October and November 2014

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CompleteHealth October AND November 2014

Holistic Natural Happy Healthy Life

! y p ap

H e B issue

FREE Fibro seminars 3 ways Fibro ruins your life!

8 ways to a happier you Is your child dyslexic? 5 ways to beat cold & flu Confidence and Style, Astrology, Recipes, Grow Your Own & more!

Contents Cover 8 ways to a happier you ….. 6 Does your child have dyslexia ….. 10 3 ways Fibromyalgia ruins your life … 18


What’s in yours? …. 22

5 What’s new & hot!

5 ways food can help you beat cold & flu season ....40

16 Cooking with Kids

24 Style Coaching with 30 Smoothie Recipe

32 Andrew talks Astrolo

42 Balcony Organics (G Photographs: fotolia.com & freedigitalphotos.net - stuart miles / witthaya phonsawat / photokanok


h Natalie



w a R POWER Join our roar!


Tina Hammett

Assist Editor:

Lesley Parker


Debbie Best

Published by Life Without Limits in the United Kingdom & Worldwide, all rights reserved

HOW TO CONTACT US: For advertising enquiries & article submission please complete the form on the website To offer a competition prize or to submit a free sample offer please see the website Published via the issu platform on or around 24th of each month To e-mail us please use the CONTACT US page via the website


Everything published within this magazine is our own copyright and you may not reproduce in whole or in part any part of this magazine without our written confirmation. Should you wish to do so please contact us via the website as very often we say yes to the reproduction of our material with a linked credit.

Any and all information and advice contained within this publication is simply that, advice and should you decide to pursue any of this advice you do so at your own risk. No responsibility can or will be accepted by the publishers, authors or editorial staff. If in doubt always contact your own medical practitioner before starting or changing your existing treatment plans, beginning a new dietary regime or undertaking alternative therapies or remedies.

The ideas and opinions expressed within this publication are those of the individual authors and not necessarily those of the publisher or it’s officers.


to all our readers from around the world Welcome to our October edition. As always a big thank you to all the volunteers who make this possible, including the writers and contributors and

To comment on any article, to submit an article or request advertising info click this button

of course all those of you who share our message across social media. For the next month (November) due to my own work commitments and launching a new Seminar for Taming Fibromyalgia, the magazine will be on

Complete Health magazine is published FREE on the 23rd each month via the issuu.com platform & join us on twitter & FB as

hold. I promise you we will be back in December but as a volunteer publication we simply have to focus on our own day jobs for the moment. Please do keep your editorial copy coming in as we will publish a Christmas edition in December. Until we can chat again, be healthy , be amazing and spread the word about natural health far and

To purchase anything mentioned in this magazine click the Amazon link


Editor Tina Hammett is a Hypnotherapist & NLP Practitioner, published Author, an advocate of healthy living, has FMS and lives in the UK


Or go to the website and click the link www.completehealthmag.com

We scour the shows and health news to bring you the latest in holistic health innovations. As always please remember we are not recommending these products/services and you should always do your own research to ensure they are right for you!

I have compiled a completely free 20 page guide to help Fibromyalgia sufferers conquer their number 1 issue with their condition - lack of sleep! Simply click the link to be sent your FREE copy of this PDF. Offering practical tips, help and advice using the strategies I use every day to tame my own Fibro.

Super easy to follow and hands-on practical click the picture to be sent your copy of ‘What are the 3 common mistakes that Fibromyalgia sufferers make that prevents them from restful sleep’ completely for free now! Did we mention it’s free?

Based on my best-selling book but with the latest research included, come along and see how you can put my strategy into practice for you. I was bed-bound and in excruciating pain this time last year thanks to Fibromyalgia but sheer stubbornness forced me to get my life back and find the solutions that medical science can’t currently help with. Now you can join myself and my team LIVE and regain your hope. Check it out here……


8 PAGE 6

Ways to be a

happier you

The holistic approach



But don’t forget! Anger and hate hurt only the person feeling those emotions and have no effect whatsoever on the person they are directed at. It is an act of love for yourself to find the courage to forgive, so think about doing it for you because you are worth the love and compassion. This


PERFECTION who needs it?

