glad to announce that both documents were tabled at the SANSS and recommended for internal consultation through the clusters. The National Security Policy has already been presented at the FOSAD and will be tabled back to SANSS for the recommendation to the National Security Council in July. It will then be recommended to parliament for the commencement of public consultations. DEALING WITH CORRUPTION AND GENERAL MISCONDUCT Madam Speaker, one of the biggest issues that have stifled the performance of this Agency has been the matter of corruption and an enduring culture of misconduct. The Mufamadi report has made specific recommendations regarding interventions to deal with endemic incidents of fraud, corruption and misconduct. A number of interventions have been instituted especially with regard to the investigation of corruption since the publication of the Mufamadi report. Though a great deal of work has been undertaken, there has been no tangible results in terms of holding people to account for the misdemeanours. However, we are glad to announce that in the past two years, the work to uncover acts of corruption and misconduct has intensified and a number of individuals have been arrested with others already being convicted by the commercial crimes courts. In the previous financial year, we finalized eleven disciplinary cases and this current year we have already finalized three of these. 198 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Nine disciplinary investigations hearings are in progress and we hope to finalize them before the end of the quarter. A lot still needs to be done including following up on the issues that emanated from the evidence at the Zondo Commission. Our collaboration with the Investigative Directorate of the National Prosecution Authority has ensured that we cast the net wider in our efforts to hold people to account. The forensic investigators (Lekwa Forensic Services) are currently investigating twenty-six cases (26) within the Agency. We are also encouraged by the work that is being undertaken by our forensic investigation capacity and are determined that we will succeed in this regard. In this financial year, we will put more resources towards the fight against corruption including strengthening partnerships with fraternal law enforcement authorities. Our march towards a clean, responsible and corruption free State Security Agency is unrelenting and we are confident that we will regain our status as the custodian of National Security in this country. STRENGTHENING SKILLS CAPACITY AND BUILDING THE ORGANIZATION The President of the Republic, HE CM Ramaphosa, has on several occasions expressed the need for fit for purpose domestic and foreign intelligence services. The fit for purpose intelligence agencies will be mandated to inject intelligence to assist government in exercising control over risks, threats and opportunities in the advancement of South Africa’s national security objectives. The task for realizing fit for purpose intelligence capabilities starts with the training of newly recruited intelligence officers. For this reason, we seek to use the Intelligence Officer Development Programme (IODP) to produce not only well-rounded intelligence officers, but fit-for-purpose intelligence officers armed with the requisite competencies (knowledge, skills, and attitudes) based on eleven fields. The (IODP) is developed as an internship program and seeks to provide training to candidate intelligence officers, commonly known as Cadets. Honourable members, we are excited to announce that there will be a group of 75 candidate intelligence officers that will undergo the Programme next month. These young officers will be trained in Mahikeng for a period of 12 months. The Programme that they will undergo is divided into different training fields including soft-skills development, national security and intelligence management, building blocks of national security strategy, alignment of intelligence to government business, as well as State Security input to government business. Through our Intelligence Academy (IA), we will continue to provide education, training and development (ETD) interventions in order to improve efficiency in the conduct of both corebusiness and non-core business functions. This includes engendering the country’s constitutional values in the business of the Agency; asserting the principles of sound financial management and accountability; inculcating and promoting adherence to operational and corporate-related governance mechanisms and ethical conduct. In order to achieve the above, we will ensure that the continuous conducting of development research aimed at reinforcing curriculum development efforts. Steps will also be taken to ensure that curriculum development and its implementation are based on an accurate and reliable needs assessment. With regard to the current establishment, I am also glad to announce that we have stabilized the management component with regard to the permanent filling of posts. As we stand here, we have filled the one remaining DDG level post which means all posts at that level are now permanently filled. 199 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
We have also filled twenty-one (21) General Manager positions and the remaining vacant posts at this level are all at recruitment phase and should be filled by the end of the second quarter. Thirtythree Manager positions have also been permanently filled and the thirteen remaining are at various stages in the recruitment process. We have also done a great deal of work with regard to the placement of members who previously did not have positions due to organizational changes that happened in the past. The cherry on top is the appointment of the Director General who had to hit the ground running both in terms of stabilizing the organization internally and restoring our relations with our counterparts around the globe. We are on the road to recovery and we are confident that we have the requisite will and energy to achieve our desired goal. REBUILDING INTELLIGENCE CAPABILITY TO MEET THE CHALLENGES OF THE 21ST CENTURY Madam Speaker, there is a trend that countries redefine their view of National Security which involves an expanded conceptualization of security. This paradigm shift is the result of four major changes in our society with regard to a) technology; b) perception of threats; c) interpretation of human rights and d) ownership of telecommunications. This has led to a shift towards more proactive and preventive measures against threats such as international terrorism, transnational organized crime, in other words pre-emptive intelligence. For South Africa to align with the global trends, in the medium term, we will be focusing on building and strengthening capability and capacity for a relevant Signals Intelligence as well as reinforcing the legislation. Electronic or telecommunications technology crimes have been on an upward increase. The advancement of electronic communication technologies introduces both new opportunities and challenges. The convergence of the 5th generation (5G), Big Data, Internet of Things (IoT) and Cloud computing technologies; requires significant research and adaptation to lawful interception solutions. The technological developments have made internet an increasingly important part of our lives. In an effort to strengthen cybersecurity, the National Communications will continue to build and strengthen capability and capacity in order to proactively combat emerging cyber threats and potential cyberattacks. The increased incidents of cybercrime require a comprehensive approach on cyber security to protect the country’s critical network infrastructure. The growing usage of the over-the top (OTT) services, due to their end-to-end encryption, remain a challenge to the infrastructure for lawful interception through the Office for Interception Centres (OIC). In recognition of this, the process of upgrading the Lawful Interception Monitoring system, with advanced state of the art technology that will enable the OIC to deliver a value-add service, is underway. This system will further strengthen the crime fighting capacity of the Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs), and the prosecuting arm of the state to successfully prosecute cases. The National Treasury and The Criminal Assets Recovery Account (CARA) have made funds available for SSA to develop and implement targeted cybersecurity awareness and training programs within the Law Enforcement Agencies and Prosecutorial Authority. In so doing, SSA will be accelerating the implementation of the National Cybersecurity Policy Framework which incorporates the development of the Cybersecurity legislative framework and the establishment of 200 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
