Her Culture Issue No. 27: Spring 2020

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Issue 27

Spring 2020


In this issue:

CINEMATIC JUGGERNAUT The impact of "Parasite" throughout the world.

STILL, WE RUN! Exploring a not-so-average charity race.

STICK WITH IT How to follow through on your goals

NOT MADE FOR WOMEN A look into American incarceration


DEAR CULTURE GIRL, Spring is on its way, and I'm so excited to share our latest magazine issue with you. This year has been filled with joyful growth and adventure. I am so lucky to be able to connect with so many women from around the globe, and I hope this issue brings you just a bit closer to another corner of the world. Happy reading and exploring!

MY TRAVEL LOG This month, I will travel to:

Next month, I plan to visit:

I've always wanted to see:

I can start a #CultureRevolution by:

SWEET SPRING TUNES 1. Stupid Love - Lady Gaga

2. IÂ Love Me - Demi Lovato

3. Sugar (Remix) - Brockhampton feat. Dua Lipa

4. The Steps - HAIM

5. If The World Was Ending [Marian Hill Remix] - Julia Michaels and JP Saxe

6. Crash My Car - COIN

7. Bad Decisions - The Strokes

8. Young & Alive - Bazzi

9. Gaslighter - Dixie Chicks

10. Sleeping In - All Time Low

MAGAZINE STAFF EXECUTIVES Kate Avino - CEO / Alexis Neuville - Chief of Staff / Cameron Oakes - Marketing Chief Sareana Kimia - Director of International Development

EDITORS Manvita Gandhi / Amy Liu

WRITERS Sam Lizzio / Preevena Jayabalan / Qui'Errah Marshall / Megan CJY / Shivani Ekkanath Daniela Rivera Antara / Alice Rosenthal / Jessica Caroline Holburn / Yuki Chan Thulasie Manoharan / Renee Akin / Eunice Kim / Shannon Richey / Sasha Ganguly Annabelle Noha / Bhawya Bansal /


Contents 10

NOT MADE FOR WOMEN A glimpse into American incarceration.


STILL, WE RUN! Not your average charity race.


STICK WITH IT How to follow through on your goals




PARASITE The impact of the film on the world.


BEHIND THE LAYERS A review of "k-12" by Melanie Martinez


NEGLECTED The Braille literacy crisis







4 6 TATTOOS AS STORIES Remembering the Jugun Ianfu




Not Made For Women WORDS BY AMY LIU

A Glimpse Into American Incarceration


single mothers, are sent to prisons, isolated and unable to see or care for their children. Phone calls and visits can easily balloon family deficits, and it can be hard for such women to regain custody of their children after their release. In Illinois, 8 in 10 female inmates are a mother and often primary parent. Therefore, their absence has critical rippling effects throughout their family and society. The reality is that when a family member, especially a mother, is incarcerated, the whole family is chained. To see your mother separated from you by a glass screen, unable to hug you or offer you solace is a traumatic, devastating thing. Children of incarcerated parents are more likely to drop out of school and follow in their parents’ footsteps. To make things worse for incarcerated women, mental health and rehabilitation treatment is scarce, along with feminine care products. Prisons are not safe. Prisons are dangerous. As various women cycle through the American prison system, they are at high risks of being subjected to physical and sexual abuse. According to the U.S. Bureau of Justice, the U.S. makes up about 4.4% of the global population, but

The issue with our system is that it is broken.

it houses about 22% of global prisoners.

Violence. Deprivation. Loss of awareness. Disregard of life. Prisons were designed to hurt, traumatize,

When the American prison system was created, it

and punish. They were not designed for healing,

did not have the woman in mind. It was created

helping, or lifting. But sometimes, the hardest part

based off of the sole image of the man. Women

is the after-effects. You may be free when you are

were an afterthought.

released, but you are chained by the societal label that’s placed upon you. ou are a brain in disbelief,

Although men still compose the majority of the

a body of scars, a mind of anguish. Long-term

incarcerated population in America, women are

incarceration is soul murder, a term coined by Dr.

entering prisons that do not meet their unique

James Giilligan, a professor of psychology and law

needs. Mothers of children, many of whom are

at New York University. 11

About 2.3 million people in prison bring with them this condition after their release as they try to adjust to their new reality. About 650,000 released men and women suffer some form of PTSD every year. Prison leaves you with demons, horrors, and anxieties. For women, especially single mothers, what about their children? Along with fighting their demons and trying to reintegrate themselves back into society, they must also fight for the custody of their children and find a job that can sustain their family. Change is brewing, though. Programs and justice initiatives are in their infancy, but they are nonetheless forming. Formerly incarcerated women from all around the country are rallying together for change, women’s rights, and equity. Justice is coming. For women and their families.



By Preveena Jayabalan

Mental health awareness is a rising conversation that deserves special emphasis in today’s everevolving society. With a quarter of the world’s population regularly struggling with it because of its potency to affect everyone regardless of age, sexual orientation, race, religion or creed. Awareness is definitely not the solution to this ever-growing problem but it definitely does two really amazing things to humanity; it provides hope and support for the victims of mental health and it sheds light on the sufferings of these victims whilst destigmatizing mental health issues and as well as debunking the myths that come along with them. As part of their initiative to bring light to mental health awareness, Taylor’s College Student Council (TCSC) organized, Still, We RUN!, a charity run which was a pioneer event held in the lush, green and nature oriented campus of the University of Malaya where 90% of its profits were channeled 14

to the Malaysian Mental Health Association

mental health awareness. Green was chosen to be

(MMHA) to support its mental health screenings,

a major visual component as it is the color for

rehabilitation services and as well as, its public

mental health awareness.” “Another striking

education activities.

component that is present throughout most of the designs for Still, We RUN! are the teal glows.

