.......................................................................................... News for St. Robert School alumni, community, family and friends. ••• 2011 .......................................................................................... This school year marks our 95th anniversary of educating saints and leaders. To commemorate, we asked alumni, teachers, students and parents to reflect on their St. Robert experience. Here are the top 95 responses, straight from those whose hearts have been touched by our school.
Fond Memories
Happy Birthday St. Robert School!
we love & remembe
r about
St. Robert School!
Msgr. Reilly walking the halls smoking a cigar.
Learning the Christmas Gospel in first grade as a present for our parents. Watching for the red, white and blue St. Robert school bus coming down Oakland Avenue and once on, avoiding the seat that had a spring poking up through the vinyl. At the end of a school day, perched on a stool at Max’s drugstore across the street sipping a cherry coke with friends…it might have cost a nickel… St. Robert School represents tradition. My father and his siblings were graduates, as well as my siblings and most of my cousins. Mass was an integral part of our life. I can easily call up an image of both the church and school interiors. When I visit, it’s as if I’m coming home. St. Patrick’s Day celebrations with Msgr. Reilly. I can still sing those songs today.
I remember... Collecting money for pagan babies.
...yelling my sins to Msgr. Reilly, who was nearly deaf. Learning Latin to be an altar boy. Sarosiek’s raspberry bush in bloom.
…only students who lived further than 8 blocks away could stay for lunch!
Recess time
on the big playground was always fun, and during WWII we had our newspaper drive there, too.
Love & Play
We love that WE make good friends along with our kids! I have great friends. I love SRS because there are tacos. I made most of my friends through St. Robert basketball and played on fun, talented teams that taught me the values of hard work, competitiveness and teamwork. Love the community – always there in good times and bad. An incredibly loving and protective community of faith. My children are loved. There is peace all over school. A caring and loving environment and staff! Kindness and caring are pervasive. Fun. Safe. Multigenerational families. Keeps tradition alive. I like knowing everyone and having everyone know my name. St. Robert School is our home away from home. SRS is a second family to my kids. Because the teachers love us. Big families. The overwhelming feeling of community and family at the school is simply amazing! My love for St. Robert School and staff is unconditional because unconditional love is what they display to my child. Sincere extended family and friends! Friends and friendships that last forever. Lots of colorful characters. Everyone knows and loves one another. I love the people of St. Robert School: teachers, parents, students. Unbelievably dedicated teachers and principal. Warm, nurturing teachers and my awesome class that really felt more like a team. Respect for all different types of learners. Excellent academic preparation and solid faith formation. Teachers are willing to help and they know how to make us laugh.
A lifetime love of learning was instilled in us.
www.strobert.org • 2200 E. Capitol Dr., Shorewood, WI 53211 • 414.332.1164 ext. 3024
The commitment of our founding parishioners to the mission of a parish school has led to a hand in the formation of well over 5,000 graduates and countless others who have completed only some part of their elementary school journey here. Just a little reflection reveals the profound reality that our school has both shaped and been shaped by the evolving world around us. From the vantage point of our own history, the way we do school is a remarkable commentary on the ever-changing needs and priorities of American society and the wider Church. And the historical change to the place of the Church in society is one that brings us a new priority as we approach our second century. Our children today are coming of age in an increasingly God-less, secular, even anti-Catholic world. Our former Archbishop, Timothy Dolan, says that to combat the growing notion that one’s faith is little more than a hobby with no implications for public life, an “energetic evangelization – with Catholic schools at its center – is all the more necessary.” Despite the increasing complexity of our historical context, our charge is clear. We must redouble our efforts to build a just society beyond the walls of our school; to continue the legacy of the influential servant leaders who have walked these halls before; and to assure Monsignor Reilly and the Dominican Sisters who laid the foundation for St. Robert School nearly one hundred years ago that the inspirational work they began continues.
