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3d Challenge Vehicle of the Future
from June2007
by Hiba Dweib
CGArena is proud to present “Vehicle of the Future” (3D Challenge), 05 June 2007 - 04 Aug 2007, sponsored by Npower Software. Express your creative ideas in a new and interesting way.

Modelled by Mark Rademaker in Power Nurbs Pro
Your Mission
Create an image which justify the theme of Vehicle of the Future using Power Nurbs Pro. This Challenge is a WorkIn-Progress Challenge -- all contestants are required to post their work-in-progress images for community to critique/ comment in order to qualify. Last date to enter in this challenge is 20th July 2007 after this no registration for challenge will be allowed.
How the Challenge will be Run
This challenge will be a WIP (Work in Progress) Challenge. Each challenger is required to submit Work In Progress (WIP) images, from the initial concept sketch to the final render. to the post production on regular intervals. The purpose is that everyone can learn from each other, offer feedback and critiques.
1. Enter the Challenge by registering yourself on CGArena forum. 2. Download the fully functional demo version of Power Nurbs Pro plug-in from www.npowersoftware.com. Npower plugin is available only for 3ds max so you can use only Autodesk 3ds max for creation of the image. 3. Submit your work in progress images in forum on a regular basis. otherwise will be disqualified. 4. Participate in the community by critiquing other challengers works in the respective threads. 5. Submit your final entry till 04th Aug 2007, midnight 00:00 GMT. 6. There will be 3 winners. CGArena, Npower decision will be final and no participant allowed to contact sponsors regarding the challenge or asking reasons for disqualifications. 7. You have to submit the final 3ds max file with image for verfication process. 8. You are allowed to use any type of post -production in the final image to make image better and richer.
Terms and Conditions
2.) Entrants will retain all rights to the Work. In addition, the Company will not sell for profit any materials or demo reels containing images or animations submitted by the Entrant.
3.) The Company, in exchange for this release, will provide a credit for the Work within the material in which the Work is used.

4.) Submissions must be the sole Work of the entrant and not require approval of any other entity.
5.) Entrants will not receive financial remuneration for their Work.
Final Image Size
- Your final image dimensions should be print resolution. Do not send in a low-resolution.
- A guideline is minimum 2800 pixels wide and/or 2048 high, JPG, 300 DPI.
- Send your final image in zip or rar format with your name, complete shipping address, email, telephone number in a text file on email address futurevehicle@cgarena.com with subject “Vehicle of the Future”.
First Prize - $995 USD
Power Nurbs Pro - Power NURBS unique hybrid approach fuses the next generation NURBS surface construction technology with the industry’s leading Solids modeling technology bringing an unparalleled modeling experience to the 3ds Max Platform. Power NURBS modeling environment is designed to provide artist intuitive access to complex advanced modeling tools allowing you to expand your creative potential beyond the polygon world.
Second Prize- $695 USD
Power Solids - Until recently NURBS based-Solids modeling technology has been confined to high end non-artistic engineering applications; however, nPower’s Power Solids for 3ds Max changes everything. Power Solids provides designers and artists an exceptional intuitive modeling environment with unrestricted access to Solids geometry.
Power Surfacer - Power Surfacing intergrates the world’s leading edge NURBS surface modeling technology into the heart of Autodesks 3ds Max. The Combination of nPower NURBS Surface Modeling combined with 3ds studio’s Mesh Deformation technology, UI, animation and rendering provide one of the world’s most sophisticated 3d Design concept environments available.
Power Solids - Until recently NURBS based-Solids modeling technology has been confined to high end non-artistic engineering applications; however, nPower’s Power Solids for 3ds Max changes everything. Power Solids provides designers and artists an exceptional intuitive modeling environment with unrestricted access to Solids geometry.
Power Surfacer - Power Surfacing intergrates the world’s leading edge NURBS surface modeling technology into the heart of Autodesks 3ds Max. The Combination of nPower NURBS Surface Modeling combined with 3ds studio’s Mesh Deformation technology, UI, animation and rendering provide one of the world’s most sophisticated 3d Design concept environments available.
Download the Demo of Power Nurbs Pro Now