AroundtheClubhouse September2022

InthisIssue… Welcome New Members 3 Man on the Street 3 President’s Message 4 Nominations for Board of Governors 5 Net, Nine and Dine 5 Fun Around the Club 6 Golf Report 7 Monthly Member Social 8 Men’s Golf 9 Monthly Member Social Photos 10 Ladies Golf 11 18 Holers 12 Oyster Roast 13 9 Holers 14 September Game Days 15 Racquets Up! 16 Employee Spotlight 17 Holiday Parties 17 BOGO Photos 18 Member Fun Quiz 19 Schedule of Events 20
WelcomeNewMembers! ManontheStreet–RalphMobley Don and Jane Allen Resident Sports Gary & Susan Ciardiello Resident Family Racket Sports (Tennis & Pickleball) When did you move to Port Royal Plantation? May 2020 from the Atlanta area What is your favorite part about the club? Playing golf and meeting new people Dogs or Cats? Dogs, I have a beagle mix named Barney and an Australian shepherd mix named Fender Five minutes of perfect happiness? Driving my sports car around a curvy mountain road Name a movie you have watched multiple times and are still entertained by. “The Birds” It still scares me Gadget you cannot live without? Smart phone Favorite spot in America? Hilton Head Title of your autobiography Suburban Child as I always lived in suburbia Favorite Europeandrink?beers like Stella In a box of crayons, what color are you? Red

Heritage continues with the implementation of the new software. Every day is a learning exercise. So far membership patience has been good. I ask you to continue being patient. I have spoken to a number of Heritage staff about the new software. Their reaction is very positive with most acknowledging the learning curve. Expect and accept hic ups as they move forward with the implementation. A big thanks to Bill Hazel for doing some testing on behalf of the Board. Congratulations to Nigel Jones for his Hole In One on Super Men’s Day. With 40 some golfers playing that morning, I’m sure the bar tab was expensive. Well done, Nigel!
Wow, what am amazing turnout we have for the Heritage Member Guest tournament at the end of September. We had 24 teams signed up to play by the end of July. That’s the best in a while. I want to thank Bill Hazel for his efforts putting this event together with the great assistance from the Heritage staff. My guess is Bill’s wife, Joan, also helped out.
We have completed our second review to tee time usage as it relates to the Approved/Sanctioned groups, spending several hours reviewing the details. While it was agreed a few changes were warranted, we decided not to do so at this point. We did share our decision with the sponsors of the groups as well as our observations and concerns. We welcome back the Spin-off group effective September 1.
The tee sheet for the period September 1st through November 5th was also finalized. We continue with the policy of providing bookable tee time slots throughout the morning for those golfers that do not wish to play in an Approved group. One statistic I want to share with you: we have seven [7] approved groups, they have a total of 65 tee time slots reserved on the members course each Monday Saturday, we have 180 individual tee slots available on the Member’s course those same 6 days. We have excluded the 30 tee times available on Sundays because no approved group has Sunday tee times. Bottom line 64% of our member’s course tee times are available to golf members who wish not to play with an Approved group. Those that do book their own tee times on the members course still leave a large number of unused tee times most days. Even as our golf membership continues to grow, we have approximately 50% of tee times unused My numbers not Heritage.
Well, we made it through July and August and hopefully cooler weather is in our future. Although we experienced lower member play over the past two months, we are not sure hot weather was the only reason for the lower turnout. We are looking forward to seeing our non resident members joining us again over the next couple of months.

