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MARCH 2023 ISSUE 51 T H E W O R L D I S O U R S C o v e r A r t B y D a n C a r m e l o r y o n c a n n a c o m








After collecting all stamps on your map you can redeem your prize at OKIE WONDERLAND, 18920 E Admiral Place, Catoosa, OK 74015.





By Only The Best PRIZES
Visit each dispensary on the map. After making any purchase of Smokey Okies products, make sure to receive your stamp. After collecting all stamps on your map you can redeem your prize at OKIE WONDERLAND, 18920 E Admiral Place, Catoosa, OK 74015. 4903 E. Admiral Place Tulsa, OK 74115 18920 E Admiral Place Catoosa, OK 74015 Dragon Lily Dispensary 8054 S. Yale Ave. Tulsa OK 74136 8888 S. Lewis Ave. Tulsa, OK 74137 2420 Southwest Blvd. Tulsa, OK 74107 7919 New Sapulpa Road Tulsa, OK 74131 8007 E. 61st Street Tulsa, OK 74133 23955 E Hwy 51 Broken Arrow, OK 74014
E R B A G E V o l . 5 1 H E R B A G E M A G A Z I N E # 5 0 - J A N 2 0 2 3 J A M E S B R I D G E S O W N E R - P U B L I S H E R J A M E S @ H E R B A G E M A G . C O M B R O O K M I L L E R A D V E R T I S I N G B R O O K @ H E R B A G E M A G . C O M L E A H J E N K I N S S O C I A L M E D I A C O N T E N T D I R E C T O R L E A H @ H E R B A G E M A G . C O M L A Y O U T & D E S I G N J A M E S B R I D G E S W O R M M O O N B Y J A M E S B R I D G E S T H E L A U G H I N G G O A T B Y B R A N N A N B E L L F E M I N I N E D I V I N E - M I R A N D A C U M M I N G S B Y B R A N N A N B E L L A T O K E O F G R A T I T U D E B Y B R I D G E T F R A N C I S C O U R T E S Y O F H I G H E S T I N T E N T L E T T U C E L E A R N I N G B Y C H E T T U C K E R T H E L E T T U C E B A R C U L T I V A T I O N C O R N E R B Y T R A V I S S M I T H S M O K E Y O K I E S C A N N A B I S 7 8 1 4 2 1 2 3 2 6 HerbageMag.Com PO BOX 420 Shawnee, OK Stuff@HerbageMag.Com


Saturday, March 25 | 11 PM

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Must be a Hot Rewards Club member. Must be present and wagered on the day of the drawing. 18+ to enter. Valid ID required. FireLake Casino reserves the right to cancel or change a promotion without further notice.

The worm moon in March is one of the more interesting full moons. It is the final full moon of winter and gives us our first glimpses of spring. In fact, it is a supermoon and occurs two days before the spring equinox.

In Native American culture, the worm moon is referred to as a herald for the beginning of spring and new agricultural cycles. It is also known as the Sap Moon, because of its symbolic significance of maple syrup in some tribes.

As the earth warms up in the spring, worms begin to appear as well. A sign that the soil is starting to warm up.

The full moon was once called the worm moon by Southern Native American tribes, but it is not a name that the Northern tribes would have ever used. In fact, earthworms were an extinct species in the Northern parts of the world until they were brought back into the soil by colonists or transported plants with them in their roots.

The spiritual meaning of the full worm moon is a signifier that it is a time for people to shed their old habits and seek to become a newer, wiser version of themselves. The worm moon is also a great time to get in touch with karmic change, which will help you to move forward with more clarity and enthusiasm.

In addition, it is a good time for resolving conflicts and addressing issues in your life that are no longer serving you. The worm moon is also an excellent time to set goals, especially those that you have been thinking about for some time now.

The full moon in March is a powerful time to be in touch with the spiritual meaning of life and your place in it. It is a time to make a new beginning and be prepared to embark on a journey with faith in yourself and in the world.

