August 2014 issue

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w a R

August 2014

Holistic Natural Happy Healthy Life

R E r! a W o r r u o PJoO in

The Wedding issue! Holistic Wedding Tips and advice for calm elegance

PLUS: 9 ways to eat for pain free 5 simple ways to travel healthy Natural Tan help, Animal Testing - time to stop? Astrology, Recipes, Grow Your Own & more!

Just some of your feedback‌

to all our readers from around the world And firstly I would like to thank you on behalf of our team of volunteers who give up their free time to not only write these articles for you but also to lay-out, set-up, tweet, administrate our Facebook Group and Edit the Magazine to bring you this publication, for your wonderful feedback across Twitter and

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Facebook. Everyone who contributes here does so because they are passionate about what they do in helping you stay fit, healthy, pain-free, confident and happy and your kind words of encouragement mean a great deal to us. We welcome aboard this month Dr Reza Ghorbani, a pain management specialist from the USA as well as all our regular contributors from across the globe including Precious Kids,

Complete Health magazine is published FREE on the 23rd each month via the platform & join us on twitter & FB as

Great Parents in sunny Queensland, Australia to our wonderful Astrologer Andrew Smith in Dublin, Ireland. We truly are a global publication with global contributors. As always our fabulous team of therapists are on hand in our Facebook Group (led by the wonderful Pete Bowman) to offer help and advice on specific issues and we tweet throughout the day if you join us on twitter. Please do get in touch with us via the links below as we love to share our knowledge with you.

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Please keep re-tweeting us and sharing our publication across Facebook and your e-mail contacts - thank you for helping us to spread the word about natural health.

Editor Tina Hammett is a Hypnotherapist & NLP Practitioner, published Author, an advocate of healthy living, has FMS and lives in the UK

Or go to the website and click the link

Contents Cover 7 days to a confident 9 ways to Pain Free ….. 7 The Wedding Issue ….. 12 Time to stop Animal Testing? … 42 5 ways to travel healthy …. 50 Eat for safe Tanning & sunscreen recipe .. . … 56

Regulars 22 What’s new & hot! 23 Recipe

28 Andrew talks Astrolo 41 Recipe for kids

52 Balcony Organics (G Photographs: - ideago, danilo rizzuti, tiverylucky, potowizard / and Fotolia




w a R POWER Join our roar!




Tina Hammett

Assist Editor:

Lesley Parker


Debbie Best

Published by Life Without Limits in the United Kingdom & Worldwide, all rights reserved


24 How a dog keeps your child healthier! 36 The effects of bullying & crystals to help 48 Learn to love yourself in 3 simple steps

For advertising enquiries & article submission please complete the form on the website To offer a competition prize or to submit a free sample offer please see the website Published via the issu platform on or around 24th of each month To e-mail us please use the CONTACT US page via the website

Everything published within this magazine is our own copyright and you may not reproduce in whole or in part any part of this magazine without our written confirmation. Should you wish to do so please contact us via the website as very often we say yes to the reproduction of our material with a linked credit.

Any and all information and advice contained within this publication is simply that, advice and should you decide to pursue any of this advice you do so at your own risk. No responsibility can or will be accepted by the publishers, authors or editorial staff. If in doubt always contact your own medical practitioner before starting or changing your existing treatment plans, beginning a new dietary regime or undertaking alternative therapies or remedies.

The ideas and opinions expressed within this publication are those of the individual authors and not necessarily those of the publisher or it’s officers.




foods to eat your way to

pain free

By Reza Ghorbani, MD, ABIPP, FIPP


The Good Guys



Salmon and other fish high in omega-3 fatty acids, like mackerel or tuna, on the top of our winners list. Research shows these foods reduce the risk of conditions from heart attack to osteoarthritis and even menstrual pain. In fact, eating these foods may




Not everybody needs milk!

For some it actually triggers an inflammatory response. However, if milk isn’t a minus for you, it could be a very big plus. Low fat milk

If you want a compliment to

is a great protein source

your salmon entrée, consider

without kicking your calorie

need to take painkilling drugs. However, to get

green leafy vegetables. There

Personally, I think yogurt is

the full benefit, you need

are many options including

a tasty way of getting your

to eat salmon, or its

spinach broccoli, peas, brussel

daily protein dose, and it

actually reduce your

equivalent, at least three times a week.

count into overdrive.

also boosts a bacterial

sprouts and kale. Not only do

culture that helps protect

they pass the good taste test,

your intestinal tract. As you

they’re rich in alpha lipoic

know milk is a great source of vitamin D, essential in

acids, which are among the

preventing bone loss that

body’s best disease and

comes with age.

inflammation fighters. Other alpha lipoic sources include bran and brewer’s yeast.



GINGER Ginger’s therapeutic properties have been appreciated for some 5,000 years, but the spice is still one of nature’s most resilient and potent botanicals. A study done in 2010 shows that ginger can reduce muscle-associated pain from exercise by 25 percent. Perhaps, the tropical plant is best known as a treatment for nausea and digestive pain. Not everything good for you tastes good, but one of ginger’s primary attributes is its great flavor, in beverages or on food.

You’ll recognize turmeric as the yellow spice commonly found in


Middle Eastern and Indian cuisine. However, research shows extracts from this root can make a healthy


difference in your diet. It’s been studied as a treatment for a wide variety of diseases including arthritis, cancer and even diabetes. Turmeric has strong anti-oxidant properties - meaning it has an anti-inflammatory effect by neutralizing harmful body wastes called free radicals

Photographs: - grant chochrane, voraorn, artur84, africa, foto76, m_bartosch, tiverylucky,


Oh, yes, and while we’re on the subject of potent anti-inflammatory foods let’s


consider garlic and onions. If aroma is any indication, these vegetables


should give inflammation a run for its money. Preliminary studies show that


garlic works like the non-steroidal antiinflammatory pain reliever ibuprofen to turn off inflammation. Onions, also


Let’s end our travel

take on inflammation while breaking

through the food

down free radicals in the body. Again, these metabolic waste products can

aisles with a stop at

build up leading to serious disease.

the nut counter.