3 LIVE NOW! Living in the moment is the only way to

There is no such thing as perfection,

ensure your

it does not exist, it is not attainable,


so why set yourself up for needless


heartache and pressure?

Failure in the

does not mean you

past is not the

forget, or that you

So long as we know we have done

end, view it as a

would put yourself in

the best we can with the tools


the same situation

available to us at the time - what

again or allow the same person to

more can we expect of ourselves?

opportunity and move on, you are not defined by your past.

Perfection implies failure, when in

Worrying about

disrespect you again,

truth there is no failure only valuable

the future merely

you can even remove

feedback. Instead give yourself

erodes your

yourself from them

credit for what you did do, for what

happiness in the

completely but it does

you have achieved.

now and has zero

mean you value

effect on the outcome.

yourself more. PAGE 7



Do you believe what and how you think and feel is out of your control? Think again! We all have a choice to act subconsciously or consciously, by taking control of your mind and your emotions you cease to be a slave to them and become more emotionally intelligent. NLP is a great tool to use to ‘train your brain’.

Love really does make the world go around but it doesn’t have to mean romantic love. Studies



have shown that a hug is healthy

have an innate need to gather

for mind and body, human touch

together, we have a herd

and contact is vitally important

mentality, Therefore spending

to us as a species. Humans

time with people who care about us makes us healthier. In person works better than by phone, internet and text so arrange to meet that friend you haven’t seen for a while. Even a pet can fill the void, hug your furry friend and happy hormones enter the bloodstream


Photographs: freedigitalphotos.net - stockimages / dan / photostock



We live in an ‘energetic’ universe where thoughts really do shape reality. What we think of the most (ie what we dwell on or worry about) becomes our


reality, whatever is front and centre of our mind and our thoughts for most of the time is what we experience and we become. Emotionally intelligent people focus on what they DO want rather than what they DON’T want - this is a powerful way to shape your own


Emotionally intelligent people (and those with good self-

esteem) only say YES when they really want

experiences and send positive

to. Learn how to say

affirmations out to the universe.

NO without it blighting your life with ‘what ifs’ and you’ll be happier.

For more information join our Facebook Group

RESPONSIBILITY Psychologists report that people that take responsibility for their lives, their issues and their problems are happier than those who don’t. Accepting


responsibility is the first step to finding a solution because it faces a problem ‘head on’ rather than staying stuck in denial. When we take responsibility for ourselves and our actions we actually gain power rather than giving our power away by blaming other people or circumstances outside of our control. That doesn’t mean accepting responsibility for something you haven’t done, rather owning responsibility for working the problem!


Do you have a with Dyslex


a child


Dyslexia Awareness Month

Do you have a child with Dyslexia? I do! From the day my youngest son was born he was “different” from his 3 siblings, often you couldn’t put a finger on why, he just was!

He would play differently, bricks were sorted into colours and sizes before he would start to build with them, and he had an amazing imagination, but was slow to talk and had difficulty with speech. He saw a speech pathologist who said that it was developmental delay but he would improve with age. His intelligence was never in question; he was very smart just slow at some things.

We noticed that he had trouble following instructions if they were too complicated, everything had to be broken down so he could process it. A long list of instructions just ended with him doing the first and the last thing - the bits in the middle were completely lost!

When he started school he learnt to read some very basic words in the lower level books, which had a sentence per page, but when the books had more sentences he got lost and missed out great chunks of words. He hated homework, refused to read to us and started to act out at school and at home! He became the class clown, now we know it was his way of coping and drawing people away from his problems.


He has always been good with his hands and can build or fix things really well. The real crux came when he started to say, “I’m just DUMB, that’s why I can’t read and write!!” We knew he wasn’t “dumb”.

I approached the teachers with the suggestion he may be Dyslexic but they didn’t seem concerned and unfortunately Queensland (Australia) Education don’t specifically test for Dyslexia and we had to go privately.

$550 later and 3 hours of testing showed he was above average intelligence, had Dyslexia, Dysgraphia and some Dyscalculia. He had some visual problems but his main problem was on the auditory processing side.