Should you wish to nominate directly - Please deliver the original signed petition to Dave Donnelly, 135 Coggins Point Road, Hilton Head Island - 29928. The final slate of candidates will be announced in the October 2022 newsletter along with a voting ballot.
The PRPC By-laws also provides the membership a process to directly nominate persons for election to the board by having at least five members in good standing sign a petition to add that person’s name to the slate. The petition must be in the hands of the nominating committee by Thursday, September 15th.
The PRPC Board of Governors is composed of ten elected members, with five members elected each year. Each year, a Nominating Committee appointed by the Board of Governors is tasked with preparing a slate of candidates for five openings. Members of this year’s Nominating committee are Karen Elrod, Karen Simpson, Micky Giglio, and Dave Donnelly.
The nomination for the Board of Governors is for a 2-year term beginning January 1, 2023.
We kick off September with our Monthly Member Social on Thursday, September 1. At only $10 per person, this is a great way to meet your fellow club members for some festive fun. If you are a new club member, there is no better way to meet some of your fellow Port Royal Golf and Racquet Club members than over drinks and appetizers at this casual event. Don’t forget to register on our portal.
It might be hot out there, but it is not too soon to start thinking about our upcoming fall and holiday events.
On Thursday September 8, join us for our monthly Net Nine And Dine event. Are you a tennis member who would love to try your hand at nine holes of golf or are you a golf member who would like to play a little tennis or pickle ball? This is your event. Come join us and try your hand at a new sport. After golf, tennis or pickle ball join us in the members dining room for dinner.
Everything’s included in the $25 fee…court time, golf, golf cart, and buffet dinner. The sign up for these events is in our pro shop. Mark your calendars now for our fall oyster roast on Monday, October 17. This event promises to be well attended so you don’t want to miss out. It will be held outside on our beautiful veranda because we will be shucking our own oysters so dress appropriately for the weather. There might even be an oyster shucking contest where you can win prizes. More details to follow.
FunAroundtheClub ByAnneGerth
It’s not too soon to mark your calendars for our festive holiday events. This year ‘s Holiday Gala theme is Candy Canes and Cocktails and features the fabulous Bobby Ryder quartet. Don’t miss this event on Sunday, December 4. More details to follow. member social september/
And of course, we have our traditional holiday cocktail party on Monday, December 12 at the club. It’s another great way to socialize with your fellow club members and enjoy conversation over some festive drinks.
We have a lot of new club members this year. When you see a new face, please take the time to introduce yourself and maybe invite them to join you at your table. Every event will not have seating assignments. You may certainly put a table together and note the names in your RSVP, but let’s help make our new members feel welcome by inviting them to join us during club events.
Anne Gerth

• a two-stroke penalty taking the ball out to the fairway parallel to where it went out of bounds
• or a one stroke penalty but hitting your next shot from the same spot as your previous one (stroke and distance).
• Taking a stroke and distance penalty. Why? On Barony 1, I will occasionally hit a good drive only to chunk the next one into the pond. While I could hit the next shot (after a penalty) by the pond I might be more comfortable with the distance from my previous shot. However, the best way to manage red stakes is the same way as managing white stakes – keep the ball in the fairway!
A red stake penalty indicates a lateral hazard, which is not as punitive as out of bounds. Your options are:
• hitting the ball from the hazard (when possible). You are allowed to ground your club in the hazard. You can also temporarily move the red stake if it is in your way (not so with a white stake).
• taking a one stroke penalty and placing the ball within two club lengths from where it crossed into the hazard (no closer to the whole). Note that it is not two club lengths from where the ball ended up. If (when) I push my drive straight right on Robbers 1, I then need to place the ball back near the tee box as that is where it crossed into the hazard. However, if I hit a slice that starts in the fairway and then goes into the hazard, I will be placing the ball much closer to the hole.
If you remember from the March Around the Clubhouse, a shot that goes out of bounds (beyond a white stake, across a road, etc.) will result in either:
The bad news: you just hit your ball into a red stake area. The good news: at least it wasn’t a white stake.
• from the point where the ball entered the hazard go in a straight line back away from the hole. Barony 13 (my favorite) would be a good example. If the ball enters the hazard on the left, you could go in a straight line directly away from the hole across the fairway to a point where you have a chance to hit it over the trees. This would not apply to Barony 8 if you hit your drive through the fairway into the water. Going in a straight line away from the hole would leave you in the water. member social september/

