2022 Ladies Invitational Passport

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Around the World in 18 Holes!


MARCH 24-26

Around the World in 18 Holes!

Welcome Ladies, On behalf of the TPC Prestancia Professional Staff and the Tournament Committee, I would like to invite you to participate in the 2022 Ladies Invitational at TPC Prestancia. Whether you have never participated or play each year, it gives me great pleasure to inform you that we are planning for another fantastic event! We look forward to providing an experience that is unforgettable for both you and your guest. If you wish to participate, please fill out the RSVP card and return it to the golf staff. We look forward to both you and your guest joining us for the 2022 Ladies Invitational. Please feel free to contact the Golf Shop with any questions you may have. All the best, Neil Jones, PGA Director of Golf TPC Prestancia 941-922-2800 x3228 njones@heritagegolfgroup.com


Entry Fee - $500 per two person team Each entry fee includes guest fees for both tournament rounds and the practice round on Thursday, tee gifts, two lunches, the Awards Night Dinner, drink coupons, and entertainment. RSVP - Now Open The Entry Form enclosed must be mailed, faxed or hand delivered to the Golf Shop. No Phone Entries will be accepted. Format: One Best Ball of 2 (Gross & Net) Flighted Each player will play her own ball throughout the hole. Handicaps Handicap verification is required of all guests. Each participant will play at 100% of his handicap. Flights There will be five flights based on total team handicaps.


Member Name:______________________ Member #:___________ GHIN #:________ Email:____________________________ Address:___________________________ City:____________ State:____ Zip:______

Guest Name:________________________ Guest's Golf Club:_____________________ GHIN #:__________ Guest USGA Index:_____ Mail, Scan, or Hand Deliver this RSVP to: TPC Golf Shop 4409 Tournament Players Club Drive Sarasota, FL 34283 njones@heritagegolfgroup.com

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