10 AM – 10 PM
S aturday 6 – 1 0 PM
Every Sunday

The Laughing Goat

“The Laughing Goat thrives off good energy from good people We believe that the quality of our cannabis directly enhances the quality of our lives. Unlocking and accessing a higher power, healing and bringing people together”

The Laughing Goat is powered by a solid team of people and I remember Dan saying that he got all of his employees from his previous landscaping business and moved them to Cannabis! They were so happy and I think that’s so cool Bettering people's lives! I had the chance to tour their facility, and it seems like a great place to be with happy employees that feel the love, along with the plants

Visiting their cannabis grow was such a treat. It has an at home feeling with good people and energy running the place I tend to catch the vibe quickly upon walking into any room and I’m pleased to say nothing got in the way of how this place made me feel

I chatted with the owners of The Laughing Goat, Dan Fleuridas and Christie Owen, to really get to know them and their passion better You can find their Q & A below!

You both are brother and sister and that’s so cool to see you guys living the dream side by side. Where did you guys grow up and did you ever see Cannabis as your future?

Dan: No, not until the possibility that cannabis might become legal in Oklahoma Then, I thought right away that’s what I wanted to do

Christie Not even in my wildest dreams. We grew up in Victor, New York and couldn’t stand each other when we were kids We moved to Oklahoma in the nineties and that s when I introduced cannabis to my little brother. We have been best buds ever since Now, we live three doors down from each other

Where did The Laughing Goat spark from and what made you want to get in the industry?

Dan: Cannabis has always been a big part of my life and something that I will always be a part of. Before The Laughing Goat, I was the owner of a landscape and irrigation business I was dealing with chronic back issues I found relief for my pain with cannabis I had a home grow and was fascinated by the whole process and the results I always asked for top shelf flower too at the dispensaries to see what strains worked the best

Then, I was offered the chance to buy a rodeo arena on some land When the seller said, “it’s a perfect place to grow flowers” I said, “not those kinds of flowers.” I knew this was my opportunity to grow my own medicine on a large scale and share it with everyone

Christie: Construction on the farm started right about when lockdown began and Dan asked me to be the Marketing Director It’s the perfect combination I have been an artist, graphic designer and cannabis lover for the past thirty years and now I get to help document and share our trip

Tell me about The Laughing Goat and the type of product you guys offer!

Dan: We take a craft approach to our process and carefully monitor all aspects of the grow cycle which allow us to deliver a consistent premium product We offer ten high potency legacy strains on our regular menu, along with six new exclusive strains.

Your flower is amazing and I’ve tried it myself! What do you guys take pride in when it comes to the quality of your flower and the process?

Dan: Thanks for the high compliment! We take pride in making sure we only use the highest quality ingredients and the best genetics. We run an immaculate facility and we follow a strict code of standard operating procedures We make sure to keep an eye on every little thing and do not skip any steps. Fire in fire out.

Every time I’ve had the opportunity to come see the cannabis grow, it’s always been such a great experience, filled with lots of love and passion in everyone’s eyes. How do you all stay inspired and keep people on their toes?

Dan: We are all growers up here and watch each other s backs. Everybody works together and equally as hard as a team. In order to make a great product for our patients, we collectively strive to maintain consistency, find solutions for any problems, learn, and always look for innovative ways to improve We re like a family up there

Christie Everyone vibes and communicates really well with each other and we protect that culture You can feel that positive energy and dedication from each and every employee. There is no room for negativity or slacking Team GOAT really crushes it seven days a week and we are so grateful for all their hard work, knowledge and passion

oto by Rameen Zubair Brannan Bel s a wr ter and contributor for Herbage Magazine. She s the Co-Creator of The Cannabis Hangout podcast
Photo by Rameen Zubair thelaughinggoatco.com 9

Shawnee’s metaphysical shop has a new, expanded location on Main Street.

