Nickel 01 02 14

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Heating and Cooling For your Home or Business Service and New Installs

(541) 810-2351

Get Your Heater Serviced Before it Breaks Down!

10% Senior Discount

An edition of the

January 2, 2014

Herald and News

Number 18, Volume 32

CCB# 195890 CA Lic 328293

! E E R F


Fun & Recreation for Everyone! CALL & BOOK your Birthday Party in Advance!

2117 South 6th St Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541)883-2292 “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.” Psalms 23:4

Would Like to Wish All of Our Customers a

Happy New Year! ant!

rt hy Diet is Impo Eating a Healt




Hormones Diamond S has air chilled chickens & natural beef All curing done naturally with sea salts and celery juice

3319 S 6th St


Eat Yourself Healthy! 7400 Kings Way • 541-884-8767 Off Hwy 39 between KCC & Southside Bypass

PAGE 2 • THE NICKEL • JANUARY 2, 2014 • 2117 SOUTH 6TH STREET, KLAMATH FALLS, OR 97601 • (541)883-2292 • FAX (541)882-7716

LOST & FOUND FOUND: Tackle Box at Putnam's Point Around Sat., Dec. 28th, Call to Identify – 541-273-1890


Cash For Cars

LOST DOG! Female Mini Australian Shepherd, Blue Merle, Answers to “Roxy” (Very Shy), Missing from Falcon Heights Area Since Dec. 28th. Call Cherry - 541-281-5959 Or Sue - 541-892-8366



WHAT DO WOMEN WANT? Do you want a man who leaves you alone at night while he parties with his friends? Or do you prefer a man who wont leave you alone at night? It's your choice. I am a single white male 40 yrs. old, searching for a single female for friendship and possibly more. Age, Race, Body Type, Kids or No Kids...... None of it is my concern, as long as you have a BIG CARING HEART. If interested call or text Jamie at 541-591-9237

Join us Saturday, January 4th , at 5:30pm For a K.I.S.S. Singles Christmas Potluck

331 N. 4th Old Dog Control Office Brick Building on Corner of 4th & Pine

For More Info Call 541-882-8949

Never leave a child or an animal in an unattended vehicle. A friendly reminder from The Nickel.

RECYCLE! Find Out Today How You Can Help.

HELP WANTED! Make $1000 a week mailing brochures from home! Genuine opportunity! No experience required. Start immediately!

Art Metal, Antique Glassware, Primitives, Antique Furniture, Decorated Dish Towels, Country Home Decor, Hand Painted Home Accents, Olive Oil Soaps, and All Under One Roof! If Your Can’t find It Here, You Don’t Need It!! Antique, CrAft & ColleCtible MAll

195 East Main Street • 541-273-7553 • Open Mon-Sat 10am-6pm

3-string grass hay $17 per bale 3-string straw, $5 per bale

Live on property. Farmhand must be able to not only feed livestock, but maintenance as required in exchange for RV Spot and where applicable, funds. 5-minutes from K-Falls, 541-363-6214 or 541-539-1729.

Delivery available 541-884-7973 Screenings 50 pound bag, $7 each Wheat and/or barley 50 pound bags, $8 each. 530-664-2771



Are you unable to leave the house to get your errands done? Let me do them for you! Just give me your list and I will get them all completed for you - Regardless of weather conditions. I've worked with seniors, people recovering from medical procedures, new mothers who were not yet able to leave the house with baby, all the way to people who simply dont feel like leaving the privacy of their own home. Whatever the reason, I can help! Contact Kandi for more information at 541-281-2879.


We Have It All!!

3-string alfalfa, no rain, $17 per bale

$$$ ACCESS LAWSUIT Cash Now!! Injury Lawsuit Dragging? Need fast $500-$500,000? Rates as low as 1/2% per month. Call Now! 1-800-568-8321.

FIVE WAYS to Place a Classified Ad With Us: 1)walk in, 2) mail it in, 3)call it in, 4)fax it in, 5)online. Place your ad today. Phone 541-883-2292, Fax 541882-7716.

RIDING LESSONS 2554 Rush Avenue Malin, OR 97632

BASIN IMMEDIATE CARE Published Each Thursday 2117 South 6th Street Klamath Falls, OR 97601 (541) 883-2292 • Fax: (541) 882-7716 541-281-7857

WHERE TO calls at The Nickel for Display Sales:


The Doctor is In Every Day!


Open 7 Days A Week, Including Holidays

Beverly Schuster 541-331-0657 Danielle Mays 541-331-0656 Victor Jackson 541-880-3750

541-883-2337 3737 Shasta Way Suite A


For Classifieds call 541-883-2292

Office Hours: Monday 8:30am - 5:30pm • Tues - Fri 8:30am - 5:00pm

Classified Advertising Tiffany Williamson

Display Advertising Executives Victor Jackson Danielle Mays Beverly Schuster

Sales Manager Anita Moore

Production Staff

The Klamath Tribute Center More Ways to Save

We only charge for the things you ask us to provide

Embalming only $295

Maureen Hofstetter - Manager Please read your ad for errors on the first day it appears. Deadline for classified changes or cancellations is prior to 11:00am Tuesdays. This publication assumes no responsibility after the first insertion. Our liability shall be limited to the price of one insertion; adjustments will be made only for errors materially affecting the value of the ad. Credits must be used within 1 year. We do not guarantee display ad placement without prior arrangement. We reserve the right at any time to limit, edit or reject any/all copy which conflicts, in our opinion, with the established objectives of this weekly paper. In addition, we assume no responsibility for the authenticity, validity and/or reliability of any advertising, or of the advertiser placing such ads, in any of our publications.

Others charge as much as $395

We GUARANTEE the Lowest Funeral Prices in the Klamath Basin

Call 541-884-5555 Across from Home Depot

©2013 - theNickel. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced, photographically, electronically, or by any other means, without the express consent of the publisher.

Klamath Fall’s 7-Day Forecast Jan. 2-8

This Week’s Local Forecast

Weather Trivia What parts of the world receive the most hail each year?








Partly Cloudy 45/28

Partly Cloudy 43/25

Mostly Sunny 39/23

Mostly Sunny 38/21

Partly Cloudy 40/24

Mostly Sunny 41/25

Sunny 48/29

Precip Chance: 10%

Precip Chance: 20%

Precip Chance: 20%

Precip Chance: 5%

Precip Chance: 10%

Precip Chance: 5%

Precip Chance: 0%


Answer: Northern India and Kenya, as a result of strong thunderstorms.

Ask For Andy Erickson Any Make, Any Model (541) 883-7701






Tax Help

See These Local Professionals

Plenty of parking & backdoor access off Pine Street

Professional Tax Solutions Tax Return Preparation Over 30 Years Experience

Save $$$$ on Tax Preparation File Now - Pay Later

Bookkeeping and Payroll Services Affordable • Reliable • Accurate OBTP #B14182

Bring in this ad for an additional 10% off on your 2013 tax preparation

5624 Delaware Avenue • Klamath Falls, OR



513 Main Street

Walk-ins Welcome! 8:00am-5:00pm

LTC #5667

Evenings & Weekends By Appointment •

Katherine Sue Hewitt, LTC, Resident Consultant, LTC# 5927-C Quality Service at an Affordable Price


So if you are looking for assistance with your tax preparation and refund options... COME


We Support Our Troops and Veterans! 10% Discount for Seniors, Students and the Military Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm • Saturday & Sunday by Appointment Call or email NOW for Your FREE Consultation!


TAX TIME Advertise In and reach clients who need your services

541-331-3816 • email: 824 Washburn Way • Klamath Falls PTIN# P00184625 • OPTB# B15755

DeAnn M. Bogart, CPA Certified Public Accountant

They are YOUR taxes. You deserve the best guidance available. Choose a CPA, call DeAnn today. • Tax Preparation • Bookkeeping Services • Business Consulting • Payroll Services • Estate Planning

409 Pine St, Suite 311

541-887-8130 |

Cash For Cars

Ask For Andy Erickson Any Make, Any Model (541) 883-7701

PAGE 4 • THE NICKEL • JANUARY 2, 2014 • 2117 SOUTH 6TH STREET, KLAMATH FALLS, OR 97601 • (541)883-2292 • FAX (541)882-7716



6-Week Old Weiner Pigs for Sale,Have All Shots, $90 4-Month Old Pigs for Sale, Average Weight of 100 lbs, $150 6-Month Old Ready for Butcher Pigs, Grain Fed, Avg. Weight 250 lbs., $300 Call 541-274-0048

Fred Mclauchlin Saddle Shop New and Used: 1-17 ½ deep all around saddle, round skirted, $1,400. 1-used 1978 2 horse trailer, good condition, new floors, 1 piece rear door for easy loading, $1,000. 541-723-3530

Steve’s Gun Repair I gladly repair all guns, specializing in antique guns and hard to find parts. Steve Lytle Internet auctions from one item to whole 10403 Matney Way collections or estates of guns and all items. I buy guns, gun parts, and sporting goods. 541-883-7027 I appreciate your business. Free appraisals. 541-281-6322 Please call for availability and appointment

Coloring Contest Winners 3-5 Year Olds

1st: Jerry Hall 2nd: Jubilee Matkins

6-8 Year Olds

1st: Tishka Decker 2nd: Keira Maurer 3rd: Adysen McGirr




•4-Fishing Poles, $50. •2 antique dressers, $300 ea. •2 antique dressers, $150 ea. •Camping Heater, $40, $25. •Packsack Sleeping Bag, $10, $5.

Full Computer Service for more than 15 years in the Klamath Basin

Herb's Guns of Klamath

541-882-4842 •Antique logging tools, $25. •Antique trunk, $100. •China Cabinet included with glasses inside, $30. Old Antique Doll Buggy, $100 541-882-4842

APPLIANCES Refrigerators & freezers starting at $99. All with warranties. Bear Mountain Warehouse 707 South 5th Street. 541-884-3778 WANTED TO BUY: Appliances – Dead or Alive. Must be complete. No TV's or microwaves. WANTED; Refrigerators, Washers, Dryers, Freezers. Paying at least $10 each. 541-892-0894

BUILDING MATERIALS & TOOLS •Regular tools, priced by the piece. •Hoe, $10. •5 heavy-duty working stands, wooden, $150 for all. •Black & Decker Battery Charger for TOOLS, new never used, $20. 541-882-4842

1st: Andrea Crump 2nd: Elizabeth Cole 3rd: Sharrell Baldwin

Pick Up Your Prizes at The Nickel


CSI Computers 4755 Shasta Way


541-892-1087 Larry Pentium 4 Dell Computer with keyboard and mouse, $125, monitor for $50 extra, 715-701-3432


NOW OPEN 1315 S. Alameda Ave (Old Roger's Interiors Building)


Mon., Wed., & Fri. 4 pm - 7:30 pm

Shell Brass

Saturday 3 pm – 7:30 pm

Reloading Supplies Reloading Equipment Firearms 541-891-7600 For Sale: Laser-cast Lead Bullets Berry's Plated Bullets Brass Tumblers and Walnut Media. Buy and Sell Reloading Dies and Equipment. Bill's Upholstery 4755 Shasta Way 541-882-9491

The Classified experts! The Nickel. 541-883-2292.

