201o Trophy Trout Fishing Derby

Page 1

Catch & Release

Klamath Falls Oregon

One day of terrific trout fishing on the Upper Klamath Lake! The Trophy Trout Fishing Derby provides opportunities for adults and youngsters to fish for the very first time and feel that tap-tap on the line, to novice, avid and competitive fisherman. All who participate, young and old, find that three-quarters of the earth that’s covered in water can be alluring as the lures and bait used to catch fish in oceans, lakes and streams.

Saturday, April 17 6:00 a.m. - 2 p.m. Prizes immediately following

Limited to

first 400

entrants only.


Index Schedule of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Rules & Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7 Rules of The Waterway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Trout Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Catch & Release . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 About Klamath Falls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13 About Klamath Lake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Fishing on Klamath Lake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-17 Redband Trout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Upper Klamath Lake Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-25 Fishing Quotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Rod, Reel & Fish by Annah Backstrom . . . . . . . 30-31 Registration Info . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 2008 Derby Winners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 2009 Derby Winners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 2010 Prizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Sponsors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38-39



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FDiC inSureD 4

E ach c oldwEll B ankEr

officE is indEpEndEntly ownEd and opEratEd .

Schedule of events Derby Headquarters will be located at the covered pavilion between Moore Park Marina 1 & 2

F r i day, A pr i l 16, 2 010 Registration pick-up at the Herald and News Loading Dock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 am - 4 pm Boat safety inspections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 pm - 4 pm

S a t u r d a y, A p r i l 17, 2 010 Derby Headquarters Open . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 am Boat Docks Open* Photo Station Opens

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 am . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 am

Photo Station Closes** . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:30 pm Prizes Awarded

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 pm

* Fishermen are allowed to launch their boats at any dock on Klamath Lake at 5 am ** Participants must be in the photo station line by 2:30 pm. Any participants who are not in the line by 2:30 pm will be disqualified.

Remember: Only barbless hooks restricted to artificial flies, lures and soft plastics are allowed.


Rules & regulations The Herald and News in cooperation with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife established rules and regulations for the Upper Klamath Lake Trophy Trout Fishing Derby that would protect the unique Redband trout, while providing an enjoyable event for the angling public. Redband Trout (subspecies of rainbow trout) - The only species of fish eligible for the Derby. Lake Sport Fishing Only - All eligible fish must be caught from a boat or on the bank of the Upper Klamath Lake. No fish caught in a river or another state will be allowed. Fishing with commercial gear is not allowed. Oregon Fishing Rules & Regulations - Each participant is responsible to obtain an Oregon Fishing License. Tournament anglers will follow all other Oregon Fish and Wildlife fishing regulations. Exclusion: Only 1 pole per person is allowed for Tournament Registration - Entry to the Derby must be received by the Herald and News at 4 pm, Friday, April 9, 2010. Registration, materials and badges must be picked up on Friday, April 16 by 4pm. Cost of registration is $35, kids 12 and under cost $10. Registration forms are available at the Herald and News, our sponsors and www. heraldandnews.com. There will be NO REFUND of entry fees. Eligibility - All persons with a valid fishing license are eligible to enter the Derby. All persons with a valid fishing license aboard a vessel or on shore must have valid Derby registration. If any eligible person is on board or on shore without a valid Derby registration any fish caught will be deemed ineligible for entry into the Derby and will not qualify for any prize. Children under 14 are not required to have a fishing license. Prizes - All unclaimed prizes will become property of the Trophy Trout Fishing Derby. Judges - Judges reserve the right to disqualify any fish or participant for illegal catch or violation of rules and regulations. All decisions of official Derby Judges shall be final. Bait - Catch and release with barbless hooks restricted to artificial flies, lures, and soft plastics. (All other bait disallowed, ie. worms, powerbait, and minnows) Inspection - Derby inspectors will be patrolling the lake and will be at random questioning registrants. Continued‌


