Warner Larson Landscape Architects recently completed work at Smith Elementary School in Danvers, Mass., which includes an outdoor terrace, playground, and gathering spaces. / Photo by Ed Wonsek / Full story page 20


INDUSTRY EXPERT ARTICLES: INSIDE THIS ISSUE: FEATURING: Tina Stanislaski 15 Rick Jones 26 Kenny Ingram 38 Andrew Winston 38 Tim Corrigan 44 Jay Connolly 33 Emily Czarnecki 19 StacySpectorFrederick 35 Gray, Gray, & Gray Named Top Accounting Firm Suffolk Hosts Girl Scouts for Day of Learning Tecta America Acquires Mahaney Group Robinson+Cole Lawyers Recognized Architecture Firm Announces Name Change Janey Elected to National Academy of Construction Bristol Magnet School Completes Construction AET Labs Completes Major Installations Bonds Support Harvard Climate Goals September 2022 Focus: Educational Facilities 02359MAPembroke,7,BoxP.O. RequestedServiceChange STDPRSRT POSTAGEU.S. PAID 55800NO.PERMIT MABOSTON page 34

www.high-profile.com 781.347.9200 | 781.347.9250 fax www.amerplumb.com U.S. Green Building Council Mechanical Contractors Registration No. 8028 U.S. Green Building Council Mechanical Contractors Registration No. 8028 781.347.9200 | 781.347.9250 fax www.amerplumb.com 1000 Cordwainer Drive, Norwell, MA 02061 781.347.9200 | 781.347.9250 fax www.amerplumb.com Proud member of the U.S. Green Building Council Mechanical Contractors Registration No. 8028 HEALTHCARE

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www.high-profile.com September 2022On4 the Cover: Featuring: ADVERTISERS INDEX Publisher’s Message … 6 Up-Front 7 Education 15 AGC Vermont 34 Restoration and Renovation 37 Trends and Hot Topics… 38 Cannabis… 40 Industrial 41 Corporate 42 Green 44 Organizations and Events 46 J.E.D.I. 48 Training and Recruitment 50 Awards 52 People 53 Calendar 54 Warner Larson Completes Work at Smith Elementary Sections: SendSOCIALRalphCONSULTINGAnastasiaPUBLISHER:BarnesEDITOR:EmilyLangnerEDITORS:BarnesandMarionBarnesVICEPRESIDENTOFSALES:ElizabethFinanceACCOUNTEXECUTIVES:MarkKelly,BetsyGormanARTDIRECTOR:YvonneLauzière,StarkCreativeMEDIAMANAGER:AlisarAwwadMEDIACOORDINATOR:EmmaGottschalkFOUNDERS:MichaelandKathyBarnesnewsreleases,advertisingqueries,articles,announcements,andcalendarlistings,to: editor@high-profile.com. P.O. Box 7, Pembroke, MA 02359 (781) 294-4530 SUBSCRIBE ONLINE: www.High-Profle.com/subscribe Bonds Support Harvard Climate Goals 1620 Janey Elected to National Academy of Construction 8 Abbot Building Restoration. 10 AET Labs... 12 Amenta Emma... 6 American Energy Management 33 American Plumbing & Heating... 2 American Window Film... 32 Antinozzi Associates... 30 Arden Building Companies ... 7, 21 Associated Subcontractors/MA... 40 Barnes Buildings… 24 Brennan Consulting... 19 CANAM... 23 Connecticut Temperature Controls 33 Copley Wolff Design Group... 24 Dacon... 17 Dietz & Co.... 14 Dimeo... 25 E2 Engineers... 26 Energy Electrical Contractors... 46 Erland Construction... 8 Fontaine Bros.... 15 Genest... 3 Glynn Electrical... 27 GT Wilkinson... 28 Hampshire Fire Protection... 50 IBEW 103... 55 Interstate Electrical Contractors... 41 J&M Brown... 22 Jandris Block... 39 JCJ... 4 Jones Architecture... 12 Jewett Construction... 44 JM Electrical Company, Inc.... 51 Kaplan Construction... 42 Kaydon... 45 Kenney & Sams... 10 Lockheed Architectural Solutions... 9 Metro Walls ... 20 Nauset ... 22 NEMCA... 48 Norgate Metal... 48 O’Brien and Sons... 28 O’Reilly, Talbot & Okun Assoc.... 29 PCINE... 31 Procon... 11 Raken... 13 ReArch... 47 RH Lord... 6 Rhino Public Relations... 8 Robinson & Cole ... 35 Silver Tiger Consulting... 38 S/L/A/M... 16 SL Chasse... 37 Sprinkler Fitters 550... 49 STEM Solutions, LLC... 40 Suffolk... 56 Tecta America... 20 TF Moran... 26 Topaz Engineering... 52 Unilock... 5 Warner Larson... 14 Wayne J. Griffin Electrical, Inc.... 18 Weston & Sampson... 43 Work Safe Traffic Controls Industries... 34 AET Labs Completes Major Installations 21 51Suffolk Hosts Girl Scouts for Day of Learning Celebrating 25 Years 1997 - 2022 jcj.com for more informaton contact: peter bachmann, institutional sector leader 646 597 5401 / pbachmann@jcj com boston hartford new york las vegas phoenix san diego tulsa photo gila river casa blanca community school arizona schools that engage and inspire

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Anastasia Barnes

In October, we will have a focus on corporate work and interiors. We’ll be
covering the IIDA New England awards, as well! The issue will also include a spotlight on J.E.D.I. in the AEC industry and what companies and organizations are doing to further justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion in their workplaces and communities. We encourage you to contribute your news and perspectives! By sharing the successes and challenges companies are encountering, we hope to provoke discussions on this important topic, and encourage idea sharing and collaboration among professionals in our

This month marks a signifcant milestone in High-Profle’s history. We are turning a quarter of a century old - 25 never looked so good! HP was born in September of 1997 in a little yellow house on Route 27 in Pembroke, Mass. The house isn’t so little anymore; my folks built an addition sometime in the mid 2000s and that became the real offce. HP’s 25th Anniversary edition will be published in December. This special issue is an
opportunity to share news of your own frm’s anniversary, or the ways in which your company or organization has grown or evolved over the years. The cities and towns where we build have also evolved in the last 25 years. We also invite you to contribute your insights on the evolution/ growth of those cities, or of the industry as aWewhole.arethrilled to share over 20 pages of content on education projects in this edition! Wow! The environmentalist in me is excited that there are two different projects highlighted that have been designed with Living Building Challenge (LBC) goals or principles in mind: the Putney School in Vermont (pg. 14) and the Bristol-Plymouth Regional Technical School in Massachusetts (pg. 15). The LBC is an international sustainable building certifcation program that was created in 2006 by the nonproft International Living Future Institute (ILFI). According to ILFI, the LBC is not just a certifcation. It’s also a philosophy and advocacy tool for projects to move beyond merely being “less bad” and become truly regenerative. If you’ve not heard of the Living Building Challenge or ILFI, I encourage you to learn more by visiting living-future.org.
I’llfeld.be attending the CRETECH conference in New York City on Oct. 12-13, which brings the real estate industry together to network and learn about how innovation and technology are transforming the built world. If you’re planning on going, ping me so we can meetHere’sup! to the fall!

We’re featuring the Vermont chapter of the Associated General Contractors in this edition, with an intro from the chapter’s executive vice president, Richard Wobby (pg. 34). You’ll also get to know some of the association’s members and their projects. Some of you may know that I live part-time in Vermont, and I wanted to highlight some exciting and innovative work happening in this part of New England! Keep your eyes open for more Vermont-related design/build news in the future.
Publisher’s Message

Marr Companies’ Robert L. Marr Dies
September 2022 7
In 1960, Marr began his 60-year career with the Marr Companies. He was primarily involved in business operations with a focus on fnance, management and sales. For decades, he was instrumental in guiding Marr through a period of steady growth until he retired as chairman of the board in 2021, according to the frm’s representatives.Marrpreviously served as Massachusetts Building Congress president. He also founded, along with his brother Daniel Marr, the Colonel Daniel Marr Boys & Girls Club in Dorchester (later renamed the Boys & Girls Clubs of Dorchester) in 1974. Additionally, he has contributed his talents and fnancial support to many charitable organizations dedicated to housing, feeding and educating those in need. Robert L. Marr

Designed by VMY Architects and being built on the site of former offce space, the 5-story, 102-unit community will feature a 2-foor podium with fve levels of wood frame over. The new building will include one-, two-, and three-bedroom units, each with views of the Charles River. The property will feature modern amenities throughout, including a ftness center, common area roof deck with fre pits, and retail space
“We’rerestaurants.honored to partner with Ballas Group and VMY Architects on this exciting project in one of the most innovative and popular areas in Metro Boston,” said ReyCon president, Michael Reynolds.ReyCon plans on breaking ground in early September of this year, with construction slated to be complete by spring of 2024.
Brighton, MA – ReyCon announced it has started work on the construction of a new 121,800sf multi-family apartment community at 44 Soldiers Field Place in Brighton, in partnership with Newtonbased developer, The Ballas Group. ReyCon was hired by Ballas to provide all pre-construction and construction management services.


on the frst foor.
Boston – Marr Companies announced that Robert L. Marr, a fourthgeneration family member to lead the Marr Companies and former chairman of the board, died on Aug 7. He was 86 years old.
44 Soldiers Field Place rendering
ReyCon Begins Project in Brighton
The residences will be transit oriented, located adjacent to the Massachusetts Turnpike and within walking distance of the “Boston Landing” neighborhood of Allston/Brighton, which includes public transportation, the New Balance global headquarters, Warrior Ice Arena, Athlete’s Park and a wide-range of shops, bars and
Janey Elected to NAC
Ideas. Content. Marketing. Results.
is expanding the existing facility from 22,300sf to 38,306sf. While most of the ex isting building was demolished and will be replaced with a new addition, the historic facade and front rooms have been retained and incorporated into the new design.
Local government offcials from the City of Marlborough, including the mayor and city council members, joined friends of the library, state legislators, and residents to mark this moment in the project. Mayor Arthur Vigeant and Library Director Margaret Cardello spoke of the importance of the library to the community and the collaboration making the project possible.
Build your brand. Grow a new area of expertise. Expand Markets. Ensure your name and reputation are known by the businesses that matter most to you. Start by contacting us.
CHA Consulting, Inc. serves as the owner’s project manager for the City of Marlborough. MOCC is the construction manager and LLB Architects is the design er. CHA also assisted the library with its temporary relocation to a nearby municipal building in Marlborough until the renova tion and expansion are complete.
Gregory Janey and founding offcer of the Massachusetts Minority Contractors Association.
CHA’s OPM project team celebrates the topping off of the Marlborough Public Library with leaders from the city of Marlborough, including Mayor Arthur Vigeant and Library Director Margaret Cardell
Marlborough Public Library Tops Off

www.high-profile.com September 20228 High-Profile: Up-Front
“This library is incredibly special to the city of Marlborough, and we are honored to shepherd this renovation project, retaining historic elements of the past and creating a space that will inspire future generations,” said Tom Gatzunis, CHA senior project manager.Theproject is slated for completion in the spring of 2023.
The Marlborough Public Library is undergoing a $24 million renovation and expansion project. Built in the early 1900s and last renovated in 1969, the library lacks room for meetings and quiet study. A phased design and construction plan

Boston – The National Academy of Construction (NAC) has elected Gregory Janey, president and CEO of Boston-based Janey Construction Management and Consulting Inc., as a member of its class of 2022. He will be formally inducted Oct. 6 during the NAC Construction Hall of Fame Gala in Scottsdale, Ariz.

Election criteria for NAC includes leadership, exceptional service, a contin ued commitment to making a contribu tion, past recognition by peers for innova tion, and being recognized as “best of the best.” The NAC Class of 2022 members is composed of 34 industry practitioners from various sectors of the industry: aca demics, researchers, owners, contractors, designers, lawyers, and consultants.
Marlborough, MA – The city of Marlborough recently celebrated a milestone in the renovation and expansion of its historic library with a topping off ceremony. The fnal beam, signed by many of those in attendance, was lifted into place on the new addition.
Janey has wide-ranging experience in a variety of complex construction and institutional programs. He also uses his education and professional experience to provide scholarships for black Boston Public School students entering in STEM education.Hehas served on numerous boards, including the board of trustees for Wentworth Institute of Technology and the industrial advisory boards for Northeastern University College of Engineering and Madison Park High School. He has also served as a trustee for the Boys & Girls Club of Boston, as national vice chairman of the Construction Management Association of America,
AEC & SPECIALISTSCREPR n CONTENT MARKETING n CRISIS COMMUNICATIONSErland Construction, Inc. / www.erland.com Dining Hall & Academic Center at Fenn SchoolScience Center at The Fessenden School Campus Center of Excellence at Cotting School
In electing Janey, NAC cited him as a “nationally recognized entrepreneur, innovator, and exceptional leader providing opportunities for individuals in underserved neighborhoods.”

“We have a great group of companies including Borggaard sitework, Diaz Construction, Norgate Steel, Steller Steal, Brookside and hundreds of people making this beam signing and topping off a reality,” said John Stebbins.
www.high-profile.com September 2022 9High-Profile: Up-Front
PROCON Celebrates Rand-Whitney Topping Off

Final beam installation
Boylston, MA – Rand-Whitney president and CEO, Nick Smith, was joined by PROCON managing directors, John Stebbins and Jennifer Stebbins Thomas, and other members of the design-build and subcontractor teams for a beam signing and topping off ceremony at the site of what will soon be Rand- Whitney’s largest facility. When fully operational in the spring of 2023, the new packaging facility will manufacture 350 million boxesSmithannually.opened the event discussing the importance of the new manufacturing building for the company to meet growing demand while providing the most effcient, cost-effective services possible for its customers. The facility represents Rand-Whitney’s largest investment in
Rand-Whitney manufacturing facility / Rendering by PROCON

equipment and capacity. The state-ofthe-art, sustainable building will feature the industry’s most effcient robotics and automationRand-Whitneyequipment.collaborated with PROCON as the design-builder for the packaging facility, as well as another 300,000sf warehouse on the site expected to be completed and leased out by RandWhitney in late spring of 2023. This is the fourth construction project collaboration between the two companies.
Rand-Whitney has operated in
Rand-Whitney beam raising ceremony
Massachusetts since 1938 and is one of several companies owned by New England Patriot’s owner, Robert Kraft. The company’s vertical integration will allow the facility to manufacture

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packaging that uses a very high percentage of post-consumer waste, using 100% post-consumer waste linerboard produced in the company’s own mill in Connecticut.

buildings were originally constructed as single-family residences, and most recently served as student housing for Bay State College. They were acquired by Chevron Partners in 2017.
Each unit will offer expansive formal living, dining, and entertaining spaces with ceiling heights up to 12 feet and views onto Commonwealth Avenue. The units will feature cast plaster moldings with custom corner cartouches that meet sleek modern fnishes; hand-carved marble mantels and gas freplaces that adjoin modern Italian cabinetry; and state-of-the-art appliances. Imported oak
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Nauset Underway on Maison Commonwealth
Boston – The transformation of an 1880 Back Bay double-wide brownstone into fve luxury boutique condominiums is now underway. Maison Commonwealth, located at 260 and 262 Commonwealth Avenue in Boston, is being built by Nauset Construction for developer Chevron


Michelle De Oliveira
Christopher Kenney

Laura Raisty
Garage entrance
Drew Colby J Nathan Cole
Alexander Zwillinger
highly sophisticated mechanical systems. The project architect is Meyer & Meyer, which specializes in historic restoration and renovation. The stately brick and brownstone Victorian facade, originally designed by Samuel Kelley, will be restored and walled garden areas will be seamlessly integrated with the original building. The lobby will include a custom elevator.
David Kerrigan
Mike Sams

constructed.The4,200sf two-level penthouse unit will feature a 1,500sf modern upperlevel addition, appointed with front and rear motorized glass walls that blur the boundary to 970sf of private front and rear outdoor space.
Maison Commonwealth / Renderings courtesy of Chevron Partners
www.high-profile.com September 202210 High-Profile: Up-Front
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wood chevron fooring, Italian closets, and foor-to-ceiling imported Carrara marble master bathrooms will also be
The complex historic renovation project includes a fully excavated belowgrade garage, the removal of all loadbearing walls between the two historic buildings, construction of a new modern penthouse addition, and the installation of
www.high-profile.com September 2022