There are some great anti-inflammatories


It’s hard to find fault with fruits.


They’re disease fighters loaded with nutrients like vitamin C,

here—in particular almonds. They contain, among other things, alpha-linolenic acid, a similar compound to the pain reducer in salmon we

We’ve all heard of the

discussed earlier.

fiber. Berries in particular fight

health benefits from the

Nuts are also

inflammation. Research shows

“Mediterranean Diet”.

abundant in the

People thrive on this

Mediterranean Diet

potassium, folic acid and dietary

that red raspberry extract helps prevent arthritis and blueberries work against intestinal disease. A

approach, which

bonus: Fruits are low in fat,

emphasizes fruits and

sodium and calories. Why not add them into your breakfast cereal or

vegetables and

pop them into your lunch box?

consuming less animal

Hitting the road? Dried fruits may be your answer.

protein. A key ingredient in this dietary chemistry is the liberal use of olive oil. The compound that gives olive oil its distinctive flavor is similar to a chemical in many painkilling drugs.


which research shows can start reducing inflammation in just six weeks.

The BAD Guys 1. Fried Foods: Have been in the gun sights of researchers for some time. In addition to a high-calorie count, dishes like fried meats, processed foods and frozen foods can increase inflammation and with possible damage to the immune system. A good antidote—replace processed with the real thing, like fruits and vegetables. 2. AGE: If you want to think about living to a ripe old age, you might consider cutting back on AGE. That’s the abbreviation for advanced glycation end product. It’s a toxin occurring in foods that are heated, grilled, fried or even pasteurized. These chemicals can damage the body, which in turn, unleashes an inflammatory substance, known as a cytokine, to neutralize the substance. Foods cooked at lower temperatures could be a healthy protective measure. 3. Sweeteners: If you’re using too many sweeteners, you could have a bitter pain experience. Sugar based products have been linked to muscle cramps, abdominal pain and digestive issues. Avoiding or cutting down on sweeteners is a good idea but requires some diligence since so many foods now contain corn syrup. Precaution: read labels carefully. What you don’t know can hurt you. 4. Salt: It’s is one thing to have a pinch of salt, something else to overdue it in your diet. Too much salt can equal inflammation of the joints and that can equate to pain. Salt has long been suspected as a cause of high blood pressure as well as heart and liver problems. Some foods are saltier than others. Look out for processed items, particularly those that are destined for the microwave. 5.

Alcohol: Beyond its intoxicating powers, alcohol can trigger a lot of misery particularly in the joints where it can cause painful deposits to accumulate - an inflammatory response called gout. Again, let moderation be your guide.

So there we have the good, the bad and even the painful ingredients that can either make your diet a source of good health or drag down your lifestyle and sense of well being. Quoting Hippocrates, the founder of modern medicine, “Let food be thy medicine, thy medicine shall be thy food.”

Reza Ghorbani, MD, ABIPP, FIPP, is a Harvard-trained, board certified Interventional Pain Management Specialist. He is the President and Medical Director of the Advanced Pain Medicine Institute in the Greater Washington, DC, USA area. As a leading practitioner in his field, Dr. Ghorbani has devoted his entire career to helping patients overcome pain to enable a better quality of life. His quest to find a natural pain alternative sparked a discovery that challenged traditional pain management leading to the proprietary formulation of NOXICARE Natural Pain Relief and now he’s published his natural pain relief management tips in an insightful book, “Secrets to a Pain Free Life.” It’s a guide that offers contemporary and traditional ways to find relief, including safe, natural treatments, and even tasty recipes, that can reduce painful inflammation.


Natural Gla For Brides to be‌. Our panel of Holistic Therapists and Experts share their tips for effortless elegance, glamour, poise, confidence and calm on your big day!

In association with

Planning on starting a family? Both of you should have at least four months of healthy living before you try and conceive. Both take a good quality fertility supplement to help optimise your health and vitality, even if you have no concerns about your fertility. Act as if you are pregnant now and nurture yourselves (mind, body and soul) as if you are already protecting your unborn baby. Eat healthy, freshly prepared organic food or home grown produce (free from pesticides of course). Exercise moderately and limit your alcohol and caffeine intake. De-stress AND remove toxic products from your home, including cleaning products, personal care and beauty products too.

Louise Joslin (Holistic Fertility Specialist)



A University of Rochester (USA) study concluded that watching a RomCom together once a week and discussing the on-screen relationships could cut the divorce rate from 24% to 11% by year 3 equalling the success rate of marriage guidance counselling!

Tina Hammett (Author & Editor of Complete Health Magazine) Photographs by and fotolia


Finding the perfect dress that reflects your own Style personality and the unique you will make you feel amazing on the inside and look fabulous too! Natalie Butler (Style Coach)


Many people suffer pre wedding nerves, a fear of public speaking, dislike of being the centre of attention, performance anxiety and more. Homeopathic treatment is natural and gentle, and can address these issues safely and without side effects. There are several remedies that can help, and your homeopath will be able to prescribe the best one for you.

Melanie Tomsett (Homeopath)

Give yourself permission to laugh if anything goes wrong. If you want to learn some relaxation techniques to keep you calm Voice Dialogue can help put you in touch with the calm, happy, confident, elegant,relaxed part of you.

Claire Humphries (Voice Dialogue Coach)


A simple and effective technique to ease nerves & to help you speak clearly and confidently. Be calm and confident by tapping the side of your hand confirming to your subconscious what you want. Its just a tap away

Lesley Parker (EFT Specialist)

In association with Helping you achieve your true bridal style


Remember to eat regularly and healthily to help with pre wedding nerves. Always have good quality protein with low glycaemic carbohydrates to help balance your blood sugar and keep your energy levels constant. This will prevent you snacking inappropriately and gaining unwanted pounds.

