? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ?
CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: TUESDAYS, 11:00 AM • DISPLAY DEADLINE: MONDAYS, 3:30 PM • www.klamathfallsnickel.com • FEBRUARY 5, 2015 • THE NICKEL • PAGE 1
If you have tax questions—we have your answers! No gimmicks—just good, honest service.
Can I file red Do I qualify for the Health the Sha e le ctronicall What is Premium Tax Credit? y sibility? ts n e Respon Ca d and get pen e d t n you explain u o b a Direct D What status? epost? “Obamacare?” and filing
OTB #14823
Hudson Tax and Accounting 926 Klamath Ave
An edition of the
Herald and News
February 5, 2015
Number 23, Volume 34
! E E R F
Dorothy Hudson
2117 South 6th St Klamath Falls, OR 97601
(541)883-2292 www.klamathfallsnickel.com
“He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?” Romans 8:32
Spring Enrollment starts 2/9! Open to ALL students...
Classes will fill quickly! Enroll by March 1st & you could win up to credits
12 FREE! (fees not included)
Education at the Speed of Life | 541.880.2212 | klamathcc.edu
PAGE 2 • THE NICKEL • FEBRUARY 5, 2015 • 2117 SOUTH 6TH STREET, KLAMATH FALLS, OR 97601 • (541)883-2292 • FAX (541)882-7716
2191 South 6th Street, Klamath Falls, OR 97601 • 541-882-2886
Buy Now, Pay Later with Taxes! First Time Buyers Welcome!
Sales 541-882-3955 $10hr + Bonuses to Start Unlimited Earning Potential & Income for the Right Individual. Must be Professional & Motivated
Do you have a desire to stop drinking? Call Alcoholics Anonymous.
3-string alfalfa, no rain, $18 per bale 3-string grass hay $17 per bale 3-string straw, $5.50 per bale
541- 883-4970 – 24/7 klciaa.org
OPPORTUNITIES GOT FUN!!! We Do! No Job? No GED? No Problem! Sun Products hs immediate openings. Too much fun to be work! Tammy, 208-392-8603, 1-888-314-2532 #CaliforniaDreamin#Short Winter.
HELP WANTED HEALTHCARE Full time live-in position in adult elderly care home. Will train. Duties will include (but not limited to): transfers, personal care, medication management, cooking, client activities, housekeeping and companionship. Must be able to pass criminal history, drug/alcohol tests. Position includes salary plus room and board, private quarters and bath. Call for interview, 541-281-3880.
Never leave a child or an animal in an unattended vehicle. A friendly reminder from The Nickel.
For rent or lease: 40 acres class A irrigation rights of ACanal, 15 HP pump, over 2,000 ft. of buried aluminum irrigation pipe suitable for flood irrigation or wheel lines. 541-892-1364
FARM PRODUCTS & PRODUCE LOCAL -- RAW HONEY Honey is from Klamath Basin. Various basin locales: Honey ranges from light clover / alfalfa to dark stronger flavored honey. $16 per quart, $9 per pint, $6.50 per 12 oz. jar, & $5 per pint jar. 541-882-1273.
FEED & SEED GRAIN & HAY •3 twine clean dairy quality alfalfa. •Horse quality grassy alfalfa. $210 per ton. 541-331-2369
RECYCLE! Find Out Today How You Can Help.
Delivery available 541-884-7973
February FEED SPECIALS: Start Right Hog 50# Equis Senior Horse 50# Payback Mineral 50# Pasture 21 Mag 250#
BUYING SHEEP & GOATS Buying sheep / goats. Lambs, kids, bucks an culls. Please call for more information. Thanks. 541-890-0822
ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES 1 – Doll, $10 Antique Roller Skates Agate Rock Table, $100 Standup Ashtray (Antique) 541-882-4842. 1 – Doll, $10 Antique Roller Skates Agate Rock Table, $100 Standup Ashtray (Antique) 541-882-4842.
Antique 1950's/1960's Snoopy mini die cast car, Charlie Brown in Loco #2033 series. In original packaging, $15 obo. 541-892-5131
Richland Feed and Seed Monday –Friday 8 am -5 pm Saturday 8 am – 12 pm Reeder Rd/Highway 140 E Klamath Falls 541-850-7330 Screenings 50 pound bag, $7 each Wheat and/or barley 50 pound bags, $8 each. 530-664-2771.
Classified Deadline is Tuesday @ 11:00 am. Place your ad early to avoid the Tuesday rush.
Fresh Flowers
Delivery • Home Decor • Gift Baskets Balloons • Special Events • Unique Gifts
A Country Home Floral 221 N. F Street, Lakeview 541-947-3611 • 541-219-0738 Jury_ACHF@yahoo.com
visit us on Facebook @ A Country Home Floral
Antique 1950's/1960's Snoopy mini die cast car, Charlie Brown in racer #2033 series. In original packaging, $25 obo. 541-892-5131
T he Nicke l s e r ve s A ltur a s, Beatty, Bly, Bonanza, Chemult, Chiloquin, Dairy, Dorris, Fort Klamath, Keno, Lakeview, Macdoel, Malin, Merrill, Midland, Mt. Hebron, Rocky Point, Sprague River, and Tulelake, as well as Klamath Falls.
Antique 1950's/1960's Snoopy mini die cast car, Lucy in yellow racer #2033 series. In original packaging, $20 obo. 541-892-5131
FIVE WAYS to Place a Classified Ad With Us: 1)walk in, 2) mail it in, 3)call it in, 4)fax it in, 5)online. Place your ad today. Phone 541-883-2292, Fax 541882-7716.
Published Each Thursday 2117 South 6th Street Klamath Falls, OR 97601 (541) 883-2292 • Fax: (541) 882-7716 www.klamathfallsnickel.com Office Hours: Mon & Tues 8:30am - 5:00pm Wed & Fri 10:00am - 2:00pm Thurs 8:30am - 2:00pm
The Klamath Tribute Center
Classified Advertising
Display Advertising Executives
We only charge for the things you ask us to provide
Sales Manager
Danielle Mays Beverly Schuster Victor Jackson
More Ways to Save
Caskets from $195
with 40 to choose from Urns from $35, with 30 to choose from We GUARANTEE the Lowest Funeral Prices in the Klamath Basin
Call 541-884-5555
6420 S. 6th St. • Across from Home Depot
Tiffany Williamson Anita Moore
Production Staff
Maureen Hofstetter - Manager Please read your ad for errors on the first day it appears. Deadline for classified changes or cancellations is prior to 11:00am Tuesdays. This publication assumes no responsibility after the first insertion. Our liability shall be limited to the price of one insertion; adjustments will be made only for errors materially affecting the value of the ad. Credits must be used within 1 year. We do not guarantee display ad placement without prior arrangement. We reserve the right at any time to limit, edit or reject any/all copy which conflicts, in our opinion, with the established objectives of this weekly paper. In addition, we assume no responsibility for the authenticity, validity and/or reliability of any advertising, or of the advertiser placing such ads, in any of our publications. ©2015 - theNickel. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced, photographically, electronically, or by any other means, without the express consent of the publisher.
CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: TUESDAYS, 11:00 AM • DISPLAY DEADLINE: MONDAYS, 3:30 PM • www.klamathfallsnickel.com • FEBRUARY 5, 2015 • THE NICKEL • PAGE 3
Home of the Liege Waffle
Open 7am-11pm
2 Off $10 or more total
One coupon per table. Exp: 02/22/15. Not valid with any other discounts or promotions.
Groom Spa
Bring your dog in for a FREE Moisturizing oatmeal bath for itchy skin with purchase of a groom
Sensational Canine Styling
2065 Oregon Ave. | 541-273-1444
2609 Pershing Way • 541-882-3220
The Pumpkin Patch Thrift Store All Furniture $60 or Less Half OFF
Groom Spa
Must present coupon at time of purchase. Other discounts will not apply. Coupon good through 02/11/15. Store DOES NOT supply coupons.
840 Klamath Ave - Corner of 9th Ave • 541-850-5217 • M-S 10-5 Donations may be brought to the store during business hours. At all other times please take donations to the Gospel Mission, 823 Walnut Ave.
The Pumpkin Patch Thrift Store Household Items $30 or Less
Get a FREE Toenail painting with a Full Groom
Compassionate Canine Styling
2609 Pershing Way • 541-882-3220
Groom Spa
Rub-a-dub-dub mud & hair clog your tub!
Half OFF
840 Klamath Ave - Corner of 9th Ave • 541-850-5217 • M-S 10-5
2609 Pershing Way • 541-882-3220
Donations may be brought to the store during business hours. At all other times please take donations to the Gospel Mission, 823 Walnut Ave.
The Pumpkin Patch Thrift Store All Clothing $30 or Less
Half OFF
Must present coupon at time of purchase. Other discounts will not apply. Coupon good through 02/11/15. Store DOES NOT supply coupons.
840 Klamath Ave - Corner of 9th Ave • 541-850-5217 • M-S 10-5 Donations may be brought to the store during business hours. At all other times please take donations to the Gospel Mission, 823 Walnut Ave.
Expires 03/05/15
Next to Tower Drug
Purchase a Bath & Blow-dry for Your Shedding Dog and Receive the Deshedding Treatment FREE
Must present coupon at time of purchase. Other discounts will not apply. Coupon good through 02/11/15. Store DOES NOT supply coupons.
Expires 03/05/15
Next to Tower Drug
*Cannot be combined with any other offer or service. Expires 03/05/15.
Sensational Canine Styling Next to Tower Drug
Large deLite Spicy Fennel Sausage 2583 Campus Dr. • 541-851-9000 3140 S. Sixth St. • 541-882-8000 Must present coupon for redemption Not valid with any other offer. Expires 2/28/15.
S’mores Dessert Pizza
Any Pizza, Any Size
2583 Campus Dr. • 541-851-9000 3140 S. Sixth St. • 541-882-8000
2583 Campus Dr. • 541-851-9000 3140 S. Sixth St. • 541-882-8000
Must present coupon for redemption Not valid with any other offer. Expires 2/28/15.
Must present coupon for redemption Not valid with any other offer. Expires 2/28/15.
Heartbaker Pizza 2583 Campus Dr. • 541-851-9000 3140 S. Sixth St. • 541-882-8000
Must present coupon for redemption Not valid with any other offer. Good 02/11/15 thru 02/14/15.
Bring more shoppers to your door with locally focused advertising from the experts.
Your Ad Here!
Call Your Nickel Advertising Rep Today! 541-883-2292
2191 South 6th Street, Klamath Falls, OR 97601 • 541-882-2886
Buy Now, Pay Later with Taxes! First Time Buyers Welcome!
PAGE 4 • THE NICKEL • FEBRUARY 5, 2015 • 2117 SOUTH 6TH STREET, KLAMATH FALLS, OR 97601 • (541)883-2292 • FAX (541)882-7716
When Every Nickel Counts, Count on
The 2nd Annual Chance Rodgers Memorial Basketball Game and Scholarship
Antique 1970's Fisher-Price “My Friend Mandy Doll still in original packaging. $65 obo. 541-892-5131
Chance Rodgers was a tough, amazing young man, just 15 years old when he passed away on July 9, 2011 after battling bone cancer. Chance never let his situation, where he was, or who he was with control his happiness, or the person he was going to be. There was never defeat in Chance’s eyes. He chose to laugh and find the joke in every circumstance. In Chance’s memory, we have chosen to establish a scholarship fund to provide assistance to a deserving HHS college-bound senior from the AFJROTC. Chance had a dream of being in the military and the AFJROTC program was an important part of his life. He took great pride in being a cadet and wore the uniform with dignity and respectfulness. With that in mind, it is our goal to assist students in the AFJROTC program in their pursuit of a college education. The family of Chance Rodgers would like to extend their heartfelt gratitude to all the students, staff and supporters of Henley High School and the Klamath Community for attending this memorial event. It is our sincere hope that Chance’s brave fight against cancer will continue to be an inspiration for years to come.
