
First, congratulations to the winners of the 2022 Heritage Club Championship, Judy Arden and Ron Tucker. This is the first Heritage run championship. To those of you that played in the Club Championship, you are all winners, and also congratulation to the women and men flight winners.
A reminder that the PRPC, Inc Annual Meeting will be held at 6:00PM Monday, November 7th, at the Clubhouse. If you have not voted, there is still time
Both ballots are located in the Sports Shop just outside Jay’s office. Ballot boxes are on the same table for submitting your ballot.
I have invited Eric Boberg, Heritage Golf Group – Vice President, to speak at 6:30 PM His topic will be the process Heritage uses to determine the annual Operational and Capital Budgets for our Club, the Port Royal Golf and Racquet Club. Jay will attend in a supporting role to Eric.
The weather is turning, the Snowbirds are returning to the island, and our golf calendar for the period November 6 through March 11, 2023, has been issued. A copy of that schedule is located outside Jay’s office
At our Annual meeting, Dave Donnelly will announce the five new Board of Governors serving a 2-year term effective January 1, 2023. On Wednesday, November 9, the new Board will elect the 4 Officers for 2023. The results are planned to be released by Eblast on Thursday, November 10.
The annual Holiday Gala is just around the corner. Watch for the details coming soon.
The holidays are a Our last Monthly M y y, 7, 5 PM. At only $10 per person, it’s not to be missed. This is always a viral and well attended event, but we ask you to sign up in advance, so the chef will know how much food to prepare. Click the link below to register for this fun evening.
Join us on November 14 for a Night in Napa Enjoy beautiful appetizers and charcuterie while sampling over 30 Napa Valley wines. This is a terrific opportunity to stock up on wines for the holidays. All the wines will be offered for a discount, delivered to the club, and will be billed through your club account. Member price is $25 pp and preferred diners, $20 pp.
Our yearly holiday gala, CANDY CANES AND COCKTAILS, will be held on Sunday, December 4 Your social committee is planning a fun evening, complete with a signature candy cane martini! This festive event is black tie optional and will feature dining and dancing to the Bobby Ryder quartet. This year we will feature a dual entree. Member price is $90 per person, and preferred diners are $80pp. Seating will be in tables of 8. When you register, please indicate your tablemates’ names in the comments section
Our final holiday event of 2022 is our member cocktail party on Monday, November 12. Pull out those holiday sweaters and festive attire and come celebrate with your PRPC friends, but please remember to pre register below. $15 pp.
I want to thank my terrific Social Committee for their wonderful dedication and creativity this past year. My thanks and gratitude go out to Susan Riley, Sharon Donnelly, and Nancy Sheahan. What a team!
It’s been a busy few weeks of golf at Port Royal. The Member-Guest Tournament was held at the end of September. Heritage did a great job hosting the golf shop, food and beverage, cart and bag services, and back office operations. Congratulations to Bill Whalen and his brother Brendan on a hard fought victory.
In early October, the women’s and men’s championships were held Congratulations to Judy Arden and Ron Tucker for winning the gross score championships and Tammie Blank, John Manfre, Mike Hall, and Don Muehlberger for winning in the net divisions.
Finally, below is a link to an article
mistakes golfers make in maintaining a golf course - according to course superintendents
the advice in this article will help maintain our courses - especially important as we cannot control how the tourists treat them.
With Fall approaching and the temperatures dropping, October was a busy month with the Club Championship followed by the Ryder Cup. At the Club Championship, we had 31 members signed up playing across three flights.
Congratulations to defending Champion, Ron Tucker, for his great play to shoot a gross 153 and distance himself by seven strokes from the second place
There were 3 Net Flight winners: namely John Manfre (Net score 146), Mike Hall (Net Score 141), and Don Muehlberger (Net Score 151). Between them, Ron and Carl wrapped up the Majors in 2021 so far, with just the 2-Man Match Play Championship in November remaining
Congratulations to Team Beauregard (Blue), who took a commanding 19-point lead on Day 1, which, unlike previous years, was not surrendered, and they went on to extend their winning margin to an impressive 40 points (290 vs. 250). However, everyone agreed that the format and competition were a fun event. We were also treated to a journalistic commentary by Dave Renbarger - see the attached final report.
