September issue 2014

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September 2014

Holistic Natural Happy Healthy Life

w a R R E ! r a W o rr u o PJoO in

7 ways to fight cancer Sowing Serenity 5 ways to eat cake without sugar!

Affirmations that work 5 ways to Tame Fibromyalgia Meditate whilst making Tea, Astrology, Recipes, Grow Your Own & more!

Contents Cover 7 ways to fight cancer holistically….. 6 Sowing Serenity ….. 10 5 ways to eat cake without sugar … 18 Affirmations that work …. 42 5 ways to Tame Fibromyalgia ....50

Regulars 5 What’s new & hot! 16 Cooking with Kids

32 Andrew talks Astrolo 30 Smoothie Recipe

53 Balcony Organics (G Photographs: & - serge bertasius / praisaeng




w a R POWER Join our roar!




Tina Hammett

Assist Editor:

Lesley Parker


Debbie Best

Published by Life Without Limits in the United Kingdom & Worldwide, all rights reserved


22 Natural Glamour 24 Time to Make Tea? 44 Extending the life of your Fruit and Vegetables 48 Self Limiting Beliefs

For advertising enquiries & article submission please complete the form on the website To offer a competition prize or to submit a free sample offer please see the website Published via the issu platform on or around 24th of each month To e-mail us please use the CONTACT US page via the website

Everything published within this magazine is our own copyright and you may not reproduce in whole or in part any part of this magazine without our written confirmation. Should you wish to do so please contact us via the website as very often we say yes to the reproduction of our material with a linked credit.

Any and all information and advice contained within this publication is simply that, advice and should you decide to pursue any of this advice you do so at your own risk. No responsibility can or will be accepted by the publishers, authors or editorial staff. If in doubt always contact your own medical practitioner before starting or changing your existing treatment plans, beginning a new dietary regime or undertaking alternative therapies or remedies.

The ideas and opinions expressed within this publication are those of the individual authors and not necessarily those of the publisher or it’s officers.


to all our readers from around the world Welcome to our September edition. As always a big thank you to all the volunteers who make this possible, including the writers and contributors and of course all those of you who share our message across social media.

To comment on any article, to submit an article or request advertising info click this button

This month we are spreading the word about Fibromyalgia help and ways to fight cancer naturally. As always we have some fabulous recipes as well as the wonderful Andrew Smith’s insightful and different take on Astrology. We are also looking at how to have a sweet tooth without the sugar and how to meditate whilst making the tea! In

Complete Health magazine is published FREE on the 23rd each month via the platform & join us on twitter & FB as

addition some home made make-up and the all round health benefits of gardening and communing with nature in general. If you are in the UK and suffer with Fibromyalgia and would like a one to one appointment with me I also pleased to announce that I have a limited number of sessions available in September, please see the website for details or message me HERE. I wish you a month of health,

To purchase anything mentioned in this magazine click the Amazon link

peace and abundance (for great affirmations check out our additional feature this month!)

Editor Tina Hammett is a Hypnotherapist & NLP Practitioner, published Author, an advocate of healthy living, has FMS and lives in the UK


Or go to the website and click the link

We scour the shows and health news to bring you the latest in holistic health innovations. As always please remember we are not recommending these products/services and you should always do your own research to ensure they are right for you!

Whilst Chia Seeds aren’t exactly new, no one can deny their fabulous health benefits and our friends over the pond at TruVibe Organics in the USA have an offer for our readers - 30% discount coupon until the end of September 2014.

Whilst your order will be fulfilled by Amazon, please CLICK HERE for your coupon code.

In recent months new studies have begun to show the enormous health benefits of hemp oil. A derivative of the Cannabis plant, hemp is a nutritious and healthy food and if you dislike the taste of hemp powder, using this pleasant tasting oil is a taste bud friendly alternative.



Ways to fight

cancer naturally


The holistic approach



In 1931 Otto Heinrich Warburg won the Nobel Prize for proving that cancer cannot survive in an Alkaline environment. So how can you turn your body less acidic and more alkaline? Firstly give up processed sugars and artificial sweeteners and definately steer clear of Aspartame and all it’.





This one is simple - give it

up! If you are smoking you are literally polluting your body with a myriad of chemicals that belong on a toxic dump rather than in

Due to an increase in anecdotal

the body. If you are finding

evidence that Cannabis oil can

it tough to quit then why not

Be aware of Agave nectar as it isn’t as

help to treat cancer, Cancer

help to reduce cravings and

natural as it appears and

Research UK is now supporting

rather than reach for the

remember that raw

research into this area. An

nicotine patches, why not

natural honey has additional health benefits as does coconut sugar so

try EFT (tapping) which can

try these herbal patches

active ingredient in Cannabis

instead? Click the Amazon

has been found to prevent

link to buy.

can be consumed in

cancer cells from growing in lab


trials although proper clinical trials are on-going. The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry concluded in 2014 that ‘hemp is a crop full of oils with potential health benfits.’ Find it on Amazon here: PAGE 7


MASSAGE Ginger’s therapeutic properties have been known for millenia but did you know that an aromatherapy massage of coconut oil and ginger improves the immune system in general and has been shown to be beneficial in helping cancer patients in their fight?

Stress hormones left unchecked can literally can literally turn into


disease within body and stress has a way of finding the body's


weakest points. Meditation can

dealing with stress, secondly it

help fight cancer on a number of

can be a useful tool in utilising

fronts. Firstly it is great for

the subconscious minds powerhouse enabling strong visualisations, perhaps of shrinking cancer cells or attacking them. This sends positive affirmation signals to the body's immune system. See the meditation in this issue and previous.