Construction workers building Phase One of 66 Galen Street posed at the topping-off of the project
Topping Off Held for Watertown Life Science Campus
The project at 66 Galen marks Phase One of a two-part campus plan which will encompass more than fve acres of land, 40% of which will be dedicated to open space. Upon fnal
Watertown, MA – The Davis Companies and Boston Development Group (BDG) recently celebrated the ceremonial topping-off of Phase One of 66 Galen Street in Watertown, a 224,000rsf, purpose-built, Class A life science building designed by Elkus Manfredi Architects. This milestone marks the completion of the structural phase of construction and positions the project to be delivered on schedule and available for occupancy in 2023.
The project development team also includes John Moriarty & Associates (JMA), WSP, Ground, VHB, and McNamara Salvia. CLOSE

www.high-profile.com September 202212 High-Profile: Up-Front
At the topping off (l-r): Mary Harris, executive assistant – development, Davis; Chris Mora, VP – development, Davis; Marco DiMuzio, senior VP – Construction, Davis; Jodie Zussman, president, BDG; Mike Cantalupa, chief development offcer, Davis; Pat Noone, VP – development, Davis; and Dionisia Stefanopoulos, executive assistant, Davis

buildout, the campus will include over 450,000rsf of purpose-built lab space across two new Class A life science buildings. Substantial transportation infrastructure improvements, including traffc signalization, lane widenings, dedicated bus lanes and sidewalks, will be constructed as part of the Phase One development.Thebuilding will offer six private tenant outdoor spaces and a common rooftop balcony with panoramic views of the Charles River. Additional high-end amenities include a ftness center, locker rooms with showers, a 45-space bike room, on-site retail/cafe space, a hotelstyle building lobby, and ample indoor parking accessible directly beneath the building. A 25,000sf rooftop solar array will contribute sustainably to the building’s power.
Located on the highly accessible Galen Street corridor, connecting Watertown Square to the Massachusetts Turnpike/I-90, 66 Galen Street provides access via a short drive to downtown Boston and easy access to Kendall Square via I-90 or Soldiers Field Road. The site is located immediately adjacent

to the MBTA’s Watertown bus terminal and is easily accessible from residential communities, including Boston’s urban core and its western suburbs.
The C. Gerald Lucey Building
Members of the Davis, BDG and JMA teams at the topping off ceremony

Parth Chakrabarti, executive vice chancellor of innovation and business development, UMass Chan Medical School; Lisa Colombo, executive vice chancellor of Commonwealth medicine, UMass Chan Medical School; Les Hiscoe, CEO, Shawmut Design and Construction; Bryan Thorp, associate principal, ARC; Barbara Kroncke, executive director, UMass Building Authority; Chancellor Michael F. Collins, UMass Chan Medical School; Mireli Fino, executive vice chancellor of MassBiologics, UMass Chan Medical School; and Terence Flotte, provost and executive deputy chancellor, UMass Chan Medical School
schools on campus. The next phase of construction will be the installation of the roof and the exterior curtain wall system of glass and steel panels.
UMass Chan Celebrates Topping Off

Worcester, MA – Shawmut Design and Construction joined UMass Chan Medical School to celebrate the topping off construction milestone on the new education and research building, a 9-story, 350,000sf biomedical research and education complex on the university’s Worcester campus. Designed to achieve LEED Gold certifcation for energy effciency and sustainability, the facility is scheduled to open in 2024.
www.high-profile.com September 2022 13High-Profile: Up-Front

it into place. In all, 5,873 steel beams and columns form the skeleton of the building.
In partnership with Architectural Resources Cambridge (ARC) and UMass
After a noontime ceremony on Aug. 22, the 407-foot-tall lattice boom crane, a feature of the construction site since March, lifted the beam to the highest point of the structure – 184 feet above the concrete slab foundation – where members of Iron Workers Local 7 guided
Building Authority, the project is creating a state-of-the-art building that supports the development of therapeutics in a highperformance, sustainable environment. The complex will feature program space for more than 70 principal investigators; an FDA-compliant manufacturing facility for clinical trial therapeutics; research space including wet labs, benches, exhaust hood alcoves, linear equipment rooms, and environmental areas; and administrative offces, collaboration spaces, and conference rooms.
Les Hiscoe delivered remarks during the topping off ceremony.

The new building sits at the center of the campus, between the Aaron Lazare Research Building and the Albert Sherman Center. It will expand research, educational, and conference capabilities to support the missions of all three graduate
Topping off for UMass Chan Medical School’s new Education and Research Building Photos courtesy of Ross O’Donohue, Shawmut Design and Construction
The project includes two 13,600sf identical dormitories totaling approximately 27,000sf of new construction and associated site work. Each of the 2-story buildings will include faculty apartments featuring three bedrooms and 11 student dorm rooms. They will include common space and a small kitchenette area with a full basement to support additional storage.
The awarded projects include:

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ReArch to Build Net Zero Housing

Pine Street, Holyoke: OneHolyoke Community Development Corporation (CDC) will utilize NSP funding to create a duplex-style home on a vacant lot in Holyoke’s Churchill neighborhood, which will be entirely owned by one owner-occupant.
Putney, VT – ReArch Company announced that construction has begun on The Putney School Faculty and Student Housing project in Putney.

33 Merrick Street, Worcester: Worcester Common Ground will create two new homeownership opportunities for frst-time homebuyers on a long-vacant lot in Worcester’s Piedmont neighborhood.
Boston – The Baker-Polito Administration and MassHousing announced a total of $4.6 million in Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) grants to eight communi ty-based organizations and municipalities to support the redevelopment or rehabilita tion of 31 affordable homes, including 22 affordable homeownership opportunities.
Image © Chodos Photography
Old Hill neighborhood infill, Springfield: The City of Springfeld will partner with the nonproft Home City Development to construct 11 new affordable single-family homes on municipally owned vacant lots in the Old Hill neighborhood.
Smith Elementary School Danvers, MA
NSP Capital Grants Announced
413.733.6798www.dietzarch.com DESIGN THAT LOOKS GOOD, DOES GOOD. DIETZ CO Architects
The program provides deeper levels of construction subsidy than were previously available through state sources, allowing municipalities and their development partners to address the impacts of longstanding neglect. The $50 million program was authorized as part of a $626 million economic development bill Governor Baker signed into law last year. MassHousing administers NSP on behalf of the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development.
15 Orchard Street, Lawrence: Lawrence CommunityWorks (LCW) will construct four new family-sized homeownership townhomes on a vacant parcel that will be sold to frst-time homebuyers earning up to 80% of AMI.
Rendering courtesy of Maclay Architects and ReArch Company
Photo Credit: Ed Wonsek
11 Green Street, Carver: Habitat for Humanity of Greater Plymouth is acquiring a long-vacant and blighted property from the Town of Carver and redeveloping the home into a new homeownership opportunity for lowincome frst-time homebuyers, with a preference for veterans.
Tranquility House, Springfield: Tranquility House is an existing eightunit single-room-occupancy building that provides congregate supportive housing to women in recovery who are facing homelessness. NSP funds will allow OPCS to address extensive deferred capital needs at the property as well as the rehabilitation of interior spaces.
Chicopee City Hall - Chicopee, MA
Consistent with The Putney School’s fundamental beliefs, specifcally “to steward and protect the land, to seek ways to live on earth that are healthy for all beings, and to shape our community as a model of sustainable living,” the project team is aiming to achieve Living Building
www.high-profile.com September 202214 High-Profile: Up-Front
The NSP is a new capital grant program that provides municipalities and nonproft developers with funds to address blight, abandonment, and disinvestment in resi dential neighborhoods, by providing grants for the construction, reconstruction, reno vation, or repair of substandard rental and homeownership properties. These are the frst grants awarded through the program.
Challenge certifcation for the two new buildings.Throughout the preconstruction process, The Putney School, Maclay Architects, Energy Balance, and ReArch have been considering a wide range of strategies to reduce the building’s carbon footprint and overall energy consumption, while enhancing student and faculty indoor environmental quality. The buildings will not use fossil fuels for heating or cooling, and will feature solar water heating, photovoltaic solar panels, and cold climate heat pumps. The building envelope has been carefully designed to maximize R-value while minimizing air infltration.The project recently started construction and will be completed in October 2023.
Habitat for Humanity North Central Massachusetts will acquire a vacant parcel from the City of Fitchburg and construct a new single-family home, which will be sold to a frst-time homebuyer earning up to 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI).
“Blurring the lines between learning and play”
Communities across the Common wealth are eligible to apply for NSP grant funding, with the program prioritizing projects that will have the greatest impact in weaker markets, including rural commu nities and communities disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The program also prioritizes projects that promote homeownership and that include diverse sponsors. All homes created or re habilitated through the program will remain affordable for at least 15 years.
City of Fitchburg:
12 Congress Street, Worcester: Worcester Community Housing Resources (WCHR) will utilize NSP funding to renovate a two-family property in an historic neighborhood that has sat abandoned for a decade and fallen into severe disrepair.
As a fourth-generation, family-owned business— and one of the state’s original “green” school builders the Fontaine name guarantees quality, safety, and sustainability in the construction of public, private, and independent schools and colleges. Everyone at Fontaine is committed to doing our very best for the educational facilities we work on every day.
TinaBy Stanislaski
The International Building Institute, through its Living Building Challenge
The rationale is clear: By graduation from the 12th grade, a typical student will have spent more than 15,000 hours in school buildings, second only to the time spent at home. The most concerning toxic chemicals are per- and polyfuoroalkyl substances (PFAS), phthalates, fame retardants, and antimicrobials.
(LBC), has identifed “red listed” materials and chemicals used in the building industry that are known to pose serious risks to human health and the environment. The red list serves as a platform for manufacturers to voluntarily disclose product information on “Declare” labels, which the LBC describes as a “nutrition label for building products…designed to help specifers quickly identify products that meet their project requirements.” All active Declare labels are accessible on a free database, searchable by product type, manufacturer, and green building certifcation requirement.
of chemicals in thousands of products typically used in K-12 schools. With an emphasis on high-touch surfaces, items under scrutiny ranged from paint, window coverings, fooring, carpet, and furniture to markerboards, lockers, toilet room partitions, and gymnasium vinyl wall
Phthalates are a group of chemicals used to make plastics more durable. They are in hundreds of products, including vinyl fooring, some paints, and even caulk. CDC fndings indicate widespread phthalate exposure in the general population of the United States.
Bristol-Plymouth Regional Technical School Rendering courtesy of HMFH Architects

A pilot program by the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) was launched with the objective of reducing toxic chemicals found in common building materials and furnishings that have been linked to human health issues, including cancer. Bristol-Plymouth Regional Technical School, a $305 million, 410,000sf facility that will open to grades 9-12 in Taunton, Mass. in the fall of 2026, is the prototype for this ambitious program.

Flame retardant and antimicrobial treatments are commonly found in carpets, carpet padding, and fabrics. Recognizing the need to balance fre retardants with healthy building products, thoughtful architects specify materials that are not apt to burn and encourage building design that meets or exceeds code requirements for sprinkler and fre suppression systems.
Tina Stanislaski, AIA, LEED AP is a principal at HMFH Architects.

Specifying Healthy Building Materials in School Design and Construction

PFAS chemicals, which do not break down in the environment, are used in a wide range of products as protective coat ings. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), animal studies have indicated that PFAS may affect growth, development, reproduction, thyroid and liver function, and the immune system. Since 1999, the CDC has found at least 12 PFAS in the blood serum of human study participants 12 years and older.
To date no public K-12 schools have been constructed with 100% healthy building products, but with major funders like MSBA in the vanguard of this initiative, healthy buildings may soon be the norm and not the exception.
For the Bristol-Plymouth Regional Technical School, the MSBA charged HMFH Architects with reviewing lists

Threepads. different manufacturers are required for any material specifed on a public project in Massachusetts. This adds another layer of complexity to sourcing suitable options that do not contain chemicals that are harmful to animal life or the environment, are readily available, and have nominal budget impact. Proactive outreach to manufacturers and aggressive advocacy for healthy products during value engineering are increasingly important ways that designers can promote healthy building product options for the K-12 school market.
Focus: Educational Facilities
Platinum and is the largest building to receive Living Building Challenge Materials, Equity, and Beauty Petal certifcation.Therenovation of the Soldiers Field Park, a four-building Harvard-affliated housing complex in Allston built in the 1970s, was recently completed. All buildings were renovated and are separately certifed LEED Gold. Adams House, an undergraduate student residence in Cambridge consisting of six buildings primarily built between 1892 and 1932, continues to undergo a phased renovation focused on increased capacity and standard of living. The Adams House renovations are designed to LEED Gold specifcations.“Wehopethe Green Bond designation will help illuminate both Harvard’s and MassDevelopment’s long-standing sustainability efforts and add momentum to the sustainable fnancing market,” said Harvard University CFO and vice president for fnance, Tom Hollister.
Augusta University College of Science and Mathematics

Like many professional organizations, this year has fnally allowed for a chance for people to gather in person again! In July, SCUP members and conference attendees came together for the National Conference in Long Beach, Calif. With around 1100 in attendance, long-time attendees renewed professional friendships/ acquaintances and shared the various challenges of the last two years. A new generation of frst time attendees were able to see what all the SCUP buzz is about. SCUP celebrated the completion of the inaugural Emerging Leaders Program and introduced many of the second cohort group in attendance. The SCUP fellows fnally were able to share their research and be celebrated as well.
Photo courtesy of Kris Snibbe, Harvard University
Harvard University’s Science and Engineering Complex
The bonds received the Green Bond designation by Kestrel Verifers, which are approved verifers accredited by the Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI). The bonds were sold through a public offering underwritten by a syndicate of banks led by Goldman, Sachs & Co., LLC.

Bond proceeds will support projects including the recently constructed Science and Engineering Complex at 150 Western Ave. and recent renovations at the Soldiers Field Park housing complex at 111 Western Ave, both located in Boston’s Allston neighborhood. Bond proceeds will also support the ongoing renovations at the Adams House student residences located adjacent to the undergraduate main campus in Cambridge.
Harvard frst adopted green building standards in 2009, and in 2018, established goals to eliminate the use of fossil fuels on its campus by 2050 and achieve fossil fuel-neutrality by 2026.
SCUP North Atlantic Update
strategist Heather McGowan presented her thoughts on leadership in a post-pandemic world and outlined a call to action. Several of our regional members, institutional and professional, gave presentations and highlighted important work trends for planning at our institutions. Our world is in fux, which has been heightened by the pandemic.Aswe look forward to the fall, we are happy to announce our program to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the birth of Frederick Law Olmsted: “Timeless: The Evergreen Ideals of Olmsted.” Come hear, see and engage at two events: Oct. 11 at Wellesley College and Oct. 25 at Trinity CollegeBoth events will run from 3:00 – 6:00 p.m. and will include a talk, tour, and reception. For more information, check out the SCUP website. What better way to spend a couple of New England October afternoons than on two beautiful campuses designed by the father of landscape architecture!
Heather Taylor is a campus planner and architect at Phillips Exeter Academy and the chair of the SCUP North Atlantic Regional Council.

Harvard University’s Science and Engineering Complex houses the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. The 544,000sf building is certifed Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)

Bonds Support Harvard Climate Goals
As the keynote speaker, celebrated author, speaker, and future of work
Want to participate in SCUP? Act now! The call for proposals for our 2023 Regional Conference in Albany, N.Y. is open! Proposals are due mid-October. The conference, Data and Demographics: Driving the Future of Higher Education, will be hosted by the University at Alba ny, State University of New York (SUNY)

System Administration and the State of New York Construction Fund. The conference will be held on March 22-24, 2023. Check out the conference website for the call for proposals and please sub mit! If you have any questions reach out to the North Atlantic Council members who can all help or direct you appropriately.
Creativity in Design to Enrich Lives

www.high-profile.com September 202216 High-Profile Focus: Educational Facilities
HeatherBy Taylor
Finally, watch the BSA website for information on local BSA/SCUP fall programming! Here’s to an exciting year ahead.
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Cambridge, MA – MassDevelopment has issued $207,830,000 in tax-exempt Green Bonds on behalf of Harvard University, which will use proceeds to fnance or refnance three sustainable university buildings across Boston and Cambridge in support of Harvard’s climate goals.
www.high-profile.com High-Profile Focus: Retail and Hospitality Smart moves are driven by the right conversations. CBA CHARITABLE GOLF TOURNAMENT

University of Chicago’s Woodlawn Commons / Photos courtesy of Capstone Development Partners, Elkus Manfredi Architects
361,000sf, four building facility provides 11 houses – communities designed to foster close academic and social networks throughout a student’s time at the college – and includes a large dining commons, lounges, study rooms and outdoor spaces.

www.high-profile.com September 202218 High-Profile Focus: Educational Facilities x Corporate Headquarters: 116 Hopping Brook Road • Holliston, MA 01746 • (508) 429-8830 Regional Of ces: Charlotte, NC • Durham, NC • Duluth, GA • Pelham, ALMA Lic 4536 A1 MA Lic 8999 A CT Lic ELC.0201601-E1 Visit waynejgrif nelectric.com
In the frm’s second P3 project with Capstone Development Partners and Elkus Manfredi Architects, the team was faced with a unique challenge as the design process was well underway when the Covid pandemic began in spring of 2020. The university’s newly-developed protocols prompted a redesign of the

