Fashion & Beauty Edition (October 2019)

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Editor-in-Chief, Annette Johnson Fashion Editor, Dr. Courtney A. Hammonds Creative Director, Michelle Lynch Fashion Editorial Assistant, Linda Murray Online Editor, Gabby Dance Associate Editor, Grace Kelley Design Director, Joey Shepherd Social Media (Fashion), Mariah Mullen Editorial Assistant, Brittany Maher Staff Writer, Elle Stovall Style Consultant, Selena Hulett Contributors: Jessica Baker Merilee Kern Melissa Lawrence Editorial Interns: Sheron Sylvestre Wendy Phan Lauren Dixon Cover: Cashmere Song for Fashion Gallery New York Fashion Week Cover Photography: Photography by Amelia Design Cover Makeup: Alexander Hutchison Customer Service For subscription service or change of address, including email, contact or write to P.O. Box 1071 Atlanta, GA 30301 Hers (ISSN 2372-3785) is published six times per year by Allwrite Communications Inc., 3300 Buckeye Road, Suite 264, Atlanta, GA 30349 770-284-8983


Patrick Pham FW2020 Collection




Read-to-wear collections from some of Paris Fashion Week’s hottest new designers

F E AT U R E S 27 Life on Her Own Terms

How style influencer Melissa Vale found beauty through hardship

Pregnancy Pampering

How this salon has popularized mommy-to-be facials

47 Goodbye thigh chafing!

The anti-chub rub accessory you never knew you needed

70 The Next Decade’s Hottest Trends Our favorite moments from NYFW’s 2020 styles

H E R FA S H I O N 16 Fairytale Fashion: Armine Ohanyan Designer’s magical Paris

Fashion Week collection will make you feel like a kid forever

50 Strength of Nature Alianna Liu Designer’s Paris Fashion Week

collection draws inspiration from under the sea

82 12 Classic Wardrobe Essentials These clothing staples

will get you through fall and beyond.

HER HAIR 65 How Wigs Change Lives

HER SHOES 80 Fall’s Favorite Footwear

Step into fall fun with these sporty sneakers

Company creates luxury wigs for women with hair loss

68 Fall Hair Wonders

These hair-saving products will keep your mane nourished and healthy


60 Limitless Style

Essential style staples that can take you anywhere

30 Fall Looks to Fall For

Our favorite fall-winter makeup products you need in your life

HER ACCESSORIES 42 Fashion Through Wearable Art

86 Kitchen Ingredients that Improve the Skin

Corporate manager turned artist creates styles inspired by travels

Swiss brand creates all-natural custom skin care solutions

HER SKIN CARE 10 Products for a Killer Skincare Routine Check out

these products for autumn skincare!

46 Is Your Closet Ready To Chill? These five accessory

essentials will get you through until next summer.

12 Meet a Pioneer of Collagen Injections

How this doctor has revolutionized the aesthetic world


Atlanta milliner has crafted his custom hats for the stars | O c to ber 2 0 1 9 | H ER S Ma gazin e |



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F E AT U R E S • H E A R T • F L AVO R • H E A LT H L E S S O N S • W O R K • P L AY W W W. H E R S - M A G A Z I N E . C O M


Welcome to Hers magazine’s Fashion and Beauty edition! We’re celebrating identity, self-expression and creativity through the transformational power of fashion and beauty. According to the Oxford Dictionary, beauty is defined as a combination of qualities, such as shape, color or form, which pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight. Everywhere we look, particularly in the news, there seems to be an ongoing barrage of messages highlighting the negative side of life and people. Day after day, these messages and images are drawing your

attention to the course, harsh, vulgar and nasty elements of the world. Meanwhile, quietly present all around us lies beauty, simply everywhere and in everything. I’m not referring merely to physical beauty, but something much more meaningful. Instead, think bigger. Think of the beauty in everything. Every day, we strive to bring you articles, pictures, videos and a host of genre-defying multimedia projects dedicated to spotlighting the women who are fundamentally redefining the way we look at the world. It’s always a pleasure to celebrate the Hers women at www. Over the years, many skilled, talented and fashionable women have led the news coverage and driven the business of getting their stories to our readers and their events to our community. Twice a year, we also shine the spotlight on noteworthy women in fashion and beauty with profiles of womenled influencers and columns by industry leaders. In this issue, you’ll see us define limitless fashion, explore the newest beauty trends and determine which fashion trends are in and out for 2019 and beyond. We went in, we questioned these trends and we found out why these fads hold special places in our hearts. Then, if you follow us online, we’ve got even more to share about how hipsters and influencers manage to be both mainstream and indie. October is our fashion and beauty issue, and this month we’ll show you how to love yourself more by embracing who you are limitlessly. Yours in fashion, Dr. Courtney A. Hammonds

#themeeyesee Self-Awareness for 2019 and Beyond


ers magazine wants to remind women: “What you think of yourself is more important than what others think of you.” using #themeeyesee hashtag to promote greater self-awareness, the magazine wants women to begin to visualize, declare and pursue the person they can rightfully become. We believe that the way we see ourselves propels us on the path to who we will ultimately become, driving our thoughts, actions, habits, and lifestyles. Thus, declaring an intention of our ideal selves can motivate us to achieve our goals.

Ask Yourself: Am I living up to my core values and personal mission? Am I being a person others can respect? Am I respecting my body the way I should?

#themeeyesee is a movement with the purpose of encouraging and challenging women to become the people they want to be in the new year and beyond. This is not a New Year’s resolution, but a public pact and declaration. We will feature the posts on the Hers magazine website, #themeeyesee website and Hers magazine social media platforms:

Am I meeting the expectations I set for others? Am I using my talents fully? Am I performing at my peak capacity? Am I giving my family and friends my most and my best? Am I engaging in worthy activity? Am I making a positive impact on the world? Am I on the path to my preferred future? Readers and others should post a short video or a selfie online with the hashtag to declare their unique vision for the future. They should then also challenge 5-7 friends in the post to make their own #themeeyesee declaration and agree to be accountability partners for 2016 to ensure their success.


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Products for a Killer Skincare Routine

HYDY Staying hydrated doesn’t have to be boring. With the all-new styles from HYDY, you can hydrate in style while being environmentally conscious. Choose from gorgeous white marble, sleek wood grain or the innovative halftone ink black and stay hydrated on the go. $43

A healthy lifestyle never goes out of style. From proper hydration and a good night’s sleep to a killer skincare routine, these products will help you put your best self forward.