Photographs: - stockimages / antpkr / tiramisustudio / paul / foto76 / gameanna / tiverylucky



A recent study into the Antiproliferative and antioxidant activities of common vegetables found that one above all others targeted and attacked cancer


cells in 6 out of 7 of the cancer lines,


whilst leaving healthy cells alone. This

Laboratory trials have

miracle food of nature is garlic! So, for

shown that Green Tea

prevention and helping to treat cancer

may stop cancer cells

perhaps we should all be upping the

from growing,

amount of garlic that we consume.

although Human trials are ongoing, benefits could be seen through a range of cancers. Perhaps time for tea

For more information join our Facebook Group

ANTIOXIDANTS Firstly, ditch the processed foods and anything that comes wrapped in plastic containers. Go for Organic where possible and include at least

and meditation!


seven portions of fruit and vegetables into your diet daily (there is some positive research for eating as raw as possible). Juicing and smoothies are great (avoid non organic milk). Try to include vegetables like Broccoli, Avocado, Turnips & Asparagus; spices such as turmeric and ginger; herbs like Oregano & Rosemary and finally fruits such as blueberries, grapes, apples and Kiwi’s. See the website for our fab green juice recipe PAGE 9

Sowing Sere

How gardening nurtures your mind, bo

Cath Manuel is an experienced Horticulturist, Organic Gardener, Horticultural Therapist, Consultant, and Educator based on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia. Cath has many years’ experience in the gardening and horticulture industry and has a great passion for growing fresh, organic food and sharing it with her family and friends. She is also focused and passionate about living a sustainable and healthy lifestyle and helps others to improve their wellbeing through growing healthy organic food and connecting with the earth.



ody and soul! Gardening is a popular activity that has a history dating back centuries, throughout many cultures around the world. For many people it has been a way of providing food for the family, to enjoy the great outdoors and connect with others who have a similar interest in plants and the earth. If you asked a gardener what they enjoy about gardening, the most common reply would be that they feel good after spending time in the garden.

Like me, most gardeners experience that wonderful feeling from time spent in the garden, enjoying the sunshine and gentle breezes and the satisfaction felt after getting garden jobs done. What most people don’t realise is that gardening, and connecting with nature, nurtures the health and well-being of our mind, body and soul.

From my studies and work as a Horticultural Therapist I see the wonderful health benefits that garden activities bring to my clients. I know that when they spend 30 minutes in the garden their health and well-being is improving. This is because gardening activities offer a holistic approach to improving health. Here’s how‌


“The Glory of Gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just on the body, but the soul” Alfred Austin.

For our mind…

Mental health issues are on the increase. By completing simple gardening activities people with low energ

forms of mental illness have shown great improvements from spending up to an hour a day in the garden

reduces stress and decreases the stress hormone, cortisol. It also increases serotonin levels, which help

Doctors in some countries have prescribed gardening and other outdoor activities to help patients overco the need for prescription drugs.

We all have a deep connection to nature and will find that by spending time in nature, or even looking out emotional state. The word ‘biophillia’ means we have an instinctive bond with nature and this connection

and general well-being. This is important for people recovering from illness, such as stroke or heart attac


garden, can help improve their emotional state. It helps to take peoples thoughts away from their own problems and by focusing on the activity at hand and increasing mindfulness, their pain or problems are forgotten for the moment. This can provide great relief to many people.

Gardening programs have been established in many communities around the world. These programs encourage people with mental health support needs to become involved in gardening, and utilising the therapeutic powers of gardening to build self-esteem, improve confidence and motivation and to help create friendships.

For our body‌ Gardening activities can be as beneficial as a workout in the gym!! Spending active time gardening can burn up to 1200kj (almost 300 calories) which encourages weight loss, improves fitness and overall wellness. Physical activities also strengthen muscles and improve flexibility. Wonderful for anyone wanting to improve their health after an injury or illness. It also triggers the production of endorphins through the body‌Nice!!

gy, low self-esteem, negative thoughts and other

n. Gardening calms nerves, reduces blood pressure,

Sensory and Therapeutic Gardens are

ps to reduce symptoms of depression and apathy.

designed to stimulate our senses and invoke

ome depression as time spent gardening can reduce

many good feelings within our body. Plants used in Therapeutic gardens are medicinal plants and are used for healing and medicines.

t a window at a park or garden can improve our

They are also designed to encourage people

is very important to the state of our mental health

to visit and enjoy the special space. Sensory

ck, as simple garden activities, or just being in the

gardens stimulate the senses in our body


fresh food to enjoy. The fresh food grown by gardeners is packed with nutrients, which also supports good health. It also tastes delicious, which encourages us to eat more healthy food!

There’s plenty of encouragement for us to eat fresh, organic and locally grown food, so the best option is to have it all ready for you in your front or back yard. It’s very easy to walk outside and harvest fresh food ready for an evening meal, or the kid’s lunches. You’re then nurturing and nourishing your soul and your family as well.

“Caring for your garden, nourishing the soil then harvesting and sharing fresh food is the ultimate nurturing of the soul. If we care Copyright

about what comes out of the earth we are then feeding our mind, body and soul everything that’s needed to thrive” Cath

through smell, sight, sounds, taste and touch.


These gardens are wonderful for people with vision or hearing impairments, and to lift the

There are so many reasons to head out to the

spirit of people visiting them. Many items can

garden, connect with nature, get your hands

be used here; wind chimes, bird baths,

dirty and have some fun. Sounds great to me

beautiful smelling and colourful flowers,

so…I’m outta here. See you in the garden!

smooth and rough things to touch and delicious things to taste. Sensory gardens are being used in children’s gardens to encourage more kids to enjoy the great outdoors and immerse themselves in nature.