Campbell-McCabe Contributes to Project at University of Chicago

access control system in relation to the main entry and egress doors and frames, to be able to safely welcome students back to campus in the fall. Mechanical locks were replaced with electrifed-mechanical door hardware in order to incorporate remote access control for key entrances and exits. This allowed the university to restrict access to certain areas of the building when needed to accommodate the infux of students on campus while prioritizing the building occupants’ health and safety.
“With such unique challenges and characteristics, it’s been really exciting to be a part of the evolution of this project,” said Susan McCabe Messier, DHT, principal and owner of Campbell-McCabe Worldwide, LLC. “It’s an honor to support our client in creating a world-class facility that is no doubt a point of pride for the University of Chicago.”
Maynard, MA – Campbell-McCabe, an independent architectural hardware consulting frm and certifed Women’s Business Enterprise (WBE), announced it recently completed work on the University of Chicago’s Woodlawn Residential and Dining Commons in Chicago. Matthew Lewis, Assoc. Arch, AHC, CDT, LEED AP is the frm’s Division 8 specifcation consultant on the Campbell-McCabeproject.provided door hardware consulting specifcation services for the new residential commons at the University of Chicago. The

Turner Construction was the construction manager on the project. As

a certifed WBE, Campbell-McCabe’s participation contributed to the achievement of the University of Chicago’s overall goal of increasing the contracts awarded to women- and minority-owned businesses.

weeks and included a variety of furniture types, including various height furniture, soft seating, and integrated technology. D’Amico stated, “Having students be involved in the design process was critical to making choices that not only ft into the aesthetic of our new facility, but to be sure that it supported our educational outcomes. Students were able to capture not only what the furniture piece did, but how it made them feel.”
Emily Czarnecki, NCIDQ is senior associate, senior interior designer at JCJ Architecture.

wide range of options. We guide decision making based on durability, function, and cost, while simultaneously considering how furniture selections can support the needs of all learners and contribute to creating dynamic spaces and places that are not just fexible and agile, but exciting andWhenengaging.we began the FF&E process with New Fairfeld, I was approached by KI Furniture about whether JCJ was interested in utilizing their “Traveling Classroom.” This program brings a full model classroom environment to a site for immersive testing. The New Fairfeld team was excited about the idea, and the school’s principal, James D’Amico, immediately embraced the concept as a way to determine which furniture was best suited for the school. He decided to test the model classroom by inviting teachers and students into the evaluation and feedback process.
My entire career has been dedicated to the design of educational environments, and I’m always excited to think about how we can evolve our work and collaboration with school and building committees, facility managers, educators, and administrators. JCJ

choosing furniture was going to have a major impact on how students viewed the quality of their learning and would be an important part of their engagement in school,” said D’Amico.
We quickly determined that we would use the KI model to create two additional learning environments with multiple manufacturers to compare a wider range of options. Each trial layout – set up in the media center for drop in or for full class settings – stayed in place for six
The design team was surprised and thrilled by some of the feedback, including students’ enthusiasm for high top tables. Being able to stand while learning helped them feel more professional and collegiate. “By involving students in our decision-making process, we learned that
– James D’Amico
JCJ brings many tools to guide our clients through FF&E design. From visiting furniture showrooms, reviewing samples, and attending events like the annual EDSpaces conference, we work closely with stakeholders to evaluate a
EmilyBy Czarnecki
Inclusion of the Student Voice in Creating a No Risk and All Reward Scenario
Architecture is currently designing a new high school in New Fairfeld, Conn., where we’ve taken a new approach to the design for Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment (FF&E) that we think has exciting potential to build experiential consensus with more end users during the design process.

www.high-profile.com September 2022 19High-Profile Focus: Educational Facilities BrennanConsults.com / 781.273.3434 • Civil Engineering • Traffic and Transportation Engineering • Land Surveying with Laser/Lidar Scanning • Photogrammetric Mapping • Construction Layout Surveying • WBE Certified top to bottom: renderings courtesy NBBJ, Perkins + Will, SMMA Extended Consensus Building:
“By involving students in our decision-making process, we learned that choosing furniture was going to have a major impact on how students viewed the quality of their learning and would be an important part of their engagement in school.”
Students are one of the most important end users, but are rarely involved in this part of the design process. The test environments provided a valuable framework to engage them and gave us the opportunity to gather specifc impressions and preferences from both end user groups: teachers and students. It was a hugely rewarding and eye-opening process for everyone involved.
Cape Cod Regional Technical School / Photo by Greg Premru PhotographySmith Elementary School / Photo by Ed Wonsek and an extensive athletic complex.
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Cape Cod Regional Technical School (CCRT) in Harwich, Mass., with DRA
Architects, features two courtyards that can be utilized by students and faculty as spaces for eating lunch, outdoor learning, socializing, or hosting events. The school campus features many other outdoor spaces such as an entrance plaza with an engraved map of Cape Cod, an outdoor cafe supported by the culinary program, a substantial green roof and roof terrace,

The school showcases several more outdoor spaces such as an outdoor ter race cafe, spectator seating overlooking the felds, hard courts and other small gathering areas.
Photo by Chinburg Properties

Warner Larson Completes K-12 School Projects

Boston – Warner Larson Landscape Architects announced it has completed outdoor spaces for two K-12 public schools in Massachusetts.
www.high-profile.com September 202220 High-Profile Focus: Educational Facilities
The Smith Elementary School project in Danvers, Mass., with Tappe Architects, takes advantage of the natural grades to create an outdoor terrace that seamlessly transitions to the lower learning and

play areas using an accessible walk built into the amphitheater seating and stairs.
In times of rising costs and value man agement, outdoor spaces are facing scop ing challenges to balance overall project budgets. Representatives of Warner Larson say they believe the key in designing these outdoor spaces for public schools is to al low fexibility in how they can be used for learning, social gathering, play and events.
www.high-profile.com September 2022 21High-Profile Focus: Educational Facilities

Located along Derby Street, Franklin Elementary is one of 15 neighborhood elementary schools in Newton. It was originally constructed in 1938 with additions built in 1950 and 1953. The school lacks suffcient programming space and an appropriate music room; the classrooms are undersized for today’s standards; and it is not fully accessible or ADATocompliant.betterunderstand the enrollment, space demands, and physical challenges at the current school, HMFH is beginning with a pre-feasibility phase that includes a facilities assessment, establishment of educational programmatic needs, and development of alternative conceptual design. Moreover, each alternative concept will address educational needs, neighborhood context, and healthy and sustainable principles.

Vista Design will facilitate educational visioning sessions with the Franklin community to assure the program meets the priorities and needs specifc to its students, faculty, staff, and parents.
AET Labs Completes Major Installations
The Engine MIT is a business incubator for high-tech startups with over 150,000sf of lab, offce, and industrial space. AET Labs worked closely with The Engine team to outft the space with the latest advanced manufacturing technologies across a machine shop, prototyping lab, and additive manufacturing lab, which features multiple industrial 3D printers capable of producing full-color, highstrength materials including industrial thermoplastics and even metals.
The Foundry is a self-sustaining
upon sensing any human contact.
In September, HMFH and New
Attleboro High School’s new stateof-the-art facility contains 14 vocational shops. AET Labs has been part of this project from the start, collaborating with KBA, Consigli, and school administration. The AET Labs team has centralized all details and logistics related to hundreds of items across the 14 shops, coordinating deliveries, installing and assembling equipment, and providing training to instructors.
Newton, MA – HMFH Architects announced it has been selected by the City of Newton to conduct a pre-feasibility study for Franklin Elementary School. The redevelopment of Franklin Elementary, whether through new construction or additions and renovations, will be designed to create greater neighborhood and school equity, and is a part of the city’s 10-year plan to modernize its school buildings.
Essex, MA – AET Labs announced it completed the equipment installation for new technical labs at three Massachusetts educational institutions coordinating with architects, construction companies, and school administration. In each project, the company provided end-to-end lab support contributing to design layouts, proposing and procuring equipment, providing equipment specs, centralizing equipment deliveries, commissioning equipment, and training instructors.
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Equipment installation at Attleboro High School

HMFH Selected for Feasibility Study

“The design of highly effcient and sustainable buildings is a priority for Newton, and the creation of wonderful fa cilities that promote 21st century teaching and learning environments helps Newton advance our goals and objectives with regards to excellence in education and in
Franklin Elementary School
AET Labs will be back at each location to provide service and ongoing professional development to each
Electrical Construction Alarm Projects Tel-Data/Security Systems
Tobin Montessori and Vassal Lane Upper Schools / Rendering courtesy of Perkins Eastman
◆ Special
www.high-profile.com September 202222 High-Profile Focus: Educational Facilities

Brennan is underway on several other education projects in Massachusetts including Hunnewell School in Wellesley, Whittier Vocational in Haverhill, Arlington High School in Arlington, Pentucket Regional Middle School in West Newbury, and Waltham High School in Waltham.
Building on 100 Years of Excellence in Electrical Construction Connecting Greater Boston to a Bright Future 20 Carematrix Drive, Suite 300, Dedham, MA 02026 Tel: 617.522.6800 info@jmbco.com www.jmbco.com One Boston,BullfinchCongressCrossingMassachusetts GROUPHYMANDARCHITECTSPELLICLARKEPELLIRENDERING: Member of GREATER BOSTON
A new 3-story, 56,000sf Academic Student Success Center, 35,000sf in renovations, and an overhaul of the campus electrical infrastructure are underway at Bunker Hill Community College in Charlestown. The $63.3 million construction and upgrade of this 50-year-old campus began in April and is expected to be delivered in 2024. Several key innovative components are included such as solar, geothermal, and high-performance envelope design with accommodations for the rising sea level. The college sees 18,000 students annually.The$104.9 million historic restoration
◆ Fire
systems, and necessary upgrades for today’s public education. Originally built in 1917, the restored complex will house 1,000 K-8 students in approximately 162,000sf, combining the existing K-5 Oliver Partnership School and the UP Academy serving grades 6-8. Students and staff have been temporarily relocated for construction which began in May. Oliver is scheduled for a 2025 opening.
Brennan Adds to Education Portfolio
the design are the full-immersion autism spectrum disorder program, Special Start, preschool, and after-school programs.
Burlington, MA – Brennan Consulting, Inc. announced that it is underway on several education projects in Massachusetts.“Ourteam is honored to work in concert with the Commonwealth’s 21stcentury learning initiative and investment in education,” said Laureen Poulakis, president at Brennan. “We provide stateof-the-art technology in our delivery of preconstruction survey services, layout control, foundation and athletic feld layout, steel erection surveys, construction as-builts, and traffc engineering in both the university and preK-12 submarkets.”
Breaking ground in June, the Stoneham High School project in Stoneham includes district offces; a pre-kindergarten; updated programming for grades 9-12 in three stories; an athletic complex; and the Spartan Place, an indoor/outdoor gathering plaza for students and the community. The $190 million, 208,000sf project replaces an existing 1968 building on 40 acres. Opening in the fall of 2024 to 695 high school students, demolition of the existing building will begin shortly thereafter. Outdoor feld construction will continue through 2025.
and adaptive reuse of Oliver School in Lawrence, which includes a large-scale state-of-the-art addition, poses unique challenges due to its urban location, aged

To address aging facilities, the Tobin Montessori and Vassal Lane Upper Schools replacement project in Cambridge is designed as a 359,100sf, preK-8 complex totaling $299 million. Construction by W.T. Rich began in July 2021 and the new 980-student campus will open in fall 2025 on the same site as the existing 1971 school. Students and staff have been temporarily relocated to multiple swing spaces in Cambridge. Underground parking, a rooftop solar array, geothermal feld, and net zero emissions are embraced in the contemporary programming. Site work is extensive with athletic felds, outdoor play spaces, 1.5 million gallon below-grade stormwater storage, rain gardens, and bioswales. Also included in

Oliver School / Rendering courtesy of SMMA

www.high-profile.com September 2022 23High-Profile Focus: Awards canam-construction.com1-866-GOMUROX 466-8769 DESIGN - BUILD HIGH INSTALLATION.SPEED • BUILDING ENVELOPE • STRUCTURAL STEEL FRAMING • LOAD-BEARING PANELS Build times reduced by 50%. The prefabricated building system that sets your imagination free.

www.high-profile.com September 202224 High-Profile Focus: Educational Facilities

A Final Inspirational, Educational Touch
effcient double-loaded corridor with a utility crawl space dug into a hillside. The long exterior walls, oriented north and south, maximize the output of a roofmounted photovoltaic array. The 360kW array, says CMTA/Bemis, will generate enough energy annually to offset all of the building’s energy demands.
Four critical decisions determine the energy effciency of a building during the design process: its massing (the form of the building), solar orientation, envelope, and building systems.
Laurann Asklof, principal of Shipman & Goodwin, LLP, will serve on the board as vice president. She has approximately 30 years of experience in the area of construction law and litigation. She will continue to participate in the chapter’s programs, mentorship, and scholarship committees.
Organizations and Events
Carolyn Kurth, CPA, CFE, of CohnReznick, will return as treasurer. She serves on the scholarship committee.
PWC CT Welcomes New Board
Renovating a Mid-Century School for Net Zero Energy Performance

Massing and orientation were already determined by the existing building: an

How Designing for Net Zero Energy is Different
for air leaks which compromise the envelope’s performance. For comparison, similar facilities have EUIs between 50-70, which meet higher performance energy standards requirements.
Eliza Baron is marketing & communications manager at O&G Industries, Inc.
www.high-profile.com 42 Put the BARNES Advantage to work on your next project! Put the BARNES work your next Photo Credit: Pro Con, Inc. Marketing Dept Alpha Flying – Pease Air Force Base Raymond J. Borque Arena at Endicott College – Beverly, MA Brewster Ambulance – Weymouth, MA P.O. Box 890159 | Weymouth, MA 02189 | Phone: 781-337-5277 Sales@barnesbuildings.com | www.barnesbuildings.com Engineered Steel Building Systems • Steel Fabricators – Structural and Misc Iron Metal Wall Panel Systems – Foam Insulated • Metal Standing Seam and Architectural Roofng Professional Steel Erectors and Installers • Complete Steel Packages Supplied and Installed Design-Build Professionals prepared to meet with your team

The 2021-2022 PWC CT board (l-r): Choity Khan, Kyma Ganzer, and Jennifer
ventilation. Fresh outside air will come through the DOAS to individual spaces throughout the building so that each space receives fresh air based on occupancy and carbon dioxide levels.
Organizations and Events
The 2021-2022 PWC CT board (l-r): Choity Khan, Kyma Ganzer, and Jennifer
Dawn Meeker, director at Marcum, LLP, is returning for a second year as chapter secretary. She now serves as the membership chair and will continue as a volunteer on the awards committee.
TSKP Studio and CMTA/Bemis designed and modeled an envelope and fenestration strategy with an EUI (energy use intensity) target in the low 20s, taking advantage of the school’s existing features. This is achieved by a combination of good insulation and good installation. The pressurization test provides feld verifcation about the installation, testing
Dawn Meeker, director at Marcum, LLP, is returning for a second year as chapter secretary. She now serves as the membership chair and will continue as a volunteer on the awards committee.
PWC CT Welcomes New Board
Kyma Ganzer, project manager at committeeyear.Companies,onboardRobinsonmentorshipRisingrecipientherLaRosa
Hartford, CT – The Professional Women in Construction Connecticut Chapter (PWC CT) recently welcomed its new board of directors for the 2021-2022 program
Architect/designer TSKP Studio and engineers CMTA/Bemis agreed: A common-sense approach to designing and engineering a net zero energy facility begins by frst making the building as energy effcient as it can be, and then designing renewable energy solutions sized to satisfy the remaining demand.
By Eliza Baron
making places memorable King Open/Cambridge Street Upper Schools and Community Complex, Cambridge, MA www.copley-wolff.com 617 654 9000 Copley Wol Design Group Landscape Architects & Plan ners www.high-profile.com 42 Put the BARNES Advantage to work on your next project! Put the BARNES Advantage to work on your next project! Photo Credit: Pro Con, Inc. Marketing Dept Alpha Flying – Pease Air Force Base Raymond J. Borque Arena at Endicott College – Beverly, MA Brewster Ambulance – Weymouth, MA P.O. Box 890159 | Weymouth, MA 02189 | Phone: 781-337-5277 Sales@barnesbuildings.com | www.barnesbuildings.com Engineered Steel Building Systems • Steel Fabricators – Structural and Misc Iron Metal Wall Panel Systems – Foam Insulated • Metal Standing Seam and Architectural Roofng Professional Steel Erectors and Installers • Complete Steel Packages Supplied and Installed Design-Build Professionals prepared to meet with your team
For the building’s systems, the goal was eliminating fossil fuels and relying on electric power. New rooftop photovoltaics then offset the electric usage. Effcient electrical pumps deliver hot and cold water from a central geothermal energy system to small mechanical units in the crawl spaces and closets. Geothermal wells – 60 of them – are sited beneath a feld on school property.
A DOAS unit (dedicated outside air supply) supplements the wells to provide
Kim Colapietro, partner of EDI Landscape, LLC, returns for her third year on the board. She serves as the awards committee chair.
As a testament to the building’s net zero energy features, many of which are not vis ible, a colorful LCD “energy dashboard” in the main entrance displays real-time energy savings, showing K-4 students, teachers, and visitors just how clean and green their rejuvenated school is.
Patriciayear.Bilotto returns as chapter president. She is the manager of marketing and business development for van Zelm Engineers. She has nearly 30 years of experience in marketing, communications, and business development in the AEC industry, and presently serves on the program, membership, and awards committees.
Kim Colapietro, partner of EDI Landscape, LLC, returns for her third year on the board. She serves as the awards committee chair.
Hartford, CT – The Professional Women in Construction Connecticut Chapter (PWC CT) recently welcomed its new board of directors for the 2021-2022 programPatriciayear.Bilotto returns as chapter president. She is the manager of marketing and business development for van Zelm Engineers. She has nearly 30 years of experience in marketing, communications, and business development in the AEC industry, and presently serves on the program, membership, and awards committees.