“The theme of mental health awareness carried by

This was done on purpose to reflect the tagline;

Still, We RUN! was introduced to battle the various

‘Pain is Real but so is Hope’ or more, specifically,

mental health problems such as anxiety disorders

the overarching theme of hope. Teal glows were

and depression that council members have

used in contrast to the pitch black background to

observed among their social circle and other

create an imagery of there being light the dark

college students. We believed that it was part of

which basically gives a glimmer of hope to anyone

our responsibility as the college’s student council

experiencing mental health issues. One of the

to address this problem and bring it to light as the

fonts that were selected to be consistent in Still

first step of combatting this problem,” explains Mr.

We RUN!’s visual identity is NCAA George Fox

Sanjay Mogan, Project Manager of Still, We RUN!.

Bruins. This font was chosen in particular for two

He further added that TCSC, incorporated the idea

purposes, its boldness, which is a reminder to step

into a fitness event as exercising is a proven

out of your comfort zone and to reflect it being a

method to de-stress.

sports event as the font has a visual correlation to the sports activities. Still We RUN! has a striking

Another important feature of Still, We RUN! was

visual identity in which the strong contrast

the message it brings forth alongside it’s tagline

between color really help make the designs stand

and eye-catching design elements such as

out. I’d like to think that the stark contrast

banners, bunting and medals. The tagline, “Pain is

captures the attention of the audience and raise

Real but so is Hope” according to Mr. Sanjay,

greater awareness for mental health as the

conveys the message that there is hope in every

important issue it is.”, he explains.

moment of darkness and it is our job as a society to give those in need of help the hope that they

This run consists of two categories being the 5 km

deserve. This is absolutely true in cases where the

and 10 km run and it’s actually far from being your

victims of mental health issues rarely get the

typical oh-so-ordinary charity run. Still, We RUN!

support needed especially from their loved ones.

set the bar higher and invited the Malaysian Mental Health Association (MMHA) to provide a

Further elaborating on the important design

talk on mental health issues in Malaysia and

elements was Mr. Joshua Ang ZhiYuan, Head of

provided a free mental health screening on the

Design for the event. “Still, We RUN! is a charity run

day of the event. This thoughtful event was further

organised to raise awareness for mental health in

graced by Ms. Charmaine Chew, as the

this current era of globalization. So in the early

ambassador for the event and as well as Miss

phases of curating a visual identity for the run, we

International Malaysia 2019. Due to her presence

thought that the visual components needed to

and insightful speech prior to flag-off, TCSC really

reflect the event’s overarching theme which was

hoped that the participants would be aware of the severity of mental health issues in the nation and as well around the globe. 15

Of course, behind every successful event, there

“Since Miss Charmaine Chew had supported our

would be various obstacles faced and TCSC was

run, I think that the people who participated

never short of that too.“ There were numerous

would realize how important it is to have a high

challenges that we faced during the planning

awareness on mental health issues. The free

and execution stages of this event. Some include

mental health screening provided by MMHA also

disagreements among members, unavailability

encouraged lots of people to get to know

of important event venues, inability to obtain

themselves more and I think it is an important

approval for certain routes, workload clashing

step for them to avoid mental health issues and

with class assignments and exams and time

tackle them proactively. It was a tough journey

constraints. However, through proper work

since June but we wouldn’t be able to do it

allocation, effective meetings, calm discussions

without everyone’s help. I really appreciate it

and teamwork, we managed to pull through

even though it’s a little help, but it really

every obstacle which ultimately led to the

impacted a lot for our event. Although there

event’s success.” stated Mr. Sanjay.

were many ups and downs throughout the planning process and on the event day itself,

Do take note that this big-scaled event was

thank you everyone for staying together, working

organized by college students between the ages

together and not giving up on each other.”

of 16-19. This is no easy feat but TCSC managed to overcome all odds for the sole sake of

This is indeed true in a materialistic world where

contributing and giving back to the society.

a whole lot of people,especially the millenials of this day and age fail to decipher the importance

Ms. Ameris Liang Mei Jin, Assistant Project

of a healthy mind in their daily lives.

Manager for Still, We RUN! had some interesting information and feedback to share too regarding

When asked about TCSC’s future projects, here’s

this amazing event.

Ms. Ameris’ say in it, “ As I’m going to step down as the Director of Event Management for TCSC on 16

March, there is no any big projects coming up by my batch. However, I hope that my junior members will plan something real big and impactful not only to Taylor’s student, but also to the society.” Nevertheless, TCSC’s initiative to set-up this charity run is truly applaudable and deserves a standing ovation by itself. However, if there was one thing that I’ve learnt from this event, it would be the fact that an amazing team spirit with new perspectives would bring out the best in any events. This is my take from TCSC itself and also, Still, We RUN! These wonderful people from three different generations of TCSC, set their differences aside and managed to host a visionary event whilst uplifting each other in their own special ways. Teamwork has always been the keyword in TCSC and I’m glad that this could be a revolutionary example to anyone regardless of who or where they’re from. Want to know more about Taylor's College Student Council and their social initiatives? Hop on to their website at www.tcsc-taylors.com , Facebook page (Taylor’s College Student Council) and Instagram page (@tcscstudentcouncil) to find out more.