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Skin Authority Brightening Serum Shine bright every day with Skin Authority’s Brightening Serum. Naturally derived spot suppressors in this lightweight serum work with oligopeptides and AHA exfoliators to help even out skin tone, fade spots and smooth texture for skin that is clearer and more luminous. $65

Buddha Board Create a mindful environment with Buddha Board. The Buddha Board is a great way to enjoy the here and now. All you need is water to create a mind soothing masterpiece and then watch as it fades like the retreating tide into the sea. $34.95

GX Pillow Sleep is one of the most important aspects of our health. Check out the revolutionary Gx Suspension Pillow™. With the clever installation of ‘double X’ internal ties combined with hypoallergenic hollow fiber filling, The Gx Suspension Pillow™ is the first of its kind to retain much more of its plumped shape all night long. $69 / Two Pack

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Linda Ptito 12

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Pioneer in Collagen Injections Continues to Lead Aesthetics BY GA B BY DA N C E


n the early 1980s, a young Dr. Linda Ptito learned about a new medical development that would soon spearhead her career. Now, the Montreal, Canada, based physician is a respected pro in the world of aesthetic medicine after helping popularize the use of collagen injections. The French doctor was fresh out of school and working in nutritional medicine when she was asked to do a hair transplant surgery. After that surgery was a success, a plastic surgeon, who noticed her careful eye for aesthetics, approached her about leading the popularization of collagen injections. “The company that owned the collagen injections was originally only giving these injections to surgeons, so I had to fight a lot to get the training to do the injections,” Ptito said. “Almost nobody knew about it at the time, so it was not very easy.” She ended up being one of the first in Canada, and worldwide, to provide the injections to patients, setting herself apart from her few competitors through one crucial gift — her sincere passion for beauty. “A lot of people say, ‘oh, we do [collagen injections] for the money,’” Ptito said. “No, you can’t do it for the money. If you do it for the money, you won’t do it properly.” Ptito compares the art of aesthetic medicine to a painter creating a portrait — it requires passion, taste and drive. That’s why she pushed past many colleagues who doubted her when she ventured into the then-unknown world of collagen injections. “I had to fight against my colleagues who would say, ‘What kind of medicine is she doing?’” Ptito said. “Thirty or 40 years later, the practice is now popular, but I’m still passionate about it.” Today, Ptito continues that passion at her own private practice, Clinique Ptito, in Montreal, Canada, where she provides everything from injections and lasers to skin rejuvenation using state-of-the-art technology. Her customer base includes locals and travelers, with

several clients trekking in from Europe, the United States and other Canadian provinces. This is no surprise considering Ptito’s travels throughout her career. She grew up in France and began her studies at the University of Bordeaux. When her parents immigrated to Canada, she decided to apply on a whim to an exchange program at McGill University in Montreal to study anesthesia. She was one of the few applicants chosen for the program. From there, she also studied at the University of Montreal and travelled the world to perfect her skills. Outside of Europe and North America, she worked in Singapore in the early 1990s. “I was in Singapore with my husband and my kids, and of course I couldn’t work as a doctor, so I was trying to find things to do,” Ptito said. “I found this lady that owned a spa and when she found out that I was doing aesthetic medicine, she just grabbed me and said, ‘come to my spa.’” Her and the spa owner began introducing cosmeceuticals, another new technology at the time that rejuvenates the skin, to Singapore clients. “When I was there, it was a very young specialty, nobody knew about it,” Ptito said. “The lady I worked with was ahead of her time. She liked to travel to Europe and North America to get ideas” In 2019, she’s still introducing ground-breaking technology to her clients, offering all of today’s hottest aesthetic services, like liquid nose jobs, a nose augmentation procedure requiring no surgery, and pearl fusion, a laser skin treatment that perfects the skin. She is especially known for a rejuvenation practice she calls the butterfly technique, where injections are strategically placed everywhere that she deems necessary instead of only in the typical areas, like the lips and nose. “It’s like photoshop with no photoshop,” Ptito said. Like a painter with their canvas, Ptito still uses that same aesthetic eye that set her apart throughout her early career to create the ideal results for her patients.

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JUST $12.99

F E AT U R E S • H E A R T • F L AVO R • H E A LT H L E S S O N S • W O R K • P L AY W W W. H E R S - M A G A Z I N E . C O M


Armi n e Ohany an is a Par is i an C outu re br and t hat of fers un i qu e pi e c e s t hat d raws i nspi r at i on f rom t he st reng t h of nature und erli ne d w it h f utur ist i c and mo d e r n v is i on . In her ne we st col le c t i on , “L et F ly,� she repres ents human b e i ng’s d e ep d es i re to f ly and d is cover t he un k now n. T he col le c t i on us e s natura l mater i a ls, su ch as s i l k, s at i n and c otton, a long w it h re c ycl e d pl ast i cs .

Armine 16

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O h a n ya n

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Melissa Vale


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+ F E AT U R E

Life On Her Own Terms BY L I N DA M U R RAY


uxury real estate agent and successful style influencer, Melissa Vale, has a sunrise-colored Instagram feed — full of bright whites, pinks and reds. However, she had to endure a difficult stretch of night before reaching her current state of euphoric daybreak. After graduating from Harvard Law School, Vale endured a near-fatal car accident, landing her in a wheelchair for four months. After re-learning to walk, her perspective on life changed. She decided to earn her real estate license and start practicing at Douglas Elliman, a real estate company in New York City. The opportunity to make an impact on social media fell into her lap when Douglas Elliman offered a two-week training course on social media. She took full advantage of the course, using her newfound social media knowledge to market her real estate properties. After a few months on Instagram, she noticed that her “Outfit of the Day” photos, taken on her iPhone by her husband, were receiving the most hits. This began her career as a style influencer. Today, Melissa gives fashion, beauty and travel tips to her 157,000 Instagram followers several times a week. “I always like the finer things and appreciate treating yourself, whether it’s a cappuccino or whatever it is, but I try to make things as accessible to my readers as possible,” Vale said. Though her colorful Instagram feed seems carefully curated, Vale says that it authentically represents her. “My style depends on the day I wake up,” Vale said. “I don’t have a strict image of myself that I always have to look a certain way in

My style depends on the day I wake up. order to perpetuate a certain image. I really dress how I feel and that is different every day.” Her fashion sense is fairly diverse, incorporating several elements of style. “Some days I may want to wear all black, and other days I may want to be more boho chic,” Vale said. “It depends on my mood, the weather and my energy. I think most people are like that.”

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+ F E AT U R E

Vale is a frequent traveler, gaining style inspiration from the cities she visits. “I guess that is where my eclectic style comes into play – I get things from here and there,” Vale said. “You go to London and people have a wonderful style there, then you go to a resort place and things are obviously different there.” Even travel destinations closer to home, like Los Angeles and her current hometown, New York City, fuel her style choices. “Of course, there’s the east coast vs. west coast vibe,” Vale said. “I try to take it all in, and then it kind of mixes into a formula and comes out as my own.” Vale writes about her travels, as well as her thoughts on fashion and beauty trends, on her online blog, TheMelissaVale. 28

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There, she houses her numerous style tips on everything from trends to basic essentials. This winter, she’ll be sharing her love for several cold weather basics — specifically the leather jacket. “I like a black leather jacket,” Vale said. “I pretty much pair it with just about anything, even a ball gown.” She even has a pink leather jacket from the brand Theory. “I feel like you can’t go wrong with a leather jacket, especially in New York,” Vale said. “I feel like I tend to rely on those a lot.” Vale continues to charge on, leather jacket in hand, to provide style advice through an authentic lens. It may be winter, but there’s no dulling her shine.