For our soul… Spending time working in the garden with others creates great friendships, improves self-esteem, gives people a feeling of belonging and helping and offers plenty of


An holistic all encompassing approach to this debilitating disease

� rs e ff u s o h w e n o y n a r fo e id “Excellent gu


Summer Lovin Lollies Continuing Claire Lyons series of cooking (albeit mostly raw!) with kids

½ cup Peanut Butter (please look for responsible Palm oil production) 1 cup plain yogurt 2 ½ cups of milk alternative ie almond milk, oat milk (please be aware of Soya and make sure it is organic) 4 tablespoons of Honey or Maple Syrup

Claire is a mum of 3 dairy intolerant, veggie kids, works parttime and runs her own business too. You can connect with Claire: on Twitter @ClaireLyonsGrow her blog Or her very swanky website

2 teaspoons of Vanilla Extract 3 very ripe Bananas

4 cups of diced Melon (Honeydew works well) 1/3 cup of Lemon & Lime Yogurt (Organic - dairy free alternative if required works well too) Juice of 3 Limes & Zest of 1 lime 4 tablespoons of Honey or Maple Syrup


1 ½ cups of dairy alternative Milk (ie Almond, Oat, Soya) 1/3 cup of Honey or Maple Syrup 1 teaspoon of Vanilla extract 3 cups of Coconut Milk or Coconut Water 2 cups of Shredded Coconut Throw it all in a smoothie maker or blender and make lots of whizzy noise. Once it’s blended to a smooth, runny consistency pour it into a jug, then you need to get it into the ice lolly mould – if you are using a bought version they will have sticks in already so you can fill them as instructed and straight in the freezer. If you are making your own mould (a yogurt pot or plastic cup) you will need to fill them and freezer them for 30mins, then put in the ‘stick’ of your choice and back in the freezer. Most lollies need at least 6 hours to freeze. Feel free to add and amend ingredients, exchange flavours, fruits and add in seeds, mint leaves, zests, curry paste… Photographs: - sommai / foto76



Easy ways to eat sw

without sugar

I have a sweet tooth, there is no denying it‌ well the name of my website would tend to imply that fact! I fully believe you can live a healthy whole foods lifestyle AND still eat cake!

Jo Hodson is a Certified Health Coach with the Institute of Integrative Nutrition specialising in plant-based nutrition. She lives in England and is a health coach. For more information check out her website:

This is a principle I take into my health coaching philosophy, teaching clients to think outside the box, to understand that healthy can be fun, and to encourage creativity in the kitchen. In overhauling your diet to focus on whole foods, your taste buds will naturally begin to change and over time your taste threshold for sweetness will begin to reduce. Here is how I eat sweet without sugar, and how you can do it too!


way. You can also make date sugar by baking a tray of dates on a low oven temp to make


them extra dried and hard and then blitzing them in a powerful food processor to get tiny crumbs-like grains.

Fruit puree Apple and banana purees are my go-to staples. Particularly ripe banana for its mega sweetness and creamy texture- think icecreams or chocolatey desserts! I blend large batches of these fruits and freeze them in silicone muffin cups for multiple easy portion sizes ready for whenever a recipe calls for it. Of course you may also buy jars of pre-made pure fruit puree if that’s your preference.

Unrefined syrups Usually my last port of call or used in conjunction with another sweetener, simply because these syrups are by their nature more refined and not technically whole foods… but still a good white sugar alternative! Options here include maple syrup

Dates Dried dates are my go to sweet treat staple. So versatile, mild and caramel-like in flavour. Other dried fruits can also work but dates

and molasses (be mindful of agave syrup though as it can be highly processed). I usually use these in conjunction with stevia to reduce the overall amount needed.

have the best complimentary flavour for most things. The easiest way to use them is to

Stevia & Coconut Sugar

soak dates to soften them (soak if using

Stevia in it’s pure refined most potent form is

regular deglet noor dates, the larger medjool

not a wholefood BUT it’s hugely useful in

dates are already softer and don’t usually

sweet recipes as it enables you to

require soaking) and then blend them up into

dramatically reduce the quantity of other

to a paste to mix into cake or cookie batters.

sweetener needed to gain the same level of

They also work well in sauces and syrups this

sweetness. It is not an exact science but the


overall principle is this: If a traditional recipe

can be used the same as ordinary sugar and

calls for 1 cup of standard refined sugar I

in the same quantities.

would sub this for 1/3 cup syrup or 1 cup fruit/dates plus approximately ¼ tsp pure stevia. Note (from experience) it is not recommended to use all stevia with no other form of sweetener as it can have a slightly odd bitter aftertaste if not used in combination.

Cinnamon and Vanilla Not sweet in themselves as such, but because both vanilla and cinnamon are often used as complimentary flavours in sweet foods, they trick the brain and imply sweetness without

Pure Stevia is so concentrated a little goes a long way so use it sensitively. Top tip: add less, taste as you go then add more if needed. I find liquid stevia with a dropper bottle top the easiest to use. Coconut Sugar is believed to

being ‘sweet’. Typically, I would also add some form of sweetener (from the options above) but when using alongside vanilla or cinnamon I often find I need much less sweetener overall… try it yourself!

have a low GI and has a high mineral content. It is a rich source of potassium, magnesium, zinc and iron and contains Vitamins B1, B2, B3 and B6 as well as over 16 amino acids. It


Photographs: - rakratchada torsap

Go on… get creative and indulge your sweet tooth today!

In the UK? Like help with: Managing Fibromyalgia, Fears, Phobias, Anxiety, Stress Management, Self Esteem? CLICK HERE and follow the link

Natural Glam





Start with a powder base, arrowroot is

Now you can start to add colour by

one of the best and if you choose to

using natural food powders. For

use corn starch then whizz it through a

instance, raw cacao for brown, beet

blender to make it even finer.

powder for pink, turmeric for gold. Why not try combining colours for an even

You can find these ingredients via our Amazon link.


wider colour palette?


fabulous HOLISTIC

Make your own eye shadow! Your skin is your largest organ and anything you put on your skin will be absorbed directly into your bloodstream in under 25 seconds.


Cream or Powder? This recipe will give you a powder eye shadow but you can turn it into a cream shadow by adding a little Shea Butter to the mix.