How to actually follow through on your New Year's resolutions


resolutions, they will probably become nonexistent within the near future. Typically, I tend to become reluctant at working towards my resolutions because I get overwhelmed with the changes and small sacrifices I must make. Simply, I dread having to actually work on something else and piling it onto my already overflowing plate. Over the years, I have acquired some tips and tricks that have helped me stick with past resolutions. To maintain a happy and healthy relationship with your 2020 resolutions, I have composed a list of five tasks I do every year. Trust me, they work, so stick with it and kick off your best decade yet! WRITE IT DOWN

Instead of letting an idea pop into your head, and automatically think to yourself, “Oh I'll remember it later”, take two seconds to write it down, because half the time, like when trying to remember a password, the idea completely escapes our minds, no matter how thoughtful or intuitive we originally thought it was. CREATE A ROUTINE

Take the time to incorporate resolutions into

“New year, new me,” said everybody ever.

daily, weekly or monthly routines. Having the resolution written into an agenda or a to-do list

After a champagne-filled frenzy the night before,

can act as a motivator and aid you in achieving

and waking up with a mild headache, the reality

your set goals.

of a new year kicks in, and so do the resolutions. Another year has come and gone, and with the


entrance into a new decade, I, like many others,

Remember, no matter how super-womanly you

have begun visualizing goals and tasks that I

are, we all have our breaking points, so do not

would like to achieve this year.

take everything on at once. Your resolution does not always have to be achieved within the first

Although I am excited about the opportunities

few days of the new year. Rather, it should be

ahead and the year to come, I still know myself,

something that you work towards throughout

and have realized that if I do not appropriately

the year in its entirety. Keep working towards

set my

your goals one step at a time. 21


For most people, myself included, resolutions lose their hutzpah and ultimately fail because goals are set too high. For each goal, create subgoals that will allow you to sustain your motivation and achieve your end-goal in a rational manner. You will feel confident in achieving your overall goal and succeed in accomplishing your resolution. STAY POSITIVE

No matter how many slip-ups or deterring moments put you on the verge of ixnaying your resolution, stop, take a moment, and visualize the future. Remind yourself of the end-result, and keep moving forward.




WHY I LOVE KNITTING BY QUI'ERRA MARSHALL I’ve been around yarn for two years and have been knitting for at least one and a half years. I completed a scarf in the July of 2019 and started learning about the other techniques. It was really interesting to see the different types of styles like the 2x2 ribbing and stockinette. I would love to share with you my story of falling in love with knitting.

in the kitchen and used those to learn the garter/knit stitch. It turned out knitting was easier than what I thought. Finally, during my sophomore year of high school, I went to a writing club and a student’s mom was sitting in the back knitting. I talked to her for a bit and she offered to teach me how to knit and crochet. The next day I showed up, she taught me how to knit and crochet. She gave me some needles and hooks to practice with. I was practically jumping with joy inside when I had the needles in my hands.

I discovered knitting when I was about six years old. I was watching ‘Chicken Run’ and I saw that adorable chicken, Babs, knitting. Just moving her needles up and down. I didn’t even understand how she was able to make those items that were shown in the film. I always tried to mimic her needle movements with pencils. I couldn’t understand how the loops were connected, but it was still fun to do.

Since then, I have tried to practice different styles of knitting. Knitting for me right now is something that keeps my hands busy and relieving stress and anxiety.When I have a habit of fidgeting, if I’m angry about something happening in my personal life, or even if I am very nervous about future events regarding school, knitting keeps me focused when I need to calm myself down. It’s helpful for both my good and bad days. To all the knitters out there, whether you’re a beginner or an expert, I wish you the best of luck.

Later, I saw another claymation movie called ‘Wallace and Gromit: The Curse of The Were-Rabbit’. I saw Gromit knitting during different times of the film. It wasn’t until I was thirteen years old that I actually learned how to knit. I found some kabob sticks



2019 South Korean fi l m Parasi te, di rected by Bong Joon Ho, has been at the epi centre of ci nemati c di scourse owi ng i ts compl ex soci al commentary ri fe wi th symbol i sm, beauti ful and eni gmati c ci nematography and l atent pol i ti cal message. The fi l m i s a bl ack comedy ri ddl ed wi th numerous ci nemati c metaphors, symbol s, camera work, and styl e to emphasi se one of South Korea’ s most pervasi ve soci al probl ems: cl ass war and economi c i nequal i ty.

The fi l m tel l s the tal e of the hard-pressed Ki m fami l y and the weal thy Parks through the l ens of a vi ci ous cl ass war. One of the mai n characters, Kei -woo i s gi ven the opportuni ty to teach the Parks’ s teenage daughter by hi s cl ose fri end, Mi n-Hyuk. The fami l y i s gi fted a schol ar’ s rock by Mi n-Hyuk as a symbol for good fortune and prosperi ty, whi ch, coi nci dental l y, becomes one of the most l asti ng and enduri ng symbol s i n the movi e and i s a compl ex paradox for both the hope duri ng the fi rst hal f of the movi e for the fami l y and the fami l y’ s steady downfal l duri ng the second hal f.

By assumi ng al i ases and el i mi nati ng the Parks’ s househol d staff through tri ckery and l i es, the rest of the fami l y i s soon abl e to secure work at the Parks, where they pl ay the rol es they are assi gned, attachi ng and i ntegrati ng themsel ves very much l i ke real parasi tes. Ki m Ki -taek, the father, becomes the fami l y chauffeur, the mother Chung-sook assumes the rol e of the cook, whi l e the daughter Ki -Jeong becomes an art therapi st for the Parks’ s son who i s presumabl y mental l y i l l after a traumati c i nci dent. The fami l y soon di scovers the presence of Geung-Say, the husband of the ol d housekeeper, Moon-gwang hi di ng out from l oan sharks. The ensui ng struggl e between these two fami l i es ul ti matel y ends wi th a horri fyi ng reckoni ng, l oss, and hard l essons l earnt about fami l y, stri fe, and soci al i gnorance.

AN IMPORTANT CINEMATIC PURPOSE Parasi te has taken on a l arger than l i fe form si nce wi nni ng the Pal m d’ Or l ast year not si mpl y for i ts di versi ty and achi evement, but al so for the uni versal i sati on of the cl ass war and cl ass struggl e message and the way i t recal l s the mul ti pl e di mensi ons to i ncome and weal th i nequal i ty. The cl ass battl e i s portrayed as an unendi ng and unavai l i ng battl e for the characters, both i n metaphori cal and fi gurati ve senses. Most i mportantl y, the potency of Parasi te’ s i nnate message goes beyond the l i mi ts of di versi ty tal k i n thi s year’ s awards season, as i t sheds l i ght on soci al and i ncome i nequal i ty through a di fferent l ens, extendi ng beyond tradi ti onal narrati ve and di recti on.

