PAGE 12 • THE NICKEL • OCTOBER 2, 2014 • 2117 SOUTH 6TH STREET, KLAMATH FALLS, OR 97601 • (541)883-2292 • FAX (541)882-7716
Klamath County Senior Services & Activities
Open Fridays for Meals & Transportation America’s #1 Lift Chair Would You Like a Lift? Lift Chairs Starting at $799
Several fabrics and colors to choose from
John 3:16
541.882.3217 Mon-Fri 9-6 • Sat 10-6
3250 Washburn Way, Klamath Falls OR
October, 2014 Weekly
Hot Lunches: Mon.–Fri. 11:30am–12:30pm Balance and Stability Class Community Lounge Wed. 10:30am–11:30pm Senior Center Friday 11:30am-12:30pm Billiard Room Open Mon.-Thurs. 8am–4:30pm Friday 9am–2:00pm Blood Pressure Machine: Mon.–Fri. in Lobby 9am–2:00pm Body Recall (Exercise): • Advanced/Beginners Classes 2 classes each day/Mon., Wed., Fri. 9–10am & 10:30–11:30am Body Recall (Exercise): Thurs. only 10:15-11:15am Book Club: Mon, Oct 13 12:00pm Creative Writing Club: Thurs, Oct 23 1:00pm-3:00pm Computers for Use by Seniors: Upon request Coming in November: One-on-One Computer Training by Appoinment Craft Group: Every Thursday 9am–11am Ballroom Dancing: Wednesdays 1:00pm-3:30pm Gift Shop: Mon.–Thurs. 10am–3pm, Fridays 10am-2pm Golden Age Club*: Cards & Bingo Mon. & Thurs. 12:30pm–4pm Klamath County Library Services Branch: Mondays & Fridays 9:30am-1:00pm and Thursdays 1:30pm-4:00pm Movies Monday, Oct 13: Flyboys 12:30pm Monday, Oct 27: Promised Land 12:30pm SHIBA Medicare Insurance Counseling, Prescription Drug Eligibility Assistance: By appointment Tai Chi Class: Tuesdays 11:00am-Noon 1:00pm-2:00pm Veterans Social Club: Thursdays 10:00am-11:30am Walk With Ease: NEW Mon, Wed, Fri 10:30am-11:30am ! PROGRAM Oct 6 - Nov 10 Gentle Yoga: Tuesdays 10:30am-11:30am at the Community Lounge
541-883-7171 Call The Nickel at
CHAPEL OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD “The Different Funeral Home”
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Shasta View Retirement Center
Thursday, Oct 16th, 1:30pm Tuesday, Oct 20th, 1:00pm
Elmer's Restaurant
Tuesday, Oct 14th, 11:30am
WAGS-The Impressionist Man October 8th, 11:30am-12:30pm
Singer Kathy Lynn Jones
October 29th, 11:30am-12:30pm
AARP Safe Driving Course October 4th Registration now open
Volunteers Wanted - Call Pat Harris @ 541-883-7171 ext 113 for more information
The Center offices are open Monday through Thursday from 7:30am to 4:30pm. Open Fridays for Meals & Transportation 9:00am to 2:00pm
• Trips • Kla-Mo-Ya - Mondays, 10:15 am and Sundays, 2:15pm Nurse Owned and Operated
Family Bingo Day: Sunday, November 16th KBSCC Bingo: Thursday & Saturday, Open at 4:30pm, Call at 6:00pm Paper Only Night: 2nd Thursday, Oct 9th Nickel Bingo: Every Saturday, Noon–3:30pm
Comfort, Quality and all the Rest…
Mon-Sat 10am-6pm 1204 Main Street, Klamath Falls, OR John 3:16
We offer affordable senior living
Exams, Glasses & Medical Eye Care New patients welcome.
We offer 1 Bedrooms & 1 Bedroom Deluxes Ammenities Include: Meals Housekeeping Activities Transportation And MOST Important: A Loving Environment Call Rudy for Your Monthly Special!