Oak Ash & Thorn is very well known for stocking teas, herbs, essential oils, chime candles, black salt, rocks, jewelry, incense, prayer flags, tarot cards, tapestries, and witch bells, in addition to many things eclectic and unusual. Located in historic downtown Shawnee.

We host and practice tarot readings, spiritual guidance and all your metaphysical needs.

We update our social media regularly for our classes and events.

Love, light community.and

Oak Ash & Oak Ash & Thorn Thorn

Shawnee's Shawnee's metaphysical metaphysical store! store!

Trusting in ourselves and those around us. Especially those that may come into our lives unexpectedly. This is definitely a great time for making new connections with people you may have otherwise looked over. Allowing yourself to slowly practice breaking down the walls around you.

You are manifesting those around you to become a powerful tool to assist you in making decisions that benefit your goals and desires. Understanding this will help us all when it comes to our own self doubt.

I appreciate on your website how you guys have all of your strains listed and you can actually click on them to learn more about them. You don’t ever see that and it’s super helpful! How many strains do you all grow at once?

Christie: I think that all the roadblocks, setbacks and failures are in fact learning experiences that set you up to navigate through more challenges Believe in manifestation, be focused and disciplined You will accomplish so many amazing things and look back one day at your struggles with a whole new perspective.

@oakashandthornshawnee @oakashandthornshawnee @oakashandthornoff c al @oakashandthornofficial

We have We have ttarot arot rreadings, eadings, spiritual spiritual guidance guidance and all your and all your metaphysic metaphysic al needs. al needs.

The only one who can ever truly hold us back is ourselves. Surround yourself with the music and energy that speak to your soul.

Be open with yourself regarding your wishes, wants, dreams, and desires. We all have them, trust in you, jump!

Christie: Thank you! We work hard to ensure that we provide the information on our website to educate the patients on our strains With regard to how many strains we grow at once, we harvest an average of eight strains every two weeks.

I always love to hear what advice others have from experiences they have been through, which made them who they are today, that maybe they wished they would have received earlier on in life. What advice would you pass on?

Dan: I believe in karma What goes around comes around Put out into the universe the positive energy you seek in return. Earn your own respect and stop caring about what other people think Be confident and live in the moment Realize that it’s never too late to make a change.

I always have to ask what stigma surrounding the Cannabis plant, people would like to see changed. It’s always a unique answer, unique to each individual. What stigma would you like to see changed?

Dan: The stigma that people who smoke pot are just stoners They think people use it as an excuse. I really hate the stigma around it I think some of the smartest and most creative people in the world love cannabis

What’s the most rewarding part about doing what you guys have the opportunity to do?

Dan: I’d say it is intellectually stimulating and challenging It’s not an easy job. You start a three month plant cycle and you need to be on top of it the whole time So when things turn out really good, like fire, it’s such a huge reward I think that overcoming adversity and problem solving is the most rewarding part of my job. It feels good to know that you are giving it your all and striving to reach your fullest potential

What can the Oklahoma market expect from The Laughing Goat in the near future for 2023?

Dan: In the near future, we'll be releasing another series of exclusive genetics and we are developing a new line of prerolls, gummies, carts and concentrates. We are also in the process of opening our first dispensary on NW 59th & May Ave in Oklahoma City

