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Articles related to sysadmins
I subscribe to OSFY and I am very happy with it. I do have a suggestion to make, though. I feel the magazine's focus is on what interests developers. I would be happy if you could also incorporate some content for systems administrators. For example, you could start a column on some kind of server installation (like SSH server or VPN server with step-by-step installation guides, as seen on some blogs).
Thanks in advance.
—Amit Kulkarni; a.kulkarni888@gmail.com
OSFY in Hyderabad
Mayur Nandurkar: I am looking for information on Linux device driver programming. Could you please suggest some websites from which I can read or download the content I’m looking for.
Razzu Razzu: Hi Sir, I am not able to find OSFY in Hyderabad. Is it available? If yes, can you please share the contact details of the retailer?
Open Source For You: You can check the
following link to locate the nearest bookstore/dealer selling OSFY. http://www. ezine.efymag.com/listwholeseller.asp?co untry=Andhra+Pradesh&city=Hydrabad. ED: Thanks for reaching out to us with your suggestions. Our March 2014 and May 2014 editions were ‘Sysadmin Special’ issues, in which we focused a lot on this particular topic. Besides that, we have been incorporating a lot of articles related to sysadmins in the last few editions, too. And it is our constant endeavour to continue doing so. Do let us know your thoughts after going through the two recent sysadmin-specific editions mentioned.
A free DVD of Linux
Kalpesh Devmurari: How can I get a free DVD of Linux?
Open Source For You: Hi Kalpesh!
Thanks for reaching out to us. Every month we bundle different flavours of Linux with the OSFY magazine. You need to subscribe to the magazine to get the free DVD. To subscribe to the mag, log on to http://electronicsforu. com/electronicsforu/subscription/subscr1.asp?category=india&magid=53. Hope this helps.
Content on Linux device driver programming
Open Source For You: We have run a
series of articles on the topic you’re interested in, and we have uploaded the content on our website: www. opensourceforu.com. Here’s the link: http://www.opensourceforu.com/.../linuxdevice-drivers.../
Programming with C++
Kalpesh Devmurari: I really need someone to help me out with my queries on programming with C++. Any help would be appreciated.
Open Source For You: Hi Esfandyar!
Thank you for writing to us. We suggest you post your queries on our FB wall. We have an active and vibrant community out there that can help you find answers to your queries!
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The Editor, Open Source For You, D-87/1, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase I, New Delhi 110020, Phone: 011-26810601/02/03, Fax: 011-26817563, Email: osfyedit@efy.in