El Observador_12/15

Page 1

Personas con discapacidades

protestan por ley de impuestos

Pg 6 La devoción a San Lázaro Pg 18 Vegan Friendly Gifting Pg 19

K elly Mar ie Tr an:

Star Wars’ N ewest Hero Pg 17





EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com

DECEMBER 15 - 21 2017

¡VAMOS A GOZAR! Nuestra Navidad – A Family Christmas December 15, 2017 / 7pm Montgomery Theater 271 South Market St., San Jose, CA 95113 Info & Tickets: sanjosetheaters.org $1+ (Donation Based) Photo Credit: The Aztlán Academy

DOWNTOWN ICE Friday December 15, 2017 / All Day Downtown San Jose S Market St San Jose, CA www.downtownicesj.com

THE SAN JOSE NUTCRACKER Friday December 15, 2017 / 7pm Hammer Theatre Center 101 Paseo De San Antonio San Jose, CA $20 - $91

NORTHSIDE THEATRE COMPANY – A CHRISTMAS CAROL Friday December 15, 2017 / 8pm Northside Theatre Company 848 E William St San Jose, CA $17 - $22

SAN JOSE CRAFT HOLIDAY FAIR 2017 Saturday December 16, 2017 / 11am South Market St San Jose, CA Free

CHRISTMAS IN THE PARK 2017 Friday December 15, 2017 / All Day Plaza de Cesar Chavez 1 Paseo De San Antonio San Jose, CA Free

SEASON OF HOPE BENEFIT CONCERTS Friday December 15, 2017 / 7:30pm Cathedral Basilica of St. Joseph 80 S Market St San Jose, CA Free

FOOL FOR LOVE Friday December 15, 2017 / 8pm San Jose Stage Company 490 S 1st St San Jose, CA $30 - $65

LINDSEY STIRLING – WARMER IN THE WINTER CHRISTMAS TOUR Wednesday December 20, 2017 / 8pm City National Civic 135 W San Carlos St San Jose, CA $37.50 - $67.50

WINTER WONDERLAND Friday December 15, 2017 / 8am Along Park Avenue and the Paseos San Jose, CA www.winterwonderlandsj.com

MOHSEN YAGANEH Friday December 15, 2017 / 7:30pm City National Civic 135 W San Carlos St San Jose, CA $55 - $250

MISS BENNET: CHRISTMAS AT PEMBERLEY Friday December 15, 2017 / 8pm City Lights Theater Company 529 S 2nd St San Jose, CA $21 - $37

USA HOCKEY VS. CANADA Friday December 15, 2017 / 7pm SAP Center 525 W Santa Clara St San Jose, CA $18 - $67

HOLIDAY AT THE SAVOY Friday December 15, 2017 / 8pm Tabard Theatre Co 29 N San Pedro St San Jose, CA $18 - $45

MY VERY FIRST NUTCRACKER Saturday December 16, 2017 / 11am Hammer Theatre Center 101 Paseo De San Antonio San Jose, CA $13.50 - $33

SYMPHONY SILICON VALLEY – THE NUTCRACKER Friday December 15, 2017 / 7pm San Jose Center for the Performing Arts 255 S Almaden Blvd San Jose, CA $45 - $90

SANTA RUN SILICON VALLEY Sunday December 17, 2017 / 1pm Downtown San Jose San Jose, CA $12 - $38


EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com

DECEMBER 15 - 21, 2017



1042 West Hedding St. Suite 250 San Jose, CA 95126

PUBLISHER Angelica Rossi angelica@el-observador.com PUBLISHER EMERITUS Hilbert Morales hmorales@el-observador.com ADVERTISING & SALES DIRECTOR Angelica Rossi angelica@el-observador.com ADVERTISING SALES JOB & RECRUITMENT ADVERTISING Justin Rossi justin@el-observador.com MANAGING EDITOR Arturo Hilario arturo@el-observador.com spanish.editor@el-observador.com CONTRIBUTORS Justin Rossi Mario Jimenez Hector Curriel Estephany Haro OP-ED Hilbert Morales english.editor@el-observador.com LEGAL NOTICES Erica Marie Najar frontdesk@el-observador.com ACCOUNTING Erica Marie Najar frontdesk@el-observador.com GRAPHIC DESIGNER Leila Velasco leila@el-observador.com ABOUT US El Observador was founded in 1980 to serve the informational needs of the Hispanic community in the San Francisco Bay Area with special focus on San Jose, the capital of Silicon Valley. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be transmitted or reproduced by any form or by any means, this includes photo copying, recording or by any informational storage and retrevial systems, electronic or mechanical without express written consent of the publishers. Opinions expressed in El Observador by persons submitting articles are not necessarily the opinions of the publishers.

Hilbert Morales EL OBSERVADOR

It is very gratifying to see evidence that this nation's diverse people have the ability to relate many public policy issues to their core values which are coupled to their personal moral compass! Alabama's Senator Richard Selby used his personal MORAL COMPASS when he wrote in the name of a prominent citizen of Alabama rather than vote for an alleged child molester, Judge Roy Moore. He was doing what he thought was right; he did not compliantly follow partisan politics. Just what is a MORAL COMPASS? Moral theories are large and complex things; definitions are not. The definition of morality is the question of identifying the target of moral theorizing. Identifying this target enables us to see issues and have perspectives based upon our personal moral compass'. Morality and ethics play their interactive roles.” (Source: Google-Moral Compass) Generally, the terms ethics and morality are used interchangeably, although a few different communities (e.g., academic, legal, or religious) will occasionally make a distinction. Ethicists deal with moral compass as part of Moral Philosophy'. Morality is subjective. People sure

have strong beliefs about what's right and wrong. Yet even though morals can vary from person to person and culture to culture, many are universal, as they result from basic human emotions (or condition). We may think of moralizing as an intellectual exercise, but more often it's a reflection of those right and wrong core values we learned in our family home as a child. There is also a human biological basis of morality which addresses relationships between the sexes: Men and Women. Why Can't We All Just Get Along? Recent research suggesting we're "naturally moral" despite all the strife going on in the world. Among other things, culture seeks to replace aggression with morals and laws as primary means to solve conflicts that inevitably arise in social life per Baumeister's work. What we have been taught by our parents and family members; learned from catechism; from peers and from our own experience ends up forming and shaping one's MORAL COMPASS which serves to simplify making unconscious decisions throughout our life. This nation's moral compass has been assaulted by many unacceptable behaviors made public recently. Consider the following unacceptable examples: a) The ME, TOO Movement resulted from numerous sexual harassment incidents which all women have experienced; which are not the right behavior; and which degrades women's selfesteem. When enough girls and mature women revealed how extensive and pervasive unwanted touching and groping happens,

organizations and government institutions began crafting acceptable standards of behavior for MEN by legally documenting what is not acceptable coupled with an accelerated due process schedules which minimizes sweeping these incidents under the rug where they have heretofore festered for millennia. b) RACISM: Somehow White Supremacists assumed that only they were suitable to lead and govern the rest of us who are Black, Brown, Yellow and Red. Some of us were enslaved; others were treated as less than human; women were chattel. The race issue was partially resolved by the Civil War (1862- 64) when the North defeated the South using military force. What has survived is the notion that the South will Rise Again... which is evidence that this white superiority concept still survives in the minds of many amongst us. The ideal is that God (Divine Providence) created no junk when humankind was biologically formed in the image of GOD. Many racist activities and behaviors continue to this day: Gerrymandering in RED states having Republican controlled state assemblies and governors. The U.S. Cognitional ideal is: ONE PERSON; ONE VOTE; legalistic actions undertaken to restrict voting rights (governed as a States Right to define voting districts) is simply WRONG & unconstitutional. c) Economic Inequity: The current Republican effort to enact IRS Income Tax Reform is a grand example of how We, The People end up with an unfair tax burden while the top 0.1% end up not paying their fair share of taxes. Taxes

end up being the revenues which underwrite many government programs such as Education & Training, Social Security; Medicare/Medicaid; Public Health; Food and drug safety (FDA), disaster relief administered by FEMA; social, mental, and behavioral health programs; public safety and security (police, FBI, prison systems), national security (the military), environmental protection (EPA), pension insurance, Federal Reserve Bank (a single currency), and many more. d) A serious double standard exists in the financial industry: Their top executives who have done wrong (derivatives; establishment of credit and savings accounts without client permission or awareness). Many of these top executive wrong-doers have suffered no consequences for their wrongful criminal acts which have resulted in thousands of mortgage foreclosures and loss of creditworthiness of ordinary citizens. When will each financial industry wrong-doer receive due process which determines the legal consequence (like a jail sentence)? The financial firms have been forced to make paybacks, but the financial injury to citizens remains without appropriate reparations. e) Entitlements: This altruistic nation has established assistance programs as entitlements (Social Security, health care, social services, Veteran's Administration, etc.) to assist those who are needy (but not greedy), impoverished, and handicapped. Why cut aid to widows with orphans to raise? Why tax scholarships and free tuition as income? Why more taxes for the working class without requiring the top 1% (very wealthy) to pay their fair share? My MORAL COMPASS tells me

these actions which unfairly favor those who are already very well off is simply wrong (and destructive of the American Consumer economy). Each citizen possesses a MORAL COMPASS. We are complicit in what is happening and will continue to happen when we do not register to vote (guided by our own personal moral compass) and realize that our vote imposes the values embedded in our personal moral compass upon those elected officials who may have the same MORAL COMPASS we have. Recent elections such as the ones in Virginia and Alabama reflect voting actions made by citizens whose vote was based not on partisan politics, but on what was right! This American Democracy was founded by men who acted upon their MORAL COMPASS! They embedded the ideals we all enjoy today in our U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights. Over 600,000 men died during the Civil War because their moral compass told them slavery was wrong and need to be abolished. WW l and WW II were fought to defeat totalitarian concepts. If governance By the People, For the People, and With the People is to survive and thrive, more of us must begin to use our MORAL COMPASS when we vote for our elected officials who become public servants who practice Good Samaritan Stewardship by CONDUCTING THE PEOPLE'S BUSINESS diligently. The democratic ideal is: ONE PERSON; ONE VOTE... so know that your vote is YOUR voice. Plan to SPEAK UP during the coming 2018 elections.

VALIENTES ANÓNIMOS Por José López Zamorano Para La Red Hispana Es imposible cuantificar el costo ambiental y económico de la voraz temporada de incendios en California, probablemente la más destructiva de la historia. No solo estamos hablando del número de acres quemados, de casas destruidas, de negocios arruinados, sino también del daño sigiloso y lento de la secuela de enfermedades respiratorias, de sueños rotos, de vidas alteradas para siempre por azares de la naturaleza Pero la devastación podría estar siendo mucho peor, de no ser por los esfuerzos incansables de miles de bomberos forestales que ponen su propia integridad física en la raya, con tal de cumplir con una misión por demás encomiable: salvar vidas, proteger propiedades y salvaguardar el medio ambiente, en ese orden.