Photo by Rameen Zubair
207 E Main St, Shawnee, OK 207 E
St, Shawnee, OK
Photo by Rameen Zubair
(405) 219-4325 (405) 219-4325
H HH E R B A G E G O L F H E R B A G E G O L F B L U N T S & B O G E Y S B L U N T S & B O G E Y S S C R A M B L E S C R A M B L E P R E S E N T E D B Y H E R B A G E M A G A Z I N E P R E S E N T E D B Y H E R B A G E M A G A Z I N E C H O C T A W C R E E K C O U N T R Y C L U B C H O C T A W C R E E K C O U N T R Y C L U B C H O C T A W , O K L A H O M A C H O C T A W , O K L A H O M A C H E C K - I N A P R I L 8 T H , 2 0 2 3 9 A M - 1 0 A M C H E C K - I N A P R I L 8 T H , 2 0 2 3 9 A M - 1 0 A M V i s i t w w w . h e r b a g e m a g . c o m . V i s i t w w w . h e r b a g e m a g . c o m . S H O T G U N S T A R T 1 1 : 0 0 A M S H O T G U N S T A R T 1 1 : 0 0 A M NEXLEAF POTT COUNTY HIDEOUT $50,000 HOLE-IN ONE S P E C I A L T H A N K S T O O U R T O P S P O N S O R C A N N A . B R I N G I N G Y O U A C H A N C E T O W I N $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 . L O O K F O R M O R E C H A N C E S T O W I N O N T H E G O L F C O U R S E W I T H O R Y O N C A N N A . STAY AT HOME DABS Wanna Play? practice green sponsor TONS OF PRIZES Blunts & Bogeys herbage_golf herbage_magazinef

Feminine Divine Miranda Cummings

My name is Miranda and I am a marketer, a creative, and an entrepreneur that is currently spending most of my time on my favorite project to date — the Chief Innovation Officer of Creature Flora, my family’s craft cultivation operation in Southern Oklahoma.


For as long as I can remember, I have always had an entrepreneurial spirit and desire to make a positive impact in the world we live in. I know the term legacy holds a revered and important meaning in this industry, and I have an immense amount of gratitude and respect for those pioneers that have paved the way before us. For our family, legacy also means building something together that we are truly proud of -- something that the generations following us will have pride in as well; and Oklahoma has given us the opportunity to do just that. We also grew up and have family all over the midwest, so Oklahoma’s charm is very much home for us!


The two I think I use the most often are, “The more you know, the more you realize you don’t know”Aristotle and “A rising tide lifts all boats”. Those sayings come up a lot for me in this industry as bro science dominates cannabis education and collaboration over competition is quickly becoming a survival skill.


To be completely honest, this is something I’ve been really trying to work on since the new year. As a family business, wearing many hats at all hours of the day and night comes with the territory, and finding time for yourself becomes an increasingly difficult challenge. When I am able to, I love starting my mornings with my coffee in our

plant room, bouncing between solfeggio frequencies and smoking one of our sativa leaning strains, (Jackie O or Strawberry Fields is perfect for the morning), while watching our dog Benny bathe in the sun in our backyard. But that’s a dream scenario more times than it is reality. In reality, I listen to a free morning affirmations spotify playlist in the car with my coffee and a smoothie to go on the road to the next sales meeting.


Currently I am working through Project 369 The Key To The Universe. One of my dear friends sent it to me when we first started our journey with Creature Flora and I am just now getting around to reading it and it is truly divine. A book that was extremely helpful for organizing our family into a business and formalizing an operating system would be the book, Traction by Gino Wickman. A book that I would recommend and still have post notes on every page from my undergrad days is, Words that Work by Frank Luntz. It’s a very helpful sales and marketing tool to this day.


First, I think it’s really important to make sure you truly enjoy and are passionate about what you do. A sense of purpose has proven longevity in the average human, and as much time as we spend at the cultivation facility every single day, I can’t imagine what it would feel like to dread going to work. With that being said, cooking delicious meals at home, taking a short walk in between tasks, and utilizing time on the road to catch up with old friends are just a few of the ways I make sure my own cup is full. Two things I would like to get back into for an even fuller cup, is playing volleyball and getting back into my yoga practice!

Meet Miranda Cummings. She’s a woman who knows what she wants and is a go-getter. Every time I see Miranda, she always has a smile on her glowing face. She’s nothing but good energy and it’s really cool to see people shine within their passions, being a marketing queen who is easy to vibe with. From Chicago, to Iowa, and now Oklahoma, she’s been making waves and finding her niche in Oklahoma.

