May 2014 issue

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CompleteHealth May 2014

w a R

Holistic Natural Happy Healthy Life

R E r! W a o r r u PJoO o in

Practical Advice for Your Metabolism, Pain Relief & Eating Raw

Join the Debate‌ Breastfeeding in Public & The Courage to Fail

Fighting Fibro, Juice Diary, Kids Mental Health & more


to all our readers from around the world Wherever in the world you are joining us from, welcome to our May issue where we are delighted to be showcasing even more writing talent and holistic therapies. For those of you who read of Peter in Melbourne, Australia’s epic battle at the age of 33 with Bowel Cancer in our April issue, we are pleased to share with you that Peter underwent his operation on 1st April and is on the long road to recovery. Peter and his family would like to thank all of you who, across Facebook, Twitter and our magazine sent wonderful messages of support to him. We are turning purple this month, in support of a cause very close to my own heart - Fibromyalgia Awareness Day on 12th May, and you can read why I campaign for FMS awareness later in this issue. It is also World No Tobacco day in May and we take a closer look at just what is in a cigarette and I warn you, it isn’t for the faint hearted! We also welcome aboard some new writers and therapists this month, among them: ‘Precious Kids, Great Parents’ from Australia and Scandinavia's queen of AntiAgeing Thorbsjorg. We also feature a heartfelt piece from mum Claire Smith from the UK about breast-feeding in public. This is all in addition to our great regular features and we are thrilled to be able to say our readers come from across the globe, including Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada, UK & Ireland, many European countries and even India! Welcome to you all. Tina Hammett is a Hypnotherapist & NLP Practitioner, an advocate of healthy living, has FMS and lives in the UK

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Complete Health magazine is published FREE on the 1st each month via the platform & join us on twitter & FB as

To purchase anything mentioned in this magazine click the Amazon link

Or go to the website and click the link


Contents Cover Fibromyalgia ‘not lazy very tough!’….. 6 5 ways to eat more Raw ….. 8 Controlling your Metabolism……..10 Why shouldn’t I breastfeed in public?…. 18 The courage to Fail …… 21 Kids suffer mental health problems too….40 Some photography: - artur84/foto76/imajerymajestic


Regulars 13 What’s new & hot! 33 Recipe

34 Andrew talks Astrol 39 Book Club Corner

44 Balcony Organics (G



w a R POWER Join our roar!


Plus 14 What’s in Yours? 16 Living Clean Pt 2 20 Endometriosis 24 Life with MS


Tina Hammett

Assist Editor:

Lesley Parker


Debbie Best

Published by Life Without Limits in the United Kingdom & Worldwide, all rights reserved HOW TO CONTACT US: For advertising enquiries & article submission please complete the form on the website To offer a competition prize or to submit a free sample offer please see the website Published via the issu platform on 1st of each month

25 5 Beginners Fit-ball exercises

To e-mail us please use the CONTACT US page via the

28 Juicing Diary

47 Quantum Physics of Health 50 6 Holistic Pain Relievers 52 Healing Power of Crystals


Everything published within this magazine is our own copyright and you may not reproduce in whole or in part any part of this magazine without our written confirmation. Should you wish to do so please contact us via the website as very often we say yes to the reproduction of our material with a linked credit. Any and all information and advice contained within this publication is simply that, advice and should you decide to pursue any of this advice you do so at your own risk. No responsibility can or will be accepted by the publishers, authors or editorial staff. If in doubt always contact your own medical practitioner before starting or changing your existing treatment plans, beginning a new dietary regime or undertaking alternative therapies or remedies. The ideas and opinions expressed within this publication are those of the individual authors and not necessarily those of the publisher or it’s officers.


We’re not la

FMS sufferer (our Editor) Tina When I first started training in Hypnotherapy and NLP ten years ago, I was taught that Fibromyalgia was all in the mind. A by-product of not handling life’s stressors very well, or even those who on a subconscious level were ‘checking out’ of life.

I had started hypnosis & NLP training to aid the weight-loss workshops that we held in our gyms. The lower pictures here on the left are all of me back then, confident, fit and bursting with energy. I confess, I only came across two people in life back then with FMS, one a friend and one a gym member. I had though, grown up with an Aunt with Multiple Sclerosis, so whilst I was being ‘trained’ that FMS was a mind disease, I wasn’t consciously believing it.

Little did I know that ten years from that fateful training session for hypnosis, I would be facing my own battle with Fibromyalgia. Following a series of operations, spread over an agonising, painful 18 months where my ovaries were removed, I was finally rushed into hospital for an emergency appendectomy in August 2012. During this time I lost my home, my partner and my career in fitness, however, I ultimately felt relieved as I could finally heal and be well again. But I didn’t get well and was eventually diagnosed with FMS. It was during this period I realised just how cold and unsympathetic people could be when I told them I was battling this disease and so began my new battle when finally regaining my health and taming FMS - raising awareness of what living with Fibro is like on a daily, never ending basis.

So, imagine for a moment, you have the worse dose of flu ever! Imagine massive exhaustion as your body switches all it’s resources to fighting the virus on a cellular level, so busy


Fibromyalgia Awareness Day - 12th May

azy, we’re very tough!

a Hammett on why she campaigns for Fibro awareness fighting a war for your life that it cannot even give

not even weeks, possibly not even months but

you the energy to get out of bed to get a glass of

years! Now imagine trying to hold down your job,

water. Imagine, in the midst of a body bathed in

or look after your kids, or even look after yourself

exhaustion, your body is also wracked with joint

every day. You have just walked five minutes in

and muscle pain that does not dissipate. There is

the shoes of someone with FMS, the difference

no relief, the pain emanates from the core of your

though? You can get up and walk away!

knees, ankles, wrist joints, even your hips are on fire, your muscles are tensed tight with the aching

FMS has now been proven to be a physical


disease, whereby the nerves in the body become

Imagine your exhaustion being added to because

damaged, causing pain signals in the brain to be

you are unable to sleep, whatever you try, your

permanently switched on. There is no medical

body is too tensed and screaming too loudly from

cure and yet unbelievably, FMS sufferers can still

pain to allow the respite of sleep to come easily.

be told they are simply lazy! We’re not lazy, in

Imagine waking the next morning after finally

fact the sheer act of living can be monumental for

falling asleep in the early hours, feeling you must

us, so that makes us very brave - every day!

have run a marathon in your sleep. Limbs and joints aching more than before you went to sleep,

I am lucky, the picture top left is me now, I am

more tight and more tensed too.

practically back to full health thanks to finding a holistic mix of therapies that gave me back the

“You have just walked 5 minutes in the shoes of someone with FMS - the difference? You can get up and walk away!”

strength to live again, and I happily share that protocol in an e-book in the hope it helps others too. But next time you hear ‘Fibromyalgia’, please remember the monumental effort it takes to stay standing up with this disease, let alone cope with every day life.

Then someone brings you a tray of food and you pick up the fork with a brain so fogged over you cannot remember which hand to hold it in. Now finally, imagine that doesn’t go on for 3 or 4 days

To register for a chance for a free copy of Tina’s soon to be published book click the picture on the right

before feeling better and the pains and aches subsiding, or even a week or fortnight. Imagine you have felt like this EVERY SINGLE DAY for

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Welcome to new reporter Raschida Brocklehurst a

freelance writer who is travelling through Europe as she transitions from a vegetarian to a low fat, high carb, raw vegan. She loves culture, exploring new and wondrous places and spending time with the people (and cat) she loves. PAGE 8

For many of us, fad diets come and go, with the weight dropping off and piling on again. But instead of constant yo-yo dieting, what we need to start doing is make active lifestyle changes to help our minds and bodies alike. Moving to the raw movement should be a gradual change, as our bodies flush out the animal proteins, chemicals and processed ‘food’ we have been feeding it for years.

But don’t despair! Here are a few tips to make the transition easier, or even just to help you incorporate more fresh fruit and vegetables into your life:

1 - Go green Start the day with a green juice. Get as many nutrients and goodness into your body first thing to set you up for the day.

