Nov/Dec 2019

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fund her projects


WHY FUNDHERPROJECTS.COM? • We Understand and Value You • We Are Community Who Cares About Your Success • We Support Your Campaign from Start to Finish

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Have a project that never quite got off the ground due to lack of funding? Fund Her Projects (FHP) is an innovative funding platform just for women. FHP is not your typical crowdfunding site, as it allows members to promote a well-intentioned cause and request needed items within the community.


Volume 6, Issue 4 Editor-in-Chief, Annette Johnson Managing/Online Editor, Gabby Dance Fashion Editor, Courtney A. Hammonds Creative Director, Michelle Lynch Senior Editor, Brittany Maher Sales and Marketing Director, Daniel Rodriguez Social Media Manager, Katiee McKinstry Design Director, Joey Shepard Layout Artist, Kiryl Lysenka Event Marketing, Tamara King Staff Writers: Njeri Dean Len Knitter Melissa Lawrence Elle Stovall Piera Van de Wiel Editorial Interns: Wendy Phan Sheron Sylvestre Contributors: Alison Ball Sharon Clear Victoria Hodgkins Kat Kalashian Merilee Kern John Murphy Dr. Bradley Nelson Divya Parekh Dr. Manish Shah Melissa Vale Cover Photographer: Jillian Clarke Customer Service For subscription service or change of address, including email, contact or write P.O. Box 1071, Atlanta, GA 30301 Hers (ISSN 2372-3785) is published six times per year by Allwrite Communications, 3300 Buckeye Road, Suite 264, Atlanta, GA 30341 770-284-8983


BREAKING THROUGH BARRIERS Joy Tutor helps business owners reach their dreams.


Nov/Dec 2019

F E AT U R E S 28 Cardio Barre Fitness

TV Actress Courtney Hope shows her fitness routine

42 CEO and Super-Mom

Amanda Lucey is the owner of Atlanta’s oldest marketing agency

75 Hollywood’s Dancing Queen

From small-town girl to Emmy winner, Kathryn Burns


Filmmaker Lily Baldwin explores virtual reality.

HER HEART 26 New Year, Stronger Relationships

Improve relationships with family, friends, coworkers and yourself

64 The Gift of Gab

The best gift for your toddler is conversation

HER FLAVOR 14 Paris Fashion Week: Ziad Nakad

Parisian couture from a Lebanese legend

40 The Juiciest Turkey HER LESSONS 31 Old Fight, New Tactics

New ways to close the gender pay gap

68 Meet the Tyrners

Mother and Daughter CEOs of Harlow's Harvest

90 New Year’s Thieve

5 ways you may be sabotaging your resolutions.

Create a jaw-dropping centerpiece dish this Thanksgiving

53 Paris Fashion Week: Steven Khalil

Australian designer makes his debut

70 Festive Fashion

Dress to impress this holiday season

78 Power Suit Updated

Modern guide to wearing a pantsuit

92 Science of Skincare

The skin-saving ingredients to look for in cosmetic products

HER WORK 13 No Test-Drive Today

How to select a car this holiday season without the test drive

67 Grow Your Small Business

Tips to make the challenge worth the reward

82 Fall’s Favorite Tech

10 tech finds to finish out the year

ON THE COVER 47 Smashing the Pink Ceiling Self-made billionaire Cindy Eckert

H E R P L AY 32 Flying Solo

The safest destinations for single women

45 Holistic Wealth

A New Approach to Well-Being Through and After Calamity

52 Good Tidings for Travel H E R H E A LT H

6 Tips for stress-free holiday vacations

11 Peace on Earth

65 Her Own Sound

46 2020 Fitness Essentials

86 New Music Releases

72 Wellness Trends

87 The Future of Film

80 Miracle-Minded Management

88 Record These Shows

5 wellness gifts for a relaxing holiday

Amp up your workout with these products

The hottest relaxation methods to try

How to fight the holiday blues.

Jade Jones is an emerging voice in radio

The most anticipated albums of 2020

Fall and winter movies to look forward to

New television releases you can’t miss


JUST $9.95

F E AT U R E S • H E A RT • F L AVO R • H E A LT H LESSONS • WORK • PLAY W W W. H E R S - M A G A Z I N E . C O M 6  HERS Mag azine

Editor’s Letter Welcome to 2020, almost. As we prepare for the end of this year and look to celebrate a new one, we are confronted with reminders that we can choose to ignore or embrace. As a publication, we have attempted to expose these potentially unresolved “issues” as a matter of necessity. Enter the article “20/20 Vision for Your 2020 Relationships” that appeals to our need to reconnect — by any means necessary — with those we care about and love. Readers are challenged to spend isolated quality time with family, friends and even yourself. In keeping with the theme of confronting our issues, we intimately introduce readers to our cover girl, Cindy Eckert, and how she was able to amass a fortune by advocating for women’s sexual needs. Her little pink pill revolutionized and liberated women’s psyche, allowing them to both admit and resolve their desire for sex. Self-sabotage is surely not unique to women, but it can be more devastating over the long-term, as more women are heads of households, exclusively responsible for the success of their children and themselves. Given this fact, we have included “5 Ways You May Be Sabotaging Your Resolutions (and How to Stop).” Resolutions represent attempts at forming

new, improved habits, so providing these preventive tips allows readers to better ensure their achievement. An interview with 27-year-old, up-and-coming radio personality Jade Jones reminds us that we can find ourselves while lost. Like her, you’ll have to begin by admitting that you’re lost, which she did when she went to college and couldn’t decide her major. Her musical interests plus a chance encounter with another classmate opened the door to her current career. The message here: keep going but get some help. One of our main, lingering concerns as women remain in our earning ability, as “findings show that women earn 79 cents for every dollar earned by men,” according to Divya Parekh’s article “How Women Can Help Close the Gender Pay Gap in Their Respective Fields.” We learn how to confront this issue on our jobs in a professional, effective manner. Meanwhile, we also learn how to have “Holistic Wealth” in viral sensation Keisha Blair’s new book. As always, I invite you to meet this great, inspirational women on the pages of Hers, and remember to share it — literally! Enjoy,




Alison Ball, also known as Ali in the Valley, has been dubbed the “Urban Martha Stewart.” She is an entertainment business executive, the former vice president of A&R and Warner Brothers and the current president of TuneGO, who blogs about her passions — live music and good food. She shares recipes, writes cookbooks and produces a website through her blog.

John J. Murphy is a global business consultant, speaker, spiritual mystic, and "zentrepreneur." He is the founder and CEO of Venture Management Consultants, Inc., a firm specializing in creating lean, high-performance work environments. As a business consultant, Murphy has delivered services to some of the world’s leading organizations, including ADP, Chase, the CIA, GE, and GM. Murphy is a best-selling author who has published 19 books and appeared on over 400 radio and television stations.

SHARRON CLEAR Sharron Clear is a strong, self-made single mom of three from Tennessee. With a love for fashion and an eye for trends, Clear always loved dressing up. Earning a reputation for being one of the best dressed throughout her school years, friends would often approach Clear for fashion advice. In her free time, she would sketch beautiful gowns and other upscale pieces, even designing her very own prom dress. In 2017, Clear began documenting her everyday #GirlBoss style on Instagram, growing an engaged audience of over 57,000 followers.

VICTORIA HODGKINS Victoria Hodgkins is the CEO of PeopleKeep, a platform that helps small businesses administer health reimbursement arrangements at a price they can afford, which it calls “benefits reinvented.” More than 11,000 people use PeopleKeep to participate in benefits. Hodgkins, an alumna of Harvard University and Harvard Business School, has worked in companies of all sizes, from a small startup to General Electric Healthcare.

KAT KALASHIAN Kat Kalashian grew up around the world, living in the U.S., Ireland, France, and Panama, and has traveled extensively. She now considers no one place home and feels more comfortable in new environments than in familiar ones. She and her husband now live in Paris, France. Her post as editor in chief of Live and Invest Overseas keeps her busy.

MERILEE KERN As the executive editor and producer of “The Luxe List,” Merilee Kern is an internationally regarded consumer product trends expert and hospitality industry voice of authority. She is a travel, dining, leisure and lifestyle expert who spotlights marketplace innovations, changemakers, movers and shakers. She reports on travel destinations and experiences, special events and newsworthy products and services across all categories.

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DR. BRADLEY NELSON Veteran holistic physician Dr. Bradley Nelson has trained thousands of certified practitioners worldwide to help people overcome physical and emotional discomfort by releasing their emotional baggage. His best-selling book "The Emotion Code" provides step-by-step instructions for working with the body's energy healing power. In college, Nelson studied computer programming, pursuing a career in business. He then attended Life Chiropractic College West in California after realizing that he wanted to heal people.

DIVYA PAREKH Divya Parekh is an influence architect, business leadership coach and international speaker. She has coached thousands of people across 90 countries to brave their perfectly imperfect individualism and marry it with collectivism for the greater good. She believes there is an influencer in everyone and is committed to helping people move through the transformational journey of an expert to authority to becoming a Leading Influencer.

DR. MANISH SHAH Dr. Manish Shah is a board-certified plastic surgeon. He graduated with honors from the University of Pennsylvania, receiving a degree in biomedical engineering. He then completed his medical training at the University of Virginia, earning his Medical Doctorate. During this time, he also completed a one-year fellowship in microsurgery research at the New York University School of Medicine / Institute of Reconstructive Plastic Surgery.

MELISSA VALE Melissa Vale is a style, beauty and travel influencer who runs her own blog where she posts fashion and beauty tips to her over 100,000 Instagram followers. She got into the influencer world after taking a course on social media through her real estate agency, which inspired her to start documenting her outfit of the day photos. She describes her style as funky but always put together.


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#themeeyesee Self-Awareness for 2019 and Beyond


ers magazine wants to remind women: “What you think of yourself is more important than what others think of you.” using #themeeyesee hashtag to promote greater self-awareness, the magazine wants women to begin to visualize, declare and pursue the person they can rightfully become. We believe that the way we see ourselves propels us on the path to who we will ultimately become, driving our thoughts, actions, habits, and lifestyles. Thus, declaring an intention of our ideal selves can motivate us to achieve our goals.

Ask Yourself: Am I living up to my core values and personal mission? Am I being a person others can respect? Am I respecting my body the way I should?

#themeeyesee is a movement with the purpose of encouraging and challenging women to become the people they want to be in the new year and beyond. This is not a New Year’s resolution, but a public pact and declaration. We will feature the posts on the Hers magazine website, #themeeyesee website and Hers magazine social media platforms:

Am I meeting the expectations I set for others? Am I using my talents fully? Am I performing at my peak capacity? Am I giving my family and friends my most and my best? Am I engaging in worthy activity? Am I making a positive impact on the world? Am I on the path to my preferred future? Readers and others should post a short video or a selfie online with the hashtag to declare their unique vision for the future. They should then also challenge 5-7 friends in the post to make their own #themeeyesee declaration and agree to be accountability partners for 2016 to ensure their success.

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he holiday season is fast approaching, and we’re on the lookout for gift ideas that will be a hit among friends and family. With healthy living being a major focal point for many, we wanted to find wellness centric gift ideas that won’t break the bank, while putting a smile on the faces of our loved ones.

Shani Simms, owner of Seasons Market located in Clarksville, TN, is a true advocate for wellness gift giving. “Everyone is trying to get healthier, whether it’s changing their diet, exercising or just making better decisions concerning their health,” Simms said. “It’s a number one factor on everyone’s mind, so there is no better way to help your loved ones remain healthy than to give them gifts that will benefit them and help them stay on track.” No need to navigate the wellness world alone. We’ve found five gift ideas that will nourish the mind and body.


HERBACEOUS OATMEAL, MILK & HONEY BODY KIT This all natural, vegan body butter, soap and bath bomb gives off a warm fragrance of oatmeal, milk and honey without the questionablve chemicals and harsh ingredients often found in body products. Give it as a stocking stuffer, or pair it with a bamboo bath mitt for the perfect gift.


SPAROOM AROMAPOD ESSENTIAL OIL DIFFUSER Essential oils have many benefits, and their use can be traced back for centuries. Diffusing a variety of essential oils not only provides a great scent to any room, but can improve wellness by purifying the air, increasing energy, boosting the immune system and promoting restful sleep.

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STRAIGHT HEMP CBD OIL CBD products have been one of this year’s hottest wellness trends, providing a more natural alternative to treating various ailments and diseases. CBD is believed to have benefits to relieve pain, migraines, diabetes, hypertension, anxiety and depression. This small gift will go a long way.




HIMALAYAN GLOW NATURAL HIMALAYAN SALT LAMP The warm pink-amber hue of this natural lamp creates an inviting and relaxing ambiance while providing improved air quality, enhanced mood, increased energy, sharpened concentration and better sleep.

This bath trio provides several benefits. The Relaxing Herbal Bath is great for soaking after a long day, kelp and aloe make the Detox Soak Bath Salts great for detoxifying and enhancing the skin’s natural balance and the Cold and Flu Vitamin Soak helps with congestion, runny noses and achy muscles.

