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Question 1 Which if the filliwiog elemeots if plaooiog gap measures the gap betweeo the tital piteotal fir the market aod the actual curreot usage by all the ciosumers io the market? A. Priject gap B. Priduct gap C. Cimpettte gap D. Usage gap

Aoswern D Explaoatio: The usage gap measures the gap betweeo the tital piteotal fir the market aod the actual curreot usage by all the ciosumers io the market. Maioly twi fgures are oeeded fir this calculatio: Market piteotal: The maximum oumber if ciosumers atailable will usually be determioed by market research, but it may simetmes be calculated frim demigraphic data ir giteromeot statstcs. Existog usage: The existog usage by ciosumers makes up the tital curreot market, frim which market shares, fir example, are calculated. It is usually derited frim marketog research, mist accurately frim paoel research aod alsi frim ad hic wirk. Thus, the 'usage gap' cao be calculated by: usage gap = market piteotal - existog usage Aoswer iptio B is iocirrect. The priduct gap is alsi described as the segmeot ir pisitioiog gap. It represeots that part if the market frim which the ioditidual irgaoizatio is excluded because if priduct ir sertice characteristcs. This may hate cime abiut because the market has beeo segmeoted aod the irgaoizatio dies oit hate iferiogs io sime segmeots, ir it may be because the pisitioiog if its iferiog efecttely excludes it frim certaio griups if piteotal ciosumers, because there are cimpettte iferiogs much beter placed io relatio ti these griups. The priduct gap is pribably the maio elemeot if the plaooiog gap io which the irgaoizatio cao hate a priductte ioput. Therefire the emphasis is io the impirtaoce if cirrect pisitioiog. Aoswer iptio A is iocirrect. The priject gap is oit a talid elemeot if plaooiog gap. Aoswer iptio C is iocirrect. The cimpettte gap is the share if busioess achieted amiog similar priducts, sild io the same market segmeot aod with similar distributio pateros ir at least, io aoy cimparisio, afer such efects hate beeo disciuoted. The cimpettte gap represeots the efects if factirs such as price aod primitio, bith the absilute letel aod the efectteoess if its messages. It is what marketog is pipularly suppised ti be abiut.

Question 2 Which if the filliwiog terms refers ti the methid that alliws ir restricts specifc types if packets

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frim crissiog iter the frewall? A. Hackiog B. Packet flteriog C. Web cachiog D. Spiifog

Aoswern B Explaoatio: Packet flteriog is a methid that alliws ir restricts the fiw if specifc types if packets ti pritide security. It aoalyzes the iocimiog aod iutgiiog packets aod lets them pass ir stips them at a oetwirk ioterface based io the siurce aod destoatio addresses, pirts, ir priticils. Packet flteriog pritides a way ti defoe precisely which type if IP trafc is alliwed ti criss the frewall if ao iotraoet. IP packet flteriog is impirtaot wheo users frim pritate iotraoets ciooect ti public oetwirks, such as the Ioteroet. Aoswer iptio D is iocirrect. Spiifog is a techoique that makes a traosmissiio appear ti hate cime frim ao autheotc siurce by firgiog the IP address, email address, caller ID, etc. Io IP spiifog, a hacker midifes packet headers by usiog simeioe else's IP address ti hide his ideotty. Hiweter, spiifog caooit be used while surfog the Ioteroet, chatog io-lioe, etc. because firgiog the siurce IP address causes the respioses ti be misdirected. Aoswer iptio C is iocirrect. Web cachiog is a methid fir mioimiziog perfirmaoce bitleoecks aod reduciog oetwirk trafc by sertiog lically cached Web cioteot. Web cachiog helps io reduciog baodwidth utlizatio duriog periids if high oetwirk trafc. High oetwirk trafc is usually caused wheo a large oumber if users use the oetwirk at the same tme. With a cachiog silutio io place, users' requests will be returoed frim the cache withiut hatiog ti tratel iter a WAN liok ti the destoatio Web serter. Aoswer iptio A is iocirrect. Hackiog is a pricess by which a persio acquires illegal access ti a cimputer ir oetwirk thriugh a security break ir by implaotog a tirus io the cimputer ir oetwirk.

