El Observador_11/03

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LATINO X Is This Word the Future? Pg 8

Horรณscopo de noviembre Pg 18 VOLUME 38 ISSUE 44 | WWW.EL-OBSERVADOR.COM | NOVEMBER 3 - 9, 2017

Value of Afterschool Programs

Pg 4



EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com

NOVEMBER 3 - 9, 2017


Hilbert Morales EL OBSERVADOR Many individuals use terms which are not fully defined or understood. One of those terms is 'sexual harassment' which is used more often now because of many such incidents in the workplace. Throughout history women have been strictly defined as chattel. Not too long ago women were limited to being stay at home mothers, clerks, teachers and nurses. The Suffragette movement earned women the right to vote (1919). The severe labor shortage requiring full mobilization of America as the WW II's 'Arsenal of Democracy' resulted with extensive use of 'woman-power' in manufacturing and business operations. An outcome was the presence of women alongside men in the workplace. One exception was the entertainment industry where actresses, dancers, and singers were traditionally employed. Having many female employees in the workplace, certain men, in positions of power, authority, and responsibility, made inappropriate comments & proposals', initiated acts, touched and groped, etc. These victimized women had few options; were often alone and vulnerable. Their outlet was to talk to a confidant (complicity resulted); or they could file a complaint with the Human Resources Department whose officials had a conflict of interest coupled with a lack of

power. Administrators were not likely to invoke any action, especially when their superiors were involved. Despite our culture, its personal behavior standards and practices, these situations made for a lot of comedy and tragedy, but no open public discussions which led to acceptable behavior or resolutions. That is changing with the 'Me, Too' movement requesting meaningful action.

legal and social understanding of sexual harassment, however, varies by culture.

Here is Wikipedia's statement: “Sexual harassment is bullying or coercion of a sexual nature, or the unwelcome or inappropriate promise of rewards in exchange for sexual favors. In most modern legal contexts, sexual harassment is illegal. As defined by the United States' Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), "It is unlawful to harass a person (an applicant or employee) because of that person's sex." Harassment can include "sexual harassment" or unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature. The legal definition of sexual harassment varies by jurisdiction. Sexual harassment is subject to a directive in the European Union.[2]

It includes a range of actions from mild transgressions to sexual abuse or sexual assault. Sexual harassment is a form of illegal employment discrimination in many countries, and is a form of abuse (sexual and psychological) and bullying. For many businesses and organizations, preventing sexual harassment, and defending employees from sexual harassment charges, have become key goals of legal decision-making.”

Although laws surrounding sexual harassment exist, they generally do not prohibit simple teasing, offhand comments, or minor isolated incidents—that is, they do not impose a "general civility code".[3] In the workplace, harassment may be considered illegal when it is so frequent or severe that it creates a hostile or offensive work environment or when it results in an adverse employment decision (such as the victim being fired or demoted, or the victim quitting the job). The

In the context of US employment, the harasser can be the victim's supervisor, a supervisor in another area, a co-worker, or someone who is not an employee of the employer, such as a client or customer, and harassers or victims can be of any gender.

“LEGAL DEFINITIONS and administrative processes are not enough. The CA State Assembly will consider this issue because of a letter signed by more than 300 women. These women want workplace safety and security standards of behavior established and enforced. Perpetrators must be subject to defined consequences such as rehabilitation/ behavior modification counseling and job loss.

schedule a series of public forums which discuss human sexuality, its development, and acceptable standards of behavior from cradle to the grave. Why do this? Because the entire 'sexuality' issue and behavioral standards change during one's journey through childhood, puberty, young adult transitions; middle age; senior citizens and elderly stages. Add in the established practices of different cultures and religions. In addition, there are the recent recognition of the LGBTQ cohort.

power, authority, and responsibility, who use their current positon inappropriately to 'extract sexual favors' or to satisfy fetishes, the Legislature can define a due process which neutralizes their ability to impose unwanted encounters. Harvey Weinstein and Bill O'Reilly (Fox) mis-used their positions to impose their will upon others. Their alleged mis-behaviors may indicate severe mental health issues which require registration as sexual predators.

These factors all play a role which need inclusion and consideration. Sexual behavior between partners, usually a man and a woman, need to be non-violent and consensual. To achieve that, individuals need to learn the vocabulary needed to discuss or communicate any issues establishing relationship limits and boundaries.

By sharing their experiences, victims, both men and women, need a reporting process may be used to identify predatory individuals. Legislation must deal with possible retaliations by perpetrators. It would be proper to consider behavioral health modification therapy as an alternative to incarceration.

Government has an interest in establishment of appropriate human behavior wherever it happens. We all require an ambiance of safety and security at any commercial job site.

Sexual harassment will continue to occur because each generation will go through its own puberty developmental experiences. It is during these transitional periods that parents & guardians need help in knowing what to do and where to access resources.

The silent complicity behavior by women is no more. All reported incidents must also be reported to a designated CA State office. Both men and women must behave appropriately in the work place where sexual harassment is totally inappropriate.

Relationship capability begins in the home where accepted social behavior practices are first experienced. This includes courting which result in the next generation. The rules of humane behavior involve learning to communicate feelings and core values with honor, respect, and integrity; involving no bullying nor violence. We all need to learn to recognize and deal with the biological and mental processes leading to impulsive irresponsible behavior.

This diverse society needs to

For those individuals having

Legislation resulting in laws, reg ulations, institutiona l policies and procedures will not resolve the current sexual harassment situations. Social services, mental and behavioral health modification services are needed to mitigate these issues. Law enforcement and the judicial systems need to be included and consulted. Let's begin developing the necessary civil HUMANE COMMUNICATIONS AND SEXUAL RELATIONSHIPS.

LA CAJA DE PANDORA Por José López Zamorano Para La Red Hispana La investigación del fiscal especial Robert Mueller sobre la presunta colusión entre miembros del equipo de campaña presidencial de Donald Trump y Rusia, con objeto de interferir en las elecciones presidenciales de noviembre de 2016, resultó en los primeros encausamientos y en una declaratoria de culpabilidad. Tanto el exjefe de campaña de Trump, Paul Manafort, y su socio Rick Gates fueron acusados de 12 cargos criminales, incluidos conspiración contra los Estados Unidos, lavado de dinero, declaraciones falsas y no haberse registrado ante las autoridades como agente de un gobierno extranjero. Ambos se declararon inocentes y permanecerán en arresto domiciliario en tanto procede el juicio en su contra.

Por separado, el ex asesor de asuntos de política exterior de la campaña de Donald Trump, George Papadopoulos, se declaró culpable de mentir a los agentes del FBI sobre la naturaleza y calendario de una reunión clave que sostuvo con un personero ruso en Londres y de quien recibió la oferta de poner a disposición de la campaña republicana miles de correos electrónicos con “mugre” sobre Hillary Clinton. La Casa Blanca desestimó ambos casos. Sobre el primero, la vocera presidencial Sarah Huckabee sostuvo que las acusaciones cubren un periodo previo a la campaña presidencial. En el caso del segundo, lo caracterizó como un empleado voluntario menor que pudo haber actuado por su cuenta y no se trataron de actos oficiales a nombre de la campaña. En pocas palabras son irrelevantes.

Sin embargo, la declaratoria de culpabilidad de Papadopoulos deja en claro que un grupo de altos miembros de la campaña presidencial no sólo sabían sobre las interacciones entre el asesor y los rusos, sino que recibió elogios. Uno de los altos miembros era el propio Manafort, de acuerdo con medios estadounidenses. Además, empezaron a circular fotografías donde Papadopoulos aparece sentado en la mesa de una reunión presidida por Trump. Es posible que, como afirma la Casa Blanca, el proceso judicial en el caso de Manafort, Gates y Papadopoulos termine con la exoneración plena del presidente y de su cercano equipo de asesores, aun cuando las agencias de inteligencia de Estados Unidos siguen creyendo que no hay duda de las acciones de Rusia en las elecciones presidenciales estadounidenses.

Pero la investigación de Mueller, así como las averiguaciones que llevan a cabo por su cuenta los comités de inteligencia de la Cámara de Representantes y del Senado, requieren ser completadas para arrojar la mayor luz posible sobre los detalles sobre la injerencia rusa y su eventual impacto en el proceso político. Y es que los expertos de inteligencia estadounidenses coinciden que los esfuerzos de Rusia por interferir en los procesos políticos de Estados Unidos no son ni nuevos, ni van a terminar con las elecciones pasadas. Las elecciones intermedias del 2018 están a la venta y es importante que los lectores tengan la certidumbre de que los resultados reflejan la voluntad popular, y no la interferencia indebida de poderes foráneos.

1042 West Hedding St. Suite 250 San Jose, CA 95126

PUBLISHER Angelica Rossi angelica@el-observador.com PUBLISHER EMERITUS Hilbert Morales hmorales@el-observador.com ADVERTISING & SALES DIRECTOR Angelica Rossi angelica@el-observador.com ADVERTISING SALES JOB & RECRUITMENT ADVERTISING Justin Rossi justin@el-observador.com MANAGING EDITOR Arturo Hilario arturo@el-observador.com spanish.editor@el-observador.com CONTRIBUTORS Justin Rossi Mario Jimenez Hector Curriel Estephany Haro OP-ED Hilbert Morales english.editor@el-observador.com LEGAL NOTICES Erica Marie Najar frontdesk@el-observador.com ACCOUNTING Erica Marie Najar frontdesk@el-observador.com GRAPHIC DESIGNER Leila Velasco leila@el-observador.com ABOUT US El Observador was founded in 1980 to serve the informational needs of the Hispanic community in the San Francisco Bay Area with special focus on San Jose, the capital of Silicon Valley. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be transmitted or reproduced by any form or by any means, this includes photo copying, recording or by any informational storage and retrevial systems, electronic or mechanical without express written consent of the publishers. Opinions expressed in El Observador by persons submitting articles are not necessarily the opinions of the publishers.

EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com

NOVEMBER 3 - 9, 2017


Photo Credit: San Jose Improv

¡VAMOS A GOZAR! Latino Night Comedy Wednesday, November 8, 2017 / 8pm San Jose Improv Comedy Club 62 South 2nd Street, San Jose, CA Tickets: $15 Info: sanjose.improv.com 18+ DOWNTOWN FARMERS’ MARKET Friday November 3, 2017 / 10am San Pedro Square 87 N San Pedro St San Jose, CA Free

STEINWAY SOCIETY: JI Friday November 3, 2017 / 7:30pm Trianon Theatre 72 N 5th St San Jose, CA $40 - $60

SJSU VS. SAN DIEGO STATE Saturday November 4, 2017 / 7:30pm CEFCU Stadium 1257 S 10th St San Jose, CA $18 - $40

PLAYA TO PASEO: SONIC RUNWAY ARTWORK LAUNCH Friday November 3, 2017 / 6pm San Jose City Hall San Jose, CA Free

MOM’S GIFT Friday November 3, 2017 / 8pm Tabard Theatre Co 29 N San Pedro St San Jose, CA $15 - $44

ROCKY HORROR SHOW LIVE Saturday November 4, 2017 / 8pm San Jose Stage Company 490 S 1st St San Jose, CA $35 - $50

SNOW WHITE AND THE 7 LITTLE PEOPLE Friday November 3, 2017 / 7pm Historic Hoover Theatre 1635 Park Ave San Jose, CA $6 - $15

SAN JOSE FALL HOME SHOW Saturday November 4, 2017 / All Day San Jose McEnery Convention Center 150 W San Carlos St San Jose, CA Free

TOSPS TUESDAYS: SONS OF JUBAL – BIG BAND Tuesday November 7, 2017 / 7pm Tabard Theatre Co 29 N San Pedro St San Jose, CA Free

SOUTH FIRST Friday November 3, 2017 / 7pm SoFA District and beyond Downtown San Jose San Jose, CA Free

OUR CITY FOREST: 5TH ANNUAL FALL PLANT SALE Saturday November 4, 2017 / 9am Our City Forest Community Nursery 100 Spring St San Jose, CA Free

LEADING THE WAY: WORDS FROM WOMEN OF WISDOM Wednesday November 8, 2017 / 6pm San Jose Woman’s Club 75 S 11th St San Jose, CA $5 for students and members $10 general admission

SHARKS V. LIGHTNING Wednesday November 8, 2017 / 7:30pm SAP Center 525 W Santa Clara St San Jose, CA $24 - $183

GREEN LIGHT WALK & RALLY Thursday November 9, 2017 / 5:30pm San Jose City Hall 200 E Santa Clara St San Jose, CA Free




EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com


THINK TOGETHER HOLDS LIGHTS ON AFTERSCHOOL RALLY TO CALL ATTENTION TO THE VALUE OF AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAMS San Jose, Calif. – Think Together, a statewide nonprofit organization that partners with schools to provide early learning after school and support programs, recently sponsored a Lights On Afterschool rally on October 26 to join the annual nationwide celebration of afterschool programs organized by the Afterschool Alliance. During the event students were able to showcase the variety of campus clubs offered during their Fall Harvest Festival. Leaders from each club had projects on display as they hosted activities by each of their booths. To highlight ways more of their peers can be physically active, the Sports Club showcased different physical activities, games and demonstrations that revolve around having fun and getting fit.

More than 11 million kids nationwide are alone or unsupervised after class ends, according to the Afterschool Alliance. Photo Credit: School's Out Washington

Eric Tegethoff Public News Service

VANCOUVER, Wash. -- Today communities in Washington and across the nation celebrate Lights On Afterschool Day. Now in its 17th year, the day highlights programs that keep kids safe and engaged beyond school hours. According to the Afterschool Alliance, more than 11 million children nationwide are alone and unsupervised after school. In Vancouver, many before- and after-school programs take place on elementary school campuses. Shannel Clouse is the services coordinator for school programs with the Vancouver Educational School District. She said these programs partner with the schools to help expand learning opportunities. "We'll do a lot of activities - for example, doing cooking projects or building something, and then talking to the kids about why it's important, or about what they learned in that process,” Clouse said. "You know, just doing things to get them thinking about the things that they are doing in our program." She said Vancouver programs will celebrate Lights On Afterschool Day with arts and crafts activities, and by speaking with local

elected officials about the importance of expanded learning. After school opportunities are especially important for working families. Jackie Brock, also with the Vancouver ESD, said providing services on school campuses where kids already are helps parents immensely. "Families aren't having to worry about how to support transportation needs. All of the services that their children are accessing are in one location,” Brock said. "So, it definitely reduces a lot of barriers that working families may experience." Far from just providing supervision and learning opportunities, these programs also help kids with social skills. Instead of spending hours in front of a screen, Clouse said they get a chance to interact with other kids. "We're able to help facilitate some of those social-emotional needs, like taking turns and sharing, and just kind of managing their own emotions and recognizing others’ emotions,” she said; “helping with empathy that can carry with them throughout their lives." Funding for after school and summer programs is under threat in the 2018 budget from the Trump administration, which has proposed sharp cuts in grant money for the 21st Century Community Learning Centers program.

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NOVEMBER 3 - 9, 2017

This year’s speaker was Assemblymember Ash Kalra, representing the 27th California Assembly District, who will be speaking on the value of afterschool programs. The event will spotlight the range of programming offered by Think Together, including its range of onsite studentled clubs. Lights On Afterschool draws attention to the many ways afterschool programs support students by offering them opportunities to learn new things— such as science, community service, robotics, Tae Kwon Do and poetry—and discover new skills. The events send a powerful message that millions more kids need quality afterschool programs. Launched in 2000, Lights On Afterschool

is the only nationwide event celebrating afterschool programs and their important role in the lives of children, families and communities. The effort has become a hallmark of the afterschool movement and generates media coverage across the country each year. In America today, 11.3 million children are alone and unsupervised after school. Afterschool programs keep kids safe, help working families and inspire learning. They provide opportunities to help young people develop into successful adults. This event will call for expanding afterschool opportunities so that every child who needs a program has access to one, and discuss the benefits of afterschool programs, including inspiring children to learn, keeping them safe in the hours when juvenile crime peaks, and providing relief to working families. Parents and supporters will sign a petition that urges lawmakers not to deny or divert funding for afterschool programs. Think Together implemented its first afterschool program in the Bay Area in 2013 with a 21st Century Community Learning Centers grant from the U.S. Department of Education. It now serves 250 children, providing homework assistance, mentoring, tutoring, and classes and clubs in sports, recreation, mathematics, chess, and dozens of other subjects. The program is a collaboration between the school system, YMCA, Museum of Arts and Sciences and three local colleges.

NOVEMBER 3 - 9, 2017

EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com accommodations will be. Additionally, the stress of last-minute planning may lead you to miss red flags or not read things properly.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

• Be careful online. It’s likely that you’ll see ads for great deals while browsing the web, but be careful! It’s important to do your research before booking a flight or hotel online. Look up the third party booking site at bbb.org to see if it’s trustworthy. You should also verify the URL, use a credit card, and always read the fine print. Usually you can get the same deal directly through the website of the airline or hotel, so if in doubt, take the safer route!

HOLIDAY TRAVEL TIPS Rebecca Harpster Golden Gate Better Business Bureau

This winter, I’ll be driving from San Diego to Arizona with my family for a vacation. Many people travel over the holidays - by plane, train, car, and even boat! Whether you’re looking to escape the cold, visit family or friends, or simply go on an adventure, the holidays are a great time of year to go on a trip. However, due to its popularity, holiday travel

can be expensive! There are some obvious ways to cut down on costs, like traveling by car or staying with friends and family. Another great way to save money? Not losing it to scams, unethical businesses, or confusion! The following tips from your Better Business Bureau (BBB) will help you save money and stay safe: • Plan ahead. We’re less than two months away from peak holiday travel time. If you haven’t already, it’s time to make plans! The closer the holidays are, the more expensive tickets and

• Be ready for a road trip. If, like me, you’re planning on driving to your holiday destination, make sure your car is tuned up and ready to go. Take it to a trustworthy BBB Accredited mechanic to ensure it’s ready for a long drive and free of problems. Renting a car? It can be difficult to navigate the maze of rates, fees, and responsibilities. For a guide to car rentals, visit go.bbb.org/rentalcar. • Read the fine print. Whenever you make a purchase, know what you’re getting in to. When buying a flight, pay careful attention to luggage restrictions. Some airlines make you pay for a carry-on bag, depending on the ticket you buy! Make sure to read refund and cancellation policies carefully. What happens if you’re no longer able to travel, or if weather causes delays or cancellations? Ask about extra fees before signing any contract. • Watch out for scams. In 2016, hundreds of travel and vacation scams were reported to



BBB Scam Tracker by consumers nationwide. More than 2,000 sweepstakes and prize scams were also reported, and many involved winning “free” airfare, lodging, or cruises. If you receive unsolicited contact claiming you’ve won a free trip, it’s probably a scam. You’ll never have to pay to receive a free prize. Avoid click-bait ads for cheap vacations you see online. These may lead you to fraudulent websites hoping to steal your personal or financial information. It’s also important to watch out for fake rentals when looking for accommodations. Phony landlords collect an advance deposit then avoid contact with renters, who may be left with nothing but a fake reservation or a rental that doesn’t resemble the photos in the online listing. Only deal with rental companies you can trust – look them up on bbb.org first! Consider travel insurance. If your plans go awry, travel insurance may be helpful. It’s designed to reimburse you if something goes wrong and you have to cancel your trip. However, there are many different types of plans and they cover a variety of circumstances. More protection will come at a cost. Ask a lot of questions, read the fine print, and do your research on bbb.org. According to Consumer Reports, “coverage may be unnecessary if you already have protection through homeowners, auto, life or health insurance... credit-card benefits and consumer-protection laws also may help.” You can reach your BBB at info@bbbemail. org or (510) 844-2000, or by visiting goldengate.bbb.org.

CONSEJOS PARA VIAJAR DURANTE LAS VACACIONES DE INVIERNO viajes durante la temporada de fiestas pueden ser muy costosos. Hay algunas formas obvias de reducir costos, como viajar en automóvil o quedarse con amigos o familiares. ¿Otra gran manera de ahorrar dinero? No perderlo a estafas, negocios poco éticos, o confusión. Los siguientes consejos de su Better Business Bureau (BBB) lo ayudarán a ahorrar dinero y mantenerse seguro:

Photo Credit: Better Business Bureau

Rebecca Harpster Golden Gate Better Business Bureau

Este invierno, conduciré de San Diego a Arizona con mi familia para unas vacaciones. Muchas personas viajan durante las vacaciones de invierno: en avión, tren, automóvil, e incluso en barco. Ya sea que quiere escapar el frio, visitar a familiares o amigos, o simplemente ir a una aventura, la temporada de fiestas es un gran tiempo del año para ir de viaje. Sin embargo, debido a su popularidad, los

• Empiece ahora. Estamos a menos de dos meses de la temporada de fiestas. Si aún no lo has hecho, ¡es hora de hacer planes! Cuanto más cerca estén las vacaciones, más caras serán los boletos y el alojamiento. Además, el estrés de la planificación de último minuto puede hacer que cometa errores. • Tenga cuidado en línea. Probablemente va a ver anuncios de grandes ofertas en el Internet, pero tenga cuidado. Es importante investigar antes de reservar un vuelo u hotel en línea. Busque el sitio de terceros en bbb. org para ver si es confiable. También debe verificar la URL, usar una tarjeta de crédito y leer la letra pequeña. Por lo general, puede obtener la misma tarifa directamente a través del sitio web de la aerolínea u hotel. Si tiene dudas, toma la ruta más segura. • Prepárate para un viaje por carretera. Si, como yo, planea conducir hasta su destino de vacaciones, asegúrese de que su automóvil

esté preparado. Llévelo a un mecánico Acreditado por BBB para garantizar que esté listo para un largo viaje y sin problemas. Si está alquilando un auto, puede ser difícil navegar las tarifas y responsabilidades. Para obtener una guía de BBB sobre el alquiler de autos, visite go.bbb.org/rentalcar (en Ingles). • Lea la letra pequeña. Cada vez que realice una compra, tenga cuidado. Al comprar un vuelo, preste especial atención a las restricciones de equipaje. Algunas aerolíneas le hacen pagar por su equipaje de mano, dependiendo en el boleto que compre. Asegúrese de leer cuidadosamente las políticas de reembolso y cancelación. ¿Qué sucede si ya no puede viajar o si el clima causa retrasos o cancelaciones? Pregunte sobre tarifas adicionales antes de firmar cualquier contrato. • Tenga cuidado con estafas. En 2016, cientos de estafas de viajes y vacaciones fueron reportadas al Rastreador de Estafas de BBB por consumidores. También se reportaron más de 2.000 estafas de sorteos y premios, y muchos involucraron ganar pasajes aéreos, alojamiento o cruceros “gratuitos”. Si recibe un contacto no solicitado que dice que ganó un viaje gratis, probablemente sea una estafa. Nunca tendrá que pagar para recibir un premio gratis. Evite los anuncios para las

vacaciones baratas que ve in línea. Pueden llevarle a sitios web fraudulentos que quieren robar su información personal o financiera. También es importante tener cuidado con los alquileres falsos cuando busque alojamiento. Los propietarios fraudulentos cobran un depósito por adelantado y luego evitan el contacto con los inquilinos, a quienes solo les queda una reserva falsa o un alquiler que no se parece a las fotos en línea. Solo trate con empresas de alquiler en las que puede confiar; búsquelas en bbb.org. Considere seguro de viaje. Si sus planes salen mal, el seguro de viaje puede ser útil. Está diseñado para reembolsarle si algo sale mal y tiene que cancelar su viaje. Sin embargo, hay muchos tipos diferentes de planes y cubren una variada de circunstancias. Más protección es más costoso. Haga muchas preguntas, lea la letra pequeña, y haga su investigación en bbb.org. Según Consumer Reports, “la cobertura puede ser innecesaria si ya tiene protección a través de su seguro de propietarios, automóviles, vida o salud… los beneficios de tarjetas de crédito y las leyes de protección al consumidor también pueden ayudar.” Puede ponerse en contacto con su BBB a través de info@bbbemail.org o (510) 8442000, o en goldengate.bbb.org.



EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com


CA Children’s Health Insurance at Risk as Congress Fails to Fund It Suzanne Potter California News Service SACRAMENTO, Calif. - It's been almost a month since Congress let funding for the Children's Health Insurance Program run out - and now, the State of California says the program known as CHIP will go broke at the end of December. The California Department of Healthcare Services says this unprecedented situation will require some hard decisions in November.

California tiene la mayor cantidad de niños inscritos en CHIP de todo el país, con más de 1.9 millones de jóvenes. Photo Credit: Pixabay

Suzanne Potter California News Service SACRAMENTO, Calif. - En un movimiento sin precedentes, el Congreso dejo de fondear el Programa de Seguros de Salud Infantil durante casi un mes luego de que expiro, mandando a los estados a batallar para llenar el vacio. Hace casi un mes que el Congreso dejo que se acabara el Programa de Seguros de Salud Infantil (Children's Health Insurance Program) - y ahora la administracion estatal de California avisa que el programa, conocido como CHIP, quebrara a f inales de diciembre. El Departamento de Servicios de Atencion a la Salud de California (California Department of Healthcare Services) advierte que esta situacion sin precedentes requerira de que se tomen algunas decisiones dif iciles en noviembre. Tricia Brooks, miembro "senior" del Centro Georgetown para los Ninos y las Familias (Georgetown Center for Children and Families), dice que la falta de accion del Congreso ha forzado a los estados a considerar la suspension de inscripciones o recortar benef icios. "Los estados no pueden esperar hasta que se les acabe el dinero para actuar; de hecho, hacerlo seria muy irresponsable. Pero hacer cambios a la cobertura del CHIP, incluso temporales, toma tiempo. Y con el tiempo agotara los fondos que los estados deben pagar por la salud de los pequenos." Brooks comenta que los legisladores

de DC han gastado los cinco meses pasados tratando de rechazar la ACA, aprobar un presupuesto y trabajar en una reforma tributaria. El programa CHIP de California, que forma parte de Medicaid, tiene inscritos mas o menos uno punto nueve millones de pequenos. Al estado se le exige por ley que mantenga el programa en marcha -o de otra manera seguira f luyendo algo del dinero federal, pero los reembolsos federales bajarian en un porcentaje de 38 puntos, dejandole al estado la tarea de tratar de absorber el resto. Kirsten Golden Testa, directora de salud en California de la Asociacion de los Ninos (Children's Partnership), dice que otro programa que cubre a 118 mil mujeres y sus recien nacidos depende enteramente del dinero federal, asi que el estado tendria que terminarlo o cubrir su costo completo. "Es una situacion dif icil porque tienen que poner en la balanza a los operadores responsables del programa y no querer angustiar sin motivo a las familias cuyos pequenos dependen de esta cobertura." Dos comites del Congreso ya acordaron que siga la politica de CHIP, pero no han decidido como pagar los 8 billones de dolares que costara fondear el programa durante los proximos cinco anos. Testa dice que la preocupacion es que la gente deje de traer a sus pequenos al doctor, incluso si su programa de seguro permanece intacto. El reporte esta en: https://ccf. georgetown.edu/w p-content/ uploads/2017/10/CHIP-delay-10 -25. pdf.

NOVEMBER 3 - 9, 2017

Tricia Brooks, a senior fellow at the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families, says Congress' inaction has forced many states to consider freezing enrollment or cutting benefits. "States cannot wait until they run out of money to take action; in fact, doing so would be irresponsible," she warns. "But making changes to CHIP coverage, even temporarily, takes time and will further deplete the funds that states have to pay for healthcare for children." Meanwhile, Brooks says lawmakers in D.C. have spent the past few months trying to repeal the ACA, pass a budget and work on tax reform.


California's CHIP program, which is part of Medicaid, has about 1.9 million children enrolled. The state is required by law to keep the program going, so some federal money would still flow. But the federal reimbursements would drop by 38 percent - leaving the state to try and absorb the rest. Kristen Golden Testa, California health director for the Children's Partnership, says another program that covers 118,000 women and their newborns, is entirely dependent on federal money. So the state would either have to end it or cover the entire cost. "It's a difficult situation because they have to balance the responsible program operators with not wanting to unnecessarily distress the families whose children depend on this coverage," she says. Two committees in Congress have already agreed on CHIP policy going forward, but they haven't figured out how to pay the $8 billion to fund the program for the next five years. Testa says the worry is that people will stop bringing their kids to the doctor, even while the insurance program remains intact.




EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com

NOVEMBER 3 - 9, 2017


• 4 1/2 tazas de harina para todo uso, uso dividido • 1 yema de huevo, disuelto en 2 cucharaditas de agua • 2 cucharadas de azúcar granulado, uso dividido Direcciones: 1. MEZCLAR la levadura y el agua tibia en un tazón grande. Dejar crecer por 10 minutos. Calentar La Lechera y la mantequilla en una cacerola pequeña sobre fuego medio hasta que la mantequilla esté derretida. Añadir el anís, la sal y la mezcla de La Lechera a la mezcla de levadura y mover bien para combinar.

Photo Credit: Nestle La Lechera

Preparación: 15 minutos Porciones: 2 Ingredientes: • 1 paquete (7 gramos) de levadura en polvo • 1/2 taza de agua tibia (100-110° F) • 1/2 taza de Leche Condensada

Azucarada LA LECHERA de NESTLÉ • 1/2 taza (1 barra) de mantequilla sin sal • 1 cucharadita de semillas de anís • 1/2 cucharadita de sal • 4 huevos grandes, a temperatura ambiente

2. AÑADIR los huevos y 1 taza de harina y mezclar bien con una cuchara de madera. Continua agregando la harina restante taza por taza mezclando bien hasta que la masa se junte. Amasar por 5 minutos o hasta que la masa esté suave y elástica y ya no pegajosa. Poner en un tazón grande engrasado. Cubrir con plástico engrasado. Dejar reposar en un lugar tibio durante 1 hora o hasta que duplique el tamaño.



4. GOLPEAR la masa con el puño y divídela en mitad. De cada mitad corta 3 bolitas pequeñas (de aproximadamente 1 cucharada). Trabaja 4 de las bolitas para formar los “huesos”. De cada una de las grandes mitades de masa formar una bola de pan redondo. Suavemente presiona los huesos en cada pan formando una “X”. Trabaja las 2 bolitas restantes para crear la calavera. Coloca la calavera en el centro de cada “X” y presiona suavemente. Poner los panes en la bandeja preparada y dejar que crezcan en un lugar tibio durante 30 minutos. 5. PRECALIENTA el horno a 350º F. Pintar la superficie de cada pan con la mezcla de yema de huevo. 6. HORNEAR por 20 minutos. Sacar los panes del horno y pintar nuevamente la superficie de cada pan con la mezcla de yema de huevo y espolvorear con las 2 cucharadas de azúcar granulada. Regresar al horno por otros 20 minutos o hasta que los panes estén dorados y suenan huecos cuando los tocas. Sirve caliente o deja enfriar completamente. Los panes son más ricos cuando se comen el mismo día.

3. CUBRIR una bandeja grande para hornear grande con papel parchment.

NEED NEW GLASSES? DON'T OVERLOOK THESE WAYS TO ENHANCE YOUR LENSES to your lenses can reduce your exposure and offer relief from sore, irritated, tired eyes while working, cramming, e-reading, or binge-watching.

StatePoint When it comes to buying new eyeglasses, many people focus on frames, spending hours trying on multiple shapes and colors. With so many styles to choose from, it’s easy to forget that glasses are used for a medical purpose and they need to do more than just look good -- they need to work.

• Progressive lenses: Lens enhancements aren’t the only way to upgrade your vision experience. For those who have graduated to the sometimes-dreaded presbyopia club, the age-related loss of the eye’s ability to focus on nearby objects, there is new technology that makes adapting to progressive lenses much easier. Additionally, gone are the days of the bifocal, so you won’t have to endure the line in the middle of the lens. Instead, you can enjoy a cosmetically- pleasing lens that allows you to see near, far, and in between effortlessly.

Remember, there are many lenses and enhancements that can be customized to fit your lifestyle and everyday needs. Here are some lens enhancements you’ll want to consider “must-haves” for your next pair of glasses. • Anti-reflective (AR) coating: A good AR or anti-reflective coating can enhance your vision and make your glasses look better by minimizing those annoying reflections. The coatings can be applied to the front and back of your lenses to help protect them from scratches and smudges, and repel dust and water. Additionally, AR coatings can reduce eyestrain caused by glare and reflections, and prevent the “halos” you might see from oncoming cars at night. The coating also reduces the reflection of light, allowing others to better see your eyes through the lenses.

photochromic lenses, these lenses quickly darken in sunlight and return to clear indoors, combining the benefits of regular prescription glasses and sunglasses in one convenient package. Light-reactive lenses also reduce light sensitivity, protect against ultraviolet (UV) radiation, and many even reduce exposure to blue light from sunlight and devices.

• Light-reactive lenses: Also known as

• Blue light reduction: Blue light is a high-

To learn more about finding the right lens enhancements, visit vsp.com/eyeglasseslenses.html.

Photo Credit: (c) piola666 - iStock.com

energy light emitted by digital devices, LED lights, and the sun. Blue light exposure has been linked to digital eye strain. And with screen time continuing to soar, it’s not surprising that digital eye strain has surpassed carpal tunnel syndrome as the leading computerrelated workplace complaint in America, according to the Vision Council’s digital ye strain report. Adding a blue light coating

For better vision and protection against eye strain and damage, don’t overlook your lens options. When it’s time to get your next pair of glasses, think beyond fashion and take some time to think through your lenses, considering options that can offer you better vision as well as protection against eye strain and damage.



EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com

A LOOK AT LATINX Latinos Finding Identity in A Word That Means a Lot

steadily kept rising in use and inquiries due to social media and the presence of the internet in general. Maritza Martinez, Director at Somos Familia, a Latino LGBTQ focused nonprofit, knows all too well the identity crisis that LGBT Latinos encounter, which in turn leads self-creation of signifiers like Latinx. “One of the biggest challenges many Latina/ o/x youth face is family and community acceptance. LGBTQ Latino youth [are] twice as likely than non-LGBTQ Latino youth to say they do not “fit in” with the communities where they live,” says Martinez. One of the goals at Somos Familia is to provide the support system and “intergenerational leadership” to Latinos who might have a hard time understanding their children’s or relative’s views on identity, or the process of “coming out”. Likewise, it can also help interpret a parent’s or elder’s views.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Arturo Hilario El Observador

Language is an interesting thing. It evolves, and is manipulated by the people that use it wherever they may exist. The English Language sprouted from AngloSaxon Britain around the 5th century. The Spanish language came after the fall of the Roman civilization, and as a dialect of Latin. Throughout the ages, as both languages became the common tongue in their respective regions of the world, they spread, and syntax changed, words changed, and even crossed into other languages to form new additions to the lexicon. Even now, when language seems to have its rules and boundaries set (besides slang), there are words that change convention because of necessity. “Latinx” is a word that aims to break the mold, with it being a perfect example of a group of people needing a new way to describe themselves. Although not officially used in all of the world, it has been gaining use in the mainstream for years for a variety of reasons. Latina/o The history of the word Latinx and why it is beginning to be used more and more across the board of Spanish language lexicon begins with what history teaches of the Spanish language and gendered words. When a group of people is together, it can be described as “they”. In Spanish, it depends on the gender makeup of the group. If it is all males, it is ellos. If it is all females, it is ellas. If it is a mixed group, it is still considered ellos. The Spanish language is filled with these types of nouns that are gender specific, and when males are introduced in a situation, it becomes the default masculine “o”. Latinx derives from the belief that there shouldn’t be a hierarchy to the gender distinctions. That there should be an inclusive way to identify. The term also exists to create an identity for Latinos which is rarely their choice,

whether by traditional societal standards or historical treatment of identity. Katynka Z. Martínez, PhD, is an Associate Professor and Department Chair of San Francisco State University’s Latina/Latino Studies program, which falls under the College of Ethnic Studies. Her view of the term correlates to the Latin American history, and finding identity. “People of Latin American heritage who live in the U.S. have constantly been engaged in a struggle to define themselves on their own terms.” Professor Martinez historically highlights what can be seen as one of the core purposes of the “Latinx movement”. In the pursuit of “equal footing”, the term gives those using it the ability to identify with a word that defines a belief system mirroring their own. Much like Latino Social Justice groups in history, Professor Martinez says, “The activism of the Young Lords and the Chicano movement was incredibly strong in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The folks involved in these movements were committed to social justice, stopping the U.S. involvement in the war in Viet Nam, challenging police abuse in their neighborhoods, and affirming their identities on their own terms. Sometimes this meant creating new names like Chicana and Nuyorican.” Like the groups of early Latino Social Justice movements in the US, it’s the users own progressive beliefs that are incorporated and represented by the word. Finding Identitad Since the term Latinx stems from a need for gender inclusivity it’s no surprise that its first recorded use was in the early 2000’s, by members of the LGBTQ community, specifically Afro-Latinos. Although the term is new by US social justice standards, its creation comes from a history of searching for identity. According to Google Trends, which maps search-volume, it first showed up online in May of 2004, then fluctuated in popularity over the years, until it shot up in late 2015 and has

Martinez adds, “As LGBTQ people, we spend time learning about gender and sexuality in order to better understand ourselves. After this long journey of self-discovery, we come out and then our parents and family have to go through a similar learning process to understand what we are telling them. In many cases concepts like gender non-conforming or pansexual will be difficult to understand and Spanish translations may be wordy or difficult to understand.” A Historical Meaning And so, as members of the Latino LGBTQ community began using Latinx to identify themselves in the early 2000’s, its usage spread to other groups of Latinos, who as a group have historically been at crossroads in how they identify in this country. Professor Martinez says, “Many people opposed the term "Hispanic" because they associated it with Richard Nixon, who was president when this term was first used in the 1970 U.S. Census. Opposition to the term "Hispanic" can only be understood within this context as a government imposed term that failed to recognize the self-naming, self-determination, and struggles of large segments of the very population it purported to address.” It’s true that for many Latinos, there exists a few options in how they identify, and they can be interchangeable depending on the context. One can for example identify as Mexican-American, Guatemalan, Chicano, Hispanic, or Latino. But like the word Hispanic or Latino, some would rather not identify due to historical context, and the fact that it was people like Nixon that utilized it in the first place. Latinx serves as a way to take control of the cultural identity. “The term "Latinx" could be viewed as a continuation of this struggle. People who choose to use this term are drawing attention to the fact that previous terms that were used to refer to people of Latin American heritage have not completely captured the full experiences and realities of this population,” says Professor Martinez. In some circles, the identifier Latinx can also be seen as a form of "reclamation" or rebellion from the European/Spanish language that our official definitions and usage come from (By way of the Real Academia Española, who most

NOVEMBER 3 - 9, 2017 definitely does not side with the term Latinx). A Latinx Future? As Professor Martinez notes, there has been an overall fluctuating history of changing identifiers in the Latin American community. Latinx is just the latest in a long line of searching for the right word to describe oneself. “It's worth keeping in mind that we've been reworking these names for a long time. For example, in 1975 Ester Hernandez created an etching and titled it "La Virgen de Guadalupe Defendiendo Los Derechos de los Xican@s." The art piece made a strong impression on viewers both because it presents a karatekicking Virgen de Guadalupe and because it reworks "Chicano" by introducing the term and idea of "Xican@s." In present time, the use of Xican@s is indeed still used by some, although its use is essentially only in the United States. It is in this country where the very identity of our varied histories is in a constant flux, and to that end, why terms like Chicano, Xican@s, and now Latinx exist. At San Francisco State University, where the College of Ethnic Studies was the first in the nation, the storied culture of academia and the culture of students has different approaches to Latinx in the present. “Many students use the term "Latinx." Unfortunately, some of SF State's official documents are pretty far behind with regards to the terms they use to refer to our community. Some official reports only use the term "Mexican-American" and fail to recognize the full diversity of our campus community,” says Professor Martinez. Even then, Professor Martinez sees Latinx as something of value to Latinos. “I think it's great that a new term is being introduced now. I look forward to the conversations that will take place when folks who use the term engage in conversations with those who have never heard of it and might have never questioned gender binaries.” In the end, the term Latinx works for some, not for all. It is not the supreme answer to complicated cultural histories and does not mean it will replace whatever one chooses to identify themselves as. In a way though Latinx provides generations of Latinos with a stepping stone in finding their own place in this world while paying homage to their heritage. And it definitely helps to form an understanding of why people use Latinx and why it was created in the first place. Somos Familia’s Martinez says, “It is my hope that everyone will come to understand the word even if they don't use it. We focus on gender so much throughout everyday life without even noticing and this can be harmful to some people. I think it is a critical way to validate, acknowledge and celebrate the identities of Latinx people beyond the gender binary. We need more inclusive language like this for our community.” As history has shown, eventually there may be another signifier that works better to better classify the diverse nature of being Latin American. But for now, Latinx is here. For more information on ways to connect and learn more, please visit somosfamiliabay.org.

EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com

NOVEMBER 3 - 9, 2017




Photo Credit: Ken & Vilma Guzzetta

SJ CHEVY CLASSIC CAR SHOW SATURDAY, NOV. 4 SAN JOSE, CA- San Jose Classic Chevy Club’s 29th Annual Car Show, Toy and Food Drive will be held on the campus of the Cathedral of Faith this Saturday, November 4th at 10 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Admission is free. The San Jose Classic Chevy Club is a nonprofit, San Jose-based club for owners and aficionados of Classic Chevrolet vehicles. The club has partnered with the Cathedral of Faith and other various Santa Clara County charities for charitable fundraising. All car entries and visitors are encouraged to donate an unwrapped toy and non-perishable food items that will be distributed to families in need for the holidays. Last year, more than 500 cars were a part of the event. Organizers collected over 1,400 new toys and more than 8,000 pounds of nonperishable

food items. Through the Cathedral’s holiday gift program, children from hundreds of families received new wrapped toys for Christmas. Through the Church’s Reaching Out Program, more than 4,000 people were given turkeys and grocery carts full of food for the holidays. The car show will include other family-oriented activities, like a pancake breakfast, raffles, grand prizes, music and food. The pancake breakfast is held on the church campus from 8:30 – 10:00 a.m., and the grand raffle prize is 3 days/3 nights at Hot August Nights 2018, Grand Sierra Resort in Reno, Nevada. Come out to the car show at the Cathedral of Faith in San Jose. For more information, visit www.cathedraloffaith.org or call 408-267-4691.



VHP quiere que celebres más. Por eso es que te ofrecemos los precios más bajos de Covered California con beneficios que incluyen acceso a MDLIVE telehealth 24 horas al día y acceso a farmacias nacionalmente – donde quiera que la aventura te lleve, VHP te tiene cubierto. Compara y ahorra en valleyhealthplan.org

San Jose, California - The Assistance League of San Jose is an all-volunteer nonprofit organization whose signature philanthropic project provided school uniforms to 3992 students from families who might have found it difficult to purchase uniforms for their children this school year. Data shows that students tend to achieve at higher levels if they feel they are part of the school community instead of visually apart from it due to lack of a school uniform. The program is known as Operation School Bell (OSB) and has been in effect for 25 years. Operation School Bell is an all-inclusive philanthropic program that begins with the soliciting of funds in the form of grants for the purchase of the school uniforms, contracting with a company who can provide the uniforms, sorting the uniforms by colors and sizes once they arrive, packaging the uniforms for distribution, visiting the schools at the beginning of the school year to measure the students for a good uniform fit, and finally delivering the uniforms to the schools. Councilman Raul Peralez, of District 3, who joined ALSJ volunteers at Olinder Elementary School, noted that, “Many Olinder students were affected by the flooding in February, half of the school community was under water. One of the reoccurring concerns we heard from parents during the cleanup effort was the need for new

school uniforms to replace those that were lost in the Coyote Creek Flood”. Councilman Peralez authorized District 3 to allocate $1500 toward the cost of new uniforms at Selma Olinder Elementary School, a school in District 3. “All students appear to be more engaged and ready to learn when they come to school in a school uniform,” stated Maria Chichizola, student support counselor at Grant Elementary School. “They are also less likely to feel self-conscious about their clothes or to be teased about their dress.” The school districts, which are recipients of the school uniforms, are San Jose Unified, Alum Rock Union Elementary District, and Franklin McKinley School District. ALSJ depends entirely on grants and donations to purchase the school uniforms. Major contributors to the OSB program include: San Jose Sharks Foundation, George and Jeanette Stuart Family Trust, SanDisk Foundation, Western Digital Foundation, First Days of School Foundation, Deborah and Henry Pao Foundation, William Cilker Family Foundation, JX Foundation, San Jose Council members Johnny Khamis, Magdalena Carrasco, Ash Kalra, and Raul Peralez.



EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com

NOVEMBER 3 - 9, 2017


Comienza a ganar dinero extra

Contratando ahora mismo

The National Association of Social Workers has asked the Trump administration to declare gun violence a national health emergency on par with the opioid crisis. Photo Credit: Rich Legg/iStockphoto

S u z a n n e Po tt e r Public News Service PHOENIX -- Hundreds of social workers will gather in P h o e n i x t h i s Fr i d ay No v e m b e r 3rd, to tackle some of the toughest ethical and political issues facing society - from mass shootings to health care, child abuse and drug a d d i c t i o n . There are about 10,000 social workers in the state working to address behavioral, mental and emotional issues in various settings - child welfare agencies, hospitals, schools, mental health clinics and human services programs. Jeremy Arp, exec utive direc tor of the Arizona chapter of the National Association of Social Wo r k e r s , s a i d t h e p r o f e s s i o n has no shortage of challenges. "Some of the minefields that we're navigating these days would be trauma due to different events happening around us, whether it be gun v i o l e n c e , c h i l d w e l f a r e ,” A r p said; "also looking at the opioid epidemic." The NASW recently called o n P r e s i d e n t D o n a l d Tr u m p to declare gun violence a n a t i o n a l h e a l t h e m e r g e n c y, which would focus resources

to combat a problem that takes more than 35,000 lives a year between homicides and suicides. The group has also taken stands on issues that t h r e a t e n f a m i l y s t a b i l i t y.

