February Issue 2013

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InThis Issue


Welcome Letter ii | From the Editors


Feature Story 1 | Waiting for God’s Will


Feature Story 2 | In Like or Love?



Her Campus Life List 3 | Book Picks


Feature Story 5 | Dating With a Purpose


Favorite Recipes 7 | Strawberry Heart Oreo Cookies

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All of the principles and scripture, are based on the King James Bible.

Photos and Ads By: Stockvault Victoria Cook Google Images Mique Provost: (Thirtyhandmadeays.com)

LetterFromThe Editors Victoria, Christina, Sheena, and Candace

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Dear Readers: ! Welcome to Her Campus Life Magazine. If this is your first time reading our magazine, we want to welcome you and we hope that you enjoy it and we are able to encourage you. If you have read our magazine before, we welcome you back and we hope you enjoy this issue as well. We want to thank you for all the positive feedback and support. You can email us what you think. Also, let us know what you would like to see in our magazine. ! As it gets closer to Valentine’s Day, we wanted to give you some articles that would get you in the spirit. We want to introduce our very first guy take over issue. We had guys write some articles that are funny, informational, and may give you a sneak peek inside their brains on the subjects of dating and relationships. We had so much fun creating this issue for you. ! We have an awesome magazine for you and we hope you enjoy it. Thank you again for reading our magazine. Please let us know what you think and what you would like to see in next month’s issue. We love creating this magazine to help people and to give young ladies something to look forward to. Enjoy!







Victoria, Christina, Sheena, and Candace

Waiting For God’s Will! By: Darrius Roberson Junior at Hyles Anderson College

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! Many Christians date with the specific desire of marriage. Because of his reasoning, those Christians strive to make sure that the person they are dating is actually God’s will for their life. I believe God has a will for everyone and that He will also reveal that will in His own time. ! I have seen from the many examples in my life what God’s will entails. My pastor, principal, and especially my parents have shown through their own lives how to find the one person that God has for you. It is shown in how that person encourages you. God’s ultimate will is for each of us to serve Him in our lives. If you are dating God’s will for your life, they will push you to serve God and will understand that He should come first in both of your lives. ! Another thing to look at is if you and your dating partner make each other better. This goes even further than just pushing you to do better, but also someone that makes you want to be better for their sake. As mentioned

before, God reveals His will on His own time; so never get discouraged. God works in mysterious ways and can make the seemingly impossible happen. So just trust in God and follow His guidance. He will lead you to His perfect plan for your life.

In Like or Love? By: Daniel Bradshaw Junior at Hyles Anderson College

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! You know those couples that are always together? You know the ones that look like they’re making out with their eyes. Yeah, those couples. Do you ever wonder if they are really in love? Well y’all, let me tell you a little secret. Love is more than a look or a word. I think it is funny when a girl finally finds a guy that might love her, she often thinks to herself, “Its destiny! We will get married; have four kids, a two story house, picket fence, and two dogs, and live happily ever after…” When the guy thinks, “I can use her to get to her friend; and then maybe I’ll finally have the courage to ask out (insert name of home-wrecker, man-snatching, dreamcrushing girl).” You see the difference? ! Girls often mistake a boy’s infatuation, with true love. Love is not just some feeling you get when two people stare into each others’ eyes. Love is an action word. Love is not

something you fall into, it’s a choice you make. When you say those three little words, you are saying that I will love you even if you act like a jerk, even if you don’t text back, even if you might dress like you shop at garage sales. The Bible says that love covers a multitude of sins. Do you know how strong a “love” has to be to cover any sins, let alone a multitude? Now I am not just talking about God’s love for us. His love is the strongest of all. I am talking about the type of love that it takes to have a strong, healthy, long lasting relationship. ! So in conclusion, girls, don’t think because this guy can say the right words and give the right looks that he is in love with you. Before you commit yourself to him, make sure he will love you when you wake up in the morning and look like you were hit with a monster truck, or that one time a month when you act like a witch and expect us to “understand.” Make sure he plans on being there for you physically, emotionally,


In Like or Love? (cont.)

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and spiritually. And fellas, don’t think just because she moves the right way that you’re in love. When you choose to tell a girl that you love her, it better not be because she can cook. It better be because of what you saw on the inside: you saw her true beauty and not just the curls of her hair, or the blush of her cheeks. I know that I personally have found the girl of my dreams, and I have fallen in love with her. I have chosen to love her even if we disagree and argue. I have chosen to love her for the rest of my life. It is big responsibility to love someone. Are you ready?

! ! ! Her Campus Life: ! ! ! ! Book Picks 1. A Time to Choose ! ! By: Yvonne Coats 2. Living Purely in an Impure World ! ! By: Jim Binney 3. Talking to Our Daughters.... ! ! By: Jane Grafton Kris Grafton, R.N.