Rules & regulations Measurement - Anglers will be given yardsticks. A digital photograph will be taken with the angler, the fish, badge and yardstick from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail in a straight line. The yardstick will be a specific color to this tournament. This will insure that the fish was caught on the day of the tournament. Also, a date and time stamp will be on the digital picture to determine date and time of catch. If an angler is alone a picture with the fish with the yardstick will be acceptable. All entrants must have either a digital camera or polaroid camera with them available for fish verification photo. No photos from cell phones will be accepted. Grand Prize - The fish picture displaying the Upper Klamath Lake Fishing Derby yardstick with greatest length from tip of the nose to tip of the tail will receive the grand prize. If there is considerable disagreement between the group of judges of the size of the largest fish the top five largest fish will be placed into a random drawing for top prize. Other pictures showing the Upper Klamath Lake Fishing Derby yardstick will be put into a random drawing for prizes. Tournament anglers will be allowed one measured fish picture per person in the drawing. There will be a random drawing for people who did not catch fish. Boats - A maximum of four people to boat. Bank or Boat Fishing - Tournament anglers can fish from bank or boat. Tournament Boundaries - The tournament boundaries will be Upper Klamath Lake including tributaries, Harriman Creek, Odessa Creek, Recreation Creek, and Short Creek. The Wood River, Crystal Creek, Sevenmile Creek and Williamson River are closed to angling during this time and this tournament. Agency Lake will be closed for this tournament, however, the straights that attach Upper Klamath Lake and Agency Lake will be open. Time - Angling time will take place from 6 A.M. to 2 P.M. on April 17, 2010. All fish must be measured by 3:00 P.M. or will be disqualified from the Derby. Prizes will be awarded from 3:00 P.M. - 4 P.M. Wasting of Fish - If a Redband trout is accidentally killed the person who captured the fish must stop fishing for the day, the fish must be harvested and the person will be disqualified. Registrants - Maximum of 400 Entries


ru l es of t h e wat erway • Vessels passing head-on shall keep to the right. • Vessels overtaking another vessel may do so on either side, but must grant the right-of-way to the vessel being over-taken. • When vessels are passing at right angles, the vessel on the left will yield right of way to vessel on the right. • Motor boats shall yield right-of-way to non-motor powered boats except as follows: • a) When being overtaken by non-powered vessels. • b) For deep draft vessels that have to remain in narrow channels. • c) When vessel is towing another vessel. • Motor boats must maintain a direct course when passing sailboats. • Any vessel approaching a landing dock or pier shall yield the right-ofway to any departing vessel. • Any vessel departing shoreline or tributary shall yield right-of-way to through traffic and vessels approaching shoreline or tributary. • Vessels will not abruptly change course without first determining that it can be safely done without risk of collision with another vessel. • If an operator fails to fully understand course of an approaching vessel he must slow down immediately to a speed barely sufficient for steerageway until the other vessel has passed. • Vessels yielding right-of-way shall reduce speed, stop, reverse, or alter course to avoid collision. Vessel with right-of-way shall hold course and speed. If there is danger of collision, all vessels will slow down, stop, or reverse until danger is averted. • Vessels will issue warning signals in fog or thick weather. • No mechanically propelled vessel shall be operated in a circular course around any other vessel or any person swimming. • In a narrow channel, vessels will keep to the right of mid-channel. • Vessels approaching or passing another vessel shall be operated in such manner and at such rate of speed as will not create a hazardous wash or wake. • No vessel shall obstruct or interfere with take-off, landing, or taxiing of aircraft. • All vessels shall be operated at reasonable speeds for given situations and must be under the completed control of the operator at all times. • No person shall, under any circumstances, operate a vessel in excess of an established speed zone. • No vessel or person shall obstruct or block navigation channel, entrance to channel, mooring slip, landing dock, launching ramp, pier or tributary. • Vessels shall keep at least 100 feet clearance of displayed diver’s flag. • Operator shall maintain a proper lookout. 8

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*Compared to similiar sized 2-stroke trolling speed. Always wear a flotation device while boating and read your owner’s manual. 2010 American Honda Motor Co. Inc. ®

trout identification

Brook Trout The body is dark colored with light spots. Watch for the back and dorsal fins to have a “worm trail� marking, while the other fins have the characteristic crimson spots surrounded by a blue halo.