How Building for Net Zero Energy is Not So Different
Laurann Asklof, principal of Shipman & Goodwin, LLP, will serve on the board as vice president. She has approximately 30 years of experience in the area of construction law and litigation. She will continue to participate in the chapter’s programs, mentorship, and scholarship committees.
Kyma Ganzer, project manager at committeeyear.Companies,onboardRobinsonmentorshipRisingrecipientherLaRosa
Boston Sports Institute – Wellesley, MA Fed Ex Distribution Center – Johnston, RI

Carolyn Kurth, CPA, CFE, of CohnReznick, will return as treasurer. She serves on the scholarship committee.
Remaking a school, built when energy consumption was not a serious consideration, so that it can produce enough of its own renewable energy to offset any energy it needs from the grid: That’s been the goal of the team now wrapping up work at the Buckley Elementary School in Manchester, Conn., the state’s frst net-zero public school renovation. It has proven an ambitious but attainable goal that’s good for the environment, good for the town’s bottom line, and impactful for the children.
Construction manager O&G Industries has been building the net zero energy vision into reality. The company’s track record of constructing energy-effcient schools (O&G boasts Connecticut’s longest list of completed educational facilities – more than 300) with the latest in renewable systems is nothing novel. The only real variations with net zero energy, it says, is the added project coordination with specialized photovoltaic and geothermal partners – that and the fnal pressurization test that checks the whole building for weather tightness.
Buckley Elementary School rendering

www.high-profile.com September 2022 25High-Profile Focus: Educational Facilities Dimeo Construction Company has been serving the construction needs of collegiate campuses throughout New England for over 90 years and has steadily grown to become recognized as an industry leader performing at a consistently high level while exceeding client expectations in a transparent and predictable fashion. Building a Foundation for Education Since 1930 60 CAMPUSES ACROSS NEW ENGLAND OVER 4.0 MMSF OF SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUCTION 15,500 BEDS OF RESIDENTIAL LIVING 3.5 MMSF OF CLASSROOM / ARTS 1.75 MMSF OF ENGINEERING / SCIENCE / LABS 2.9 MMSF OF STUDENT RECREATIONAL / COLLEGIATE SPORTS Photo Credit: Francis Dzikowski Photo Credit: James Ewing Photo Credit: Paul Rivera
Bristol Magnet School Completes Construction
The music program will be located in new large choral and band rooms that make use of the taller spaces in the building for improved acoustics. Adjacent to the music suite are two sound studios for electronic music, composition, and professional recording technology. The acting and dance program at the new magnet school makes use of the restored historic theater within the building, and a black box “studio theater” is located in
architecture of school buildings. It also represented the prosperity and growth of Bristol as an industrial city. It housed an indoor swimming pool, gymnasium, and outdoor athletic felds, as well as a full professional-grade theater with a stage, fy space, and seating for over 900 patrons.The goal of QA+M’s renovation and addition project was to create a new intra-district magnet school for Bristol middle and high school students which, while offering a full core curriculum, would also support students to excel in studying visual and performing arts. To that end, contemporary studio spaces were created within the building’s former classrooms to support not only traditional
Bristol, CT – The City of Bristol is in the fnal phase of completing the Bristol Arts and Innovation Magnet School (Bristol AIMS) located on the grand Memorial Boulevard in the city’s west end. QA+M Architecture was engaged by the city to restore and expand the historic Memorial Boulevard School for its new arts curriculum.Thisyear marks the 100th anniversary of the building, designed by architect George Wilson Potter, who was known for his schools and libraries throughout New York, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut. Sanitary, well-ventilated, and well-lit, the former Bristol High School was an example of the culmination of many years of study on the
Bristol Arts and Innovation Magnet School / Photo by John Woike, Samara Media, LLC

the former pool space. Both are enhanced with entirely new lighting, rigging, audio, and acoustical systems.
The “Rockwell Theater” is designed to not only train students for performance and tech production at a professional level but also provide the city with one of the larger performing arts seating venues in Connecticut.

A new formal lobby with a ticket booth and concessions area has been fashioned so the space can function as a community resource for professional shows. The addition at the rear of the stage house contains theater support spaces including scene and costume shops, which also serve the performing arts curriculum.
arts like painting and sculpture, but also arts technologies including animation, computer-assisted drafting, and 3-D virtual design. There is an art gallery located on the main level of the building, which can also serve as a pre- and posttheater event space.
Inc. Serving NH, MA & Northern New England since 1968
• Sticky stakeholders: Sometimes you can’t afford to spend the time required to handle demanding stakeholders and/or small jobs – the “move two walls, repaint and choose new carpet” projects. Your house doc can get it done while you focus elsewhere.
• Outside perspective: Every team benefts from fresh eyes. We work
Rick Jones, AIA, LEED AP BD+C is director/founder at Jones Architecture.

Photos courtesy Lavallee Brensinger Architects
• Continuity: There’s no substitute for institutional knowledge. When you know how an organization works, you know how to solve its problems, and how not to. We often pilot new ideas or advance organizational goals with small projects that build cohesive benefts over time.
• Responsiveness: On-call means ready to mobilize. It also means trust, born of relationships that strengthen as teams work together project after project. Productivity improves along with quality. As part of our work
www.high-profile.com September 202226 High-Profile Focus: Educational Facilities
How Having a Go-to Architect Makes Better Campuses

TFMoran, Inc. Bedford, NH and Portsmouth, NH (603) 472-4488 www. t fmoran.com
RickBy Jones
This is true whether you have 70,000sf of real estate or 700,000 – or more. While project volume plays into whether your organization will beneft from a house architect, so does your team capacity. In the last year at Jones, projects completed under term agreements have ranged from planning assessments for Northeastern University, to a new hockey locker room
Cape Cod Community College
The work of a house doctor can vary wildly, both in scope and the user group(s) served. It encompasses planning, design and construction, and can be an area of a building, whole buildings, or campus precincts. It may also mean addressing deferred maintenance. Regardless of scope or scale, the projects are all important, often represent an opportunity for transfor mation, and can fundamentally change the day-to-day life of users. Small projects can lead to big solutions that shape your organi zation. We’d never want to miss out on that, and neither should any college campus.
Manchester Community College Advanced Technologies Building

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• Increase bandwidth. Make a small facilities team bigger; make a big facilities team more productive.
for the UMass Minutemen and a major renovation to MIT lab spaces. The point is not the size or the complexity of a project, but the thinking behind it. Below are seven more to consider:

UMass Amherst Hockey locker room

“House doctor” is common parlance in our industry, referring to a consultant who is on-call to assist an organization, often under a master or term contract agree ment. Projects may be planning or design and construction, simple or complex.
with MIT on classroom projects that come with robust standards. Still, we challenge assumptions and often pilot ideas along the way based on what we are seeing in other campus learning spaces. We discuss insights at the end of each project and, when appropriate, roll learnings into the standards.
Contact: Robert Duval, PE, Paul Sbacchi, Chief Structural Engineer

LEED AP–President or
• Design always matters (not just for the signature building). Even the smallest projects make a difference in the daily lives of the people who use it. House doctors bring the knowledge of the larger system to design in every corner. With Cape Cod Community College, we led a landscape and civil team to develop broad accessibility solutions that make the college more attractive to potential students, and earned a BSA Design Award.
with Northeastern on their Innovation Campus we had weekly meetings. Frequently we’d get “breaking news” during the meeting regarding the latest venture to commit to the space. Because the companies always had limited time and funding to prove viability, the spaces that support these enterprises had to be up and running at record speed. Success hinged as much on creative delivery as it did on creative design.
• Effciency and simplicity: Save the time and resources inherent in going to market for every project. Simplify procurement and contracts. Ease communication and reduce “up to speed” time.
When we begin a new project as a house doc, we’re bringing the experience of every project that has come before it with that university, and often with forethought about those ahead. This context includes an understanding of organizational identity, standards, preferences, goals and ways of working – an accumulation of institutional knowledge that pays multiple dividends, from increased effciency to better design.
www.high-profile.com September 2022 27High-Profile Focus: Educational Facilities

Networking lab
Amenta Emma Designs CCSU Building
learning. A 180-seat lecture hall off the main entry common space provides space for scheduled classes and special programmed events. A student services advising and career space, also directly off the main lobby, is designed to foster ease
Open air stair with mural of access to CCSU’s diverse student body. The project team also included Davis Brody Bond, BVH Integrated Services, vanZelm Engineers, Jaffe Holden Acoustics, Langan Engineering, and Ritz Henton Design Group.

Featured elements include a robotics lab for CCSU’s robotics program and a 30 foot high material testing structures lab. Multiple dedicated student project rooms and open collaborative areas are located on each level to promote project-based

Robotics lab at Central Connecticut State University’s Applied Innovation Hub
The facility, which opened to students for the spring 2022 semester, serves as the primary new home for engineering department spaces in CCSU’s School of Engineering, Science and Technology, as well as computer and general-purpose classroom spaces available to the overall university. Lab, classroom, student project, and faculty spaces support both undergraduate and graduate programs in mechanical, electrical, computer, and civil
Theengineering.AppliedInnovation Hub includes a transparent ground foor lobby and multi-purpose lounge space overlooking a hive of activity immediately outside its walls, in combination with open student spaces throughout, designed to promote the signifcance of the building as a place of innovation, interdisciplinary education, and university-wide congregation. Designers were challenged to accommodate the functional program, harness the best value for the $44.8 million construction budget, embrace fexibility with both technology infrastructure and space, and achieve energy performance and sustainability goals.
New Britain, CT – Amenta Emma Architects announced it recently completed the 93,000sf Applied Innovation Hub at Central Connecticut State University (CCSU) in New Britain.

Main Lobby

The project team members also in cluded GGD Consulting Engineers, MEP; Samiotes Consultants, civil; IBI Group, landscape; AKAL, fre protection; FBRA Foley Buhl Roberts & Associates, struc tural engineering; McPhail, geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering; CTA Cavanaugh Tocci Associates, AV; P-L-S Point Line Space, case work/FF&E; Crabtree McGrath, kitchen consulting; and Theatre Projects, theater consultant.
High-Profile Focus: Educational Facilities

Weymouth Mayor Robert Hedlund cuts the ceremonial ribbon to mark the opening of the new school.
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www.high-profile.com September 202228
(l-r) Ted Langill, chair, School Building Committee; Jack McCarthy, executive director, MSBA; Frank Hayes; Robert Hedlund, Mayor of Weymouth; Paul Heneghan, BOND Building; and Matthew Hines, BOND Building

Ribbon Cutting Held for Weymouth School
Maria Weston Chapman Middle School
Weymouth, MA – BOND Building Construction, Inc. and HMFH Architects announced the completion of the new 252,000sf Maria Weston Chapman Middle School in Weymouth. The building will host over 1,400 students, grades 6-8, when the new school year begins on Sept. 6.

The $163 million project, commissioned by the Town of Weymouth, was constructed by BOND Building. Designed by HMFH, the Chapman Middle School features three academic wings and a variety of lab and makerspaces which are built around the school’s new “Town Square,” a central circulation space and gathering area that also functions as the dining facility. It features an 840-seat professional performance theatre space that will be utilized by students as well as the broader “Hearingcommunity.theprideand the way that people spoke about Chapman, we took as part of our mission to design the new
Chapman with that level of love, care and enthusiasm so that great learning can happen here, and so that one day it can serve as a symbol of this community,” said Matt LaRue, project designer at HMFH.

A ribbon cutting ceremony was held on Aug. 6 to celebrate the completion of the project. In addition to members of the BOND Building and HMFH Architects teams, other attendees included State Sen ator Patrick O’Connor and State Represen tative James Murphy; Hill International, the owner’s program manager; Weymouth offcials; Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) representatives; and
local community members.
www.high-profile.com September 2022 29High-Profile Focus: Educational Facilities
Media center
West Haven, CT – Antinozzi Associates Architecture & Interiors announced it provided the design and construction administration services for the renovation of West Haven High School (WHHS) in WestAntinozziHaven.

cafeteria and media center to make way for a new science classroom addition and new gymnasium and locker rooms.
Antinozzi Designs West Haven High School
Photo courtesy of Gilbane Building Company
West Haven High School
virtue of their adjacencies to the academic section, the common spaces were isolated from the academic areas to control unauthorized public access into student spaces. The media center, located above the main entrance, serves as the primary focal point for the completely renovated facility, and aligns visually with the high school’s athletic facilities and a view of Long Island Sound.

Renovation of an existing 3-story building was also part of Phase 2. Phase 3 included the demolition of the existing auditorium and music rooms, the renovation of the northern wing of academic spaces, and the demolition of the existing gym and southern academic building. A fnal Phase 4 added during construction increased the size of the cafeteria and added six additional classrooms with offce spaces.
The existing high school site accommodated a 1963 building combining one-, two-, and three-story sections totaling nearly 300,000sf, as well as an extensive new athletic complex recently developed at the south end of the property. The school was occupied during the entire construction period, and the modernization of the facility was implemented in four phases with the majority of the new construction occurring in the common spaces: the auditorium, cafeteria, and gymnasium.
Phase 1 included the administrative offces, building services, cafeteria, fullservice kitchen, culinary arts classrooms, tech-ed shops, media center, auditorium, and art/music classrooms. Phase 2 included the demolition of the existing
With the emerging focus on school facilities functioning as community
gathering spaces, the auditorium and art/music areas were designed to be accessible after hours by the public. By
Associates frst conducted a facility audit of the school site in 2009 in association with the Capitol Region Education Council, the school district, and the City of West Haven. Based largely on the frm’s delivery of a successful design and extensive public relations effort, Antinozzi Associates was selected for the 275,000sf, $130 million project.
The WHHS project was completed in August 2021. Antinozzi Associates has now begun work on the design of West Haven’s new Washington Elementary School facility, slated for completion in the summer of 2024.
team renovated a Rite Aid and Subway restaurant for conversion into the 15,000sf franchised private preschool and educational daycare facility. The property, located in Sudbury Crossing, is owned by Phillips Edison & Company. In addition to the Goddard School, Sudbury Crossing tenants include T.J. Maxx and PureWorkBarre.on the building conducted by Acella included a complete demolition of the interior back to exterior framing and block walls, including removal of the entire slab. All new underground plumbing was installed for the 17 new restrooms, and new Carrier roof top mechanical units were installed.
electrical and lighting upgrades at no cost to the school. Local 103 and Lynnwell drafted plans and procured approval by the school, secured 20 volunteers to donate labor, and provided all tools and equipment.Thevolunteers completed the work over two phases. The team completed the frst phase over April vacation, upgrading 19 classrooms with an average of 12 new light fxtures per room. Local 103 and Lynnwell returned to the school in August to upgrade lighting in offces, the cafeteria and other rooms.
The building features Tarkett LVT fooring throughout, and Daltile wall tile was installed in all of the restrooms within the facility. A Zono Technologies disinfecting and sanitizing cabinet was alsoO’Sullivaninstalled. Architects. Inc. and Wozny/Barbar & Associates, Inc. served as project architect and MEP engineer, respectively. Civil engineering was performed by Williams & Sparages.
The Goddard School of Sudbury

Delivering Architecture and Interior Design Services to Educational Organizations for More than 65 Years! www.antinozzi.com | 203.377.1300 High-Profile Focus: Educational Facilities

When Local 103 leaders learned from school administrators that lighting at the dual language school was among a list of substandard facilities, they recruited volunteer electricians as well as signatory electrical contractor Lynnwell Associates, which performs routine maintenance at Boston Public Schools, and Standard Electric, an electrical supply company that partners with Eversource on a credit program helping to replace old lighting with new LED lighting.
Sudbury, MA – Acella Construction Corporation recently completed construction of The Goddard School of Sudbury at 437 Boston Post Road in Sudbury.TheAcella

IBEW Local 103 Makes Upgrades at Roxbury School

Boston – International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 103 electrical worker volunteers recently installed new LED lights at the Rafael Hernández Dual Language K-8 School in Roxbury.Theupgrades done at the Hernández School are the frst of a series of work projects IBEW Local 103 plans to donate to schools in need throughout the city. “We consider it our duty to give back to our community and we are always proud to do so, especially our public schools that are chronically under-resourced,” said IBEW Local 103 business manager/
www.high-profile.com September 202230
The school features rooms for infants, frst steps, toddlers, and preschoolers, in addition to multi-purpose rooms, several offces and a kitchen. On the exterior is a fenced in playground with grass turf, a rubberized play area and playground equipment. A complete new Cultec drainage system was installed for the new playground area, along with a new retaining wall to allow for the grade changes required to level the play area.
The group assessed the Hernández school to determine how to optimize
Francis Walsh Intermediate School / Branford