Once he was diagnosed, things improved immensely, he now knew why he struggled, and he knew he wasn’t dumb, just had a different way of learning.

We have never let him use it as an excuse for not doing his work; he still sits the national exams and has to do all his homework. He is at high school now and has extra help with literacy and numeracy and although he still has problems he is a much happier child.

Computers have been a great help as he can type out his assignments so they are legible, and spell check is a godsend!

It is also interesting to note that Dyslexics are right brained, whereas most education systems are geared to teaching left brained people. People with dyslexia are often gifted in mathematics and mechanical abilities, they are great at problem solving as they find it easier to see ‘the bigger picture’ and can visualise how things fit together.

Whilst they may have difficulty reading, they usually have sound verbal and people skills as well as being ‘spatially aware’ which is a


SIGNS OF DYSLEXIA Intelligent but has problems with reading, writing or spelling Often confuses the right from left Intelligent but does not test well or has severe anxiety about testing Seems to daydream or ‘zone out’ when in a classroom or meeting scenario Learns best by ‘hands on’ rather than verbal or written instruction Sees movement of letters on a page whether reading or writing Reads and re-reads without much comprehension Has difficulty with spelling Has challenges putting thoughts into words Difficulty with writing or copying Tends to hold a pen or pencil differently and very tightly Handwriting is hard to read Has difficulty with large or fine motor skills Has difficulty reading time on a traditional clock Has time management problems Tends to be a procrastinator Tends to be good at math calculations but word problems are very difficult Photographs: freedigitalphotos.net - David Castillo Dominici


rare gift. They are also usually highly creative people and are good at practical skills that require working with their hands. Dyslexia is not laziness, lack of intelligence or even rare, indeed some very famous people were and are

We teamed up with Precious Kids, Great Parents website for this article, based in Queensland, Australia - here is a bit about them. We are two mums, Corinne & Mary who have been friends for years and we came together to help parents and their kids in anyway we can. One of us has been a school principal and the other a qualified doctor (although not Copyright practicing) and between us we havesoiltosupper.com had 8 biological children and one foster child, a miscarriage, 4 natural no pain killer births and 4 caesarians!

dyslexic including Apple founder Steve Jobs, the great Albert Einstein, actress Keira Knightley and American president John F Kennedy.

Dyslexics learn differently but generally are of above average intelligence but because of the way their brains are wired it takes dyslexics longer to process language. Studies show that dyslexic children actually use nearly five times the brain area to perform ordinary language tasks as their peers. Studies also show that there are

Plus a vast array of pregnancy medical problems, so we do have a vast amount of experience and knowledge that we feel the need to share, but we understand everyone has their own ways too.

chemical differences in the brain function of dyslexic children.

Research suggests that at least 20% of the population of the world is dyslexic,

We are by no means perfect and don’t profess to be but we do genuinely want to help with any problems that parents, kids and teenagers face in their everyday lives. We don’t want to preach to you, we just want to supply you with information that you can use in your own lives. We are liberal minded, forward thinking and nothing shocks us, you can ask us anything!

although most may not know it or have had it diagnosed.

It isn’t that dyslexic people cannot learn, it is more about how they learn that makes a difference to them. Sadly schools tend to focus on teacher led systems that involve a lot of listening and reading, whereas dyslexics tend to learn by doing so practical, hands on

www.preciouskidsgreatparents.com PAGE 14

based learning suits their learning style.

In Association with Complete Health Magazine


Houmous - get it before it’s gone!

400g of chickpeas (tinned or dried and rehydrated) 1 clove of garlic 2 lemons Claire is a mum of 3 dairy intolerant, veggie kids, works parttime and runs her own business too. You can connect with Claire: on Twitter @ClaireLyonsGrow her blog Or her very swanky website www.letyourselfgrow.org.


2 Tbsp olive oil 1 Tbsp light tahini paste

This is a very simple recipe – we just throw everything into a big bowl and use a stick blender to mush it all up.