2 - Get fruity Sugar gives fruit a bad name, but this type of sugar is simple and non-refined, meaning that it is easy for your body to digest and take the goodness it needs.

3 - Eat enough Calorie restriction is a big no-no, and only serves to create selfhate and guilt. Your cells run of glucose and need the energy to allow your body to function in the best way possible. Eat all the fruit and veggies you heart desires.

4 - Good combinations Some fruits and vegetables (such as watermelon, cucumber – those with a high water content) digest really quickly, and it is really important to bear this in mind when preparing a meal. Eat your fruit first and allow it to work its magic before you move on to your greens/pulses etc. This will help prevent bloating and gas. Or even try ‘mono meals’ – just several of the same fruit for a meal – and see the benefits!

5 - Think ahead Never run out of fresh fruit or vegetables as this is when you are most likely to fall off the wagon and eat something which you will regret later. Buy in bulk from a market or wholesalers – the produce will be cheaper and better quality that a supermarket.

Some photography: - tiverylucky/stoon/gameanna



Controlling your metabolism Our roving reporter with a passport this month is Gillian Wilkes reporting from Seattle, USA. Gillian is studying nutrition and collated this report from various US Personal Trainers she has met on her travels. She is a forthright Sagittarian and tells it as she sees it…. If I had a £1 for every time I’ve heard someone say ‘but I can’t lose weight – I’ve got slow metabolism’, I’d be a rich woman! Guess what; that excuse doesn’t wash because apart from a few serious thyroid conditions you are in complete control of your own metabolism. (And for those of you diagnosed with said thyroid conditions, you are still in control but you will have to work harder).

First, some simplified science; your metabolism is the rate at which your body uses calories for fuel. Your body burns calories to perform every single function in the body. You burn calories to digest food, grow, breathe, think, blink, and all of these processes require fuel. Even if you stay like a blob on the floor for 24 hours your body will burn calories due to your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR).

Your BMR is the amount of calories it takes just to stay alive. Any activity from there generates extra calorie burn. A high metabolism will burn a lot of calories doing very little. A slow metabolism will burn calories at a lower rate. The goal is to have your body burning as many calories as possible, even at rest, and you can make that happen. Build Muscle: Muscle burns more calories than fat, so the more muscle you have in your body, the higher your rate of metabolism.


Incorporate strength/resistance training into your weekly routine to burn more calories and build a sleeker, leaner frame.

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T Reduce Your Cardio Vascular Training: As

Conversely if you eat too much it is like dumping

with most things, when it comes to CV, it’s quality

a huge pile of coal onto the fire which smoothers

over quantity. You don’t need to build up a sweat

it, storing extra calories as fat. Feed a steady

for hours. You will get just as effective results in

supply of high quality fuel to your fire for the

half the time if you incorporate high intensity

highest efficiency.

interval training (HIIT) into your routine.

Eating every 2 – 3 hours will keep your

HIIT alternates bouts of high-intensity CV with

metabolism performing at its peak, but to avoid

relatively low intensity rest intervals. So 30/45

overeating, you’ll need to redefine your idea of a

seconds of really intense running on the spot, star

meal. Make sure you eat 5/6 small, 300 calorie

jumps or something similar gets your heart rate

meals of high quality carbs, protein, fruit and

going – really put the effort in then rest for 30

vegetables for the necessary nutrients.

seconds; then repeat the process about 4 or 5 times in a session. This type of training blasts the same amount of calories as going out to jog for an hour and research shows you burn calories at a higher rate well after you have completed your training session.

Get plenty of sleep. When you don’t get enough sleep, your body releases the stress hormone Cortisol which increases your appetite and can cause you to overeat. Add to the fact that lack of sleep causes your body to have difficulty metabolizing carbohydrates, which leads to a

“This type of training blasts the same amount of calories as going out to jog for an hour”

spike in blood sugar, causing an increase in insulin, which signals the body to store any excess calories as fat, all of which equals a chain reaction that can slow results. Aim for 7 – 8 hours of sleep per night to avoid this mess of out-of-

Eat enough, but not too much – and eat often Think of your metabolism like a fire. Adding the right fuel in the right way makes a great fire. Under-fuelling or eating too little has a negative

kilter hormones. So, don’t blame your body – work with it. Take control and get your metabolism to work for you rather than against you.

impact. Our bodies are made for survival, so when we eat too few calories it slows down its processes to conserve energy. Even if your energy feels fine, if you eat too little your

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metabolism may be running at half speed.



What preview readers say…

‘An inspiration!’ ‘Finally practical advice’

Practical, easy, holistic! PAGE 12

We scour the shows and health news to bring you the latest in holistic health innovations. As always, we have summarised them all in one place (along with everything else mentioned in our articles this month) which you can view by clicking the Amazon button:

A revolutionary way that can assist smokers stop their cravings. This natural patch contains Lobelia Inflata, a North American Indian herb, that is said to be associated with improving the respiratory tract and making the taste of tobacco products unpleasant. Containing only natural ingredients they can assist you quitting without using other products that contain nicotine which will keep you addicted.

Given how healthy coconut oil, butter, milk & flour are for us, we couldn’t resist bring you this great product. To learn how to use it, see our Facebook group, and if you are going GLUTEN FREE then you can use this instead! Coconut flour is the fibre from the coconut meat after almost all the oil has been extracted to make coconut oil. Being gluten free makes coconut flour a suitable wheat flour substitute for those with gluten and wheat allergies. It is also high in protein and fibre, containing more fibre than gluten-based grains.


What’s in yours? As part of World ‘No Tobacco’ day we thought we

Cadmium is highly toxic and is listed on the

would share with you just what is in a cigarette

European Restriction of Hazardous Substances

and why it contains all those warnings on the

list, it is also a component of batteries and known

packet. We warn you, if you have a weak

to cause kidney damage.

stomach then be prepared to lose your lunch. Butane is used in lighter fluid but also a key There are over 4,000 chemicals in an average

ingredient for making rubber as well as added to

cigarette and at least 70 of these are cancer

cigarettes. Inhalation of butane can cause

causing or toxic. Whilst smoking a cigarette

euphoria, drowsiness, narcosis, asphyxia, cardiac

yourself is bad enough, it is doubly worse for

arrhythmia, fluctuations in blood pressure,

those around you inhaling second hand smoke,

temporary memory loss and incredibly, frostbite!

which is why the UK is now campaigning to make

And yet, it is allowed in cigarettes.

it illegal for parents to smoke in the car with a child on board.

Acetic Acid although essentially vinegar, in it’s concentrated form is it corrosive and can burn the

Stearic Acid is the first ingredient (we thought

skin - imagine what it is doing to lungs when

we’d let you in gently) is a component of Candle

inhaled over along periods. Let’s not forget

Wax but can also be found in plaster castings and

Formaldehyde which is used in mortuaries for

detergents because it is a cheap additive.

embalming and in also in paint production.


World ‘No Tobacco’ Day 2014 Methane & Methanol are both used in rocket fuel and methane is a natural occurring gas produced from rotting organic matter.

Ammonia is an irritant to mucous membranes, the eyes, digestive and respiratory tracts, it is used in household cleaning products and is another regular addition to the cigarettes being smoked around the world as well as being used in fertiliser and explosives.

Nicotine is the major addictive ingredient in cigarettes, it operates on the pleasure centres of the brain and nicotine addiction is historically one of the hardest addictions to break. Despite the known harmful health affects of cigarettes, the amount of nicotine being added to cigarettes has incredibly been on the rise since 1998, increasing the addictive affect still further. However, medicinal studies are suggesting that Nicotine in a non cigarette form may have useful medical

“Amount of nicotine added to cigarettes has been on the rise since 1998, thereby increasing the addictive affect still further”

applications as it may be an anti-inflammatory and reduce pain.

Then there is Tar, Arsenic and Acrolein, the latter is used in making chemical weapons. We are going to run out of space before we can list all the highly toxic, highly harmful ingredients in cigarettes, but we will list just one more: Benzene is a solvent used to make Petrol, and is known to cause leukaemia.