Concealed Handgun (CCW) Women's classes available 1 on 1 OR in groups ONLY instructor in KF with 13 yrs of Law Enforcement Experience OGRE's Den AIRSOFT “Serious Training for Serious Shooters” 541-892-1087 OREGON, UTAH, ARIZONA & FLORIDA CONCEALED HANDGUN PERMIT CERTIFICATION, $35 EACH. Get all 4 State Certifications $135 Same day. We notarize your Florida Application FREE- a $10 value. NO Shooting, NO Tests! Carry pistol in 40 states. Need a Permit to carry in Oregon? No problem!

It pays to recycle!


We buy scrap and batteries!

Certificates issued at end of each class. WALK -INS WELCOME! CLASS LOCATION 1905 Oregon Avenue Klamath Falls, Oregon Carl 541-884-2828 www.EliteTeamUSASecurity.Com

2825 Broadmore St. (Behind Lithia Ford) 2117 South 6th Street • 541-883-2292

883-3583 • (800)779-3583




Most Trojan and/ or Virus removal, $40


9-12 Year Olds

15642 Highway 66, Keno, Sales and Service.


Thanks to the generosity of our community, we have outgrown our current location. Treasures is in the process of moving to the old Lucas & Howard Furniture Store location on South 6th Street. We’ll be re-opening in February 2014. In the meantime, a bigger location means a bigger need for volunteers. If you’re interested, please contact us today! Call 541-882-2902.

$199 each, New .45 ACP Semi-Automatic Pistols, Lifetime Warranty, 100% American Made. Also new .380 ACP, $169 541-884-2828

FIVE WAYS to Place a Classified Ad With Us: 1)walk in, 2) mail it in, 3)call it in, 4)fax it in, 5)online. Place your ad today. Phone 541-883-2292, Fax 541882-7716.

Ezell Suty FUEL “Quality Fuel and Excellent Service at Prices You’ll Love”

Ezell Suty Fuel

2360 So 6th St

541-273-2700 All proceeds from Treasures benefit our community through the services we provide through Klamath Hospice.


PAGE 6 • THE NICKEL • JANUARY 2, 2014 • 2117 SOUTH 6TH STREET, KLAMATH FALLS, OR 97601 • (541)883-2292 • FAX (541)882-7716

Klamath County Senior Services & Activities

January, 2014

2045 Arthur St.

Open Fridays for Meals & Transportation Would You Like a Lift? Power Lift Chairs Starting at $699 Several fabrics and colors to choose from


Weekly Hot Lunches: Billiard Room Open

Mon.–Fri. 11:30am–12:30pm Mon.-Thurs. 8am–4:30pm Friday 9am–2:00pm Blood Pressure Machine: Mon.–Fri. in Lobby 9am–2:00pm Body Recall (Exercise): • Advanced/Beginners Classes 2 classes each day/Mon., Wed., Fri. 9–10am & 10:30–11:30am Body Recall (Exercise): Thurs. only 10:15-11:15am Computers for Use by Seniors: Upon request Craft Group: Every Thursday 9am–11am Ballroom Dancing: Wednesdays 1pm–3:30pm Gift Shop: Mon.–Thurs. 10am–3pm, Fridays 10am-2pm Golden Age Club*: Cards & Bingo Mon. & Thurs. 12:30pm–4pm Klamath County Library Services Branch: Mondays & Fridays 9:30am-1:00pm and Thursdays 1:30pm-4:00pm Movies Jan 7: Julie & Julia, Jan 21: MUD, Feb 4: Now You See Me 12:30pm Oil Painting/Ceramics: Weekly by appt 12:30pm–3:30pm SHIBA Medicare Insurance Counseling, Prescription Drug Eligibility Assistance: By appointment Tai Chi Class: Tuesdays New Beginners 11:00am-Noon Advanced 1:00pm-2:00pm Country Dance & Instruction: Tuesdays 6:30pm Veterans Social Club: Thursdays 10:00am-11:30am


Mon-Fri 9-6 • Sat 10-6

3250 Washburn Way, Klamath Falls OR John 3:16

A Clean Carpet Is A Healthy Carpet

The holidays are over and now is a great time to clean your carpets and furniture.

Call Now for Quick Service!

Regular vacuuming and cleaning prolong the life of your carpet.

KBSCC Board of Directors: Wednesday, Jan 22nd 10:00am-12:00pm KBSCC Senior Advisory Council: Jan 16th 9:00am-10:00am Hearing Aid Check: Thursday, Jan 16, 10:15am-12:00pm J.D. Howell

MS Support Group: 541-884-9112 Parkinson’s Support Group

Tuesday, Jan 21, 1:00pm Elmer's Restaurant

January Birthdays:

Since! 1982

Thursday, Jan 9, 1:30pm

Community Lounge, Pine St

Tuesday, Jan 14, 11:30am

Free Tai-Chi Demo

Using our hot water extraction system, we haul the germs and soil away!


Tuesday, January 7th at 11am New class is forming

AARP Driver Safety Course

Saturday, January 25th Please pre-register at the front desk

Red Cross Blood Drive Wednesday, January 22nd

Kathy Lynn Jones - Singing at Lunch Thursday, January 16th, 11:30am-12:30pm


Volunteers Wanted - Call Cheryl Gibbs @ 541-883-7171 ext 128 for more information

The Center offices are open Monday through Thursday from 7:30am to 4:30pm. Open Fridays for Meals & Transportation 9:00am to 2:00pm

• Trips • Kla-Mo-Ya - Mondays, 10:15 am and Sundays, 3:00pm The Senior Center is open for the following bingo sessions!

541.882.1636 Nurse Owned and Operated

Family Bingo Day: Cancelled until further notice KBSCC Bingo: Thursday & Saturday, Open at 4:30pm, Call at 6:00pm Paper Only Night: 2nd Thursday, Jan 9th Nickel Bingo: Every Saturday, Noon–3:30pm

541-883-7171 Call The Nickel at


to sell your unneeded household items or vehicles


CHAPEL OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD “The Different Funeral Home”

“The best way to cheer yourself is to cheer somebody else.”

From the Davenport Family 2680 Memorial Dr • 541-883-3458


Call Today To learn More abouT us


1401 bryanT WilliaMs drive KlaMaTh Falls WWW.MarquisCoMpanies.CoM


Klamath County Senior Services & Activities

January, 2014

2045 Arthur St.

541-883-7171 Financial considerations for those nearing retirement

Get In and Out of Bed A Lot Easier!

541-884-2773 S&H

Bedroom Gallery Inc.

Comfort, Quality and all the Rest…

Mon-Sat 10am-6pm 1204 Main Street, Klamath Falls, OR John 3:16

 

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Retirement can simultaneously excite and distress men and women as they approach the day when they end their careers. Anticipating the freedom can be exciting, while concerns about maintaining financial independence can be stressful. Though there are no guarantees that men and women who prioritize retirement planning will not outlive their finances, those who do arrange their priorities in such a manner are far more likely to enjoy a comfortable retirement without worrying about their finances. As men and women approach retirement age, certain steps with regard to preparing for retirement can put them in position to enjoy their golden years to the fullest. • Assess your resources. An honest assessment of your assets will help you determine a retirement lifestyle you can afford. Assets can include any property you own, investments, savings, and retirement accounts. Your property may be your biggest financial asset, but unless you plan to sell that property or take out a reverse mortgage, then you won’t be able to rely on that property to fund your lifestyle. When assessing resources, keep in mind that you might have to pay potentially steep taxes when attempting to access any retirement accounts, such as a 401(k). Factor in any such taxes when assessing your retirement resources. • Make a list of your monthly expenses. Once you have assessed your resources, make a list of your monthly bills. Mortgage payments, healthcare costs, taxes, and food are among the essentials, while additional expenses like travel and entertainment will need to be factored in as well. When considering monthly expenses, keep in mind that some of those expenses, including mortgage payments and commuting costs, will likely disappear, while others, including healthcare costs, are likely to increase significantly. Once you have assessed your resources and expenses, you can then begin to paint a picture of the retirement lifestyle you can afford to live. • Compare the lifestyle you want to live versus the one you can afford to live. Considering your finances several Men and women must make a years before you retire affords you the opportunity to make host of financial decisions as changes if you determine the retirement you can afford does retirement draws closer. not exactly match up with the retirement you want to live. After you have figured out what you can afford, compare that lifestyle to the one you hope to live. If they are one and the The Original same, then you did a great job planning for retirement. If they are slightly or significantly different, then look for ways to close that gap. If necessary, consult with a financial planner, who might be able to help turn your dream retirement into a reality. Closing the gap between your dream retirement and the one you can afford to live may require you to work an extra year or two, so be prepared to make that decision if need be. • Plan on continuing to grow your money. Just because you’re retiring does not mean your money has to stop working as well. You will still need to combat inflation during your golden years, so plan on continuing to grow your money even after you retire. Though it’s best to reduce investment risks as you age, many retirees still need to keep a toe in the at Southern Oregon’s investment waters. Find a balance you’re comfortable with Premier Assisted and so your money continues to grow, but be conservative at the same time. As you grow older, continue to reduce your risk. Independent While conventional wisdom long suggested retirees should Senior Living completely eliminate risk from their portfolios, today’s retirees Community are living longer than ever before, so you likely can’t afford to follow the advice of yesteryear. As retirement draws closer, men and women must start making important financial decisions to ensure their nest eggs 1000 Town Center Drive • Klamath Falls, OR 97601 can support the lifestyles they want to live throughout their 541.885.7250 golden years.

Signature Dining Experience

Exams, Glasses & Medical Eye Care New patients welcome.

2640 Biehn St., Suite 3 Klamath Falls, OR 97601




& Klamath Cremation Service serving the Klamath Basin since 1905

dignity. trust. peace of mind.

515 Pine St., Klamath Falls, OR 97601 • 541-884-3456

PAGE 8 • THE NICKEL • JANUARY 2, 2014 • 2117 SOUTH 6TH STREET, KLAMATH FALLS, OR 97601 • (541)883-2292 • FAX (541)882-7716

Winter Workforce and Community Education Classes Wildland Firefighting classes - Coming the week of March 17! Do you need S-131 (Firefighter Type 1) or RT-130 (Fireline Safety Refresher)?