“I impress myself every day with my tenacity and I allow my childlike curiosity to explore what other possibilities are within my realm”.
Miranda Cummings, Co-Founder & Chief Innovation Officer for Creature Flora & marketing for Noble Nectar


Plant medicine has benefited my life in just about every way! Consuming plant medicine has allowed me to slow down my thought process for more intentional conversations, participating in the cannabis industry lead me to my soul mate and business partner, it reduces my stress levels which trigger my psoriasis flare ups, and most importantly, has prevented me from having to be prescribed anti-anxiety medication for my diagnosed GAD. I wholeheartedly believe that we are just getting started with unveiling the vast benefits of plant medicine and I plan to be an active participant every step of the way.



There are so many people that inspire me within the cannabis community and outside of it. Generally speaking, I am truly inspired by those that have been negatively impacted by the war on drugs and are still fighting the fight to decriminalize and destigmatize plant medicine across the country and across the world. They are the true champions of a better tomorrow and we wouldn’t be here without them.


I embody my own Divine Feminine by owning it. I am so proud of myself and how far I have come in my accomplishments. I impress myself every day with my tenacity and I allow my childlike curiosity to explore what other possibilities are within my realm. I know manifesting is a current buzzword, but I believe I embody my own Divine Feminine by already being present in my greatest desires, as if they are already mine. Also, listening. As a communicator, it has always been a struggle for me to be a good listener, but as I hone in on that skill I feel there is something very divine and feminine around listening and absorbing.


By implementing boundaries. In a past life, I did event planning/community programming and that required a lot of energy put into pleasing others. My boundaries were all over the place and I often felt overbooked, underappreciated and straight up depleted. I think it’s important to know your lim-

its and set boundaries for yourself and for others. Nobody can protect your energy as well as you can!


Being popular is not NEARLY as fun as being unique. Quit crying over boys, your prince charming is everything you wanted and more. Please quit skipping math and science - you end up using both quite often in your day to day so your impressive reading comprehension is no longer cutting it. Also, maybe take it easy on all the bumper stickers and status updates on facebook - they are actually quite embarrassing 20 years later.

“Being popular is not nearly as fun as being unique”.


The most rewarding thing about being a creative woman and standing confidently in your own light, is giving other women and girls the confidence to do the EXACT SAME THING.

Follow Miranda Cummings




“Consuming plant medicine has allowed me to slow down my thought process for more intentional conversations”.



UFCW is America s cannabis Union, the voice for cannabis workers and a partner offering solutions for the cannabis industry.

UFCW s proud to represent thousands of cannabis workers and has contracts with hundreds of cannabis businesses nationwide from small shops to large operations, from grow to sale

UFCW Local 1000 is currently working to assist workers and support the cannabis industry in Ok ahoma.

We are experts in the cannabis industry with a deep bench national presence and contacts and proven so ut ons for workers and industry

A l workers deserve strong benef ts from the r job and good employers want to he p provide strong benefits to their employees. We offer so ut ons for affordable employee benefits like access to retirement and health coverage, through our Un on benefit funds, despite barriers to access for the cannabis industry. Union benef ts are typ cally much more affordab e than comparable pr vate or corporate plans.



UFCW offers comprehensive training programs for obs in the cannabis ndustry, from cannabis specific OSHA training up to full registered apprenticeships in obs ike budtending. Cannabis employers who contract with UFCW w ll be at an advantage over non Union shops as regulations on training and licensing are introduced

UFCW has strong political connections and influence at the national state, and oca levels, and is committed to lobbying for laws and regulations that protect cannabis workers keep communities safe, and grow the industry

w i s hing you t h e best of l u c k St Patrick's H A P P Y WE CARRY THE BEST BRANDS O Clones anna “Our business is blooming!”
UFCW al es M nority Leader Representat ve Cynd Munson Representative Andy Fugate Rep esentat ve Amanda Swope supporting UFCW and Cannab s Worke s at the Cowboy Cup n
Recent y re-e ected UFCW a y Oklahoma C ty Counci woman JoBeth Hamon
you a Cannabis worker who needs a voice on the job? Or a license holder interested in exploring a partnership with UFCW?