Cranbury Elementary School / Norwalk
fnancial secretary, Lou Antonellis.
Construction Finished on Daycare Facility

The new building is an upgrade in every sense, with improved facilities, technology, and temperature control. Precast concrete materials support on-going operations with their inherent durability and low maintenance. The new precast high school provides a pipeline to support the local industry workforce.
Newly constructed Platt Technical High School now offers state-of-the-art facilities for students in Milford, Conn. Originally built in the 1970s, the old school was in need of major upgrades. Initiated by the Connecticut Technical Education and Career System, the facility addresses student demand, educational trends and industry needs.
Construction Manager at Risk

The cafeteria and gymnasium/ fitness center were enclosed by precast concrete walls and the open bays for trade training utilized precast interior walls. Precast hollowcore planks, manufactured by Fabcon Precast, were used to span the mezzanine areas while precast double tees, manufactured by Unistress Corp., serve as the high level floor and roof system.
While the program of study integrates academic learning and vocational skills, the structure itself blends architectural precast cladding with a steel structure.
Platt Technical High School
on both vocational instruction and the reading, writing and math necessary for success in life.
Precast Concrete Achieves High Marks at Platt Technical High School

www.high-profile.com September 2022 31High-Profile Focus: Educational Facilities ADVERTORIAL W W W . P C I N E . O R G

The technical high school is 225,000sf and includes classrooms, science labs, vocational training areas, art rooms, culinary arts and cosmetology program spaces, student commons, a gymnasium, multipurpose space, media center and administrative offices. Vocational programs prepare students for the real world. The curriculum at Platt Technical focuses
Manufactured by Coreslab Structures (CONN) Inc., the architectural precast panels feature a buff colored concrete matrix with both exposed aggregate and light to medium sandblast finishes. Dark grey pigment was used in the 2-story academic wing. Those panels feature an acid etched finish.
The project team worked together with three PCI-certified producers to assure that precast concrete was manufactured and delivered in a timely fashion. Components were closely coordinated from Coreslab Structures (CONN) Inc. in Thomaston Conn., Fabcon in Selkirk, N.Y., and Unistress Corp. in Pittsfield, Mass.
(CMAR) Morganti Construction, Danbury, Conn., worked with project architect, Drummey Rosane Anderson (DRA). The team worked to minimize the impact to students and faculty during construction. School remained in session for the duration, and the original structure was demolished to make room for athletic fields.
Platt Technical High School
The 2-story sections are a total precast system. Combining the talents and products of several area precast manufacturers, a variety of products were used on the sprawling building.

Both the architecture and landscape are integral to the pedagogy of the program and are intended to remove obstacles to learning that are specifc to its students. Recognizing the needs of both children and young adults, the building is designed to nurture the development of each student’s confdence, self-knowledge andOrganizedindependence.intwo curved wings, the school features specialized classrooms:
Chestnut Ridge, NY – Charles Rose Architects (CRA), of Somerville, Mass., announced that design development and permitting are complete on the Otto Specht School Center for Learning in Chestnut Ridge.
The center features a LEED Platinum design, and the building is net-zero and sequesters carbon. CRA’s design services were provided pro bono.
JME partnered with and is working alongside ENE Systems on this project. Michael Saracco, director of sales & marketing at ENE, noted, “ENE was very pleased to be chosen as the BMS system contractor for the new Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School. We installed a BMS system which incorporated solar information, weather station data, integrated mechanical systems, and utility meter monitoring.”
3M™ Safety & Security Films that help fortify windows and hold glass in place upon impact. Vigorously tested, these flms provide an immediate measure of safety for schools, retail shops, malls, banks, hospitals and other buildings that require improvements to safety standards.

The Dennis Yarmouth Middle School, a fast-paced job which began on April 30, 2021 with a groundbreaking ceremony, is slated to conclude in October of this year. As many as 10 JME electricians were assigned to this $109 million construction project. From the very start, sustainability, stormwater management, fre protection, accessibility, security, and the health and wellness of students, faculty, and staff have been priorities for the school which is located 88 miles south of Boston on CapeTheCod.JME team has overseen the installation of all major mechanical and monitoring systems, including 15 rooftop HVAC units and more than 130
The new school will feature classrooms, a gymnasium, state-of-the-art science labs and makerspaces designed to inspire creativity, innovation, imagination, and experimentation. The school will also offer expansive indoor and outdoor performing arts spaces and athletic felds, as well as landscaped outdoor learning, ftness, and age-appropriate play spaces.
American Window Film, offers

Established 1975 Boston Building Emissions Reduction and Disclosure Ordinance (BERDO), NYC’s Local Law 97 and many other cities moving towards emissions reduction tax - we can help!

South Yarmouth, MA – JM Electrical (JME) is currently working on the new Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School, a 184,000sf facility that will serve more than 900 students in grades 4-7.
and grounding for focused learning. For those struggling with transition, the coherence between environment and activity is intended to support a successful life and learning experience.
The Otto Specht School new Center for Learning / Rendering by Charles Rose Architects

terminal boxes feeding radiant panel heating/cooling coils to ensure optimal temperature for all occupants. The Building Management Systems (BMS) JME installed are designed to monitor equipment – from lighting and irrigation to heavy-duty kitchen appliances, electric meters, and generators – to ensure they are operating safely and effciently.
multitude of dysregulation experienced by individuals with autism and learning disabilities. The curvilinear design of the common hallways was imagined to encourage fowing movement as students transition from one activity to the next. In contrast, simple rectilinear classrooms are designed to provide safe, predictable spaces that promote spatial orientation
JME Underway on Cape Cod School
a computer room, science lab, visual arts spaces, music rooms, library, a performance and eurhythmy hall, therapy rooms, a vocational kitchen and craft studios. A large central gathering space is nestled between the two volumes and is designed to serve as the heart of the community.Therapeutic movement addresses the
The new school is under construction on a district-owned site on Station Avenue in South Yarmouth. The centrally located campus will replace the aging Mattacheese Middle School in West Yarmouth and Nathaniel H. Wixon School in South Dennis. This is one of the largest school projects in JME’s more than 35-year history.
New Otto Specht School Serves Students with Learning Challenges
The school is dedicated to providing an inclusive academic, vocational and artistic Waldorf education to students and young adults with learning challenges and developmental delays. Designed by CRA, the new 21,000sf Center for Learning will be the latest addition to the Threefold Educational Foundation’s existing 200acreSitedcampus.ondonated land atop a wooded slope, the school is adjacent to an existing K-12 Waldorf School, an elder care facility, community gardens, a medicinal garden and the nation’s frst biodynamic farm, where students participate in gardening, farming and animal husbandry.
www.high-profile.com September 202232 High-Profile Focus: Educational Facilities

Building a new gymnasium, athletic center, or multipurpose space is a major capital improvement project for any school, institution, or business. For satisfying long-term results, the planning and design phase must focus heavily on ensuring the longevity of your structure while accounting for all potential uses of the space. Having built athletic centers for businesses such as Bass River Tennis Club and Danvers Indoor Sports, as well as for schools such as New England Academy, Covenant Christian Academy, and Governor’s Academy, Connolly Brothers has gained signifcant insight into the questions and factors that should be addressed at the outset.
In our region, some may opt for a heatonly approach, using destratifcation fans to push heat downward during the winter.
Jay Connolly is the president of Connolly Brothers, Inc.

200 Friberg Parkway, Suite 1004 Westborough, MA 01581 508 480 aemsolutions.com8200 500 Corporate Row Cromwell, CT 06416 800 890 cttempcontrols.com2022 Let AEM & CTC provide highperformance buildings that foster student success, while gaining control of energy consumption and lowering costs.

Remember to consider your technical setup as well. While many vendors offer Wi-Fi-compatible lighting controls, digital screens, and audio, a hardwired system may be advisable if you will be using the space for events that must be internet outage-proof.
lighting systems, comfortable seating, a video screen-style scoreboard capable of displaying any video feed (rather than just a score), and especially retractable partitions will typically be well worth the equipment investment.
There are many more factors to examine so it is best to reach out, as early as possible, to a planning, design, and construction partner that can help you realize the best possible athletic center, gym, or multipurpose space for your organization’s budget and needs.

Athletic Center Construction and Multipurpose Space Design
www.high-profile.com September 2022 33High-Profile Focus: Educational Facilities
important components to evaluate in the planning and design phase. Many educational institutions are drawn to traditional glossy maple wood fooring with the school’s logo. Such a choice is best paired with a high-quality HVAC system, as humidity control is imperative with wooden gym fooring. Without a proper HVAC plan in place, moisture can cause gym foors to buckle. Temperature control in athletic centers, gyms, and large multipurpose spaces can be complicated given the amount of cubic space involved.
Clear heights are another important question to address. If the facility will house indoor sports other than basketball – for instance, volleyball – more clear space will be necessary, which may enable additional opportunities. For example, New England Academy chose to use this additional space to add an elevated track for year-round running.
The most crucial factor to consider
when planning and designing a new athletic facility is your organization’s full scope of intended usage. Beyond locker rooms, most modern athletic centers now also include training and physical rehabilitation spaces. If this new space will be used for sports, graduation ceremonies, band camp, etc., be sure to envision what each of those events will look and feel like before fnalizing your design. For instance, if the space will host musical, dance, or dramatic productions in situations where a traditional theater is not possible, modern performance
Covenant Christian Academy Performing Arts and Athletic Center in Peabody, Mass., designed and built by Connolly Brothers / Photo by Camille Maren

JayBy Connolly
Making sure your athletic center or multipurpose space withstands the test of time begins with careful consideration of the facility’s roof. In our northeastern U.S. region, exploring roof systems that will be adequate for winter snow load is critical. HVAC and fooring are also
We’ve aided in the recruitment of new apprentice entrants into the VEICA organization members, and we’ve been very successful in partnering with VTC
I wish I had better news to report in this arena. I don’t. But we remain committed to working with state and federal partners to try and make progress in any way that we Overcan. the last six months, AGC/VT has enhanced programs and expanded engagement opportunities. We’ve looked at how to better integrate programs and services to offer more useful and concise programming. Our aim is to not only serve the owners and employers, but also the next generation of builders and those people in the feld who are rapidly advancing in leadership roles based on our present workforce situation.
That’sabandon.adiffcult chore and by no means complete, because it becomes multi-generational. The old adage that “we’ve done this forever and need to do it again” isn’t necessarily correct. What we have to look at, and what we have been looking at as an association is, “What does the next generation of builders want and need and does our association deliver that?”
www.high-profile.com September 202234 High-Profile: Special Report
infationary escalation of prices, and we’ve spent a great deal of time trying to help you get through that obstacle. The bigger obstacle is that the Agency of
Transportation does not have the ability or the resources to help us through escalation and infationary problems based on the present-day bidding process.
We’ve created partnerships between the VT Ready Mix group to aid in the delivery of mining and concrete products. We’ve created a partner organization called Construct Vermont that is working diligently at building Vermont’s construction workforce, which over the last six months has delivered over 2,000 Vermonters to the construction workforce. The industry itself could use another 2,000 workers. We realize that and we’re working toward that.
We’ve had several conversations with the Agency of Transportation concerning
We’re Underwater (And That’s a Good Thing)
We’ve also partnered with the Vermont Fuel Dealers to provide training opportunities and recertifcation opportunities to their members. Finally, we’ve realigned Project RoadSafe to become a professional driver’s group to serve the needs of our CDL drivers and heavy equipment operators.

As we have looked at ways to better align people and processes for the effciency and growth that will be needed over the next 3-4 years, we’ve found that the hardest internal decisions to make have been what services or pieces we should
AGC/VT has now started to work with Federal Highway and our congressional delegation to try and alleviate or provide some help. On top of that, we’ve moved some resources to aid in the bidding and engineering processes being used by different groups and agencies. We’re working to let our agency partners understand that the estimates you made 12-18 months ago that are being used for bids today, are not viable or reliable, and that anything estimated 2-18 months ago is probably about 30% short today.
We’ve run programs and training to better align people and process, not only in our organization but in outside organizations to assist in the continued support necessary for all construction related companies and businesses to excel.
On the engagement side, we’ve hosted a number of exciting events recently. We’ve run two very successful Burgers & Brews outings, and have a big one coming up at AGC/VT headquarters. (Tip: I’d step away from that laptop and come join us, if I were you. You don’t want to miss this one.)We have not one, not two, but three golf tournaments that we’re hosting this year: the annual AGC/VT one; the VEICA tournament; and we’ve added the Black, White, and Dusty again to the roster. Proceeds from these tournaments are spent on workforce development, scholarships, and increasing inclusion within the industry.
When I tell you that we’re underwater, it’s not a bad thing. It means that your association has become even more focused on helping you work productively, with less stress, and more proftably, so that you can remain more competitive in thisThanksmarket. for everything you do this month and every month to keep engaged, to keep your workforce healthy, and to keep our industry strong.
But in association speak, underwater means we as an organization have grown to capacity. Over the last year, the association has added 30 new members –the most ever.
Richard J. Wobby

A Message from Richard J. Wobby, Executive Vice President of the Associated General Contractors of Vermont
We’ve made it to midyear, and I think it’s important to let everyone know where we stand and what we’re doing. Your AGC/VT offce is underwater. Now in contractor speak, underwater means it’s costing more than expected, which in this time and day – infation and recession – I know we all understand.
Post Covid, AGC/VT has proven to be the strongest construction, business association in the state, if not New England. To be able to say that means we had to concentrate resources in the way that our members asked us to.
and several of the career technical centers to help deliver tomorrow’s electricians.

www.high-profile.com September 2022 35 Contact: Joseph A. Barra | jbarra@rc.com | 617.557.5901 Admitted in MA, NY, VT
Jeffs also served as workforce education director for a 300-company regional manufacturers association. As a work-injury reduction consultant, he has operated across the U.S. in processing plants, offce buildings, healthcare settings, defense contractors and more. He’s also a doctoral-level lecturer at
Stacy Frederick Spector is a coach and facilitator with Catamount Consulting, as well as a practicing attorney.

Our team of experienced construction attorneys has dedicated their practice to the built environment. Our attorneys are called upon for advice on all types of public and private projects, from planning and procurement through design, construction and the post-completion warranty period. We practice construction law in Vermont and throughout New England.

operation, despite his over-qualifed ability to do the task. Why? He was fearful of being exposed, or in other words, being vulnerable. What if he made a mistake; what if the team members poked fun at him or made comments? Clearly the culture he worked in was not one of connection, trust, and shared purpose. If a senior supervisor is not willing to be vulnerable in a situation like this, imagine the mindset of the rest of the team working under that supervisor. It seems the argument can be made that those team members would spend a signifcant amount of time and energy trying to “fy under the radar.” We would argue that you could not be more disengaged as an employee when you are trying to fy under the So,radar.at the next jobsite safety meeting when the question is asked: How can we improve our safety? Raise your hand up like a ffth grader and answer: culture! When your company invests its time and resources in providing training and initiatives that focus on the basics – connection, trust, and purpose – the return is a more engaged, productive, and safe team.
Warrensburg, NY – Catamount Consulting, a national safety consulting frm, announced that Matt Jeffs, DPT, PSM, REAS has joined the Catamount Team as an educator/ergonomist/ consultant/clinician. He will be based in Catamount’s North Carolina and Florida

simple formula for achieving the highest levels of jobsite safety which is based on the concept that safety is a byproduct of a strong culture. The basics of a strong culture include connection, trust, and a shared vision or purpose. This simple or basic approach toward risk reduction and risk management is backed by droves of scientifc research and data.
Matt Jeffs universities and global governments. Jeffs applies his expertise in risk exposure relief to enhance a lasting workplace safety culture.
To share an example of this mindset, during a routine onsite training, a senior supervisor of one of the companies we work with refused to demonstrate a relatively simple task related to forklift
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Are You Safer than a 5th Grader?
Catamount Consulting Welcomes Jeffs
“common stories.” It is that simple. When members of an organization feel accepted, appreciated, valued, and share a common story or purpose, they are highly engaged. A highly engaged employee is a much safer employee. Gallup’s 2016 meta-analysis study showed that business units with engagement scores in the top quartile of Gallup’s employee engagement database had 70% fewer safety incidents compared with bottom-quartile units. Unfortunately, Gallup also reports that only 36% of employees in the U.S. are engaged.Let’s come back to the ffth grader’s inherent willingness to show vulnerability and adopt a growth mindset, two extremely important qualities which become easily eroded with age and experience. Children in their early years do not overthink situations and over analyze their emotional exposure possibilities. However, most experienced adults avoid situations which involve emotional exposure, the inability to control an outcome or involve a high potential of failure. However, these are the situations in which connection, trust and a purpose are most readily grown.
Catamount Consulting, LLC follows a

It was Abraham Maslow, an American psychologist best known for his work around human motivation, that identifed a hierarchy of innate needs that a person must have met to reach their fullest potential. When pursuing a high standard of safety, Maslow would contend the two most essential needs are belonging and esteem. Catamount Consulting has identifed the tools for activating belonging and esteem within the individuals of an organization. Have meaningful conversations with each other, let people know they are valued and appreciated, and learn your
is a 30+ year educator, ergonomist, consultant, and clinician. He is a doctor of physical therapy, a lean ergonomist, and is credentialed with the state of Florida’s Manufacturing Extension Program.
HP is Expanding into the Green Mountain state! Do you design or build in the Vermont area? We want to hear from you! High-Profile is expanding its readership into the Vermont area. If you’re an A/E/C firm that is looking for additional exposure, send us your news at editor@high-profile.com with the subject “VT SECTION”. For questions regarding content or advertisements, email Anastasia@high-profile.com.

