Faculty Policies and Procedures 2020-2021

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Matrix of Undergraduate Course Competencies The following matrices are provided to assist full and part-time faculty in knowing what major outcomes and competencies are addressed in specific professional education courses across the various programs of study. It may be beneficial to review what topics have been introduced in earlier courses so that candidates are continually challenged to grow in their knowledge, skills, and dispositions.


EDU 1200

EDU 2100

EDU 2200

EDU 3100

EDU 3110

EDU 4008/4009/4110/4510 (Literacy)/4511(STEM)

Last Updated 8/6/20

All Programs (Professional Education Core) Curriculum/Topics Covered Professional Code of Ethics/University Honor Code Careers in Teaching Admission to Teacher Education Introduction to School of Education’s Student Educational Organizations Field Work Required: (Disposition and Performance in the Field Assessed) Developmental characteristics of the learner through adolescence Educational Psychology Theories including Developmental, Cognitive, Behavioral, Learning Styles, Multiple Intelligences, Brain-Based Research Service Learning Course Disposition Assessed The Model of 21st Century Teaching and Learning/Mission of N.C. Public Schools Teacher Leadership in the Classroom, School and in the Teaching Profession 21st Century Content and Technology Skills Mapping Lesson Planning Making Global Connections in the 21st Century Classroom edTPA: Practice Assignment: Context of Learning Introduced Characteristics and Educational Planning for Students with Exceptional Needs Service Delivery for Special Needs Students Developing Skills for Collaboration with Professional Colleagues, Parents, and Families Inclusion and co-Teaching Models for today’s Classrooms Differentiated Instruction and other Grouping/Team-Based Models Web 2.0 technologies NETS-T Standards Blogs, wikis, podcasting, video conferencing, virtual field trips Webquests, RSS feeds, interactive whiteboards and student response systems Technology Integration for Elementary K-6 Classrooms How to use of technology to engage, enhance, and extend learning through integration with Common Core/Essential Standards for elementary school students. e-books,

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