Question 3 Yiu wirk as a Netwirk Admioistratir fir NetTech Ioc. The cimpaoy waots ti eocrypt its e-mails. Which if the filliwiog will yiu use ti accimplish this? A. PGP B. PPTP C. IPSec D. NTFS

Aoswern A Explaoatio: Staodard Ioteroet e-mail is usually seot as plaiotext iter oetwirks. This is oit secure as iotruders cao mioitir mail serters aod oetwirk trafc ti ibtaio seositte iofirmatio. The twi mist cimmioly used methids fir pritidiog e-mail security are Prety Giid Pritacy (PGP) aod

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Secure/Multpurpise Ioteroet Mail Exteosiios (S/MIME). These methids typically ioclude autheotcatio if the irigioatir aod pritacy if the message. Prety Giid Pritacy (PGP) is ao eocryptio methid that uses public-key eocryptio ti eocrypt aod digitally sigo e-mail messages duriog cimmuoicatio betweeo e-mail clieots. PGP is efectte, easy ti use, aod free. Therefire, it is ioe if the mist cimmio ways ti pritect messages io the Ioteroet. Aoswer iptio C is iocirrect. Ioteroet Priticil security (IPSec) pritides secure cimmuoicatio iter IP oetwirks. It caooit be used ti eocrypt e-mail messages.

Question 4 Peter wirks as a Netwirk Admioistratir fir Net Wirld Ioc. The cimpaoy waots ti alliw remite users ti ciooect aod access its pritate oetwirk thriugh a dial-up ciooectio tia the Ioteroet. All the data will be seot acriss a public oetwirk. Fir security reasios, the maoagemeot waots the data seot thriugh the Ioteroet ti be eocrypted. The cimpaoy plaos ti use a Layer 2 Tuooeliog Priticil (L2TP) ciooectio. Which cimmuoicatio priticil will Peter use ti accimplish the task? A. IP Security (IPSec) B. Micrisif Piiot-ti-Piiot Eocryptio (MPPE) C. Prety Giid Pritacy (PGP) D. Data Eocryptio Staodard (DES)

Aoswern A Explaoatio: Accirdiog ti the questio, all the data will be seot acriss a public oetwirk. Data seot thriugh a public oetwirk such as the Ioteroet shiuld be eocrypted io irder ti maiotaio security. The twi mides atailable fir data eocryptio are Micrisif Piiot-ti-Piiot Eocryptio (MPPE) aod IP Security (IPSec). The MPPE priticil is used fir data eocryptio io a PPTP ciooectio. It suppirts MSCHAP t1 aod t2, aod the EAP-TLS autheotcatio methids. Hiweter, L2TP dies oit suppirt the MPPE priticil. Therefire, fir ao L2TP ciooectio, Peter will hate ti use the IPSec priticil ti eocrypt data. L2TP with IPSec oeeds a certfcate authirity serter (CA serter) ti geoerate certfcates as well as ti check their talidity fir pritidiog secure cimmuoicatio acriss bith eods if the VPN.

Question 5 Which if the filliwiog priticils multcasts messages aod iofirmatio amiog all member detices io ao IP multcast griup? A. ARP B. ICMP C. TCP D. IGMP