We all might remember the popular game show from the early 2000s called “Are you Smarter than a 5th Grader.” What great entertainment to watch frsthand, the way in which adults can overthink things and forget the basics. These same criticisms can be made about the way we answer the question of how we make jobsites safe or safer. So, what exactly made those ffth graders so successful in comparison to their adult competitors? It’s the “basics.” Their ability to keep things simple, be vulnerable, and look through growth mindset lenses.
By Stacy Frederick Spector
• Workforce development programs and technical assistance
Benefits of Variable Speed Limit Systems
VSL Units Key Challenges
The Benefits and Challenges of Variable Speed Limit Systems
The facility features a separate indoor vehicle drop-off for customers leaving their vehicles for service work. The new highly durable and cleanable service area provides 14 state-of-the-art services bays. Service team members are supported by an organized and

Spotlight on Barre, Vermont
• Excellent schools, healthcare andAdditionally,lifestyle Barre City is an opportunity zone. The Barre area features an airport for jets, a large trucking company and rail to its industrial park, and a wide range of small support businesses such as surveyors, plumbers, electricians, building contractors, CAD welding and design, 3D printer companies and several machine shops.
The two major perspectives in the outlook are defined as follows:
Located in the heart of Central Vermont, Barre is one of Vermont’s most cosmopolitan cities surrounded by rolling hills, bucolic farms and wilderness that attract tourists to high quality cultural, entertainment, and outdoor recreational experiences. The Granite Center of the World is home to unique museums, diverse restaurants, vibrant visual and performing arts, and one of the top ten mountain biking trail systems in New England.
High performance MEP systems, ample daylighting, an airtight building envelope, skylights, and heat recovery ventilation contribute to the sustainability and energy effciency of the facility.
Speed homogenization forecasts normally apply basic algorithms from realtime traffc to report safety improvements and natural road conditions.
Benefits of VSL systems:
effcient parts storage system with plenty of room to grow. Also included are an employee lounge, locker rooms, offces and a conferencing area.
3. Capability to Relate to Road Weather Information Systems (RWIS) to Minimize Speeds during Cold Climate VSL units can process weather
The project team included Black River Design Architects, Pearson Associates, Slade Engineering, Ruggiano Engineering, and Hardy Structural Engineering.
VSL units manage vehicles’ speeds to enhance traffc fow and promote safety. VSL promotes traffc fow by applying vehicles’ speed limit when there is an ongoing road construction ahead. It also makes it easy for cars to change lanes by running speed distribution across lanes.
www.high-profile.com September 202236 High-Profile: Special Report
• Affordable commercial and industrial real estate for sale or lease
1. Provide Safer Speeds in Work Zones
As a result of recent public and private investment, central location, affordable housing, recreation and cultural attractions, the Barre Area, comprised of the city of Barre and the surrounding town of Barre, is recognized as an upcoming micropolitan area.

Neagley & Chase Completes Dealership

system. The system boasts of two major outlooks that are adversely defned.
Variable speed limits were frst launched in the 1960s. In the 1970s, it was introduced as a motorway traffc control
• Incident detection systems that enhance safety by enforcing the speed limit instantly in case of incidents, thus, minimizing the possibility of more incidents.
The following are excerpts from an article by Debra Ricker, president of Worksafe Traffc Control Industries

Variable speed limits disposals can regulate traffc and enforce effciency and safety. Because variable speed limit
systems have different formation goals and correlating system design, differing benefts are realized.
2. Seamless Traffc Flow and Minimal Delays
Implementing a VSL system is no easy task and comes with challenges, such as the enforcement of varying speeds, setting of speed limits, and driver comprehension of theTheresystem.are various systems installed across the country, and they can be different and unique, with divergent characteristics and performance. Some of the challenges experienced by states in the running of these units include recruitment of experienced staff with broad capabilities to manage VSL systems, maintenance of reliable and nationwide communication, coming up with methods that encourage compliance to VSL signs, generating public consent via outreach activities, lack of valuable data to holdup VSL system rationale, VSL hardware and software failures, and lag in data that results in delayed information for setting road speed limits.
Debra Ricker
• Homogenization systems that avert traffc congestion by applying minimized speed limits when traffc fow is in near-capacity to prevent unstable traffc situations.
The Barre area offers:
Projects that involve Active Traffc Management (ATM) systems relay practical mobility data for the safety of workers and motorists.
VSL systems enforce the speed limit of vehicles approaching work zone areas, thus cars pass through at safe speeds.
The Barre Area Development Corporation (BADC) is a nonproft organization that promotes economic development in Barre Town and Barre City, and is available to help those interested in growing a business in or moving a business to Barre. Visit barrevt.com for more info.
A Variable Speed Limit (VSL) system comprises several VSL signs and connected detectors for measuring a traffc situation. VSL shows some speed limits, based on the perceived traffc state adjacent to the sign and the traffc state both upstream and downstream.
• Financing options for businesses of all sizes

Haddad Subaru Sales and Service Facility / Photos courtesy of Stina Booth Photographer

St. Albans, VT – Neagley & Chase Construction announced it recently completed the new 32,000sf Haddad Subaru Sales and Service Facility in St. Albans.The facility, the frst New England Subaru dealership in over 20 years, opened to customers this summer, bringing Subaru sales, parts, and service to northwest Vermont. An enhanced customer experience is supported by spaces that include a large daylit showroom, a lending sales suite, and reception and guest service areas. The guest retreat area includes hospitality grade furnishings, a freplace, entertainment, and coffee bar.
• The second largest labor market in the state of Vermont
information for the beneft of the road user. Due to this, many agencies install VSL systems.
• Affordable residential real estate for sale
There are currently 27 LEGOLAND
Somerville, MA – LEGOLAND Discovery Center Boston is undergoing a $12 million renovation, which is scheduled to begin on Sept. 6. This will be the world’s frst renovation of a LEGOLAND Discovery Center to a LEGO Discovery Center along with a sister attraction in LEGOLAND Discovery Center Atlanta.
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Set to be named LEGO Discovery Center, the attraction will evolve an offering of interactive indoor LEGO play experiences including a ride, 4D theatre and creative workshop, while adding new experiences and a brand-new look and design. Located at Assembly Row in Somerville, it will be the new home of LEGO play and will include a new LEGO Space digital experience, a new Creative Club, a brand-new Mini World created out of more than 1.5 million LEGO bricks, a DUPLO Park, and a Hero Zone.
The renovation is expected to be completed in spring of 2023.

LEGOLAND Discovery Center Boston to Undergo Renovation
Restoration and Renovation
“We are excited to partner with Merlin Entertainments on the development of the new LEGO Discovery Center in the U.S. which will immerse the whole family in the world of LEGO play,” said Julia Goldin, chief product and marketing offcer at The LEGO Group. “Working closely with Merlin Entertainments and their expertise in the location-based

entertainment sector, we hope to spark curiosity, creativity and imagination for the builders of tomorrow.”
Discovery Centers and one LEGO Discovery Center located across the world, with the new attraction in Somerville to be the frst renovated attraction to become
the next generation LEGO Discovery Centers in North America.
www.high-profile.com September 202238
The steps outlined above present solutions to some of the key pain points in C&E proj ect management, but a granular approach to fnancial management is key. Ultimate ly, identifying areas for improvement and making incremental changes to business models by deploying new technology can ensure full control is maintained through out change management processes, to optimize C&E organizations for on-time, on-budget and high-quality projects.
AndrewBy Winston
Use Purpose-built Construction Software
Day worked for NuVasive from August 2011 through April 2019. Rather than adhere to his 12-month non-compete, Day immediately joined a competitor, Alphatec Spine, Inc., on April 1, 2019. After joining Alphatec, Day repeatedly and successfully called upon customers with whom he had worked during his time at NuVasive to sell Alphatec products. As a result, NuVasive endured a signifcant loss in Dayprofts.failed to preserve text messages by replacing his phone and lost all text messages from the time before he left NuVasive, along with text messages from his initial time at Alphatec. The court did not credit Day’s argument that he inadvertently lost the data on his phone, and the court adopted an adverse inference because of Day’s spoilation of evidence relating to, among other things, NuVasive’s lost profts.
Mass. Federal Court Awards Employer $1.6M for Former Employee’s Breach of a Non-Compete
Kenny Ingram is vice president of C&E at IFS.
Andrew Winston is a litigation associate for Kenney & Sams.

KennyBy Ingram
On March 28, the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that an employer was entitled to $1.6 million in damages for lost profts as a result of a former employee’s breach of non-compe tition and non-solicitation restrictions.
Prioritizing Proactivity
performance, delivering high-quality, proftable outcomes.
With infation increasing costs for con struction and engineering (C&E) busi nesses already operating on low proft margins, rigorous fnancial control pro cesses become a key focus. The following are four critical steps to economically managing a project beyond the simple accounting systems of yesterday.
control variables including quality and revenue, as well as meeting client expectations, allowing construction managers to proactively plan advanced projects. Here’s a few simple ways to retake fscal control:
In short, NuVasive, a manufacturer of products used to treat spinal disease, fled a lawsuit against its former sales representative, Timothy Day, alleging that Day breached his non-competition and non-solicitation obligations after he ended his employment at NuVasive. Day’s non-competition restriction prevented Day from working for a competing business for a 12-month period post separation from NuVasive, and his nonsolicitation restriction prevented Day from soliciting or calling upon customers with whom he had worked during his time with NuVasive for any purpose other than for the beneft of NuVasive.
Coordinating business functions, suppliers, and subcontractors are all the responsibility of the project manager, so resources need to pull together simultaneously to keep projects on track. Without an integrated, standardized, and shared approach, resource shortages and reactive frefghting can become the norm, not the exception. A common source of data improves project delivery
Project control is more than quantifying fgures and progress at each period end; it is predicting fnal costs, margins, and fu ture requirements to forecast and mitigate risk. By integrating real-time data with predictive analytics, managers can pre empt issues to avoid budgetary overruns and delays, improving reliability in the process. Information breeds effciency.
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Solid fnancial management strategies reinforced by emerging technologies

A Simple System Architecture is Required
Financial Control is Critical to Successful Projects: Every Step Counts
This case is a good reminder that wellwritten restrictive covenants, including non-competition and non-solicitation agreements, will be enforceable – and to that end, individuals should think twice about violating an enforceable restrictive covenant.

It’s not just post pandemic recovery and price fuctuation that is overcomplicating fnancial planning in construction. Some 72% of contractors face longer project times due to supply chain issues, and 84% highlight higher-than-expected costs. For an industry with an annual productivity growth rate of 1% since 2000, control processes, project execution, and fscal management are critical.
With the growth in project complexity, construction managers need to integrate innovative technologies for fnancial management into existing operation systems. However, adding on different types of software technologies that are incompatible with one another through
patchy API integrations can create a complicated web of disconnected tech, reducing the ability to effectively manage systems.Forthis reason, a purpose-built, futureproof system architecture that seamlessly integrates different technologies and allows evolution is ideal to guard against disruption from inadequate, archaic systems during future fnancial digital transformation.
Microsoft Excel is no longer trustworthy; 90% of spreadsheets used by construction companies contain errors, and resultantly are unable to effectively manage processes including variation control and contract management. Using multiple disconnected spreadsheets reduces specifcity and accuracy, making project monitoring diffcult. Instead, dedicated industry-specifc software can collate many complex datasets into a reliable, single source of truth.
Limit the Unknown with One View of the Truth
Trends and Hot Topics
Construction and Engineering Financials: The Essential Processes to Retake Full Control
Answering a Market Need
• Long lastng and durable
Why Concrete Units?
Concrete Masonry Units are one of the most versatle products in the constructon industry. They can provide the structure of a building as single wythe walls or by providing a strong back up wall for many types of veneers. Concrete masonry walls can even be the veneer system itself with optons such as smooth face, split face, ground face, polished, sculptured units.
The CarbonX technology is brought to you by the Concrete Products Group (CPG), a group of regional market leaders in the concrete product industry. The CPG is organized to provide consistent, top-quality products to regional and natonal customers. For more informaton contact: Heidi Jandris Technical Services heidi@jandris.com(978)632-0089 (978) 632-0089 | 202 High Street, Gardner, MA 01440 | www.jandrisblock.com978.632.0089 | 202 HIGH STREET, GARDNER, MA 01440 | WWW.JANDRISBLOCK.COM That’s right, we’ve made it 100 years with 4 generations. Still local, still family owned and operated, and still going strong! We’ve begun our next 100 years by focusing on lowering our embodied carbon by cement reduction and increased carbon sequestration. All of this is refected in our product specifc EPDs. Jandris turns 100! Jandris-100 Years.indd 1 3/26/20 4:08 PM

• Safer structure: fire resistance, blast and bullet resistance
• Sound insulatng propertes: STC ratngs 40-63 Plus: environmental impact benefits with the introducton of the CarbonX technologys.
• Energy efficiency: due to their heat capacity, mass walls offer thermal storage and aid with the passive survivability of a structure
www.high-profile.com September 2022
• Lower maintenance requirements
Lowers Embodied Carbon in Concrete Masonry Units and Veneers. CarbonX technology lowers carbon in CMU by up to 50%

Design flexibility
Breakthrough Technology
• High resiliency: protects from high wind events and tornadoes, floods and hurricanes
In response to the overwhelming desire of designers to lower greenhouse gas emissions in the built environment, the Concrete Products Group, a group of market leaders in the concrete products industry, has developed a technology – the CarbonX CMU technology – to lower the embodied carbon of various concrete masonry units (CMU) and select veneers.
• Lower inital and lifetme costs
“The design of the store is welcoming and curates a great experience for all guests. Thank you to the Connolly Brothers team for making our vision come to life. We look forward to being great members of the Watertown community.”
Ayr Wellness’ prominent cannabis brands include Kynd premium whole fower, Levia seltzer, Origyn Extracts, and Stix Preroll Co.
Connolly Brothers provided construction management services for the dispensary, which involved a full renovation to an existing 1920s-era building that was brought up to code, as well as signifcant site work to address unsuitable soil and an old foundation. The project included tearing down an adjacent building to allow room for parking atop a new porous pavement driveway to keep water on site.
Ayr Wellness in Watertown, Mass.
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Since 1950 we have represented companies of all trades, large and small, union and open shop, who work on major building projects across the commonwealth, in both the public and private sector.

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Cannabis Ayr Wellness Cannabis Dispensary Completed
Connolly’s project team included Middlesex Glass, windows; Optiline Enterprises, drywall; and InLine Mechanical, HVAC.
accordance with Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission mandates.
Watertown, MA – Connolly Brothers, Inc. announced that it has completed the construction of a 4,500sf cannabis dispensary facility for Ayr Wellness located at 48 North Beacon Street in Watertown. Connolly collaborated with Scott/Griffn Architects on the project.

Ayr Wellness in Watertown, Mass. / Photos by Camille Maren
The exterior prominently features flmed-glass windows. The dispensary building contains a commercial retail space on the frst foor and a mezzanine for offce and storage space. The frstfoor dispensary is split between medical and retail functions, and interior design touches include vaulted beam ceilings, terrazzo foors, high-fnish cabinetry and display cases, and contemporary lighting. Connolly implemented an intensive security system for the dispensary in
Only one association represents the interests of every subcontractor in the state of Massachusetts:

“We’re incredibly excited to welcome our customers and patients into this beau tiful space,” said Gretchen McCarthy, vice president of retail for the Northeast at Ayr.

is Unitex’s frst facility located in the Massachusetts market. This year marks Unitex’s 100th anniversary with Rob and David Potack as the fourth generation of family members to assume leadership. The frm operates
Dacon Completes Unitex Facility Expansion

Lawrence, MA – Unitex and Dacon have added 97,000sf of production space to Unitex’s Lawrence facility in response to marketFocusedgrowth.on the life science and medical sectors, Unitex is a family-owned linen and uniform service provider with 13 locations in New York, Connecticut, New Jersey and now Massachusetts. The frst phase – 90,000sf for large-scale processing of bulk hospital/long-term care facility linens – was repurposed from the former Crown Holdings headquarters, a global beverage and food can manufacturer which had operated in Lawrence for more than 25 years.

