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Volume 6, Issue 6 February 2020 (Health/Fitness Edition) Editor-in-Chief, Annette Johnson Managing and Online Editor, Gabby Dance Fashion Editor, Dr. Courtney A. Hammonds Creative Director, Michelle Lynch Design Director, Joey Shepherd Page Layout and Design, Kiryl Lysenka Associate Editor, Grace Kelley Design Assistant, Reni Candelier Marketing Associate, Viktar Khalimonchyk Sales Associate, Linda Papatsie Staff Writers: Njeri Dean Melissa Lawrence Wendy Phan Piera Van de Wiel Contributors: Jackie Backman Merilee Kern Frank Kilpatrick Liza Kindred Cat Kom Miriam Pascal Kathleen Trotter Editorial Interns: Mustafa Abubaker Hannah Chalker Avanti Tolbert Cover Mandy Rose Sonya Deville Photo Courtesy of WWE Customer Service For subscription service or change of address, including email, contact or write P.O. Box 1071, Atlanta, GA 30301 Hers (ISSN 2372-3785) is published six times per year by Allwrite Communications, 3300 Buckeye Road, Suite 264, Atlanta, GA 30341 770-284-8983
February 2020 F E AT U R E D S T O RY 14 Ski Racer Alex Tilley Maintaining discipline on the slopes and hopes of winning
24 WWE Superstar Dana Brooke
Using her platform to empower and inspire after a tragic loss
YOUR NEXT FUN-RUN VACATION 5 Women-Focused Races Every Runner Should Try.
HER FLAVOR 11 Not Your Average Ponytail
Cute and easy hairstyles to wear to the gym
28 The Cost of Looking like a Celebrity
HER HEART 59 Spice Up Your Romance 5 Most Surprising Ways to Have More Sex in 2020
Get the inside scoop from fitness gurus on how to make the most of your first group gym experience
Plastic surgery expectations v. reality and the truth about body dysmorphia
30 Luxury Athleisure
Fierce + Regal will have you wanting to hit the gym… or at least consider it
HER LESSONS 50 Defusing Anxiety & Negativity
How to prioritize gratitude and block bad thoughts
ON THE COVER 40 Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville WWE’s Twin Flame Duo
HER WORK 56 6 Smart Digital Health & Fitness Solutions These devices will make your athome workouts a little bit easier
H E R H E A LT H 12 You Are Not Your Unhealthy Thoughts
Tips on strengthening your “Say No” muscle
27 Best Workout Tips for Women by SWEAT OnDemand
Transform your fitness routine in 2020 with the best workout tips for women
34 Warm and Kosher Food Easy kosher recipes to make this winter
37 Meal Prep Mania
5 tips to plan your meals like a pro
38 Exercises That Can Improve Mental Health
6 exercises that are sure to get your endorphins going and help clear your mind
60 Three-Step Meditation Meditation for people who hate meditating
H E R P L AY 52 Book: 'The Anti-Cookbook' An in-depth review on a cookbook that is different from the rest
53 Book: 'Water Wellness'
The handbook for healing your body through hydration
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F E AT U R E S • H E A RT • F L AVO R • H E A LT H LESSONS • WORK • PLAY W W W. H E R S - M A G A Z I N E . C O M 6 HERS Mag azine
Editor’s Letter
ur special edition for February is dedicated to health and wellness, and in doing so, we have spotlighted amazing women who have defined their life’s work as building their body, competitive sports careers and mental outlook while helping others to do so as well. The ladies on the cover hail from professional wrestling, where women have not been historically represented. Their presence represents an achievement for women, as well as a model for others who seek entry into male-dominated professions. Mandy Rose is well known for her prowess in the ring, but she is also an burgeoning entrepreneur who encourages others to be independent both economically and psychologically. Her best friend and twin flame, Sonya Deville, also represents a different kind of independence, one from social oppression or scrutiny for her lesbian lifestyle. Each woman entertains us but wants people to know they are real and have challenges to overcome just like everyone else. We also feature another professional wrestler, Dana Brooke, who has used her media platform to likewise inspire, support and entertain. Her story includes tragedy and victory, something we can all relate to on different levels. While wrestling is certainly not the only type of fitness lifestyle we
focus on, as we include professional skier Alex Tilley, we include lots of personal tips and advice on how readers can improve their health and wellness on a daily or regular basis. For those who either must or have chosen to undergo plastic surgery to correct or enhance their physical form, we feature an interview with one of Atlanta’s top plastic surgeon. He provides insight into how and why plastic surgery should be considered miraculous and potentially dangerous, not because of potential side effects. As always, we include other special features such book reviews. We reviewed “Water Wellness” by Kriss Smolka to offer supplemental focus on important health and fitness matters like hydration. Other special article topics include tips on meal prep and hair care for the gym. For our competitive runners, we highlighted five races around the country that every racer should try. And there’s much more… Read and enjoy every page, and as always, remember to share it. Enjoy,
JACKIE BACKMAN Jackie Backman is a working mom, writer and OG YouTuber who holds a degree in Journalism from San Francisco State University. Her favorite topics include sexual health, beauty, and pop culture. She currently lives in the beautiful Silicon Valley with her partner, their 5-year-old daughter, and a fabulous kitty named Lola. Contact her on Instagram at @beautychaoticofficial. CAT KOM Cat Kom is the CEO of Studio SWEAT OnDemand, an online service that provides real-time streaming of popular group fitness classes, including spinning and TRX. SWEAT OnDemand lets members workout in a group fitness class from anywhere online. Kom leads several classes out of the company’s San Diego, California, studio. She designed the Spin Sculpt workout, which combines strength training with spinning. MERILEE KERN An executive producer and writer, Merilee Kern is an internationally regarded consumer product trends expert and hospitality industry voice of authority on travel, dining, leisure and lifestyle. Marketplace innovation, change-makers, and the movers and shakers are on her radar. She reports on destinations, experiences, special events, newsworthy products and categorical services. She is currently based in San Diego. FRANK KILPATRICK Frank Kilpatrick is a co-founder of the Gratitude Musical/Visual meditation series, a daily mindfulness engagement tool. He created the series alongside Grammy Award-winning Producer Alex Wand and bilingual composer and performer Rayko. Kilpatrick is a Hollywood songwriter turned investor, mentor, and entrepreneur specializing in mindful health and spiritual wellness advocacy. He is responsible for the Gratitude, a 8 HERS Mag azine | D epar tment
daily mindfulness engagement tool. He is currently based in Los Angeles. KATHLEEN TROTTER A fitness expert, media personality, personal trainer, writer, life coach, certified Pilates and ELDOA instructor, and overall health enthusiast, Kathleen Trotter holds a M.Sc. from the University of Toronto as well as a nutrition diploma from the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition. Her passion is motivating others to “find their fit” and provides one-onone training to clients ranging from endurance athletes to individuals living with Parkinson’s disease and osteoporosis to everyday people. She is currently based in Toronto where she owns a personal training studio. MIRIAM PASCAL Miriam Pascal is the founder of, one of the world’s leading destinations for kosher recipes, with hundreds of thousands of monthly visitors. A self-taught cook and baker, Miriam shares her passion for recipes, food, and photography on her website, as well as in her popular food column in Mishpacha Magazine’s Family Table. Her second cookbook, Real Life Kosher Cooking has become a kitchen staple. Miriam has garnered a large and loyal following of home cooks who appreciate her expertise and experience in creating simple, family-friendly recipes that fit the lifestyles of busy people who want to serve nutritious and delicious meals. Pascal is currently based in New York. LIZA KINDRED Liza Kindred created EFF THIS! Meditation, where she offers mindfulness practices to cynics, skeptics, and workaholics. She is also the founder of Mindful Technology™ where she teaches companies how to build tech that values humans more than machines. Kindred is a licensed minister, a level two reiki practitioner, and a terrible but passionate surfer.Having clients such as Vogue Magazine, Microsoft, Hearst, and FedEx, Liza’s story has been written about in The New York Times, Wired Magazine, Well+Good, The Telegraph, and Entrepreneur Magazine. She is currently based in New York.
Febr ur y 2 0 2 0 | H ERS M ag az ine 9
#themeeyesee Self-Awareness for 2019 and Beyond
ers magazine wants to remind women: “What you think of yourself is more important than what others think of you.” using #themeeyesee hashtag to promote greater self-awareness, the magazine wants women to begin to visualize, declare and pursue the person they can rightfully become. We believe that the way we see ourselves propels us on the path to who we will ultimately become, driving our thoughts, actions, habits, and lifestyles. Thus, declaring an intention of our ideal selves can motivate us to achieve our goals.
Ask Yourself: Am I living up to my core values and personal mission? Am I being a person others can respect? Am I respecting my body the way I should?
#themeeyesee is a movement with the purpose of encouraging and challenging women to become the people they want to be in the new year and beyond. This is not a New Year’s resolution, but a public pact and declaration. We will feature the posts on the Hers magazine website, #themeeyesee website and Hers magazine social media platforms:
Am I meeting the expectations I set for others? Am I using my talents fully? Am I performing at my peak capacity? Am I giving my family and friends my most and my best? Am I engaging in worthy activity? Am I making a positive impact on the world? Am I on the path to my preferred future? Readers and others should post a short video or a selfie online with the hashtag to declare their unique vision for the future. They should then also challenge 5-7 friends in the post to make their own #themeeyesee declaration and agree to be accountability partners for 2016 to ensure their success.
10 HERS Mag azi n e
41 | M a rch / A p r i l 2 0 1 6 | H ER S M a gaz i n e |
TO WEAR TO THE GYM The time of year when women begin to work off the holiday feasts is finally here! It’s time to work off grandma’s famous turkey and dressing and head to the gym to get our bodies right for some summertime fun! Now, you may be feeling a little hesitant to go to the gym and workout because of the postworkout hair struggle. If there’s two things we women don’t play about, they’re our families and our hair. Luckily, gym workouts aren’t one of those activities that include the whole family, so there’s only one thing that requires our immediate attention. If you’re looking for ways to manage your hair during your wild workouts, you’re in luck. Here are five hairstyles that will protect your hair while you show your body some very beneficial care: 1. HIGH PONYTAIL
This gym-time style is cute, yet courageous. It works perfectly for long, luscious hair, and it’s super simple to create.
Since you’re probably going to mess it up anyways, your hairstyle doesn’t really have to be perfect. Messy buns are really fun and cute, and they keep your hair out of your face and off of your neck while you work up those heavy sweats.
Planning on doing a lot of bending or other downward motions? Slick your hair back into a low ponytail and go for those refreshing downward poses! 3. TWO BRAIDS
Going for more of a sporty look? Two French braids is the style for you, then. These braids let those around you know that you don’t play around when it comes to your fitness routines. Plus, they’ll leave some killer waves behind when you take them out!
If you’re someone who hates having any loose hair flying while you work out, a fishtail braid will surely be your cup of tea. Not only are these braids uniquely beautiful, but they also provide you with that “girly” feeling that you may long for during tough workouts.
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+ H E R H E A LT H
12 HERS Mag azi n e
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e all — to varying degrees — experience self-sabotaging thoughts. Everyone’s internal dialogue is capable of churning out “negative brain propaganda” strong enough to rationalize almost anything. We all have days when we don’t want to work out. We all have cravings. But even though we may think about something, we don’t necessarily have to follow through with it. Thoughts are not facts. Thoughts are not actions. You can think, “I want to skip a workout,” but not skip. You can think, “I want to eat that entire cake,” but not eat it. Thinking about something doesn’t make the indulgence unavoidable. The healthier and the less healthy among us all have the same human urges; but it’s the ways in which we manage our desires and negative brain propaganda that matters. Train your “say no” muscle. Train your brain not to succumb to your negative brain propaganda. Train your brain to say, “My future self will be happier if I don’t give in to this craving and work out instead.”