Tuesday, February 3rd Henley High School Gymnasium Henley Hornets vs. Klamath Union Pelicans Girls Varsity Game 6:00pm • Boys Varsity Game 7:30pm Please wear camo
FOOTBALL UNLIMITED EDITION PRESENTATION 49ers Watch, Fossil Serial #2431, Walsh/Montana Era. Watch dial and presentation case heavy logos. Never removed from case. Original 49ers sleeve and wrap. Best offer. 541-205-5648 Afternoons.
Military Night - Military members receive free admission with military ID and will be acknowledged to the audience
The 2014 Scholarship Winner will be introduced
For More Information, or to Donate:
Microwave oven, built-in. 30 x 16”, white, $25. Amana oven, built-in, black, gas digital front for oven, asking $500. Call Kelly 541-850-2511
KCDC-Chance Rodgers Memorial Scholarship Fund 2960 Maywood Dr #10, Klamath Falls, OR 97603 or call Jennifer at 541-891-6002
88 Toyota Corolla Alltrac
02 Buick Century
99 Chrysler LHS
Wagon, 4 Cyl, 5 Speed, AWD #027758
Lot #1
94 Lincoln 4 Dr, AT, V8
On Lakeport (Just off Biehn Street)
77 Chevy Plow 96 Coachman Camper Shipping Containers + Parts
1,200 1,695 Lot #2 You-Pull-It Auto Wreckers $
4 Cyl, 5 Spd
Pelican Auto Sales
04 Saturn Vue
4 Door, Auto
4 Dr, V6, Auto
In Stock
20’ x 8’ $
Corner of Lakeport & Montelius
2,595 40’ x 8’ $3,595
CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: TUESDAYS, 11:00 AM • DISPLAY DEADLINE: MONDAYS, 3:30 PM • www.klamathfallsnickel.com • FEBRUARY 5, 2015 • THE NICKEL • PAGE 5
25 Panels, 8ft. Long by 3 ft. High, Cedar Picket Fence, Brand New, Never Been Used $250 OBO. 541-892-4088
Full Computer Service for more than 15 years in the Klamath Basin
3006 LOADED 100 GRAIN ROUNDS, 86 FOR $30. 541-884-6488
38 CALIBER LEAD BULLETS 158 GRAIN, 495 FOR $25. 541-884-6488
NEW BRASS CASES FOR 41 MAGNUM, 100 FOR $30. 541-884-6488
Most Trojan and/ or Virus removal, $40
The Nickel: 541-883-2292
Bargains are in The Nickel
Time is a river without banks.
ROCK N GRAVEL DELIVERY 541-591-9130 topcaprockngravel.com
CSI Computers 4755 Shasta Way 541-892-1087 Larry
When Every Nickel Counts, Count on
FIREARMS 7 Bricks of .22 LR Ammo, 500 Ct. per Brick, $45 each. 541-891-9029 30 CALIBER SIERRA BULLETS 168 GRAIN, 100 FOR $25. 541-884-6488
Get Tax Help See These Local Professionals
Plenty of parking & backdoor access off Pine Street
DeAnn M. Bogart, CPA Certified Public Accountant
Save $$$$ on Tax Preparation File Now - Pay Later
1040 EZ $50.00
Bring in this ad for an additional 10% off on your 2014 tax preparation
• Tax Preparation • Bookkeeping Services • Business Consulting • Payroll Services • Estate Planning
513 Main Street
LTC #5667
Professional Tax Solutions
409 Pine St, Suite 311 | 541-887-8130 dbogartcpa@charter.net | deannmbogartcpa.com
Tax Return Preparation Over 31 Years Experience
Bookkeeping and Payroll Services Affordable • Reliable • Accurate OBTP #B14182
Enrolled to Practice Before the IRS Licensed Tax Consultants
5624 Delaware Avenue • Klamath Falls, OR
LTC #1253C
Walk-ins Welcome! 8:00am-5:00pm
Evenings & Weekends By Appointment • www.protaxsolutionsforu.com
Book Taxes, Inc. Liz Bennett
Serving Individuals & Business
New Clients % Off
2130 Arthur St. | 541-885-2156 www.klamathfallstaxaccounting.com
HOW DO YOU MISS A BILLION DOLLARS? That’s how much was left behind when Americans prepared their own tax returns last year. A billion dollars. It’s your money. Get it back with Block.
Marie Anson
Registered Tax Preparer & Bookkeeper
Tax Consultant & Bookkeeper
Located in the Southtown Commerce Center 2495 Anderson, Suite 105 License (across from Frontier Trailer Sales, off Washburn Way)
Each tax situation is different and not everyone will receive a refund. In a 2013 H&R Block study of tax returns by people who did their own taxes, nearly half had differences, and approximately 40% of people with differences were entitled to a larger refund. OBTP#B13696 ©2013 HRB Tax Group, Inc. OBTP #B13696 1
Buy Now, Pay Later with Taxes! First Time Buyers Welcome!
They are YOUR taxes. You deserve the best guidance available. Choose a CPA, call DeAnn today.
2191 South 6th Street, Klamath Falls, OR 97601 • 541-882-2886
2191 South 6th Street, Klamath Falls, OR 97601 • 541-882-2886
Buy Now, Pay Later with Taxes! First Time Buyers Welcome!
PAGE 6 • THE NICKEL • FEBRUARY 5, 2015 • 2117 SOUTH 6TH STREET, KLAMATH FALLS, OR 97601 • (541)883-2292 • FAX (541)882-7716
NEW CASES FOR 38 SPECIAL, 203 FOR $25. 541-884-6488
RECYCLE! Find Out Today How You Can Help.
The Nickel gets results!
Ammunition Shell Brass
Hey, Fellas!
The Store You Can’t Ignore!
Antique, CrAft & ColleCtible MAll
195 East Main Street • 541-273-7553 www.KeepersCorner.net • Open Mon-Sat 10am-5pm
Now In Stock – Bear Creek Moly Coated Bullets
Reloading Equipment Firearms
Buy and Sell Reloading Dies and Equipment.
541-891-7600 THOMPSON CONTENDER 222 BARREL WITH 357 BARREL BOTH OCTAGON RH/LH WOOD GRIPS AND PACHMYER, $1000/OBO. 541-884-6488 Get in shape with The Nickel's classified Sporting Goods.
Are you drowning in debt? You have options. We can help.
If you’re drowning from financial circumstances or unsecured debts like medical bills, credit card debt or unsecured personal loans,
YOU NEED TO SPEAK WITH AN ATTORNEY. Karen Oakes is an experienced Bankruptcy and Trial Attorney, specializing in Consumer Rights.
For Sale:
Laser-cast Lead Bullets Berry's Plated Bullets Brass Tumblers and Walnut Media.
Reloading Supplies
Surprise the love of your life with something from Keeper’s Corner! One-stop shopping for Valentine’s gifts. Ladies, check out the “Man Cave!”
Bill's Upholstery 4755 Shasta Way 541-882-9491
OREGON, UTAH, ARIZONA & FLORIDA CONCEALED HANDGUN PERMIT CERTIFICATION, $35 EACH Get all 4 State Certifications $135 Same day We notarize your Florida Application FREE- a $10 value
NO Shooting, NO Tests! Carry pistol in 40 states
Guns For Sale! $250 Each Charles Daly O/U 12 gauge, nice condition. Savage model 111, .30-06 with 3-9x scope, like new! Rugar 10/22 with scope and some ammo, very nice! Remington 870 3” 20 gauge pump with extra choke tubes. Good condition! Winchester model 12-16 gauge, good shooter! (2) .22 automatic rifles, 1Stevens, 1-Martin, 2 for 1 price, $250. New Heritage single action .22 revolver, 6” barrel, $200. 541-884-9494 before 7 pm.
GUNS: Rough Rider single action revolver, calibur .22 LR and warm magnum, adjustable rear sight, 6” barrel, ammunition available. FACTORY AMMO: 223 calibur, .40 per round, minimum 200 rounds 5.56 calibur, .40 per round minimum 200 rounds 40 S&W calibur, .30 per round, minimum 200 rounds 9mm Ruger calibur, .25 per round, minimum 200 rounds .22 RIMFIRE AMMUNITION .22 mag, 200 ct., $66 minimum .22 calibur CCI, $75 per brick (500 rounds) Remington .22 LR, $75 per brick (500 rounds) CCI .22 mini mag round nose, $95 (500 round brick) 17 HMR CCI 500 round brick, $160. Winchester 17 HMR 500 round brick, $160. Hornady 17 HMR, $160 per brick. ALSO: Antique Southern Pacific Railroad lamp, $350 obo. Antique red light district lantern, $110 obo.
Need a Permit to carry in Oregon? No problem!
1 WEEKLY CLASS EVERY SATURDAY! ALWAYS 10am-2pm Certificates issued at end of each class. WALK-INS WELCOME!
CLASS LOCATION 1905 Oregon Avenue Klamath Falls, Oregon Carl 541-884-2828 See Web www.ConcealCarryGunClass.Com
$199, New .45 ACP Pistols, Lifetime Warranty, 100% American Made. $169 New .40 S/W Pistols, New Revolvers $199 .38 Spl. 22 Ammo $7.50/box No Limit
Lodgepole firewood Dry, $160 per cord split and delivered.
541-591-2498 HOUSEHOLD GOODS Curio cabinet with beautiful leaded glass doors, 76” tall, 33” wide, $300. 541-883-3133 or 541-531-2545 Queen size oak captain's bed, 6 drawers underneath, detachable end tables (2 drawers each), $400. 541-591-0423 Various knife collection, call for details. 541-591-0423 Various vintage Barbie Dolls, still in box, call for details. 541591-0423 Wicker Furniture: Entertainment Center, Book Cases, Chair, $300 obo takes all. 541591-0423
Call 541-545-6915 or 541-892-4893 Herb's Guns of Klamath 15642 Highway 66, Keno, Sales and Service. 541-851-0547
1-541-273-0606 Sweetheart Deals for 2015 10x30 10x20 10x15 10x10 5x10
was was was was was
$110 $75 $60 $45 $35
*** *** *** *** ***
Now Now Now Now Now
$90 $65 $50 $35 $25
No deposit required. **New Customers Only.***
( 866-663-3289 )
6502 South 6th Street
www.OakesLawOffice.com I am a debt relief agency, sometimes assisting debtors with bankruptcy.
Wocus Mini Storage & RV, LLC 5040 Wocus Road Klamath Falls Turn on Wocus Rd. Off Hwy 97N. Blue with Red doors!! That's Us
One little smile can fill the room with sunshine.
CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: TUESDAYS, 11:00 AM • DISPLAY DEADLINE: MONDAYS, 3:30 PM • www.klamathfallsnickel.com • FEBRUARY 5, 2015 • THE NICKEL • PAGE 7
d n u f e R x a T r u o Use Y ! t n a W y l l a e R u o Y g n i h t e m o S r o F $15,980
08 Subaru Legacy R Limited
09 Subaru Forester
05 Toyota Highlander
12 Dodge Avenger
11 Ford Focus
07 Ford Taurus
06 Ford Ranger 4x4 #A90356
00 Chevy Aveo LS
Automatic, Well Equiped #B309620
11 Chevrolet HHR #661036
Expires: 02/11/15
Price does not include license, title and doc fees.