Notable dates in the coming 2 months: Super Men’s Day Wednesday September 7 Individual Stroke Play Championship October 3 (Monday), October 7 (Friday) and October 10 (Monday) Rain RyderDateCup: Saturday October 15, and Wednesday October 19 with Cookout for players on Friday October 14
For the Open Sweepstake, Dennis Darling shot a net 67 and partnered with Bryson Dechambeau (remember him??) to accumulate a winning score of 133.
Winners were the team of Carl Nelson, Ron Tucker, Ed Harbauer (returning after surgery welcome back, Ed) and John Strasburger. In the mixed division, Greg and Monique Lyons partnered with Scott Elsom and Bill Whalen to win with a score of 2 under, 34.
As we enter the last 4 months of the year, we have 2 Majors on the horizon, with the Club Championship (individual Stroke Play event) in early October, and the 2 Man Match Play event in November. Also look out for news about the Ryder Cup event in October. This has a tradition of being a hard fought, relaxed, and sociable event, which saw 50+ members playing last year.
We had 34 members playing in the August Super Men’s Day, with a combination of 9 holes of “Waltz” and 9 holes of “Step aside Scramble”. An impressive 7 point margin was enough to secure the win for the team of Carl Nelson, Jerry Bailey, Kevin Nattrass and Jack Elrod. Congrats to all. There was extra celebration on the day, as Nigel Jones had a Hole-in-One on #14 on Barony. There were plenty of members on hand to help spend his winnings!!
During the second half of July, we had the Nightmare Nine and Open Championship Sweepstake. Parker challenged us with some interesting course features, and it was a close run competition across all teams.


Heritage Golf will hold the first “Heritage Ladies Championship". It will be played at the same time as the "Heritage Men's Championship". This is a new event, open to “all” PRPC ladies. A “club wide” championship was requested by many lady members and is an exciting NEW challenge. The 2day event is: 36 holes (total), stroke play; flighted based on participation to accommodate players of all abilities. Join the event. Anyone can play so show up, join the event, and reinforce our participation as ladies in PRPC. Heritage Golf will be sending more information in September.
Ladies Open Golf: our Monday Tee Times needs more participation. These teetimes are the only reserved tee times for any lady to play as much as you want, 9 holes, 18 holes, walk or ride. Keep score or not. This is a special time slot that is not affiliated with any organized group and can be a good social, practice, and learning experience. All lady PRPC golf members get an email invitation weekly from Liz Bailey - Please join when you can.
LadiesGolf ByTammieBlank
Other News: We PRPC golf ladies need to make our expectations of the club, events, and our perceptions of the course conditions known. We have an avenue to voice our thoughts through the Ladies Golf Committee directly to Bill Hazel, (PRPC Golf Chair). Our two course conditions ladies report their findings to me, and it is sent directly to Bill. Though you may not see apparent actions, your opinions are being transferred upwards to the Board.
In October

18Holers ByCarolDuffin This is the last article from the road. Like the song goes, “I’ve been everywhere” been to Colorado, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, North Dakota, South Dakota, New York. Where I haven’t been is to a golf course. Having been out of touch and now without my desktop and its features, this article will be short and without the help of print shop. Congrats to the following winners. June 14 - Low Gross, Low Net June 21 - Shamble (team) LG - Liz Bailey. Becky Guin LG runner up - Betsy Papale. Polly Jackson Low Net - Jolanta Taylor. Syl JolantaSakutaTaylor July 5 - Tee to Green July 19 - Tennessee Waltz (team) First Place - Becky Guin. Liz Bailey Second Place Carole Howell. Gay Halleman Third Place Hiltrud Gabler. Barb Steiger Mary Zych Looking forward to being back to the Lady 18’s, Carol

A very big welcome to our newest member, Linda Gorski. Linda is joining us with many years of golf experience and a nice Chip in on Barony No. 6, to show us the way. We are looking forward to playing with Linda for many years ahead.
A big thank you to our outgoing July Director of the Month, Nefeli Keebaugh, who kept us on our toes with her fun filled emails, colorful red, white and blue prizes after each game, and squeezed in a “Beat the Pro” game of golf with Parker, who graciously offered much patience and gentle coaching. Thank you, Parker, for being such a good sport! Our winner for the day was Mary Lou Murphy with a net 34, Beat the Pro who had a 39! Congratulations, Mary Lou!!
We welcome Nene Shope as our August Director of the Month. Nene is keeping us organized with our first August game of Low Putts. The winner, Nefeli Keebaugh, had an amazing score of 13 putts for the Nine Hole competition. Congratulations!! The following week’s game of Individual Stroke Play was won by Kathy McGown with a net 35!! Congratulations continue for the Low Putts Day with Chip Ins by Sally Ann Wormley (2), and Joan Hazel (1). Always fun to recognize all our ladies with their fun golf experiences. As we turn the corner to the second half of the year, I would like to recognize our Nine Hole Ladies Golf Board Members, Karen Simpson, VP, Julie DeLaurence, Treasurer and Nefeli Keebaugh, Secretary, who take the time to attend meetings, brainstorm for cohesive planning and manage all of the areas our Nine Hole Ladies enjoy as being a part of this wonderful golf group. Thank you, ladies, for making my job easy! See you on the course!!