EMBRACE THE FACT THAT YOU ARE NOT YOUR UNHEALTHY THOUGHT! We all have unhealthy thoughts. Just because you have an unhealthy thought doesn't mean you have to act on it.
ADOPT MY NOT PROTOCOL OF IMPULSE CONTROL N stands for no. Train yourself to be aware. Note the unhealthy urge. Then tell yourself, “NO, I will not do that. I am not my unhealthy thought. This craving or urge is not what I do, who I am or who I want my future self to be.” O stands for being open to change. Work to understand what is driving your craving. Do you feel sad, bored or tired? If so, figure out why and work to change those feelings. For example, if you’re drinking an energy booster because a lack of sleep has left you exhausted, modify your priorities so that you are able to get more sleep. Ask yourself, “Where has my current thinking gotten me thus far?” If you are not happy with the answer, then ACT to solve. Take small steps if needed, but make sure that some type of progress is being made. Don't just wish for better health—make a plan. Health is an active process! T stands for time. Make yourself hit the “pause” button on your craving. Distract yourself. Break free of destructive thoughts. Play a game, go for a walk, get involved in a fun conversation, or put together a puzzle. Ideally, don't put yourself into situations where you need the NOT protocol—e.g., don't keep junk food in the house; that way you can't overindulge when depressed.
EMBRACE THE “REFRAME” Too many of us give in to the “this workout isn’t worth doing if I can’t do it perfectly” or “I can indulge just this once” negative brain propaganda. Missed workouts do matter. Indulgences do matter. These choices often snowball into bad weeks or bad months. Negative spirals can hurt you more than good days can help you! Time for a reframe. Reframe “bad” workouts as “critical workouts”! Reframe “resisting the craving” as more important than “finding the perfect diet”! Doing a partial workout when you can’t do your full workout and resisting the urge to go full-on crazy with your splurge will help you do three things: maintain your healthy momentum, maintain the compound interest of healthy habits you have accrued through previous healthy choices, AND teach you that you are the “type” of person who follows through.
FINAL THOUGHT I am not arguing that you should only eat vegetables. Just use my “love it” rule for indulgences — mindfully consuming a small portion of something you love. Don't eat something just because it’s there. Pick a treat you will really enjoy and savor it. You aren’t a robot. You will fall off your health horse from time to time. When you fall, recourse as quickly as possible — don’t let the less-than-ideal habit happen twice. Don’t let being human be fodder for negative spirals. Don’t miss two workouts. Don’t enjoy multiple treats. Also, learn from the experience. When you fall, get up, learn and grow. You wouldn’t miss work just because your negative brain propaganda said, “I don’t feel like it.” So, find ways to show up for your health even when you don’t want to. Febr uar y 2 0 2 0 | H ERS M ag az i ne 13
+ H E R F E AT U R E S
Alex Tilley hurtles around obstacles. (Photo/Vanessa Fry)
14 HERS Mag azi n e | Features
+ H E R F E AT U R E S
"I think ski racing is probably one of the few sports where females are equally supported as the males.”
As a child, I met current rising star for British ski racing Alexandra “Alex” Tilley at the British Ski Academy in Les Houches, France, a place where young girls and boys eager to ski fast, flock to perfect their craft, breaking records and paving the way for a career in ski racing. Now, 26-year-old Tilley is a member of the Great Britain Alpine World Cup Ski Team with European and world championships under her belt, including the PyeongChang 2018 Olympics with her team coming fifth in the team event. I sat down with Tilley off the slopes to discuss her successful career in ski racing and the home she and I both found in the sport — a home where men and women are valued equally.
FROM SCHOOL STUDENT TO FULL-TIME ATHLETE Born in Torphins, a village in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, Tilley started ski racing when she was 8 years old at her local club, the Gordon Skiers, and she never looked back. Her passion for racing continued to grow. “I just loved challenging myself in some way, and skiing was a great way to do it,” Tilley said. “It wasn’t until I was about 15 [years old] that I really started to appreciate the ski racing lifestyle and it made me realize that I wanted to take it a little more seriously. I definitely appreciated my time in the mountains at the British Ski Academy more than I did my time in the school classroom.” She then decided to leave school to pursue her ski racing career, a bold decision that paid off. “I never had any real ambition to go to university or to further my studies,” Tilley said. “I spent so much time away from school in my later years, I slowly started to realize I didn’t have a lot in common with many of the people in my peer group at school, but I was starting to build some really strong relationships in the ski world.” This felt right to Tilley and she learned how to become a full-time athlete.
Alex Tilley sports an awesome goggles tan off the slopes. (Photo/ Vanessa Fry)
IT TAKES DISCIPLINE Tilley races in the technical disciplines, which are giant slalom and slalom. However, she loves to spend time on her Super G skis to feel the true meaning of speed down the slopes. Her favorite is giant slalom where she has had the most success and feels she has the biggest potential. Tilley’s training program changes a lot during different periods of the season. She spends her summers focusing on her fitness with road biking and weights lifting. During the winter months, it’s about managing energy levels during training so she’s ready for the stacked race program ahead. Her ambition is “to ski about six to eight runs of high quality, with high focus training each day, and maximize recovery and rest time as [she] travels between venues.” Having representation and role models to look up to is important when training to be a ski racer. American ski racer Lindsay Vonn and British racer Chemmy Alcott were those female leaders for our generation. There wasn’t one ski racer who didn't have their signatures signed in permanent ink on Febr uar y 2 0 2 0 | H ERS M ag az i ne 15
+ H E R F E AT U R E S
Alex Tilley at PyeongChang Winter Olympics. (Photo/Andy Ryan)
their catsuits. Tilley, as a British ski racer, looks up to Chemmy and has always appreciated her input and advice. Another inspiration to Tilley is Dave Ryding, who is gaining huge respect for British skiers. His work ethic and commitment are even more impressive than his results and he is a great role model for any young athlete.
other. “It’s fun to see some of the younger ones who are so passionate about the sport, pushing themselves to be better,” she said. Having ambition, drive and goals within the sport is also incredibly important. Tilley aspires one day to win a World Cup race. She remarked, “That feeling of being the fastest in the world on that day would be something quite special.” When setting and achieving goals, you can put a lot of pressure on yourself, but Tilley reminds herself “just to enjoy what it is to be a skier.” She added, “Our lifestyle lends itself to seeing and experiencing so many amazing places, and it can be so easy to forget those parts when you get stressed about results.” Racing is about having command of your mind and your body and it’s imperative to train both. It takes patience and time, and for Tilley, she loves to work with mindfulness and making sure she is present and in the moment, so she is not distracted by the thoughts and anxieties of race day. Ultimately, Tilley feels it is important to not try to live up to the picture that has been painted and to add extra pressure on yourself. She feels that if you stay honest and open with yourself, you can take confidence from what you have achieved, not who you think you are.
EQUALITY Equal representation in sports is often unbalanced, particularly when discussing equal pay between the male and female players. However, when chatting about this with Tilley, she stated, “I have to say that I think ski racing is probably one of the few sports where females are equally supported as the males. Mikaela Shiffrin has out earned the best men over the past two seasons of ski racing, and I feel a lot of pride in our sport for that reason. I certainly feel like my sponsors, Quinn Estates, see me as an equal to the male athletes, and that is really important.” Tilley hopes that this equal support continues to spread to athletes across the board in all disciplines of sports in the world.
EVOLUTION Developing into a role model for younger ski racers, she stays at Team Evolution during the season, often around some of the younger racers. Sometimes they even train alongside each 16 HERS Mag azi n e | Features
Alex Tilley posing with her trophies and medals at the GB Alpine Championships. (Photo/Vanessa Fry)
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F E AT U R E S • H E A R T • F L AVO R • H E A LT H L E S S O N S • W O R K • P L AY W W W. H E R S - M A G A Z I N E . C O M Febr uar y 2 0 2 0 | H ERS M ag az i ne 17
+ H E R H E A LT H
For those new to fitness, walking into a group exercise can be intimidating. At larger gyms, you may find it difficult to get started as there are so many options to choose from. The rise of boutique gyms offers more specified workouts, typically focusing on a specific type of exercise. A boutique fitness studio is a small gym that focuses on group exercise and specializes in one or two areas of exercise. The boutique experience is more intimate than that of larger gyms, as the groups are smaller. We interviewed several specialists from different fitness boutiques in order to best prepare you for your new workout adventure. If you’re scared to go alone, grab a friend who is also interested in exercise! 18 HERS Mag azi n e
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YOGA For those who are looking for a calm mind and fullbody workout, Kelly Tuner, E-RYT and Director of Education for YogaSix, the nation’s leading boutique yoga brand, offers the following tips for your first yoga class:
Eat light “Eat something with a nice balance of calories from protein, fat and carbs to give you fuel a couple of hours before the practice, Tuner said. “You shouldn’t be hungry, but you also should avoid being full.” Come Hydrated “The most important suggestion I make for people before coming to their first yoga practice is to come hydrated,” Tuner said. “Make sure you’re drinking enough water in the 24 hours leading up to that initial practice to avoid feeling faint as you start to sweat.” Dress for Success “It should come as no surprise that you will likely sweat while taking your first yoga class,” Tuner said. “Because of the sweat, form fitting attire tends to hold up better in the practice than baggy, loose clothing that get weighed down with the sweat.” Customize Your Practice “Implementing modifications that suit your body is key,” Tuner said. “Using blocks in your yoga practice is a great way to modify poses, without compensating the integrity of the movement.”
FAQS FOR YOGA NEWCOMERS ANSWERED BY KELLY FROM YOGASIX What equipment should a yoga newcomer bring for their first class?
“The great thing is, you don’t need much,” Tuner said. “Typically, you want to bring a yoga mat and a bottle of water. If you’re taking a heated or more vigorous style of yoga, you might consider bringing a yoga mat towel (or even a beach towel) to put on the mat to absorb sweat. A lot of studios offer mat and towel rentals, so if you are just testing it out you might rent one before investing in your own.” What makes yoga your ideal mind and body workout? Why should people try it out?
“I’ve never regretted a yoga class,” Tuner said. “I always leave feeling physically better in my body, and calmer and clearer in my mind. It’s a win-win… you won’t regret it.” What are the benefits of taking a group fitness class?
“Accountability and community! It’s great to build relationships with a studio – the teachers, the other students, the staff – as a way to feel connected and committed to returning,” Tuner said. “Plus, many studios are well equipped with great facilities and amenities, such as supportive flooring, comfortable environment (like added heat and humidity), props. Best of all, you’re less likely to be distracted by your cell phone, your computer, or your cat.” Febr uar y 2 0 2 0 | H ERS M ag az i ne 19
+ H E R H E A LT H
ROWING For your first rowing class, Caley Crawford, NASM CPT and Director of Education for Row House, a high-energy and low-impact boutique rowing concept, offers the following:
Seek Help for Setup “Correct setup in the footholds and starting position on the rower is essential for maximizing the benefits of the workout and preventing injuries,” Crawford said. Proper Rowing Technique “Take the rowing sequence slow at first: catch, drive, finish and recovery,” Crawford said. “Sixty percent of the movement comes from your legs, 30 percent core, and 10 percent arms.” Sit Near the Front “The front row may seem daunting, but the most seasoned rowers and instructor are there, so you are surrounded by individuals with strong technique to mirror,” Crawford said. Be Ready to Transition “Most rowing classes consist of work on and off the rower, so be prepared for bursts of cardio and bodyweight exercises next to your erg,” Crawford said. Modify Moves as Needed “Don’t be afraid to dial down the intensity of the workout or a particular exercise or ask the instructor for additional options,” Crawford said. “They want everyone to succeed!” 20 HERS Mag azi n e | H ER H ealth
FAQS FOR NEW ROWERS ANSWERED BY DEB AVERATT, A MASTER COACH AT ROW HOUSE What makes rowing workouts unique from other kinds of exercise?
