verbinden :German for Connecting: A new way to store/ transport Books and other keepsakes.
About 1 in 6 Americans move each year. The average American moves 11.7 times in a lifetime. By age 44, only 3.1 more moves will be made in the average lifetime. Census findings show that approximately 35.1 million people in the U.S. or 11.6 percent of the nation’s population moved last year. In 2010, young adults between the ages of 25- 29 years old were the most likely to move.  24.1 percent of this demographic moved to a new location last year. 3.4 percent of the U.S. population moved over a long distance in 2010 and 15.4 percent of the population moved locally.
Intended to be easy to break down and transport quickly Most current bookshelves have to be nailed or screwed together and are a hassle to take apart when moving. The current ones just have one standard elongated shape. Initial concepts allowed for different forms to take shape as well as adding a possible new type of aesthetic to a room
Verbindin connects using simple shapes as well as tension and pressure to stay together It’s initial use is for students and others who do not require permanent or cumbersome shelving. It can be comprised of other materials but wood could fit the aesthetic easiest, especially if it is to be a temp fix until a high end or custom one can be purchased It’s designed to allow for compact and easy storage and transportation.