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CSR Report 2022

We all have a role to play in addressing our society’s challenges. As an individual but also as organisations. Tomorrow’s industry must reconcile local and international presence, sustainable production of beneficial and not superficial goods.

Times of crisis often help to take us back to basics. More than ever before, we are strengthened in the direction that has been given to our company for years. That of a local industrial vision, anchored in the territories and from where we are developing an international ambition for export.

Territorial solidarity is an integral part of what we call societal innovation. Positive trends are often generated by listening to others, taking an interest in what ties people together within a society and the purpose that brings us together and motivates our action in the service of others and the the world. The combination of innovation, new technologies and industrial know-how must remain deeply linked to a logic of sustainable development. It is a virtuous circle which is at the heart of the company’s project and which brings us together around such fundamental values as humanism, innovation, commitment and customer satisfaction. Thus our customers expect us to take a responsible and sustainable approach together to produce and consume better. In order to respond to this aspiration with an ambitious answer, and one that commits us strongly over time, HEXIS has set itself the mission of offering its customers an «informed choice». This means not only providing the best of goods and services, transparent information and expert advice, but also to ensure the highest ethical standards in the conduct of our business model.

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