– Lauren Beckmann, Principal
Our School Mission A 21st Century Upgrade
In 1915,
teachers, amazing students, amazing SCHOOL!” “ Amazing These were the summary remarks of the accreditation team
Like Us
St. Robert School IMPRESSES Accreditation Team
that completed an extensive site visit of our school in the fall. The feedback included specific commendations in several areas, most notably, the level of teaching and learning that is going on in our classrooms, our inclusion of diverse learners, our technology vision, and the behavior of our students. Most importantly, the visiting team commended us on our authentic, lived mission and Catholic identity, which they saw infused into everything we do. Stepping away from our usual work to look at our school through the critical eyes of disconnected strangers gave us an objective appreciation for the impact of a St. Robert School education. A year of self-study and preparation helped us forge a direction for the future. The accreditation visit affirmed our accomplishments, our vision, and the potential alive within our community. We are grateful to God, each other, and all of our benefactors for recognizing and supporting the transformative potential of this work we call Catholic education.
the inspirational founding pastor of St. Robert Parish, Monsignor Farrel Reilly, charged the Sinsinawa Dominican sisters with educating and sanctifying children for Christian leadership in accordance with the teaching of Jesus Christ and the highest standards of knowledge and human ideals. Though the statement of this mission has undergone numerous structural modifications throughout the ninety-five year history of the school, its essence remains essentially unchanged. We have clarified our purpose and manner of attainment, but St. Robert School still serves as a parish ministry purposed with continuing the legacy of forming competent, ethical leaders who will positively impact tomorrow’s world. Last spring, in an effort to assure that our mission, values, and vision could be easily articulated by all stakeholders, we undertook a process of review and revision that clarified our core values and simplified the statement in keeping with current business trends. Our 21st century upgrade (pictured above left) is posted in every room of the school building as a constant reminder of our charge.
Technology & School:
This year, St. Robert School launched a major instructional technology initiative that has the potential to make our school a model for technology integration in the Archdiocese. To support our vision, our Home and School Association provided substantial funding for the purchase of a new iMac lab, a mobile laptop lab for classroom use, six more SMART Boards and document cameras, and a new robust wireless network to provide access to interactive technology in all third through eighth grade classrooms and the World Languages program. In addition, we hired a new network administrator who assures that the equipment is reliable, and, most importantly, a new technology integration specialist who assures that students not only have access to technology, but to the education that will enable them to learn how to use it to engage productively in the civic rhetoric of the 21st century (see article below).
We now have the tools in place to quicken the pace of an instructional revolution that assures our students graduate with highly relevant skills. Our new Apple platform enables us to take advantage of the most advanced audio/visual applications in a seamless format in which the technology “disappears” into the background as a tool to facilitate engagement with the core content curriculum. Students have access to nearly limitless simple, inexpensive, high-tech solutions to meet their variety of learning needs and styles. Teachers and students collaborate in learning with an infrastructure that supports nearly limitless creativity and innovation. Our children learn to think critically. They engage in multimodal communication. They create content. They will have a voice at the table.
The Many Hats
As I reflect on my first year at St. Robert, a huge smile crosses my face. It has been a wonderful adventure! To be embraced and supported by this innovative and gifted staff has been such an enriching experience for me. In collaboration, our efforts are not only setting a new course for St. Robert, but for the Archdiocese as well.
As the technology integrator, I wear many hats each day. Not only am I continuously challenged to grow in my abilities and knowledge of how best to integrate technology to support student learning, my job at St. Robert is also a terrific weight loss program! To give you a glimpse of the various hats that I can wear each day, sample the following:
There is nothing more frustrating for a teacher than to be jumping-up-andSt. Robert’s new down excited about introducing Technology Integrator, a new lesson or SMART board Laurie Yingling activity only to face a computer crash. In conjunction with our super-talented Network Administrator, Mike Spitz, I am able to troubleshoot minor computer, application, hardware and software issues.
Fortune Teller
Our curriculum requires students to become proficient in keyboarding. After tons of research, we are implementing an online free application, called Sense-Lang, beginning in third grade.