Estos héroes anónimos parecen invisibles cuando vemos a través de las imágenes de la televisión el avance de las llamas, pero la realidad es que los bomberos forestales trabajan sin cuartel, en turnos de 24 y 36 horas, para evitar la propagación del fuego. Podemos estar seguros de que su valor y sus esfuerzos, han salvado incontables vidas, viviendas, flora y fauna.

“Lo que me apasiona a mí de ser bombero es proteger a los bosques… Es un trabajo honorable”, nos dijo Oscar Vargas, quien a pesar de su juventud ha sido bombero forestal durante 20 años y ahora es Jefe de División en Angeles National Forest. “Proteger a los animales, árboles, plantas, casas y gente… es una oportunidad única y especial y es muy gratificante”.

Tuve la oportunidad de hablar hace unos días con más de uno de esos héroes anónimos, con motivo de la realización de una campaña de reclutamiento de candidatos hispanos a bomberos forestales. Me conmovió el temple, el carácter y la vocación de servicio de este ejército de valientes, que realiza uno de los trabajos más necesarios que nunca, conforme el calentamiento global está provocando condiciones más secas y calientes.

Otra joven mexicano-americana, Julissa González, quien ha trabajado en el reclutamiento de jóvenes mujeres, nos comentaba que el trabajo de bomberos forestales no es para todos. Es verdad, se requiere una combinación muy especial de gusto por el trabajo físico extenuante y una inagotable pasión por servir al prójimo. A cada uno de los aspirantes, Julissa les describe su primer día de trabajo como bombero forestal: “Te duelen los pies, hueles

el humo, no puedes respirar, te sientes horrible, no te has bañado … pero te olvidas de todo eso, porque sabes que el trabajo que estás haciendo está ayudando a personas”. Nos comenta Julissa, quien trabaja para la división de derechos civiles del Servicio Forestal en el Bosque Nacional de los Padres, que cuando los jóvenes latinos y latinas, oyen la descripción del trabajo, lejos de arrepentirse, se emocionan. “Cuando ellos escuchan eso hasta más ganas les dan”. Después de escuchar a estos valerosos jóvenes latinos y de ver la película Only The Brave, que narra la heroica hazaña de los Granite Mountain Hotshots, los bomberos élite que perdieron la vida en el incendio de Yarnell Hill en 2013, tengo un aprecio mucho mayor por el digno y honroso trabajo de bombero forestal. Todos deberíamos tenerlo.



EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com


A Progress Report and Next Steps for Integrated Student Supports

this end, Child Trends updated its review with a synthesis of findings from relevant resources—including evaluations, child development research and theory, implementation reports, interviews with principals, benefit/cost analyses, and analyses using the Social Genome Microsimulation model. Key Findings Based on this updated review, the authors are optimistic about the effectiveness of ISS. The report highlights a growing evidence base in support of ISS while serving as a reminder to the field that the evidence is not yet complete. • Evaluation studies find a mix of positive and null (non-significant) findings, but there are virtually no negative effects across the evaluations. • Several strong evaluations find support for particular ISS models, including City Connects, Communities in Schools in Chicago, the Harlem Children’s Zone’s Promise Academy, and Diplomas Now.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Hannah Lantos, Kristen Harper, Rebecca M. Jones Child Trends In recent years, the education field has come to recognize the role of schools in supporting student health, safety, and well-being by developing integrated student support initiatives. These offer specific services and supports to students and their families to build a foundation for academic success. These initiatives, referred to as community schools and wraparound supports as well as integrated student supports models, help schools connect struggling children with secure housing, medical care, food assistance, tutoring, and other critical supports. While they are understood to be vital components of community efforts on behalf of children and families, they also further our nation’s collective efforts to close education opportunity gaps, raise graduation rates, and better compete on the international stage. Child Trends evaluated these initiatives in a 2014 overview of the evidence regarding integrated student supports (ISS)—implementation models in which schools secure and deliver coordinated, school-based supports that target various barriers to student achievement. [1] In general, ISS relies on five essential elements to support service delivery: community partnerships, student support coordination, integration into the school setting, needs assessments, and data tracking. The 2014 overview clarified that ISS was an emerging

field of practice. With limited rigorous evaluations, Child Trends’ researchers posited that ISS was a promising way to improve academic outcomes and see a substantial return on investment.

• New evidence from an application of a microsimulation model, which allows for a forecast of long-term

DECEMBER 15 - 21 2017 outcomes—as well as evidence from four benefit/cost studies—finds that students’ participation in effective ISS interventions will have long-term benefits. • In addition to this evidence, the ISS model continues to rest on a solid base of research and best practices from child development research and theory. • While the five essential components of ISS models (Figure 1) continue to support service delivery, identification of the specific, concrete elements that comprise successful implementation of each ISS component—and how they are implemented—is evolving slowly among researchers and educators. This work represents the critical frontier for research and practice. • High-quality program implementation is important and will require adequate resources. • Nonacademic outcomes are rarely measured as part of the evaluations, even though they are central to the conceptual model, which limits our understanding of the mechanisms driving ISS success.

Since then, interest in ISS models has grown. Educational achievement remains a major vehicle for individual and family success. Although the high school graduation rate has risen over the past decade, the United States still lags behind other countries, and large disparities persist in academic outcomes. ISS models aim to bolster academic performance by recognizing the importance of addressing students’ nonacademic needs. Indeed, the 2015 reauthorization of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (the Every Student Succeeds Act, or ESSA) encourages implementation of ISS for the first time. As written, ESSA now expressly permits schools and school districts to incorporate ISS into Title I targeted assistance programs for eligible students at risk of failing state academic achievement standards, and into Title VI, Part A activities that support student health and safety. Further, ESSA now makes available new federal formula dollars to states (under Title VI, Part A) to implement models that address student health, which could be utilized to support broader ISS models. With ISS now codified in federal law and expanding across the country, school districts and principals are in need of a more current review of the evidence to guide school implementation. To

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DECEMBER 15 - 21, 2017

EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com

Rebecca Harpster Golden Gate Better Business Bureau


A new report by Better Business Bureau (BBB) says it’s not a matter of if you will become a target of computer technical support scammers, but when these scammers will try to victimize you. Thieves, most of whom are located in India, are using sophisticated advertising and carefully crafted sales techniques to scare consumers into buying phony fixes for their home and business computers. BBB warns consumers to remain on guard so they can combat these fraudsters. The report – “Pop-Ups and Impostors: A Better Business Bureau Study of the Growing Worldwide Problem of Tech Support Scam” – says that anyone who owns or uses a computer is a potential target. Complaints about the fraud continue to mount as Microsoft, a software company whose name is routinely used by the scammers, reports it receives more than 12,000 complaints worldwide every month. You can find the report in full online at go.bbb.org/ FULLtechscamstudy. Among the victims is the mother of Brian Collard, a computer security specialist from Dublin, California. Brian had recently installed advanced antivirus software on his 90-year-old mother’s computer when she received a pop-up alert claiming the computer was infected with a virus. Collard’s mother, a resident of Colorado, said she was unable to navigate or turn off her computer, so she called a phone number for a business called giltedgesolutions.com of Dublin, California. Collard says the business took remote control of her computer and, after assuring her she had viruses, charged her $287 for repairs. She signed an online contract but, after speaking with her son, refused to pay for the service and closed her bank account. Her son later found that the business had removed the antivirus he had installed for his mother and replaced it with something that was not nearly as effective. Collard then called BBB. Among the report’s key findings: • Consumers are lured into the scheme in four ways – either a pop-up ad on their computer; an unsolicited phone call from a “technician” claiming to have detected problems with the user’s computer; via ransomware attached to an email; or by Internet searches for technical support on sponsored links. • Most people lose money through use of credit cards or debit cards (55%). Checks (36%) are the second most-common form of payment. • The problem is worldwide, with U.S. residents


Esquema sofisticado permite a los estafadores de soporte técnico robar millones de dólares

Photo Credit: Better Business Bureau

Rebecca Harpster Golden Gate Better Business Bureau


accounting for 33.6% of victims. The scam is also popular in Australia (25.4% of victims) and Singapore (22.4%). • Studies show that 85.4% of the scammers come from India. Less than 10% of the scammers operate inside the U.S. • According to the FBI, U.S. consumers lost more than $21 million to the scheme in the first nine months of 2017. BBB offers the following tips for consumers to avoid being caught in tech support fraud: • Research tech support companies before you decide to do business with them. Go to bbb.org to search for trustworthy businesses, or contact your local BBB at 866-411-2221 or info@ bbbemail.org. • Double-check all the details. If you’re directed to an official company website, make sure that it’s the real company’s site by double-checking the spelling of the company’s name in the website address. Anything that comes from “Micorsoft,” for example, is a scam. • If a caller claims to work for a trustworthy company, ask them to tell you their name or their employee ID, and in which department they work. Then, look up and call that company’s official customer service line and ask to be directed to that employee. Do not use a phone number provided to you by the caller. • If your computer has been compromised, don’t panic. You may still be able to get your machine fixed. Scammers are relying on you to make hasty decisions. You’ll be better able to avoid their traps if you slow down and don’t rush. • Make sure you’re using quality, up-to-date antivirus software. Make sure you are running the latest version of the software. • Change your passwords. First, change the password to any account or machine the scammer has or could access. Then, change the passwords on any account that you were logged in to on your machine, as well as any accounts for which you use the same or very similar login credentials. • Call your credit card company. If you made a payment using your credit card, the company will help to reverse any unauthorized charges, and to get you a new card. • Victims can report scams to BBB Scam Tracker at bbb.org/scamtracker whether or not money was lost. You can reach your BBB at info@bbbemail.org or (510) 844-2000, or by visiting goldengate.bbb.org.

Un nuevo informe del Better Business Bureau (BBB) dice que no es si será un blanco de un estafador de soporte técnico, sino cuando lo contactarán. Los ladrones, la mayoría de los cuales son ubicados en India, utilizan publicidad sofisticada y técnicas de venta cuidadosamente diseñadas para asustar a los consumidores para que compren soluciones falsas para sus computadoras de trabajo y de casa. BBB advierte a los consumidores a permanecer en guardia para que puedan combatir a estos estafadores. El informe – “Pop-ups e impostores: un estudio de Better Business Bureau sobre el creciente problema mundial de las estafas de soporte técnico” – dice que cualquier persona que posee o usa una computadora es una víctima potencial. Las quejas sobre el fraude continúan aumentado. Microsoft, una compañía de software cuyo nombre es utilizado habitualmente por los estafadores, dice que recibe más de 12,000 quejas mundiales cada mes. Puede leer el informe completo en línea en go.bbb.org/FULLtechscamstudy. Una de las víctimas es la madre de Brian Collard, un especialista en seguridad de computadoras de Dublin, California. Brian había instalado recientemente software antivirus avanzado en la computadora de su madre, que tiene 90 años, cuando ella recibió una alerta de pop-up que decía que su computadora estaba infectada con un virus. La madre de Collar, un residente de Colorado, dijo que no podía navegar ni apagar su computadora, así que llamo a un número de teléfono de un negocio llamado giltedgesolutions.com de Dublin, California. Collard dice que el negocio tomó el control remoto de la computadora de su madre y, después de asegurarle que tenía un virus, le cobró $287 por reparaciones. Ella firmó un contrato en línea pero, después de hablar con su hijo, se negó a pagar por el servicio y cerró su cuenta bancaria. Más tarde, su hijo descubrió que el negocio había eliminado el antivirus que había instalado en la computadora de su madre y lo había reemplazado con algo que no era tan eficaz. Collard luego llamó a BBB. Algunos de los hallazgos más importantes del informe: • Los consumidores son engañados de cuatro formas: un anuncio de pop-up en su computadora; una llamada telefónica no solicitada de un “técnico” diciendo que detectó problemas con la computadora del usuario; ransomware adjunto a un correo electrónico; o enlaces patrocinados encontrados en búsquedas de Internet para soporte técnico. • La mayoría de personas pierden dinero mediante el uso de tarjetas de crédito o tarjetas de débito (55%). Los cheques (36%) son la segunda forma de pago más común.