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The conference, called Social Wo r k e r s S t a n d U p , w i l l b e h e l d at the Desert Willow Center in Phoenix. NASW opposes efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which expanded Medicaid and extended medical coverage to more than 20 million Americans. Arp said social workers need to stay engaged in the political process, by voting and weighing in at community forums. "Making sure that you pay attention to what's going on in the news and what's going on at the State Capitol with funding for health and human services, as well as education a n d w e l f a r e p r o g r a m m i n g ,” h e said. N A S W h a s c r i t i c i z e d Tr u m p ' s decision to revoke the DACA program, saying the Dreamers - p e o p l e b r o u g h t t o t h e U. S . as children - have contributed a g r e a t d e a l t o s o c i e t y. T h e group also opposes the large cuts in social service programs in the President's proposed budget.

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EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com

NOVEMBER 3 - 9, 2017



find a way to complete the act if the most lethal option isn't available. She pointed to the nation of Sri Lanka, which had the highest rate of suicide in the world when deadly pesticides were readily available. Once restrictions were put on the most lethal pesticides and safe storage was prioritized, the suicide rate plummeted. She also recalled that in the United States in the 1970s, many people didn't wear seat belts "and how no one wanted to do it - and how now we don't even blink, we just get in the car and do it."

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - There is hope beyond the headlines, according to a child and adolescent psychiatrist at Children's Mercy Hospital and Clinics, even as research shows children and teens are taking their lives by suicide in greater numbers. Dr. Shayla Sullivant said stigma and easy access to guns are problems that can be remedied in individual homes. She pointed to famous figures who experienced depression and suicidal ideology, ranging from Abraham Lincoln to actress Halle Berr y and author J.K . Rowling. "Think of all these people and the contributions they have made to our society," she said. "There is reason for us to hope and there is reason for us to also think about how not having access to a firearm when these people were in the depths of despair is partly why they contributed what they did."

Automobile fatalities were skyrocketing in the '70s, but the number of deaths per capita in auto crashes has dropped by more than 35 percent since that time. Sullivant said suicide rates among youths also can be dramatically curtailed by reducing stigma, keeping firearms stored or by family members making the decision to remove guns from the homes of struggling youths.

Ninety percent of individuals who survive a suicide attempt do not go on to die by suicide at a later date, according to Dr. Shayla Sullivant. Photo Credit: Sasin Tipchai/Pixabay

Sullivant said she often counsels parents of her clients to either remove guns from their homes or keep them locked in a safe. She said it's a misconception that youths always plan suicide well in advance of taking their lives. Often, she noted, teens who attempted suicide

tell her they made their decision just 10 minutes prior to the act. If children don't have a highly lethal means to take their lives during this impulsive period, Sullivant said, their lives often can be saved. It's simply not true, Sullivant said, that victims of suicide will always

City of San José Finance Department


Public BU S I N E S S TA X MWorks O D E R N I Z AT I O N

Measure G In 2016, City of San José voters approved the Business Tax Modernization Measure G, and the new rates resulting from the measure are effective July 1, 2017.

and secure a valid business tax certificate from the City and pay the business tax without incurring penalties and interest. If the payment of the business tax is made after December 15, 2017, interest and penalties will accrue retroactive to July 1, 2017.

Under Measure G, all residential landlords of one or two rental units will now pay the San José business tax for the first time as of July 1, 2017. The City Council established a grace period until December 15, 2017, so that these residential landlords can apply for

The approved tax rate is to begin at the first rental unit rather than the third unit.

Register your business online at: http://www.sanjoseca.gov//Businesstax Pay your Business tax invoice online at: https://ww2.e-billexpress.com/ebpp/CSJBusTax/ Our office is located at: 200 East Santa Clara Street, 1st Floor, San José, CA 95113-1905 Email us at: businesstax@sanjoseca.gov

Call us at: 1-408-535-7055 NEW R ATES EFFEC TIVE JULY 1, 2017


EMPLOYEE COUNT Effective July 1, 2017

Residential Landlords

$195 FTE or EDD

Base Tax Inc. Tax: 1-2*

Inc. Tax: 1-2 Inc. Tax: 3-35** Inc. Tax: 36-100 Inc. Tax: 101-500 Inc. Tax: 501+

$150 FTE or EDD $0 $18 (9+) $18 $18 $18






Base Tax Employee Count*

$0 $30 $40 $50 $60

Inc. Tax: 3-35** Inc. Tax: 36-100 Inc. Tax: 101500 Inc. Tax: 501+ Cap



Effective July 1, 2017

Commercial Landlords

$150 N/A (Not Counted) $5 (31+) $5 $5

$195 $0 (Base Tax applied) $10 $15 $20

Base Tax Tax per Square Foot* Cap

$5 $5,000

$25 $150,000



Effective July 1, 2017

Mobile Home Parks



$0.01 (15,000+)




Base Tax Flat Incremental Tax* Cap



Effective July 1, 2017

Water Companies



$5 (31+)




Base Tax* Flat Incremental Tax* Cap


Effective July 1, 2017



$0.10-0.30 per connection $20,000

$1.00 per connection $150,000



Galileo busca asistente de selección y empaque que sea solidario y detallista para su amigable y vertiginoso equipo de depósito. Estos miembros del equipo de temporada son cruciales para el éxito de nuestra compañía, ya que preparan con mucha atención los suministros de los campamentos para enviar a más de 70 lugares de todo California y Chicago. Valoramos a aquellos que tienen opiniones divergentes y aportan experiencias y puntos de vista variados a Galileo. Alentamos a que miembros de grupos que no están representados y personas de distintos contextos se postulen. ¿Quién es usted? • Está intrigado o se siente motivado por la misión y el propósito de Galileo. La educación innovadora, el aprendizaje basado en proyectos y el trabajo en un ambiente profesional, acogedor y con una gran impronta de campamento deberían sonar como situaciones a las que está preparado para postularse o explorar. • Es un miembro del equipo muy responsable y concentrado en el rendimiento. Le enorgullece aportar sus talentos, y a menudo hace hasta lo imposible por ayudar a que su equipo logre los objetivos. • Puede hacer malabares, y lo hace bien. Puede manejar una variedad de proyectos en simultáneo. ¿Cambio en el plazo de entrega? ¿Múltiples colaboradores? Usted lo hace posible. Maneja bien su tiempo y ha desarrollado habilidades sólidas para establecer prioridades. • Es ágil y tiene deseos de crecer. Le emociona la idea de ser parte de un equipo de alto rendimiento y busca continuamente opiniones sobre su desempeño para aprender y crecer. • Es cuidadoso con las personas y las relaciones que construye con ellos. Se comunica de manera clara y efectiva, a la vez que actúa con un gran sentido de empatía. ¿Quiénes somos nosotros? Creemos que el mundo necesita innovadores. También creemos que los niños que aprenden a explorar y equivocarse sin miedo (la esencia de la innovación) son más felices, más creativos y más seguros cuando se enfrentan a los desafíos de la vida. Y creemos que es más probable que los niños con estas habilidades cambien nuestro mundo y sean dueños de los suyos. Es labor de todos organizar los mejores programas de campamentos que evolucionan constantemente para más de 30 000 excursionistas cada verano. En nuestra oficina central, creemos que nosotros somos Galileo, a través del trabajo de cada contribuyente y equipo, hacemos reales nuestros valores y constantemente mejoramos nuestra compañía y cultura. Porque aquí, los valores no son palabras vacías: apuntamos a ser cada día más visionarios, valientes, solidarios, determinados y reflexivos, y respaldamos ese esfuerzo con una estructura para asegurar el éxito. Las personas que trabajan arduamente, buscan comentarios para mejorar su trabajo y ellos mismos, se sienten muy responsables por la excelencia del producto y trabajan muy bien con otros tienden a desarrollarse en nuestra cultura. Los que se quejan, no. Estamos contentos unos con otros, trabajamos juntos arduamente, con alegría y unidos por nuestra dedicación común a nuestra misión de crear un mundo de innovadores valientes, y alentamos la innovación en cada cosa que hacemos. Estamos certificados también con el sello B Corp y mantenemos un compromiso, en todos los niveles de la compañía, con la inclusión de los excursionistas y el aumento de nuestro impacto. Conozca más sobre nuestro propósito a través de las palabras de nuestro director general y fundador, Glen Tripp. ¿Cómo es el equipo? Los miembros del equipo de depósito de Galileo son expertos en tareas múltiples y organización, coordinación exitosa de compras, administración de inventario y entrega de todos los materiales del campamento. Estará en el equipo que suministra herramientas a miles de jóvenes innovadores para que jueguen y creen. Además, lo hará en un lugar lleno de pegamentos en barra y ojos móviles, flotadores para piscinas y papel maché. Es el detrás de escena donde se crea la magia. En concreto, ¿de qué se trata el trabajo? Estamos buscando un asistente de selección y empaque al que no solo le guste brindar asistencia operativa y de empaque en el entorno del depósito, sino también que disfrute de oportunidades para tomar la iniciativa y mejorar la productividad del equipo. • Ayudará a cargar, contar, preparar y empacar miles de suministros para campamento, a la vez que demostrará un constante compromiso con las oportunidades y la exactitud. • De manera rápida e impecable, desarrollará tareas vitales y repetitivas con urgencia, entusiasmo y un buen ojo para las áreas que se pueden mejorar. • Aportará un profundo sentido de pertenencia a su trabajo y espacio laboral, y aprovechará todas las oportunidades para mantener, organizar y embellecer el depósito de producción. • Será un pilar de los estándares de Galileo. Será un ejemplo de la marca especial de Galileo de trabajo en equipo y sentirá gran placer al asegurar que cada campamento tenga los suministros necesarios para un verano mágico. ¿Qué estamos buscando? • Mínimo de 1 a 2 años de experiencia en un entorno de producción • Compromiso comprobable con el profesionalismo, la exactitud y el cuidado por los detalles • Habilidad para cumplir con las demandas administrativas y físicas del cargo. Estas incluyen, entre otras: tipear, escribir y leer; levantar y trasladar hasta 40 lb; pararse, caminar y arrodillarse con frecuencia; ver, escuchar y hablar (tanto de cerca como a la distancia) • Talento y experiencia para solicitar e implementar los comentarios para mejorar su desempeño Horarios y duración de la contratación • 40 horas por semana, desde el 8 de enero al 8 de junio de 2018 • De 6 a. m. a 2:30 p. m., de lunes a viernes, ocasionalmente los fines de semana Beneficios y remuneración • $14.00/hora • Empleado temporal (sin beneficios) • La licencia por enfermedad paga se acumula a razón de una hora por cada treinta horas trabajadas. La acumulación comienza el primer día de empleo. La licencia por enfermedad paga se puede utilizar a partir del nonagésimo día de empleo. Lugar de trabajo Galileo Learning Warehouse (depósito de Galileo Learning), 2350 Davis Ave., Hayward, CA 94545 Fecha límite de postulación: 18 de noviembre de 2017

