Habitat for Humanity Society of Greater Vancouver
February 2006
The Blueprint
Celebrating the Habitat Burnaby ReStore In October 2005 the Habitat Burnaby ReStore celebrated its 3rd birthday with an open house‌ and what a party it was! With the help of many volunteers and a supply of goodies and coffee from Cobs Bread and JJ Bean, hundreds of regular and new ReStore customers browsed the aisles and came away with some fantastic bargains (including free toilet seats!). The ReStore is integral to the success of Habitat because the profits support the operating expenses of the organization. This means that when people donate to Habitat, their money is going to the building of houses and not to the cost of operations. Not only are there some great bargains to be found, but customers are also helping the environment. Tom (Habitat ReStore manager) estimates that more than 1,500 tons of unwanted material has been resold, reused and recycled through the ReStore since it opened in 2003.
The free toilet seats were a real hit
find on building supplies, household items and one-of-a-kind finds. Plans are underway to open a 2nd ReStore, once a suitable site is found.
Special gratitude goes to the individual donors and corporate suppliers who continually help to replenish the shelves, as well as our customers who spread the word about the great deals they Congratulations William! While his parents were shopping at the Open House, William spent his time colouring a wonderful drawing and won our contest. (He came back later to get his basket of prizes.)
Tom (at far right) helps a customer load up a cart
The Blueprint
February 2006
Habitat for Humanity Society of Greater Vancouver
We acknowledge and thank our Phase III Corporate Sponsors
“HALF-HOUSE” $50,000+
Thanks to the “Adopt Us For a Day” corporate teams who donated and volunteered since September 2005
MCAP Mortgage Corporation
eBay MCAP and partners GWL Realty TD Canada Trust Business Objects AIM TRIMARK KPMG
(and their partners)
and to the following groups for their help on the site or at the ReStore since October:
Genworth Financial Mortgage Insurance Company of Canada & Invis
UBC Engineers Without Borders Kodak Covenant House Build-A-Bear-Workshop BCIT Building Trades Program Federal Department of Justice Richmond Fire and Rescue
Thanks go to Rob Hale who won a $1,000 award from his employer TD Canada Trust and then generously donated it to Habitat Greater Vancouver. Rob’s past experience of working on a Habitat Global Village build inspired him to give to Habitat closer to home.
“ROOM BUILDER” $10,000+ Great-West Life Teekay Shipping Commonwealth Insurance “BUILDER” $5,000+ TD Canada Trust
A special thanks to all those who were able to volunteer as Level 2 first aid attendants during 2005 on the construction site — their presence let Habitat welcome more volunteers on the site this year and really made a difference to the progress of Phase Three; Scott Alleyn, Dave Bernardino, Thomas Bernardino, Chris Brooke, Charles Calogiros, Kevin Copelin, Mike Dockrill, Daryl Ducharme, Myles Fontaine, Matt Gahr, Todd Gardiner, Adam Greene, Russell Jordan, Derek Kormendy, Jon Lazzarino, Matt MacDonald, Patrick MacKinnon, Shane Martin, Chris McNulty, Craig Mosher, Jamie Mullen, Jesse Olson, Russell Ong, Mark Peppin, Jesse Polsky, Brenda Robbins, Adam Smith, Ralph Steen, Rick Tennant, Steve Warn, Kyla Watson, Chris Watt, Marvin Wingett, Derek Wiseman. And...
Congratulations to the Roofing Contractors Association of British Columbia who donated $6,670 from their annual silent auction Page 2
Thanks also go to those who volunteered to be hosts on the construction site in 2005: Manjit Bains, Ameliya Brathwaite, Sandy Crawford, Sadhna Datta, Jane Davidson, Loree Fagrie, Julie Holfield, Lori Hord, Lis MacIntosh, Karen Morin, Julie Robinson, Christina Tinson, and Maggie White.