an integrated cyber capability and capacity. The Cybersecurity Bill is being finalized and will be submitted for Parliament process in this financial year. The current technological environment renders it necessary for the Office of the Interception Centres (OIC) to keep abreast of the latest developments within the telecommunications space. In recognition of this, the OIC has established a Research and Development (R&D) committee geared towards engaging various stakeholders and advising the OIC on the establishment of a R&D capability, and implementation of relevant 4th industrial revolution programs and beyond, to ensure a sustainable OIC lawful interception capability. There is also significant progress in the process of establishment of the cyber security centre within the State Security Agency. THE RICA JUDGMENT Honourable members are aware of the historic judgment of AmaBhungane v Minister of Justice and Others, where the Constitutional Court of South Africa, declared some operational sections of the Regulation of Interception of Communications and Provision of Communication-Related Information Act, also known as RICA, unconstitutional. The Constitutional Court found RICA to be deficient, in that it provides no adequate safeguards for the protection of certain rights in the Constitution. As members are aware, the court then afforded Parliament a period of three years in which to cure the constitutional defects it identified in the legislation. In response to the court judgment, we have started with the internal review processes, and will continue to attend to making proposals on the review of not only the deficient provisions of RICA, but other provisions of this legislation. This was done with a view of duly updating the legislation, to ensure its adequate response to human rights protection and the current telecommunications era. Arrangements to present review proposals and engage external stakeholders including the telecommunications service providers and the Department of Justice are also underway. A SECURE REGION, BETTER AFRICA AND A BETTER WORLD Honourable members will recall that South Africa deployed its troops in Mozambique as part of the SADC Mission in Mozambique (SAMIM) on 15 July 2021. This was a mission to support the Republic of Mozambique to combat terrorism, acts of violence and extremism carried out by insurgents of Al – Sunnah – wa Jema’ah since October 2017. Since its deployment, SAMIM has registered a number of milestones, including recapturing villages, dislodging terrorists from their bases and seizing weapons and warfare material, which has contributed to creating a relatively secure environment for safer passage of humanitarian support. Going forward, the South African government will continue to support efforts to deal with these terrorist acts in the Region because our own stability is inextricably linked with the stability of the Region. The other important matter of National Security that we need to clarify involves the repatriation of South African citizens from conflict zones. The recent one being the return of our citizens from Syria. There are allegations that the South African government is conducting covert operations that have aided ISIS operatives to enter our borders. That allegation is without substance; the reality is that 201 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
we are obligated by both domestic and international law to take care of our citizens wherever they may be around the globe. Section 21(3) of the Constitution provides that every citizen has the right to enter and remain in, and reside anywhere in the Republic. However, we must remind the house that we equally have an obligation to ensure that those who contravene the foreign military assistance act are appropriately sanctioned. The same can be expected with our citizens that are trapped in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. The war in Ukraine is a global crisis that should be stopped from any further escalation. All efforts should be directed at commencing or escalating contacts to negotiations directed at urgently securing a ceasefire and all its concomitant elements. This is urgent. We shall add what voice and effort we can as a country towards this historic task. It has become clearer that institutions and systems for global governance are in need of urgent reform. Global peace, equitable development and conflict prevention and management require all the elements that underpin justice: independence, predictability, equality of all nations before principles and fair censure. Too often, many lives have been lost in wars, borders redrawn, economies and livelihoods destroyed because of the current system that hardly censured the strong as evenly as the weak. Too often, many countries and territories have been victim of proxy and hybrid wars because of conflicting interests among or between the strong that the existing institutions and systems for global governance cannot effectively mediate, adjudicate and resolve in an independent, just, predictable and fair manner. The challenges that humanity and countries are already facing - that are only going to become more acute - from climate change, a growing global population, emigration, urbanisation, inequality and global pandemics call for a movement towards a truly United Nations and not the existing United Nations that is not United. In conclusion, Chairperson and fellow South Africans, with this budget vote, we want to assure South Africans that when it comes to national security, no South African will be left behind. Thank you. Issued by State Security Agency, 24 May 2022 https://www.politicsweb.co.za/politics/more-resources-for-fight-against-corruption-mondl?utm_source=Politicsweb+Daily+Headlines&utm_campaign=15adef3313EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2022_05_25_09_40&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_a86f25db9915adef3313-130042309
OORLOG IN OEKRAÏNE: ONTLEDING EINDE MEI 2022 Dr. Willem Steenkamp Presies soos wat ons voorspel het in ons analise van einde Februarie (vier dae na die aanvang van die oorlog) het Mei-maand weer gewys dat Rusland se strategie op die slagveld, nie een van 202 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Blitzkrieg is nie, maar eerder van stelselmatige, brutale fyn-maal van die opposisie, waarin artillerie ‘n groot en destruktiewe rol speel. Ook soos voorspel reeds in Februarie, het dinge op die slagveld eers daadwerklik begin gebeur vanaf middel-Mei, met die modder-seisoen van die rasputitsa wat van middel-Maart tot die 1e helfte van Mei grootskaalse mobiele operasies onmoontlik gemaak het. Hierdie artikels is gerig op die verstaan van die oorhoofse strategiese implikasies van die stryd, meer as op die analise van die militêre aksies in Krygskundige terme, dus sal ons hier volstaan met die uitwys van slegs maar die mees belangrike gebeure op die slagveld die afgelope maand: • Oekraïne het gefaal in hulle gedetermineerde pogings om die strategies-belangrike eiland Zmiinyi Ostrov (“Snake Island”) te ontset – dit dien vir Rusland as ‘n “onsinkbare slagskip” wat die toegang tot die sleutel-hawe van Odessa beheer. • Mariupol het geval, met die oorgawe van meer as tweeduisend vegters van die