November 2012 Issue

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InThis Issue

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Welcome Letter ii | From The Editors

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Feature Story 1 | Being Thankful Through the Trials

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Fashion/Style 2 | Fall/ Winter 2012

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Cover Story 3 | Sheena Coleman


Dating 5 | I Like Him! Date the Right Way!

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Caring About People 6 | Are You Listening or Ignoring His Leading?


All of the principles and scripture, are based on the King James Bible.

Cover Photo: Sheena Coleman Photo Taken By: Victoria Cook Photos By: Victoria Cook Candace Murray Google Images


LetterFromThe Editors Victoria, Christina, Sheena, and Candace

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Dear Readers: ! Welcome to the very first issue of Her Campus Life Magazine. We want to thank you for reading this magazine, and we hope you enjoy every article we are sharing with you. ! Her Campus Life Magazine is a magazine to be an encouragement to young ladies. It is written by college students with all young people in mind. The articles can be related to every part of a young lady’s life, from fashion to family time. ! Thank you again for reading our very first issue of Her Campus Life Magazine. Please let us know what you think and if you would like an issue every month. You can also send us topics you would like us to write articles on! Enjoy!








Victoria, Christina, Sheena, and Candace

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Being Thankful Through The Trials By: Alissa Merklinger Junior at Hyles Anderson College

! We are so quick to get angry at God when bad things happen. We blame Him. We can’t understand why he would make us go through these trials and hard times. But have !we ever stopped to think that maybe God is allowing these trials in our lives because He trusts us and knows what is coming in the future? He know that you are going to lose a parent or a child. He knows that that person in your life that you look up to, admire and is a hero to you is going to let you down. He knows that you are going to get sick in college and will have to go home and lose a semester. He knows all of that! Nothing takes God by surprise. He knows that it is coming and that we can handle it. ! He puts trials and hard times in our lives to help prepare us for the hardships later in life. He is going to put some waves in the lake so that when we get on the ocean, we will know how to handle it. No one is going to be able to get out on the ocean and navigate safely through it if its there first time experiences waves. ! God puts trails in our lives to prepare us for the great things he has for us later. When we get to our ocean for the first time and we get to look over the incredible view in front of us and see everything that God has waiting for us-an endless supply of people to help, comfort and tell about Christ-we will finally understand the purpose behind all the trials and hardships, all the waves, earlier in our lives. We can turn around and thank Him for preparing us for this amazing life He has planned for us. ! This Thanksgiving, instead of sitting back looking at all the terrible things God has put us through’, lets look into our future and think about all the things He must have in store !for us. Lets thank Him for trusting us enough to prepare us for all of those things! ! God does not have to allow us to influence people, to help people, to bring lost souls to Him-He choses to allow us to have a part in it. He is gracious enough to not only allow us to have a part in it, but to prepare us for it.

“2012” Fall Fashion Trends

By: Moana Tuiolosega Junior at Hyles Anderson College



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1)Bold necklace 2)Mustard yellow/ printed scarf 3)Skinny belt 4)Golden-Brown Accessories 5)Leaf Earrings 6)Mauve Top 7)Polka Dot Sweater 8)Fall skirts 9)Boots 10) Blazer

Sheena Coleman The Girl Behind The Voice!!












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! Sheena Coleman, there is so much I can say about her. She is friendly, kind, sweet, hardworking, very talented, encouraging, and above all she is an awesome friend to all her friends. She encourages us when we really need it. Whenever we are having a bad day, she always says something that brightens up our day whether it is a bible verse, a funny quote, or even one of her crazy comments.

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! She also likes to have lots of fun. I remember this time we were bored at work (which was cleaning bathrooms), so we decided to engage in a little innocent spray bottle fight. We were chasing each other with the spray bottles, running in and out of dorm wings, down the hall way, laughing, and being so loud. I don’t even know how we ended it, but we did. I’m pretty sure everyone who saw this event thought we were absolutely crazy, but it was so fun. Yes, she does have a great voice, but most important she is an amazing person and friend!

By: Christina Cook Junior at Hyles Anderson College

! I remembered one time in college we had the same class, and we had to memorize many bible verses for a test. We decided to study them together. First, I was discouraged because there was so many verses to memorize, I didn’t think I remember all of them correctly. Sheena was like you can do this, “We got this.” Then I was getting frustrated because I could not stay focused on memorizing the verses, but she kept telling me I can do it, and she would quiz me on the verses over and over to make sure I knew them. She was a great help and encouragement that day. That is the type of friend Sheena is to everyone.

I Like Him!! Date the Right Way ! !

