Hi Folks! Together we have entered another year of uncertainty and we are so glad that we are pulling through these tough times together with you! After our last successful release on ‘Human Security’, we felt that there were still so much more aspects and deeper complexities of the pandemic that we wanted to cover—and so, we have decided to release another special issue. HI!Folks presents to you our 8th issue under the topic of ‘Human Relations & The Pandemic’ where we cover many of the global changes, the good and the bad, that have happened in the past two years. The pandemic brought with it suffering and misery— these are things we cannot deny—but it has made the world more mature and vigilant. Relations between states, communities, and individuals have grown to be more advanced. More modern solutions emerged in response to this difficult time. All of this has shown the world one very certain thing: that amidst all the turbulence and hardship, there is always a glimmer of hope. The team invites you to celebrate your strength and your resilience. It has not been an easy year—we are all challenged as a family, as a community, and as global citizens—but challenges we face these past few years have and will show very clearly how humanity is always advancing and transforming for the better. We sincerely hope this issue can help you in facing the adversities the pandemic is bringing upon us, while giving you a different perspective on the pandemic. For now, stay safe and stay healthy. Cheers!
Chiara Farahangiz Samandari Editor-in-Chief