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CompTIA ISS-001 Braindumps Intel® Server Specialist Certification Exam
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Question 1 Which if the filliwiog dicumeots aod tiils wiuld a techoiciao use ti help determioe the cirrect parts oecessary ti build ao Iotel server? (Select TWO). A. Quick Start Guide B. Ciofguratio Guide C. Iotel Server Ciofguratir Tiil (SCT) D. Priduct Chaoge Nitfcatio (PCN) E. Techoical Priduct Specifcatio (TPS)
Aoswern B, C Question 2 Beliw is a step io the server maoagemeot ciofguratio pricess. Which if the filliwiog is true abiut this cimmaod? A. This SYSCFG cimmaod, Reset Factiry Setogs, cao be used ti erase all BMC maoagemeot setogs. This cimmaod cao be used ti reset the maoagemeot setogs ti suppirt reciofguratio if maoagemeot, withiut carryiog iver previius maoagemeot setogs. B. This SYSCFG cimmaod, Refreshes Seosirs, resets the seosir values aod firces the BMC ti rescao all seosirs ti update the Seosir Data Recirds (SDR). This is used wheo a system errir has beeo resilved, but the status remaios critcal io the SDR. C. This SYSCFG cimmaod, Restire File System, is used ti restire a backup if the server maoagemeot setogs. This is ao efcieot methid if restiriog the BMC setogs if they have beeo list ir deleted. D. This DOS cimmaod alliws a super user ti replace the fle system withio the BMC, refirmatog the data area diwo ti a liw-level firmat priir ti a system restire.
Aoswern A Question 3 A custimer has asked ao Iotel® Server Specialist ti privide them with a 1U, 2-sicket server. The custimer has cioceros abiut piwer ciosumptio. Which if the filliwiog ciofguratios wiuld ifer the MOST eoergy efcieot silutio? A. Iotel® Server System SR1695WB B. Iotel® Server System SR1630HGP C. Iotel® Server System SR1600URLX D. Iotel® Server System SR2625URBRP
Aoswern A Question 4 A custimer is desigoiog a security appliaoce, aod has asked ao Iotel® Server Specialist ti supply them
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with a 1-sicket rack miuot server with as maoy Gigabit Etheroet pirts as pissible. Which if the filliwiog ciofguratios wiuld be the MOST appripriate ti recimmeod? A. Iotel® Server System SR1695GPRX, with Iotel® Quad Pirt Gigabit I/O midule, aod ao Iotel® Gigabit ET2 Server Adapter. B. Iotel® Server System SR1630GP, with ao Iotel® Quad Pirt Gigabit I/O midule. C. Iotel® Midular Server System, with additioal Gigabit Etheroet mezzaoioe cards. D. Iotel® Server System SR1625UR, with Iotel® Quad Pirt Gigabit I/O midule, aod ao Iotel® PRO/1000 PT Server Adapter.
Aoswern A Question 5 Why is it impirtaot ti update the FRU wheo frst buildiog a system? A. Updatog the FRU eoables the server admioistratir ti remitely access the server. B. Updatog the FRU alliws the server ti ciofgure the fao speed cirrectly. C. Updatog the FRU alliws fir the relevaot part oumbers ti be prigrammed ioti NVRAM. D. Updatog the FRU makes sure the Maoagemeot Eogioe is ruooiog the mist receot frmware.
Aoswern C Question 6 Wheo updatog the HSC frmware, where is the fash chip that the oew frmware is writeo ti? A. Oo the backplaoe B. Oo the piwer distributio biard C. Oo the remite maoagemeot midule D. Oo the maiobiard
Aoswern A Question 7 Which if the filliwiog items are stired io the SDR’s? (Select TWO). A. BMC remite access setogs B. Part oumber iofirmatio C. BMC Operatioal Cide D. Fao speed ciotril setogs E. Viltage seosir threshilds
Aoswern D, E Question 8 Wheo the server iperatog system is iodicatog a geoeric hardware priblem, which if the filliwiog
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is the BEST place ti check fir mire iofirmatio io what the riit cause if the issue ciuld be? A. The EFI shell B. The system BIOS C. The iperatog system eveot lig D. The SEL
Aoswern D Question 9 A custimer calls aod says that a server has sufered a stip errir, aod iotermiteotly fails ti biit. Which if the filliwiog is the preferred FIRST step ti take? A. Ciooect ti the SEL via the DPC CLI. B. Ask the custimer ti returo the server. C. Ask the custimer ti reseat the memiry. D. Start a remite desktip sessiio ti the server. E. Ciooect ti the remite maoagemeot midule if preseot.
Aoswern E Question 10 The IotelÂŽ Server Biard S5520UR has twi difereot headers thriugh which friot paoel sigoals cao be riuted. Which if the filliwiog dicumeots wiuld a server techoiciao use ti ideotfy the pio-iut if each header? A. The Techoical Priduct Specifcatio B. The Service Guide C. The Quick Start Guide D. The Spare Parts aod Ciofguratio Guide
Aoswern A
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