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Fall Looks to Fall For BY M E L I SSA L AW R E N C E

CLEOF Cosmetics Autumn Drama Palette

ColourPop Gimme More! Highlighter Palette Colourpop has become recently well-known for its fun palettes with awesome pigmentation. This highlighter palette will send your fall look over the top with six shimmery colors. Each shade goes well with a darker contrast in blush, so if you’re looking to add a little drama on those cheekbones for a special occasion, this is the palette for you. You can easily grab one of these on the ColourPop website. This is one of the company’s best sellers, so it might be a bandwagon to jump on for this fall. This palette will add a flare to your cheeks just like the changing leaves on the trees! $18


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People have been going bold and beautiful in the beauty world lately. When we’re in that warm Autumn mood, sometimes it’s hard to find a look that matches the vibe. Forever 21 has really stepped its game up with cosmetics, and I’ve gone through almost six different eyeshadow palettes. This one definitely catches the eye with ten gorgeous colors to choose from. The Autumn Drama Palette gives you the warm, sultry browns and reds in matte that most of us are looking for. If you’re interested in trying the bold, fresh look while staying true to fall, there are five other glittery colors that are perfect for an autumn night out on the town with your friends. CLEOF Cosmetics is vegan-friendly and the products are not tested on animals. The pigmentation on your eye is going to catch everyone else’s! $25


Essence Holo Wow! Dewy Lip Shine

As fall arrives, the weather decides to play tricks on us by drying some people’s skin out. Thankfully, this little number will keep your lips looking glossy and healthy. Matte may have been big in recent years, but gloss is back and bigger than ever. You can fight the dry season with Essence’s lip gloss that conveniently comes in a variety of super cute colors to match any occasion and any mood. The best feature about this gloss is its holographic finish. There was no animal testing involved with this product, it’s gluten free and it’s vegan friendly. $5

Peripera Speedy Brow Cara A super practical, handy, and cute trend that we see a lot of celebrities latching onto for this fall is the natural brow. Here’s the perfect product to achieve that look, especially for those students who don’t necessarily have fifteen minutes to spend on their brows in the morning! This cute little tube is great for on-the-go and gives a natural, not-to-defined look. The price is also super affordable and if you’re looking for a tint because you want your brows to be darker, this is an incredible option! Not only is it great for quick brow touch ups, but if you don’t have a steady hand and aren’t interested in shaping them up, your solution is here! You can find this product in Forever 21 apart of the Riley Rose collection. $8

Clinique Even Better Refresh Foundation

This is by far one of my favorite foundations, and its hydrating elements make it even better. Clinique is a wellknown brand, and this foundation has a beautifully thin application with a natural look. If you’re like me and find yourself feeling a tad subconscious about your pores, this foundation takes that problem away completely. Something else to appreciate about this product is its wide variety of shades, and this is TRUE variety, from the lightest to the darkest. The tube is super easy to carry around if you need a quick touch-up. This foundation is fragrance free and allergy tested. $32 | O c to ber 2 0 1 9 | H ER S Ma gazin e | 31


Patri c k Pham is a s elf - t aug ht d esi g ne r b as e d out of Par is. He cre ate d his f i rst d re ss at 2 0 - ye ars - old for a f r i end’s we d d i ng and is now a wel l- resp e c te d d es i g ner w it h show s i n France, G er many, t he Un ite d Arab E m i r ate s and t he Un ite d St ate s.

Pa t r i c k 32

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Rean Fisher


L A D I E S, W e a r Yo u r Art Out! BY B R I T TA N Y M A H E R


n the Soul Village of Atlanta’s Little Five Points lies a little realm of wonder where art and fashion combine to flaunt a colorful collection of wearable art. Each piece of jewelry tells a story of how it came to be and reflects the spirit of Rean Fisher, the creator of Enjeanious Jewels. Fisher’s wearable works of art are inspired by stories from her travels, her love of nature and deep moments of introspection. Although the artist inside of her was always stirring, it’s been a long journey for Fisher to reach true creative freedom as a designer and entrepreneur. Before she began creating wearable art full time, Fisher was navigating the corporate world as a higher-up at a large multinational company. “I did a really bold move when I left a corporate job to start Enjeanous,” Fisher said. “I was a project manager at General Electric.” Despite people’s doubts and criticism, Fisher took a chance, fully submerging herself into her art. “It didn’t look like it was the next logical step,” Fisher said. “People started really criticizing me. I could have gone back to corporate, but I refused. Like no, let me go a little further.” Once she broke free from her corporate cage, she decided to travel the world as a flight attendant. The places she visited inspired her to create art. “We traveled to Asia four times in the last two years,” Fisher said. “I love the bonsai trees, and we went to Japan at Cherry Blossom season. I was a whole nutcase about it.” The branches of the trees inspired a reoccurring theme in her art. “My new pieces have these little circle swirls that I started doing after I saw these trees — the designs I’m making are like the trees,” Fisher said. She also developed a love for natural jewelry materials, specifically beach glass, while on a trip to Glass Beach, a small stretch of island in Bermuda known for its colorful display of washed-up glass. “I cried while I carried a whole bag of sea glass around the island one day,” Fisher said. “It’s transparent, it’s beautiful and it’s natural.”

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Her art isn’t just reflective of the Earth’s natural elements, but also the emotion it evokes. Through her art, she wants to recreate the feeling she gets when she’s at her most peaceful state — lying on the beach with her feet in the water. “When I’m creating, I’m using the water and the sand and the birds and the trees,” Fisher said. “Everything about that setting is what I try to create in every piece.” Each piece of wearable art is composed of memories, which she loves to share with her customers. “When people come and ask me when I do shows, I can tell the story of each piece,” Fisher said. “Like, ‘I got this fabric when I was in Hong Kong.’ or, ‘I got these jade pieces when I had to haggle this lady, she tackled me in the aisle.’ All of these stories and experiences that I can share with people that they could relate to because they can understand when there’s a story attached to it.” Her favorite feeling as an artist is watching a person’s reaction when they put on her jewelry for the first time. “People will say, ‘I feel like a queen.’ or, ‘I feel so confident.’” Fisher said. “It’s my way of making you into a bird so you can fly away.” Fisher’s goal through her designs is to evoke a sense of confidence and empowerment within others, whether they’re at a photoshoot or wearing her jewels to the supermarket. “People will ask, ‘Where am I going to wear this to?’ and I say, ‘Wear it to the grocery store, like so what?’” Fisher said. “People really cage themselves. You can do whatever you want to do, and wear whatever you want to wear.” The places she visited inspired her to create art. “We traveled to Asia four times in the last two years,” Fisher said. “I love the bonsai trees, and we went to Japan at Cherry Blossom season. I was a whole nutcase about it.” The branches of the trees inspired a reoccurring theme in her art. “My new pieces have these little circle swirls that I started doing after I saw these trees — the designs I’m making are like the trees,” Fisher said. She also developed a love for natural jewelry materials, specifically beach glass, while on a trip to Glass Beach, a small stretch of island in Bermuda known for its colorful display of washed-up glass. “I cried while I carried a whole bag of sea glass around the island one day,” Fisher said. “It’s transparent, it’s beautiful and it’s natural.” Her art isn’t just reflective of the Earth’s natural elements, but also the emotion it evokes. Through her art, she wants to recreate the feeling she gets when she’s at her most peaceful state — lying on the beach with her feet in the water. “When I’m creating, I’m using the water and the sand and the 44