If this has given you renewed impetus to give up smoking you can seek help through your local health services, your doctor or even via the Internet. We have found some natural ‘stop

Order via

smoking’ patches (see ‘What’s New) and even Allen Carr’s best selling book for giving up, all

Amazon at Photography - stockimages / David Castillo Dominici /rawich /Wischakorn /sakhorn38 /joesive47

available on Amazon - click the link.


‘Living Clean’ Part Two - Meds There are times when we are all prescribed medication by our doctors and I would wager that there are very few people in the western world who have never taken a prescription drug. Some of these drugs can be truly life saving and there is no doubt that the rise of modern medicine has made a significant impact on life expectancy.

Editor Tina Hammett continues our series of articles, designed to help you be as healthy, happy and creative as you possibly can be.

However, something else now drives the pharmaceutical companies of our modern age that is far from altruistic and merely about helping people and saving lives - that something is money. The race to make ever larger profits to please shareholders has clouded the world of modern medicine and that drive for market share and larger profits reaches all the way to manipulating the drugs that your own physician prescribes.

Hard sell techniques (which have been rife in the drugs industry for decades) are designed to ensure that your doctor prescribes one brand of drug over another, as opposed to the best drug for you. Drug companies in the UK alone spent over ÂŁ40m last year to sway the decision making process of your doctors.

Indeed, some of the doctors out there prescribing will have had their training financed by one drug company or another. Psychological manipulation can be very subtle, as well the major drug companies know and being able to sway the minds of doctors through training is a sure fire way to earn their brand loyalty.

If you read the piece on Autism last month, you will already be

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aware that some of the doctors who had been responsible for testing on human beings at camps such as Auschwitz in Word War Two, despite being tried and found guilty of war crimes, had


their sentences commuted and went on to

side-effects of the first, then more to counter-act

become the CEOs of some of the worlds largest

the side-effects of the drugs that were given to

drug companies. As we mentioned before, can

counter-act side-effects, a vicious circle that it is

the ethics of these people truly be trusted?

then difficult for the patient to break free from. Thanks to the relentless march on the decision

It is a well known fact, that every medical drug

making processes of Doctors our physicians have

has a side-effect to some degree of another and

forgotten that there are often a myriad of other

yet, so pervasive has the drug companies march

holistic routes out there that can be more suited to

been on the minds of our physicians, and indeed

their patients needs. Many of these methods

the public psyche at large, that we have become

come with scientific data to back them up and

conditioned to believe that only a pill can help us

without unwanted side-effects too.

in times of ill-health. The sad fact is, it is not in the drug companies business interest to ‘cure’ us

However, as patients we ultimately hold the key,

at all, but it does serve their purpose to have as

we are the ones responsible for our bodies and

many people on permanent medication as

what goes into them. We have the right to say no

possible. Unbelievably, we have reached an era

to our doctors, we have the right to have a

where it is in the drug companies best interests to

‘conversation’ about our own health as opposed

keep us sick!

to a consultation.

“Could we have arrived at a stage where doctors, conditioned by the drug companies and fuelled by requests from their equally brainwashed patients, are over-prescribing?”

It is your right to find doctor who is sympathetic to

Given this, could we have arrived at a stage

There will always be times when we are thankful

where doctors, trained by the drug companies and

for modern drugs and modern medical techniques

fuelled by requests from their equally brain

but surely there is a middle ground, whereby a

washed patients, are over-prescribing? We

doctor is able to prescribe a more holistic route if

certainly know this is true of antibiotics, so widely

it is more appropriate for the individual needs of

have they been prescribed and introduced into the

their patient, rather than reaching for a drug first?

non drug-use therapies if they are appropriate for the condition you present to them with. Fortunately there are many doctors out there realising that some of the so called ‘alternative therapy’ methods work better than drugs in some instances.

food chain, that in some quarters there is a murmur that we could be on the cusp of a new

The decision to take a drug or course of treatment

medical era - one where antibiotics no longer

must always lie with the patient, so I actively


encourage you to do your research and take your power back from the drug companies and their

We have reached a crisis point, whereby a doctor

relentless march for profits at the expense of your

prescribes one pill for an initial condition, followed

health. You only have one body, if you don’t look

by several more to endeavour to counter-act the

out for it and look after it - who will?


Claire Smith from Bedfordshire, UK explains why she believes it is every woman’s right to breast-feed her child in public and why she became a Breastfeeding Support Worker. My name is Claire Smith, and this is me top left with my 16 month old son Joshua James. As soon as I found out I was pregnant with Joshua, I decided I was going to give breastfeeding a go and I think I was very open minded about it although I didn't know if it was going to be successful or not.

I did lots of Internet research on the benefits of Breastfeeding and what benefit Joshua would gain from it, which increased my intention to try it. One of the websites I used frequently throughout my pregnancy was the NHS Direct website. What are the benefits of Breastfeeding? Well, Breast milk is the only natural food designed for a baby and it helps protect baby from infections and diseases. Breast-fed babies have less chance of diarrhoea and vomiting which then prevents potential hospital visits for this. It is documented that they have fewer chest and ear-infections, have less chance of being constipated and have less chance of developing eczema. In addition, they are less likely to go on to be obese and as a result have type 2 diabetes and other related illnesses in later life.


Some photography - jomphong

The first 12 weeks were very hard though as he suffered with silent reflux so was very unsettled at night and between 1 am & 4 am he would scream the house down! I remember at about 10 weeks I said to my husband Greg at 3 am one morning 'I don't think I can do this any more’, I was exhausted and due to a lot of blood loss in labour I was extremely anaemic.

I just couldn't think straight and felt I needed a helping hand, Greg was absolutely fantastic and I really could not of done it without him. I did continue with breast-feeding though and Joshua’s Of course it also builds a strong physical and emotional bond for mum and baby alike, which

silent reflux got better and he started to sleep for longer which meant I too got more sleep.

can bring a great sense of achievement for mum. In today’s cash strapped world their is another bonus - it is totally free! Any amount of breast-feeding has a positive effect, but the longer you breast-feed, the longer the protection for your baby lasts and the greater the benefit. Instant formula just isn’t able to match the quality of nature’s own. Of course, the benefits aren’t just for baby,

“At 3 am one morning I turned to my husband and cried - I don’t think I can do this anymore”

research has also shown that it lowers mums risk of breast or ovarian cancer, it naturally uses up 500 calories a day and of course, in addition to the financial savings on the cost of formula, it is quick and easy too as there is no equipment to be sterilised, no bottles to buy etc.

Sadly I didn’t receive very much help from my local health services. I had only one check from my midwife 24 hours after birth and then one check from my Health Visitor. I was then signed

I had a very traumatic labour which resulted in

off as an 'experienced mum', this was my first

Joshua being monitored afterwards and I

child - how could I be experienced?, I can

remember the anxious feelings I had, worrying as

honestly say I had no clue what I was doing and if

that the time delay in him being passed to me

I was 'doing it right'. I was only checked once to

would mean he would not take to the breast. I

see if Joshua was feeding well, I had no-one else

need not have worried as he was a natural, as

I could ask, so the next few months were a huge

soon as he was placed on me he knew exactly

roller coaster for me. As Joshua was crying all the

what he needed to do and it was the most

time and wanting to be fed constantly, I was

amazing moment in my life.

paranoid he wasn't getting enough milk.


However, he was gaining weight and following his

Since all the training, I now know why I was sore,

percentile perfectly but my breasts were sore from

(due to bad positioning and attachment) and if I

feeding all the time and because I didn't know

had been assessed properly this would have

what to do and had no where to turn for advice, I

been picked up and could have been prevented. I

just got on with it.

really hope that by helping other mums in the same situation I will be supporting others to

Things did get easier and I am now very proud to

continue through the hard times. There is help

say that I am still breast feeding Joshua now, 16

and support out there if you know where to look

months on. I absolutely love it and the bond it

which is why I jumped at writing this article to help

gives, us as it's just me feeding him and he can

raise awareness for new mums!

only get that from me. In fact I am dreading giving up!

