Around the Clubhouse
May 2022
In this Issue… Welcome New Members
Man on the Street
President’s Message
Monthly Member Social Photos
Golf Report
Mother’s Day Brunch
Men’s Golf
Rat Pack is Back Photo
18 Holers
Monthly Member Social
9 Holers
Racquets and Ritas
The Calling Photos
Racquets Up!
May Game Days
Employee Spotlight
Member Fun Quiz
Run for the Roses at Churchill Downs
Schedule of Events
Welcome New Members! Chris and Rachel Farris – Non-Resident Family Sports Dan & Melissa Fenza and Son Nathen (18) Non-Resident Family Golf (Mr. & Son) Social Mrs.
Man on the Street – Chuck Wibby Gadget you can’t live without. Smart Phone Five minutes of perfect happiness? Walking on the beach with my wife. What is your most unusual talent? Repairing sprinkler systems. What is your favorite part about the club? The staff and all the great people I have met there. When did you move to Hilton Head? In July of 2021 from Colorado. In a box of crayons, what color are you? Blue Favorite spot in America? The mythical town of “Hiltonrado” Title of your autobiography? “The Chemist” Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate
Name a movie you have watched multiple times and are still entertained by. “It’s a Wonderful Life”
President’s Message By Jon Wormley Grass is beginning to grow on the fairways and the greens are rolled and improving. Trees have been removed to bring more sunlight to several of our greens. Aerification of our greens has been scheduled for late May and early June, but subject to mother nature of course. Several greens will get additional attention with a “Drill and Fill” application to further improve those greens. The Board approved in our April meeting to move several golfing events after discussing the aerification schedule. More will be forthcoming on those schedule changes. The Board will now start turning attention to the Nominating Committee and election of the 2023 Board. The Nominating Committee will be totally independent of the Board. To help ensure total independence, I will allow the Committee to elect their own chairperson, as in other years. The chairperson will remain responsible for conducting the election, issuing, and collecting ballots, counting the votes, resolving any ties, and announcing to the membership the results of the election. The Committee will consist of not less than 3 nor more than 5 persons. Each of them shall be a resident member or lawful spouse of a resident member. The Board will use a process of selecting committee members that I used during my previous presidency. That worked well and involved all members of the Board. The Committee will select the slate, vetting all eligible persons selected for consideration. As in previous years, no individual is automatically placed on the slate. It is the responsibility of the committee to select candidates that are willing to serve in a capacity to fulfill the duties of the board and ensure that the composition of the Board complies with our By-Laws. If you have questions or interest in serving on either the Nominating Committee or Board of Governors, please contact myself. This is your Club! We look forward to our newer members participating in leading our Club forward. We are also nearing completion of the compliance review of our six “Approved Tee Time Groups” with two groups on trial. This has been a very time-consuming task, but a necessary task. Fairness to all golfing members is essential. All groups will be advised of our decisions, and I anticipate Tee Sheets for the remainder of the year, always subject to modification, to be released mid-May for the remainder to this year.
Monthly Member Social Photos
Golf Report By Bill Hazel This is the first notice about Port Royal's annual member guest tournament. This year, the event is scheduled to be held September 22nd through the 24th. To start the planning process for this year's event, questions about the event (format, schedule, etc.) were sent to those that have attended the tournament in either of the prior two years. If you are considering playing in this year's event and did not receive the questions, please feel free to contact me with any thoughts you may have on the tournament or if you would like to receive a copy the questions that were sent out. The hope is that we will have a fun and well attended event this year, as in the past!
Men’s Golf By Nigel Jones Participation in the Champions Cup events continues to be high, with 40 members playing the April Super Men’s Day, and 27 signed up to play the second Major of the year – the Individual Match Play Championship. Super Men’s Day was a closely fought event, with just 1 stroke separating the first 4 teams. Winners with the low score of 121 was the team of Jeff Clary, Landon Gates, Kevin Nattrass and Bill Whalen – congratulations to all.
The Men’s Golf Committee in April met to review the learnings and improvements from the 2-Man Stroke Play Championship. There was good discussion on the learnings, and unanimous support for the following improvements for all Stroke Play Championships. These will be in effect immediately.