Rowing works 86 percent of your muscles and your core is active the entire time,” Averatt said. “It's a great way to get an efficient and effective workout for the entire body. I also love that it gentle on my joints and promotes great posture.” How did you get interested in rowing and what was your first lesson/class like for you?
“I have always loved rowing, which might sound strange to some of you, but I truly have,” Averatt said. “Little did I know, I was rowing all wrong before Row House! Caley trained me how to utilize my body properly and safely, and now I love it more than I ever have. It's a great core and glute strengthener, which have always been the hardest muscles for me to activate properly, and now, wowzers, I have sure seen results! Rowing is for sure a sport and I feel like I'm always learning something new in how to better my form just slightly or how to generate a bit more power which all results with burning more calories and getting a better workout.” What are the benefits of taking a group fitness class?
“I love group fitness, but especially at Row House,” Averatt said. “We work as a team and we leave no rower behind. The encouragement and community that comes from working out in a group cannot be beat. I love working as a team utilizing our boat split to motivate me to work harder. Everyone is chipping in to rack up our team meters by using their own intensity. It's energizing and super fun!”
+ H E R H E A LT H
STRETCH If you plan to partake in an assisted stretching session at a local gym or boutique, Austin Martinez, MS, CSCS, ATC and Director of Education for StretchLab, an assisted stretching boutique, recommends the following:
Flexibility Isn’t Mandatory “Don’t worry if you aren’t flexible,” Martinez said. “All group stretches are led by a trained professional who will let you know how to customize each stretch based on your level of flexibility.” Wear Loose Clothing “Come in something comfortable that allows for freedom of movement and full range of motion,” Martinez said. “You don’t want to rip your favorite pair of skinny jeans!” Plan Your Stretch Before or After A Workout “Group stretches are great for performance recovery after a workout or sporting event, but they can also be an awesome warm-up for upcoming activity,” Martinez said. Wear Grip Socks “These socks ensure a stretch without slipping and falling,” Martinez said.
“There are multiple benefits to stretching, including but not limited to: increased muscle flexibility, increased mobility, increased joint range of motion, injury prevention, aid with muscle recovery post-workout, aid with sports performance and decreased stress/tension,” Martinez said. “Assisted stretching, when done with a trained professional, can ensure individuals are fully receiving these benefits. They will ensure the stretch is held for the right amount of time, targeting the needed muscle groups and will apply the right amount of tension needed to get optimal results.” Walk me through what a typical stretch class looks like.
“For a one on one session at StretchLab, the client would walk in to be greeted by a Front Desk Associate and promptly checked in for their appointment,” Martinez said. “Soon after, their Flexologist will come to the front for introduction. Then the Flexologist take them to the back of the studio to complete a movement assessment test with our MAPS machine. The Flexologist will discuss the assessment results with the client and head to one of our stretch benches. As the session starts, the Flexologist will gather more pertinent questions from the client and begin to build rapport. From there, the Flexologist will take the client through various stretching techniques with the intent to create muscle relaxation and flexibility. Sessions are 25 minutes or 50 minutes.” What are the benefits of taking a group fitness class?
“In our group classes, clients learn various stretching and myofascial release techniques (foam rollers), taught by a trained Flexologist,” Martinez said. “The philosophy is ‘teach them how to fish,’ by giving the clients the education and tools to take their health/wellness into their own hands. This is led in a dynamic format for 50 minutes.” Febr uar y 2 0 2 0 | H ERS M ag az i ne 21
+ H E R H E A LT H
CYCLE One of the most popular modalities of group fitness, indoor cycling classes can be intimidating, so Tevia Celli, Director of Education for CycleBar, the world’s largest boutique indoor cycling franchise, offers the following:
Work at your own pace “At studios like CycleBar, first-time riders should feel empowered to stay seated, as the choreography out of the saddle is optional,” Celli said. Fuel Your Body “Eat something before your workout so you have energy: a banana, bar or some nuts are great choices,” Celli said. Hydrate “Drink plenty of water before, during and of course after your ride to keep your body replenished,” Celli said. Stretching Is Key “Since most fitness classes only have a couple minutes built in at the end to stretch, make sure as a newcomer, you take extra time after class because you will be engaging muscles you don’t normally use,” Celli said. Do Not Be Intimidated “Everyone riding with you also had their first class once,” Celli said. 22 HERS Mag azi n e | H ER H ealth
FAQS ABOUT CYCLING ANSWERED BY TEVIA CELLI FROM CYCLEBAR Why do you think cycling has become such a popular workout choice?
“Indoor cycling has become such a popular workout choice because it’s so highenergy and boutique studios like CycleBar elevate the experience to a new level with fun lighting, playlists and a party-like atmosphere,” Celli said. “Community is also a big part of indoor cycling, which helps drive its popularity. The workout is also low impact so it’s not damaging to the joints and you can do it often without breaking down your body.” Describe why it is important to stretch after the class. What kind of stretches should be done?
“It is so important to stretch after class because your muscles, particularly those of your lower body, just worked very hard for 45 minutes,” Celli said. “Pedaling and resistance on the bike can make your muscles tight and you need to release that tightness and lactic acid buildup. A few of the best stretches to do after a cycling class include a hamstring stretch, quadriceps stretch, and gluteal stretch. If your chest and shoulders are tight, a chest-opening stretch will feel great after class.” What are the benefits of taking a group fitness class?
“Of course, there are tons of physical benefits to taking a group fitness class, but the mental and social benefits are also huge,” Celli said. “Community is a major aspect of indoor cycling classes. People who may not have necessarily bonded outside of the studio, bond through an unspoken support while sweating together, which then evolves outside the studio and can turn into amazing friendships that last a lifetime. Feeling great about your body and looking great is just a nice side effect!”
+ H E R H E A LT H
RUN Not everyone knows what to expect when taking their first indoor running class, so Steve Stonehouse, NASM CPT, USATF and Director of Education for STRIDE, a new boutique fitness concept that is reinventing the definition of a runner, offers the following: Get There Early “Some people prefer the back row, while others prefer not being by right in front of a mirror or being close to the door,” Stonehouse said. “These classes fill up quickly so pre-book and get there early to make sure you get the treadmill you prefer.” Go at Your Own Pace “Everyone is focused on their own pace and intensity levels,” Stonehouse said. “Don’t worry about trying to set a new personal record on your first day. Just have fun!” Eat and Hydrate “Like with any high intensity exercise, make sure you eat one and a half to two hours before class,” Stonehouse said. “Proper nutrition and hydration are key.”
FAQS FOR NEW RUNNERS ANSWERED BY STEVE STONEHOUSE FROM STRIDE Describe for me what a typical indoor running class looks like.
“At STRIDE, you’ll find 25 Woodway treadmills and an interactive light/music experience,” Stonehouse said. “Created with every level in mind, our 55-minute signature STRIDE class is perfect for beginners, seasoned marathoners, and everyone in between. You’ll be coached through alternating intervals of running or walking and active recovery to optimize your workout and build endurance, but you control your speed and incline to best fit your experience level and personal goals. Expect to cover 2-6 miles each class, depending on pace.” What are the benefits of indoor running versus outdoor?
“One main benefit is the experience is controlled,” Stonehouse said. “Temperature, lighting and terrain just to name a few. Also, for women in particular, running outdoors can cause safety concerns that are also eliminated in an indoor running studio.” What are the benefits of taking a group fitness class?
“The biggest benefit to training with a group is the community that is created,” Stonehouse said. “I think people are communal by nature. This community helps with everything from motivation, accountability and consistency.” Febr uar y 2 0 2 0 | H ERS M ag az i ne 23
WWE’s Superstar
Keeps Hope Alive After Death BY WENDY PHAN
n July 2013, when Ashley Mae Sebera signed on with the WWE and then adopted the stage name Dana Brooke, she was living her dreams. The former gymnast would go on to appear in her first televised match almost two years later in April 2015, again gaining more traction into the calling she thought would define her life. Not until her boyfriend, International Federation of BodyBuilding & Fitness (IFBB) professional bodybuilder Dallas McCarver, died unexpectedly on August 22, 2017 did she consider any other path. His untimely death served as her inspiration for wanting to uplift and encourage others. McCarver was 26 years old when he was found dead in his apartment after allegedly choking on his food. Hours before his death, Brooke posted a Man Candy Monday photo of the two on Instagram, saying, “Still got some time left to post #mcm — someone who day in and day out is helping and giving so much to so many people! [Dallas] is one of the most genuine people I have ever met.” The 31-year old WWE superstar created a non-profit organization called the Dallas McCarver Foundation in honor of her late boyfriend. Shortly after McCarver’s death, Brooke created a GoFundMe campaign that asked for donations to be made to unprivileged children in McCarver’s honor. On the page Brooke stated, “We are coming together to provide food, clothing, toiletries, books, and school supplies to those children who otherwise would go without. There are families struggling simply to make ends meet all over this country, and it’s our goal in Dallas’ honor to make sure that those children and families receive the support they desperately need!” 24 HERS Mag azi n e | Features
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The foundation, which helps to raise money for underprivileged children, was inspired by McCarver’s struggles during his life. He, like Brooke, had a fiery passion for giving back to children that had tough backgrounds similar to his. “Kids are the future of the generations to come and we wanted to give out, give back and do things together," she said. Until she was 18 years old, Brooke was a gymnast who participated in the Junior Olympics. Her career as a gymnast came to an end when she suffered an injury that required her to undergo reconstructive ankle surgery. She then went on to study fashion merchandising and design at Kent State University before getting back into professional sports, training for body building and fitness competitions. By 2012, she earned her pro card with the IFBB. Brooke did not overcome her tragedy in gymnastics and push forward to become a WWE personality alone, though. She said McCarver kept her motivated, pointing out that he was the type of man who always trained with a goal in mind. “Dallas always had mentioned to me, actually, ‘I’m your number one fan. I’m always going to support you. I love what you do. Go out there,’” she said.
Dana goes for a run.
Even in death, Brooke said that McCarver continues to motivate and inspire her to keep going. “He would tell everyone the same — just keep swimming, keep moving through life and he will be your angel above. He had a way with making people laugh,” she shared. “Dallas was an exceptional body builder, but I didn’t see him for that. I saw him for him and his heart.” With a focus on giving back through the Dallas McCarver Foundation, she has partnered with organizations like the Children’s Hospital and The United Nations Children’s Fund to campaign for anti-bullying and provide humanitarian aid to children around the world. She is even working with St. Jude’s Hospital for Children alongside McCarver’s mother, Penny, with whom she is still very close. “With his passing, I just want to keep his legacy strong,” Brooke said. Knowing what it is like to experience such tragedies and being able to overcome the trauma associated with them, Brooke passionately works to help others realize that they can do the same. "So I think that's the most beneficial part is being able to try and help people that are going through a similar circumstance," she said.
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Her message to people is for them to find their passion. She explained that once people have done this, everything will fall into place. "Once I'm in the gym and I'm training. I feel great,” she said. “I feel refreshed. I feel like a weight is lifted off my shoulder--and any stress that I have. I'm going to the gym. I lift [and] I train. I leave it all in the gym, I come out of the gym feeling, you know, like a new woman."