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No ive r D Test oday T





he holidays are often a great time to buy a shiny new car for a special someone whether that be a spouse, child or parent. According to Statista, November, December and January have consecutively been the months with the most car sales for the past seven years. Of all the advice and tips available on buying a new car for the holidays, you have probably never heard this one very important recommendation: don’t ever test-drive that new car on your first visit to the car dealership. Why? Because you should not be there to test-drive the car, you should first be there to test-drive the car dealer. Your first trip to the dealership should test the waters for the possibility of a mutually beneficial relationship between you and your dealership that may very well last for 10 years. Purchasing a new car is a huge financial commitment, and in some ways, it’s not much different than the commitment to a long-term romantic relationship. Buying a new car is a commitment on many levels, and it’s especially important when you consider the long-term service and maintenance needs that will be needed while you own that vehicle. Your new car may also need a recall service at some point, which can only be done by a factory authorized service center, a.k.a. your dealership. So, you should make darn sure that you’re happy returning to that same dealer for the life of your vehicle. If you’ve already done your research and have an idea of the different vehicles you’re interested in, then it’s time to test-

drive dealerships. Once you’ve met the salesperson, let them know which car you’re interested in. Sit in the car and get a feel for it. See if it feels comfortable. Start the engine. Get to know the layout of the climate controls and the audio system. Turn on the radio and see if you can operate all the buttons and controls easily. Resist the salesperson’s urge to get you to test drive the car, no matter how much they squirm or fuss. Here’s the golden rule. Time is on your side when making a new car purchase. You should only test-drive that new car after you know the car dealer is willing to work with you and allow the car buying experience to meet your needs and expectations. If the salesperson asks you why you don’t want to test-drive the car, just say you’re not ready yet, but will be happy to upon your next visit. This is the initial test that a dealership either passes or fails. If they’re cool with your choice and don’t persist, you may have found a likely dealer candidate. Dealers usually have a script of how a sale is supposed to flow. If you disrupt their script and they’re not flexible with you, then the rest of the deal will also likely not be a pleasant one. As tempting as it might be to want to take that beautiful shiny new car out for a test-drive, resist. You’re there to weed out the inflexible and undesirable dealers. You’ll be surprised at how empowering it is when you don’t actually test-drive the car, to see how the salesperson reacts to your choice. If they push you, politely leave that dealership, but if they’re agreeable to your request, then you may have just found the right dealership.   N ov / D e c 2 0 1 9   |   H ERS M ag az i ne   13


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ebanese designer Ziad Nakad started his interest in fashion as a young child, attracted to eccentric fabrics. Now, he is a well-respected designer who has dressed renowned super models Karen Mudler, Nadja Urman and Jennifer Driver. He has been featured in fashion shows worldwide, including shows in Lebanon, the Middle East, the Gulf, Europe, Asia and the Americas.


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20/20 VISION for Your 2020 Relationships BY MELISSA LAWRENCE

As 2019 comes to a close, we’re preparing to build stronger relationships next year. Whether these relationships be old or new, fostering healthy connections is a positive way to start the new year. Here are our tips for creating peaceful bonds in 2020

FAMILY Sometimes it’s easy to get wrapped up in our own lives and focusing on ourselves and our goals. This can be a good thing, however, that focus can sometimes morph into a feeling of loneliness. Ever year we’re faced with new challenges and feeling secure in our personal foundations are necessary for guidance and healing. At times on the journey inward, we might distance ourselves and, as a result, communication with others begins to dwindle. When this happens, we can find ourselves making excuses to avoid interaction, but let’s put making excuses in the past. For the new year, let’s focus on understanding that the smallest phone call or text can lead to a conversation that should have occurred years ago. Instead of wasting vacation days at home on the couch, plan a weekend with the family. Plan something light and fun, like a picnic. Outings like this can open doors for a safe space to eliminate the distance you may feel between you and your family members. Loving our relatives is a foundational part of our relationships with them but getting to know them as friends and as people is a choice that we consciously have to make. Let that family feeling perpetuate throughout the rest of the year — even after the holidays!

WORKPLACE Different workplaces come with different atmospheres. Many people find themselves struggling to take initiative within the workplace. This initiative can affect a spectrum of everyday occurrences, from inviting a coworker to lunch who usually eats alone to addressing a possible lack of teamwork amongst a group. It’s easy to keep to yourself and never interact with coworkers or commend others on their work. This upcoming year, challenge yourself to step outside of your comfort zone. It may be frightening to be the first to say something, but being positive, kind and bold within the workplace for this new year can create great change in people’s attitudes wherever you work. With the renewal of your work relationships in a positive light, those call-out-sick-even-whenyou’re-not-sick days may occur less and less. 26  HERS Mag azi n e   |  H ER H ear t


FRIENDSHIPS The older we get, the trickier friendships seem to become. There are times when we aren’t sure of who to trust. Other times, we surround ourselves with others who don’t benefit us in any way, shape or form. Healthy friendships consist of reciprocated encouragement! If you find yourself feeling out of place in a social circle, although you’ve been in this circle for a prolonged period of time, don’t be afraid to reevaluate friendships going into the new year. You might have some friends who expect the best Christmas presents but are seemingly unaware of how to get a simple card for you in return. There are some friends who may envy your upcoming 2020 endeavors instead of giving you the positive encouragement you deserve. It’s time to connect with people who help foster healthy, meaningful relationships. Reach out to a real friend who will listen to and uplift you, maintain that relationship and cherish it for a new year full of support. Connect with them outside of technology. When you’re hanging out with those true friends, try an interactive board game and a thoughtful conversation instead of simultaneously watching television and texting.

INTIMATE Everyone leaps into love differently. Some are more cautious, while others find themselves falling before they’ve realized it. The key is to find a balance between waiting forever and rushing in too quick. The holidays can be a tough time for some, especially if this is your first season without your other half. Although it may feel sad, it’s a great time to look at why things possibly went south and take note of it. There are heartbreaks that cut deep — the ones we feel like we may never recover from — and the immediate result is usually putting up walls to protect ourselves. To an extent, we shouldn’t be susceptible to those same rocky relationships we may have experienced last year. However, we can’t let it dictate the future of our hearts. For the new year, if you’re in a fresh relationship, avoid your past affecting your present. This year could contain a shift that you and your partner deserve to experience. If you’re nervous or having fears, be open about it. It’s completely normal! Maintain a healthy relationship with that special someone with an open heart and the wisdom of what you know now.

YOURSELF Amidst all these relationships, make sure not to forget the relationship you have with yourself. You are always evolving, and you need constant work and attention. Mental check-ins with yourself are a prime example of keeping a healthy emotional balance. No one experiences your life firsthand but you, so being introspective can often give you a chance to push forward. Everyone jokes about New Year's resolutions and how hard they are to keep. However, when it comes to resolutions, you can either be your worst enemy or your best friend. Talk to yourself like you would talk to someone you love and care to maintain a relationship with. Because you are constantly changing, you need to take time to recognize these changes in the middle of this whirlwind called life. All love begins from within yourself, so you must love yourself first in order to love others. This may seem silly but consider getting yourself a small gift for the holidays! Don’t think of it as selfish. As Donna from Parks and Rec would say, “Treat yourself !”   N ov / D e c 2 0 1 9   |   H ERS M ag az i ne   27


y e n t r u o C ope H Film, Fitness and Wellness BY ELLE STOVALL

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Courtney Hope is no stranger to the screen — big or small. She is best known for her role as Sally Spectra on “The Bold and The Beautiful” and has also been featured in “Allegiant,” “Displacement,” “CSI: Miami,” “Joan of Arcadia” and “Grey’s Anatomy.” She’s also worked on commercials, indie films, major motion films, voice overs and video games. The actress is now using her public platform to advocate for something she has always been passionate about — fitness and mental health. She began dancing and acting at 3 years old. When she was 15 years old, she moved to Los Angeles to start her acting career. Many of her roles are in the action genre and require her to keep a strict fitness regimen, but fitness has always been something she enjoyed. “Growing up as a dancer, I’ve always been super active,” Hope said. “I participated in gymnastics, tumbling and dance, so it is something I have always been drawn to.” She realized that dancing was her favorite workout, so when she came across a barre class at Cardio Barre, she started taking classes twice a day. She fell in love with barre, and a friend suggested that she teach the classes. A few years later, she took the advice and became a Cardio Barre instructor. “I really found my love for helping others on their journey, sharing my journey with them [and] inspiring others to be healthy.” Hope said. This discovery deepened her love for health and wellness. Even with her busy schedule, she takes as many fitness classes as she can. She works with a trainer and teaches classes on her down time, mixing her workouts with various classes and activities like yoga, Pilates, cycling, kick boxing, barre classes and strength training. She is an advocate for switching up workout routines. “As far as fitness goes, we have so many muscles in our body that it’s nice to challenge our boundaries by doing different workouts, finding what you like and don’t like.” says Hope. Hope suggests to anyone starting the road to a healthier lifestyle to start simple and not be too hard on yourself. “Whenever you have this massive goal of ‘I have to lose so many pounds or I have to get active,’ you create something that is so massive and difficult that you begin to procrastinate because it seems like a large thing you have to tackle.” Hope said.   N ov / D e c 2 0 1 9   |   H ERS M ag az i ne   29


“When you find something you love, it doesn’t feel like work.”

She suggests that when altering your diet, start off with the things you’re allergic to. Cut out those things your body cannot tolerate first, then choose healthier options out of the things you can eat. When it comes to exercise, Hope says the first step is to get up and get moving — go for a walk, go hiking and find what you love to do. There are so many realms of fitness to access and enjoy. “When you find something you love, it doesn’t feel like work.” says Hope. Hope has set many goals for herself, and she works daily to hold herself accountable. She positions herself to keep learning, whether it’s in her career, her passion for fitness or her life goals. Hope says she gleans from the wisdom of people who inspire her. She attributes her success to having people like her parents, friends and family around to keep her motivated.

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omen make up approximately 50 percent of the U.S. population. As in many other countries, both employed and non-employed women in the U.S. are the primary caregivers, home economists and make the majority of household decisions. Even though half of the population is comprised of women, they remain underrepresented in vital areas like finance, business and government. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. institutions awarded 57 percent of the bachelor’s degrees to women. Thus, women have outpaced men in earning college degrees. Studies show that women tend to understand the co-relation of college degree and earnings in later life. Moreover, studies show there are pay inequities between male and female employees in the same or similar positions. Even though women in professional fields make up the majority of the workforce, men occupy most of the leadership positions. The State of the Gender Pay Gap 2019 studies researched the median salary for men and women irrespective of type or level of the job. The findings show that women earn 79 cents for every dollar earned by men. It is essential to answer the questions about pay and leadership disparity between genders, and what can women do about the issue? Women need to ask questions, evaluate and analyze the situation mindfully, identify the gap, set goals, strategize action plan, implement the right strategy, assess what works well and what does not work well and adjust the course as needed.

It is important to consider questions like: • Is the organizational culture conducive to women’s growth? • Is there a lack of opportunity for advancement for all women in the organization? • Is there a gender disparity in salary, bonuses, overtime opportunities and stock options? • Do men get promoted faster than women for the same position? • Do women wait for an extended period to ask for promotions? • Do the performance reviews involve subjective or objective criteria? • Do women negotiate raises and starting salaries as often as men? • Do women get relegated to pink-collar jobs? • Do women experience setbacks due to caring for children and family


• Research various networking groups geared for women at different organizational levels (management, I.T., administration, entry.) • Take the initiative to join or start a relevant women’s peer networking group. A networking group can be: °° a valuable resource for support and development °° provide training on how to negotiate salary and non-salary compensations as well as how to reconcile maternity and career goals °° be the playground to connect with a mentor or women who have already achieved the goals you want to accomplish • Keep a record of emails, texts and notes received from peers, bosses and colleagues for a job well done. • Research women-centered websites like Fairy Godboss and Ladies if you are planning to apply for a Some helpful tips for closing the new position or getting ready to ask gap: for a raise. Such sites will help you • Determine what you need and want to determine the competitive wages for a learn and where you want to be in one, comparable job. two, three and five years. • Set goals for your career advancement • Before going for negotiations, define your agreement criteria: and identify barriers for goal achievement. °° Desired figure that you would happily agree to. • Create a roadmap to achieve your Compromise figure is a lowered goals. °° figure along with non-salary • Network within and outside the compensations like bonus, stock organization. options, vacations, or something • Building robust relationships with key else. influencers who can champion for you, even when you are not present in the °° Walk away figure where you are ready to take action like walking room. away from the job or take other action.   N ov / D e c 2 0 1 9   |   H ERS M ag az i ne   31

+ H E R P L AY

Best Destinations for Single Women Moving Abroad BY KAT KALASHIAN, EDITOR AT LIVE AND INVEST OVERSEAS


here’s no denying that it’s easier to adapt to a new life overseas when you move with a spouse or partner. It’s more of a challenge to move abroad on your own, and it can be even more intimidating for single women than it is for single men. That’s why it’s understandable that some of our most frequently asked questions have to do with the suitability of various destinations for single women moving abroad. After dozens of discussions with women considering moving abroad, we’ve noticed common concerns: English-speaking expats; walkability; an active social life; personal safety; rich cultural experience; and opportunities for volunteering. These are the criteria we’ve kept in mind for the following list. Single and looking for somewhere to mingle? Whether you’re looking for love or not, the following destinations all offer safe surroundings and easy ways to connect with the local community…

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#1: ÁLAMOS, MEXICO In more than 15 years of scouting the world’s best retirement havens, Álamos, Mexico, is unquestionably the best place we’ve seen for a woman moving abroad on her own. Álamos is a very walkable town, there’s a cohesive and active English-speaking expat community, a super-active social culture on top of an authentic Mexican culture, and lots of varied opportunities for volunteering. It’s easy to make friends here, and you won’t want for things to do. Expats join together for evening cocktail hours, and girls’ nights out. There are plenty of day and night activities to do, ranging from walking groups to happy hours. In Álamos, single women don’t have to worry about “fitting in” … indeed, they’re the ones at the core of the community. Perhaps above all, it’s safe. It’s safe to walk the streets alone, day and night, and you won’t hear a single complaint about crime or safety among the expats living here. Álamos comes out at the top of this list, hands down. The rest follow in no particular order…

PLAYA DEL CARMEN, MEXICO Margaritaville brought to life, this happening little boardwalkbeach town is a great option for a single lady. With plenty of activities (either solo or in groups), ways to integrate with the community (including plenty of volunteer groups), lots of English spoken, and a safe environment at all hours, it would be easy to settle in here. One of the reasons single ladies like Mexico in retirement is the easy access to North America. Going back home to visit family and friends would be easy.   N ov / D e c 2 0 1 9   |   H ERS M ag az i ne   33

SAN MIGUEL DE ALLENDE, MEXICO Another good choice close to home, San Miguel is the perfect for the “artsy” type. With a super-active university culture, tons of artists and musicians in residence, and a strong colonial history, this historical town is a treat not just for the mind but also for the eyes: It’s an objectively beautiful city. Plus, there’s no shortage of ways to give back in your new home. The one downside here might be the less-than-modern local infrastructure… the cobblestone streets aren’t easy on the legs.


CUENCA, ECUADOR These days, Cuenca is home to many, many single ladies among its 5,000-strong expat population. One of the most time-tested and popular expat havens in the world, you’d integrate immediately with the local society. Plus, this is a pleasantly cool, mountain haven. With countless meet-up and interest groups, volunteering organizations, and a low cost of living, it’s no surprise so many have chosen Cuenca as their home overseas going back decades.


