Star Child 16'x20' painted for Plaza Walls Mural Festival Oklahoma City OK 2022
Czr Prz is an urban contemporary artist working in sculptural fabrication, large-scale aerosol murals, and all manner of design.
Born and raised in working class Chicago, Prz’s 20 year creative career has spanned America all the way to Europe. Across their multifaceted media, Prz’s artworks tell stories in the folklorico tradition instilled by his Latino-Caribbean upbringing.
Prz recovered from Hodgkins Lymphoma in 2015, a battle that halted his trips abroad, resuming his creative practice without missing a beat. In the past year alone, Prz has painted murals for CATAN in Albany Park and Paint Memphis Fest in Tennessee. Prz’s fine art fabrication has shown at Modern Eden Gallery in San Francisco and Epiphany Center for the Arts, where he’s the curator behind Idol Hands, a group show centered around craft on view through Feb. 2022. Prz is also one half of Ava Grey, a creative firm based in Chicago’s South Side.
View more of Czr Prz's work at czr-prz.com
I broke up with that disgusting and dreadful monster 4-years-ago and I think about her every day.
I couldn’t help the temptation. The blissful period when the thoughts stopped swirling in my head was my muse. She was, without a doubt, the one that would always be there to comfort me when I needed her. I told myself at a young age that one day we would part. In actuality, I counted on the fact that I would forget that promise to myself one day and my relationship would last forever.
I thought I loved her, but I realized, not as quickly as I would have liked, that I was under a spell. That spell that she cast had a hold of me and would not allow my thoughts to wander too far away.
Many other people have had “relations” with this overbearing and smothering polygamist. Though she is very committed to seeing that your side of the relationship is followed through, she could care less about the expectations that any of us have had of her.
She is the epitome of everything I know, love, and hate with a passion. “But it’s been 4 years!” you say, and I hear it. I just can’t wash it away. Sadly, I believe it may have been true love…
My thoughts have shifted over time. I’ve invested in the “new” me. I noticed early that I judged myself constantly. I started to think that this must have been the way I’ve acted toward myself for the majority of my entire life. Who was I to judge?... Then I started to wonder why I would do this to myself. With that, of course, came more self-judgment.
I’ve entered into a new space, now that it’s been 4 years. This space does nothing to take me away from the love that I still feel in my heart for her. I can’t seem to shake that. However, I am doing my best to play an active role in creating more changes for the betterment of my life. This new level of clarity is definitely becoming the most psychologically challenging aspect of my growth. It’s just so hard to get away from that cold hearted beast.
I struggle with calibrating my thoughts to align with my actions. I see it with my mindseye, yet I cannot fix it. It feels electric. The vibrations and emotions that are flowing as you watch yourself behave as if you are no longer in control. It’s a very unusual and strange experience. I’m sure many of you can relate.
I’m told it’s just a phase. Another stepping stone to get away from attachments, which may lead me back to her. Even though, a lot of the time, I struggle to have any desire to lift my foot, in hopes she may call again.
For now I will replace my old Valentine, called addiction, with something a little more pleasant. The thought of what is to come. This keeps me going. I know that someday my relationship with her won’t be so rocky. Maybe then everything will be aligned.
The average Valentine date includes a gift, flowers, a nice meal, maybe wine, chocolates, and (hopefully) a little sexy time. For the newly coupled, this opportunity to lovebomb one another can feel giddy. For seasoned lovers, it can be a tool for reinvigorating romance. For the unattached, hopefully the heart-shaped holiday inspires a commitment to self-love. The indulgences of Valentine’s Day provide an excellent opportunity to acknowledge the heart’s desire but to do so, let’s have a brief (maybe true) history of Saint Valentine and the holiday as we know it.
Saint Valentine was the patron saint of epilepsy and beekeepers, which is a far cry from Cupid and chocolate truffles. It was around the circulation of Parlemont de Foules, a 14th century poem by Geoffery Chaucer, that the Roman saint became associated with love and mating. In the poem, the protagonist drifts to sleep and is escorted through the heavens to a “well of grace” beyond the gates guarding Venus’ celestial temple. Upon finally passing through the Goddess of Desire’s temple, the subject steps into a bright spring day to find Nature conducting a parliament of birds. Under Nature’s watch, a young bird is to choose her mate from three competitors. After some time, the formel requests that Nature allow her not to choose; Nature obliges and thus grants free will to the young formel.