ver-regse Azov-brigade wat in die staalwerke daar ingegrawe was; dit het Rusland se landbrug tussen die Krim-skiereiland en die Donbas voltooi, en was ook sielkundig belangrik as demonstrasie van die “onafwendbaarheid” van uiteindelike Russiese oorwinning, ongeag die prys. • ‘n Hele string stede en dorpe in die Donbas is deur Rusland en hulle separatistebondgenote verower, soos die strategies-belangrike Popasna en Lyman, en by skryf hiervan is die laaste Oekraïnies-beheerde stad in die Luhansk-oblast (provinsie), Severodonetsk, onder swaar druk met Russiese magte wat tot in die sentrum penetreer het. • Ondanks die versnellende sneeubal van Russiese winste, het dinge nie altoos vir hulle vlot verloop nie, met swaar verliese tydens ‘n gepoogde rivier-kruising (die Russe en riviere bly maar sukkel – soos wat Suid-Afrikaners sal onthou rondom die Lomba-rivier gevegte in Suid-Angola gedurende 1987) en ook Oekraïniese suksesse in die wegdryf van Russiese magte uit die buitewyke van Oekraïne se 2e grootste stad, Kharkof. • Wat opval, is die Russe se bereidwilligheid om taktiese terugtrekkings te doen, wat aandui dat hulle nie hulself onder tydsdruk voel nie en dat die stryd dus nog vir lank gaan voortduur (soos wat ons ook reeds in Februarie, by aanvang daarvan, voorspel het). • Dit lyk of die Russe geleer het uit hulle foute, en nou konsentreer op die bewese, brutale resep van stelselmatige, artillerie-gedrewe fyn-maal in lokale “kookpotte” (cauldrons) wat hulle deur middel van omsingelingsaksies skep; gegewe dat die Oostelik front oor meer as 550km strek en in-en-uit kronkel, is daar uiteraard geleentheid vir die afsny van geografiesblootgestelde Oekraïniese posisies. Genoeg egter oor die aksies aan die front – uit strategiese hoek is dit duidelik dat die oorlog fundamenteel gedrewe is deur die oeroue wekroep van “mense van ons bloed, grond van ons vaderland”. Rusland is verbete ingestel op die herverowering van grondgebied wat Poetin (en die groot gros van die Russiese bevolking) as histories Russies sien. Dit wat op die grond mag staan, in die vorm van geboue, maak nie saak nie – dis tydelik en kan herbou word (soos Stalingrad en vele ander Russiese stede in die verlede). Wat permanent is, is die grond self, wat Moskou nou teen kennelik prakties enige prys, vir eens en vir altyd terug wil neem – ook vanweë die ontsaglike strategiese belang daarvan vir Rusland en sy ekonomie (veral die Swart See-hawens en die Donbas se industrieë, minerale/energie-bronne en landbou). Dit is ‘n resep vir ‘n langdurige, brutaal-bloedige stryd, want soveel is op die spel – dus nie maar ‘n taktiese besetting van ‘n afgeleë plek soos Afghanistan nie. Die ander kenmerk van die stryd bly die intense propaganda vanaf die kant van veral die Anglosfeer, enersyds gedrewe deur Joe Biden en Boris Johnson se interne politieke probleme, en andersins tekenend van die groter werklikheid dat die VSA se droom van voortgesette globale Amerikaanse “primacy” hier wesentlik op die spel is. Dat ‘n uiters belangrike geostrategiese 203 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
herskikking van die internasionale magsbalans voor ons oë aan’t afspeel is, met ver-reikende gevolge vir die wêreld, is onteenseglik só. Die kiem van die konflik was en bly die toentertydse kommunistiese manipulasie van grense in Oos-Europa vir hulle eie politieke oogmerke, sonder in ag neem destyds van historiese en etniesdemografiese realiteite. Dit het die oorloë in die Balkans gedurende die 1990’s veroorsaak, en lê aan die wortel van die konflikte tussen Rusland en Georgië, Moldowa, en nou weer Oekraïne. Duitsland en Frankryk het dit ingesien en, ten einde eskalasie te probeer stuit, die Minskooreenkomste tussen Rusland en Oekraïne aangevoor – wat Oekraïne toe, aangepor deur die VSA, nie wou implementeer nie. Dat die VSA doelbewus konflik met Rusland oor Oekraïne gesoek het (soos in ons vorige artikels geboekstaaf en verduidelik is, en nou selfs deur die Pous erken is) is onteenseglik só. In die plek van Minsk-vrede, sit Oekraïne nou met volskaalse oorlog. Weer druk Biden en Johnson nou vir Kiëf om nie vir vrede te onderhandel nie. Hulle wil dus hê die oorlog moet voortduur – nie primêr ter wille van Oekraïne se eie belang nie, maar ter wille van hulle eie strategie van die bloei van Rusland en as aandag-afleier van hulle eie binnelandse politieke probleme. Al hoe meer word die bevolkings van Oekraïne en Europa die slagoffers van dié strategie, maar ook die Amerikaanse bevolking, en les bes, die arm bevolkings van die res van die wêreld. Dat die Franse en Duitsers stilweg begin keelvol raak, word al duideliker – die Franse president en sy buitelandse minister, en ook die Nederlandse eerste minister, het dit hierdie maand dan ook baie duidelik gestel aan Oekraïne dat hulle nie moet verwag om binne 15 of selfs 20 jaar, lid van die Europese Unie te word nie. Om nie eens van NAVO-lidmaatskap te praat nie... Die Russe ken die rekord van Amerikaanse beloftes aan bondgenote, net maar om belang te verloor en dan te onttrek. Dis duidelik dat daar vir die Russe veel meer konkrete belange, baie meer direk op die spel is as vir die Amerikaners, vir wie hierdie net nog ‘n afgeleë geopolitieke spel is, aangevuur deur die sg. Neocon faksie in Washington. Reeds wys meningspeilings ‘n wesentlike swaai in Amerikaanse openbare mening: waar die 51% van die Amerikaanse publiek ‘n maand gelede nog ten gunste daarvan was dat Biden “alles moet doen wat nodig is” om vir Poetin te straf, sê 54% nou dat niks gedoen moet word wat die Amerikaanse interne ekonomie kan skaad nie. Met die Amerikaanse verkiesings in November op hande, en die klaarblyklike waarskynlikheid dat politieke mag in die kongres dan na die Republikeine gaan swaai, hoef Poetin net langer vas te byt as wat Biden en Johnson se rak-leeftyd sal wees. Dat Amerikaanse “primacy” aan’t wankel is, blyk uit die VSA se skroomvalligheid om self direk betrokke te raak, of om wapens (soos langafstand-vuurpyle) aan Oekraïne te lewer, wat die gevaar mag skep van direkte konfrontasie met Rusland – wat reeds pront gewaarsku het dat, as sulke wapens teen Russiese grondgebied gebruik sou word, Rusland die besluitnemers agter só ‘n skuif direk sal teiken, waar hulle ook al mag wees: “binne en buite Oekraïne”. Die Westerse strategie is dus een van ekonomiese maatreëls, wat egter ‘n tweesnydende swaard is, soos wat almal reeds aan hulle eie sakke kan voel. ‘n Insiggewende analise is dié van die Londense Guardian se senior kommentator, Simon Jenkins, wat op 30 Mei geskryf het onder die opskrif: “The EU should forget about sanctions – they’re doing more harm than good”. U kan gerus die artikel lees: KLIEK HIER Feit is dat Rusland gedurende Aprilmaand, volume-gewys meer olie verkoop het as selfs voor die oorlog, en dat sy inkomste uit uitvoere astronomies toegeneem het (want sanksies het juis Russiese kommoditeite se pryse op die wêreld-mark die hoogte in laat skiet). Die Roebelgeldeenheid is sterker as in baie jare, die Russiese sentrale bank verlaag tans sy rentekoerse (terwyl inflasie die res van die wêreld dwing om rentekoerse op te skuif). Die publieke onvergenoegdheid in Europa, Amerika en die derde wêreld groei skerp, a.g.v. inflasie en tekorte. Die wêreld-bevolking is ook nie besig om anti-Russies te word a.g.v. die oorlog nie, ondanks die Anglosfeer se propaganda – so ‘n gevoel is beperk tot Wes-Europa en die Anglo-lande, soos 204 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
