Hepatitis B&C Facts www.hepsa.asn.au
1300 437 222 admin@hepsa.asn.au 3 Hackney Road, HACKNEY SA 5069 SA Health has contributed funds to this program
The Liver carries out over 500 important functions in your body.
sn]hf]n] ;/L/df %)) al8 dxTjk"g{ sfd u5{ .
The Liver is the largest organ in your body.
sn]hf] ;/L/sf] ;a} eGbf 7"nf] c+u xf] .
The Liver cleans the blood.
sn]hf]n] v'gnfO{ ;Ëšf u5{ .
Alcohol is poison to the Liver.
/S;L dbdlb/f sn]hf]sf] jL; xf] .
Hepatitis is inflammation of the Liver. It can be caused by alcohol, viruses or other toxins.
x]kf6fOl6; sn]hf]sf] ladf/ xf] . /S;L ;]jg, ls6fg'รทefO{/;\ cyjf cGo ljiffn' kbf{yn] of] ljdf/ u/f+p5 .
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B is inflammation of the Liver caused by the hepatitis B virus.
x]kf6fOl6; la sn]hf]sf] ladf/ xf] h'g r}+ x]kf6fOl6; la ls6fg'รทefO{/;\n] u/f+p5 .
You can get hepatitis B through blood to blood contact and unprotected sex with someone who has hepatitis B.
x]kf6fOl6; la /f]u /ut af6 / x]kf6fOl6; la /f]u nfu]sf] dflg; ;·sf] c;'/ÔLt of}g ;dk{s af6 kfpg ;lsG5.
You can get hepatitis B from unsterile medical, dental or cosmetic procedures.
x]kf6fOl6; la /f]u b"lift, ljz]if c:ktfndf rnfO{g], ;/;dfgsf] k||of]uaf6 kfpg ;lsG5 .
There is a safe and effective vaccine for hepatitis B.
x]kf6fOl6; la /f]usf] /f]syfdsf] nfuL c;/bfOs vf]k pknKb 5 .
You cannot get hepatitis B from water, tears, urine, faeces, sneezes, coughs, hugs, mosquitoes, toilet seats, shaking hands or sharing food and eating equipment.
x]kf6fOl6; la /f]u kfgL, cf+;', lb;f– lk;fa, xfR5Øf}+, vf]sL, c·fnf], dR5/, 6f]O{n]6 l;6 OToflb af6, xft ldnf+pbf, cyjf h"7f] vfgf jf h"7f] ef+8f af6 kfOGb}g .
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C is inflammation of the Liver caused by the hepatitis C virus.
x]kf6fOl6; l; sn]hf]sf] ladf/ xf] h'g r}+ x]kf6fOl6; l; ls6fg'รทefO{/;\n] u/f+p5 .
You can get hepatitis C only through blood to bloodstream contact such as having unsterile medical, dental or cosmetic procedures.
x]kf6fOl6; l; /f]u /ut af6 dfq} kfO{G5, h:t} b"lift, ljz]if c:ktfndf rnfO{g], ;/;dfgsf] k||of]uaf6 .
It is perfectly safe to share food, drinks, hugs and kisses with someone with hepatitis C.
x]kf6fOl6; l; /f]u nfu]sf] JoŒfL ;· vfgf–lkgf vf+bf, c·fnf] dfbf{, r'Dag ubf{ cf˚' ;'/ÔLt g} ePsf] x'G5 .