In the wake of Chaucer’s poem, lovers began to send letters and poems to each other, with increased fervor during the Valentine’s season. Interesting that a poem identifying the nature of love and lust to be free will would generate the consumerist bonanza that we identify as Valentine’s Day in the 21st century. Everything is freaking pink and covered in hearts and even the most romantic among us must feel a slight roil of disgust at the onslaught of marketing campaigns aimed at coupledom, or more starkly – at the absence of coupling.
Whether blissfully (or even unwittingly) single or happy in love, Valentine’s Day should be a whimsical and fun way to feel a little passion. For cannabis enthusiasts, there is no better way to show love than with a healthy dose of THC. Enjoying any holiday, but particularly one so amorous, does require a supreme level of chill. To reduce anxiety, choose cannabis varietals that are rich in terpenes such as limonene, beta-caryophyllene, and linalool. You may be familiar with these terpenes and how aroma affects your mood when you recall lavender, vanilla, and pumpkin spice – all scents made with essential oils featuring the same terpenes.
To settle into your Valentine’s experience, you might consider an indica-dominant flower that carries limonene – a terpene that has been shown to reduce anxiety and increase focus. This combination can be found in Skywalker OG, an indica varietal that users state helps them get out of their heads and into their bodies without feeling foggy or too high. Other favorite varietals for amping up the love connection include Wedding Cake (caryophyllene) and Zkittles (linalool). For fellas looking to increase libido, try heady Gelato, rich in myrcene. Girl Scout Cookies is a varietal featuring linalool that has been reported to work particularly well for vaginal arousal.
Having fire flower is just the first step to a satisfying Valentine’s experience. Punctuate your evening with cannabis infused and derived treats for all of your senses. Pick up a mocktail kit from Mimosa Creek Mixology to get your cannabinoids in without getting high (or drunk). Feed your sweet tooth with any of the lickable spreads from Mystery Baking Company. Indulge your senses with a MariBliss Candle featuring terpenes and fragrances engineered to elevate your mood, a bath bomb from Feel This Skincare loaded with cannabinoids to nourish your skin, or a massage featuring any of the outstanding infused topicals available in the Oklahoma cannabis market.
Speaking of topicals, Bison Extracts, an Oklahoma processing company with a firm understanding of the power of terpenes introduced me to their infused lubricant. Their product, Liberation, was initially developed to treat polycystic ovarian syndrome, a painful condition that causes infertility. Owner Necole Cantu explained that Liberation was formulated with gynecological oversight to ensure that the full spectrum cannabis oil and proprietary essential oil blend are safe and effective for consumers who need relief from this impactful condition. As a secondary perk, users reported that the product encouraged sexual stimulation and lead to increase in libido. Of the number of lubricants surveyed for this article, Liberation was the easy winner for texture, scent, uptake time, duration, and clean up. The infused lubricant takes around 20 minutes to “kick in” and the increased arousal sensation lasted through climax.
Whether you’re showering your sweetheart with affection or focusing on your own needs this Valentine’s season, you can certainly find some amazing ways to incorporate cannabis. 7
Harnessing the Goddess energy that exists in all of us, through breath, movement, nature, and meditation.
Bailee is a guide, visionary, gatherer, mover, teacher, & a student of life. I’ve always admired what she’s created, the experiences she provides, through shining her light and turning inward, while listening to her own inner wisdom. Through her social media channels, she really gives you a visual insight with information on what she does through engaging Instagram captions, photos and videos that she puts her own divine touch on.
She’s a lightworker that’s all about connection. She’s paving the way for Reiki, Native Movement, natural health, and is so passionate about every aspect of it, here in Oklahoma.
Born and raised in the heart of Oklahoma, Bailee has devoted her life to studying the mind, body, spirit connection as well as the Traditional Medicine practices of her Cherokee + Choctaw ancestors. Throughout her career, she has gained professional experience in dance, yoga, energy medicine, somatic healing, natural health & more. She is a firm believer that the majority of our human suffering stems from the disconnect we have with our spiritual selves, with the land, with each other, and most importantly with the innate wisdom of our bodies.
Bailee offers regenerative healing, reiki sessions, somatic healing, native movement, private group sessions, ceremonies, trainings & retreats using these Four Pathways: Embodied Spirituality, The Fundamentals of Wholeness & Sustainability, The Sacred Language of Signs & Symbols, Connecting to the “Energy of Oneness” through the Heart for Holistic Healing and Nervous System Regulation.
Throughout her career, she has helped individuals reconnect to their own innate wisdom for healing, preventive health, vitality and well being for the mind, body and spirit.
“We are all just walking each other home” - Ram Dass
Her trauma informed approach is safe, open, gentle and nurturing. The philosophies and methodology she integrates into her offerings & teachings are rooted in & influenced by Zen & Tibetan Buddhism, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Native American Spirituality.
