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What is the MyPass app?

MyPass is designed in order for each participant attending the event (either an accredited member or a spectator) to easily complete their Covid-19 daily screening questionnaire, add rapid diagnostic tests (PCR Antigen and vaccination) information to their profiles. This process will, however, not be applicable to players.

Each team doctor will be responsible for managing the team’s daily symptom checks and report back to the Covid Compliance members of the Tour.

The MyPass system integrates each team member’s Covid-19 test results to that of the individual’s accreditation pass.

Example: If a player has a positive Covid-19 test result, that player’s accreditation pass will be deactivated to avoid him gaining access to certain areas.

What must I do if I have any flu-like symptoms?

All players and staff will do daily symptom checks with their team doctor.

Will I be able to hand in laundry at my hotel?

Yes. Laundry at each hotel includes training and playing kit, limited to the provisions made in the Tours Agreement and Tour Manual of up to 10 items per day. All other laundry requirements are for the user’s or the team’s own account.

What happens when I need to see a medical professional who is not available?

Your team doctor will assess the situation with the designated Covid-19 compliance officer.

If there is a requirement for medical services, the appointed Tour doctor will be contacted to arrange/implement the necessary next steps and protocols with the standby medical service provider.

What personal protective equipment (PPE) must I use?

At a minimum, a cloth mask, otherwise N95 or equivalent, or triple-layer medical masks.

Masks are to be worn at all times, other than when training, playing matches or eating.

What is the match venue access requirement?

Before leaving their accommodation to go to a match venue, the team doctor must confirm on the MyPass system whether any team member has or exhibits any symptoms of Covid-19.

If any symptoms are exhibited on the symptom checklist or if for any reason Covid-19 is suspected, the player or staff member must remain in their hotel room and report immediately to their team doctor.

All players and staff members must have a temperature check undertaken before entering the match venue (a temperature of 37.5°C or above is used as the threshold for a suspected case).

All players and support staff members must also have undertaken a PCR or Rapid Antigen test and have returned a negative result before being granted access to enter the match venue.


What happens on match day?

The entrance point will be staffed by match venue personnel who have been approved by SA Rugby Event Services (SARES) to administer entry assessments.

A member of the match venue’s security team will also be present in the area.


What happens on a non-match day?

The team that is within the Red Zone bio-bubble will have a pre-determined schedule for the day.

It will be decided upon by the team management and approved by MAG – subject to Covid-19 protocol.

Movement of personnel and players will be limited to within the Red Zone.

What happens during a training session or captain’s run?

The appropriate cleaning and sanitisation will take place before and after, with match venue zoning measures in place to protect participating teams during their visits to the venue.

What is the testing protocol?

All team doctors will return a summary of test results as soon as they are received (whether positive, negative or unclear), and must return a negative result (whether PCR or Rapid Antigen test) to be allowed entry to match-day venues.

All testing will be done on the day before a match

User group Test on entry Testing regime

Testing frequency Additional note

Lions Rapid Antigen Rapid Antigen

SA teams PCR Rapid Antigen 3 times within 7 days 3 times within 7 days

One test must include matchday -1 One test must include matchday -1

3tests within 7 days of a match

What happens according to my test result?

If negative, the test is deemed negative.

If unclear, the test will be repeated as per Covid-19 protocol.

If positive, the test will be repeated as per Covid-19 protocol.

COVID-19 (2019-nCoV)

What happens according to my secondary test result?

If positive, the test is confirmed as positive and the individual follows the Covid-19 protocols for the management of a positive result.

If negative, the individual follows the Covid-19 protocols of a negative result.

The results of the PCR test will determine if an individual enters isolation or not

Does the testing apply to me if I have been vaccinated?

Yes. Individuals who have been vaccinated (fully or otherwise) are not given exemption for testing and must observe all relevant user group testing protocols.


Can I leave the hotel or training venue to go for a jog?


Can I stay with my family?



Can my family or friends visit me in my hotel?

If they are not in the Red Zone, then no.

Can I leave the hotel to meet family or friends at a restaurant?




Can I go for a haircut?


I feel like a snack not available at the hotel. Can I order on UberEats?



Am I allowed to move from the Red Zone to the Orange Zone?

Yes, but then you cannot return to the Red Zone.

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