New tools can be intimidating for teachers, and some staff need support to feel confident in using them. Once we have collaborated on a curriculum focus to further student understanding, I will team-teach with a teacher to walk students through the process of, for example, setting up a wiki page, integrating a new Web 2.0 tool, or manipulating files or images, so they can observe and feel more confident with the new skill.
Air Traffic Controller
Sometimes teachers just have a ‘quick question’ about something, and the faster and more efficient our communication can be, the better! We are using instant messaging to foster better-than-email communication between all staff members, including the school office. And, (bonus points!) instant messaging is available for free 24/7, anytime, anywhere.
The one certainty about technology in education is that it is constantly changing. Will the next application, device, idea, philosophy truly be the transformative tool that we need to continue to advance St Robert as a 21st Century School? It is my job to find out.
I do love teaching and I enjoy opportunities to help students one-on-one or as a whole-class. I also enjoy opportunities for professional development in which we all grow as professionals.
We need to let everyone know about the AMAZING things the students and staff are doing at St Robert. ‘Publishing’ student work is one of the defining concepts in a 21st Century School and St. Robert is leading the way. Our Stations of the Cross project, downloadable on iTunes, is a great example. My first year has been amazing. I look forward to more learning adventures next year… and more hats!
Alumni News
....................................................................................................................................... Joseph F. Seng ‘44 and his wife Joyce live near Mt. Airy, east of Frederick, MD. They are very active in the Metropolitan Washington Garden Club as well as their local church, St. Ignatius of Loyola in Ijamsville, MD.
Joseph F. Seng ‘44 at his desk during summer school 1935 at St. Robert.
Dr. John P. Hanson, Jr. ‘50 is principal investigator of the Young TIL (Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes) Clinical Trial and medical director of the Immunology Department at Aurora St. Luke’s Medical Center. Dr. Hanson’s clinical trial has shown remarkable signs of success in the treatment of stage IV metastatic melanoma and is now being offered to patients in Milwaukee. Louise (Alcott) Lutz ‘54 received her doctoral degree in Private School Administration from the University of San Francisco. She has been a principal in schools in New Jersey, Texas and California. She is a proponent of YRE (Year-Round Education). Sally (Doyle) Tombers ‘56 is an artist in MN working in a variety of mediums including painting pet portraits, leatherworks and greeting cards. Her work is featured in a variety of local boutiques. Tombers volunteers at a local hospice. She intends to tutor families in English as a Second Language, citing her high school Spanish and a visit to Honduras in 1965 as inspiration. Tombers has 3 daughters and 5 grandchildren. Paula Hirschboeck ‘58 was ordained a Zen Buddhist priest on April 4, 2010, after many years of study and practice in the Soto Zen tradition. She is a spiritual director with a private practice as well as a professor of philosophy at Edgewood College in Madison, WI. Gretchen (Bains) Anderson ‘60 of Scottsdale, AZ, is currently working as a real estate agent for Prudential Arizona Properties. Past professional positions include CFO and MIS Controller. She holds a BBA in Finance and an MBA. She has 3 children and 5 grandchildren. Anderson loves to read, cook and spend time with loved ones. She was recently awarded the Top Agent Customer Service award. Michael Newton ‘66 relocated his dental practice to the 2nd floor of the Silver Spring building of the Bayshore Town Center, allowing him to continue his mission of providing state of the art, quality dental care in a caring, patient-friendly environment. Bob Berghaus ‘68 has his second book coming out in August. His new book is about the 1962 Green Bay Packers, Vince Lombardi’s best team. Clerisy Press is publishing the book.
h I love the energy and vibrancy I feel when I walk in the doors.