Again, all these ingredients are available via out Amazon link

Sadly many make-up brands contain chemicals that are not condusive to health - so why not make In association with your own? Chemical free and better for your skin Photographs: - marin


Time to mak Meditation is an amazing practice to be able to achieve, that enables us to focus our busy minds on the the core of our being, our higher self and can take us places we may never have imagined. Be it traditional or guided meditation it can help you see your life in a completely different way, help you feel less stressed and can even lower your blood pressure. In our highly charged lives, when we go a mile a minute, how can we make time to meditate?

Over the years I have spoken to many people about starting meditation and there are two things that they always say; 'I find it really difficult to meditate' and 'I do not have time to meditate'. If that really is the case, then let us look deeper at the first problem:

The difficulty of meditation:

When you think of meditation what picture comes to mind, be honest now. For those who meditate on a regular basis, I want to take you back to before you started meditation, what was your image then? I have to admit that before I learnt to meditate, I would see a wise old yogi master, that could sit cross legged and not move an inch for hours on end, looking serene in his sumptuous tropical

PAGE 24 Photographs: - stuart miles / ambro

ke tea?



Photographs: - feelart / anankkml

surroundings. This mind picture then stopped

my senses to be taken to a different place

me from moving forward into that place of

whilst my body is in the here and now and I am

serenity, because I felt it was out of my reach.

aware of what is going on around me on a

This picture is what you have created, so from

different level.

my point of view you can change it too, picture this:

I allow that background noise and anything visual to become quieter, and focus on where

You are sitting somewhere comfortable, (in a

my meditation is taking me, like a guided

chair, on your bed, on the floor, wherever is

meditation without the guidance. We all use

best for you) close your eyes and allow

this practice in one way or another, like when

yourself to concentrate on your breathing,

we start to drift off, looking into the middle

allowing the breath to be gentle and the only

distance, staring at a flame or a picture of

thing you concentrate on. Simple.

someone we know.

No? Well what do you do with all those

It is a powerful way of connecting to our higher

thoughts like, 'What are we going to have for

self and allows us to relax. So how can we do

tea?' that are going in and out of you mind?

this on a daily basis, with just five minutes? all

Just acknowledge that they are there and

you need to do, is find an activity that you do

allow them to move on, you can give your

for five minutes to start with and allow this to

thoughts permission to leave. This is usually

be your meditation time for the day.

the hardest part of meditation, but don't be disheartened, it is better to do five minutes of

Let us take making a cup of tea as a prime

meditation a day than try and complete one

example. Tea, coffee or herbal it does not

big block and fail.

matter, what you are looking at is the process, and only focusing on that. All other distractions

You do have five minutes in your day to spare,

are then pushed to the background. It is like

don't you? good. This takes me nicely onto my

breaking down the process into little sections.

next point. During each section, breathe in and out, I never have time to meditate.

concentrating on both the activity and your breathing. Let your actions be slower than

Let us back track a moment, you have just

normal, remember you are really concentrating

admitted that you can spare five minutes of

on what you are doing point by point.

your life each day to meditate, so let us look at alternative ways to do this practice, and make

It is a good idea to practice at home first before

it part of your every day routine. I have taught

you take this to the office, so follow the steps

myself to meditate with my eyes open, I allow

on the next page:

Photography: - stockimages



Photographs: - luigi diamante/ dan

1. Choose the cup you are going to use, not just picking any old one in your usual fashion, take your time over the decision. 2. Take the receptacle that holds your tea or coffee and place it slowly down on the work surface. 3. Open the jar and take out your tea bag or spoon out your coffee into your cup. 4. Making sure the kettle has enough water, switch it on to boil, even if you think someone has already done this, it allows you to be focusing on the noise the kettle makes during and after boiling. 5. Hold the handle firmly and pour out your water, watching as the boiling water changes colour as it hits the contents of the cup. 6. Take you teaspoon, and stir. Focusing on the spoon going round and round. 7. Place in your milk and or sugar or sweetener and stir again. 8. Take your cup and sit somewhere that you can really concentrate on every single step of drinking your brew, from the feel of the heat in your mouth to when it slips down your throat. If you can fully participate in all eight parts, you will gain much benefit. This simple method will help your mind refocus itself on a busy day, and as you fell more relaxed and less stressed your productivity will increase too. This method can be employed to most activities, apart from the ones like driving, where you have to be more aware. So next time you want to meditate, remember it is as easy as making a cup of tea.

Julieanne Creswell Dip Comp, is a Reiki master, Angel reader and she lives in South East London with her husband their two older children, a cat and Brian the dog. To e-mail Julieanne please CLICK HERE


Smoothie Recipe Green and Simple

1 large handful of spinach Half an Avocado 1 scoop of Juice Plus Complete Vanilla 4 ice cubes 250ml of filtered water Whizzed for 30 seconds how fast and fabulous is that & it tastes fantastic! Have a go


Benefits of Juice Plus: ● Absorbed by the body ● Reduces Oxidative stress ● Reduces key biomarkers of inflammation ● Supports a healthy immune system ● Helps protect DNS ● Healthy cardiovascular wellness ● Supports healthy skin and gums

E-mail me

Click here to check out the Science

“Simply fruits, vegetables and berries, juiced, dried, removing the fruit sugars but leaving all the valuable nutrient behind, bridging the gap between what you do eat and what you should eat for optimum health. That’s why I recommend Juice Plus+® and it’s backed by Science” Debbie Best - Nutritionist