• El problema es mundial, con residentes de los EE.UU. representando 33.6% de las víctimas. La estafa también es popular en Australia (25.4% de las victimas) y Singapur (22.4%). • Estudios muestran que 85.4% de los estafadores provienen de India. Menos de 10% de los estafadores operan dentro de los EE.UU. • Según el FBI, los consumidores estadounidenses perdieron más de $21 millones a estos esquemas en los primeros nueve meses de 2017. BBB ofrece los siguientes consejos a consumidores para evitar fraudes de soporte técnico: • Investigue las compañías de soporte técnico antes de decidir hacer negocios con ellas. Visite bbb.org para buscar negocios confiables o comuníquese con su BBB al 866411-2221 o info@bbbemail.org. • Verifique todos los detalles. Si está dirigido a un sitio web “oficial” de una compañía, asegurase de que sea el sitio real de la empresa al verificar la ortografía del nombre en la dirección del sitio web. Todo lo que proviene de “Micorsoft”, por ejemplo, es una estafa. • Si la persona llamando dice que trabaja para una empresa legítima, pida su nombre o su identificación de empleado, y en qué departamento trabajan. Luego busque independientemente y llame a la línea de servicio al cliente oficial de esa compañía y pide sobre el empleado. No deber usar un número de teléfono proporcionado por la persona que llama. • Si su computadora ha sido comprometida, no debe sentir pánico. Es posible que usted aún puede reparar su máquina. Los estafadores dependen en que usted va a tomar decisiones apresurados sin pensar, y puede evitar esto si se toma su tiempo y no se apresure. • Asegúrese de que está utilizando un software antivirus de calidad y actualizado. Asegúrese de ejecutar la última versión del software. • Cambie sus contraseñas. Primero, cambie la contraseña de cualquier cuenta o máquina que el estafador puede acceder. También cambie las contraseñas de cualquier cuenta que haya utilizado en su computadora, así como las contraseñas de cuentas que tienen credenciales de inicio de sesiones iguales o muy similares. • Llame a su compañía de tarjeta de crédito. Si usted realizó un pago utilizando su tarjeta de crédito, la compañía lo ayudará a apelar cualquier cargo no autorizado y a obtener una nueva tarjeta. • Las víctimas, independientemente de si había un perdido monetario, pueden reportarlo al Rastreador de Estafas de BBB en bbb.org/ scamtracker. Puede ponerse en contacto con su BBB a través de info@bbbemail.org o (510) 844-2000, o en goldengate.bbb.org.



EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com

DECEMBER 15 - 21 2017

PERSONAS CON DISCAPACIDADES PROTESTAN POR LEY DE IMPUESTOS de Medicaid es recortado, los estados empiezan por reducir la elegibilidad.

Andrea Sears/Alfonso López-Collada Public News Service

“También reducen específicamente servicios de los que depende gente con discapacidades, como fisioterapia o el acceso a medicamentos recetados.”

NEW YORK – Gente con discapacidades ha unido fuerzas con personas que viven con VIH-SIDA y otras para hacer un día de acción sobre los recortes que pueden venir por las leyes republicanas en el Congreso. Una coalición de organizaciones prepara un día de actividad para hoy, con el fin de protestar por los recortes al cuidado de la salud, servicios sociales y otros programas bajo las leyes republicanas de impuestos, que van abriéndose paso rumbo al Congreso. Las leyes impositivas que hoy se encuentran en un comité de conferencia de la Cámara de Representantes y el Senado reducirían los impuestos a los ricos, a los negocios y a las corporaciones. Susan Dooha, directora ejecutiva del Centro por la Independencia de los Discapacitados New York (“Center for Independence of the Disabled New York”), dice que el incremento resultante de uno punto cinco trillones de

…servicios que, nos dice, ayudan a la gente a tener una vida independiente y exitosa. Dooha estaba entre quienes fueron arrestados por participar en una desobediencia civil en Washington la semana pasada, cuando fueron acabados los detalles de la ley impositiva del Senado. Los recortes a Medicaid pondrían en peligro servicios de los que depende gente con discapacidades para seguir siendo independientes. Photo Credit: CIDNY

dólares a la deuda nacional sería como un blanco puesto en la espalda de la gente con discapacidades. “Esto forzará recortes automáticos a la red protectora de la que dependen tanto la gente mayor como la gente con discapacidades.” Los republicanos se defienden con el argumento de que al reducir los impuestos

corporativos se estimula la inversión y se crean empleos, pero los defensores sociales dicen que el costo de esos recortes será mortal para los menos capaces de pagar. Bajo los cambios impositivos propuestos, Medicaid enfrenta un recorte de 25 billones de dólares tan solo el próximo año, trasladando muchos costos a los estados. Dooha señala que cuando el dinero

“Yo pediría a la gente que llame a los miembros del Comité de la Conferencia del Congreso y el Senado, y les digan que no podemos mandar a la gente grande y con discapacidades a una miseria mayor.” Los legisladores republicanos dicen que están cerca de llegar a un acuerdo sobre una ley final y confían en que estará en el escritorio del presidente antes de Navidad. Más información en https:// w w w. f a c e b o ok .c om/C I DN Y I nc/ posts/10155956430084894.

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DON'T LET A HOLIDAY FAMILY VISIT BECOME A HOLIDAY DISASTER Another source of anxiety for many is not having met family expectations. You may have faced a recent job loss, financial problems or a relationship that has ended badly. It can feel awkward and difficult to be back with family knowing you're not the success you think your family expected of you.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

American Counseling Association

During the holiday season, advertisers and the media are constantly portraying families as all having these perfectly wonderful, caring and loving relationships. Unfortunately, for most of us, our families are probably less than perfect. When it comes to holiday gatherings with our families, there's always the chance it's going to be less than perfect times. It's not uncommon to feel stress and anxious about an upcoming family visit. But if you take the time to understand the sources of the stress that can come with a family get-together, it often can help at least minimize those feelings. A common problem is that you've become a different person than the image of you that parents, siblings and other family members still carry with them. For them you may still be that little kid or immature teen, and they can't see how you've developed and matured. It's a source of annoyance when others can't recognize the changes that have made you who you are today.

Family visits also bring with them family history. There may be memories of stressful times, past disagreements, awkward relationships or an unhappy childhood. It's not uncommon for family arguments or misunderstandings to rekindle once again. One starting point in minimizing such issues is simply recognizing that the stress you're feeling is a very normal reaction. When you try to understand why an upcoming family gathering is feeling stressful, you can begin to find ways to minimize such feelings. This might mean avoiding certain situations or people, or simply accepting that you won't have a wonderful time with everyone. Seek out people to see and things to do that will make your visit more enjoyable. Try to avoid the trouble spots. When cornered in an awkward situation use the cell phone excuse ("Oops, I forgot I have to call Sharon by 4...") to walk away from potential problems. And if you find that the whole trip is really going to be significantly traumatic, consider shortening, or even avoiding the visit completely. Don’t let old problems ruin your current holiday enjoyment. Counseling Corner" is provided by the American Counseling Association. Comments and questions to ACAcorner@counseling.org or visit the ACA website at www.counseling.org.



KNTV/KSTS-SAN JOSE, SAN FRANCISCO, OAKLAND Comunidad Del Valle Con: Damian Trujillo


EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com

DECEMBER 15 - 21, 2017


Photo Credit: Pexels


perform well in a large range of conditions, but aren't built to handle winter's worst.

Driving safely in the winter can be a challenge, even for the most experienced driver. In fact, an alarming three in five winter drivers (61 percent) have lost control of their car during winter weather, according to a new winter driving survey by Michelin. It comes as no surprise, then, that three quarters of respondents reported feeling nervous on winter roads (77 percent), with 64 percent of drivers saying they avoid winter driving altogether if the forecast predicts snow. But you don't have to avoid getting in your car in the winter. With a little preparation - starting from the ground up (literally) - you can travel safely even when the weather is less than ideal. "Tires are one of the least-discussed safety devices on your vehicle, so many consumers aren't aware of just how much they contribute to keeping you safe on the road," says Ron Margadonna, Michelin winter tire expert. Michelin urges all drivers to use the proper tires for their seasonal climate. Most cars these days come outfitted with all-season tires, but if you live in an area with severe winter conditions (heavy snow, ice or freezing temps), they may not be sufficient. All-season





Alternatively, winter tires such as the Michelin X-Ice Xi3 are designed to perform better in a wide range of wintry conditions, such as wet roads, snow, ice and freezing temps. They also improve your vehicle's grip and performance in these conditions and shorten your braking distances for better safety. For winter driving safety at all times, practice these additional tips: • Inspect your lights: Examine your headlights and brake lights to ensure that they're fully functioning. This is especially important during winter fogs or heavy snow. • Make sure your wipers are in proper working condition: Buy washer fluid with antifreeze solution to protect visibility and ensure that windshield blades are in good working order. • Always have an Emergency Kit: Carry an emergency kit with gloves, blanket, flares, a shovel, flashlight, water, extra batteries and cell phone charger, as well as an emergency contact list with important phone numbers. • Check your battery: Battery capacity is decreased significantly by cold weather. Before the winter months, have your mechanic check it to ensure that it's at peak performance. It's also a good idea to carry jumper cables in your car, should you ever need someone to give you a boost.





EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com

MILLENNIAL WORKERS GET BIG BOOST FROM $15 MINIMUM WAGE COMBINED WITH CALIFORNIA SECURE CHOICE PROGRAM, U.C. STUDY FINDS The research credited two laws for creating enhanced financial security for future retirees: California’s 2016 law to increase the minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2022; and Senator de León’s measure, also of 2016, to create the Secure Choice Retirement Saving Program for private-sector workers in jobs that don’t offer a pension or a retirement-savings plan.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

BERKELEY – The financial future looks brighter for millions of low-to-middle income workers in California in danger of slipping into poverty upon retirement thanks to legislation championed by Senate President pro Tempore Kevin de León (D-Los Angeles), according to research released this week by the University of California Berkeley’s Center for Labor Research and Employment.