Dave Blum ‘71 lives in Manasas, VA, with his wife of 31 years, Vanessa. The Blums have 5 grown children scattered around the U.S. He has been a full-time minister since 1990 and currently serves as a pastor with Evergreen Community Church. Barbara Koenen ‘74 is an artist whose work was most recently shown at the Thomas Robertello Gallery in Chicago, IL. Koenen’s work entitled “Oasis,” portrays traditional Afghan rugs re-worked as performances and temporary simulations as she builds them out of spices directly on the gallery floor. A print is made before the image is destroyed. Paul Anderson ‘83 is a professor and Associate Director of the National Sports Law Institute at Marquette University Law School, Milwaukee. Anderson and his wife Kerri welcomed their first child, Abigail in May 2009.
ys willing are alwa succeed. Teachers s u lp e and h to listen
Christine Bremner ‘93 married Jeremy Welland of Mequon, WI in November 2009 in San Francisco. Tracy Janowiak ‘97 married Mike Leffler on October 2, 2010, in Florence, WI. Margaret Linn ‘97 was a reader. Anne Marie Kloiber ‘98 married Jonathan Young on July 25, 2009. Bridget McKeown ‘98 married Sam Ginnis on June 12, 2010. Amy Balthasar ‘99 married Christopher Tolbert on October 23, 2010. Tip Kress ‘99 married Kristin Fox August 29, 2009. Emily Balthasar ‘01 will be married to George Fisher September 10, 2011, at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart on the campus of the University of Notre Dame.
Robert Morton ‘85 is the head brewer for the new microbrewery Big Bay Brewing Co., on Oakland Avenue in Shorewood. A tasting room and brewery store is now open. Ryan Bremner ‘90 is completing a Ph.D. in Social Psychology at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Sonia Kubica ‘90 is a program associate for the WI Government Accountability Board (formerly the State Elections and Ethics Boards). She is also active in Madison’s visual arts community. Christine Bremner ‘93 is currently pursuing a degree in interior architecture and design at the Academy of Art University. She and her husband reside in San Francisco, CA.
St. Robert School gave me an exceptional foundation: enduring values, genuine faith and a commitment to academic excellence that I’ve been able to apply throughout my life.
h In 8th grade we ran home at noon to eat and watch what we could of the hot game show at the time,
Jim Wilkinson ‘69 left Marquette University High School in 2011 to become principal of Nativity Jesuit Middle School, an 80-student, all-boys program on Milwaukee’s south side aimed at leading kids who might not have another chance down the path toward college degrees.
SRS is unabashedly faith infused! I love to sing at church! Because there’s church. Smiles + songs with hand movements during school Mass. What a Catholic school should be. God is always blessing his children and I thank Him for blessing my child with St. Robert School. Unabashedly Catholic school. I love church. I think music is one of my favorite subjects.
Alumni News
....................................................................................................................................... Maureen Bremner ‘96 is a registered nurse in the pediatric ICU at University of CA-San Francisco Children’s Hospital.
Madeline Cope ’96 is a 2004 graduate of St. Norbert College with a degree in communications. She is Special Events and Donor Relations Manager for the Skylight Opera Theater in Milwaukee. Joe Gunta ‘96 is a lieutenant in the United Stated Navy living in Monterey, CA. He received his MBA in Defense Financial Management from the Naval Postgraduate School in December, 2009. He is an avid runner looking forward to finishing the Big Sur Marathon this April. Joseph Weber ‘96 is a resident at Pitt Medical Regional Center in Greenville, NC. His aim is to become an ear, nose and throat surgeon. Weber married Dayna Geralts in 2007.
Reunions n Gunta receives his diploma in December 2009 from retired Admiral Henry Mauz, former Commander of U.S. Atlantic Fleet and Chairman of the NPS Foundation.