Come to KCC for the classes you need! Basic Acrylic/Watercolor Painting

These entry level classes run concurrently and you will have to choose your interest. You have your choice of learning the basics of watercolor or acrylic painting. Ask for either an acrylic or watercolor supply list when you register. Instructor: Joni Leaf. If you are taking the acrylic section, students will learn to paint with acrylics, the most versatile of all painting mediums. Learn the basics, the color wheel, value, contour drawing, observational skills and the principles of design in a very relaxed environment. No prior painting or drawing experience needed. In the watercolor section, you’ll learn basic watercolor painting techniques including color mixing, observation, and fundamentals for good composition. No watercolor or drawing experience needed. ARTX712N.01 1/16 - 2/13 Th 12 - 2pm Bldg4, 424 $35

Gardening in Klamath Basin

Come learn how to successfully garden. Learn the tips and tricks of the trade!!! The objective of this course is to provide a general appreciation and knowledge of the basics of gardening so that you will be more successful! Instructor: Angela Reid CSSX701N.01 2/11 - 2/20 TuTh 6 - 8pm Bldg2, 206 $25

American Sign Language This class is an introduction to American Sign Language and the Deaf Culture. Students will gain basic communication skills and proper etiquette when meeting deaf in informal situations. Students will need to purchase Signing Naturally Level 1 Student Workbook and DVD by Cheri Smith, Ella Mae Lentz and Ken Mikos. Instructor: Jordan Jones. ASLX700.01 2/13 - 3/6 Th 6 - 8pm Bldg2, 201 $30

Ball Room Dancing-The Waltz and Tango! Come learn the Waltz and Tango! Waltz continuous to be one of the most romantic and elegant dances of all times, with long sweeping movements constant rotating with stylish poses. There are several different styles of Tango. The three most popular are American, International, and Argentine. Both American and International travel around the ballroom following the line of dance. Tango is a stylish, sexy and a very popular dance! PEDX707N.03 1/8 - 3/12 W 7 - 8:15pm RachSD, TBA $50

Beginning Night Club Two Step

Brave the cold and come take some great photos at the Refuge!!! Half-day trip to see the refuge and all of its wildlife! ARTX707N.05 2/22 Sa 11:30 - 5pm Bldg5, 507 $40

A slow dance, originally called Disco Two Step, that was created for small dance floors. Night Club Two Step is danced on the downbeat while the “essence” pulses upbeat with a upward tilt of the body. No Class Jan. 20th. For More Information, call Dave at 541-882-3149 PEDX707N.01 1/6 - 2/10 M 7 - 8:15pm RachSD, TBA $35

Beginning Computers for Beginners and Seniors Part I

How to Survive in Wilderness

Klamath Basin Refuge Photo Trip

This class is for anyone who needs to learn computer skills. Learning the computer doesn’t have to be scary! This class will help you to build your computer skills by teaching you the basics of operating a computer, the Windows operating system, and some basic programs. To get the most out of this course, a home computer is recommended for use between classes. Instructor: Patti McMann CISX700P.01 1/20 - 2/5 MW 5:30 - 8pm Bldg5, 510 $40

Turn your phone into the Smartphone it is!

Are you having trouble with your cellular phone? Come learn from GeorGene Nelson, who will be able to help you start to master it! Learn how to use voice command, voicemail, text/ picture messaging, alarm clock, settings for ringtones or Bluetooth, and the camera or video player. You’ll also learn the buttons on your cell phone, about your carriers website, and how to care for your device. The most important lesson to learn is that your cell phone does not selfdestruct by pushing a button. Students are asked to bring their manuals to their cell phones, and their blue tooth devices, as well as for their phones to be charged completely prior to coming to class. CISX703P.01 1/21 - 1/30 TuTh 5:30 - 7pm Bldg2, 207 $25


Instructor Brad Ross will give you tips and tricks that will help you in the wilderness! Nothing is guaranteed when you are in the wild, but wouldn’t you like to be better prepared?! TEXX709P.01 2/7 – 2/8 Fr 6 - 8pm Bldg6, H208 $25 Sa 10 – 4 am

Flagger Certification Flagger and Work Zone Traffic Control covers the fundamental principles of traffic control, the five parts of temporary traffic control zones, and regulations regarding the primary traffic control devises and their proper placement. Also, correct flagging techniques will be taught and demonstrated. This course meets the requirements of the Oregon Department of Transportation construction specifications. Students will receive a certification card, valid for three years, that verifies completion of safety training that meets ODOT requirements. Preregistration is required. Instructor: Gina Howard TEXX702P.01 1/16 Th 10 - 2pm Bldg6, H138 $120 TEXX702P.02 2/20 Th 10 - 2pm Bldg5, 515 $120

Change Your Life in 2014



QUALIFY FOR YOUR CONCEALED HANDGUN PERMIT ClassesSunday, January 12 at 8am at the Klamath County Fairgrounds.

FIREWOOD FOR SALE Senior Discount $140 per cord, Delivery available within Basin area. 541-205-1317 or (cell) 541-363-2601

Permit Classes$35 for Oregon, Utah, Arizona, or Florida. Or $135 for all 4 State Certification Classes




Juniper Firewood Rounds $130 / cord delivered. 541-591-3686

People buy some papers to read; They read The Nickel to BUY!

The word “impossible” contains the word “possible.”


NRA discount. Carry concealed in 36 states 32 years of firearms instruction experience.

or call Lanny Fujishin at 541-281-GUNS (4867) or email

Rounds at $135 per cord & Split Wood at $165 per cord

FIREWOOD Firewood Lodgepole Pine, $140 per cord, $75 per ½ cord delivered in the Klamath area. 541-810-8176

Call now before prices go up! Free Delivery Within 25 miles of Klamath Falls Contact number 541-591-4046. Order now while prices are still low!

Place your ad today. The Nickel really works!

PINE GROVE WORKS, INC. • Horse Tack Repair • Tent Repair • Custom Leather Work • Sports Bag Repair

Call Mike at: 541-892-3781 1916 Pine Grove Rd. Klamath Falls



Cash For Cars

Honest Abe'sFirewood Sales Be Toasty With Quality Dry Lodgepole Firewood No Rot.

Any Make, Any Model

National Champion Team shooting coach.



2013-14 Membership Special $50 Join Fee waived when you brin GOING ONin√NOW! 10 non-perishable food items for

Klamath Lake County Food Bank! √ $20 Voucher to use on Y Program

√ $50 Join Fee waived when you bring

√ $50 Join Fee waived when you bring 10for non-perishable food items for the items the in 10 non-perishable food in Klamath Lake County Food Bank! Klamath Lake County Food Bank! Programs! √ $20 Voucher to use on Y √ THE YMCA OF KLAMATH FALLS $20 Voucher to use on Y Programs! THE YMCA OF KLAMATH FALLS 1221 S Alameda Ave Terms of Special apply only to 1221 S Alameda Ave Klamath Falls, OR 97603 auto-draft membership. Terms of Special apply only to monthly 541.884.4149 Klamath Falls, OR 97603 monthly auto-draft membership. 541.884.4149

THE YMCA OF KLAMATH FALLS 1221 S Alameda Ave Klamath Falls, OR 97603 541.884.4149

2117 S. 6th St. 541-883-2292

We would like to thank our valued customers for their business, and our loyal readers for their continued support.

Ask For Andy Erickson (541) 883-7701

a s r u o Y d n a u o Wishing Y Prosperous 2014

Terms of Special apply only to monthly auto-draft membership.

PAGE 10 • THE NICKEL • JANUARY 2, 2014 • 2117 SOUTH 6TH STREET, KLAMATH FALLS, OR 97601 • (541)883-2292 • FAX (541)882-7716






Juniper Firewood Split and Delivered, $145 per Cord, Klamath Falls Area, 541-882-5314.

Antique Ivory Brocade Design Sofa, Mint Condition, $250 541-884-8560

Entertainment center for big screen TV, $50, $30 715-701-3432 Full Size Antique Bed, w / New Pillowtop Matress, Complete With Everything: pillows, sheets, comforter set, etc., $395. 541-884-8560 Gas stove, like new, $200, 715-701-3432 The Nickel Works!

Huge selection of quality used furniture in stock!

Metal Bed Frame for full size bed, $25, 715-701-3432

Antique White Provincial Design 2-Piece Hutch, Top Has Display Cabinet, Bottom has 8-Drawers, $175 541-884-8560


Cash For Cars

Ask For Andy Erickson Any Make, Any Model (541) 883-7701

Juniper Slabwood, Cut to length (14” - 20”), U load, U haul, $80 cord, call for more information, 541-892-3622 (John), 541-891-3710 (Dennis)

box spring and mattress, full size, $100, 715-701-3432

Save $$$ with The Nickel


Come check out the great buys. Bear Mountain Warehouse 707 South 5th Street 541-884-3778

Huge selection of quality used furniture in stock!

Bear Mountain Warehouse, 707 South 5th Street

Come check out the great buys.




Klamath Falls, Oregon, 1405 Crater Lake Parkway • (541) 850-7337 (Corner of Shasta Way, next to credit unions)

see our website:

*On Approved Credit; Title, Registration & Administrative Fees are not included in Sale Price; Pictures for illustration only.

We Buy Complete Estates! From 1 item to all.

Bear Mountain Warehouse 707 South 5th Street

No Charge • No Fee to You!

Ornate Cherry Wood Entertainment Center / Multiuse Cabinet, Mint Condition, Moving-Must Sell, $150 541-884-8560

Italian Leather Sofa, Ivory, Approximately 7 1/2 - 8 ft. Long, Mint Condition, $250 541-884-8560 Kenmore washer, works good, $125 $100, Includes Delivery In-Town 715-701-3432.

Primary Health Care

We Buy Complete Estates! From 1 item to all. Bear Mountain Warehouse, 707 South 5th Street 541-884-3778


$ CASH $


• Immunizations • Sports, DOT Physicals • Immediate Care (Suturing, Biopsy, Casting)

TDAP V ac Availabcines Now fo le Whoop r in Cough g

• Insertion and removal of: ~ Implanon ~ Nexplanon

• Women’s Health Care • Well Child Check-ups

The Merrill Clinic The Bonanza Clinic 125 North Lincoln Street, Merrill, OR 541-798-5073 & 541-798-5074 M-F 9am - 1:30pm, Sat 9am - 1pm

31863 Highway 70, Bonanza, OR 541-545-1820 & 541-545-1821 M-F 2pm - 6pm

X-Ray Facility Available at Both Locations

Michael A. Sheets, FNP

Family-Centered Primary Health Care

For Dead Cars 541-882-7978 or


One Stop Auto Wreckers

AAA DISCOUNT STORAGE 541-850-3303 2625 Unity Street Next door to Home Depot




pays your first month’s rent!!!

(must rent for more than the first month to qualify for this price)



Trouble with your child? We've Found That A Universal Gate Like Music Songwriting / Instruction Breaks Through The Resistance To Counseling In Almost Any Child Or Adolescent. Self-Esteem, Self-Reflection Through Positive Communication.

Computer Desk Wall Mirrors Glass End Tables & Coffee Tables Very Nice Black TV Stand TV Recliners Washer Dryers Freezer Oak table with leaf & 4 chairs Dresser Chest of drawers Bicycles Coffee and end tables Call 541-892-6990


Our gift to you for the month of December 10x15 Unit, $50 a month Wocus Mini Storage & RV, LLC


5040 Wocus Rd.

10'x20' and up, $75 per month and up.

No deposit required. * New customers only *

Call 1-541-273-0606 Or visit our website: Just past the New Pilot on HWY 97N.

Functional and Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery

Cataract Surgery including: ACRYSOF® Toric, Astigmatism Correcting IOL, Crystalens®, Accommodating IOL EYELEA® (Afibercept Injection) Lucentis® (Ranibizumab Injection) & Mark Fay, M.D. Physician/Surgeon of the Eye Avastin® (Bevacizumab Injection) for the treatment of Macular Degeneration Laser Treatments for Secondary Cataracts, Diabetes, Glaucoma and Retina Repair Functional and Cosmetic Botox® (Botulinum Toxin Type A)

Jennifer Sparks O.D. Optometrist

Routine Vision Exams Optical Goods Complete Medical Eye Care

Edwin Tuhy, O.D. Optometrist

Stateline RV Park & Storage, 30138 Lower Klamath Lake Road, Tulelake, CA 530-667-4849

Klamath Surgery Center specializes in outpatient surgery. Our patients enjoy many advantages including personalized service, excellent medical care, comfortable, convenient facilities and low costs.