Sadly I lost our second baby in November 2013 but I hope in the near future to be blessed with

Although I have had some very bad experiences in public whilst feeding and often get stares and disapproving looks, even though I use a feeding

another healthy baby whom I can take on this amazing journey between mum and child and give the baby the best possible start in life.

cover and to be honest nothing can be seen anyway.

Your local health visitor should be able to put you in touch with a breast-feeding support group in

Breast-feeding is such a natural thing to do, we should be encouraging young and often nervous and inexperienced mums, not send them

your area, possibly even a ‘buddy’ like me! Please do seek out help and support as if you manage to persist, the rewards are priceless.

scurrying away through being made to feel they are doing something inappropriate.

On some occasions, usually from the older generations, I would receive knowing looks and once or twice I was even complimented for breastfeeding whilst I was out and about.

Due to all my experiences I contacted my local Health Visitor to find out how I could help other mums with Breast Feeding and I was sent information on how to become a Breastfeeding Support Worker' or ‘buddy’.

I am thrilled to say I have now completed 2 days of training and have 1 more day to complete before I will be able to go to local Breastfeeding Baby Brasseries and help support and advise new mums along side local Health Visitors.


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The Courage to Fail…. Editor Tina Hammett & Oz Reporter Sue Allgood ask & debate the question…. should we be encouraging our children to fail more often? Tina ‘Why are we conditioned to be so fearful of failure? Often failing can be the best thing that ever happens to us, it is certainly one of the best teachers for showing us just how strong and powerful we have the ability to be. Failure can often give us more resources than winning can. Perhaps we should be teaching our children that it is OK to fail? As even the great Michael Jordan said ‘I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed’. What if rather than call it failure (with all the dogma the word carries with it from the people of the world) we called it NLPs word feedback? The best, most valuable, most priceless feedback? And with that kind of feedback potentially available to us, what then could hold us back from being the most amazing 'us' we can be? What if we taught our children that to open oneself to feedback takes real courage, because the very act of taking part offered us a very real opportunity to learn? What if we showed our children that the only true failure is to not learn the invaluable lessons contained within it? That life is tough, it can be difficult and success comes not instantly, but through picking oneself up again and again!’ Sue ‘What we have failed to teach our children is that everything comes from taking small steps, not all of them forwards in a straight line, We have failed to teach them resilience, how to gain perspective in life, that it is OK to fall as long as you get up again. We nurture them and then we let them hit the real world head on without the tools to protect themselves. It should be taught that everyone is different, everyone has their own strength and weaknesses and theses should be acknowledged and accepted. Giving every child in the school running race an 'I ran a race' ribbon might make the parent feel better their child didn't win but hasn't taught that child anything about winning & losing and nothing about that's what life is really like. May sound harsh but it's true, we need to teach these thing at a young age so they can cope with the pressure of life later - just look how many adolescence are on medication because they can't cope with the life they have, it's sad.’ So what if we fail when it could ultimately turn out to the the best thing that can happen? What is there then left to fear? Well perhaps fear itself is our comfort blanket, our excuse to ourselves not to try at all, so perhaps the fear is actually of being that most powerful and amazing person we have the capability to be and not fear of failing after all? Perhaps what we ultimately need is the courage to fail because in the courage to fail is the courage for success!

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1 beetroot (raw)

1cm piece of ginger

1 stick of celery

4 strawberries.

1 slice lemon and 1 slice lime

1 massive handful of spinach

1 clove garlic

Half a scoop of Vanilla Juice Plus Complete

Whizzed for 30 seconds how fast and fabulous is that & it tastes fantastic! Have a go ORDER YOUR JUICE PLUS COMPLETE HERE


Quick Reference Diet ‘Chea

This is an holistic way to tre chance to help itself.

Firstly, Endometriosis is an Autoand diet. Remember processed fo oestrogen dominant already you d artificial hormones as does some won’t be contaminated with toxins

1. Remove processed foods fro

2. Remove Wheat, Pasta & pro replace with Soya though as

3. Keep alcohol to a minimum Endo sufferers) & eat liver

4. Take a good probiotic (resea page for where to buy this (

5. Eat immune-system boostin Quinoa, Butternut Squash

6. Have a green juice (Kale/Sp watercress/parsley/coriande

7. Add Pineapple & Papayas t

8. And finally - MACA, brings

This is just a beginning, but even holistic bases, please give it at lea Photography - stockimages

For much more information & advice see: w PAGE 24

at Sheet’ that could make all the difference to your Endo

eat Endometriosis, one that gives your body the best possible

-Immune disease, so it is important to eliminate toxins from your environment ood containers leach oestrogen into the food (and because you could be do not want artificial oestrogen added to your body), non organic Milk contains Soya so again, best avoided too. Try to eat organic fruit & vegetables as these s that will upset your immune system further.

om the diet (includes all artificial sweeteners)

ocessed sugar (including diet soda etc), Milk & milk based products (don’t s it is often full of artificial toxins)

m (or exclude completely) as it stresses the liver (liver function is important to promoting foods like Kale, burdock, carrots & lemons

arch suggests absorbed better from chocolate than yogurt - see our Amazon (click the Amazon link on this page))

ng foods like Aloe Vera, Avocado, Red Grapes (Ayurvedic), Strawberries,

pinach/Celery/Ginger/apple/ lemon or lime/ cucumber/ er etc)

to your diet (Ayurvedic)

s hormones into balance (see our Amazon page (click the link here) to buy

n with these small changes you could see some respite, but as with anything ast 2-3 to see a difference. PAGE 25

“I am Personal Trainer Christine, queen of the Hydraulic Resistance Training circuit - join me getting the most of your fit-ball workout�

5 beginne fit-ball exercise Waist

Holding the fit-ball straight out in front of you, core tight, twist through the waist first the right, come back to centre, then twist through the waist to the left, return to centre. Try for 10 repetitions

Get your fit-ball from Amazon here


Lying on the floor, feet rested on t

arms behind your head. Keep yo

back and exhale as you lift the s

blades off the floor and inhale on

Always consult your doctor before starting a fitness regime & find a Personal Trainer to go through exercises with you

back down. Be conscious to pul

your Abs not your neck. Try f repetitions!




the fit-ball,

our elbows


n the way

ll up from

for 10

Sitting on the fit-ball, back straight, gain your balance and then slowly lift first the right leg and straighten it in front of you. Place the right foot back on the floor and repeat with the left. Try for 5 repetitions on each side

Starting in the middle position - hold the fit-ball above your head. Holding your core tight, bend slowly straight to the right side (remember to not bend slightly forwards). Come back to the middle position and then reach out to the left side, and slowly come back to centre. Try for 10 repetitions

With your back supported on the fit-ball and your feet squarely on the floor. Using weights, start with arms upright in front of you as you look at the ceiling. Abs tight, bring down the arms as show in the picture right, and then back to first position, try for 10 repetitions


EFT specialist Lesley Parkers big

shock t

Dear Diary, There was this big bright juicer sitting dormant in my kitchen cupb oard, something I brought on a whim a few years ago, hoping some day to make use of it and other days wondering why on earth I brought it. Juic ing seemed to be the ‘in’ thing at the moment so I grabbed the funny looking contraption, dusted it off and then sat staring at it for about a week wonderi ng what to do next. It seemed all the rage and I wondered what they were all raving


plus a friend of mine had started juicing and was feeling the bene


I trotted off to her house to see what it was all about and she

set about

making me my first green juice. To say it didn’t look very appealing was

an understatement, bright green and smelling of grass - I politely and with taste buds tingling was catapulted into a lemony, zingy,

took a sip,

‘didn’t expect

that’ kind of hemisphere. On the way home I dashed into the nea rest store and gobbled up apples, celery, cucumber, lemons and spinach and

I made my

very first juice the next morning.


Some photography freedigitalpho

to system - stockimages/johnkasawa

very funny, very open Juicing Diary

I thought it would be a good idea to juice in the morning so that I had a refreshing kick for my breakfast, rather than the usual cardboard cereal.