You can decide how smooth or ‘lumpy’ your children will eat it, and that means it is suitable from weaning age onwards. This makes a very nutritious snack as a dip with veg sticks or breadsticks, we also like it on hot toast for a change from nut butters. We have made it with lime juice for a subtle change, but lemon is always most popular – we always have a bottle of lemon juice in the fridge for emergencies and you can use garlic puree instead of fiddling with a clove. If you don’t have a stick blender you can get the kids to push the chickpeas through a sieve using the back of a spoon and then mix everything in, you get the same end product. This makes a decent bowl of Houmous, but it never lasts long in our house so I’ve never had to find out if it freezes well. It should be ok in the fridge for 24 hours. Photographs: freedigitalphotos.net - mister GC / franky242 / m_bartosch /tiramisustudio



ways Fibromyalg

Download your

guide HERE PAGE 18

Photographs: freedigitalphotos.net - imagerymajestic

gia ruins your life We asked you across social media and you answered in droves! Lack of Sleep Your number one issue with Fibromyalgia is lack of sleep. Over 80% of you listed this as your top priority to fix! Indeed, many of you listed it as all three of your top Fibro problems to solve. You told us that if you could only get some decent sleep that you would feel more able to cope, have less brain fog and of course, less overall exhaustion. For more help and advice on this issue please download your free 20 page booklet on solving this issue here.

Pain Unending, viscious pain came in second when we asked you ‘what are your 3 biggest issues with Fibromyalgia right now’. Not surprising to see this one in the top three given how unrelenting Fibro pain can be. Too many of you reported relying on prescription pain relief, often opiate derivative ones, just to make it through the day or in an attempt to allay the pain enough to try and sleep. After inability to sleep, pain came in as the number two overall disruptor in your life, having a knock on effect to being able to work, play with your kids and of course, sleep!

Not being able to contribute At number three came the guilt factor. Nearly 60% of you gave this as one of your top three issues, guilt at having to rely so heavily on a partner or loved one to not only financially support you but also clean the house too. This was closely followed by guilt for your kids because you were unable to look after them or interact with them as much as you felt they deserved. Not only are you having to deal with high levels of pain every day, along with lack of sleep and exhaustion but you are mentally beating yourself up every day too. It is hardly surprising though, in our society our social standing is linked to our level of self-esteem, so if we are contributing and feel well and active we tend to have higher self-esteem than if we are ill long term. It is apparent the mental side of dealing with Fibro on a daily basis is equally as important as handling the other symptoms of the disease too.


click this button at bottom of your screen

now and get us delivered to your in-box each month

And then click the SHARE button and let your friends read for free too! PAGE 20

Best-Seller! An holistic all encompassing approach to this debilitating disease

rs� e ff u s o h w e n o y n a r fo e id u “Excellent g

What’s in yo Your skin is your largest organ and what you put on it can be absorbed into your bloodstream in is as little as 25 seconds. It is difficult to ascertain fact from fiction in the debate about whether or not deodorants and antiperspirants cause cancer but the rise in men experiencing breast cancer has increased since it became fashionable for them to use these products too. It cannot be denied that you are applying products that often contain aluminium and zirconium close to lymph nodes and the toxicity of these components is again not clear. It is known that these compounds can disrupt hormones and it is known that the formation of tumours has been linked to hormone disruption. So, what can you do if you would rather play it safe? Well you


fabulous HOLISTIC

Make your own Deodorant


Your skin is your largest organ and anything you put on your skin will be absorbed directly into your bloodstream in under 25 seconds. Try this chemical free version instead:

could check out all your cosmetic products through a website called www.ewg.org/skindeep for their toxicity levels (prepare to be shocked) to find a low level toxicity brand to use instead. Alternatively you could have a go at making your own using our recipe here. If you already suffer from auto-immune issues it makes sense to keep

Coconut oil mixed with baking soda, (arrowroot powder or cornstarch if baking In association with soda brings you out in a rash)and an essential oil or use alow vera gel mixed in there too.

your lifestyle as chemical free as possible. Photographs: freedigitalphotos.net - ambro


Meaning of


' Style is when they're running you out of town and yo make it look like you're leading the parade.' William Batt This month as part of our Style Coaching journey we are looking at the true meaning of Style. Style is not something that you are born with but something that everyone can learn.