The major learning and premise is that for stroke play Championship events, all players should play on the same day of competition, ensuring that everyone plays the event under the same course conditions. Here is a summary of the changes which will be incorporated into the Men’s Championship Rules: • DAYS OF PLAY - For Stroke Play Championships, including Super Seniors, all rounds must be played on the designated dates of play (including any rain dates). It was agreed that there will be no exceptions to this rule. • FLIGHTS AND TEES - Upon review, the only time that white tees are played exclusively is currently during the Majors. It was agreed that everyone should play the event under the same course conditions. This means that for Stroke Play Championships, everyone will play from the members tees (including those who typically play Black tees) with the appropriate handicap adjustment. The Champion would be the player who scores the lowest gross score. Champions points would also be awarded for the best Net score in each flight. For example: o 20 teams would be divided into 2 x 10 team flights, based on Handicap Index with everyone playing off Member Tees o The lowest gross would be Champion, and awarded 40 points o Net players in each flight would be awarded the normal points based on their position in each flight - 40, 28, 18, 14, 10, 6 Upcoming Events - Look out for the Invitations for these events, and sign up Super Men’s Day – Wednesday 11 May Super Seniors Stroke Play Championship – Friday 20 May & Wednesday 25 May Super Men’s Day - Wednesday 8 June
Rat Pack is Back Photos
18 Holers By Carol Duffin Wow, May already! The Ladies Member Guest, our premier event of the year, is taking place on May 2 & 3. A special thanks to Sophie Burger and her committee (Carole Howell, Mary Zych, Cathy Grigoriou, Gay Halleman and yours truly) for returning in 2022.
This year’s Olympic theme will not only be ablaze in Red, White, and Blue - but will feature a surprise guest visitor. Watch for pictures next month. Heritage will be the host club for the Solheim Salute, a WSCGA event to be held on May 23. Contact Cheryl Moore for additional information if interested in playing in this fun event. Our away day trip to Bacon Park had to be cancelled due to weather. A thank you to Heather Stevens for setting this event up for us. Look for a possible rescheduling in the future. The Rules Ref is making her debut this month. She will show up from time to time in this column to give information on what else, but rules.
9 Holers By Judi Chmielowiec The Nine Hole Ladies Golf Group finished the month of March with a very windy day of golf and a fun lunch at the Club on March 31, thanks to Barbara Scotti, who took over management for Joan that day. Our Scramble Team Winners had very close scores: Net Score of 26: Judi Chmielowiec, Barb Fratarcangelo and Nancy Simpson. Net Score of 26: Phyliss Wibby, Barbara Scotti, Ellen Johnston and Barbara Costalas. Net Score of 28: Cherie Bailey, Galina Coe, Jackie Darling and Leslie North. Thank you, Barbara, for getting us through the month of March and organizing our get together at the Club for lunch. Welcome to our newest member, Cathy Vetrano, who started the month of April with a Chip-In on Barony #4. (Cathy has been challenged with giving chipping lessons.) Our winners for the April 7th Individual Stroke Play were Karen Simpson, 1st place, Net 30; Nancy Simpson, 2nd place, Net 35; and Jo Ann Gibbs, 3rd place, Net 36. Some very close scores - Congratulations!! Our Director of the Month for April, Jackie Darling, kept us organized with her great emails and ideas (all while under the weather) What a trooper! She put together a Skins Game on April 14, but she passed the baton to Karen Simpson to finish the tally for the day as follows: First Place: 5 Way Tie goes to Jo Ann Gibbs, Kathy Jacobson, Karen Simpson, Nancy Simpson and Judi Chmielowiec, all with a Net 36! Second Place: Nene Shope with a Net 37! Third Place: Georgette Voehringer with a Net 40. Skin Winners: Jo Ann Gibbs, 8 skins; Judi Chmielowiec, 6 skins; Kathy Jacobson, 5 skins and Karen Simpson, 4 skins. And as if that wasn’t a spectacular day of winners, we also had Barb Fratarcangelo and Karen Simpson with ChipIns on #4 and #6, respectively! Well, as you know, we are always encouraging Pace of Play. But it is that time of year, when we are put in a position to yield to our nature friends. On Robber’s Row #9, we were held up by the alligator walking across the fairway. Okay, that’s fine, but THEN, we encountered another very, large alligator sunning itself. As you can see, Karen Simpson chose not to retrieve her ball and took a free drop in the opposite direction. These are the “hazards” we will gladly yield to in a “pace of play without penalty” position!! Be safe and aware of your surroundings - but enjoy your golf game! Tee it up!!