Though a large part of her world came crashing down when her boyfriend passed, the wrestling sensation is now happier than ever. Brooke explained that while it was hard to lose someone she loved, 2020 marked the start of a new decade and the beginning of a new journey for herself. During the 2019 draft, she was moved from Monday Night Raw to Friday Night SmackDown, which she explained was just the breath of fresh air that she needed to re-boost her career. This change will allow her to do what she loves and show progression every time she steps into the ring. Brooke wants people to do what they love and remember that tomorrow is never promised. Sometimes people are comfortable with where they are in life and that’s okay. However, she said, “There is nothing better than the sweet taste of success and the feeling of knowing that you’re going after what you want in life.” Even in the face of tragedy, Brooke believes there are always still reasons to keep on living. The happiness that she has found within herself is inspiring to anyone who has suffered a personal loss. “I’m huge on women empowerment so being able to have that platform that WWE allows you to have to step out there and being able to spread a positive message,” Brooke said, “It’s not just wrestling but it’s also being able to spread a positive influential message.”
Dana stretches along the water.
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s a woman, mother and CEO of Studio SWEAT onDemand, I know how tough juggling multiple roles and responsibilities can be. As the days go by and these endless tasks begin to add up, making time to get in a workout can seem impossible. But making the impossible possible is what being a woman’s all about! With that said, let’s take a look at some of the best and boldest workout tips for women, to help you march through 2020 with a ‘Heck Ya!’ attitude.
MAKE TIME AND PLAN YOUR ROUTINE Our #1 tip for daily workout success is to create a plan for yourself. Whether you’re planning your entire week or just tomorrow, make sure to set aside some much needed “me time.” Workouts are your self-care and it’s time to prioritize them accordingly. After you plan your schedule, plan your routine! You’ll want to start with workouts that hit a variety of muscle groups without working every muscle every day (think upper body/ lower body rotations, or back and biceps Monday/chest and triceps Tuesday, etc.). NOTE: Don’t skip on the rest and recovery, either. A lot of our trainers will tell you that Mind & Body activities are the hardest for them to incorporate, so they absolutely recommend consciously adding these sessions to your weekly schedule. A Studio SWEAT onDemand fave is this 20-minute stretch routine, which can be added to the end of a workout to keep your muscles loose, happy, and cared for.
OWN IT! While you’re planning, be sure to choose activities that you love and make them
classes at 15 to 30 minutes that will prove you wrong in the best way possible!
JUMP ON THE BANDWAGON There’s nothing wrong with getting into the latest and greatest workout trends! From anti-gravity yoga to trampoline routines, trends offer a way to bond with others and give you the nudge you need to try out new exercises. For example, have you heard of Aerial Yoga? Basically, it’s suspended yoga using a hammock hung from a single anchor in the ceiling. You’ll feel like a trapeze artist as you work on your hips, back and arms. Check it out on this list of the latest workout trends in 2020.
your own! Figure out which exercises bring out the best in you (while pushing you to your limit) and how many times a week you want to do them. But mix it up too. Love to cycle? (we, sure as heck do!) Combine a variety of Spin classes throughout the week with some sculpt or core work, and then for a fun challenge, grab a bike and hit the trails on the weekend for a little outdoor ride. However CREATE AN INCLUSIVE COMMUNITY you choose to exercise, make sure you’re This next decade is a time for inclusivity owning it as your workout and your and leadership! Take command and time. Studio SWEAT onDemand offers surround yourself with like-minded thousands of classes for you to choose women who are on the same path of from so you can explore new workouts or development that you’re on. With the access your faves at any time. right ladies behind you, you’ll find motivation, support, encouragement, KEEP IT REAL and friendship. At Studio SWEAT Let’s be honest, there will be days when onDemand, our trainers will frequently you’ve got a packed schedule, it’s totally remind you that your workouts should be okay (even beneficial sometimes) to keep a source of inspiration for all. Surround your workout short and sweet — we’re yourself with a tight-knit crew, and talking thirty minutes or less. No need they’ll encourage you to always be your to impress anyone with numbers — you best self. don’t have to do an hour a day every day! How do you find your fitness femmes? Sometimes these workouts may be just Take a shot at a local workout studio, the boost you need to keep up with your or a neighborhood mom’s group. Or fit & fantastic week. Do you think that just even better, get started with an online, because a workout is short, it won’t be worldwide Facebook group. Let’s sweat powerful? Check out these high intensity our way into 2020, ladies! Febr ur y 2 0 2 0 | H ERS M ag az i ne 27
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The conversation surrounding women’s health, appearance and overall bodies has been progressing over time while simultaneously still addressing a few bumps in the road that can’t be avoided. No conversation happens perfectly, but this one usually proves to be interesting, especially when facing those somewhat awkward aspects head on. Entering this new decade has caused many of us to look back at the previous one. It also can’t be ignored that many ongoing conversations throughout the past decade witnessed many shifts, having to alter in the age of social media and overall, technology. As women, we’ve found ourselves in the middle of a discourse about fitness, body positivity, etc. It has proven to be difficult when considering the best way to “look” today. This is also an era where almost no one is a stranger to things like Instagram or Snapchat and their filters. While talking about health and fitness, it’s also important to talk about the sometimes slightly unrealistic expectations and images we’re facing. It’s easy to see someone else’s body on social media and to envy them without knowing the facts on how they got those results in the first place. Many A-listers, such as the Kardashians and J.Lo can afford an incredible trainer to come to their house and focus on them, but many also have procedures done. With so many celebrities keeping their plastic surgery experiences hidden, we don’t get much insight on what’s ‘real’ and what isn’t. Even with insane fitness and diet plans, there are still procedures some have done to get that final boost of confidence they’re looking for. For expert insight into this world, we turned to renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Adam Rubinstein. The Miami-based doctor stands out from others in his field for his Instagram account @plasticsurgerytruths where he gives honest answers to his followers’ biggest plastic surgery questions. He says he aims to be upfront with anybody who has the desire to know more about the good and the bad of plastic surgery. Specifically, he doesn’t shy away from addressing how surgery expectations can be swayed by body dysmorphia.
“Body dysmorphia is…a condition where a person's self-image from the way they view themselves is negative and out of proportion to what is actually the situation,” Rubinstein said, “They feel that it's just devastating, and they're very unhappy with their appearance even though nine out of ten people would look at them and not even notice, necessarily, the little thing that's bothering them.” A subsection of body dysmorphia that he frequently focuses on is something he calls “Insta-dysmorphia,” which is body dysmorphia brought on by beautifying social media filters. He says the problem has become common over the past two or three years as editing apps like Facetune and face-slimming Snapchat filters have become mainstream. “Instadysmorphia doesn't mean someone comes in and wants to look like they do when they have a certain filter put on but what it means is...they see something that they like when those filters are on,” Rubinstein said. “And the reality is when the filters are off, [they are] not what they want to be.” Rubinstein took a risk by being openly objective in an industry where, quite honestly, it’s easy to make a nice paycheck off of someone who especially doesn’t understand the extent of what they’re getting into. He says he has acquired an ability to notice ‘red flags’ in some patients who come to him out of body dysmoprhia, Insta-dysmorphia or peer pressure versus wanting a genuine boost of confidence for a reasonable purpose.This red flag detection is so profound because within that initial consultation, it isn’t about the money at all; it’s about where you are mentally, what your expectations are, why they are what they are and the complete risks that come with these things. He applauds celebrities who have decided to come out and be honest about their physical transformation and how cosmetic work has affected them mentally. For example, Kylie Jenner coming out about her lip fillers didn’t necessarily stop people from wanting her lips. However, we became aware of the reality of the process. Also, in later news, rising star Summer Walker has been very open about her butt surgery while responsibly explaining that she did it because she truly felt like she didn’t have one even with intense workouts and that we should do whatever works for us individually. Rubinstein noted that, while some people may now just be realizing it, you shouldn’t feel embarrassed to speak to someone about your body dysmorphia. He has opened his Instagram direct messages to any questions you may have. Hopefully in 2020, the conversation will continue to open up more surrounding not only our fitness, but how we’re truly getting there.
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Fierce and Regal The Athleisure Line Bringing Luxury to Your Workout
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Who knew working out could be so stylish? You don’t need a gym to look chic and comfortable in clothes that will make you want to move. Athleisure wear is breaking down the seams and crunching numbers when it comes to fashion.
ractically brand new on the seam, athleisure wear can be seen everywhere from the runways to fashion magazines for celebrities and people who want to be comfortable with every step that they take. This new style of wear has evolved as far back as the 1980s, when hip hop was in its infancy. Rappers like Run DMC were wearing track suits to embrace their individuality as a group. For more recent purposes, athleisure wear caters more towards women, giving them style and comfort as they go into the gym, out about town or running errands. Over the years, fitness was catered more towards men, which meant that the workout clothes were catered to men much more so than women. Women would go to the gym, but they would often feel as if their workout outfits weren’t good enough. Nothing seemed to fit and make women feel good about themselves as a whole. That’s where athleisure wear came in. Not only does this style cater more towards women, it gives women more self-esteem when working out in a gym full of people, with their peers or alone in their home. Working out doesn’t even have to define athleisure wear anymore. Not only are women wearing athleisure wear to the gym and the park, but they are also wearing athleisure wear to work, to hangout and even to pick up their kids from school. With so many styles and fits to choose from, no woman will ever have to feel as if she can’t be comfortable and look great at the same time. Don’t be surprised if you walk out the door and Febr uar y 2 0 2 0 | H ERS M ag az i ne 31
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see people dawning their athleisure outfits. From underground to mainstream this new style has caught the attention of just about everybody. Celebrities such as Kate Hudson and singer Billie Eilis are rocking the look for future generations. This style of wear has also shown up in music videos and movies such as Mean Girls and Legally Blonde. Athleisure wear is a style that any person can rock. To date, there are tons of athleisure brands, but one that sticks out is female-founded luxury athleisure brand Fierce + Regal. The brand was launched in 2018 by CEO Karissa Davis and Founder Margi Gad. Gad, a mother of three, formulated the idea for the brand after she became frustrated trying to find clothes that perform well before, during and after a workout. Davis joined Fierce + Regal because she believes in the company, which allows women to embrace themselves, and she has a good relationship with the athleisure wear industry. Fierce + Regal is noted for offering multifunctioning wear to all women no matter their shape or size. Their prices for their garments range from $70 to $110 for bras, $50 to 120 for tops, $95 to $170 for leggings and pants and $130 to $288 for hoodies and jackets. Along with 13 retail locations in Massachusetts, New York, Florida, Virginia, California, Ohio, Colorado, Michigan and Quebec, you can find Fierce +Regal products online to purchase at Gad and Davis are excited to showcase their newest collection, which just launched for purchase. It includes trendy animal prints and watercolor florals, and is showcased on upscale online activewear retailer Carbon 38’s website.
Model on the left wears Fierce + Regal’s The Zebra Bustier in White/Black/Fuchsia ($110, available February 1) from the newest collection. Model on the right wears Fierce + Regal’s The Zebra Legging in White/Black ($95, available February 1) from the newest collection.
Founder of Fierce + Regal, Margi Gad
Kassia Davis, CEO of Fierce + Regal
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Easy Fun + H E R H E A LT H
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When I think back to some of my earliest memories, it’s interesting to note that so many of them revolve around food. They aren’t just memories of the dishes we enjoyed, but memories of the foods that I ate at family gatherings during my childhood, to summer vacations when we would have picnics, to nights out with friends when we would enjoy a particular dish. Food can be the tangible memory that’s attached to some of life’s most enjoyable moments, and it helps bring back those special memories. While writing my cookbook “More Real Life Kosher Cooking,” I set out to create dishes that were simple and easy, but also special. I want you to get into your kitchen, cook these recipes and create your own set of new memories. Whether you bake Cookie Crunch Confetti Cookies alongside kids in your kitchen, serve wontons in garlic sauce to loved ones during a holiday meal or serve cornmeal waffles with maple blueberry sauce at a brunch with friends, the memories of fun times, good food and love will remain long after the food has been enjoyed. Here are two hearty, delicious recipes to get you started.