On Capitol Hill, the Republican-controlled Congress has done nothing to address the crisis. Rather, it has tried to derail retirement savings programs in several states at the behest of Wall Street private investment firms who fear the competition. “While Republicans in Washington D.C. have turned their backs on hard-working Americans, the California Legislature has taken steps to provide retirement security and a livable wage for those more likely to suffer from poverty after they’ve become too old to work,” said the Senate Leader.

Senator de León pushed the minimum wage bill through the Senate where it passed by a 26-12 vote. “At its core, this proposal is about fairness,” he said at the time. “This is historic, and today I am proud to be a Californian.” There is a looming crisis facing the United States where 44 percent of all households between 25 and 64 years of age have no retirement savings. In California, there are about 7 million workers without access to a work-place retirement savings plan. Local, state and federal governments with already strained budgets will face a growing population of retirees in need of assistance to provide basic necessities like food and housing. “Regardless of socioeconomic status, the hard-working people of California who have made our state a global economic powerhouse deserve a measure of financial security in their golden years,” said Senator de León. “These laws will benefit our current workers and younger generations who can look forward to a measure of dignity when they retire.” Conducted by the center’s director Nari Rhee, the research found that the combined impact of Californian’s minimum wage law and the Secure Choice Retirement Savings Program

DECEMBER 15 - 21 2017 can increase young, low- and middle-income workers retirement income by about 50 percent compared to baseline Social Security benefits. A $15 an hour minimum wage will result in higher lifetime earnings of about 20 percent for a typical young, low-wage worker and, in turn, increase Social Security benefits by $1,720 annually, the research found. For a middle-career worker the increase would be $590 per year. Regarding the Secure Choice Retirement Savings Program, the research found that a typical 25-year-old worker making a steady 5 percent paycheck contribution to the Secure Choice retirement account can expect to reap $7,060 annually in today’s dollars. A 45-yearold worker could expect retirement income of $2,250 per year. Employers who do not offer a retirement savings plan and employ more than five workers must facilitate enrollment into the opt-out program but will not have to contribute to it or be responsible for its investments. Secure Choice is scheduled for statewide enrollment in 2019 and will be implemented by the State Treasurer and administered by private financial firms.


Photo Credit: Wikipedia.org

WASHINGTON, DC — The Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the nation’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) civil rights organization, released the following statement upon news of the death of San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee on Tuesday December 11th, 2017. “We are deeply saddened by the sudden passing of San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee,” said HRC President Chad Griffin. “Mayor Lee was a tireless advocate for LGBTQ equality who worked to make San Francisco a stronger, more vibrant, and inclusive community. As the first Asian American mayor in the city’s history, he was both a trailblazer and a dedicated public servant admired by millions. Our hearts go out to his family, friends and all those grieving his loss today." Mayor Lee was a founding member of the “Mayors Against LGBT Discrimination” coalition. He began his career as a civil rights attorney, fighting for fair housing for low-income people and battling corruption. According to the Office of the

Mayor, San Francisco added more than 140,000 jobs and more than 17,000 homes during Lee’s tenure. Just last week, Mayor Lee joined with Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser and Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney in penning an op-ed about the importance of rejecting licenses to discriminate against LGBTQ people. Regarding Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, a case currently before the Supreme Court of the United States, they said, “As co-chairs of the national Mayors Against LGBT Discrimination coalition, we are proud to join more than 150 other mayors and municipalities nationwide in opposing religious exemptions that allow sexual orientation-based discrimination.” The Human Rights Campaign is America’s largest civil rights organization working to achieve equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people. HRC envisions a world where LGBTQ people are embraced as full members of society at home, at work and in every community.

ON THE GO? Read us online! visit el-observador.com to download our editions.

EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com

DECEMBER 15 - 21, 2017




Dear Brothers and Sisters,

During Advent, we celebrate the in-breaking of the Lord into human history – anticipating His Coming at the end of time as we reflect upon His Birth long ago. As we approach Christmas, we remain watchful that, while looking to the events of Bethlehem long ago, we may not overlook the many ways God is present today in our world and in our lives. When the Word became flesh, when God became

At Christmas, we celebrate not only a holy Birth, but all that this Birth made possible. Indeed, God becoming one of us has opened the path for all humanity to be one with God. This is why we continue to celebrate, to recount the details, to hearken back to Mary and Joseph at the manger, the shepherds and the song of the angels: “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to people of good will!” In Jesus, God has a human face; in Jesus, God knew suffering and death; in Jesus, God is forever bound to all who suffer in any way. As 2017 draws to a close, we entrust ourselves and all

peoples to the Lord, knowing that He is particularly close to those who continue to seek refuge from 21st Century Herods. The mass migrations caused by persecution, civil war and terrorism challenge us to be the Lord’s “light and salvation” to those who have lost hope.

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May our annual celebration of the Lord’s Birth renew you in God’s love and may you, your families and your loved ones walk always in the light of the Lord. God bless you all.

With every best wish and kind regard, I remain,

Sincerely yours,

Patrick J. McGrath

for the The most wonderful time of the year!

Bishop Patrick J. McGrath. Photo Credit: Diocese of San Jose


human in the Person of Jesus, a great reconciliation began. In Jesus, humanity was once again able to draw near to God, just as God has always been with His people. Indeed, Jesus was called Emmanuel, for in Him “God is with us.”

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El Observador


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DECEMBER 15 - 21 2017 MORGAN HILL St. Catherine of Alexandria 17400 Peak Ave. • 408.779.3959

Christmas Eve • 4pm English (Church & Parish Center) • 6pm English (Church) • 8pm Spanish • Midnight English

Christmas Day • 8:45am English • 10:30am English • 12:15pm Spanish

580 E. Jackson St

Christmas Eve • 5pm English • 10pm Spanish

Holy F

M O U N TA I N V I E W St. Athanasius

160 N. Rengstorff Ave. • 650.961.8600

Christmas Eve • 4pm English Family Mass • 6pm Spanish • 10pm English


Christmas Day • 8am English • 9:30am Spanish • 11:15am English • 1pm Spanish • No 5:30pm on Christmas Day

4848 Pearl Ave.

Christmas Eve • 4pm English • 6:30pm English • 9:30pm English • Midnight English

Holy Korea

1523 McLaughlin A

Christmas Eve • 9pm Korean

St. Joseph

582 Hope St. • 650.967.3831

Blessed Christmas To All!

Find a Christmas Mass near you. Visit www.dsj.org/christmas A LV I S O Our Lady Star Of The Sea

1385 Michigan Ave. • 408.263.2121

Christmas Eve • 7pm English/Spanish

Christmas Day • 10am English • 12pm Spanish


2350 Winchester Blvd. • 408.378.2464

Christmas Eve • 4pm English • 6pm English • 8pm Spanish • 11:30pm Carols • Midnight English

ChristmasDay • 7am English • 9am English • 11am English • 1pm Spanish

C U P E RT I N O St. Joseph of Cupertino

10110 N. DeAnza Blvd. • 408.252.7653

Christmas Day • 8am English • 9:30am English • 11am English

Christmas Eve • 5pm English (Church & Hall) • 7:30pm English • 10pm English


11 First St. • 408.847.5151

Christmas Eve • 7am Simbang Gabi novena of Mass • 5pm English Family Mass • 7:30pm Spanish Family Mass

Christmas Day • 7am English • 9am Spanish • 11am English • 1pm Spanish

L O S A LTO S St. Nicholas

473 Lincoln Ave. • 650.948.2158

Christmas Eve • 4pm English Family Mass • 6pm English Choir • 11pm English

Christmas Day • 8am English • 10am English

ElObservador_DSJChristmas2017(21x11.50).indd 1

L O S A LTO S ( C O N T. ) St. Simon

1860 Grant Ave. • 650.967.8311

Christmas Eve • 3pm English Children Mass • 5pm English Children Mass • 11:30pm Carols • Midnight English

Christmas Day • 8am English • 10am English • Noon English

St. William

611 S. El Monte Ave. • 650.559.2080

Christmas Eve • 4pm English • 6pm English • 9pm English

Christmas Day • 9am English • 11am English

L O S G ATO S St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception 219 Bean Ave. • 408.354.3726

Christmas Eve • 4pm English (Church & Howley Hall) • 6pm English • 10pm English

Christmas Day • 7:30 am English • 10am English

750 Sequoia Dr. • 408.262.8100

Christmas Day • 8am English • 9:30am English • 11am English • 12:30pm Spanish • 3:30pm Vietnamese

St. John the Baptist

279 S. Main St. • 408.262.2546

Christmas Eve • 4pm English • 7pm English • Midnight English

Christmas Day • 7am English • 8:30am English • 10am English • 11:30am English • 1pm Spanish

PA L O A LTO Catholic Community at Stanford Stanford Memorial Church • 650.725.0080

Christmas Eve Christmas Day • Midnight English (Stanford • 12pm English Memorial Church) (Stanford Memorial Church)

St. Thomas Aquinas

751 Waverley St. • 650.494.2496

Christmas Eve • 6pm English • 11pm Latin

Christmas Day • 7:30am English • 10:30am English • Noon Latin

Our Lady of the Rosary • 3233 Cowper St.

Christmas Eve • 5pm English Family Mass • 7pm Spanish

Christmas Day • 10:30am English

St. Albert the Great • 1095 Channing Ave.