In the words of Coco Chanel ‘Fashion Fades, only style remains the same.’

Style comes from knowing your personality, knowing what works for your unique body shape and expressing who you are as an individual. Style is as much about confident body posture and body language as it is about clothes hair and make up. Great style can be achieved by everyone, regardless of age shape or style. Style comes from being totally comfortable and at ease with yourself inside and out…..

Style Coach Natalie Butler and co-founder of Style Me Bridal offers us practical advice on how we can all love ourselves just a little bit more. For

more information about Style Coaching or to ask Natalie a question CLICK HERE









Style is when you can look in the mirror without making harsh judgements,you feel happy with what you see and you feel great. You don’t need to rely on the opinions of others because your advice, your inner voice is good enough. True style comes from being self assured; this strong self belief comes from the being aware of what works for you and developing confidence in the power of your decision making. So what are the secrets to achieving style…….

● Can be achieved with the most simple of outfits, and the most basic accessories ● Is often the less is more Philosophy ● Can be simple clothes with a fabulous hair cut or style can be natural up and a smile

'Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn.' Orson Welles

● Comes from well fitted clothes that enhance your body shape and give you great proportions. ● Stylish clothes don’t pull, pucker ,cling or hide you completely from the world. ● Is about knowing how to dress appropriately for age, occasion ,body shape and lifestyle. Having style is about finding great clothes that work for you and your lifestyle. It’s about walking tall, an attitude, a frame of mind that is positive and enthusiastic.

Style is when YOU wear your clothes, not when your clothes wear you!!

What can you do to feel instantly more confident in any surroundings….. Photography: freedigitalphotos.net - stockimages


1. Wonder Woman pose - strange but true, adopting the hand on hips, legs set apart, chest out pose fools the brain into believing it is confident.

2. Sit up! Sitting up straight like our grandparents told us to not only projects an air of confidence but again makes the brain believe it is confident too.

3. Listen to an uplifting song (even better sing along to it) releases feel good hormones into the bloodstream making us feel better about ourselves.

4. Go outside and look up, another one of those strange but true ones, tricking the brain to feel yes you guessed it, happier and confident

5. Smile, even a forced smile can release those feel good hormones into the bloodstream

6. Remember everyone feels inadequate sometimes so if you don’t feel it simply fake it! Eventually the brain



will believe it too.

7. Take a ‘mini-holiday’ Stop what you are doing and take 3 ‘conscious’ breaths. The act of slowing your breathing and sending the breath down to your tummy

quick confid instantly makes us feel better.

Photographs: freedigitalphotos.net - stockimages / adamr

dence fixers PAGE 29

In Association with Complete Health Magazine

Benefits of Juice Plus: ● Absorbed by the body ● Reduces Oxidative stress ● Reduces key biomarkers of inflammation ● Supports a healthy immune system ● Helps protect DNS ● Healthy cardiovascular wellness ● Supports healthy skin and gums Click here to check out the Science

“Simply fruits, vegetables and berries, juiced, dried, removing the fruit sugars but leaving all the valuable nutrient behind, bridging the gap between what you do eat and what you should eat for optimum health. That’s why I recommend Juice Plus+® and it’s backed by Science” Debbie Best - Nutritionist

Complete Transformation 6 week Jumpstart WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT & GET HEALTHY? We have a simple affordable plan that brings immediate results and can last a lifetime. Learn how to have the body you always wanted with our 6 week jumpstart programme

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Using your voic

The New Moon in Ca

Henry David Thoreau

The song of which Thoreau refers is not music per se but the creative essence of Infinite Intelligence within you seeking an outlet; that song may not be music at all, but maybe something that gives greater expression to your divine nature, to the creative life-force that flows through you.

So why is it so difficult to confidently and unequivocally speak openly and honestly about topics that matter to you? I am not referring to public speaking, but initiating an authentic conversation about the values that you hold dear. Perhaps it has something to do with the world within which we have created – a world that constantly tells you that you




ardinal Air (Libra)

Photographs: freedigitalphotos.net -stockimages / stuart miles / pixomar



should not believe in yourself; that your opinions do not matter; moreover that you do not really matter. Perhaps it has something to do with the innately human desire to be accepted, to fit in?