On the course, the over seeding of greens and collars has begun, and two divot filling parties were completed to aid the status of the fairways as we approach the season when grass no longer grows. Thanks to Ernie Marsico and all who participated in this helpful course maintenance The Final Major of the season is imminently upon us, with the 2 Man Match Play Championship find your partners and sign up ASAP.
2, Monday, November 7,
Armed with the knowledge that anything can happen on the final day of the Ryder Cup matches, along with the hunch that their Blue Team opponents could not possibly play as well in Round 2 as they did in Round 1, the Red Team was cautiously optimistic entering Wednesday's final round on the Barony Course at Port Royal Golf Club.
"I think we might actually be able to pull this off," said hopeful Red Team captain Lanny Bailey.
And then the first group teed off
That first group featured the dream-team pairing of men's club champion and Blue Team captain Ron Tucker and women's club champion and special guest Judy Arden vs. Bailey and assistant pro Mary Grace Tabb. Tucker edged Bailey 5 4 in their nine hole match. Working in the Sports Shop had prevented Mary Grace from getting in much practice in 2022, and the regular, consistent play of Judy Arden enabled her to claim victory by 6 5 2 5 in a match that set the tone for the chilly day
After the final putt was holed and the scores were tallied, the Blue Team posted a 12-8-4 record in the 24 all important singles matches to post a decisive 290 250 victory. Big Blue more than doubled the 19 point lead they had taken after Round 1 with their second consecutive day of brilliant play.
"Judy taking down Mary Grace was really big," said captain Tucker amid the raucous Blue Team celebration on the verandah "But we had great contributions from every player on the team today It was a total team effort."
Another special guest/ringer, the long hitting Jeremy Kalnbach, also made off with 6.5 points in his match against the shell shocked Brad Payne to bolster the Blue Team effort. And Jim Walker shot what he claimed was his best ever round at Port Royal to collect six more points, as did fellow Blue Teamers Bill Doney and John Gibbs
Top performers for the Red Team included Jon Wormley, who won his match 6-3, and Nigel Jones, who used two birdies and three pars over a five hole stretch to cool off the red hot Jeff Clary in a 5.5 3.5 match.
In the end, the teams toasted one another and saluted the golf staff for putting on such a fun and enjoyable event There was the Friday night cookout at the Beach House, featuring the grilling wizardry of Mickey and Ricky (that would be Messrs. Giglio and D'Arienzo), followed by the two days of friendly competition on Saturday and Wednesday. A good time was had by all.
Special thanks to Judy, Jeremy, Mary Grace, and the six other players recruited for Round 2 for stepping in on short notice to compensate for some absences and even up the two teams for Saturday's finale
Wow, what a month we just had! It was busy from the git go. October 12th was our Rules Seminar.
Rules, and more rules! Have you ever tried to read and understand all the Rules of golf? I know I haven't.
Jay Rusch presented a rules seminar to us at the Club and covered the most common rules needed for play and understanding in a video, discussion, and a question and answer period. Those of us who have played for years discovered that we unknowingly did things not always in compliance with the rules. A big thank you to Jay from all of us.
October 12 - Lady's Night Out
We enjoyed our last Lady's Night Out for this year at It's Greek to Me. I'll let the picture do my talking. Check out all those smiling faces.
November 10 - Golf Trip to Bacon Park in Savannah (Call Heather Stevens if you haven't signed up already and want to go)
November 11 - Heritage Cup Matches @ Palmetto Hall
Congratulations to our new officers for 2023! Karen Simpson, President; Joan Hazel, Vice President; Linda Gorski, Secretary; and Sue Walker, Treasurer. We are looking forward to a great new year!
ouncement goes to Tammie Blank, Sue Walker, and Linda Gorski, who participated in the 2022 Port Royal Club Championship.
Congratulations to all of you ladies who played very well. Congratulations to Tammie, who prevailed as the Low Net winner.Way to go, ladies!
