Adopt A Pet From YOUR NEW KLAMATH ANIMAL SHELTER ♥ Built with love by YOU and YOUR COMMUNITY ♥ $1 at a time during the past 8 years. Debt-Free! 4240 Washburn Way • Phone: (541)884-PETS - (541)884-7387 Visit Pets Today Hours: Mon-Fri 10am - 4pm, Sat 10am - 2pm, Closed Sunday
WE ALWAYS NEED: Kitten and Puppy Food, Bleach, Laundry Detergent, Paper Towels, Toys and Treats. If the shelter is closed, please drop items at Double C for pick-up.
Female Border Collie/Pointer 2 Years This Pet Sponsored by: DOUBLE C & COFFEE “PAWS” 4141 Washburn Way 541-882-K9K9
Male Russian Blue Mix 1 Year
This Pet Sponsored by: DOUBLE C & COFFEE “PAWS” 4141 Washburn Way 541-882-K9K9 Please Send Your Tax Deductible HELP to Klamath Animal Shelter PO Box 482 Klamath Falls, OR 97601
Female, Domestic Mediumhair/Maine Coon 4 Years This Pet Sponsored by: Groom Spa 2609 Pershing Way 541-882-3220
Male, Neutered Boxer/Lab Mix 6 Years
This Pet Sponsored by: Spa Origin 2967 Washburn Way, Ste B 541-887-8999
Male Min Pin/Jack Russel 5 Years
Female Domestic Mediumhair 1 Year
This Pet Sponsored by: Tracks to Heaven Pet Cremation & Memorial DOUBLE C & COFFEE “PAWS” 2818 Laverne Ave. 4141 Washburn Way 541-891-5253 541-882-K9K9 This Pet Sponsored by:
Female Domestic Shorthair 10 Years
This Pet Sponsored by: Haseman Veterinary Service 30707 Hwy 97, Chiloquin, OR 541-783-2687
Male Border Collie Mix 2 Years
This Pet Sponsored by: DOUBLE C & COFFEE “PAWS” 4141 Washburn Way 541-882-K9K9
The building project is finished, but... The L♥ve and Care of the pets goes on forever. Think of the pets for planned giving. Pets freely give unconditional love, acceptance and friendship. PETS NEED YOUR HELP! Your donations provide care. You can make donations and see more pets at: