January Issue 2013

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InThis Issue


Welcome Letter ii I From the Editors


Top 10 1 I Beauty Products for the Winter

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Feature Story 2 I “I Had a Roommate That...”:


Honesty is The Best Policy

Caring About People 5 I An Accidental Miracle

5 All of the principles and scripture, are based on the King James Bible.

Photos and Ads By: Stockvault Victoria Cook Google Images

LetterFromThe Editors Victoria, Christina, Sheena, and Candace

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Dear Readers: ! Welcome to Her Campus Life Magazine. If this is your first time reading our magazine, we want to welcome you and we hope that you enjoy it and we are able to encourage you. If you have read our magazine before, we welcome you back and we hope you enjoy this issue as well. We want to thank you for all the positive feedback and support. You can email us what you think. Also, let us know what you would like to see in our magazine. ! We know it is a new year and most of you have already set your new year’s resolutions. Maybe it is to do better in school, lose some weight, gain weight, be more social, or change your attitude. ! Whatever it is, don’t forget that the beginning of a new year is the beginning of another year God give you to serve Him. Maybe you did not end last year on a good note, spiritually but, you can start fresh and !make it a challenge to have a relationship with God and serve Him this year. Never think that it is to late! ! We have an awesome magazine for you and we hope you enjoy it. Thank you again for reading our magazine. Please let us know what you think and what you would like to see in next month’s issue. We love creating this magazine to help people and to give young ladies something to look forward to. Enjoy!







Victoria, Christina, Sheena, and Candace

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Top 10: Beauty Products for the Winter!! By: HCL Editors

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1. Carmex 2. Vaseline Healthy Hand and Nail Cream 3. St. Ives Timeless Skin Facial Moisturizer 4. Johnson & Johnson Baby Lotion 5. Vaseline Cocoa Butter Lotion 6. EOS Lip Balm 7. Suave Cocoa Butter Body Wash 8. Nitrogen Oil-Free Acene Wash 9. Herbal Essences Hello Hydration shampoo & Conditioner 10. ChapStick


“ I Had A Roommate ! ! That…”

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Honest is the Best Policy


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By: Whitney Martin Wife of Tyler Martin Graduate of Hyles Anderson College

! Let’s be honest. The life of a female Bible college student is adventurous, to say the least. Living in a building full of girls is not always the easiest way to go. Girls are emotional, territorial beings. Although we mean well as a group, when you get us all together under one roof, something strange will happen. I am not sure how to explain it. What can I say; girls are weird. We have this being inside of us to “mother” everything we come in contact with. Girls have a hard time accepting “new things,” even if that “new thing” is a few new girls on our dorm floor. We don’t like change, and, whether we accept it or not, it’s the truth. Girls like to feel in control. For example: a bad hair day throws us off our groove, we like to have our space, we often don’t like to share, and let’s be frank: even if you say you don’t mind if I borrow your skirt, you would rather have the comfort of knowing your skirt is safely in your wardrobe, instead of on me. ! Girls need their sleep. Sleep in college is not only a necessity, but a need. Sleep, for me, was coffee. Without enough sleep, I was a wreck. Trust me, my roommates know and have plenty of stories. ! Speaking of wrecks, I remember a ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


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! ! ! ! ! ! semester when the fire alarm seemed to go off every other day. It was ridiculous. One time in particular, it went off four times in one night! Now that is a little over kill, don’t you think? Here is how it went. After a long exhausting day, I crawled into my bed and, despite all of my roommates studying, I fell asleep. All of the sudden, I saw flashing lights and heard this loud screeching sound. I thought I was dreaming. Opening my eyes, I sat up to find girls jumping off their bunks and screaming bloody murder. All of my roommates were grabbing their precious belongings while I just sat and stared at them. One of my roommates, who was about to get married, grabbed her wedding dress and, among other things, her life savings she had stored in a heavy metal box. I don’t think she believed in putting her cash in the bank; she paid her school bill with cash, but that is another story. I soon realized I had to go in “saving my life” mode. You would have thought the world was ending, the way all the girls were acting. I jumped off the top bunk and ran out of the dorms. No robe, no shoes, no possessions, except the clothes on my back. I had never given much thought to what I would grab first in a fire, so I ran out of the ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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Honesty is the Best Policy! (cont.)