+ H E R P L AY
WONTONS IN GARLIC SAUCE I invented this recipe because of my obsession with wontons and garlic sauce from a Chinese restaurant that’s pretty far from my home. I recreated the restaurant’s delicious recipe. Since then, these wontons have become the legends of the Pascal family recipes. They are my family’s all-time favorite appetizer. The only downside is that the wontons are pretty much guaranteed to upstage any other dish you serve at the same meal! Meat |Yield 10-12 servings
• • • • •
1½ pounds ground beef 2 Tablespoons soy sauce ½ teaspoon toasted sesame oil 2 Tablespoons sesame seeds, preferably a mix of black and white • 4 scallions, sliced 4 cloves garlic, approximately 50 minced wonton wrappers GARLIC SAUCE
• 1 (18-ounce) jar • 1 cup hoisin sauce 1 cup soy sauce 1 cup rice vinegar • honey • 2 teaspoons sriracha • 1 teaspoon ground mustard • ½ teaspoon ground ginger • ½ cup water • 12 cloves garlic, minced • sliced scallions for garnish (optional) • additional sesame seeds for garnish (optional)
1. Prepare the wontons. Combine beef, soy sauce, sesame oil, sesame seeds, scallions and garlic in a large bowl; stir gently until just combined. 2. Place about 2 teaspoons meat mixture onto the center of a wonton wrapper. Brush a small amount of water along the edges before pressing them together to help keep them sealed; bring the edges together to form a wonton. Set aside; repeat with remaining meat and wonton wrappers. 3. Bring a pot of salted water to a boil. Drop a few wontons into the boiling water; cook for about six minutes, until the meat is cooked through. Work in batches to avoid overcrowding the pot. Remove wontons with a slotted spoon; place on parchment paper, not touching each other. Set wontons aside. 4. Meanwhile, prepare the garlic sauce. Combine all sauce ingredients in a medium pot. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat; simmer mixture for about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally, until sauce thickens. 5. Just before serving, toss cooked wontons in the warm sauce. If desired, garnish with sliced scallions and sesame seeds. Plan Ahead: Wontons can be frozen, without sauce, either before cooking (boil just before serving; if boiling frozen, add 1 minute to cooking time) or after cooking. Sauce can be prepared up to 3 days ahead and stored in the fridge. Combine wontons and reheated sauce just before serving.
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ROASTED VEGETABLE SOUP What started out as a fridge full of produce that had to be used up has morphed into one of my all-time favorite soups. Roasting the vegetables brings out their flavors, resulting in a healthy soup that’s packed with taste and so filling! Feel free to customize your soup based on whichever veggies you happen to have on hand. Pareve
Yield 6-8 servings
• 2 large zucchini, diced • 3 medium yellow squash, diced • 2 red bell peppers, diced • 2 onions, diced • 1 pound frozen cauliflower florets, defrosted • ¼ cup oil • 1 Tablespoon kosher salt • ½ teaspoon black pepper SOUP
• 4 cups vegetable broth • about 6 cups water • 2 bay leaves • 1 Tablespoon kosher salt
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1. Prepare the roasted vegetables. Preheat oven to 400°F. Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper. 2. Place vegetables, oil, salt, and pepper into a bowl. Toss to combine. Divide between prepared baking sheets. Roast for 50-60 minutes, until vegetables are starting to brown. 3. Prepare the soup. Place roasted vegetables, along with any juices, into a large soup pot. Add soup ingredients; bring to a boil. 4. Simmer for about 1 hour. Discard bay leaves. Using an immersion blender, blend soup well, for about 3 minutes, until fully smooth. Adjust salt and pepper to taste.. Plan Ahead: This soup can be prepared ahead and frozen in an airtight container.
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ere’s to one of the latest food trends: meal prepping! Meal prepping is a great method to use if you want to eat healthier and save money. But, finding foods that fit your taste and strategies that fit your schedule, can be a bit overwhelming. Whether you’re a new meal prepper or someone who has been meal prepping for some time now, these five tips are sure to help make your meal prepping ventures less complicated:
1. PLAN PROPERLY Sit down and really think about what exactly you want your meal prepping chronicles to look like. Decide how many days you want to prep for, what kinds of meals you would like to eat and whether or not your plans for meal prepping fit your budget. Once you have all of this sorted out, draw out a detailed schedule to help you stay committed and on track. Now, you’re on your way.
2. GROCERY SHOP ON A BUDGET The beauty of a budget is that you can create it according to your personal liking. We all know how easy it is to walk into the grocery store with an empty cart and walk out with a cart filled with a bunch of everything that we didn’t need. Avoid this. Know what, and how much, you want to eat. When shopping for food items, shop in bulks so that you will have more than enough food to prepare and won’t have to keep running back and forth to the store, spending unnecessarily.
3. GATHER PLENTY OF CONTAINERS Once your meals are prepared, you’ll want to have reliable storage to put them in. Invest in dependable containers. Be
sure that they are leak-proof, small or large enough to hold your meals and durable enough to last a while. If you’re not sure about where to find such containers, Amazon has tons of them!
4. DISCIPLINE YOURSELF Eating the same meals every day of the week may not sound like the greatest idea in the world. But, if you are meal prepping or plan on beginning to meal prep, this is something that you will need to learn to do. Get your mind right. Train yourself to look away from all of the fast food restaurants on the way home from work or school. Have daily sit downs with yourself to reflect and decide on what you could do better. Remember: practice makes perfect.
5. MAKE IT ENJOYABLE Whatever you do, make sure you have fun. Meal prepping isn’t typically on the list of the world’s most entertaining activities, but it could be if you want it to be. Get the kids involved. Call some friends over to taste test your meals for the week. Your meal prepping story will be what you make it. Write every page with passion, determination and flavor, and you’re sure to have a best-seller! Febr uar y 2 0 2 0 | H ERS M ag az i ne 37
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Exercise has been proven to promote mental wellness alongside physical health. Exercise can improve mental health by reducing anxiety, depression and negative moods by improving your self-esteem and cognitive functioning. Thirty minutes of exercise a day has been proven to help alleviate poor mental health, even if that means you just take three 10 minutes walks every day. Here is a list of six exercises and how they can improve your mental health.
According to the American Psychological Association, yoga is beneficial in helping ease stress. Yoga can help eliminate high stress levels for people with uncontrollable negative thoughts that are prevalent with depression, anxiety and PTSD. Yoga can provide a sense of relaxation that relieves stress and anxiety. One of the main reasons that yoga can stimulate better mental health is because it is a type of exercise that integrates both the body and mind.
Exercises that focus on motor skills are super important for improving the health of white matter in the brain, which is important for helping the brain process thoughts more clearly. Regular exercise promotes the growth of new brain cells which allows for the brain to focus better and learn quicker. Cycling may be a good exercise for those suffering from ADHD. Spin classes also give you a chance to form new friendships with fellow classmates.
People with depression can suffer from a lack of motivation. While it can be difficult to find the motivation to workout, some exercises actually provide you with a boost of energy. Runners can experience what is called a “runner’s high,” which is a sense of clarity that one feels after a jog. Running can provide you with the perfect time to process complicated thoughts, giving you a clear head when you’re done.
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If you’re looking for an outlet for aggression you should give boxing a try. Boxing can be both empowering and healing. Short boxing rounds can release endorphins which improve your overall mood. While boxing you can get into a state of mind in which you are only focusing on the task at hand, which is sparring. This “flow” is a state of mind that even Buddhist monks try and achieve.
Pilates is a great way to reduce stress and promote relaxation. It’s also great for people who would consider themselves “alpha” types as there is no competitive element in Pilates. Like yoga, Pilates focuses on breathing and relaxation which can help with sleep.
The idea of belly dancing or any other “erotic” exercise such as pole dancing can be scary, but it offers a sense of empowerment that is unlike any other. Belly dancing is a great way to burn calories while also boosting your self-confidence. These classes can be a great way to meet others, which can help people with social anxiety make connections.
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Best friends Mandy and Sonya hug it out. (Photo/WWE)
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f you Google “Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville,” an avalanche of search results pop up about the WWE tag team duo’s rumored relationship. From Reddit posts to wrestling blogs, WWE fans can’t stop wondering, “Are they dating?” Deville, the first openly lesbian WWE wrestler, and Rose, a public LGBTQ+ ally, have been inseparable since they met on WWE’s “Tough Enough” in 2015. The pair even pitched a relationship angle to WWE producers on an episode of the wrestling reality show “Total Divas” last year. However, if you’re reading this and already “shipping” the two wrestlers, we’ve got some bad news for you: they’re not dating. Instead, they’re best friends and somewhat like twins. “We're very similar in a way,” Rose said. “We actually joke around that we are kind of like twin energies, and it's kind of creepy. We say the same things at the same time; it's really weird.” Their personalities and even their backgrounds are notably similar. Both wrestlers hail from Italian American families in northeastern suburbs: Deville from New Jersey and Rose from New York. Both have the same favorite food: donuts. Just like twins, they do almost everything together. The tag team called “Fire and Desire” undergo intense training workouts together, and they later eat their cheat meals together on their YouTube show “DaMandyz Donutz.” “We do everything together,” Deville said. “She's the friend that I want to, like, raise my kids next door to her kids.” Outside of their Mary-Kate and Ashley-esque professional friendship, the two complement each other’s differences and offer the other support just like most best friends. Through hard moments like public breakups, exciting career opportunities or daily workouts, they’re each other’s biggest cheerleaders. Even now, when rumors are swirling that WWE may be ending their tag team, their outside-the-ring friendship remains strong. “[It’s great that] we have each other for emotional support because, you know, it's a crazy business that we're in,” Rose remarked. Their bond is so profound that they have gained a fan following for their friendship. Fans flock to watch A their YouTube series where they sample donuts and other guilty pleasures from fried chicken wings to cheese curds. The two started the series after a trip to Krispy Kreme following a workout at the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida. “[After finishing a workout] we were always starving because we burned so many calories,” Deville said. “We [would get] take-out Cuban food and then afterwards, we Febr uar y 2 0 2 0 | H ERS M ag az i ne 41
would always go get Krispy Kreme Doughnuts. [One day,] we were posting about it on our Instagram, and fans were being mind-blown that we can eat like that…People were fascinated with our balance of diet and exercise, so we decided when we got on the road together to try donuts in every town we go to.” From there, “DaMandyz Donutz” was born and the two started taking quick breaks from their intense training schedules to find the best glazed donuts in the country. So far, Rose says their favorite donuts reside in Lafayette, Louisiana, at a restaurant called “Messy Donut.” Now established as a joint brand, “DaMandyz Donuts” may transform into a brick and mortar donut shop someday, according to Rose. Through their series, the duo hopes to make it known that health does not equal restriction. Even with careers focused heavily on fitness and looks, the two wrestlers advocate for eating your favorite “cheat meals” in moderation. “[There’s nothing wrong with] a donut here and there, especially with how hard we train,” Rose said. “If one week we feel like we don't deserve that couple cheat meals a week…we'll pass up on it, but it’s not worth stressing over it. I think the less stress you have about having had this meal or whether you can have this food, the better.” Most WWE fans recognize and appreciate their unity and synergy on camera, but who are they as individuals? Read on to learn more about the wrestling stars’ career journeys that led them to their current success.