Sarah D. (Lemanczyk) Weber ‘97 graduated with a BA in Criminal Justice at University of Wisconsin-Parkside in 2007. In 2008 she received a teaching license from Alverno College and is currently enrolled in the college’s Master’s program. She works as a substitute teacher. Weber was married in October 2009. Matt Haas ‘98 is a graduate of the University of Illinois. He currently works for the Chicago Park District. Andrew Linn ‘00 graduated from Notre Dame University ‘08 with a BA degree in Philosophy and a minor in Philosophy in the Catholic Tradition. He received his commission as an Officer in the United States Navy in May 2008. His rank is lieutenant, junior grade, currently serving onboard the USS ASHLAND (LSD 48) as the Ship’s Navigator. He will resign his commission in June 2012 before beginning studies at St. Francis de Sales Seminary, Milwaukee in August 2012 to earn a Master’s of Divinity. Linn hopes to become a priest. Nikolai Smith ‘01 spent the past year living in India and will return to the States in August. Molly Brauer ‘05 is a sophomore at Dominican University in River Forest, IL. She is working toward a double major in Communications and Pastoral Ministry. Brauer is a resident assistant on an all-female,
/ SERVE / People are ready at the drop of a hat to help you or your children with anything. They give and give some more!
I loved the playground and the games we would play, from “double dutch” to “capture the flag”... it was a marvelous community and a magical time of learning, praying, laughing and growing up.
Mark Jacobs ‘05 a pianist, recently played two selections by Frederic Chopin at the MacDowell Club of Milwaukee’s Presenting New Members program. Jacobs is currently attending UW-Milwaukee. Theresa Nosacek ‘07 and Dominic Nosacek ‘09 were part of the United States delegation to the World Congress of Families in Amsterdam, Holland held in August 2009.
Tracy Janowiak ‘97 graduated in May 2010 with a Master’s degree in Social Work from UW-Milwaukee.
es to nt who com . e d u t s y r e Ev omed will be welc St. Robert
(continued) freshmen floor. Brauer is also a member of the Student Leadership and Ministry Team and the 2011 Kairos Retreat Leadership Team. Brauer works with the Ambassador Program on campus giving tours, holding admissions events and hosting prospective students. She also works in the Institutional Advancement department.
SRS is always ready to help a student, family or friend whenever a challenging situation presents itself.
///// …the community that reaches out, supports and cares for its families in time of need. Illustrations by our 3rd graders.
Class of 1960 – A Huge Hit! A group of 15 classmates were treated to a harbor cruise aboard Bill and Libby Hansen’s boat. It provided a great kick off to the weekend events. The following evening, the group met in the atrium of St. John Cathedral for dinner. Pastoral Assistant Pat (Young) Wisialowski arranged a wonderful repast. All-School Alumni Reunion at the St. Robert Fair Celebrate our school’s 95th birthday! Join us in the alumni tent on Sat., June 4th 5:30 – 10:00 pm or Sun., June 5th 4:00 – 7:00 pm.
Sister of the Divine Savior Virginia Honish ‘51 received a 2010 Vatican II award for Service in Education. A prayer service and award ceremony was held at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in November 2010. Anthony Linn M.D. ‘63 received the Horizon Home Care & Hospice Touching Lives award in November 2010. Mark Gehring ‘78 co-founder and CEO of Sharendipity, a web-based application development platform, won the award for Best Ported App in the first global Ning Network Appathon competition in November 2010. Robert Kraft ‘92 president and CEO of First Edge Solutions, a print-ondemand company, is the recipient of the Metropolitan Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce 2009 Future 50 award for the third consecutive year. Alexandria Pech ‘05 was named to Loyola University College of Arts and Sciences’ Dean’s List. Mark Haas ‘06 made Soccer First Team All-Conference Defender, Second Team All-Area and All-State Honorable Mention with Marquette University High School. He is currently a freshman at DePaul University in Chicago. Lauren Hammer ‘06 was named a 2010 All-State Scholar of Wisconsin and also received a Herb Kohl Educational Foundation Excellence Scholarship. She was valedictorian
(continued) of the Class of 2010 at Divine Savior Holy Angels High School. Hammer is currently attending Holy Cross in Worchester, MA. Maria Linn ‘06 and her Pius High School Lady Popes teammates won the 2010 Division 1 WIAA state basketball championship. She was honored as a WIAA Scholar Athlete for outstanding achievement in the classroom and on the court. Gabriel Rosenwald ‘06 was named a National Achievement Scholarship Semifinalist for being one the nation’s outstanding African American high school students. Elli Sellinger ‘06 received the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel/Boston Store Preps Plus award honoring athletes for their commitment to team sports (swimming), academics and making a difference in their communities. Claire Aasen ’06 was a National Merit Scholarship Semifinalist. She is currently a freshman at Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine. Maggie Aasen ’07 won the top award in the state Junior Science and Engineering Symposium. She will compete at the Nationals in San Diego California in April. She also won a $2,000 scholarship to the school of her choice. The name of her project was: The Effects of Dye Labeling on Cellular Function.
