Protect Yourself Protect Your Family

One in 20 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peopleinAustraliaislivingwithhepatitisB.
Hepatitis B is a liver disease caused by the hepatitis B virus which is carried in the blood Without regular care, it can lead to liver failure or liver cancer
· the blood of someone with hepatitis B getting into your bloodstream, such as through sharing injecting equipment or using unsterilised tattooing or piercing equipment,
· from your mother during birth, if she had hepatitisB,
· unprotected sex with someone who has hepatitisB.
The best way to prevent hepatitis B is through vaccination.The hepatitis B vaccine is safe and veryeffective
A full course of the hepatitis B vaccine can protectyoufromthevirus.
Protect yourself. Protect your family. Speak to your health worker about getting tested andvaccinatedforhepatitisB.
Your Local Health Service is:
For more information about hepatitis B orC call 1300 437 222 or visit