This city checks most boxes on the single-lady requirement This enchanting little corner of the DR makes it easy to make list. As a capital city, you won’t run out of things to do, the city friends; the eclectic (mainly European) expat community here is walkable and offers excellent public transport, volunteering is highly active. There’s no shortage of charming beach town restaurants in which to while away the hours chatting with new opportunities are countless, and this may arguably be the most “authentically Spanish” part of Spain (those are likely fighting neighbors. words to many non-Madrid Spaniards… forgive us). Plus, the Even amongst the supposed ‘mysterious’ deaths that have city has a refreshingly low crime rate for a densely populated, been covered by the national media, the Dominican Republic urban capital city. is as safe a place to live and visit as it’s ever been. The U.S. Full-time Madrid expat Melanie Veah, tells us, “As a State Department said it has seen no unusual spike in deaths single female of a certain age,’ it is both empowering and reported from the country. 34  HERS Mag azi n e   |  H ER Play

overwhelming to be here starting a new life abroad. From doing my research and having visited Madrid several times before (thanks for the push, Live and Invest Overseas), I felt comfortable moving to the heart of the city. Handgun crime is almost unheard of, and Madrid is very safe in general.”

SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA South Korean culture is very respectful so wolf-whistling is very rare (unlike throughout Latin America). There is a lot to do in this capital city, and, although the government is trying to put an end to it, shops and restaurants are open 24 hours a day at the moment. Choose from a multitude of cultural activities (eg. museums offering wine nights), plenty of day trips outside the city, and the great night life that caters for anyone’s tastes. Ask a local if it’s safe for a single woman to hail a cab late at night alone, and they’ll stare blankly in confusion. Why would you ask such an odd question? Of course, it is!

STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN Public transport in this city is excellent and safe for women to use even alone and late at night. Local women have even commented on the joys of going abroad and receiving more male attention—that’s how respected women are here. Again, as with any big city, there is plenty to do, and plenty of people to make friends with. There’s been some talk in recent years of unsafe areas of the city (which, to be fair, is true of every city in the world), but Stockholm is so on top of this issue, that the zones are clearly defined on maps and listed by local police each year, making them easy to sidestep.

AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND With very modern values and little chauvinism, Auckland is super-safe for women. Plus, with English the language, it’ll be easy to make friends. Orewa, a town in New Zealand's North Island, provides 3 kms of white-sand relaxation, along with the natural thermal springs at the Waiwera Thermal Resort. Being very raw in places, New Zealand gives women plenty of opportunities to connect with Mother Moon and enjoy the natural landscape.   N ov / D e c 2 0 1 9   |   H ERS M ag az i ne   35

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Director and Filmmaker Lily Baldwin on Exploring Virtual Reality

— “It’s Time to Wake Up to Your Body” BY PIERA VAN DE WIEL

Lily Baldwin, director and performer, sees story as a visceral trajectory of impressionistic moments. Her films have screened around the world at all major festivals including Sundance, SXSW and the Berlinale. Additionally, she has premiered installations at international museums and galleries such as the V&A museum and Miami Art Basel. Her work is featured on the Criterion Collection, Filmmaker Magazine, NOWNESS and Vimeo Staff Pick. Prior to filmmaking, Lily worked extensively as a professional dancer, performing with the Metropolitan Opera Ballet, Trisha Brown Dance Company and with David Byrne on his Everything That Happens Will Happen World Tour with Brian Lily Baldwin & Saschka Unseld by Albert Sanchez and Pedro Zalba

Eno. She was named by Independent Magazine as one of "10 Filmmakers to Watch.”

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Lily has also worked within the Virtual Reality (VR) space and her formidable talent has been highly praised. Lily’s VR project, Through You, co-directed with Saschka Unseld, premiered at the 2017 Sundance Film Festival. It was a recipient of the 2016 Sundance Institute New Frontier / Jaunt VR Residency and noted in The New York Times — “Movement and gesture take possession of the viewer in a way that has never been replicated,” The New York Times reported. I met Lily a few years ago at the Fusion Film Festival, where she was invited on our Virtual Reality Film Panel. It was so lovely to reconnect as I was in London filming my own projects and she was in Berlin, we weren’t far from each other. She had news of her new virtual reality project and Hers Magazine is the first to hear about it! Lily Baldwin: Cheers from Berlin, thank you for reaching out, love to connect with women across the airways! Piera Van de Wiel: Lily, tell us, how did you get first get involved with Virtual Reality (VR)?

L: Saschka Unseld, a juror on SXSW film festival met me

when I had my film “Sleepover LA” at the festival. We became friends and he said I want to work with physicality and dance, do you want to play? P: That is the best question ever! Do you want to play?!

L: We started being messy, dirty, creative and coming up

with ideas, and he was always saying to me, it’s okay not to know. I didn’t choose VR, I was a little weirded out by the headset at first, and then I thought wait a minute everyone is talking about this — what exactly is it?! Experiencing VR is like being at the center of a circular stage, which I know well, except now it’s a digital world with technological caveats. VR requires me to be a creative geek. If you aren’t sure exactly where the viewer will be looking, how do you get them to focus on what you want in order to move the narrative forward? In this sense, what does the story mean if there is no linear time? I love to conceptualize, it’s fun for me. P: So, what virtual reality projects are you working on right now?

L: “Terrain” is my next VR installation, that I’m co-directing

with Saschka Unseld. For this project, I want to move beyond the exclusivity and cumbersomeness of the headset. We are working on an installation component that lives within the virtual reality space. This is the next question to consider–– how do we take these ideas of immersivity and 360 degrees of story experience into a communal environment that is publicly inclusive?

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P: So, the focus is to take yourself out of the VR headset and put yourself into a social setting, so it’s less isolating?

L: Exactly, and less exclusive. We’ll have a social facing

installation that lives in conversation with the virtual reality component. Where does virtual and flesh collide? Can they converge to create something new? That’s where this project begins, it’s a technological push. What we’re doing with TERRAIN is asking the viewer to step outside of their world and be intimate with someone in a place they’ve never been. We’re shooting portraits all over the world, essentially building out a “collectivity of difference”. This spring we shot five protagonists from Geneva — real people from the city that we placed inside local environments that we lit, created some style around, and then did physical interviews with. Right now, I’m on the ground building out an authentic Berlin universe working with Film Five, an amazing boutique production company in Berlin who creates stylized documentaries and other formats. P : What are these physical interviews in “Terrain?”

L: I like to focus on what is unspoken, how do we speak with our bodies? What is the innate alphabet of our body? I work with each person to find their language, giving them a task in their environment, posing questions and then asking them to describe their answers with their body, not their words. P: Does your film “Terrain” belong to a certain genre?

L: It's a docu-dream. In my previous work, I have thought a

lot about integrating stylized dream worlds into traditional narratives and cultivating ways to work with people without dialogue. My co-creators on TERRAIN and I have built this organic way of capturing as honest a reality as possible in virtual reality. We’re constantly breaking the rules. I am also performing in Terrain. I activate the scene and physically

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move and dance with people — this directorial process has become a fictional character we are calling “Hestia”. P: Working in tandem with human psychology and expression through movement in the virtual reality space, do you believe that technology can make us more human?

So, it has broadened the communication, I also love it as a portal, a portal to another world. I sit on my couch and have an experience. I love these portals that get us outside of our everyday life and technology for me can accomplish that. P: What is it like to a woman in the world of tech and VR?

L: In a digital world, I still believe in bodies as articulate

Do you find yourself having to take more risks?

beings in motion (dance) in addition to the power of editing to become a choreography that creates something new. This

L: I would like to not be identified as a woman I would like

to be identified as Lily. How do we deal with this gender card? In a certain paradigm, yes pay attention because I am a woman but ultimately can we get beyond that? And just be creatives that don’t exist in these binary spaces. But that being said, I don’t have a huge history in VR or tech. I have edited a lot of my own work and I make mistakes over and over again and I have committed to those mistakes, and that kind of became my style. And yes, I think being a beginner, not having all of the answers and being a woman handling technology is hard. I choose to align myself with people that support what I don’t know. And then who also encourage how I see.

Lily directing the parasite dancers (with Stephanie Crousillat) on Swallowed. Photo by Lauren Lancaster

collision of digital and flesh is really ripe. But technology can make you can sit on your ass and stare at the screen and forget about yourself. So many people do this, I wanted to crack it. Everyone watches film and media and content so let’s try to find a way to use that language as a tool to wake people up to their bodies. It’s about expectation coming in one way and then subverting what someone thinks something is. P: How has technology impacted your life?

L: Sure, I use my phone everyday like a mad woman, I think

what's cool about it is that for so many years I was working within a smaller community of performance, it’s helped me communicate with people that I wouldn’t otherwise be communicating with. Literally you have this f****** object, this link that can start conversation in places where you’re not.

P: Any advice for women in film and media or for our readers?

L: Give space for women and encourage people who don’t fit

into the boxes to persist and keep going. There are so many times where I have felt like such a weirdo and I haven’t spoken the language and you need to find that trust in yourself to just believe that you are worth it. Maybe your perspective, an outside perspective is exactly what is needed.

Lily Baldwin is an artist who pushes creative boundaries by thinking outside the box, and who engages you in her art mentally and physically. I for one cannot wait to see more of her work come to life.   N ov / D e c 2 0 1 9   |   H ERS M ag az i ne   39




et’s get started with the star of the day, The Juiciest Turkey! Roasting a whole turkey presents the challenge of simultaneously cooking white and dark meats. Here’s how to prevent the lean white meat from becoming dry by the time the dark meat is tender. A wet brine helps to alleviate both issues, plumping the white meat with water, which gives it a head start against drying effect of roasting, and tenderizing the tougher dark meat. Because moisture from a wet brine impedes browning, let the turkey air dry in the refrigerator before roasting for a well-bronzed bird. Take advantage of the extra time by applying a flavorful rub of roasted garlic paste.

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Thanksgiving is that time of year to stop and be thankful for all our blessings! Yes, the year has flown by so quickly that we could barely catch our breath; but it’s time to stop, catch our breath and exhale. Then inhale deeply, close your eyes and be thankful for your health, your family, your life, your ideas, your stamina, your existence and your peace of mind. Sometimes we have it all together and other times we don’t but for this Thanksgiving, visualize your ultimate existence and bask in the joy. Keep this feeling close to your heart and meditate on it whenever you need a reminder to be thankful for all your blessings. Have a safe and peaceful Thanksgiving!


THE JUICIEST TURKEY This jaw-dropping centerpiece dishes require two essentials: salt and time. Here, wet brining plumps the white meat, giving it a head start while also tenderizing the dark meat. Air drying after brining ensures a well-bronzed bird. Prep Time: 1 hr Cook Time: 20 hrs Total Time: 21 hrs Servings: 6 Author: Alison Ball


• • • • • • • • • • •

8 cups water 1 cup Diamond Crystal kosher salt 1/4 cup granulated sugar 2 tablespoons black peppercorns 1 garlic head halved horizontally 1 lemon thinly sliced 6 thyme sprigs 3 rosemary sprigs 2 bay leaves 10 cups ice 1 3- to 4-pound whole turkey, giblets removed and discarded or reserved for another use


• • • • • • •

1 head garlic 1 tablespoon olive oil 2 tablespoons Champagne vinegar 1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh rosemary 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard 1 teaspoon Diamond Crystal kosher salt 1/2 teaspoon lemon zest


• • • • • • • •

Roasted turkey drippings Olive oil 1/4 cup finely chopped shallot 3 tablespoons chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley 1 tablespoon chopped fresh tarragon 1/2 teaspoon lemon zest plus 2 teaspoon fresh lemon juice 1/2 teaspoon black pepper


Make the brine and turkey. Combine 8 cups water, salt, sugar, peppercorns, garlic, lemon, thyme sprigs, rosemary sprigs, and bay leaves in a large stockpot. Bring to a boil over high, stirring to dissolve salt and sugar. Remove from heat. Add ice, and whisk until ice melts. Add chicken. Place a plate upside down on top of chicken to submerge completely. Cover and chill 12 hours. STEP 2:

Meanwhile, make the garlic rub. Preheat oven to 375°F. Cut top from garlic head to just expose cloves (about 1/2 inch). Drizzle exposed top with oil. Wrap garlic head in aluminium foil. Place directly on rack in preheated oven, and roast until cloves are tender and creamy, about 40 minutes. Carefully open foil packet, and let cool slightly, about 15 minutes. Squeeze out garlic pulp, and place in a medium bowl. Add vinegar, rosemary, mustard, salt, and lemon zest, and stir until smooth. Cover and chill until ready to use. STEP 3:

Remove turkey from brine. Discard brine. Pat turkey dry with paper towels. Spread garlic rub evenly over turkey breasts and legs. Place turkey on a wire rack set inside a rimmed baking sheet, and chill, uncovered, at least 4 hours and up to 12 hours. Remove from refrigerator; let stand at room temperature 1 hour. STEP 4:

Preheat oven to 375°F. Tie legs of turkey with kitchen twine, and tuck wing tips underneath. Roast chicken until a thermometer inserted in thigh registers 165°F, about 1 hour and 30 minutes, loosely tenting chicken with foil halfway through roasting. STEP 5:

Transfer turkey to a cutting board with a juice groove or to a flat cutting board set inside a rimmed baking sheet to catch juices. Let stand 10 minutes. Carve turkey, and transfer to a platter. STEP 6:

Make the board dressing: Scrape carving juices and pan drippings into a measuring cup, and add enough olive oil to equal 1/3 cup. Add shallot, parsley, tarragon, lemon zest and juice, and pepper; stir to combine. Serve dressing with turkey.   N ov / D e c 2 0 1 9   |   H ERS M ag az i ne   41


p U g n i l l o R s e v e e l S Our with CEO Amanda Lucey BY BRITTANY MAHER

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hether she’s working alongside her team of employees or planning her daughter’s birthday party, Amanda Lucey is a businesswoman who isn’t afraid to roll up her sleeves. Lucey’s career as a communications leader spans nearly two decades. An accomplished entrepreneur, she founded Atlanta-based marketing and communications agency Moxie Media and Marketing (M3 Effect) in 2012. She’ll be the first to tell you that navigating the corporate world isn’t always easy, but it’s nearly impossible to do alone. Lucey emphasizes how lucky she feels to have a support system of helpful peers and colleagues to act as sounding boards when she makes career decisions. “I don't think that we do anything alone,” Lucey said. “You are the sum of your circle of influence and the people you surround yourself with.” When she started her first company in 2012, the encouragement from those colleagues is what gave her the confidence to go out and reach her goals. “This is why I think relationships are so important; it really is about building meaningful relationships throughout your career,” Lucey said. “I don’t like to call it networking. I think its relationship building and getting to know people on a personal level.” Building and maintaining those working relationships is what led to her acquisition of The Partnership in 2018. While working on the client-side of her agency, she developed a friendship with former CEO of The Partnership, David Arnold.