Alumni Focus Where are they now?
........................................................................................................... Charlie Koenen ‘76 Bee Keeper
Too Bee or Not To Bee
So work the honey-bees, Creatures that by a rule in nature teach The act of order to a peopled kingdom. - William Shakespeare’s play Henry V
Quite simply the answer is “to bee.” Charlie Koenen is a beekeeper. He is also a hive designer, a lecturer and teacher on the benefits of beekeeping, hives, and their vital connection to the health and welfare of our planet. He is the son of Beverly Becker Koenen ‘40 - an active parishioner - and the late Gene Koenen. In 1988, Koenen graduated from University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee with a degree in Graphic Design. He launched Third Millennium Design, a Mac-centric computer service company operating at a time when desktop publishing was relatively unknown. He ran the company for 15 years, and then sold out to a partner. “It was time to follow other pursuits,” noted Koenen.
The Koenen clan is a tight family with a great support system. It was Koenen’s sister Barbara, St. Robert ‘74, who suggested he investigate Growing Power, an urban farm cooperative located in the heart of Milwaukee. After meeting with Will Allen - founder and 2008 MacArthur Fellows Award winner - they knew they could help each other. Koenen provided marketing help and Allen taught him about urban farming. Farming requires a number of essential elements to grow the best foods. Pollination is one of those essentials. Growing Power currently has a 5-hive apiary (bee farm). Koenen had found his calling. He teamed up with Growing Power Beekeeper Jesse Spanaus to teach beekeeping seminars. Their students would often comment on the considerable physical requirements of beekeeping. The sheer weight of lifting honey-filled boxes, often stacked six feet high and containing more than 100,000 bees during summer, was just too much for the average beekeeper. So the question began to simmer, “How do we build a better beehive?” The idea hit home during a class populated by nuns from The School Sisters of Notre Dame in Mount Calvary, WI. The retired nuns wanted to keep bees to help pollinate their gardens but soon realized they were unable to do the heavy lifting. Help the nuns, help his students, help the industry with a new design – the idea was at a full boil now. Koenen teamed up with skilled friends. The collaboration produced Beepod. The Beepod hive stands horizontally on legs, delivers proper ventilation in all climates, is easy to assemble, doesn’t require heavy lifting, offers safe and easy honey collection, and has windows for viewing. And, it looks like a bee! Koenen was invited to make a presentation – make that a Beesentation - to the St. Robert students. Koenen, a.k.a. Charbee, donned a
vivid black and yellow bee costume for the event. The children listened to the lecture, viewed pictures of beekeeping and sampled some of the honey from his backyard hives. The lecture concluded with students doing the “waggle dance” – choreographed movements that mimic bees working together. The students learned that bees provide a perfect example of how working together in a mutually beneficial way delivers the best results. Last year the students of St. Robert School donated a working Beepod hive to the Urban Ecology Center in Milwaukee. So it turns out that, “to bee” was never a question, but the answer, to Charlie Koenen’s life’s work. Sweet! Beepod donated to the Urban Ecology Center in 2010.
