Digital Design Portfolio

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Digital Design - Portfolio Semester 1, 2019 Yan He

(Student number: 980426) Sean Guy + Studio 16


email: Education: 2018 - current 2016 - 2017

Bachelor of Design Trinity Collage

Awards / Exhibition: 2017

Skills: Rhino Grasshopper Unreal

FOD:R Exhibition, AFLK Gallery

Through the whole semester, I learned not only about digital techniques, but also a lot of ideas. I learned the concepts of circulation and threshold which play an really important role in architectural design. We are asked to developed our digital design skills through software such as grasshopper to experience parametric design as well. Moreover, I went through the whole modeling process and learnt new digital fabrication methods. I found modelling is a good chance for me to see and feel the rationality of the design. I was exposed to new software, which is unreal engine to get rendered images quickly. I also experienced my design more authentically through VR. I have done lots of research this semester to see those good examples of pavilion. I got many inspirations from them and understand how they work in the reality. Those good cases motivates my design. For example, I combine the idea of the monument park by MCR and my model from the second module to design my final project, Cave Paradise.

Photoshop Illustrator Indesign Fabrication SketchUp AutoCAD

One thing I want to mention is that I start to think about the concepts behind a design. I am not just thinking about what I can design and how to make it beautiful. Instead, I would develop it step by step following the concept. Those parametric softwares make me think parametrically when I design, in other word, they changed my thoughts totally. However, I found they challenge me at the same time. I still need further research and learning to get familiar with these software.




Precedent Study

05 Generating Design Through Digital Processes

17 Pavilion


Queen Victoria Garden

Diagramming Design Precedent

Image1. photo of precedent ( Luc Boegly, Sergio Grazia, “Wood Summer House 2016 / Barkow Leibinger Architekten”, Archeyes, published JUNE 18, 2016,

I learned about those two kinds of diagram after reading and tutorial. Circulation and threshold closely related to architecture which the former are determined by the later and the later are influenced by the former as well. The structure of the pavilion sets the paths for people. The design of the building is for the convenience of people’s activities. As a result, the circulation affects the design. As same as threshold, the changing places of activies is a part of designing the space. In a short conclusion, the circulation, threshold and design are related to each other. In my opinion, the key concept of this precedent study is to understad how people’s circulation and threshold work relating to the space of the building.

Isometric of your precedent study

Circulation and threshold closely related to architecture which the former are determined by the later and the later are influenced by the former as well. The structure of the pavilion sets the paths for people. The design of the building is for the convenience of people’s activities. As a result, the circulation affects the design. As same as threshold, the changing places of activies is a part of designing the space. In a short conclusion, the circulation, threshold and design are related to each other. 4

Circulation Diagram The three C shape walls define three sitting spaces. People can only walk into the sitting spaces instead of walking through the whold structure. The black lines with arrows shows the routes of people’s movements. The pink points are defined as the density of people. The darker point means more people.

Threshold Diagram The overhanging roof structure provides shadows for people doing activities especially in hot weather. The walls also provide shade for people sitting down. The seats are the area where the largest number of people gather. Those sitting spaces are the area where people move the slowest as well. Those three areas make up all the thresholds. 5


Generating Ideas Through Process

Design Matrix

I tried to use different points on the edges, attractor points and different panels to achieve variations, the process can be seen in the matrix. The attractor points control the height and angle of the 3d patterns. One thing to make surface interesting is to change the shape of patterns. Then I selected the final shape of the surface and patterns. One pattern is a pyramid with an opening on it. I found really intersting is that the direction of opening is chaning along with the attractor points. In other words, I have used one pattern to create differentiation by using attractor points.


Surface and Waffle Both 2d and 3d patterns on this side has opening on it, however, the direction of opening are different due to the attractor points.

The surface of this side are half made by solid pyramid which have no opening on it. This pattern create enclosed private space

The surfaces are along with the waffle structure, forming the interior space together.


Computation Workflow

After creating a boundary defining by a 150x150x150 cube, I ad just the point to change the position of the edges. The lines are manipulated and lofted to form the surface shown at bottom.

I have added two point attractors and change the values on the number sliders to change the height of the points on offset grid. Using ‘dispatch’ to mix two different patterns on one surface. And then ‘weave’ them to combine them together.


This part is about creating waffle structure and decompose them for laser cutting.

Task 01 Laser Cutting Linework

Fabrication Process I found it was not really secure for the laser cut waffle structure, so that I used masking tape to fix it.

I follow the laser cutting tips and cut through the etch lines to remove the panels from the ivory card. I also use nicking knife to gental cut through the inner etch line to make my panels folds easily. Becuase the model is small, so it is not really easy to make and it took some time.

That is my laser cutting file. I have several mistakes in this process. When I unroll my surface, there are many parts overlapping to each other, which made me confused. The things I have learned is that to seperate them properly when they are complex and each parts are close to each other. And also I have print my panels with their tabs on the wrong scale, which means the tab are too small to stick them. Therefore, I need to laser cut for another one with larger tabs.