Debbie Best (Nutritionist)

Your smile is your best and most natural asset - use it to transform your look and ooze confidence as you enjoy your day! Confidence comes from within and if you feel great you look great! Flatter your good bits and disguise where necessary - use accessories to enhance and fine tune your style.

Natalie Butler (Style Coach) PAGE 17

still more HOLISTIC


Go Green Pre-wedding arrangement can push you to skip your meals and miss out on vital nutrients.

Wedding glamour in

Take balanced and nutritious diet and don't forget the color green! They are rich source of vitamins and anti-oxidants that will help you keep your immune system strong. After all, you don't want to be sneezing on your


easy, effortless steps

wedding day! .... So, believe in what you eat is what you get!


Work-out your stress 30 minutes of daily exercise can do wonders

They say marriages are made in heaven and celebrated on earth. Some like an epic grandeur and some want it to be a small private family event, but whichever route you take, it marks the most important chapter in your life. Planning for a wedding isn't a cake walk and stress of making it the most perfect event of your life can leave you exhausted. From never ending guest list to managing tight budgets, from finding the best vendors in town to the last minute shopping. However, one thing that always tops the list is your perfect wedding look and don't let that wedding stress ruin your wedding pictures. Here are some valuable ideas that can help you maintain your pristine look.


for your health and what can be better than Yoga to keep all the stress at bay. Yoga is good for mind stimulation, body rejuvenation and muscle relaxation, that will keep you energetic to run all your wedding errands ouch free.

3 Spice up your morning drink Who doesn't want better digestion especially when you have a wedding party to attend. Consider swapping your morning cup of caffeine with a glass of hot water mixed with lemon and half a spoon of honey. It will keep you hydrated and help you loose a few inches. Ah, that will be a proud feeling to easily slip in your wedding dress without holding your breath.

In association with

Photographs: - vichaya kiatying-angsunglee / patrisyu





the love of radiating skin

There is no better make-up than a beautiful glowing skin. Drink plenty of water and fresh fruit juices. Stop snacking on fried food and replace it with food rich in Omega-3 fatty acids like salmon, walnuts for clear complexion. Last but not the least take 8 hours of beauty sleep for the natural glow and you will never be a camera shy.


Pamper yourself All the hard work that went in planning and preparing for your wedding deserves a highfive and reward. Treat yourself to a spa treatment, head or foot massage with your BFFs, that will take your mind off your to-do list.

6 And remember to SMILE! A good laugh and love are the two best medicines for happy life and in case if it doesn’t work just increase the dose!

Finally leave your worries to the best wedding professionals which you can find on the finest wedding directory


We scour the shows and health news to bring you the latest in holistic health innovations. As always please remember we are not recommending these products/services and you should always do your own research to ensure they are right for you!

This superfood Muesli includes the fabulous Raw Maca, goji berries, hemp seeds, dates, sun dried raisins, pumpkin seeds, buckwheat and brown rice flakes. Fabulously gluten free, anti-oxidant rich and stamina enhancing. Suitable for Raw, gluten free, vegan and low glycaemic diets.

Even the packaging is 100% environmentally friendly and a share of every sale is donated to The Tairona Heritage Trust and organisation who are assisting the modern world in remembering the importance of ancient ways of balancing in balance and reciprocity. Order via

Containing only natural or organic ingredients like Lavender essential oil and organic aloe vera, these sanitising wipes are great to take on holiday with you as well as every day use. Also available delivered to your door via

PAGE 22 Photographs: - stuart miles / ambro

Fridge Oatmeal for Breakfast An easy summer no cook breakfast recipe! And it’s healthy with lots for fibre and protein, it will keep you going all morning from the USA

¼ cup rolled oats ¼ cup plain yogurt ¼ cup milk (you can replace this with almond milk etc) Mix the whole lot together in a bowl and leave in the fridge overnight so the oatmeal absorbs the liquid. Then, the next morning, mix in some flavourings of your choice; chopped fruit, chopped nuts nuts, granola, honey, and enjoy! You could add some coconut oil or shredded coconut to make it even healthier. Blueberries, raspberries and granola Chopped banana, sliced almonds, raw chocolate chips Chopped mango, chopped kiwi, chopped macadamia nuts, dash of vanilla, pinch of ground ginger Pumpkin puree, peanut butter (Forest Friendly Palm Oil), maple syrup, pinch of cinnamon

Our roving reporter with a passport reporting from Seattle, USA where she is studying nutrition

Photographs: - hyena reality, apolonia


How a

dog can keep your

child fit & healthy!

We all know the popular saying that dogs are mans best friend BUT did you know they could also be your kids best friend too? Pets are known to be good for increasing and improving social and relationship issues in certain people. They are also great companions for the elderly and infirm, as well as having “Jobs� such as Guide dogs, hearing dogs etc. But did you know they could help children who are overweight or obese?

Researchers have investigated how effective pet therapy is in promoting increased levels of physical activity in overweight children. A group of overweight children aged between 8 and 12 were included in a study as part of an outpatient obesity program. Half the children had interactions with a dog while the other half had the same amount of time spent with a friendly adult, who encouraged and supported the children to try to get them to take more physical activity.

The children who spent time with the dog experienced more physical activity than the children who didn’t. There was less sitting time and more walking. The dog acted as a good motivator for them to get active, and acting as a boost they needed to get healthy. This may seem a logical conclusion but if more children had dogs as pets it may encourage more activity at home and also help with learning responsibility too, as they would have to walk the dog and also look after it, with encouragement from their parents, rather than the parents doing the walking and feeding themselves! Plus a dog gives a child unconditional love and is always there for them.