Rainbow Trout The body, including the tail, is covered in spots which appear rainbow colored.

Redband Trout Large rounded spots throughout the body with an orange-red lateral line extending throughout. The anal, dorsal and pectoral fins have very distinct white tips. 10

catch & Release • Use barbless hooks and pliers to pinch down barbs • Use strong tackle to quickly and gently bring your fish in • Land fish as carefully as possible • If possible, leave the fish in the water • Keep your hands wet when handling the fish • To take a photo, cradle the fish at water level and quickly take the photo • Remove the hook quickly and gently while leaving the fish in the water












• If the fish is hooked deeply, cut the line as near the hook as possible.




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A bou t k l a m at h fa l l s

The town of Klamath Falls traces its history to 1867, when

pioneer settler George Nurse established a trading post on the east bank of the Link River. The town, originally named Linkville, grew slowly at first, and was almost completely wiped out by a fire in 1889.

The town changed its name in 1893 to Klamath Falls.

“Klamath” is taken from the name of an Indian tribe that has inhabited the region since time immemorial. The “Falls” part of the name was for a series of rapids on Link River. Development along the river eliminated some of the rapids, but a remnant can still be seen today, particularly during the spring runoff.

Klamath grew rapidly in the

1920s and ‘30s, becoming the fourth-largest city in Oregon. Development of the Klamath Reclamation Project brought

The “Falls” part of the name was for a series of rapids on Link River.

irrigation water to thousands of productive farms, and dozens of sawmills in the region produced countless railroad car loads of pine lumber.

A not-so-discreet red-light district and thriving saloon

and billiard industry was supported by ranch hands and mill workers, among others. But culture and religion also thrived in the growing community.


From its earliest

days, the community of Klamath Falls has enjoyed the benefit of being located above a large geothermal aquifer. The hot water has been pumped to the surface and used to heat swimming pools, keep sidewalks and bridges free of ice, and ward off the winter chill in hundreds of private homes and public buildings.

Crater La ke

For more than a century, the community has also attracted

visitors seeking prime hunting and fishing opportunities, or a chance to see Crater Lake, the deepest lake in the United States.

A self-guided walking history tour through downtown

Klamath Falls recalls an era when Main Street was lined with theaters, restaurants, bowling alleys, small grocery stores and fashion shops.

A downtown renovation project in the mid-1990s brought

new investment to Main Street, which now serves as a center of shopping and services for the Southern Oregon Region.


About klamath lake

Upper Klamath Lake is the largest freshwater lake in

Oregon and one of the largest in the United States. Depths in the lake range from eight feet to 60 feet and covers nearly 133 square miles of Southern Oregon.

Rivers, creeks and springs feed the northern portion of the

lake. The crystal clear water around Pelican Bay is home to a vast population of rainbow trout. Fly fishermen from around the globe come here to catch some of the largest trout on the continent.

In 1917, the Bureau of Reclamation constructed a low

dam which maintains the water level of the lake. Prior to this, the lake was surrounded primarily by marshes, which, when drained, provided cultivated land for farming settlers.

The naturally high concentration of nutrients combined

with agrigultural runoff have caused the vast growth of bluegreen algae throughout the lake. The algae turns the water an opaque green in the late summer and hinders recreational activities.

In addition to providing great trout fishing, the lake also

works to enhance power generation at the Pacific Power and Light projects on the Link River and farther downstream on the Klamath River at the John C. Boyl facility.

It is also used extensively by waterfowl. The marshy

habitat, situated in the heart of the Pacific Flyway, is an important stopover during fall and spring migrations. 14


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Upper Klamath Lake offers some of the largest

rainbow trout found anywhere in the country.

