Hospital Waiting Rooms A User- Centered analysis of Hospital Waiting Rooms and how they help and hinder. The purpose is to define problems and needs to further enrich the experience of waiting for a loved one or waiting for a procedure.
The Research Method involved interviews and observations Observational Studies: traveling to several hospitals and observing how people react and use the space
Interviews: Ask the nurses and doctors their opinions and reactions as well as those who were waiting
Survey: Handed out to guests and patients waiting to get their opinions
Oppourtunity: Create a better user experience of a waiting room.
Contextual Gathering
Trips to various hospitals and different types of waiting rooms yielded several new needs that did not come up in the initial phase of development.
In-depth Research: Observation
Pictures and notes were taken while observing in the different waiting rooms, Patterns were noted.
In-depth Research: Interviews Observations reinforced surveys and interviews and helped to define what the main concerns should be in regards to concepts
The Data from the observations and interviews were analysed.
Analyzing the concept
The product was scrutinized to make sure the needs were met and if it was able to solve more than one of the insights and made sure it was aesthetically pleasing and ergonomic.
Journey Map
The user experience was broken down to 5 sequences. Scout is finding a seat, Waiting is introspection, Exploring is wandering to fend off boredom and accessing is looking for something new or checking on a patient
Ex plore
Areas of Need: A better sense of privacy and the users require a sense of control and security over themselves and their belongings yet allow emotional support from others or family
Emotional Support
Emotional support
Pri vacy
User Control Secu rity
Opportunities Invest in the emotional needs and well being of those who are waiting. Alert user of updates at intervals. Give the user an area for their belongings very near to their location or being. Create introspection areas for privacy and a sense of control.