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When the world saw Mandy Rose, real name Amanda Rose Saccomanno, publicly go through a breakup with her fiancé on the reality show “Total Divas,” she learned firsthand what it was like to have her personal life under a microscope. “Obviously everything was exploited, which is what you sign up for when you go on reality TV,” Rose said. The now 29-year-old is a key player in the WWE world, a place where the lines between the real and the produced are
often hard to distinguish. The opportunity to show her real self is why she says she appreciates her time on the reality show. “‘Total Divas’ is a great opportunity to showcase your life outside of the ring and, you know, for the fans to kind of interact and get to know you personally at a different level,” Rose acknowledged. The show gives fans an inside look into the female wrestlers’ families, relationships and emotions, which are often
“I've always wanted to be able to teach others and just to provide a healthier lifestyle for people.”
Mandy Rose deadlifts. (Photo/Brett Seely) Febr uar y 2 0 2 0 | H ERS M ag az i ne 43
only expressed through their TV personas. “Obviously [our purpose on TV is] for entertainment, so we play a certain character and you're either liked or disliked,” Rose said. Since “Total Divas” and in tandem with her continuing career in the WWE ring, Rose has turned her onscreen appeal into an entrepreneurial powerhouse. Last year, she launched her own app called Fit With Mandy, and she has a skincare line called Amarose set to release this year. Both brands were created to fulfill her personal mission of inspiring others to prioritize health and self-care. “I've always wanted to be able to teach others and just to provide a healthier lifestyle for people,” Rose said. “Part of my job is, you know, not only looking good, but we have to take care of ourselves. In the entertainment business, we have to take care of our bodies and especially with my character on TV, I'm all about looking good.” Fit With Mandy, specifically, works to make exercising at home easy. The 12-week program requires little to no equipment and can be accessed from anywhere on your phone. “I designed it because we're always on the road traveling with wrestling right now, and sometimes we don't have access to a good gym,” Rose said. “[The app is] designed for all different skill levels, both male and female, and it's a lot of high intensity circuit training, and a lot of training I do on a daily basis. I did it so it can be accessible to pretty much anyone— mothers that are home that had a baby or younger kid that you know, can't afford a gym membership or whatever it may be.”
Mandy is ready to pounce on her opponent in the ring. (Photo/WWE)
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She says the app has received positive feedback since its release last summer, and she plans to keep developing different exercise programs to add in the future. The app is free but requires in-app purchases for certain features. The 2014 WBFF Bikini World Champion has always had this passion for fitness. Growing up with three older brothers, she was constantly playing sports and wrestling with them. When she got to high school, she joined a dance company. Her passion for fitness was always there, but she didn’t initially plan for a career in it. She went on to earn a bachelor’s degree in speech pathology from Iona College and then went on to get her master’s degree. While studying in school and working to support herself as a bartender and waitress, she fell into the world of body building and fitness modeling. When she entered her first fitness competition in 2013, she took first place. “It was kind of quick,” she noted. “I did my first show and I got my pro card and I didn't really know much about it. I was like, ‘oh, seems like a lot of fun.’ And from then on, when I went on stage, I felt such a passion for fitness. I liked looking and feeling good about myself and kind of being able to show it off on stage. [I loved] getting my body to a point that I never thought I could get it to. I really fell in love with that.” Life since then has ushered a whirlwind of changes. She landed a spot on WWE competition show “Tough Enough” in 2015, finishing in second place and signing a five-year contract with the company. Today, she’s one of the company’s well-known wrestlers, appearing in two WWE video games and gathering a strong fanbase.
Mandy Rose dominates Shayna Baszler. (Photo/WWE)
“You never know where you're going to end up in life,” Rose said. “I was going to school because I thought that was what I wanted to do at the time and then I ended up becoming a bikini world champion and then going on to become, you know, a sports entertainer in WWE. Growing up, I never thought that I would one day going to be on stage walking in a bikini and heels and then one day fight in a WWE ring wrestling.” Despite the glamorous world of TV, within Mandy Rose On January 5, 2020, Sonya Deville, real name Daria Berenato, lies Amanda Rose Saccomanno, a woman who prefers life’s felt a personal connection when watching “Saturday Night simple pleasures, such as spending time with her family alone. Live” cast member Kate McKinnon’s heartfelt Golden Globes When she’s not working, she resides beachside in Florida speech commenting on how comedian Ellen Degeneres’ where she takes care of her mother. When she needs to clear coming out story paved the way for other LGBTQ people to her mind, she reaches for her bicycle. “I'll go and ride my bike have careers in TV. The speech helped Deville, the first openly to the beach and…it’s like my therapy session because it's no lesbian WWE wrestler, feel that her own efforts to pave the stimulation. I just kind of go by myself or with my mom and way for LGBTQ wrestlers are likewise worth it. just really enjoy [the scenery]. We’re constantly surrounded by “Ellen was a gay female in this time hosting a show in people and airports and TV, and it can be overwhelming and Hollywood, and she wasn't always accepted,” Deville said. too much stimulation, so it’s good for me to just enjoy [riding “It’s stories like that that make me want to share my story and my bike] alone.” help change the way the world views minorities in general. Overall, she said she is grateful for her life in the spotlight. Although it's not always butterflies and rainbows, I put myself To her fans or to anyone aspiring for success, she advises them out there on the ledge because I'm passionate about people to take risks and aim high. “I wasn't really 100 percent when accepting who they are.” I got called for [Tough Enough],” Rose said. “I was a little The wrestler came out in 2015 during an episode of iffy about it, but you know, I took the risk and that changed “Tough Enough” when she was asked whether she was in a my life. So, you never know where things could take you, relationship. She responded that she had a girlfriend. “It was and what's the worst thing that could happen? Always find kind of this moment where I didn't even realize I was coming something that makes you happy.” out and then when I said the words, I was like, ‘Wait, I've never said that out loud before,’” Deville said.
Mandy struts her stuff in the ring. (Photo/WWE)
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(Photo/Vince Truspin)
“I want to share my story and help change the conversation around minorities in general.”
Despite her conversational way of coming out on the show, Deville didn’t always feel comfortable with her sexuality. “I spent a lot of my teenage years pretending to be someone that I wasn't because I was afraid and didn't know that [being myself] was okay,” Deville said. “I want to kind of be that voice like, ‘Hey. I can relate to you.’ But take it from me, being open and being out is the best thing that I ever did. I wish I did it sooner.” Growing up in a small, conservative town in south New Jersey, she said she always knew she was gay. She also always knew that she wanted to be a professional athlete. She played school sports, specifically basketball, soccer and track, until she was 16 and wanted to try something new. She started watching UFC and MMA fighting and looked up to the women breaking into the wrestling world, which was maledominated at the time. She approached her mom about wanting to learn MMA fighting and showed her footage of MMA fighters Gina Carano and Cris Cyborg. From there, her wrestling training began. She trained throughout the rest of high school, preparing to make her dreams a reality upon graduation. “The day of my high school graduation, I packed everything in my car and I drove it to South Florida and walked into American Top Team, which is one of the best agents in the world, and said, ‘I want to play with you guys.’ [From there,] I moved around from Jersey to South Florida to LA pursuing that dream of fighting and acting.” Her introduction to WWE came in June 2015 when she was cast on “Tough Enough” while pursuing a career in MMA in Los Angeles and hosting a UFC podcast on AfterBuzz TV, a platform maintained by entertainment personality and frequent WWE guest star Maria Menounos. Menounos came to one of her matches and encouraged her to apply for “Tough Enough.” “I didn’t really watch [WWE] wrestling growing up, so I did my research and I was like, ‘Oh my God, this is exactly what I want to do.’ [It includes] athleticism and fighting, which is what I love, and also acting and entertaining, which is the other thing that I love. So, it's kind of like my two worlds combined in this world that I never even knew about.” She got on the show but ended up being the third person eliminated. She amped up her training and continued reaching out to WWE’s hiring team until she was offered and signed a contract in October 2015 with WWE’s NXT brand. When she returned to the reality TV world to appear on WWE’s “Total Divas” in 2019, she was ready to show the world a more vulnerable side of herself and connect with fans. “I think it's the most important thing, being in the WWE,
to connect with your fans,” Deville said. “I think that's how people like John Cena and The Rock and, you know, even like Charlotte Flair and Sasha Banks, I think that's how the most successful people in the industry become successful because they connect with the audience.” She said the experience was simultaneously exciting and terrifying. The show gives fans an up-close look at its contestants lives, both the good and bad. When Deville entered the show, she and her girlfriend had just broken up. They later got back together—all while the cameras watched. “When the show started, me and my girlfriend just broke up; we decided not be together anymore,” Deville said. “So, the show started when I was newly single, and then as the show was being filmed, we decided to get back together. The cameras were rolling and capturing every phone call, every situation while, you know, I'm trying to figure out what I want in life and my relationship…I took a risk, and I let the fans see what really happened. I'm so glad I did because I feel like it allows me to show the fans who I really am…outside of the ring.”
Sonya braces for a fight in the ring. (Photo/WWE)
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Sonya strikes her colorful opponent. (Photo/WWE)
She said the experience brought her closer to her fans, something she truly values. One of her favorite parts of being in the public eye is being a role model for her audience, specially its LGBTQ+ members. “I get so many messages from the LGBTQ community and that's literally why I do this, because of stuff like that,” Deville said. “It changes me and it moves me in such a way that I can't even explain it. It's like, ‘Wow, I'm actually helping somebody feel okay with who they are,’ you know? We all have moments where we need that little push or we need that little piece of motivation, so for me to be able to see that is really cool.” As someone trailblazing a space for LGBTQ people, she has, predictably, received her fair share of hate. However, she chooses to push past it in pursuit of a bigger cause—being that Ellen-like figure for young, LGBTQ wrestlers. “[I love] to see the thousands of people that I help every day just by sharing my story and letting them know, ‘Hey, it's okay. It's okay to be gay. It's okay to be who you are, whether that's gay or not gay.’ That's the message. And yeah, you’ve got to take the love with the hate with everything in life, but [getting to be] that person with this platform is changing the way that people think.” Sonya cheers on the sidelines. (Photo/WWE)
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F E AT U R E S • H E A R T • F L AVO R • H E A LT H L E S S O N S • W O R K • P L AY W W W. H E R S - M A G A Z I N E . C O M
Each year we say the next one will be different. But when life is packed with stressful obligations is it really possible to be content and happy? Yes, says Frank Kilpatrick—and it has less to with your circumstances than how you view them. Here's how to shift to a mindset of gratitude. We all want to feel happy and productive. But here's the Catch 22: the things we do to try to feel that way—working long hours, rushing kids from one activity to the other and meeting all of life's obligations—can leave us feeling stressed, anxious and even resentful (and that's not counting the complications that spring up). Oftentimes, we find ourselves thinking: What's the point of all this hard work if I can't enjoy my life? Frank Kilpatrick, producer of the new musical and visual meditation series, “Gratitude,” says we can feel contentment (and yes, happiness!) even when life is at its most chaotic. It comes not from trying to control your circumstances (which isn't always possible) but from shifting how you look at them. "I love the saying 'Gratitude doesn't change things for you, it changes you for things,’” said Kilpatrick. "When we can learn to come from a place of gratitude, we see things differently. There's a mindset shift that brings peace." In other words, instead of dreading a tough project at work, we feel gratitude for our job. Instead of feeling stressed about taking our aging mother to the doctor, we're grateful to be able to spend the afternoon with her. 50 HERS Mag azi n e | H ER Les s ons
Kilpatrick and his colleagues, Grammy-winner Alex Wand and composer/vocalist Rayko, are on a mission to fill the world with gratitude. Their meditation series combines unique "microtonal" music, vocals, visuals and on-screen lyrical messages that will surely keep your attention. It is designed to help train the brain for gratitude and inner peace. This focus stems from their work on the “Stay Alive” video/ podcast documentary and is a central part of their strategy for supporting at-risk populations. The documentary couples global musical material from eclectic spiritual disciplines and non-religious sources with mystical microtonal arrangements, beautiful vocals, binaural beats and enchanting visuals with affirming on-screen lyrical messages. Kilpatrick explained that you can't just flip a switch and automatically become grateful, because gratitude evolves over time. It's about building small, daily habits into your routine— and the new year is the perfect time to start. Here are a few simple tips from him on how to begin to develop a more grateful attitude:
Often, Fear of Missing Out drives us to stretch ourselves too thin. It's hard to feel grateful when you are overcommitted. Know that it's totally okay to turn down invitations if you don't feel like being around others or to spend the weekend recharging. In fact, immersing yourself in the “Gratitude” meditation series is a great way to utilize your free time once you cut back on all the going and doing. "The “Gratitude” program can be an alternative to giving in to the toxic phenomenon of FOMO," said Kilpatrick. "When people remove what they've been conditioned to see as a 'reward' they may feel empty, as if something is lacking. This program is a great replacement. It's fine to feel grateful for friends and opportunities, but we need to feel grateful for quiet moments and downtime as well."