A TOKE OF gratitude

The pace of life today is fast and stress is an inevitable part of that, but it doesn't have to take over your daily experience. Stress can be turned into a helpful ally by cultivating a better relationship with it, thereby increasing resilience, and improving your overall well-being. The article discusses the role of the endocannabinoid system and cannabis in addressing stress, as well as tips for reducing your stress levels and feeling more peaceful every day.

First, we need to understand how stress works in the body. When we perceive a threat, our bodies release stress hormones. This activates the Sympathetic Nervous System, preparing us to fight or flee. In order to protect us from danger, the Sympathetic Nervous System provides energy and strength to overcome the threat. When the threat subsides, the Parasympathetic Nervous System takes over. The system promotes relaxation, rejuvenation and repair. It also reduces the activity of the Sympathetic Nervous System and stimulates digestion and reproductive functions - bringing our bodies back into balance.

The key to building a resilient relationship with stress is to promote the Parasympathetic response so that it can work its magic! There are many tools that we can use to do this, including mindfulness, movement, and plant medicine.

Cannabis + Stress

Cannabis helps manage stress through its interaction with our internal endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS functions like a control center in our bodies that helps keep things balanced and working properly. It does this by using special molecules called endocannabinoids, which connect to receptors in our bodies to regulate things like our mood, hunger, sleep, and how our bodies feel pain.

Consuming cannabis is a great way to promote a Parasympathetic response, initiating our body’s healing state. Cannabis contains powerful compounds called cannabinoids (THC, CBD, CBN, etc.), which bind to our body's endocannabinoid receptors and help calm down the nervous system, control inflammation, promote balance, and ultimately reduce stress.

Double your stress support

Incorporate a gratitude practice into your cannabis consumption! By focusing on what you are grateful for, you can become more mindful and present. This shift in perspective can help to calm the mind and soothe the nervous system, reducing the e ects of stress and promoting feelings of peace and contentment. We call this a “Gratitude Sesh” and here’s how you can try it for yourself…

4 simple steps for your gratitude sesh

step 1 set your intention

Before you start, take a moment to close your eyes and set a positive intention for how you want to feel.

step 2 breathe deeply

Take a few deep breaths to land yourself into the present moment. Then as you inhale that first pu , imagine breathing in peace and calm. As you exhale, imagine letting go of any tension or stress.

step 3 practice gratitude

Place your hand on your heart and begin to visualize someone or something you love unconditionally, imagine the love and gratitude expanding out of your chest and filling the whole room. Sit in this feeling for a few minutes as you continue to smoke.

step 4 notice how you feel

Take some time to notice the state of your body and how you feel. Don’t assign any stories or ideas to this feeling, just notice.

YOU’RE PREPARED TO SESH intentionally!

At the end of the day we don't have control over what's happening around us, but we do have control over what happens within. By harnessing the benefits of plant medicine and promoting a positive mindset, you create a more balanced relationship to stress and can cultivate a happier, healthier, and more peaceful life.

Bridget is a practicing embodiment coach. She holds certifications from AFPA in holistic nutrition, as well as specializing in herbalism from Herbal Academy. Bridget founded Inner Calm Co., (@innercalmco) a wellness company, with the desire to help her clients find balance and confidence in their wellness journeys.

KRATOM POWDER | CAPSULES | EXTRACTS 2221 S Air Depot, MWC, OK 405.566.9928 www.herbanalternatives.com 21