This is a list of books we would like to recommend you read. They are awesome and really changed our lives. We hope you check them out!

Dating With A Purpose! By: Matthew Blackstock Graduate of Hyles Anderson College ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

! A wise man once told me, “The best way to ensure you marry a pretty woman is to never date an ugly one.” Though extremely sarcastic, he makes a great point. Dating is to many people a mystery. It’s something they’d like to explore, but are not sure where to begin. For others it is something that comes all too easy, and ends just as abruptly. Whatever your situation may be, there is one thing we all have in common: we will never marry someone that we didn’t date (or court). ! As a teenager, my parents insisted that I “be friends” with all the girls. “Don’t get so attached to one person that you miss the right one,” they’d say. Of course, for me this was never too difficult because I had never met a single person I wanted to give all my time or attention to, anyway. Eventually though, you see someone that catches your attention. Someone you wouldn’t mind “getting to know.” This is where “dating” begins. ! Don’t get me wrong. I was born in ’89 so I know all the lingo. Either you’re

“talking” or “going on dates”, but you’re not “Facebook Official.” I understand all of that; but for the sake of this article, I am going to use the word “dating” loosely, especially for our generation. By “dating” I mean you’ve got someone you’re interested and you don’t know where it’s going to lead, but you’re excited to find out....all the way till you’re “going steady” as my mother would say. ! So you’ve met this girl, and she made your heart skip a beat. She has the most beautiful eyes, but you’re afraid she was looking at your roommate instead of you. You know he would take her on a date in a second if he thought she was looking, so what do you do? This is where most college students get it wrong. The idea is not to take a girl out just because she has nice eyes. The point of dating is to figure out if they are a good candidate for marriage. If you do not know what your goals in life are, it will be pretty difficult to decide if she will be a good one to help you accomplish your goals. In Genesis the Bible says Eve was made to be a “help meet for him.” You should have the

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Dating With A Purpose (cont.) the goals God has given you in your head when deciding if “she” is the one. Many times you will not know enough about this person to rule them out until you learn a little more, but you should always keep God’s plan before yours. ! After several years in college, my high school sweetheart and I broke up, and I felt like I had wasted so much time. I knew we weren’t right for each other, but I didn’t want to begin dating again, so I made a decision. I’m not saying it was the right decision, but it’s the decision I made. I feel like this decision changed my dating life 100%. I decided that I would ONLY ask out girls that fell into the guidelines of someone that could help accomplish the goals God had given me. I also decided that I would be up front with each girl I dated by telling them, “I’m really not into dating around a lot. I’m just looking for the girl that I feel is right for me, and when I find her I’m going to marry her.” This pushed some people away very quickly, but most agreed that, that’s all they wanted too. ! This advice is not to tell you to do things the way I did. I personally feel like I am a terrible example of “How to Win Friends and Influence People,” but I do know a little bit about setting goals. Men, know what you want to do, and find a girl who wants to go with you. Ladies, find a man who knows where he’s going. Keep God’s plan above everything, and don’t be afraid to ask for help. After all, even Adam needed help.

Strawberry Heart Oreo Cookies

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Author: Mique Provost- 30days blog Recipe type: dessert

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Prep time: 10 mins Cook time: 8 mins Total time: 18 mins

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Heart shaped strawberry flavored oreo cookiesperfect for Valentine’s day! Ingredients: ! * 1 package of strawberry cake mix ! * 2 eggs ! * ¾ cup of shortening Frosting: ! * 8 oz. cream cheese ! * ½ stick of butter, softened ! * 2 tsp. vanilla ! * 4 c. powdered sugar

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Instructions ! 1. Mix together. !

! 2. The dough will be pretty stiff- it’s supposed to ! ! be that way. ;) ! 3. Roll into balls. ! 4. Place two next to each other. ! 5. Pinch the bottom to create a heart. ! 6. Bake at 350 degrees for 8 minutes. ! 7. Immediately transfer to a cooling rack. ! 8. When cookies are cool, frost them and then ! ! sandwich them like an Oreo. ! 9. This will only make about 12-15 cookies total ! ! depending on how big you make them. For the frosting: ! 1. Mix cream cheese and ½ stick of softened ! ! butter. Add vanilla. ! 2. Then slowly add in one cup of powered sugar ! ! at a time until creamy. ! 3. Spread onto cool cookies.Sandwich together. *NOTE: You can lessen the amount of powered sugar to your liking. You can start with 2 cups and add up to four. The amount you add changes the consistency and sweetness.

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“And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a help meet for him.� - Genesis 2:18

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