To complete electronically, please download this form. Email your completed form to
I would like to donate...
n A single gift by cheque payable to Hereford Cathedral School
n A single gift by BACS and I have transferred the sum of £ (inserting my name and the words ‘Annual Fund’ as a reference) tto Hereford Cathedral School, Lloyds Bank, Hereford. Sort code 30-94-14, account number 00198901.
If you wish to make a single gift by debit or credit card, donate shares, or set up a regular Direct Debit, please call the Development Office on 01432 363590.
I wish the funds to be used for:
n Tech Pods
n Bursary fund
n Wyeside cricket facilities
n At School’s discretion
Title First Name Surname
n Transforming The Moat
Telephone Email
I would like my donation to remain anonymous (please tick as appropriate)
Please email your completed form to We will contact you following any donation and claim Gift Aid on your behalf.