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! By: Davora Coville Senior at Hyles Anderson College

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! Students at Hyles-Anderson College have heard the term “Date right” more times then they ever care to admit. The question that often comes to mind regarding the subject is whether or not “dating right” is worth the trouble. I cannot claim to have infinite wisdom in dating relationships, but I can tell of what I have learned through my personal experiences. ! Having secure dating principles early in a relationship are very important. Charlie, my fiancé, and I have been dating for over two years, and we love each other very much. We care deeply for each other and I believe a main contributor to our success is that we established dating principles early in our relationship. Having high standards in dating is important because it allows an attraction beyond the physical to be established. The principles Charlie and I most commonly used to govern our actions were to not be alone in a place that would compromise our testimony, we kept our conversations appropriate, we had dating counselors to keep us accountable, and we kept the dating rules of the college. I must admit, Charlie and I are not perfect nor do we claim to be anything more than who God sees us to be, but we have found a happiness in each other, and a peace knowing we have dated with a purpose. ! I could not have anymore joy then what I have now knowing that I was created for a man who loves me for me and not for what I can give him. In conclusion, dating right will always be worth the trouble it is to live at a higher standard. Correct dating could mean the difference between true love and true lust. I am very glad I chose true love.

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Are You Listening or Ignoring His Leading? By: Dustin Anaya Senior at Hyles Anderson College ! It was roughly 10:00 pm, and I was in a hurry to get to my friend’s house for a small get-together. He lived forty minutes away, and I was already running late, so there was no time to waste. Before I started off to his house, I had to get a couple things to bring to his house. I just finished getting the last item I needed to bring to the get-together, when I realized that I needed gas. I quickly pulled into the closest Speedway I could find because I had a gift card, and I was not about to spend my own money. I jumped out of my car and began pumping gas, then I walked inside to get a drink for the road. As I walked into the gas station, a man around the age of 45 walked in as well. As I went to pay for my drink, I overheard the man asking if he could leave his car in the parking lot overnight because it had just broke down. The manager said yes, as long as he pushed it to the back. ! Right at that time, the Holy Spirit convicted my heart about witnessing to him. Instead, I offered to help the man push his car to the back. I figured I was still doing a good thing, so God wouldn’t be that mad at me. Besides, I was in a hurry to get to my friend’s house. He gladly welcomed my generous offer. I hurried and paid for my drink and helped the man push his car. He thanked me, and I got in my car to leave. As I started to pull out, the Holy Spirit began pressing on my heart again to witness to that man. I started to feel convicted, so I slammed on my breaks and put my car in park. The whole time I was irritated that God would make me stop what I was doing to witness to this guy. I got out, shut my door, grabbed a tract, and went over to the guy, who was still somberly sitting on the curb waiting for his ride. I walked up to him and handed him the tract with hardly any expression or interest and said, “Hey, I forgot to give you this.” He politely told me

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Are You Listening or Ignoring His Leading? cont. thank you, and I ran back to my car. My car was still running, so all I had to do was put it in gear and drive away. ! As I started to pull off, I felt the Holy Spirit pricking my heart once again. I sat there arguing with God saying, “God, there’s no way I can go back now! He’s going to think I’m an idiot and just laugh at me!” If somebody saw me, they would have thought I was crazy. I got out, and this time I took the keys out of the ignition. That was my way of telling God that I would finally do what He wanted me to do. I hesitantly walked over to the man, and started talking to him again. I could tell he was surprised that I came back. I told him that I had to ask him a very important question, and asked him if he knew 100% for sure that he had a home in heaven when he died. He said no, so I asked him if I could show him how he could be sure. To my surprise, he said that he wouldn’t mind at all. I sat there in shock at his answer. ! I explained to him that the Bible says in Romans 3:23, that we are all sinners. Not only that, but I explained to him that the Bible says there is a price for sin. Romans 6:23 tells us that the price for sin is death in hell. Then, I told him that Romans 5:8 tells us that Jesus loved us so much that He gave His own life so that we don’t have to go to hell. The Bible tells us that Jesus knew all of the sins that we would ever do, and He still chose to die for us. Next, I explained that salvation is a gift. So many people think that in order to get to heaven, they have to live a certain life, or do a certain amount of good deeds, but that’s not what the Bible says. The Bible says that eternal life is a gift from God, and that we cannot earn it no matter how hard we try. Lastly, I taught him that the Bible says in Romans 10:13 that in order to get this gift, all we have to do is ask for it. That verse says, “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” That means that anybody can pray, and ask God to come into their heart, and they shall be saved. I then showed him that the Bible says in other verses that all he has to do is believe on Christ, and ask Him to take him to heaven when he died. I could see the countenance of the man’s face change as I continued. ! He bowed his head, and prayed something like this, “Dear Jesus, I know I’m a sinner, and I know I can’t save myself. I know You died on the cross for all of my sins, and I’m asking You to come into my heart to save me. I’m trusting You, and only You to get me to heaven. Amen.” I thanked the man for his time, and he thanked me very sincerely for sharing the news I had shared with him. As I got into my car for the third time, I couldn’t help but cry as I thought of how I almost missed a chance to see a soul saved and on its way to heaven all because I had plans of my own. Not only that, but I couldn’t help but be amazed at the fact that God used me despite my ignoring Him. God can and will use anyone or anything to get people saved. The Holy Spirit speaks to Christians; it’s their choice whether they decide to listen or ignore His leading. Telling others about Christ may be inconvenient at times, but it comes down to what is most important, soul winning. Who out there is waiting for you to tell them about Jesus?

“Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms.� -Psalms 95:2

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