PAGE 20 • THE NICKEL • SEPTEMBER 4, 2014 • 2117 SOUTH 6TH STREET, KLAMATH FALLS, OR 97601 • (541)883-2292 • FAX (541)882-7716
2045 Arthur St.
Open Fridays for Meals & Transportation America’s #1 Lift Chair Would You Like a Lift? Lift Chairs Starting at $799
Several fabrics and colors to choose from
John 3:16
541.882.3217 Mon-Fri 9-6 • Sat 10-6
3250 Washburn Way, Klamath Falls OR
September, 2014 Weekly
Hot Lunches: Mon.–Fri. Balance and Stability Class NEW! Community Lounge Wed. Senior Center Friday
10:30am–11:30pm 11:30am-12:30pm and 12:30pm-1:30pm Billiard Room Open Mon.-Thurs. 8am–4:30pm Friday 9am–2:00pm Blood Pressure Machine: Mon.–Fri. in Lobby 9am–2:00pm Body Recall (Exercise): • Advanced/Beginners Classes 2 classes each day/Mon., Wed., Fri. 9–10am & 10:30–11:30am Body Recall (Exercise): Thurs. only 10:15-11:15am Book Club: Mon, Sept 8 12:00pm Creative Writing Club: Thurs, Sept 25 1:00pm-3:00pm Computers for Use by Seniors: Upon request Craft Group: Every Thursday 9am–11am Ballroom Dancing: Wednesdays 1:00pm-3:30pm Gift Shop: Mon.–Thurs. 10am–3pm, Fridays 10am-2pm 12:30pm–4pm Golden Age Club*: Cards & Bingo Mon. & Thurs. Klamath County Library Services Branch: Mondays & Fridays 9:30am-1:00pm and Thursdays 1:30pm-4:00pm Movies Monday, Sept 8: Redwood Highway 12:30pm Monday, Sept 22: People Like Us 12:30pm SHIBA Medicare Insurance Counseling, Prescription Drug Eligibility Assistance: By appointment Tai Chi Class: Tuesdays 11:00am-Noon 1:00pm-2:00pm Veterans Social Club: Thursdays 10:00am-11:30am Gentle Yoga: NEW! Tuesdays 10:30am-11:30am at the Community Lounge
541-883-7171 Call The Nickel at
CHAPEL OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD “The Different Funeral Home”
“The best way to cheer yourself is to cheer somebody else.”
From the Davenport Family 2680 Memorial Dr • 541-883-3458
Call Today To learn More abouT us
Shasta View Retirement Center
Tuesday, Sept 16th, 1:00pm Elmer's Restaurant
Tuesday, Sept 9th, 11:30am
Thursday, September 18th, 9am-3pm
We offer affordable senior living
AARP Safe Driving Course Coming Again in October - date TBA
We offer 1 Bedrooms & 1 Bedroom Deluxes
Sponsored by Atrio Health Plans
Volunteers Wanted - Call Pat Harris @ 541-883-7171 ext 113 for more information
The Center offices are open Monday through Thursday from 7:30am to 4:30pm. Open Fridays for Meals & Transportation 9:00am to 2:00pm
• Trips • Kla-Mo-Ya - Mondays, 10:15 am and Sundays, 2:15pm
541.882.1636 2210 Shallock Ave
Family Bingo Day: Sunday, November 16th KBSCC Bingo: Thursday & Saturday, Open at 4:30pm, Call at 6:00pm Paper Only Night: 2nd Thursday, Sept 11th Nickel Bingo: Every Saturday, Noon–3:30pm
Comfort, Quality and all the Rest…
Mon-Sat 10am-6pm 1204 Main Street, Klamath Falls, OR John 3:16
Ammenities Include: Meals Housekeeping Activities Transportation And MOST Important: A Loving Environment Call Rudy for Your Monthly Special!
541-882-7009 151 N. Williams Ave
Exams, Glasses & Medical Eye Care New patients welcome.