Outpatient Surgery in Association with Klamath Surgery Center

Shop Smith. Good condition, $375. firm 530-925-5571

MISCELLANEOUS 3 - Extremely Old Vintage Fur Coats, Call for details, 541-591-0423. 3 year old Quadrafire Pellet Stove CV1200 with gold trim, works great. $1,200. 541-281-0054

Topping, trimming, pruning, or removal of trees or bushes, also stump grinding. Cordial, careful, quality work. Bonded and insured, CCB#149565, Call Glenn, 541-884-3969 Ariens Snow blower made in the USA, electric start. Original instructions included, $800 obo. Call for more information: 541-884-5588 any time. •Christmas items, $10 for box. •Heated ice scraper, brand new, $10. •Gun Cabinet, $30. •Ice skates, mens & womens size 10, $20 each. •Dexter bowling shoes, mens size 10, worn twice, $20. 541-882-4842

DON'T BE FENCED IN BY HIGH PRICES! Call Big Mike's Fencing for a free estimate. 541-882-7847 CCB#162199 Chain link, wood, and vinyl. Commercial & Residential

Klamath Falls, OR 97601


Happy Holidays!!

50 New Forest River Cargo & Flatbed Trailers at the Lowest Prices of the Year!

Financing Available! Pick out your new trailer. Fill out your application, and be ready to hook up in less than an hour! (O.A.C. some restrictions apply)



Black Friday Prices Don’t End After 24 Hours Black Friday Prices Last for Days! 26’ Snow King, 4 Place

8 1/2 x 20 Car Hauler/Cargo



Winter Location 7350 SS Bypass

541-281-0146 • 541-884-8041 • 541-273-1111 •


Make Your Deposits Now! Tax Deductible! Free Layaway! Finance O.A.C.

Ask For Andy Erickson (541) 883-7701

2640 Biehn St., Suite 3

AA Tree Service, LLC

Cash For Cars


Custom Built BBQ / Smoker for all your private and / or commercial needs. Health Department Certified, 4 ft. Serving Counter, Wood Burning Smoker Box, Running Hot & Cold Water, 4-Sinks, Gray Water Container, and Much More! A Must See to Appreciate! $2,800 OBO, 541-274-0048

Scott Stevens, M.D. Physician/Surgeon of the Eye

Any Make, Any Model




PAGE 12 • THE NICKEL • JANUARY 2, 2014 • 2117 SOUTH 6TH STREET, KLAMATH FALLS, OR 97601 • (541)883-2292 • FAX (541)882-7716

24-Hour Roadside Service • Oil Change Lube • Filter • Tire Rotation


3 3 1 3 Wa s h b u r n Way • 5 4 1 - 8 8 3 - 8 1 4 6


Muffler King 541-882-0309 2730 S. 6th Klamath Falls

& Other High Performance Mufflers

Quality Work Affordable Prices • Large Selection of Tips • Cars • Trucks • Diesels • Custom • Duals • Catalytic Converters

January 2, 2014


2117 South 6th Street Klamath Falls, OR 97601 (541)883-2292

Number 18, Volume 33

Section II

Southern Oregon’s Newest & Dealer Tow with Almost Anything

2014 Chalet Arrowhead Under 1500 lbs


Maybe Unemployed Reindeer

ID #725167, 10% Down, 144mo @ $163.00, 5.99% APR OAC

2014 by


2014 Sandstorm 180SLE 18 ft. Retail $31,374 Sale Price


10% Down, 144 mo. @ $234.00, 5.99% APR OAC ID#006825

3800 S. Pacific Hwy, Medford, OR

2014 Wolf Pup Retail $15,189 Sale Price


10% Down, 144 mo. @ $99.00, 5.99% APR OAC ID#181165

Come Over to Medford, Do Some Shopping, and Pick Out Your Next Camping Experience Call 541-535-6113 or 541-281-8813

2236 S. 6th St., Klamath Falls, OR 97601 (541)884-3367

I Go The Extra Mile

Anita Matys, Principal Broker

PAGE 14 • THE NICKEL • JANUARY 2, 2014 • 2117 SOUTH 6TH STREET, KLAMATH FALLS, OR 97601 • (541)883-2292 • FAX (541)882-7716



Clean 1 Bedroom, 1 Bath Apartment

1 bedroom apartment $375 rent / $300 deposit w/s/g paid. 2250 Union St. 541-281-7091 or 541-331-4863

1 Bedroom Apartment For Rent Month-to-month free geothermal heat, water, sewer, trash. Secure building. No pets. Laundromat downstairs We accept HUD vouchers $475 per month 1711 Main St 541-883-1784

Nice neighborhood in downtown location. Very clean and secure.

Buena Vista 2750 California Ave. View of Klamath Lake, mountains, and golf course, 3 bdrm., 2 bath. Water, Sewer, and garbage paid Non-smoking. Small pets ok. $750 or $850 plus deposit ••••••••••••••

523 N. 8th St. Studio, stove & fridge included. Water/trash/sewer paid. Rent reduced! $350/$350 No pets. Background check required. 541-274-0586 or 541-273-8383 ATTN: College Students Hot Springs Area Close to OIT, Newly Remodeled! 1 bedroom, $525 Available January 10th All utilities paid. Randy 541-891-2628

Arthur Village 1400 Arthur St. ~ Free Geo Heat ~ $550 and up plus deposit. 2 bdrm., 2 bath, townhouses Water, sewer, and garbage paid. Non-smoking. Small pets ok.

Kingswood Apts. 1 Bedroom. Appliances, drapes, patio, etc. 541-883-2986 Lake Park Towers Accepting applications from qualifying low income seniors. Clean, secure, Smoke-free building. Downtown. Equal Housing Opportunity. 541-882-2335

Downstairs unit available with front porch. $465/month + $465 dep. Available January 1st. Water/sewer/trash paid. Refrigerator & stove. No pets. Laundry facilities on-site. $25 per person non-refundable application fee for background and credit checks. Credit exceptions will be made depending on circumstances. 203 Washington St. (corner of Washington and 2nd St.) Please call 541-883-8932 to show.



Applegate Trails 4520 Bristol Ave. 3 bdrm, 1bath $615 + deposit Water, sewer & garbage pd. Income must meet guidelines. Small pets ok. 541-331-6219

Cedar Garden Apts. 2 bedroom apartments currently available in quiet non-smoking complex. Free WIFI. Located behind KFC. Please call 541-882-5989 or


Nice Studio Separate kitchen. Water/sewer/garbage paid. No pets. Laundry. $340/$340

923 E. Main 541-944-7589

When Every Nickel Counts, Count on

104 Washington St 1910 Craftsman Style Home Charming older home with modern conveniences 180 degree views of City and Lake Ewauna 4,200 square feet 4 carpeted bedrooms 2 full bathrooms Gourmet kitchen with a 12 foot island Laundry room on main floor Hardwood floors in living & dining rooms Polished tiles in entry, hallway & kitchen Spiral staircase to basement Upper deck & lower patio Gas heat & fireplace insert Walkin cold storage cooler No pets/No smoking


2 bedroom, 1 bath house Dorris, CA $500 month, $0 dep. 429 E. Sly Street 509-949-2171

AAA Property Mgmt., Inc. 2008 Oregon Avenue Klamath Falls, OR 97601 541-883-6424 **Ask about our specials**

2 bedroom, vinyl windows, unattached unfinished garage, fenced yard, off street parking. sewer/garbage paid, no pets $550 rent + $600 deposit 2045 Gary St. 541-882-6262

***1 Bedroom/Studio*** House 2215-1/2 Orchard $375 Dplx. 423 Martin $425 House 253 Martin $425 Apt. 2544 Union #7 $450 $450 House 1526 Sargent Apt. 2045 Oregon #4 $500 House 1818 Portland $525

3818 Boardman Clean 1 bedroom. No large pets. $450 per month + deposit. 541-884-6407 2046 Worden Immaculate 2 bed, 1 bath. New paint, carpet, stove, dishwasher & gas furnace. Washer & dryer hookups, garage with opener, basement, $700 mo + $700 dep. No smoking Pets- $200 fee per pet Available Now Joni at 541-892-4392

2850 Greensprings 2 bedroom on ¾ acre. Fresh paint, new carpets and new vinyl. All appliances, 2 car garage with opener. Shop, fenced pasture, tack room. $850 + $850 deposit. Pets $200 fee each Shown by appointment. Available February 1. 541-892-4392

****2 Bedroom*** House 344 Martin $450 Dplx. 1432 Division $475 $475 Dplx. 2649 Pear #2 House 350 Martin $495 $525 House 2134 Stukel $550 Apt. 2544 Union #11 $575 House 215 Mortimer Dplx. 1607 Sargent $600 House 541 Mt. Pitt $650 2 car garage, 1700+ sf ***3 Bedroom*** 4Plx. 3605 LaMarada $575 MOVE IN SPECIAL Mfg. 4435-1/2 Winter $600 elect/wood heat, 2 bath House 509 Mt. Whitney $725 2 bath, game room House 4809 Lombard $875 2 bath, 2 car garage House 14427 Hwy 66 $925 2 bath, pasture House 4914 Grossbeak $1200 FULLY FURNISHED ***Commercial*** 3304 Crosby #1 & #6 $350 small office, ½ bath, 900 sf Furnished on Klamath Lake, 2 bedroom, 1 bath. Close to OIT and Sky Lakes. Private and quiet. $995. No pets. 541-273-0273/541-891-7834 Very Clean 2-Bdrm. / 1 Bath House with Garage for Rent, $650 / mo. Plus Deposit, Call after 4 pm Tues. - Fri., or Anytime Sat. - Mon., 541-331-4786

$1,400 month + $1,200 deposit Call 541-602-5337

2 bedroom House

Trenna Morehouse, Property Manager

Across from Elementary School and public park, $575 per month, plus deposit. Call Philip at


Office: 541-882-8788


2423 Homedale Road • Open Mon-Fri 10am - 4pm



1215 Main • Commercial Property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $550 527 1/2 Upham • 1 Bdrm/1 Bath/Duplex . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$395/$495 2360 Vine • 2 Bdrm/1 Bath/Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$525/$625 5431 Glenridge • 2 Bdrm/1 Bath/Duplex . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$625/$725 4406 Denver Ave #B • 2 Bedrm/1 Bath/Duplex . . . . . . . . .$525/$626 2110 Madison • 2 Bdrm/1 Bath/Duplex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$450/$550 5635 Cottage • 2 Bdrm/1 Bath/Home/1 Acre Lot . . . . . . . .$600/$700 2915 Summers Ln • 2 Bdrm/1 Bath/Home . . . . . . . . . . . .$675/$775 527 Upham • 3 Bdrm/1 Bath/Duplex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$595/$695 1904 Wantland • 3 Brdm/1 Bath/Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$525/$625 2439 Homedale • 3 Bdrm/1 Bath/Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$650/$750 5101 Ridgewood • 3 Bdrm/2 Bath/Home . . . . . . . . . . . .$950/$1050 1825 Hope • 4 Bdrm/2.5 Bath/Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$995/$1095 14311 Ravenwood • 4 Bdrm/2 Bath/Home . . . . . . . . . . . .$895/$995 SECURE MINI STORAGE AVAILABLE

Sell it now in The Nickel!

A-1 Dry Wall Commercial & Residential

Drywall & Paint Specialists

• Repair • Texturing • Smooth Wall “Quality Work with Competitive Pricing”

All Repairs! No Job too Large or Small!

cell 541-891-0397 Mike Rawson Owner CCB#169865

A NICE AND CLEAN 3 bedroom, 2 bath house, gas heat, water, garbage paid. $700 mo./$750 dep. 2200 Patterson Street 541-884-7228

MINI-STORAGE 10'x20' and up, $75 per month and up. Stateline RV Park & Storage, 30138 Lower Klamath Lake Road, Tulelake, CA 530-667-4849 Secluded 2 bedroom, 1 bath older home. Partially furnished, stove, refrigerator, washer and dryer included. Garage. Water/sewer/garbage paid No cats/No smoking $575 + $500 dep. (will work with deposit) Available Now! 541-880-4335

Bargains are in The Nickel

Spacious 3 bedroom, 2 bath home, 2-car garage, gas heat, all appliances including dishwasher and washer and dryer, large fenced yard, nice neighborhood. Near Conger Elementary, Moore Park, OIT and Sky Lakes Medical Center. Non-Smokers. $875 per month, garbage paid, plus $875 deposit. Available February 1st

456 Delta Street 541-891-2734

Sprague River Rental 2 bedroom, 1 bath furnished mobile home. Barn and outbuildings, 5 aces fenced and crossed fenced. No smoking, pets on approval. N Must have 5 years good reference. $550 month + first, last and deposit. 541-891-9308




2 bedroom near high school & shopping. Water/sewer/garbage paid. $500/mo. + $475 dep. 541-892-0387 541-591-1688

Hot Springs area 1100 sq. ft. Take Main St. past Crater Lake Parkway, right to 109 Laguna. 2 bedroom, 1 bath. New gas range, refrigerator, microwave, garbage disposal, new carpet, tile. New natural gas heater. Large laundry room with washer/dryer, hook-ups. Attached storage shed. $650 + deposit Owners 530-605-1245

Uptown Place in Downtown area

MFG./MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT 1604 Hope St. #4 2 bedroom, 2 bath. Carport & storage shed. Major remodel to kitchen and laundry area. New duel pain windows and doors. Newer Carpet, refrigerator, gas range w/ self-cleaning oven. Located in a small mobile home park in quiet neighborhood. Small fenced back yard with dog run. Close to bus stop. Cross street is Shasta Way. $625/$625 For appointment 541-783-3915 or 541-281-3690

For Rent 2 bedroom, small yard, not on bus line Rent: $395 + Deposit $425. 541-884-1724

MFG./MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT Very nice 2 bedroom house with hardwood floors, tile kitchen and bathroom, Formal dining room, Separate laundry room, and Gas fireplace. Old world charm. Corner lot with small fenced yard. Available on December 20th. Please call 310-625-8147 or 310-245-6565 for details!


Freshly Painted and Newly Carpeted 2 bedroom, 1 bath oversize, one-car garage, Fenced Yard, Gas Heat, Ready to move-in. $650 / month, First, Last and Deposit, Small Pets OK.

Call Joe 541-892-0200


2341 Garden Street Cats OK, Dogs OK

RV or Trailer Space Great view, no pets, $266 per month. Available Now Water, sewer garbage paid, 7600 Booth Road. Also Have 1-Space Available January 15, 2014 541-591-2677 Space available for 1992 or newer double wide.


Ask about 3 months free special.

REDUCED Motivated Seller

Restrictions Apply

714 N. 10th 2 bedroom 1 bath house for sale.

Aspen Mobile Village A family park 3950 Homedale Road

Call 541-884-4282


MLS 83526

Call Dan Bailey 541-883-5867

RV Space Grassy yard, patio. Water, sewer, trash all included. $60. week

Licensed in Oregon

Rookstool Moden Realty LLC 541-883-3781


Owner Carry 2 bedroom, 1,070 sq. ft. house in Hot Springs area. Detached garage/shed, partly remodeled. Limited Time Offer $50,000 firm Terms: $5,000 down $450 per month at 6%. Approximately 15 years to pay off. 315 Alameda 541-891-2465

$250 per month Great Street Level Main Street Location! Small Counter Type Business, 208-741-0826

ACREAGE & LOTS PARADISE HILLS! 5.0 Acres Tall pines, only 5 minutes to town. Several great building sites, sheltered from the wind. $29,900. (MLS#84057) Action Realty 541-884-3367

Sunset District, 2 bdrm., 1.5 bath townhouse. 1,200 sq. ft., large lawn, single car garage. No pets. Water/ sewer/garbage pd. $650/$650 541-292-0057

We Also Have Vacant Lots Available. Call Deb 541-273-1558

Classified Deadline is Tuesday @ 11:00 am. Place your ad early to avoid the Tuesday rush.

NICKEL CLASSIFIED HOURS are Monday and Tuesday 8:305, Wednesday 10-2, Thursday 8:30-2, and Friday 10-2.

ANY BUILDING ANY SIZE WE’LL BUILD IT • Post and Frame Construction • Lifetime Paint Warranty • 3-Ply nonspliced laminated columnwidth • 50 Year Warranty • 40x40x12 Eave - $23,500 • 30x40x10 Eave - $16,999 • 50x104x14 Eave - $48,500 • Prices include Design, Delivery AND

Utilities, WiFi, and Satellite dish TV included with rent. Located at 11 Main Street Klamath Falls, OR 97601

FIVE WAYS to Place a Classified Ad With Us: 1)walk in, 2) mail it in, 3)call it in, 4)fax it in, 5)online. Place your ad today. Phone 541-883-2292, Fax 541-

Find a friend in The Nickel classified Pet Section!

Johnson Builders

We offer extended stay, weekly or month to month. Rates starting at $150 weekly $500 monthly

Space #81 Wow! New Price! $23,900 Owner will carry with 10% down. Can be seen at Aspen Mobile Village 3950 Homedale Road a Family Park 541-884-4282

GREAT SPECIAL! 3 Bedroom / 2 Bath Home, Owner Will Finance, $27,500 With 10% Down.

River Park Inn Extended Stay

Please call or email for more information 541-273-0491 or 541-887-7878

1998 Champion 3 bedroom 2 bath New carpet, new vinyl, new paint throughout inside Excellent condition

Construction of Pre-Engineered Structures. Price subject to change. Sales tax and crew travel charges may apply.



eave ’ x 12’ ’ 0 4 x ’ 2 36 e1 with ondoor side

CA# 887249 OR# 172269

Custom Shops - Barns & Arenas - Storage - Commercial Buildings - 541-479-1465

Anita Matys, Principal Broker

Large 2 bedroom with hookups, fenced yard. All appliances, wood burning stove. Pets ok. Water/Sewer/Garbage paid. 3110 Summers Lane $600/$575 541-892-0387 541-591-1688

WOW New Price!!! Space #9, $24,900

Great rental or starter home. Fenced front and backyard with large storage shed. Natural gas is available. Close to downtown in a nice neighborhood setting. $79,000 $69,000

Also for Sale #9,#55 & #81, Owner Will Carry

DUPLEXES FOR RENT 2 large bedrooms with large closets, 1.5 bath townhouse, fireplace, dishwasher, hookups, garage. Lots of storage space. Nice large yard, trash and sewer paid. Nice neighborhood on bike/walking path. $625/$600. 541-880-0033

1995 Fleetwood 3 bedroom, 2 bath Double wide Lots of storage Good floor plan In good condition Freshly painted

I Go The Extra Mile

2 BEDROOM 1 BATH Mobile Home for Rent $545 per month w/s/g included 2705 Wiard St, unit #9 NEW OWNER 541-817-6455


2236 S. 6th St., Klamath Falls, OR 97601 (541)884-3367

3 bedroom, 1 bath. Washer and dryer. Efficient heating system, detached garage, fenced garden area and yard. $800 + $800 deposit. Pets ok with $200 nonrefundable deposit. Not HUD certified 541-810-1245

882-B Homedale Rd 2 bedroom townhouse, water / garbage paid, $600, deposit $600. Very clean. 541-882-3149



PAGE 16 • THE NICKEL • JANUARY 2, 2014 • 2117 SOUTH 6TH STREET, KLAMATH FALLS, OR 97601 • (541)883-2292 • FAX (541)882-7716

2236 S. 6th St., Klamath Falls, OR 97601 (541)884-3367

I Go The Extra Mile

Anita Matys, Principal Broker


MISCELLANEOUS OREGON, UTAH, ARIZONA & FLORIDA CONCEALED HANDGUN PERMIT CERTIFICATION, $35 EACH. Get all 4 State Certifications $135 Same day. We notarize your Florida Application FREE- a $10 value.

OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS! Awesome opportunity! Established clientele!! Only tire & oil service shop in Malin! Includes building, land, business and equipment also outside fenced storage & 2 roll-up doors.

NO Shooting, NO Tests! Carry pistol in 40 states.

L E K C I D E N I 1 F I S N S O I A L T C EC

Need a Permit to carry in Oregon? No problem!


Inventory negotiable.

Includes lift, grease machine, 2 tire changers, wheel balancer, air compressor with 2 tanks. Motivated Seller PRICE REDUCED! $99,000 MLS 84092


Certificates issued at end of each class. WALK -INS S WELCOME!


CLASS LOCATION NE A1905 L Oregon Avenue L E ISC Klamath Falls, Oregon Carl 541-884-2828

MISCELLANEOUS Queen Bed & Bedding, $100 Hospital Bed, $75 Garden Trailer, $50 2008 Skidoo Snowmobile, 800R REV XP, Track 146 x 16, 2 - ¼ Lugs, 151 HP, 2,000 miles, 19 Mpg, 425 FAC WT, Cover, Electric Start, Reverse, High Lift Jack, Belts, hi fax, Helmet, Suit, Boots, Gloves & Bag. Includes Single Place Tilt Trailer,13-inch Wheels, Convertible to Road Bike or Box Trailer, $4,900. Call 541-884-1662 Top Cash Paid! Guitars Wanted I buy old guitars, banjos, mandolins, old tube amps, in any condition.






We do too!

World Class Pet Resort Where Pets LOVE To Be!

(“Weasel” - 2 Yrs. - Boy) 20 Small Dogs Arrived Dec. 21! PLEASE MAKE ADOPTION YOUR FIRST OPTION! See More Pets at YOUR ANIMAL SHELTER 4240 Washburn Way Mon – Sat 10:00 – 4:00 and our FaceBook page!

The Pet Experts! Since 1975 WE'RE ALL ABOUT PETS.

nd a re o d m n r a o st 5 9 a n in f $ 1,1 k a t In e e r s ha er, b hurs rego c r Pu dinn ine n O h ric P ther t i w isto sou h the

HELP A PET Be a Monthly Supporter Through your Automatic Bill Pay, by Mail, or PayPal at


MAKE A DIFFERENCE Your donations are the ONLY Source of Funding For Pet Care. PLEASE Send Your HELP to: Klamath Animal Shelter


Shopping & Prices Boarding & Day Care Grooming & K-9 U-Bathe Pet Foods, Toys, Treats, Supplies & Pet Gifts

Dog Training Classes that are FUN for you and your K-9 Friend! Kindergarten Puppy Class Super Puppy Class Beginning Class Off-Leash Control Class AKC Star Puppy Program AKC K-9 Good Citizen AKC Rally and Obedience Agility Classes Private Lessons Behavior Solutions DOUBLE – C Here for you and your Very Important Pets! Bring your pet and PAWS TODAY!