Christmas Eve • 5pm English Family Mass

Christmas Day • 9am English

SAN JOSE Cathedral Basilica of St. Joseph 80 S. Market St. • 408.283.8100

Christmas Eve • 4:30pm English • 7:30pm Spanish • 11pm - midnight English/ Spanish Lessons and Carols

Christmas Day • 12am Mass • 9am English • 10:30am Spanish

Christ the King

5284 Monterey Rd. • 408.362.9958

M I L P I TA S St. Elizabeth

Christmas Eve • 3:30pm Vietnamese Family Mass • 5:30pm English Family Mass • 7:30pm Vietnames • 11:30pm Christmas Carol • Midnight English

Christmas Eve • 5pm English Family Mass • 7pm Tamil • 10:30pm - Midnight English/ Spanish

Christmas Day • 7:30am English • 9am English • 10:45am English • 12:30pm English

Christmas Eve • 6pm English • 8pm Vietnamese • 10pm Spanish

Christmas Day • 8am Vietnamese • 10am English • 12pm Spanish

Church of the Transfiguration 4325 Jarvis Ave. • 408.264.3600

Christmas Eve • 6pm English

Christmas Day • 9am English • 10:30am English

Five Wounds Portuguese National Church

1375 E. Santa Clara St. • 408.292.2123

Christmas Eve • 7:30am English • 9am English • 10:30am Portuguese • 5:30pm Family Mass with Children’s Pageant • Midnight English Portuguese

Christmas Day • 7:30am English • 9am English • 10:30am Portuguese

Holy S

1200 Redmond Av

Christmas Eve • 4pm English Church, Gym Pageant • 6:30pm English • 9pm English • 11:55pm English

Immaculate Heart

(at Five Wounds) 137

Christmas Eve • 9:30am IES Chapel • 12:30pm • 9:30pm

Most Hol

2940 Nassau Dr

Christmas Eve • 4pm Vietnamese • 6pm English • 8pm Spanish • 10pm Vietnamese • Midnight English/ Tagalog

Our Lady of

2020 E. San Antonio

Christmas Eve • 5pm Spanish • 6:30pm English • 10:30pm Spanish

Our Lady o

389 E. Santa Clara

Christm • Flanagan Hall (former gy School): 4pm Vietnames 7pm Vietnamese, 8:30pm 10:30pm English/Spanish • Silver Creek High School: 6pm Vietnamese • Vietnamese Cultural Cen 5:30pm Vietnamese, 7pm • St. Frances Cabrini: 7:30p • St. Victor: 7:30pm Vietna • St. John the Baptist: 9pm Christm • Flanagan Hall (former gy School): 7:30am Vietnam 10:30am English, Noon S 4pm Vietnamese, 5:30pm • Silver Creek High School: 10am Vietnamese • Vietnamese Cultural Cen 9am Vietnamese • St. John the Baptist: 4:45p • Holy Family: 5pm Vietna • St. Victor Church: 7pm V

E ( C O N T. ) Cross

t. • 408.294.2440

Christmas Day • 9:30am Spanish • 11:30am English • 1pm Italian


. • 408.265.4040

Christmas Day • 8am English • 9:30am English • 11:15am English

an Martyrs

Ave. • 408.564.4947

Christmas Day • 8am Korean • 9:30am English • 11am Korean


ve. • 408.997.5100

Christmas Day • 8am English • 9:30am English • 11:30am English

t of Mary Oratory

75 E. Santa Clara St.

Christmas Day • 9:30am IES Chapel • 12:30pm

ly Trinity

r. • 408.729.0101

Christmas Day • 9:30am English • 12:30pm Tagalog • 3:45pm Vietnamese

f Guadalupe

o St. • 408.258.7057

Christmas Day • 7:45am Spanish • 9am English • 11am Spanish

of La Vang

a St. • 408.294.8120

mas Eve ymnasium of St. Patrick se, 5:30pm Vietnamese, m Vietnamese, h :4pm Vietnamese,

nter: 4pm Vietnamese, m Vietnamese pm Vietnamese amese m Vietnamese mas Day ymnasium of St. Patrick mese, 9am Vietnamese, Spanish, m Vietnamese : 8am Vietnamese,

S A N J O S E ( C O N T. ) Our Lady of Refuge

2165 Lucretia Ave. • 408.715.2278

Christmas Eve • 5pm English • 7pm Spanish • 9pm Vietnamese

Christmas Day • 8am Vietnamese • 10am Spanish • Noon English

Queen of Apostles

4911 Moorpark Ave. • 408.253.7560

Christmas Eve • 5pm English Family Mass • 8pm English • 11pm English

Christmas Day • 7:30am English • 11am English

Sacred Heart of Jesus

325 Willow St. • 408.292.0146

Christmas Eve • 5pm English/Spanish • 7pm Spanish • Midnight Spanish

Christmas Day • 10am English • Noon Spanish

St. Anthony

20101 McKean Rd. • 408.997.4800 Little Church – 21800 Bertram Rd.

Christmas Eve • 4pm English (McKean) • 6pm English (Bertram) • 11pm English (McKean)

Christmas Day • 8:30am English (McKean) • 10:30am English (McKean)

St. Brother Albert Chmielowski Polish Mission 10250 Clayton Rd. • 408.251.8490

Christmas Eve • 9pm Polish • Midnight Polish

Christmas Day • 9am English • 10:30am Polish

St. Christopher

1576 Curtner Ave. • 408.269.2226

Christmas Eve • 4pm English (Church & Healy Hall) • 4pm English Children’s Mass (Presentation HS, Gym) • 6pm English • 9pm English • Midnight English

Christmas Day • 6:30am English • 8am English • 9:30am English • 11am English • 12:30pm English

St. Frances Cabrini

15333 Woodard Rd. • 408.879.1120

Christmas Eve • 5pm English Children Mass • 7:30pm Vietnamese (Our Lady of La Vang) • 10pm English

Christmas Day • 8am English • 9:30am English • 11:30am English • 1pm Assyrian/ English

St. Francis of Assisi

5111 San Felipe Rd. • 408.223.1562

Christmas Eve • 4pm English (Chapel & Gathering Hall) • 5:00pm English (Villages) • 6pm Vietnamese (Chapel) • 6pm English (Gathering Hall) • 9pm English (Chapel & Gathering Hall) • Midnight English (Chapel)

nter: 7:30am Vietnamese,

pm Vietnamese amese Vietnamese


EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com

DECEMBER 15 - 21, 2017

Christmas Day • 7:30am English (Chapel) • 9am English (Chapel & Gathering Hall) • 10:30am English (Chapel & Gathering Hall) • 12pm English (Chapel & Gathering Hall) • 4pm Vietnamese (Chapel) • 6pm English (Chapel)

St. John Vianney

4600 Hyland Ave. • 408.258.7832

Christmas Eve • 5pm English Family Mass • 7pm Spanish • 10:30pm English

Christmas Day • 9am English • 10:30am English • Noon Spanish

S A N J O S E ( C O N T. ) St. Julie Billiart

366 St. Julie Dr. • 408.629.3030

Christmas Eve • 4pm English Family Mass • 5:30pm Spanish Family Mass • 8pm English

Christmas Day • 12am English • 9:30am English • 11:30am Spanish

St. Leo the Great

88 Race St. • 408.293.3503

Christmas Eve • 5pm English • Midnight English/Spanish

Christmas Day • 9:30am English • 11am Spanish

St. Maria Goretti

2980 Senter Rd. • 408.363.2300

Christmas Eve • 5:30pm English • 7:30pm Spanish • 9:30pm Vietnamese • 11:30pm English

Christmas Day • 8am Vietnamese • 10am English • 12:30pm Spanish • 3pm Vietnamese

St. Martin of Tours

200 O’Connor Dr. • 408.294.8953

Christmas Eve • 4pm English • 6pm English • 11:30pm Christmas Carols • Midnight Mass English

Christmas Day • 7am English • 9am English • 11am English

St. Mary of The Assumption Croatian Mission 901 Lincoln Ave. • 408.279.0279

Christmas Eve • information unavailable

Christmas Day • information unavailable

St. Thomas of Canterbury 1522 McCoy Ave. • 408.378.1595

Christmas Eve • 5:15pm English • 10pm English

Christmas Day • 9am English

St. Victor

3108 Sierra Rd. • 408.251.7055

Christmas Eve • 4pm English • 5:30pm English • 7:30pm Vietnamese • Midnight English

Christmas Day • 7am English • 8am English • 9:15am English • 10:45am English • 12:15pm English • 7pm Vietnamese

Santa Teresa

794 Calero Ave. • 408.629.7777

Christmas Eve Christmas Day • 4pm English Children Mass • 9am English • 6pm English • 11am English • 9pm English • Midnight English

S A N TA C L A R A Mission Santa Clara de Asis 500 El Camino Real • 408.554.4023

Christmas Eve • 5pm English • 9pm English

Christmas Day • 10am English

Our Lady of Peace

2800 Mission College Blvd. • 408.988.4585

Christmas Eve • 5pm English • 6:30pm Spanish • 11pm (Christmas Carols) • Midnight English

S A N TA C L A R A ( C O N T. ) St. Clare

941 Lexington St. • 408.248.7786

Christmas Eve • 4pm English • 6pm Spanish • 10pm Portuguese

Christmas Day • 9am English

St. Justin

2655 Homestead Rd. • 408.296.1193

Christmas Eve • 4pm English Family Mass • 6pm English • 11pm English

Christmas Day • 7:30am English • 9am English • 10:30am English • 12:15pm English

St. Lawrence the Martyr

1971 St. Lawrence Dr. • 408.296.3000

Christmas Eve • 4pm English • 6pm English • 8pm Spanish • Midnight English

Christmas Day • 9am English • 11am English

San Jose Chinese Catholic Mission

(at St. Clare) 941 Lexington St. • 408.983.0211

Christmas Eve • 8pm Chinese/English

Christmas Day • 3pm Chinese/ English

S A R ATO G A Church of the Ascension 12033 Miller Ave. • 408.725.3939

Christmas Eve • 6pm English Family Mass • 11:30pm Christmas Carols • Midnight English

Christmas Day • 7am English • 9am English • 11am English

Sacred Heart

13716 Saratoga Ave. • 408.867.3634

Christmas Eve • 4pm English • 6pm English • 10pm English

Christmas Day • 7:30am English • 10am English

S U N N Y VA L E Church of the Resurrection 725 Cascade Dr. • 408.245.5554

Christmas Eve • 5pm English • 9pm English • Midnight English

Christmas Day • 8:30am English • 10am English • 11:30am English

St. Cyprian

195 Leota Ave. • 408.739.8506

Christmas Eve • 5pm English • 9:30pm (Christmas Carols) • 11:30pm English/Spanish

Christmas Day • 8:30am English • 10am English • 11:30am Spanish

St. Martin

593 Central Ave. • 408.736.3725

Christmas Eve • 6:30pm English • 8pm Vietnamese • 10pm Spanish

Christmas Day • 8am English • 10am English • Noon Spanish • 5pm Vietnamese

For updates, visit W W W. D S J .O R G / C H R I S T M A S

Christmas Day • 12:00am English • 7:30am English • 9am English • 10:30am English • Noon English • 2pm English • 5pm English • 6:30pm Spanish • 8pm English

12/5/17 10:13 AM


EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com

DECEMBER 15 - 21 2017

¡Hay cambios próximos! Nuevas tarifas Mejor servicio Trasbordos gratis con Clipper A partir del 1º de Enero de 2018

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EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com

DECEMBER 15 - 21, 2017




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• Internet, servicios públicos y suficiente estacionamento incluido • Ubicado en la hermosa área de Rose Garden • Renta baja (408) 457-1192 angelica@el-observador.com

• Internet, Utilities and Plenty of parking included • Located in the beautiful Rose Garden area • Low-rent (408) 457-1192 angelica@el-observador.com

Entrevista de Trabajo Flexible disponible-mañana, el trabajo la próxima semana! ¿Necesita un ingreso extra?