2640 Biehn St., Suite 3 Klamath Falls, OR 97601
What used to be the “golden years” of life for seniors is now turning into any opportunity to spend even more time with their youngest family members. Nowadays, a growing number of grandparents are called on to provide child care for their grandkids, many of whom are growing up in two-income households. Others are helping to raise grandkids while providing financial assistance for adult children who may not be able to live on their own. This trend has been corroborated in a few recent studies. Information from the Pew Research Center showed 7.7 million children in the United States were living in the same household as one of their grandparents in 2011. A University of Chicago analysis of a decade of data based on interviews with 13,614 grandparents, ages 50 and older, found that 61 percent of grandparents provided at least 50 hours of care for their grandchildren during any given year between 1998 and 2008. And an April 2012 study for the MetLife Mature Market Institute and the nonprofit Generations United, an intergenerational policy group, found that 74 percent of respondents provided weekly child care or babysitting service for grandkids. Grandparents often cite helping their own children financially as well as staying in touch with grandchildren as motivating factors behind providing care. According to Generations United, staying in touch with grandkids can give seniors a feeling of self-worth and improve their overall health. When spending so much time together, grandparents may develop special relationships with their grandchildren, who may benefit from the knowledge and wisdom offered by their elders. The following are some lessons grandparents can share with youngsters. • Empathy: By sharing stories of how things were when they were younger, when opportunities may have been more scarce, grandparents can help teach grandchildren empathy. Grandchildren may learn to be grateful for the things they have and the people around them, rather than taking what they have for granted. • Family history: Grandparents can tell grandchildren about family members, including youngsters’ own parents, and shed light on the generations that came before them. Looking through photos or watching old movies can provide the avenue by which to start conversations about family history and give children opportunities to ask questions. • Interests: Children may be excited about learning new skills or hobbies taught to them by their grandparents. Anything from gardening to woodworking can be shared. • Respect: Children who grow up respecting their grandparents may have an increased tendency to respect authority figures outside their homes, which may help kids grow up to be more courteous and kind. Grandchildren also offer benefits to their grandparents. Companionship, new experiences and conversation can help keep grandparents’ minds sharp and bodies active well into their golden years.
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VISIT US ONLINE 2909 Daggett Ave., Ste. 250 Klamath Falls Every day is a great day at Quail Park at Crystal Terrace. Come take a tour and have lunch with us.
ACT NOW! Only 3 cottages left. Call Paula Quinn at 541.892.1177 for details on how to save $1000 off your first three months rent. $2600-$2800 per month includes all amenities!
1000 Town Center Drive 541.885.7250|
AUDIOLOGY - Hear Again
& Klamath Cremation Service serving the Klamath Basin since 1905
dignity. trust. peace of mind.
515 Pine St., Klamath Falls, OR 97601 • 541-884-3456
The newest hearing aids for the best price. See Elizabeth about your hearing...
541liz u. (corner of Shasta Way and Dayton) abet h Dare, A
E Nurse Owned and Operated
The Senior Center is open for the following bingo sessions!
Bedroom Gallery
1401 bryanT WilliaMs drive KlaMaTh Falls WWW.MarquisCoMpanies.CoM
Thursday, Sept 11th, 1:30pm
Flu Shot Clinic and Health Fair
Community Lounge, Pine St
September Birthdays:
Bond between grandparents and grandkids benefits both
Get In and Out of Bed A Lot Easier!
J.D. Howell
Parkinson’s Support Group
September, 2014
2045 Arthur St.
to place your ad
KBSCC Board of Directors: Wednesday, Sept 24th 10:00am-12:00pm KBSCC Senior Advisory Council: Sept 18th 9:00am-10:00am Hearing Aid Check: Thursday, Sept 18th, 10:15am-12:00pm MS Support Group: 541-884-9112
Klamath County Senior Services & Activities
Klamath County Senior Services & Activities