Photography: - Tina Phillips

If you are considering adding a dog to your family please remember all the wonderful dogs waiting for humans to love currently in Re-homing and Rescue Centres worldwide. They can make loyal and fabulous family pets


from ’ give Obesity advice this month PAGE 25

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And then click the SHARE button and let your friends read for free too! PAGE 26

An holistic all encompassing approach to this debilitating disease

ffers� u s o h w e n o y n a r fo e id u g t “Excellen


inner faith: the new moon in fixed


One day in class, Little Spirit was asked to stand up in front of the class to recount what the teacher had taught the day before. Tentatively he stood up and started to recite what he learned when the teacher suddenly interrupted him with an emphatic,

Taken aback, Little Spirit stopped and then restarted. For a second time the teacher boomed, Completely flustered and somewhat embarrassed, Little Spirit sat down, his face lit red with shame. The next child rose to recite and had also just begun when the teacher shouted, The little girl, however, ignored the teacher’s interruption and kept on with her recitation until she completed it. As she sat down, the teacher replied, “Very good!” Little Spirit was annoyed, ”But you didn’t let me finish. You stopped me twice” he protested. “Ah, Little Spirit!” replied the teacher, in a gentle voice, “It is not enough to know what we have done in class. You have to be sure. When I interrupted you, you could have ignored me and continued, just as your friend did. However, you allowed me to stop you and that means you it is your business to say ‘Yes!’ and be certain and confiare uncertain. If the world says, dent about it. After all the world will say in many ways. ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

You can’t say that You can’t write that. Who do you think you are? You are not good enough You are too old You are too young You haven’t enough experience You don’t have enough money You cannot leave your job You will never make a living from that It cannot be done. It is impossible

that you hear has the potential to erode your confidence little by little until you Every give up and stop being you altogether. So don’t let the world say ‘No!’ to you today. Be yourself. Trust yourself. Be determined to say, Have the confidence to demonstrate what you know, your skills, regardless of what others may say or do. “ Little Sprit learned a lesson in self-belief which he never forgot. (Cont……..)



Photographs: - tiverylucky, idea go, prozac1


“Because one believes in oneself, one doesn't try to convince othe Because one is content with oneself, one doesn't need others' appro Because one accepts oneself, the whole world accepts him or her Lao Tzu The story of Little Spirit portrays a simple

(after all, “They are just ‘events’”) - is the

truth – everyone is on a journey to develop,

opposite attitude to all of the spiritual

or strengthen, self-confidence and self-belief.

traditions. Metaphysically speaking, every move you make; every situation,

The prevailing mind-set of westernised

circumstance, or event in your life; every

culture tends to dismiss the interior

imagination, emotion, word and action that

dimension of life. It is an arena often deemed

you generate, is support by a corresponding

too subjective, neither quantifiable nor

cosmic or spiritual force. As such, everything

evidence based, therefore not consistent or

which takes place in your life has the


potential to invoke some aspect of your psyche - constructively or otherwise.

Consequently you are not taught to trust your inner voice and are encouraged to look

Creation first forms and comes into being on

outside of yourself for re-assurance as your

the inner planes of your consciousness,

inner spirit is not considered to be important.

beginning with the most ordinary things – your imagination that fuels your emotions,

The dis-empowered attitude of helpless

your thoughts and ultimately your actions.

causality – that the events have “just

The first step is to transform negativity

happened”, are random and that there is no

whenever negativity arises in your mind and

inherent meaning to what occurs in your life,

heart, and to keep your mind and heart


In a world that constantly diminishes the power of your interior experiences and denies the personal spiritual meaning inherent within everything that occurs in your life - aside from stand out events like a bereavement, a divorce or a birth - doubt is like a wave in the sea, driven and tossed by the wind, constantly eroding the parameters of your emerging self.

Overcoming doubt maybe an ongoing

ers. oval. r.�

process but the quality of your life experience is dependent upon your ability to see through your doubt and fear; to cultivate a deeper inner conviction or faith; and to keep feeding your inner flame or spirit. The ability to maintain positive thought, feeling-

positively focused and directed towards your

emotion and visualisation-imagination is

Divine Light. This has been the message of

what is meant by inner faith.

the past two months cosmic activity, as you have experienced both the retrogradation of

As I currently understand it, faith is a belief in

Mercury from Cardinal Water (Cancer) to

the real power of your indwelling Light. Faith

Mutable Air (Gemini) and the re-igniting of

in yourself and your inmost being is the

the Cardinal Water dimension of your soul.

essence of what in astrology we call the sign of Leo, or Fixed Fire. Leo corresponds to the

During this time you have had the

stage of your development wherein the spark

opportunity to explore how your reality is

of life becomes both strong and enduring.

created through the feeling state that

Re-igniting your inner flame is periodically

underpins your thought process, each time

necessary, especially after a healing

you change your reactions; each time you

experience when you are often left seeking

chose the path of love and not fear or anger;

meaning, questioning your purpose and your

each time you view the possibility that any

confidence can be more vulnerable.

challenge you are encountering is the last vestiges of an old thought form rearing its

Once re-ignited, your inner fire (Leo) can not

head asking for a greater healing; you open

only give you a deeper sense of purpose, but

up a pathway that all those you touch in your

it can sustain you through life’s vicissitudes.

life have access to.

Without your fire (Leo), the fog of amnesia


can obscure your connection to spirit; without inner purpose, your soul’s intention may struggle to find expression; without vision, you cannot create intention and therefore reality. Without Leo, there is no self-generated creative impulse; without Leo, you are not blessed with a unique vision of Self. Without Leo, there is no individual colour and the robotic monochrome of the system prevails.

When you connect to what gives you passion and purpose; when you truly understand what triggers your ego or sense of pride; then the dense emotional states such as fear, doubt and insecurity can be dispelled. As you develop a sense of self-belief, you can walk confidently,


Photographs: - luigi diamante/ dan

integrating without breaking stride all healing

activities. Commit yourself to something that

experiences as you become no longer

you love, regardless of how it may be perceived

dependent upon the external world as a gauge

by those around you. The empowerment of

of how you are doing, as Little Spirit did. As

your will and maintaining it in the presence of

you connect with your inner Leo, you add

other people is essential to the essence of what

colour to the world.

Leo truly means.