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intelligence of Nature…

The New Moon in Mu When the great moment came and the Beasts spoke, he [Uncle Andrew (a “dreadfully practical” man)] missed the whole point; for a rather interesting reason. When the Lion had first begun singing, long ago when it was still quite dark, he had realised that the noise was a song. And he had disliked the song very much. It made him think and feel things he did not want to think and feel. Then, when the sun rose and he saw that the singer was a lion (“only a lion,” as he said to himself) he tried his hardest to make believe that it wasn’t singing and never had been singing – only roaring as any lion might in a zoo in our own world. “Of course it can’t really have been singing,” he thought, “I must have imagined it. I’ve been letting my nerves get out of order. Whoever heard of a lion singing?” And the longer and more beautifully the Lion sang, the harder Uncle Andrew tried to make himself believe that he could hear nothing but roaring. Now the trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed. Uncle Andrew did. He soon did hear nothing but roaring in Aslan’s song. Soon he couldn’t have heard anything else even if he had wanted to. And when at last the Lion spoke and said, “Narnia, awake”, he didn’t hear any words: he heard only a snarl. And when the Beasts spoke in answer, he heard only barkings, growlings, baying and howlings. And when they laughed – well, you can imagine. – adapted from Chapter 11, The Magician’s Nephew, The Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis PAGE 32


utable Earth (Virgo) Is the aforementioned extract from The

plant is merely an oxygen/ carbon dioxide

Magician’s Nephew an exercise of pure

regulating system; a tree is for paper and

imagination or was C. S. Lewis cleverly

furniture; animals are for food or domestic

embedding a “forgotten” reality within the text

entertainment; fish, like sheep, are stupid; and

of his novel? Lewis’ Narnia is replete with

humans are the elite species because we are

talking animals, therianthropes and animate

uniquely adept at utilising systems of symbolic

plants – a fully conscious and intelligent world,

communication such as language for self-

where all of creation, animate and inanimate,

expression, the exchange of ideas, and

is cognizant and zoetic, and sounding like the


mythological stories of antiquity or a standard Pixar or Disney movie to the rational mind.

In other words, we can write, talk, think, are conscious of ourselves unlike all other species

Do we really live in a world where plants,

of flora and fauna. Matter is surely inert,

animals, rocks, nature has both intelligence

inanimate and lacking consciousness. What

and communicates? Surely matter is matter; a

did our ancestors know? After all they had

Photographs: - tiverylucky


smaller brains; lived within a deluded magical

to science? Where did they get their plant

consciousness; didn’t have the internet and

lore from, for example? Was it really all

digital technology; they lived without air con

simple trial and error? Was it as simple as

and TV; they had to hunt and gather as

watching someone die eating a poisonous

oppose to driving to McDonalds for a

red berry therefore ‘inspiring’ the rest of the

nutritious Big Mac AND they believe that

community not to eat that poisonous red

there is an invisible divinity that is immanent

berry?! How did the indigenous Amazonian

within all things!

tribes know about anaesthetic before western medicine did? Have you ever noticed that

We understand the laws of Nature and we

medicinal plants often look like the part of the

have sought to tame her; we’ve mastered

body that they heal? Is it possible that plants

myriad rational approaches to invent and


create endless possible ways to manipulate the tangible world. Our lives are much

Prior to the 2nd February 1966, Dr. Clive

healthier, wealthier, happier, more fulfilled,

Backster didn’t think so. But when his lie

cleaner and more educated than ever before.

detector recorded a rapid response to his thought of burning the leaves of his dracaena

The earth speaks? Pah. That’s some new

pot plant, he had some serious re-thinking to

age fantasy talk. Isn’t it? But pause for a

do. Having moved into private practise after

moment. Have you ever thought about how

years of perfecting the first standardized

our ancestors really figured nature out prior

system for lie detection for the CIA, Backster


Astrology indicating a dramatic excitation. It was as though the plant could read his mind. As the plant continued to have what would be considered an enormous, panicked reaction, Backster stopped thinking about hurting the plant and the polygraph returned to a normalised trace signature.

Is it possible that nature is conscious and that our predecessors were not deluded simpletons?

Okay, I hear you say. This is interesting, but what has Backster’s research or Lewis’ pulled an all-nighter as he was trying to conduct research into his polygraph techniques. As always happens in the small hours of the night when you enter into a hypnogogic state, an idea took root in his mind that he could not shake. A message, or gift, that arose during the period known as the first sleep. He became consumed with the notion of connecting his plant to the detector to see what would happen. Much to his surprise, the plant did not have a smooth, flat pattern of electrical activity, but appeared to be changing moment to moment, just as it

Narnia got to do with this forth coming New Moon in tropical Virgo? All astrological signs arise from the combinations of two fundamental building blocks – an element and a mode. The four elements used within the Western Tradition essentially describe four primary states of being, which in turn has one of three ways into which it is directed or expressed – outwardly, inwardly or as a mixture of both. The combination of both element and mode gives rise to the 12 signatures of consciousness, or the 12 signs of the zodiac.

does with humans. In further testing, Backster tried a series of physical tests, such as stabbing the leaves with a pen, but to no avail.

Virgo is made from combining the element Earth with the Mutable Mode and therefore is also known as Mutable Earth. Taken at a very basic and literal interpretation, the Earth

However at 7:14am he imagined burning the plant. Simultaneously the polygraph recording pen moved rapidly to the top of the graph,

element fundamentally deals with the solid, physical world. Translating that into simple psychological terms the Earth is seen as


being a mode of consciousness that is

Up generation started to bring to life as

grounded, matter of fact, born to serve,

professions, what were once considered to be

industrious, methodical and efficient.

a-vocational pursuits at best.

The language commonly associated with the

Furthermore, many of you reading or listening

Mutable mode is that of enquiry, curiosity,

to this article are already deeply immersed in

flexibility and changeableness. When this

some form of holistic therapeutic body practise

mode is expressed through Earth we find an

that requires listening to what the body is

ingenuity of methodological practise that

saying, like Amatsu, Kinesiology, or yoga; are

demonstrates the precision of spirit as it

involved in disciplines that take for granted the

expressed through human rationality. Indeed I

intelligence of nature like shamanism,

could argue the point that the entire nature of

herbalism or crystal therapy. You know that

modern science is Virgoan with its obsession

the Earth speaks; that she communicates; that

with testing nature, improving it and analysing

she is conscious. You will undoubtedly be able

it, seeking a rational explanation to facilitate a

to share with me myriad examples and

mastery over it.

research that demonstrates the interiority of nature.