Day 1

I laughingly thought this power juice would keep me going until lunch, however my grumbling stomach soon put that

my dilemma here was do I have another juice or some real food?

to rest, so

Since I wasn’t organised enough, and did not have another juice prepared, I quickly gobbled up a banana by 10.00

TIP - serve over ice!

A couple of hints: USE ICE or chill in fridge it tastes so much better cold and eat an apple before your juice as it fools the brain into thinking you have physically eaten

ganised and or re mo be to d ha I at th me hit Realisation day. that one juice wouldn’t last you all , which is always ay aw t igh ra st up sh wa to is ck Another tri t leaving it until you no , sh ru g in rn mo e th in y ck tri a bit scrubbing green s ur ho e fiv xt ne e th g din en sp come home slime of your juicer, whilst


cursing your best

st place….. for ever introducing you in the fir

Day 2 TIP: Wash up right away! PAGE 29

Day 3 & 4

Ok now headache starting to kick in, why don’t I feel marvellous and shouldn’t I be bouncing off the walls by now? Can’t be bothered to juice this morning, feeling a bit tired. Maybe I can do it this evening

instead? This is still a chore. Can I give up now? So tired can t be bothered with anything, its all so much effort &

banging headache.

have a

TIP: you will go through detox!

Note to self – juicing so much easier in the evening. No mad morning rush & being able to drink a green juice between football practice, school run & cooking dinner is a breeze. And your body will need some adjustment to the super-foods you are fuelling it with as you slowly replace the sugary foods you crave

Day 5 Not feeling brilliant but hey presto not quite so hungry this morning. Surely I will get fed up with Green Juice after a few days, actually no you don’t. Just in case I tried some lime with it, yuck – don’t try that it ruins the freshness.

Getting into the swing of it now, about time I hear you say, the routine gets easier but still feeling grouchy, don’t give up here!

TIP - easier to Juice evenings Note here that I ate chocolate for breakfast so my body was a complete sugar crush. But persevere here if you can, your body will thank you for it trust me. It’s all in the mind and takes a battle of the wills to overcome your urge to give up.

w PAGE 30

Some photography - stock

tice a few It was around about here that I started to no ar and subtle changes. I haven’t craved chocolate, sug r body begins even cut out a tea from my three a day. You by to let you know what it wants and leads the way ingly it starting to crave the juice, yes really. Surpris

Day 6

gets easier as your body responds to the it

n follows, nourishment and sorry folks but exercise soo ling. seemed a natural progression to total body hea

What I found here is that I had a couple of days break, don’t be hard on yourself just listen to your body. However, after a couple of days I missed it. Ladies word of warning, during my cycle for two days I ate like the chocolate monster, stuffed my face and was in sugar heaven. It does pass.

Two weeks on and a pleasant side affect has been a flat tummy. This was not my aim to start out wit h, but I have gained some energy, started exercising and thrown out the big knickers in celebration of the fact that I can now show my midriff off ready for summer.

TIP: don’t give up as it’s sooo worth it!

Don’t give up! Your body needs to adjust to all those years of being fed sugary foods. This is not a diet, but you will feel better, want to do more and your body will let you know about it. The green juice looks disgusting, tastes rather pleasant and packs a nutrient rich punch. You may want a break and eat normally for a few days, don’t worry this is normal so don’t



be hard on yourself. PAGE 31


The global reach of this magazine.... UK Australia USA Canada Ireland New Zealand South America Germany France Spain Europe India & more..


could send your sales into orbit!

This months recipe

Carob Snack Drops Raw, healthy, simple…. :

Who said raw food was difficult to prepare? These Sugar free, raw and made with superfood coconut flour snack drops, from Scandinavia’s anti-ageing queen Thorbjorg, will give you that chocolate sensation whilst still being super healthy. Great for kids lunch boxes too and for a mid afternoon snack with a cup of green tea. Super-simple and easy to make you could let the kids join in too!

1. Grind all the nuts using a food processor

● 1 cup cashews

2. Add the remaining ingredients into the processor and mix

● 4 tbsp Carob-powder

until a dough has formed

● ½cup coconut flower

3. Remove the dough and start to roll them into ball shapes

● 2 tsp pine nuts

4. Roll the balls in any leftover (or extra) carob powder, coconut

● ½ dl water (or orange juice)

flour and ground nuts

● 200 g / 7 oz dates

Store them between 2 cookie sheets in a snack tin of your choice.

Refrigerate them and they can last for two weeks as well as letting the chill enhance the flavour


We teamed up with Pinetribe’s Scandinavia’s cult status anti-ageing queen for this fabulous raw recipe. More on their website


Astrology As you know the fabulous Andrew Smith talks Astrology like you may never have heard it before - so this month we’re talking about how the spirit of Taurus is in all of us! “As the Blood Moon reached its crescendo on Tuesday morning, the 15th April 2014, my soulbrother and partner-in-workshop-crime, Brendan

underpins the workshop strongly announces itself

Foley and I welcomed the participants to one of

within the stories shared.

our mystery experiential workshops. But last Tuesday, given the libidinal-freeing, I say mystery workshop because we intentionally

reformist wave that our collective and personal

do not describe what we will specifically do during

selves are surfing, facilitating us to wipe our slates

any given workshop. We merely announce that a

clean and start our lives afresh, we decided to ask

workshop is running on such and such a date and

those brave souls a slightly different question, a

then I ask my mailing list one question – if you

question poised to me by another close friend and

feel a “nudge” or “prompt” to join us on the day,

spiritual teacher, Danish mystic Lars Muhl, “Who

then trust your body’s intelligence, reach out and

are you?”.

both Brendan and I will facilitate you! What emerged was breath-taking, although not Over the past five years, at 9:30am on a

too surprising given the subject matter about-to-

designated date and location, we’ve gathered

be-invoked. We once again rotated about the

those wide eyed, nervous, adventurous, yet

circle giving each participant a chance to

trusting, souls in a group and asked them to take

introduce to the group who they just met. Aside

five or ten minutes with the person sitting next to

from the hugely significant ‘coincidental

them and to discover what commonalities they

commonalities’ shared between those who had

share, as well as why they have felt drawn to

‘randomly’ sat beside each other, names and

attend the experience. As we rotate about the

practical details such as “This is Joan. She is a

circle, asking each person to introduce their new

mother, musician and business woman, who rose

found soul-friend, without fail, the supposedly

early this morning to travel from Galway to be

‘unknown’ pre-designed archetypal theme that

here” that are the normal part and parcel of small


talk at parties, failed to register. In fact those

Often I have no idea what I am going to write for

simple facts eluded the conversation as

the forth-coming lunation. In the days before I sit

statements such as “This is Joan. She is the

down and write I tend to watch for omens and

embodiment of pure love”; “This is Joanne. She is

stories that point to the deeper meaning of the

radiance personified”; “This is Rachel. She is

sign of the pending lunation. This month I was

Love and Joy!” Abounded.

bereft of inspiration to give respectful homage to one of the oldest known constellations and really

I sat in awe as each pairing shared deep spiritual

did not want to talk about the ubiquitous lower

truths about the person they had literally just met.

vibrational Taurean clichés – possessiveness,

Title and status were meaningless. It did not

stubbornness, greed, avarice, self-sufficiency etc.

matter whether the person was up to her eyes in


debt and fending off the banks or running a hugely successful cash-rich business; whether

I didn’t feel inclined to write about the exploration

they had spent fifteen years single or a mother of

of the sensual ecstasy that defines the Taurean

three; or whether they had felt a reluctance to

way of being, nor did I feel compelled to write an

incarnate or loved all that the Earth Realm had to

article on Karl Marx’s quintessential Taurean

offer. The truth revealed that Blood-Moon morning

philosophy – dialectic materialism, or on the no-

was their Soul-Essence.

nonsense philosophies of Taurean’s David Hume

“..we decided to ask those brave souls a slightly different question - who are you?”

(scepticism), Thomas Reid (common sense) or John Stuart Mill (utilitarianism).