“David and I would go to lunch and chat about kids and chat about life,” Lucey said. “He got to a point where he was ready to retire and, at the same time, I was looking for a company I was ready to acquire.” With M3’s tremendous success, Lucey felt it was time for her company to grow. When the timing was right, she seized the opportunity. “At one point, David said he was retiring, and I asked him what he was going to do with his company,” Lucey said. “He said he was going to sell it, and I said, ‘Why don't you sell it to me?’” Lucey made a strategic decision to pursue a joint venture between M3 and The Partnership, which led to her full acquisition of The Partnership in November 2018, making Lucey the owner of Atlanta’s oldest privatelyowned marketing agency. “Acquiring a company larger than your own company is a huge challenge,” Lucey said. The Partnership has been around since 1979 and boasts a star-studded list of long-time clients like the InterContinental Hotels Group, Ferrari and Coca-Cola. “It was a huge learning curve for me to merge teams, deal with real estate, talk financial components and to buy a company that was bigger than my own,” Lucey said. Now, The Partnership is a multi-million-dollar agency and one of the fastest-growing womanowned companies in Atlanta. Lucey is incredibly proud of her team and all they have accomplished, and she hopes to build upon the legacy The Partnership already has.   N ov / D e c 2 0 1 9   |   H ERS M ag az i ne   43


“It’s exciting, it’s encouraging and it’s rewarding to know we’re carrying on the brand of the partnership for the next decades to come,” Lucey said. When it comes to Lucey’s approach to leadership, having integrity and being transparent creates the basic foundation, but she believes leadership should go beyond that. Lucey emphasizes that a good leader will be there right alongside her team, encouraging employees to reach a shared vision. “I think it's important for leaders to be able to get in the trenches and roll up their sleeves in addition to being able to show vision, direction and the strategic path that you’re going towards.” travel and I’m having to have a lot of business meetings and travel and be away from home. I feel like it’s a pendulum you’re constantly swinging.” For Lucey, it’s about being present in the moment in whatever she’s doing and staying focused on that — whether it’s prioritizing time with her daughter or concentrating on work. “I’ll put her to bed and pull out the laptop and start working again,” Lucey said. “I think that’s a lot of working mom’s realities.” For women in business — mothers or not — the grind never stops, especially in today’s technologically advancing work environment. “At the pace business is evolving and changing, as women we have to pivot and grow quickly and embrace new skills as we learn them.” Lucey said. “Being able to make decisions and be confident in those are important.” With so many opportunities emerging within the Atlanta business market, Lucey feels there is plenty of room for women to stand side by side in encouraging one another to achieve our goals. “I think we need to keep encouraging each other as women.” Lucey said. “Keep lifting each other up, supporting each other and cheering for each other when we’re winning and when we have successes.” Lucey wants women who are pursuing leadership positions or those looking to grow their companies to know that she is available for support. She recalls that the process can be an isolating one when it feels like there is no one to turn to for advice. “I have a passion for people; I love helping people grow,” Lucey said. “It isn’t a job. It’s a calling.”

“I think it's important for leaders to be able to get in the trenches and roll up their sleeves in addition to being able to show vision, direction and the strategic path that you’re going towards.” On top of being a CEO, Lucey is also the mother of a toddler. Finding time to prioritize it all can often be a challenge. “It’s difficult, and anyone who says it isn’t is not telling the truth,” Lucey said. She explains that, for her, it’s not about balance. Instead, she swings from work mode to mom mode throughout the day as needed. “Sometimes I swing into mom mode and I’m really focused on that,” Lucey said. “[Other times] I swing into business

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‘Holistic Wealth’: An Approach to Well-Being Through and After Calamity


magine a life where you are financially savvy and independent, living with purpose and generosity while inspiring others. “Holistic Wealth: 32 Life Lessons to Help You Find Purpose, Prosperity, and Happiness” aims to teach you how to master these tenets in order to give you a greater sense of wholeness and resilience in times of difficulty. The author, Keisha Blair, got familiar with bouncing back after tragedy when her husband unexpectedly died eight weeks after she gave birth to their second child. The Harvardeducated public policy expert and economist found herself in survival mode, battling overwhelming grief and financial upheaval. She then embarked on a journey of self-discovery that resulted in her viral article titled “My Husband Died at 34. Here Are 40 Life Lessons I Learned from It,” which was viewed by over 50 million people worldwide. “Holistic Wealth: 32 Life Lessons to Help You Find Purpose, Prosperity, and Happiness” draws on the fields of philosophy, history, psychology, economics, neuroscience and religion to present a strategy to finding balance and success. It includes interviews with more than 100 trailblazers, influencers and celebrities, including Dr. Dinorah Nieves, the coaching consultant on the Oprah Winfrey Network’s Iyanla Fix My Life; Tia-Clair Toomey, widely regarded as the “fittest woman on earth”; Dr. Robert R. Johnson, CFA, CAIA, professor of finance at Creighton University and coauthor of “Strategic Value Investing,” a book that has been on Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting reading list for the past four years. The book also provides practical, actionable steps toward fulfillment, culminating in an insightful, uplifting playbook for cultivating strengths needed to find prosperity in key aspects of life from financial stability and physical health, to emotional and spiritual connections with others. Blair’s central message that you can come back from anything and live the life you really want is capsulized in the following themes in the book:

• How holistic wealth incorporates mindfulness • Why cultivating a holistic wealth mindset is key to achieving success • Decisions that act as deposits and withdrawals from our holistic wealth bank account • Advice for accepting your life when it’s not what you had hoped it would be • Women’s economic empowerment and tips for achieving financial independence • Motivation from within and the six laws for life • How and why to build your life purpose, spiritual and emotional portfolios “Cultivating holistic wealth helps us to be mentally tough and to have grit to weather the inevitable storms and setbacks that life brings,” Blair explains. “We also need to be intentional in our pursuit of holistic wealth by skillfully planning a schema or road map that gets us to the purpose. The ‘Holistic Wealth’ book aims to help readers get to that point.” Frowning upon debt, she explains that holistic health is about “creating circumstances in your life that allow you to be resilient and resourceful.” Her goal for women is for them to be financially independent and debt-free by living below their means and having multiple sources of income.

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With 2020 just around the corner, the SPIbelt is here to help with new year’s resolutions and fitness goals. SPIbelt offers a variety of running belts, as well as runner safety gear. The expandable pocket is great for securing your personal items, while the waistband is designed to avoid chafing and adjusts for a comfortable fit.

Fitness Essentials RUNNING BELT WITH WINDOW MSRP $29.99 The All-New Running Belt features a smartphone touch compatible window allowing wearer to check the time or switch to a new song without having to remove their phone from the zipper-secure pockets.

LARGE POCKET SPIBELT MSRP $22.99 Expands to hold larger smartphones. This fitness belt keeps all your exercise accessories, headphones, keys, ID, and credit cards safe, secure and close at hand. All the features of the Original SPIbelt. Available in eight styles, as well as seasonal and limitededition prints. (Vail and Olive Limited-Edition shown in image.)

SPIBELT® SPIBEAMS HATS & VISORS MSRP $29.99 The LED SPIbeams Hat and Visor is essential to keeping runners safe in dark conditions, allowing others to see you for up to one-quarter mile away! Features include: Multiple LEDs offering wearer 6 feet of visibility, easy on/off switch, Vents for breathability, Lightweight, and Weatherproof. Available in three colors: Black, Pink, Lime. 46  HERS Mag azi n e   |  H ER H ealth



PINK Self-Made Billionaire Cindy Eckert BY GABBY DANCE

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For Cindy Eckert, pink feels powerful. It isn’t just her favorite color — she almost exclusively wears a hot pink hue — but pink also helped make Eckert a billionaire. It all started with a pink pill, Addyi. The prescription medication, which the media has dubbed “female Viagra,” was the first of its kind to treat women’s hypoactive sexual desire disorder, a lack of sexual desire that causes distress to the person experiencing it. Eckert co-founded Sprout Pharmaceuticals, the company behind Addyi, and sold it to a multi-national pharmaceutical company for $1 billion in 2015. Two years later, in 2017, she got the company back nearly for free, once again becoming the CEO. Now, pink is a part of paying her wealth forward through the Pink Ceiling, a venture capital firm that funds female-led start-ups. She says that her goal throughout her career has been to build up other women. This started by patching a hole

in women’s healthcare through Addyi. “It was such an obvious gap that we didn’t have a single [libido-enhancing medication] approved for women, despite the fact that our prevalence of sexual issues in the bedroom are the same as men’s,” Eckert said. With brain scan imagery in tow, she worked to fight what she calls the “dirty little secret of healthcare” — the idea that men’s sexual health problems are biological and women’s sexual health problems are psychological. “I heard story after story of women who had raised their hands in the medical system and said, ‘something’s changed, something’s different,’ and the response had been to pat them on the shoulder and say, ‘just relax, have a bubble bath,’” Eckert said. “It was outrageous to me that we had brain scan images that showed a biological basis for this condition, and yet we were sticking to the societal narrative of the arm pat and dismissiveness.”

“Pink, for me, represents the shift from underestimated to unapologetic.”

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This tale of the modest woman who is naturally disinterested in sex dates back to the 19th century idea of women being “passionlessness” and naturally uninterested in sex. Though this idea has fallen out of common belief, the remnants of the damage still persist. According to Eckert, this current era is the perfect time to debunk passionlessness once and for all, which is why Addyi has gained so much success. “Women are activated right now,” Eckert said. “We’re not going to put up with the pat on the shoulder when we know ourselves the best and we know that something is going wrong. We’re going to own it in terms of our right to desire.” Addyi’s Right to Desire campaign, a movement igniting women to own their sexual desire, has connected with women everywhere, even Hollywood. Celebrities Rumer Willis, Kelly Lynch and Whitney Port have all voiced their support for the initiative.

Eckert calls this connection with all women, celebrity or not, through Addyi one of her “greatest gifts.” She says thousands of women over the years have shared their deepest struggles with her, some even saying she saved their marriages. She got choked up recalling one such instance of a woman approaching her after a speaking event. The woman said that she and her husband were already speaking with divorce lawyers after her lack of interest in sex broke down their marriage. On her side, small nuisances like him forgetting to empty the dishwasher became the backing for her disinterest. For him, he felt that she was no longer attracted to him, compensating by exercising at the gym every day. After hearing Eckert on a podcast, the woman approached her doctor about it. She was diagnosed with hypoactive sexual desire disorder and treated with Addyi. She said that after that, their marriage repaired.

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“I hear it from woman after woman after woman,” Eckert said. “We joke about [sex] as a society… yet none of these women are laughing. They are dealing with this struggle and it’s taking away so many important aspects of their sense of self.” This joking attitude around female sexuality made it hard for Eckert to be taken seriously in the early stages of Addyi. She recalled one of her biggest moments to present the drug to investors before it had gained FDA approval. When she started talking about sexual desire for women, the room of mostly men started to giggle. She said she rushed through her eight-minute presentation, fast forwarding to the brain scan images showing evidence of hypoactive sexual desire disorder. “I pointed at [the images] long enough for it to be uncomfortable for everybody and said, ‘Are you looking at what I’m looking at? Because I’m just here to talk about the biology of sex for women,’” Eckert said. Since then, she’s demanded respect in the business world, reclaiming the color pink as a symbol of strength. A large part of her personal brand has become fighting against the stereotype that ultra-feminine aesthetics should be associated with “weakness.” “Pink, for me, represents the shift from underestimated to unapologetic,” Eckert said. “I’ve always loved pink, and I think you have a choice when presented with those kinds of ridiculous stereotypes. You’re either going to change who you are and try to modify for acceptance, or you’re going to own who you are and use it as a strength.” That’s why her investment firm, the Pink Ceiling, aligns with her brand so well. A play on the term “glass ceiling,” the Pink Ceiling symbolizes the barrier often holding back women from making it in the business world. 50  HERS Mag azi n e   |  H ER Cover

She started the firm to pay her success forward to womenled businesses and advocate for their growth. “When I picked my head up after a decade of keeping my head down and building companies 24/7 and looked around, I realized that two things hadn’t changed,” Eckert said. “Women still didn’t have access to capital, only two percent of venture funding goes to women, and they didn’t have access to mentors. How the hell in a decade had there not been real progress?” She decided to “put her money where [her] mouth is” and invest in female founders that she felt the system had been overlooking, providing them with her mentorship. The firm puts power in the hands of women by creating a “pink army” of female business founders. “The goal for the Pink Ceiling is really simple, and it’s the multiplier effect,” Eckert said. “If I can get the next woman to a billion-dollar outcome, and she can get the next woman to a billion-dollar outcome and on and on, we’ve really changed the game.” The Pink Ceiling currently has 11 businesses under their umbrella. Most of the businesses fulfill previously neglected areas of women’s lives. One such business is Lia Diagnostics, the creators of the world’s first flushable pregnancy test. The test is not only good for the environment, but it keeps people with infertility problems in mind. Instead of having a reminder of their infertility sitting in their bathroom trash can, they can flush the test away. “We’re not always so thoughtful in these products uniquely for women,” Eckert said. “Only a woman could’ve invented this technology.” Other Pink Ceiling businesses are created by women but benefit any gender. Fathom A.I. is a wearable artificial


intelligence device that tracks movement patterns, letting the wearer know when they are at risk of injury. It was created by two former Olympic-hopeful athletes that faced career-ending injuries. Eckert and her staff receive initial pitches for businesses through their website, After making it past that round of review, the business owners are invited to the Pinkubator, the firm’s startup incubator located in Raleigh, North Carolina, to pitch their company. “We are constantly looking and keeping our ears wide open to women who are doing quite extraordinary things,” Eckert said. She hopes to maintain her role as a business role model for women because, as a pioneer for women in business, she didn’t have many other women to look up to during her career growth. “When I looked up early in my career… nobody really looked like me,” Eckert said. “So, I started looking to my left and my right. What I realized is that your mentors are sitting next to you every single day if you’re just open to learning from them.” Before taking that leap into the business world after college, being an entrepreneur wasn’t necessarily on her radar as a child. She did, however, always want to be a leader. She said that her younger self wanted to be the president. Her environment growing up also fostered an entrepreneurial spirit. Ever since her family moved from Rochester, New York, to the Fiji Islands when she was in fourth grade, she was the perpetual new kid. They moved to a new city or country every year from then until her senior year of high school.