Yet if you observe the surface of something, that is exactly what you observe - the surface!

Certainly I could take up much more of your

Like Dr. Backster, science is starting to come

time with further stories of nature’s

to terms with the idea that nature possesses,

communication, like the story of Anastasia,

like humans, an interior dimension and does

residing deep within the Cedar forests of the

not, therefore, respond in linear or predictable

Russian taiga or the work of Masaru Emoto on

way. Nature thinks. Nature is conscious. It

the intelligence of water, however I decided to

makes choices. It talks.

write about Backster’s work because his work remains largely unknown within the science

This fact is axiomatic to the sign of Virgo.

community as it is too threatening to the status

It is no coincidence that as Pluto, the

quo to accept. Backster’s story, the

planetary archetype associated with the

experiences of indigenous shamans and those

process of re-birth, traversed through Virgo

working on the Russian dachas, the myths of

from the end of the 1950s into the early

our ancestors all point towards the true

1970s, the memory of the animate indigenous

meaning of Virgo – the two way exchange of

worldview and the subsequent exploration of

information between matter and humans.

complimentary therapies, whose central thesis is the Intelligence of Nature, re-

And you don’t have to be born as the Sun

emerged. Over the last 25 years, as those

passed through Virgo to get this fact. The

Pluto in Virgo souls came of age, the Clean-

archetype of Virgo exists within everyone



Photographs: - njaj / lemonade


therefore you too can listen and tune into what

rapid changes that you are currently

nature or your body is telling you. But, like

experiencing. In the same way, the art of really

Uncle Andrew, we, as a collective, and you as

listening enables you to hear without

an individual, have a choice to listen or not.

judgement. It helps you develop compassion

You can choose to ignore what your body is

and true empathy for all living things, including

telling you; what foods you should or shouldn’t


eat, over riding your bodily instincts with your mind, ingesting a Rennie tablet until a physical

If you would like to discover where this

crisis forces you to stop and re-evaluate.

Virgoan lunation falls within your chart and what arena of life is being re-ignited on the

I suppose what I am asking you to reflect on in

25th August, please click on the following link:

the days leading up to the Virgoan New Moon or

is whether you believe that our Earth is inert? Whether the individual organs of your body

Thanks again for either listening to, or reading,

talk to you? Whether you notice a difference

this article.

to the quality of the food you ingest when you thank the food for the nutrients they will release into your body?

Human knowledge does not stem from testing and observing nature. It stems from living within a vast field of intelligence that permeates and bathes us within it. It stems from the dialogue that nature has WITH us and from those who developed the ability to listen and translate what was being disseminated into practical applications. Matter communicates. Maybe not in the verbally-elite and rational way to which you have become so accustomed, but it is conscious!

Nature contains memory; it thinks; and if you take the time to listen to it, you can derive

We love Irelands Andrew Smith’s unique take on Astrology and if you would like to find out more about his one to one readings, classes and workshops you can contact Andrew and receive further insights here: For an Audio version of this article

much meaning, sustenance and knowledge that will help you through the massive and

E-mail Andrew Find Andrew on Facebook


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now and get us delivered to your in-box each month

And then click the SHARE button and let your friends read for free too! PAGE 39

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loads more free advice

From “I Love….. Affirmations for a life worth living” by Jen Tiller For more information CLICK HERE PAGE 42

A new approach What ARE affirmations? They are simply any statements (positive OR negative) that reinforce a belief about an experience. We aren't born with beliefs or expectations, we learn them – usually without any conscious thought. If the ones you have acquired don't serve you now, you CAN replace them with more helpful ones!

Positive affirmations are designed to improve habitual thoughts and encourage desired behaviours, until they are natural to us, springing from healthier unconscious beliefs. However, if there is a big difference between what you tell yourself and how you feel, there can be a sense of conflict and struggle. A common form of affirmation is along the lines of “I am happy, healthy and wealthy!” Sounds great, doesn’t it? But what if you say it when you’re actually sad, sick and broke? The statement lacks integrity. There is often a response of ‘that just isn’t true’ and it can feel quite uncomfortable to say - it can be difficult to use. Not the effect we want at all!

Some years ago I realised there was a simple way to overcome the energy glitch of that style of affirmation, and it can be tailored to fit whatever affirmations you want to use. It came in two shifts of awareness. The first was so obvious - love is the ultimate creative force! We already feel warmly towards whatever we think of with love (a pet, a favourite place or person etc) whether we are with them or not, and that emotion bridges the mental and emotional gap between where we are and where we're intending to go! We are truly drawn like a magnet to what we love. We are more likely to take action to achieve goals we love. When we hold these goals lovingly and naturally in our hearts, our world view shifts, our behaviours change, as we notice and attract the opportunities needed to create the life we CHOOSE. When I played with starting all my affirmations with "I love....." it made a profound difference straight away.

The second shift was when I found that using a verb (having, creating, receiving) in the affirmation makes it a living, active process, stated in the eternal now. Compare telling yourself 'I am healthy' with saying 'I love being healthy'. The first only feels completely true if you are healthy at the time. The second can be said at any point - it's always true. Any conflict around the affirmation vanishes, so mind and body can integrate and process the statement usefully, reinforcing health as a belief. Being a photographer and artist, I love to have pictures that reinforce the message, so I created a series of illustrated posters and books. There is no right or wrong way to use this form of affirmations. Say them, write them, sing them, think them, post them on the wall or add them to your computer whatever works for you!

They are particularly useful in association with EFT (Emotional Freedom

Technique, otherwise known as tapping.)