She’s such a natural and beautiful, free moving soul. She enjoys plant and energy medicine and is always motivating, inspiring, and pouring into so many.
Whatever sparks community and connection with people, is what she lives for. While giving people tools and practices for their own well being, Bailee expressed that the exchange is so special. I got to chat with her while she shared her heart, passion, and expertise.
Native Movement is a somatic practice centered around embodied spirituality. It is the creative force, innate and instinctual movement within each of us. It is an alchemizing, movement-based practice that helps one release or resolve stored emotions, stress, traumas & outdated beliefs in order to embody a desired state of being.
One that feels like truth, safety, expansion and liberation. We use the pillars of: Somatic Experiencing, Somatic Storytelling, Somatic Resourcing, & Somatic Integration to help us connect to and embody the authentic expression of our spiritual “soul” selves. Native Movement integrates multiple techniques & therapies into one practice. (Breathwork, Meditation, Writing, Improvisational Movement, Yoga, Touch, Aroma Therapy, & Sound). These somatic tools support our efforts to realign with our wholeness, aliveness, intuition, wisdom, power, purpose, joy, unique individuality, & loving essence.
Where did your passion form? Where did it stem from?
My passion formed when I quickly realized I was a sensitive & empathetic being at a young age. I saw a need for empathy, sensitivity & healing just from the state of the world. Over the years my passion for helping others has grown the more I have studied and learned about psycho-somatic illness and the healing modalities to support such imbalances. Now, I feel this passion has evolved into something greater than myself and I am just along for the ride, wherever it is meant to take me.
You pour into other people and show them different ways to heal. How do you fill your own cup up?
When I can intentionally spend quality time with just myself and my own energy doing the things that I love and that bring me joy & nourish me (i.e., meditation, writing, movement, plant medicine, getting out in nature, reading, eating good food, etc.,) that naturally fills up my cup and helps me stay energetically centered so I can engage with & support others without their energy influencing mine.
What is Reiki and what does this type of work look like? What are the benefits?
Reiki is an alternative relaxation therapy that uses handson-healing and works with the spiritually guided life-force energy within all living things. Reiki helps attune the mind, body, and emotional states of the individual to the frequency of “universal love, wholeness & oneness” or to the client’s desired intention. We are energetic beings who are alive and function because of this life-force energy. When this energy gets depleted, blocked, manipulated or imbalanced, dis-ease and illness can manifest in the body. Reiki does no harm and is a holistic therapy by nature because, in order to harmonize and align the energy of the individual, we have to work towards balancing the beliefs & thoughts in the mind, -- that directly influences our emotional states and so forth. Everything is all connected! Reiki empowers the client to connect to their own inner healer within. It benefits the nervous system through regulation, strengthens one’s immunity, increases vitality, and enhances self-awareness & spiritual connection overall. It is a great therapy for preventative health & is complimentary to conventional medical treatments.
Tell me about the work you’re doing at The Integris Cancer Institute.
I am one of the Practitioners for the Mindfulness & Meditation Program that takes place at the Integris Cancer Institute in the James L. Hall Center for Mind, Body & Spirit. This new program is the very first in the state of Oklahoma to offer several alternative therapies such as reiki, yoga nidra, somatics, sound healing and more alongside the patient’s conventional cancer treatment. I just started working there in November, providing reiki to the patients undergoing cancer treatment as well as those who are in remission. The program is still very new as it just started in the fall of 2022. I look forward to seeing how this program can continue to grow and influence modern medicine. I am just beyond grateful to be a part of something so groundbreaking!
Do you have any mentors that you look up to, that have inspired you?
I have many inspirations, elders, mentors & teachers (in person, from books & online) Danielle Laporte, Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, Anodea Judith, Debi Dunbar Mahoney, Sun Bear, Joe Dispenza, Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Sarah Blondin, and Stephanie Serafina to name a few..
Connecting to your own innate wisdom and coming home to yourself. What’s the simplest way to explain the concept of how to do this?
Anytime you can be fully present with yourself, taking some deep breaths with awareness of sensation, placing the hands gently on parts of the body that are carrying tension or moving your body in the way that it speaks to you, -- are some of the simplest ways to come home to yourself & connect with one’s own inner wisdom.
Tell me about Origins of Spirit and what you have going on there & the exciting things for 2023.