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Entrevista de Trabajo Flexible disponible-mañana, el trabajo la próxima semana! ¿Necesita un ingreso extra? BlueCrew está buscando profesionales y confiables motores, instaladores, personal del almacén, y los conductores para llenar aperturas inmediatas en su área. Los candidatos ideales tendrán: -Experiencia En puestos de trabajo, físicas exigentes -Un Fuerte ética de trabajo y un deseo de avanzar dentro de una empresa -Fuerte compromiso, seguir adelante, y la integridad Si usted está interesado en este papel y convertirse en parte del equipo de Flex Blue Crew, esperamos con interés la reunión con usted. Una vez aceptados, los trabajos de movimiento son sólo el principio. Se puede trabajar varios tipos de puestos de trabajo cada semana, ofrecemos beneficios completos y una estructura de promoción para acelerar excelentes candidatos mientras trabaja tantas horas a la semana como desee ¿Quieres unirte al equipo? Envía la palabra: JOB al (415) 212-4213 O Incríbete en: bluecrewjobs.com Más Información: http://help.bluecrewjobs.com/application-and-hiring-process/ bluecrew-en-espanol

CHARITIES HOUSING – SAN TOMAS GARDENS, will be accepting applications for 2 bedroom waiting list. Applications will be available starting November 1 -14, 2017 Pick up applications at the rental office Mon. through Fri. from 9am-4pm at: San Tomas Gardens - 825 S. San Tomas Aquino Rd. - Campbell, CA 95008 Or download applications: www.charitieshousing.org. Drop off or mail complete application to San Tomas Gardens at the address above. FAX OR EMAIL APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Income/program restrictions & HUD preference apply. For more information visit our website or call us at: (408) 374-8741 TTY/VCO/HCO 711 to Voice English 800.855.7100 Spanish 800.855.7200

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 635376 The following person(s) is (are) doing business Sofy’s Party 255 Washington St. Apto. 1, Santa Clara, CA 95050, Santa Clara County. Magdalena Sofia Martinez 255 Washington St. Apto. 1. Santa, Clara, CA 95050.This business is conducted by an individual; registrant has begun

transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon, 10/25/2017. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Magdalena S. Martinez November 3, 10, 17, 24, 2017 This statement was

NOVEMBER 3 - 9, 2017 California Faculty Association seeks Membership and Organizing Services Support Coordinator This position is responsible for providing administrative support to the CFA membership and organizing operations. Assist with data input and maintain data quality of the CFA databases and other information systems; investigate data issues; maintain files and records. Position requirements and application instructions visit www.calfac.org CA Faculty Association seeks Legislative Analyst CFA is seeking a full time Legislative Analyst to assist in policy analysis and coordinate the work of CFA’s Government Relations team. This is an entry level professional assignment working under the supervision of the Director of Government Relations. Position requirements and application instructions visit www.calfac.org

Penske Logistics Has Openings in Union City. Offering Sign-On Bonuses! 1) Class-A Drivers, with 2 years experience. Local, evening hauls, little to No-touch freight, all new equipment, excellent hourly pay w/O/T avail, full comprehensive benefits, unlimited driver referral bonus & more! 2) Warehouse: Material Handler and Forklift Operator. Excellent hourly pay, full comprehensive benefits, retirement plan & more! Many opportunities for advancement! Call: 855-975-9418

Busco personas para trabajar en el almacén de fabricación Allstate Plastics, se ofrece beneficios y vacaciones. Por favor venir al 1763 Sabre St. Hayward, CA 94545 si están interesados.

filed with the County 95122. This busiof Santa Clara on ness is conducted by an individual; 10/25/2017 registrant has begun transacting business FICTITIOUS under the fictitious BUSINESS NAME business name STATEMENT or names listed NO. 635501 The following hereon, 07/29/2016. person(s) is (are) “I declare that all doing business information in this Diamond’s Window statement is true Cleaning 2255 and correct.” (A regPalmira Way San istrant who declares Jose, CA 95122, as true information Santa Clara County. which he or she Nelson J Brizuela knows to be false is 2255 Palmira Way guilty of a crime.) San Jose, CA Nelson J Brizuela

November 3, 10, 17, 24, 2017 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 07/29/2016 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 635367 The following person(s) is (are) doing business Break The Roles 75 East Santa Clara St San Jose, CA 95113, Santa Clara County. Zim Create, LLC 324

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NOVEMBER 3 - 9, 2017 Henderson Dr. San Jose, CA 95123. This business is conducted by a limited liability company; registrant has begun transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon, 10/25/2017. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.� (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Harmony N. Oswald November 3, 10, 17, 24, 2017 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 10/25/2017 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 17CV318393 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Jaime Smith. Petitioner (s) Jaime Smith has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Jaime Smith to Jaime Nguyen Raymond. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 2/13/2018 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the

petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. October 30, 2017 Rise Jones Pichon Judge of the Superior Court November 3, 10, 17, 24, 2017 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 17CV318349 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Jenny Cisneros. Petitioner (s) Jenny Cisneros, on behalf of minor, Jazlyn Santoyo Cisnero has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Jazlyn Santoyo Cisneros to Jazlyn Cisneros. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 2/06/2018 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. October 27, 2017 Rise Jones Pichon Judge of the Superior Court November 3, 10, 17, 24, 2017

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 17CV318285 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Duo Que. Petitioner (s) Due Que has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Due Que to Jason Que. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 2/06/2018 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. October 27, 2017 Rise Jones Pichon Judge of the Superior Court November 3, 10, 17, 24, 2017 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 17CV316594 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: William Lance Emmel IV. Petitioner (s) William Lance Emmel IV has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree

changing names as follows: a. William Lance Emmel IV to Wlliam Leopold Monney. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 1/09/2018 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. October 2, 2017 Rise Jones Pichon Judge of the Superior Court November 3, 10, 17, 24, 2017 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 17CV318191 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Anthony David Fernandez. Petitioner (s) Anthony David Fernandez has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Joshua Richard Castillo to Joshua Richard Castillo-Fernandez. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any,

why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 2/06/2018 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. October 26, 2017 Rise Jones Pichon Judge of the Superior Court November 3, 10, 17, 24, 2017 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 17CV315397 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Jesus Arturo Garcia. Petitioner (s) Jesus Arturo Garcia has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Jesus Arturo Garcia to Jesse Mason Darling. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 12/12/2017 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the

petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. September 1, 2017 Rise Jones Pichon Judge of the Superior Court November 3, 10, 17, 24, 2017 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 17CV318489 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Jenna Beth Isaacs. Petitioner (s) Jenna Beth Isaacs has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Lianna Sade Isaacs to Lianna Sade Isaacs-Newton b. Jazzymyn Azizah Isaacs to Jazzmyn Aziza Asaacs-Newton. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 2/13/2018 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. November 1, 2017 Rise Jones Pichon Judge of the Superior Court



November 3, 10, 17, with the court before 24, 2017 the hearing. Your appearance may be Notice of Petition in person or by your to Administer attorney. If you are Estate of Juan a creditor or continManuel Echeverria gent creditor of the No.17PR182201 decedent, you must A Petition for Pro- file your claim with bate has been filed the court and mail a by Sandra Lonz in copy to the personal the Superior Court repres5entative apof California, County pointed by the court of Santa Clara. The within the later of eiPetition for Probate ther: 1) four months requests that Hector from the date of first Echeverria Varela issuance of letters to be appointed as per- a general personal sonal representative representative as to administer the es- defined in section tate of the decedent, 58(b) of the CaliforJuan Manuel Ech- nia Probate Code, or everria. The petition 2) 60 days from the requests authority to date of mailing or administer the estate personal delivery to under the Indepen- you of a notice under dent Administer of section 9052 of the Estate Act. (This California Probate authority will allow Code. Other Calithe personal rep- fornia statutes and resentative to take legal authority may any actions without affect your rights as obtaining court ap- a creditor. You may proval. Before taking want to consult with certain very impor- an attorney knowltant actions, how- edgeable in Caliever, the personal fornia law. You may representative will examine the file kept be required to give by the court. If you notice to interested are a person interpersons unless they ested in the estate, have waived notice you may file with the or consent to the court a Request for proposed action.) Special Notice (form The independent ad- DE-154) of the filing ministration author- of an inventory and ity will be granted appraisal of estate unless an interested assets or of any person Files and petition or account objection to the peti- as provided in Protion and shows good bate Code section cause why the court 1250. A Request for should not grant the Special Notice form authority. is available from the A hearing on the court clerk. petition will be held Attorney for Petiin this court as fol- tioner: lows: 1/19/2018 at Patricia Uro-May, 9:00am, Dept. 12, Esq. located at 191 North 1625 The Alameda, First Street, San Suite 800 Jose, CA 95113. San Jose, CA 95126 If you object to the 408-227-0900 granting of this November 3, 10, 17, petition, you should 24, 2017 appear at the hearFICTITIOUS ing and state your BUSINESS NAME objections or file STATEMENT written objections



NO. 634950 The following person(s) is (are) doing business Iris Interpreting 542 Sheridan Pl, San Jose, CA 95111, Santa Clara County. Marisa Escalera, 542 Sheridan Pl San Jose, CA 95111. This business is conducted by an individual; registrant has not begun transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Marisa Escalera October 27; November 3, 10, 17, 2017 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 10/16/2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 635186 The following person(s) is (are) doing business Hardcastle Auto Body Inc. 590 Coleman Avenue San Jose, CA 95110, Santa Clara County. Hardcastle Auto Body Inc., 590 Coleman Avenue San Jose, CA 95110. This business is conducted by a corporation; registrant has begun transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon, 09/21/2017. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) James R. Alves

President October 27; November 3, 10, 17, 2017 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 10/19/2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 635259 The following person(s) is (are) doing business Zazueta Tree Specialist 585 Vasona Ave Los Gatos, CA 95032, Santa Clara County. Carlos Humberto Zazueta Zazueta, 585 Vasona Ave Los Gatos, CA 95032. This business is conducted by an individual; registrant has not begun transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Carlos Humberto Zazueta Zazueta October 27; November 3, 10, 17, 2017 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 10/20/2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 635285 The following person(s) is (are) doing business HL Mobile Truck Repair 14862 Watters Dr San Jose, CA 95127, Santa Clara County. Hermelindo LunaLandero, 14862 Watters Dr San Jose, CA 95127. This business is conducted by an individual; registrant has begun transacting business under the fictitious

EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com business name or names listed hereon, 11/25/2013. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Hermelindo LunaLandero October 27; November 3, 10, 17, 2017 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 10/23/2017

Clara. October 11, 2017 Rise Jones Pichon Judge of the Superior Court October 27; November 3, 10, 17, 2017 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 17CV317887 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Ryu Thomas Ohara. Petitioner (s) Ryu Thomas Ohara has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Ryu Thomas Ohara to Ryu Wakukawa. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 1/30/2018 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. October 23, 2017 Rise Jones Pichon Judge of the Superior Court October 27; November 3, 10, 17, 2017

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 17CV317185 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Julianna Youssef. Petitioner (s) Julianna Youssef has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Julianna Nicole Neyman Youssef to Julianna Nicole Neyman. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 1/23/2018 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the AMENDED petition in El Obser- ORDER TO SHOW vador, a newspaper CAUSE FOR of general circula- CHANGE OF NAME tion, printed in the NO. 17CV313405 county of Santa Superior Court of