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birds and the trees,” Fisher said. “Everything about that setting is what I try to create in every piece.” Each piece of wearable art is composed of memories, which she loves to share with her customers. “When people come and ask me when I do shows, I can tell the story of each piece,” Fisher said. “Like, ‘I got this fabric when I was in Hong Kong.’ or, ‘I got these jade pieces when I had to haggle this lady, she tackled me in the aisle.’ All of these stories and experiences that I can share with people that they could relate to because they can understand when there’s a story attached to it.” Her favorite feeling as an artist is watching a person’s reaction when they put on her jewelry for the first time. “People will say, ‘I feel like a queen.’ or, ‘I feel so confident.’” Fisher said. “It’s my way of making you into a bird so you can fly away.” Fisher’s goal through her designs is to evoke a sense of confidence and empowerment within others, whether they’re at a photoshoot or wearing her jewels to the supermarket. “People will ask, ‘Where am I going to wear this to?’ and I say, ‘Wear it to the grocery store, like so what?’” Fisher said. “People really cage themselves. You can do whatever you want to do, and wear whatever you want to wear.”



Kevin L. Parker

Rean Enjeanious





NaKeera Stewart

Ashley R. Manuel



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Fall’s Favorite Accessories! BY W E N DY P H A N


all officially began in late September, and fashionistas everywhere are excited to carve pumpkins, grab a pumpkin spice latte and take in the gorgeous fall foliage. This season brings lots of seasonal fun, but shifting from a brutally hot summer to a chilly autumn can be quite stressful on your closet. You may feel that a complete wardrobe overhaul is necessary, but it’s possible to establish some fall basics without breaking the bank. Here are some wardrobe staples that will help you transition into fall, and later into winter, with ease.

Flannels Flannels are a great item to keep in your fall wardrobe because they’re soft and cozy. It gives you an instant autumn look with a bit of an edgy vibe. You can always tie your flannel around your waist if the weather warms up throughout the day, so it’s an easy piece to carry with you in case it isn’t cold enough for a heavy sweater. If you want a casual look, wear your flannel with a T-shirt, jeans and some boots or sneakers. 1. Forever 21 - Flannel Plaid Shirt Price: $19.90

1 Oversized Sweaters

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Oversized sweaters are a great way to celebrate fall. Their modest yet fashionable silhouette makes them perfect for any occasion — from the office to a night out. If you’re not a fan of layering tons of shirts to stay warm, a sweater will provide easy warmth without making you feel restricted with layers. Oversized sweaters are like mood rings — they fit your every mood — whether it’s sad, happy, cozy or energetic. 2. ASOS - Eco Chunky Sweater in Oversize with High Neck Price: $48


Scarves Let’s not forget about scarves, one of the most classic fall essentials. Scarves can be worn in casual or formal settings, and they instantly add any easy extra layer to your outfits. If you spill coffee on your go-to fall sweater, a scarf will easily cover it. They’re a great cover-up piece to have. Not only are they convenient, but they add a splash of style to a basic outfit. Scarves can be worn around your neck, your purse, as a vest and even as a hair tie. The possibilities are endless. 3. ModCloth - Outdoors Blanket Scarf Price: $19

3 Leather Jackets Investing in a good quality leather jacket is perfect for transitioning from your daytime outfit to a good nighttime fit. The material of the jacket is strong, which means it’ll last you years of fall and winter wear. They’re a great way to add an edgy look to your outfit, while still staying comfortable and warm. Leather jackets give off a luxury vibe, and they never go out of style. Similar to a scarf, you can easily pair most outfits with a leather jacket and get an instantly enhanced look.


4. ZARA - Faux Leather Jacket Price: $69.90

Ankle Boots The last thing to pair your whole look together is a good pair of ankle boots. There are so many styles of ankle boots to choose from that you can easily find a pair that fits your personality. If you’re petite, you can find heeled or wedge boots to give you an extra height boost, or flat options are available for everyday comfort. You can pair ankle boots with jeans, dresses, skirts and slacks — they’ll become your favorite fall shoe. 5. Jeffrey Campbell - Cromwell Cutout Western Boot Price: $174.95

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+ F E AT U R E

Bandelettes: Making Chub Rub a Thing of the Past BY E L L E STOVA L L


We’ve somehow managed to survive our hot girl summer, but we’re still being plagued by red, irritated and burning thighs during the early days of fall. There is nothing worse than setting out for a night on the town or your morning commute and having your thighs become your own worst enemy. “Chub rub” is something that many of us face, regardless of gender, weight, size or body structure. For years, we have tried to find solutions to help us cope, but unfortunately, biking shorts and other similar alternatives have failed us and there isn’t enough baby powder, corn starch, coconut oil or deodorant in the world to help us find solace to the dreaded thigh chaffing. Insert the angelic choir and the light beams from the heavens because someone heard our cry. Bandelettes is the solution that so many of us have searched for to help prevent thigh chafing. The founders of Bandelettes are best friends Rena Abramoff and Julia Abasova, who came up with the idea because of their own struggle with thigh chafing. Abasova spent many years trying to find solutions to prevent thigh chafing, from oils, creams and powders to shape wear. She finally decided to try cutting the thigh portions out of the shape wear and voila! She found a solution that could potentially work. Finally, one day she and Abramoff were discussing possible business ventures, and she mentioned her struggle with thigh chafing and finding a solution for others who dealt with the same issue. At that moment, Bandelettes was birthed. After much research and creating prototypes, they found a solution to defeat the age-old chub rub that has irritated so many. Bandelettes has taken off by storm, both women and men are finding them to be an answered prayer, preventing thigh chafing in a comfortable way. They offer designs for everyone, whether you’re a lover of lace or prefer something more simplistic. Abramoff stated that it was their desire to make women feel special and beautiful. If the thigh band is an attractive pattern, it is fun and lovely to wear. Bandelettes also offers a panty that provides modesty and protection against thigh irritation but has a high waist for total lower back coverage. 48

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“The panty is comfortable and breathable, but it is not shape wear”, Abasova said. Bandelettes started as a one of a kind idea, but with every great product comes an imitation. Abramoff and Abasova warn of the many imitation versions of Bandelettes that will leave many customers disappointed. Abasova emphasized there are key components to recognizing authentic Bandelettes, which you can find on their website. We can now rejoice because chub rub will be a thing of our past. As we embrace a great future with chafe-free thighs, I and many others wish we had known of them sooner. This is solution-based innovation at its finest.

+ F E AT U R E

Rena Abramoff & Julia Abasova

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A French luxur y re ady - to- we ar br and, A li an na L iu c ate rs to t he elite, d raw i ng her i nspi rat i on f rom f ai r y t a les , emphasi z i ng our col le c t ive de si re to remai n chi ld re n fore ve r. Her w i nter col l e c t i on has b e en ent i rely i nspi re d by an encounte r w it h a j el ly f ish blo om t he t i me she was su r f i ng , express e d t hrou g h t he pr i nts , color p a l e tte and p atter ns .