That Tuesday morning I was reminded of the deeper essence of what Taurus really means – the “Word Made Flesh”, encapsulated by the oft


cascading brook and its fresh coolness that fills your lungs as you stop to breathe in the sounds of the water, as it crashes over the stones and rocks, eagerly chattering its way towards the contrasting quietness of the forest lake; the dense scent of vanilla-musk body spray that makes you feel dizzy as you linger in that first close embrace with a lover-to-be – can quickly wash you of your memory that you are to enjoy being in the world, but not being consumed by the world!!

The full spectrum of your physical-desire nature,

“It is because of the existence of the Taurean expression of consciousness that your soul is anchored within this physical realm of existence”

from the aforementioned cliché’s (stubborn, sensual, determined…) through to the simple acceptance of just ‘Being’ exists because of the Taurean part of our collective consciousness.

Focusing on Nature's Beauty can help you experience a deeper spiritual connection to the world around you; as can slowing down,

uttered new age statement “We are not human

quietening the mind, remaining completely

beings having a spiritual experience. We are

present, being still and simply Being – a trend that

spiritual beings having a human experience”.

is currently fashionable in certain Western cultures.

Despite the erroneous depiction of Taurus being the second sign of the zodiac, after all there can

Physical-desire is but one dimension of the

be no beginning within a circle, the Taurean

Taurean archetype. So too is the need to learn

archetype simply symbolises the embodied

the deeper spiritual lessons of desire wherein you

material form of creation –our bodies, our

can transform the energy of desire into spiritual

environment, our world. In other words - Nature

aspiration, as encapsulated within that exemplary

herself! Ultimately the Taurean patterning

Taurean philosophy - Buddha’s Four Noble Truths

concerns itself with the impact of spiritual energy

(remember that the Buddha’s birth (and

within the world of form. It is because of the

subsequent enlightenment) are celebrated during

existence of the Taurean expression of

the Full Moon in tropically Taurean May). It is

consciousness that your soul is anchored within

through your desire-nature that you are kept

this physical realm of existence, encased within a

fastened to the Earth Plane on a perpetual cycle

physical body and subjected to all the aromatic

of death and rebirth.

delights that the world can offer – the wafting of a freshly brewed morning coffee; the freshly mowed

Without sounding puritanical, requesting that you

grass on a cool sun kissed vernal morning; the

negate all that your senses perceive, it is the

crisp ionised air that surrounds a babbling and

teaching of all spiritual disciplines that any


unhealthy desire attachments essentially keep

The path of Taurus necessarily involves a strong

you bound within your ego-mind and need to be

will and strong choices, for desire has the habit of

eventually overcome, thereby allowing the energy

leading your attention outwards towards worldly

of desire in to transform into spiritual realisation.

concerns. Those Taurean planets are custodians of the light of knowledge, enabling you to tap

It is within Taurus that your desires and your most

beyond the seduction of the world of form,

materialistic impulses can be transmuted into

releasing all attachments and security desires,

aspiration through the light of illumination. Taurus

thereby enabling you to acquire enlightenment as

was always considered by the ancients to be

you open the eye of the cosmic Bull, bathing in

connected to the spiritual light held within matter,

the light that cascades like devotional tears from

as evidenced by the plethora of astronomical

it, cleansing and purifying your soul.

phenomena surrounding this constellation. Known as the Light of the Bull in Akkadia, the

In Taurus, you can arrive at the point wherein the

constellation of Uru-Anna or Orion, the Light of

real goal or the true vision appears as you

Heaven or He who cometh forth as Light; the star

combine the enthusiasm and childlike vigour of

Aldebaren (The Torch, Ptolmey), one of the

Aries with the persistence and tenacity of the bull.

brightest stars in the night sky found within the ‘Eye of the Bull’; the cradle of our consciousness,

Strength, determination and stability supports the

The Pleiades, used as a Native American Indian

manifestation of an emerging idea. We should,

eye-sight test; the constellation Erdianus, the

however, be accustomed to the ‘squeeze/stretch’

Light River; and finally if you accept the

sensation of the intense

hierarchical ruler-ship within astrology, Venus as

deconstruction/reconstruction vibration of the

Lucifer, the Light Bearer, who is said to have

Pluto-Uranus square, which has been marked by

dominion within Taurus, are all examples of the

an increase of unusual emotional, geophysical and socio-economic tensions, feelings of

“The Pleiades, used as a Native American Indian eye-sight test”

rebellion, an urge for freedom, a desire to kick against the oppression of any authoritative structure and an emergence of hope that always comes as we project into the future.

As we continue to birth to a New Earth, planting Light associations with Taurus, that puts his

further seeds during this Taurean eclipse/ lunation,

porculent desires into perspective!

my question to you is whether you use this meditation space to perpetuate what already exists

Planets that you have within the sign of Taurus

or do you re-ignite your inner light, holding fast to

can teach you what specific dimension of your

your ideals, spreading light though simple gestures

Soul is here to learn about the nature of desire. If

without seeking any desire for gratitude or a return

you don’t have any planets within Taurus, then

since desire and spirit are the two most powerful

look to the house that Taurus is either on the cusp

forces in the universe. Please see the next page

of, or intercepted by, to understand the arena of

for all the YouTube and web links for Andrew

life wherein your desire-nature will be played out.



Images: - salvatore vuono/master isolated images


Quantum Vibrational healer, NLP,and TFT practitioner, Pat Forrester shares her favourite books with you. As she says “I love the fact that you can read a book, and be transported all over the world, look into the wonders of nature, dive into the intricacies of quantum physics, have your heart jumping out with fear, feeling the emotion of lovers or just having a bit of bubble gum for the brain whilst sunbathing.”

And Nothing Happened…Steven A Ross “Have greed, ego and vested interests kept potentially safer and more effective technologies from the public?” A wonderful book which tells of the many solutions for our healthcare, with negligible costs and few side effects, which have been squashed by Big Pharma. I have looked into most of these practices, and know that they work, so you can imagine how this book made me so cross to think of how many people suffer today unnecessarily.

Pyramid Power…. Dr G Pat Flanagan Patrick Flanagan can remember his former life as Nikola Tesla, which intrigued me for a start and prompted me to read this book. Pyramids are all over the world and are not receptacles for the dead – they are power houses. There is one in Bosnia which I shall be going to see this year & is available for anyone to go and help with the dig. Apparently this pyramid is much much older than the Egyptian pyramids but when you start to investigate the numbers and the fact that they are in all countries of the world, it makes you wonder why we have not been told. The power generated by the large Giza pyramid could light up all of Egypt. This little book can show you how to make your own pyramid for your personal power – great fun!

Decoding Human Body-Field…Peter H Fraser This book has been the culmination of my therapist journey, I have qualifications in healing, TFT, EFT,NLP, I use tuning forks, colour and crystals in my therapies. But this book explains how energy works and has been my next step into quantum biology and physics. Anyone interested in working with the root cause of disease should read this book.


Mary McClure M.Ed (left) and Corinne Schneider MBBS MO BA (right) from ‘Precious Kids, Great Parents’ way up in North Queensland, Australia talk kids mental health this month.

Children's mental health is one of the most

suffered mental illness in any form will understand

important aspects of any child's overall

the terrible emotions, negativity and sheer terror

development. Children need to have a good

at times that you have felt. These terrible feelings

mental health status to be able to achieve their full

are bad enough to deal with as an adult, imagine


how a child suffering similar thoughts will feel!

There are many factors that can affect a child's

Children with mental health issues may have a

mental health status, both positively and

difficult time managing different and difficult

negatively. Children need to be loved, feel cared

situations. Studies have shown that these

for and learn how to trust people in order to

children may grow up and repeat these same

develop these qualities in themselves. Many

behaviours with their own children, which sadly

children do not receive a “perfect” upbringing

just continues the cycle over generations.

though and they have to deal with many detrimental external issues that impact on their

In addition, these children tend to have poor self-

overall well-being.

worth, low self-esteem, negative feelings; they

Some children have to deal with a childhood that is filled with parental conflict, resentment, hatred, distrust, and constant negativity. They may have a difficult time coping with their own emotions, when they have to witness these things in their lives. Anyone of you out there who has ever


“It is said that 1 in 5 of our children have some form of mental illness”

World Children's Mental Health Awareness month behave and perform poorly in school, and later can choose unhealthy lifestyles. However, when these children receive treatment they can learn how to live an easier life and can go on to live happy “normal� lives with a strong mental health status.