California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Givanna Milano Campos. Petitioner (s) Givanna Milano Campos has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Givanna Milano Campos to Givanna Milan Campos. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 1/16/2018 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. October 19, 2017 Rise Jones Pichon Judge of the Superior Court October 27; November 3, 10, 17, 2017 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 17CV317295 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Gilbert Grijalva. Petitioner (s) Gilbert Grijalva Jr. has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Gilbert Grijalva Jr. to

Gilbert Acosta. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 1/23/2018 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. October 12, 2017 Rise Jones Pichon Judge of the Superior Court October 27; November 3, 10, 17, 2017 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 17CV317651 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Amir Hossein Motamedi. Petitioner (s) Amir Hossein Motamedi has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Amir Hossein Motamedi to Adrian Amir Motamedi. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 1/23/2018 at 8:45 am, Probate

NOVEMBER 3 - 9, 2017 Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. October 18, 2017 Rise Jones Pichon Judge of the Superior Court October 27; November 3, 10, 17, 2017

Clara. October 17, 2017 Rise Jones Pichon Judge of the Superior Court October 27; November 3, 10, 17, 2017 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 17CV317981 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Wing Shan Leung. Petitioner (s) Wing Shan Leung has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Wing Shan Leung to Susanna Wing Shan Leung. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 2/06/2018 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. October 24, 2017 Rise Jones Pichon Judge of the Superior Court October 27; November 3, 10, 17, 2017

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 17CV317603 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Vinod Kumar. Petitioner (s) Vinod Kumar has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Vinod Kumar to Vinod Kumar Vashisht. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 1/30/2018 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the FICTITIOUS petition in El ObserBUSINESS NAME vador, a newspaper STATEMENT of general circulaNO. 634683 tion, printed in the The following county of Santa person(s) is (are)

EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com

NOVEMBER 3 - 9, 2017 doing business Radioactive Toyz 1289 Morningside Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94087, Santa Clara County. Glen Yamakawa, 1289 Morningside Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94087. This business is conducted by an individual; registrant has begun transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon, 10/05/2017. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Glen Yamakawa October 20, 27; November 3, 10, 2017 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 10/05/2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 634807 The following person(s) is (are) doing business Ostri Studio 380 Northlake Drive #5 San Jose, CA 95117, Santa Clara County. Martin Andres Magana Reyes 380 Northlake Drive #5 San Jose, CA 95117. This business is conducted by an individual; registrant has begun transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon, 10/11/2017. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Martin Andres Magana Reyes

October 20, 27; November 3, 10, 2017 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 10/11/2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 634429 The following person(s) is (are) doing business GGraphxs 1312 Wabash Street Alviso, CA 95002, Santa Clara County. Daniel Granados 1312 Wabash Street Alviso, CA 95002. This business is conducted by an individual; registrant has begun transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon, 09/27/2017. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Daniel Granados October 20, 27; November 3, 10, 2017 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 09/28/2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 634878 The following person(s) is (are) doing business 1. Tonita’s Cleaning 2. Tonita’s Carpet Cleaning 1138 Starbird Circle Apt 1 San Jose, CA 95117, Santa Clara County. Maria Antonieta Rodas and Carlos Armando Perez 1138 Starbird Circle Apt 1, San Jose, CA 95117. This business is conducted by a married couple; registrants have begun transacting business

under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon, 10/31/2014. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Carlos Perez October 20, 27; November 3, 10, 2017 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 10/12/2017 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 17CV317435 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Tiffany Haberstick. Petitioner (s) Tiffany Haberstick has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Tiffany Dawn Haberstick to Tiffany Dawn Duke. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 1/23/2018 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara.

October 16, 2017 Rise Jones Pichon Judge of the Superior Court October 20, 27; November 3, 10, 2017 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 17CV316730 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Kirandeep Sharma. Petitioner (s) Kirandeep Sharma has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Kirandeep Sharma to Kirandeep Rai. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 1/16/2018 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. October 4, 2017 Rise Jones Pichon Judge of the Superior Court October 20, 27; November 3, 10, 2017 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 17CV317168 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the

application of: Li Zhao and Deefay Young. Petitioner (s) Liz Zhao and Deefay Young have filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Li Zhao to Lily Zhao b. Binny Young to Bianca Young. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 1/23/2018 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. October 11, 2017 Rise Jones Pichon Judge of the Superior Court October 20, 27; November 3, 10, 2017 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 17CV317479 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Mohammad Numan Butt and Attia Latif Khan. Petitioner (s) Mohammad Numan Butt and Attia Latif Khan has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Laiba Numan Butt to Laiba

Mohammad Numan b. Mohammad Arzan Butt to Arzaan Mohammad Numan. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 1/23/2018 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. October 16, 2017 Rise Jones Pichon Judge of the Superior Court October 20, 27; November 3, 10, 2017 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 17CV317461 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Yen Ning Lew. Petitioner (s) Yen Ning Lew has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Gaius Jin Deluna to Jin Deluna Lew. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be grant-

CLASSIFIEDS / LEGALS ed on 1/23/2018 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. October 16, 2017 Rise Jones Pichon Judge of the Superior Court October 20, 27; November 3, 10, 2017 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 17CV314570 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Maria Isabel Murillo. Petitioner (s) Maria Isabel Murillo has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Alyssa Marie Loredo to Alyssa Marie Murillo. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 11/21/2017 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper


of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. August 16, 2017 Rise Jones Pichon Judge of the Superior Court October 20, 27; November 3, 10, 2017 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 17CV316410 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Monica Lynn Nuckols. Petitioner (s) Monica Lynn Nuckols has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Monica Lynn Nuckols to Monica Lynn Levi. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 1/19/2017 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. September 27, 2017 Rise Jones Pichon Judge of the Superior Court October 20, 27; November 3, 10, 2017



EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com

NOVEMBER 3 - 9, 2017

MICKEY MOUSE SORPRENDERÁ A SU FANS EN TODO DEL MUNDO PARA CELEBRAR SU CUMPLEAÑOS 89 El personaje más emblemático de Disney hará visitas sorpresa en Chile, Inglaterra, China y Japón, entre otros destinos, para finalizar con una participación especial en el programa “Good Morning America” invitados a participar de la conversación en redes sociales con el hashtag #FelizCumpleMickey.

BURBANK, CALIFORNIA- En la antesala de su cumpleaños, Mickey Mouse sorprenderá a algunos de sus mayores admiradores en ocho lugares del mundo: antes del gran día, el 18 de noviembre, la mayor estrella de Disney viajará a emocionantes destinos como Chile, Canadá, Japón, China, Inglaterra y Estados Unidos. Esos mágicos momentos serán capturados y compartidos en los canales de televisión de Disney y las cuentas de Facebook de Mickey Mouse Latinoamérica, Disney Channel Latinoamérica, Disney XD Latinoaméricay Disney Junior Latinoamérica, donde los fans podrán disfrutar de nuevos contenidos durante todo el mes. Además, Mickey Mouse dará algunas sorpresas más cuando visite los estudios de “Good Morning America” en Nueva York el próximo 15 de noviembre. Los canales de Disney en Latinoamérica, por su parte, se unirán a las celebraciones con programación especial: en Disney Junior la fiesta comienza el sábado 18 a las 11:00 con películas, episodios temáticos de las series La Casa de Mickey Mouse y Mickey: aventuras sobre ruedas. Por su parte, ese mismo día Disney Channel estrenará en Latinoamérica y el mundo un maratón de cortos protagonizados por Mickey Mouse, entre ellos un nuevo especial dedicado a su cumpleaños en el que Minnie Mouse pierde las notas de la canción del agasajado y necesita recuperarlas para salvar la

Y por supuesto, en los parques temáticos Disneyland y Walt Disney World Resorts, así como las tiendas Disney en los Estados Unidos se harán festejos especiales: en Disneyland, en Anaheim, habrá un desfile especial con algunos de los amigos de Mickey y la banda de Disneyland; y en Magic Kingdom, en Orlando, los personajes e intérpretes bailarán una canción especial tematizada para el cumpleaños durante el desfile Move It! Shake It! Dance & Play It!. Además, se distribuirán prendedores saludando al cumpleañero y habrá productos conmemorativos, dulces y “photo opportunities” en ambos parques. Las celebraciones también se extenderán a todos los parques temáticos internacionales de Disney, incluidos Disneyland París, Hong Kong Disneyland, Tokyo Disney Resort y Shanghai Disney Resort.

Photo Credit: Disney celebración. Adicionalmente Oh My Disney, Compromiso Disney y otros sitios de Disney publicarán

videos, imágenes, historias, recetas y artículos relacionados con Mickey Mouse antes de su cumpleaños y durante el mismo. Los fans están

El cumpleaños de Mickey Mouse se conmemora en homenaje al estreno de su primera película, Steamboat Willie, el 18 de noviembre de 1928, en el Colony Theatre de la ciudad de Nueva York. Desde entonces, el personaje ha protagonizado más de 100 caricaturas; actualmente se lo puede ver en Disney Channel en los cortos animados Mickey Mouse, y en Disney Junior en Mickey: aventuras sobre ruedas.


EL SÁBADO 11 DE NOVIEMBRE 11:00 AM Todo lo que tienes que hacer para recibir tus boletos es visitar www.sonyscreenings.com/Redeem y poner el código STAROBSERVADOR para descargar tus boletos. Hasta agotar existencias. Se distribuirán los boletos por orden de llegada. No hay obligación de compra. Cada boleto admite el ingreso de dos personas. Los empleados de todos los socios de esta promoción y sus agencias no podrán participar. Esta película está clasificada PG por elementos temáticos.

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EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com

NOVEMBER 3 - 9, 2017


26TH ANNUAL CITY-WIDE CELEBRATION OF INDEPENDENT CULTURE, MUSIC, ART & FILM TAKING OVER SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA FEBRUARY 19-25 SAN FRANCISCO, CA - Noise Pop Festival, the Bay Area’s premiere indie music and arts festival, is excited to announce phase one of the music lineup for the 26th annual festival. Early Bird and Super Fan badges went on sale Tuesday, October 24, although fans are encouraged to act fast as supply is limited and pricing will increase in tiers. Individual tickets to these recently announced shows will also go on sale at 10 a.m. PT this Friday, October 27. Both badges and tickets can be purchased at www.noisepopfest.com.

• Ben UFO

Noise Pop Festival is an annual celebration of independent culture in the Bay Area, which over the course of a week, from Monday, February 19 to Sunday, February 25, transforms the Bay Area into festival grounds with multiple events taking place across the city each night. This year badges will go further than ever before as access to the film screening events, which had required a separate badge or tickets previously, will be included with the overall Noise Pop badge, allowing attendees to pack in even more into their festival experience.

• Enter Shikari

The first round of music artists confirmed to perform at the festival includes the femaleled, live drum-looping indie-pop project, Tune-Yards, fronted by former Sunglass Theater puppeteer-turned-vocalist Merrill Garbus; New Jersey’s Real Estate, who will be performing in support of their recent album, In Mind; San Francisco’s own Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, who in September released the first single off of their highly anticipated upcoming album, Wrong Creatures, a return to the band’s original style of buzzing guitars and faded vocals; Texas-by-way-of-New York’s Parquet Courts, who also played to a soldout crowd at Noise Pop 2016; and indie-pop inspired San Fermin, led by classically trained and appropriately named composer Ellis Ludwig-Leone, which just released their third album, Belong, to critical praise, and who will perform alongside another beloved Bay Area acts in The Magik*Magik Orchestra for a very rare collaborative performance.