Moreover, the film’s constant metaphorical allusions to Native American culture and imagery serve as a deliberate method of gross appropriation where we disregard the voices of the silenced and marginalised individuals, groups and communities, which is not unlike the similar herculean problem that the Kims also struggle with throughout the course of the film, especially when the Parks complain that the Kims ‘smell’ a certain way, how they should not ‘cross the line’, and how they constantly make assumptions about the poorer socioeconomic class throughout the film, completely ignoring and disregarding the complex social realities of poverty in their city. The film employs a type of hyperbolic symbolic violence in the end when we witness the death of Mr Park at the hands of Ki-Taek to hint at the harsh equally violent struggle and clashes between the upper and lower classes in society.

shielded and dimmed with a grim turn back to reality where Kei-woo is writing a parting letter to his father who has now taken GeungSay’s place in the underground basement of the Park house as he is still hiding out from the police after his conviction of Mr Park’s murder. It proves the illusory and often unavailing seek that poor households have to face as they hope for a brighter future but have to grapple with the social hindrances and immobilities that belie their dreams. Additionally, the film also presents an unbiased account of class struggle by bringing all the characters into the cycle of conflict and adversity by pitting them against one another, making it near impossible for the audience to root for a specific ‘side.’ In addition, the usage of stairways and levelling is a delicate metaphor that serves to highlight just simply how entrenched inequality between the classes continues to be in society.

Most importantly, Bong Joon Ho’s film carries it with an important and heightened social warning, as it is a cautionary tale that warns us against the vices of collective social disenfranchisement and disillusionment. The characters in the film continue to be ruled by fear, anger, and malice, which culminate in the bleak dystopia that is highlighted in the penultimate scene in the movie, where anarchy and order unfold. KiTaek brutally stabs Mr Park, GeungSay kills Ki-Jeong, and Choong Sook, in turn, fatally wounds GeungSay with a chicken skewer. Though the concluding montage does suggest a ray of hope on the Kim family, it is

The Parks live on top of a hill while the Kims need to descend the hill down multiple stairs all over the city to reach their downtrodden neighbourhood. The storm that destroys their home at the end of the film signifies the intensifying class war that ultimately leads to the destruction of all our main characters and the imbalance that is caused as a result of the lies and deception that has befallen all the three families in the movie. The lie that the Kims try to sell is finally unravelled and undone along with their home all their personal belongings.


I n mai nstream Hol l ywood and western fi l m, compl ex i ssues l i ke race and cl ass, l argel y i gnored unti l recentl y, are sti l l maj orl y confi ned to western soci eti es and rarel y exami ne Asi an countri es and other soci eti es. Parasi te i s usheri ng i n a new wave that al ters the current ci nemati c appreci ati on, performance and experi ence by bri ngi ng new fl ouri shes and exami nati ons i n i ts own way, where we are abl e to understand the di fferent soci al i ntri caci es and real i ti es i n di fferent soci eti es. Cal l i t the second phase of the transnati onal i sm genre i f you wi l l , but there i s defi ni tel y greater cul tural depth and i mmersi on that i s bei ng acknowl edged and even cel ebrated when such fi l ms fi nal l y come to the forefront as we see them kni tted i n our current movi e and pop cul ture fabri c.

WHAT'S IN STORE POSTPARASITE? Parasi te has i narguabl y grown to be a massi ve ci nemati c phenomenon, especi al l y as i t has brought forei gn fi l ms to greater promi nence and recei ved a l ot of cri ti cal accl ai m i n the process. I n hi s speech at the 2020 Gol den Gl obe Awards, di rector Bong Joon Ho expl ai ned, “ Once you overcome the 1-i nch-tal l barri er of subti tl es, you wi l l be i ntroduced to so many more amazi ng fi l ms”. I n another i ntervi ew, he sai d “ I thi nk we use j ust one l anguage — the ci nema”. On that note, for once, the Academy Awards may be goi ng beyond tokeni sm and percei vi ng forei gn fi l ms through the eyes of cul tural exoti ci sm or conventi onal cl assi fi cati ons and gui ses of ‘ di versi ty’ and ‘ representati on. ’

Bong rebuked how Hol l ywood often put non-Engl i sh fi l ms i nto homogenous categori es wi thout ever acknowl edgi ng the i ndi vi dual di versi ti es, authenti ci ti es, and stori es i n the maki ng of di fferent fi l ms. For i nstance, the fi l m was not el i gi bl e for any of the Gol den Gl obe best fi l m category i n both musi cal and comedy, as wel l as drama.

The Parasi te wave, i n turn, fol l ows the si mi l ar wave of Al fonso Cuarón’ s 2019 “ Roma, ” whi ch nearl y won the top pri ze at the 2020 Academy Awards. I n recent years, Hol l ywood has attempted to greatl y di versi fy i ts membershi p ranks and extend i ts outreach and i ncl usi vi ty to appeal to l arger and wi der audi ences.