As seen from our perspective here on the

If you need some encouragement to discover

Earth, the alignment of the Sun and Moon

what arena in your life that this lunation is

points to an opportunity to replenish and

triggering, please click HERE If not, then thank

renew, to set intentions and to gain insight into

you for taking the time to reflect on this article.

how well integrated in your life a specific archetypal theme is.

1.Story adapted from a blog by Steve Goodier 2. Emotional Generator – the New Moon in Cardinal Water 2014 by Andrew Smith

On the


July 2014, the New Moon takes

place within the tropical sign of Leo, or Fixed Fire. If you can locate where Leo falls in your chart, it will shows you in which arena of your life wherein you are actively developing an inner conviction and where you need to trust your inner voice.

Being in touch with your inner spark of divinity, your Leonine side, not only stokes the flames of your inner faith, it also enlivens your creative impulse. During this New Moon, you have the opportunity to plant a seed of fire for your creativity and vision, so hold a space, from the 22nd July, around what inspires you; what things give you purpose; or what forms of creativity you are passionate about, so that you can re-ignite your inner fire.

Take the time to write a list containing all the things about life that you are passionate about – be they emotional, psychological or practical

We love Irelands Andrew Smith’s unique take on Astrology and if you would like to find out more about his one to one readings, classes and workshops you can contact Andrew and receive further insights here: For an Audio version of this article E-mail Andrew Find Andrew on Facebook PAGE 33

Join us on the Web for


loads more free advice



A discussion on bullying from the Bratton Household, includes Emma, Hannah (aged 11) and their mum Jayne and the crystals to use. Beginning with Emma

Bullying is mean and selfish. It makes people being bullied feel upset and sad because others are being mean to them. People bully people because they are jealous or unkind. Being bullied makes me feel very very upset. Sometimes my sister Hannah who is 11, forgets she is a lot bigger than me and she likes to take control.

Sometimes my friends say things which aren’t kind, I know they care about me but it still makes me sad. When I am sad or someone is being mean to me I come home and cuddle my giant teddy unicorn.

Rose Quartz is the crystal of love, both of yourself and of others and I have my rose quartz dog on my bedside table. I give rose quartz to people I care about when they are feeling sad as I want everyone to feel happy.

Hannah: “I try to take control because I am jealous of the fact that Emma is more successful and more liked by people. She is also really clever and can even spell better than me even though I am 4 years older. I don’t mean to make her sad as I really love her. I am very badly bullied at school but these people who bully me don’t love me or like me and they want to cause me harm, they don’t care about me. When people tease me it makes me very sad. Sometimes I get angry with my family who love me as I don’t know how to handle the ‘harmful






to my life’ feelings I have. It makes me feel

ability to affect your career. I don’t think many

very sad and not happy with who I am. This

people have any idea how devastating

makes it very hard to fit in at school and I

bullying is and I think sometimes people don’t

don’t trust people with my feelings.

even know they are doing it. What the girls have written is from their own hearts and I

“After a hard emotional day at school, when I

hope others get some comfort from reading

come home I crave sugar and chocolate. The

what they have written, as well as an

only thing which helps is my large tourmaline,

understanding of which crystals can support

which the lovely lady who runs the warehouse

the devastating impacts of bullying. I am

my sister uses generously gave me when she

grateful to have a gorgeous orange calcite

could sense I was sad. I also have a smaller

sphere on my bedside table which it helping

piece in a pendant which I can wear on a

to shift some of the negative damage bullying

chain. We have just given a tourmaline

has done”.

pendant to my special friend who is also being bullied. I wish my friend lived close to me as

Emma: I think that almost every parent

we could support each other. I have bought

‘bullies’ their children as they make us do

her a chakra wand for her birthday so that she

things we don’t want to do like tidying our

can help heal all the chakras in her body and

rooms and coming in from the garden at

clean out all of the negative energies. I also

bedtime. Mum says that this is different and

like using white quartz crystal as it helps me

not bullying, though I think it is as parents are


normally bigger than their children and they make us do things we don’t want to do.

Mum Jayne: “I was terribly bullied at school and it has left deep scars through to my

Often when people are bullied they feel they

adulthood. I still have a lack of inner

cannot speak how they feel and so all the

confidence and yet I am very good at standing

stones for the throat chakra are really good.

up for those who are not being treated well.

Also the solar plexus is our door to our

Bullying taught me to detest unfairness and

personal power and emotional control and so

this sense of being fair is a fundamental of

crystals for this chakra are also very good. In

how I lead my life. However, bullying doesn’t

an anti-bullying kit I would have: Tourmaline,

just happen in childhood it can happen in

Hematite, Rose Quartz, Selenite and Howlite.

adulthood too. I have clients who are bullied by their colleagues and others sadly by their

People should be kind to each other. Being

staff, both of which have devastating effects

kind is being friendly and caring about each

on productivity and team morale. The most


common though is being bullied by your manager and they of course often have the


To order crystals from Emma E-MAIL HERE

To order crystals from Emma E-MAIL HERE


s e s r o H d n a s l o o !” s e “Only F n o J t ge d i r B s t mee

“Should be

a film!”

t e y d u lo t u o h g u “A la ” y r o t s e v lo n r e d o adorable m How to travel the world & fall in love (as a newly single newly blonde woman with trust issues)

Based on a true story, a triumph of love over heartache

Healthy, Raw Kids Fruit Snacks Kids can do this fun recipe completely on their own, you simply prepare the ingredients and leave them to it!

Huge strawberries! Organic Soya Yogurt /Fat Free Greek Yogurt/ whatever you fancy that’s yogurty Desiccated coconut Core the strawberries (but leave whole), open yogurt pot and pour the coconut into a bowl. Then kids skewer a strawberry onto a kebab stick, cocktail stick, or fork (we use a fondue fork) and then dip in the yogurt and then roll in the coconut. Alternatively you can do the dipping and then get younger kids to sing Incy Wincy Spider and sprinkle coconut onto the yogurt while you hold it. For a really refreshing snack you can pop these in the freezer for about 15 mins to be really cold and then eat them with your fingers or leave on the fork. These can keep in the fridge for a good few hours if necessary. We sometimes use other cupboard ingredients to cover the yogurt (which can be any flavour), for example cocoa powder, sesame seeds or crushed up nuts.