The Calling Tapas Tasting Photos
Racquets Up! By Jan Schuppert “No Foolin” Potluck Dinner at the Beach House The Port Royal racquet players gathered at the Beach House on April 1 to meet, eat, and enjoy each other’s company. Approximately thirty-five members attended. The food – a BBQ themed meal prepared and shared by all- was delicious. All the diners contributed to the feast which included pulled pork with sides and desserts fit for royalty. Thank you, Dale, for attending and contributing to this occasion.
We chose this occasion to “honor” Mickey Giglio with an “award” as our “Sir Royal” for his long-standing membership and enthusiastic support of our club’s activities for many years! This includes participation in USTA play, support of club activities, support of charitable events, and support of fellow members in many ways. Thank you, Mickey! We also used the occasion to explore some ideas about the future direction of our racquet activities. The idea of tipsy tennis/pickleball was embraced by many of our members; therefore, we will plan to organize some Friday evening casual play followed by snacks and drinks. Watch your email for details soon. This proved to be both a pleasant and positive evening for food and fellowship, and I think we will look forward to more similar events. Thanks to all who joined in. Cinco de Mayo Please sign up for our Cinco de Mayo get-together with casual play, both tennis and pickleball, organized by Dale followed by snacks and drinks courtside on the afternoon of May 5. Call in or drop by the Sports Shop to sign up, and then join the fun!
Employee Spotlight: Burton Sumner My name is Burton Sumner, I have been Controller for the Heritage Golf Collection on Hilton Head Island since May 2015. Born in the Republic of Panama, I moved to Hilton Head Island in 1985. Graduated from Hilton Head High School and then from the University of South Carolina, earning a degree in Business Administration with a focus in Accounting. I’ve been happily married for 26 years and have 2 grown children and 2 grandchildren. Accounting is my thing, been doing it for 24 years across 3 industries: Agriculture, Insurance & Golf. From 1997 to 2000, I was General Manager of Hacienda Zamorano, a 300-acre banana plantation in Ecuador, South America. From 2000 to 2005, I was Assistant Controller for Coastal Plains Insurance, a family-owned insurance agency here in Hilton Head, SC. From 2005 to 2015, I was Accounting & Operations Leader for Brown & Brown Insurance , a publicly-traded insurance agency headquartered in Daytona Beach, FL. And from 2015 to the present, I’ve been here at Heritage Golf with you fine folks. In my spare time, my wife and I enjoy spending time with our 2 young grandchildren who live in Florida. I also enjoy surfing around the world and I will soon be learning how to fly! It’s been my life-long dream to obtain a private pilot license. That way my wife and I can get down to Florida that much quicker and spend more quality time with our beautiful grandchildren!
Member Fun Quiz This bowl of golf bolls is in the foyer of the Clubhouse. Guess how many balls are in the bowl.
The first two people to email me at with the CLOSEST NUMBER TO THE EXACT NUMBER will win two glasses of wine at Robber’s Row Grille. Good luck! Answer to Last Month’s Quiz: The egg picture was a Ukrainian Easter Egg and the technique, pysanky. The winners are: 1. Jeanne Sanni 2. Rhonda Heuple Thanks to all those that participated.
May MEN’S GOLF 11 Wed Super Men’s Day 20 Fri Super Seniors Stroke Play Championship Day 1 25 Wed Super Seniors Stroke Play Championship Day 2 LADIES GOLF 2 Mon 18 Hole Member/Guest Cocktail Party 3 Tue 18 Hole Member/Guest Tournament 5 Thu 9 Hole Low Net Tournament 23 Mon 18 Hole Solheim Salute
RACQUET EVENTS 5 Thu Cinco de Mayo Social Play 19 Thu Net, Nine & Dine SOCIAL 4 Wed Mah Jongg 6 Fri Bridge Luncheon 7 Sat Run for the Roses at Churchill Downs 12 Thu Monthly Member Social 19 Thu Net, Nine & Dine
MIXED GOLF 19 Thu Net, Nine & Dine
June MEN’S GOLF 8 Wed Super Men’s Day
RACQUET EVENTS 9 Thu Net, Nine & Dine
MIXED GOLF 9 Thu Net, Nine & Dine
SOCIAL 1 Wed 2 Thu 3 Fri 9 Thu 20 Mon
Mah Jongg Monthly Member Social Bridge Luncheon Net, Nine & Dine Trivia