Origins of Spirit is a Lifestyle Brand, Holistic Wellness Studio, Community Event Space, Eco Market & Apothecary located in Bethany, Oklahoma. Myself & my business partner, Deanna are Co-Owners & Lead Facilitators. We both offer wellness services, classes & collaborate events in the space. For 2023, we are working on building our retail space & creating the upcoming product lines for our seasonal wellness kits. These kits help to support & nourish you during the transitions of the seasons. Give us a follow to learn more! -- @originsofspirit
How do you personally embody your own Divine Feminine?
I allow myself to soften more often. I allow myself to trust & surrender to the flow of life. I allow myself to be guided by my intuition vs. my analytical mind. I allow myself more opportunities for creativity & co-creation. I allow myself more time for play & rest without guilt. I allow myself to choose safety, beauty, & pleasure as my baseline over fear, comparison, & stress.
How have you created a life you love, on your own terms?
At a very young age, I was able to connect to my gifts of vision, creativity, curiosity, intuition & manifestation. I believe this life I have created thus far is because I was able to trust in and utilize those gifts early on. Sure, I also worked really hard for many years, did the corporate 9-5 thing with a side hustle while going to school part time and dancing professionally, accomplishing big dreams at a young age.
I quickly became burnt out and felt disconnected from my true self & purpose. I was living my life to please others. I found myself often questioning who am I in this world and what do I want to do with this one precious life of mine? Since then, I have been on a journey to reframe the way I think of success, work, hustle culture & how I go about achieving what I desire.
Creating my life will always be on my own terms and always has been. I think when we can recognize the true power we hold as humans to manifest our lives, everything shifts and we stop comparing & living for the validation of others, and we start living from the wisdom & intention of our hearts. I love my life, every aspect of it. The good, the bad, the ugly, the exceptional. I think I will forever be creating it & falling in love with it repeatedly until I take my last breath. I think the secret to truly enjoying & loving the life you are living is to feel worthy of it, slow down & be present with it, make it sacred & show gratitude for it. That keeps you in a place of receiving, divine trust and abundance no matter what life throws at you or blesses you with. I look forward to manifesting more of what speaks to my soul & makes this one fleeting life worthwhile.
If you’re a book reader, what are you currently reading and do you have any books that have been life changing that you recommend?
I’m currently reading a few books at once. The books I’ve listed below have been some of the most life changing and supportive for me over the years. I am usually always recommending them to friends, family, & clients.
1. “Heart Minded” by Sarah Blondin
2. “Eastern Body Western Mind” by Anodea Judith
What does attending a retreat that you host look like?
My retreats can look like a lot of things, but what they feel like is connection & presence. No matter the type of retreat, what time of year it is held or where we are gathering, participants will have the opportunity to embody the energetic pillars of presence & connection. Retreat attendees get to connect to nature, to each other on a deeper level, to wellness techniques & spiritual practices that in turn connects one more fully to themselves. Retreats are a great place to “fast track” one’s innate ability to reset the mind & body, expand consciousness & selfawareness, and reconnect back to one’s wholeness.
What are some of your everyday rituals that are sacred to you?
I may not be able to do them EVERY day, (I am only human) but they are consistent enough in my life to be considered sacred rituals for daily support. Those rituals include: Breathwork, Drinking Plenty of Water, Eating Nutrient Dense Meals, Native Movement, My Skincare Regimen, Prayer or Gratitude Practice, Plant Medicine (Cannabis / Flower Essences), Self-touch (Reiki / EFT Tapping) and Aroma Therapy. Even the simplest or mundane things we do to survive & thrive here on earth can be considered sacred when done with intentionality of the heart & full presence of the mind.
What’s the most rewarding thing about getting to do what you do?
Getting to connect with others at the soul level, practicing empathy and humility, expressing my creativity & providing holistic resources to the community is so fulfilling that it goes way beyond just a job or what I “do”. I believe it is my calling, my purpose, my gift, and to be able to embody that in my own unique way that also supports my dream life is what’s most rewarding!
Always learning and evolving, Bailee finds her creativity when she’s moving and in her element, helping others find and utilize tools to heal, and tuning into her own creative expression that naturally flows throughout her body. I’m thankful for the work she’s doing in our community and how she’s changing peoples lives through different, healing approaches. This woman is a gem, making waves in Oklahoma!