Reviewing Melanie Martinez's 'K-12' Movie


During February of last year, a male African American sixth grader was arrested for refusing to recite the pledge of allegiance with his class because he believed it was racist. To some people, his opinion may not be wrong. To others, it may be found offensive and disrespectful.“ In Martinez’s song ‘Show and Tell’, she expresses how celebrities, most liked, music artists, are treated like puppets as portrayed in the film. In the movie, the strings are controlling her. The only thing she can do is sing by demand for entertainment. When she is thrown into the crowd of students, she falls to the floor and has various scratches and scars in her puppet form. “Ew! Gross!” is what they all say as they walk away from the puppet Cry Baby. This shows how many people will turn against a person they look up to in their fame once they see the flaws and bad drama in their life. Later in the film, Cry Baby enters her next class, which is the Drama Club (the name of her song). Her class gets assigned roles for the teacher’s play, but Cry Baby says that she would like a different role that is not domestic. She is teased for what she suggests and goes off into her song speaking of how women do not choose their own roles, but they are forced into stereotypical roles as you see Cry Baby and two other actresses ironing their ‘husbands’ clothes. Once Cry Baby is approached by two

Melanie Martinez made a breakthrough last year with

men trying to silence her when she says that people

her first-ever feature film, ‘K-12’, written and directed by

need to open their eyes, she struggles to break free of

herself. Martinez’s vision for the movie was to promote

their grasp. She screams “wake up” and the men fall. The

anti-bullying and at the same time display school as a

audience ‘wakes up’ but they are confused. This is an

‘condensed version of life’. This article will be diving into

obvious mirror of how the world is brainwashed into

the hidden messages and double meanings that stand

thinking what they are told to believe. Those who try to

out to the eye or were even glanced over by the

speak up are silenced and have to struggle through

audience. Disclaimer: The movie is fairly explicit so I will

unnecessary hurdles making people around them

try my best to censor any profanity I take from the

aware of what life actually appears to be.

movie. This also has spoilers, so I recommend watching the movie before reading.

This movie is one of the best I have seen. I do recommend that you watch it if you haven’t already.

“-[Ms. Daphne] Henry! On your feet!...I’m being generous

There are so many things worth talking about in this

with you, boy last chance to stand and show some

film, but I had to constrain myself from going crazy. I do

respect!...[Henry]You hear that? Liberty and justice for

hope you enjoyed reading this analysis. Keep an eye out

all? That’s bull$#!t!”

for Martinez’s new project






When people think of a blind individual, their mind often jumps to a person with their eyes closed, walking around cautiously with a white cane. They think of a mysterious individual, void of contact with the rest of the “normal” world. They envision a person who is snappy, rude, and impatient. From my personal experience with the blind community, it is safe to say that blind individuals are so much more than their disability. They are kind, inquisitive, and optimistic despite their conditions. They are eager to learn, happy to help, and excited to take on each day. If they are just like everyone else, then why are there so many of them in poverty? Approximately, 1 in 3 people between the ages of 18-64 with a disability live in poverty. The reality is that this is due to lack of equity, opportunity, and resources. People with disabilities already face a multitude of unique obstacles in life, but they also must battle the stigmas and advocate for themselves in this ever-changing, fast-paced world. 34

According to a 2009 report from the National

When I first discovered this issue and its causes

Federation of the Blind, blind individuals

and effects, I thought to myself: why have I not

compose about 30% of the homeless population

heard of this crisis before? Why has no one told

in America. In total, there are approximately 1.3

me about this?

million legally blind people in the U.S.; however, less than 10% of the population is reading braille.

The answers to those questions lie in the societal

As of 2009, about 70% of blind adults were

isolation that many blind individuals reside in.

unemployed. About half of blind high school

The general public rarely comes into direct

students end up dropping out.

contact with the blind community, so they think: why bother? The reason that this is a pressing

What do these numbers mean? Due to the

issue is because with the help of others, the

widespread lack of literacy, the blind community

blind community can, too, build new lives

is increasingly dependent on others. Their lack of

through the access of literacy.

education correlates with high levels of CHANGE MUST BE DONE. LITERACY CAN

unemployment and homelessness.


Why is it so hard to learn braille? The reading


material that’s available to the visually impaired


community is comparatively scarce to that of traditionally printed books. Furthermore, along with a teacher crisis, braille books can often cost more than college textbooks.


CHANNEL YOUR INNER GATSBY WRITTEN SHANNON RICHEY The 1920s were full of luxurious parties, artistic cuisine, iconic flappers, castle-like mansions, extravagant cigarette holders, sophisticated travelers, and legendary authors, like F. Scott Fitzgerald, who poignantly penned The Great Gatsby. Now, unlike the great Jay Gatsby, us young people of the twenty-first century typically cannot afford the extravagant, cashmereladen lifestyle of the 1920s. With crippling student debt, along with the after-effects of the 2008 economic recession, we have much to worry about, let alone constructing elaborate mansions and funding business endeavors. However, what we can do, is live our life to the fullest, like the characters in The Great Gatsby. No matter what our worries or anxieties may be, we have the potential to make this our decade. We need to grasp life by the reigns instead of merely letting this historic moment in time pass us by. This is your time. This is our time. 36

Treat Yourself.

Do Not Live to Work,

Take time to ‘do you’ by exercising the

Work to Live.

health of both your mind and body. Do

Although today’s technological

not let the stresses of daily life constantly

advancements have made it extremely

burden you. It’s the little things that

easy to connect with others, it has also

matter in life. You deserve to feel

negatively constrained us. We feel as

pampered and indulge in those things

though we cannot escape our

that make you smile and feel relief. Treat

professional lives, as we are constantly

yourself to a latte and pastry from your

checking emails and phone calls,

favorite local coffee shop, go for a run or

handling business even on our ‘down-

walk through your neighborhood, get a

time’. It can be hard to completely

pedicure or massage. Hell, take on the

separate our work and home lives when

town with some therapeutic shopping and a much-needed girls night out.

they are constantly being technologically

Make Connections,

that somewhere, somehow, we find a

Build Relationships.

lives. We need to take breaks from the

Whether or not you are making a career

and relationships so as no to feel isolated.

linked. However, it is extremely important balance between our work and home chaos, and focus on our mental health

move or attempting to jumpstart a business endeavor, networking with

Live Your Life to the

others is a natural way of life, whether professionally or socially. We are social


creatures and need to communicate with

Finally, do not let life pass you by. Make it

others, which we can still do while

a priority to not live with regrets and the

maintaining our forthright

‘what-ifs’ of life. Take that bungee leap of

independence. Go on that date that

faith, and believe in yourself. You need to

you’ve been hesitant on, tag along for

live the life that you love right at this

lunch with your coworkers, and get to

moment, and in turn, you will love the life

know your group members outside of the

that you live.

project realm. Go out and enjoy yourself, meet new people, and make long-lasting friendships.