Dave Henry
Jim Tullos
Alex Meyjes
Will Newman
We Support Our US Military Personnel! Thank You Troops! Ron Settlemire
David Gulickson
Steve Cosand
Matt Meyer
Daniel Schuman
541.884.3113 • 877.882.7848 Toll Free 2751 Washburn Way, Klamath Falls Shop our entire inventory, always online 24/7 • www.CreditAuto.com
2191 South 6th Street, Klamath Falls, OR 97601 • 541-882-2886
Buy Now, Pay Later with Taxes! First Time Buyers Welcome!
PAGE 8 • THE NICKEL • FEBRUARY 5, 2015 • 2117 SOUTH 6TH STREET, KLAMATH FALLS, OR 97601 • (541)883-2292 • FAX (541)882-7716
Commode wheel chair, new over $400, sell $100. Like new and clean. 541-281-0287
•1 antique dressers, $300 ea. •3 antique dressers, $100 ea. 541-882-4842 1950's Floor Lamp, Really Nice, $25 OBO. 541-531-2545 or 541-883-3133 2 heavy-duty wood counters, $20 for both. 541-882-4842 3-Antique Kerosene Lamps, $150 takes all Computer Desk w/ shelf & drawer, $30, $20 541-882-4842.
Will pay $7 per battery for car batteries. 4D's - $12 8D's - $15
MISCELLANEOUS 200 Hardwood Posts, 8 ft, $3 each or $500 for all. 13 ft. Starcraft aluminum boat, trailer & accessories, $700. '67 Ford ¾ Ton Camper Special, blown motor, have motor, $500. 541-851-1824
541-892-1996 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Antique Iron & All Wood Ironing Board, $35 for Both. 541-883-2545 or 541-883-3133
Find it for less in The Nickel
50 Country Record Albums, $35 Antique Mirror, $90 2 Vintage Woodworking Planes, $25 ea. Antique Floor Lamp, $80 Pioneer Amp Receivers, $75 / both, 541-883-7294.
$ CASH $
CLEARANCE SALE Storewide Discounts on Art, Christmas, Gifts, Jewelry, Posters, Prints and Vintage Items. 20% OFF Competitors Best Price on New Custom Framing Orders With This Ad and Their Estimate (molding & mat styles may vary).
For Dead Cars
FRAMING SOLUTIONS 707 Main Street Klamath Falls (541) 882-7263.
541-882-7978 541-885-2457
One Stop Auto Wreckers AA Tree Service, LLC Topping, Trimming, Pruning, or Removal of Trees or Bushes, Also Stump Grinding. Cordial, Careful, Quality Work. Bonded and Insured, CCB#149565, Call Glenn, 541-884-3969 Antique Sewing Machine, 1909 Model, $600, 541-882-4842. Custom Made Oak Desk, 6 ft. x 3 ft., $50, 28 “ Hollow Core Doors, $5 each, Twin Mattress and Box Springs, $10 541-884-4087. Eternal Hills Garden of Peace Funeral Plots Lot 100A equipped with 2 crypts. Actual value $4,390, will sell for $2,500 or make offer. 360-856-1885
75 Years Experience
Ready for Spring? Good Ole’ Fashion In-Home Service
Experienced, Reliable Handyman Service Trash & Snow Removal, Home Repair, etc. Reasonable Rates! Call Ed, 541-892-1121.
FOOTBALL UNLIMITED EDITION PRESENTATION 49ers Watch, Fossil Serial #2431 Walsh/Montana Era. Watch dial and presentation case heavy logos. Never removed from case. Original 49ers sleeve and wrap. Best offer. 541-205-5648 Afternoons.
One little smile can fill the room with sunshine.
Need AppliANce RepAiR?
We Do It ALL! In-Shop or In-Home Including Small Engine (no commercial repairs)
Call Today
Basin’s Best appliance
R.D. Henshaw 541-591-1349 4332 S. 6th St | 541-205-3434
4332 S. 6th St.
Weekly ips to Service Tr Lakeview
541-205-3434 (across from Grocery Outlet)
CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: TUESDAYS, 11:00 AM • DISPLAY DEADLINE: MONDAYS, 3:30 PM • www.klamathfallsnickel.com • FEBRUARY 5, 2015 • THE NICKEL • PAGE 9
Nobody – But Nobody Beats Our Prices in the USA!
NEW 2015 Y R O T N E INV
l a i c y e r o t c p u d o S I n tr g n i c i r P ON ALL NEW MOTORHOMES AND TRAILERS
Special Financing Rates available RIGHT NOW through Klamath Public Employees Credit Union ... as low as
on approved credit • with qualifying services
T N A W E W YOUR TRADE!! Towable by SUV or Minivan!
1405 Crater Lake Pky (Corner of Shasta Way, next to the Credit Unions)
(541) 850-7337 • www.KlamathRV.com Se Habla Español
*$99 per month on approved credit. Title, Registration and Administrative Fees are not included in price. Pictures for illustration only.
Buy Now, Pay Later with Taxes! First Time Buyers Welcome!
PAGE 10 • THE NICKEL • FEBRUARY 5, 2015 • 2117 SOUTH 6TH STREET, KLAMATH FALLS, OR 97601 • (541)883-2292 • FAX: (541)882-7716
TAXES • TAX 05 Ford F150 4x4 Premium Wheels, Sharp Truck! #FF2005
04 Ford F250 Diesel 4x4
Lariat, Loaded! #FF2004
2191 South 6th Street, Klamath Falls, OR 97601 • 541-882-2886
Super Clean! #GM1991
03 Nissan Xterra 4x4
Rugged Off-Road SUV!
1980 Chevy 1500 4x4 4 Speed, Nice Lift!
91 GMC 2500 4x4
01 Ford F150 4x4
Full Four Door, Lariat, Fully Loaded! #FF2001
08 Ford Fusion
Dependable, Low Miles! #FF2008
06 Dodge Durango 4x4
3rd Row Seating, HEMI Power
10 Chevy HHR
Only 44,000 Miles! #CH2010
04 Jeep Liberty 4x4
Rugged Little SUV!
03 Chevy Tracker 4x4
Great MPG #CT2003
01 Dodge 1500 4x4
Great Miles! #DF2001
06 Chevy Trailblazer 4x4
3rd Row Seating! #CT2006
DISCOUNT A 2191 South 6th Street, Klamath Falls, OR 97601
• On the spot financing on accepted credit • 0 Down on approved credit
05 Buick LaCrosse CXL
Leather, Loaded, Low Miles! #BL2005
02 Ford F150
Full Four Door, Lowered #FF2002
06 Honda Odyssey EXL
Leather, Moon Roof, Loaded! #HO2006
05 Hyundai Elantra GT
5 Speed, Loaded! #HE2005
CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: MONDAYS, 5:30 PM • DISPLAY DEADLINE: MONDAYS, 5:00 PM • www.klamathfallsnickel.com • FEBRUARY 5, 2015 • THE NICKEL • PAGE 11
Moon Roof, Sporty Car! #ST2008
03 Honda CR-V AWD
Loaded, Honda Dependability!
AUTOS 541-882-2886
06 Ford F150 4x4
Plenty 0f Room! Full Four Doors
07 Dodge Caliber R/T ALL WHEEL DRIVE! #DC2007
08 Honda Accord EX-L
Sharp Car! Low Miles! #HA2008
04 Honda Pilot 4x4
3rd Row Seating! #HP2004
07 Kia Spectra
5 Speed, Low Miles! #KS2007
03 Ford F250 4x4
2009 Ford F150 4x4
Exp: 02/11/15
Fully Loaded, Sharp Car!
06 Chevy Aveo
Great MPG! #CD2006
Only 68,000 $ Miles! V8 Engine
On approved credit
02 Chevy Monte Carlo SS
Sharp, Clean Truck! #FF2009
06 Jeep Grand Cherokee 4x4
Only 77,000 Miles! #JG2006
04 Honda Accord
4 Cylinder, Automotic! #HA2004
04 Ford Expedition 4x4
3rd Row Seating #FE2004
07 Toyota Camry
Four Door, Moon Roof, Runs Great! #TC2007
Buy Now, Pay Later with Taxes! First Time Buyers Welcome!
5 Speed, Cute Car!
3.9% APR
• 120 cars & trucks all marked down • warranty on all cars available
03 Chrysler PT Cruiser
03 Ford Edge LTD
08 Scion tC
2191 South 6th Street, Klamath Falls, OR 97601 • 541-882-2886
2191 South 6th Street, Klamath Falls, OR 97601 • 541-882-2886
Buy Now, Pay Later with Taxes! First Time Buyers Welcome!
PAGE 12 • THE NICKEL • FEBRUARY 5, 2015 • 2117 SOUTH 6TH STREET, KLAMATH FALLS, OR 97601 • (541)883-2292 • FAX (541)882-7716
ATTN: College Students Hot Springs Area Close to OIT, Newly Remodeled!
1 bedroom - $525 Available now! All utilities paid. Randy 541-891-2628
Buena Vista 2 bedroom apartments currently available in quiet non-smoking complex. Free WIFI. Located behind KFC. Please call 541-882-5989 or cedargardensonline.com
Home & Rentals
Applegate Trails
Clean, secure, downtown studio apartment. $260 - $360 + deposit. Laundry & parking. Water, sewer, garbage and hot water paid. No pets. 2 blocks to Bus, 4 blocks to Amtrak, 9 Blocks to Park, River and Bike trail. Only 5 minutes to OIT Call Mon.-Fri. 9 am-5 pm Jeannie 541-810-2882 No calls on Sunday please. Kingswood Apts. 1 Bedroom. Appliances, drapes, patio, etc. 541-883-2986 Lake Park Towers Accepting applications from qualifying low income seniors. Clean, secure, Smoke-free building. Downtown. Equal Housing Opportunity. 541-882-2335
When Every Nickel Counts, Count on
Stateline RV Park & Storage, 30138 Lower Klamath Lake Road, Tulelake, CA 530-667-4849
klamathapartments.com 2750 California Ave. View of Klamath Lake, mountains, and golf course, 3 bdrm., 1-1/2 bath. Water, Sewer, and garbage paid Non-smoking. Small pets ok. Non-smoking. $750 + deposit. ••••••••••••••
Cedar Garden Apts.