Alianna 50

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The Future of Fashion is



e live in a world of limits — some are physical and some cultural, but they are always individual. Lack of time, fear, stereotypes and self-doubt are just a few of its manifestations. These mindsets limit our human potential to achieve great things in life and hinder experiences that not only enrich ourselves, but also benefit society at large. There’s a reason it’s called, ‘the limitless fashion;’ it can go anywhere. For ages, I’ve heard my female constituents tell my younger friends to make sure to have at least one “little black dress.” Something simple that could be dressed up or down, in a material that wasn’t too dainty and something that could be unpacked and worn immediately, without too much grooming. Along with the perfect little black dress, there are even newer options when it comes to one dress with limitless styling options and functionality. Big box retailers such as Nordstrom and Macy’s have introduced some styles that come in bright colors, comfortable fabrics and can be worn many ways, opening a wide range of styling possibilities. One dress can be worn strapless with a wide belt, or you can take off the belt and use it as a shawl. You can even pull up one side of the dress and drape it over your shoulder for a gladiator look. Another style is the simple sleeveless sheath. Black can go anywhere, but even reds and bright blues are popping up at the office as well as formal evening affairs. Accessories such as the shoes, jewelry and even a cover-up will set the mood. Sometimes a simple change from a sweater to a Pashmina can take the exact same outfit from the desk to dinner. Limitless dressing has entered a new era as the world is being introduced to multi-functional clothes. It used to be that women ‘could’ wear a limitless dress at any occasion, but of course we didn’t. We usually don’t want to wear the same dress twice, at least not to the same crowd.


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Fashion can be two things — it can be as simple as something you put on to make yourself feel beautiful or as dynamic as something illustrative of culture, time and its transformations. As fashion month comes to an end, I thought it’d be a fun time to try to peek into the future.


Tonal Dressing Ke e p it si mpl e and st re am l i ne d w it h tona l col ors. Ne ut ra l do e sn’t ne e d to b e a l l bl a ck to l o ok sup e r sl e ek or l i mit l e ss. You c an t a ke t hi ngs up a notch by we ar i ng a l l p astels or a l l me t a l l i cs.

Square Sunglasses Who s ays you c an’t b e s qu are? C ho os e a l arge t yp e or s omet hing sub due d — t he opt ions are limit less. To ke ep it cl assic, opt for a s olid bl ack p air w it h qu adr i l atera l e dges or spice t hings up w it h p astel lens es and f rames.

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Buckle Bags Bu ck l e up, we’re goi ng on an e s c ap a de to f i nd t he ne we st it - b ag of t he s e as on. Whet her you cho os e to have an ove rsi z e d fasten i ng pl aste re d on t he c e nte r of you r handb ag or you’d pre fe r s ome t h i ng a litt l e l ow - ke y, you’re sure to lo ck d ow n a fe w compl i me nt s on t h is b ag . C o ordi nate t he ac c ess or y to your out f it or ma ke it st and out by ke e pi ng t he out f it i n cl assi c bl a ck or w hite.

Snakeskin Footwear Glide t hroug h t he st re ets w it h st y le in a p air of sna kesk in sho es. From b o ots to s and a ls, t his an ima l sk in fo ot we ar is t he p er fe c t way to t ie an out f it toget her. You don’t have to ke ep t he v ip er sk in in a t radit iona l color. O ut of t he b ox colors li ke blues or pin ks a ls o lo ok amazing w hen st y le d w it h co ordinat ing shades. Wit h sho es t his amazing , you’ l l b e t he big gest t rend-s etter out t here.


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Personalized Hair Pins C ho os e to emp ower yours elf, spre ad awareness or e ven just we ar your name — t here is a ls o no limit to how you c an st y le t hes e. Whet her you cho os e to ident if y yours elf as a b oss or a st ar, t hes e j e wels w i l l ke ep you lo ok ing st y lish and sle ek.

Dresses and Skirts Over Trousers Anot her ret ro st y le is ma k ing a comeb ack t his s e as on — we ar ing a sk ir t or a dress over a p air of p ants. St re am line your out f it by coupling a ple ate d sk ir t w it h a p air of p ants in t he s ame color. St raig ht-leg p ants w it h an elegant dress is a g re at out f it opt ion for t hos e want ing to ke ep it c asu a l and dressy a l l at once. Whet her you st y le t his t rend w it h c ute he els or comf y sne a kers, you’ l l b e t he most fashion-for ward p ers on in t he ro om.

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Confidence This is a b onus ess ent i a l for you! R egard less of w hat you add to your lo ok b efore you he ad out t he do or, b e proud and conf ident of your st y le choice and c ar r y t hat conf idence a l l d ay.


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Barry Schaich

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How a Wig Can Change a Life BY M E L I SSA L AW R E N C E


he relationship between vender and consumer is often not very personal, however, some businesses break that cycle through genuine care. The poster child for this breed of business is MadeTrue Hair, a company that offers luxury human hair wigs for people suffering from hair loss. The company’s founder, Barry Shaich, was inspired by a touching chain of events to start the business. “You know it came to be when my little girl came home and mentioned a friend’s mommy with breast cancer saying, ‘Daddy, you know she’s going to lose her hair. Is there anything we can do to help?” Shaich said. “And then I roughly, right after, a handful of days, maybe weeks, you know a buddy from college [says] ‘Barry, you know I don’t know anybody who knows anything about this, or maybe you do or don’t, but my daughter has something called alopecia. She’s been wearing hair extensions, and she probably can’t anymore. She just doesn’t have the hair to attach, and we have to make the jump to wigs. Do you know anybody or anything about this?’” From then on, it was clear to him. As a young boy, he’d fight against his mother’s wig heads in a world of imagination; now in reality, the wig heads are the ones he would be protecting, a position he never saw himself in. The effectiveness of this company’s mission can be traced back to the well-known combination of preparation and opportunity. There was a chance to help someone in more ways than one, and thankfully this was an industry that he wasn’t too unfamiliar with. “I’ve been an industry veteran for many years in beauty,” Shaich said “[I] worked for some great brands [and] was never really on the hair side until I started working with a wig manufacturer.” Through networking and making connections with other stylists in the industry, such as Camille Friend, who also shared the passion for this mission, MadeTrue Hair blossomed into the company it is today, providing wigs that “replicate


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somebody’s hair on their best hair day when they’re not having their best days.” These wig pieces are significantly less pricey than the average celebrity piece, which can begin at $6,000. Though MadeTrue Hair’s prices are still not cheap, they help organize fundraisers for customers in need who would otherwise not be able to afford the wigs. “[Community] is part of our team culture and part of the way we live our lives,” Shaich said. They also partner with other companies and charities to train stylists on how to look out for cancerous growths or other potential health issues on their clients’ heads. “We’re going to be offering an alignment with [Eyes on Cancer] on early detection education,” Shaich said “A part of the main true piece is, we are the front line of beauty professionals globally … If you’re sitting in the chair and the stylist has been trained to recognize something, let’s make sure we make a difference.” They also recently started an ambassador program to team up with entire salons. Serenza Salon, located in Seattle, Washington, is one of the first to join. “Brent Hardgrave and his salon in Atlanta will be coming on as kind of the second fully-fledged ambassador,” Shaich said. “These are groups that actually work with our hair. [They’ve] been trained and also will train on custom coloring and cutting those wigs.” Shaich has no intention of slowing the growth of this company, as they are always looking to expand. To donate hair to MadeTrue Hair, speak to your nearest hair salon.