“If I can get the next woman to a billion-dollar outcome, and she can get the next woman to a billion-dollar outcome and on and on, we’ve really changed the game.” “When I look back on that, I think it was really laying this foundation for being quite comfortable with the uncomfortable, which is a good recipe for an entrepreneur,” Eckert said. According to her brothers, she was also often the leader of the sibling pack. “There wasn’t a single game that I would set up when I was little that didn’t involve me being the CEO of that game,” Eckert said. “I was always in charge of whatever that game was.” When she reached college at Marymount University in Virginia, a professor cultivated her love for business. “She recognized in me a particular love of business and what makes some businesses exceptional,” Eckert said. “I’m sad that she doesn’t get to see my work today with the Pink Ceiling, but I’m pretty sure she’s cheering me on.” Since then, her dedication and passion have made her into the Cindy Eckert we know today — a female leader who is unapologetically pink.

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Preplanning is essential. Research, research and research some more. Planning an itinerary for your trip can make traveling with your kids a bit easier!


It may sound obvious, but starting early is the best way to get the flights you want for less, especially during the indemand holiday season when there is little flexibility with dates.



Try to be flexible wherever you can, whether it’s with your travel dates, departure and/or arrival airport, or destination. If you’re heading home for the holidays, for example, your destination may be set in stone, but can you fly a few days early or, perhaps, on the actual holiday to save? Is it cheaper to fly into a nearby airport than the one in a major city? Considering all your options can save you money, but it can also save you the stress of holiday crowds.


PLAN YOUR FLIGHTS AROUND BEDTIME Try to plan your flights around bedtime. Evening flights are a bit more pricey, but it will make traveling a breeze while your child is fast asleep. If you're in an unfamiliar airport be sure to book your connecting flight with a good amount of time. The last thing any parent needs is a mad dash through the airport with the added stress of potentially missing a flight.


PACK LIGHTER, SMARTER, AND FASTER The less you bring, the easier it is to pack, and the less you have to carry! If you find you’re missing something you need, you can always buy it at your destination. Most places you would travel with your kids will probably have the essentials you need to care for them.



If your child is new to flying or traveling in general, it’s important to have a conversation about it. Explain to them what is going on. When they have to fasten their seatbelts make sure you tell them why. Most children enjoy flying, so the best thing to do is encourage them. 52   HERS Mag azi n e   |  D epar tment




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Australian designer Steven Khalil specializes in red carpet and bridal gowns. He revives elements of classic European art and couture. This year, he made his Paris Couture Week debut with an extravagant collection of dresses and gowns.

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Give the Gift of Gab to Your Toddler This Holiday Season BY LEN KNITTER


uring the holiday season, we are often confronted by the challenge of finding just the right gift for our loved ones. If you ask me, the best gifts don’t cost money — the best gifts come straight from our hearts. The most precious gift anyone, especially children, can receive could be meaningful conversation. Yes, we can’t forget quality, but it’s even more about the quantity of words when it comes to babies and toddlers. Babies start to learn how to communicate from the day they are born. They start to learn and understand the world around them while they’re also processing the grammar and vocabulary of their primary language. A child hearing their spoken language or seeing their signed language as much as possible is paramount to their language development and their cognitive evolution as they mature. The success of their language acquisition depends primarily on the amount of exposure to those languages. This exposure must be in the form of personal human-to-human interaction. Whether the child is growing up in a single language, bilingual or sign language household, the child must be exposed to those languages more than we realize. Toddlers are master statisticians. They take statistics on everything around them as they develop their mental and physical skills, enabling them to navigate their surroundings and learn how to communicate effectively. Children under the age of 5 who are exposed to language by their family develop a capacity level of knowledge that is directly related to the number of

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words they are exposed to on a daily basis. Children who are exposed to more words per day have a broader vocabulary and better grammar development than children who are exposed to fewer words on a daily basis. This correlation can also be directly related to the socioeconomic status level of the household. If the number of words a child hears daily really does make a difference in their lexical capacity and cognitive evolution, then why do children in affluent environments hear more words from their parents than children in poorer households? It’s possible that wealthy parents are experiencing less stress in their lives and are, therefore, likely to have lengthier and higher quality conversations that inspire a child’s language development. For poor or lower middle-class families, the majority of their time and efforts could be spent trying to pay the bills and satisfy basic needs. This might leave parents talking mostly about how to make it to the next paycheck. No matter your financial status, you can be a catalyst for change. That change involves merely talking to your toddlers as much as you can. Read them books, tell them stories, engage their growing minds and expose them to as much of their native language as possible. This will provide them the growth and tools that will enable them to blossom into the amazing people they are and will become. Talk, talk, talk to your toddlers! It’s a free investment in their future.

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rom morning show intern to curating her own late-night radio show, Jade Jones is boldly navigating the world of entertainment media. Over the past seven months, she’s been working to develop content for her upcoming radio show for Q99.7 FM Atlanta, and over the past month, the city has heard her go live on the air from 7 PM to midnight. Jones has been pursuing music from an early age. She remembers being inspired by B5, a singing group of five brothers who performed at her elementary school. “I was in love with them,” Jones said. “They were so talented, and I found out they lived in my neighborhood. They had already been on TV, had traveled the world and performed everywhere. That’s when it became very real to me that music was possible, and that someone from my neighborhood could make it. That was the point when I knew I wanted to do music for my career.” Her multi-cultural background reflects her musical influences. Her father is black and her mother is Mexican. Growing up, their house was filled with music. “At home, I listened to a lot of R&B, hip hop and Tejano music, which is a blend of country and Mexican music,” Jones said. “As far as I can remember, music has always been a part of my life.” Although she always knew she wanted to be an artist, when she was in college at Kennesaw State University, her major was undecided. After struggling through her science courses as a biology major, she realized her heart wasn’t in it. “I failed it terribly,” Jones said laughing. “Science was not for me.”   N ov / D e c 2 0 1 9   |   H ERS M ag az i ne   65

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It wasn’t until after speaking with her mother that Jones decided to change her academic path. “My mom said, ‘Do what you love. Do what you’re good at.’ And so I started my journey in communications at school and realized communication is everything,” Jones said. Taking her mother’s advice, Jones pursued communications courses, which worked in her favor, because it was in those communications classrooms where Jones found her way into radio. In class, Jones overheard a classmate talking about his internship at a local radio station. “He would say how he had this guest and that guest on the show that day, and artists and celebrities,” Jones said. Jones was inspired, something clicked for her at that moment. With her love for music matched with her dad encouraging her to pursue an internship before graduating from college, she decided to reach out to her classmate about his internship. “I asked him if he could help me,” Jones said. “And he directed me to the person who hired him, the social media director for the Morning Bert Show.” Jones was lucky enough to score an interview at The Bert Show, a long-running show on Atlanta morning radio. “I interviewed with them the next semester and then they hired me as an intern,” Jones said. “I was so excited to be in 66  HERS Mag azi n e   |  H ER Play

that atmosphere. It was so inspiring. I knew this is where I really wanted to be. I wanted to learn the business.” The internship was a transformative experience for Jones and she was sad to leave it behind. Until two years later in 2017, the station reached out to her about coming back to work. “I was shocked,” Jones said. “I couldn’t believe it.” By the end of 2019, Jones will host her own night-time radio show on Q99.7. Jones is excited for the opportunity and hopes to have some input on the diversity of music played on her show, specifically including more hip-hop as the Atlanta station is known for playing contemporary top 40 hits. “Hip-hop is big, and people are going out at night,” Jones said. “So, I think that’s something we’re going to try and play with. We’re not going to change who we are because we have such a devoted audience, but I think we’re going to play with that and try some of that out.” While she is still establishing herself in the world of entertainment media, Jones has ambitious goals and wants to see how far she can take them. “With radio, I understand that it’s about the people, and not about myself,” Jones said. “I want to do things in the community, put on events for girls, networking stuff and do it on a bigger scale. I want to establish myself on the station. I know I have so much more to learn there. I want to take it as far as I possibly can.”





mall business leaders are pulled in many directions. We are often called upon to be the utility player adept at all “positions,” or areas, of our business. To use another analogy, we are master jugglers, often a greater challenge for women running small businesses as they are also likely handling family responsibilities in a way their male counterparts still sometimes do not. It helps to be flexible. I recently made a scheduling mistake and ended up asking my 15-year old son to take notes on a customer call I had to take from the car while he quietly listened. His notes were helpful, and our customer was very understanding of the situation. Lesson learned: don’t let perfect be the enemy of the good. When you’re juggling, you are bound to drop a ball once in a while — just make sure it’s not a critical ball. My experience working in organizations of all sizes, from a 25-person software startup to General Electric, is useful when thinking about organizational design and roles and responsibilities. Just because smaller companies can be managed through personal touch and input from the leader, it doesn’t mean that they should. Delegate and create boundaries, otherwise you’ll end up stretched too thin and your employees will end up frustrated and uncertain of what

is theirs to own. If your tendency is to get into the details when it isn’t warranted, ask someone to be your referee and call your “foul” when you make one. I really appreciate the occasional and appropriate pushback I get from my team leaders. Try to encourage that as a way to make sure you don’t get too hung up on something that doesn’t need your time, energy or focus. Finding time to think and plan outside of day to day operational issues can be difficult for many business leaders, regardless of organization size, but it can be particularly acute in a smaller business. I’m in an enviable position of being able to work virtually on occasion, so I try to make a commitment to set aside one day a month to work on strategy or harder issues that need deeper thinking from my home office or our amazing local library. A coffee shop works well too — anywhere that’s a change of scenery, which can aid a change in perspective, and where you can’t be easily interrupted. Small businesses are challenging and rewarding — often at the exact same time. Even though the temptation of getting too far down in the weeds is strong, getting to know the team more intimately and having a strong grasp on the pulse of the company can be gratifying.   N ov / D e c 2 0 1 9   |   H ERS M ag az i ne   67


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Meet the Tyrners Mother and Daughter Duo Start Educational Food Service BY KATIEE MCKINSTRY


shley Tyrner has been a self-proclaimed vegan since she was 2 years old. She raised her daughter to be the same, educating her about food from a young age. Tyrner’s daughter, Harlow, fell in love with food and told her mom she wanted to begin making videos for others to learn. Thus, Harlow’s Harvest was born. “I think there’s a shift coming in this country, in the link between our food and health,” Tyrner said. The mom and entrepreneur was previously a fashion brand manager in New York City, but she grew up on her father’s farm. When she became passionate about eating healthy, she decided to get back to her roots. Her goal is to end “food desserts,” or areas where people do not have access to healthy produce. This is when Tyrner created Farm Box Direct, a service to deliver fresh produce straight to your door. “I remember there was one lady who lived in rural Michigan and she would have to drive two hours at 2 in the morning to her local Walmart just to get groceries,” Tyrner said. “If she got there at 6 in the morning, all the produce would be gone.” Alongside her daughter Harlow, Tyrner is really shifting the conversation about food and what we should be eating. Tyrner and Harlow believe that you should make cooking dinner together a priority, especially with young children. They gather all the food they need by Sunday and prepare all of their meals for the following week. However, many people struggle with how exactly to teach their children about food. That’s where Harlow’s Harvest comes in. “I really believe you have to start introducing healthy foods to children at a young age,” Tyrner said. “I’ve always made it a habit to have [Harlow eat] a home cooked dinner with me at least once a week.” Harlow’s Harvest provides a kit with games and characters that are easily digestible for children to learn about food. It even provides a budget plan, so the children can see how much they are spending on the produce they are buying. Tyrner saw a

void that was created by society and Harlow’s Harvest is trying to fill it. Home Economics is not often taught in American schools, and Harlow’s Harvest is bringing back that education. “I really believe you have to start introducing healthy foods to children at a young age,” Tyrner said, in response to being asked about picky eaters. Tyner and Harlow have fun cooking healthy foods together. However, Tyner says they are no strangers to junk foods. “Junk food to me is an interesting term. I have a love of pasta, and Harlow loves anything chocolate,” Tyrner said. “Sometimes, it is okay to give yourself a little junk food.” Tyner’s main goal is to end food desserts because she believes that everyone should have access to healthy foods. The key to Tyner is being prepared by having a budget and meal plan for the week and knowing how to cook healthy meals. People often criticize the vegan community for being “too expensive.” Thinking that healthy food costs more than a bag of Doritos. “Eating healthy doesn’t have to break the bank if you prepare yourself correctly,” Tyrner said.

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Dress to Impress this Holiday Season



t’s that time of year again — holiday parties, family gatherings, last minute shopping — and it's time to sparkle. It can get overwhelming with the number of gift guides, cyber sales and general oversaturation, so I’ve paired this holiday fashion guide to the clothing and accessory essentials that should cover you from now until the New Year. There are a couple of under $100 options in there as well, so read on!

→ We always need to stay warm and cozy this time of year, but outerwear that’s too heavy and cumbersome, especially when you’re out and about, isn’t always the best idea. Apparis makes some of my absolute favorite, super luxe, faux furs and I have a huge thing for winter white.

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Loeffler Randall knot shoes and mules made a huge splash last year, and they make them in a ton of festive colors. The gold might be my favorite.

← If you really want to turn heads when you walk into a room, just about any Ramy Brook dress will do the trick. The Hallie dress is probably my favorite by Brook this season, and I really can’t decide which color I love more, the copper or the navy. Both are stunning. → Jumpsuits are a great go-to this time of year, and nothing quite says holiday like velvet, so here’s both in one of my favorite brands: Lovers + Friends. It’s under $200, and I love this cool icy blue hue.