The Blueprint
February 2006
Habitat for Humanity Society of Greater Vancouver
So, what is the secret ingredient at the Habitat ReStore? Volunteers (of course)
I volunteered for Habitat for Humanity after seeing Jimmy Carter on TV building houses in the U.S. I had been retired about 15 years and was active as a volunteer off and on with such local events as the B.C. Summer Games, Speed Watch and Special Olympics; all of these came to an end in 2003. All of a sudden I was faced with nothing to do for the coming winter. I certainly did not want to spend all of my time in a rocking chair, so I picked up the phone and called Habitat and found they needed volunteers in the ReStore. “Can you fix things?” Tom said. “I will try” I said, and here I am in my third year at 70 years old still fixing things and loving every minute of it. Whatever age you are, give Habitat a call. Just being active and giving will keep you young and feeling like a better person. It sure worked for me. Dick Howard, Happy Volunteer at the ReStore
The ReStore is always looking for volunteers with “fix it” skills. Can you test and repair electrical appliances? How about putting cabinets together? Give Tom a call at 604293-1898 if you can help.
Greg and Shari — Volunteer cashiers at the ReStore
Why I enjoy volunteering as an assistant and a cashier. I started volunteering at the Burnaby ReStore about 18 months ago and have never regretted the decision to do so. There are many wonderful things about the opportunity – Working with the regular staff and the regular volunteers, as well as the fascinating variety of customers – from every culture and every background. The materials that are donated all have a story – real or imagined – props from the movies industry; boxes of old tools donated after grandpa died and family had to clean out his workshop; old pieces and parts that no one seems to be able to identify- “What was this used for?” or “What is the customers looking for and what will it be used for?” The occasions that I cherish most are those moments when I have the opportunity to explain the story and the purpose of Habitat for Humanity and the ReStore. Many people have read about Habitat but they come to the ReStore not knowing of the connection and thinking that we’re just a second hand store. If I have a chance to explain to them the connection and the purpose of the ReStore, new customers become visibly excited – it is no longer just a place where you can get rid of junk or buy cheap materials but they are now a part of a process. People really don’t like wasting but getting rid of stuff is often not easy. ReStore makes recycling easy and convenient. One rough and ready renovator said to me, “Let’s see if I’ve got this straight. I bring my demolition materials here and you take them and I don’t have to pay a dumping fee. You sort it and sell it cheap to people who are renovating or building something and all the profits go to low cost housing. We dump less stuff in the landfill and all together we save the planet. Is that about right?” We laughed together and acknowledged that we were part of a great undertaking and it felt good. Colin Johnstone, Habitat ReStore Volunteer Page 3
The Blueprint
February 2006
Habitat for Humanity Society of Greater Vancouver
The Habitat Burnaby ReStore has been nominated for the 19th Annual Volunteer Vancouver Awards which will be announced on April 24, 2006 at the Westin Bayshore Resort & Marina. The awards celebrate the spirit of volunteerism and showcase the voluntary efforts of countless individuals and groups. Shortlisted nominees will be announced in March, so watch to see if Habitat makes the list!
It’s never too early to make a note of important upcoming dates, and one that we’re most proud of is the annual
Universal Gospel Choir Benefit Concert
at the Olivet Baptist Church in New Westminster. This year it will take place on:
Saturday April 1 at 8.00pm Tickets are available through the office at 604-681-5618. This really is an experience not to be missed so order your tickets today.
From June 19-23, 2006 the United Nations World Urban Forum is coming to Vancouver and Habitat for Humanity will be playing a part. For more information about WUF visit their website at: http://www.unhabitat.org/wuf/2006/default.asp
Donors have always been a critical part of what makes Habitat homes affordable to low-income families. Your financial support can come in many forms: ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒
Single donations Giving a gift in honour of someone special – for a birthday, anniversary, birth, graduation, or retirement Remembering a loved one with an “in memory” gift Giving gifts of stock Matching gifts (many employers will match the donations of their employees) Designating a United Way contribution Creating a bequest in your will or other planned giving options Donating land
YES! I want to help Habitat finish Phase 3: Enclosed is my contribution of: $150
Name: _____________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________ City: ________________________ Pr: _______ Postal Code __________ Email: _________________________________ Tel No: ______________ My cheque is enclosed Phase 3: February 2006
Payable to: Habitat for Humanity Society of Greater Vancouver Please charge my credit card: (please circle one)
American Express
Card Number: __________________________________ Expiration date:____________ Signature: _______________________________ Habitat for Humanity Society of Greater Vancouver, PO Box 60577 Granville Park PO, Vancouver, BC V6H 4B9 Phone: 604.681.5618 Fax: 604.872.0223 Email: habitat1@telus.net