Evolution of the Beepod
Bee Facts 1 Beepod can house up to 60,000 bees. Each hive or “colony” houses only one queen. Colonies are 95% female and they do all the work. In winter, female bees cluster around the queen vibrating to create heat. Male drone bees mate with the queen, then are removed from the hive. The queen requires an environment where the temperature is kept at 92°F year-round. Worker bees must constantly monitor the hive temperature and adjust their activities to provide warmth in winter and cool the hive in summer. 1 Beepod can produce more than 5 gallons of raw honey a year. Beekeeping is legal in Milwaukee, but not yet in Shorewood. Visit the Urban Ecology Center to see the St. Robert Beepod - www.urbanecologycenter.org Check out www.beepods.com to purchase a Beepod or find a Beesentation and beekeeping course schedule.
+ + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + +
TEACHER KARIN HANSON When I asked Karin Hanson to provide me with a basic outline prior to our interview, she sent me a list of items that she felt described her tenure with St. Robert. The list is amazing. It’s a teacher’s dream in terms of career successes, progress in educational improvements and the willing embrace of change that comes naturally with the passage of time. I decided that I would publish her “Top 10” rather than provide you with a traditional article. -Kim Christenson (parent of Sally - gr. 3 and Sam - K4) 1 She taught nearly one third of a century at St. Robert. (That’s almost + 33 years for those who didn’t take math from Ms. Hanson!) 2 S he worked under six principals who supported her involvement + in state and national mathematics grants and programs. 3 In 1980, she was the first teacher to teach computer classes to + middle school students - it was BASIC computer programming.
Ms. Hanson will retire in June after 32 years at St. Robert School. Honor her legacy with a gift to the scholarship fund using the enclosed envelope.
4 She taught from at least five different textbook series. + 5 She changed her hairstyle three times and drove three cars into the ground! + 6 She is an active advocate: committed to awareness, application and development + of state and national math standards as they have changed and been redefined. 7 She developed curriculums now used in current textbooks and reviewed textbooks + prior to publishing. 8 She has taught in the SAME classroom at St. Robert and has never seen the sky + due to the Parish Center (old convent) and the church roofs shading her windows. 9 She has been embarrassed countless times because she didn’t recognize former + students. (They change and mature, but she looks the same -- forever young!) 10 She is convinced that the best part of her job has been cooperating with a phenomenal group of teachers who are committed to their mission! To put it in mathematical terms, it all adds up to a committed teacher whose influence is spread over many years. Thank you, Karin Hanson. Your work is meaningful, memorable and very much appreciated!
Math Teacher Knows Formula for a Successful Career
Mary Alice “Sis” Drew ‘33 • 2/16/10 Geraldine Leone (Hepp) Conway ‘34 • 6/17/10 Dorothy (Rohlfing) Foy ‘34 • 3/30/10 Thomas Regan ‘35 • 6/23/10 Paula E. Rohlfing ‘36 • 2/29/10 Beverly Jean (Hamilton) Crawford ‘37 • 11/1/10 Janet (Hoff) Hayes ‘37 • 7/14/10 Jane (LaBissoniere) Keyser ‘37 • 7/1/10 Elizabeth Anne (Flynn) Stefanec ‘37 • 4/5/10 Robert E. Brennan ‘39 • 12/11/10 Joan S. (Spence) Moriarty ‘40 • 12/7/09 Virginia M. “Gini” Stilb Lange ‘41 • 10/3/10 Peter J. Bartzen ‘43 • 7/27/09 Margaret (McGuire) Strobel ‘44 • 11/3/06 Nancy (Reilly) Polacheck ‘45 • 6/27/10 Mark W. Seng ‘46 • 1/21/10 Donald Aylward ‘47 • 12/22/10 Jerald H. Schmitt ‘49 • 8/22/09 Mary C. “Mimi” (Carpenter) Bruce ‘50 • 2/15/11 Thomas “Roundy” Hobbins ‘50 • 9/23/10 Mary E. (McCoy) Mayer ‘50 • 6/6/10 Donald J. Darnieder ‘51 • 9/16/09 James P. Behling ‘55 • 0/26/10 Robert Dunn ‘56 • 5/18/10 Robert P. Blazel ‘60 • 9/12/09 Georgiana (Ross) Euclide ‘60 • 9/15/10 Richard A. Fliss ‘61 • 11/16/09 Denis D. Bolton ‘64 • 10/3/10