It’s true that we tend to dress up more during the holiday season. But you can still rock a pair of jeans out to a holiday party or event, especially if you change it up a bit. Paige is one of my long-time favorite denim brands, and they have two looks now that fit the bill perfectly. Coated denim is a huge trend now, and I love both of these options paired with a black silk camisole and black high heels.

→ Of course, no holiday look is complete without some bling. I simply adore everything Monica Vinader does. One of my favorite pieces from Vinader this season is this super chic diamond set and at one of her lowest price points, you can get it all for under $300.

→ The evil eye trend is going strong, and these festive beauties from Bauble Bar will only set you back $64. It’s always ideal to save on super on-trend items, and Bauble Bar has a literally endless selection of so many gorgeous pieces at amazing prices that would look so chic with just about any holiday look.

← This Susan Alexandra kelp bag is obviously a great holiday color, but if you happen to be escaping to warmer climates, it can absolutely double as a resort bag.

↑ Nina makes some of my favorite dress clutches, and they are all under $125. The price point of these pieces never ceases to amaze me. The style and quality are better than some of the highest price tags. You can’t get more festive than this bag — it’s even named the “Noelle.” I can never resist anything in this plaid.   N ov / D e c 2 0 1 9   |   H ERS M ag az i ne   71

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5 Wellness Trends Predicted to Rule 2020 BY NJERI DEAN


ccording to Dr. Jenelle Kim, it’s imperative to take care of your mind, body and soul. Kim’s wellness methods bring East Asian and Western medicine together to provide a treatment plan that positively affects the lives of her followers. Going into the year 2020, Kim is sharing her wellness trend predictions —integrative medicine, mental health, nutraceutical and customized health and meditation. Each trend utilizes a different formula and practice to help a person reach their full wellness potential. Having 20 years of experience as a nutritionist and coming from a long line of herbologists, Kim knows what the body needs to keep it in check for the long haul.

INTEGRATIVE HEALTH According to Kim, integrative health is on the rise and deals with Eastern and Western medical practices. “Everywhere you go, they talk about integrative,” Kim says. Whether you're at a hospital or clinic, doctors are using both Eastern and Western medical practices together to treat patients, it's unavoidable.

NUTRACEUTICAL HEALTH Another wellness trend that is on the rise is nutraceutical health. This trend follows how the body absorbs whole foods. Most whole foods come in the form of super greens like broccoli, green beans, protein powders and supplements. According to Kim, nutraceutical health is popular because it is readily accessible and nutritional for your body, working without any by products.

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MENTAL HEALTH Kim also feels that the mental health trend is also on the rise because it is the undercurrent of integrative health and nutraceutical health. Kim feels that it is always accruing and that’s why it is on the rise like nutraceutical health and mental health. Mental health helps balance our minds and our physical everyday activities as well.

CUSTOMIZED HEALTH The customized health trend, although it may not be on the rise, deals with supplements that balance our bodies. According to Kim, customized health deals with the bodies imbalances so that it can be healthy again. “If you go to your doctor or practitioner to know what your imbalances are, you will find a solution to make your body balanced again,” Kim said. Multivitamins and herbs might be suggested by a doctor to cure your imbalance.

MEDITATION Lastly, the meditation wellness trend has been used for thousands of years. Still growing in popularity, people can access this trend through an app called “Calm.” Not only does Kim have a great wellness method, she has her own line of wellness products, JBK Wellness Labs, that includes cosmetics, body care, hair care, dietary supplements, tropical gels, salves and personal care. Her products have been featured in luxury hotels — The Ritz Carlton, The Four Seasons and Mandarin Oriental. Dr. Kim not only wants your mind to feel at ease, she wants your insides and outward appearance to reflect how you feel as well. What are you waiting for? There might be a wellness trend that is right up your alley.

JoyTutor + HER WORK

Helping Business Owners Break Through Barriers BY ELLE STOVALL

It was one of those days of fighting the “blahs,” trying to find motivation to either write, sew or grade assignments. Whichever I was going to choose, I wasn’t feeling it. After sending my ringing phone into voicemail, I decided to check my Instagram and, in my browsing, stumbled upon the profile of JoyTutor. As I scrolled, there was motivation upon motivation. It was the push of strength I needed to get myself together that day. I immediately became a fan and followed the profile. JoyTutor is an organization that provides personal and business development services to empower individuals to break through barriers and courageously achieve their boldest dreams. Founder and CEO, Joanna Riggins, found that motivation and knew that others needed it just as much as she did, so her passion was fueled to ignite others to be their very best version of themselves. Riggins, born and raised on the south side of Chicago, is a third-generation teen mother who broke through major barriers in her life, but set a new standard for her family and those around her. Riggins, with twin girls, was the first of her family to graduate high school. Then, with three children, she became the first to graduate college. She then went on to pursue her graduate studies as the first in her family to complete and graduate with her master’s degree. “I just felt this calling, this tug, this strong sense of knowing, that I had to graduate,” Riggins said.   N ov / D e c 2 0 1 9   |   H ERS M ag az i ne   73


Her story may have begun one way, but she understood that her ending did not have to have the typical and expected outcome. With strength, perseverance and endurance, she changed the course of her life and is now motivating others to change the course of theirs. “I knew that I was a teacher [and] a tutor, but of what? [I thought], of joy,” Riggins said. “I wanted to motivate and teach others how to fulfil their purpose with enthusiasm and joy.” Riggins attributes JoyTutor’s success to its authenticity, her focus is not duplicating or competing with organizations similar to JoyTutor but building upon and perfecting what she wants the organization to be. Her mission is to encourage and lead others to triumph through life while pursuing their goals and dreams. Whether it’s completing school, starting a business, becoming a writer or developing a blog, no dream is too big, small or impossible. Riggins openly acknowledges that she still has struggles and, like many of us, she says her biggest struggle is herself. “As human beings, we have to understand that we are on a personal development journey, our entire lives.” Riggins said. She admits that her businesses prior to JoyTutor were more ego driven than purpose driven endeavors. She attributes not believing in herself as to why she avoided starting this business sooner. When she decided not to believe the lies that had been told to her concerning her worth and her abilities, she started to strive to create what she wanted. JoyTutor is a multi-faceted organization. Part of the business is seen on social media through their encouraging posts, but the other side is off of social media, where she educates in leadership, business development and entrepreneurship. “There are so many business ideas that could be birthed and grown if people had the right tools,” Riggins said. She encourages those who desire to start a business to first trust themselves and their instincts. Secondly, entrepreneurs should not depend on family and friends to be supporters of their business. Riggins not only teaches and mentors those starting out, but she assists current business owners to create plans on how to advance their business. She provides creates strategies to help them transition into leadership development. She attributes her success to having a strong work-life balance, so teaching others how to prioritize what is important and necessary will help anyone achieve the outcome they are working towards. JoyTutor will soon be launching various classes on personal development, business, time management and organization. 74  HERS Mag azi n e   |  H ER Work

“Many business ideas could be birthed and grown if people had the right tools.” They offer group and one-on-one coaching for those who need accountability and structure. There are monthly meetings, webinars and empowerment lunches on their current calendar and moving into 2020. You can also expect to see a travel club and life groups emerging in the new year. JoyTutor will host its first gala and awards ceremony next year, honoring women who are pioneers in their communities and industries who have overcome extenuating circumstances. JoyTutor is on the move to greater horizons while empowering others to journey with them. Riggins took what could have been a dark outcome and used it to find her purpose — helping others.


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Kathryn Burns is no stranger to Hollywood. In fact, she’s one of L.A.’s hottest choreographers today. Throughout her career as a Hollywood choreographer, we’ve seen Burns jump from Pharrell’s “Happy” music video to “Key and Peele” to “Crazy ExGirlfriend” and more. Burns is currently in the middle of preparing for an upcoming project called “Everything’s Going to be Okay,” a fitting title as it matches her attitude throughout her journey. She speaks with a light hearted and cheerful voice, and her positive energy comes to life when she reflects passionately about her love of the arts. “I’ve been movin’ and groovin’ ever since I came out [the womb],” Burns said. She took her first dance lesson at the age of 5, and there was no stopping the dance machine who emerged from that. Growing up in Dallas, Texas, Burns was a member of her Highland Park High School dance team.   N ov / D e c 2 0 1 9   |   H ERS M ag az i ne   75

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A go-getter from day one, she explained that no one handed anything to her. She navigated on her own path through the dance scene in Texas. In her college years at the University of Missouri, she joined a sorority and found herself choreographing for various competitions. Her talents didn’t go unnoticed. A sorority sister of Burns’ suggested she should choreograph music videos for a living. She mentioned that she had no idea how to do that, nor did she believe it was an actual career she could find herself in. Little did she know what the future held. Burns would go on to win a group Grammy for best music video award for her choreography in “Happy” by Pharrell. Before the Grammy win, Burns really gives credit to Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre (UCB) for helping her hone her skills. “I think what stuck with me the most is that you’re trying to find the funny and heightening it, finding the unusual thing and heightening it,” Burns said. “In separate of that too, you’re playing with people; you’re finding what makes you laugh; what makes other people laugh. That’s how you know you’re on the right path.” Burns took what she learned from UCB and built upon it to grow. “There has to be a lot of truth,” Burns said. “It’s kind of a pinnacle. Kind of a combination between truth and comedy. So, it was a great platform to learn and grow and make mistakes and play.” UCB is also where she met writer, actor, producer and director, Jordan Peele. They performed together at UCB before she went on to choreograph for “Key and Peele,” earning her a World Choreography Award. Her versatility sets her apart from a lot of other choreographers. Her ability to enhance the comedy in a piece stands out in her work with Amy Poehler in “Freak Dance,” while her theatrical styles show up in her work on “Dancing with the Stars” or, recently, the opening number for the Creative Arts Emmy’s. “My process is still the same, so you look at the script and then you find out how many dancers you can have, what the story is, what the heart of it is and deliver,” Burns said. “So, comedy is harder in a sense of you have to know what’s funny and why it’s funny, and then also when not to try to be funny. The difference between ‘Dancing with the Stars’ is it’s a live, reality competition show. There isn’t a script, it’s not like they hand you pages.” 76  HERS Mag azi n e   |  Features

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“My greatest quality is my sense of play and joyfulness.” Burns balances a multitude of creative aspects in her work. The intricacy in the way she works is apparent in her longtime dedication to the performing arts. “So, you get to have these creative calls and meetings with the creative director, director and team and try to brainstorm what this could be,” Burns said. “For me, since I’m so camera focused, I wanted to make sure we were having Hollywood moments and that camera was doing something dynamic and interesting versus just dancing all over the place and have it be hard to capture on tv.” Burns has made a name for herself in Tinseltown even after a Hollywood heartbreak which she previously thought would be her big break. This heartbreak didn’t stop Burns, it only morphed her into this girl on fire who earned two Emmy awards nearly eight years later, a group-Grammy award and the right to hold secrets about projects with the likes of Jennifer Aniston and Reese Witherspoon. She revealed she even plans on going onto Broadway eventually. This little girl from Houston, Texas, went from admiring people like Paula Abdul, Janet Jackson and Roger Lee to being in high-demand by some of the biggest names today. “I guess my greatest quality is my sense of play and joyfulness,” Burns said. “You know, at the end of the day, it’s a beautiful thing we get to be a part of.” Her spirit is heart-warming, especially in her transparency as an artist. Burns’ positive attitude has played an important role in her work ethic. “There’s no reason why it should be hard, in the sense that people should be angry or upset,” Burns said. “I like to keep a positive flow going because we get the ability to create and make people feel and laugh. That’s really special.” Outside of the performing arts, Burns finds herself grabbing inspiration from nature and walking outside with friends to get creativity flowing. Her mind and soul consist of passion and peace.

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FOR TODAY'S WOMAN The fashion girl's modernized guide to wearing a pantsuit. BY DR. COURTNEY A. HAMMONDS


hen you think of the evolution of the power suit, chances are your mind might conjure up visions like Melanie Griffith's “Working Girl” white bow ties and Joan Collins’ shoulder armor. In the late 1980s, white-collar women began to dress for the power they wanted, not the power they had. Suits were gray and navy, and Jackets were double-breasted. If homogeneity was the object of ‘‘power dressing,’’ the prototype was Diahann Carroll — a woman for whom pockets seemed invented and who embodied the whole idea of a tall order, making her the ultimate image of an authoritative woman. What woman will you be for the remainder of 2019 going into 2020, and what would that woman wear? Our answer: the 2020 power suit trend is the perfect homage to your power-pose — closet edition. For decades, powerful women had to conform to preexisting ideals that were almost exclusively male. Power looked like a man in a dark, strong-shouldered suit. Women who wanted to fit in had to suit up in kind. But as we approach a new decade, women continue to climb the corporate ladder, with a record number gaining board seats. As they speak out about harassment, that image of power is finally changing. So, how does a powerful woman dress today? The best way to answer that question is with another question: What does she want to wear to work? It's now okay to be more authentic at work and have some flexibility in dress. You can look as stylish, feminine, hip, creative or conservative as you wish. That said, the most important role of corporate attire is to make you look credible. When in doubt, go back to these tried and true rules 1. If you want to be on an upward trajectory, dress like your boss, not your peers. Different cities and organizations have unique norms, so pay attention to what's worn in your office. 78  HERS Mag azi n e   |  H ER F lavor

2. Be strategic in your dress. Consider who you're meeting with and dress one level up from them. If they're business casual, throw on a jacket. 3. Stylish is good, sexy is too far. Too tight or revealing is the wrong side of the line.


is too much, you can choose to wear just one of the printed pieces and keep the rest of your outfit monotone. For an even more conservative suit, wear a navy or black jacket and pants with a patterned blouse.

← METALLIC TWO-PIECE You could wear a safe black suit — or you could flip the power suit on its head with a metallic number like this one.

SKIRT SUIT ↓ A skirt suit is just as polished as its counterpart. Add a little volume and things become much more fun. Watch the length if you're concerned about office dress code. Knee-length hems are just right, and a pencil skirt silhouette is even more professional, without losing the ladylike feminine vibe. As it turns out, the power suit is still just as bold as it was in the ’80s and ‘90s — and may just be as cool as the women who wore it.

