2020-2021 Graduate Bulletin

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Title IX/Sexual Misconduct Appeal Procedures In instances of sexual misconduct, both complainants and responding parties have the opportunity to appeal a determination regarding responsibility and a dismissal of a formal complaint or any allegations in the complaint to the Executive Committee within five (5) calendar days of the issuance of the decision. Appeals are submitted by completing the online appeal form: https://publicdocs.maxient.com/reportingform.php? HighPoint Univ&layout_id=8 This link will be included in any decision letter or can be found on the Title IX/Sexual Misconduct web page. If neither party requests an appeal within the (5) calendar day timeline, any sanction will take effect immediately at the end of the (5) calendar day appeal timeline. Appeals are limited to 1,500 words, including attachments. Grounds for the appeal must be clearly and concisely stated and all relevant information substan-tiating the grounds for appeal should be included. The following constitute appropriate grounds for appeal: 1. A procedural irregularity that affected the outcome of the matter; 2. New evidence that was not reasonably available at the time the determination regarding responsibility or dis-missal was made, that could affect the outcome of the matter; and/or 3. The Title IX Coordinator, investigator(s), or decisionmaker(s) had a conflict of interest or bias for or against complainants or respondents generally or the individual complainant or respondent that affected the outcome of the matter. Mere dissatisfaction with Title IX/Sexual Misconduct Hearing Board or dismissal outcome is not a valid basis for appeal. In addition, appeals are not intended to be a rehearing of the matter. The scope of the appeal will be limited to the grounds for appeal included in the written appeal submissions. In any request for an appeal, the burden of proof lies with the party requesting the appeal because the outcome will be presumed to have been decided reasonably and appropriately. In concert with the chair of the Executive Committee, the Assistant Vice President for Student Life or designee will assess the written appeal to determine whether it is properly filed, based on permissible grounds, and in compliance with word count limitations. If it is determined that the written ap-peal does not meet any of these criteria, the appeal will be denied without review by the Executive Committee. If the appeal is determined to be properly filed, the other party will be given an opportunity to review and respond to

the written appeal. Responses to written appeals are due five (5) days after receipt of a copy of the appeal and are limited to 1,500 words. If both parties have filed an appeal, the appeal docu-ments from each party will be considered together in one ap-peal review process. Each party will be provided the other party’s appeal and may provide a response to the other party’s written appeal. Responses to written appeals are due five (5) days after receipt of a copy of the appeal and are limited to 1,500 words. Once an appeal is received and determined to meet the criteria for filing an appeal, the Executive Committee, at its discretion, may choose to hold a meeting or it may decide the matter based on the written submissions. If necessary and at the discretion of the Executive Committee, it may interview or request documentation from any individual to gather more information about the basis for the appeal. After reviewing all submitted materials, the Executive Committee may: (1) affirm the outcome; (2) return the matter to the original or a newly constituted Title IX/Sexual Misconduct Hearing Board with in-structions to cure the procedural error, a perceived conflict of interest/bias, or to consider the new evidence; (3) return the matter to the original or a new investigator with instructions to cure the procedural error, a perceived conflict of interest/bias, or to consider the new evidence; (4) change the sanctions; or (5) overturn the dismissal. Decisions by the Executive Committee are by a majority vote of Executive Committee members present and participating in the appeal consideration. The outcome (including the rationale for the result) of the Executive Committee will be made in writing to both the complainant and respondent. All decisions by the Executive Committee are final.

Section 504 Accessibility Grievance Procedure High Point University prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in its educational programs and activities. High Point University has adopted an internal grievance procedure providing for prompt and equitable resolution of complaints by students alleging discrimination on the basis of disability in any University program or activity. Complaints of discrimination on the basis of a disability or questions about High Point University's compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 should be directed to the 504 Coordinator Any students or applicants of admission who believe they have been subjected to discrimination on the basis of disability (or are unsatisfied with accommodates provided by the Office of Accessibility Resources and Services) may file a grievance under this policy. High Point University prohibits retaliation against anyone who files a grievance or cooperates in the investigation of a grievance. The 504 Coordinator

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Articles inside

Master of Physician Assistant Studies (M.P.A

pages 104-114

B.A. to M.Ed. in Special Education

pages 80-88

Master of Science in Athletic Training (M.S.A.T

pages 98-103

Doctor of Physical Therapy (D.P.T

pages 90-97

B.A. to M.Ed. in Elementary Education

pages 78-79

B.A. to M.Ed. in Educational Leadership

pages 76-77

Master of Arts in Teaching Secondary Mathematics 9–12 (M.A.T

pages 73-74

Add-On License in Educational Administration

page 75

Master of Arts in Teaching Elementary Education K–6 (M.A.T

pages 71-72

Master of Education in Special Education (M.Ed

pages 69-70

Master of Education in Secondary Mathematics 9 –12 (M.Ed

pages 67-68

Master of Education in Elementary Education (M.Ed

pages 65-66

Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership (Ed.D

pages 56-62

Master of Education in Educational Leadership (M.Ed

pages 63-64

B.A. to M.A. in Strategic Communication

pages 46-47

Master of Arts in Communication and Business Leadership (M.A

pages 48-54

Master of Arts in Strategic Communication (M.A

pages 44-45

M.B.A. for Doctor of Physical Therapy Students

pages 39-42

Master of Business Administration (M.B.A

pages 35-36

M.B.A. for Doctor of Pharmacy Students

pages 37-38

Expenses and Financial Assistance

pages 22-23

General Policies

pages 24-33

Codes of Conduct

page 16

Student Support Services

pages 17-21

1 Graduate Academic Calendars

page 15


pages 8-9

Student Rights and Responsibilities

pages 12-14

A Brief History of High Point University

pages 10-11
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