541-773-3575 $199 each, New .45 ACP Semi-Automatic Pistols, Very Exclusive Stamp CollecLifetime Warranty, tion, Dating back from early m 6 100% American Made. 1900's to present, $400 obo, 71 sto m 7 u Also new .380 ACP, $169 o C M c wP.O. Box 482 n 541-591-0423. 82 ale 541-884-2828 nd tio od dra 30 rs 1)8 Because Pets Need YOU! uc s as $ r wos nA 54 Fol s e r ve o T he Nicke ltur a s, t Viagra Users! e ( Klamath Falls, OR 97601 0 us ed ns 5 vy , ”H, 5 ax Why pay more?? Beatty, Bly, hBonanza, ea tablex26Chemult, Ho Sh y Co1,29 8x1 •F Pets Thank You! $7 -Telescope, bJupiter y i S e r e Sixty 100 milligram b $ l , b fo ai nly ous,425 Chiloquin, Dorris, Fort $25 ca Model 50 ery eDairy, oAZ-P, OU s sk 30”W 541-884-PETS ' e B v tablets, $229. E H h e d ”Lx thre n r o en $1 e! fe lls file (3) terKeno, (884-7387) AN Crib wD/ aMatress, o re r$30 Klamath, 4141 Washburn Way y -Sit Up Fa Call 1-800-607-2519 0 allLakeview, h l al Mac- Baby F , 6 t c y u g h G e bNumerous la On et at pMalin, le s-Open everyday. ea 0 inLuggage, or s, h Merrill, ic guPieces, (541)882-K9K9 doel, Midland, Mt. c r r m S b s 5 t e e e a 2 $ c p ca $5 each, w Ba Re Buil y or of Kl raPoint, tal ns, $ Hebron,eaRocky Sprague r Ssic r s le i d e u , , f e Wanted: Person able to repair v e 2 0 yo ba h file 541-850-0064 - m sig ign River, and1)Tulelake, eli mil ter as s, Carousel projector. to Kodak t ns ers ( t, $2 rs let well as eral ANNOUNCEMENTS o Din 25 ilt frome541-884-1282 wi amp ns, e r e ee u t N n e b b h a Klamath Falls. a B tThe Nickel s l e R i r 0 r w Save $$$ with F r u d , s, pe w 0 o a n a m d o a s r r 1 e r r r b o o i d g $ g st pg nh oo w ty MUSIC/ t s 4 0 wo n, ha lon dm Cu U Gree l- D indoding Bonanza Lions Club de 3 fas sig pen s, 8' er k $ hte r a w clu , na g, W r Si e Co er e a n s INSTRUMENTS s o r Annual Crab Feed i I r e i r t i t o b d r l b n n e i a p y e r o elv fing 4 0 d us nte d ch on vin ban dv h e m o Saturday, February 8th i e r h a e 3 r o h 24” Roth, 1959, n ge ing $ S Ro oo Ernst nViola, te 5 leg lT er eac nc W s e r l e At South Poe Valley o Mikelands s e e t a i e o l ” r 6$400 b h rt p h ceOBO, $1 St 541-850-0064. d ch ic Grange Hall ve ch yl 15 m up air, as c G at 1 Spru ga. eate aig 25 g BUBBA XXX ea i r B t $ s ad 0 eae vin rs, $ss la 4 r r 0 s , n ch fo Ba 2x imed nd 26 re T or d Tickets are $40 & must be $1 s h f $2 larg nne gla ach new angi om n , 5 u u a s 2 Pr im a essPETS s) SUPPLIES Oregon United FRIDA. rio c & purchased in advance fr 3 ba ge 5 e p, s h air ,$ ing or( va 0 ea Tr 4 Pr rs ch es 7 pups! do ingvinta s, $ r lamglas t trim150 re S id n 1 0 y There will be a Feeds at x e r o $ 1 4 nn rd es 11 h $ ta 4 females and 3 males. 3 ade floo ed ugh y, $ k wa s -1 r 4pm and 7pm s, Ru anda houHound ep T ea Puppies! cre k d c sh ass stain wro eav drin REAL DEAL BULLIES!! i e c t 0 o s ff 3 S een ide Cl Children 12 & under admitwo br ge ith s, h ed S t ra d - Black and s SHORT AND THICK! 52 Tan eo Gr 2-Litters art gate nate oa 15 ed ard #7Redbone lin c ted at 4pm feed for $15. lar p wbee carv m e o h Coonhound, Plott, LEGGY? ARE U CRAZY?!!! u e 2 S n b 7 e $ y r ar m h s h t r 6 e , e t n r l c a l l o i n l pp ce 8 Mixes. p lol.. e -52-Females. lo fo C olyc 7-Males, w y du ea al ub 0 We Will Be Serving c t e 0 a , i i stma h 3 A t s , t L t 0 p v PWill Be t e Jan. 1 . s o $20 nd , bo All-You-Can-Eat Fresh je n Ready 88 t Very nice bullies that most h a o . e 21 t, $5 p co heas, $2 ach es, t ph s , C 1 n s ch t e $125. Males eg$100, Picked Crab, Cole Slaw, 00 in don't have in this area. as 54 Females se cam and nva erm lebe rso osta siz Now. Or $2 cab ea Gl e Accepting Deposits p @ , , a Potato Salad & Rolls. Wine p e t p d a m 2 m s c pa p le e Puppies Are or trade for cool qu ) 6 ther me use tici& Beer will also be Included. t tab s$1,500 binhina . iumDe-wormed fra nge rful m A A 1 h a ( a r d 9 f o 0 c First w and Will 8 w c Shots. ic cu stuff. Serious inquires only. 5 Profits go back into the Bohi colo s fro M hen MeHave lly ne 45 ne 00 , ina e ), $1 picnorith Call JJ at $250 4 wn ch iona ckey aut nanza Community to help d , $6 s ck holds your pick. Born ch541-281-1403 h -53 it en p n w t f a o i i 2 h m l a s b a i 541-882-1419 4th and will be c e fes f M te o r w ch our Students (Five $1500 knDecember W itch to airs br d tu 88 e 5 m a o 1 o a $ y s ready early February. Scholarships have already (k las te ch . o . om50 e pr ers tific h inu 54 ck 0. draw r, e b s i 3 2 6 y d t r , n . e 0 c s G th $5 HOURS r been given this year!) & loa s e 7 d la 01NICKEL 4 8 lde CLASSIFIED ge Tr po ith c 5 ea tein 5-$ s fo s, f P 2 an nt. United Kennels bla wi ns, helf lor, $ sk, r oOregon cal citizens w / eyeglasses, or d oe i Monday and t o 3 toan r are e th w , $7 er s s, $ hed Tuesday 8:30o i e o s e o h e d l i 541-891-6257 m 5 c hearing aids & others in w s a s s us ty be r lid p s $7 n's s le aple ears te 19 s th ear tionWednesday 4 apThursday f , ce rS 10-2, emergency situations. r 11 wte lam e, me $5 ots pri plefrom ook to n edi5, so Fo ss m 0 y e m k r a o m m h e l p d b For Information Contact: o . and Friday 10-2. o l o s, 0 od ial bo8:30-2, p tuli fa 0's ck, g b g 7 as O C ll f 0 , k , 2 4 g c o w n a a 0 8 s i s Ken Masten-541-281-1212 o 7 n e 0 n 3 ilin 19 bl rid c nt er 00. r , bo t is ery g0 sp er 6 e 20led i iro s, , Bob Collom-541-545-6705 2 e 50. inet pa ce pair e, 1 n's s r a v $ v r f t a 5 y p w h . $ e , v T om r 1 s. O all se ts o rds 3 whit me n 25 Po ice, cab 150 ough Na 2 ow d fr Ove flat ie, are se r ca and rs ctio 2 pair 's d, $ of fl rame n w rio s, $ wr 25. ls, $ r l t l n o s ne olle e t s d o t e u e The Largest Second Hand 1 c Cu elve en h, $ stoo m an , 4 e f e ca an lingbookic. F ollecnder oks. ks. c $5 pair cle tings cen glob Store In Southern Oregon h d y t d 3 o l n c o e mp 0 l s s o l r 5 b e o s s e d a A o a a a 9 l l b d n b i d n 1 d e l i b & Northern California!!! p rfo e c u er . 1 al, W tio e pa side or . 3 ed lai hsif pai s0d e r 6 c Q n k e e v i . a l n t o 6 e W i p oa rc eacs s, e$5 8 o sea h. 90 en d m yboy d co n D orig obo n b ers ors o WE CARRY EVERYTHING! 0 6 9 c u a p . c , e f . r t 2 th 4 a 5 z g -6 2 5 l iv inT an Pla ha ditiost of 000 2 o 0 e , $1 1-88 ee igera 5 92 -090 k ~Save Money~ , bo + es, $Ckn m ton y e 1 8 s 2 e 5 n n d t r 5 r 4 a $ an 5 f 1 20 tur gle h, a -3 41 -892 Fe GE Ma firs the s. $ t 5 5 Bear Mountain Liquidator Re A c s y i a c 0 l e ll t l R 1 p e e0 a0 of ay a , . 707 S. 5th Street Th d a prin 1-2 Ca r 54 TO : l d up d up 4 2 0 l , n , s e 1 l -S 5 , o 0 r d I y a o e e p a 2 n nl 541-884-3778 n N er an an $2 1 n o rag ch iec 2i5s. -702 o lle MI 0' th dry D ea p $1 4 M : 5 x56, ill Sto ll A 'x2 mon ty 8 a , 0 5 & u , 0 1 er 2 ss 1-8 m GS 40 ! W till C Help the Pet , ls rk r air yd 0 Pa LoweRoad gla 54 p DIN 36, now . S 0isa ch en av y, $2 5p a r Population Problem! e 7 V x 0 r 0 g t d e $ h i L R 0 e 8 p k A 3 ot xy nd ! g ac e :3BUI30, 3moveowey! 1-8 Ap Have your Pet lin 301 th La e, C 49 co d, o d a ts. r you 3 yta cap r e s n t a a e k x r t 8 L 5 s e r e e ic M ge ma lela 7-4 Sta Spayed or Neutered! Gu ns. find p net fo EE , 2 u anc liv ctr spe fe, lar r u Kla Tu 0-66 ee k ST x24 4. Mbal de12 ele e, 5- t sa c a Fr r all g ard to e inte e 0 3 6 1 r e e 2 b 5 d c 1 e e i i r r . x o i H n th Pr ry n r, st 0 ! igh fy, 60 ll f d/ F ext ck. , epa nd k h com ers ?? ve lde $80 se ate 593 ly r uns a ems o tment ou ba c d a o Us ore ram l a , l a r 9 l t y h i y n G b c g i a l 3 1 Display Account , m illig . ll que sell ppo cal d. re gr y Executive gra 21 60 ew ir, i e l a y Viay pa 0 m 2292519 92 Ant d wil r an mptl eciat R 97 2 e n cha $ 3 k 0 i h L fice -4 an l fo pro pr W ty 1 lets, -607 day. 32 ,O 20 x (541)331-0656 | desk: cell: 6 y i b of 00 rts, e cal I will is ap Falls 81-6 t d 0 a S t 80 ver(541)850-6334 1 de ts s $1 th as e 2 e 54 ee ojec l 1 en e Ple ssag sines lama 541- v e . n l n r a r ls P e u C Op ,K de to t a m ur B Way or 1 i re s e e Mo Pho ex 192 f 7 g T Yo tney 2 1@ ra e or -2 for ga Ma 3-70c k n s all -778 d ! Us C 3 e f 1 0 -88 ro 4 t u f AS H 1-5 r-s 41 i l : ve of C 1-5 e m a o The Marketplace of the Community ll r o u t fu e y cke d Tra a po el! Call Dan S Bailey 541-883-5867 OU

E in Oregon Licensed AN Rookstool Moden L L E Realty LLC C S I 541-883-3781

The Nickel Print Edition is Now Online Visit Our Website and Click on the Link!




