Digital Design M01 Diagramming Design Precedentt

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Digital Design - Module 01 Semester 1, 2019 Yan He

(student id: 980426) Sean Guy + Studio 16

Week One

Reading: Zeara Polo, A. 2010. Between Ideas and Matters.

According to Zeara-Polo, the diagram does not play a representational role in the design process but provides an organisational and can have a performative quality depending on how it is deployed. Explain how Diagram is different from Signs and Symbols? (100 words Maximum)

According to Zeara-Polo, Diagram are opposite to Signs and Symbols. Diagram do not represent for dynamic object. It is somewhere between physical appearance and perception ‘on an organisational level’. How the diagrams work in reality depends on how they are performenced by designers. On the contrary, some architects use icons and signs to get relationship between forms and concepts. Deleuze and Guattari state that the diagram is ‘in the context of technoscientific semiotics’. Diagrams bring new possibilities and new logic instead of just presenting logic. Moreover, diagrams not only bring people new production of sensation and mood but also bring new organisation of space.


Week One

Precedent Analysis

Those three images on the rightwhich are captured from rhino show the process how I model the final precedent which the texture of wood on it.

Image1. photo of precedent ( Luc Boegly, Sergio Grazia, “Wood Summer House 2016 / Barkow Leibinger Architekten�, Archeyes, published JUNE 18, 2016,

The image on the top is from my research before I modelling. I try to understand how the construction of this pavilion works. After working out the whole structure, I start to model in rhino. I built from top to bottom. I finish the roof firstly. The first layer is the most difficult part, which we can see from the images shown on the top right and bottom right. I compare between different side view to find out the movements of curves. And then I get the whole preedent modelling finished. After modelling, I put texture on it to show the material of wood.


Week Two

Reading: Hertzberger H. 2005. The in-between and The Habitable Space Between Things, from Lessons for Students in Architecture.

Herzberger discusses how design should not be extreme in its functionality. Use your precedent study to explain how the pavilion allows for an appropriation of use. (100 words Maximum)

According to Herzberger, threshold provide transition and conneection between different areas. In my precedent, there is no demarcation between shadwos offering by overhang roof and sitting area. Two spaces overlap. Simiarly, the activity space provide by pavilion are connected with natral public space. Threshold as a extention of the sitting area. Futhermore, he states that threshold is important for social contacts as wall are for privacy. The threshold in Barkow’s summer house provide opportunities to people to communicate not only between people and people but also between people and nature. People can walk from nature to those sitting area through thresholds.


Week Two Isometric

Isometric view I found that there are many layers overelap which is one of the difficulties to model it. Different views of this precedent which is plan, sections and elevatiton help me to understand the whole structure. So I set up those different views to help me get the outline of the structure and then I can make it into threedimensional. The isometric view on the left get from make2d in rhino. The difference between the image after make2d and the outline of the model is that some of the lines are shown and some are hidden when I make it into 2 dimensional. As for the circulation and threshold diagram, I learned about those two kinds of diagram after reading and tutorial. Circulation and threshold closely related to architecture which the former are determined by the later and the later are influenced by the former as well. The structure of the pavilion sets the paths for people. The design of the building is for the convenience of people’s activities. As a result, the circulation affects the design. As same as threshold, the changing places of activies is a part of designing the space. In a short conclusion, the circulation, threshold and design are related to each other. In my opinion, the key concept of this precedent study is to understad how people’s circulation and threshold work relating to the space of the building.


Week Two


Circulation Diagram The three C shape walls define three sitting spaces. People can only walk into the sitting spaces instead of walking through the whold structure. The black lines with arrows shows the routes of people’s movements. The pink points are defined as the density of people. The darker point means more people. 6

Threshold Diagram The overhanging roof structure provides shadows for people doing activities especially in hot weather. The walls also provide shade for people sitting down. The seats are the area where the largest number of people gather. Those sitting spaces are the area where people move the slowest as well. Those three areas make up all the thresholds.

Appendix Process

That is what I got at the very first beginning. I set up the plan, section and elevation in three dimensional view. I draw the general outline following the plan and then I adjust the height of the line according to the side view. By using this method, I build the whole precedent gradually. The most tricky one is the first layer which has many curves on it. I tried several time to model them.

I add some texture on my rhino model to show the material. I ty to use different kinds of wood to see what it would look like on the precedent. The screenshot on the left shows what it is like finally in rhino.


Appendix Process

The diagram on the left is the exploded view of the whole structure which I model them layer by layer in rhino. The two diagrams on the rightare the first version of my circulation and threshold diagrams before studio 2 on week 2. I take the advice of my tutor and revise my diagram. I get rid of the first layer (the roof ) which does not really matter the circulation in my point of view and I added a plan which is similar to heat map to show the density of people’s activities. As for the threshold diagram, I put the first and second layer


Appendix Process

Finally, I add really light shadows for my precent using photoshop. The photo on the left is the final view of my work completed by indesign.


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