The marginalisation and stereotypes are the explanation behind this unchanging attitude. It’s the bringing up of mentality that constantly boxes an individual just on the basis of their sexual orientation. As second-wave women's activists analysed society during the 1960s, they did observe a pattern of households headed by women and female pioneers. It’s this recurring expression that if one intends for work to be done, only a man can complete it. In particular, men ought to and will consistently have control over women as women are confined to the sphere around her house. Try not to misunderstand me, it is not men who oppress the women - which may be true to a certain extent. However, what numerous individuals neglect to acknowledge is that men are not our opposition. The truth lies by the fact that the oppression of women originated from the underlying predisposition of a male-centric culture. This can be additionally recognized during the pinnacle of China's one-child arrangement, both

Conventional societal structure stems from the

men and women were desirable towards the

ideology of Patriarchy. Predominant roles lie in

birth of a son. In light of a similar conviction that

the hands of a man and only then, will the

social and legal power are only wielded by men

outcome of the job be executed to its utmost

and all things considered, women at most

quality. By and by, the saying that ‘in the game

provide privileges only by her child-bearing

of patriarchy, women are not the opposing

abilities. While Hollywood begins brewing for

team, but are merely the balls’ which once again

good works, the stratification of power and

held in the hands of a man has endlessly been

benefit by gender was further normalised as

repeated. This system has since concentrated on

power-hungry sexist men take over director

masculinity over individual characteristics and

positions to further plague the most influential

exertion. More often or not, women are

platform - film and media industry.

discriminated against to be kept in a household because they are no counterpart for the corporate world. 39

As pronounced by Bell Hooks, "We have to

In England, we had the production of the

constantly critique imperialist white supremacist

Leggatt report in 2001 to draw awareness

patriarchal culture because it has been

toward the shortcomings of the Tribunal system.

standardised by mass media and rendered

However, the Constitutional Reform Act was only


created 4 years after to appropriately establish the Judiciary framework. Similarly, Malaysia

"With all these structural barriers at hand that is

presently has yet to produce and realise upon

significant towards the adjustment of mindset. It


is undoubtedly a fact that it applies similarly to the legal field. Accomplishing balance for

However, in this year of 2020, history is to be

women judges, in terms of as portrayal at all

made as a new milestone paves the way for

degrees of the legal executive, judiciary and on

youthful aspiring female judges. Because for the

policy-making judicial councils is one that is not

first time ever, the apex court of Malaysia has a

often addressed. This is rather ironic considering

total of 6 powerful female judges which needs

that this field centres around the ideology of

to be further emphasised upon and to be


commended. With the advancements of Lady Zaleha Yusuf, Zabariah Mohd Yusof and Hasnah

Nonetheless, it is a fact. Many were confounded

Mohammed Hashim from the Court of Appeal, a

by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg when she

new presence of fierce independence with the

desired for 9 women to be sitting in the United

air of a warrior presently exists in the Judiciary

States Supreme Court. Yet, precisely 9 men used

framework. The aura of determination and

to hold the judiciary position but no one has

ambition radiates from each woman standing

ever raised a question about that.

before the Yang di-Pertuan Agong at Istana Negara as they swore their oath. In fact, the Agong only gave out eight official authority 40

appointment letters at the Istana Negara in

Changing the long-established

December, out of which only three were

demographics of a court is a new milestone

male judges.

on the walk for sexual orientation uniformity. As a court's composition becomes more

This is something that the world needs to

diverse, its customary practices become less

know. The importance of equality and

entrenched; with new advancement and

impartiality that are so intrinsically linked to

arrangement, it will draw further light onto

institutional adequacy and credibility as on

such a shortcoming. This is where

account of the judiciary.

mindfulness becomes an integral factor, the expanded complement is frequently the

The entry of women judges into spaces from

most compelling spur that will spark

which they had historically been excluded

changes long overdue. It's the progression

has been a constructive advance toward

toward altering the internalised value of

legal authorities being seen as being

treating patriarchal societal values as a

progressively transparent, inclusive, and


representative of the individuals whose lives they influence. By their mere presence,

With an aggregate of 6 newly appointed

women judges enhance the legitimacy of

Lady chief justice of the Federal Court,

courts, imparting an incredible sign of

educational attainment and career

openness and accessibility to those who

aspirations for females are bound to be

seek recourse to justice.

recognised. A day will come where having a woman in a position of significance is not an

But women judges likewise contribute

extraordinary occasion.

much more to that. As more women graduate law school and join the workforce,

With 6 women in the Apex Court, they stand

changes ought to be made to promote

forth formulating an adulating milestone in

greater parity in the legal profession. With

our Malaysian History as they defies all odds

the expanding number of women in the

in an evident world dominated by men.

Malaysian Apex court, this is the venturing step towards overcoming the gap between

Because as Michelle Obama stated, 'there is

a man’s income with the women's, as well

no restriction (and ought not to be a limit) to

as the opportunities available.

what we, as women can accomplish.’


FEMINISM IN 2010 & BEYOND A Revolutionary Time for the Movement by Shivani Ekkanath

With the 2010s finally behind us, it is a time to look back at some of the many seismic changes, revolutions, and movements that defined the decade. Yet, though the conclusion of the decade did appear bleak with some of the many social and political upheavals that continue to pervade the global arena, one of the biggest socio-political movements remains the feminist movement that has been indubitable in catalysing revolutionary social change that will define the next decade of progress and development. Based on the somewhat abstract idea of gender equality through the advocacy of women’s rights and interests, the feminist movement itself

is a movement that took off during the post-war era through political campaigns, reforms and ideologies and has recently gained considerable traction for its intrinsic political and social implications. By the year 1968, feminism was recognised as a series of so-called ‘waves’ by Martha Weinman Lear and so different currents which shed light on different issues and inequalities. Nowadays, intersectionality or intersectional feminism is becoming a notable aspect of current feminist objectives and has transgressed previous waves of feminism.