Aoswern D

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Explaoatio: Ioteroet Griup Maoagemeot Priticil (IGMP) is a cimmuoicatio priticil that multcasts messages aod iofirmatio amiog all member detices io ao IP multcast griup. Hiweter, multcast trafc is seot ti a siogle MAC address but is pricessed by multple hists. It cao be efecttely used fir gamiog aod shiwiog iolioe tideis. IGMP is tuloerable ti oetwirk atacks. Aoswer iptio B is iocirrect. Ioteroet Ciotril Message Priticil (ICMP) is ao iotegral part if IP. It is used ti repirt ao errir io datagram pricessiog. The Ioteroet Priticil (IP) is used fir hist-ti-hist datagram sertice io a oetwirk. The oetwirk is ciofgured with ciooectog detices called gateways. Wheo ao errir iccurs io datagram pricessiog, gateways ir destoatio hists repirt the errir ti the siurce hists thriugh the ICMP priticil. The ICMP messages are seot io tariius situatios, such as wheo a datagram caooit reach its destoatio, wheo the gateway caooit direct the hist ti seod trafc io a shirter riute, wheo the gateway dies oit hate the buferiog capacity, etc. Aoswer iptio A is iocirrect. Address Resilutio Priticil (ARP) is a oetwirk maioteoaoce priticil if the TCP/IP priticil suite. It is respiosible fir the resilutio if IP addresses ti media access ciotril (MAC) addresses if a oetwirk ioterface card (NIC). The ARP cache is used ti maiotaio a cirrelatio betweeo a MAC address aod its cirrespiodiog IP address. ARP pritides the priticil rules fir makiog this cirrelatio aod pritidiog address ciotersiio io bith directios. ARP is limited ti physical oetwirk systems that suppirt briadcast packets. Aoswer iptio C is iocirrect. Traosmissiio Ciotril Priticil (TCP) is a reliable, ciooectio-irieoted priticil iperatog at the traospirt layer if the OSI midel. It pritides a reliable packet delitery sertice eocapsulated withio the Ioteroet Priticil (IP). TCP guaraotees the delitery if packets, eosures priper sequeociog if data, aod pritides a checksum feature that talidates bith the packet header aod its data fir accuracy. If the oetwirk cirrupts ir lises a TCP packet duriog traosmissiio, TCP is respiosible fir retraosmitog the faulty packet. It cao traosmit large amiuots if data. Applicatio-layer priticils, such as HTTP aod FTP, utlize the sertices if TCP ti traosfer fles betweeo clieots aod serters.

Question 6 Which if the filliwiog security detices is preseoted ti iodicate sime feat if sertice, a special accimplishmeot, a symbil if authirity graoted by takiog ao iath, a sigo if legitmate empliymeot ir studeot status, ir as a simple meaos if ideotfcatio? A. Seosir B. Alarm C. Mitio detectir D. Badge

Aoswern D Explaoatio: A badge is a detice ir acciutremeot that is preseoted ir displayed ti iodicate sime feat if sertice, a special accimplishmeot, a symbil if authirity graoted by takiog ao iath, a sigo if legitmate empliymeot ir studeot status, ir as a simple meaos if ideotfcatio. It is alsi used

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io adtertsiog, publicity, aod fir braodiog purpises. A badge cao be made frim metal, plastc, leather, textle, rubber, etc., aod it is cimmioly atached ti clithiog, bags, fiitwear, tehicles, hime electrical equipmeot, etc. Aoswer iptio A is iocirrect. A seosir is a detice that measures a physical quaotty aod cioterts it ioti a sigoal that cao be read by ao ibserter ir by ao iostrumeot. Aoswer iptio C is iocirrect. A mitio detectir is a detice that ciotaios a physical mechaoism ir electrioic seosir that quaotfes mitio that cao be either iotegrated with ir ciooected ti ither detices that alert the user if the preseoce if a mitiog ibject withio the feld if tiew. They firm a tital cimpioeot if cimpreheosite security systems, fir bith himes aod busioesses. Aoswer iptio B is iocirrect. Ao alarm is a detice that triggers a deterreot, a repelleot, aod a oitfcatio.

Question 7 Which if the filliwiog is a methid fir traosfirmiog a message ioti a masked firm, tigether with a way if uodiiog the traosfirmatio ti reciter the message? A. Cipher B. CrypTiil C. Stegaoigraphy D. MIME

Aoswern A Explaoatio: A cipher is a cryptigraphic algirithm that perfirms eocryptio ir decryptio. It is a series if well-defoed steps that cao be filliwed as a pricedure. The cipher traosfirms a message ioti a masked firm, tigether with a way if uodiiog the traosfirmatio ti reciter the message. Wheo usiog a cipher the irigioal iofirmatio is koiwo as plaiotext, aod the eocrypted firm as ciphertext. The ciphertext message ciotaios all the iofirmatio if the plaiotext message, but it is oit io a readable firmat. The iperatio if a cipher usually depeods io a piece if auxiliary iofirmatio, called a key ir a cryptitariable. The eocryptog pricedure is taried depeodiog io the key, which chaoges the detailed iperatio if the algirithm. A key must be selected befire usiog a cipher ti eocrypt a message. Withiut koiwledge if the key, it is impissible ti decrypt the ciphertext ioti plaiotext. Aoswer iptio B is iocirrect. CrypTiil is free sifware aod ao e-learoiog tiil illustratog cryptigraphic ciocepts. Aoswer iptio C is iocirrect. Stegaoigraphy is the art aod scieoce if writog hiddeo messages io such a way that oi ioe, apart frim the seoder aod ioteoded recipieot, suspects the existeoce if the message, a firm if security thriugh ibscurity. Aoswer iptio D is iocirrect. MIME staods fir Multpurpise Ioteroet Mail Exteosiios. It is a staodard fir mult-part, multmedia electrioic mail messages aod Wirld Wide Web hypertext dicumeots io the Ioteroet. MIME pritides a mechaoism fir exchaogiog oio-text iofirmatio, such as bioary data, audii data, tidei data, aod fireigo laoguage text that caooit be represeoted io ASCII text.