Hai Di Lao Hot Pot es una cadena internacional de restaurantes de hot pot. Estamos buscando candidatos con pasión por la industria de los restaurantes. Posiciones de personal de cocina disponibles desde $15- $28 la hora ¡Aplique hoy para unirse a nuestro equipo! Ubicación: 19409 Stevens creek Blvd Ste 100, Cupertino, CA 95014 Teléfono: 626 510-3446 Se habla español. Correo electrónico: Haidilaohr@gmail.com FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 636115 The following person(s) is (are) doing business Car West 521 Charcot

Ave Suite 157 San Jose, CA 95131, Santa Clara County. MCG Investment INC 521 Charcot Ave Suite 157 San Jose, CA 95131. This business is conducted by

a corporation; registrant has not begun transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information

BlueCrew está buscando profesionales y confiables motores, instaladores, personal del almacén, y los conductores para llenar aperturas inmediatas en su área. Los candidatos ideales tendrán: -Experiencia En puestos de trabajo, físicas exigentes -Un Fuerte ética de trabajo y un deseo de avanzar dentro de una empresa -Fuerte compromiso, seguir adelante, y la integridad Si usted está interesado en este papel y convertirse en parte del equipo de Flex Blue Crew, esperamos con interés la reunión con usted. Una vez aceptados, los trabajos de movimiento son sólo el principio. Se puede trabajar varios tipos de puestos de trabajo cada semana, ofrecemos beneficios completos y una estructura de promoción para acelerar excelentes candidatos mientras trabaja tantas horas a la semana como desee ¿Quieres unirte al equipo? Envía la palabra: JOB al (415) 212-4213 O Incríbete en: bluecrewjobs.com

Tayfun B Tufekcioglu President December 15, 22, 29, 2017; January 5, 2018 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on

www.exoticbirdmart.com (916)882-9486

TASSOS RESTAURANT AND BAR Brand new restaurant hiring for all positions!! Cooks, Bus Boys and Dishwashers. Stop by our location at 1530 Southwest Expressway, San Jose, CA 95126 doing business Mo Land 3500 Granada Ave Santa Clara, CA 95051, Santa Clara County. Mohsen Asefi 3500 Granada Ave Santa Clara, CA 95051. This business is conducted by an individual; registrant has begun transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon, 12/04/2017. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Mohsen Asefi December 15, 22, 29, 2017; January 5, 2018 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/04/2017

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 636653 11/20/2017 The following person(s) is (are) FICTITIOUS doing business JJ BUSINESS NAME Gardening Services STATEMENT 1681 Scotty St San NO. 636513 Jose, CA 95122, The following Santa Clara County. person(s) is (are)

Más Información: http://help.bluecrewjobs.com/application-and-hiring-process/ bluecrew-en-espanol

in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.)

Elks Lodge 38991 Farwell Dr. Fremont, CA. 94536

Juan Jose Arciniega Lopez 1681 Scotty St San Jose, CA 95122. This business is conducted by an individual; registrant has begun transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon, 10/10/2017. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Juan Jose Arciniega Lopez December 15, 22, 29, 2017; January 5, 2018 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/08/2017 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 17CV317349 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Josefina Serrano. Petitioner (s) Kaylee Gricell Justiniano Serrano has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this



court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Kaylee Gricell Justiniano Serrano to Kaylee Gricell Serrano. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 1/23/2018 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. October 13, 2017 Rise Jones Pichon Judge of the Superior Court December 15, 22, 29, 2017; January 5, 2018 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 17CV320057 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Angela Kerstin Pariseau. Petitioner (s) Angela Kerstin Pariseau has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Angela Kerstin Pariseau to Angie Kaiyah Love. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for

change of name should not be granted on 3/13/2018 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. December 5, 2017 Rise Jones Pichon Judge of the Superior Court December 15, 22, 29, 2017; January 5, 2018 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 17CV320023 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Morteza Monemizadeh and Samira Hozeifi. Petitioner (s) Morteza Monemizadeti and Samira Hozeifi has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Diana Monemizadeh to Lillian Monemizadeh. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 3/13/2018 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set

EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. December 5, 2017 Rise Jones Pichon Judge of the Superior Court December 15, 22, 29, 2017; January 5, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 636505 The following person(s) is (are) doing business Assets Development INC 1158 Turtlerock Dr San Jose, CA 95122, Santa Clara County. Assets Development INC 1158 Turtlerock Dr San Jose, CA 95122. This business is conducted by a corporation; registrant has begun transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon, 11/16/2017. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Brandon Mai CEO December 8, 15, 22, 29, 2017 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/04/2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 636414 The following person(s) is (are) doing business Fandely Towing 1801 Camargo Dr San Jose, CA 95132, Santa Clara County. Guevara Eduardo 1901 Camargo Dr San Jose, CA 95132. This business is conducted

by an individual; registrant has begun transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon, 06/24/2017. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Eduardo Guevara December 8, 15, 22, 29, 2017 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 11/30/2017 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 17CV319805 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Saeid Samimi Sereshki. Petitioner (s) Saeid Samimi Sereshki has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Saeid Samimi Sereshki to Saeid Samimi. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 3/13/2018 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara.

November 30, 2017 Rise Jones Pichon Judge of the Superior Court December 8, 15, 22, 29, 2017 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 17CV319924 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Zheng Cheng Coyle. Petitioner (s) Zheng Cheng Coyle has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Zheng Cheng Coyle to Claire Zheng Cheng Coyle. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 3/13/2018 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. December 1, 2017 Rise Jones Pichon Judge of the Superior Court December 8, 15, 22, 29, 2017 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 17CV319708 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Guermo Adrian Bernal

Reyes. Petitioner (s) Guermo Adrian Bernal Reyes has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Guermo Adrian Bernal Reyes to Guillermo Adrian Bernal Reyes. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 3/06/2018 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. November 28, 2017 Rise Jones Pichon Judge of the Superior Court December 8, 15, 22, 29, 2017 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 17CV318217 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Chelsey Kapiolani Plyer. Petitioner (s) Chelsey Kapiolani Plyer has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Chelsey Kapiolani Plyer to Chelsey Kapiolani Cabacungan. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter ap-

DECEMBER 15 - 21 2017 pear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 2/06/2018 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. October 26, 2017 Rise Jones Pichon Judge of the Superior Court December 8, 15, 22, 29, 2017 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 17CV316280 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Carlos Corona, Elisabeth Corona. Petitioner (s) Carlos Corona, Elisabeth Corona has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Xavier Felix Moreno to Xavier Felix Corona. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 1/02/2018 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least

once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. September 25, 2017 Rise Jones Pichon Judge of the Superior Court December 8, 15, 22, 29, 2017 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 17CV317945 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Nancy Anh Thu Pham. Petitioner (s) Nancy Anh Thu Pham has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a Nancy Anh Thu Pham to Kaia Pham. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 02/06/2018 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. October 23, 2017 Rise Jones Pichon Judge of the Superior Court December 8, 15, 22, 29, 2017

EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com

DECEMBER 15 - 21, 2017 Notice of Petition to Administer Estate of Arthur C. Gomez No.17PR182390 A Petition for Probate has been filed by Reuben Gomez and Albert A. Gomez in the Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara. The Petition for Probate requests that Sidney C. Flores be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent, Arthur C. Gomez. The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administer of Estate Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take any actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consent to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person Files and objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: 2/16/2018 at 9:00am, Dept. 12, located at 191 North First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. If you object to the granting of this petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are

a creditor or contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal repres5entative appointed by the court within the later of either: 1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or 2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for Petitioner: Reuben Gomez and Albert A. Gomez 781 Elm Street San Jose, CA 95126 408-726-7275 December 8, 15, 22, 29, 2017 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY In the District Court 17CVD3337 Yumary Axaela Garcia Gregoria v. Elmer Chas Carrillo. To: ELMER

NO. 636248 The following person(s) is (are) doing business WYZ Eagle Technology Investment Company 7 Tulip Lane Palo Alto, CA 94303, Santa Clara County. Baosheng Wang 7 Tulip Lane Palo Alto, CA 94303. This business is conducted by an individual; registrant has not begun transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Baosheng Wang December 1, 8, 15, FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME 22, 2017 This statement was STATEMENT filed with the County NO. 636327 The following of Santa Clara on person(s) is (are) 11/22/2017 doing business FICTITIOUS Serrano Drywall 311 S 21st Apt B San BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Jose, CA 95116, NO. 636231 Santa Clara County. following Luis Carlos Serrano The Solorio 311 S 21st person(s) is (are) Apt B San Jose, CA doing business For95116. This busi- get Me Not Spa 43 ness is conducted by S. Park Victoria Dr an individual; regis- Milpitas, CA 95035, trant has not begun Santa Clara County. transacting business Hai Hoang 2513 under the fictitious Bambi Ln, San Jose, business name or CA 95116. This businames listed hereon. ness is conducted “I declare that all by an individual; information in this registrant has begun statement is true transacting business and correct.” (A reg- under the fictitious name istrant who declares business as true information or names listed which he or she hereon, 10/06/2017. knows to be false is “I declare that all information in this guilty of a crime.) Luis Carlos Serrano statement is true Solorio and correct.” (A regDecember 1, 8, 15, istrant who declares 22, 2017 as true information This statement was which he or she filed with the County knows to be false is of Santa Clara on guilty of a crime.) 11/28/2017 Hai Hoang December 1, 8, 15, FICTITIOUS 22, 2017 BUSINESS NAME This statement was STATEMENT filed with the County

CHAS CARRILLO: Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed, in the above-entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: CUSTODY. You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than January 17, 2017 and upon your failure to do so the party seeking service against you will apply to the court for the relief sought. This, the 8th day of December 2017 Margaret Jennings, Attorney for Plaintiff 1501 S. 3rd St., Wilmington, NC 28401. (910)7620850

of Santa Clara on (A registrant who 11/22/2017 declares as true information which FICTITIOUS he or she knows to BUSINESS NAME be false is guilty of a STATEMENT crime.) Noel Alvarez NO. 636333 The following December 1, 8, 15, person(s) is (are) 22, 2017 doing business 1. This statement was G e t a m o l d t e s t . c o m filed with the County 2. Getmoldtest. of Santa Clara on com 3. www.Ge- 11/27/2017 tamoldtest.com 294 Statement of Tradewinds Drive Abandonment of #3 San Jose, CA Use of Fictitious 95123, Santa Clara Business Name County. Dale Seiber NO. 636341 294 Tradewinds Drive #3 San Jose, The following perCA 95123. This busi- son/entity has abanness is conducted doned the use of the by an individual; fictitious business Supervision registrant has begun name Building transacting business Experts under the fictitious Maintenance 3346 business name Denton Way San or names listed Jose, CA 95121, hereon, 01/15/2017. Santa Clara Co. “I declare that all Mercedes Ramirez information in this 3346 Denton Way Jose, CA statement is true San and correct.” (A reg- 95121. This busiistrant who declares ness was conducted as true information by an individual and which he or she was filed in Santa knows to be false is Clara County on 03/30/2015 under guilty of a crime.) file no. 603248 Dale Seiber December 1, 8, 15, Mercedes Ramirez Owner 22, 2017 This statement was December 1, 8, 15, filed with the County 22, 2017 of Santa Clara on This statement was filed with the County 11/28/2017 of Santa Clara on FICTITIOUS 11/28/2017 BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT ORDER TO SHOW NO. 636282 CAUSE FOR The following CHANGE OF NAME person(s) is (are) NO. 17CV316517 doing business AZ Superior Court of Hauling 680 Pronto California, County Dr San Jose, CA of Santa Clara-In 95123, Santa Clara the matter of the County. Noel Alva- application of: rez and Ma. DeLos Amaris Christie Angeles Alvarez 680 Griffith. Petitioner Pronto Dr San Jose, (s) Amaris Christie CA 95123. This busi- Griffith has filed a ness is conducted petition for Change by a married couple; of Name with the registrants have not clerk of this court for begun transacting a decree changing business under the names as follows: fictitious business a. Amaris Christie name or names list- Griffith to Amaris ed hereon. “I declare Ciara Ramirez. THE that all information COURT ORDERS in this statement is that all persons intertrue and correct.” ested in this matter