Speaking openly (Cardinal Air) requires courage because to confidently “sing your song” is one of the most raw and vulnerable experiences that you can have. To have an authentic conversation you will have to take a path through a dimly lit region at the edge your soul, a place called fear - fear of rejection, fear of not being accepted; fear of not being loved. Yet in spite of the fact that you may fear that you won’t be loved, to openly speak your truth is one of the most important things you can do in creating a world that truly honours your voice.

But what voice am I talking about? Your voice is your outward creative expression that arises from the sacred being you are. It is that place within you where the infinite intelligence of God has personalised itself, imbued in the fabric of your being at your moment of this incarnation. It is the desire within you to push out and connect your creative being with other souls. It is your essence writ plain for the world to see. It is a place within you that astrologers call Libra!

Despite the inertia created by the fear of openly expressing your voice, finding the courage to start speaking your truth should not take years to establish. Innate to being human is the desire to connect; to form


relationships and to create communities based on similar values. In astrological terms, this is known as the element of Air. Made up of three states, all three together lie behind the impetus to connect people and ideas together - to create community.


The Mutable Air, or Geminian, state is to gather and exchange information


The Fixed Air, or Aquarian, state is to internalise, reflect and make a value judgement free of external pressure


The Cardinal Air, or Libran, state is to initiate conversation; to create dialogue and subsequently relationship; to breathe into the world your elemental being

The Cardinal Air time takes place annually from approximately the 22nd/ 23rd September through to the 23rd October, when our Life Giver, the Sun, appears to move through a region of space known as tropical Cardinal Air, or Libra. The time during which the Sun blazes its heat and light through this realm is a time concerning the initiation of dialogue and the sharing and spreading of your voice to all those with whom you come into contact with.

Everyone contains this Cardinal Air consciousness regardless of whether there exists a planetary body within this airy domain at the moment of their birth. Therefore everyone can share their voice. In


turn, within our interconnected universe,

your voice, touches the hearts and minds

each of us will come into contact with

of others, as your heart opens and your

someone else’s voice! If the message of

soul soars as you revel in who you were

Libra is that you are starting a

born to be.

conversation, therefore sharing your consciousness, the question must be what

If you are new to astrology and need

is it that you are disseminating?

support in discovering which arena of your life you need to direct your out-breath

During this forth coming lunation I would

during this Libran lunation, please click on

ask you to reflect on whether your voice,

the following link - https://db.tt/un7oAktF

and what you speak of, is genuinely yours

If, however, you want to tune into your

or does it come from your persona? Within

body awareness and intuition concerning

you are many voices – many of whom

the blocks that may prevent you speaking

originate from external sources such as

your truth, feel free to do so as your own

your parents and family members; your

intelligence will guide you as to what you

educational/ religious/ socio-economic

need to centre yourself on this coming

conditions; and from your karma. But can


you pause for a moment and imagine what your world would be like if you stripped away the layers of external thought forms that influences your reality and focused only on what you truly feel, think and believe!

As the Sun and Moon draw into a tight embrace on the 24th September, renewing the place within our cosmic soul that seeks to openly breathe its Truth, a time has come to enable you to confidently walk to the edge of that dark place called fear and uncertainty and to let your voice be clearly heard. As you reconnect with that place within you called Libra; when you are

We love Irelands Andrew Smith’s unique take on Astrology and if you would like to find out more about his one to one readings, classes and workshops you can contact Andrew and receive further insights here:

willing to talk openly about who you are; as you live in consort with your Being; something mystical and magical begins to happen: the sound that emanates through


E-mail Andrew Find Andrew on Facebook


Photographs: freedigitalphotos.net - njaj / lemonade


Join us on the Web for


loads more free advice



ways food can help beat cold & flu

And not a flu shot in sight! The ability of food, herbs and supplements to heal us has been undermined in our modern society and yet most medical pills come from nature originally‌.