Three to six pound rainbows are common, eight to 10 pounders are plentiful, with fish to

20 pounds hooked but

seldom landed.

Looking for a known hotspot? Look no further than

Putnam’s Point. It is one of the most

consistent and popular fishing holes on the lake. However, just about any shoreline of the Klamath Lake will produce excellent fishing adventures.

The lake is open to fishing all year, however, the bag limit is

one for Klamath Lake. There are also special baiting limits for fishing on the Upper Klamath, contact Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife for more information.


Redband trout

Currently, the Upper Klamath supports the

largest population of Redband Trout in Oregon.

The opportunity to catch a 10- to 20- pound redband is

promising on Klamath Lake. The size of the fish on the lake is attributed to the fact that they live through eight spawning cycles, instead of the normal four. However, it isn’t unlikely to find fish living through nine or 10 spawning cycles.

The average redband weighs 4.5 pounds, with six- to seven-

pounders being caught frequently.

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Agency Lake

k. om as C

Rd . ystal Ck

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Pelican Cut Ca

To Medford


Henzel Park



Roc ky P

Pelican Butte


Rocky Point

Harriman Ck.

River Wood

Canal 7 Mile

Petric Park

4 Mile

o ad eR

Upper Klamath Lake Wildlife Refuge

We stsid

Rocky Point Resort


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Cr y s


Malone Springs



on ms a i l il W

TNC Refuge

Pelican Pelican Marsh Bay

er Riv


Odessa Creek Campground



Ball Bay

Eagle Ridge Shoalwater Bay Recreation Area

Ball Point

Shoalwater Ba y

Coon Point

Modoc Point

Bear Island

Shoalwater Bay Wildlife Area

Upper Klamath Lake

Desk Mountain

Small Boats Only

Sesti Tgawaals Wildlife Area

Howard Bay Observation Point

Hagelstein Park Howard Bay Rattlesnake Point

Skillet Handle

Caledonia Marsh

Buck Island

Hanks Marsh





e riv



D re sho Lake

Tournament Headquarters

Moore Park

Klamath Falls

To Crater Lake National Park


Map of Upper Klamath and Agency Lakes Boat Launch Public Restrooms Picnic Areas Marine Fuel Camping









Closed to Tournament Angling: Agency Lake 4 & 7 Mile Creeks Williamson River Wood River Crystal Creek

Map Produced By:



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Fresh Fish

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Thank you for Choosing Winema Electric as Your Electrical Contractor and Woodland Lighting for your Light Fixtures!!! Thank you for keeping business local this year! In doing so, you have helped us support various organizations in our community. Such as, The Klamath County Food Bank, The Klamath Community College, Friends of the Children, OIT, The Klamath County and City Schools, and Various Sports, Church and Youth Organizations and so much more. Thank you for being a Community Partner!


Community Partner.

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Fishing Quotes • There is certainly something in angling that tends to produce serenity of the mind. ~Washington Irving • The fishing was good; it was the catching that was bad. ~A.K. Best • We ask a simple question And that is all we wish: Are fishermen all liars? Or do only liars fish? ~William Sherwood Fox, Silken Lines and Silver Hooks, 1954 • It has always been my private conviction that any man who pits his intelligence against a fish and loses has it coming. ~John Steinbeck • Good things come to those who bait. ~Author Unknown


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Rod, Reel & Fish By ANNAH BACKSTROM H&N Sports Writer The water in Upper Klamath Lake is still a bit cold, but the trout are starting to bite. “Definitely be patient on this lake, but it’s worth it when you catch one,” said Matt Nielson, co-owner of The Boat House, a one-stop shop for fishing supplies and food for your cooler on the way to the lake. Redband trout, a species of rainbow trout, populate Upper Klamath Lake, and Nielson said fish sizes range from 5 to 15 pounds. Anglers can troll in boats or try their luck fishing from a bank. Live bait is not allowed in Upper Klamath Lake, but anglers can use worms, power bait or dead minnows, according to Roger Smith, district fish biologist with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. “Fishing season is year round, and there are anglers that catch redband trout probably 10 months out of the year on Upper Klamath Lake using flies,” Smith said. The Rocky Point area, specifically an area referred to as “the fish banks” outside Pelican Bay, is one of the most popular areas for fly anglers. “The fly anglers hit it pretty hard,” Smith said, “but people troll there, too.” 30