4520 Bristol Ave. 2 bdrm, 1 bath, $585 + deposit Water, sewer & garbage pd. Income must meet guidelines. Small pets ok. Non-smoking. ••••••••••••••
2 bedroom, 2 full baths, 1,200 sq. ft. Large living and dining room, washer/dryer hook-ups, new paint, new flooring, nice neighborhood, large fenced yard with garden area, carport, storage shed. No pets/no smoking Garbage paid. $675 + deposit 2422 Darrow (off Washburn) $30 application/background check fee. Can be partially furnished. 541-281-2738
Conveniently located 2 bedroom, 1 bath with garage and large fenced backyard. Refrigerator, stove, garbage disposal, dishwasher, laundry room with hookups. 2445 Applegate $695 + Deposit Criminal background check required. Please ask about 3 bedroom house that will be available in the next month. 541-882-6406
For Rent – Possible Lease to Own
Arthur Village
Large 2 story, 4 bedroom, 2-1/2 bath home with 2 car garage, has deck, patio & large backyard. $1,100/mo., first, last, plus $1,000 deposit. Pets ok with extra deposit. Call 541-238-4318
1400 Arthur St. ~ Free Geo Heat ~ $625 plus deposit. 2 bdrm., 1-1/2 bath, townhouses Water, sewer, and garbage paid. Non-smoking. Small pets ok. 541-331-5863 www.klamathapartments.com
Rural 3 bedroom 1-1/2 bath, pellet heat, well water, hookups, small fenced yard, detached garage, $600 + First/Last/Deposit, Credit Check & References Required,
DUPLEXES FOR RENT Clean 1 bedroom duplex! All expenses paid, washer and dryer on premises, 252 Martin Street. $500 plus deposit Includes all Utilities Call 1-209-352-0678
Hot Springs 2 Bedroom / 2 Bath Duplex Geo Thermal Heat, Water / Sewer Paid, Good Location, Near School & Park, No Pets, $600 Rent / $600 Deposit, Call 541-281-5584, No Sundays. Hot Springs Area
1 Bedroom / 1 Bathroom Apartment for Rent, $400 per month plus deposit, 2319 Wantland, 541-331-4786 3-Bedroom / 2-Bath Home in nice neighborhood near Sky Lakes. Approximately 1,780 Sq. Ft., walk-in closet in master bedroom, comes with oven/stove, refrigerator, washer & dryer, remodeled in 2014, heat pump & AC. No smoking, no pets, first, last, cleaning deposits, $825 per month. John 541-887-2050 or 916-303-6733 FOR RENT: 3 Bdrm. / 2 Bath, 2400 + Square Feet, $950/mo. Plus $950/dep., Rocky Point, Near Boat Landing, Jeff 360-302-0427.
GO GREEN! It pays to recycle!
4991 Gatewood 3 bedroom, 2-1/2 bath, double garage, RV parking, gas heat. Absolutely no pets, no smoking. $950/$950 References & credit check required. 541-281-2786 At the Running Y all amenities included.
Come Fly with The Eagles Totally furnished 3 bedroom (+den), 3 bath house. Soak in jacuzzi tub while star gazing. $2,200 month to month includes utilities Available March 15th. Call Debby 707-326-8108
Save $$$ with The Nickel
HOME 4 RENT, 4-CAR GARAGE/SHOP, 4 bedrooms, laundry, wood stove heat, swamp cooler and A/C, jacuzzi tub, separate big shower, electric stove, freezer, frig., dishwasher, large fenced yard, plumb tree, year round creek. Pets ok. Water and trash paid. Two miles from Alturas, CA. Can e-mail pictures. sharragil@gmail.com 37904 State Highway 299, $750/month, $750 security deposit. Fully furnished, or not. Lots of parking. 530-708-0241. Available Now. Newer 3-Bedroom, 2-Bath, Fenced Yard with In-Ground Sprinklers, Central Heat & AC, 2-Car Garage, Quiet Neighborhood. $965 / mo. Plus Deposit. 541-545-1825.
We buy scrap and batteries! • Feed • Supplements • Fencing • Seed • Livestock Equipment
2825 Broadmore St. (Behind Lithia Ford) 883-3583 • (800)779-3583
10'x20' and up, $75 per month and up.
Close to Sky Lakes & OIT. 3 bedroom, 1 bath with geothermal heat & hot water, dishwasher, garage, shed, Small yard. Pets considered. $800/$800 541-892-6577 Specious 1 bedroom newly remodeled, gas heat, storage shed, carport. No pets & no smoking Water and garbage paid $500 + deposit Call for appointment 541-892-2993
MFG./MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT 2004 Fleetwood, 14x60 with many upgrades. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, all appliances, washer/dryer, electric fireplace, custom paint inside, partly furnished. Located in Round Lake Mobile Home Park, $675/mo including space rent, water and sewer fees. Call Donna, 541-205-5427, for an appointment.
3 Bedroom / 2 Bath Mobile Home For Rent, Forced Air Heating, Wood Burning Stove, Located on the River in Chiloquin, $550 per month, plus $550 deposit, 805-798-4718.
WHERE TO calls at The Nickel for Display Sales: Beverly Schuster 541-880-4334 Danielle Mays 541-892-5131
9732 Highway 140 E. Klamath Falls
Victor Jackson 541-880-3893 For Classifieds call 541-883-2292
CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: TUESDAYS, 11:00 AM • DISPLAY DEADLINE: MONDAYS, 3:30 PM • www.klamathfallsnickel.com • FEBRUARY 5, 2015 • THE NICKEL • PAGE 13
We have 2 and 3 bedroom + 2 bathrooms for rent or sale. 1100 sq feet to 1440 sq feet. Rentals start at $625 per month including space rent. Easy Qualifying To Purchase!! No Credit Check....Just Your AbilityTo Pay. Call us at
541 884-2520 for an appointment and more information.
Room for Rent 1 bedroom/1 bath, All Utilities Paid, Free Basic Cable, $350 Rent, $200 Deposit, No Pets, Call 541-281-5584, No Sundays. Room for rent in large clean home. Must see to appreciate. 1 unfurnished, room and 1 furnished room available, all utilities included, off-street parking, kitchen and laundry privileges, centrally located close to shopping and bus lines. Call 541-882-3966 or 541-331-6363.
ROOMS FOR RENT: $350 / Month for Veterans $400 / Month for Non-Veterans, Call Tammi @ 541-331-9975 www.veteransenrichmentcenter.org
MOBILE HOME SPACES FOR RENT – 2 ½ Bedroom, 1 ½ Bath in Plaza Gardens Mobile Park. Adults Only. No Pets. Background / Security Check, $510 / mo., 541-882-6475.
FOR RENT RV Spaces Available, Small Pets Allowed, $275/month, Background Check Required, 541-882-6475.
RV or Trailer Spaces Available Now!! Has a Great View, Water, Sewer Garbage Paid, $280 per month. 7600 Booth Road Storage Space Also Available 541-591-2677.
IRS AUCTION VARIOUS LOTS IRS (Internal Revenue Service) AUCTION SALE!!!! DATE: February 17, 2015 TIME: 11:00 AM
423 Upham Street Klamath Falls, OR 97601
20% BELOW Market! Owner Carry With Qualified Buyer
Registration begins at 10:00 AM
SALE LOCATION: 316 Main St., Klamath Falls, OR PROPERTY: Great 14 Buildable Lots In Pine Ridge Estates, Oregon Shores, & Latakomie Shores Developments Klamath Falls County Oregon. They Can Be Purchased Separately. The Minimum Is For All Properties. MINIMUM BID: 60,000 PAYMENT: The successful bidder shall be required to deposit 10 % at the time of sale. The balance of the purchase price for the real property is to be paid by March 2, 2015. FORMS OF PAYMENT: All payments must be by certified check or cashier*s check. Make check payable to the United States District Court of Oregon. For More Information, Contact Mary Smith, IRS Property Appraisal Liquidation Specialist (951)-201-6919 Email: Mary.Smith3@irs.gov www.irssales.gov
0% Interest For 6-Months! Act NOW To Take Advantage Of This Offer LOW Price!!!
$63,200 Call 541-238-3380.
MANUFACTURED HOMES FOR SALE FOR SALE: 1977 Nashua Mobile Home, Single Wide, 14'x68', Must See, Real Nice, Located at 2934 Summers Lane at South Mobile Village #19 (Has Extras), Call 541-884-5470.
Live At Round Lake MHP We have 2 and 3 bedroom + 2 bathrooms for rent or sale. 1100 sq feet to 1440 sq feet. Rentals start at $625 per month including space rent. Easy Qualifying To Purchase!!
No Credit Check....Just Your AbilityTo Pay.
We Buy Houses & Estates From 1 Item to All. Local Buyer 209-598-2290 Cash & Quick Closing.
Call us at
541 884-2520 for an appointment and more information.
Buy, Sell or just Browse with The Nickel.
Sell it now in The Nickel!
1979 Homette Single Wide, 2 Bedroom,1 Bath. Excellent condition, vinyl windows, electric forced heat, gas stove with visible flame. Move in ready, some furnishings with high end newer appliances, matching washer/dryer, Bosch dishwasher, glass top range, refrigerator, microwave, jetted tub and separate shower in bathroom. Queen bed in master bedroom. Has covered carport, storage shed and garden shed. Please Note: In a family mobile home park, owner occupied only. There is fee for a credit and criminal background check at the park. Home must stay in park. Homedale Rd in Klamath Falls, OR This mobile home has been reduced to $8,900 for quick sale. Please call 541-539-0776 or 541-880-3340. (Shown by appointment only.)
MISC. REAL ESTATE Fixer Upper Free Mobile Home, Call Dave 541-331-8730.
DEADLINE d y i e da f i s s as Tue l C m a y 00 : ay da l 11 n p
s o Di M pm 0 3 3:
RV Space Grassy yard, patio. Water, sewer, trash all included. $250. month + electric
541-884-1724 STORAGE Garages $40/month. Cages $20/month. Close to Downtown (503) 704-4764 (541) 274-0243
Alll Build din ngs – Any Siz ze Call 541-4 479-1 146 65 Now For More e Infform matiion
River Park Inn Clean, Quiet & Comfortable
• Post and Frame Construction • Lifetime Paint Warranty • 3-Ply nonspliced laminated column width • 50 Year Warranty • Prices include Design, Delivery & Construction..
We offer nightly, weekly and extended stay. Rates starting at: $200 weekly & $600 extended stay *Prices subject to change.
Utilities, WiFi, Dish TV, Fridge, Microwave and 24 hour security included
Price subject to change. Sales tax and crew travel charges may apply.
Located at 11 Main Street Klamath Falls, OR 97601 Please call for more information 541-273-0491
FIVE WAYS to Place a Classified Ad With Us: 1)walk in, 2) mail it in, 3)call it in, 4)fax it in, 5)online. Place your ad today. Phone 541-883-2292, Fax 541882-7716.
MUST SELL THIS WEEK!!! Bring all offers.
www.facebook.com/JohnsonBuilders www.oregonbuildings.com OR# 172269
CA# 887249
• Barns • Arenas • Storage • Commercial & Suburban Buildings MF-656433
Call: 541-479-1465 • Toll Free: 888-479-1465 1300 Rogue River Hwy, Grants Pass, Oregon 97527
Buy Now, Pay Later with Taxes! First Time Buyers Welcome!
RV LOTS / SPACES FOR RENT Renter Wanted to share house in Pine Grove area. Bedroom, private bath, access to kitchen/living room. Washer & dryer. Close to KCC $395 month + ½ electric and ½ cable. 541-892-4073
Live At Round Lake MHP
2191 South 6th Street, Klamath Falls, OR 97601 • 541-882-2886
First available space in Summers Lane Estates Premier Senior Manufactured Home Park in Ten Years. Summers Lane Estates is a 55 or older park with beautifully landscaped lots located in the South Suburbs area of Klamath Falls, Oregon. The Park is on City Water. Water, Sewage and Garbage paid. Space is approximately 4,000 Square Feet and will accommodate a large double wide home. Home must be a 1995 or newer home. NO RV'S. Ask about our move in incentives. If you are interested, please contact Ron Cardin at 541-891-3212.
PAGE 14 • THE NICKEL • FEBRUARY 5, 2015 • 2117 SOUTH 6TH STREET, KLAMATH FALLS, OR 97601 • (541)883-2292 • FAX (541)882-7716
2191 South 6th Street, Klamath Falls, OR 97601 • 541-882-2886
Buy Now, Pay Later with Taxes! First Time Buyers Welcome!