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Upon reaching a certain age, women go through the natural process of menopause. This change typically occurs when a woman reaches her late 40s or early 50s. The transition to menopause happens over several years and results in fluctuations of hormone levels in a woman’s body. During this transition, many women experience a variety of symptoms, from mood changes to hot flashes to vaginal dryness. These symptoms can be so severe they impact daily activities and can impede quality of life. Hormone replacement therapy, or HRT, may be prescribed to alleviate the side effects of perimenopause and menopause. However, HRT is not without risks, including an increased chance of developing breast cancer. According to The Mayo Clinic, HRT, which includes medications containing female hormones to replace the ones the body no longer makes naturally after menopause, used to be a standard treatment for women with severe symptoms. In the largest clinical trial to date, a combination estrogen-progestin pill was found to increase the risk of certain serious conditions, including blood clots, heart disease, stroke, and breast cancer. This type of therapy also may make a woman’s breasts appear more dense on mammograms, making breast cancer more difficult to detect. When undergone for more than a few years, HRT has been confirmed by multiple studies to increase the risk for breast cancer. Women concerned about HRT and cancer risk, especially those with a significant family history of breast cancer, generally want to avoid the use of hormone therapies. But what is a person who is experiencing many side effects of menopause that can be so easily remedied by hormone therapy to do? Research into HRT alternatives has discovered a host of natural treatments that can provide relief. Soy: Soy offers some promising results, especially with regard to relieving hot flashes. Soy is very high in phytoestrogens, or plant estrogens. Red clover and flaxseed are other sources of plant estrogens. Phytoestrogens are less potent than pharmaceutical estrogen, and scientists believe they do not contribute to breast cancer in the way natural or pharmaceutical estrogen may. Black cohosh: Black cohosh is a member of the buttercup family and is a perennial plant native to North America. Preparations of black cohosh are made from the roots and underground stems. Black cohosh has long been used by natives of North America to treat malaise, gynecological disorders, rheumatism and other conditions. Black cohosh is now sold as an herbal remedy to alleviate hot flashes and excessive sweating in menopausal women. The National Institutes of Health awarded more than $7 million to the University of Illinois to study the efficacy of black cohosh and other herbs in treating certain symptoms of menopause. Dong quai: This herb is in the celery family and native to Asia. In Chinese medicine, dong quai has been considered a “female ginseng” because of its way of balancing the female hormonal system. As such, dong quai has long been used to relieve the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and menopause. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, researchers are unsure if dong quai acts like estrogen or blocks estrogen in the body, as studies have produced mixed results. Lifestyle changes: Women may need to dress more lightly, use a water atomizer to spray their bodies to cool down and keep their bedrooms cold to alleviate hot flashes. Vaginal estrogen: If vaginal dryness and pain during intercourse are the primary symptoms, vaginal estrogen rings or suppositories may be necessary. These provide estrogen directly to the affected area while only allowing very low levels to enter the bloodstream. In turn, vaginal estrogen may not increase breast cancer risk in the same way as other hormone therapies. Hormone replacement therapy can alleviate menopausal symptoms, but also it can elevate breast cancer risk. Other options are available, and women can speak with their doctors about alternatives to HRT.
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Hormone replacement therapy can elevate breast NickelAd_1.5x3_ATRIO 3/28/12 1:58 PM menoPage 1 cancer risk and may not be an appropriate pause treatment ATRIO NICKEL AD for all women.
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541.882.1636 2210 Shallock Ave
The Senior Center is open for the following bingo sessions!
Bedroom Gallery
1401 bryanT WilliaMs drive KlaMaTh Falls WWW.MarquisCoMpanies.CoM
Community Lounge, Pine St
October Birthdays:
J.D. Howell
Parkinson’s Support Group
Menopause treatment and breast cancer risk
Get In and Out of Bed A Lot Easier!
to place your ad
KBSCC Board of Directors: Wednesday, Oct 29th 10:00am-12:00pm KBSCC Senior Advisory Council: Oct 16th 9:00am-10:00am Hearing Aid Check: Thursday, Oct 16th, 10:15am-12:00pm MS Support Group: 541-884-9112
October, 2014
2045 Arthur St.
541-884-4428 D.
2045 Arthur St.
Klamath County Senior Services & Activities
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1665 Dayton St