“The Science of the Sacred” by Nicole Redvers, ND “The Practice of Wholeness” by Lorena Monda 5. “Rise Sister Rise” by Rebecca CampbellBased on the most recent publication at MJBizDaily.com, cannabis is currently legalized in 39 states now, 21 of which are adult/recreational use. With a special vote on March 7th, Oklahoma could add to the list of adult use. With the movement of recreational approvals, it’s clear that the question that continues stacking on weight is when and how will there be a decriminalization at the federal level? Additionally, one of the hottest topics is the rippled impact of descheduling cannabis and how it even remains atop of the most debated list of being on the “worst” schedule of substances. Ironically, Schedule I drugs are classified as the most likely to potentially cause severe physical or psychological dependence. They have the highest potential to be abused and no legitimate medical use. So, let’s start with how 80% of the country has legalized “medical marijuana” but at the federal level it sits in the category of having no legitimate legal use? It’s quite simple to think of how many people you know have proven its medicinal merit. With heroin, LSD, and Ecstasy on the list of Schedule I drugs, it’s baffling how cannabis ever got on the list (but we’ve covered some of those reasons in a former article). Bottom line, we know it has medicinal properties and easily fits into one of the safest and most effective ways to manage pain, sleep, and a host of other ailments all the way to cancer.
After a century of stifling the legality of its right to cultivate and use, the plant’s acceptance is still climbing to an all time high (pun fully intended). So, is it medicine or is it a recreational product? The definition on a federal level
becomes tricky because of how it’s accepted and how it will be governed. If it becomes medicine via the FDA, then it can be prescribed and controlled on a level that could provide insurance coverage, etc. The flipside of the coin is it then becomes more heavily regulated on a federal level and more privatized and corporatized.
Yet, if it’s lifted and treated as a recreational product then it will also become corporatized and in time, it’ll likely show up on the shelves of your local convenience store. Either scenario will put it in more hands but will the costs ever make it below the current state markets (which have varying pricing due to cost of production, living, and taxation). With a layer of federal taxation and regulation and the corporatized manufacturing, time will tell if they level off.
In the end, the fact is that the plant is getting closer to becoming freer than it’s ever been. We should all have a right to cultivate any plant on the planet and no other human (or host of them formed into governments) should have the right to snuff out our basic rights to our own cultivation and consumption. It’s clear that taxing products is far above the cost to help regulate the production output and safety of clean cannabis which means we are still being held captive in paying for our rights. Joining or forming coalitions against the overregulation and taxation of a plant that cannot be patented will be ever more important in our voice of freedom and fairness.
Last month we talked about mapping out a New Year’s plan for your 2023 grow schedule. We specifically discussed how you might go about setting up a cultivation plan for a small grow space, such as a grow tent. In this issue, let’s discuss what you might do with a larger space.
As we discussed last month, if you have a small space, you will need smaller plants. But with small plants, you can usually run more of them (because they are small, duh). So this could mean more strains and more flavors. Sounds like win for the small set up.
In order to have small plants, you will need a short veg time. And a benefit of shortening the veg time is that you also shorten the entire time-table from clone to harvest. Therefore, you are able to get more runs/ flips/harvests per year. Sounds like another point for the small space grow.
Oh, and small spaces are usually easier (and cheaper) to control environmentally.
Not a bad plan for the small tent grower, eh!
Are there any downsides?
Well, with small plants you will get a small yield per plant. With this type of tent situation, with a short veg time, you’ll be looking at like an ounce per plant.
So the score is 2 to 1 for the small grow space set up, not bad.
But what if you don’t grow in a tent and what if you got lots of space? Well then, we need to come up with a better plan for you!
A Cultivation Plan when you have more space to grow
When you are not so restricted on grow space, you definitely have more options. Especially if you have two grow spaces, one for veg and one for flower.
With two grow spaces, you can maintain a stable of moms in your veg space, thereby preserving genetics for future runs. You can also run more strains and alternate when you decide to flower them.
The main advantage of a larger grow space is that you grow larger plants, and get a lot more weed per plant to smoke on. So what’s the plan to grow larger plants.
First, decide how many harvests you want this year. And then figure out how long you will need for each veg cycle. Here is why you need to figure that out.
If you want to harvest five times this year, you will need separate veg and flower areas. In your veg set up, you will have some moms, and about two batches prepared for flower, spaced out with a few weeks between.
Basically, you will cut your clones (more than the number you intend to flower), and veg those clones (Batch 1). A few weeks later, you will take another round of clones ( Batch 2) and will get those plants into a veg cycle as well.
After about 4-5 weeks of vegging, you are ready to put Batch 1 in your flower space. The flowering period will last about 8 weeks. During this time, you are veggin’ Batch 2, and cutting clones for Batch 3.
You should be able to repeat this process several more times.
Conclusion: The Length of your Veg Phase determines the Yield per Plant
Your yield will be determined by the length of your vegetative phase. So a 5-week veg phase will result in smaller plants than a 10-week veg space. The plants that vegged for 10 weeks will be huge going into the flowering phase, and will therefore yield much more.