Our roving reporter with a passport reporting from Seattle, USA. Gillian is studying nutrition and this month looks at how to preserve fruit & Veg. She is a forthright Sagittarian and tells it as she sees it‌.

Extending the life of fruit & veg And not a pickle jar in sight!


Photography: - grauar codrin / stockimages

Sometimes, even when you’ve done your

this phenomenon! You can cut down on the

best to plan ahead, you just can’t use all your

effect of ethylene by separating high-

fresh fruit and vegetables before they have

ethylene items, such as avocados, kiwis, and

gone off. But, you don’t have to waste it all –

pears, from the rest of your produce.

prolong the life of your fresh fruit and vegetables with these helpful tips!

Another solution is to purchase an ethylene gas absorber or two to stick in your fridge or

As produce ripens, it expels ethylene gas,

fruit bowl. These miracle products, available

which can speed up the life of surrounding

at some kitchen and home goods stores, are

produce. If you’ve ever had a bad banana

designed to absorb the ethylene gas so that

make the rest of your fruit bowl go mushy

your fruits and vegetables stay fresher for

and mouldy, then you’re already familiar with


Ethylene - producing

Ethylene - sensitive











Honeydew melons





Green beans


Lettuce and other






Summer squash



Tomatoes Continued…..


freezing… You don’t have to be a pickling pro or canning connoisseur to save food from going bad (although if you are, more power to you!). The freezer is an excellent way to preserve your produce for until you’re ready to use it! aDid you know that you can freeze leafy greens, such as spinach and kale, with no loss of nutrition? Simply rinse the greens and dry them very well, then toss them in the freezer in a plastic bag. The texture will be slightly altered after freezing, so this isn’t recommended for fresh preparations like salads, but the frozen greens are perfect for use in soups, stews, or green smoothies aOther vegetables can be frozen provided they are blanched in boiling water first. Blanching times vary depending on the quantity and type of vegetable so click here for more specific timings Under-blanching stimulates the activity of enzymes and is worse than no blanching. Over-blanching causes loss of flavour, colour, vitamins and minerals so it is important to get it right. aIf you freeze your favourite summer fruits like peaches and berries, you can enjoy the tastes of summer even in the middle of January! To freeze fruit, chop it into small pieces and spread it all out on a baking sheet so that it doesn’t all freeze together in one solid clump. Place in the freezer until frozen through. Then put the fruit into an airtight, freezer container or bag and stash in the freezer until you’re ready to use it. Again, like the vegetables they will be a bit mushy when defrosted but great for pies or smoothies aFresh herbs add a much-needed boost of flavour to your cooking, but they don’t last long and it can be difficult to use them up right away. If you have some fresh herbs that are on the brink of going bad, chop them and put them in an ice cube tray with some olive oil! Place in the freezer until solid, then pop out the cubes and put them in a bag or container aPreserving herbs in oil reduces some of the browning and freezer burn that herbs can get in the freezer. The oil-and-freezer method of preservation works best with the tougher herbs such as rosemary, sage, thyme, and oregano. These are all herbs that would probably be cooked when added to a dish aSoft herbs such as mint, basil, lemon verbena, and dill are usually added raw to a dish, and they don't respond as well to this kind of preserving. Their fresh taste is changed in the freezer, and I wouldn’t choose to freeze these delicate types of herbs, with the exception of homemade basil or parsley pesto.


Photographs: - dan / sirikul


Self Limiting Whether you think you can or think you can’t your right!! This month as part of our Style Coaching journey we are going to explore ‘Self limiting beliefs’ and the effect that they can have. Self limiting beliefs are the feelings we automatically have based on our past experiences or an perception of a reality that may not be accurate.

We all have belief statements that we consciously or

“You are what you are by what you believe.” Oprah Winfrey

unconsciously say to ourselves, for example I’m overweight, I am rubbish at relationships ,I am no good at computers. These statements can sabotage all of our efforts and set us up for failure.

They unfortunately put our past in control of the direction of our future and because these statements are constantly in the back of our minds, we can have trouble believing that there could be any other reality than the one we perceive. They hold us back from making the changes that we desperately want or need

Beliefs control our behaviour, define our limits , and affect the outcome of our choices and ultimately shape our destiny. To help us identify and be aware of our self limiting beliefs that we have about ourselves, write down all the negative beliefs that you have about yourself that has held you back in the past from doing the things you want do.

Next, for all of these beliefs ask yourself the relevant questions and try to be honest!!


Style Coach Natalie Butler and co-founder of Style Me Bridal offers us practical advice on how we can all love ourselves just a little bit more. Style Coaching is the secret of looking great and feeling fantastic and Natalie’s aim is to make you look great on the outside and help you feel fabulous on the inside. To contact Natalie CLICK HERE

g Beliefs


Is this really true?

Is there nothing I can do?

What am I gaining from holding on to this belief?

What could I believe that would be more useful?

Now write down all the new more positive beliefs that you could have from now on which will empower you to make the changes you want possible, you could even turn them into affirmations that you say to yourself when you hear negative head chatter. Go on you will amazed at how different you will feel - you owe it to yourself



Fibromyalgia issues

to self-help h


symptoms t

Whilst th

recognised a

weight to re-

Known to b

often unhe even more

tamed this

shares som

that holistic to begin

For more

Photographs: - dan


Lack of Sleep

It is known that people with Fibromyalgia find it difficult to reach the state of sleep where the body repairs itself. If a condition is preventing

With 5 stars on Amazon and

the body from reaching restorative sleep then this causes a self-destructive loop.

comments like However, nature can be miraculous and there


are many things you can do to help restore

a practical e-book to help your Fibro

your sleep pattern.