building, with nothing to show for my bravery. ! As we stood out in the freezing night air, we realized one of our roommates was missing. We all became an emotional mess. You see, we didn’t know if this was a real fire or just a drill. We soon found out that the latter was true. As we huddled together, trying to keep warm, out walked “Susie”. As we ran to give her a hug, we realized she had been taking a shower and no one had thought to tell her that there was a fire. We assumed everyone within a one mile radius could hear the screeching noise, but apparently Susie did not hear what we had heard. When we heard the alarm and saw the blinking lights, Susie heard...crickets. Yes, she heard crickets. Susie walked out completely ready to go: shoes tied, hair done and purse in hand. She was all put together while the rest of us looked like homeless people. We asked her what had happened. She told us that she didn’t realize the fire alarm was going off. We are still unsure of how she didn’t hear the extremely loud fire alarm going off, but instead heard crickets? ! This was only the first time that fire alarm went off. Little did we know, this experience would happen three more times. Every single time, my roommate brought her wedding dress and, it seemed like, everything else she owned. Oh! the memories we made that night. I was a wreck the next day, as were all of us! ! Living with a whole bunch of girls is memorable experience. I will always remember times like these. I have met so many great people while in college

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! who have inspired me and changed me for the better. The female gender is both caring and loving, and this world would not be the same without her. Let’s be honest girls, living in a dorm together has its perks. Whenever we need a friend to listen and care, we can just walk down the hall and find five or more friends ready and willing to help. Despite the drama and craziness, girls can have a lot of fun together. Seriously though, to live in a dorm full of girls isn’t that bad. Let’s be honest.

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! ! An Accidental Miracle!! By: Rachel Strief Graduate of Hyles Anderson College


There is a particular Wednesday afternoon that “sticks out” greatly in my memory. This memory sticks out because it was through an accident there came about a miracle. In this story we will learn how God does everything for a purpose, and how His timing is always perfect. ! During my Senior year in high school, I and some other girls from my church would go out soul winning on Wednesday afternoons. On one tremendously cold day, I decided to knock on the doors of some local apartment buildings to try to stay warm. When we arrived at our destination, Elisabeth, Jessica, Cassie, and I prayed for God to use us as instruments to spread the Gospel. All of us got out of the car and spilt into two different groups. That day I was going to go soul winning with Cassie, and my sister was going with Jessica. The street that we were going to go soul winning on was lined with condos and low-rent apartment buildings. Cassie and I knocked on at least thirty doors, having several of them slammed in our faces. ! The last apartment on that street was a very shabby looking building. When Cassie and I entered the building, we immediately noticed that the lighting ! ! ! ! ! ! !

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! was very dim. I decided to go down stairs first to knock on the doors. One of the apartments had a group of men who all looked and talked as if they were intoxicated. To say the least, Cassie and I were a little nervous and scared, so we continued to the next floor. I, with my brave soul-winning partner by my side, knocked on the very last door in that apartment building. A middle-aged lady opened the door, and I introduced myself and Cassie, and then proceeded to invite her to our church. Our goal was to tell her how Jesus died on the cross for her 2,000 years ago. As soon as I approached her with a question, “If you died today, do you know 100% for sure that you are on your way to heaven?,” she burst into tears. As I stood there a little confused and concerned about why she was crying, she regained her composure and proceeded to tell Cassie and I a story. She told us that just the week before she was in a terrible car accident in which she should not have lived. She said, “The cause of the accident was that I fell asleep while driving my car.” She explained how she was unconscious after the accident, and how when the paramedics arrived, they revived her quickly. When she looked at her car after the accident, the paramedic said to her, “There is no possible explanation as to why


An Accidental Miracle (cont.)

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you survived that accident.� ! She told us how her car was drastically and completely totaled. She went on to tell us that the question that I had asked her had been constantly pressing on her mind since the accident. God had been preparing her heart in advance to hear about how she could go heaven. I proceeded to tell her how to know for sure that she was on her way to heaven, and soon she was sweetly saved. ! God lead Cassie and I down that street, and to the last door to insure that this lady could know where her eternal home is. Who knows, she may never have accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Saviour had this traumatic accident never happened. Our whole meeting with her was not a coincidence, but a God-ordained meeting; that day was not an accident but a miracle. Our God is so magnificent and incomprehensible. What a great day He planned out for us. This particular Wednesday afternoon will always stand out in my memory, and I am sure it will stand out in hers as well.


Tips on Soul Winning

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1.!Pray a.!He will use you and your partner b.!He will lead you to the right people c.!He will give the right words to say 2.!Be prepared a.!Have materials ready for use. i. New Testament ii. Tracts b.!Know the plan i. All soul winners should learn how to adapt the plan

ii. to the individual. Make it seem like the way you are explaining the plan, was specially written with them ! in mind. !!Use the same plan over and over, but change some of the examples to adapt ! to the person you ! are witnessing to. 3.!Go a. Boldly - we are not to be ! ashamed of the Gospel of Christ. b.!Confidently - know that you have the greatest gift to share to everyone. c.!To all.

“But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience.� - Luke 8:15

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