March Issue 2013

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LetterFromThe Editor in Chief

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Dear Readers,

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Starting this month, I want to start a series on attitude. Every month each issue will cover a part of what makes a meek and gracious attitude. This month is about dealing with hurt. There are so many young ladies who are dealing with hurt that needs some encouragement. So, I hope the articles in this issue brightens up your day and gives you some encouragement.

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We want to thank you for all the positive feedback and support you’ve sent us. You can email us what you think. Also, let us know what you would like to !see in our magazine. We have an awesome magazine for you and we hope you enjoy it. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! - Victoria Cook

I want to welcome you to the March issue of Her Campus Magazine. If this is your first time reading our magazine, I want to welcome you and I hope you enjoy and become encouraged from our magazine. If you are a regular reader, I want to say welcome back and I hope you enjoy this issue.


InThis Issue

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Teen Poem 3 | Knowing He Is There

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Feature Story 5 | Hazards of Life

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Crafts 8 | Fabric Rings

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Recipes 9 | Fruit and Yogurt

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Devotional 10 | The Comforter is Always There

Her Campus Life Media 4 | Books, Playlist, Movies

All of the principles and scripture, are based on the King James Bible.

Photos By: Victoria Cook istock Google images

! ! Knowing He Is There! !









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As I look around at this so called perfect world I see pain, hurt and stress here and there Sometimes I wonder why does pain have to hurt so much Maybe because we try so hard to fit in with this sinful world Many of us just need a shoulder to lean on But instead we lean on this world shoulder I must admit that life will come with its hurt and pain We have to realize that someone do care about us He is there to be by our side no more !what He want to be there but we stress so much About our problem when we should be calling on him God wants to be there for us no more !what We just need to let him come in our life He made bring tests in our life not to hurt us But to make us stronger when the storm comes Our pain will go away if we just let God be in control And let him be the shining light of our life to relieve Our stress this world cant heal our stress if They wanted to, this world would just



By: Mercedes Williams

Make it worse encouraging us to listen to music that they Say will relieve our stress, they will make it seem as if They are there to encourage us God know what the world will do if they know about our stress He don't want us to be away from him he wants us to be closer He know that the more the world encourages us it will kill us from the inside He wants to heal your stress before you go down the wrong path He loves us so much and he don't want us to ruin our life just because We were so weak to let the world take over our life This sinful isn't our home we have to realize that as well One day we will leave this sinful place where we once called home And go home to live eternal with our father in heaven No matter what Gods getter than our problems and our struggles He’s there no matter what even when we get mad at him about The tests in life, they made seem hard to get pass But Gods there cheering us on every step we take He’s in our bright and dark days He’s a better friend to have than this sinful world.



Her Campus Life Media Books:

1. Living Pure in an Impure World By: Jim Binney 2. No Regrets By: Jaclyn Weber 3. Living on the Bright Side By: Cindy Schaap

Playlist: !

1. He Is There By: The Hookers 2. I’m Amazed By: Unknown Artist 3. All Along By: Hyles Anderson College

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Hazards Of Life




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A hazard of the boxing ring is the distinct possibility of getting physically hurt. Every boxer, professional or amateur, knows the risk of, for instance, a broken nose, a cut eyebrow, being winded by a body punch or even being knocked out cold, risking long-term brain damage.

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A hazard of life generally though is also the distinct possibility of getting hurt in some way. Here, I am not referring to something as unsubtle as a black eye, but to the more insidious pain of inner hurt, and that crushing feeling of inward offense. To be human is to be sensitive. Being on the receiving end of a deliberate or accidental offense and consequently feeling hurt inside can be a great problem for us all at some time. What do we do at such times? Does the Bible—God's Word—address this issue?

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Yes, it does. Consider the following.First of all, it is not wrong for us to feel hurt. Mark 3:5 describes an occasion when the Lord Jesus Himself looked around at them with anger, grieved by their hardness of heart. Then in 2 Timothy 4:14 Paul relates how Alexander the coppersmith did me great harm... If both the sinless Son of God and the great Apostle Paul winced with inward hurt then, we will too. We are only human and we are part of a fallen world. So whilst we do not welcome getting hurt, it is unrealistic not to expect it at some








By: Lashunda Anderson

time. How though are we meant to react? The Bible teaches non-retaliation. By this it warns us not to add fuel to the fire and make a bad situation worse. Jesus said in Matthew 5:39 But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also. And Paul wrote in Romans 12:17 and 19: Repay no one evil for evil, but take thought for what is noble in the sight of all... Beloved, never avenge yourselves but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written 'Vengeance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord.' Vengeance then is God's prerogative, not ours. It is natural, of course, to want to retaliate and 'get even.' But the Christian Faith is not natural—it is a supernatural Faith. God's Holy Spirit, living within us, enables us to live and empowers us to live, think, act and not act, in a way and manner altogether differently from the normal.


Hazards of Life (cont.)