If you troll for trout, Smith said, troll fast. “Any lure or plug that imitates a minnow will work,” Smith said. “Redband trout are fast predators, so trolling fast is a good idea.” Putnam’s Point and Retirement Point are popular areas as well, Nielson said. “We catch them right off the dock,” Nielson said, referring to docks behind The Boat House, 740 Lakeshore Drive. For a first time angler, Smith recommends heading to Eagle Ridge County Park, on a peninsula between Upper Klamath Lake and Shoalwater Bay off Highway 140. “Throwing a dead minnow or a worm off the bank with a light weight and letting it sink to the bottom, you’ll have a very good chance of catching a fish,” Smith said. Both Smith and Nielson said starting early in the day is a good idea, but it doesn’t guarantee more bites. “Get out (on the lake) early,” Nielson said, “but you can fish all day.”


Registr ation Info

Limited Spots Available. REGISTER NOW! Entry Forms located at : The Herald and News, Parker’s, Pelican Marina and The Boat House. Visit: www.heraldandnews.com/app/2010-fishing-derby

$35 for Adults - $10 Children 12 & under BEFORE YOU GO Before taking to the water, anglers must obtain a fishing license. An annual angling license for Oregon residents costs $33, or $15 for senior citizens. A juvenile angling license, for anglers between the ages of 14 and 17 years old, is $9. Fishing licenses for youth under 14 are free. Complete fishing regulations from the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife can be downloaded online at www.dfw.state. or.us/resources/fishing/index.asp#rules. Several area locations, including Upper Klamath Lake, have zone regulations that are more specific than broader state regulations, so make sure to check before you go what the regulations are for the body of water you are planning on fishing. 32

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CCB# 92312

2008 Derby Winners

Grand Prize Kylee Matthews

$1000 cash

1st Prize Ron Davis $1500 guided Salmon Trip for four on the Rogue River at Gold Beach with two night stay at Jot’s Resort

2nd Prize

Al Church Honda 2hp Trolling Motor

3rd Prize Dane Baeth Video/Binoculars 35

2009 Derby Winners

Grand Prize

andrew Larson & Cole VanEssen

Smoker Craft 1436 Jon Boat with 9.9 HP Honda Motor Sponsored by:

American Marine, Pelican Marina and THE Herald & News

1st Place

2nd Place

Les Wilson

Guided Fishing Trip for 4 with a 1 night stay at Jots resort.

Sponsored by: the Tackle Shack and the herald and news

John Faries

$750 Leupold Binoculars

Sponsored by: Parkers rod & gun rack

3rd Place Riley Johnson $500 Cash

Sponsored by: the Herald and News


2 010 P r i z e s

Grand Prize: 14’ Lowe Jon Boat 1440M with EZ Loader Galvanized Trailer, 1,000lb capacity. Includes a NEW 9.9 HP Honda Outboard Motor

Sponsored by:

Pelican Marina and The Herald and News

1st Prize: Guided Fishing Trip for 4 with a 1 night stay at Jots resort.

Sponsored by: The Tackle Shack

2nd Prize: Nikon Spotting Fieldscope ED50 Series

Sponsored by:

Parkers Rod & Gun Rack

3rd Prize: Traeger Junior BBQ Package

Sponsored by:


4nd Place

Custom Fish Mount

Sponsored by: The Boat House


2 010 Sp onsor s

The Tackle Shack Your Fishing Headquarters!

Del DeLonge Construction


Herald and News 39

Produced by


The Herald and News

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