Awesome opportunity! Established clientele!! Tire & oil service shop includes building, land, business and equipment also outside fenced storage & 2 roll-up doors.
MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE: Fireplace insert, fits most fireplaces, $375. Boyd Cottington rims & tires, like new, 5 on 4-3/4 bolt pattern, off of 70's Chevy 2WD, $1,200 or make offer. Antique fire extinguishers, $150 each or 3 for $300. Chrome 17” wheels for Mitsubishi, $125. I can text pictures of these items. Call Steve, 530-640-0070
Inventory negotiable.
Includes lift, grease machine, 2 tire changers, air compressor with 2 tanks.
180-Gallon, $350
Motivated Seller PRICE REDUCED! $99,000
Saddletank, “L” Style, $500
MLS 84092
5,000 Watt Generator, $250
Call Dan Bailey 541-883-5867 Licensed in Oregon
Rookstool Moden Realty LLC
Help the Pet Population Problem! Have your Pet Spayed or Neutered!
365-Gallon, $700
Contractor Racks & Workboxes, $350 14' Scaffold Jack Ladder, $50 46 Ft. Reefer Trailer, $4,800 Call Steve, 541-892-4763.
Hobart commercial meat saw with extra blade, works & runs great, $1,800. 541-891-4616
Office Desk Chair, $10, Bar Stool, $10, Oak Kitchen Table with 4-Upholstered Chairs on Rollers, $200 OBO. 541-531-2545 or 541-883-3133
Large bird cage with all accessories, like new, $50 obo. 541892-4088 MINI-STORAGE 10'x20' and up, $75 per month and up. Stateline RV Park & Storage, 30138 Lower Klamath Lake Road, Tulelake, CA 530-667-4849 Novena to St. Jude, May the sacred heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world, now and forever, Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us, St. Jude maker of miracles pray for us, St. Jude helper of the hopeless pray for us, we thank thee Sacred Heart of Jesus, we thank thee St. Jude, say 9 times a day for 9 days, prayer will be answered, publication must be promised. Oak Poker Table converts to Dinette Set with 4 Chairs (seats 6), great condition, $200. 541-883-2545 or 541-883-3133. It’s all in here - The Nickel!
Plum Tucker Antique Store Going Out of Business! Pump organs trunks, display cases, glassware, Hull pottery, marble tables, Victorian chairs, marble top dresser, yard art & bird cages. Call for appointment Highway 140 Bly, OR. February 15th, 16th and 17th 10am-5pm 541-281-4659
MISCELLANEOUS OREGON, UTAH, ARIZONA & FLORIDA CONCEALED HANDGUN PERMIT CERTIFICATION, $35 EACH Get all 4 State Certifications $135 Same day We notarize your Florida Application FREE- a $10 value
NO Shooting, NO Tests! Carry pistol in 40 states Need a Permit to carry in Oregon? No problem!
1 WEEKLY CLASS EVERY SATURDAY! ALWAYS 10am-2pm Sale of Wood Wheels Steel Wheels Old Wagon Axles Tractor Seats Old Car Axles & Wheels Steel Pot Holders Model T & A Frames 541-884-2817 Singer Touch & Sew Sewing Machine, w/ Beautiful Cabinet & Sewing Chair, and All Accessories, $300 OBO. 541-531-2545 or 541-883-3133.
We Buy Good Used Trailers - CASH
Certificates issued at end of each class. WALK-INS WELCOME!
CLASS LOCATION 1905 Oregon Avenue Klamath Falls, Oregon Carl 541-884-2828 See Web www.ConcealCarryGunClass.Com
$199, New .45 ACP Pistols, Lifetime Warranty, 100% American Made. $169 New .40 S/W Pistols, New Revolvers $199 .38 Spl. 22 Ammo $7.50/box No Limit
541-884-2828 Tonneau Cover for Longbed Pickup, Tan But Can Be Painted, Like New, $750 OBO. 541-531-2545 or 541-883-3133 Various Screwdrivers, $5/all, 541-882-4842. Various Screwdrivers, $5/all, 541-882-4842.
Viagra Users! Why pay more?? Sixty 100 milligram tablets, $229. Call 1-800-607-2519 Open everyday.
Service Department!
Viagra Users! Why pay more?? Sixty 100 milligram tablets, $229. Call 1-800-607-2519 Open everyday.
Let us sell your used RV. We have a great reputation in the Klamath Basin for treating our customers right!
We have a fully stocked parts department for your RV or other trailer needs. We offer a wide variety of services: • We can hitch you up with whatever style hitch you need • We can pack those wheel bearings to help prevent costly repairs later • We can do wiring, no problem!
ane We Sell Preorpgallon
Save 5¢ off p d with this a
What’s On Your Hitch? 5013 WASHBURN WAY KLAMATH FALLS, OR 97603
We Buy Houses & Estates From 1 Item to All. Local Buyer 209-598-2290 Cash & Quick Closing.
Wheat Cents! 30's, 40's, 50's Rolls are 50 pennies of same year. $10 per roll. 541-884-9494 before 7 pm.
HURRY! Ad deadline is Tuesday at 11:00 am.
Ezell Suty FUEL “Quality Fuel and Excellent Service at Prices You’ll Love”
Ezell Suty Fuel
Re-Invest your tax return into family fun!
Go RVing!
2360 So 6th St
CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: TUESDAYS, 11:00 AM • DISPLAY DEADLINE: MONDAYS, 3:30 PM • www.klamathfallsnickel.com • FEBRUARY 5, 2015 • THE NICKEL • PAGE 15
Routine, urgent and consultative gynecologic care No-incision female sterilization Management of abnormal bleeding Minimally invasive surgery and hysterectomy alternatives Specialty obstetrical care including management of high-risk pregnancies
PAGE 16 • THE NICKEL • FEBRUARY 5, 2015 • 2117 SOUTH 6TH STREET, KLAMATH FALLS, OR 97601 • (541)883-2292 • FAX (541)882-7716
2191 South 6th Street, Klamath Falls, OR 97601 • 541-882-2886
Buy Now, Pay Later with Taxes! First Time Buyers Welcome!
Save your $torage Fees! New 10x12 shed No Delivery or Set-Up fee's Built On-Site
Hobby Houses and Custom Sheds by Dan Bailey Construction, for only $2,049 - Limited Time Special within 25 miles of Klamath Falls
Includes 2x4 at 16” on center 3/4” OSB Flooring 30 year Architectural Shingles Primed Spruce Wood Trim Movable with 4x4 PT Runners Standard door for Basic Sheds SmartSide T-111 Siding
Wall Mirrors Very Nice Black Temper GlassTV Stand TV Recliners Chest of Drawers Twin Bed Fans 18' Inboard Boat Motor & Trailer, Includes 3 new Swivel Seats, $1,500. 2006 left fenders of GMC, $100. 72x48 Double Pane Slider Panel Window, Aragon Gas Filled, Brand New Call 541-892-6990
(2) Males: 2-Tan, (1) Female-Tan; Born August 5th, Second Shots, Semi Paper Trained, Healthy & Active, Socialized with Other Dogs, $75. Call Gary or Jude at 541-533-0971 or Text 541-990-7278. JACKRUSSELL PUPPIES FOR SALE 2 females for $350 each & 2 males for $300 each Will be ready on 1/21/1. Call (541) 891-2958
320 S. 7th Klamath Falls, OR 97601
**New hours** Mon., Wed., Thurs., Fri., 9-6 Tue., 8-6
**New services** 541-205-3928 dogdaycare@ theruffhousekf.com
Oregon License #75230 Other Sizes available Upgrade with optional windows, doors, ramps, shelving, roofing or siding type We've moved! 3808 Hwy 39, next to KCC 541-883-5867
Woodworkers! 2005 Shop Smith with table saw, disc sander, band saw, drum sander, drill press, wood lathe. Lots of accessories for disc sander, drum sander and table saw. Very nice condition, $1,250. Will trade for guns! Price this machine, new is approx. $3,500. 541-884-9494 before 7 pm.
ACROSS 1. 4. 8. 13. 17. 19. 20. 21. 22.
26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 32. 34. 36. 37. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 56. 58. 60. 61.
Fundamentals Where Athens and London are Flower stem Seniors’ dance Ranid Bitter Role in opera Candy bar brand Poured; instructed; struggled Cat collection Balanced Elbow Prehistoric tool Made public NT book Pearly substance Elemental gas Lodged, as troops -- Lomond Ocean creature Old gold coin Mineral Supplying guns; hurting; delightful Fr. woman Like some leaves “-- -- You Babe” Role in “Casablanca” Travel essential Anglo- -Plebes Headland Black and shiny
62. 63. 66. 67.
AKC German Shorthaired Pointer Puppies. Parents on site. 541-531-2040 FREE TO GOOD HOME: Two 9-month old female German Shepherd / Lab & Border Collie Cross. Housebroke, know commands, loving, loyal & playful, have shots and are dewormed. Had hoped to keep them, but the momma wants to know when they are moving out! Call 541-591-5459.
Sell it fast in The Nickel!
Drug plant Mexican fare Greek letters Fence for defense 71. Roman deity 72. “Star Trek” lieutenant 73. Brother of Moses 74. Cal. abbr. 75. Tore; stumbled; denuded 81. Somebody 82. Chimp relative 83. Hogback cousin 84. Apollo’s mother 85. Kiddies 87. Wading bird 88. Noggins 90. -- -de-camp 91. Moment 92. Soft mineral 93. Goddess of the hunt 96. Oven 97. Uneasiness 100. Coda; unsettled; -- spree 106. Discord personified 107. Snow leopard 108. Prisons 109. Hodgepodge 110. Noctuid 111. Animal in Rotterdam 112. Chooses 113. -- lot
DOWN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 18. 19. 23. 24. 25. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 46. 47. 48. 49.
A cont. Bric-a- -Wind Group of players Mister, in Mannheim Savings vehicle: Abbr. Japanese sash Tyler or Seagal Enciphered Org. Abbr. in math Corn spike Western tribe member Split One of the states: Abbr. Manner Ristorante fare Mix up America’s Cup shape Orange essence Horn Rail for dance students Palindrome name Strength Teatro -- Scala Role for Callas Summits Cook Carbonara ingredient Sheer fabric Pioneer of Dadaism French artist Torchiere Disagreeable duty Exhort: 2 wds. Plane anagram Search in darkness Forbids -- touch
Pure Bred English Bulldog Puppies For Sale, 1-Female, 2-Males, Brindle & White, $1,500 each, 541-810-3970.
Yorkie Puppies 2 females - $400 each 1 male - $350 541-880-6667 (Bly, Oregon)
WHERE TO calls at The Nickel for Display Sales: Beverly Schuster 541-880-4334 Danielle Mays 541-892-5131 Victor Jackson 541-880-3893 For Classifieds call 541-883-2292 55. Cliff 56. Stopped slouching: 2 wds 57. Gardner of movies 58. Tone 59. Blackberry drupes 61. Faith: Abbr. 62. -- blanche 63. Fortuneteller’s specialty 64. -- acid 65. Was gloomy 66. Reduces to ash 67. Fake gems 68. Mecca for skiers 69. Two twosomes 70. Within: Prefix 72. -- decisis 73. Expert 76. Carried by the wind 77. -- Scott 78. Pressed sandwiches 79. -- go bragh! 80. Domingo of opera 86. Pastry 87. Join with liquid metal 88. Bundles 89. Dash 91. -- -nez 92. Some recordings 93. Judge 94. Japanese box 95. Passage underground 96. Superman, at work 97. Mil. rank 98. Domed structure 99. Blyton or Bagnold 101. Gel 102. Lay 103. Another mil. rank 104. Lacuna 105. -- -awful
Call Tom! 831-682-4491.