4. Be careful of "rounding down" in business casual. Don't let the path of least resistance pull you too casual. Remember that anything associated with work is work. This includes travel and office happy hours. Enter the new, defiantly breaking suit, one that conveys all the professionalism of past iterations with none of their outdated masculinity. These are suits cut from thick silk or patterned brocade — wide-legged, cropped and quirkily mismatched. They’re anything but boring and are the ideal vehicle for one’s individual mood and character. Like any suit, these unmistakably telegraph power but do so through personality instead of conformism.

← PRINTED SUIT A printed suit is a daring twist on the traditional silhouette. The jacket and pants are cut very simply, but the floral pattern will certainly get some attention. If the pattern-on-pattern   N ov / D e c 2 0 1 9   |   H ERS M ag az i ne   79

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Holiday Blues? Tune into Miracle-Minded Management BY JOHN J. MURPHY


o you know that every thought has a measurable energetic frequency to it? So does every feeling. Do you also know that these frequencies attract similar frequencies? That’s why positive people find positive people — and misery loves company. People who dwell on miserable thoughts, and therefore feel miserable, attract more grief and unhappy people into their lives. We are like magnets. The signals we send out return to us in kind. This is the law of attraction. We are always given evidence of what we hold to be true. We see what we believe. We experience what we expect. We reap what we sow. There are no coincidences. We are more than separate human beings living isolated lives. We are vibrational, eternal, spiritual beings — all connected by a field of energy — even if we don’t think of ourselves as “spiritual.” 80  HERS Mag azi n e   |  H ER H ealth

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So, what happens when we dread a holiday or perhaps even a birthday? You might know the thought — and the feeling. Oh no! Not again! I’m going to be alone, or I’m another year older. Or I have nowhere to go. Poor me. I wish this day would just go away. And what do you know? Evidence that we are right appears everywhere. We seem to be alone, even though several friends or neighbors may have invited us over. We feel fatigued and lethargic because our neurotransmitters, body chemistry, hormonal system and heart coherence respond to our thinking. Put more simply, our bodies respond to our minds. So, of course we are right. This must be true. We have proof. And then this line of thinking might spin us into an even deeper chasm of worry and depression. Now, we start thinking there are other things wrong with us. Maybe I should see a doctor. Maybe I am sick. Oh no! What if I have…? We all experience loneliness and doubt from time to time. I know I have. I have traveled as much as 51 out of 52 weeks during the year, spending many meals and nights alone, away from my family and loved ones. I remember treating myself to a fast-food burger in South Carolina on one of my birthdays and my youngest son started crying on the phone because he thought I was lonely. In his mind, a birthday should include friends and balloons and presents and cake. Here I was eating off a plastic tray on my way back to an empty hotel room. I assured him I was okay. And then there was my last Christmas with my father who was deathly ill at the time. What better reason is there to be sad? Maybe even angry. My father had lost his hair and half his body weight. Yet, he was as spirited and positive as ever! Hmmm. How could that be? What lesson is there in this? Another test for me was my first Thanksgiving alone, after my wife of 26 years left me. How was I supposed to be thankful for that? I felt broken-hearted and betrayed. My mind was playing games on me. Despite knowing about the law of attraction, and even writing about it, I could feel the temptation to be angry and vindictive. I could hear the ego inviting me to tune into an energetic frequency of loneliness and despair, like a dark and depressing song on the radio. What was I to do? How could I possibly dance with joy and

enthusiasm to these holiday blues? So, I changed the channel. In other words, I changed my mind — the only thing we have any real control over. I lit some fragrant candles. I put on some soothing music. I reflected on the wonderful memories I have. I found things to be thankful for — my health, my children, my work, my friendships, my home — even though it was now a relatively small apartment without any furniture. I even gave thanks to my wife, who was now filing for divorce. The next thing I knew, I was dancing. And I was smiling, fully enjoying the moment. I felt grateful, appreciative, joyful, forgiving and free — all aspects of love. I wasn’t alone. We are never alone. Beyond the illusion of ego, separation and noise, there is a beautiful symphony playing, a tranquil frequency of unity and peace. And then the phone rang. It was a call from a man I met a few months earlier at a mindfulness conference in Ohio. He wanted to know what I was doing on May 13 of the following year. I had to laugh. Did he somehow intuit that this was my 50th birthday — quite possibly another birthday I would spend alone? I told him it was my birthday and I had no plans. He said, “Good. How would you like to go with us to see His Holiness the Dalai Lama?” I could only raise my eyes to the heavens and say thank you. Yes, joy loves company, too. I gladly accepted the invitation and later attended one of the most meaningful lectures I have ever heard. The Dalai Lama was speaking on the Heart Sutra and the wisdom of emptiness. In other words, to receive pure joy we need to release the overwhelming and heavy feelings weighing us down. We need to forgive — ourselves and others. We need to let go to let flow. This is what I now refer to as miracle-minded management. It is a shift in perception, from fear-based, dark, dualistic ego-thinking to love-based, positive, joyful thinking. Fear and faith cannot coexist in the same mind. We always have a choice in how we think, feel and respond. Miracle-minded management allows us to tap the extraordinary power within us to live life in peace, despite the circumstances. This is the power that gives us life. It is source energy, our higher self, and it is always available and ever-present. All we need to do is let go of resistance (ego) and trust it.

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Fall is here and you know what that gear! Yep, from tech gadgets covering everything from kitchen to self-care to data security, the fall season always ushers in more than its fair share of get-worthy brands. Luckily for you, I’ve vetted many across multiple categories, with these 10 among my top-rated gifts and gets for the season:

JURA D6 Automatic Coffee Machine Offering a new twist on cappuccino, Jura’s D6 automatic coffee machine easily prepares coffee classics. With the plain text display and ergonomically optimized switch, operation is easy and intuitive. Programming and maintenance are also self-explanatory. A series of advanced innovations results in six specialty coffees prepared to professional barista standard, with the system topping off beverages like cappuccino with temptingly fine, light-as-air milk foam. Its AromaG2 grinder features a perfected cutting angle and preserves the full aroma of the beans when freshly grinding them to the ideal fineness. A Pulse Extraction Process optimizes the extraction time to 82  HERS Mag azi n e   |  H ER Work

bring out the full bouquet of the coffee aromas. It also uses CLEARYL water filters to supply perfect water quality for the best possible flavor. They also protect the coffee machine against limescale and remove substances that could impair flavor and aroma (such as heavy metals or chlorine) from the water. To make maximum use of the filter and its capacity, JURA developed the Intelligent Water System. The filter cartridge and coffee machine are wirelessly linked by RFID technology. The filter is detected automatically, so using the filter has never been easier or more reliable. To enhance the JURA experience, this marvelous machine can be used with JURA’s Smart Connect device (sold separately) with Bluetooth communication, making it compatible with JURA’s app: J.O.E. 2.0 (JURA Operating Experience). J.O.E. allows the user to easily operate the machine from a smartphone or tablet.

Linkind Aroma Coffee Maker If a pour-over coffee maker is more your thing, check out the Aroma Coffee Maker by Linkind—one of the most convenient, portable, durable and precise pour-overs of its kind that helps simplify your routine. Its precise timing


to-coffee ratio delivers impressive consistency and handcrafted flavor all with the simple touch of a button. It’s compact and has an aesthetically pleasing design, and the reusable extra fine mesh filter and food-grade certified materials help deliver top-quality for every pour. With the Aroma Coffee Maker by Linkind, you can be your own barista and enjoy a cup of fresh and delicious coffee without having to wait in the long lines and deal with the hassle of going out for something as easy as a cup of Joe.

Zippo HeatBank 9s Rechargeable Hand Warmer The approaching holidays are to time gather with family and friends and eat, drink and be merry–and as importantly, stay warm. Whether you’re out in the elements watching fall sports, taking hikes, walking the dog or other activities that’ll bring you into the brisk air—or plan to shop for that family member is who is never “warm enough”—The Zippo HeatBank 9s Rechargeable Hand Warmer is a fabulous find. It’s a great heat solution for any outdoor activities, cold-weather commutes or even chilly offices. It has a curved design allowing it to easily fit in and out of pockets, making it a travel companion that’s built to last. It delivers dependable, dualsided warmth at the press of a button with the convenience of a power bank. You’ll get a run time of nine hours and enjoy six heat settings that deliver gentle warmth of up to 120°F/50°C. The unit is powered by a rechargeable lithiumion battery and is capable of charging any USB-compatible device, including smartphones and tablets—a great bonus! Available in three colors, champagne, black, silver and rose gold, and it also comes with an adjustable lanyard so it can be worn around the neck. The HeatBank 9s rechargeable hand warmer keeps you warm from the office to the woods.

Storage diskAshur² Encrypted Hard Drive I’m a huge fan of iStorage’s range of ultra-secure PIN authenticated hardware encrypted HDD/SSD and USB drives, which are the perfect solution to keep data secure and protected while you travel—and otherwise! The diskAshur² is the ultimate encrypted hard drive for storing precious data, such as family photos and videos of all of your fun fall festivities. Once you set your unique PIN code, everything it contains will be safe from prying eyes. They’re great for storing family and work documents without the fear of the data getting lost or stolen. iStorage’s diskAshur² solid state drives and its USB 3.1 the diskAshur² hard drive each feature Enhanced Dual Generating Encryption (EDGE) technology, making them THE most secure data storage drives available on the market. EDGE™ Security employs built-in physical protection mechanisms designed to defend against external tamper, bypass laser attacks and fault injections. In short, without the PIN, there’s no way in! Plus, with the HDD available in capacity options from 500GB to 5TB, there will be plenty of space for all the family’s needs. With software free set up and operation, the diskAshur² HDD is platform/device independent, so it works across all operating systems including all versions of MS Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, Chrome, Thin Clients, Zero Clients and embedded systems. In fact, the drives will work on any device with a USB port.

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JoahBox K-Beauty Subscription Box JoahBox is a super-cool K-beauty e-commerce-driven subscription box that brings you handpicked Korean products each month with free worldwide shipping. Each month, the company selects 5 to 7 authentic, full-size beauty products like makeup, skincare, nail care and beauty tools—sometimes there are even bonuses included. The company believes the process for personal beauty care should be an adventure, but not a tireless or harmful one. So, they do the sifting for you, finding up-and-coming brands with great ingredients and with social values—those that maintain “clean” production processes. JoahBox selectively curates each item to deliver the trendiest, healthiest and most beautiful products right to your doorstep, making your beautification journey significantly easier and certainly more exciting.

EXOBeauty Home Laser Hair Removal This one’s for the ladies out there who’ve probably tried everything to get rid of that unwanted hair: waxing, plucking,’ve probably tried it all! These methods are not only time consuming, but can often hurt! Oh, and maybe you tried a laser treatment at a clinic. But, an average treatment costs about $235 for just one session so that can certainly add up for the multiple visits it’ll take to achieve your desired 84  HERS Mag azi n e   |  H ER Work

results. Instead, check out EXObeauty's portable laser hair removal kit, which costs less than one of those sessions! Plus, it can provide almost unlimited sessions at the comfort and convenience of your own home. This at-home laser hair removal device uses clinically proven Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) technology that makes it safe and gentle on your skin. As well, there are five levels that you can adjust to find the best one for you. The company reports that users start seeing results within just 2-3 uses! So, this season, say goodbye to the sharp razor, the messy wax and inconvenient office appointments and try EXObeauty’s Home Laser Hair Removal kit instead.

The Gift Card Vault Speaking of exciting retail endeavors, next I want to tell you about The Gift Card Vault, which is a great resource for unwanted and recycled e-gift cards and digital goods so they don’t go to waste. The company offers discounted electronic gift cards on your favorite brands and stores—with options ranging from restaurants, shopping, entertainment, groceries and more—giving you access to products and services you are looking for at a great rate. Starbucks, Amazon, Netflix,’re sure to find what you’re looking for. Of course, every busy shopper knows the benefits of the gift card: it’s an effortless way to wish someone a happy holiday or thank them for a job well done. It allows the recipient to buy what he or she truly wants, and it’s as easy to use as cash. But sometimes gift cards go unused, so The Gift Card Vault ensures this old merchandise does not get wasted courtesy of a convenient platform consumers can use to save with key retailers. Simply put, businesses and clients sell the company their recycled or unwanted gift cards and The Gift Card Vault then resells them at an affordable price to consumers. Though there are a number of outlets for digital gift cards and services, The Gift Card Vault is known for offering some of the best overall values across its product line on a consistent basis. So, this season, enter the vault and save.


VocoPro DJ Smart Lightshow Singers, home entertaining buffs and DJs alike will love the vivid lightshow displays released by the 5-in-1 Smart Lightshow by VocoPro. It pairs pre-programmed Water Wave and Moonflower effects together with UV, Strobe and Laser light effects just like professional shows, delivering all five lighting effects seamlessly and effortlessly. Even a smartphone speaker can trigger the lights! VocoPro’s new DJ Smart Lightshow is a great choice for parties and home entertainment enthusiasts for those who are ready to spice up their get-togethers. It’s also lightweight and portable so it’s also great for amping up those vacations. It also requires no additional DMX (Digital Multiplexing) used in theatrical lighting industry and it has a unique two-stage soundactivated control, each with nine sound sensitivity levels. This is important because the product’s beat-synchronized light show will work in various volume level environments.

Beachly Can't get enough of the beach life, even during the fall and winter months? Me either! That’s why you should dive into Beachly, a San Diego-based company that sends curated e-commerce-driven boxes of beach-inspired apparel, accessories and lifestyle products every season! The boxes feature up and coming brands from California, Hawaii and around world. This fall, they've teamed up with companies including Spirit Jersey and Pirette to create a box inspired by French seashores. Beachly has boxes for both women and men, with each box also funding beach cleanups by Heal the Bay. Each package contains 4 to 5 premium pieces of apparel from the top brands and hottest newcomers that are defining coastal style. Members also receive exclusive access to the company’s members-only online store allowing them to shop for boxes for up to 70 percent off retail price.

RESCUE Pest Control GoClips If you’re keen on sitting outdoors to enjoy the cooler temps and changing colors of nature, taking hikes, or even leisurely strolls walking your dog, there’s nothing that can ruin a mood quicker than dealing with biting and stinging insects. So, for those who want to avoid being plagued by bugs as soon as they step outside, RESCUE Mosquito GoClips will keep away multiple species of mosquitoes as well as ticks and black flies. They’re infused with killer scitech: all-natural essential oils that protect your body from these bugs with a “spatial” effect around your body that deters them from you. The GoClips are all-natural, re-usable, pleasantly scented and non-toxic so they’re kid-safe. They’re also not a spay on, so there’s no actual skin contact. Plus, they provide up to a full two weeks of protection! Designed to be worn outdoors, they attach to clothing, backpacks, strollers, even pet collars, so your options are virtually limitless and you’ll repel those pesky pests for weeks on end. So never be uncomfortable leaving the house or lounging outside ever again!