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Dennis is looking forward to a wonderful breakfast with Klamath County residents and friends at our local Applebee's on January 11. Dennis is a proud Tea Party member, and promotes respect for the Constitution, personal liberty, small government & free markets. Come meet Dennis, ask him questions and support a Constitutional Conservative Republican to represent us in District 2. Where: Applebee's Klamath Falls When: Saturday, Jan. 11, '14 Time: 8 - 10am Cost: $7 for pancakes, eggs, sausage, juice & coffee


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Anita Matys, Principal Broker

dline: m AN WIn SCEdLsLhIEld REpl ondays, 3:30 pm • www.klama I (541 C M x h WHERE TO calls at The Nickel ip a F RepaiR over 30ayears cEmEnexperience th All in Klamath Falls. 92 • • insuR t • July 4 mobile for Display Sales: 3-22 a , 2013 • n 8 C 8 s e S ) e e the niCk l b R U illindisability vriC helping cases sa O el • p e • hepeople - with (541 g E o • m Beverly Schuster 541-331-0657 N F a o v 1 541-884-6951 c A y 0 e L 6 q l d L o u 7 c o ip a E 9 ll m o y J C C e w O e r 1 ff n w w 0 years a all Us t , oMays 541-331-0656 Danielle MIS Hudson, owner experieheavyned ,&nO opdr 30 FallS d serving lee a ”He, ra$te h inbth ry nc, eta ThVictor F c e a a i v K rst! m e la Jackson 541-880-3750 u 6 m to a ath,skak x2 $75glass indu $5 (3) S e0, m T, kl ”W U odofc r de Llx etalKl stry 20 Classified Deadline iseeTuesday r 3 m e O $ r t o m & T , E s u is S a s For Classifieds call ” k p e N iyou C-o math usto ns ign 6Th @ 11:00 am. r sig eelrsasK Faelrsl, s6:o0r all thre nd C ELLA abi unties e a c C uTh Place your ad Iearly e E s S o V , e B b e l S I i E 541-883-2292 s 7 the Tuesday rush. M ign: 541-9 each 541-850 l f rror 11avoid r sW Hou heds struction 2to 47- JEFF wer leg-3a8 4 mi 77 bby S Con r bee o d o r H o a 1 r h i r o 8 c d 8 l y 5 8-296-59 inet, S ea hted m 0 osew orienta 10 Baile $1,29 (1) 2$20 b a5 NEOU , $10 gen c4 ld 1 lig ant R Dan or only ouse 8x n o , g t e g y g l i e i e l b f s a h n h E t g r F 5 i r h n 5 n e 2 e i n g w t e 2 e 4 t h e n , e $ etc , on b iture Cop 8' lo er le y $1 c Gr 1 ne e vinyl nners, Furn designfee table BasiRegularl n-Site! p fee's draw , ile, p f 4 u g a l f r k b O a o s U spic ter 2 la rtising ort 0” c Builty or Set-math Fall $30 verti d la 2117 South 00 e d ctors 1500 sh ol o 0”x6 3 v a o 3 la r $ d r e , K a 6theSliv s of o ch 00 irs, bee h er w each Klambaath Ramr rack / t pecs r $1,4long cou avy cha $20 ge vinyl $15 eacdraw No Din 25t mile ur S ic 4 e F o t e r a ” b , p y h s ll h a 2 s s , l it m r m 7 fa w , OR 9 uilt to 3 iles bas turdy 760f1 $30 ss la anne reak rom with 94 mion (4) s each d b om B ess 25 ing b tage gla ach e t r e $ r s , d D , e u s a e t r 0 s s C Upg ls us mps to mi die $25 3 viNnuemsb,e$r544e mp, newanging upho , $15 airs, enhooors, Ra, Fans, y Lam/Large es. h , t e a V i d c l r h l o lu o a r w a r m G s g w sh s floo Qu ws -D sho diu chai glas e 32 from ht le w.kla ' RV onal , Windo ing type Highthes Me 9 dress p. bras stained ught trim plltis traig “My grace is su mathfo e 24 a 0 s e g d u 5 r i o n n s 1 e l o i o d S ic e fficien u C cludes elv ing mb 0 cab, obo for my st larg with wrheavy, $ k ware & siz 7 an vario each : h re gth acishmadt for theeS f 22W Prices $ f an 3 , $8,700 mp bees, ed drin 1ia0ne o e perfect Roo 0 2 Cor se In a $ t l 1 , in , n $ th s s in weakn s ns 12:9 nhoucenter air ple e carv d tme ograph esre e r h r p o s. mile ” c o o , o A f s k y w r c 5 on d ie rd cG lith Ma e as etar s, $2 h ha 21-p $50 Basi x4 at 16” ruce Woo el Trim icrosecr Largings andd up. , wit duty hone 2 e p t s , p t t t S n S he, M tras, $500 o n e e . i d a s a e a ic avy r mp c each $50 ex Prim and 26 g Treated oil p e off 9 2 ca e and heas, $20 he with 0, sell fo 2-lin -258 , $10 re im 4 r u s s 8 T k asic c v s 5 8 c m ra $8 r B Pre fra es can perma es, 41ll all 4x4 ers ) fo e coat 5 a all 5 g l Dri -hp s b ( p n a r e C i i e l l o n h n d u lorf App Run ard do and rims r $1 x Ra d al o el, ½ d ing 4 co ns from stan , both fo p Fo or modle, inum eeds ed n Stan nhouses 111 Sid m , m u l w o b a h l a r b o u f cl le eac ss, fll/drill ta set, use Gree rtSide T ar ally ach hot t 6-ho de ck 00 $5 eofession ickey Mothenticirson tat, $200 ma ated Cle e S Four hevy trur with bla h mi d clampll for $5 p r u te ug 2 p rs of M te of a (1) 6 thermos s jet e an 750, se Corr carbona o, for Crs tracto 5230 Glas oste ertifica uffal w th oly i a p e B P a e n w sts $ e #7 e u r S c s e u q e s h t n q h t e A c m i t e t i h u c a o 7 i c r ic w w 75 e 6 eac s, s s, an $100 w Tile on L 3-58 for p d ne ty, $ eer stein 5-$7.50 r Pres , e sa call Oreg 541-88 bran ub, $600 $ o b Drill capacity Tabl icycles, f , 5 m 11 er lids sheds ted t -534 957 1/2” (4) b 's ewt lamp s, size 00. -882 p e 05-6 1 o 2 7 4 V h $ 5 2 p T 1 i s rs 54 (2) ium t, $ ca 3 tul g fame, men's cline ction Med cabine a e ning ce ilin 1940's 3) re p colle 5 ( n a d a e i $ , n a c e h i s , l r t c m T ck ch te ir oo rien se C 0. yboy Oil la . 30 le or 3 pa ite, 1 bla riding b Hou rs Expe nces Whi en), $15picnic r Sa f Pla 2013. x o o h p 's a e t F p w r n e h e d a e e 2 e s 53 to s, be (kitc s top s with 30 Y cal Ref ir m lete rang pant Twin ers 1 pa omp, from 19ks than mint. Lo avy d C Glas 6 chair z N u s e o r r 's , r e o Fr $5 ir men ed, $2 lowers oks 20 bo to nea ions rato y St 8957 o e c b with , $50. nick g a i t t r f 7 a S 281is y good ial edi s of 990 1 p s clean s, 4 of amed, Ref t 6 a ions shelf h 2 k 1 r c T 40 ve 0 spe 0 boo . 54 tor . eed ainting cene fr e on 1-892-0902 c n m 4 e lor, $ sk l o 5 l 6 4 5 r o l 0 f p o l r 1 s s b c 0 9 l a e i C r n o i 0 e 8 l e v e o e C l id orld g 1 6 ate ign co Ov flats. O ll pre 2 ed in map maple d rs seas or 54 re l Priv a nd gerie, a re seal of 2 of each. W a Old Loca US, Fo aisals. 6 0 ye a n . s 0 6

-77 )882


PAGE 18 • THE NICKEL • JANUARY 2, 2014 • 2117 SOUTH 6TH STREET, KLAMATH FALLS, OR 97601 • (541)883-2292 • FAX (541)882-7716

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43428 Hwy. 299E Fall River Mills, CA 530-336-5549 John Deere 3032E 305 Front Loader BB5060L Box Scraper price $17600.00, $264.00 monthly payments based on 10% down financing $15,840.00 at 0% interest for 60 months. Optional equipment shown on some units. 1 Subject to approved credit on John Deere Financial Installment Plan. Some restrictions apply, so see your dealer for complete details and other financing options. 2 Offer valid through 1/10/14. Offer not available at all locations; see your local John Deere dealer for details. All attachments and/or implements included in offer are John Deere – and/or Frontier-branded. John Deere’s green and yellow color scheme, the leaping deer symbol and JOHN DEERE are trademarks of Deere & Company. * Free local delivery in Deschutes County only. **Read the owner’s manual before operating Honda Power Equipment

2236 S. 6th St., Klamath Falls, OR 97601 (541)884-3367

I Go The Extra Mile

Anita Matys, Principal Broker

PAGE 20 • THE NICKEL • JANUARY 2, 2014 • 2117 SOUTH 6TH STREET, KLAMATH FALLS, OR 97601 • (541)883-2292 • FAX (541)882-7716

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John Deere Installm 3032E 305 ent Plan. Front Loader Deere – and/or Some restrictions BB5060L Frontie Box Scrape apply, r-brand r price ed. John so see your $1760 dealer Deere’s green and for comple 0.00, $264.0 0 monthl yellow color te details y payme scheme and other financi nts based , the leaping ng on deer symboloptions. 2 Offer 10% down valid throughfinancing $15,84 and JOHN DEERE are tradem1/10/14. Offer 0.00 at 0% interes not arks of Deere & available at t for 60 months all Compa ny. * Free locations; see . Optional equipm local delivery your local ent shown on some in Deschu John Deere units. 1 tes County dealer for only. **Rea details. All Subject to approv d the owner’sattachments ed credit manua and/or implem on John Deere l before operati ents included Financial ng Honda in offer are John Power Equipm ent



Contact Your Sales Representative 541-883-2292 ACROSS 1. 5. 9. 14. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 24. 26. 27. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 36. 38. 42. 44. 47. 48. 49. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 59. 60.

Philippines island Wretched Electrical unit Beneath the decks Candid Unseen emanations Plains tribe “-- 911!” The casting of spells Broiled eel Versed Gone up Some contracts Extinct wild ox Late-night TV name Merit Mud daubers Nicholas I and Nicholas II Sped Laughed Laughing hard: 2 wds. “-- Got the World on a String” Pennsylvania port Loosen Fathered Organ part Courtroom fig. Produce “Dead Souls” author Like an oddball Inept, socially Gambled Mark of distinction

61. 62. 63. 64. 66. 67. 70.

Burglary Stabat -Fabric pattern Mother superior Sorrow Claims Secures a certain way 71. Kind of league 72. Big buildings 73. Org. cousin 74. The 45th state 75. Stations 76. Hanging fishnet 77. Fey or Yothers 78. Turf 79. Grateful passenger 81. Weedy grass 83. Carries out 85. Austrian state 87. Wearing an amplifying device 88. False: Abbr. 89. Coward and others 91. Hebrew letter: Var. 93. Tibetan guide 96. “-- Vice” 97. Fred and Wilma’s era: 2 wds. 101. Inky: Hyph. 103. Wed: 2 wds. 105. Carrier to Tel Aviv: 2 wds. 106. Supple 107. Grant’s successor 108. Lacerated 109. -- d’Ivoire 110. Ruhr river city 111. Datebook abbr. 112. Sun-disk deity

DOWN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 19. 23. 25. 28. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 43. 45. 46. 50. 52. 54.