Claire is a mum of 3 dairy intolerant, veggie kids, works part-time and runs her own business too. You can connect with Claire: on Twitter @ClaireLyonsGrow her blog Or her very swanky website


The joy of freedom

Our roving reporter with a passport this month is reporting from the UK. Claire is discussing the continuing controversy of using animals in research: Twitter @ClaireLyonsGrow PAGE 42

Photography: - federico stevanin, rakratchada torsap

A beautiful film was doing the rounds on social

humans the testing that takes place has limited

media, the amazing pictures shown by the Beagle

value. A number of drugs that reach the human

Freedom Project of a group of dogs experiencing

trial phases are then clearly unsuitable for

daylight and grass for the very first time is a truly

humans, making the time, money and animal

wonderful thing to see, and started a number of

suffering spent on them to that point hard to

conversations about the current need (or not) for


animal testing. There are two trains of thought that those with a For a lifelong vegetarian and someone who cares

concern for animals may follow, the first is one of

about animal welfare this has always been a hot

Animal Welfare – a concern that the research

topic. The fight to end testing cosmetics and their

be conducted in a responsible and sensitive

ingredients on animals was finally won in 1998 in

fashion. This is currently enshrined in an EU

the UK and later, in 2010, in the rest of the EU.

directive (2010/63) that came into force in the

The campaign to make this law across the globe is

UK on 1st January 2013 which sets a clear

ongoing with a very successful organisation called

standard of animal care and welfare. There is

Cruelty Free International (as well as many others)

also the principle of the ‘3 R’s’ which encourages

working hard to galvanise opinion and gain

Refinement, Reduction and Replacement of

support. Unfortunately some large countries, such

animal research in the hope that it will become

as China, require products to have been tested on

unnecessary in the future. People may choose

animals making some companies go backwards in

very carefully the companies they buy from or

their policies to break into this huge market.

organisations they support based on their animal welfare policies. We may choose not to support

Of course testing still continues on medical

a medical charity if they use some of their funds

grounds. The process of bringing a new drug to

to support research which includes animal

the marketplace is a very lengthy one, animal


testing is part of the pre-clinical trials that take place once a number of theoretical and computer

These choices are not always straightforward as

based tests may have taken place – after these

companies can change policy, be bought out by

pre-clinical trials there may then be more trials

larger organisations (as with The Body Shop) or

using humans to refine the drugs through a

simply cease trading. There are a number of

number of phases.

good sources of information to support us in making ethical choices and many well-known

Many of the main arguments against animal

companies now have a high street presence; a

testing are linked to the data that animal testing

good example is LUSH.

provides for drugs to be used in humans. There is significant evidence that due to the fundamental

Others are more concerned with Animal Rights

differences between animals (even primates) and

– a belief that animals are sentient beings and


any testing on them for human gain is an

Currently there are legal requirements for

abuse of power on our part. A significant part

some medical research to contain animal

of this campaign is to question current

phases of testing – however there is also a

practice and to encourage the ‘Replacement’

requirement for alternatives to be used

element of the 3 R’s.

where possible. Valid alternatives are readily available but may need a company to buy

There are many very valid alternatives to

new equipment or invest in new technologies

animal testing which haven’t been introduced

that mean they go for the quicker or cheaper

as quickly as Animal Rights organisations,

options of animal testing. Many companies

such as BUAV or PETA would like. The

also opt for the ‘safe’ option if they are

speed at which international organisations

unclear on the legal obligations of particular

work means that many animals are being

projects, rather than checking the complex

used in testing procedures that are no longer


necessary, and ending this is an ‘easy’ way to save a huge number of animals – BUAV

Shockingly, despite the general move

estimate that clearer explanations of the

towards the 3R’s, there has actually been a

requirements of an EMA directive in 2010

significant rise in the number of animals used

has saved 50,000 animals from unnecessary

in experiments in the UK according to PETA.


Despite alternatives being available, testing


Photographs: - dan / sirikul

life and how precious that life is. The Project is also working towards legislation that will mean more animals will have the opportunity to be re-homed after their ‘working’ life, currently most animals used for experimentation are euthanized as their behaviour or medical needs may be unpredictable.

The Project is also working with Unite To Care in the UK to promote similar legislation to allow more animals to find new homes after their use in laboratories. This will always be a matter for very heated discussion, but the evidence against the usefulness of animal testing is becoming more compelling – and the global desire to prevent the suffering of animals is no longer on primates and guinea pigs in particular has increased - mainly in genetic testing. Even those who feel that animal testing is still a necessary evil are likely to be surprised by the number of animals involved, and the type of tests that are taking place. Some of the images and reports available from reliable sources are hard to watch and raise serious questions about how we value life.

The images from the Beagle Freedom Project prove that despite the horrific conditions the dogs had been kept in for their entire life – they were still able to very quickly adapt to the joy of walking on the grass and instinctively played with other dogs and were even able to see humans in a positive light. This behaviour shows very powerfully how amazing these animals are in their zest for

an ‘extremist’ view, but one of the masses. Perhaps if the same funding was made available to research the alternative methods, and equal support was given to these advances the use of animals in scientific research would dramatically reduce.