Photographs: freedigitalphotos.net - David Castillo Dominici

p you u season…

3 Honey and Cinnamon According to the Family Health Freedom Network, this combination is so potent that it will knock out a cold within a day or two. Take twice a day for three days for best results even if you begin to feel better. Both of these are known for their antiviral, antibacterial and anti fungal qualities which would explain why the


The original Flu Shot

immune system loves them:

A clever combination of immune

5 Teaspoon of honey ( local and raw preferably)

boosters, antioxidants and antibiotic

¼ teaspoon of cinnamon

foods make this a formidable combination. Drink often through flu season, makes 5 shots, run through your juicer or nutribullet:


Natures Antibiotics

Drinking this is a massive boost to your immune system to support it to fight colds and flu, take 3 to 4

6 kale leaves

times until symptoms disappear, this one you don’t

½ bunch parsley

juice, you blend it and drink it instead:

½ cucumber

1 organic clove of garlic

4 celery ribs

2 tablespoons of Manuka Honey

3 small apples

2 tablespoons of grated ginger

½ lemon

½ teaspoon of cayenne pepper ½ teaspoon of cinnamon ½ cup of organic lemon juice

2 Vitamin Boosters Try this amazing vitamin booster, as for dosage this is so great for you the more you drink the better! Put it through your juicer or Nutribullet and simply sit back and enjoy:

5 Elderberry We whole credit this excerpt to The Hedgerow Handbook which contains the full recipe but a concoction made from the humble elderberry proved more effective against two strains of flu virus than Tamiflu! This is because it contains Sambucol and big pharma is catching on and will begin to sell

1 carrot 1 apple A piece of Ginger

expensive medications based on this - but invest in the book and make your own for cheaper from foraged elderberry instead!


Organic Small Space Gardening PAGE 42

As I write this months article it is mid September already and the warm dry weather is still holding, in the UK at least. As I reflect, despite my set backs earlier in the season with mislabelling, all in all its been a pretty good season especially on the cucumber front.

One positive has come out of my labelling fiasco though and that is I discovered a new plane on which to grow my cucumbers next season - the same way as I grow my trailing tomatoes. Next year I will be testing out trailing my cucumber plants so this has at least given me a new method to explore in our quest to make the best use of every last bit of available space in my small garden and hopefully it will increase yield - I can hardly wait.

My runner beans from this season are still going strong too and ensuring I have a good amount to pick every


three to four days. This is not a problem as

that don’t mind cooler growing conditions. I’ll

what my wife doesn’t cook there and then for

keep you posted on its progress next month.

our dinner, she blanches to put in the freezer, this ensures there is usually enough to see us to Christmas and beyond.

Despite the labelling problem I have had a good yield from my tomatoes, all be it some of them are not where I would normally have

One thing to remember, runner beans like a

planted them. Provided the frosts hold off I can

good moisture retentive soil so a good

see some of the plants going on for another

watering the night before you intend to pick

month. The yield has been such that I have

them ensures a beautiful succulent bean,

been giving away tomatoes and cucumbers to

especially if picked before the bean inside the

my family and friends, let alone my with finding

pod has had a chance to swell. It is this that

a myriad of ways to pickle, freeze and store

causes them to become a bit ‘stringy’ unless


of course you like your bean inside once it has started to swell, in which case leave them on

This is despite having lost some of the plants

the vine for longer, although watering the night

because the containers dried out in the hot

before still applies.

sunlight we basked in over the British summer. That’ll teach me to heed my own advice but no

My latest experiment is a hydroponics tank, in

matter how much you think you know, Mother

which I have planted lettuce, corn salad and

Nature always finds a way to send you a curve

chard. I planted the seed tray some weeks

ball to keep you on your toes. If you are in the

ago ready to succession sow between other

southern hemisphere and getting ready to sow

crops as the old ones come to an end. I have

seedlings, or if you are in the northern

used some of these seedlings in the tank and

hemisphere reaping the rewards of your efforts

within a week they are showing signs of good

and battening down for winter, happy

fresh shoots. I also intend to try other crops



Photographs: freedigitalphotos.net - bplanet / lobster20 / criminalatt / dan



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