Intimidates Larger-than-life Sister of Meg, Jo and Amy Disjoin Erupts anagram Toward the mouth Blunderer Bent backward, as a plant part Hollow in a bone Poplar What udometers measure T-man: Abbr. Pronounced Mysteries Fender and Sayer Formerly Pans for stirfrying Rights org. Bangtail Start of a toast Acad. Any dog Mrs. Fred Mertz Durum, emmer, etc. Main vessel Pocketknife Venues Young haddock Everything but the -- -Suggest Storage place Intimidation Compound variant Fierce fellow Vespiary “Le -- du printemps” Beatitude

55. 56. 58. 59. 60. 62.

One of the Bowls Marks time Sprocket parts Waterproof shoe Flimflammed 720 hours, roughly 63. Dawn 64. Harm 65. Wrinkleprevention treatment 66. Platters 67. “The Purple Rose of --” 68. Recipient 69. Burn with steam 71. Choral composition 72. Beverages 75. Hapless 76. Window in a garret 77. Bet on the horses 79. Relative of “bah” 80. Article 82. Catkin 84. Coterie 86. Machines for turners 89. Most suitable position 90. Of wood 92. Lane or Griffin 93. Design detail 94. Island city 95. Coup d’-96. Becomes tangled 97. Eye boil 98. “Cat on -- -- Tin Roof” 99. “Pretty Woman” star Richard -100. Paradise 102. Fleur-de- -104. -- Claire

CROSSWORD THEME Itching to Go by James Barrick


Klamath Falls • Lakeview • Redmond • Central Point 541-882-2571




Year End Savings Offer Ends Jan 8, 2014

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End Blow of Year stock outs on i n rang models o e f snow rs, rzrs, mobi les

Bring in or mention this ad for savings

2236 S. 6th St., Klamath Falls, OR 97601 (541)884-3367

I Go The Extra Mile

Anita Matys, Principal Broker

PAGE 22 • THE NICKEL • JANUARY 2, 2014 • 2117 SOUTH 6TH STREET, KLAMATH FALLS, OR 97601 • (541)883-2292 • FAX (541)882-7716



People buy some papers to read; They read The Nickel to BUY!

Friends are some of the most important people in your life, so tell them.

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cell: (541)331-0657 | desk: (541)850-6332

The Marketplace of the Community

Emergency and Social Service Contact Numbers

EMERGENCY ONLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Sheriff Office Business . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-883-5130 City Police Non-emergency . . . . . . . . 541-883-5336

Domestic Crisis Services

Klamath Crisis Center . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-884-0390 Domestic Violence Crisis Line (24 hr) 541-884-0390 Rape Crisis Line (24 hr) . . . . . . . . . . . 541-884-0390

Emergency Social Services

Klamath Falls Gospel Mission . . . . . . 541-882-4895 Klamath/Lake County Food Bank . . . 541-882-1223 Oregon Human Development Corp . . . 541-883-7186 Salvation Army . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-884- 7778 Integral Youth Services . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-882-2053 Community Point of Contact . . . . . . . . . . .541-885-4929 Street Outreach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-850-7385

Health Services

Poison Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-800-222-1222 American Red Cross Klamath/Lake Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-884-4125 Klamath County Public Health . . . . . .541-882-8846 Salvation Army . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-884-7778 Safenet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-800-723-3638 Alcoholics Anonymous/Al-Anon Hotline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-883-4970 Narcotics Anonymous Hotline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-888-518-8166 Gambling Hotline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-800-233-8479 Oregon Gambling Help Line . . . . . . 1-877-2STOPNOW Sky Lakes Medical Center 2885 Daggett Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-882-6311 Mental Health Division . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-882-7291

Community Resources

Klamath Co Veterans Service Office . 541-883-4274 Disabled American Veterans . . . . . . . 541-884-9125 Senior Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .541-883-7171 Department of Human Services Self-Sufficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-883-5511 Humane Society - Klamath Animal Shelter 500 Miller Island Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .541-882-1119 Oregon Road Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511 Out of State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-588-2941 In State Only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-800-977-6368 California Road Conditions Out of State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 916-445-7623 In State Only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-800-427-7623 Dog Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-882-1279

Utility Emergency Numbers


Oh, Most Beautiful Flower of Mt. Carmel,

Save Your Cans for KU Cheer!

Fruitful Vine, Splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God:

Beverly Schuster



Avista Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-800-227-9187 Pacific Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-877-548-3768 City of Klamath Falls Utilities Water & Sewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-883-5301 AmeriGas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-800-414-3675

Immaculate virgin assist me in my necessity. Oh, Star of the Sea, help me and show me you are my mother. Oh Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly besit you from the bottom of my heart to succor me and my necessity. (Mention your request here). There are none that can withstand your power (Oh, Holy Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who recourse to thee- 3X's). (Holy Mary, I place this prayer in your hands- 3x's) Amen. Say Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be. Say this prayer for 3 consecutive days. Then you must publish it.

SINGLES! Meet someone special with a personal classified in the Nickel!

2117 South 6th Street Klamath Falls, OR 97601 541-883-2292 • FAX 541-882-7716


Display Ad Deadline:

New copy Monday at 5pm, corrections Tuesday, 10am.


Donate your recyclable cans, glass & plastic bottles Call Paulette at 925-325-2739 to arrange pick up. Donations accepted! All proceeds go towards travel expenses.


Want To Earn Cash Now? Same Day Pay Outs!!!!

You could earn $600 - $800 per month All You Need Is A Few Hours A Week

We will train! St. Jude Oh, Holy St. Jude, Apostle, Martyr, and great in virtue and rich in miracles, near kinsman of Jesus Christ, faithful intercessor of all who invoke your special patronage in time of need: to you I have recourse from the depth of my heart and humbly beg whom God has given such great power to come to my assistance. Help me in my present urgent petition. In return, I promise to make your name known and cause you to be invoked. Say three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys and Glorias. Publication must be promised St. Jude pray for us all who invoke your aid. Amen. This Novena has never been know to fail. This Novena must be said for 9 consecutive days.

The Hours Are Flexible And Part-Time. To Become An Independent Sales Contractor Contact The Sales Manager Daniel Sanders Email: dsanders@ Leave messages at 541-885-4482

WANTED WANTED: Electric Seat for a Ford Explorer, 715-701-3432.

Trade your over-stuffed garage for a pocket full of CASH! Use The Nickel!

DEADLINE Tuesday, 11am. CLASSIFIED ADS: GENERAL MERCHANDISE: $11 for 1 week, $21 for 3 weeks, $36 for 4 weeks. Includes border, B/W photo, 3-50 lines, New Today banner. (Color photo addt’l $3.) DEALS ON WHEELS: 1x3” ad, $15 for 1 week, $28 for 2 weeks. Dealer Deals on Wheels: $20 for 1 week, $33 for 2 weeks. Includes color photo and border. BASIC VEHICLE AD: $11 for 1 week, $21 for 3 weeks, $36 for 4 weeks. Includes border, 3-50 lines, New Today banner (no photo.) YARD SALES: Individual sale; 1”-$12, 2”-$18, 3”-$23, 4”-$28. Commercial/ Community (multi-family ad); 1”-$20, 2”-$25, 3”-$30, 4”-$35. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE & RENTALS: Ask your Classified Ad-visor for our new great pricing. PICTURE CLASSIFIED Monday, 5:30pm.


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Search and Place Ads Online, Anytime! Great Deals Are Right At Your Fingertips!


WANTED $ CASH FOR $ Ammunition



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Shell Brass



2006 Chevy Colorado 4X2


Five-Speed Manual Low Miles Excellent Condition One Owner $7,500



Dead Cars 541-882-7978

The Marketplace of the Community


One Stop Auto Wreckers TRUCKS & PICKUPS

Local Attorney with Over 25 years of bankruptcy experience. Chapter 7 and Chapter 13



403 Main Street, Klamath Falls, OR | 541-883-7139

To place a Classified listing


call 541-883-2292

Ready to Hit The Snow!!!

2117 South 6th Street

“Sell Your Unwanted Items Today And Have Money Tomorrow.”

Would like to sell together, Asking $4,500 OBO. For further questions please call 541-892-0661 or 541-882-7961

New Patients Welcome

Fred Daum, D.M.D.

5232 South 6th St (541) 884-9339

Fax (541) 884-0454

Anita Matys, Principal Broker

2002 Polaris 700 RMK and a 1998 Ski-Doo Summit Rotax 670 R.A.V.E. in great condition. Comes with trailer.

I Go The Extra Mile

T he Nicke l s e r ve s A ltur a s, Beatty, Bly, Bonanza, Chemult, Chiloquin, Dairy, Dorris, Fort Klamath, Keno, Lakeview, Macdoel, Malin, Merrill, Midland, Mt. Hebron, Rocky Point, Sprague River, and Tulelake, as well as Klamath Falls.

BANKRUPTCY 2236 S. 6th St., Klamath Falls, OR 97601 (541)884-3367

2004 F250 Powerstroke XLT, single owner, 6 speed manual transmission, only 72K miles, long bed, 4 x 4 off road pkg., tow pkg., BFG tires, clean truck, below blue book $17,800, 541-892-5480.

AUTO PARTS & ACCESSORIES Two Studded Snow Tires on Rims, Size P215 / 75R15, 85% Tread, $100 for Pair. 541-892-8280

People buy some papers to read; They read The Nickel to BUY!

cell: (541)880-3750 | desk: (541)850-6333


Parts, Repairs, Storage, Consignments Wanted We sell your used RV at no cost to you! We can haul to lot. Black Friday Sale on new enclosed cargo trailers to Dec. 24th. Reduced to $25 over our cost. 40 new cargos due in by Dec. 24th. 4x6 - $1234, 5x8 - $1738 6x10 - $2135, 6x12 - $2198 7x14 - $3468, 7x16 - $3825 8x16 - $4078, 8-1/2x20$5144, 8-1/2x22 – $5493 8-1/2x24 - $5737 26' snow trailer, $8165.25 All parts plus labor will be discounted 10% with this ad now through Feb. 1. Leer Canopy Sale, free installation plus carpet headliner through Jan 8th. 24' used trailer, $2,500 or live in and pay off like rent, $425/month. Space, trailer, w/s, electric included. 8 motorhomes $795 & up Big selection used trailers 30' BP Rambler, $3995 1998 Thor 5th w/slide, $4995 Open utility trailers $125 & up or new $695 & up. Carports 12x21 start at $795 delivered/set up. Happy New Year to all! See at Mike Eddy's RV where storage & consignments are appreciated. Open Mon – Fri, 8am-5pm Sat & Sunday, 10am-3pm 7350 Southside Bypass 541-273-1111, 281-0146

RECYCLE! Find Out Today How You Can Help.

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Reloading Equipment

Mike's RV & Eddy's Great Outdoors


Victor Jackson

Reloading Supplies



PAGE 24 • THE NICKEL • JANUARY 2, 2014 • 2117 SOUTH 6TH STREET, KLAMATH FALLS, OR 97601 • (541)883-2292 • FAX (541)882-7716

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