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Hair Wonders to Highlight Your Fall Season BY M E R I L E E K E R N

With so much to choose from amid an influx of innovation, what’s truly worth “falling” for? Here are a few notable solutions: OMM Collection Haircare & Skincare – prices vary T he OMM C ol le c t ion was inspire d by t he prov i nci a l S out h of France appro ach to “natura l ism” and t he comp any’s natur a l “far m to b e aut y ” concept. Ind e e d, OM M Un i que hai r for mu l as are bl end e d w it h re volut ionar y Gre en Appl e Stem C el l and C lover Flower S e e d E xt rac t to st i mu l ate natu r a l g row t h , st rengt hen hair fol l icl es and d eliver nour ishment and t hi cken i ng . T he Shamp o o is for mu l ate d w it h t his Appl e Stem C el l E xt rac t w it h natura l oi ls of Mar u l a, Mor i ng a , Am l a and Pr i ck ly Pe ar. It’s a gent l e c onc ent rate d li g ht wash w it hout su lf ates . T he S er um is a p ower f u l i n f us i on of hair t re at ment w it h Apple Stem C el l E xt rac t and C api xy l, w hi ch pre s e r ve s t he hai r fol li cle, prov iding t hicker, he a lt h i er hai r. T he comp any ’s Hai r Mask is a r i ch, d e e p c ond it i on i ng , we i g ht l ess l e ave in t re at ment to rejuvenate, st rengt hen t he overa l l he a lt h of hai r.


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HairMax LaserBand 82 - $799 Whe n hai r loss o cc urs, it c an b e emot iona l ly ups ett i ng . O ne opt i ons is t he Hai rMax L as e r B and 82 for hair l oss and t hinning hai r, w hi ch d elivers t herap eut i c li g ht energ y to hai r fol l i cle s t h rou g h 82 me dic a l -g r ade l as ers ( no LE Ds ) . It works t hroug h t he pro cess of Photo Bi o st imu l at i on , using s afe, nour ishing l ow le vel l as er li g ht energ y to st i mu l ate hai r fol licl e s at a c el lu l ar le vel to re vers e t hinning , restore hai r’s natura l g rowt h c ycle, and promote f u l l e r, d e ns e r, longe r and st ronger hair g rowt h. FDA cle are d for b ot h men and women , it’s a ls o b e en prove n e f fe c t ive in s e ven cl inic a l stud i es . It average d an i ncre as e i n hai r count of 1 2 9 a d d it i ona l ne w hairs p er s qu are inch. The un i que c ur ve d b and d es i g n i ncor p orates p atente d hai r p ar t i ng “te e t h” t hat sif t t hroug h hair dur i ng t re at ment to a l low opt i ma l l as er li g ht d el iver y to e a ch indiv idu a l fol l icl e.

BeWeaved Hair Extensions – $175-$545 B eWe ave d Hai r E xtens i ons is an ups c a le, on li ne hai r b out i que d eliver i ng top qu a lit y hai r extens i ons and 3 D mi n k e yel ashes . Popu l ar st y les range f rom B o dy, D e ep, and L o os e Wave, to Ki n ky Curly, Si l ky St rai g ht, and Af ro Kin ky — w it h t he vers at i le li ne of extens i ons avai l abl e as s e w, t ap e, and clip- i ns . Wit h B eWe ave d Hai r E xtens i ons , you c an fe el t he d i f ference i n qu a l it y, as a l l of t hei r hai r premium- qu a lit y pro duc t s have d ouble- st itch wef ts to re duce t he chanc e s of she d d i ng . T he y us e hi g h- d emand “R emy ” hu man hai r, w hi ch me ans a l l t he c ut i cles r un i n t he s ame d i re c t i on to mi n i mi z e t ang li ng and matt i ng t hat c an o cc ur w it h ot her hai r extens i ons .

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+ F E AT U R E

The Recap You Can’t Miss Trends from NYFW S/S 2020 shows that will be everywhere this year BY CO U RT N EY A . H A M M O N DS


nother New York Fashion Week has come and gone. While this season was relatively quiet, there were still a few standout moments to highlight. Fashion month is something I’ve invested a lot of time and money in, but there’s truly nothing that brings me more joy than the rush of seeing designers’ new collections in such intimate and luxurious surroundings. Many brands are trying to navigate the changing landscape of traditional runway shows, but amidst the unknown, there were several new runway debuts worth noting. This September, the Council of Fashion Designers of America introduced a more compact schedule for New York Fashion Week, decreasing to six days of runway shows and presentations with Marc Jacobs, who closed the season once again. The initiative to trim down the schedule was spearheaded by the CFDA’s new chairman, designer Tom Ford, who assumed the role from longtime CFDA head, Diane von Furstenberg, in June. Upon his appointment as CFDA chairman, Ford said reinventing NYFW was a top priority. Let’s dive right in! There are three main umbrellas. First is NYFW, the shows, produced by IMG, the same company that produced Mercedes Benz Fashion Week. Next is Style Fashion Week, who is also the major player during LA Fashion Week. Finally, we have Fashion Gallery NYFW, which produces more intimate fashion shows ideal for designers’ debut in the fashion capital — this is my favorite of the three. FGNYFW’s Creative Director, Moore should be commended for his professionalism, expert eye and ability to think outside the box. Essentially, I thoughtfully chose to attend shows by designers whose collections I genuinely connected with. Most of these designers were moderately low-key, yet just as gifted as our favorite mainstream ones. Shows I attended included Noon by Noor, Jeremy Scott, una Yang, Christian Colorado, Irina Shabayeva, Jovana Louis, Exquisitely Joy and Yvette Crocker. From the inspiring to the unexpectedly fun, there were several standout moments from the New York Fashion Week SS20 runways. Here are a few Trends that are HERS worthy:

The Trend: The Bodysuit and Floral Revival Where we’ve seen it: Friend to the Hers team, Chromat and emerging designer, Yvette Cocker What you need to know: The dressed-up one-piece may have been one of Instagram’s favorite trends of summer 2019, but the sculpted bodysuits that ignited the runway at Chromat and Yvette Crocker’s capsule collection aren’t destined for the beach. These styles were readied for the club, with an unmistakable air of New York high-living.