As we start a new editorial chapter, I want to frame up the goal of what I hope to share through Cannabis Corner. I am a business owner of a full vertical which also includes some through Cannabis Corner. I am a business owner of a full vertical which also includes some other cannabis partnerships. I have been in cannabis for about 10 years, 4 years here in other cannabis partnerships. I have been in cannabis for about 10 years, 4 years here in Oklahoma, but many of those were travel ventures in NorCal. I grew up in the infamous Oklahoma, but many of those were travel ventures in NorCal. I grew up in the infamous Lawton, OK and cut my teeth in a town known for its grittiness. I then made my way across Lawton, OK and cut my teeth in a town known for its grittiness. I then made my way across the Red River where I worked for big ol’ corporate America for nearly 20 years. With a River where I worked big corporate nearly 20 years. With a background in real estate, finance, sales, marketing, and communications, I’ve worked with background in real estate, finance, sales, marketing, and communications, I’ve worked with a smattering of professionals all over the world. Last, I’ve always loved the creative aspects a smattering of professionals all over the world. Last, I’ve always loved the creative aspects of writing, photography and design and they have kept me constantly expanding in areas of writing, photography and design and they have kept me constantly expanding in areas that keep me feeling young and inspired. that keep me feeling young and inspired.

As we start a new editorial chapter, I want to frame up the goal of what I hope to share

Now, with some of the foundation laid, I hope to accomplish a vibe that’s encouraging and

Now, with some of the foundation laid, I hope to accomplish a vibe that’s encouraging and uplifting while being real and informative. My ways or opinions may never align with while being real and informative. My or may never align with everyone and certainly aren’t the gospel. However, the way in which we treat and uplift the everyone and certainly aren’t the gospel. However, the way in which we treat and uplift the growing cannabis community is what it’s really all about. No matter what business or growing cannabis community is what it’s really all about. No matter what business or position you hold, it’s important to accept new ideas, criticism, and honest feedback. Not position you hold, it’s important to accept new ideas, criticism, and honest feedback. Not everyone is built the same so some may be more direct than others but in the end, it’s everyone is built the same so some may be more direct than others but in the end, it’s loving our neighbors and business partners as if they resided under our own roofs. loving our neighbors and business partners as if they resided under our own roofs.

I plan on sharing perspectives from every angle of the business that I touch and some that I on sharing perspectives business that and that I’m dipping my toes in to understand and request feedback and positive resolutions.

I’m dipping my toes in to understand and request feedback and positive resolutions. Whether it be some basic sales etiquette or ideas on how to keep your world compliant, I Whether it be some basic sales etiquette or ideas on how to keep your world compliant, I hope that there’s a new learning or at least an “aha” moment that jogs your brain or hope that there’s a new learning or at least an “aha” moment that jogs your brain or inspires you to take a step back and improve your daily grind. inspires you to take a step back and improve your daily grind.

I’m sure I’ll bounce around each edition with something that’s more recently impacting me sure I’ll bounce around something that’s more recently impacting me or my businesses personally and expound upon anything from processing to growing to my businesses personally and expound upon from processing to growing to packaging to retail sales. Whatever it is, it’ll be done with goodwill and an intent for people packaging to retail sales. Whatever it is, it’ll be done with goodwill and an intent for people to dig into and learn beyond some of the tips or strategies that relate. There’s so much out to dig into and learn beyond some of the tips or strategies that relate. There’s so much out there to experience and I hope that I can share as much to keep you from running into walls there to experience and I hope that I can share as much to keep you from running into walls or knowing whether it’s worth it to jump into a new facet or arena that you may be or knowing whether it’s worth it to jump into a new facet or arena that you may be considering. considering.

With a short and sweet intro, I want to start with something simple for the next edition by With a short and want start with something simple for the next edition sharing that it doesn’t cost you a dime to be considerate and kind. And though honest sharing that it doesn’t cost you a dime to be considerate and kind. And though honest feedback and self evaluation may not feel kind at times, it’s critical to avoid taking too feedback and self evaluation may not feel kind at times, it’s critical to avoid taking too many things personally unless you’re going to evaluate them and take charge to improve. many things personally unless you’re going to evaluate them and take charge to improve. So, be mindful of how you communicate in person, on social media, on chat boards, and So, be mindful of how you communicate in person, on social media, on chat boards, and over the phone/text. Communication is a key player in improving yourself as an employee over the phone/text. Communication is a key player in improving yourself as an employee or entrepreneur. People will take note and many times things can be misconstrued if you’re or entrepreneur. People will take note and many times things can be misconstrued if you’re not clearly and kindly working to share your point of view or make a sales pitch. See you not and kindly working to of sales pitch. See you next article for tips on booking appointments and making face to face sales calls with your next article for tips on booking appointments and making face to face sales calls with your buyer/customer. I appreciate the opportunity to write and share some of my biggest buyer/customer. I appreciate the opportunity to write and share some of my biggest learnings and for the time you spend reading along. learnings and for the time you spend reading along.