The clear joy that the rescued Beagles experienced demonstrates the depth of their meaningful experiences and makes it impossible to argue that experimentation on them can be justified for a better detergent. It is also important to remember that there are both scientific and moral arguments, and that the moral one should not be lost in statistics. Information via: 10/7/14 10/7/14 14/7/14 12/7/14 11/7/14 12/7/14


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Learning to Every morning for the next week take a moment or two to look in the mirror and say out

LOVE e s r u yo

loud "I love you (your name)

One of the key aims here is to help you get in the habit of

...... And really mean it. Tell

acknowledging all the good things about yourself. All too often

yourself what what you love

we are our own worst critics - but really we should love

about yourself - this could be

ourselves, cherish who we are and be our own best friend! It

absolutely anything and what is most important to you. Examples could be (Your name) "I love the way you take

is all about becoming the best you can be everyday, loving yourself inside & out and being comfortable and confident in your own skin. Often people don't like to look at their image in the mirror - they dislike everything about their appearance

care of your children". "I love

because they can't see the positives as all they focus on are

the way you commit yourself to

their negatives. So my first exercise for you is to ask yourself

helping others and make a

the questions in the box top right and write down the answers

warm family home." I love the colour of your eyes and the warmth of your face." Whatever

because by writing them down they become something you can refer back to when you are perhaps having those negative thoughts.

it is always start by saying your name and "I love ......"

My second exercise is always one that people find difficult but is one of the most powerful in helping you to learn how to love yourself and you will find this in the box on the left. Go on give it a try and see how good it makes your feel. I know you may feel silly doing this but this is key to help start conditioning ourselves that we are good people, worthy of time, attention and kindness. Give yourself sincere compliments and remember the more you can give love to yourself the more you can give it to other people!

The third exercise is one that you should be constantly trying to do. You will have already started to produce a list through exercise 1 of all the things you love about yourself so now keep adding to it constantly. The exercises so far have



What do I love about myself? (Not just on the outside but inside too) What is there within me that is really worth loving ? If I wanted to feel completely loved and cherished by ME, what would I do ?

focused very much on the inside. My final exercise focuses on the outside i.e. your appearance. The focus is on recognising parts of yourself that you think are good features and thinking of ways you can start to love features you don't necessarily like at the moment. For example: "I don't like my hands - they are so rough and manly and my nails are ugly." Begin by thinking about how you could love this part of your body. One way is to think of what this body part gives you, so with hands some examples could be: "My hands have given me the sensation of touch so I can feel many things such as the feeling of my baby's first touch. Or my hands make me able to do things such as hold my lover's hand, play a musical instrument, cook a meal." Alternatively, you can start to cherish this body part by giving time to improve it. For example, taking time to gently and lovingly moisturise your hands, while taking time to caress them and thank them for all the things you have been able to experience because of your hands. With the help of a little TLC your hands should appear improved from your perspective.

So for my final exercise write down a feature that you dislike about yourself and then write down how you can start to love it instead. Only try one thing at a time as you will have a greater chance of success with a single focus rather than trying to improve too many things at the same time. By completing these simple exercises you should now be starting to learn to love yourself. We should not

Style Coach Natalie Butler and co-founder of Style Me Bridal offers us practical advice on how we can all love ourselves just a little bit more. Style Coaching is the secret of looking great and feeling fantastic and Natalie’s aim is to make you look great on the outside and help you feel fabulous on the inside. To contact Natalie CLICK HERE

underestimate the power of love and who better to love you than yourself! Photographs: - stock images &



simple tips to stay he


Summer is finally here which means families w

to foreign lands and cruises. With so many p

easier to find yourself picking up more than ju

you keep yourself and Photographs: - dan


Pack The Essentials

Cough medicines, Pepto (Imodium, Chamomile tea), Dramamine (antihistamine for motion sickness or Ginger, Ginkgo Bilbao & Peppermint Oil) and

Elizabeth Grace is a travel writer, author and marketing expert. Her book titles include "24 Hours Miami", "24 Hours Hong Kong"

pain reliever. What do they all have in common? They’re very simple to find at any corner pharmacy when you’re at home, however, when you’re traveling, you might find the most common medicines difficult to find or discover packaging is

and a children's book, "A Hollywood Tail".

difficult to decipher if you’re in a different country.

Elizabeth invites you to join her in her travels

Think about what you’ve needed on past trips and bring some with just in case. There’s nothing quite

by visiting her blog

as horrible as having a family member sick at 4 am and trying to find a store open.


2 Make a Preventative Plan No one plans to get sick while travelling which means you’ll


likely be unprepared if you do get sick. If you make a preventative action plan before you travel, everyone in your party will be prepared for the unexpected. Simply reminding

t travelling

your kids about preventative measures, like washing your hands with lots of soap will help your family stay healthy whilst travelling.

Travelling by Sea


Cruises are known for Norovirus outbreaks, however, the chances of being on a cruise when there is an outbreak is slim. The best times to sail to avoid it is actually in summer where there are less reported cases. Since Norovirus is typically caused by tainted food or water sources, avoid the buffet and drinking fountains if an outbreak does occur.

4 Travelling by Car No one plans to get sick while travelling which means you’ll likely be unprepared if you do get sick. If you make a preventative action plan before you travel, everyone in your

will be packing their bags for road trips, jaunts

party will be prepared for the unexpected. Simply reminding

people travelling during summer months, it’s

your kids about preventative measures, like washing your

ust souvenirs on your next vacation. How can

hands with lots of soap will help your family stay healthy

d your family healthy?

whilst travelling. Road trips are a blast but nothing takes the air out of the tires like someone (then possibly everyone)

Travelling by Air


getting sick. Stock up on Vitamin C and make sure to slip a few healthy entrees (like salads) into the endless stream of

Air planes are full of bacteria that can live

burgers and fries. Make sure to thoroughly clean out the car

on surfaces for days. Make a habit of

before leaving as food and drink residues can be breeding

packing alcohol wipes whenever you take

grounds for bacteria. The biggest cause of road trip illness is

to the sky and wipe down tray tables,

exhaustion. Make sure that drivers swap out every couple of

armrests, windows and around the seat

hours to avoid becoming too worn down. Summer is one of

pocket. This will reduce the number of

the best times to take trips so make sure you make the most

bacteria that will get onto your hands. You

of your vacation by staying healthy and happy.

won’t be able to kill all the bacteria with alcohol wipes so make sure you keep your hands away from your mouth, nose and ears to keep the bacteria at bay. Use hand wipes as a barrier if you need to touch any part of your face for any reason.