For example, the #MeToo movement, catapulted by Tarana Burton has been one of the most pioneering feats of the current feminist movement with its focus on shedding light on the realities of sexual assault, violence and the vicious cycle of abuse, particularly among the affluent, powerful and wealthy, particularly with legal reform and greater attention such as the abolition of nondisclosure agreements by courts in sexual misconduct cases across many states in the United States, the introduction of tighter sexual harassment law, legal defence funds and legal aid such as the Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund and financial restitution for victims such as the financial settlements from the Larry Nasser case, among others. It has encouraged communities to speak up against the spectre of the patriarchal power structure. Additionally, the 2010s also gave the women’s movements political undertones. The 2017 Women’s Marches, now revolutionary for being the single-day largest protest in U.S. history, was noteworthy for the importance it gave to the push for government legislation, human rights concerns and abortion rights. Dissecting the Impacts of Change: Post-Feminist Era?Though this could be considered a rather pejorative

term, with the revolutionary changes of the feminist movement, there have also been considerable amounts The Feminist Movement: An Impetus for True Social

of backlash on the current tide of feminist discourse

ChangeThe 2010s marked a striking turn in the feminist

and by extension, the ongoing so-called fourth-wave

movement, with significant issues such as street and

feminist ‘wave’. The notion of a so-called post-feminist

workplace harassment, campus sexual assault and rape

era continues to remain widely contested due to its

culture. Most importantly, the current feminist

broadness and vagueness as some tides of

movements have helped uncover and unravel different

postfeminism see the current discourse as reductionist

layers of the problem, especially with more stigmatised,

and want to move on to the next stags of progress,

taboo and undisclosed topics like rape, domestic

while some forms of postfeminism seek to challenge

violence and FGM.

the key pillars and applications of modern-day feminism. Many believe that the clash between the so-

The dawn of a so-called ‘fourth-wave feminism’, that

called post-feminism and feminism narrative are

saw its inception in the year 2012, for one, harnessed the

proving to be a major point of tension, especially

power of the internet age to bring about social change,

because postfeminism fails to consider the adverse

particularly in its re-examination of power and

impacts of the patriarchy and the existence of toxic and

hierarchical relationships as well as empowerment. Kira

damaging societal power structures.

Korchange noted that the fourth wave of feminism is characterised especially by technology, mass

Moreover, with competing feminist discourse and

communication, and most essentially, the use of social

current counter-movements against the status quo,

media owing.

feminism as a movement itself is evolving and becoming more complex.


The post-feminist wave is being met with a rejection of the current ideas of gender roles and binaries, thereby adding further dimensions and levels to current literature and discourse, both in theory and in practice. The post-feminist era is a study in contrast to the second and third feminist waves in its scope and philosophy. Feminism in some cases even continues to be contested with regards to its impact and scope owing to its competing definitions in different countries and its deeply rooted identity in race, class and gender. Consumerist feminism, stiletto feminism as well as lipstick feminism are seen as aberrations of sorts owing to their radical underpinnings of second-wave feminist ideologies and discourse. Revolutionary and groundbreaking movements such as MeToo have not been as impactful in their outreach and progress in many communities and

societies across the world, The MeToo movement has further progress to make where legislation and legal and institutional reform is considered, particularly the importance of federal law along with the legal protection of victims of abuse and assault. Overall, the 2010s have been a pivotal decade for progress for the feminist movement as considerations like inclusivity, particularly while evaluating and recognising single-issue cases and the wide spectrum of issues that concern and impact different societies. At the moment, solidarity and information remain key assets to not only transcending further awareness but also uniting groups and identities on different fronts of the movement. At least we now live in a world where we are able to assert our beliefs, bring these arguments to the discussion table and stand on equal footing so that you and I can finally have an actual conversation about the problems that impact us.


Empowerment - the word that echoes throughout my mi nd as I unearth the story by Vi ce I ndonesi a. Thi s i s a genui ne story of how a matri l i neal cl an i n Mal aka stood up from the mud of the defencel ess and endeavoured to al ter the most gruesome l i fe predetermi nati on that coul d have undoubtedl y been thei rs. Thi s real i ty i s set i n the year of 1942 to 1945, the Japanese empi re had conquered the Dutch East I ndi es, presentl y I ndonesi a, duri ng Worl d War I I . The sol ace of l adi es better known as ‘ Jugun l anfu’ i s one that numerous nati ons have endured duri ng the occupati on. I t was one that many

were excessi vel y vul nerabl e agai nst even to consi der fl eei ng, one that i s mandatory to come wi th Gen Suharto’ s New Order and hi s rel ati ons wi th the Japanese whi ch took precedence. The brothel of the Japanese I mperi al Army i s a framework that bound a meagre of ten thousand women to a staggeri ng tal l y of fi ve hundred thousand. Wi thout a powerful fi gurehead to l ead, thi s i mpl i ed a deadl ock wi th no means of escape. Hence no one at any poi nt ever dared to utter an absol ute word agai nst the Japanese.