Dog Daycare Available
Overnight Boarding
Do You Need Your Gutters Cleaned, Yardwork Done, Or Have Other Misc. Maintenance Tasks That You Need Taken Care Of?
HEALING A BROKEN MARRIAGE is the topic at “La Bergerie” support group meeting every Monday in February from 10:00 AM to 12 Noon at the Lutheran Retirement Village's LOUNGE located at 2314 Homedale Road, Klamath Falls, OR Office Hours: Monday – Thursday AM Only (541) 883-0309 www.satelliteevangelism.com/josettes
BURROWING RODENTS? Moles, Gophers, Ground Squirrels Gopher Buster's Methods Are Safe For Children, Pets, Landscaping, Crops & The Environment. 541-331-2404 Commercial • Residential Ranch • Farm • Public Lands gopherbusters@live.com
FIVE WAYS to Place a Classified Ad With Us: 1)walk in, 2) mail it in, 3)call it in, 4)fax it in, 5)online. Place your ad today. Phone 541-883-2292, Fax 541882-7716.
Support Local Veterans! The Veteran's Enrichment Center Needs Donations of: Gently Used Twin Beds Washer / Dryers Fridge / Freezers Call Tammi @ 541-331-9975 www.veteransenrichmentcenter.org
T he Nicke l se r ve s A ltur a s, Beatty, Bly, Bonanza, Chemult, Chiloquin, Dairy, Dorris, Fort Klamath, Keno, Lakeview, Macdoel, Malin, Merrill, Midland, Mt. Hebron, Rocky Point, Sprague River, and Tulelake, as well as Klamath Falls.
CROSSWORD THEME Add-A-Letter by James Barrick
CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: TUESDAYS, 11:00 AM • DISPLAY DEADLINE: MONDAYS, 3:30 PM • www.klamathfallsnickel.com • FEBRUARY 5, 2015 • THE NICKEL • PAGE 17
The word “impossible” contains the word “possible.”
People buy some papers to read; They read The Nickel to BUY!
–Mr. Spock, Star Trek
Pork Loin Dinner $12 per person Saturday, February 14 5:30 pm - Happy Hour 6 pm – 7 pm - Dinner
Beverly Schuster
Tickets on sale until 2/10/15 515 Klamath Ave. 541-882-0057
cell: (541)880-4334 | desk: (541)850-6332
Display Account Executive
No door sales.
Help the Pet Population Problem!
The Marketplace of the Community
Have your Pet
Spayed or Neutered! TOP OF THE LINE MARTIAL ARTS SYSTEMBody Style Instruction. Learn Useful Self-Defense Techniques While Using Healthy Warm-ups & Exercise. Flowing Techniques Such As Wings of Silk and Captured Twigs, Gift in Return & Buckling Branch. QUALIFICATIONS: US Marine 1969, Original Black Belt Hall of Fame, PHD Asian Martial Arts, 7th Degree in Universal Kenpo Kung Fu, th 7 Degree EKKA, 6th Degree in LIMA LAMA, 6th Degree in Tai Liu Chuan Fa. Ruggedly Handsome! Search American Kempo at: http://kocylakarate.wix.com/ kocylakarate
New Patient Special
$11900 Includes: • Cleaning • Complete Exam • Full Mouth X-Ray (value $308)
5232 South 6th Street • Klamath Falls • (541) 884-9339 Fred Daum D.M.D.
Ladies Night Out! Back By Popular Demand! The Moose Lodge Presents
“The Chub N’ Dales” 1577 Oak Avenue
(Corner of Oak and Spring, next to Amtrak)
Two Great Shows
Saturday, February 7, 8pm Saturday, February 21, 8pm
Due to High Demand and Limited Seating, Prepaid Tickets Only! Tickets $10.00 each Call Jackie for info and ticket reservation 541.891.7519 ~No one under 18 permitted~
Buy Now, Pay Later with Taxes! First Time Buyers Welcome!
Klamath Dental Care, Inc.
It Works!
*New Patients Only Expires Feb 28, 2015
5225 Washburn Way Klamath Falls, OR 541-850-8224 Master John Kocyla 8th Degree, 5x International Champion (cell) 541-892-1948 & Sensei Robyn Kocyla rd 3 Degree (cell) 541-892-1964
Valentines Day Dinner & Dance at the VFW
2191 South 6th Street, Klamath Falls, OR 97601 • 541-882-2886
Kocyla Karate American Kenpo
PAGE 18 • THE NICKEL • FEBRUARY 5, 2015 • 2117 SOUTH 6TH STREET, KLAMATH FALLS, OR 97601 • (541)883-2292 • FAX (541)882-7716
2191 South 6th Street, Klamath Falls, OR 97601 • 541-882-2886
Buy Now, Pay Later with Taxes! First Time Buyers Welcome!
Oh, Most Beautiful Flower of Mt. Carmel, Fruitful Vine, Splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God: Im-
LOOKING FOR “SINGLES” Come & enjoy a Valentine's - theme Potluck with the K.I.S.S. Group, (Klamath Independent Social Singles, -1st and oldest Single's Group in this town). WHEN: Saturday, February 7th, 5:30 pm WHERE: 4th and Pine, brick building on the corner - by the Veterans' Office (old Dog Control Office). Bill Palmer will be singing & playing his guitar for us. HOPE TO MEET YOU THERE! 541-882-8949
maculate virgin assist me in my necessity. Oh, Star of the Sea, help me and show me you are my mother. Oh Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly besit you from the bottom of my heart to succor me and my necessity. (Mention your request here). There are none that can withstand your power (Oh, Holy Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who recourse to thee- 3X's). (Holy Mary, I place this prayer in your hands- 3x's) Amen. Say Our Father, Hail Mary & Glory Be. Say this prayer for 3 consecutive days. Then you must publish it.
Please Help Support Local Teen To Go To L.A.!!! Henley Jr. High Student Shianne Baker Has Been Selected To Go To An iPOP Talent Convention In July For Acting & Modeling, Where She Will Get The Chance To Meet Up To 150 Agents & Possibly Get Chosen To Be On Disney! We Are Collecting Cans & Bottles Now Through April. Any Donations Will Help. Shianne & Her Family Thank You For Your Support! Please Contact Cassie, 541-273-1358.
Buy, Sell or just Browse with The Nickel.
2117 South 6th Street Klamath Falls, OR 97601 541-883-2292 • FAX 541-882-7716
Display Ad Deadline:
New copy Monday at 5pm, corrections Tuesday, 10am.
GENERAL MERCHANDISE: $11 for 1 week, $21 for 3 weeks, $36 for 4 weeks. Includes border, B/W photo, 3-50 lines, New Today banner. (Color photo addt’l $3.)
It Works!
Affordable Rates!
Classified Deadline is Tuesday @ 11:00 am. Place your ad early to avoid the Tuesday rush.
SPORTING GOODS 26” mens mountain bike, 15 speed, good condition, $75 obo. 541-892-4088
Shell Brass Reloading Supplies Reloading Equipment Firearms 541-891-7600
Mike's RV & Eddy's Great Outdoors Parts, Repairs, Storage, Consignments Wanted. We sell your used RV at no cost to you! We can haul to lot. New 2015 Springdale & Passport Travel Trailers Super Sale thru Jan. Priced just $250 over our cost for models in stock. All models have all season construction plus Passport has all aluminum frame tow to 36' w/ ½ ton. LEER Canopy Sale, go online leer.com for factory direct discounts & free installation ,over $200 savings. Enclosed cargo trailers $50 over our cost 4x6 - $1355.25, 5x8 - $1706 6x12 - $2499.50 w/ ramp 7x14 - $3758.75 w/ ramp 8x16 - $4460.25 loaded w/ ramp, jacks, vents, etc. 8-1/2x20 $5982 w/ramp, 4 tie downs, jacks, etc. Open utility trailers $50 over our cost. 5x8-$993, 5x10 - $1062 6x10-$1154, 6-1/2x12-$1299 6-1/2x14 w/ ramp, $1399 7x16 car hauler, $2358.75 Fixer upper 12x65 mobile home, option to buy, $2,000 pay like rent or $1,500 cash. 24' used trailer $1995 or live in and pay off like rent, $445 includes space trailer, w/s & electric See at Mike Eddy's RV Open Mon – Fri, 8am-5pm Sat/Sun, 10am - 3pm 7350 Southside Bypass 541-273-1111, 281-0146
AUTO PARTS & ACCESSORIES 1990 7.3 Ford Diesel Motor Complete, $800 OBO, 530-227-5700.
cell: (541)880-3893 | desk: (541)850-6333
The Marketplace of the Community www.klamathfallsnickel.com
Primary Health Care
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The Nickel reserves the right to refuse, edit or omit any portion of any ad. We will not be responsible for the authenticity and/or the reliability of any advertisement in this publication.
2005 Arctic Fox 5th Wheel, 21 Ft. With Hitch, Clean, $12,000, 541-891-0327.
Display Account Executive
ADDITIONAL CHARGES FOR: bold words, color, underline, italics, additional photos.
If an error occurs in your classified ad, please notify us immediately. We are responsible for only one incorrect insertion. We will credit your account for the amount of the ad for 1 week only.
Victor Jackson
WEBSITE CHARGE: included in pricing.
The Nickel cannot guarantee specific page or location placement of any ad.
Large Handmade Gun Cabinet, Very Nice, $25, 541-882-4842.
WANTED: Tube Type Ham Radios, Call 541-591-0690.
REAL ESTATE FOR SALE & RENTALS: Ask your Classified Ad-visor for our new great pricing.
Publication must be promised St. Jude pray for us all who invoke your aid. Amen. This Novena has never been know to fail. This Novena must be said for 9 consecutive days.
WANTED: Small Diesel Pickup, prefer Toyota, Chevy Luv or Isuzu Pup, but will consider other makes, all conditions considered, running or not, have cash and will pay a fair price, 503-805-2684.
YARD SALES: Individual sale; 1”-$12, 2”-$18, 3”-$23, 4”-$28. Commercial/ Community (multi-family ad); 1”-$20, 2”-$25, 3”-$30, 4”-$35.
ONLINE PLACEMENT Monday, 5:30pm.
Say three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys and Glorias.
Klamath Falls and Sprague River Areas
BASIC VEHICLE AD: $11 for 1 week, $21 for 3 weeks, $36 for 4 weeks. Includes border, 3-50 lines, New Today banner (no photo.)
Deer Hanger, $10 OBO, 541-882-4842.
DEALS ON WHEELS: 1x3” ad, $15 for 1 week, $28 for 2 weeks. Dealer Deals on Wheels: $20 for 1 week, $33 for 2 weeks. Includes color photo and border.
St. Jude Oh, Holy St. Jude, Apostle, Martyr, and great in virtue and rich in miracles, near kinsman of Jesus Christ, faithful intercessor of all who invoke your special patronage in time of need: to you I have recourse from the depth of my heart and humbly beg whom God has given such great power to come to my assistance. Help me in my present urgent petition. In return, I promise to make your name known and cause you to be invoked.