WAFFLE STRUCTURE The waffle structure shows clearly the streamline shape, which bring a feeling of beauty and mobility. The entrance is formed by two sides of waffles. It is from narrow to wide which shapes the circulation. The photo shows the light and shadows as well.


I cut a cube with star-based pyramids to get this kind of mountain shapes. People would wonder around it and explore the overall shape.



I have cut the cube with the shape of star-base rhombus which bring more possibilities than the pyramid. This model looks like mountain ranges. The circulation would be wondering around. It create two different sides of space for people to experience. Two of my 3d printed iterations.


Design Matrix

I am exploring how I could change the shape of boolean geometry. Firstly, I change the dimension of the attrator points to change the boundary lines in the cube. Then I use same shape and put them into the chaning cube to see the differences. I also try to use different spatial patterns as my boolean geometry to see how to would cut the cube and create the inner space. That is the whole process I explored within this cube.


Computational Process

Creating points which are arranged in regular order on the lines of a 150x150x150 cube.

I added ‘point attraction’ to each point and change the value on the number sliders to change the space. And then I further develop the boolean shape, instead of using simple form of sphere.


I have create the planes on xy-axis and then generate the geometry insteand of generating their position by controlling the points. I have change different shapes of boolean geometry to make the space of cut-off cube much more interesting.

M2 Task 2 3D Printing

That is what I have put in the makerbot ad send it to 3d print. The overall time took it to print out is 3 hours and 28 minutes. It did not took too long because there are not much supporting materials. I arrange the direction of each model and make the print process efficiently.


Two of my 3d printed iterations.



Queen Victoria Garden Pavilion

CAVE PARADISE My whole idea got inspirations from M2 Task B. I cut a cube with star-based pyramids. It is in the shape of mountains. It gives different feelings when orient it in different directions. I also got inspirations from the monument park design by MCR. As for the patterns, I selected a cube in the interest of simplicity. And then I projected them into the interior to create a hollow space. Patterns are being a really important part of this building. It hollows out the solid shell and provides internal spaces for activities. The rugged patterns also support children to climb up. It gives the pavilion potential creating interesting special configurations with the help of parametric concept. This pavilion provide spaces for young children and those people wishing to hace their lunch outdoors. Children leap from one sculpture to the other, exploring each form. Caves could provide shadows in the day and there are lights in the night. Changing of light make people be attracted to explore the whole pavilion one cave by one. The threshold is quite like the idea of my precedent pavilion in M1, Barkow’s summer house, which the seating area of the pavilion is facing to the outside. The threshold are formed by the overhanging roof central structure and sitting area to provide a connection between pavilion and outside environment. The stage shape stairs are an extension of the pavilion. It is the in between space of the more private interior cave and the public natural space. People could gather and walk on it in this transition space. People staying in this space still keep contact with the people inside the pavilion. There are two kinds of people using this pavilion. For those people stay in the pavilion, the circulation would be from all around into the middle. For those visitor who are new to this pavilion, the circulation might be just wondering around it in a zigzag shape. In this case, it would be interesting when people walk around and then figure out the whole pavilion.




Design Iteration

I have tried to use the method of boolean keep using the shape from Module 02 to create the pavilion. And I also got inspired by fresh flower pavilion and want to develop in this way. But it is more like a random idea and it is focus more on the shape. I can not relate my concept onto it. This project also asked us to use parametric software. Due to those

I decided to use the interesting shape from my last module. At first I have some doubt about its shape because it is not same as normal pavilion. However, after doing the research, I devided to further developed it.

I am also trying to use some new techniques in grasshopper such as kangaroo, weavebird to find out what I can develop to a pavilion.


Computational Process

After devided the grid into points, using the attractor points to change the position of points to achieve variability.

I used star-based pyramid as shapes to boolean the cube, manipulated by the point attractors.


I used ‘point in brep’ to extract the points of shape and use ‘cull pattern’ and ‘Octree’ to change the data structure of the shape the pattern. After generating the pattern, I projected them on the interior of the solid shell to create caves.

Vignette 01

Pavilion side view at night

Vignette 03

Night view of pavilion with lights


Vignette 02

Children’s activities in the cave

Vignette 04

Pavilion at day time with people’s activities

This pavilion provide spaces for young children and those people wishing to hace their lunch outdoors. Children leap from one sculpture to the other, exploring each form.


Fabrication process

Laser Cutting Process

3D Printing Process Because there are time restrictions of 3d printer, I have tried for several times to figure out where to cut the sections. When I export them into the makerbot printer, I also reoriented them and reset the infill settings to reduce the printing time. Orienting them in a right direction results to less supporting materials because they are quite hard to remove.


CAVE PARADISE Caves could provide shadows in the day and there are lights in the night. Changing of light make people be attracted to explore the whole pavilion one cave by one.


360 Image Output


Digital Design Semester 1, 2019


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