Student Rights and Responsibilities 10 High Point University is a community of scholars that includes faculty, staff, students, and administrators. Graduate students, as members of the academic community, have both rights and responsibilities. Most fundamentally, students have the right to learn in an environment that is safe, supportive, and edifying. At the same time, graduate students are held accountable for adhering to policies and regulations established by the Board of Trustees, the Graduate School, and individual programs of study, and it is the student’s responsibility to be familiar with these policies. Specific student rights include but are not limited to those listed below.
Student Rights High Point University is a community of learning that supports freedom of inquiry, freedom of thought, freedom from discrimination, freedom of expression, and much more. The University seeks to maintain and support an environment where students have rights; however, the following list of rights is not intended to be complete or exclusive. • Education. Students have the right to an outstanding education that includes excellent faculty, academic technology, classrooms, libraries, and other resources necessary for successful learning. • Expression. Students have the right to freely examine and exchange diverse ideas in an orderly manner inside and outside of the classroom. • Association. Students have the right to associate freely with other individuals, groups of individuals and organizations for purposes that do not infringe on the rights of others. • Access. Students with a disability have the right to request reasonable accommodations ensuring equal access to courses, course content, programs, services, and facilities. • Freedom from Discrimination. Students have the right to expect to participate fully in the University community without discrimination as defined by federal, state or University regulations. • Safe Environment. Students have the right to learn in a safe campus community. • High Quality Resources. Students have the right to to high quality resources which support intellectual, emotional and social development. • Counseling. Students have the right to mental wellness services and programs. • Grievance Process. Students have the right to present their concerns or complaints to the University. • University Governance. Students have the right to participate in the governance of the University.
• Prompt Responses from Administration. Students have the right to expect prompt and courteous responses from the University’s academic and administrative departments. • Academic and Administrative Policies. Students have the right to expect academic and administrative policies that support intellectual inquiry, learning, and growth.
Student Responsibilities High Point University students have a responsibility to uphold the University Honor Code, Conduct Code, and all other rules and processes. When students behave contrary to University rules and processes, the University will take appropriate action, up to and including exclusion from the University or the withholding or revocation of academic degrees. Additionally, students are expected to advocate for themselves to University Administration about any alleged violations of the University rules and regulations. Third party reporting is not accepted.
High Point University Rights and Responsibilities High Point University has the authority to maintain order within the University and to discipline students. The University may even exclude students who are disruptive of the educational experiences offered on or off campus. When deemed necessary for continuation or readmission at High Point University, a student may be required to enter into a Behavioral Agreement. A Behavioral Agreement will delineate terms which must be met in order for the student to remain at High Point University. The agreement will state the time period in which it will be in effect.
Procedure for Student Complaints High Point University provides a process for student complaints to be addressed. The High Point University Procedure for Student Complaints governs complaints the student puts in writing and submits to a University official. This Procedure applies to all students, undergraduate and graduate. This Procedure ensures timely, fair, and efficient resolutions with the maintenance of individual privacy and confidentiality. This Procedure cannot be used to challenge the finding of the Executive Committee of the University, a standing committee whose decision is final. Furthermore, this procedure is not intended to address complaints regarding sexual assault or misconduct. Please see the Title IX Policy to file a report of this nature. Informal Resolution of a Complaint Discussion, in many instances, can resolve a complaint. The student is encouraged to bring a problem to the person who has responsibility for the objectionable action or situation.