ByJanSchuppert Tipsy!
It is time to invite your guest! The Fourth Annual Member-Guest Tennis/Pickle Tournament is on the calendar. It is happening on Friday evening and Saturday, October 28 and 29, 2022. Social play followed by socializing including hors d’oeuvres and drinks will begin at 4:00 on Friday until? Competition will begin on Saturday morning at 8:30. We will begin to gather at 7:30 with a light breakfast on the tennis patio. Our finale will be a dinner party on Saturday evening in the Club House. Happy hour will begin at 5:00 and dinner will be served at 6:00. This is always a lovely event, so you should be there. The cost is $200.00 per team. Is Everybody Playing Pickleball? Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps and NFL star Larry Fitzgerald (Arizona Cardinals) faced off against each other in a pickleball match in Phoenix, AZ earlier this year to the delight of their audience. Is it contagious? Tennis Magazine, July/August 2022.
Fourth Annual Member-Guest
The rain gods must be angry; they poured on us once again! My thought is that not enough players are signing up for Tipsy Tennis/Pickle! Mark your calendars for 6:00 on Friday, September 9 -Tipsy Tennis and Pickle. Then contact Dale and tell him that you will be there. It is fun, social tennis and pickleball, and more players will result in more fun and will please the gods!

Kaitlin is a Marketing Manager with over four years of experience. She has assisted many businesses by using social media to bring their brand to life. Her specialties include event planning, writing social media content, and designing creatives. Kaitlin received her B.A. in Media, Communications, and Journalism with an emphasis in Public Relations from California State University, Fresno. In her free time, Kaitlin likes to read, be in the water, and spend time with her friends and family.


MemberFunQuiz The 11th, 12th and 13th holes at Augusta National are collectively known by what nickname? The first two people to email me at with the correct answer will win two glasses of wine at Robber’s Row Grille. Good luck! Answer to Last Month’s Quiz: The second fastest recorded wind speed on Earth at 231 MPH was recorded where? Answer is Mount Washington, New Hampshire The winners are: 1. Jeanne Sanni 2. Michael Hall Thanks to all those that participated.
October MEN’S GOLF 3 Mon Men’s Club Championship Day 1 7 Fri Men’s Club Championship Day 2 10 Mon Men’s Club Championship Rain Date 13 Thu Men’s Club Championship Rain Date 15 Sat Men’s Ryder Cup Day 1 19 Wed Men’s Ryder Cup Day 2 SOCIAL 5 Wed Mahjongg 6 Thu Monthly Member Social 7 Fri Bridge Luncheon 12 Wed New Member Mingle 17 Mon Oyster Roast 20 Thu Net, Nine and Dine RACQUET EVENTS 20 Thu Net, Nine and Dine 28 Fri Racquet Member/Guest Day 1 29 Sat Racquet Member/Guest Day 2 MIXED GOLF 20 Thu Net, Nine and Dine September LADIES GOLF 3 Mon Ladies Club Championship Day 1 6 Thu 9 Holers Championship Day 1 7 Fri Ladies Club Championship Day 2 10 Mon Ladies Club Championship Rain Date 11 Tue 18 Hole Stroke Play Championship Day 1 13 Thu Ladies 9 Holers Championship Day 2 18 Tue 18 Hole Stroke Play Championship Day 2 25 Tue 18 Hole Stroke Play Championship Rain Date MEN’S GOLF 7 Wed Super Men’s Day 22 24 T F Heritage Golf Invitational SOCIAL 1 Thu Monthly Member Social 2 Fri Bridge Luncheon 7 Wed Mah Jongg 8 Thu Net, Nine and Dine 22-24 T-F Heritage Golf Invitational RACQUET EVENTS 8 Thu Net, Nine and Dine 9 Fri Tipsy Tennis MIXED GOLF 8 Thu Net, Nine and Dine 22 24 T F Heritage Golf Invitational LADIES GOLF 13 Tue 18 Holers Sadie Hawkins Day 15 Thu 9 Holers Low Net Tournament