Two of these include; eating a banana a day bananas have been shown to be 150% more


and how

2 Joint & Muscle Pain If the body is not getting rest at night, then the bodies joints and muscles are not being given adequate time to repair themselves, so by aiding your sleep pattern,


you will also be helping the level of pain you feel. In

gia is the term given to a complex range of

effective as paracetamol) and you can include ginger

that can make life a living hell for sufferers.

in your green juice (click for recipe).

addition though, incorporating Turmeric and ginger into your diet can help massively (shown to be as

he cause is yet unknown it has now been

as a physical condition and there is growing

Also, I love Noxicare herbal pain relief pills. A 30

-naming it ‘Florence Nightingale’s Disease’.

minute walk every day will also help and aid with joint

be an Auto-Immune issue, medical help is

stiffness as will the Cherry Active!

elpful or can cause side-effects that require medication. However, our own Editor has

s disease using holistic methods and she

me of this with you here. Please remember

c therapies can take a minimum of 3 weeks to see an improvement - so keep going!

3 Stress Anyone who suffers Fibro will tell you that Stress causes a flare and exacerbates symptoms. Meditation is the best remedy for stress, start with ten minutes a

e FREE help and advice on Fibromyalgia

day and build up to half an hour.

CLICK HERE Also, that 30 minute walk you are incorporating into your life to help with joint pain will give you a double whammy by helping the body work off Cortisol and effective at inducing sleep than

stress hormones.

sleeping pills. Include it in a breakfast smoothie.


Secondly, Cherry Active (click the Amazon link to buy it), the body turns it into Melatonin (our sleep hormone), naturally!

Photographs: & - meepoohfoto /


5 Fibromyalgia issues and how to self-help holistically


Lack of Energy

I have a secret weapon here and it is has shown such a difference in me that friends and family who don’t have Fibro have taken to using it - Maca! The ancient Inca’s used it and it is turning into a modern super-food. In addition, a green juice everyday will give your body a nutrient bonus.


Depression & Brain Fog

A natural side-effect of lack of sleep, feeling exhausted, too much pain and a general feeling of losing one’s life as one has known it is the mental side of handling Fibro. Hopefully by following the protocol in the book (which includes many more than the tips we have space for here) you will find your mood & brain fog improves naturally. If not, try eating Brazil nuts, a handful daily and make sure that you get outside at least once a day, looking at the colour green and look UP!

For more help, to find the juice recipes, EFT for pain relief, free YouTube videos and much more CLICK HERE - for all products mentioned here click the AMAZON button




To register for FREE Fibromyalgia Webinars

To LIKE Tina’s Author Facebook Page

To download our FREE Tame Fibro APP

(Loads more free info)

Yep - more FREE stuff!

CLICK HERE Read the e-book & Tame your Fibro too


Organic Small Space Gardening

This month I would like to offer a method of container gardening I have been experimenting with over the last couple years. I have had some success using this method in the past, but I would like to offer a word of caution when harvesting if you try this method. The harvest was good but I lost part of the crop to potato rot. This is something I have never experienced before, and I can only put it down to leaving the tubers in the container for too long, and the soil being too wet around them. It could also be down to over watering, so a word of caution.

The potato I used was Maris Bard a first early, it is a light creamy textured type and ideal for mashed potato and boiling, simply scrub the skin and cook. I planted the containers as usual in late Feb, putting a 10cm layer of rich compost and soil in the bottom. I placed two


potatoes on the mixture and covered them with 10 cm of soil, earthing up as they grew. Once the containers were full they were left to do their thing and as they died back, I harvested as normal.

Do you remember the problem I had with the marker pen ink washing off the tags in my seed trays? Well, some good has come from it. I had to take pot-luck when planting out my cucumbers and other veggies and rely on my memory, which is not that clever. Any way let me explain, I use an out door method of container growing to grow butternut squash. With this method you could also utilise to grow cucumbers on your balcony, remember they like plenty of sun, so your balcony would need to be a bit of a sun- trap. My philosophy is, it’s worth a try, if it doesn’t work out, there’s always next year. It’s too late in the season to use this year but you might want to think about it and try it on your balcony next year.

I have mentioned before that in our garden space is a premium, so I try to be inventive and use vertical walls etc as much as possible. One such area is the side of my garage at the bottom of my garden. West facing it is an area of about 1.5m wide x 1.8m high. I have constructed a series of seven boxes out of old decking and hung them on the wall. I like to grow my tomatoes and butternut squash in them.

They are in a line of three tiers, the outer tiers have two boxes and the inner three. The bottom outer boxes are a meter above ground level and 30 cm high with 40cm between the top of the lower boxes and the bottom of the top boxes and the centre tier is staggered, The bottom of the top box is level with the tops of the outer boxes. One thing I have discovered is that you need to use the good old plastic bottle watering system, it is also very handy when feeding the plants.


Photographs: - simon howden

n / keattikorn

This year I have also added to the front of the boxes some half moon hanging baskets in which I intended to grow trailing tomatoes. In the top outer boxes I planted what I thought were butternut squash, owing to the labelling fiasco they have turned out to be cucumber. The cucumber, are of a vine type, and require support. I have had to insert a steel rod support about 1.8m in front of the boxes and fix canes across to it, to enable me to tie the vines to them. The cucumbers as they grow, are trailing down which affords me easy access when they are ready to pick and they also seem to like their environment as they are doing as well as those in the green house.

One of the cucumbers in green house has turned out to be a squash, which I am training up the cucumber support. It’s a bit slow at the moment, but I’ll keep you posted. My potato tubs, which held my first early crop have now been harvested and re-planted with carrot, turnip, radish, lettuce onion, and beetroot. I am also experimenting with my second early spuds by combining two methods. I should have some indication of its success next month. Once I have harvested my second early, I intend to experiment with winter potatoes using a method I haven’t tried before. Finally, don’t forget to deadhead your marigolds, this induces them to produce more flowers and the more flowers the greater their scent and the greater the scent, the greater the protection of your companion crop.

Stay safe and happy gardening,



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