So you may want 5 medium sized harvests or two to three larger harvests. The choice is up to you.
No matter what you do, with a larger grow space, you will be able to grow larger plants and achieve a greater yield. It’s up to you whether you decide to measure your yield on a per harvest basis, or annually.
If you are just looking to harvest the most possible on an annual basis, you can decide if you want to run more frequently with smaller plants. Or, whether you would rather harvest a lot each time, but only harvest two or three times per year.
For more on this subject, check out this video:
For as long as I’ve been in Broken Arrow, this little shop has been my go to dopamine machine.
Whether I’m feeling achy, my emotions are running amuck, or if all is well and I’m just wanting to top it off with a little joy, my answer is chocolate!
Nouveau has a lot of great selections that are staples in their store, as well as seasonal bangers that truly keep one upping its predecessors.
My favorite staple flavors are the coffee varieties! They’re just the right mix of sweet and bitter, and the differences between each one is noteworthy!
When it comes to seasonal, they’ve got something called the ‘Spiked Pumpkin’. It’s milk chocolate with liquor and pumpkin. Let me just say, with such eloquence: holy schnikeys.
If your more into the Christmas vibe, they have something called ‘spiked eggnog’ and it’s white chocolate!
But wait! There’s more! Of course there’s more, these guys aren’t one trick ponies.
It doesn’t stop with single pieces. They have dipped pretzels, nuts, fruit peels! You name it they have it or they can probably create it.
Nouveau brings the heat with their Belgian hot chocolate, not to mention their hot cocoa bombs! They have latte’s milkshakes and ice cream!
First things first, it’s fun-gee not fun-guy, although the mascot for Oklahoma Fungi certainly looks to be a fun guy. The adorable cartoon mushroom dons a giant smile while pitching up a peace sign. His inviting persona is no doubt an extension of his creator, Jacob DeVecchio, owner of the Oklahoma City-based mycology supply store. In 2020, Jacob decided to leave his normie life and launch into entrepreneurship. Not only did he decide to strike out on his own, but he also chose to follow his passion and has since grown Oklahoma Fungi to be a recognizable and reputable resource for the tools, supplies, and knowledge necessary for anyone to inoculate their own mushroom garden. Jacob’s real passion is education. A scientist by trade, his decision to leap into entrepreneurship facilitated him the opportunity to learn while teaching people. As a mushroom guide at the forefront of another psychedelic revolution, Oklahoma Fungi has been presented with many opportunities to teach. He hosts how-to classes for burgeoning mycologists, provides consultation for home cultivators and for discerning entrepreneurs, and maintains a stock of high-quality mycology supplies to meet the needs of his clients. Jacob explains that homegrown mushrooms are fairly easy so long as the endeavor is approached with a bit of patience and respect for a clean environment.
Mushrooms are fascinating organisms which are disqualified from being plants because they do not make their own food through photosynthesis. They aren’t a part of the animal kingdom either, although some mushrooms share more DNA with humans than we do with our closest evolutionary predecessor. Mushrooms are fungus and that is one of the five biological kingdoms of living things. In the fungus kingdom exist a number of molds and mildews, including single celled yeasts (yum, bread) or multicellular mushrooms. Fungus are an extraordinary source of nutrition and act as antioxidants. The National Library of Medicine (NLM) recognizes over 130 medicinal benefits of mushrooms and acknowledges that mushrooms have been a part of human medicinal and dietary practice for more than 5,000 years. With such comprehensive data reflecting the dietary benefit of mushrooms, Jacob is hopeful to usher in an era of further understanding for magic mushrooms.
Before getting into the conversation of entheogenic/ hallucinogenic research and therapy, Jacob warns that magic mushrooms are “not a silver bullet” for health conditions like depression or addiction. He goes on to explain though, that the Global Drug Survey deemed psilocyn (the metabolite in magic mushrooms) to be the safest psychedelic on record, exceeding even the safety rating for cannabis. This determination is the result of the low incidence of emergency treatment as compared to other commonly used psychedelics. Another mitigating risk factor in favor of mushrooms are their low likelihood to be laced with another more potent hallucinogenic, opiate or amphetamine which allows consumers relative peace of mind when acquiring the fantastic funguses.