Mens 26” 10 speed mountain bike, $50 obo. 541-892-4088
Snowblowing, Snow Removal, & Chainsaw Chain Sharpening
DEADLINE Tuesday, 11am.
• Immunizations • Sports, DOT Physicals • Immediate Care (Suturing, Biopsy, Casting)
Flu Sho ts Now Availab le
• Insertion and removal of: ~ Implanon ~ Nexplanon
• Women’s Health Care • Well Child Check-ups
The Merrill Clinic The Bonanza Clinic 125 North Lincoln Street, Merrill, OR 541-798-5073 & 541-798-5074 M-F 9am - 1:30pm, Sat 9am - 1pm
31863 Highway 70, Bonanza, OR 541-545-1820 & 541-545-1821 M-F 2pm - 6pm
X-Ray Facility Available at Both Locations
Michael A. Sheets, FNP
Family-Centered Primary Health Care
CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: TUESDAYS, 11:00 AM • DISPLAY DEADLINE: MONDAYS, 3:30 PM • www.klamathfallsnickel.com • FEBRUARY 5, 2015 • THE NICKEL • PAGE 19
3-Bridgestone Tires, P225/65R17, like new, asking $50 each. 541-274-0889
$ CASH $
541-892-1996 Parting Out 1989 Chevy Pickup, No Engine, No Transmission, 541-417-1430.
1996 Logan Competitor Coach 4-Horse Trailer, BP, Slant Load w/ Dressing Tack Room, $4,000 OBO, NOW $3,800,
Moving/Therapy Sale at People's Warehouse by Renee Howard
For Dead Cars 541-882-7978 541-885-2457
One Stop Auto Wreckers 1997 Chevy 4x4 automatic, 350 Vortec, all power. 541-591-2677
1425 S. 6th St. Saturday, February 7 9 am – 1 pm
Transmission 700R4, fresh built, fits BB/SB Chev, $800. 541-851-0570
When Every Nickel Counts, Count on
FOR SALE: ATV / Utility Trailer, 5'x10', 2' Sides Lined With Stretched Metal, $1,200 OBO, 541-281-8851.
Danielle Mays Display Account Executive
MOVING SALE Friday, Saturday, Sunday February 6th, 7th , 8th 8 am – 5 pm
cell: (541)892-5131 | desk: (541)850-6334
3102 Patterson St.
CARS 1999 Chevy Cavalier, auto, air, new tires, great gas mileage. Looks and runs good, $1,800. 541-891-4616
$3,500 OBO,
ENGINE KITS Includes Rings, Rod Bearings, Gasket Set, Pistons, Main Bearings, Cam Bearings, Oil Pump, Freeze Plugs, Pin Bushings, Camshaft, Lifters. 350 Chevy - $287.99 351 Ford - $348.51 454 Chevy - $628.98 7.3 Powerstroke Diesel $1,241.00 Chevy Duramax Diesel $1,956.27
2001 Chevy Silverado 1500
Never leave a child or an animal in an unattended vehicle. A friendly reminder from The Nickel.
The Marketplace of the Community www.klamathfallsnickel.com
Hard Leer camper shell, very clean, great service record. 240K. $6,000 541-892-5632
50% OFF Mondays! Support a Local Veteran. Quality Automotive Repairs at a GREAT price! I am an ASE Certified Technician with over 10-years experience and I want to be your technician. Together we can create a customer / technician relationship built on trust. I offer a 1-year warranty on all repairs + FREE towing within city limits to my shop. With that guarantee, rest assured you will never be stranded again! Call or Text, Day or Night, I'm here to answer all your questions,
(541) 891-4226.
SUV / 4 WHEEL DRIVE Military surplus '86 Blazer, diesel with ¼ ton Jeep trailer, $1,850. Call 541-533-3163 or 541-892-5037
1973 GMC ¾ ton truck with 1969 396 engine, all new, has 1,800 miles on motor. Want $2,500 for motor only or $3,000 for whole truck. OBO. 541-533-2736 1994 1/2 Ton Ford Pickup, 6-Cylinder, 5-Speed, $2,500, 541-417-1430.
2009 Ford Crown Victoria 148,694 Miles, runs Good and Looks good, V8 Engine, Has Power Steering, Power Brakes, Power Windows, AC, AM/FM Stereo, Tinted Glass, $3,000 OBO NOW REDUCED: $2,600
Laser Treatments for Secondary Cataracts, Diabetes, Glaucoma and Retina Repair Functional and Cosmetic Botox®
Jennifer Sparks O.D. Optometrist
Edwin Tuhy, O.D. Optometrist
Functional and Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery
Cataract Surgery including: ACRYSOF® Toric, Astigmatism Correcting IOL, Crystalens®, Accommodating IOL EYELEA® (Aflibercept Injection) Lucentis® (Ranibizumab Injection) & Mark Fay, M.D. Physician/Surgeon of the Eye Avastin® (Bevacizumab Injection) for the treatment of Macular Degeneration
For Sale: 1999 Mercury Sable, white, 140K, new tires, new air conditioner. Runs excellent, $2,700 obo. 541-591-5428 or 541-5910563
AMAZING NEW SKID STEER post setting attachment! Are you a pole building contractor or set posts for a living? See this video! Visit: www.TheBrutPostGrabber.com 208-9646666.
Scott Stevens, M.D. Physician/Surgeon of the Eye
(Botulinum Toxin Type A)
Routine Vision Exams Optical Goods Complete Medical Eye Care
Outpatient Surgery in Association with Klamath Surgery Center
Klamath Surgery Center specializes in outpatient surgery. Our patients enjoy many advantages including personalized service, excellent medical care, comfortable, convenient facilities and low costs.
2640 Biehn St., Suite 3 Klamath Falls, OR 97601
Buy Now, Pay Later with Taxes! First Time Buyers Welcome!
WANTED: Small Diesel Pickup, prefer Toyota, Chevy Luv or Isuzu Pup, but will consider other makes, all conditions considered, running or not, have cash and will pay a fair price, 503-805-2684.
2191 South 6th Street, Klamath Falls, OR 97601 • 541-882-2886
CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: TUESDAYS, 11:00 AM • DISPLAY DEADLINE: MONDAYS, 3:30 PM • www.klamathfallsnickel.com • FEBRUARY 5, 2015 • THE NICKEL • PAGE 21
Celebrate Your Love on
Valentine’s Day February 5, 2015
Come and Experience our Rustic, Elegant, John Wayne Atmosphere.
Romantic Valentine’s Weekend t only a ! er’s Roost
Thursday, Feb 12thSunday, Feb 15th
Enjoy a Side-By-Side Massage with your Valentine By Mr & Mrs Massage Steve & SueEllen Hobbs 1 Hour Side-By-Side Massage $110 1 Hour Massage $60
We serve only... Certified Angus Beef Fresh Pacific Seafood Premium Lamb Chops
Valentine Gift Cards Available
Fresh Produce Daily Extensive Wine List Full Bar
Call for your appointment
Downtown Klamath Falls 205 Main Street
2967 Washburn Way, Suite B (Next to Domino’s)
PAGE 22 • THE NICKEL • FEBRUARY 5, 2015 • 2117 SOUTH 6TH STREET, KLAMATH FALLS, OR 97601 • (541)883-2292 • FAX (541)882-7716
Greeting card history and etiquette
Billions of greeting cards are sold and exchanged each year, and Valentine’s Day is one of the most popular days of the year to give a loved one a greeting card. The Greeting Card Association says 145 million Valentine’s Day units are sold in the United States each year. The association says seven out of 10 surveyed card buyers consider greeting cards to be essential to them, and are passing on the greeting card tradition to younger generations. Though the tradition of exchanging greeting cards is still going strong, few may know the history and etiquette behind this time-tested tradition.
Friday & Saturday February 13 & 14
Greeting card history
Supreme Fajitas for Two $ 95
Shrimp, Chicken or Beef with Rice & Beans
The tradition of exchanging greeting cards can be traced back to ancient China, where people exchanged messages of good will to celebrate the New Year. Over time, greeting cards were exchanged for various reasons, and by the 1850s greeting cards were transformed from handmade, expensive purchases to relatively affordable means of personal communication and well-wishing. Valentine’s Day greetings have been popular since the Middle Ages, when they were sung or spoken aloud to special people. Cards were popularized in the 1400s, and the oldest known Valentine created during this era is on display in the British Museum in London. Valentines were initially made by hand, but by the end of the 1800s, the process of making cards was handled by machinery. Esther Howland, an American printer and artist, was one of the first to publish and sell valentines in the United States. Yet it took a few more years for a card company to manufacture and distribute valentines.
Sending cards requires a little know-how. Start out with a high-quality card to show that you value the recipient. If you’re taking the time to send a greeting card, make sure it looks like you put some effort into its selection. Be sure your card list is continually updated with new addresses and contact information. If you do so regularly, it’s easier to send cards when the time comes. Ensure greeting cards will arrive on time by mailing them out a week or two before the special day. Few things are worse than a card arriving late and seeming like an afterthought. Address cards by hand and sign them personally. Although desktop printers can make fast work of card mailings, writing things out by hand is a special touch that indicates you care. Personal greeting cards for close friends and family members may also deserve an extra special touch, like including a custom message or a photograph. Greeting cards are about expressing sentiments to special people in your life. They’re popular on Valentine’s Day and all year long to commemorate holidays and special occasions.
Keeping cards
Authentic Mexican Restaurant
430 Main St • 541-850-8317
Although there are no rules governing just how long to keep and display a card, most people keep them for five to seven days. Some special occasion cards, such as milestone birthdays or religious rites of passage, may warrant holding on to the card for posterity. However, the length of time cards are kept is entirely at the discretion of the recipient.
Happy Valentine’s Day • Candy • Stuffed Animals • Cards • Gifts • Party Supplies
Howard’s Drugs More Than a Pharmacy
(541)947-2141 101 North “F” St., Lakeview Diamond Stud Earrings in 14K Gold variety of sizes and quality
Now 50% Off starting at
1769 Washburn Way 541-884-4946
Greeting card season continues through Valentine’s Day. Get the scoop on sending cards.
Feb 14th
New York Steak y Mas
Pollo Azado y Mas
Charcoal-broiled New York Steak with choice of Enchilada or Chile Relleno
Charcoal-broiled marinated chicken breast with choice of Enchilada or Chile Relleno.
$13.00 ea
$13.00 ea
Includes Rice & Beans, Tortillas, Soup or Salad
2322 Washburn Way
Have a Happy Valentine’s Day! Treat Your Sweetheart to Something Special From
Open Mon-Sat 8-6 5717 South 6th St. • 541-884-8430
CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: TUESDAYS, 11:00 AM • DISPLAY DEADLINE: MONDAYS, 3:30 PM • www.klamathfallsnickel.com • FEBRUARY 5, 2015 • THE NICKEL • PAGE 23
Cookies? Got it!!
Jewelry? Got it!!
Fun Collectibles? Got ‘em!! One Stop Shopping for Sweet Deals for Your Sweetheart!
“The Store You Can’t Ignore” Mon-Sat. 10-5
Surprise Your Sweetheart this Valentines Day! Quality Jewelry at Unbelievable Prices! Stop by Steve’s Place Pawn & Loan First!
“Friends You Can Trust” Mon-Fri 9:30-5:30 • Sat 10-3 60 Day Loans, Lower Rates
Show Your $Love 49 Sweetheart Steaks 12
Antique, Craft and Collectible Mall
195 East Main St. • Klamath Falls
730 E. Main St. 541-885-7724 Klamath Falls
Receive a
a lb.