Ms. Hanson shown with two generations of students she taught at St. Robert. (left to right) Charlie Jurgens ‘07, Kate (Sankovitz) Jurgens ‘80, Karin Hanson, Maureen Jurgens ‘09, Tim Jurgens ‘10
Sr. Danieline Conroy, O.P., faculty 1938-39 • 7/3/10 Lois Baumgart Cross ’40, school nurse at St. Robert during the 1970s. • 12/8/10 Sr. Marie Sarah Dineen, O.P., faculty ‘41 Assistant Principal, 1987–1991 • 8/9/10 Sr. Annette Kelley, O.P., faculty 1972-79 • 4/3/10 Sr. Helen Spellacy (Justine), O.P., faculty 1934-52 • 4/20/10 Fr. Russel J. Stommel, Assoc. Pastor 2002-04 • 5/11/10
The outstanding preparation by the Sinsinawa Dominican nuns contributed to future high school and college achievement. I wouldn’t have come as far as I have without the education I received at St. Robert. SRS is more than just my job or profession…it’s my heart and soul. Our small classes because we can interact with peers and teachers. Wonderful “specials” classes (music, art, world languages, band, gym) The principal is in sync with the educational needs of children now to ensure they have the skills for future employment.
Once y to the S ou belong R you’re a community, lwa of it and ys a part it of you .
Great teachers who give you attention and make school interesting.
TEACHERS I loved the Sinsinawa Dominicans – they set the tone and kept us on our toes. Sr. Justine • Music class with Mrs. Laus and Sr. Arturo • Mrs. Mulligan • Sr. Alice • Mrs. Miller • Miss Behling • Miss Miley Sr. Carlotta • Fr. Mehan • Msgr. Reilly • Sr. Roberta • Mrs. Richard Mathews (grandmother of Ms. Molly Mathews, current middle school teacher) • Sr. Gracita • Sr. M. Jeannette • Sr. Verena • Sr. Andrew • Sr. Noel • Sr. Aquin • Sr. Herbert • Sr. Mary Jovita
Your responses were tremendous thank you! We were unable to print all of your great comments and memories due to space constraints, but please enjoy the full unedited list on our website: st.robert.org/school/Alumni_Friends_0094
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................................................................................ Double Take St. Robert School Twins: Now and Then
Moly! $
Don’t miss out on this exciting new ALL CASH raffle partnership between St. Robert School and the Parish Fair! Prizes from $10,000 to $100. Only 1000 sold at $50 a ticket. Grand Prize $10,000 2nd Prize $2,000 3rd Prize $1,000 4th to 6th Prize $300
From top to bottom: Michael and John Turner (gr. 8), Mary and Abby Mansker (gr. 8), Sam and Charlie Monnat (gr. 8), Megan and Emily Frieseke (gr. 3), Ella and Quinn McClure (gr. 3), Sam and Lucy Womack (gr. 1), Donovan and Ava Harwood (K4).
From top to bottom: Jack and Jeraldine Crowley, Dicky and Betty Madden, Bob and Bill Smith, Jack and Pat May, Carol and Ruth Kohlmetz, Ed and Pat Doucette.
7th to 19th Prize 20th to 39th Prize 40th to 69th Prize 70th to 100th Prize
$250 $200 $150 $100
Drawing held closing day of the Fair, June 5th, 6:00 pm For more information or to buy your tickets, please visit www.strobert.org or contact Jennifer O’Keef at 414-220-1118, jenniferokeef@yahoo.com Blueprint Contributors:
Lauren Beckmann h Kim Christenson Amy Hietpas h Lisa Lesjak h Karen Parr Margaret Mathews Sankovitz ‘47 h Laurie Yingling