• Carla Dal Forno performance**)

Although the full music lineup will be announced in several phases between now and February, the list of initial music acts confirmed to perform at the 2018 festival can be found below. NOISE POP FESTIVAL 2018 – PHASE ONE MUSIC LINEUP: • Tune-Yards • Real Estate • Black Rebel Motorcycle Club • Parquet Courts • San Fermin (feat. The Magik*Magik Orchestra) • WHY?

• Superchunk • Mount Eerie • Rostam • Cuco • Geographer • Bully • Girlpool

• Japanese Breakfast • Jay Som • Bahamas • No Age • Bruno Major • Night Beats • Shallou • Sean Rowe (**first-ever


• Single Mothers • Milk Teeth • Melkbelly • Dick Stusso • Hand Habits Tickets to all individual festival performances currently announced will go on sale this Friday, October 27 at 10 a.m. PT. Brand new for Noise Pop Festival badge-holders, fans will now have the option of a specialized waitlistservice for sold-out shows in case they were unable to purchase tickets in time. Last year at the 25th annual event, Noise Pop Festival saw its highest attendance yet in the festival’s history with nearly 90% of the acts playing to sold-out crowds and all festival badges selling out in advance. In total, over 28,000 people attended the 2017 festival, which marked a more than 30% increase in attendance from the year prior in 2016, which again was a hallmark year for the annual festival. The 2017 festival played host to 180+ music artists across more than 17 Bay Area venues, with additional events including concerts, film screenings, art shows and more. Stay tuned as additional music acts, as well as the film, art and event lineup will be announced in the months ahead. Follow Noise Pop Festival on Facebook at www.facebook.com/noisepop.com, as well as on Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat at @ noisepop for updates and special promotions. The official hashtag for the festival is #NoisePop2018.





EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com

NOVEMBER 3 - 9, 2017


Mario Jiménez Castillo EL OBSERVADOR


Tu planeta regente, Marte, se encuentra navegando en el signo Libra, esto quiere decir que gozarás de mucha popularidad y atractivo durante esta época, es momento para ampliar tus horizontes y conocer nuevas amistades y contactos. El cuidado de la salud es y será tu prioridad, ¡Enhorabuena! Números de la suerte: 7-21-23-43-45-67


El planeta Júpiter transita en tu signo de oposición, esto quiere decir que es muy probable que tu vida amorosa resurja, si no tienes pareja es presagio que encontrarás el amor. También es buen augurio para el trabajo y las ganancias extras. Dale un toque de espiritualidad a tu vida. Números de la suerte: 11-18-30-39-50-53


Este mes de noviembre te trae muchas novedades y distracciones, necesitas delegar responsabilidades y dedicar más tiempo a tu cuidado y mantenimiento personal. Deportes y actividades físicas te son ampliamente recomendadas. Recibirás una noticia que te llenará de alegría. Números de la suerte: 6-20-30-44-52-66



Debes hacer un recorte emocional en tu vida, situaciones y relaciones del pasado ya no deben afectarte más. No sufrás más por lo que sucedió o dejó de suceder. Tu presente y futuro inmediato serán más placenteros que aquel pasado que a veces añoras. Te será concedido un favor divino. Números de la suerte: 2-9-15-23-25-56


Mes ideal para que des rienda suelta a tu creatividad e imaginación, los augurios te son propicios para todo lo que debas iniciar. Se vislumbran viajes y todo tipo de novedades gratificantes. Alguien de un signo de fuego te brindará su apoyo en el momento que más lo necesites. Llegan buenas noticias. Números de la suerte: 12-25-30-45-54-65


Este mes dedícalo al cuidado de tu salud y a ponerte en forma, el planeta Marte, te aportará una buena dosis de energía y de pasión. Disfrutarás de momentos bastante placenteros. Un pesar del ayer quedará finalmente en el pasado, dando paso a una renovación emocional para ti. Números de la suerte: 9-22-33-41-52-53


Disfrutarás de un mes lleno de distracciones y novedades, Júpiter navega por tu signo y lo hará durante un año entero, es presagio que tu vida dará un giro hacia la prosperidad. Muchas de tus buenas acciones retornarán a ti en forma de tesoros y bendiciones. Modera tu carácter y dedícate a ser feliz. ¡Feliz cumpleaños! Números de la suerte: 5-19-20-39-42-59


La vida es un constante desafío, tú eres fuerte, pero en ocasiones los sentimientos y las emociones te dominan y por ello sueles cometer errores, durante esta época lograrás la buena fortuna de tener un balance ideal entre la mente, el cuerpo y el espíritu. Ángeles y seres de luz guían tu camino. Números de la suerte: 10-14-19-29-33-55

Muy pronto, Saturno, el planeta del karma abandonará tu signo, después de casi tres años de experiencias, ahora te has convertido en una persona más sabia, responsable y con mayor cordura. Puede ser que ocurran altibajos de dinero o trabajo, pero será una situación pasajera. Lograrás la tan ansiada estabilidad. Números de la suerte: 14-18-26-28-42-48



Los movimientos planetarios de este ciclo te serán sumamente benéficos, especialmente en el sector financiero, podrás concretar negocios y acuerdos ventajosos. Es necesario que siempre guardes la calma y no permitas que nada ni nadie altere tu buena vibra. Reza oraciones todas las noches antes de dormir. Números de la suerte: 8-13-17-41-43-49

En ocasiones sueles quejarte de situaciones que están fuera de tu alcance o por problemas cotidianos. Libera el estrés y piensa en cada una de las bendiciones que tienes en tu vida. La relación con un familiar tenderá a fortalecerse, hay que perdonar y olvidar. Tu futuro cercano estará lleno de buenas nuevas. Números de la suerte: 4-17-18-19-22-51

Se avecinan cambios en muchos sectores de tu vida, debes estar alerta y navegar con la corriente, es probable que descubras las verdaderas intenciones de alguien que decía ser tu amigo. Tu mundo social se volverá más interesante y selectivo. Practica yoga, zumba y actividades que te ayuden a liberar las tensiones diarias. Números de la suerte: 3-16-27-28-31-58

Final Two Weeks of the Market. Bring home the best in seasonal, locally grown fresh fruits, veggies, nuts, flowers and more. Start Your Holiday Shopping Early. Shop for great gift ideas from local artisans: jewelry, candles, lotions & soaps, vintage wares and more.

FRIDAYS 10-2 through nov 17 SAN PEDRO SQUARE


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EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com

NOVEMBER 3 - 9, 2017



Photo Credit: apple.com

Shelly Palmer I wrote the last half of this article on October 27, 2017, circa 4:15 a.m. ET. I was tired and in a foul mood. I published it, posted it, tweeted about it, and did all the things I usually do with my content. I received some ribbing from friends who suggested that I might “need some tech advice.” As you can imagine, I received many comments from people who had a similar experience. And as you can also imagine, I received just as many comments from diehard fanpeople saying stuff like “Shelly, you’re too stupid to own a smart phone.” I’ve heard that one before, but it never gets old. Then, on Saturday, October 28, 2017, circa 2:30 p.m. ET, my phone rang: “Is this Shelton?” (No one ever calls me Shelton.) “Yes. Who’s calling, please?” “It’s Marc from the Apple Store team.” “Who?” “Marc from the Apple Store Team. Did you try to place an order for an iPhoneX?” Truth be told, I thought I was being punked. But I listened quietly as Marc told me that Apple saw that my order was attempted circa midnight PT on October 27th and that they knew it did not go through. He went on to tell me that the issue was not Apple’s fault; it was the connection to the Citizens Bank database and an issue Apple had connecting with the “carrier.” He did not mention the carrier by name. He took some information from me and promised that my phone would be delivered on November 3rd. Well done, Apple.

Photo Credit: shellypalmer.com

“Marc, I placed two orders 8 seconds apart circa midnight and neither went through. Can you check on the other one?” “I see it here. Sorry, I can’t help you with it. “I don’t understand. You see the second order, but you can’t help me with it?” “That’s correct. If we are going to help you with your second order, someone else will call you. Is there anything else I can help you with?” “Do you have the name of a good divorce lawyer?” “I don’t think so, sir. Why?” “Well, if you deliver my iPhoneX on November 3rd and you deliver Mrs. Palmer’s iPhoneX on December 11th, that’s what I’m going to need.” Marc had no additional information or way to help with anything else. He was kind enough to send me an email confirming our conversation. It’s possible that I will hear from Apple on the second order. I’ll keep you posted. I Want to Believe I’m a pretty cynical person. Part of me thinks that this call was instigated or motivated by the original version of this article. But in the spirit of being reasonable, I am giving Apple the benefit of the doubt and asking if anyone else has received such a call. If you have, please email me (info@shellypalmer. com) and tell me your story. If Apple did this on its own, I take 50 percent of what you’re about to read back. Honestly, I’m still not that excited about the phone. The Original Article Just for fun, I set my alarm for 2:45 a.m.

ET and I decided to be the first kid on my block to get a brand new iPhoneX. What could go wrong? I know that Apple only has a few million phones available (as of October 27, 2017) and that the demand will be in the tens of millions, but I’ve been here before. Two browser windows open (one Safari, one Chrome), two iPhones running the Apple Store app – I was ready at 2:56 a.m. ET and clicking Refresh to make sure I was first into the online store. It’s 4:15 a.m. ET and I’ve given up. Right now, I don’t care if I ever see an iPhone again. Ever! I’ve been all the way through the order process 10 times. There were glitches on every screen, 20- to 30-second wait times for various processing of information, and several interspersed error messages. But in the end, the order button yielded a simple message: “We are unable to process your order. Please try again.” This would not have bothered me if it didn’t require starting from scratch every time. What’s worse? No email communication, no reservation, no acknowledgment of getting through the entire order process, and, of course, no phones. Importantly, my phones were acquired last year using Apple’s “new phone every year” plan. This requires some kind of semi-transparent deal with Citizens Bank. (I did the pre-approval in advance to ensure an easy purchase process, but apple.com had no idea this was done, and it didn’t ask for any type of confirmation number.) I don’t know if I could have purchased a new phone outright. There was no way to understand what I would be required to do with my old iPhone 7 Plus. I don’t really own it – the bank or Apple does (I don’t know which). Superunfortunate – no communication, no way

to get help, no way to do anything but waste time trying. Sisyphus would have been sympathetic to my frustration. A New Reality This is the very first iPhone I was not able to purchase on launch day. And the funny thing is, I don’t care. It’s a strange feeling, not caring about a new Apple product – especially an iPhone. It’s kind of liberating – sort of like ascending from my childish fanboy world into a soberer “My phone works fine and the new features aren’t compelling enough to make me rush to buy it” grown-up world. I’m not going into an Apple store anytime soon. There’s no point. I can’t buy the phone at a store. I can’t buy it online, either. The site won’t process my order. I wonder, when am I going to go out of my way to sit on hold for an hour? (1-800-MYAPPLE won’t take calls at the moment, nor does online chat work – both are too busy.) I guess I’ll try them sometime in the next few days and see what happens. Then, I’ll just let it go. I wish I felt like I “had” to have this new device. I don’t. It doesn’t have any “must have” new features (I’ll live without the new camera tricks for a while). In fact, other than having one to show my friends (who will expect me to have the latest hardware), I’m not sure why I need a new phone at all. Apple, you may be one of the most valuable companies in the world. You may have more cash than anyone has ever accumulated. You may have the smartest people on the planet working for you. But at some point, bad products and services (MacBook Pro 2016, iOS 11 on older iPhones, etc.) and super-horrible consumer experiences (see above) are going to catch up with you. Yours truly, A Former Fanboy.


EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com

NOVEMBER 3 - 9, 2017

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