365 days a year and has attained the TRSA’s Hygienically Clean Healthcare certifcation for its best management practices in operations, training and sterilization. Unitex’s strategy is based upon a green business model, investing in technology, operations, environmental quality and training focused on natural resource conservation.
automation is paramount and helps us deliver reliable, consistent high-quality service and products to our clients everyLawrenceday.”
President of Unitex, David Potack, commented, “Unitex is excited to expand our client service offerings in the Greater Boston and eastern New England markets with the construction of our newest facility, which will focus on outpatient and ambulatory healthcare locations. Boston is truly a healthcare hub for growth and innovation and our increased capacity to serve new clients in this market is an exciting development in the evolution of our company. We are proud of our record in constructing environmentally sustainable laundry facilities, where
www.high-profile.com September 2022 41
Unitex facility
Providence, RI – LAN-TEL Communications, Inc., headquartered in Norwood, Mass., announces the opening of a new location at 225 Dyer St. in Providence.Thenew location will serve as the anchor offce for LAN-TEL’s Rhode Island/Southeastern Massachusetts operations. This new, full-time presence will allow for 24-hour, on-call service for customers.“With the increase in construction and development in Rhode Island and the strong workforce at IBEW Locals 99 and 103, the time was right for this permanent expansion,” said President and CEO JosephAlongBodio.with the announcement of its new location, LAN-TEL welcomes Stephen Burke to the company. He will serve as the general manager of the Rhode
With experience and repeat business across six market sectors – hospitality, healthcare, workplace, retail, academic, and residential – Phase Zero Design is prepared to expand the breadth of business it does throughout the Southeast. Bolstered by a number of successful projects in both North Carolina and South Carolina, the decision to open this offce is directly correlated to the market response received by the frm over the past several years.
initially be staffed by two longtime employees. This will help to support the brand’s cultural continuity as the frm anticipates the addition of eight to 10 employees sourced directly from the Raleigh market and surrounding areas over the coming months.
New England Firm Opens New Location

Cary, NC – Phase Zero Design announced it is expanding with the addition of an offce in Cary, a suburb of Raleigh.
“This decision to expand to the Research Triangle is a strategic one,” said Principal Matthew Wittmer. “The region’s invigorating development aligns closely with our frm’s strategic growth plans for several market sectors including healthcare, hospitality, residential, and lifeWithsciences.”one of the frm’s existing
www.high-profile.com September 202242
“We are excited to offer our frm’s wide range of experience as an asset to the Triangle’s commercial real estate community,” added Wittmer. “We look forward to becoming a well-integrated member of the Triangle’s business landscape.”
employees making the move with the frm, and another that has been working remotely in North Carolina since 2016, Phase Zero Design’s Cary offce will
Phase Zero Design is the architecture and interior design partner for the recently opened Research Triangle Park eatery, Glasshouse Kitchen.

Stephen Burke
Island offce. Burke brings with him a long history of relationship building, sales management, and business development in the technology feld.

“We are excited to offer our firm’s wide range of experience as an asset to the Triangle’s commercial real estate community. We look forward to becoming a well-integrated member of the Triangle’s business landscape.”
– Matthew Wittmer
Phase Zero Design currently has two offces located in Hingham, Mass. and Simsbury, Conn. This third offce, located at 128 Towerview Court in Cary, offcially opens for business on Sept. 6.
Phase Zero Design Expands to North Carolina
www.high-profile.com September 2022 43High-Profile: Corporate
has become known for. We are excited to have Tecta’s support and resources as we continue to serve our customer base for many years to come. I am extremely proud of Morgan Cabral, April Lyerla, Dane Estok, Kyle Harryman, Josh Sherwood, Belle Stewart and the rest of the Mahaney team for what we have been able to accomplish together,” said Bolt.
Boston – Philip Chen, FAIA, with Ann Beha, FAIA; Thomas Hotaling, AIA; and Steven Gerrard, AIA announced that Ann Beha Architects is now Annum Architects, building on Ann Beha Architects’ accomplishments and a new generation of leadership.
– Dave Reginelli
Rosemont, IL – Tecta America announced the acquisition of Mahaney Group, based in Wichita, MahaneyKan.Group (formerly Mahaney Roofng) has served the greater Wichita metro area since 1888. Over the last 10 years, under the leadership of Mark Bolt and team, the company has expanded into wall panels and structural steel erection. The company performs commercial new roofng and reroofng, commercial sheet metal, and other construction services for general contractors, property owners and property managers.
to advance innovative planning and design for academic, cultural, and civic organizations.Annum’sexpanded leadership includes Jason Bowers, AIA; Katie Gerner, AIA; and Ed Rice, AIA as associate principals; Josh Aisenberg, AIA and Bob Carroll, AIA joining Elizabeth Nassikas and Ric Panciera, AIA as senior associates; and Ashley Merchant, AIA and Melissa Murphy, AIA joining Jackie Flanigan, AIA as Behaassociates.willbeaffliated with Annum as senior collaborating architect, and in 2023 will be distinguished visiting professor of architecture at Yale University. “I am thrilled with Annum’s name, mission, and leadership. These refect a practice marked by innovation and opportunity,” said Beha.
instrumentation operations maintenance ■ facility & aquatics design ■ master planning ■ landscape architecture ■ climate resiliency services ■ site/civil engineering ■ environmental consulting ■ energy & sustainability services ■ gis & mapping ■ construction services ■ operations & maintenance transform your

The frm’s representatives say Annum continues a tradition of collective leadership and bridging the past with the future to create timeless new settings that serve and strengthen its clients’ missions, and that Annum will continue
“We are excited to welcome Mahaney Group to our family of companies. Mark Bolt and the rest of the Mahaney team share in our belief that working safely, focusing on your people and providing the best possible service to your customers allows for continued, long term partnership and success.”
Tecta America Acquires Mahaney Group

The Annum Architects team

NE Firm Announces Name Change
Chen, frm president, noted, “Annum Architects continues ABA’s remarkable legacy and points toward the future. Our transformative work explores the dialogue between historic and contemporary architecture and is rooted, like our new name, in the idea of time.”
design, engineering & environmental services for public and private entities 800.SAMPSON westonandsampson.com Offces along the East Coast an employee-owned company

“We look forward to continue providing roofng, sheet metal and other construction services in the safe and high quality manner that Mahaney Group
Bolt will continue in his current role as president, along with the rest of his management team and workforce. The operation will be known as Mahaney, a Tecta America Company, LLC.
designconstruction installation upgrades environment
“We are excited to welcome Mahaney Group to our family of companies. Mark Bolt and the rest of the Mahaney team share in our belief that working safely, focusing on your people and providing the best possible service to your customers allows for continued, long term partnership and success,” said Dave Reginelli, Tecta’s president and CEO.
Tim Corrigan, PE is a team leader at Weston & Sampson.

of these improvements began this past spring and summer and the city is pursuing partnerships with private owners for pilot retrofts of mid-lifecycle synthetic rubber roofs. The project also involved placing a series of sensors in strategic areas to measure actual changes in air temperature, relative humidity, and dew point during pre- and post-project periods. The project is expected to serve as a proof-of-concept in Chelsea and in other areas and for modeling urban heat, identifying heat mitigation strategies, and testing and implementing new strategies.
The Chelsea UHI project will serve as a proof-of-concept in Chelsea and other areas for modeling urban heat and identifying, testing, and implementing new mitigation strategies.

According to data from the CDC, each year in the U.S. there are on average over 700 deaths, 900 hospitalizations, and 67,000 emergency room visits due to heat. The problem is exacerbated in dense urban areas that are predominantly impervious surfaces with very few trees for shade and cooling. In fact, there can be as much as an 18-degree temperature difference between shaded areas and areas in full sunlight.
www.high-profile.com September 202244
MitigatingGreentheUrban Heat Island Effect in Chelsea
TimBy Corrigan
Urban heat island mitigation techniques can include roadway reconstruction using light-colored aggregates, refective surface treatments, reducing impervious cover, green infrastructure, and extensive tree plantings.
igation strategies to inform future infra structure project capital planning while also improving neighborhood roadway surface condition, local drainage, and pe destrian safety. The pilot design included refective roof coatings, reconstruction of roads with light colored aggregate pave ments, blast treatment of roadway pave ment to reveal lighter-colored aggregates, replacement of asphalt sidewalks with concrete, rainwater infltration swales, and installation of numerous shade trees for
(MVP) program to study the UHI effect in Chelsea, Mass., the second most densely populated city in the state and an environmental justice community. This status indicates that residents are disproportionately more vulnerable to environmental conditions such as extreme heat due to several socioeconomic factors.
An urban heat island effect occurs when dense, urban areas with high concentrations of impervious surfaces amplify ambient air temperatures in comparison to surrounding, less developed areas.
Nine “hot spot” areas were identifed and categorized into “existing hot spots” and “emerging hot spots.” Based on the type of land cover and social vulnerability index, three out of the nine were selected as potential candidate areas to prioritize. The project team then determined one site, centered around the local Boys & Girls Club, as a “cool block” project area to implement pilot UHI mitigation strategies.Inthisarea, the heat model determined that a reduction of impervious surface by 25% will reduce the ambient air temperature by up to 3.0° F on a 95-degree day. An increase of tree canopy area to 30% will result in up to a 3.5° F reduction in ambient air temperature as well. The goal is to pilot various UHI mit
An urban heat island (UHI) effect occurs when dense, urban areas with high concentrations of impervious surfaces amplify ambient air temperatures in comparison to surrounding, less developed areas. The major causes of the UHI effect include release of heat from equipment, lack of vegetation, and
increased heat absorption by materials likeTheasphalt.City of Chelsea, advocacy group GreenRoots, and Weston & Sampson used funding from the Massachusetts Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness


Kula Bio’s product, Kula-N, is a biofertilizer densely populated with nongenetically modifed bacteria fortifed to carry large stores of energy and nutrients into the soil. The product’s raison d’etre is focused on increasing yield and soil quality, thereby optimizing food production for agricultural enterprises. The headquarters is comprised of four research spaces surrounded by executive offces and common areas. To support these labs, a dedicated mechanical room was built to house compressed air, DI water system, autoclaves and a UV sterilizer.CEO Bill Brady said, “Over 90% of fertilizer in use is still synthetic and a signifcant contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions and damage to local water supplies and land.” Kula-N addresses two factors often blocking sustainable solutions: accessibility and affordability. In January, the frm received a $50 million investment led by Lowercarbon Capital that will be used to build manufacturing facilities
Natick, MA – Dacon Corporation has completed construction on the headquarters for Kula Bio, relocating to Natick from Cambridge. A 4-year-old startup positioned within the agricultural solutions market, Kula Bio’s goal is to increase crop yield and reduce environmental impact through sustainable nitrogen fertilizers.
near key agricultural producers. In recognition of Kula Bio and its groundbreaking work, Dacon’s Designed with Dignity philanthropy is funding a garden therapy program by Massachusetts Horticultural Society (MHS) for senior residents at nonproft assisted living community, Carmel Terrace. Residents will learn about pollinators, fower arranging, house plants and healthy plant care. Karen Daubmann, director of garden and programs for MHS, said, “Our mission (Commune Bonum – For the Common Good) has helped people and communities change lives for the better through growing plants for 192 years. This program is a great match between our goal of working with senior populations and a community need. We look forward to a productive and fun program.”
Kula Bio HQ

year on the PWC CT board as a director. She presently serves on the Mentorship Committee.Jennifer Marks, principal at BL Companies, returns to the PWC CT board for her third year as a director. She will also serve as the Mentorship Committee chair.Amy
Patricia Bilotto returns as chapter president. She is the director of marketing and business development for van Zelm Engineers. She has nearly 30 years of experience in marketing, communications and business development in the AEC industry. She presently serves on the Program, Membership and Awards committees.DawnMeeker, director at Marcum, LLP, will serve on the board as vice president. She now serves as the membership chair and will continue as a volunteer of the Awards Committee.
Carolyn Kurth, CPA, CFE, of CohnReznick, brings accounting experience with her to the PWC CT board as returning treasurer. She also serves on the Scholarship Committee.
PWC CT’s 2022-2023 board (l-r): Jennifer Marks, Amy Ray, Patricia Bilotto, Laurann Asklof, Choity Khan, Leyna Erickson, Carolyn Kurth, Dawn Meeker, and Ronald Paolillo. Not pictured: Kim Colapietro and Kyma Ganzer
Kim Colapietro, partner of EDI Landscape, LLC, returns for her fourth year on the PWC CT board as director. She also serves as the Awards Committee chair.Kyma Ganzer, pre-construction manager at LaRosa Building Group, is returning for her third year on the PWC CT board as a director. She will also serve on the Mentorship Committee.
Ray, director of business development at EDM, returns for her second year on the PWC CT board as a director. She also serves as the Communications Committee chair and
Leyna Erickson, vice president of Assured Partners, will serve on the board as secretary. In addition to her position on the PWC board, she continues to volunteer
on the PWC Programs Committee.
Hartford, CT – The Professional Women in Construction Connecticut Chapter (PWC CT) welcomed its new board of directors for the 2022-2023 program year on July 1. Board offcers and directors are elected by the PWC CT chapter members.

www.high-profile.com September 202246
PWC CT Announces New Board
Laurann Asklof, principal of Shipman & Goodwin, LLP, returns to the PWC CT board as a director. She has approximately 30 years of experience in the area of construction law and litigation. She will also continue to participate in the chapter’s Programs and Scholarship committees.RonaldPaolillo of DRA Architects begins his fourth term as director. He also serves on PWC CT’s Scholarship Committee.
Choity Khan, associate attorney at Robinson Cole, returns for her second
Organizations and Events
on the Programs Committee.
Untitled-1 1 8/26/2022 9:46:19 AM

BWAF Receives Grant for Podcast Series Celebrating Women in Architecture

Architecture, cites the project director, Cynthia Phifer Kracauer, AIA, executive director of the BWAF. In the announcement, NEH describes the podcast as “a multiplatform project about the history of women’s contributions to American architecture.” It was awarded under the grant category of the Division of Media Projects Production.
Hosted by Kracauer and produced by Brandi Howell, the frst season of New
premiere episode, to be released in early October, introduces the story of modernist industrial designer, Ray Eames. Subsequent episodes will present the lives of TAC founders, Jean Bodman Fletcher and Sarah Pillsbury Harkness; the African-American architect, Amaza Lee Meredith; inventor and suffragist Anna Wagner Keichline; and the frst-ever winner of a Pulitzer Prize for architecture criticism, Ada Louise Huxtable.

The NEH recently announced about $31.5 million in grants for 226 humanities projects from across the U.S., supporting a wide range of projects from education and scholarly pursuits to the preservation of archives and digital media.

Amaza Lee Meredith
Angle: Voice debuted last year and reveals intimate details and challenges faced by fve notable women in architecture: Julia Morgan, Natalie de Blois, Helen Fong, Florence Knoll and Norma Sklarek. The listening audience jumped from a few thousand to over 40,000 during the spring of thisTheyear.NEH grant comes as the BWAF prepares to release the second season of New Angle: Voice. The second season’s
HP’s new J.E.D.I. section is designed to highlight the people, companies and organizations that are implementing principles to further justice, equity, diversity and inclusion in their workplaces and communities.
New York – The Beverly Willis Architecture Foundation (BWAF) has received a $100,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) for its work on a podcast series called New Angle: Voice, dedicated to preserving and sharing the lives of the most infuential women in the history of architecture and design.

Ray Kaiser Eames
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The Outright Award for audio documentary series New Angle: Voice – Pioneering Women of American

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(l-r): John Illick, Kaleb Roucoulet, and Heather Illick
Connecticut Professionals’ Leadership Academy participants
ReArch Awards Scholarship

This program brought together 27 professionals from various industries and backgrounds, including accounting and fnance, architecture, law, and insurance. The program, focused on the next generation of business leaders, was presented in partnership with six professional organizations: American Institute of Architects, Connecticut; CFA Society Hartford; Connecticut Bar Association; Connecticut Society of Certifed Public Accountants; Connecticut Young Insurance Professionals; and Hartford County Bar Association.
In March, Project Manager Majken Poley, Assistant Superintendent Jesse Rowe, and Director of Marketing & Communications Heather Illick presented information about the ReArch Scholarship and careers in construction to the WSD seniorTheclass.ReArch scholarship was created to encourage all students, especially frst-

At the ReArch Scholarship & Careers in Construction Presentation: Majken Poley, Jesse Rowe, and Heather Illick generation, to continue education after graduation in the felds of architecture, engineering, construction management, or related trades (plumbing, electrical, masonry, welding, etc.). The purpose of the scholarship is to help grow and develop a continued interest in the feld of construction. Student selection is based on an essay, fnancial need, and a recommendation letter.
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New Haven, CT – Seven AIA Connecti cut members graduated from the 2022 Connecticut Professionals’ Leadership Academy, a program designed to strength en leadership skills, develop and build relationships, and create a collaborative professional services community.
(l-r): Brian Baril, Jillian Winterkorn, Matthew Gallerani, Gina Calabro, Brigid Abraham, and Utkarsh Patil (not pictured: Karen Parzych and Melissa Spiga)

Principles and Practices Team-Building Workshop.Applications
groups and companies, through dynamic sessions including Legislative Day at the Capitol; Personal Branding; How to Lead a Team Effectively and Effciently; Facilitation and Negotiation; Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; Personal Branding; Business Finance 101; and a Lean

open in October for the 2023 Connecticut Professionals’ Leadership Academy Program. Learn more at professionals-leadership-academy.https://aiact.org/connecticut-
The graduates include Brigid Abraham, Pickard Chilton; Brian Baril, A/Z Corporation; Matthew Gallerani, Silver Petrucelli + Associates; Karen Parzych, The SLAM Collaborative; Utkarsh Patil, Russell & Dawson, Inc.; Melissa Spiga, CHK Architects; and Jillian Winterkorn, Eversource.
South Burlington, VT – ReArch Company announced it awarded a $5,000 scholarship to Winooski School District (WSD) graduate, Kaleb Roucoulet, on JulyRoucoulet13. graduated in June and plans on beginning his post-secondary education at the Advanced Welding Institute in South Burlington. Once he has mastered the skill of welding, he says he would like to work as a welder while also pursuing his interest in engineering.