Please let me give a big shout out to Georgette Voehringer and Linda Gorski, with a First Place Tie in our Low Putt game on September 22, 2022. Georgette began the day with a Chip In on Barony No 1 for a Zero putt! Congratulations, Georgette and Linda, for an outstanding day! We continued with another Chip-In that day by JoAnn Gibbs on Barony No 9
Our September 29 Scramble was canceled due to one of those pesky Hurricane threats.
On October 6, Championship Game Day 1, there were three Chip Ins by Joan Hazel on Barony #1, and Cherie Bailey and JoAnn Gibbs had Chip Ins on Barony #6! Championship Game Day 2 was played on October 13, but the winner will not be announced until our Holiday Awards Luncheon in December!
Our Director of the Month, Sue Walker, very efficiently directed us through the month of October, and we are very grateful for her guidance. Sue continued taking charge and arranging a great Girls’ Night Out at Jane’s Restaurant, where she decorated the tables with beautiful Fall colors It was quite evident that we all had a great time! A Spooky Scramble is planned for our September 27 game. Thank you, Sue, for such a great month of planning!
A big welcome back to our part time ladies. We are looking forward to these cooler months, which means greater participation by our Nine Hole Lady Golfers Tees up – see you on Thursday!
The PRRC 65+ Men’s USTA Team has made us proud yet again! On the weekend of October 14 16, they placed second in the South Carolina State Championship Tournament held here on Hilton Head Island.
Team members include Rick Rickenbach, captain; John Brummett, co-captain; David Johnson, Dave Hales, Don Steele, Kent James, Jim Mansfield, Danny Spar, Howard Freilich, and Frank Ianuzzi.
Congratulations to all the team members, with special congratulations to Dave Johnson, who played an excellent tournament! Great job, guys!
The 2022/2023 Island InterClub season is scheduled to start right after Thanksgiving. Our season runs from December 1 to February 22, 2023. This is barring any reschedules due to weather. Also, there is no play during the Holiday season in December from the 13th to New Years.
There are 11 teams in the league. The hosting team does not play. The format is ten players per team per event. So, each event has 100 players on the course in a
With the league, we get to play other friendly courses for basically a $45 cart fee plus $5 for tips and prizes. The maximum allowable handicap is 18. The only requirement is to be a golf member of Port Royal with a Port Royal handicap listing. Part time residents and semi retired workers are eligible when available and encouraged to join
If you played last year, you are AUTOMATICALLY retained on this year's roster We have several new golf members
Donna and her husband, Dan, moved here from Atlanta in December 2015, nine months prior to hurricane Matthew.
They have two children, Diane and Brian. Diane lives in Muncie, Indiana, and has two children, Caroline, who is eight, and Rosemary, six. Brian lives in Raleigh and has three children, William who is four, Samuel two, and Elizabeth, born in August.
Donna was born in Cleveland, Ohio, and lived there until age 9 when the family moved to Southfield, Michigan, just outside Detroit, where she grew up. She and Dan met at the University of Michigan the first weekend of college and married after graduation 3 years later. Donna has a degree in accounting and a masters in finance. Her first jobs were for Ford Motor Company and the University of Michigan. Donna and her husband were in different fields, Dan in law and Donna accounting, so they both applied to Georgia Pacific, were hired in their respective fields, and moved to Oregon. Georgia Pacific moved their headquarters to Atlanta, so both were transferred there, where they lived for the next 35 years. When the children were born, Donna decided to quit work during their formative years and then decided to do what she always wanted to do, teach She taught computer science. Donna retired early because she came down with an autoimmune disease and, in 1998, received a liver transplant. After recovery, she started her own business putting in home internet systems.
Donna has many hobbies, among which are tennis and pickleball, and she just started playing golf this year. Donna and Dan also like bicycling, which is why they decided to move to Hilton Head. She also enjoys sewing, reading, and spending quality time with her grandchildren.
What Donna enjoys most about the club is playing tennis, golf, and all the social activities. After moving to Hilton Head, she discovered how friendly everyone is and the ease of meeting people.
Her personal philosophy became apparent when faced with serious health issues, enjoy every day, and figure out what is the most important thing to you and make sure you do it.