One of the winning arguments in favor of magic mushrooms is that even a “bad trip” can result in monumentally positive outcomes. A bad trip often is characterized by feelings of dysphoria rather than euphoria. During a bad trip, consumers may feel nauseous, anxious, deeply sad, or remorseful. A bad trip is nothing more than the user’s already existing emotions being amplified by the hallucinogenic experience. For proponents of mushroom therapy, “bad trips” can be wildly enlightening. A bad trip is often attributed with emotional breakthroughs or what is commonly referred to as “ego death”. The death of ego is a sought-after outcome from macro-dosing mushrooms. Outside of tripping for fun (bright visuals, heightened senses), modern medicine recognizes the benefit of hallucinogenic therapy.
With a low probability for poor outcome or addiction, magic mushrooms can be an enticing party drug or at-home therapy solution. Jacob, and pretty much every medical professional ever, strongly recommend not utilizing mushrooms in place of therapy but rather in conjunction with therapy. While most doctors are still unable to pursue their interests in administering psilocybin and psilocin due to its listing as a Schedule I narcotic, many practitioners eager to see more research. Fortunately, Oklahoma may be at the forefront of the next psychedelic revolution with H.B. 3414, a House of Representatives initiative to allow Oklahoma’s universities to participate in the cultivation, manufacture, and clinical trial administration of these two compounds to patients in order to determine their efficacy in treating depression, suicidality, alcohol and drug abuse, and more. As a leader in Oklahoma’s mycology industry, Jacob is most excited to see research opportunities on our horizon and continues to provide learning opportunities. On February 23rd, Oklahoma Fungi is hosting a policy update at Flora Bodega in the Paseo District in Oklahoma City.
The United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) is America’s cannabis Union, the voice for cannabis workers, and a partner offering solutions for the cannabis industry. UFCW represents 1.3 million hard-working professionals who work in the retail, food processing, meat packing, medical, pharmaceutical as well as the cannabis industry.
UFCW represents tens of thousands of cannabis workers across the US and has contracts with hundreds of canna-bis businesses nationwide, from small shops to large operations, from grow to processing to sale. Wherever cannabis is legalized, the UFCW is committed to building a successful industry with a thriving, diverse and skilled workforce. A highly professional legal cannabis industry also offers the benefit of providing workers with transferable skills that are cutting edge to other industries, such as the pharmaceutical and hydro-ponic farming industries.
UFCW Local 1000 has jurisdiction in Oklahoma and North Texas, represent-ing over 13,000 workers in retail gro-cery (Kroger and Homeland Stores), food processing (OK Foods), food ser-vice (Sodexo), the nonprofit sector, and more. Responding to a growing need, Local 1000 is currently working to assist workers and support the can-nabis industry in Oklahoma and is pav-ing the way in Texas in preparation for eventual legalization.
Ricky Burris is the elected President of UFCW Local 1000. “Our organization brings a lot to the table, both for the workers who choose to organize their Union
with us, and for the business-es they work for.” Burris said. “We are experts in the cannabis industry, with a deep bench, national presence and contacts, and proven solutions for workers and industry. For example, all workers deserve strong benefits from their job, and good employers want to help provide strong benefits to their em-ployees. We offer solutions for afford-able employee benefits, like access to retirement and health coverage through
Our Union benefit funds, despite barriers to access for the cannabis industry. Jobs that pay better wages and provide better benefits—like the ones we repre-sent—are key to keeping our communi-ties thriving and families out of poverty.” “Our entire UFCW union family has a deep understanding of how to make the cannabis industry work well for every-one involved in it.” Burris continued. “We have a long and proud history of advocacy for workers, their families and the communities they serve in other highly regulated sectors, such as agri-culture, pharmaceutical, distillery man-ufacturing and processing.”
UFCW has strong political connections and influence at the national, state, and local levels, and is committed to lobby-ing for laws and regulations that protect cannabis workers, keep communities safe, and grow the industry. Especial-ly in emerging markets like Oklahoma, the voices of cannabis workers need to be heard.
As one of Local 1000’s political allies in Oklahoma, incoming Oklahoma State House Minority
Leader Cyndi Munson remarked, “My partnership with UFCW Local 1000 has helped me to best represent the needs of my hard-working con-stituents at the Oklahoma State Capi-tol. Over the years, we have ensured workers’ voices are heard by strategiz-ing together ways to elect people to the State Legislature who will stand up for safe working conditions, fight for living wages, and protect the right to orga-nize. As we continue to work together, I know we will make a real difference in the lives of every working Oklahoman.” Local 1000 is partnering with the Yes on 820 campaign in Oklahoma, offering resources and expertise. The Union believes SQ 820 will grow the industry while protecting existing MM business-es.
“We are committed to helping pass SQ 820 in 2023,” said President Burris, “and will be in position to help guide im-plementation after it passes.”