Some children may also be born with mental health issues. These needs are a product of nature rather than nurture and may be more difficult to deal with. Some children just naturally feel depressed or have anxiety issues but when these are professionally dealt with children can avoid developing low self-esteem or struggling in the educational environment, as well as in the emotional one.

It is said that as many as 1 in 5 children have some form of mental illness! This is a scary thought if those figures are true! However, because children are continually developing mentally and physically it can often be difficult to say what is a normal childhood behaviour and what is a potential problem.

Feelings such as anxiety, anger, and shyness can be a part of normal developmental growth and only a temporary condition rather than an illness but if certain behaviours continue over a period of time and cause concern in parents or teachers, then it is worth getting your doctor to check the child over to exclude any physical problems before referring to a psychologist.

If no medical reason is found for the behavior, the doctor may refer the child to either a psychologist or a psychiatrist who treat children and adolescents. It will depend on the severity of the illness and whether the GP feels medication is required as well as who they are initially referred to.

A psychiatrist can diagnose mental illnesses and write prescriptions for medication and will treat illnesses like Some photography - stuartmiles/chrisroll


Schizophrenia or Bipolar disorder. A psychologist on the other hand is trained to evaluate and diagnose emotional issues but usually treats them through counseling or behavioural therapy. Very often the two will work together to provide a combination of counseling and medication to the child, so that they receive the best treatment possible.

Some commonly diagnosed disorders that fall into the mental health area diagnosed during childhood include attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), and Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Anxiety disorders such as social phobia and obsessivecompulsive disorder (OCD); and mood disorders such as depression can also start in childhood.

Anyone who is at all concerned about their child’s behaviour should consult their GP first. If your child is at school, teachers may have already picked up on certain behaviours and may well start by referring the child to the guidance officer and arranging tests so it is worth talking to them too so that hopefully they will consult you first before doing this.

Editors Note: Some Members of Parliament in the UK are working towards having Mindfulness Meditation introduced onto the school curriculum in an effort to help our children today learn to deal with the significant stressors that many face. It will

We teamed up with Precious Kids, Great Parents website for this article, based in Queensland, Australia - here is a bit about them. We are two mums, Corinne & Mary who have been friends for years and we came together to help parents and their kids in anyway we can. One of us has been a school principal and the other a qualified doctor (although not practicing) and between us we have had 8 biological children and one foster child, a miscarriage, 4 natural no pain killer births and 4 caesarians! Plus a vast array of pregnancy medical problems, so we do have a vast amount of experience and knowledge that we feel the need to share, but we understand everyone has their own ways too. We are by no means perfect and don’t profess to be but we do genuinely want to help with any problems that parents, kids and teenagers face in their everyday lives.

be interesting to see this develop and is a positive step to teaching not just academic skills in our schools, but life skills.

We don’t want to preach to you, we just want to supply you with information that you can use in your own lives. We are liberal minded, forward thinking and nothing shocks us, you can ask us anything! PAGE 42


p l e H

h t l a e h l a t men

My name is Lisa Parr I am a mental health nurse in Devon, UK and I am raising awareness and money for Mental Health Awareness Week (12th-18th May). I'm asking everyone all over the UK to buy a card for someone who is in hospital currently mentally unwell.

The cards are wallet-sized and have been specifically designed and worded by myself to help someone who is struggling with their mental health, they are ÂŁ1 each and can be bought through my Facebook page. I will then send a "thinking of you" card to every psychiatric ward in the UK with the wallet-sized cards included inside for each person on the ward on 12th May. All the profit from these will go to the mental health charities Rethink, @1HandleWithCare

Mind and Mental Health Foundation to help stamp out the many misconceptions surrounding mental health.

This is a huge and, for me, a scary challenge as there are a large number of people all over the UK who are in hospital working towards their recovery. But it is also one that could make a big difference to many people's lives and one which involves people all over the UK helping each other through a simple act. Thank you for reading this


going to grow enough to feed a family of four all

Bill Hammett is retired but a keen vegetable gardener & childrens book author, here he gives us his invaluable tips for May

year round, that’s for sure but with a little bit of planning you can grow runner beans, lettuce, radish, spring onions, tomatoes and ‘come again’ salad crops. All of which will give you a taste of fresh food straight from the soil to the plate, will save you money and you get a lot of satisfaction

This month I am sharing my experiences with

doing it.

what I call ‘confined space’ gardening to prove that even if you only have a small space (such as

It does take being creative to maximise your

a balcony or patio) to garden with, you can still

space, and I have seen old wooden pallets turned

grow your own.

on their sides, fixed to the wall and filled with soil to become a vertical garden. So, lets assume that

It is more than possible to maximise space in a

the balcony you are gardening with has railings on

small area, using pots, containers and grow bags

three sides. The two ends at 90cm and one long

to grow a reasonable amount of your own, organic

side at 180cm.

produce. I have an area of garden that is about the size of a small balcony, approximately 90cm x

If you’re pretty nifty with a saw and ball of string,

180cm (or in old money 3 feet x 6 feet). Your not

you might want to try a method that I have been

going to grow many vegetables in that sort of

using for the last ten or so years, in an area of my

space, I hear you say., well, your certainly not

garden that is almost that exact size. You might


find that you are also confined headroom wise if you live some where, where there is a balcony above your own. However, you also have the perfect frame in place to which to tie supports for growing runner beans and tomatoes..

With 6 canes at 240 cm long and one at 180cm long and a ball of string, tie the 240 long canes to the corner of railings on one of the 90cm ends of your balcony (or fix to the wall if the balcony is recessed). Working your way toward the building tie or fix the canes at 15cm centres, then tie a

“It does take being creative to maximise your space, I have seen old wooden pallets turned on their sides, fixed to a wall and filled with soil to become a vertical garden�

90cm cane across the top of the vertical 240cm

canes, to give your bean support some structural strength. Next, the good old grow bag. Size 90cm x 450cm, give them a good old fluff up, just like you would a pillow before laying the bags in front of the canes, trapping the bottoms of the canes between the bag and the railings (or wall). Cut the top out of the bags approximately 15cm n from the edges all the way round - any less than that and the soil will spill out.

When you purchase your canes also purchase 6 x 150cm canes too and push one end of the cane into the side of the grow bag nearest to you, then tilt the cane toward the long vertical cane and tie together where they meet. The 240cm canes are for runner beans and the 150cm canes for securing tomatoes. Fix a 90cm cane across the point where the 150cm canes meet the 240cm upright canes, this will give you something to secure your tomato trusses to as they grow, and will add strength to your structure.

Plant two beans (during Mid May in the Northern hemisphere) directly into the soil in front of the canes at the back of the grow bag, to a depth of 2.5cm deep. If you can get hold of them, half a


dozen recycled lemonade bottles help fight

Lettuce: whether grown from seed, or bought from

against snails and slugs. Simply cut the top and

a garden centre, plant them 20cm apart along the

bottom off of a 2 ltr plastic lemonade bottle and

centre of the grow bag, between the beans and

place over the top of your beans, allowing the

tomatoes. Plant them in a ‘zig-zag’ pattern and

beans to grow up through the tube. This will also

you will get six to a bag. Remember to plant your

aid in watering at a later date as beans need

dwarf marigolds (as we discussed last month) to

regular feeding and watering. Spread a layer of

help ward off pests and entice bees alongside the

vaseline gel round the top of the outside of the

tomato plants. Another tip: firm the soil round the

bottle, to deter slugs and snails.

lettuce, this gives a good tight heart and induces tighter growth. You might want to put a few radish

Once the tallest beans have reached 210cm,

seeds in too as you will get a quick crop whilst

pinch out the growing tip, this will encourage the

waiting for the lettuce to fill out as they only take a

plant to send out side shoots and increase yield.

short time to mature. Probably about the same

Caution when harvesting, any beans above your

time as you begin to pick the outer leaves of the

normal height reach especially on a balcony and

lettuce. I tend to pick leaves from the outer part of

take care if standing on a chair or small ladder. It

the lettuce, rather than harvest the entire lettuce

is safer to use a cane with a hook on the end, to

as this way the lettuce continues to grow and you

pull the beans to within easy reach to you.

get a larger crop.