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2020 + HER MUSIC

Women’s Music Releases We Can’t Wait For


As 2020 approaches, we’re getting excited to ring in the next decade’s hottest songs with a bang. This past year was an eventful one for women in music — Ariana Grande’s “Thank U, Next” stole our hearts, Billie Eilish’s debut album shot her to super stardom and Beyoncé’s “Homecoming” broke the internet. Here are next year’s album releases from female artists that are set to make a splash.



Unspecified Date 2020 Lady Gaga has been in 2018. The singer, who cryptically tweeting about suffers from bipolar disorder, her sixth studio album for described the album’s content weeks, one of such tweets as “so manic” in an interview simply saying that she would with Rolling Stone. Fans be naming her next album should expect hip-hop, rock “Adele.” We’re not sure and country elements. whether that’s a reference to popular singer Adele or some other entity, but we can’t wait to hear it.

Jan. 10, 2020 Viral YouTube star, Poppy, is showing her darker side for her upcoming third album, distancing herself from the bubblegum pop sound that has become her signature. She released the album’s title DIXIE CHICKS — track, a heavy metal anthem GASLIGHTER that comments on the current Unspecified Date 2020 state of the world. On a recent episode of the podcast “Spiritualgasm,” Dixie Chicks lead singer Natalie Maines announced that an album inspired by her struggles through divorce will be released sometime in 2020. The album is set to be produced by Jack Antonoff, MANIC — HALSEY who worked on Taylor Swift’s Jan. 17, 2020 “Lover” and Lana Del Rey’s Halsey’s third studio album “Norman F****** Rockwell” has been highly anticipated this past year. since she released one of the album’s singles, “Without Me,” 86  HERS Mag azi n e   |  H ER Play

GRIMES — MISS ANTHROPOCENE Unspecified Date 2020 Grimes said in an interview with Wall Street Journal that this may be her last album under the stage name Grimes, so the bittersweet release could be the end of an era. She described the album as finding a way to “make climate change fun.” Our only real hint to the album’s sound is its first single, “Violence,” a techno dance song.

RIHANNA — R9 Unspecified Date 2020 Rihanna has jumped feet first into the business world over recent years, so fans are eager for the pop icon to release her ninth album. Not many details about the album have been released yet except that it is currently in the works. Fans have lovingly dubbed the mystery album “R9” for Rihanna nine.

LANA DEL REY — WHITE HOT FOREVER Unspecified Date 2020 On the same day she released her latest album, “Norman F****** Rockwell,” Del Rey announced that she has already started writing her next album and plans to release it in 2020. Besides the album name, not many details on the upcoming record have been released.




Maleficent: Mistress of Evil

Angelina Jolie returned to the big screen on Oct. 18, 2019, for her notorious villain role, Maleficent. The iconic horns, big wings and wicked cheekbones are back and better than ever. The film shows Jolie and Princess Aurora embarking on an alliance to protect their land. Maleficent is an overprotective mother who has trust issues when it comes to romantic love due to what happened to her in the first movie. This movie takes the concept of “mother knows best” to a whole new level. The character resonates with audiences because Maleficent is someone who is wild and outspoken but is not easily accepted. She is judged and feels like an outcast.


One of the most influential abolitionists, Harriet Tubman, is an escaped slave who led enslaved people to freedom using the famous Underground Railroad. Tubman will be played by Cynthia Erivo, and the film is directed by Kasi Lemmons. This tale is an origin story and Erivo dominates the role with anger, fear and anguish to portray Tubman. Lemmons said the film is about freedom, not slavery. The film reflects Tubman as a person, it's about her holding onto her faith in God and how she lost her narrative but took back her control. This movie will be released on Nov. 1, 2019.


Charlie’s Angels

A beloved tale of women empowerment is making a comeback this fall in “Charlie’s Angels,” in theaters Nov. 15, 2019. The last time we saw the angels, they were played by Drew Barrymore, Lucy Liu and Cameron Diaz in the early 2000s. Fifteen years later, this action-packed comedy will release its third installment. The movie is directed by Elizabeth Banks, who wrote the screenplay and stars in the movie herself. The new angels are Kristen Stewart, Ella Balinska and Naomi Scott. The movie is about women working together and supporting each other.

The Lodge

If you’re into an adrenaline inducing thrill ride of a movie, this might be the movie for you. The Lodge is a bloodthirsty horror movie that will have you on your feet the whole time. It is about a woman, Grace, and her two stepchildren who get snowed in at a cabin, but the two children don’t seem too happy to bond with Grace. The movie will be released on Nov. 15, 2019.

Queen & Slim

Written by Lena Waithe and directed by Melina Matsoukas, Queen and Slim is the reinvented version of the classic Bonnie and Clyde story dynamic. Matsoukas says “this movie is a way to honor black people who lost their lives to police brutality.” The movie focuses on a young black couple who are stopped for a traffic violation, but it takes a turn when Slim ends up shooting the officer. After the night of the incident, Queen and Slim are forever tied by their experience. The movie will be released on Nov. 27, 2019.

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RECORD THESE SHOWS Lt. Col. Elizabeth Evans: SHAMELESS: SEASON 10 Sunday Nov. 3rd. 9 p.m. on Showtime “Shameless” will soon return for its 10th season. Emmy Rossum may not be in it anymore, but Noel Fisher and Cameron Monaghan continue the story of the Gallagher family as Mickey and Ian. The new season will focus on how the couple will function in prison. Elsewhere, Emma Kenney as Debbie is taking over as the family's pseudo-matriarch, while Lip, played by Jeremy Allen White, prepares to take on fatherhood. 88  HERS Mag azi n e   |  H ER Play

DUBLIN MURDERS Sunday Nov 10th. 8 p.m. on Starz Based on Tana French’s popular murder mysteries, “Dublin Murders” follows detectives Rob Reilly (Killian Scott) and Cassie Maddox (Sarah Greene) as they investigate the murder of a young girl on the outskirts of Dublin, Ireland.

HIS DARK MATERIALS Monday Nov 4th. 9 p.m. on HBO This adaptation of Philip Pullman’s popular trilogy of the same name, centers on Lyra, played by Dafne Keen, who is searching for a kidnapped friend. Her search takes her down a dark path involving stolen children. There’s a new phenomenon called Dust and Lyra is anything but ordinary. James McAvoy, Lin-Manuel Miranda, and Ruth Wilson also star. His Dark Materials has already been renewed for a second season.

DOLLFACE Friday Nov 15th on Hulu “Dollface,” Hulu’s new comedy about Julie (Kat Dennings) who, after being dumped by her longtime boyfriend, has to rebuild the friendships that she abandoned while in her relationship. “Dollface” also stars Shay Mitchell, Esther Povitsky and Brenda Song.


REPRISAL THE CROWN: SEASON THREE Sunday Nov 17th on Netflix Netflix’s “The Crown” comes back with new faces. In place of Claire Foy and Matt Smith who played the former Queen and Prince Phillip, Olivia Colman and Tobias Menzies take the helm to show an older generation of royals. The Crown takes place between the years of 1964 and 1977 and also sees Helena Bonham Carter as Princess Margaret in place of Vanessa Kirby.

Friday Dec 6th on Hulu Abigail Spencer stars as a woman seeking revenge after being left for dead in this “hyper noir” thriller. Rodrigo Santoro, Mena Massoud, Madison Davenport, Rhys Wakefield, David Dastmalchian, W. Earl Brown and Gilbert Owuor also star. All 10 episodes will be available as of this date.

WORK IN PROGRESS Sunday Dec 8th. 11 p.m. on Showtime An eight-episode comedy centered on a lesbian, played by Abby McEnany, who gives herself 180 days to fix her life. Her answer may rest in a new relationship with a transgender man. Lily Wachowski directs, writes and produces. Julia Sweeney also stars.


MAD ABOUT YOU Wednesday Nov 20th on Spectrum This miniseries is a reboot of the 1999 NBC show, which stars Paul Reiser and Helen Hunt as the Buchman's. It will air on Spectrum Originals as a half-hour show, with the first six episodes dropping on this day and the next six releasing Dec. 18, 2019.

Sunday Dec 8th. 10 p.m. on Showtime The long-awaited sequel to “The L Word,” which aired on Showtime from 2004 to 2009, “The L Word: Generation Q” follows Shane, played by Katherine Moenning who returns to L.A. to deal with demons that have been holding her back. Familiar cast members such as Jennifer Beals and Leisha Hailey return as well as new cast members Arienne Mandi, Leo Sheng, Rosanny Zayas and more.

THE EXPANSE: SEASON FOUR Friday Dec 13th on Amazon Prime Video The fourth season of the Syfy original lineup is moving to Amazon's Prime Video. The expansion to a new group of planets beyond the Ring Gate causes more tension as inhabitants of Earth, Mars and the Belt rush to colonize them.

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“No matter our goals, sometimes we end up making choices or acting in a way that undermines what we really want,” says holistic physician Dr. Bradley Nelson. “Even with the best of conscious intentions, we often allow this self-sabotage to creep in and prevent us from reaching our goals.” Here are 5 ways people sabotage their goals and what to do about it:



What to do: “The people who succeed may actually have more failures in their lives because it’s those failures that lead to the skill and wisdom to succeed the next time. Rather than feeling defeated when you fail, look for the lessons and the things you’ve done right that you can build upon.”





What to do: “Ever found yourself putting on a fake smile when you really feel sad, angry, or resentful? Releasing these negative emotions may be as quick and easy as using The Emotion Code™ to rid yourself of that energy. It has helped thousands of people release negativity and experience the joy and motivation that keeps them moving toward the things they really want.”



What to do: “When you’re working on a goal, it usually helps to break it down into smaller milestones. The same concept What to do: Take stock of your accomplishments — write can be applied to the celebration of those milestones. Don’t them down. And don’t just focus on the big things. After all, wait to pat yourself on the back until you’ve reached your goal. Celebrate the minor victories you achieve along the way.” the small stuff is what adds up to make you the person you are. Hold on to your list. Add to it at every opportunity. Use it to fuel positive affirmations about who you really are and what you’re capable of.”




What to do: “Procrastination may result from feelings or trapped emotions of fear, dread or insecurity. Resolving the emotions that may cause you to put things off can make a world of difference in your success.”

SUMMARY: • • • • •

Learn from your failures. Celebrate small victories. Resolve feelings that cause procrastination. Rid yourself of negative energy. Note your accomplishments.

“If you can do these five things, chances are you’ll be better equipped to stop sabotaging yourself and start achieving your goals,” says Dr. Brad.   N ov / D e c 2 0 1 9   |   H ERS M ag az i ne   91


Hero Ingredients to Look for in Skincare this Year BY DR. MANISH SHAH

BAKUCHIOL This is a natural alternative to Retinol. Topical retinol is perhaps the most studied ingredient on the market to help stimulate collagen, strengthen the skin foundation and minimize the appearance of wrinkles and lines. Despite its benefits, Retinol can be difficult for those with sensitive skin. Bakuchiol is a plant-based alternative with none of Retinol’s irritating side effects like redness and irritation. Bakuchiol has been shown to have antioxidant, anti-bacterial and antiinflammatory properties. Bakuchiol functions similar to a retinol, increasing cell turnover and stimulating collagen production. This serves to diminish signs of aging such as fine lines, wrinkles, skin laxity and photodamage. PRODUCT RECOMMENDATION:

OLEHENRIKSEN Goodnight Glow Retin-ALT Sleeping Crème An all-in-one skin-perfecting night cream made with Bakuchiol to deeply hydrate and target fine lines, wrinkles, and dark spots. Works for: • Fine lines and wrinkles • Uneven skin tone • Loss of firmness and elasticity

VITAMIN C SERUMS Ideal for women of all ages and skin types, the skin care benefits of vitamin C serum are numerous, beginning with the most popular — it helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines/wrinkle. If ever there were a multipurpose ingredient, this is it. It has the following benefits: • Promotes Collagen Production • Helps to protect skin from sun damage 92  HERS Mag azi n e   |  H D epar ER Htment ealth

• Reduces under eye circles • Speeds up healing Studies have also found that high levels of Vitamin C can help to speed up the body's natural healing processes. This makes it ideal for use on the face and other areas of skin, as it can help to heal small cuts, acne scars, and other blemishes more quickly and effectively. • Reduces Skin Discoloration If you suffer from skin redness or other discoloration of the skin, then a quality vitamin C serum may also be able to help you achieve a more uniform skin tone and better complexion. • Improves Hydration and Moisture • Creates brighter, glowing skin • Reduces inflammation It has also been found that vitamin C, in high enough concentrations, has inflammation-reducing qualities. This is ideal for people who tend to wake up in the morning with unsightly puffiness around the eyes or other areas of the skin/face. • Speeds up healing of Sunburns Finally, in addition to protecting your skin from sun damage, vitamin C can also be effective in helping to speed up the healing of sunburns. It's important to realize that your skin needs a very high concentration of this vitamin to see results. This is why it’s important to use concentrated serums rather than a basic creme or lotion. PRODUCT RECOMMENDATION:

Obagi System Professional-C 20% Vitamin C Serum This product is potent, so a little goes a long way. Pat this on in the morning when you're ready for medical-grade skinsmoothing results from your bathroom counter.


JUST $9.95


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Holiday Gifts to Capture Those Special Moments

HD Mini Digital Cameras for Kids Teens Beginners Point and Shoot Digital Video Camera for Travel or Camping by Suntak

Home Security Camera with Night Vision, Wireless Rechargeable WiFi Camera, Indoor/Outdoor, 1080P Video with Motion Detection, 2-Way Audio, Waterproof, compatible with Cloud Storage/SD Slot by ZUMIMALL

Instax Mini 9 Instant Camera - Ice Blue New Selfie Mirror, Shutter Shutter speed:1/60 sec by FUJIFILM

Digital SLR Camera Kit [EOS Rebel T6] with EF-S 1855mm and EF 75-300mm Zoom Lenses - Black by Canon

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