CLASSIFIEDS / LEGALS appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 1/09/2018 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. September 29, 2017 Rise Jones Pichon Judge of the Superior Court December 1, 8, 15, 22, 2017 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 17CV318837 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Beth Lais Albers. Petitioner (s) Beth Lais Albers has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Beth Lais Albers to Elizabeth Lais Albers. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 2/20/2018 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks


prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. November 8, 2017 Rise Jones Pichon Judge of the Superior Court December 1, 8, 15, 22, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 635913 The following person(s) is (are) doing business Trust Management Services 1 Almaden Blvd. Suite 950 San Jose, CA 95113, Santa Clara County. Fiduciary Plan Management Services, INC. 1 Almaden Blvd. Suite 950 San Jose, CA 95113 and Robert Redwitz 552 Trabuco Rd. Irvine CA 92780. This business is conducted by a partnership; registrant has begun transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon, 10/24/2013“I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Robert Redwitz CEO November 24; December 1, 8, 15, 2017 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 11/14/2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 635350 The following person(s) is (are) doing business Landlord 1651 Whitton Ave San Jose, CA 95116, Santa



Clara County. Mario S Quinonez and Maria Quinonez 1651 Whitton Ave San Jose, CA 95116. This business is conducted by a married couple; registrant has begun transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon, 10/24/2017 “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Mario S Quinonez November 24; December 1, 8, 15, 2017 This statement was filed with the County

of Santa Clara on 10/24/2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 635755 The following person(s) is (are) doing business Snap Staffing 310 S. 16th Street San Jose, CA 95112, Santa Clara County. Snap Staffing 310 S. 16th Street San Jose, CA 95112. This business is conducted by a corporation; registrant has begun transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon, 09/11/2017 “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A reg-

EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com istrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Matt Turner CEO November 24; December 1, 8, 15, 2017 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 11/07/2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 636020 The following person(s) is (are) doing business Boom Limo 3200 Zanker Road Apt. 1115 San Jose, CA 95134, Santa Clara County. Francisco Rezende 3200 Zanker Road Apt. 1115 San Jose, CA

95134. This business is conducted by an individual; registrant has begun transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon, 01/01/2017 “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Francisco Rezende November 24; December 1, 8, 15, 2017 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 11/16/2017 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR

CHANGE OF NAME NO. 17CV319207 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Chutima Buntorn. Petitioner (s) Chutima Buntorn has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Chutima Buntorn to Monica Chutima Donson. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on

2/27/2018 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. November 15, 2017 Rise Jones Pichon Judge of the Superior Court November 24; December 1, 8, 15, 2017 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 17CV319223

DECEMBER 15 - 21 2017 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Girish Kathalagiri Somashekariah and Shachi Hullumane Kumar. Petitioner (s) Girish Kathalagiri Somashekariah and Shachi Hullumane Kumar have filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Saankhya Girish Kathalagiri to Saankhya Kathalagiri. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause,

if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 2/27/2018 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. November 15, 2017 Rise Jones Pichon Judge of the Superior Court November 24; December 1, 8, 15, 2017

STATE OF CA: KEEP CELL PHONES AWAY FROM YOUR BODY what activists have been saying for years.


"People need to know that cell phones as they are currently used are not safe," Marks said. "So we need to keep them away from our bodies - not keep them in pockets, not keep them in bras, don't sleep with them near us at night. Children are especially vulnerable, so this is very helpful." The guidelines also recommend that people use a headset or simply text rather than placing calls. Suzanne Potter California News Service

SACRAMENTO, Calif. - New guidelines from the State of California warn of possible links between cell phones and cancer, and advise people to avoid holding the phone up to their head. The guidelines released Wednesday say that although there is no definitive link, some studies indicate long-term heavy cell phone use can lead to cancer of the brain, the acoustic nerve and salivary gland, plus low sperm count, headaches and sleep issues. Elie Marks, director of the California Brain Tumor Association, said she hopes people will finally listen now that the California Department of Public Health is backing up


The authors also note that phones put out more RF energy when they are searching for a signal or downloading large files. So they recommend turning your phone off while in a fast-moving car, bus or train, and keeping the phone away from your body while downloading or streaming.


Marks said this document was first prepared seven or eight years ago, and advocates had to sue to get it released.

NO ES NECESARIO COMPRAR. Hasta agotar existencias. El premio no puede ser intercambiado, sustituido o transferido en parte o por completo. Sólo serán válidos para participar en el sorteo los cupones que estén completos. No se aceptan copias, solo originales. Patrocinadores, sus empleados, miembros de la familia y sus agencias no son elegibles. Todas las regulaciones federales, estatales y locales son aplicables. El ganador asume cualquier y todos los riesgos relacionados al uso del mismo, y acepta cualquier restricción requerida. Warner Bros., Allied Hispanic, El Observador y sus afiliadas no serán responsables o culpables en relación con cualquier pérdida o accidente ocurrido por el uso de un premio. No existirá responsabilidad por pérdida, demoras o error en la dirección de la inscripción. LOS ASIENTOS SE LIMITAN, ASÍ LLEGUE TEMPRANO. EL PASE NO GARANTIZA UN ASIENTO EN LA PROYECCIÓN.

"The California Department of Public Health sat on this document from pressure from those above them - political appointees, who are influenced by the telecom industry," she said. "This industry infiltrates just about everywhere." The guidelines also recommend taking off headsets when they are not in use because they also release small amounts of RF energy.

New guidelines say cell phones put out more RF energy when they are searching for a signal or downloading large files. Photo Credit: Pixabay




EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com

DECEMBER 15 - 21, 2017


Q&A: Talking Star Wars with Kelly Marie Tran

The newest member of the “space opera” saga talks about her experience with Star Wars: The Last Jedi, her research and connection to the Vietnam War, and buying her own action figures at Target what he was auditioning for. That being said we didn’t have any real information in terms of what they wanted the character to be like. We didn’t have the character’s real name and when we got to the office we couldn’t even prepare. We had to kind of give a cold read of the material. And that audition went on for five months. It was pretty crazy, I mean, there was a surprise chemistry read (script read to see how hired actors work together) with John Boyega, there was a final test in London, it definitely felt like I was being hazed or something. What was your reaction to being cast in the “The Last Jedi”? I mean, it’s a Star Wars movie!

Arturo Hilario El Observador

Kelly Marie Tran is one of the new cast additions to the ongoing Star Wars series that began in 1977 with “A New Hope”. With “The Last Jedi” hitting theaters this Friday the 15th, the continuing story of the good versus evil in a universe set in a “space western” starts off with the military force of the Resistance, led by General Leia Organa, (portrayed by the late Carrie Fisher), and their efforts to thwart the antagonist and very fascist-like First Order, which threatens to exert its dominance throughout the universe by force, as fascist governments will do. Tran plays the character of Rose Tico, a never before seen character who is an engineer for the Resistance. As a Vietnamese-American, Tran is the first Star Wars character played by an actor of Asian descent in one of the main Star Wars films. Last year’s spin-off "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story", (which is set in the same galaxy and connects to the main films) had the first instance of Asian and East Asian actors in the series' 40-year history. Two Chinese actors, Donnie Chen and Jian Weng portrayed Cirrut Imwe and Baze Malbus, respectively. Up and coming Riz Ahmed, of Pakistani heritage, played Bodhi Rook. All three were actually part of the main protagonist group in that film. Although our real human race relations aren’t explored too much in the fictionalized and alien filled worlds of the Star Wars universe, it was important enough for Tran to be a representation of the plenty of Asian fans

that exist in the world - and love the diverse, galactic stories of that have cultivated near universal appeal. As the title suggests, there is war in Star Wars. Tran says that part of her own research for the character was something tied to her parents own immigrant story, the Vietnam War, which she says is a connecting element to her own self and the character of Rose Tico. So, without further ado, Kelly Marie Tran shares with us a glimpse into what her character is all about, working with Director Rian Johnson and fellow actors, and how she feels getting the “I’m in a Star Wars movie” effect (which includes buying several of her own action figures). What has been your background with Star Wars franchise? Were you a fan beforehand, or watch it as a kid? You know what’s funny is I actually didn’t grow up with the franchise. My parents were in a different country when those first films came out and I think that Star Wars is something that is pretty stereotypically passed down in families, generation to generation, and because my parents hadn’t seen those first movies I wasn’t introduced to it as a young kid. Then I sort of grew up and was aware of them, but I didn’t see them. I actually didn’t fully sit down and watch all of those movies until I was cast in [The Last Jedi]. Could you talk about the process of getting the role? I mean it was all supposed to be a huge secret, but the casting office had sent my agent an email which said, “Untitled Rian Johnson Project”. At this point if you googled his name you would see he was gonna be on Star Wars, so it was pretty easy to figure out