He went on, “Any cannabis workers in-terested in organizing, we invite you to give us a call. Likewise, any industry leaders or owners who want to learn more, we are open.”
Scan QR to set up a meeting with Local 1000 Organizer Joe about organizing with UFCW.
The voice for cannabis workers, and a partner offering solutions for the cannabis industry. Partnership with UFCW offers:
Access to affordable employee benefits like health care and retirement plans
Nationally recognized industry specific training programs
Expertise in workplace safety (working conditions)
A political and policy powerhouse –deep connections nationally, regionally, and locally
A healthy, strong, and growing business
The UFCW is strongly in support of passage of the SQ 820, which will foster greater access and equity in the industry.
“We are grateful for the commitment UFCW has made to help pass SQ 820,” said Yes on 820 Campaign Director Michelle Tilley. “We all know what a significant, positive impact SQ 820 will have for working Oklahomans. We appreciate UFCW for joining the campaign to use its organizing power to mobilize voters for the vote on March 7, 2023.”
UFCW represents thousands of cannabis workers and has contracts with hundreds of cannabis businesses nationwide, from small shops to large operations, from grow to sale.UFCW LOCAL 1000 IS CURRENTLY WORKING TO ASSIST WORKERS AND SUPPORT THE CANNABIS INDUSTRY IN OKLAHOMA.
The fast pace of todays society and all of our digital distractions can contribute to a feeling of disconnection from what's truly important in life. This sense of disconnection directly a ects our ability to be vulnerable and share intimate moments with loved ones. We might crave closeness with our loved ones and ourselves, but it may be hard for some of us to get in touch with and express our deepest emotions and intentions.
As humans, we are hardwired for connection. At our core we are looking to feel heard, seen and accepted for who we are without shame or judgment. Current neuroscience research shows that feelings of disconnection share the same neural pathways as physical pain. Isolation, feelings of loneliness, and a lack of intimacy can feel like a physical injury. It is vital to overall wellbeing to have healthy and stable relationships in our lives.
(noun) In close union or conjunction. Consensual sharing of deep, meaningful, private information and emotions with one another.
Humans have been in communication and relationship to the plant kingdom since our beginning. Throughout history plants have played a significant role in assisting humans in adapting to our surrounding environments. On a personal level we can continue to harness the wisdom of plant medicine to help us to grow and evolve in our modern lives by finding intentional ways to incorporate herbs in all that we do.
When it comes to intimacy, we need to look inside in order to address some more personal patterns, however leaning on herbal allies can o er assistance on the journey to understanding and developing more meaningful connections in general. Whether you’re looking for more shared emotional depth with close associations, intensified physical sensation and/or an overall amplified sense of intimacy with self and others, these are herbs that can help!
Roses personify love and passion. Rose works on the heart both mentally and emotionally through it’s high content of volatile oils. These oils attach to our mucous membranes through inhalation or ingestion and this communicates to our nervous system that we are safe to relax, slowing down our heart rate and softening tense tissue. Rose has an overall anti-inflammatory e ect which can aid in a calm heart and mind, making space for vulnerability.
Damiana can be traced back to the Aztecs who used it to foster connection with a greater power, and with one another. It is very well known for it’s aphrodisiac properties, so much so that the traditional name is — T. aphrodisiaca. It has an ability to stimulate the nervous system which intensifies physical sensations and desires. Damiana often produces an uplifting and euphoric feeling within the body that can help to relieve anxiety and dissolve any dense feelings.
Hannah is a
We spend our entire lives with ourselves This truly is our most intimate relationship. Cannabis awakens our senses, and can encourage us to surrender to the present moment. This gives us access to our innermost truth, and increases our ability to feel pleasurable sensations. Cannabis helps activate our body’s parasympathetic state, bringing us into a more stable and relaxed internal environment. Combining Cannabis with select other herbs can intensify specific desired e ects.
Roll one up with equal parts dried ground rose petals, damiana, and your favorite relaxing cannabis strain. Enjoy with your lover or close friends to intensify and activate rich connection. We also encourage you to enjoy a mindful session on your own. Get in touch with your emotions and deepen your relationship with yourself. It is ultimatley the quality of the relationship with ourselves that provides the wellspring from which all of our other relationships benefit.
*Mountain Rose Herbs is our favorite online source of ethical, sustainable and organiclly grown herbs!
This information is Intended for educational purposes only, not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. If you are on any medication please consult a doctor or qualified professional before consuming any herbs.
monday-saturday 10am to 10pm
sunday noon to 7pm