There are plenty of things you can (and should) be grateful for in life's simple moments: a hot cup of coffee, toasty sheets fresh from the dryer on a cold evening, a catchup phone call from a dear old friend, the smell of a delicious dinner wafting from the kitchen and the look of wonder in your toddler's eyes when they see the first snowfall of the year. Just start paying attention and let yourself feel the wonderment.
PREPARE YOUR MIND It's important to make time for meditation or contemplation. Think of this as strength training for your mind. At first it might seem difficult to find the time, but it teaches you to be relaxed and centered, which are vital life skills. Over time, it will get easier and easier to drop into a space of quiet contentedness where gratitude is abundant. "Mind training" should be a part of your daily health routine, like brushing your teeth or stretching. But also, get into the habit of grabbing opportunities to meditate—like when you're getting ready for your day or waiting for your child at soccer practice. "There are very real advantages to this type of mind training," said Kilpatrick. "It helps you stay in a state of gratitude, which enables you to feel peace. It keeps you in the present moment, which is an incredibly powerful technique for keeping anxiety and depression at bay."
SAY "THANK YOU" (AND REALLY MEAN IT) When someone does something kind for you, recognize it with a sincere "thank you." Be specific about why what they did matters. This helps you mean it, which is important; mindless "thank you’s" don't count. Recognition, even in small doses, makes others feel great, but it also gives you a boost of joy. And it exercises those gratitude muscles.
MANAGE YOUR EXPECTATIONS Real life doesn't look like a Norman Rockwell painting and your home most likely will never look like a spread in “Better Homes and Gardens.” Parents get old. Kids get bad grades. Tempers flare from time to time. Even during a wonderful meal with family and friends, someone might get sick, make a judgmental comment, or burst into tears during the salad course. That's life. It's messy and complicated...and beautiful. "It's hard to be grateful and focused on perfection at the same time," said Kilpatrick. "Keep in mind that even best-laid plans seldom go off without a hitch. Remember to savor the good moments and seek out loving feelings toward your friends and families. Find the love in every situation."
People tend to think of self-care in terms of diet, exercise and even sleep, but we often ignore what we put into our minds and ruminate on. This is a mistake. Getting intentional about what we watch, listen to and infuse into our consciousness is just as important. The matters that we focus on shape our mental state, impact our relationships and influence the choices we make. "Stop allowing junk food into your consciousness," said Kilpatrick. "We should monitor our cognitive input in the same way we regulate our intake of fats, carbs and calories. What you're doing is intentionally creating the best version of yourself."
"The best thing about gratitude is that it's contagious," concluded Kilpatrick. "If you put it out there, chances are very good you will get it back! And don't forget that others are watching you and will see how empowered you have become just by being happy. Make the effort this year to focus on gracious and loving feelings and that peace will find its way to you," he added. "You will be amazed at the new and joyful places this attitude of gratitude will lead you."
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t 97 pages, “Anti-Cookbook: Easy, Thrifty Recipes for Food-Smart Living" represents the new age of cookbook content. I know this much about the AntiCookbook: Onderdonk and Bloom have the gift of gab. The ways in which the authors utilized story in this cookbook must be similar to the way that servants weaved dreams for kings in medieval times. Released in 2018, “Anti-Cookbook” opens with a quote to pierce and puncture the preface. “One can perfectly well philosophize while cooking supper,” said self-taught scholar and writer of the 17th century Mexico Sor, Juana Inez De la Cruz. This quote has me conflicted. Why is it so “fake deep” but also “everyday struggle” at the same time? You want me to philosophize and cook? At the same time? I kind of like it. The speaker’s background piques my interest and creates ideas concerning the role of diversity and Latin America specifically within the greater cooking community. The recipes are well-written and clear, but they assume that the reader already knows their way around the kitchen. Not every recipe is methodically broken down. Thus, the writers credit the readers with a culinary grasp. We learn that the book was written by two mothers in the preface. I enjoyed its M.O. “Anyone can eat well with a lot of time and money… this book is for all of those who want to do so even if they have neither of those.” It’s a noble sentiment to start off a cookbook. The writing format offers virtual anecdotes. Storytelling is their thing. They relate the recipe to you in familiar language. It’s a light, breezy, fun read… a perfect beach book to thumb through out there with all the sea, water, sun and wind. The editor seemed lax with the content, as there are mentions of Oxycontin, furthering the idea that this is truly an “anti” cookbook. The cookbook tips its hat to the “Eat, Pray, Love” institutional influence with a passage about mindfulness on page 90. I appreciated the fact that there was an iMessage 52 HERS Mag azi n e | H ER Play
screenshot with emojis inserted into the page. The image of the hand-written recipe on an index card on page 77 also comes off as very hipster to me. These provide examples of how recipe sharing has changed over time. If there’s one thing Onderdonk and Bloom have that functions well, it is taste. This is a maximalist text, not particularly interesting in pulling the reigns or tucking the shirt in, but instead fascinated with the plain, crazy about the ordinary and relentlessly deriving meaning and stories out of the food that they are creating. This is a gratifying cookbook for those interested in nuanced, motherly recipes and also for those who want to fall in love with the kitchen all over again.
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A New Way to Look at Hydration BY ABBEY WALKER
ater Wellness: The Ultimate Guide to Restore, Rejuvenate and Refine Your Body” is an informative, photogenic book that explores the science behind hydration and offers numerous infused water recipes that would be a hit at any social gathering. Having experienced success in the health and fitness industry via his phone app “WaterMinder,” Kriss Smolka has introduced water to the cookbook market. “Water Wellness” is comprised of eight chapters filled with thorough research, enlightening statistics and beneficial suggestions that aim to educate the reader on how important hydration is to our health. Despite the informative nature of this book, Smolka communicates his evidence in a clear and concise way, allowing his readers to follow his logic. While drinking water may seem like a commonsense topic to most people, “Water Wellness” goes a step further and provides a new way to look at hydration. The book examines the following topics: the difference between hydration and dehydration, the reasons you should stay hydrated, the myths surrounding hydration, the factors that influence hydration, the ways to stay hydrated and the importance of food as a source of hydration. By the end, you’ll have an extensive knowledge about drinking water and how crucial it is to your body, but you’ll also have the choice to apply what you’ve learned to your life. “Water Wellness,” in this way, is a self-help book. Smolka gives us the hydration tools to move forward and to make a potential change in our consumption. Additionally, we can’t discount the elegant cookbook-like design of this text. Smolka chose visually pleasing, vibrant photos to pair with his research-filled writing, creating a sense of balance and life in his pages. The book is pleasing to the eye, so much so that some of photos may end up making you thirsty, especially those in the recipe section of the book. Smolka rewards his audience for their hard work by providing them with 18 infused water recipes, which include
measurements, ingredients and instructions for each. The recipes consist of a wide range of fruits, berries and spices that, in combination, are likely to invigorate the taste buds. Each recipe is accompanied with an exquisite photo of the completed drink, and simply, they make you want to try them. Not only do these infused waters spice up a party’s pallet and look appealing on social media, but they offer us delightfully tasty ways to stay hydrated. If you are looking to learn more about hydration and are wanting to make a healthy change in your life, I recommend you check out “Water Wellness.” Febr uar y 2 0 2 0 | H ERS M ag az i ne 53
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5 Women-Focused Races Every Runner Should Try BY GABBY DANCE
Here at Hers Magazine, we take the age-old insult, “you run like a girl,” as a major compliment. Whether competitive runners or friends looking for a fun group workout, women around the world have created an empowering community of strong women through women-focused 5k races, half marathons, marathons and triathlons. This supportive environment is the perfect way to have some healthy fun. Here are five women’s races around the country that every runner should try.
DISNEY WORLD’S DISNEY PRINCESS HALF MARATHON WEEKEND If you’re looking to unleash your inner child who always longed to be a princess, grab your finest tiara and sign up for this race. Located at Disney World in Orlando, Florida, this race goes throughout the park, even offering photo stops with your favorite Disney characters. The event offers half marathon, 10k and 5k race options. If you’re feeling really motivated, you can even earn a special medal by completing the Fairy Tale Challenge, where runners finish both the 10k and half marathon races. This year’s races take place from February 20–23, 2020.
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NEW YORK MINI 10K As the first women’s only road race, this 10k has been bringing women together since 1972. It was named “mini” after the miniskirt, a fashionable form of resistance during the women’s liberation movement. The race weaves through Manhattan’s Central Park. This year’s race takes place on June 8, 2020.
DIVAS RUNNING SERIES This series of half marathon and 5k events lets women feel glamorous and strong while visiting some extraordinary places. The races take place in a long list of popular destinations across Canada, the U.S. and Puerto Rico, including San Juan, Myrtle Beach and Toronto Island. Runners wear tiaras and pink tutus throughout the race and are greeted with a champagne toast at the finish line. Races take place throughout the year.
ATLANTA WOMEN’S 5K Taking place in April 2020 when spring will be in full swing, this family 5k has special mother-daughter and sister team award categories. Runners will get to run through the warmup facility where athletes prepared for their events at the 1996 Olympic Games. Runners even receive flowers at the finish line to congratulate them on their run.
IRON GIRL This women’s version of the Iron Man triathlon series has three locations: Clearwater, Florida; Grimsby, Canada, and Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin. With less frills than the previous two, these races are great for anyone looking for serious competition. Races take place throughout the year.
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ith every New Year comes a glut of diet and fitnessfocused resolutions that can be easy to make, but even easier to break. With this understanding, throngs of tech companies are finding innovative ways to keep people engaged and motivated as they endeavor to get fit and healthy — and stay that way. However, with such an extensive and comprehensive field of modern-day health-tech options, it can be overwhelming to home in on which are worthy of working into your daily lifestyle. With that in mind, here are six savvy digital diet and fitness solutions that are sure to help you shed those stubborn pounds, tone those muscles and increase your endurance easier, more effectively and with increased sustainability.
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TONAL INTELLIGENT HOME GYM Created by former Apple, Nest and GoPro engineers and designers, Tonal is the world’s first machine learningpowered strength training system. This intelligent home gym pairs on-demand workouts and personal coaching with a first-of-its-kind, at-home, wallmounted fitness system that you really do need to see to fully understand and appreciate. So, hitting the website to watch the intro video is worthwhile. It’s like having a personal trainer plus an entire gym in the convenience of your home—but one that is supersleek, taking up very little space and boasting a “wow” factor unlike any other all-in-one I’ve seen. It features digital weights to help you achieve your goal, whatever that may be, whether it is to lose weight, gain strength, build muscle, boost energy, improve your performance or maintain your fitness. As a virtual personal trainer, expert-led programs and full body workouts are availed on this device’s digital display. Virtual coaches will guide you step by step. Tonal supports hundreds of moves and 200 pounds of resistance so you can skip the gym without compromising your workout. Additionally, its artificial
intelligence capabilities take the guesswork out of strength training. This device actually learns from your body and adapts guidance in real-time, so you see results faster. Service-wise, similar to Spotify music’s family plan, with Tonal, you can have unlimited users per household so everyone from mom and dad, to teens and even visiting friends and grandparents can strength train.