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The Bible often reminds us that we have a Father in heaven to Whom we can turn when we get hurt—or in fact at any time. Call upon Me in the day of trouble (Psalm 50:15). Cast your burden on the LORD and He will sustain you(Psalm 55:22).In this, we have the positive example of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. How did He deal with personal offence? 1 Peter 2:23 tells us: When He was reviled, reviled not again; ! when He suffered, He threatened not; but committed himself to him that Judith righteously; !

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! In leaving in God's hand, and the personal abuse He received, Jesus has given us, His followers, an example to emulate.In praying to God about those who have wounded us, is it wrong to pray that He will take vengeance upon them? Putting my head on the block, I would suggest that it is not ! necessarily wrong, not that I can ever recall doing this. Many of the Psalms are what are known as 'imprecatory' Psalms. In these, the Psalmist prays that God would avenge his enemies. It is certainly infinitely better to ask God for vengeance on our enemies than to take revenge ourselves, for we can be sure that God will never punish unjustly, or too much or too little, or be handicapped by wounded pride and personal prejudice as we are.

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Remember too that in God's dealings with us—including the harsher people and providences He sends our way— Psalm 145:17 holds true: The LORD is just in all His ways, and kind in all His doings. Even our pain then will turn out

ultimately for our blessing, for Romans 8:28 says that without exception We know that in everything God works for good with those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose.Finally, no matter what internal scars we carry, if we are Christians, we must always remind ourselves and rejoice that our Gospel is a Gospel of the forgiveness of sins. Christ died for our sins (1 Corinthians 15:3). Your sins are forgiven for His sake(1 John 2:12).Our sin offends almighty God, but in Christ He had mercy upon us. Every Christian is a recipient of the mercy of God —a full and free forgiveness, gained by Christ's undergoing the punishment for our sins, in our place, on Calvary's cross. Surely, if we know that God, in Christ, has forgiven us all our sins, our attitude towards others will be that much more merciful. Hence Paul exhorted in Ephesians 4:32: And be ye kind to one another, tender hearted, forgiving one another, even as God, for Christ’s sake, hath forgiven you. So, in this wonderful, but at times painful world, it pays to fix our eyes on Jesus and His redeeming love. The cross of Christ keeps everything that happens to us in it’s right perspective.

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Fabric Rings




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You Will Need: ! ! - Hot glue gun ! ! - Felt ! ! - Fabric scissors ! ! - Pencil/stick ! ! - Ring band

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1. Cut a circle out of the felt, then out of the fabric cut a circle similar in size to the felt. Cut around 7 - 10 circles.

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2. Using a pencil or stick, wrap the fabric around it and hot glue the tip.

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3. Place in the center of the felt. Continue adding circles going from the inside out until your desired fullness.

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4. Attach the ring band on and let it cool before putting it on. Trim the fabric if it looks uneven or not shaped right.




* Try using different fabrics and circles sizes.

! Fruit and ! ! ! Yogurt !



By: Seventeen Magazine

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Ingredients: ! 1 apple ! 1 banana ! 1 orange ! A pinch of sugar ! Nonfat vanilla yogurt

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1. Wash the apple, then dice. 2. Peel the banana. Cut it into approximately Ÿ inch slices, and then cut those in half. 3. Cut the orange into approximately ½ inch-wide crescents, and then cut those in two. Remove the peel from all of the pieces. 4. Mix the apple, banana, and orange in a bowl and add a pinch (or two) of sugar to the top. 5. Eat with yogurt on the side, or combine it with the fruit.

The Comforter ! Is Always There ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

One of my favorite verses in the Bible is Psalm 18:2. The verse says, "The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower." I remember claiming this verse on October 19, 2012, the night I found out that my grandfather had passed away. I knew before I had left for college, that my grandfather would probably pass away, but I just wasn't quite sure though when that would be. One of my fears is living far away from home and someone close to me passing away. I was so thankful I was able to see my grandfather four months before he passed.

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The night my grandfather passed away, I remember calling my mom and pleading with her to let me come home. I was sad and hurting over the fact that I wasn't there to ! be there with my family. My mom !wouldn't let me come back home and ! told me that it was best I stayed here. !She was right! Being at school, I have a ! bunch of friends who are like family to ! me. They were there encouraging me !through prayer and Bible verses. They ! reminded me that when we are going through a tough time, when were grieving, or even going through trials and tribulations, God is always there for us





By: Cassie Miller

and is here to be our Comforter. No matter what I (we) may go we must remember what 1 Peter 1:7 says. It says, "That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:" I don't know about you, but when I come to a rough patch in my Christian life, I don’t always look to Christ first. My first human response is to try and solve the situation as best as I know how. What does that cause me to do? It causes me to get down; depressed…it causes me to question what I believe; it stresses me out...Sometimes when we go through a situation it's easier to talk it out with whoever is near me at the time. But like I've been learning this past week is how important it is to trust God and to seek him and call upon his name. Psalm 27:5 says, "For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock.” Isn't good to know that no matter what we go through that God is always there for us if we will just seek Him? I find it comforting to know that the Lord is there for me and He is just waiting for me to call out and say, "LORD…I need you. I can't make it in life without you." So when was the last time you called out to Lord? If you haven't why not? Remember that no matter what you go through, to wait on the Lord.

“Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.� - Psalm 55:22

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