PAGE 51 Photographs: -stockimages, potowizard

Organic Small Space Gardening

I hope all our friends, where ever you are, are well and enjoying the gardening experience, and welcome to all new readers.

If everything is going to plan in your balcony garden, you should have by now been picking lettuce leaves, radish and spring onions. And your beans should be racing up the canes and beginning to flower, as they do give the flowers a light spray with water. I find this is best done in the evening when the heat of the sun has begun to cool. Also as the young beans begin to shoot, give them a drink of week nettle tea (recipe in April Magazine).

My first sowing of lettuce are still producing and I take at least two sometimes three leaves per plant a day. Some


of them are beginning to “bolt� a term use when the plant wants to produce seed but don’t worry, carry on taking leaves and follow the growth up the stem. The leaves will become smaller, but they are just as nutritious. When the top of the plant is showing signs of little green round seed pods, its time to take plant out and replace them with new ones. Strip the remainder of the leaves and put them in a container or plastic bag in the fridge.

To use the succession sowing method purchase 75mm deep seed trays and plant three lines of seed, staggering the sowing time in each tray. You can use these seedlings for to replace the lettuce you have removed from your balcony bed. You should also plant radish


and spring onion as you use them, using this method should give you a continual supply. I grow spring onions in 75mm trays, planting them up every four weeks or so and this yields quite a good harvest although there are two things to remember: keep them watered, not soaking but damp and when removing those large enough to eat, support the soil round the base of the onion you are removing by putting the backs of your fingers on the earth each side of the bulb, allowing you to pull the root out without disturbing the soil round the ones either side.

A little trick I use to bring my plants on early and get my runners cropping earlier than normal, assuming you’re using the balcony growing method although it can be adapted to suit your needs. I make a lean to cloche using two 2.4m x 2.0m sheets of polythene, three 1m long canes, some polythene tape and some string or tying wire. This can be rolled up during the day when the weather is nice but rolled down when there is a threat of frost. I use this method against a 1.8m high south facing fence that has a same growing area the same size as the balcony method. The only difference is, I only need the front part of the cloche. Using the tape, fix one sheet of polythene to the outside of your bean cane structure (before you fix it to the railings at the end of your balcony), this part of the cloche will remain in place the whole season and stop any excess water from cascading over the


side of the balcony and possibly drenching your neighbour below. Next take the other sheet of polythene and fix one of the metre canes in the centre of the 2 metre edges. (I find it is best to roll it round the cane a couple of times, before sticking the edge down), this is then fixed to the top of your bean support frame with a couple of wire ties. Allow the polythene to unravel itself down the front of your bean structure. Take another cane and centralise it using the same method and fix it to the bottom of the polythene structure. You should have a 50cm flap either side. Cut the third 1m long cane in half, and fix one piece to the flaps at the bottom of the structure either side of the 1m cane. These two side piece’s will allow you to tuck the sides back to form a cloche and fold them onto the one metre cane at the bottom when you need to roll it up out of the way. Place a couple of wire ties at a convenient height to attach the rolled up polythene.

Remember safety first when working above railing height, no standing on chairs or reaching over beyond the perimeters of the balcony railings. When all fear of frost has subsided, simply remove the front part of the cloche and stand the rolled up polythene at the side of your bean frame for storage. The cloche can also be replaced and rolled down to protect lettuce and stuff from early frost in autumn. Oh remember to securely fix the cloche when there is a threat of high winds.

Stay safe and happy gardening

Photographs: - simon horden / zirconicusso / tiverylucky / grant chochrane / cbenjasuwan / amenic181


Food to eat to help natural UV protecti SUNSCREEN With an SPF of between 5 to 25 depending upon the inclusion of Zinc Oxide Coconut Oil Aloe Vera gel Shea Butter Vitamin E Oil Optional: (Zinc Oxide (not micronised - improves SPF factor) & Beeswax (makes it waterproof) Using a glass bowl over a saucepan of simmering water, melt the oils and butter and combine together (not the Vit E if going to whisk later to form a mousse) Take off the heat and add Zinc Oxide if using (use a mask and goggles) and if not whisking then once this mixture is cooled a little add scents (not citrus) like Lavender oil or Raspberry seed oil and then allow to cool in the fridge for 30 minutes when it is ready to use. If whisking, once cooled a little then add to a mixer and whisk whilst drizzling in the Vie E Oil & scents, whisk until a light & fluffy mousse All ingredients available in one place through this link


ion & a recipe for homemade sunscreen FOODS The skin of Red Apples has been shown to contain chemical compounds that help block cancer cells (always make sure the Apples are ORGANIC) Green Tea (decaf) helps fights free radicals & decreases inflammation from the inside out Omega 3 (hemp powder & flax/chia seeds) & selenium (Brazil Nuts) helps reduce risk of sunburn Dark RAW chocolate (see the website for buying link or click Amazon button here) containing no dairy also helps prevent skin damage Vit E (Almonds) helps protects the skin & eyes from UV damage and‌ Chorella contains Astaxathin which is 550 times more powerful than Vit E An International Journal of Cancer study claims 1 serving of leafy greens a day can reduce recurrence of tumours in skin cancer by more than 50% Lycopene helps with long term UV protection and there is 40% more in Watermelon than tomatoes (smoothie anyone?) 30 mg of beta-carotene (found in carrots) per day can help protect and repair from the effects of phyto-ageing Vit C (highest doses found in Acerola Cherries/Berries & Kiwis) help fight free radicals produced by cellular damage caused by sunlight over exposure As does Vit E (found in Almonds and Sunflower seeds) Papaya can also be very useful for helping guard against free radicals


We want YOU! Do you help people stay healthy holistically? Shout to the world about what you do with an article in our next issue! CLICK THE PICTURE TO CONTACT US


Naturally keeping fruit & veg fresh for longer and not a pickle jar insight How to create more effective affirmations Why staying out of the sun could be damaging your health and much more!

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