bewys in ‘n meningspeiling wat duidelik toon dat ander bevolkings steeds positief staan teenoor Rusland, ondanks die oorlog (KLIEK HIER om die peilingsresultate te sien – die koloniale skadu oor die Europeërs is duidelik steeds sterk, met die res van die wêreld wat nie anti-Oekraïne is nie, maar wesentlik die stryd sien as tussen die Weste en Rusland, en nie vir die Weste kant kies nie). Dat die Weste die ekonomiese oorlog teen Rusland op valse aannames oor die grootte en belang van die Russiese ekonomie mag baseer het, blyk uit ‘n uiters insiggewende analise deur Arnaud Bertrand in Tablet, getiteld: “Is America the Real Victim of Anti-Russia Sanctions?” Veral belangrik is die punte oor die werklike grootte en belang van die Russiese ekonomie in die wêreld-handel (om die artikel te lees, KLIEK HIER). Mens lees in die Anglosfeer-media dat Rusland se ekonomie kwansuis vergelykbaar in grootte is met dié van Spanje. Dit is gebaseer op direkte omskakeling van amptelike wisselkoerse, wat (in die gemanipuleerde wêreld van geldeenhede) nie werklike koopkrag weerspieël nie. Gemeet op pariteit, soos wat die ekonoom en Rusland-spesialis Jacques Sapir uitwys: “If you compare Russia’s gross domestic product (GDP) by simply converting it from roubles into U.S. dollars, you indeed get an economy the size of Spain’s. But such a comparison makes no sense without adjusting for purchasing power parity (PPP), which accounts for productivity and standards of living, and thus per capita welfare and resource use. Indeed, PPP is the measure favoured by most international institutions, from the IMF to the OECD. And when you measure Russia’s GDP based on PPP, it’s clear that Russia’s economy is actually more like the size of Germany’s…” (gemeet i.t.v. PPP, het die Sjinese ekonomie reeds ses jaar gelede die VSA verby gesteek as die wêreld se grootste ekonomie). Die misrekening oor die belang van die Russiese ekonomie strek egter verder as die pariteitberekening hierbo – meeste Westerse ekonomieë is vandag verwring (na hulle hul industriële sektore grootliks aan Sjina afgestaan het) deur ‘n oor-verteenwoordiging van die dienste-sektor (m.a.w., dienste soos versorg van bejaardes, mediese sorg, onderwys ens.). Dienste maak die grootste gros op van die geld in sirkulasie in Westerse ekonomieë – maar dit is, vanweë sy aard, nie-produktiewe, interne aktiwiteite, wat niks vervaardig of ontgin nie en nie meedoen aan internasionale handel nie. Rusland se ekonomie, daarenteen, is gebou op die ontgin van kommoditeite en konkrete produksie, wat dus wesentlik meedoen aan wêreld-handel (Rusland is bv. die planeet se nommer een uitvoerder van petroleum-produkte, en ook ‘n swaargewig in minerale, bemestingstowwe en graan-uitvoere). Gemeet i.t.v. die belang van sy nie-dienste sektore, is Rusland se ekonomie in omvang op gelyke voet met die van die #3 ekonomie, Japan. Wanneer egter gekyk word na aandeel in die wêreld se handelsvloei, styg Rusland nog verder uit, met sy deelname bereken rondom 15%. Soos wat Sapir verduidelik: “Such commanding importance in the production of so many essential commodities means that Russia, like few other countries on the planet, is in many respects a linchpin of the globalized production chain. Unlike “maximum sanctions” on a country like Iran or Venezuela, attempting to cut the Russian link has meant and will likely continue to mean a dramatic reorganization of the global economy.” Kortom, die gekombineerde aandeel in die wêreld-ekonomie van Sjina en Rusland gesamentlik, gemeet op werklike pariteit, is teen ongeveer 35% meer as een derde van die planeet se ekonomie, en as die oor-belading van dienste-sektore in die Weste (77% in die VSA en 70% in Wes-Europa, teenoor respektiewelik 57% en 53% vir Rusland en Sjina) in berekening geneem word, dan staan Sjina en Rusland se aandeel in die vloei van wêreldhandel geensins meer terug vir dié van die VSA en Europa nie. Neem nou in ag dat ander groot opkomende ekonomieë soos Indië, Brasilië, Meksiko, Turkye en vele ander lande van die Derde Wêreld nie Westerse sanksies teen Rusland ondersteun nie, dan val dit op dat die strategie om Rusland ekonomies te probeer isoleer (soos met Suid-Afrika probeer doen is, of later met Iran en Venezuela) in praktiese terme wensdenkery en blote politieke toneelspel is. Miskien saakmakendste, is dat die werklike slagoffers van die sanksies die Weste self is – veral Europa – wat nou duurder alternatiewe moet soek, dus inflasie verder stook, en hulleself ekonomies al minder kompeterend gaan maak a.g.v. 205 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
hoër inset-koste vir hulle industrieë, petroleumprodukte te baat neem.
Dit is belangrik om in hierdie strategiese analise na die posisie van Sjina te kyk. Opsigtelik is dit in hulle belang dat die Weste vasgeval bly in sy stryd met Rusland, en dat die Weste homself in die voet skiet m.b.t. sy eie ekonomiese kompeterendheid. Dus het Sjina geen motief hoegenaamd om druk op Rusland te sit om die oorlog te beëindig nie – inteendeel, dit sal hom baat om Rusland so lank moontlik in die stryd te hou, en te probeer meehelp dat Rusland uiteindelik wen. Net nog ‘n rede dus, waarom hierdie oorlog gaan bly voortsleep. ‘n Ander rolspeler van groot strategiese belang, is Turkye. Peilings toon dat die meerderheid van die Turkse bevolking nie ten gunste is van sanksies teen Rusland nie. Turkye se oorheersende eie veiligheidsbelang, lê in sy Suid-grens met Sirië. Die Koerdiese bevolking wat weerskante van daardie grens woon, en hulle militante nasionalistiese beweging die PKK, is Turkye se mees onmiddellike bedreiging – daarom dat Turkye adamant NAVO-lidmaatskap vir PKK-borge Finland en Swede bly veto. Dis nie al-om bekend nie, dat die Russiese militêre eenhede in Noord-Sirië, daar gesamentlike militêre patrollies uitvoer met die Turkse Weermag. Turkye het dus wesentlike bande en gedeelde belange met Rusland. As meesters van die Bosporus-seestraat na die Swart See, het Turkye kragtens internasionale konvensie die reg om aan vlootvaartuie deurgang te ontsê. Met die uitbreek van die oorlog, het Turkye dan ook deurgang aan vlootvaartuie van alle vreemde lande verbied. Die kanse dat die Turke sal instem dat ‘n Westerse flottielje oorlogskepe mag deurvaar om die Russiese blokkade van die Oekraïniese kus te gaan breek, lyk dus nie baie waarskynlik nie. ‘n Belangrike wegwyser oor werklike Russiese motiewe sal bereik word wanneer hulle daarin geslaag het om die provinsies van Donetsk en Luhansk volledig te beset – hulle herhaaldelik verklaarde doelwit met Poetin se “spesiale militêre operasie”. Gaan hulle dan stop? Gaan Oekraïne dan begin onderhandel op basis van grond ruil vir vrede, soos wat o.a. Henry Kissinger hulle by die Davos-beraad aangeraai het om te doen? Of gaan Kiëf bly hulle ore uitleen aan die Amerikaners en die Britte, soos na die Minsk-akkoorde en ook gedurende Desember 2021, en aandring op voort-veg totdat hulle die laaste Rus oor die destydse kommunistiese grense verjaag het? (Al wat dit sal doen, sal wees om vir Poetin “regverdiging” te bied om steeds meer grondgebied te bly inpalm). As slotsom – ons ontledings was tot dusver in die kol, en hou ons daarby dat hierdie oorlog gaan voortsleep, met waarskynlik ‘n krisis-punt rondom Oktober-November, wanneer Oekraïne sal moet besluit of hulle ‘n volgende winter onder oorlogsomstandighede kan bekostig, en wanneer die politiek in die VSA sal uitkristalliseer (en mens ook die gemoedere van die bevolkings van Amerika en Europa sal kan lees, rondom die inflasie-gevolge en tekorte meegebring deur die ekonomiese oorlog). Daar is en bly twee groot gevare – dat iemand êrens fout gaan maak en ‘n eskalasie tot direkte konflik tussen Rusland en NAVO gaan ontketen, en andersyds dat Rusland uiteindelik sigbaar gaan wen (as en wanneer die Weste – veral die VSA – belang verloor) want as lg. gebeur, dan het Poetin werklik “die wêreld veilig gemaak vir outokrasieë” met uiters kwade gevolge vir Derde Wêreld lande soos o.a. Suid-Afrika – deurdat dit al moeiliker mag word om outokrate wat hulle mandaat oorskry, grondwetlik uit die kussings te lig. ‘n Logiese vrees is dat die Neocons in Washington met hulle aanhitsing in Oekraïne in ding aan die gang gesit het wat die Weste self in die sitvlak gaan byt – soos so dikwels in die onlangse verlede, byvoorbeeld met Al Qaeda gebore uit die eerste Afghaanse oorlog, die versterking van die Taliban deur die 2e Afghaanse oorlog, die ontkiem van ISIS a.g.v. die tweede Irak-oorlog... Dit moet ten besluite hier onderstreep word dat die kliniese intelligensie-analises hierbo, geensins gesien moet word as ‘n onderskrywing van Rusland se optrede nie.