I was just purely shocked. I think that when you want to be an actor or a performer of any kind you know how impossible it is that you spend 8-10 years working at the thing that is seemingly impossible, and you imagine this moment where someone gives you what you want and you imagine that you’re so excited and ecstatic, and completely over the wall happy about it but when it came down to it I was just pretty scared. And nervous. When they told me I got the part I was in shock, I don’t think it really registered for a full minute, and then I was scared. The funny thing is when I finally got to set and once I was working with Rian, John and all the other cast members I felt at home, which says a lot about everyone else and it just means that they were so welcoming and so open and generous with all their advice as well as their acting work. That’s fantastic. Now, could you give us a synopsis, or as much as you can divulge, about your character Rose Tico? Where has she been in the Star Wars universe up until now? So, Rose is a member of the Resistance but is not someone who is at the forefront of the Resistance at all, she’s definitely someone who is kind of a background player. I’d like to say that if she was in The Force Awakens she would’ve been one of the extras running around in the background on the Resistance base. She’s a mechanic so she’s the person that provides Finn and those guys on the frontline with the tools they need to fight the First Order and in this movie she meets him for the first time [with] sort of a difficult reaction, and we see how she feels about it. What kind of research did you have to do to prepare and get into the mind of Rose Tico? A lot of things. I think that initially what Rian had given me was already so rich and full of life, what he had written on that paper but then outside of that I definitely did a lot of research about what it was like to be

an engineer because I’m not an engineer, so I read a lot of books about what it is to be an engineer and what it is that they do, the idea of having minds that work like nuts and bolts, logically. So, you’re able to find or look at a problem that is seemingly impossible and come up with solutions for it. That’s really the way that Rose’s mind works so I really wanted to get into that mindset, I also did a lot of research on the Vietnam War, because my parents have a very specific relationship with that war. And Rose and her family also have a very specific relationship with war too. So, there was a lot of outside research as well. Thank you for that. Now, as we’re winding down, I wanted to ask about some products I’ve noticed that are based around Rose Tico. There is now a model of luxury heels modeled after your character, made by Louboutin. Have you seen them, and what’s that like? It’s so weird right? It’s so crazy. Rian had sent me a photo before, because I didn’t really know that it was happening. But what’s crazy is that with Star Wars and how big it is. It’s sort of a juggernaut in pop culture, it’s so crazy to see how it’s kind of permeating through a lot of different types of products and markets. It’s insane to me. While we’re on that topic, how does it feel having an action figure modeled after yourself? It must be interesting seeing your face in the toy section. Yeah, it’s totally bizarre. I own multiple of my own action figure, I own multiple of my Lego set only because I go to Target and I always feel like I want to buy it. It’s such a weird thing to go to Target and buy your own merchandise and I always try to push it towards the cashier to see if they recognize me but they never do. It’s such a weird experience and I don’t think that I’ll ever believe that it’s me because I own a lot them, and I see them a lot and I think that it’s still very much an out of body experience for me. Final Question: What can people expect when they go see you as Rose Tico on the big screen alongside the other heroes of “Star Wars: The Last Jedi”? I hope that they can expect to see someone who is strong and brave, even though she might not be a princess, she might not be someone who has any sort of magical powers, she still has her own way of really fighting for what she believes in and she believes in the Resistance more than I think she believes in herself. I really hope that people respond well to her! We’ll see. Catch Kelly Marie Tran in "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" in theaters December 15th.

Rose Tico (Kelly Marie Tran) and Finn (John Boyega) must help the Resistance prevail against the villainous First Order in “Star Wars: The Last Jedi”. Photo Credit: Disney/Lucasfilm



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LA DEVOCIÓN A SAN LÁZARO s a n t o s u s f av or e s d i v i n o s y s u s m i l a g r o s . S a r a , u n a c r e yent e del s a nt o, no s c oment ó c omo e l l a a t r av e s ó p or u n a s e r i e d e e n f e r m e d a d e s d e l a s c u á l e s l o s m é d i c o s n o e n c on t r a b a n l a s a n a c i ón a s u s p a d e c i m i e n t o s , du r a n t e e s a s f e c h a s d e d e s e s p e r a c i ón y a ng u s t i a , e n c on t r ó e n i n t e r n e t u n a s e r i e d e t e s t i m on i o s d e devotos de San L ázaro, quiénes af ir man h a b e r s i d o s a n a d o s p or l a i n t e r c e s i ón d e l s a n t o . E n e s o s d í a s l l e n é m i c or a z ón d e f e y d e mu c h a e s p e r a n z a , n o s r e l a t ó , S a r a . L lené mi espír itu de buenos sentimientos y comencé a rezar la novena de San L ázaro, o f r e n d é v a r i a s v e l a s e n s u h on or, a l o s 17 d í a s d e h a b e r i n i c i a d o c on l o s r i t u a l e s r e l ig i o s o s , f ui sanada tot a lmente de los ma les que me a q u e j a b a n , f u e a lg o m a r av i l l o s o , h a s t a l o s m é d i c o s q u e d a r on s or pr e n d i d o s c on m i r e c up e r a c i ón .

DECEMBER 15 - 21 2017

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“ D i o s o br a e n l a v i d a d e l a s p e r s on a s y l o h a c e mu c h a s v e c e s p or m e d i o d e á ng e l e s y e s p í r i t u s d e lu z ”, l o s m i l a g r o s y l a s s a n a c i on e s m i l a g r o s a s e x i s t e n , t o d o e s t á e n t e n e r mu c h a f e y c r e e r q u e e n t u v i d a s e p u e d e o br a r u n m i lg r o , p u n t u a l i z ó , S a r a .

Mar io Jiménez Ca stillo E l O b s e r v a d or E x i s t e u n a c on f u s i ón e n t r e S a n L á z a r o y L á z a r o , e l h o m br e q u e Je s u c r i s t o r e s u c i t ó. S a n L á z a r o e r a u n d e s a mp a r a d o , m e n d ig o , d e q u i e n s e h a b l a e n S a n L u c a s 16:1 9 - 31 . Je s u c r i s t o l e d e s c r i b e c om o u n h om br e mu y, mu y p o br e , q u i e n s u f r e e l d e s pr e c i o d e l a g e n t e , p e r o q u e a n t e l o s oj o s d e D i o s e s u n h o m br e j u s t o y a pr e c i a d o p or É l . L a h i s t or i a d e S a n L á z a r o s i e mpr e f u e u t i l i z a d a p a r a d a r l e a e n t e n d e r a l a g e n t e q u e e l S e ñ or m i d e e l v a l or d e l a s p e r s on a s , n o p or l a p omp a d e l a r i q u e z a n i p or s u a p a r i e n c i a , s i n o p or l o q u e v a l e n s u s a c c i on e s , y l a v o lu n t a d d e s u c or a z ón . S a n L á z a r o e s r e pr e s e n t a d o e n i m a g e n c o m o u n a n c i a n o c on mu l e t a s a c omp a ñ a d o p or d o s p e r r o s . D u r a n t e mu c h o s s ig l o s , S a n L á z a r o , h a s i d o uno de los santos má s venerados dentro del c a t ol i c i s mo y o t r a s c r e e nc i a s q ue le s i nc r e t i z a n c on s a n t o s d e r e l ig i on e s a l t e r n a t i v a s . H a n s i d o c on t a d o s p or m i l l a r e s e l c a u d a l d e mu c h o s m i l a g r o s q u e s e l e a t r i b u y e n , s e c r e e que es uno de los médicos div inos, quién a siste a l o s c r e y e n t e s e n m om e n t o s d e e n f e r m e d a d y c onv a l e c e n c i a . L o s f i l e s d e v o t o s o f r e n d a n v e l a d or a s y r e z a n n o v e n a s p a r a a l c a n z a r d e l

O r a c i ón a S a n L á z a r o S a n t o p a t r ón d e l o s hu m i l d e s y l o s c onv a l e c i e n t e s , llamo a tu espír itu para pedir de ti un f av or. M a n t e ng o v i v o t u r e c u e r d o y l l e v o pr e s e n t e en mi pensamiento el c auda l de todos tus milagros. Te i nv o c o s a g r a d o s a n t o p a r a p e d i r t u pr o t e c c i ón ,


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Pe t i c i on e s: Se le pide para sanar enfer medades, especia lmente de las pier na s, la piel, enfer meda des debilit antes, e n f e r m e d a d e s pr o l ong a d a s , g r ip e , t u m or e s , her ida s que no sanan, demencia y t ambién para sanar el ma l de A lzhaimer y el ma l de Pa r k i n s on . L a s v e l a s o f r e n d a d a s a l s a n t o s on e n s u m ay or í a d e c o l or a m a r i l l o y d e c o l or v iolet a .

t u s a n t a i n t e r c e s i ón a t o d a h or a y p a r a pedir te que haga s justicia f r e n t e a l o s q u e m e mu e s t r a n h o s t i l i d a d . C l a m o t u b e n d i t o n o m br e p a r a q u e m e s e a c on c e d i d a e s t a hu m i l d e p e t i c i ón . C on f i a d o e n t u b e n d i t a b on d a d , a t r av é s d e l p o d e r y l a g l or i a d e D i o s Nu e s t r o S e ñ or. A men.

Special thanks to our sponsors Toyota • Kristi Yamaguchi’s Always Dream Foundation • Swenson • Linda L. Lester The Sobrato Organization • PG&E • Wells Fargo • Hyatt Place • U.S. Figure Skating Clear Channel Outdoor • VTA • Bay Area News Group • The Mercury News Silicon Valley Community Newspapers • NBC Bay Area • Telemundo 48 • El Observador MIX 106 • 94.5 Bay FM • KQED • Visit San Jose • Content Magazine • Republic Services Supported in part by a Cultural Affairs grant from the City of San Jose

EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com

DECEMBER 15 - 21, 2017

Green Gifting

I want to set a good environmental example with my gift-giving this holiday season. Any tips on how—or even better, what—to give greener?

is a great gift for anyone trying to lead a greener lifestyle. This gadget tracks how much water you use in your shower. After programmed, it signals a yellow light at your half-shower mark and flashes red when it's time to turn off the faucet. Music lovers might like the iBamboo speaker. This portable bamboo speaker for iPhones 4,5,6, and 7 requires no batteries or electricity and has no wires — it’s just a simple block of bamboo that projects sound using natural acoustics. If the iBamboo isn’t loud enough, try ecoamp from eco-made. While it does use electricity, the eco-amp is made out of all recycled materials and can in turn be entirely recycled when it’s useful life is over—and it’s made in the USA, which helps employ Americans while saving on transportation emissions.

The portable iBamboo speaker makes a great gift for green-leaning loved ones as it's made out of sustainably harvested bamboo and uses natural acoustics to amplify the sound of your iPhone without any wires, batteries or electricity whatsoever. Photo Credit: iBamboo

Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss EarthTalk

The holidays are a time for giving but it is also important to be conscious about

spending your gift budget wisely to eliminate packaging waste, buy products that will last and patronize manufacturers and retailers known for social and environmental responsibility. So, what are some ideas? The Waterpebble

El Observador

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The environmental clothes horse on your list may appreciate a shirt or some pants from Alternative Apparel, which uses non-toxic dyes on eco-friendly fabrics and makes 80 percent of its garments with sustainable materials. Another eco-friendly clothing brand is United By Blue, which pays to pull a pound of trash from water bodies for each of its fashionable and comfortable items sold. Kids may not care whether their gifts are good for the environment, so it’s up to us adults to make sure we are setting a good



example and spending our money on “good” gifts. You can’t go wrong for your kiddo with a bamboo bank from Jones and Mae. The eco-friendly three-way (share/save/spend) box teaches the importance of charity and saving. Meanwhile, Green Toys sells a wide range of 100 percent recycled kids products, including books, toy cars, baby toys and more at reasonable prices. Of course, holiday presents do not always have to be physical items. A great idea for gifts that are personal and different are sports/active lessons. Would someone you love appreciate tennis lessons, an art class, or a yoga gift certificate? The holidays are meant to show those who are special to you how much you love them and there are no better gifts than those that are personal, thoughtful and not only good for those who receive but also the environment! And let’s not forget that there is more to greener holiday shopping than just what you buy. Don’t forget that your reusable shopping bags aren’t just for the grocery store anymore: Bring them with you to the mall, as well, so you don’t have to waste your favorite retailers’ plastic or paper shopping bags. Also, if you’re going to wrap your gifts, make sure to use recycled wrapping paper, or even better, get creative and repurpose some other paper materials lying around as gift wrap.


EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com

DECEMBER 15 - 21, 2017

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