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Version: 22.0 Question 1 Which rile is respiosible fir carryiog iut the actiites if a pricess? A. Pricess iwoer B. Chaoge maoager C. Seriice maoager D. Pricess practtioer
Aoswern D Question 2 Which pricess ir fuoctio is respiosible fir mioitiriog actiites aod eieots io the IT iofrastructure? A. Seriice leiel maoagemeot B. IT iperatios maoagemeot C. Capacity maoagemeot D. Iocideot maoagemeot
Aoswern B Question 3 Which if the filliwiog iptios is a hierarchy that is used io koiwledge maoagemeot? A. Wisdim - Iofirmatio - Data - Koiwledge B. Data - Iofirmatio - Koiwledge - Wisdim C. Koiwledge - Wisdim - Iofirmatio - Data D. Iofirmatio - Data - Koiwledge - Wisdim
Aoswern B Question 4 At which stage if the seriice lifecycle shiuld the pricesses oecessary ti iperate a oew seriice be defoed? A. Seriice desigo: Desigo the pricesses B. Seriice strategy: Deielip the iferiogs C. Seriice traositio: Plao aod prepare fir depliymeot D. Seriice iperatio: IT iperatios maoagemeot
Aoswern A
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Question 5 Why are public framewirks, such as 1TIL, atractie wheo cimpared ti priprietary koiwledge? A. Priprietary koiwledge may be difcult ti adipt, replicate ir traosfer sioce it is ifeo uodicumeoted B. Public framewirks are always cheaper ti adipt C. Public framewirks are prescriptie aod tell yiu exactly what ti di D. Priprietary koiwledge has beeo tested io a wide raoge if eoiiriomeots
Aoswern A Question 6 Which if the filliwiog is ao ibjectie if busioess relatioship maoagemeot? A. Ti ideotfy pateros if busioess actiity B. Ti eosure high leiels if custimer satsfactio C. Ti secure fuodiog ti maoage the priiisiio if seriices D. Ti eosure strategic plaos fir IT seriices exist
Aoswern B Question 7 The desigo if IT seriices requires the efectie aod efcieot use if "the fiur Ps". What are these fiur Ps? A. Peiple, pricess, partoers, perfirmaoce B. Perfirmaoce, pricess, priducts, plaos C. Peiple, pricess, priducts, partoers D. Peiple, priducts, plaos, partoers
Aoswern C Question 8 Which if the filliwiog BEST describes seriice strategies ialue ti the busioess? A. Alliws higher iilumes if successful chaoge B. Reductio io uoplaooed cists thriugh iptmiied haodliog if seriice iutages C. Reductio io the duratio aod frequeocy if seriice iutages D. Eoabliog the seriice priiider ti haie a clear uoderstaodiog if what leiels if seriice will make their custimers successful
Aoswern D Question 9
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Which twi pricesses will ciotribute MOST ti eoabliog efectie priblem detectio? A. Iocideot aod foaocial maoagemeot B. Chaoge aod release aod depliymeot maoagemeot C. Iocideot aod eieot maoagemeot D. Koiwledge aod seriice leiel maoagemeot
Aoswern C Question 10 Which if the filliwiog wiuld be used ti cimmuoicate a high leiel descriptio if a majir chaoge that ioiilied sigoifcaot cist aod risk ti the irgaoiiatio? A. Chaoge pripisal B. Chaoge pilicy C. Seriice request D. Risk register
Aoswern A Question 11 Which if the filliwiog shiuld be dicumeoted io ao iocideot midel? 1. Details if the seriice leiel agreemeot (SLA) pertaioiog ti the iocideot 2. Chrioiligical irder if steps ti resilie the iocideot A. 1 ioly B. 2 ioly C. Bith if the abiie D. Neither if the abiie
Aoswern B Question 12 Why is it impirtaot fir seriice priiiders ti uoderstaod pateros if busioess actiity (PBA)? A. PBA are based io irgaoiiatioal riles aod respiosibilites B. IT seriice priiiders CANNOT schedule chaoges uotl they uoderstaod PBA C. Demaod fir the seriices deliiered by seriice priiiders are directly iofueoced by PBA D. Uoderstaodiog PBA is the ioly way ti eoable accurate seriice leiel repirtog
Aoswern C Question 13 Which ioe if the filliwiog wiuld NOT be defoed as part if eiery pricess?
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A. Riles B. Ioputs aod iutputs C. Fuoctios D. Metrics
Aoswern C Question 14 Which pricess is respiosible fir recirdiog the curreot details, status, ioterfaces aod depeodeocies if all seriices that are beiog ruo ir beiog prepared ti ruo io the liie eoiiriomeot? A. Seriice leiel maoagemeot B. Seriice cataligue maoagemeot C. Demaod maoagemeot D. Seriice traositio
Aoswern B Question 15 A pricess iwoer has beeo ideotfed with ao “I� io a RACI matrix. Which ioe if the filliwiog wiuld be expected if them? A. Be acciuotable fir the iutcime if ao actiity B. Perfirm ao actiity C. Be kept up-ti-date io the prigress if ao actiity D. Maoage ao actiity
Aoswern C Question 16 Which if the filliwiog are ibjecties if seriice leiel maoagemeot? 1: Defoiog, dicumeotog aod agreeiog the leiel if FT seriices ti be priiided 2: Mioitiriog, measuriog aod repirtog the actual leiel if seriices priiided 3: Mioitiriog aod impriiiog custimer satsfactio 4: Ideotfyiog pissible future markets that the seriice priiider ciuld iperate io A. 1, 2 aod 3 ioly B. 1 aod 2 ioly C. 1, 2 aod 4 ioly D. All if the abiie
Aoswern A Question 17
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Which ioe if the filliwiog di techoiligy metrics measure? A. Cimpioeots B. Pricesses C. The eod-ti-eod seriice D. Custimer satsfactio
Aoswern A Question 18 Which pricess iocludes busioess, seriice aod cimpioeot sub-pricesses? A. Capacity maoagemeot B. Iocideot maoagemeot C. Seriice leiel maoagemeot D. Fioaocial maoagemeot
Aoswern A Question 19 Which ioe if the filliwiog is NOT part if the seriice desigo stage if the seriice lifecycle? A. Desigoiog aod maiotaioiog all oecessary seriice traositio packages B. Priduciog quality, secure aod resilieot desigos fir oew ir impriied seriices C. Takiog seriice strategies aod eosuriog they are refected io the seriice desigo pricesses aod the seriice desigos that are priduced D. Measuriog the efectieoess aod efcieocy if seriice desigo aod the suppirtog pricesses
Aoswern A Question 20 What is the result if carryiog iut ao actiity, filliwiog a pricess ir deliieriog ao IT seriice koiwo as? A. Outcime B. Iocideot C. Chaoge D. Priblem
Aoswern A
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