“The Connecticut American Institute of Architects (AIA Connecticut) was proud to support, encourage, and develop the next generation of leaders,” said Gina Calabro, executive director and CEO of AIA Connecticut. “It is a wonderful opportunity to collaborate with these esteemed Connecticut professional organizations and to offer leadership skills and relationship building for career advancement. We look forward to the future contributions that our academy graduates will make as they continue on thisThepath.”program encourages participants to help evolve and grow their careers and industries, and professional association
Training and Recruitment
AIA Members Graduate from CT Professionals’ Leadership Academy

www.high-profile.com September 2022 51 The Leading Specialized Electrical Contractor WATERTOWN SQUARE APARTMENTS Lynnfield, MA 01940 www.jmelectrical.com (781) 581-3328 info@jmelectrical.com EV Chargers Now Available 471 Broadway A COTT APARTMENTS T R SQUARE APARTMENTS High-Profile: Training and Recruitment

Suffolk is contributing to the development of a Construction 101 curriculum, customized for girls 5-17 years of age and designed to bring STEM career exploration to thousands of girls across the country. Suffolk and Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts pledge to bring 10% of all Girl Scouts in eastern Massachusetts through the curriculum during the next 10 years.
The Girl Scouts tested Suffolk’s VR headsets that allow Suffolk teams and clients to visualize and review projects digitally using Suffolk’s 3D assets.

Through a 10-year partnership with Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts,

Suffolk Hosts Girl Scouts for Day of Learning
Boston – Suffolk recently hosted 22 Girl Scouts from Camp Cedar Hill in Waltham, Mass. for a day of learning about the world of construction and the importance of female representation in the Theindustry.visit

a jobsite tour of Suffolk’s Northeastern University EXP project. The project is led by a female project executive and the project team is nearly 50% female. According to the frm’s representatives, the goal of the day was to show the girls, all in grades six through eight, that they are capable, valued, and important to the future of the construction industry.
percentage of women employed by the company by 10 percentage points over 10 years, an increase that would provide more jobs for women and boost the percentage of women employees to nearly 40%.The event included an introduction to Suffolk and its projects, a tour of Suffolk’s Boston headquarters, a question-andanswer session with Suffolk’s female leaders, CoLab and STEM activities, and
was part of Suffolk’s Rebuild the Ratio Partnership with Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts. Rebuild the Ratio is an initiative launched last year with a pledge by Suffolk to increase the
The Girl Scouts designed and built structures that could support the weight of at least one book, using only popsicle sticks and clothespins.
Canton, MA – Gray, Gray, & Gray, LLP has been named one of the country’s Top 200 accounting frms by INSIDE Public Accounting magazine.

Additionally, fve lawyers were named the Best Lawyers 2023 “Lawyer of the Year” in Hartford, in the noted practice areas: Brian R. Smith in Land Use and Zoning Law, Christine E. Bromberg in Tax Law, James P. Ray in Litigation – Environmental, Joey Lee Miranda in Energy Regulatory Law, Norman H. Roos in Banking and Finance Law, Rachel V. Kushel in Employment Law –Management, Theodore J. Tucci in Health Care Law, and Virginia E. McGarrity in
The publication ranked Gray, Gray & Gray as the 148th largest accounting frm in the U.S. (up 17 spots since 2021) and third largest independent accounting frm in Massachusetts. This is the tenth consecutive year the frm has been ranked among the country’s Top 200 frms.

“The growth we have achieved and the national recognition that comes with it are due to a combination of our exceptionally talented and dedicated staff and the loyal clients who trust us with their most important work,” said James DeLeo, leading partner at Gray, Gray, & Gray. “Our ‘Power of More’ approach to delivering a comprehensive scope of advisory and compliance support has
Gray, Gray, & Gray Named Top Firm
Robinson+Cole Lawyers Recognized
The 2023 edition of The Best Lawyers in America is based on more than 12 million peer evaluations, which resulted in more than 70,000 lawyers being included: approximately 5% of lawyers in private practice across the country.
Gray, Gray & Gray had previously been named to “Best of the Best” as one of the nation’s best-managed frms by INSIDE Public Accounting.
resonated with more and more clients, who are turning to us for assistance and direction as they pursue their own business and fnancial goals.”
A Best Lawyers “Lawyer of the Year” designation is awarded to one lawyer in each of various high-profle specialties in large legal communities. These particular lawyers received the highest ratings among their peers for their abilities, professionalism, and integrity.
Send your awards and personnel announcements to editor@high-profile.com

For the past 32 years, INSIDE Public Accounting has ranked the largest public accounting frms in the U.S. based on net revenues. The survey is compiled through a nationwide survey and analysis of public accounting frms.
To view the complete list of lawyers recognized, visit com/robinsoncole-lawyers-recognized/https://www.high-profle.
www.high-profile.com September 202252

The frm continues to have the highest number of recognized lawyers in the state. Robinson+Cole also has the highest number of listed lawyers in Connecticut in the areas of environmental law, insurance law, and construction litigation.
The third edition of Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch was also released, and includes 23 Robinson+Cole lawyers. The “Ones to Watch” recognition is given to attorneys early in their careers for their outstanding professional excellence in private practice in the U.S. The frm has the highest number of lawyers to receive this designation in Hartford.
Employee Benefts (ERISA) Law.

Hartford, CT – Robinson+Cole an nounced that 74 of the frm’s lawyers were selected by their peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America 2023. Of the lawyers from across the frm’s prac tice groups and offces named to the list, 54 are from Connecticut.
35 Pond Park Road, Hingham, MA 1.781.749.8687 For over 41 Years, the Trusted Choice of Architects, Engineers and CAD Departments Throughout New England. 1.800.255.8012 • www.topazeng.com • sales@topazeng.comSUPPLY,ENGINEERINGINC Let TOPAZ Transform Your Office and Improve Your Efficiency. We offer award winning products for printing, copying and scanning your small format office documents and wide format CAD and graphics.

Lynnfeld, MA – Whitney Mugford has been promoted to director of human resources at JM Electrical Company, Inc (JME). She originally joined the company in 2019 as human resources manager.

Shook brings close to 20 years of experience in different aspects of the construction feld to the ReyCon team and has worked with frms such as Nauset, Dellbrook and GenCon. His career as a full-time estimator began

South Burlington, VT – ReArch Com pany announced the promotion of Michael Biama to vice president of de velopment and prop erty BlissKehoeAdditionally,management.JackandTannerhavejoinedthe

KehoeBiama Bliss
Isbell is a graduate of Auburn University with a Bachelor of Science in environmental design. She says she is fascinated with historic preservation, as well as sustainable design, and is grateful to be in a continuously evolving feld which has the potential to enhance the human experience and effect positive change
Kehoe and Bliss are responsible for working closely with tenants and property management clients to ensure the effcient operation of ReArch’s managed properties. Both work closely with ReArch’s facilities manager to provide staffng to support ReArch Properties managed facilities.
grow the ReArch Properties brand.
GM).“Mr. Kruger’s unique market ing and association experience will be of tremendous value to AGC MA and should make for a seamless transition,” stated John Ferrante, CEO of AGC MA.
“We are very pleased to welcome Micah to the ReyCon family,”ReyConsaid president, Michael Reynolds. “He brings extensive industry experience to the team and flls a critical role for us as we continue to grow and expand into new sectors.”
ReyCon Welcomes Shook
and administrative operations. Before joining JME, she was the human resources manager for a marketing/trading and utility company with offces in the U.S. and“WhitneyCanada. continues to play important role in JME’s success by engaging our employees, developing new programs and protocols, and helping to shine a light on our work in the construction industry,” said John Guarracino, principal and COO.
frm as facilities technicians.Inhisrole, Biama oversees all ReArch Properties staff and focuses on expanding ReArch’s development and property management portfolio. He spearheads business development efforts and works closely with the marketing department to
in 2005 and since that time he has been working primarily on high-end residential, retail, industrial, and healthcare projects for numerous clients.
Indrani Ghosh, Ph.D. was promoted to senior technical leader in the frm’s Climate Resiliency initiative. She has nearly 20 years of experience in translating climate change projections to engineering design criteria for new and existingSteveninfrastructure.LaRosawas promoted to senior technical leader in the Energy, Geotechnical, and Environmental group. With over 35 years of experience, he helps lead the frm’s practice related to emerging contaminants, including PFASrelated site assessment and remediation and risk Michaelassessment.Smith,P.E. was promoted to senior technical leader in the Wastewater group and will lead industrial wastewater market development efforts. He has more than 30 years of experience in industrial and municipal wastewater facilities planning and process design and control.

undergraduate. She says she believes architecture should strive to fnd innovative ways to incorporate sustainability and STEM while improving social equity. She will be working with the company through October.
Mike Scipione, P.E. has assumed the newly created role of chief development offcer. He will provide leadership to help execute and manage strategic growth plans, mergers and acquisitions, organization/structure of business development and marketing groups, and strategic teaming partnerships.
Plymouth, MA – ReyCon announced that Micah Shook recently joined the company as chief estimator. He will be responsible for the oversight of the estimating process for all projects bid and awarded to ReyCon.
He has 30 years of experience and spe cializes in remedial site investigations, remedial design and implementation, and remediation site management.
In addition to human resources, Mugford will oversee safety protocols, marketing communications campaigns, and payroll andMugfordbenefts. has more than 15 years of experience in human resources, payroll,

AGC MA Welcomes Henry Kruger
Associated General Contractors of Greater Milwaukee (AGC
www.high-profile.com September 2022 53
Salem, MA – Jones Architecture announced that Cheree Isbell has joined its team as a project designer and Ka Man Leung will be the fall 2022 co-op.

Leungenvironmentally.currentlyattends Northeastern University as a third-year architecture
JME Promotes Mugford
Wellesley, MA – The Associated General Contractors of Massachu setts, Inc. (AGC MA) announced that Henry Kruger has been named marketing and communications manager for the association.
ReArch Hires Two, Promotes One
Malcolm Beeler, LEP was promoted to senior technical leader in the frm’s Energy, Geotech nical, and Envi ronmental group.
“We’re confdent that Henry will help AGC MA increase the profle of the association and enhance our reputation as the premier construction employer group in the Commonwealth.”
Schroeder Joins e2 engineers
In his role, Kruger will provide strategic oversight of the association’s internal and external communications, marketing and public relations activities.
Concord, MA – e2 engineers announced that Mac Schroeder, PE, SE has been promoted to the position of associate principal. He will join Kate MacDougall, PE in running the frm’s Concord branch.Schroeder has over a decade of experience working on educational, commercial, and

Isbell Leung
Weston & Sampson Promotes Five

Reading, MA – Weston & Sampson recently announced several senior level promotions in New England.
residential projects. Licensed as a Professional Engineer in Massachusetts, he has worked on a variety of projects including the Mount Wachusett Community College Science Center in Gardener, Excel Academy Charter School in East Boston, and an undisclosed 100,000sf life sciences facility in Scarborough, Maine.
Jones Architecture Hires Two
He most recently served as the mar keting and communications director at the
ABC SeptemberMA15 at 3:00 PM
The Associated Builders and Contractors of New Hampshire/Vermont is hosting a day of networking at the Stowe Country Club in Stowe, Vt. Proceeds will beneft ReSOURCE. Breakfast and lunch are included, as well as awards and prize winning contests.

The American Institute of Architects Connecticut Chapter is hosting an all-day event to increase awareness and under standing of justice and equity in the built environment. There will be a discussion on the history and infuence of enslave ment and the importance of diversity and resilience, a keynote presentation, panel discussion, and interactive activities to explore the topic of unconscious bias.
ULI SeptemberBoston/NE15at4:30 PM
2022 Design Awards Celebration
Building the Pipeline to High Performing Teams
AIA SeptemberNH22 at 5:30 PM
The Connecticut chapter of AIA is hosting a tour of the Baywater Properties offce, a mass timber building near the Corbin District, a redevelopment project Baywater is working on in Darien, Conn. Attendees will learn about the benefts and challenges of mass timber design.
AGC SeptemberMA29 at 2:00 PM
This gathering will be held at Red Tail Golf Club in Devens, Mass. and brings SFNE friends and colleagues in the New England steel industry together for a networking event. The scramble format tournament will start with a shotgun at 8:30 a.m. In addition, the day includes a continental breakfast, lunch, dinner, a “Have Fun” packet, golf and cart, and a made-in-the-USA vendor golfer’s gift.

This event, presented by Sunbelt Rentals, will include a discussion on safety implementations and updates, and the recognition of ABC STEP award winners. The event will also offer networking opportunities, vendor exhibitions, and product demonstrations.
Hosted by the Built Environment Plus Emerging Professionals Community,
Construction Institute

Justice and Equity in the Built Environment Symposium

AIA SeptemberCT
Golf Tournament
Summerfest at 7 Tide
The annual discount of three monthly insertions for the price of two begins in September and ends in November.
For details contact your account executive or ads@high-profile.com.email
2022 Connecticut Golf Tour
Urban Agriculture in City Centers
Burgers and Brews
Bike Tour 2022
Corporate and Interiors due September 23
AGC SeptemberVT22 at 4:00 PM
One of four regional meetings, the Associated General Contractors of Vermont’s summer meeting will be an opportunity for networking and engaging with elected offcials and new candidates for offce.

The American Institute of Architects New Hampshire chapter is hosting its annual celebration where outstanding architecture projects that were entered in the 2022 program will be recognized. Lead juror, Brent Buck, AIA will share the jury comments for the award-winning projects.
15 at 9:00 AM
Wellesley College, this program aims to make an impact in the AEC industry by increasing women and minority participation over the long-term. In an effort to make progress toward the fulfllment of this goal, attendees will discuss/workshop the AEC pipeline –Project and Workforce Pipeline.
SeptemberBE+ 17 at 9:00 AM
The American Institute of Architects’ Rhode Island Chapter will be recognizing both individuals and organizations for their achievements this year at its annual awards ceremony at South Street Landing in Providence, R.I. Starting with a tour of Providence’s Jewelry District, the event includes cocktails, a keynote presentation, an afterparty, and more.
A Tour of Baywater Properties’ HQA Mass Timber Project
Special Focus: J.E.D.I
Building on two prior events hosted by

AIA OctoberRI1 at 12:00 PM
This issue also has a spotlight on J.E.D.I. in the AEC industry. What is your firm doing to further justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion in your workplace or community? Contribute your news and perspectives.
SeptemberBRAGB 21 at 5:30 PM
ABC SeptemberNH/VT14at8:00 AM

STEP Into Safety Event
October 13 at 3:00 PM
The Construction Institute is hosting the last event in its 2022 Connecticut Golf Tour at Blackledge Country Club in Hebron, Conn. Space is limited. Contact CI for pricing.
www.high-profile.com September 202254 Calendar Send your calendar events to editor@high-profile.comNextOCTOBERIssue Do you have clients in the corporate sector? Do you design or build interiors? Are fit-ups and interior renovations keeping your team busy? We want to hear about your latest projects! Share your news, projects, and perspectives in next month’s issue!

High-Profle is sponsoring this event, hosted by Urban Land Institute Boston/ New England, which includes a discussion featuring an expert panel to explore urban agriculture and how it can drive value for tenants and increase access to food while engaging the community. The frst 20 registrants will be able to attend an Urban Foraging Tour before the panel.
2022 New England Architecture Awards
AIA OctoberCT4 at 4:00 PM
Vermont Fall Golf Classic
SeptemberSFNE 16 at 8:00 AM
The Builders and Remodelers Association of Greater Boston is hosting a summer social and networking event at Seven Tide in Boston. The event will include a cookout featuring Test Kitchen fare from host Clarke and a beer, wine, and soft beverage bar.
participants of the annual bike tour will travel along Boston’s waterfront from South Boston to the Seaport District to explore emerging environmental design and development in the area.
Lee Kennedy Co. recently began construction on an 86,000sf ft-out of NOBULL’s new headquarters at The BEAT on Morrissey Boulevard in Dorchester, Mass. Read more about this project in our next issue! To submit news or an article e-mail editor@high-profile.com • Advertising rates and information e-mail: ads@high-profile.com DEADLINE: Article submissions and ad reservations are


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www.high-profile.com September 202256