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EX AFRICA SEMPER ALIQUID NOVI – Episode 7. Dr. Willem Steenkamp
Kollegas, “ground beef” & palm-wyn Gaboen was vir meeste lande van die Eerste Wêreld, ‘n diplomatieke “aftree-standplaas” waarheen meeren-deels beamptes wat op aftrede gestaan het (dikwels dié wat in administrasie gewerk het) ge-pos is kort voor uittrede, om die titel te kry en die meevallertjie van die pos-toelaes. Want daar het na hulle oordeel nie alteveel aangegaan nie (soos gesien uit die Europese belange-hoek). Daarby was die land stabiel en het bo-gemiddeld goeie infrastruktuur gehad, vergeleke met die res van die streek. So, die “dooie hout” kon daar nie te veel skade doen, of (d.v.) self iets oorkom nie... Stabiel, tot met die wêreldwye omwentelinge wat gevolg het op die val van die Sowjet-Unie... Gaboen is ook deur hierdie demokratiserende “winde van verandering” getref, en op 5 Desember 1993 moes president Omar Bongo toe ook vir die eerste keer in die land se geskiedenis ‘n presidensiële verkiesing veg waarin hy nie die enigste kandidaat was nie. ‘n Paar dae na die verkiesing is die uitslae bekend gemaak, en Bongo is as wenner aangetoon, met 51.2% van die stem. Sy opponent, Paul Mba Abessole (van die getalryke Fang-stam – die Zoeloes van die streek) het luidkeels bedrog geskree. Dis toe dat dinge ietwat warm begin raak het... ‘n Noodtoestand is afgekondig op 20 Desember (wat, aan-en-af, tien maande sou duur, voor ‘n terugkeer na stabiliteit onderhandel kon word). Aandklok-reëls is ingestel en die Gaboenese Weermag ontplooi. Aangesien die betogers in die gewoonte was om geboue wat deur Bongo besit is, aan te val en af te brand, was die gebou waarin ons kanselary en ampswoning gehuisves was (en waarin ons oorgeplaasde personeel ook gewoon het), dus ‘n moontlike teiken. Daarom was daar ‘n Panhard AML-90 pantser-kar van die Gaboense Weermag op die sypaadjie reg voor ons gebou se ingang gestasioneer (soortgelyk aan dié op die foto). Die troepe het die toebroodjies en koeldranke wat ons gereeld vir hulle afgestuur het, hoog op prys gestel. 207 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Die kinders was verheug, want van skool-gaan was daar uiteraard nie sprake nie. Die Franse het versterkings ingevlieg na hulle permanente mariniers-kontingent se basis by die lug-hawe, en hulle dreigende teenwoordigheid het dinge redelik onder bedwang gehou – die herinnering aan hoe Vreemdelinge-Legioen para’s in 1964 soortgelyke onluste kragdadig onder beheer gebring het, het daarvoor gesorg. Ek wil nou nie dramatiseer deur voor te gee dat ons onsself onder ernstige bedreiging gevoel het nie, want die midde-dorp was goed afgekordon, en so ook die kritieke infrastrukuur soos die lughawe en die Franse expatwoonbuurtes aan die noordekant van die stad. Die nagtelike oproer was grootliks beperk tot die sg. matiti – die informele buurte om die stad heen). Van bo van ons daktuin af (gereëlde lesers sal onthou dat die residensie was ‘n “pent-house”) het ons ‘n goeie uitsig gehad op die brandstigting. Ons het voort kon gaan met die informele onthaal van kollegas (het net nie geweet wat hulle die meeste waardeer het nie – ons braaivleise, of die kans om daar vanaf ons dak-tuin, die “show” te sien). Tussen die 90% stok-ou ambassadeurs, was ons net drie jong ambassadeurs daar in Libreville, met myself die jongste. Die ander twee was die Duitse ambassadeur, Rainer Müller, en die Amerikaner, Joe Wilson (beide in hulle vroeg-veertigs). Anders as die “op-aftree” garde van ambassadeurs, het Rainer reeds voor sy aanstelling as ambassadeur, ‘n belangrike pos beklee as die segsman van die befaamde Wes-Duitse buitelandse minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher. Joe Wilson was voor en tydens die eerste Golf-oorlog teen Irak, die 2e in bevel van die Amerikaanse missie in Bagdad. Na die dame wat VSA-ambassadeur was daar se faux pas toe sy teenoor Saddam Hussein te kenne gegee het dat ‘n Irakse inval in Koeweit nou nie eintlik te ernstig bejeën sou word nie (en sy toe summier teruggeroep is Washington toe) moes Joe die fort hou, en was hy die laaste Amerikaner om Bagdad te verlaat voor die bomme begin bars het. Vir sy hantering van die saak het hy baie waardering gekry van president George Bush Snr. en is hy beloon met die ambassadeurspos in Libreville. Beide Rainer en Joe sou aanstons nogal opslae maak... Rainer en sy vrou was goed bevriend met my en my eggenote, en het gereeld by ons aan huis gekuier. Binne enkele dae egter na ons twee pare nog so met ‘n stukkie boerewors in die hand die brande van ons dak-tuin af gade geslaan het, gedurende die eerste week van Januarie 1994, kry Rainer toe uit die bloute opdrag van sy buitelandse ministerie om dringend vir konsultasie na Bonn terug te keer. Hy is inderhaas alleen weg soontoe, en daar word hy toe by aanland summier gearresteer! Beskuldiging – spioenasie vir die eensmalige Oos-Duitse STASI, met kode-naam “Siggi”... Sy arme vrou was verstaanbaar in ‘n toestand, en siende dat die ander Europeërs dadelik haar begin vermy het, het my vrou haar gehelp om dinge in orde te kry sodat sy kon terugkeer Duitsland toe, om hom by te staan. Lang storie kort – die twee STASI-offisiere wat dié storie gesmous het, het dit saamgeflans. Bloot om hulle eie nessies te probeer uitveer in die nuut-verenigde Duitsland, waar voormalige STASI’s uiteraard nie populêr was nie. Rainer is nooit aangekla nie. Maar sy loopbaan was daarmee heen...
