Foreword: (this Foreword written January, 2001 by Daniel Winters; tengoku Rather than a book written as such, this work is a collection of lec tures and letters written by Mr. Miller, and put into book form by Mr. Himes. It' s hard to believe today in 2001, that nearly all "Christians" in the early 1800s w ere dead-set against the idea that Jesus would literally come back to this earth and reward the faithful and punish the wicked. A man led of God, Mr. Miller, fo ught against 3 major errors among "Christians" of his day - (from Letter V.) [the unscriptural doctrine of “peace and safety,” the “spiritual millennium,” and “return of the Jews.”] T he "peace and safety" folks said that the prophecies written in the Bible were f ulfilled a long time ago, or will be far in the future. The "spiritual millennium" c rew said that there would be a 1,000 year reign of peace on the earth before Je sus comes back. And the "return of the Jews" group is one that is still very voc al today, that the people called "Jews" must get back to their home-land and th en the prophecies would be fulfilled. William Miller exposes all these as error t hat keep the child of God from making a close examination for their own readin ess for Jesus' coming back. This particular book was scanned from a photo-copy of the ori ginal, and i neither added nor deleted anything to this work other than this For eword. Spellings were left as found - so for example the word "graft" is spelled "graff" 3 times and "graft" 5 times. I spent around 100 hours scanning and pro ofreading and tried to make this format for the computer look as much like the original as possible, but if I made any errors, someone please let me know. Th e notes (*), were originally placed at the bottom of the page, but with no pages here, i usually put them in parentheses immediately following where they are r eferenced. When there were two notes on one page, the second note was den oted by a symbol which looks like maybe a sword or a cross. As the sword sym bol is not available in the Times New Roman font, i chose the cross symbol. To view the goat in Part Third, do a right clik on it and select the option to display i t. A few notes on this book: Roman numbers are used for Bible and book chapter numbers. A short refresher course: i=1 vi = 6xv = 15 l = 50 ii = 2 vii = 7 xix = 19 lx = 60 iii = 3viii = 8 xx = 20 xc = 90 iv = 4ix = 9xxx = 30 c = 100 v=5 x = 10 xl = 40 ci = 101 and "&c." (etc.). Yes, having greater light now in 2001, we may smile at some of h is interpretations - but in looking at the overall effect of his message, and seein g how God led him in the whole (read chapter 22 of the 1858 Great Controvers y titled "William Miller") we should be even more thankful to God for leading his people in a mighty way, out into the truth (^-^).