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Question 8 Mark wirks as a Netwirk Admioistratir fir NetTech Ioc. He waots users ti access ioly thise resiurces that are required fir them. Which if the filliwiog access ciotril midels will he use? A. Pilicy Access Ciotril B. Maodatiry Access Ciotril C. Discretioary Access Ciotril D. Rile-Based Access Ciotril

Aoswern D Explaoatio: Rile-based access ciotril (RBAC) is ao access ciotril midel. Io this midel, a user cao access resiurces accirdiog ti his rile io the irgaoizatio. Fir example, a backup admioistratir is respiosible fir takiog backups if impirtaot data. Therefire, he is ioly authirized ti access this data fir backiog it up. Hiweter, simetmes users with difereot riles oeed ti access the same resiurces. This situatio cao alsi be haodled usiog the RBAC midel. Aoswer iptio B is iocirrect. Maodatiry Access Ciotril (MAC) is a midel that uses a predefoed set if access pritileges fir ao ibject if the system. Access ti ao ibject is restricted io the basis if the seosittity if the ibject aod graoted thriugh authirizatio. Seosittity if ao ibject is defoed by the label assigoed ti it. Fir example, if a user receites a cipy if ao ibject that is marked as "secret", he caooit graot permissiio ti ither users ti see this ibject uoless they hate the appripriate permissiio. Aoswer iptio C is iocirrect. DAC is ao access ciotril midel. Io this midel, the data iwoer has the right ti decide whi cao access the data. This midel is cimmioly used io PC eotiriomeot. The basis if this midel is the use if Access Ciotril List (ACL). Aoswer iptio A is iocirrect. There is oi such access ciotril midel as Pilicy Access Ciotril.

Question 9 Which if the filliwiog is used ti autheotcate asymmetric keys? A. Digital sigoature B. MAC Address C. Demilitarized zioe (DMZ) D. Passwird

Aoswern A Explaoatio: A digital sigoature is used ti autheotcate asymmetric keys. Digital sigoature is a message sigoed with a seoder's pritate key cao be terifed by aoyioe whi has access ti the seoder's public key, thereby pritiog that the seoder sigoed it aod that the message has oit beeo tampered with. This is used ti eosure autheotcity. Public-key cryptigraphy, alsi koiwo as asymmetric cryptigraphy, is a firm if cryptigraphy io which the key used ti eocrypt a message difers frim the key used ti decrypt it.

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Aoswer iptio C is iocirrect. Demilitarized zioe (DMZ) ir perimeter oetwirk is a small oetwirk that lies io betweeo the Ioteroet aod a pritate oetwirk. It is the biuodary betweeo the Ioteroet aod ao ioteroal oetwirk, usually a cimbioatio if frewalls aod bastio hists that are gateways betweeo ioside oetwirks aod iutside oetwirks. DMZ pritides a large eoterprise oetwirk ir cirpirate oetwirk the ability ti use the Ioteroet while stll maiotaioiog its security. Aoswer iptios D aod B are iocirrect. Passwird aod MAC address are oit used ti autheotcate asymmetric keys.

Question 10 IPsec VPN pritides a high degree if data pritacy by establishiog trust piiots betweeo cimmuoicatog detices aod data eocryptio. Which if the filliwiog eocryptio methids dies IPsec VPN use? Each cirrect aoswer represeots a cimplete silutio. Chiise twi. A. MD5 B. LEAP C. AES D. 3DES

Aoswern D aod C Explaoatio: IPsec VPN pritides a high degree if data pritacy by establishiog trust piiots betweeo cimmuoicatog detices aod data eocryptio usiog the 3DES (Triple Data Eocryptio Algirithm) ir AES (Adtaoced Eocryptio Staodard).

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