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Met Joe Wilson (foto links) het ons nogal baie in gemeen gehad. Hy’t Suid-Afrika goed geken, want as jong diplomaat was hy in Pretoria gestasioneer (nogal vir Noord-Transvaal bofbal gespeel). Verder het hy uit ‘n vorige huwelik ‘n tweeling gehad, dieselfde ouderdom as ons s’n. Wanneer dié jongelinge hom in Libreville met vakansie kom besoek het, was daar uiteraard nou nie baie maats van hulle portuur en wat Engels kon praat, beskikbaar nie. Dan is dikwels gereël dat ons kinders syne geselskap hou. Die 1995 rugby wêreld-beker toernooi in Suid-Afrika het ons natuurlik almal aan die TV-skerms vasgenael gehou. Veral die finale. Groot was my ergernis dus, toe – baie kort voor die aanvang van die wedstryd – die gebou-ontvangs my laat weet het dat iemand op pad boontoe was, na die ampswoning toe. En daar was dit toe Joe se gesig wat opgeduik het op die sekuriteitsmonitor by die voordeur. Hy’t spontaan besluit gehad om die groot geleentheid met ons te kom deel, en was net so entoesiasties soos ons (hy’t natuurlik rugby geken van sy Pretoria-dae). Enorm was die gedeelde vreugde toe die beker aan Francois Pienaar oorhandig word. Dadelik het ek die groot seremoniële landsvlag gaan haal. Die ampswoning se vlagpaal, wat op die daktuin was, was so-by-so die hoogste in Libreville. Barstend van trots en die opwinding van die oomblik, het ek gou-gou die standaard-vlag gestryk en daardie allemintige seremoniële vlag oor die stad laat wapper. So kort na die einde van die wedstryd, was dit die moment waarop baie Gaboenese in die omliggende woonstelle op hulle balkonne gaan bene rek het. Toe hulle my sien die ekstragroot vlag hys, het heelparty van hulle spontaan begin hande klap en fluit. Groot rugby-wedstryde is die gewildste TV-sport in die Frans-sprekende wêreld, en selfs al speel die Gaboenese self nou nie eintlik die spel nie (dit sal maar sukkel, siende dat hulle ietwat klein van postuur is, en natuurlik ook in daardie verswelgende tropiese hitte). Maar intens belang stel het hulle wel, sodat meeste van hulle, eweseer as ons, voor hulle TV’s geparkeer was vir die drama – met Afrika se eer op die spel. Na Joe se termyn in Libreville het hy die “meneer Afrika” geword in die kantoor van die Wit Huis se nasionale veiligheid-adviseur. Voor die uitbreek van die 2e Irak-oorlog (en na hy reeds uitgetree gehad het), het hy algemene bekendheid verwerf met ‘n artikel in die Washingtonse pers waarin hy die bewerings dat Saddam Hussain besig was om kernwapens te probeer bekom – as regverdiging vir oorlog – as nonsens afgemaak het (hy het kort tevore ‘n navorsingsbesoek gebring gehad aan Niger, om die bewerings dat Hussain daar sg. “geel koek” uraan bekom het te ondersoek, en dit vals bevind). Joe was ‘n Republikein, maar die opstook van oorlog op voorwendsels wat hy geweet het nie die toets van tyd sou kon deurstaan nie, het hom dwars in die krop gesteek. Sy artikel het hom die gramskap van vise-president Dick Cheney op die hals gehaal (wat verbete verbind was aan die idee van inval, ten einde beheer oor Irak se olie te kry). Cheney het toe sy assistent, Scooter Libby, aangesit om die storie onder die media te versprei dat Joe se besoek aan Niger van geen waarde was nie, want dit was sommer iets wat Joe se vrou (as CIAagent) vir hom gereël gehad het, sonder amptelike magtiging of status. Dit was natuurlik nie so nie, maar veel-al het Cheney / Libby, deur dié storie te versprei, die fout gemaak om die identiteit van ‘n dienende CIA-operateur (Joe se vrou, Valerie Plame) openbaar te maak – ‘n ernstige kriminele oortreding, waarvoor Libby toe ook skuldig bevind en tot 30 maande tronkstraf gevonnis is (George Bush Jnr. het die tronkstraf kwytgesteld, maar nie die skuldigbevinding nie). Die hele episode is deur Hollywood tot fliek gemaak, met die titel “Fair Game” en Sean Penn in die rol van Joe. Libreville se diplomatieke korps het ook sy ander karakters gehad. My gunsteling-kollega was die ambassadeur van Mauritanië, die vise-dekaan van ons plaaslike ambassadeurskorps – die rysige, statige Kolonel Thiam. Hy was voorheen ‘n offisier in die Franse Leër, en ons twee het ons passie vir stiptelikheid gedeel. Keer op keer dus, by amps-openinge van die plaaslike parlement of staatsbankette, was ek en hy die enigste twee ambassadeurs wat behoorlik betyds aangemeld 209 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
het. Dan het ons land en sand gesels, en mekaar gewed oor hoe lank dit sou vat vir verrigtinge om te begin (‘n veilige weddenskap was tussen twee en drie uur). Die ergste van hierdie frustrerende, onbeheerste ge-tjommels, was die staatsbankette by die paleis, vir besoekende staatshoofde. Ons het gou geleer gehad om maar liefs vooraf aandete tuis te geniet, eerstens omrede meeste etes eers teen middernag ‘n aanvang geneem het, want dan eers het die presidentspaar die versamelde gaste met hulle teenwoordigheid vereer. Wanneer die kos dan opgedien en gereed was op die kreunende buffet-tafels (daar was niks met die kos verkeerd nie) het die seremoniemeester in luide stem aangekondig: “meneer die president, mevrou word bedien!”. Dit was die teken waarop die uitgenooide honger hordes gewag het, om af te storm op die buffet-tafels en hulle borde tot oorlopens te laai – sodat daar ieder geval vir diegene wat wou wag tot ná die stormloop, niks oorgebly het nie (die tweede rede om maar liefs tuis te geëet het, want na daardie eerste ervaring het ek gesweer gehad om nooit weer selfs maar te dink aan kos-haal by so ‘n geleentheid nie; die kultuur-vertonings wat hierdie bankette vergesel het was egter altyd skouspelagtig, en dit het darem opgemaak vir die irritasie rondom die etery). Miskien is my renons in die kos-skrummery gevestig deur my eie bek-brand onoplettendheid daardie eerste banket. Toe die stormloop verby was, was die enigste eetbare wat op die tafels oor was, die vrugteslaai (selfs die ander fênsie poedings is toe al saam met kreefsterte, ham en hoofdisse, op opgestapelde borde weggedra). Die vrugteslaai was uiteraard nou niks spesiaal in daardie land met sy heerlike tropiese vrugte nie, so dit het nie soveel aftrek gekry nie. Ek het toe maar daarvan as my hoof-dis ingeskep, en dit mildelik bedek met vla. Toe ek egter, terug by ons tafel, my mond daaraan sit, besef ek dis nie vla nie, maar wel mosterd-sous (vir die kreefsterte) wat ek so liberaal oor my vrugteslaai gepleister het – en wat dit allermins eetbaar gemaak het! Van die aangenaamste ete-uitnodigings was na maaltye tuis by van die ministers, veral as dit informeel geskied het by ‘n naweek-huis, met kortbroek en sandale. Dan is van die plaaslike tradisionele geregte opgedis. ‘n Voor-kelkie van gevulde land-krap was altyd my gunsteling. Die “nasionale drankie” was palm-wyn. Die sap van die spesifieke tipe palm is getap in enige dienlike tipe houer, na die palm omgekap is (soos op die foto). So vars gedrink, was dit soos ‘n