This is the truth. A story long-neglected, a merciless, cold-blooded wartime campaign eternally engraved on various Asian countries today. A story wiped from history that must return for all to know, to preserve the recollections of the individuals who have persevered. This journey lies on the remote side of Indonesia where rustic straw roof, shelters and dots the labyrinth of narrow winding lush green slopes. ''Agony' was the principal adjective she swore as she reminisced the instant the needle first imprinted her young soul. A symbol of marriage despite singlehood, sparing themselves from the tenebrosity of brothels. Because the Japanese respect the wedded, traditional marking was the only stride against their ghastly ensembles. 6 women left to date. Forgotten, disregarded, expunged are the words they would utilise when one asked of their story. Because this is the reality. As many states, ‘a concealed history.' In any case, their existence, our article will be the long-living evidence that such has ever existed. The tattoos will everlastingly be their soaring legacy. A remembrance. A part of a culture that’s appended to the women. A custom acquired, portraying the tale and narrative of their tribe. The unifying efforts to change, to be empowered and to stand forth and not admit defeat to the inevitable orchestras. Because without them, and the act of pure trust, such comfort will never have existed and they would not have had the option to pave a better future for the younger generations. Regardless, what’s astounding among all, considering the abominable crusade that these women have endured, is the evermore optimistic outlook that each holds. The beams of light they relay, infectious to all, douse into every's bone.

Fine line traces, the skin, her canvas, Interminable duplicates, A resemblance she carries, As she escapes her close destinies. An aroma pungent, penetrates, A familiar musk A line of black specks, A common swirling brown blur of dust March 1942 to September of 1945, The breeze bluster, different from the days before It no longer dances and swirls The atmosphere dense as the rain pours “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone�, What an ironic quote, As the very day, she ventures out from the solaces of her home, Is the very day, her destiny lies in the hands of the despots of this oppressed dome For when Japanese troops arrived, A greater number of was deducted than furnished.


A brutal crusade of constrained sexual subjectivities, Which implied bolting your entryways against the inky obscurity Praying your number was not selected favourably. For when they come for you, Your screams shall bleed, unheard Resounding for the duration of the night Contaminating every corner Yet no assistance returns, The night remains quiet A pin-drop silence This event in the history of Indonesia, Is a story left untold, Under the rug, hidden in the depths of Malaka, Timor. Permanently scarring, the timeless agony endured Yet she stands out among all. The ambience of a birdsong and a delicate wind gust presents. The beauty lies by the fact that she is now at peace with the circumstance. Her brown eyes remain a million golden hues, Cheeks still hold the brightest flecks of rosy hope Her name is Mariana Hoar, The living story of their Timor’s forgotten soar.




Who do you want to impress? A resolution is always sought for improvement. But the real question is - Who will acknowledge the improvement? Would it be you, your family, your friends or your colleagues? Every resolution you make should ALWAYS BE for YOURSELF. You solely should have the right to attest the improvement you’re making because it is only you who is working for it. If it is to get a fit body, then it is you will wake up early, jog to the gym, workout and make a diet for yourself. How can you put the any other person in charge of judging your effort. Show some love and compassion for yourself and don’t fall into becoming a people pleaser.

Does it add to your value? Do you like it when the shares you’ve purchased lose their value? Quite often, it would be a no. You would only like it when the value increases. So

It’s time to welcome the New Year.

would you like to pick a resolution that results in

Everyone in the family is busy finalizing

no value addition to your personality? Yet again,

their New Year resolutions and suddenly it

no. Here’s the pick, always select the resolution

dawns upon you that you have just not

which adds up to your value such as learn a new

given a thought about what your New

course and excel at it, learn new recipes, explore a new hobby and cultivate it or just simply visit the

Year resolution will be. Well then, let me

old age home every weekend and nurture new

help you with this. While you take this

bonds. Anything that satisfies your conscience and

decision keep the following points in mind

you feel delighted to do it is something that you

and you will surely land up choosing the

will stick to throughout the year.

best for you!




Today everything is a competition and everyone is

The most important of all the factors is whether

sharing their moments on social media. Your best

you would be able to manage your time for

friend took up a resolution to join a pilates class

accomplishing your resolutions or not. Everyone

and she shared it on her profile. You saw it and it

has their prefixed schedules and adding up

hit you that you should also go for these classes

another activity in these tightly packed twenty-

irrespective of the fact that you had fallen off the

four hours is a task in itself. All your resolutions will

stairs last month and hurt your spine and the

call for your time and if you cannot promise time

doctor has advised you not to indulge in any

for them then just DON’T CHOOSE THEM. If you

stretching and exercise for some time. You want

have the slightest doubt and your inner voice says

to do it because your best friend’s doing it and you

against your wish of choosing it, just don’t choose

don’t want her to look better than you. You start

it because it will cause you more harm than any

with the classes and end up getting a perfectly

good in the long term

crooked body because you’ve gone off-limits.


Sounds perfectly insane. Listen to your body and your own voice. Don’t follow the crowd. Let

Last but not least, your New Year resolution does

wisdom take upon you and act wisely.

not have to begin from the first day of the new year. So don’t stress yourself to think of a


resolution and start working on it from the very

Never make the mistake of starting on four

first day. You can start it from the second week,

resolutions at the same time. Don’t indulge in

second month or even from the second quarter.

multitasking as it only divides your attention and

The objective is to become a new you not to meet

leads to confusion and weaken your focus. You will

another deadline. Take your time, choose wisely

never be able to complete even half of any

and follow it religiously.

resolution, land up exhausted, curse yourself and dump all the resolutions. Results - zero, improvement - nil. Take everything one by one. Divide your year, not your focus. Make it quarterly resolutions, one for each quarter. Keep growing step by step to have the everlasting effect. 52

THANK YOU! Thanks so much for reading Her Culture's 27th magazine issue. Without a community of dedicated, sophisticated, culture-enthusiastic women, we would not be where we are today. To keep up with all the latest news and culture stories, please visit www.herculture.org. Special thanks to: the Mulloy family, the Miller family, issuu.com, Alexis Neuville, Katie Collins, Sareana Kimia, Cameron Oakes, World Reader, The Prospect, MissHeard Magazine, Luna Luna Magazine, Humans of Vietnam, The Wannabe Scientist, Hello Perfect, New York University's Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development, Molly and Fox Magazine, The Fem Lit Magazine, H.E.R, and Same Sky.



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