Meet the Chairs Leonard Moreland Co-Chair, One Henry Economic Alliance _________________ President/CEO Heritage Bank _________________ 2016 Chairman Henry County Chamber of Commerce ________________________________
CONTACT 1709 Highway 20 West McDonough, GA 30253
Specialties: Business banking, strategic
P. 770-957-5786
planning, executive management
F. 770-957-8030
Geoffrey Cauble Co- Chair, One Henry Economic Alliance ________________ Vice-President Dimension One, Inc. ________________ 2016 Chairman Henry County Development Authority Board of Directors __________________________________ Specialties: Business finance and strategy, internal processes and controls, small business and start-up development
VOLUNTEER In an effort to bring Henry County together as one we are looking to hear from you. We want to help businesses see the beauty of Henry County and what we have to offer. Contact us to find out how you can be a part of One Henry.
One Henry Economic Alliance HENRY COUNTY, GA
The Mission of the One Henry Economic Alliance is to advance the economic prosperity and wellness of Henry County.
Who we are
Each month volunteers just like you from around
the County gather to work on projects under the
One Henry umbrella. Some of these volunteers have been involved since One Henry began and others have joined in along the way. Together, we are working on projects that will
To cultivate the required professional landscape to help businesses...Come Here, Start Here, Grow Here, And Stay Here
restaurants and entertainment, relief from traffic and of course we want to preserve the quality of life that Henry County provides today. These things won’t happen if we all just wait for someone else to do the work. If you have a
economy for generations to come. Overall, more
competitive position and transportation
our common goals.
affordable education and training, nice
TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Our mission is to enhance Henry County's
across five committees to work together towards
We all want better paying jobs, accessible and
provide a positive impact to our quality of life and than 200 people volunteer their time and energy
Why we exist
infrastructure to attract and grow companies and jobs. ARTS & LEISURE COMMITTEE
desire to assist with shaping the future of this county and creating a better environment for ourselves and our kids; One Henry is a place for you to get involved. Visit for more information.
To promote, coordinate, and enhance Arts & Leisure
Serving on a committee is one of the most important ways you can participate in One Henry. Take a look at the mission of each of the One Henry committees. Whatever your interests, if you have a passion for helping others and a heart for Henry County, you can help!
in Henry County by creating and promoting rich and diverse cultural experiences that enhance quality of life and expand the county’s international reputation while establishing Henry County as a major arts destination.
Together our coalition at One Henry is shaping the future of Henry County. Come join the effort.
IMAGE & COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE To act as an avenue by which One Henry conveys information to the committees and the Henry County community. WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Our mission is ...Henry Graduates for Henry Jobs. Henry Jobs for Henry Graduates.