koeldrank. Maar na ‘n paar dae se fermentasie in daardie hitte, het dit uur-vir-uur ekstra skop gekry, totdat dit na so tien dae (as dit so lank gehou het) die skop van die spreekwoordelike muil gehad het. Dit is natuurlik só dat bos-kos in daardie omstreke steeds baie gewild is as bron van goedkoop proteïne. Dit was altyd ‘n erbarmlike gesig om apies met die hare afgeskroei en die stert-punt gesplit (sodat dit om die nek geknoop kon word), te sien hang aan stokke geplant langs die paaie buite die stad – die stert-knoop het dan gemaak dat dit gerieflik oor die skouer gehang kon word vir huis-toe dra, soos ‘n “sling-bag”... Die vel-krimp van die haar-skroeiery het ook gesorg daarvoor dat die arme dooie apie se gesiggie op die aakligste grynslag getrek was. Van eet van sulke primaat-spesies het ons baie vêr weggebly, uit walging maar ook die wete van die gevaar van peste soos Ebola (dis dikwels aan mense oorgedra wanneer jagters diere wat aan die siektes dood is, opgetel en as eetbaar verkoop het). ‘n Dis wat merkwaardig lekker was (soos ‘n kruis tussen vis en hoender) was die wit vleis van krokodil-stert. ‘n Term wat vry-algemeen in die streek gebruik word, ook in die Frans-sprekende dele, en wat ons aanvanklik deurmekaar gehad het, was “ground beef”. Anders as ons normale begrip daarvan, nl. 210 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
dat dit gemaalde vleis beteken, is die betekenis daar dat dit vleis is wat na aan die grond leef – overgesegd synde, goed soos die enorme riet-rotte. Gegewe dat die Universiteit van Natal reeds bewys had dat hierdie diere ver-edel kan word vir teel as voedsel – gesog in KZN se beste restaurante – en dat dit ‘n lekker grootte is vir ‘n familie in die trope wat nie yskaste het nie en die hele dier dus in een sessie moet kan op-eet (wat bv. nie met ‘n geslagte bees reggekry kan word nie) sou hierdie ‘n ideale slag-dingetjie wees vir daardie omstreke. Ook omdat dit prakties enigiets groens vreet, waarvan daar meer as genoeg daar in die trope te kry is. Hoe meer ons dié idee probeer bevorder het, hoe meer is ons egter genader deur Gaboenese wat met volstruise wou boer. Nou uiteraard is volstruis-filet heerlik (ons het dit altoos by ons eie onthale bedien) en is dit ook cholesterol-vry en dus baie gesond. Maar telkens moes ons verduidelik dat ‘n volstruis uit die semi-woestyn kom en doodeenvoudig nie in die trope kan aard nie – ook omrede dit ewe vatbaar is vir malaria as die mens. Vir dié wat dit nie sommer wou glo nie, moes ek verduidelik dat die volstruis en die mens fisiologies soveel in gemeen het dat die kornea van ‘n volstruis-oog op ‘n mens oorgeplant kan word (raar, maar waar). Dié brokkie nuus het die teleurgestelde prospektiewe volstruis-invoerders darem gewoonlik oortuig... Soos prakties almal in Libreville gedoen het, het ons kok, Mnr. Diallo, heelwat van sy bestanddele daagliks by die enorme munisipale mark, die Marché du Mont-Bouët, gaan aankoop. Dit strek oor ‘n hele paar straat-blokke en TripAdvisor gee dit aan as ‘n plaaslike toeriste-attraksie – die foto’s hieronder gee ‘n idee van hoe dit lyk:
Ons het dan ook altyd, wanneer skepe van die S.A. Vloot op besoek aandoen, die Vloties in hulle kraak-wit uitstap-uniforms soontoe geneem – die wit uniforms en die groen gesigte het algou ‘n interessante kontras gevorm (die mark word redelik skoon gehou en vergelyk goed met dié soort van plek elders in die wêreld; in daardie vogtige tropiese hitte is dit egter veral die reuke wat die skade doen aan sterk manne se gestelle, as mens nog nie daaraan gewoond is nie...)
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Met die petro-dollars in omloop daar, het Libreville wêreld-klas restaurante in die Franse styl – in my beskeie opinie (en gebaseer op my jare deurgebring in albei stede), net so goed as Parys, indien nie beter nie. Mens moes dus maar goed fiks bly, om nie die kilo’s te laat akkumuleer as jy konstant smiddags en saans moet uit-eet vir volk en vaderland nie! Uiteraard is dit deel van jou verteenwoordigingspligte as ambassadeur, om gereeld ook by die ampswoning te onthaal. Die formele een van die woning se twee kombuise was dus opgestel daarvoor, met twee groot vries-yskaste, twee groot oonde, en die kragtige nood-kragopwekker wat ons in die gebou se kelder installeer het, wat so bedraad was dat dit die kombuis, eetkamer en ontvangs-areas van die ampswoning ook sou kon aan die gang hou, benewens die kanselary se kommunikasie-sentrum. (Anders as Suid-Afrika se klaaglike huidige krag-situasie, het die kragopwekker in Libreville prakties nooit hoef in te geskop het nie). Ons Suid-Afrikaanse wyne en disse, soos dié met volstruis-vleis, was maar alte gewild onder Gaboenese hoëlui en ambassadeurs-kollegas. (Ons kon mos alles vars van Suid-Afrika invlieg, danksy die ambassade se goeie verhoudinge met Air Gabon en die plaaslike doeane, en die effektiwiteit van ons puik eie admin-personeel). Die ander ambassadeurs was nie so bevoorreg om ewe maklik van hulle tipiese produkte te kon voorsit nie. Al ou wat ook uitgestaan het was die Russiese ambassadeur, met die enorme hope kaviaar wat hy altyd bedien het, natuurlik saam met ewe vrygewige hoeveelhede vodka. Om hierdie episode mee af te sluit, moet ek tog ‘n insident met u deel wat ‘n (ongenoemde) ambassadeursvrou op die lyf geloop het – al was dit nou nie in Libreville nie. Ek het daarvan te hore gekom toe ek hoof was van Diplomatieke Opleiding in Pretoria, en ons ‘n studiegids saamgestel het vir die diplomatieke kadette oor hoe om amptelik te onthaal – “Entertaining Officially: Diplomatic Training Module #10”. Hierdie handboek is in samewerking met die bekende onthaal-fundi Maya Ingwersen saamgestel, wat dit toe (in lig-verwerkte vorm) aan die publiek beskikbaar gestel het as “The Relaxed Hostess”. Die verhaal het sy oorsprong in die kommunikasie-probleme in vreemde tale wat so eie is aan die wêreld van die diplomaat, en die kompetisie tussen sommige ambassadeursvroue om die spoggerigste onthale aan te bied. Soos heel dikwels gedoen word, het die heldin van ons verhaal ‘n firma van professionele spyseniers ingehuur gehad. Die “piece de resistance” van die maal wat sy beplan het, sou ‘n heel, oond-geroosterde speenvarkie wees. Dit moes paslik-dramaties op ‘n silwer skinkbord ingedra en aan die gaste vertoon word, voor dit dan daar aan tafel opgesny word. Natuurlik met die varkie opgetooi met al die nodige dekorasies, soos ‘n appel of lemoen in die bek. Soos ook die gebruik is, het die dame ‘n gonser (“buzzer”) gehad, waarmee sy dan die kombuis sou sein wanneer die tyd geleë was om met die spog-varkie in te paradeer. Vooraf het sy deeglik ‘n punt gemaak daarvan om vir die kelner van die aand, dit op die hart te druk hoe belangrik die visuele aanbieding van die hoof-dis sou wees – hoe hy dit op die silwer skinkbord moes inbring, skouer-hoogte gedra, en met klem op die aller-noodsaaklikheid van die dekorasies. Iets tot die effek van: “bring hom in, met lemoen-skyf in die mond en pietersielie in elke oor”. Min wetende dat dit die kelner se eerste ervaring van so ‘n dramatiese binnekoms sou wees. Nietemin, taal-probleme en gebrekkige ervaring ten spyt, was 212 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