The main difference between growing tomato plants this way and beans is you will have to loosely tie the main stem of the tomatoes to the sloping cane for support each time a truss appears. Make sure you loosely tie the stem to allow for growth. As the tomato plants grow, you will have to pinch out side shoots (a side shoot is any shoot that grows between the main stem and a leaf). Another tip is to keep the soil moist as this will aid pollination and stop the tomatoes fruit from splitting if the soil is allowed to get too dry, this also helps stop beans from becoming stringy.

For the space between the two ends, perhaps another grow bag or pots of flowers or vegetables? Dwarf French beans perhaps, or trailing tomatoes grown in specially designed hanging pots, you can also grow strawberries and some fruits in this way too. Remember to feed and water all your growing plants (the fabulous nettle tea feed recipe was in last months issue) and you will need to invest in an organic fertiliser. Remember too that because of the amount of vegetables concentrated in a small space you will need to feed and water more often than with normal gardening. When watering always

As the tomatoes get larger, you may have to support the trusses with one end of a length of string, by making a loop mid way along the length of the truss stem and tying the other end to the

remember to do so either early morning or late at night when the sun is not at it’s maximum heat. I’d love to see your photographs showing your own gardens so please send them in.

lateral cane support. This support will stop the truss stem from folding and cutting off the supply of nutrients to the tomatoes, thus assisting in maximum yield. Finally I usually restrict my tomatoes to three trusses when grown out doors.


To comment on this or any other story as always click this e-mail icon & to buy Bills Children's books and other gardening items he mentions click the Amazon link

Quantum Physics of health Quantum Vibrational healer, NLP,and TFT practitioner, Pat Forrester shares her knowledge of Quantum and Vibration Healing Energy

Most of us believe the world we live in is made of solid materials and that atoms are the building blocks of matter. When we look at the surface of reality, the concept that matter is solid is true to a certain point. However, when we dig deeper and look through the surface of reality, matter starts to vanish and all there is left is energy.

In other words, energy is the core building block of matter. As a result, if you want to heal yourself

expresses itself in our body is through carrying information codes, this energy is transmitted through the body, telling it to do something along with the information of what to do.

On a quantum level, each part of the body has a frequency code, a vibrational harmonic and if you introduce that note to the body it can help that area to resonate back to health.

I use a system called ‘NesHealth’ to allow me to read the energy meridians and find out where there are imbalances or weaknesses within the bodies vibrations and go on to make corrections.

at the deepest levels, you need to use vibrational

Emotions are also capable of creating blocks in

energy healing techniques to fix the distortions in

the energy meridians and to this end we can also

the energy systems of your body.

use techniques such as NLP, TFT, and EFT as

“On a quantum level, each part of the body has a frequency code” So what is vibrational energy healing? It is a healing technique that harnesses the power of vibration and frequency to heal the energy systems of the body. To understand how

well, to address some of the really hard to get at causes, sometimes going back to childhood which are lodged in our physical body causing harm. It's time to stop and consider how you have been caring for your human body. It's time to stop and consider what drives your mental thoughts, if you should relearn, rethink and rewrite a new health care prescription plan for yourself. Perhaps self care is the best care.

vibrational energy healing works we must turn our

For further information please contact Pat

attention to the healing and creative power of



Energy comes from our food, what we drink and the sun and one of the main ways energy Some photography - victorhabbick

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Natural PA

TAPPING! Whilst doing the tapping movement known as the karate chop (like the picture) say the following affirmation out loud to yourself for a few minutes - keep tapping though!S “Even though I am feeling pain I accept myself and how I feel…..Even though I have this pain I am ok and I deeply accept myself”

Some photography - imajerymajestic/m


AIN relievers



“Ears” I said to mum when she asked what I wanted to write about this month. I have had a sore ear lately and decided I wanted to use crystals to stop them hurting. However as crystals normally treat more than one thing at a time this article covers much more than ears.

Crystals help you feel better whether you have them on you or you are just in the same room. For a real boost in the crystal’s energy it is great to put them on a chakra; chakras are energy centres in our body through which energy flows. I call Chakras doors but mummy said if I called them doors you wouldn’t know what I meant!

As a

simple guide, crystals tend to be the same colour as the chakra they work best with.

I did a lot of research and I found lots of crystals which help ears but I am only going to write about the ones which are easy to get hold of and are not very expensive… In the photograph I am holding my mummy’s beautiful sphere of Orange Calcite. I love Orange Calcite. My mum keeps this large ball of orange calcite on her beside table. I have been very drawn to this ball recently and I am pleased that now I know that it is good for ears as I have been trying to think of an excuse to ‘borrow’ it! The chakra best for Orange Calcite is the Sacral Chakra which is just below your belly button.

Interestingly for years I have also had lots of tummy aches (the doctor calls it IBS) and since mummy has got her sphere of orange calcite I


getting rid of fears and like all green stones it helps with sleep and to quieten the mind. It also helps heal the heart, brain, constipation and diarrhoea. Green Tourmaline can also reduce panic attacks, haven’t had any tummy aches! The Sacral Chakra is exactly where I used to get my tummy pains. Other things Orange Calcite is good for include balancing emotions, removing fear, healing the productive system, gall bladder and removing mucus from the body.

It is also believed to

reduce problems with claustrophobia and helps to relieve chronic exhaustion. Wearing tourmaline earrings is believed to help ease the symptoms of Tinnitus. It also overcomes problems with fathers and father figures! I like my Dad though so I would use it for other problems!

alleviate depression by promoting positive thinking, and through clearing feelings of stress, fear and tension. It’s really easy to get hold of and is only a few £s for a small piece. It can be in rough finish or polished (like the sphere in the picture). Tumble stones would be about £1 each from most crystal

Celestine is a little more expensive than the other crystals at around £20 for a small piece but is a very beautiful clear blue and often sold as a cluster or geode. It is really good for dissolving pain, treats the eyes and ears, helps reduce toxins and relaxes muscle tension. It helps the mind a lot too as it


helps you to think sharper, helps to analysis Amber is another really good ear crystal. My mum

complex ideas and calms thoughts and reduces

loves amber and wears it a lot. Did you know that

the tendency to self destruct! I do love this crystal

technically amber isn’t a crystal as it is tree resign

it is like little pools of clear water.

and green amber is artificially coloured! It does however have a real strong energy and a strong

Rhodonite is a deep rich red crystal often with

connection with the earth and is really good for

small bits of black. It is an excellent wound healer

keeping you grounded. It is also really good for

and relieves insect bites. It helps bone growth and

cleaning the aura (the energy field around our

stimulates fertility. Treats emphysema, inflamed

body). Other things Amber is good for include

joints, arthritis, autoimmune disorders, stomach

Healing, drawing disease from the body and

ulcers and multiple sclerosis.








depression. It also helps with the stomach,

My mum wanted to write a couple of paragraphs on

spleen, bladder, liver and kidneys. Amber is also

crystals which help fertility but I have used up all

a really good antibiotic and good for healing

the space, however some of the crystals above are

wounds. I like this next bit about Amber… when

really good for fertility and so is the beautiful

you are using amber on babies or children then it


helps if their mummy wears it first! Green Tourmaline is also known as Verdelite. In addition to ears it is good for opening up the heart

To order crystals from Emma E-MAIL HERE

chakra and helps with compassion, tenderness, patience and a feeling of belonging. It is good for




The Healing benefits of Reiki Our new fitness Guru Gail Nicholls Eating more Raw



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