BINGE NETWORKS’ FITNESS CHANNEL BINGE is a broadcasting platform offering a convenient way to find all of a variety of fitness classes all in one place. They feature an array of fitness, health and life coaching shows allowing you to do yoga, Pilates, weight training and even get your mind in shape. With BINGE Networks, you can work out where and when you want with expertdriven programs that you can do at home, and that also travel with you. Users can stream the content from a Smart TV, tablet, smartphone or laptop from over 90 premium platforms like Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, Google Play, Sony, Samsung, Sharp, TiVo, Philips, Sanyo, Panasonic, JVC and Toshiba. The first week of access to the BINGE Fitness platform is free using code “FIT” and then access to the service and its content thereafter costs $24.95 per year.
AMAZFIT GTS SMARTWATCH BY HUAMI Huami recently announced the launch of its newest smartwatch, the Amazfit GTS. This device is powered by Huami's Bio Tracker optical sensor, which enables 24 hours of uninterrupted, high-precision heart rate monitoring with detailed data and abnormal value detection warnings. In both the watch and the app, the data is clearly displayed for an easy
understanding of the heart rate data patterns. With the app, users can also customize the classification of their heart rate and receive an alarm when the bpm values are out of range. All recordings are saved and can be seen in the app and can be shared. The device also integrates multiple health management features such as sedentary reminder, calorie consumption, sleep analysis and more. All these features, if used as an integral way to manage the user's health, can surely help
people to maintain a healthier lifestyle and improve their overall well-being. With the six-axis acceleration sensor, the Amazfit GTS becomes an ideal companion for sports and workout. It comes with 12 different sports modes including outdoor running, treadmill, walking, outdoor/indoor cycling, elliptical trainer, pool/open water swimming, mountaineering, trail running, skiing and exercising. Once the activity is finished, the smartwatch displays all the data collected like pace, calories, BPM range, altitude, time and much more. This new model comes in six different colors and with a 50-meter depth water resistance. Its techy and modern looking style comes with a vivid silicon strap, a thin 9.4-millimeter body for maximum comfort and the battery can last up to roughly 14 days. It also allows users to stay connected thanks to the mobile smart notifications, findmy-phone function, music control via Bluetooth and weather forecast.
distinguishes itself from other meal services on the market based on five parameters for using food to improve beauty, strength and well-being: (1) Eat food you love; (2) maximize nutrient density; (3) avoid refined and processed ingredients; (4) control your portions; and (5) be consistent. Methodology addresses all five of these concerns and endeavors to make clear that it’s “no ordinary meal delivery service.” It offers clean, ultra-nourishing, personalized meals for people who both love food and want to achieve optimal wellness. Of course, pricing reflects the premium nature of this food service option with meals starting at $16.99 each for lunch and dinner and $7.99 for breakfast. A small price to pay for truly delicious, real, whole, ultra-nourishing superfood meals that are ready-to-eat and can be reheated in a microwave or on a stove top in less than five minutes—all prepared and also refined sugar, gluten and processed ingredient-free. Grass-fed
Methodology is a web-based, wellnessfocused subscription service that offers ready-to-eat meals, with menus crafted by a team of chefs and nutritionists dedicated to maximizing health benefits while also making the food delicious. So, this is a great Internet-driven solution for those who find themselves too busy to make good, wholesome meals at home—whether every day or intermittently, as needed. Methodology
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impressive. In 2018, alone, program participants collectively lost over 1 million pounds and gained $13 million in kind. Since the company’s inception, over $20 million has been paid to HealthyWager winners.
ghee is the only form of dairy they currently use. In fact, the company can aptly accommodate specialized diets like Keto, Paleo, Mediterranean, Pescatarian or Vegan. You can visit the company’s website to review sample menus online and also kick-start the process by specifying your food preferences.
InBody has developed the H20N Smart Scale that measures your whole body, providing accurate and personalized results in the comfort of your home. The product provides essential health metrics including body fat percentage, BMI, skeletal muscle mass and weight. Test data automatically uploads to a mobile app that allows you to record test history and track trends. Smart scales only have electrodes on the footplate, so they can only measure your bottom half and have to estimate the upper half. The InBody H20N comes with handlebar electrodes as well as footplate electrodes, so your entire body composition is measured, not estimated. Testing your body composition on the InBody H20N is quick and easy. Just step on the scale, pick up the handle and get your results in 10 seconds. All your data is automatically recorded and synched to an app installed directly on your smartphone. After every test, your results are recorded and organized. See your test history, spot trends and share your results with your personal trainer or doctor. Make adjustments based on accurate data so that you are consistently trending toward the right direction. "During our R&D, we found that the current smart scale market focused heavily on the number features offered rather than the quality of the outputs,” said Joseph Han, Director of Business Development. “We made the conscious decision to scale back on the number of features and focus on delivering the most accurate body composition test you can take at home.”
No matter what kind of fitness or diet regime—or technology facilitators—you choose, the HealthyWage app actually PAYS you for losing weight! With the HealthyWage app, you determine how much weight you want to lose, how long you want to take to lose it and how much you want to wager each month. If you successfully reach your goal by the end date of your challenge, you win your prize. The average HealthyWager prize is more than $1,200! You can also join team, jackpot and step challenges through the app. And, this gamification approach is well-proven. Multiple studies show that monetary incentives serve to enhance the effectiveness of, and duly complement, weight-loss programs of any and all sorts—especially when paid out quickly like HealthyWage’s various programs. In fact, according to a company spokesperson, the average HealthyWager participant “more than doubles their investment if they are successful at achieving their goal,” so the financial upside potential is 58 HERS Mag azi n e | H ER Work
The 5 Most Surprising Ways to HAVE MORE SEX in 2020 BY JACKIE BACKMAN
If 2019 was a dry year for you, you might want to consider skipping the usual “new year, new me” resolutions and focus on improving your sex life instead. Even if you are looking for a 2020 glow-up, having more sex is a great way to improve your appearance and overall health so you can look as good as you feel. If you’re wondering how to have more sex in 2020, here are five surprising tips that can help:
1. STEP OUTSIDE OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE When it comes to great sex, the only limits you have are the ones you set for yourself, so try to be more open about what you’re looking for on hookup sites like Even if you’re set on the type of partner(s) you’re interested in, expanding your match preferences could open you up to sexual encounters that you’ve never thought about. Maybe you’ll meet a sexy couple looking to try new things, or someone who wants to experiment with BDSM. Opening your profile and yourself up to all the possibilities can really increase your chances of hooking up and help you find new ways to feel good.
2. ATTEND A SEX AND SWINGERS EVENT If having sex on the warm beaches of Jamaica sounds good to you, then try an event like Young Swinger’s Week and see what happens! This company hosts events for adventurous couples who want to come together at a private luxury resort to enjoy a week of couple swapping, nude beaches and amazing sexual encounters with sex positive people. It’s a great way to meet new play partners from all over the world and explore new things you may not have tried otherwise.
4. A PICTURE IS WORTH A THOUSAND HOOKUPS If your adult dating profile isn’t getting as many bites as you had hoped, try uploading photos that show off your personality instead of just your body. Everyone loves a good cleavage shot or even a d**k pic if the mood is right, but chemistry is what really makes for a great sexual connection. Eye contact, for example, is often the key to seduction, so upload a picture of your face and you could get up to 4 times more attention than profiles with no face pictures. If you’re not comfortable showing your face on a sex dating site, there are still creative ways to stand out while maintaining the air of mystery. Crop out certain distinguishing features or try a shot of yourself doing an activity you love and use filters to darken your face just enough. If you really want to increase the number of hits you get, you can also go the humorous route, which is a proven way to get more attention.
5. DRESS FOR THE SEX YOU WANT Have you ever heard the phrase “dress for the job you want, not the job you have?” Well, the same logic applies to sex. If you’re heading out on a date or anywhere you may potentially meet a new partner, make sure you are ready for anything. That means shower, shave, manscape, put on a matching bra and panties – whatever you do when you are expecting to get some action. This will give you a confidence boost which is very attractive to potential sexual partners, and it helps put out the vibe that you are ready for anything.
3. WATCH AND BE WATCHED If you and your partner are looking for ways to spice up your sex life, try having a virtual tryst via Facetime or Skype when you’re apart to keep the fire burning. If you are feeling super adventurous, you can even try webcamming together on so voyeurs can get a peek into your bedroom and watch as you pleasure each other. This is a great first step for those who might be interested in swinging at some point, and many couples will tell you there’s nothing hotter than making your partner moan as a virtual chat room full of strangers looks on.
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+ H E R H E A LT H
SIT. For many people, actually sitting on the meditation cushion (or the couch, of the floor–it doesn’t matter) is the hardest part. We put it off, we mean to do it later, we start researching different meditations on the internet — there are countless things we can do to keep ourselves distracted. The truth is, the mind doesn’t want to meditate (it’s used to doing its own thing!) so sometimes our body has to intervene. To start, just take a seat — any seat! Get yourself into a comfortable, upright posture. You don’t want to be rigid, and you do want to be able to sit comfortably for a little while and to breathe easily. A good trick is to try to have your hips elevated above your knees for the most comfortable seated posture; use pillows to prop yourself up if it helps. Let your hands rest naturally on your thighs or in each other, and either softly close your eyes or allow them to be gently downcast. Whatever feels right is what’s right.
editation can keep our minds fresh, teach us to take refuge in our own inner lives during uncertain times and help us to develop a more loving relationship with ourselves and others. Yeah, yeah…. We all know we “should” be meditating but starting a meditation practice when our lives are busy, we have countless demands on our time and there are a million apps and videos to choose from can be, well, super overwhelming. The truth is, classic meditation is pretty straightforward: we are simply choosing to focus our mind on something for a while (typically our breath) and when our mind wanders (which it will!) we just notice that it wandered and refocus our attention. That’s all there is to it. We’re not trying to achieve bliss or enlightenment. Probably the biggest misconception about meditation is that it clears our mind of thoughts. It doesn’t! But over time, it helps us to become less interested in the stories in our mind and more interested in the present moment. Practicing meditation is like exercising a muscle. It’s a little hard at first but over time, just like with any exercise, it can become familiar and routine. Here are three simple steps for meditating:
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STAY. Once you’ve taken your seat, the next step is deceptively simple: just stay for a while. Chose an anchor (try focusing on the physical sensation of your breath as it enters and leaves your body) and set a timer. Focus your attention on that sensation, and as your mind wanders or sense perceptions (like distracting noises) take your focus away, just notice that it’s happened and re-focus your attention on our breath. Here’s the thing — the practice of meditation isn’t about having less thoughts, it’s about that moment of noticing your mind has wandered and choosing to refocus it. That moment is the practice of mindfulness. Thinking “Oh shoot, I am supposed to be meditating!” and then going back to your anchor is the meditation. That’s the flex, the moment of exercising a choice. So, if all you did was remind yourself over and over that you were supposed to be meditating, I’ve got good news! You meditated.
BE GENTLE. The most important thing at any time is to be gentle with yourself. If we beat ourselves up when our mind wanders, that takes us out of the present moment. We all do that sometimes. When you do, you can treat it just like any other thought. Let it go and refocus on your breath. That’s really all there is to it! There are many variations out there, but most of the studies done about the benefits of meditation are about this practice, which is based on a Buddhist samatha practice and is called, in modern parlance, simply mindfulness meditation.
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