hy deeglik onder die indruk van die belang van die visueel-impakvolle aanbieding wat mevrou verlang het, en oorgehaal om sy allerbeste te doen... Op die aangewese oomblik druk sy toe die gonser, en daar swaai die kombuisdeur oop, met meneer kelner wat trots die varkie skouer-hoogte indra vir almal om te bewonder en waardeer. En, streng volgens instruksie, het hy wat kelner is toe ook prominent ‘n lemoen-skyf in sy (eie) mond en ‘n spriet pietersielie in elk van sy twee oorgate! ‘n Groter sukses kon die aand nie gewees het nie... Volgende maand dan die laaste episode in hierdie reeks
HUMOR IN UNIFORM …. DIE POLISIE “VAN” LAAI MY OP Brig Theo Kleynhans Terwyl ek my diensplig in 1966 in die destydse Leërgimnasium in Pretoria gedoen het, het ons eers na basiese opleiding verby was, ons eerste naweek pas ontvang. Dit was eers na drie maande in die helnes. Daardie dae was die “Army” nog gedissiplineerd. Alles moes net reg en skoon wees. As ‘n ding nie beweeg het nie, het jy hom blink gemaak. As hy beweeg het, het jy hom gesalueer. Aangesien ek van Bloemfontein afgekom het, was dit vir my moontlik om op ‘n gewone naweek huis toe te ryloop. ‘n Ding wat die arme Kapenaars nie kon doen nie. So het ek dan die naweke wat ons af was, huis toe gegaan. Jy het maar vroeg die Sondagmiddag geëet, sodat jy die pad kon vat Pretoria toe. Laat mag jy nie wees nie, anders was die DB jou voorland. “Come hell or high water, 10 uur die aand sal jy in die Kamp wees, want dan word “roll call”gehou. Normaalweg het ‘n troepie nie te lank van Bloemfontein na Pretoria geryloop nie. Hierdie spesifieke naweek was egter ‘n uitsondering. Ek het gesukkel. Dit was al aan die verkeerde kant van nege uur die aand en ek het nog hier langs die ou Pretoria- Johannesburg pad gestaan, net buite Halfweghuis. Ben Schoeman hoofweg het nog nie bestaan nie. Ek was ‘n senuwee wrak, want 10 uur moes ek in die Leërgimnasium se gronde wees. Asof gestuur, stop hier ‘n Polisie “van” hier vlak by my. “Waarheen gaan jy?” vra die Polisieman. “Na die Leërgimnasium in Pretoria” antwoord ek. “Klim” sê die drywer. “Ons gaan na 1 Militêre Hospitaal wat reg by die Leërgimnasium geleë was.” 213 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Daarmee maak die mede- bestuurder die agterste deur van die “van” vir my oop. In die donker kan ek niks sien nie, maar gaan sit op die Bankie teen die kant. Die man ry dat dit bars. Ek is bly, ten minste sal ek nie laat wees nie. Dit is stiknag donker. Ek kan nie my hand voor my oë sien nie, maar ek ruik iets is nie lekker nie. Die “van” lyk ook anders as die Polisie “vans” wat ek ken. Die een het geen vensters nie. Ek voel hier is iets wat voel soos ‘n mandjie by my voete, maar los dit uit. Ek sit stil en hoop en bid ons is nie laat nie. ‘n Minuut of vier voor tien uur die aand gaan ek die hekke van die Leërgimnasium binne. By my bungalow aangekom wil my mede Troepe weet watse bloed daar onder aan my skoene sit. Soos my een latere kollega altyd gesê het: “The best possible forsight is 20/20 hindsight.” Skielik kan ek verstaan wat so snaaks geruik het. Ek kon ook verstaan hoekom die twee Polisiemanne so half bekaf gelyk het toe hulle my by die Leërgimnasium se een hoek afgelaai het, steeds in die donker nag en ek hulle vriendelik dankie sê vir die geleentheid. Skielik kon ek ook onthou dat hulle op pad was na 1 Militêre Hospitaal. Natuurlik was daar ‘n lyk of gedeeltes van ‘n lyk in die mandjie by my voete en hulle wou gehad het hierdie Troep wat hulle opgetel het, moet sy stert afskrik. Vandag dink hulle seker terug dat ek die domste Troep is wat hulle ooit ‘n streep wou trek. Hy skrik nie eers nie. As ek terug dink hoe ek my twee jaar later, toe ek my eerste lyk in die Polisie gesien het, lekker geskrik het, is ek des te meer Goddank bly dat dit ‘n stikdonker nag was en ek niks agter in die “van” wat duidelik later ‘n “Mortuary van” sou blyk te wees, kon gesien het nie, anders het ek my bevuil.
214 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
LETTERS | BRIEWE • AFRICATALKS Hi Hennie, I had a quick look online of your magazine The Nongqai – looks so interesting. If you ever want to use anything from our newsletter/website, or do a link, please feel free to do so, just credit us with our website address www.africatalked.co.za Have a really good weekend, Ian & Lesley Thomson
Nongqai Vol 13 No 6B: Kol Wynand Schoeman Brig Hennie, net 'n woord van dank vir die besondere moeite (soos altyd) wat jy gedoen het met die Spesiale Nongqai oor MIOVS. Dié stukkie inligting is nou bewaar. Dank ook aan Genl vd Merwe, Genl Beukes en Dicks vir hul bydraes en die kollega wat die voorblad gedoen het. Jou uitleg is skitterend en professioneel gedoen. Dankie vir die harde werk. Ek voel maar klein as bydraer tot dié dokument. My kollegas wie saam met my by MIOVS was het eweneens skitterende en besondere bydraes tot MIOVS se sukses gelewer. Mooi aand verder. Groete.
Nongqai Vol 13 No 6B: Genl-maj Dirk Schoeman Ek stem van hoogstaande gehalte en professioneel aangebied. Baie stof tot nadenke. Groete.
Searching for Father My name is LIPOPILA KRISTOF ALWEENDO, the son of MR LIPOPILA JEFF GERVACIO, who was mentioned in one of your editions, that you have worked with him at Ruacana, Namibia, around 1989 to 1993, as SOUTH AFRICAN POLICE. I hereby informing you that the story I read from your addition in connection with stories I heard from elders are all linked and I am sure that, that’s my father. I was born 1993, but since then I have never seen my dad. In 2017 I launched a search on my dad and all I heard about him is that he has relocated in Angola, IONA village, Namib province. I here by asking for your help if you have any of his picture or something that may lead us to him, or that may assist me in searching for him. Your co-operation will be highly appreciated Waiting to hear from you soon.
• Col Corrie Prinsloo has contacted Mr Alweendo. 215 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Staatsveiligheid Vrees oor staatsveiligheid in duie stort https://www.netwerk24.com/netwerk24/nuus/politiek/vreesoor-spioene-in-duie-stort-20220526 Die "sekurokrare" sou dit nie toegelaat het nie. As die kat op Putsonderwater kleintjies gekry het, het ons dit geweet. Die NVBS het gewerk. En nou ? Groete. Adamus P Stemmet (AP)
Made a Nongqai into a Book: Col K Nair
216 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
Trainer of the Month: Frans Bedford Visser
217 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
218 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
219 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6
220 Nongqai Vol 13 No 6