FREE Box of Truffles with Purchase of Sweetheart Steak
7400 Kings Way (at the corner of Kings & Hwy 39)
www.DiamondSMeatCo.com Like us on facebook for specials & more!
PAGE 24 • THE NICKEL • FEBRUARY 5, 2015 • 2117 SOUTH 6TH STREET, KLAMATH FALLS, OR 97601 • (541)883-2292 • FAX (541)882-7716
t t c t fl V
El Palacio
a a t fl o o
f t
Come Join Us For a Special Valentine’s Dinner & Drinks Call Us To Make Your Reservations Early
We’ll Treat You Like Family Open 7 Days a Week
601 Main St. • 541-882-5118
Let Us Help You Make It A Very Special Valentine’s Day!
I believe in grooming differently I believe in developing a relationship with your dog built on compassion & trust
• Cards • Candy • Balloons • Stuffed Animals • Gifts
We Have It All!!
This process produces a happy, beautifully groomed dog!
Your Valentine Store
In Beautiful Downtown Lakeview
15 N. E St. • 541-947-3998
m o o r G pa S
Sensational Canine Styling
2609 Pershing Way • 541-882-3220
Next to Tower Drug
CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: TUESDAYS, 11:00 AM • DISPLAY DEADLINE: MONDAYS, 3:30 PM • www.klamathfallsnickel.com • FEBRUARY 5, 2015 • THE NICKEL • PAGE 25
Explore flower meanings for Valentine giving
Come mid-February, florist delivery trucks can be seen making the rounds through neighborhoods all across the country. Such trucks are transporting thousands of bouquets, plants and other floral arrangements that serve as gifts on Valentine’s Day. According to the Retail Advertising and Marketing Association, florists take in around $400 million in revenue on Valentine’s Day. Roses may be the most popular flower come Valentine’s Day, but many other blooms find their way into the hearts of excited celebrants as well. Flowers can be used to convey love, friendship, compassion, and desire. In Victorian times, flowers were given specific
Amaryllis: drama Anemone: fragility Apple Blossom: promise Aster: contentment Azalea: abundance Bachelor Button: anticipation Begonia: deep thinking Camellia: graciousness Carnation: pink: gratitude red: flashy striped: refusal white: remembrance yellow: cheerful Cosmos: peaceful Daffodil: chivalry Daisy: innocence Gardenia: joy Geranium: comfort Gladiolus: strength in character Heather: solitude Hyacinth: sincerity
meanings because only a few exotic flowers were readily available, and many of these meanings have withstood the test of time. Giving a type of flower that signifies you just want to be friends may not bode well for a relationship when the recipient was hoping for more. As a result, it pays to understand the subtle meaning of flowers to make gift-giving easier. The Society of American Florists has compiled the following list of flower meanings from various sources. But in spite of these meanings, keep in mind you can always work with a florist to design a personal arrangement that speaks directly to that special someone this Valentine’s Day.
Hydrangea: perseverance Iris: inspiration Jasmine: grace and elegance Lilac: first love Magnolia: dignity Marigold: desire for riches Orange Blossom: fertility Orchid: delicate beauty Pansy: loving thoughts Passion flower: passion Ranunculus: radiant Rose: pink: admiration/appreciation red: passionate love red and white: unity white: purity yellow: friendship Sunflower: adoration Sweetpea: shyness Wisteria: steadfast Zinnia: thoughts of friends
Join Us For Valentine’s Day Dinner
Dinner for Two
Choose from Prime Rib, Salmon, or Tender Ribs Comes with Salads, Dessert and 2 Complimentary Beverages
541-273-WING (9464) 3430 Washburn Way
Jewelers has the perfect gift for your Sweetheart!
r V t a a l e e h n t t e i n e e w s S B e a l skets b a r o d A starting at only $99
Each bask
et contains
Champagne, a Sing
$99 Basket includes a Sterling Heart Pendant $349 Basket includes a Blue/White Diamond Pendant & Matching Ring
! of Jewelry e c e i P l u f i t u a le Rose, See’s Truffes, a Cuddly Gorilla and a Be Champagne compliments of
Stop in today while selection is best. Limited number of Baskets available... so don’t wait!
$159 Basket includes a Sterling Silver Blue/White Diamond Ring Note: Tim may look slightly different in person.
701 Main Street • Downtown Klamath Falls • 541-884-1077
Roses compliments of
PAGE 26 • THE NICKEL • FEBRUARY 5, 2015 • 2117 SOUTH 6TH STREET, KLAMATH FALLS, OR 97601 • (541)883-2292 • FAX (541)882-7716
Romantic films to watch together this Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day Spceials
Heart-shaped Ribeye for Two Steak and Lobster Shrimp Scampi Prime Rib
3435 Washburn Way (across from Walmart)
541-883-2175 • RedsBBQandRoadhouse.com
Reservations Recommended
Couples celebrate Valentine’s Day in many different ways. For some the idea of dinner out followed by a stroll arm-in-arm seems the epitome of romance, while others may want to go out dancing or engage in a favorite hobby. Valentine’s Day also can be a romantic endeavor if a couple chooses to spend time at one with each other watching a romantic movie. The following are a handful of love-inspired movies that can add a special something to Valentine’s Day festivities. • The Notebook: Author Nicholas Sparks has a way of taking the everyday experiences in a person’s life and making them relatable and heartbreaking in a pluck-at-your-heartstrings sort of way. His novel “The Notebook” won the hearts of many and seemed a natural to be adapted to film. Starring Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams, the movie illustrates how love can last through the years and even survive an Alzheimer’s diagnosis. • The Proposal: In order to remain in the country, a demanding New Yorkbased book editor (Sandra Bullock) asks her brow-beaten assistant (Ryan Reynolds) to marry her. Their tumultuous relationship involves a trip to
Alaska to meet his family. • An Affair to Remember: Romantic melodramatic master Cary Grant falls in love with Deborah Kerr aboard a cruise ship while they are traveling with other people. They agree to meet at the top of the Empire State Building in six months if they have ended their relationships and are ready to commit to each other. Grant makes it to the rendezvous spot, but an injured Kerr never shows as Grant assumes she has rejected the proposal. • Say Anything: In pursuit of a woman he believes is out of his social league, Lloyd Dobler (John Cusack) creates hope for the underdog in us all. The movie inspired teens to raise their boom box radios over their heads and blast romantic tunes to illustrate their love. • The Wedding Singer: This quirky movie about a wedding singer who falls for a banquet waitress highlights the importance of loving each other for what makes you unique. • Once: Attraction between the main characters comes by way of creative musical collaboration. Music proves to be an aphrodisiac, making the film and the song “Falling Slowly” from its score so popular. This romantic
KLA-MO-YA Casino
Beach Beach Getaway Getaway PackaGe! PackaGe! DRAWINGS ON SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14TH 8PM-10PM Earn entries every time you play in February. Then join us for an evening of fun and food on Valentine’s Day.
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1-888-KLAMOYA (1-888-552-6692) www.klamoyacasino.com
CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: TUESDAYS, 11:00 AM • DISPLAY DEADLINE: MONDAYS, 3:30 PM • www.klamathfallsnickel.com • FEBRUARY 5, 2015 • THE NICKEL • PAGE 27
tale helped take the film from the big screen to the Broadway stage. • West Side Story: “West Side Story” is yet another homage to “Romeo and Juliet.” But the film made Shakespeare’s tragic love story relatable to audiences of the 1960s. • My Best Friend’s Wedding: Julianne (Julia Roberts) is called on to be the “best man” for her friend’s (Dermot Mulroney) wedding. Only when the wedding planning is underway does Julianne realize she is in love with her friend and needs to get him to fall for her instead. • Never Been Kissed: A reporter goes undercover at a high school to discover something controversial and ends up being the subject of her story when she falls in love with her English teacher. • Harold and Maude: A man in his twenties and a much older woman begin a romantic relationship and challenge social norms along the way. • Annie Hall: Winner of four Academy Awards, “Annie Hall” follows a comedian who is trying to maintain his relationship with a woman. • Bridget Jones’ Diary: A modern adaptation of “Pride and Prejudice,” the movie tells the tale of a self-conscious woman who finds love in a man that seems to be her polar opposite. • Ten Things I Hate About You: Film-
makers reinvented “The Taming of the Shrew” in this teen comedy starring Julia Stiles and Heath Ledger. • Casablanca: No romantic movie list would be complete without this wartime drama. Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman are in top form in this movie of chance meetings. • The Princess Bride: Girl meets boy, girl detests boy, girl truly loves boy, and then girl loses boy. This fairy tale shares the purity of true love and happily ever after.
30771 Hwy 97, Chiloquin
18 95
Valentine’s Day Special 8 oz.
New York Steak &
e Fre ert s ner s e D h Din
wit Cuddle up with someone you love, cue the streaming video service and enjoy a romantic film for Valentine’s Day.
6-7 oz.
Lobster Tail
served with Baked Potato and Choice of Soup or Salad, or Baked Beans and Corn
When you ride the bus... we know that you’ll
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PAGE 28 • THE NICKEL • FEBRUARY 5, 2015 • 2117 SOUTH 6TH STREET, KLAMATH FALLS, OR 97601 • (541)883-2292 • FAX (541)882-7716
Passport by Keystone
slide out, walk around bed, TV, large refrigerator, huge storage, walk around queen bed & MORE! OUR BEST SELLING FLOORPLAN! MSRP $24,117.85 1
LEFT AT $19,495! PASSPORT 2400
MSRP $26,019.77 1
super lite, full rear window, large dinette, loaded!
5x8 Single axlewith ramp $1,195 5x10 Single axle with ramp $1,295 6 1/2 x14 Single Axle with ramp $1,599 6 1/2 x 14 Quad Multi Purpose Single Axle with rear and side ramp $1,699 16’ CAR HAULER $2,499 18’ CAR HAULER $2,699
LEFT AT $16,595! PASSPORT 2510
super slide, this on has it all! fantastic for couples or families! MSRP $27,429.56 1
Ask Us A bout Tax Dedu ctions on Your N ew Trailer Purchase UTILTY TRAILERS
slide out, double full bunk, walk around queen bed with large flatscreen TV, loaded, electric awning, full of storage & MORE!
ys 7 Da a k Wee
Clearance Prices on all New 2014 Carg os 4x6 to 8 1 /2 x26 In Stock!
AMERICA ’S #1 Lightweig ht, All Aluminum Frame, Quality B uilt Travel Tra iler
MSRP $20,48.81 1
Easy Financing on Cargo & Utility Trailers
LEFT AT $22,995!
4x6 $1,345 5x8 $1,799 6x10 EXTRA TALL, rear doors $2,799 6x12 side door, rear doors & ramps $2,495 and up
6x12 tandem axle, side door, EXTRA TALL $3,895 and up 7x14 tandem axle, side door, rear ramp, EXTRA TALL, $4,199 and up 7x16 tandem axle, side door, rear ramp, rear jacks, EXTRA TALL $4,495 8 1/2 x 20 side door, rear ramp, tie downs, rear jacks & more $6,195 8 1/2 x 24 side door, rear ramp, beavertail, tie downs, 10K rated, & MORE $7,995 8 1/2 x 26 ABSOLUTELY LOADED! 10K RATED! $9,995
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Parts & Consignments
❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤❤ ❤ Clearance Sale ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ Purses • Aloha Shirts • Muumuus
Due to being closed most of December, we are offering sales to our loyal and dedicated customers
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Scrubs for All Sizes
T hank You For Your Support
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