Doc Ferguson is more than an idea, or a company, it s a family. The namesake of the company is our own dogs Doc and Ferguson When we started this company we had one goal in mind “creating a handcrafted product that is done the right way, every time, with pride and care. Giving the patient the best medicine, with the best products on the market” the dream is real, and we are excited to welcome you to our family

T O A G R E A T 2 0 2 3 !

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Brought to you by Smokey Okies Cannabis

So the last several articles have touched on sourcing your genetics from seeds vs. clones and getting through the vegetative stage. It s about time for us to start talking about the flowering stage and how to optimize your bloom cycle for the best buds you can grow!

In the next few articles, we will start tackling all of the tips and tricks to tweak your flowering cycle for maximum optimization.

But first, let s make sure we haven t forgotten any chores during our veg cycle

Why is Veg so important?

As we ve explained before, what you do in Veg greatly impacts what you can do during the flowering stage. There are all sorts of tactics that should be employed during the flowering stage but many are unavailable or just won’t make a difference, if you slacked off during the vegetative stage.

The vegetative stage is when plants are pliable and capable of being trained. This is very important. Also, veg can be extended if necessary. Unlike flowering stage, which has a set end date, the veg stage can be prolonged if necessary

During veg, you can exercise much greater control, and you should, so that you can take full ownership for the shape of the plant. This way, you set yourself up for success when it comes time to flower.

Checking off your “To-do” list while in Veg

Now, during veg, you should have done some low stress training and pruning. The goal here is to make your plant look less like a Christmas tree, and more like a Hanukkah candle.

We don t want it growing up tall and skinny. Such a structure won t yield much, and all but the top buds will lack that rock hard density we prefer. So we solve for this problem by pruning our plant during veg, and by training it to take the shape of the Hanukkah candle.

But how do we achieve this shape? The answer is well-timed topping.

How to Top your Veg Plants to create a SCROG canopy during flower

We prefer to wait about five or six weeks into veg before we top our plants. Some may top earlier in veg, and we have done that as well. But we have found that topping small plants severely stunts growth, which either prolongs the length of veg, or you end up with a smaller plant during your normal veg cycle (for us, about 8 weeks).

When we top our plants, we are looking to create a “crown,” that is, a group of surrounding branches. Kind of like a 360 degree Hanukkah candle, to use the reference from earlier.

To do this, we cut the center branch right off.


Yes. Really. We go to the main stock, in the middle, that would ordinarily possess the king cola of the plant. And we chop it off at the node about a foot down. You may be shocked that we would do this, because the plant has basically been cut in half. Did we just waste 6 weeks of growth?

The answer is “No,” and here is why: this style of topping actually accelerates the growth of the surrounding branches.

Within one week of chopping the center stalk, the surrounding branches will have risen up to the original height of that center stalk. No time lost at all. In fact, it will seem like you just jumped into the future!

Now you have a plant that is ready to be SCROGGED (spread throughout trellis netting) to create a SCROG (screen of green) canopy.

Preparing to “flip” your plants into flower

Now that you have topped all of your plants, you are about ready to flip your light cycle to 12/12 and start flowering. But not yet. Let s wait just a couple more weeks. During this time, you will want to do another session or two of pruning. Really create that lollipop shape during the last week or two of Veg. This will set up you up for the greatest success in flower.

Next article, we will move on to the flowering stage!!

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