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+ F E AT U R E

Featured FGNYFW designer Yvette Crocker Photos by Kevin Mock

Designer Spotlight Yvette Crocker is globally recognized for her work in ESSENCE magazine. She was the first visual artist to create custom paintings for the Horoscope section of the magazine for three consecutive years. Yvette is a self-taught visual artist and jewelry designer. A Washington D.C. native, she taught herself to paint and never looked back. She is a quintessential artist and has crafted and expanded her talents into multiple avenues to display her creative gifts. The first being her vivid and unique paintings, which are primarily influenced by women of color, love, life, fashion and music. Her original paintings appear on richly grained panels of wood. Yvette is best known for her use of bold color and mixed media. In 2011, she created Tsion (Zion) Rocks Jewelry, a custom line of one of a kind, wearable art that incorporates beads, gemstones and precious metals from all over the world. Yvette hand makes every piece of jewelry personally. She custom made jewelry for Michelle Obama and her daughters, Sasha and Malia, and things took off from there. Her third calling came to fruition when she was commissioned to create a fashion illustration for the production editor of GLAMOUR Magazine. From there, she found an outlet for her fashion obsession. She was then sought out and asked to create fashion illustrations for Russell Simmons’ Argyle Culture Fashion Show for the FGNYFW during NYFW. Following that, she had her first accessories runway show. Three NYFW shows later, she is a full-blown clothes and accessories designer. Her favorite quote is “art comes first”. 72

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+ F E AT U R E

Featured designer Irina Shabayeva Photo by Amelia Jackson

The Trend: Gothic Prom Where we’ve seen it: Irina Shabayeva and Oscar de la Renta What you need to know: Flounce and volume are still on the menu for SS20, subject to one key update — switch out the fuchsia and lilac for black. The all black prom dress is inspiring an elegant take on a retro debutante styling fit for the dawn of a new decade.

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+ F E AT U R E

Featured designer b. Adorn Photo by Amelia Jackson

The Trend: Fringe Galore Where we’ve seen it: b. Adorn and the Blonds What you need to know: Fringe rocked the runway in skirts, dresses, jewelry and pants this year. Fringe was everywhere! Many designs featured a metallic flapper style. So, will 2020 be anything — in fashion — like the roaring ‘20s?

From a perspective of being entertained, of taking notes on certain looks, saving them, scrutinizing them and trying to understand the details behind them, NYFW was a pleasurable fashion lesson in how fashion evolves. See you next season!


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Cindy Kim 76

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Unicorn of Pregnancy Pampering: Mommy-to-Be Facials BY E L L E STOVA L L


here is so much excitement that surrounds the discovery that you’re expecting a child. You immediately begin to think about names, the baby’s sex, breast feeding vs. bottle feeding, diaper brands, etc. The options are limitless. Shortly after, pregnancy begins to change our bodies, especially our skin. Some of us didn’t get the mythical pregnancy glow we were all looking forward to, instead feeling betrayed by our skin as it took on a life of its own, creating problems that were previously nonexistent or exaggerating an issue that we were already battling. When it came to our pregnancy skin, we were fed the myth that there were no solutions and to just accept it, because everything would affect our little one and, of course, that was not an option. So, without options and often with misguided information, we waved our white flag of surrender to the plague of over oily or dry skin, acne and dark spots, while waiting for the baby to arrive. In the process, we were crossing our fingers, hoping that our skin returned to our flawless prepregnancy nature. Now, many moms-to-be are discovering that they do not have to accept defeat when it comes to their skin, because there are safe and healthy options to deal with the skin issues that most often accompany pregnancy. The Silver Mirror Facial Bar has a menu of great offerings for ‘no-frills facials’ that are solution-based and results-driven. Among their services, you will find the popular, ‘Mom-toBe’ facials for women who are trying to get pregnant, are pregnant, postnatal or are nursing moms. Cindy Kim and her partner, Matt Maroone, founded the Silver Mirror Facial Bar over four years ago. They were motivated to provide clarity for consumers when it came to skincare. It appeared that many American consumers did not understand the importance of regular facials, as did the consumers in Europe, Asia or Brazil, where facials are a regular part of skincare regimen. Kim, who previously lived in Korea, stated, “Women would get facials every week. It is what you did to maintain

and take care of your skin; it was a very important part of your routine.” As they were creating their menu of services, they wanted to include something for expecting mothers because they noticed there weren’t many solutions or services available for their skincare needs. Soon-to-be moms often have many complications with their skin, so the Mom-to-Be facial includes cleansing, exfoliation and deep hydration with products that are pregnancy safe and botanically derived. Every facial finishes with an oxygen-filled treatment, which includes over 80 minerals and vitamins that are infused into the skin, and LED therapy that is safe for the baby. It is their goal to establish a long-term relationship with their clients since skincare is ever-changing. They encourage their clients to return monthly to continue their regimen to work through their skincare concerns and towards their goals. The Silver Mirror has locations in New York City on the Upper Eastside and the Flat Iron district and a location in the DuPont Circle neighborhood of Washington, D.C. Kim and her team work continuously to keep their services fresh and innovative. “We never want our menu to feel stale,” said Kim, who travels to Korea throughout the year to search out the newest and most effective products, tools and technologies for her clients. So, as you prepare to welcome your little one, pamper yourself with a ‘Mom-to-Be’ facial. Your skin will be radiant, and you will look amazing in those future midnight feedings.

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JUST $12.99

F E AT U R E S • H E A R T • F L AVO R • H E A LT H L E S S O N S • W O R K • P L AY W W W. H E R S - M A G A Z I N E . C O M


Step Sporty Into Fall BY L AU R E N D I XO N


ow that cooler weather is approaching, it’s time to reflect this transition in our shoe game. A unique blend of versatile fabrics and are breaking the mold in this year’s shoe trends. From relaxed looks to stylish designs, here’s a look at the trends that will keep a pep in your step as summer winds down.










Nike Air Pegasus Known for their versatile, light wear, Nike does not disappoint with this purple, galaxy blended sneaker. The style comes in five colors to create your own unique look.

Steve Madden Wedgie This suede sneaker wedge is a new twist on a Steve Madden favorites, coming in a multitude of style variations and color options.

Adidas UltraBoost Adidas embraces the no-tie laces look while keeping comfort a priority with this durable, breathable sneaker. It comes in two inverse color combinations. 80

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Coach C220 High Top For a designer option, Coach delivers with this high-top funky sneaker. This shoe tackles the pastel trend with a cool twist.




Skechers GoWalk5 The original comfort shoe, Skechers’ memory foam is the stuff of legends. This shoe comes in five color options.




Chuck Taylor Leather GoreTex Waterproof

Converse went all in with these luxurious platform Chucks that are sure to grab attention while simultaneously keeping you warm and dry.

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Simplify Your Life with12 Classic Wardrobe Essentials W


ith fast fashion dominating the scene, many closets are inundated with disposable garments that are quickly replaced by the next big trends. Stop the madness and simplify your life with these 12 essential wardrobe pieces that will never go out of style. The theme for these pieces is versatility. They can be mix, matched and layered which ultimately extends the life of your wardrobe and, best of all, your bank account!

1. Classic White T-Shirt Vince / Essential Crewneck Pima Cotton Tee

The cl assi c w hite T- sh i r t is t he u lt i mate wardrob e work hors e. It c an b e a p er fe c t l aye r i ng pi e c e und e r a sp ag he tt i st rap dress . It c an a ls o b e d re ss e d up w it h a sk i r t and a cce ss or i e s or dress e d dow n w it h a p ai r of j e ans .

2. Denim Jacket Madewell / The Jean Jacket in Pinter Wash

A j e an j acket is a cl ass i c , go- to pi e c e for w he n you are r ushi ng out t he d o or. It c an b e p ai re d w it h just ab out anyt h i ng and c an b e t i e d around t he w aist as an a cce ss or y or wor n u nder a c o at as a l aye r i ng pi e c e.


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3. Perfect Pair of Jeans DL1961 Coco Mid Rise Curvy Straight

There is not hi ng more cl ass i c t han t he p e r fe c t p ai r of j e ans. It is t he p er fe c t w ard rob e st aple for l oung i ng arou nd at home or an e ven i ng out w it h f r i e nds .

4. Romper Megan Huntz / Caitlyn Romper

The romp er is not one you wou ld nor ma l ly s e e on a l ist l i ke t his, but it re a l ly s i mpl i f i e s your out f it opt i ons. It’s b asi c a l ly a one- stop out f it t hat you c an t h row on and b e out t he do or in a matter of mi nute s . What c an b e b ette r t han t hat ?

5. Little Black Dress Black Halo / Classic Jackie O dress

The LBD is a cl ass i c w ard rob e e ss e nt i a l w he n you have s ome w here sp e ci a l to go. T h i n k Aud re y He pbu r n or Ja ck i e O, and you’ l l ne ve r go w rong .

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6. Outerwear Coat Everland / The Drape Trench Coat

Whet her it’s a t re nch c o at or a moto j a cke t , an oute r we ar co at is a must on t hos e c old w i nte r n i g ht s. It is a s e as ona l ne cessit y t hat c an b e a maj or st ate me nt pi e ce a cce ntu at i ng you r i ndiv i du a l it y.

7. Black Cigarette Pants Theory / Belt Cigarette Fixture Ponte Pants

Cig arette p ants are a g re at w ay to br i ng a cl e an, t ai l ore d l o ok to you r w ardrob e. We ar it w it h a T- sh i r t or a button- up shi r t , you just c an’t go w rong w it h a cl ass i c pi e ce l i ke t his.

8. Blazer Cinq à Sept / Crepe Khole Blazer

The bl az er is a ve rs at i l e pi e c e t hat c an b e wor n to t he of f i ce, atop a c o ckt ai l d re ss or w it h a T- sh i r t and j e ans. It c an a ls o b e a sub st itute to t he j e an j a cke t w he n you ne e d s ome t hi ng a bit dressi er for t hos e bre e zi e r ni g ht s .


| HERS Ma gazi ne | O c tober 2019 |


9. Button-Up Shirt Ann Mashburn / Icon Shirt

Who do es n’t l ove a cl ass i c button up shi r t ? It’s an a d apt abl e pie ce t hat c an b e wor n w it h any t h i ng and i n s o many ways. It c an b e dress e d up or d ow n and mo d i f i e d by t y i ng t he f ront , rol ling up t he sl e e ve s or p oppi ng t he c ol l ar.

10. Statement Accessories Her New Tribe Earrings

Wit h t he t r adit i ona l shap e s and s i l houe tte s of t he wardrob e ess ent i a ls , ac c ess or i e s b e c ome e sp e c i a l ly i mp or t ant for indiv i du a l i z i ng an out f it . E ar r i ng s and pu rs e s are a g re at way to spi c e t hi ngs up w it h c ol or and one - of-a -k i nd de si g ns.

11. Sneakers or Flats Vince Warren Slip-On White Sole Platform Sneaker

Whet her it’s a si mple b a l l e t f l at or a slip- on sne a ke r, ma ke su re it is v ar i able e noug h to round out an out f it for t he of f i ce or a c asu a l n i g ht out . It is e ss e nt i a l to have a de p e nd abl e p ai r of sho es t hat w i l l t a ke you c om for t ably f rom d ay to ni g ht .

12. Heels Sam Edelman Danna Pointed Toe Stiletto

Whi le f l ats of fer c om for t , it is a lw ay s n i ce to have opt i ons, esp e c i a l ly i f t hat opt i on i nclud e s a g re at p ai r of he els. He els br ing l engt h to a woman’s le g s and c an b o ost he r conf i de nce.

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Jürg König 86

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Making a Case for Kitchen Ingredients in Skincare BY S H E RO N SY LV EST R E


he cosmetics industry is influenced by the food industry, as many raw materials that are used in kitchens have been adopted by makeup creators. “Actually, food trends have influenced cosmetics quite a lot for many years,” said Jüstrich Cosmetics CEO Jürg König. “So many superfoods were first used by the food industry and now come to the cosmetic industry. The advantage is that the consumer already knows those superfood ingredients and are, therefore, very interested to also use those powerful ingredients on the skin.” Berneck, Switzerland, is home to the company’s state-of-the-art research and development laboratory. The Swiss, family-owned company is known for producing exclusive cosmetics from natural ingredients. König said the company’s philosophy is that to produce something good, you must use the best ingredients. For its skin care lines, Jüstrich uses active ingredients, vitamins, minerals, trace elements and Alpine herbs. “Beauty is an overall concept,” König said. “To have great skin, it is essential for all of us to select both food and cosmetic products carefully and of highest quality.” Innovative approaches and openness to new ideas are a long-standing tradition at Jüstrich. The company develops creams, serums, lotions, sprays, mousses, shampoos and exfoliants — all specially tailored to the requirements of its customers. Many successful international beauty products have their origins in their laboratory. In fact, Konig shared that they “have several ready-made product concepts, which can be adapted to fit the customer’s target market.” Extracts of hemp, pea, chia and peppermint are some of the raw ingredients used in Jüstrich’s skin care products. Pea extract promotes hair growth, chia extract soothes sensitive skin and the refreshing, vitalizing fragrance of peppermint is a popular essential oil in creams.

König’s favorite formula, though, are the CBD ampoules. “It provides beauty-shots for the skin,” König said. “It’s a power booster for your skin.” According to König, the highly concentrated serum provides “an instant effect.” “These CBD Ampoules provide intense, longlasting moisture and ensure a pleasant feeling of freshness,” König said. “The fine hemp extract supports the regeneration of skin cells and has an antiinflammatory and soothing effect. Moreover, the serum normalizes the skin’s natural function and counteracts skin aging for a noticeably younger appearance. Beauty experts predict a huge rise in ampoules.” At the PLMA trade fair in Amsterdam in May 2019, Jüstrich Cosmetics presented a wide range of innovative hemp-based cosmetics lines. The liposomal method of delivery used by Jüstrich Cosmetics makes the ingredients in CBD particularly effective, as they are able to penetrate into deeper layers of the skin. “Whether it is energy cosmetics, oxygenated cosmetics or cosmetics made from superfoods, we keep up to date with all current trends and we are always on the ball with contemporary market-attractive products,” König said.

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| HERS Ma gazi ne | O c tober 2019 |


Milliner & Accessory Designer Otis Damón

Millinery, or hat-making, is the design, manufacture and sale of hats and head-wear, especially for women. Some say that no one in Atlanta, GA, does it better than Otis Damón. The New York native has been designing women’s hats for more than 30 years. His shop is located in downtown Atlanta, where he designs and sells custom and ready-to-wear hats. The styles range from beanies to wide-brim fedoras that incorporate material such as leopard print, para sisal, velour, beaver felt, fur, and Austrian crystal. Somewhat of a stylist, he is careful to advise customers on hats that fit the shape of their face, as well as their personal style. Damón has created custom brims for celebrities including Alicia Keys, Patti Labelle, Victoria Rowell, Robin S., Gabrielle Union, Margaret Avery, and Musiq SoulChild.

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